What does an increased gag reflex mean in a child? Gag reflex when brushing teeth - causes

Few of us have not experienced a feeling of nausea, few have not experienced the urge to vomit and unpleasant moments vomiting. Most are lucky; vomiting and nausea are not a frequent companion of their lives, just a symptom of some kind of illness that quickly passes or the body’s reaction to some kind of poisoning, which is also more often treatable.

But there is a small percentage of people who have, so to speak, an increased gag reflex or a pathology in the body that causes frequent nausea and even vomiting.

Increased gag reflex

It should be noted that an increased gag reflex occurs more often in children, already adolescence it fades away, but there is a group of people who suffer from it even in adulthood, which brings a lot of inconvenience, especially when they need to have their teeth treated.

There are no specific reasons for the appearance of the gag reflex; sometimes you can observe outbreaks of it at the same time almost every day, and last the same period of time and are accompanied by the same symptoms. As already mentioned, children suffer from it more often, most often this occurs between the ages of three and seven, but determining the cause of the reflex is much easier in a child than in an adult, although attacks occur less frequently.

There are four phases of the reflex:

  1. The first is the manifestation of signs, that is, a person begins to feel pain in the abdomen, he feels sick, if it is in this phase that the appropriate medicine is taken, then an attack can be avoided, but sometimes the first phase goes unnoticed, for example: it happened at night, and in the morning, waking up, the person is already starting to vomit, medications won’t help.
  2. The second is directly emetic, when a person feels sick, there is a urge to vomit and vomiting itself, weakness, drowsiness, exhaustion are felt
  3. The third is recovery, when a person begins to experience relief, nausea subsides, vomiting stops, the person’s appetite returns, healthy color faces.
  4. The fourth is the so-called interval when a person feels great between attacks.

Often, over time, people begin to identify certain reasons that cause an attack, for example, anxiety, emotional stress, allergies, etc. Also, certain foods can cause an attack, which some people cannot tolerate homemade milk and cottage cheese, one of their types can give them an attack.

Also reasons may be menstrual cycle, pain, physical exhaustion, motion sickness, seasickness.

Don’t forget about objects in the mouth that easily cause vomiting and prevent a person from carrying out certain medical procedures, which makes it worse general health or aesthetic appearance, for example: some cannot heal their teeth, they either have to walk with bad teeth or go under general anesthesia.

And also about various diseases that can cause nausea and vomiting, such as illness different organs Gastrointestinal tract.

Cerucal - indications for use, instructions

One of the drugs that is designed to help cope with the gag reflex is Cerucal; it is able to block central dopamine receptors.

In general we can say that Cerucal:

  • will have an antiemetic effect;
  • can eliminate hiccups and nausea;
  • contributes to the normalization of functioning;
  • helps speed up the movement of food through the intestines, which improves gastric emptying.

The drug is available in two forms: injection solution and tablets.

Cerucal - indications for use:

  • Frequent, repeated urge to vomit;
  • Presence of pylorospasm, heartburn, reflux esophagitis;
  • Stomach atony;
  • For successful probing of thin and duodenum;
  • For quality X-ray studies gastrointestinal organs.

It is worth noting that Cerucal is contraindicated if a person has:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • epilepsy;
  • areas of organ bleeding;
  • motor impairment;
  • excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • prolactin dependent carcinoma.

Cerucal should be taken only with the consent and recommendation of a doctor, based on the patient’s age, symptoms and causes of attacks. The drug can be taken either symptomatically or regularly for several months, always half an hour before meals, and is approved for use by children from two years of age.

The body's reflex response to the appearance foreign objects in the mouth is completely natural and is not a pathology. In many ways, this process is associated with a person’s psychological mood, his sensitivity to smells and tastes, mental lability in in a good way this expression. It has been proven in practice that the gag reflex is significantly reduced if the patient is distracted during procedures and his attention is switched to something else.

When a person prepares for an appointment with a dentist, he himself increases possible stress in advance, “winds up” himself in his thoughts, and prepares for the picture of behavior and reaction already presented to him. And this greatly complicates the whole situation.

Reduce stress and nervousness

Sometimes all you need to do to reduce your gag reflex is to calm down. Doctors recommend for such patients the day before and on the day medical procedures take a sedative or drink herbal tea.

Doctors strongly advise patients with an increased gag reflex to prepare for the appointment, take a soothing infusion or herbal decoction, a tablet at night and in the morning of the day of administration sedative(Afobazol, Novopassit). It is necessary to distract yourself from negative thoughts, not to imagine how unsuccessful and unpleasant a visit to the dentist will be, and even more so to shame yourself in advance. It is good if the patient first seeks advice from a doctor, talks with him, and tells him about his problem during dental treatment. The sincerity and friendliness of a doctor can greatly reduce a person’s stress and fear of necessary procedures.


There are a number of means to help the patient cope with an increased gag reflex during medical procedures. Many of them are used in other areas of medicine. Adaptol is a drug that should be taken 2 tablets in the evening and in the morning on the day of your visit to the doctor. Cerucal is a remedy for taking 3-4 times, 1 tablet a day on the eve of a visit to the doctor and immediately before the appointment. Another treatment regimen for the gag reflex: 4–5 days before taking Motilium + Cerucal tablets at half the dose indicated in the instructions. Per day and on the day of admission - full dose. In general, any tablets against motion sickness in transport can be used in this situation. Many patients manage to do without medication already at the 2nd or 3rd visit to the doctor, which once again proves the psychological factor in the occurrence of the gag reflex.

Treatment methods and additional means

Helps reduce sensitivity of oral tissues local anesthesia.

The dentist can also help the patient and make the dental procedure easier for him. This is achieved by using topical anesthesia (lubrication of the mucous membrane with anesthesin gel or treatment with lidocaine spray), which reduces tissue sensitivity oral cavity.

In addition, the position of the patient at the time of treatment is important. At supine position saliva accumulates at the base of the tongue and irritates it, causing vomiting, so it is better to treat such patients in a sitting position. The assistance of an assistant, who constantly removes saliva from the oral cavity with a saliva ejector, is required. When treating teeth lower jaw better implement conduction anesthesia, in which numbness extends not only to the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gums, lower lip, but also on part of the language. During treatment upper teeth often a gag reflex occurs when instruments touch hard or soft palate, so it is better to anesthetize it.

If all of the above measures do not produce results, sedation using nitrous oxide vapor is recommended, in which the patient remains conscious all the time (this is different this method from general anesthesia), his excitability and nervousness decrease, his reflexes, including gag, decrease.

Of course, it is not so easy to immediately remove such an unpleasant reflex reaction of the body as vomiting when foreign objects enter the oral cavity. But still possible. Psychological factor in such cases accounts for more than 50% of all causes, so it is important to find your doctor. The first few visits may be carried out under medication preparation, the need for which will disappear over time. If the patient profuse salivation, you can advise him to rinse his mouth with soda or saline solution before taking it. Lollipops with a strong mint flavor have a distracting effect, but their effect continues short time. You can try rinsing your mouth with a strong mint or eucalyptus flavor during the treatment itself.

Dental treatment is necessary and there is no need to be ashamed of the gag reflex. Explain the problem to the doctor in advance, discuss possible schemes preparation for treatment and the technique itself. It may take a little more time and effort for the entire procedure on the part of both the doctor and the patient. A positive attitude and confidence in success are one of the main factors in achieving positive results!

Gag reflex- this is a terribly unpleasant thing. Not only do you constantly feel nauseous, but also at an appointment with a therapist examining your throat for a sore throat, and especially at a dentist, you can completely accidentally move the lunch you just ate onto the floor of the doctor’s office, and then cover it with paint out of shame for your weak body.

In fact, having a healthy gag reflex is a wonderful thing. It protects our body from toxins, helps eliminate negative consequences drinking alcohol the night before or eating stale food. But when the slightest touch to the palate or tongue causes vomiting, it is difficult to call this condition healthy. Therefore, everyone must fight him possible ways. We will describe existing techniques that really help below.

Causes of vomiting

But first, you still need to list the main reasons why this very reflex occurs. They are usually divided into two types - physiological and psychological. The first most often include:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, any damage to the septum or inflammation of the sinuses;
  • toxicosis that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • response to touching certain areas in the mouth;
  • diseases of the intestines or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe intoxication of the body.

Transfer psychological problems, causing the urge to vomit, mainly comes down to stress, strong tension, fear of the dentist’s manipulations.

Methods for getting rid of the gag reflex that work

So, to get rid of the gag reflex, you can try using medications. The most effective of them is Omeprazole, which almost instantly reduces acidity, saves not only from sudden vomiting and nausea, but also from heartburn, which is a harbinger of these conditions. You can also take an Ibuprofen tablet.

In addition, we suggest using a whole collection of methods to overcome the urge to vomit immediately after they appear:

  • rinsing your mouth with a salt solution (1 tsp per glass). Can you use baking soda? Yes, but remember that it dries out the mucous membranes and can create discomfort;
  • use dental sprays or gels that completely numb the mouth;
  • If you need to instantly stop the urge to vomit, clench your fingers tightly into a fist. The technique has been tested many times and helps very well;
  • If the appearance of the reflex surprisingly coincides with brushing your teeth, consult a doctor. Most likely, the reason for this phenomenon lies in allergic reaction for some pasta ingredients;
  • need to visit a dentist? Then try not to eat anything three hours before your appointment. It is also advisable to take some antiemetic drugs, which will definitely help the body cope with the urge even during an examination of the oral cavity;
  • Rinse your nose regularly. For this purpose, you can use either the already mentioned saline solution, or sea ​​water, or any special drops that are sold in pharmacies. The ability to breathe normally through the nose is best way protection from the annoying reflex.

If the urge to vomit occurs due to psychological reasons, it makes sense to engage in a variety of breathing exercises, yoga, any other techniques that help you learn to relax and control yourself in any situation.

We've all been through vomiting at some point. Someone passed it on, someone drank too much, and someone simply caught the infection. This phenomenon is not a pleasant one, there is no particular argument about it. But today there are practically no diseases that doctors cannot cope with. In order to establish the cause of vomiting and eliminate it, it is not necessary to be a professor. When the vomiting center is excited, a person develops a gag reflex. This center is located in the medulla oblongata. Vomiting is a complex reflex act in which food is expelled from the stomach through the mouth and nose. Nausea is a painful feeling of impending vomiting, it is accompanied by sweating, dizziness, weakness and drooling. Most often, nausea and vomiting are interrelated. Although they can occur separately from each other. The purpose of the gag reflex is to protect the body from toxins.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting can be of central origin and occur with increased intracranial pressure, hypertensive crisis, traumatic brain injury, impairment cerebral circulation, meningitis, migraine and epilepsy. With psychopathy and neuroses, habitual vomiting can last for years. It is accompanied by headaches and dizziness; after cleansing the stomach, relief does not occur.

At different endogenous intoxications hematogenous-toxic vomiting occurs. It also occurs with toxicosis during pregnancy, adrenal insufficiency, radiation sickness and thyrotoxic crisis.

A persistent cough and severe pain can also cause vomiting. If a person has increased intracranial pressure, he may vomit without prior nausea.

Morning vomiting and nausea usually bother women at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as those who suffer from alcoholic gastritis or uremia.

If vomiting appears two hours after eating, this means that the person has a duodenal or stomach ulcer, or maybe even cancer.

If there is blood in the vomit, this means that the patient has Mallory-Weiss syndrome or bleeding associated with varicose veins veins of the esophagus. Vomit resembling " coffee grounds", indicate erosive gastritis or stomach ulcer.

Faeces can get into the vomit if there is an anastomosis between the colon and stomach. With giardiasis, a person is also worried about nausea and vomiting.

Medicines, stress, lactose, infections and much more can also cause nausea and even vomiting.

In order to find out the cause of the ailment, laboratory diagnostic tests, ultrasound, FEGDS and neurological examination are carried out.

Stages of the gag reflex

Sometimes vomiting leaves you unable to work for several days. The person cannot even get out of bed. The gag reflex consists of several stages: nausea and dizziness, an outbreak of vomiting, recovery and the interval between outbreaks.

The stage preceding vomiting indicates that the person will soon vomit. Abdominal pain, dizziness and nausea appear. This period can last several minutes, or it can last for several hours. If you take the drug at this stage, there may not be a continuation. Sometimes it happens that there are no prerequisites, and a person vomits without a preliminary stage of nausea.

The outbreak stage consists of vomiting. During this time, a person cannot take food, medicine, or drink. He turns pale, drowsy and exhausted.

When vomiting and nausea stop, the recovery stage begins. The person acquires healthy looking, there is an appetite and a surge of energy.

The interval stage between vomiting acts does not have any signs of malaise.

How does the gag reflex manifest itself?

Nausea, discomfort in the stomach area and vomiting can become the main signs of a gag reflex. Malaise usually appears in the evening or in the morning; the first stage lasts from several minutes to twelve hours. Episodes can repeat for a whole week, or even more. The person looks emaciated, pale and apathetic. There are cases when vomiting leads to loss of consciousness. But this happens rarely, the malaise mainly manifests itself as sensitivity to light, fever, headache, diarrhea, stomach pain and dizziness.

Since vomiting provokes active salivation, a person is constantly thirsty. Water usually causes more vomiting, but sometimes it helps dissolve stomach acid and reduce pain. In order to avoid dehydration and water-salt imbalance, the patient should be given drinks in small doses and often. If this cannot be done, an IV is placed.


Doctors say there is a connection between vomiting and migraines. First, a person experiences migraines and headaches, followed by an abdominal migraine, which provokes abdominal pain, and after that comes a gag reflex. The person feels some tension and excitement.

If someone in the family has had migraines, then there is a high probability that they will be inherited and begin to bother children at an early age.

How can I help?

The gag reflex cannot be cured. The patient just needs to comply bed rest, sleep a lot, don’t think about anything bad and do what the doctors say. As soon as a person begins to feel that vomiting is approaching, he needs to close himself in a quiet, dark room closer to the pelvis. If you vomit for a long time and profusely, you need to call ambulance. After all, the likelihood of a large loss of fluid is high and, perhaps, it is necessary to infuse fluid through a dropper. It can be very difficult to control yourself in such situations, so if possible, it is better to take a sedative.

On initial stage It is quite possible to suppress the gag reflex; for this you need to take Ibuprofen or Omeprazole. These drugs soothe the stomach and reduce its acidity.

At the recovery stage, you must try to regain lost fluid and electrolytes. Our body really needs salts, because without them we cannot function normally. In the intervals between acts of vomiting, we must try not only to restore the body, but also to find out the real reason the occurrence of malaise. Without correct diagnosis the episodes will be repeated again and again. As a result, the patient will constantly suffer from dehydration and loss of salts. There may even be rupture of the esophagus and tooth decay.

Everyone needs to know!

The gag reflex protects the body from choking or toxic substances. The gag reflex is a frequently occurring and long-lasting illness that can affect not only adults, but also children. Children have an incompletely formed digestive system, so they don’t need to have a serious reason to vomit. You can even vomit because you don’t like the porridge. In order to understand the cause of the disease, you need to undergo an examination and observe your feelings.

There are no specific reasons for the gag reflex. Each episode is identical to the previous one. The flashes repeat at the same time.

Since vomiting can lead to quite serious consequences, it cannot be treated as something ordinary, not going beyond the usual. If your child vomits after eating or taking medicine, you should not run to the doctor. The act of vomiting is unlikely to happen again. But if vomiting repeats at certain intervals and is very intense, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. The hospital employs professionals who know more about diseases than the Internet and forums that mothers read in hopes of finding answers to their questions. In the end, if you come across some negligent doctor, you can simply find justice for him.

Children are rarely given IVs because they have very thin veins that not every nurse can find. Most often, soldering occurs using a regular tablespoon. Children are given “Smecta” or “Regidron” in the form of a solution, one tablespoon every two minutes. If the child sleeps or resists, you can pour the medicine into the mouth using a regular syringe without a needle. Fast and efficient.

Whatever examinations the patient undergoes and whatever treatment he receives, first of all he needs to calm down. After all, a balanced state allows you to recover much faster than an anxious and nervous state. Naturally, getting rid of fears is not as easy as it seems, but you need to work on yourself.

Related articles:

How to induce vomiting after eating

First aid for vomiting

Causes of vomiting


What to do if you vomit?

Main article: Gastric emptying

Vomiting (vomitus), or gag reflex- This protective reflex, in which the contents of the stomach are forcefully thrown out through antiperistaltic movements and contractions of the abdominal press when the cardiac sphincter relaxes.

Vomiting occurs when severe irritations stomach, mainly chemicals, or in case of irritation of the mouth, pharynx, pharynx by mechanical and chemical factors.

Mechanism of vomiting

The mechanism of vomiting is as follows.

Initially, with the glottis closed, a sharp inhalation movement occurs, increasing the negative pressure in the chest cavity due to which the contents of the stomach are quickly absorbed into the esophagus. Then, with a strong exhalation, the contents of the stomach are thrown out by the abdominal muscles.

gag reflex center

The center of the vomiting reflex is located in the medulla oblongata, and its excitation extends to other centers of the medulla oblongata - salivary, cardiovascular, respiratory.

Types of vomiting

Central vomiting

Central vomiting includes conditioned reflex vomiting, as well as vomiting caused by exposure of the vomiting center to certain pharmacological substances(apomorphine).

Conditioned reflex vomiting occurs at the sight of substances that previously caused it, and even at the sight of the environment in which these substances were fed or administered to her.

Toxic vomiting

Toxic vomiting occurs due to exogenous or endogenous intoxication.

During exogenous intoxications, which include poisoning of various origins, the stomach is released from the substances that have entered it. harmful substances which brings relief. Material from the site http://wiki-med.com

Reflex vomiting

Vomiting can also be caused by irritation of other receptors in the body, for example, pain from bone fractures, intra-abdominal pain, as well as

Physiological vomiting

Vomiting can be an act and physiological. It is known that many animals feed their young with the contents of their stomachs by regurgitating them (many birds, wolves, cats).

Material from the site http://Wiki-Med.com

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • vomiting control scheme

  • gag reflex mechanism

  • wiki-med.com

  • what is gag reflex

  • what is vomiting where is the center of this reflex located physiology

Simple and effective techniques for getting rid of the gag reflex

The gag reflex is a terribly unpleasant thing. Not only do you constantly feel nauseous, but also at an appointment with a therapist examining your throat for a sore throat, and especially at a dentist, you can completely accidentally move the lunch you just ate onto the floor of the doctor’s office, and then cover it with paint out of shame for your weak body.

In fact, having a healthy gag reflex is a wonderful thing. It protects our body from toxins and helps eliminate the negative effects of drinking alcohol the night before or eating stale food. But when the slightest touch to the palate or tongue causes vomiting, it is difficult to call this condition healthy. Therefore, it must be fought in every possible way. We will describe existing techniques that really help below.

Causes of vomiting

But first, you still need to list the main reasons why this very reflex occurs. They are usually divided into two types - physiological and psychological. The first most often include:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, any damage to the septum or inflammation of the sinuses;
  • toxicosis that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • response to touching certain areas in the mouth;
  • diseases of the intestines or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe intoxication of the body.

Read also: Causes and treatment of burning sensation in the throat and stomach

The list of psychological problems that cause the urge to vomit mainly comes down to stress, severe tension, and fear of the dentist’s manipulations.

Methods for getting rid of the gag reflex that work

So, to get rid of the gag reflex, you can try using medications. The most effective of them is Omeprazole, which almost instantly reduces acidity and saves not only from sudden vomiting and nausea, but also from heartburn, which is a precursor to these conditions. You can also take an Ibuprofen tablet.

In addition, we suggest using a whole collection of methods to overcome the urge to vomit immediately after they appear:

  • rinsing your mouth with a salt solution (1 tsp per glass).

    Can you use baking soda? Yes, but remember that it dries out the mucous membranes and can create discomfort;

  • use dental sprays or gels that completely numb the mouth;
  • If you need to instantly stop the urge to vomit, clench your fingers tightly into a fist. The technique has been tested many times and helps very well;
  • If the appearance of the reflex surprisingly coincides with brushing your teeth, consult a doctor. Most likely, the reason for this phenomenon lies in an allergic reaction to some ingredients of the paste;
  • need to visit a dentist? Then try not to eat anything three hours before your appointment. It is also advisable to take some antiemetic drugs, which will definitely help the body cope with the urge even during an examination of the oral cavity;
  • Rinse your nose regularly. For this purpose, you can use either the already mentioned saline solution, or sea water, or any special drops that are sold in pharmacies. The ability to breathe normally through your nose is the best way to protect yourself from this annoying reflex.

If the urge to vomit arises for psychological reasons, it makes sense to do a variety of breathing exercises, yoga, and any other techniques that help you learn to relax and control yourself in any situation.

Read also: How to eat when you have gallstones

We also suggest trying to tame your reflex. To do this, it is enough to deliberately irritate you every evening various areas in the oral cavity, reducing their sensitivity. This technique can be called the most effective, since it allows you to not only stop the urge in one specific situation, and solve the problem once and for all.

Gag reflex

Gag reflex - complex reflex, in which the IX and X pairs of cranial nerves and the reticular formation take part lower section medulla oblongata. The gag reflex is carried out by contraction of the abdominal muscles, intercostal muscles, and antiperistaltic movements of the stomach. At the same time, the esophagus expands, the fundus of the stomach relaxes, its cardiac part opens, and the prepyloric part contracts.

The gag reflex in the human body occurs when the vomiting center located in the medulla oblongata is excited. Vomiting is understood as a complex reflex act of involuntary ejection of gastric contents through the esophagus, pharynx, oral cavity, and nasal passages.

The gag reflex is a protective reflex that allows the body to get rid of the cause of irritation. Some smells and taste sensations can also lead to vomiting: this is usually associated with previous presentations of a given stimulus and proceeds according to the mechanism conditioned reflex.
The vomiting center and the gag reflex are located in the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata in close proximity to the centers of respiration and salivation and coordinate the motor components of the act of vomiting. Activation of the vomiting center occurs from chemoreceptors that respond to various toxic substances located in systemic blood flow(metabolites, medicines) and neurogenic stimulation. The vomiting center can also be stimulated by vagal and sympathetic afferent nerve impulses from the gastrointestinal tract and organs of the retroperitoneal space ( renal colic) and chest cavity (myocardial infarction, more often back wall left ventricle of the heart).

The corticobulbar pathways of the brain provide stimulation of the vomiting center and the gag reflex in response to the influence of psychogenic stimuli - unpleasant visual images, bad smell. The efferent link in the regulation of the act of vomiting includes fibers vagus nerve, providing appropriate changes in the motility of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. Fibers of the diaphragm and spinal nerves, causing contractions diaphragm and muscles abdominal wall, also constitute efferent innervation. Vomiting should be distinguished from regurgitation (regurgitation - biofile.ru), in which contents return from the esophagus or stomach to the oral cavity without the participation of contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominal wall and which occurs without previous nausea.

Four phases of the gag reflex:
the appearance of signs preceding the gag reflex
immediate outbreak of vomiting
flash interval

The symptom onset phase signals that another episode of the disease will soon begin. This phase, which is often characterized by abdominal pain, can last from a few minutes to several hours. Sometimes, if you take medication early in the symptoms, the syndrome may stop. However, sometimes there are no prerequisites: a person just wakes up in the morning and starts vomiting.

The immediate outbreak phase consists of nausea and vomiting; the person cannot eat, drink, or take anti-vomiting medications. This phase is accompanied by pallor; drowsiness and exhaustion.

The recovery phase begins when nausea and vomiting stop. A healthy complexion appears, appetite is restored and energy returns.

The intersign phase is the period between episodes when no cues are present.

Some people can identify what is causing the vomiting. The most common of these causes is infection. Another common cause in children is emotional stress or excitement. Colds, allergies, sinus problems, or the flu can also cause vomiting in some people.
Other reasons include certain food products, for example, chocolate or cheese, which are consumed without measure, or before bed.

Weather, physical exhaustion, menstrual bleeding and motion sickness can also cause outbreaks of vomiting.

The cardinal sign of alcoholism is the loss of the protective gag reflex. This is very important symptom. Craving and loss of quantitative control can sometimes be difficult to ascertain, and loss of the gag reflex when taking large doses alcohol is an objective symptom. This symptom, unfortunately, is not known to all doctors. Namely, based on the loss of the gag reflex, the diagnosis of alcoholism can be objectified. It is impossible to hide it.

Let's take a closer look at what loss of the gag reflex is. Usually for any harmful effects the body reacts defensive reaction. Excessive doses of alcohol for a person who is not yet suffering from alcoholism are toxic, and alcohol is a poison, from the effects of which the body tries to protect itself by expelling this poison from the stomach using a vomiting reaction. While this protective mechanism is in effect, it protects the body from a toxic agent that can cause harm to it (there are known cases of death after taking large doses of alcohol). But the more often a person gets drunk to the point of vomiting, the faster this protective mechanism breaks down. The body is rebuilt (this is called altered reactivity), and reacts differently to alcohol, adapting to the constant toxic effects.

A patient with alcoholism can drink to the point of coma, but he will not vomit.

One of unpleasant conditions, which complicates the well-being for the whole day, is vomiting in the morning. In women in certain deadlines There is vomiting of bile during pregnancy in the morning. Doctors consider this phenomenon a protective act that helps recognize diseases. internal organs and identify symptoms of dysfunction of the body. To determine the causative agent of the pathological reflex, research is carried out. In some cases, the exact cause of vomiting cannot be determined.

Causes of vomiting during pregnancy

Vomiting during pregnancy is called toxicosis. Occurs due to changes hormonal levels in the mother's body, which are necessary for bearing the fetus and its full development. No one has figured out the final causes of toxicosis in pregnant women. But doctors have established what diseases and other features pregnant women with toxicosis have:

  1. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Liver.
  3. Thyroid gland.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Physical work.
  6. Nervous overstrain.

The following reasons are also allowed:

  1. Various chronic diseases.
  2. Pregnancy occurring at too young an age.
  3. Unpreparedness for motherhood psychologically.
  4. Hereditary predisposition to toxicosis.

Attention! Normal occurrence Vomiting with toxicosis is considered no more than 2 times a day, often on an empty stomach. If more often, you should consult a doctor and treat toxicosis in a timely manner.

How to alleviate toxicosis

A pregnant woman is interested in ways to stop vomiting, so it is recommended to carry out the following basic preventive methods:

  1. You can start by changing your daily habits, especially when you wake up. You can prepare cookies and water in advance the evening before. Before getting out of bed, you need to calm your stomach a little. When everything calms down, then just get up.
  2. Drink enough liquid and do not starve, but eat a little and only the desired food.
  3. Eliminate smoked, spicy, fried foods from your diet.
  4. Make snacks with vegetables, fruits, and fermented milk drinks.
  5. It is better to drink between meals in small sips and portions.
  6. It is useful to use broths and light soups.
  7. One of the breakfast options for toxicosis is an egg or a piece of meat, but not fatty.
  8. Consume foods with vitamin B6.

    Namely: buckwheat, sprouted wheat, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, chicken, fish, whole grains.

  9. It is allowed to take vitamin B6 in the form of a medicine.

At the time of gagging, it helps:

  1. Sucking ice cubes.
  2. Drinking ginger drink.
  3. Tea or mineral water with the addition of lemon.
  4. In some cases, simple and harmless aromatherapy will help - enjoying the aroma of citrus fruits by cutting a lemon.
  5. Stops vomiting salted chicken broth or the drug Regidron.

Vomiting in men

The stronger sex also sometimes vomits in the morning. The reasons for men are as follows:

  1. Manifestation of reflex nausea and reflex excitation of the vomiting center after eating the day before.
  2. Irritation of receptors of any organs. The sensitive impulse travels along the nerve to medulla oblongata, then to the vomiting center.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system.
  4. A manifestation of cerebral nausea, which occurs mainly in men. It occurs due to pathologies of the brain, accompanied by increased pressure inside the skull. This can happen after a traumatic brain injury, encephalitis, stroke, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, for brain tumors.

Since vomiting in the morning in men is provoked various diseases and body conditions, specific treatment not provided. In any case, nausea is a symptom of the disease. To solve the problem, you should be examined by a doctor and treat the identified ailment.

Vomiting in a child

When a child vomits in the morning on an empty stomach, in any case it is worth contacting medical care. The main task of parents is to find out in a timely manner the real reason and promptly take measures to improve the child’s condition.

If a child starts vomiting in the morning, the reasons may be different:

  1. Due to the child's intake of poor-quality food the day before, intoxication of the body occurs - poisoning. Accompanied high temperature and diarrhea.
  2. Viruses and bacteria enter the body and cause intestinal infection. This diagnosis is characterized by general weakness, abnormal stool, chills.
  3. Some infectious diseases– flu, sore throat, pneumonia, sinusitis.
  4. The condition of the central nervous system worsens due to head trauma, inflammation, swelling and bleeding. The child is lethargic and passive.
  5. With a brain tumor. The first symptom of nausea is headache. Vision and coordination of movement are impaired.
  6. This surgical disease like appendicitis. Sometimes they get by effective antibiotics, more often surgical intervention is necessary to eliminate the pathology.
  7. Dehydration of the body.
  8. Overeating.
  9. Stressful state.
  10. Allergic reaction.
  11. Psychological pressure.

If vomiting of bile occurs in the morning, in addition to injections and tablets, some folk remedies can help:

  1. Brew dill seeds. For 1 hour

    Take a spoonful of seeds and 200 ml of water. Boil for about 5 minutes. When cooled, give the child 25-50 ml once every 2 hours.

  2. Pour 20 g of lemon balm with boiling water - 1 liter. Leave for about 5 hours. In the strained state, drink frequently, but in very small doses.
  3. Grate the ginger and take 2 tbsp per glass of boiling water. l. chopped ginger. Steam over low heat for 15 minutes. Give 50 ml of strained decoction once every 2 hours.

Even if the signs of nausea disappear after first aid, you should not refuse medical examination and doctor's orders.

With this illness, a person constantly feels sick and vomits, which often lasts several hours, but only occurs in certain moments. The gag reflex occurs mainly in children, but may also affect and adults.

The gag reflex there are no specific reasons. Each next time is similar to the previous one. Outbreaks tend to start at the same time of day, last the same amount of time, and be accompanied by the same symptoms, while the intensity also remains the same. Although a persistent gag reflex can begin at any age in children and adults, it is common in age category from 3 to 7 years. In adults, episodes of vomiting tend to occur less frequently than in children, but they last longer. In addition, the causes of vomiting in adults are not always as easy to determine as in children.

Episodes can be so serious that a person has to stay in bed for many days. No one knows for sure how many people suffer from gag reflexes, but medical researchers believe that the number of these people is many times higher than the estimated figure. Because others more common diseases also cause episodes of vomiting, many people are diagnosed without considering that it may be a persistent gag reflex.

Four phases gag reflex:

  • the appearance of signs preceding the gag reflex
  • immediate outbreak of vomiting
  • recovery
  • flash interval
Symptom phase signals that another episode of the disease will soon begin. This phase, which is often different abdominal pain, can last from several minutes to several hours. Sometimes, if you take medication early in the symptoms, the syndrome may stop. However, sometimes there are no prerequisites: a person just wakes up in the morning and starts vomiting.

Phase immediate outbreak vomiting consists of nausea and vomiting; the person cannot eat, drink, or take anti-vomiting medications. This phase is accompanied by pallor; drowsiness and exhaustion.

Phase recovery begins when nausea and vomiting stop. A healthy complexion appears, appetite is restored and energy returns.

Phase interval between signs- this is the period between episodes when there are no signs.

Some people can determine the cause which caused vomiting. The most common of these reasons is infection. Another common cause in children is emotional stress or excitement. Colds, allergies, sinus problems, or the flu can also cause vomiting in some people.

Other reasons include certain foods, for example, chocolate or cheese, which are consumed without measure, or before bed. Weather, physical exhaustion, menstrual bleeding and seasickness can also cause outbreaks of vomiting.


Main signs- this, of course, is nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the stomach, etc. Signs begin to appear in the evening or morning before breakfast and can last from a few minutes to 12 hours. The recurrence of episodes usually lasts for 7-8 days, in some cases up to two weeks daily.

Other signs- this is pallor, exhaustion and apathy. Sometimes nausea and vomiting are so severe that a person may lose consciousness. Sensitivity to light, headache, fever, dizziness, diarrhea, and stomach pain may accompany outbreaks.

In addition, vomiting causes drooling And constant thirst . Drinking water usually leads to more vomiting, although water can dissolve the acid in the stomach, reducing pain. Continuous vomiting can lead to dehydration, which means the body loses too much water and salt.


This disease is difficult to diagnose because no blood tests, tomography, or biopsy can identify it. The doctor must make this diagnosis, referring to manifestation of symptoms and on medical history patient, and also take into account all those diseases that can also cause nausea and vomiting. In addition, diagnosis takes a long time because the doctor must identify the pattern or cycle of vomiting.

Gag reflex and migraine

The connection between migraines and the gag reflex is still unclear, but medical researchers believe it still exists. First, headaches and migraines begin, then an abdominal migraine occurs, which causes pain in the abdomen; and then the gag reflex begins, which is often accompanied by these headaches.

Secondly, many signs, which cause the gag reflex, also cause migraines. These triggers include tension and anxiety.

Thirdly, the study showed that many children who have a gag reflex have a family history of heredity of migraine or they just develop it as they get older.

Because of the similarities between the gag reflex and migraines, doctors treat some patients with serious medications that are also used for headaches and migraines. Medicines are designed to prevent disease outbreaks, reduce their frequency, or reduce their serious consequences.


Gag reflex cannot be cured. Of course, treatment helps, but people with the disease are usually advised to get plenty of sleep, rest and follow advice that prevents, stops or relieves flare-ups, and reduces the number of symptoms.

As soon as the next episode of the disease begins, all treatment consists of: you need to stay in bed in a dark and quiet room. Severe nausea and vomiting may require hospitalization to receive internal fluids to prevent dehydration. Sedatives may also help.

Sometimes, during the initial stage, you can completely prevent vomiting For example, people who feel severe pain before the next episode, they can consult a doctor and take ibuprofen. Other treatments that may be helpful are Zantac or omeprazole(Prilosec), which soothe the stomach by reducing the amount of acid it produces.

During the recovery phase, it is very important drinking water And replacing lost electrolytes. Electrolytes are salts necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. Signs of illness may change during the recovery phase: some people have found that their appetite immediately returns to normal, whereas they should drink liquids before moving on to solid foods.

People whose episodes of illness are long and tiresome must be treated in between episodes to make them less intense. Medicines that help with headaches and migraines include Panadol, cyproheptadine, and amitriptyline, which are taken during the intervals between outbreaks, but they do not work for everyone. Sometimes you need to take medications for 1-2 weeks to understand whether they help or not.

Besides, last phase- this is exactly the time when can the cause of the disease be determined?. For example, if you know that during the intermediate stage you are very worried or stressed, then you need to address special attention on nervous system. If your sinus problems worsen or allergies begin, then this is what you need to pay special attention to.


  • Dehydration. A constant gag reflex leads to loss of water from the body.
  • Unstable state of electrolytes. This disease leads to the loss of salts, which in such quantities cannot function normally.
  • Digestive esophagitis. The esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth and stomach) becomes damaged by the acid the stomach produces, causing vomiting.
  • Hematemesis. The esophagus becomes damaged and begins to bleed, thus mixing vomit with blood.
  • Esophageal rupture. Bottom part The esophagus can rupture due to constant collision of vomit with the stomach.
  • Tooth decay. The acid found in vomit can damage teeth by attacking the enamel.
We must remember:
  • The gag reflex is a long-term and often manifested disease.
  • It occurs mainly in children, but adults are also susceptible to it.
  • The gag reflex has four phases: onset, outbreak of vomiting, recovery, and interval between episodes.
  • Most people can identify what causes nausea and vomiting. Infections and emotional stress are two underlying causes.
  • Main signs: severe vomiting nausea and headaches. As well as exhaustion and dehydration.
  • The only way to diagnose is a retrospective analysis of symptoms and study of the medical history. Sometimes the doctor may take a sample of the mass for analysis.