What lung diseases does smoking cause? List of the most common diseases caused by smoking. Why smoking harms a person

The American Cancer Society urges smokers to quit bad habit. Target of this event is to help people addicted to nicotine understand how dangerous smoking can be to their health. In America, where tobacco use remains one of the main causes various diseases And premature death, doctors have compiled a list of diseases caused by smoking. According to statistics, one in five deaths in this country is caused by tobacco smoking. Our compatriots are not far from such terrible statistics. More than 30% of our entire population dies from smoking.

Dangerous diseases caused by smoking

Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed list diseases caused by nicotine addiction.

Lung cancer

Did you know that the development of this cancer is more than 20 times more common in those who smoke. At the same time, even passive smokers are not immune from lung cancer. Think about this when you want to smoke in the presence of children or pregnant women. Overall, smoking causes more than 7,000 deaths each year.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Few people know that bronchitis and emphysema develop in 9 out of 10 smokers. At the same time, smoking in adolescence slows down lung growth and increases the risk of developing chronic obstructive pathology.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

People who smoke are prone to developing heart disease. Nicotine reduces the supply of oxygen to the heart, which causes an increase in heart rate and increases the overall load on the organ. Therefore, smokers are more likely than other people to die from a heart attack. In addition, the lack of oxygen in the blood caused by smoking promotes the formation of blood clots, which can subsequently block blood flow to the brain and cause stroke, aortic aneurysm.

Laryngeal cancer

This cancer develops into oral cavity even among those people who do not smoke tobacco, but chew it. Cancer from smoking affects the larynx, lips, internal surfaces lips and cheeks, gums.

Esophageal cancer

The appearance of pathological neoplasms on the surface internal organs gastrointestinal tract associated with tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse. Therefore, it is very important not to combine drinking alcohol with cigarettes. This is very dangerous for your health!


This ophthalmic disease accompanied by gradual clouding of the lens of the eye and further deterioration of vision. Cataract is main reason blindness, and the risk of its development increases due to smoking.

Diabetes mellitus type 2

The risk of developing this disease increases by 30-40% in people who smoke. Diabetics who have not yet given up this bad habit often develop disorders in the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In addition, smoking provokes the development skin infections on the legs, which in the case of diabetes threatens limb amputation.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Scientists have proven that this disease most often occurs in people who smoke. Rheumatoid arthritis accompanied by inflammation, pain and joint deformation. Treatment of the disease is quite complex and lengthy.

Sudden infant death syndrome

This terrible disease occurs in children during sleep. Similar cases occur with children aged from one month to a year. According to statistics, babies are susceptible to this syndrome. smoking women. Especially if expectant mother smokes during pregnancy.

Erectile dysfunction

Smoking is the main factor in reducing potency in men. Nicotine promotes the formation of plaque in the arteries and interferes with normal blood flow. According to many studies, men who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day are at risk of developing erectile dysfunction increases by 60%.

Now you know what diseases smoking causes, so you can draw appropriate conclusions regarding your health. We strongly recommend that you give up cigarettes to ensure yourself and your loved ones a long, healthy and happy life.

Tobacco smoke, which contains more than 4 thousand harmful compounds, causes chronic poisoning in smokers who systematically consume more than 15 cigarettes per day. In terms of prevalence, smoking hookahs, cigars, cigarettes, and pipes is comparable to mass poisoning on a global scale.

Consequences of smoking

Nicotine causes harm to the body. This nerve toxin enters the human body through the lungs and swallowed saliva during puffing.

When you inhale cigarette smoke, tar droplets containing nicotine are deposited in the alveoli of the lungs. Adsorbed into the bloodstream, nicotine reaches the brain. High concentration it does not exist in the blood for long and after 30 minutes it returns to normal, and the person again wants to smoke.

Nicotine, swallowed with saliva, enters the esophagus, then into the stomach. The poison is absorbed primarily in the intestines, irritating the mucous membrane.

When the usual dose of tobacco is significantly exceeded, poisoning occurs (toxicosis):

  • acute - with a single action large quantity poisons;
  • chronic – smoking more than 15 cigarettes per day.

Acute toxicosis

Inhaling a large dose of tobacco causes a spasm in the stomach and throat. The smoker feels sick and vomits. Violations primarily affect digestive system. The patient experiences diarrhea and abdominal pain.

As nicotine is absorbed into the blood, changes in the nervous system are observed, the following are noted:

  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • extreme pallor, constricted pupils;
  • excitement, headache;
  • convulsions, trembling.

Gradually the patient's condition changes, he falls into a stupor, his body is covered with sweat. A few hours later, in the absence of help, the person dies. Similar symptoms, but less pronounced, are experienced by every smoker who takes a puff on a cigarette for the first time.

Chronic smoking - nicotineism

With prolonged smoking, the aversion to the smell and taste of tobacco smoke disappears, which is a sign of chronic tobacco poisoning or nicotineism. The number of cigarettes required for satisfactory well-being gradually increases. If more than 15 cigarettes are consumed per day for 2 to 5 years, chronic tobacco smoking occurs, which has dire consequences.

The patient needs everything high dose nicotine, the daily amount of cigarettes reaches 2 packs. By this time, the person no longer has the euphoria from the cigarette, and the apparent increase in activity disappears. He falls completely into slavery from his habit, waking up with the thought of a cigarette.

Diseases from smoking

Nicotine affects all organs of the body. Changes affect endocrine system. By affecting the production of hormones, the poison interferes with the functioning of organs and systems. The toxin affects the adrenal glands, causing their anatomical disorders, increasing the production of hormones, stimulating the production of adrenaline.

Increased production of adrenaline leads to an increase in blood sugar concentration. This fact explains why smokers immediately light a cigarette in the morning. Tobacco affects thyroid gland, increasing its volume. The consequences of smoking also include an imbalance of gland hormones and the appearance of goiter.

Circulatory organs

Carbon monoxide from smoke enters the bloodstream and binds to red blood cells. This disrupts the transport of oxygen to the heart, causing hypoxia of myocardial tissue.

Smoking is dangerous for vascular system:

  • increased likelihood of heart attacks;
  • an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • development of atherosclerosis;
  • increasing the risk of thrombosis.

A heart attack caused by smoking is manifested by pain in the heart area, a feeling of suffocation, increased body temperature, and panic.

Smoking is the cause of obliterating endarteritis, caused by narrowing of the small arteries of the feet under the influence of nicotine, disruption of oxygen supply to the muscles and connective tissues limbs.

A characteristic symptom is lameness, a feeling of “crawling sensations” in the affected foot, numbness, and absence of pulse in the arteries of the leg. The disease affects smokers of working age. Impaired oxygen transport due to vasoconstriction leads to tissue necrosis and provokes gangrene thumbs stop.

Respiratory system

Respiratory diseases in smokers are especially severe. The probability of chronic bronchitis in smokers exceeds 82%.

  • the number of cigarettes smoked per day is multiplied by the duration (in years) of smoking;
  • the result is divided by 20.

With an index value above 10, the risk of lung disease increases.

Chronic lung disease affects 11 million smokers in Russia and 14 million in the United States. The disease is caused by the damaging effects of smoke particles and gases. 90% of cases of this disease are caused by active smoking, 10% get sick due to being in smoky rooms. Staying in a building with polluted air for 8 hours is equivalent to smoking 5 cigarettes.

Chronic obstructive disease lungs

Smoking is also dangerous because experienced addicts develop:

  • uncomplicated bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchospasms;
  • chronic bronchitis, bronchiolitis with deformation, limited patency respiratory tract, through which oxygen penetrates into the smallest alveoli of the lungs;
  • emphysema.

Sign oxygen starvation respiratory organs is caused by a change in the shape of the nails of the fingers and toes. They take on a convex shape and look like watch glass. This sign appears on the legs earlier than on the hands. In chronic bronchitis with deformation of the bronchi, the fingers take on the appearance of drumsticks.

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is another answer to the question regarding the dangers of smoking. The risk group includes smokers who consume more than a pack of cigarettes per day. 20% of them get lung cancer and die from this disease.

Symptoms of lung cancer include:

  • weight loss;
  • shortness of breath at rest, when moving;
  • cough;
  • frequent bronchitis, acute respiratory infections;
  • sudden causeless chills;
  • hemoptysis.

Nervous system

Nicotine poisoning of the nervous system is manifested by headaches, fatigue, and apathy. When the amount of poison in the blood increases, excitement occurs, up to the appearance of psychosis. The patient's condition worsens and is accompanied by confusion.

Sign acute poisoning nicotine in brain structures causes dizziness, tinnitus, and dysfunction hearing aid, distortion visual perception. Increases when smoking intraocular pressure, which increases the symptoms of glaucoma.

Digestive tract

Cigarette smoke contains ammonia; when inhaled, it irritates the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue, and gums. Smoke coats the smoker's teeth with plaque. Under the influence high temperature and toxic components in places where the mucous membrane comes into contact with a cigarette increases the risk of cancer.

Oral cancer is caused by smoking in 92% of cases, and esophageal cancer is caused by the same cause in 78% of cases.

TO medical consequences Smoking also includes stomach problems. So, nicotine:

  • irritates the mucous membrane by swallowing saliva with smoke particles;
  • disrupts innervation due to the effect of nicotine on the autonomic nervous system.

Smokers experience spasms of the esophagus and stomach, and the secretion of gastric juices and saliva increases. Nicotine can also act in the opposite way. In old age, smokers experience a decrease in secretion gastric juice, deterioration of fibrin digestion.

Smokers more often develop gastritis, erosions, stomach ulcers, the liver becomes enlarged, and inflammatory phenomena in the intestines.

Excretory organs

Smoking increases the risk of urinary system diseases. Toxic substances cause irritation bladder, ureters, kidneys. These diseases are more common in men.

Nicotine is the main cause of bladder cancer in 47% of all cases, kidney cancer develops due to smoking in 48% of patients.

Organs of reproduction

In women, there is a decrease in estrogen levels, and the balance between the hormones responsible for ovulation and the cyclicity of menstruation is disrupted. Women who smoke are more likely to suffer from bleeding, early menopause, and infertility. Pregnancies in women who smoke more often end in miscarriages and are accompanied by toxicosis.

In men, potency suffers from smoking and the hormonal balance, sperm quality deteriorates.


The prognosis depends on the smoking experience. At long-term use tobacco causes irreversible damage to the lungs, heart, nervous system, they are organic in nature and are not fully compensated even with the complete abolition of smoking.

Video about the consequences of smoking:

Smoking is a harmful addiction that destroys and poisons life in the literal and figurative sense. This bad habit often becomes the cause of diseases from smoking, which, in the absence of nicotine addiction They would hardly threaten. What kind of diseases of smokers are we talking about, and how exactly does the disease form?

How smoking affects the body

If we define the process of smoking and its consequences on the body, then the easiest way to describe it is as intoxication. Decay products from smoking cigarettes, which are released along with smoke and then absorbed through the respiratory system, are foreign. After entering the organs and systems, the body tries to remove harmful substances, but with each cigarette the smoker again and again fills himself with poisons and toxins. The functioning of the immune system, cleansing and other systems is compromised. It is not surprising that processes of oppression and destruction begin to occur in the body, which is the root cause of the diagnoses that will subsequently be made. Almost any system or organ in a person can stop smoking, and good health– it’s just a matter of time.

Respiratory tract diseases - lung diseases and their symptoms in smokers

In the ranking possible diagnoses, associated with this addiction, places at the top of the top persistently hold respiratory diseases. It is not surprising, since they are the ones who bear the brunt of the blow and therefore suffer first.

Lung cancer

This pathology is considered the final result. Unfortunately, not all cigarette lovers take doctors’ recommendations seriously, even when a specialist talks about the likelihood of developing lung cancer. It seems that this terrible disease from smoking affects only those whose history of bad habit is long enough. Don't delude yourself about this.

Lung cancer is a typical diagnosis for smokers, and anyone addicted to this habit should be aware from the first cigarette that he is now at risk for developing organ cancer.

Unfortunately, even if a person stops smoking, the malignant tissue will not disappear, although this decision will undoubtedly affect the development of the process.

Pulmonary sarcoidosis in smokers

As in the case of cancer, pulmonary sarcoidosis involves irreversible processes that change normal lung tissue into pathological ones. In this case we're talking about about the formation of granulomas in huge numbers. Dense inflamed nodules depress immune system and affect the body’s ability to regenerate. In other words, sarcoidosis is not oncology, but it is not the norm for the body. Pulmonary sarcoidosis is dangerous in smokers because if any other infection is added, the course of the latter will be very severe, and even a common cold can lead to health problems and complications.

COPD and chronic bronchitis

This abbreviation refers to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This is very dangerous disease, which starts with simple cough and ends in the most severe conditions, when it is extremely difficult for the patient to breathe and even sometimes leads to death.

The process of development of this disease from smoking occurs as follows. In response to inhalation cigarette smoke and along with the toxins, the body releases special protective cells that secrete enzymes. Enzymes are designed to dissolve toxins, but healthy cells are also affected. Scars formed in the area of ​​the bronchi reduce the ability of the tissue to stretch, that is, they make the bronchi less elastic. As a result, the patient can no longer breathe full breasts, and then completely faces respiratory failure.

The danger of COPD lies in the gradual increase in symptoms. The patient does not consider it necessary to visit a doctor and does this when natural processes have already changed quite significantly. COPD can also be a consequence of other smoking-related diseases. Most often we are talking about bronchitis, which is very difficult for people with this addiction.

The disease is chronic, moreover, the symptoms are constantly increasing, and the patient’s condition is worsening. It turns out that a person constantly feels shortness of breath and the inability to breathe normally. This is often accompanied by heart failure.

Is it possible to forget about COPD if you quit smoking? The patient's prospects for taking this step are improved in any case. COPD is believed to be incurable, but this should not be discouraging. The decision to quit cigarettes, coupled with modern treatment allows to slow down the progression of the disease in smokers and improve the patient’s condition.


Addiction to cigarettes in itself does not cause tuberculosis, but this addiction very well contributes to the establishment and spread of bacteria on the mucous membrane of the lungs, which begin their destructive effect on the organ. The main danger of tuberculosis in smokers is the absence of typical symptoms. Almost every cigarette lover has a cough, but only a specialist can determine that it is associated with tuberculosis.

The danger here is that the patient does not know about the development of the pathogen in the body and can easily infect his loved ones and, in general, all the people with whom he has direct contact.

Upper respiratory tract – oncology

Among all the patients who are faced with malignant processes of the upper respiratory tract, the largest part are cigarette lovers. This is not surprising, because pathological changes in tissues most often occur under the influence of high temperature. A person inhales smoke that just a second ago was burning at the end of a cigarette.

Laryngeal cancer

If pathological processes affect the mucous membrane in the larynx, then there is a high probability of developing cancer of this organ. At first, the patient will simply experience difficulty swallowing, as if something is bothering him. Cigarette lovers may attribute this symptom to an inflammatory process in the throat due to a cold. Next unpleasant symptoms will begin to affect the ears.

Positive aspects include the relative reversibility of the process. When you quit cigarettes, precancerous cells will stop developing and can completely return to their usual rhythm of functioning.

Oral cancer

In this case, the localization of the disease when smoking is in the mouth. Fortunately, many cigarette lovers are aware of the possibility of such a diagnosis, and the symptoms are difficult to miss. Clinical manifestations:

  • Redness on the mucous membrane;
  • Whitish film on lips or oral tissues;
  • Pain in the mouth for no reason;
  • Unpleasant sensations on the gums;
  • Seals;
  • Bleeding.

As a rule, detection of a precancerous condition occurs in the dentist’s office, who recommends an urgent visit to an oncologist or immunologist.

Diseases of other organs

This addiction also disrupts the functioning of other systems and organs, because toxins from cigarette smoke enter the bloodstream and are then distributed throughout the body. This mainly concerns the genitourinary organs.


The inability to have sexual activity, a weak erection or no erection at all – smokers face these problems very often, and we are also talking about young men. It is known that potency is closely related to the state of the vascular system. The nicotine contained in tobacco reduces the elasticity of blood vessels. By the way, it also reduces their permeability, as a result of which pathogens easily penetrate into the genitourinary organs. An inflammatory process begins to develop there, resulting in impotence.


In this case, we are talking not so much about erectile dysfunction as about genetic changes occurring in the smoker’s body. So, the spermogram of a man with this habit is very different from a man who healthy image life.

Moreover, low sperm quality not only reduces the likelihood of pregnancy in a smoker’s partner, but can also cause the development of pathologies in the fetus.

Bladder cancer

The carcinogenicity of tobacco smoke is very strong, and the bladder mucosa is very sensitive. The cells of the mucous membrane of this organ often undergo changes if a person has addiction. This is usually preceded by signs of cystitis, which the smoker may miss: itching and burning in the genitourinary organs, weak or intermittent stream when urinating, frequent urge to the toilet.

Heart failure

We are talking about a violation of myocardial contractility. This is not independent disease, but a symptom of some disease caused by smoking or something else. Why does this symptom appear so much more often in smokers than in others? The whole point is a violation of the elasticity of blood vessels, which cannot sufficiently stretch and contract when necessary, that is, contract. And of course, a significant contribution to the symptoms is the inability to breathe normally, that is, to maximally saturate the blood with oxygen necessary for normal functioning vascular system. As a result, tissues are less saturated with oxygen and are no longer able to cleanse themselves of metabolic products. The heart muscle begins to work at the limit of its capabilities, which leads to its rapid wear.

Let's sum it up

Love of cigarettes negatively affects the entire body, not just respiratory system, as many people think. The list of diseases that you can encounter from smoking is impressive, and this should be a reason to change your lifestyle to a healthy one. You shouldn’t ruin your life and cause pain to your loved ones because of smoking. If it is difficult for a person to say “no” to nicotine, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Smoking is the process of inhaling smoke from drugs, mainly plant origin, in order to fill the body active substances, which they contain, by inhaling them into the lungs and respiratory tract. Often, this is the use of smoking substances that have narcotic properties (hashish, tobacco, marijuana, crack, opium, etc.) due to the rapid supply of saturated psychoactive substances blood directly to the brain. In this case, we will talk about the dangers of smoking tobacco or cigarettes. Many people believe that such smoking is nothing more than a habit, believing that quitting smoking is very easy and that it is only a matter of willpower. This idea is wrong for two reasons. First, our habits can be very difficult to change. After all, nothing can stop a person from lighting another cigar, and, what’s worse, it still remains socially acceptable in many countries. Secondly, smoking is not just a habit, but also certain type drug addiction.

Smoking very soon becomes a habit. The average smoker takes about two hundred puffs a day. That's about six thousand a month, seventy-two thousand a year and over two million puffs for a 45-year-old smoker who started smoking at the age of fifteen. Many smokers claim that smoking becomes part of their self, and this perception within themselves is often very difficult to change.

Smoking is primarily harmful due to the fact that the tobacco you smoke contains, and this is one of the strongest known poisons, which is used on the farm as an insecticide ( special drug to exterminate harmful insects). All forms of tobacco consumption that have become popular among the public today cause nicotine to enter the bloodstream. After cigarette smoke enters the lungs, nicotine penetrates the brain within just seven seconds.

Nicotine has a very wide range actions. For example, it increases your heart rate, blood flow and blood sugar concentration, it also causes the cerebral cortex and midbrain to become more excitable, and can also have a laxative effect on peripheral muscles and reduce peripheral blood flow. The dangers of nicotine can be sufficiently demonstrated by the following observations:

  • in people who have recently started smoking, their characteristic depth of tobacco smoke and the active level of nicotine present in the blood quickly develop;
  • For experienced smokers, the system for regulating the amount of nicotine in the blood is activated;
  • Smokers want to smoke more than anything else if the concentration of nicotine in the blood decreases;
  • Replacement therapy, which involves nicotine use, partially reduces the severity of symptoms associated with smoking cessation.

Diseases that can be caused by smoking

Everyone knows how harmful smoking is, but not everyone knows what diseases a person can develop from smoking. And there are many such diseases. This can be explained by the fact that a smoker experiences degeneration of many tissues and organs. Against this background, a predisposition to many diseases is formed. Selected diseases from smoking are especially common.

Cardiovascular diseases

For example, diseases such as ischemic pathologies. Smoking is the most powerful factor that provokes them. It is because of smoking that not only but also almost all vessels in the body are affected. Any type of smoking, just like smoking, rapidly increases the possibility of the occurrence and further development of these diseases. Smoking causes spasms in small arteries, and this leads to an unfavorable increase blood pressure- and as a result, the heart rate increases. In addition to all this, substances contained in tobacco smoke provoke the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques, which form on the walls blood vessels and impede blood supply in the body.

Complications of ischemic diseases

The consequences of cardiovascular diseases are often very severe. They can cause circulatory disorders in the brain, which can develop into chronic form or manifest as a stroke. It may also be paralysis or memory impairment, which is a consequence of improper blood supply to the brain. There are also diseases caused by smoking, such as abdominal aortic aneurysm. The development of this disease in the future can provoke dissection or rupture of the aneurysm, which in turn can lead to fatal outcome. Most often, these diseases occur among smokers.

Respiratory diseases

It goes without saying that smoking provokes the development of diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. Often, smokers suffer from bronchitis - this is a disease of the respiratory tract that provokes damage to the walls of the bronchi. The disease can be characterized by shortness of breath, wet cough, an increase in the patient's temperature. Often in smokers, bronchitis manifests itself in a chronic form. We can talk about a chronic form of bronchitis if the disease makes itself felt in the winter for two years in a row. Smokers often develop alveolar emphysema. The alveoli expand during the disease, and the main symptom of this disease is the appearance of shortness of breath. This disease also refers to the form chronic pathologies. Lung cancer affects smokers the most.

Other possible diseases

In addition, smoking is one of the main causes of the appearance and development of cancer of the pharynx, lip, larynx, esophagus and trachea. Gastric ulcers are very common among smokers. duodenum. All these diseases also take on a chronic form and are characterized by severe pain V epigastric region, seasonal exacerbations, vomiting. In addition, during the course of these diseases, there are exacerbations, which manifest themselves in the form of bleeding, as well as narrowing of the pylorus of the stomach.

How to quit smoking

Smoking causes so many different diseases due to the fact that tobacco leaves contain many radioactive elements, primarily radioactive polonium. This is why tobacco is very toxic. Scientists have calculated that a smoker who lives in the most polluted area receives only 20% of toxins from industrial exhaust. He gets the remaining 80% by smoking cigarettes. The tar contained in tobacco smoke contains many carcinogens and a large amount chemical elements. These poisons enter the lungs in abundance, thereby contributing to the contamination of the body. That is why a trip to a sanatorium or a long vacation in nature will not help a smoker. He himself enriches his body with toxins through smoking. Therefore, the main way to recovery for a smoker is, of course, to quit smoking.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

“Smokers don’t age because they die young”... Heavy smoking causes degeneration macular spot which leads to gradual loss of vision. Smokers are also susceptible increased risk cataracts. It takes about 15 years for quitters to overcome their increased risk of lung cancer.

Millions of people around the world have the habit of smoking cigarettes. Why do people start smoking? There are several various reasons. Some people start smoking in their teens for the thrill of it, and sometimes because of peer pressure. Eventually, they become dependent on the nicotine present in cigarettes. Other people smoke to relieve stress. People with low self-esteem are usually the most addicted to smoking. And yet, whatever the reason, when a person acquires the habit of smoking, he is faced with a number of serious problems with health.

Smoking makes asthma worse

A person who smokes can suffer from a number of serious and even fatal diseases. Smokers are more likely to develop respiratory infections and some mild complications such as coughs and colds. They often have certain fatal dangerous diseases such as cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular system and lungs. In addition, people who smoke have an increased likelihood of developing respiratory problems and problems associated with the kidneys, liver and pancreas.


Smokers are at increased risk of developing cancer. Carcinogens such as tars present in tobacco smoke, can cause cancer of the lungs, mouth, throat and esophagus. Oral cancer, which is extremely common among smokers, usually first affects the lips or tissue under the tongue. About 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Women who smoke have an increased risk of cervical cancer. Thus, people who smoke can develop many different forms of cancer. It has been noted that smokers who have been smoking for a long time and light up many times a day have the most high risk lung cancer.

Respiratory diseases

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD is a group of diseases that cause the airways to become blocked, thereby making breathing difficult. This leads to problems such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Emphysema is characterized by shortness of breath resulting from damage to the alveoli (air sacs). Chronic bronchitis leads to frequent cough with the release of a large amount of sputum.

Smoking triples the rate of decline in lung function. Because of this, smokers begin to experience suffocation. For runners who smoke, smoking can cause choking and difficulty breathing because their lungs have to work harder than usual. This can cause you to feel short of breath just a few minutes after you start running, making it less effective than for non-smokers.

Cardiovascular diseases

These diseases include diseases of the heart, blood vessels and other related organs. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death related to smoking. The nicotine present in tobacco increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, which clogs the arteries and causes them to harden. The arteries become narrow, stiff, and sometimes blocked. Due to atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), blood clots form, which increases the risk cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases common among smokers include thrombosis coronary arteries, cerebral thrombosis, ischemic disease heart disease, blocked blood vessels in the legs (peripheral vascular disease), and cerebrovascular disease such as stroke. Smoking can also cause what is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm (a condition in which the aorta becomes swollen or weakened). The aorta is the most major artery in the body.

Other diseases caused by smoking

  • Smoking leads to sour taste in the mouth. This increases the risk of developing mouth ulcers.
  • The chemicals present in tobacco damage the lining of blood vessels and affect the level of fats in the blood. This increases the risk of atheroma, which is a leading cause of heart disease, strokes and aneurysms.
  • Smoking impairs oral health by causing discoloration of teeth and gums. It can provoke the appearance of other problems with the health of the gums and teeth, in particular, swelling of the gums, loosening of teeth and unpleasant smell from the mouth.
  • Smoking can cause various sexual problems. People addicted to smoking are more likely to experience infertility and problems with sexual activity.
  • Smoking increases the risk of increased blood pressure, which is a risk factor for stroke and heart attack.

Passive smoking

It also has an adverse effect on the human body. passive smoking, which is dangerous for non-smoking people in the company of smokers. If infants and young children are exposed to smoking people, they become prone to developing asthma and ear, nose and respiratory tract infections. They also have an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (death in their sleep).

  • It aggravates asthma by increasing inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
  • Smoking can cause premature aging. Due to smoking, blood flow to the skin decreases, and, accordingly, the amount of vitamin A reaching it. Therefore, smokers have more pale skin and more wrinkles.
  • Women who smoke are more likely to suffer hip fractures. This is because their density decreases bone tissue, as in women who have entered the postmenopausal period.
  • Heavy smoking causes macular degeneration, which leads to gradual loss of vision. Smokers are also at increased risk of cataracts.
  • Smoking causes respiratory tract infections, diabetic retinopathy, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.

The influence of smokingand the woman’s body during pregnancy

A pregnant woman who smokes frequently increases the risk of miscarriage and other complications such as bleeding, placental abruption and ectopic pregnancy. There is a possibility of having a low birth weight baby or a stillborn baby. It is also possible that the child has birth defects(for example, cleft palate). In addition, mothers who smoke may face premature birth and the problem of infertility.

Why is smoking dangerous?

  • According to some estimates, approximately 7 people die every minute due to tobacco use. According to research results, tobacco in cigarettes contains more than 400 toxic substances and 4000 chemical compounds.
  • Most hazardous substances Cigarettes contain tar (which is a carcinogen), nicotine (which increases cholesterol levels in the body), and carbon monoxide (which reduces the amount of oxygen in the body).
  • Nicotine is the most addictive substance. Smoking reduces the level of oxygen reaching tissues, causing various problems with health problems such as stroke, heart attack or miscarriage.

Smoking increases cholesterol levels in the blood, thus increasing the risk of heart attacks.

  • It causes damage and narrowing of blood vessels, leading to various diseases.
  • In addition, smoking causes chronic cough, shortness of breath, premature aging, frequent infections and deterioration physical fitness generally.
  • Smoking-related deaths are mostly due to heart disease, various forms cancer, and COPD.
  • Smoking adversely affects the health of a person and those around him. The only way To prevent the above health problems is to stop smoking. It's never too late to quit smoking. Quitting smoking will protect you and your family from many deadly diseases. At the end of the day, health more expensive than money, isn't it?