How to drink freshly squeezed beet juice correctly for various diseases and for prevention. Beets are an amazing cancer fighter

You know, unfortunately, I can’t resist the illiteracy and stupidity pouring into the forum from the pens of some authors, except to express my attitude towards this disgrace in topics.

I consider all your topics stupid and harmful (honestly, I didn’t have the courage to read all the topics).

writes that beet juice will cure cancer and help rid the body of

toxins. Do not forget that beet juice affects

immune system, which increases the body's resistance to disease. AND

It has also been established that chemotherapy is better tolerated when taking

beet juice. And for the prevention of oncology, beet juice, in general,

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How to drink beet juice if you have cancer

In the fight against cancer, the search for effective means is constantly underway. Along with synthetic substances, plants that may exhibit antitumor activity are being studied. Among such plants, red root beet occupies a special place.

Unique root vegetable

Beetroot is a root crop of the goosefoot family, known as a valuable vegetable crop since ancient times. The medicinal properties of beets were also known. It turned out that it gives excellent results in treatment oncological diseases. Information about a similar property in red beets appeared in the middle of the last century.

Studies conducted in different countries have yielded unexpected results. It turned out that the red root vegetable neutralizes the development of tumor cells. Based on beetroot drink scientists synthesized antitumor drug anthozyme, which, in combination with other methods of treating cancer, gave positive results. One of the hypotheses for the emergence cancerous tumor, sees the cause of this process due to insufficiency of cellular respiration. When it is restored, tumor growth stops and even reverse development occurs. The coloring substance betaine, present in the red root vegetable, activates cell respiration, which helps stop the development of the tumor. There was an improvement in the condition of the patients just a month after constantly taking the beetroot drink. His healing effect directly related to the composition of beets.

Chemical composition of beets

The chemical composition of beets contains a whole storehouse of useful substances. It is rich in sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose) and mineral salts(magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, phosphorus, but most of all potassium - about 3.3%). It contains organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric, oxalic. The dry matter of the root crop is distributed in this way: proteins – 1.7%; carbohydrates – 10.8%; fiber – 0.7%; pectin substances – 1.2%. Beetroot is rich in vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), C, U, P, PP and carotene (provitamin A).

A drink made from a unique root vegetable stimulates the synthesis of vitamin B12 in the body. A lack of this vitamin leads to metabolic disorders. Beets contain iodine, organic acids - pantothenic, folic, oleanolic and more large number amino acids such as lysine, valine, arginine, histidine. The amino acid arginine strengthens the body's immune forces and slows down the growth of tumor cells.

Useful action

In cancer patients who have included constant intake of beetroot juice in their main treatment, pain is eliminated, ESR and hemoglobin levels are normalized. In addition, general well-being improves - appetite improves, protective forces. Against the background of its constant use, prescribed traditional methods Oncology treatments are tolerated much easier by patients.

The greatest effect from beetroot treatment is observed in tumor diseases of the lungs, stomach, rectum and bladder. There is evidence that some cancer patients were cured with beetroot juice without using other methods. When treating tumors with radiation therapy, the use of beet juice is indicated. This gives very good results. It has been proven that its use reduces intoxication of various etiologies, including from radiation therapy.


For making juice, you need to choose brightly colored root vegetables, with a smooth surface, of medium size. You should not drink a drink made from modified beets. Also, beets grown on chemical fertilizers containing large amounts of nitrates should not be used.

Preparing beet juice

The beets should be washed, peeled and passed through a juicer. You can grate the root vegetable and then squeeze it through cheesecloth.

It should be remembered that you should not drink beetroot drink immediately after preparation. It must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, and only then is it suitable for consumption. During this time, under the influence of oxygen, substances unnecessary for the body will be destroyed. Freshly prepared drink can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

How to drink beet juice

The benefits of eating beets for oncology have been proven in practice. But, wrong or overuse Beetroot juice can lead to serious negative changes in the functioning of organs such as the liver, kidneys, intestines, and stomach.

  • It is recommended to drink beet juice freshly squeezed.
  • Juice treatment should begin with small portions. At first it may be just one teaspoon. Gradually, the dose of juice can be increased to the recommended volume.
  • It is recommended to drink 600 ml of beetroot drink during the day.
  • If you eat 5 times a day, then for each meal you need to drink 100 ml of juice and take it one more time at night.
  • You should drink the juice on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals), warming it slightly.
  • You should not consume yeast bread with juice or mix it with another sour drink.
  • You should drink the beetroot drink in small sips, holding it in the mouth and swallowing slowly.
  • You need to drink juice every day, without skipping.
  • The course of treatment with beet juice is long - at least a year. Subsequently drink beetroot medicinal drink necessary throughout life, reducing the dose to 1 glass per day.
  • You can store beet juice pasteurized in hermetically sealed jars.

If the patient has a pronounced intolerance to beetroot drink, then it can be combined with carrot juice. In this case, the volume of beet juice should be at least 1/3 of the total volume. For example, for 1 glass of carrot-beet mixture, there should be at least a third of a glass of beet juice. In addition to beet juice, a cancer patient needs to eat at least grams of boiled beets per day. This can be a beetroot side dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Beets should be steamed to preserve their antitoxic properties.


Despite its medicinal properties, beetroot drink has contraindications:

  • It should not be used when serious illnesses intestines;
  • Patients with urolithiasis need to consult their doctor before using beetroot juice. Since beets contain oxalic acid, which can form sparingly soluble calcium oxalates, its intake should be limited or kept under strict control;
  • It is not recommended to take beetroot drink for patients with hypotension. This limitation is due to the fact that it reduces blood pressure, which can be a serious complication for hypotensive patients;
  • Not recommended long-term use beet juice for patients with diabetes;
  • People suffering from osteoporosis should not drink beetroot drink. It reduces the absorption of calcium, which can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Those who need additional treatment with beet juice for cancer can benefit from various recipes based on it. But in any case, using beet juice in the treatment of neoplasms is permissible only after consultation with your doctor.

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You need to contact a dermatologist and surgeon. Treatment methods may vary depending on what your case is. Usually such rashes are treated by cauterization, surgical excision or radiation. .

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Beetroot juice for oncology

Anti-cancer properties of beet juice

Beetroot juice is an energy drink for cancer patients, as it contains a large amount of useful substances. When using it:

  • the nervous system is normalized;
  • sleep improves;
  • blood pressure returns to normal;
  • blood vessels are cleansed;
  • is improving general condition body and appetite appears;
  • the body's protective functions increase;
  • reduction of intoxication when taking medications and radiation therapy;
  • reduces cancer pain.

Also, beetroot drink contains a large amount of useful substances for the human body, such as:

  • folic acid and iron – increases hemoglobin levels, improving oxygen supply to cells; remove toxins from the body;
  • iodine – affects work thyroid gland and improves memory;
  • magnesium – cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves digestion;
  • a combination of sodium and calcium - removes calcium deposits from the walls of blood vessels;
  • amino acid arginine – strengthens the immune system and slows down the growth of cancer cells.
  • zinc, fiber, vitamin C and carbohydrates - substances necessary for the full development of the body;
  • Vitamin B12 – restores metabolism.

The daily dose of beets is 1 kg (in any form). This amount of vegetable contains enough substances for the healing process.

A favorable environment for the development of cancer cells is created by solid protein foods of animal origin. And the treatment of cancer with beet juice occurs due to the healing properties of betalain, which stops the division of cancer cells and the further development of the tumor.

In addition, beetroot drinks containing the substance betalain have oxidative properties, which also negatively affect the functioning of tumor cells.

As mentioned above, it is precisely because of its color that beets have powerful antioxidant properties, which are provided by manganese and vitamin C.

For what types of cancer is it advisable to use beet juice?

If you have cancer of various organs, it is not recommended to drink concentrated beetroot drink. It is necessary to mix beet juice with other freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable drinks. Treatment with such mixtures is effective for such cancers as:

  • brain tumor (infusion of lemon balm and a mixture of beet and carrot juices);
  • cancer of the uterus, ovaries, breast (infusion of goose cinquefoil, yellow damselfish + mixture of juices);
  • lung cancer, bone sarcoma (infusion of plantain, fennel, budra ivy, lungwort + juice mixture);
  • liver cancer (decoction of potato peels and juice mixture);
  • stomach cancer (wormwood decoction and juice mixture);
  • cancer of the spleen and pancreas (sage infusion and juice mixture);
  • Cancer prostate gland(fireweed infusion and juice mixture);
  • Oral cancer (hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and beets).


The beneficial properties of beetroot drink are very great, but we must not forget about contraindications. They also exist in beets, with diseases such as:

  • osteoporosis – chemical composition beets do not allow calcium to be absorbed in full;
  • diabetes mellitus – beets contain high levels of sugar;
  • urolithiasis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, gout, hypotension, arthritis - oxalic acid contained in beetroot drink promotes the formation of various mineral compounds and the deposition of salts.

For cancer patients who do not have a history of the above diseases, drinking beetroot juice may be fraught with individual intolerance.

Also, drinking this drink can cause discomfort in the form of dizziness, nausea, indigestion, if the dosage is exceeded.

Do not forget that even when treating cancer with beet juice, consultation and supervision of a doctor is also necessary to avoid complications!

If approved by a doctor, the course of treatment should not exceed two weeks!

How to drink beet juice correctly if you have cancer?

Proper preparation of a beetroot drink has several important recommendations:

  1. We take a root vegetable of bright red color, without GMOs, of the “Bordeaux” or “cylinder” variety (not suitable with white veins). Deleting the third top part tops We get the juice through a juicer or through a grater, squeezing it through cheesecloth.
  2. Let the drink stand in the refrigerator for two hours, then remove the foam. Storing fresh juice in the refrigerator is acceptable for two days. Experts do not recommend preparing juice for future use by pasteurization due to the loss of beneficial properties.
  3. You should start drinking beetroot drink right away in small quantities, or better yet, in combination with any fruit or vegetable juice, such as carrot, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumber, apple. It is possible to use a beetroot drink with rosehip decoction in a 1:2 ratio.

If side effects occur, such as nausea, dizziness, or deterioration in health, you should reduce the dosage and consult your doctor.

To make the anti-cancer effect as powerful as possible, it is recommended:

  1. You need to drink the juice slowly, in small sips, on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals, warm.
  2. Do not swallow immediately, keep the infusion in your mouth.
  3. Do not use yeast-based flour products (bread, sweet pastries) with beets.
  4. It is recommended to drink the infusion 5 times a day, 150 ml at regular intervals, and once at night.

Recipes for drinks with anti-cancer effect with the addition of beet juice

We offer several recipes for the treatment of cancer:

Beetroot and carrots

Grate the vegetables, add ginger or half a lemon along with the zest (the peel contains beneficial anti-cancer substances). Grind everything in a blender and use 1 tablespoon in the morning for 3 months.

Carrot, beet and apple juice

Pass everything through a juicer (don’t forget that the beet juice should sit in the refrigerator for 2 hours). Dosage 1:10:10 (one part beet juice, 10 parts carrot and apple juice). Gradually you need to increase the volume of beet juice. You need to drink the drink every day 3 times, 100 ml each for a year.

Beet juice + ASD2

To the beet tincture (10 ml) add 1 drop of ASD2, 30 ml of celandine tincture, 30 ml of hemlock and mandrake. You need to drink the infusion at a time, every 4 hours a day, for six months.

Only if you take the beet drink correctly, you can get a positive and effective result as an addition to the main treatment of cancer!

Free legal advice:

Can such treatment harm the health of a cancer patient?

  • intestinal diseases;
  • urolithiasis:
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypotension;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • gout;
  • increased stomach acidity.

In these cases, the use of beet juice is inappropriate or it should be consumed in small dosages and with other drinks.


Today, there is quite a bit of evidence that beet juice for oncology is a powerful assistant in the fight against such a dangerous disease.

But it is important to remember that without prior consultation with an oncologist, it is not recommended to self-medicate and drink beetroot juice!

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The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Vegetables Beet - review

Cancer recovery story

This story happened not to me, but to my grandmother (may she rest in heaven).

In May 2000, my grandmother was diagnosed terrible diagnosis- cancer. A huge box of medicines was drunk, which did not help, and sometimes even had unpleasant consequences. side effects. Day after day she got worse and worse (now I’m writing and tears are flowing from the memories). She became noticeably weaker and thinner, and there was less and less hope. My grandmother’s sister read in some book that beets remove harmful substances, and beet juice helps remove harmful substances from their body. Although there was little hope, they did not give up and every morning for six months they drank 200 ml of beet juice 40 minutes before meals.

Now I myself eat raw beet salad every day. After a month or two, the pimples became much smaller, and now I don’t even use foundation.

I hope this was helpful, be healthy and happy!

Beetroot for weight loss and cleansing of toxins! + recipe for panicle salad

Beetroot is the most accessible root vegetable at any time of the year, which, by the way, due to its beneficial and healing properties, has wide range applications in folk medicine.

Why torture root vegetables by cooking? I eat beets raw + brush recipe

I won’t tell you how tedious it is to tinker with red beets when cooking. I tried all sorts of ways to make it cook faster, be softer and clean well. I myself love both vinaigrette and just grated beets with garlic.

Beetroot is the best remedy for mastopathy

I’ll tell you a little background about the onset of my illness. 10 years ago, bilateral mastopathy was discovered. The doctor sent me for examination to Vladikavkaz. Having done a mammogram, it was confirmed. They prescribed medications (expensive), but the result was 0.

Beetroot - mother! Whether raw or boiled - GOOD!

Beets seem to be the queen of all vegetables. Well, think for yourself, what can’t you cook salad, borscht, beetroot soup without? without beets - mother. Both tasty and healthy, and for everyone, both adults and children. Do you remember what juice we use, even just a few drops at a time, to accustom a baby’s stomach to new food?

Beetroot and carrot juice for oncology

In the fight against oncology, many patients are looking for various methods and methods, treatment recipes, and one of the folk remedies is the use of juices - how to drink beetroot juice with oncology, in what proportions, what else can be added to it? So fresh beet and carrot juice for oncology is wonderful, simple and effective remedy, with which you can successfully treat many diseases, including cancer.

Useful properties of beets.

Reviews from many patients and doctors clearly say that nature gives people its medicine, and there is no need to go to the pharmacy. It is recommended to consume beet and carrot juice even when a diagnosis of oncology is made - after radiation therapy and as an addition to the drug course of treatment for tumors of the lungs and bladder, intestines and prostate.

What are the benefits of beet and carrot juices? They compensate for the lack of sulfur and potassium in the body, and other valuable elements such as vitamin A and B, C, P, PP. Among other things, beets and carrots contain iodine and magnesium, zinc and phosphorus, citric and malic acid. Thanks to nitrogen compounds, this significantly improves the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Due to its natural pigments contained in these fruits, the body naturally produces vitamin B 12. In case of its deficiency in the body, the metabolic processes, creating the precondition for the development of many ailments against the background of current oncology.

Beetroot contains a compound that is beneficial for humans, betanin - it helps to absorb proteins by breaking them down. In addition, betanin helps to effectively fight developing malignant tumors. Beetroot and carrot juice are not sold in pharmacies or supermarkets, and they are not usually served. But they are the ones who help normalize ESR indicators and increase hemoglobin, improving well-being and appetite, increasing the body's defenses.

It is certainly not classified as a popular drink, but it is this combination that allows one to show positive treatment results, fighting cancer cells and improving the general condition of a patient diagnosed with cancer.

How to properly prepare juice?

Speaking about how to drink beet and carrot juice correctly, first of all, it should be prepared correctly. It is prepared simply, and there is nothing special or complicated about it - just take into account a few simple rules.

First of all, choose the freshest and juiciest root vegetable - it is best to choose a medium-sized fruit, choosing red beet varieties, without white streaks. The fruit is good, use a brush to peel it and remove the peel, then grate it on a fine grater. After the mixture is squeezed out, the fresh juice is ready. If you have a juicer at hand, you can successfully use it by also peeling the root crop.

In relation to the treatment of cancer, as well as preventive measures, doctors recommend drinking a mixture of carrot and beet juices, with the addition of honey, applesauce or something else. To taste, you can add not only honey, but also a pinch of ginger or a slice of lemon. The course of treatment is at least three months, after which take a break for a month and repeat the course.

Taking the juice correctly - all the subtleties of treatment.

All patients diagnosed with cancer are treated with chemotherapy as the main method of treatment - it is not the most in the best possible way affects the patient's health. A course of juice treatment helps strengthen and support the body with vitamins and macroelements, cleansing the blood, and increases hemoglobin levels, improving the patient’s general condition.

In particular, the anthocyanin, betanin and other components contained in beets have a beneficial effect on the body - such compounds contain red wine and medicinal plant St. John's wort, but beet juice contains the most of them. For the juice to show all its power, it must not only be prepared correctly, but also drunk. How to drink beet juice correctly if you have cancer - doctors highlight following rules his reception.

  1. It is recommended to drink beet juice every day, without skipping and taking into account medicinal dosages - they are agreed upon with your doctor. At the same time, you should not drink freshly squeezed beet juice - put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and only then begin medical procedures.
  2. Despite the fact that they drink it at regular intervals, strictly according to the schedule, they consume it in the morning on an empty stomach, having prepared it in advance, drinking the norm in small sips.
  3. Never drink beet juice with sour juices or eat confectionery - during the course of treatment, completely avoid flour and any baked goods. This is good for your figure and health.
  4. It is worth repeating 3-month courses of treatment with beet juice, at monthly intervals, throughout the year, and then practice at long intervals throughout your life. If drinking beet juice is unpleasant, dilute it with carrot or apple juice, adding honey for taste.
  5. At the very beginning of the course, you should start drinking beet juice with small portions - start with 1 tsp, gradually increasing the dosage to the volume recommended by doctors.
  6. You should drink no more than 600 ml throughout the day. fresh beet juice, dividing the entire volume into 5-6 doses.

The only restrictions in this case are - infancy the patient and anyone who has been diagnosed with an allergy to the beets themselves or the honey and carrots that are added to it. In addition, doctors also identify the following restrictions on taking beet juice:

  • tendency to form in the kidneys and bladder stones - due to the fact that the beet fruit contains oxalic acid, it can provoke stones and sand.
  • If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you should also not drink beet juice - great content The natural glucose in the fruit does not allow diabetics to drink it.
  • for gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea - do not practice this method juice treatment.

In each case, taking beetroot juice during oncology treatment should definitely be coordinated with the attending physician, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body and the course of the disease.

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Beets are an amazing cancer fighter!

The ancient Talmud says: “There are no lepers or sufferers in Babylon purulent discharge because they eat beets there, drink honey and wash themselves with the waters of the Euphrates.”

It helps remove toxins and cholesterol from the body, strengthens blood vessels, has a negative effect on the formation of tumors, a positive effect on the function of the sex glands, improves digestion, improves metabolism, and strengthens the body.

In the book “Red beets as an additional therapy in patients with malignant tumors”, published in the ancient university center of Germany Heidelberg, Dr.

A. Ferenczi describes 28 cases of curing patients with cancer of the stomach, lungs, rectum, bladder, etc. with grated raw beets and its juice. In all of them, with the exception of one, after 2-4 weeks there were objective signs of improvement in general condition, a decrease in temperature, weight gain, a decrease in ROE and a decrease or disappearance of a malignant tumor, and an improvement in blood composition. In some cases, cure occurred within just a few days. Thus, in a patient with facial skin cancer - epithelioma - application of a bandage soaked in concentrated beet juice several times a day led to complete disappearance after a few days. malignant neoplasms.

Further scientific research showed that the basis containing the substance that affects cancer cells are anthocyanins - coloring compounds from the group of plant phenols already known to us.

The main “blow” when carrying out beet therapy is applied to diatoms - the main nutrient source cancer microflora and fauna. Beet components create oxidation of molecular nitrogen, the main nutritional component of diatoms, thereby disrupting the vital balance of cancerous microflora and fauna.

2. Drink juice at regular intervals, one cup at a time, that is, 5-6 times a day.

3. When taken five times a day, drink juice every 4 hours during the day and once at night.

4. It is better to take it on an empty stomach. before meals and warm slightly. Drink the juice in small sips, keeping it in the mouth longer.

5. You cannot eat yeast bread with it or drink it with sour juice.

Yeast causes fermentation in the intestines with the formation of an acidic environment instead of an alkaline one. Traditional medicine generally does not recommend yeast bread and other flour products that are prepared using yeast for cancer patients.

6. Under no circumstances drink freshly squeezed juice, as the volatile substances it contains are toxic, causing nausea, vomiting, hiccups, general drowsiness, and a drop in blood pressure. The juice should stand for several hours (at least 2) in a cool dark place, preferably in the refrigerator. Taking fresh beet juice leads to absolute intolerance to it in the future.

7. In addition to the prescribed amount of beet juice, it is recommended to eat about 200 g of boiled beets per day as a side dish.

8. The patient is given beets (fresh, grated) to the body in the area of ​​the tumor (2 hours), then a tampon soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide is applied for a minute. Afterwards beets are applied again (2 hours) and so on 5 times a day + at night. The same beetroot can be used 2-3 times. The same procedure should be done 1-2 times a day on the throat.

9. “Used” beets are poured with boiling water into a basin in the evening, add 2 tbsp. spoons 9% natural vinegar and “warm” the feet for minutes.

10. Dental prevention (in place of toothpaste): per serving baking soda add 3% hydrogen peroxide and mix until a paste forms and brush your teeth.

11. Beets with unrefined sunflower oil:

Beets are a good remover of toxins. The oil also cleanses and improves the condition of blood vessels. You should drink the mixture every day before breakfast: grind the beets with a fine grater, take a tablespoon of beet juice and pour it into a small baby food jar. Add a tablespoon of natural unrefined sunflower oil there. Shake everything and drink 30 minutes before meals. Take in courses: drink for seven days and take the same break.

12. You need to instill beetroot vodka tincture into your ears. To do this, cut the beets finely and finely, then pour in vodka (only high-quality 40°) so that it just covers the product. After that, I put the jar in the closet, and after three days the tincture was ready. This medicine can be used for 10 days. After the procedure, the ears should be rinsed to remove droplets. To do this, you need to wrap cotton wool around a match, dip it in clean warm vodka and wipe the inside of your ear.

2. Do not use genetically modified beets under any circumstances!

The best varieties of table beets (cylinder and burgundy) have dark skin and a slightly flattened shape of the root crop, the surface is smooth, without “eyes”. To prepare medicinal juice, you should choose medium-sized fruits - no more than 10 cm in diameter; they are usually dense, juicy and tasty.

In overgrown beets, the content of sugars and betaine sharply decreases, the structure becomes fibrous, and voids form inside. Ripe beets have a thin tail, while unripe beets have a thick tail. Unripe beets are not stored for a long time and are less beneficial.

Beet tops are very useful, but the rough stem is poisonous, as is the top part of the beet, and they should not be consumed. Therefore, you need to cut off the top of the beets by 1/3. And we must also remember that beets with white stripes inside have no nutritional value; you need to choose dark, elongated and sweet ones.

To preserve vitamins, beets are not peeled or cut off before cooking or baking, but they are thoroughly washed and boiled, putting 1/4 teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter of water in hot sweetened water, under a tightly closed lid. Following these simple rules will prevent major discoloration of the beets.

Raw beets contain more biologically valuable substances, but is digested worse than boiled. Juice from raw beets is much more healing.

Root vegetable fibers in combination with organic acids and sucrose can cause distress.

The natural compounds contained in beets effectively lower blood pressure.

In this regard, beetroot preparations are contraindicated in patients with hypotension.

Persons suffering from urolithiasis should not abuse beets. This is due to the fact that root vegetables contain a large amount of oxalic acid, which forms poorly soluble salts in the body, mainly calcium oxalate.

Drinking beet juice daily may lead to intolerance. Then the juice is mixed with oatmeal, horseradish, and yogurt, which change its taste.

Beetroot therapy is carried out long time without interruption.

Part 5 - Beets are an amazing cancer fighting tool!

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    Without drugs, medicines, surgeries and without chemicals.

Attention! The information below regarding the use of beets in the treatment of cancer cannot be used as an alternative clinical treatment oncological diseases; Any independent treatment is unacceptable without prior consultation with an oncologist!

Beetroot is a biennial plant of the amaranth family, a very common root crop. In the first year, beets form a root crop and a rosette large leaves, in the second year of life, a flower stem with small flowers and seeds are formed.

The color of the root crop is dark red or purple with light rings on the cut, the shape of the root crop can be different - from round to elongated-conical, weight - 400-900 g.

The cultivation of beetroot as an agricultural crop began in India. From this country the plant spread throughout the northern hemisphere. Today, beets are cultivated everywhere as a valuable food, feed and sugar crop. The vegetable was brought to Russia from Byzantium during the times of Kievan Rus.

In ancient times, beets were used to treat infectious diseases, skin inflammation, blood diseases, incl. iron deficiency anemia. Modern scientists have confirmed the claims of ancient authors about the exceptionally beneficial properties of the root vegetable. Today, beets are considered a valuable food and dietary product. Due to its beneficial properties, it is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Leaves and roots of plants are used as medicinal raw materials. The procurement of raw materials occurs in the fall.

Chemical composition of beets

Beetroot contains a lot of fiber, carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose) play an important role, there are organic acids (oxalic, citric, malic), amino acids (betanine, betaine, lysine, valine, histidine, arginine, etc.), and pectin substances. Beetroot contains carotenoids, vitamins B, P, PP, a little vitamin C, folic and pantothenic acids, as well as micro- and macroelements iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, cobalt, rubidium, sulfur, cesium and etc.

Medicinal properties of beets

The unique biochemical composition of beets provides it with many healing properties. Beetroot improves digestion, relieves chronic constipation. Organic acids and fiber normalize metabolism and improve intestinal function. Pectin substances help cleanse the intestines of putrefactive bacteria.

Eating root vegetables helps normalize fat metabolism. Betaine, found in beets, prevents the accumulation of fats in liver cells. According to some experts, betaine also prevents the development of malignant processes.

Due to its significant magnesium content, beets can effectively combat the manifestations of atherosclerosis and hypertension, improve the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthen capillaries. Beets have the ability to increase hemoglobin and generally improve the blood formula. Regular consumption of beet juice effectively dissolves blood clots.

Among other root vegetables, beets are a real champion in iodine content. Thanks to this, beets can be successfully used for thyroid diseases associated with iodine deficiency and atherosclerosis (especially in older people).

Beets have the property of activating blood circulation in the brain and stimulating brain function. The root vegetable helps maintain a high level psychological health person.

Beets help prevent premature aging processes in the body. Folic acid, which is contained in large quantities, promotes the formation of young cells, thereby providing a rejuvenating effect. Fresh beet juice can be used effectively to eliminate the first signs of a cold. When a runny nose appears, it is useful to instill 2-3 drops of juice into each nostril.

The use of beets for the treatment of cancer

Research conducted in medical institutes different countries have shown that beets neutralize the development of malignant cells and are very effective in the treatment of tumors of various locations.

In cancer patients who, along with the main treatment, regularly took beet juice, after some time their hemoglobin and ESR levels normalized, pain decreased, appetite and general condition improved. With regular intake of beet juice, the patient tolerated traditional treatment methods more easily.

Beetroot juice reduced intoxication of various etiologies, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Experts noted the best effect for patients with stomach cancer, lung cancer, rectal and bladder cancer.

Cases have been recorded where patients managed to get rid of malignant tumors only with the help of beetroot juice without the use of other treatment methods. Based on beet juice, specialists synthesized antitumor agent anthozyme

Treatment of cancer with beet juice in folk medicine

In folk medicine, beet juice has long been used to treat malignant tumors. To prepare the juice, brightly colored medium-sized fruits grown without chemical fertilizers are used.

The beets are washed, peeled and grated (or passed through a juicer), and then squeezed through cheesecloth. Freshly squeezed juice cannot be drunk immediately - it must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. The prepared drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Drink the juice, starting with small portions, for example, one teaspoon, and gradually increasing the dose to the desired volume. The recommended daily volume is 600 ml. With 5 meals a day, drink 100 ml of the drink for each meal and drink the juice again at night. Drink beet juice within 30 minutes. before meals, warm slightly. Do not drink yeast bread or any sour drinks with juice. The treatment period is long, at least a year.

Sometimes patients have severe intolerance to beet juice. In this case, beet juice is combined with carrot juice. In this case, for 1 glass of carrot-beet juice there should be at least 0.33 glasses of beet juice.

In addition to beet juice, the patient is allowed to eat at least 200-300 g of boiled beets per day. The vegetable is steamed to preserve its medicinal properties as much as possible.

Beetroot: contraindications

Beetroot has some limitations in its use due to its biochemical composition. Due to the presence of oxalic acid in the vegetable, which can form sparingly soluble calcium oxalates, people with urolithiasis (especially oxaluria) and other metabolic disorders should limit the consumption of root vegetables.

Beets have the ability to lower blood pressure, so they should be used with caution by people suffering from low blood pressure - hypotension. The root vegetable contains a significant amount of sucrose, so people with diabetes should exercise special caution when consuming it.

Beets have the ability to interfere with the absorption of calcium, so if you have a predisposition to osteoporosis, you should not overuse dishes made from this vegetable.

The root vegetable tends to increase the acidity of the stomach, therefore, for gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastroduodenitis with increased acidity It should be used with extreme caution, or completely excluded from your diet. Beetroot has a pronounced laxative effect, so you should refrain from using it if you have chronic diarrhea.

Important! Any treatment of oncological diseases should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending oncologist!

In the treatment of cancer, various methods are used, and folk remedies cannot be used. Among the non-traditional cancer treatment options, fresh vegetable juice therapy is highlighted. Most often used red beet juice for cancer. This product contains many useful substances, and is easily accessible and inexpensive. Beetroot is used for cancer in various interpretations. It all depends on the location of the malignant or benign tumor.

Beet juice, beneficial properties for oncology

Beetroot has been known for its healing abilities since ancient times. It is used as an auxiliary drug and to restore strength in various oncological diseases, among which the following diseases are especially susceptible to such therapy:

  • stomach cancer;
  • lung cancer;
  • bladder cancer;
  • colon cancer.

It is important that the juice sits for a while in a cool place before drinking. Then it will be easier to absorb by the body. Beetroot contains the following useful elements:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamins A, B, C, PP, P, E;
  • citric, oxalic, malic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • fiber;
  • pectins;
  • sugar;
  • betanin;
  • anthocyanin;
  • potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, calcium, manganese.

Treatment of cancer with beets involves drinking juice from a pure product, without GMOs, in large quantities. Only then is it possible positive result. In addition, beets can also be used in cooked form; their healing properties do not disappear after heat treatment.

If you regularly take beet juice for cancer, it leads to the following results:

  • decrease painful sensations;
  • hemoglobin is normalized;
  • appetite becomes better;
  • the general condition is normalized;
  • the level of intoxication decreases;
  • the size of the formation decreases.

Modern medicine has several drugs that were created based on beet juice.

Beetroot as a cure for cancer, application

In order to prepare a quality drink, you need to choose the right product. It must have a bright color and be grown in an ecologically clean region. The juice recipe is as follows:

  • fresh vegetable is grated on a fine grater;
  • squeeze the juice through gauze;
  • leave in a cool place for a couple of hours.

The shelf life of such liquid is no more than 2 days.

For therapy to be successful, one must understand how to drink beet juice for cancer. Treatment begins with a small volume, 5 grams. The dosage is gradually increased to 600 ml per day. It is recommended to drink ½ glass of beet juice before each meal and always before bed. The drink needs to be warmed up a little before use. The duration of such therapy is 1 year. During treatment with beets, you should avoid eating foods prepared with yeast, and also avoid drinking sour juices and drinks.

If the patient cannot tolerate beet juice, it is combined with carrot juice in a ratio of 1:3. You should also eat boiled or steamed vegetables at the same time.

The use of beet juice for oncology of various localizations

Beetroot for prostate cancer used in combination with other drugs. To treat this pathology, add 1 drop of ASD 2, tinctures of celandine, hemlock and mandrake to the vegetable juice. Gradually, the number of drops should be increased to 5. In this case, the volume of juice should be no more than 10 ml.

After preparing the juice, a large amount of pulp remains. This is how it is used beets for stomach cancer. It should be eaten before meals in a volume of 40 grams, no more. Cake helps reduce appetite by short time. If your appetite wakes up again, you can take this remedy again.

Beetroot for lung cancer taken in tandem with carrot juice. This method of therapy helps remove inflammation, remove toxins and increase immunity levels. For such oncology, beet juice is drunk 20-30 grams three times a day. Carrot juice is taken ¼ cup twice a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. If the patient is undergoing radiation, then during this therapy it is recommended to add juice from cherries, apples, grapes and rosehip decoction to the menu.

To recuperate after surgical intervention you can use a vegetable like beets, with honey for oncology. These two products are combined in equal proportions. If there are discomfort, the juice concentration should be reduced.

To prevent cancer, you can prepare a decoction of beets, the recipe for which is as follows:

  • boil a couple of kilograms of vegetables in water for 5 hours;
  • Squeeze the juice from the finished product;
  • Mix the decoction and the resulting juice, the volume should be 1 liter.

The first seven days drink 50 grams of the potion three times a day, the next 7 days - 100 grams, and the subsequent ones - 150 grams. Take the remedy until the condition improves. Boiled beets can also be used for external treatment of tumors. To do this, you need to grate the finished product and apply it to the location of the malignant formation. Keep this compress for a couple of hours. Then the gauze is soaked in hydrogen peroxide and applied to the same place for 60 minutes. Such procedures should be carried out several times a day and especially before bedtime. Beets can be used several times. The remaining product does not need to be thrown away. It is used for foot baths, after adding a little vinegar to the water.

In order to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, beets must be combined with vegetable oil in equal proportions. Consume this mixture 30 minutes before meals for 7 days.

For cancer in oral cavity Instead of toothpaste, use a mixture of soda, hydrogen peroxide and beets.


Treatment with beets for oncology can negatively affect a person’s health if he has the following pathologies:

  • bladder stones;
  • low blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • osteoporosis;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • presence of chronic diarrhea.

To prevent adverse reactions, you should strictly adhere to the established dosages when taking beet juice.

To avoid cancer, doctors recommend having beets in your menu more often. At the same time, it can be used in different variations, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a salad or juice. The main thing is that the vegetable will enrich the body with its beneficial properties.

It must be remembered that beet juice cannot replace the traditional main treatment of oncology. This folk remedy is an excellent assistant in the fight against illness. It is actively used in the early stages of the disease.

In the Mediterranean, already in ancient times, beets were very actively grown and were highly valued among other vegetables. It has long been used for food and as a very valuable medicinal plant. Already at the beginning new era Various cultivated varieties of beets were popular; they first appeared in Rus' somewhere at the beginning of the tenth century. Moreover, freshly squeezed beet juice, its healing effect on our body, was noticed many centuries ago, and this is an effective medicine - absolutely natural and natural.

Benefits of beet juice

In some cases, it is not worth buying expensive medicines at the pharmacy. Wise nature has provided us with a simple opportunity to be healthy. has unique composition: vitamin A; vitamins of group B, C, P and PP. In addition, this root vegetable contains iodine and iron, potassium and calcium, cobalt, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. This amazing vegetable contains malic, as well as lactic and citric acids. It also contains large amounts of nitrogenous substances. Thanks to this, those people who eat beets and drink their juice always have excellent digestion.

The root vegetable owes its bright color to the presence of anthocyanins in its composition. They're in human body are not formed, but it needs anthocyanins, so they must come from food. Beneficial substances can destroy everything in your body, making you healthy due to stimulation immune system. Anthocyanins strengthen blood vessels, remove capillary fragility, and improve the structure of fibers and connective tissues. By the way, those who have been eating foods rich in anthocyanins since childhood often do not wear glasses even in old age.

The juice of this unique root vegetable synthesizes vitamin B 12 in our body. With a lack of this vitamin, metabolism is disrupted, and serious problems with health. Magnesium “makes sure” that blood pressure does not increase.

Beetroot contains an extremely high amount of iodine; arguments that you should definitely eat seaweed in huge quantities are not always very literate. Unique vegetable in terms of this indicator there is no competition at all, which is why it is so needed for atherosclerosis, you just need to know how to drink correctly.

Betanin, which is part of beets, has the ability to promote the absorption of animal and plant proteins and completely break them down. Thus, it will significantly improve liver function. In addition, betanin is known to have a positive effect on the fight against malignant tumors.

Everyone knows that apples are rich in pectins. But very few people know that beets actually contain much more pectin.

How to drink beet juice correctly

Although the benefits of this unique root vegetable are incomparable to anything else, its extremely illiterate and excessive, immoderate consumption can easily bring not benefit, but significant harm to our body. Therefore, you need to know how to drink beet juice. Remember that it is better to completely abstain from this drink when urolithiasis. Of course, it will cleanse your liver, but you should know that if there are stones in the bile ducts, then there can certainly be big problems. It is also not recommended for hypotension. Just one small glass of pure drink can cause significant weakness in a patient with hypotension. There may also be troubles, the cause of which is the active process of cleansing the liver.

If vegetables contain nitrates, then when vegetable juice is stored (even for one hour), they will turn into toxins - nitrites, and this is simply real and serious poisoning. Therefore, drink only the freshest drink! You must clearly understand how to drink beet juice correctly!

You should not drink this drink if you have kidney disease, if you suffer from peptic ulcer stomach, duodenum. It is better to abstain if you have diabetes, as this juice contains a large amount of sucrose.

How to make beet juice

You need to choose a root vegetable that has the correct shape, without visible defects or damage, preferably slightly oblong. If it comes with spring green tops, that’s even better. Wash it thoroughly, clean it thoroughly, then pass it through your juicer (along with the tops) or simply grate it and squeeze it through clean gauze. Strain the drink and it is ready to drink. Now you need to remember how to drink beet juice correctly.

Be sure to start the first dose with only a teaspoon, do not rush, your body must get used to this product. Gradually increase your daily intake to 100 grams, and even more, depending on the chosen recipe.

Should I give it to children?

How should children drink beet juice, and can they drink it at all? Give a child who suffers from constipation at two months one drop. Watch. The child should not have an allergic reaction; if it does occur, use should be stopped. If everything is fine, give two drops a day. Constipation should go away, increase the number of drops very slowly.

How to drink beet juice if you have cancer

There is a lot of information about the excellent effect of beet juice on the course of recovery in oncology. The presence of anthocyanin and betanin in the root crop in this case has a positive effect on the body. Anthocyanins are also found in elderberry, St. John's wort, and red wine. But all researchers claim that red beet juice has a greater effect. You should clearly remember how to drink beet juice if you have cancer, and include this remedy in your overall treatment plan.


  1. Drink 600 ml per day. Increase gradually.
  2. Drink at regular intervals, one hundred grams per dose, very strictly following the schedule and never missing doses (this is six times a day), at night - only once.
  3. Be sure to drink the juice on an empty stomach, slightly warmed up and in small sips. Literally every sip must be held in the mouth and swallowed very slowly.
  4. Never drink this sour drink, do not eat yeast bread or flour products in general. It is better to completely avoid yeast bread during the treatment period.
  5. You also need to eat 200 grams of salad every day.
  6. Treatment should be carried out throughout the year, without interrupting for a day.
  7. Then take beet juice for the rest of your life.

Constipation remedy

Beetroot is a highly effective strong laxative. It significantly increases intestinal motility. How to drink beet juice for constipation?

For constant and persistent problems of this nature, this drink should definitely be taken in the morning, before the first breakfast, half a glass at a time.

You should also eat a boiled vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil during the day. It is very useful to drink a drink: ten parts of carrots, one part of beet juice, several very finely crushed prunes.

If the problem is extremely acute, you can do an enema with the addition of this juice. Prepare the decoction for the enema as follows: add fresh root vegetable puree to water (boiled), one to five.

Then leave this mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes, add the volume of the broth to the original volume, and then strain. Then proceed according to the traditional scheme.

To improve blood composition

Iron, which is contained in beets, actively helps complex process hematopoiesis. And not just iron. Beets contain sodium and potassium, as well as calcium. The composition of microelements is huge - iodine, manganese, cobalt, as well as copper and zinc. They regulate all processes of normal hematopoiesis in the body, which is why this drink is an excellent nutrition for red blood cells.

You need to know how to drink beet juice if you have anemia. It is necessary to gradually start taking it and then drink a medicinal drink of 100 grams twice a day for four weeks.

We treat hypertension

For hypertension, take freshly squeezed beet juice. How to drink? The regimen is as follows: half a glass three times a day before meals. For this disease, it is good to add a spoonful of honey to the juice or mix it with fresh cranberry juice, and again with honey. For hypertension, it is good to drink beetroot along with carrot and celery juice. In three parts carrot juice you need to take eight parts of celery and five parts of beet juice.

Beet juice for weight loss

Beets, unlike other vegetables, do not cause hunger. Therefore, it is included in In addition to the daily intake of root vegetable juice, it is necessary to eat salads made from boiled beets throughout the day. You can eat two kilograms of this vegetable per day. But even replacing only dinner with beet salad and drinking fresh juice will already give good result. Especially if you give up pancakes, sweets and cakes.

Cleansing the body

The juice of this root vegetable has a diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing effect on the body. It can remove heavy metals and radionuclides. When cleansing the body, drink the juice twice, always after meals. You need to drink one-fourth of a glass of raw beet juice at one time, which must be mixed with water in the same amount.

For other diseases

This product is good for weakening the body, for colds, especially during a flu epidemic. Beetroot juice is also beneficial for women. Due to their physiological characteristics, they need to drink it. Fresh juice beets lubricate skin inflammations, wounds, ulcers.

Treatment with juice will also help with a runny nose. By the way, when chronic form this may be one of the few effective remedies. You need to instill two drops of juice three or four times (during the day). You can dilute the juice with water.

For bronchitis , If you have pneumonia, drink pure juice. The following medicine will help well for a sore throat: grate one glass of beets, add a tablespoon of vinegar (apple vinegar), leave for one hour. Afterwards, squeeze out the mixture and gargle with this solution every 2.5 hours.

Beets were once brought to the Middle East, then from there they penetrated to Rome. The Romans liked the new vegetable, and they began to plant it in the European lands of the Romans, on the lands of what is now France and Germany. It came to Russia later and now pleases us with its excellent medicinal and dietary properties.

Beets are not an ordinary vegetable, they are one of a kind. With other root vegetables we only put pressure on the roots - and beet tops no price. They put it in soup, in Italian salads, and in dumplings. From other vegetables, we only prepare delicious treats and put on face masks, but beets are one of the oldest cosmetic products, a blush for the cheeks. And the nectar from it generally stands apart from the rest: freshly squeezed cannot be, it is better to dilute pure, and do not give it to small children at all. But at the same time, we really appreciate beet juice: beneficial properties and its contraindications are irreplaceable in dietetics, cardiology, and even oncology.

Iron strength of iodine

On the eve of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the sensational story of an American nutritionist spread all over the Internet: athletes are people too, they love fast food, and refuel with black coffee in the morning. But the main secret of their strength and endurance is protein bars and beet juice, the benefits and harms of which have long been known to both the athletes themselves and their coaches.

It’s difficult to call fresh beetroot a champion in terms of iron content - and they are confidently in the lead. But among vegetables and fruits it is the most “glandular”, so if you have anemia, problems with blood vessels and blood pressure, you cannot do without juice.

Another wealth of vegetable nectar is iodine, the most important trace element for residents of megacities and environmentally disadvantaged areas. There is also a lot of bright fresh juice in a glass:

  • dietary fiber (beets - richest source );
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C ();
  • vitamin E of youth;
  • potassium and calcium;
  • copper and manganese;
  • phosphorus with magnesium;
  • healing antioxidants - anthocyanins, which color beets a juicy burgundy color.

Useful properties of “lady beets”

About how to choose the best beets, our ancestors knew. “The lady’s beets are good - they haven’t faded.” To get the correct and healthy juice, you need to find the darkest root vegetable for it - without pink streaks, monochromatic and bright. And not very large - better than a small and slightly elongated shape.

What are the benefits of beetroot juice from such an ideal vegetable?

  • Has a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. For colds and sore throats, it is recommended to rinse; for a simple runny nose, drop nectar into the nose.
  • Improves blood composition and thins it, preventing the formation of blood clots and varicose veins.
  • Relieves nervous tension and improves sleep. To forget about stress after a hard day, experts recommend this evening cocktail: half a glass of juice + a tablespoon of beetroot juice + a teaspoon of honey + half a glass of carbonated mineral water.
  • Effectively cleanses the body, removes decay products, residues heavy metals and toxins. It also enhances intestinal motility, so if you regularly drink beet juice, you can forget about constipation.
  • Strengthens and expands vascular walls, relieves spasms. A glass of fresh beet juice increases blood circulation and almost instantly lowers blood pressure.
  • Improves brain function and strengthens memory - largely due to the excellent functioning of brain vessels. Helps relieve an attack of headache, migraine, and if you drink a glass of fresh juice every day, it can also prevent senile dementia.
  • It has a powerful general strengthening effect, strengthens the body's defenses and helps fight serious diseases. Therefore, treatment of oncology with beet juice today is an important part of therapy for tumors.


This very powerful remedy is freshly squeezed beet juice. Its benefits and harms are not comparable, but every person needs to know about the contraindications. After all, juice in its healing power is much superior to root vegetables, and where a salad of grated beets with garlic will be tasty and light, a small glass of fresh juice can lead to sad consequences.

The most important prohibition against drinking beet juice is hypotension. If you have low blood pressure, the healing drink can cause a real hypotonic attack - severe weakness, circles before the eyes, or even fainting.

For any kidney disease or urolithiasis, you should also forget about beets; enjoy oranges and apples instead. For gout and arthritis, burgundy nectar will only worsen the condition, and for diabetes it will cause a spike in sugar - it’s not for nothing that they nicknamed the “sugar lady”.

And if you are prone to diarrhea, you should not drink fresh beetroot for reasons of personal comfort - you definitely do not need a laxative in such a situation.

How to drink beet juice: simple rules

Why can’t you drink beetroot juice right away, does it need to be diluted, and what portion is best to start juice treatment with? These questions are often heard by nutritionists, regulars of women’s forums, and visitors to health websites. And although the principles of beet therapy largely depend on the diagnosis, there are also general rules that are important to remember.

  1. Don't drink freshly squeezed. Fresh beetroot is the only one with this feature; before using it, you need to keep it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Just one sip of fresh nectar can lead to nausea, headache or even vomiting. And after “aging”, dangerous volatile substances will evaporate, while all vitamins and microelements will remain.
  2. Dilute it. Taste pure juice made from beets is very dubious: gourmets talk about “the taste of sand and earth,” but ordinary people are simply unpleasant. If you are not a beetroot fan, dilute this juice with others - cucumber, etc.
  3. Increase the portion gradually. The body needs to get used to this concentration of vitamins and minerals, so start small. First - two tablespoons an hour before meals, then - 1/3 cup, then - half. A week's adaptation is enough to reach a whole glass.

For healthy blood vessels

Scientists have long noticed: the healthiest foods for the heart and blood vessels are bright red ones: dark grapes, ruddy apples, scarlet tomatoes and burgundy beets. In this regard, beet juice is a universal healer: it will cleanse the blood, help cope with anemia, dilate blood vessels, and strengthen the heart muscle.

If you are diagnosed with anemia, you need to drink fresh beetroot for a month, 100 ml twice a day.

And before drinking beet juice for hypotension, you will have to stock up on honey. You need to be treated with nectar 3-4 times a day, half a glass, always with a spoon of honey. You can mix juice from beets, carrots and celery in a ratio of 5:3:8.

Three to four days of treatment should be enough for the pressure to return to normal.

For a clean liver

Excellent cleansing properties are another feature for which beet juice is famous. The benefits for the liver of this product are obvious: nectar removes toxins, heavy metal salts, harmful breakdown products, cleanses bile ducts from and stagnant bile.

A course of cleansing with beet juice helps not only cleanse the liver and improve its function, but also improve digestion. This treatment lasts 15 days.

You need to start according to all the “beetroot” rules: with a small portion, diluting with other juices. You can also dilute healing nectar with a decoction (during colds) or regular boiled water. As a result, you should drink a glass a day, spreading the pleasure over 3-4 doses.

For oncology

In addition to a rich complex of vitamins and minerals, beet juice contains amazing substances. These are healing anthocyanins and betaine, which restore liver cells, improve metabolic processes and help prevent cancer (including reducing the risk of relapse after treatment).

Therefore, beet juice is recommended for patients with different types of cancer - during and after treatment. It is important to understand: ordinary, even very healthy vegetable, will not be able to cope with a fatal disease. But supporting the body, helping it endure treatment and not get sick again is a very real task. According to reviews, beet juice during and after chemotherapy significantly improves blood composition, increasing the concentration of hemoglobin.

How to drink beet juice correctly if you have cancer? The main thing is to drink a lot. The final dose should be 500-600 ml per day, you need to stretch this into several portions of 100-150 ml every 4 hours.

If the taste of beets is simply unbearable, you will have to resort to tricks - mix the juice with other nectars, add honey or oatmeal. Even yogurt or other favorite products will do. After all, with such a diagnosis, it is recommended to drink fresh beetroot throughout your life.

Beetroot juice for children

One of controversial issues in juice therapy – is it possible to give beet nectar to children.

Pediatricians and nutritionists are unanimous here - beetroot juice is strictly prohibited for children under 2.5 years of age. The digestive system at this time is still weak, the immune system is not strong, so the concentrated product can seriously harm. When the child grows up, you can give him vitamin nectar, starting with 3 drops and increasing to 30 ml per day. And then only if the pediatrician allows it.

You can’t drink, but can you treat it? Beetroot juice for runny noses for children over 3 years old is a classic home medicine. Nectar should be diluted with water 1:3 and dripped: after 3 years - 1-2 drops in each nostril, after 6 years - 3-4. But modern doctors They are very skeptical about this recipe and advise not to burn the child’s mucous membranes, but to rinse the nose with salt water and use children’s remedies for the runny nose.

But not only doctors, but also mothers themselves prohibit beet juice for constipation in infants. This folk method is a real stress for a fragile body, and it is better to choose other, special medications.

How to cook it?

How to prepare regular, freshly squeezed beet juice is clear and without recipes - just spin the root vegetable in a juicer or pass it through a meat grinder, squeezing out the burgundy nectar.

And so as not to waste time on these procedures on long cold evenings and not once again stain the kitchen and hands burgundy, you can prepare beet juice in advance for the winter. It is better to choose a mixed recipe - beets and another vegetable (or fruit).

Beetroot and cabbage juice for the winter

You will need: 1 kg of beets, a glass of sauerkraut juice (not brine!) and the zest of one lemon.

Grind the beets (in a food processor, on a grater, etc.), put them in a saucepan, add the zest and 400 ml of water. Boil for 20 minutes over low heat, then drain the liquid, add another 300 ml of water and boil for another 10 minutes.

Then drain all the juice (to be sure, you can squeeze out the pulp), add fresh cabbage and wait until it starts to boil. As soon as bubbles appear, remove from the stove, pour into jars, sterilize and seal.