Zinc - properties and uses, daily intake for men and women, food sources. The role of zinc, daily zinc intake for women and sources of microelements

Zinc is a very important trace element for the body. Since it required quantity we get from food, we need to make sure that it is varied.

  • The body suffers from a lack of this element after suffering from a gastrointestinal disease and thyroid gland
  • Its deficiency is observed in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and in men its deficiency causes infertility and loss of performance
  • The richest foods in this microelement are beef, turkey, seafood and nuts.

There is a lot of this trace element in egg yolks

What are the benefits of zinc?

This element plays a vital role:

  • participates in the synthesis of proteins and DNA
  • used in cell division mechanism
  • important element immune system
  • present in bone and cartilaginous tissues, and also in the retina
  • participates in the production of insulin and other important hormones
  • allows us to sense tastes and smells normally

People who suffer from excessive acne usually have reduced level zinc in the body.

  • Zinc is very useful for anorexia. It increases appetite and helps cope with psychological problems related to this problem
  • Children suffering from attention deficit disorder also need zinc. Recent studies have proven that food additives with this microelement help reduce impulsiveness in children and improve adaptation in a team
  • Zinc is an important trace element, the lack of which can lead to depression. Supplements with it will help lift your mood, and at the same time do not have as many side effects as “chemical” tranquilizers
  • Not long ago, American experts identified a connection between zinc deficiency and osteoporosis. This disease develops as a result of a violation metabolic processes in the body. With such disorders, bone tissue may not receive enough of the substances it needs.
  • Deficiency of this microelement during pregnancy is very common. But if there is a shortage of it, there is a risk premature birth. In order to minimize it, during this period women need to take supplements or vitamin complexes with zinc
  • For men's reproductive function zinc is also extremely important. It increases the number of sperm produced and enhances their motility. In addition, this microelement normalizes testosterone production

Harm of zinc

Could this microelement cause problems for the body and harm it? Of course, if its dosage is higher than the maximum permissible: 150 – 600 mg. Death from poisoning with this microelement can occur when taking 6 grams of zinc at the same time.

Zinc intoxication causes nausea, weakness and other symptoms typical of poisoning.

Of course, you cannot get zinc in such a dosage from foods. But poisoning from vitamin complexes that contain this microelement is quite possible.

In addition, you can be poisoned by zinc if you drink water that has settled in galvanized vessels. There have been cases of human poisoning with zinc phosphide, a substance used to poison rodents.

The role of zinc in the body

  • The role of zinc in the male body has been known for a long time. Products containing this element, without knowing their exact composition, were recommended by all the legendary healers of antiquity for male impotence
  • Its deficiency in the male body causes the risk of developing prostatitis and prostate cancer. Since testosterone synthesis is impossible without zinc, a lack of this microelement leads to male infertility
  • Zinc is an important element for the synthesis of skin cells. It forms collagen fibers and reduces the risk of acne.

Early wrinkles can be avoided by taking zinc supplements

  • This trace element is added to ointments to heal wounds on the body and colds on the lips. Lack of zinc affects the quality of skin, hair and nails
  • Without this microelement, proper functioning of phagocytes is impossible. These immune system cells protect the body from germs and viruses. In addition, zinc is involved in the creation of lymphocytes. The immune system primarily suffers from its deficiency. Which can lead to very serious consequences
  • Zinc deficiency negatively affects concentration and memory. With a lack of this microelement, the brain cannot perform its functions 100% and undergoes premature aging
  • Zinc is involved in the synthesis of proteins that are responsible for resisting stress and nervous overload. This microelement is very important for women during PMS. Since zinc is involved in the reproduction of serotonin, without it it is impossible to experience pleasure and joy in life.
  • This microelement plays a very important role in the functioning of the eyes. It is found in fiber and helps its cells absorb important nutrients. normal operation eyes vitamin A. Lack of these elements leads to blepharitis and cataracts
  • Zinc is extremely important for patients diabetes mellitus. Firstly, it is involved in the synthesis of insulin. And, secondly, with this disease it is excreted by the kidneys faster than in other people. What leads to its shortage

Daily value of zinc for women, men and children

The amount of one or another element in the body depends on age and gender. The amount of zinc is also affected by pregnancy in women and various pathologies in the body.

Symptoms and signs of zinc deficiency in men, women, children

  • With a lack of this microelement, nails and hair are the first to suffer. They become depleted and brittle. The skin also suffers. It may develop acne
    If the body becomes susceptible to infections, then this may also be a symptom of zinc deficiency. In addition, with a lack of this microelement, wound healing time increases
  • Since this element plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, its deficiency can lead to irritability and increased fatigue. Decreased performance, deterioration of memory and concentration are also signs of its deficiency
  • Some scientists believe that the lack of this microelement is one of the causes of such mental pathologies as schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and dementia. Regular use of zinc supplements after age 30 may reduce risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
  • A symptom of a deficiency of this microelement in men is a deterioration in the quality of seminal fluid. Toxicosis, complications during pregnancy and miscarriage are signs of zinc deficiency in women
  • Also a symptom of a lack of this microelement is a change in the perception of taste and smell.

Zinc deficiency leads to joint disease

In children, a lack of this microelement leads to decreased appetite, growth retardation, mental and sexual development. Indirect sign Zinc deficiency is associated with poor perseverance and school performance.

Causes of zinc deficiency in men, women, children

Various malfunctions in the body can lead to zinc deficiency. Often the cause of a deficiency of this element is a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Liver diseases and insufficient quantity this element in food.

Speaking of food. Many foods have a negative effect on the absorption of zinc. Foods rich in protein products reduce the absorption of this microelement.

Some cancers lead to accelerated use of zinc in the body. Such diseases include:

  • Bronchial cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Leukemia

Enhanced removal of zinc from the body alcoholic drinks and coffee. Milk reduces the absorption of zinc by half. Can also reduce zinc levels in the blood contraceptives and corticosteroids.

Stress, poisoning with heavy metals and pesticides can negatively affect the level of zinc in the body

In addition, the level of this trace element decreases over the years.

Some diseases gastrointestinal tract and blood can lead to zinc deficiency. Diseases such as psoriasis can also negatively affect the level of this trace element in the body.

IMPORTANT: The absorption of this microelement is affected by positive impact vitamins B6 and A. And micro- and macroelements such as tin, iron, manganese and cadmium negatively affect the absorption of zinc.

Zinc excess: symptoms, signs of cause

  • Excess zinc, as well as its deficiency, can lead to serious consequences. On average, in the body healthy person contains 2-3 grams of this microelement. But, when taking drugs containing zinc in dosages greater than established, intoxication of the body may occur. Its symptoms are similar to those of food poisoning
  • Zinc can enter the body by inhaling the vapors of this metal. Which will lead to nausea, diarrhea, cramps in calf muscles and a drop in blood pressure. With such poisoning, body temperature can rise to 40 degrees
  • A symptom of excess zinc in the body can be fibrotic degeneration of the pancreas and an increase in the amount of glucose in the blood
  • An excess of this microelement has a negative effect on the skin, hair and nails. With this problem, growth may slow down bone tissue and develop cancer

With such signs of excess of this microelement, it is necessary to urgently contact an endocrinologist.

Zinc for facial skin

Zinc is called a trace element of youth and beauty

  • He is an indispensable assistant for everyone who wants to prolong their youth. Zinc is a powerful weapon in the fight against wrinkles. Thanks to this microelement, the skin becomes velvety and smooth. Most famous cosmetologists and nutritionists “prescribe” zinc to ensure that their patients’ skin is perfect.
  • With zinc deficiency, the process of renewal of skin cells and collagen fibers slows down. Pimples and blackheads may appear on the skin. Thanks to zinc, the process of cell renewal can be extended until old age.
  • Zinc deficiency can be reversed by taking supplements containing this trace element. But today, ointments and face creams are increasingly being made based on zinc. IN ancient China, crushed pearls were added to the face cream - a rich source of zinc
  • Today, natural cosmetics based on zinc are very popular. For example, a scrub like "Fresh Face". Its regular use will make the skin smooth, even, soft and elastic.

Zinc for hair

External use of zinc-based preparations can help not only the skin, but also the hair. Today you can buy at the pharmacy special shampoos and hair masks containing this trace element.

You can improve the structure of your hair and make it stronger with homemade masks

Since there is a lot of zinc in egg yolks, you can prepare egg mask. To do this, you need to separate the yolks from the whites and grease your head with them. You need to keep this mask for about an hour, then wash off the yolks with warm water.

You can add to this mask olive oil and honey This will enhance its effect and make your hair not only stronger, but also improve its shine. This mask should be washed off with a light shampoo.

Vitamins with zinc for women and men

  • You can compensate for zinc deficiency with the help of vitamin complexes, which, in addition to the described microelement, include others useful substances. For example, selenium
  • A complex of such microelements is indicated for prevention oncological diseases, as well as to improve the functioning of the immune system and heart
  • With the help of such complexes you can restore the body after alcohol and nicotine poisoning. It is indicated for people living in unfavorable environmental conditions.
    Such complexes include:

Zinc together with calcium improves blood pressure, relieves pain in muscles and joints. The most popular vitamin complexes containing these microelements are:

Another microelement, magnesium, is also very important for the body. At the pharmacy you can buy vitamin complexes with calcium and magnesium. With the help of this complex you can improve the condition of bone tissue, teeth and improve muscle function:

To improve hematopoiesis, iron complexes are used:

In order to prolong youth you can use vitamin complexes with vitamin E. Such preparations have proven themselves to improve the structure of skin, hair and nails. In addition, with their help you can improve the functioning of the reproductive system:

Magnesium is extremely important for the body. Together with zinc, this trace element is used in more than 300 biochemical reactions body. The most popular vitamin complexes that include these microelements are:

Zinc together with copper enhance the effect of superoxide dismutase. This antioxidant enzyme is the body's strongest protector against aging and an increase in the number of cancer cells.

The most common combination of the described microelement is zinc + Vitamin C. This combination is a powerful defense of the body against viruses and microbes. With its help you can strengthen the effect of the immune system.

To improve metabolism and treat obesity, a complex with vitamin B6 is indicated:

During pregnancy, women may be deficient in vitamin D, which is essential for normal development fetus In this case, the following complexes are recommended:

Complexes with sulfur are very often prescribed to women after childbirth. They can be used to stabilize hormonal background and restore the body. The best drug which includes these microelements is:

To improve the structure of hair and skin, vitamin complexes can be prescribed, which include vitamins A, B5, B6, C, E, F and folic acid:

Vitamins with zinc for children

Zinc in vitamin complexes is often prescribed by pediatricians. And there is nothing surprising here. This trace element is extremely important for the development of a child. It improves the child's mental and physical abilities. The best children's vitamin complexes are:

Zinc in food

  • Most of this trace element is in watermelon seeds. 100 g of this product contains 70% of the daily requirement of zinc. Watermelon seeds are very popular in the Middle East and Asia.
  • For those who cannot live without chocolate, the good news is that this delicious product also high in zinc. 100 g of chocolate contains only slightly less of this microelement than watermelon seeds (65% of the daily requirement). We are, of course, talking about dark chocolate. In dairy, there is several times less zinc, but the calorie content, on the contrary, is higher
  • As for meat, 100 g of beef contains 70% of the daily requirement of this microelement. And in lamb it is 58%. Beef is also beneficial in other microelements. In addition, it is a low-calorie product

Seafood rich in zinc

  • Oysters are especially famous for their high amount of zinc. Depending on where they were kept, oysters can contain 100% – 900% of the daily dose of zinc. Do not forget that this seafood is a known aphrodisiac.
  • Nuts are good sources of zinc. Especially peanuts. And even though it's not exactly a nut, the amount of zinc in peanuts is very high. To consume a quarter of the daily requirement of zinc, you need to eat 100 g roasted peanuts. In raw, there is even more of this microelement
  • Pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds are also good sources zinc To replenish the daily requirement of this microelement, you can eat 120 g of veal liver
  • In conclusion, something needs to be said about sprouted wheat. This product is valuable in itself, but is also a source of zinc. 100 grams of this product contain 100% of the daily requirement of this microelement

Kate. My hair started to fall out. I contacted a specialist at a paid clinic. Since, in addition to my hair, my nails were breaking, and my skin was in disrepair. at its best, he prescribed Zincteral for me. I drank in courses. First 10 days (2 tablets per day). Then I took a break and again took 10 days of the course. After taking Zincteral, my hair, and most importantly, my skin and bones, became better than they had ever been before. What if what happens to them, I will take this drug again.

Igor. A friend of mine who works as a cosmetologist recommended the Zinc and Vitamin A complex for acne. I drank it. Of course, the number of acne decreased sharply, but this did not completely solve the problem. Maybe time will have to pass.

Video. Zinc. Enormous impact on health!

Zinc is important trace element so that people can stay healthy. This element ranks second after iron in concentration in the body.

Zinc is found in cells throughout the body. It is necessary for the body's defense (immune system) to function properly. Zinc also plays an important role in cell division, growth, wound healing and the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Zinc is also necessary for the functioning of the senses of smell and taste. Inside the womb, during infancy and childhood, the human body needs zinc to grow and develop properly.
Latest information about the examination of zinc supplements shows that:

When taken for at least 5 months, zinc may reduce the risk of catching colds;
- If you start taking zinc supplements within 24 hours of the first cold symptoms occurring, it can reduce symptoms and make them less severe.

Food Sources of Zinc

Protein-rich foods contain large number zinc Beef, pork and lamb contain more zinc than fish. Dark meat chicken has more zinc than light chicken meat.

Other good sources of zinc: nuts, whole grains, legumes and yeast.
Fruits and vegetables are not good sources of zinc because zinc from plant proteins is not as available for use by the body as zinc from animal proteins. Thus, diets and vegetarian diets low in protein tend to have and low content zinc
Zinc is included in most multivitamins and mineral supplements. These supplements may contain zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, or zinc acetate. It has not yet been determined whether one form is better than the others.

Zinc is also found in some prescription drugs- such as nasal sprays and gels, etc.

Daily requirement for zinc

How many units of each vitamin a person needs depends on his age and gender. Other factors are also important, such as pregnancy and the person’s health status. Pregnant or breastfeeding women need more zinc. The best way get your daily allowance essential vitamins- Eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, legumes and whole grains.

Daily value of zinc for newborns

0-6 months: 2 milligrams per day (mg/day)
- 7-12 months: 3 mg/day

Daily value of zinc for children and schoolchildren

1-3 years: 3 mg/day
- 4-8 years: 5 mg/day
- 9-13 years: 8 mg/day

Daily value of zinc for adolescents and adults

Boys and men ages 14 and older: 11 mg/day
- Girls and women aged 14 to 18 years: 9 mg/day
- Women 19 years and older: 8 mg/day

Excess and deficiency of zinc in the body

Symptoms of zinc deficiency include:

Frequent infections;
- hypogonadism in men;
- hair loss;
- poor appetite;
- problems with the sense of taste;
- problems with the sense of smell;
- skin ulcers;
- slow body growth;
- problems with vision in the dark;
- wounds that do not heal for a long time.

Zinc additives in large quantities may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting - usually within 3-10 hours of taking them. All of these symptoms disappear within a short period of time after stopping the use of these supplements.
People who use nasal sprays and gels containing zinc may have side effects– for example, such as loss of smell.

Element zinc The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Indians and Chinese called brass. It was these peoples who were the first to use zinc. The famous medieval alchemist Paracelsus gave zinc its distinctive name, thanks to the word jagged, which in German sounds like zinke. Zinc is a metal and occupies number 30 in the periodic table.

In appearance, zinc is a blue-white metal. When interacting with air, zinc dioxide is formed. To obtain zinc, polymetallic ores are mined from mineral deposits that contain zinc sulfide. Got zinc wide application in the mining and processing industries, namely in the extraction of precious metals (gold, silver).

The anti-corrosion properties of zinc (surface galvanization) are used to protect steel from natural and weather conditions. The element zinc is part of energy-intensive air batteries. The role of zinc in medicine and in the human body is incredibly important. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians used beneficial properties zinc for wound healing (zinc ointment).

Daily value of zinc

And in the last century, scientists found that for life to function, it is necessary to replenish the daily requirement of zinc not only for people and animals, but also for plants. Zinc plays a huge role in the treatment of certain diseases and recovery from complex injuries associated with burns. Doctors use an increased daily intake of zinc in the diet of those people who have suffered severe burns, so the skin regenerates faster and wounds heal.

Zinc deficiency

A lack of zinc has a serious impact on the human body, primarily because the element is involved in many life processes. Zinc affects the process of bone formation, so pediatricians advise constantly ensuring that children's body There was no zinc deficiency. Zinc can be obtained from foods such as: apples, lemons, figs, mineral water and green vegetables.

Honey, raspberries, dates, bread, grains and yeast are rich in zinc. The most zinc-containing foods are some types of fish, beef liver, as well as wheat bran, pumpkin seeds and sprouted wheat grains. Visual acuity also depends on the level of zinc in the human body. Therefore, if you begin to suffer from memory loss, fatigue, your vision fails you and your body weight sharply decreases, your body lacks zinc.

Alcohol addiction has the most detrimental effect on the level of zinc in the human body. Scientists conducted a series of experiments in which they gave young rats tiny amounts of alcohol every day. Soon, the level of zinc in the blood of rats, or rather in the plasma, muscles and liver, decreased sharply. Which led to a sharp slowdown in the development and growth of the animal. Zinc deficiency also affects young human body who starts drinking alcohol early, albeit in small doses.

Zinc belongs to the group of microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Consequences can manifest themselves in the form of reduced immunity, fatigue, deterioration of skin and hair. Planning healthy menu, it is worth including products with high content zinc This will improve your health, hair, nails and complexion, well-being and memory.

The role of zinc in the body

Zinc is a mineral belonging to the group of trace elements. This means that relatively little of it appears in the body, and the demand for it does not exceed 100 mg per day. It is necessary for carrying out the fundamental functions of life. metabolic processes. Thanks to him, the brain works correctly, nervous system and most organs in the human body. Takes part in the synthesis of proteins, in the processes of synthesis of DNA and nucleic acids.

  • influences physical development;
  • determines normal functioning prostate, pancreas, thymus, thyroid gland;
  • takes part in the creation of red blood cells and in maintaining the body’s immunity;
  • determines correct work brain;
  • heals wounds and burns, it is used to treat acne, psoriasis or eczema;
  • has a positive effect on the fertility of both women and men;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, neutralizes excessive amounts of free radicals;
  • affects the perception of smells and tastes;
  • necessary to maintain the appropriate concentration of vitamin A, affects vision processes.

Zinc is also a real beauty boon. Has a beneficial effect on the skin. First of all, it helps get rid of pimples, acne, and limits excessive seborrhea. Helps protect cells from oxidative stress, which accelerates the aging process. Strengthens weakened hair and nails, and even stimulates their growth. In the form of oxide, it has a positive effect on tissue regeneration and the wound healing process, and at the same time relieves irritation. Often this trace element is a component, for example, of protective creams for infants.


Zinc is integral part more than 70 enzymes that take part in ongoing body processes. Therefore it is worth consuming the right products with zinc, since the human body is not able to independently produce this trace element. Recommended daily norm zinc consumption is:

  • for babies and newborns - 5 mg;
  • for children under 10 years old - 10 mg;
  • for men - 16 mg;
  • for women - 13 mg.

Zinc requirements increase during pregnancy and lactation, ranging between 16 mg and 21 mg. Also people drinking alcohol, and individuals who consume excessive amounts of caffeine are exposed to zinc deficiency in the body.

This element is supplied to the body mainly through the digestive tract along with food. Absorbed from digestive tract approximately 20-40 percent at the level duodenum and in further parts of the colon.

Zinc deficiency. Risk factors

Zinc deficiency can affect people whose diets differ from the generally accepted principles of a healthy diet. Low consumption of foods that are sources of this element, high consumption of processed food products, iron, sugar and alcohol contribute to the deficiency of this mineral component.

Groups of people particularly vulnerable to zinc deficiency include:

  • people suffering from malabsorption disorders;
  • patients with kidney and liver diseases;
  • persons who abuse alcohol;
  • athletes;
  • persons on strict diets for weight loss;
  • women using hormonal contraception.

Preparations with zinc

If the supply of zinc in the diet is too low, zinc supplements can be included in the daily menu, especially if the diet for some reason (for example, health) excludes foods rich in zinc. This also applies to vegans who do not eat animal products, and it is from them that zinc is absorbed much better than from plant materials.

In cases of severe zinc deficiency, zinc tablets are also recommended. They provide a daily, necessary dose of this element. Supplements are especially recommended for couples planning to conceive, as the zinc they contain increases the chances of successful fertilization.

Consequences of zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency can lead to serious consequences such as:

  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • growth retardation;
  • alopecia;
  • weakening of hair and nails;
  • skin changes, including the appearance of dandruff;
  • decreased fertility, decreased libido;
  • deterioration of cognitive functions, weakened sense of smell and taste;
  • secondary hypothyroidism.

Considering the fact that zinc is responsible for many vital functions in the body important functions, absence or low level This element leads to disruption of many metabolic processes.

In the body it is often associated with excess copper, and it is especially harmful for older people. This dependence is currently being studied by scientists who consider it a contributing factor, in particular, to the development of Alzheimer's disease. There are also reports that its prevalence in pregnant women can lead to the formation of cleft lip and palate in the child. Therefore, it is especially important that daily diet foods high in zinc were used.


Long-term consumption of zinc in large quantities can lead to weakening of the body, which is manifested by problems with the digestive system. Excess zinc causes nausea and vomiting, and frequent diarrhea. Additional reception medications can also interfere with the absorption of copper and iron in the body. If you suspect a deficiency or excess of zinc in the body, you should consult a doctor, since a long-term disorder normal level Zinc in the body can lead to serious health problems. A decrease in its concentration may be affected by the use of, for example, birth control pills and alcohol consumption.

Zinc deficiency in balanced, healthy eating It is very rare, so before consuming drugs with this trace element, you must first consult with a specialist.

Foods High in Zinc

A healthy and varied diet should cover the demand for everything nutrients, including zinc. The zinc content in products depends on its amount in the soil. The use of phosphate and calcium fertilizers limits the consumption of this element. It is worth knowing at the same time that the efficiency of zinc absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is influenced by many factors. Animal sources of this microelement are characterized by better digestibility. The bioavailability of zinc is adversely affected by excessive amounts of fiber, copper, iron or calcium in the diet.

Foods high in zinc include shellfish (such as oysters), dark bread, pumpkin seeds, nuts, eggs, cheese, meat (especially red meat) and liver, as well as cereals and legumes. Fruits, both fresh and dried, are a poor source of zinc. The zinc content in them most often does not exceed 0.5 mg per 100 g of product.

Below is a list of foods in which you will find zinc (approximate value per 100 g of product).

Cereal products:

  • wheat bran - 9 mg;
  • rye bran - 8 mg;
  • rye bread made from wholemeal flour - 3 mg;
  • buckwheat - 3 mg;
  • millet - 3 mg;
  • barley - 3 mg;
  • oat bran- 3 mg;
  • white rice - 2 mg.

Let's look at how much zinc is in seeds and nuts:

  • pumpkin seeds - 8 mg;
  • cashew nuts - 6 mg;
  • flax-seed- 4 mg;
  • almonds - 3 mg;
  • walnuts- 3 mg;
  • sesame - 3 mg;
  • sunflower seeds - 3 mg;
  • hazelnuts- 2 mg.

Vegetables and herbs:

  • white beans - 4 mg;
  • yellow peas - 4 mg;
  • celery root greens - 3 mg;
  • beans - 2 mg;
  • Brussels sprouts - 1 mg;
  • red beans - 1 mg;
  • green peas - 2 mg;
  • garlic - 1 mg;
  • parsley - 1 mg;
  • leek - 1 mg.

Fish and seafood:

  • raw oysters - 70 mg;
  • lobster - 3 mg;
  • crab - 3 mg;
  • sprat - 3 mg;
  • squid - 2 mg;
  • mussels - 2 mg;
  • octopus - 2 mg;
  • shrimp - 1 mg;
  • salmon, fillet - 1 mg;
  • burbot - 1 mg;
  • scallops - 1 mg;
  • trout, fillet - 1 mg;
  • pike perch, fillet - 1 mg;
  • herring - 1 mg.

Let's find out how much zinc is in beef, veal, chicken and offal:

  • calf liver - 9 mg;
  • chicken heart - 7 mg;
  • pork liver - 5 mg;
  • chicken liver - 4 mg;
  • beef liver - 4 mg;
  • pork - 3 mg;
  • beef meat - 3 mg;
  • chicken stomachs - 3 mg;
  • chicken thigh/drumstick - 2 mg;
  • turkey thigh/drum – 2 mg;
  • turkey liver - 2 mg;
  • chicken or turkey breast - 1 mg.

Dairy products:

  • cheese, for example, Gouda, Swiss cheese - 4 mg;
  • camembert - 3 mg;
  • parmesan - 3 mg;
  • Pecorino Romano cheese - 3 mg.
  • cocoa powder - 7 mg;
  • dark and milk chocolate - 2 mg;
  • tomato paste- 1 mg.

Liver pancakes

Liver pancakes from beef liver will be appreciated by lovers of this product and dishes based on it. This dish is not only tasty, but also very healthy, since the liver is rich in many useful substances.

According to doctors' recommendations, it should be used by everyone, especially people with low hemoglobin. In addition, beef liver contains a large amount useful elements, in particular zinc, heparin, folic acid.

Liver pancakes recipe

Let's look at how to make liver pancakes from beef liver with carrots.


  • beef liver - 400 g;
  • onions- 1 piece;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • flour - an incomplete glass;
  • black ground pepper or other spices to taste;
  • oil for frying.

Preparation: the liver should be washed, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder, or processed in a blender. Chop the onion and add it to the minced meat. Finely grate the carrots, lightly simmer in a frying pan and place in the liver mass. Then add the egg, salt, pepper, sour cream, flour and mix. Heat oil in a frying pan. The liver mass is placed in boiling oil with a spoon, forming pancakes. It is necessary to fry them over medium heat on both sides for 5 minutes.

Liver pancakes can be served with sauce or side dish. Sometimes they are stewed in gravy after frying, which makes the dish even tastier.

Zinc is considered one of the essential elements for all body structures. It is especially important for males, since zinc takes part in many organic processes, increases the immune barrier, plays a huge role in sexual development and sex life. Therefore, it is very important that the daily requirement of zinc for men is observed, then many problems with sexual health can be avoided.

Daily requirement

Let us immediately note that daily requirement men in the zinc microelement is 5 mg. This is exactly the amount the male body should receive daily. The need to increase it may arise during treatment various pathologies. Higher doses are also needed for people who play sports professionally. The specific norm for athletes depends on many factors: intensity of training, quantity, etc.

  1. Loss of appetite;
  2. Tendency to colds;
  3. Anemic signs;
  4. Visual impairment;
  5. Allergic reactions;
  6. Dermatitis;
  7. Hair loss;
  8. Dramatic weight loss.

In addition, zinc deficiency can provoke delayed sexual development in boys, and lead to loss of sperm in men. motor activity, necessary for advancement to the egg and its fertilization.

Scientists have found that for sufficient strength and speed, an athlete needs at least 30 mg of zinc on a normal day, and 35 mg during competitions. If an athlete trains endurance, then the daily requirement of zinc for him is 30 mg, and for competitions - 40 mg.

A high level of zinc trace element can also appear various kinds ailments:

  • Nausea and vomiting manifestations;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Increased gastric sensitivity, accompanied by pain;
  • Urinary and lumbar pain manifestations.

In general, any changes in zinc levels are undesirable and can cause many undesirable consequences from minor discomfort to serious problems such as underdevelopment of the genital organs or infertility.

Meaning for men

Zinc is incredibly important for a man’s body during the active period of puberty, because it is it that ensures sufficient testosterone secretion, and without this hormone a man simply could not be a man. Testosterone continues to play throughout life the most important role For male body. This hormone ensures sexual viability, strength and strength of the body. But around the age of 40, there is a natural age-related decline in testosterone secretion. Therefore, at this age, a man’s body especially needs zinc, on which it depends. sexual desire, sexual arousal and erectile function.

Sufficient zinc content improves the quality of seminal fluid, so when planning pregnancy it is recommended to enrich the diet with zinc-containing products. A man with sufficient levels of zinc microelement in his body will never know all the delights of such a pathology as prostate adenoma, since zinc is able to suppress enzyme substances that negatively affect prostatic tissue.

Experts were able to discover the following pattern: against the background of zinc deficiency, excessively prolonged wound healing and tissue restoration are observed in post-traumatic periods.

Zinc is also actively involved in the development of antibodies and lymphocytes, increasing the protective immune barrier and antimicrobial activity. Zinc is necessary for people prone to diabetes or already having a similar pathology, since the microelement has the ability to normalize blood glucose levels. Also, the zinc microelement has preventive and therapeutic effect on joint tissues, prevents and helps eliminate rheumatic lesions, arthritis, etc.

Normal zinc content ensures high visual acuity and prevents myopia. Possesses zinc microelement and antioxidant abilities, helps improve digestive processes, normalizes pancreatic activity. Zinc ensures normal contractile muscle activity, which is why it is so important for athletes. And in combination with B-vitamins, zinc has a beneficial effect on nervous system activity, reduces symptoms of irritability, improves memorization abilities and memory in general, and also improves mood and concentrates attention.

Food sources of zinc

Zinc deficiency can develop against the background of congenital and genetic diseases, and also when improper diet (overuse salt, protein and sugar), due to extensive burns and chronic stress. Abuse can lead to zinc deficiency diuretics, cytostatics, Histidine or Cortisone. Alcohol abuse and a vegetarian approach to nutrition also contribute to a pathological decrease in zinc levels.

During a period of severe, long-term illness, the body loses half of its zinc reserves, and in persons suffering from hyperhidrosis, up to 3 mg of the microelement per day is lost through sweat.

You can replenish the missing zinc with the help of medications, but it is much safer and more beneficial to do this by consuming certain products nutrition. Oysters and seafood are considered the main source of zinc reserves. Great content microelement is observed in nuts and seeds, mushrooms and legumes, garlic and cereals. A good source of zinc is lean beef, liver, poultry, and eggs.