Hardware body correction. Manual plastic surgery as one of the ways to correct the figure. Price of hardware body correction

The Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology offers the most effective procedures aimed at losing weight and shaping your figure. Do you want to lose weight, but don't know where to start? Sign up for free consultation to our cosmetologist!

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Figure correction is a rather comprehensive concept and involves the removal of local fat deposits that disrupt the proportions of the figure and make the body unattractive from an aesthetic point of view. Weight loss, cellulite treatment, reducing or increasing body volume - all this relates to figure correction.

The methods used to correct the figure can be surgical, conservative or aesthetic.

Body correction at the Center for Aesthetic Medicine in Moscow

Doctors at our clinic offer to undergo a comprehensive program for correcting your figure and weight, which consists of several stages.

  • Consultation and examination by a specialist. Identifying the characteristics of the patient’s body will allow you to select the most effective procedures for body correction and develop an individual treatment regimen.
  • Hardware body correction. This method is based on the use of laser and ultrasound technologies.
  • Manual methods. A massage that improves blood circulation in adipose tissue and promotes the breakdown of fat and body shaping: manual and hardware anti-cellulite massage.
  • Aesthetic medicine is also one of the methods of figure correction. It includes procedures that will help make the skin smooth, cure cellulite, reduce waist and hip size: body wrap, ozone therapy, weight loss earring, mesotherapy.

Which will help you with this.

Surgical methods of appearance correction are resorted to only as a last resort, when all other methods are powerless.

Non-surgical corrections include:

  • ozone therapy;
  • cryolipolysis;
  • mesodissolution.

Let's take a closer look at each option.

  1. In the first case, an oxygen-ozone mixture is introduced into problem areas of the body, which provokes fat cells to “give up” their contents.
  2. Cryolipolysis is a kind of freezing of fat deposits. It is known that fat cells die at a temperature of 5°C. A similar procedure is carried out in special salons. Women are given special cold compresses.
  3. The third method is also based on introducing into the body chemicals that destroy fat cells. Within a month you will see significant improvements in your figure.

Dietetics and figure correction

If you do not want to carry out the above-mentioned therapies, try cleansing your body of waste and toxins with help, which can last from one day to a month. During one fasting period, you can not only cleanse yourself, but also lose weight, since the body will take energy from its reserves.

After fasting, it is important to choose proper diet. It is strictly forbidden to immediately “attack” food. If you are planning to return to usual diet, do it gradually, based on the formula: number of days of fasting = number of days of recovery.

After fasting days, it is best to stick to the egg-grapefruit diet. Grapefruit has an excellent ability to burn fat, and eggs will relieve hunger.

You need to eat twelve eggs and four grapefruits per day. Below is the daily menu, which cannot be changed.

  1. Breakfast: three eggs without yolks, one fruit and unsweetened herbal tea.
  2. Lunch: four eggs, two of which can be eaten with the yolk. Also use grapefruit. Wash it down green tea or boiled water.
  3. Afternoon snack: one grapefruit.
  4. Dinner: similar to the breakfast menu. Three egg whites, grapefruit and tea.

Aesthetic figure correction

Aesthetic body correction includes liposuction, which is widely used in great demand among women around the world.

This procedure involves removing surgically fat deposits. Only the first fat layer, which is located between the skin and muscles, undergoes changes. The remaining two layers are located so deep that it is impossible to reach them. Even long-term diets will not have any effect on these two fat layers.

There are several types of obesity - local and generalized. The first form differs from the second in that the fat cells are an order of magnitude wider than in the second case. As a result, they contain more fat. As a rule, diets similar phenomenon can't be fixed. This requires surgery.

In the second option, during the generalized form of obesity, the reason lies in proper nutrition and metabolic disorders. The problem can be solved by going to a nutritionist and planning a diet.

Liposuction is only performed if you are completely healthy. Before the procedure, as expected, those who want to correct their figure undergo tests.

After liposuction, stick to your diet, prescribed by a doctor. Physical activity won't hurt either. It is best to hire a professional trainer who will monitor your well-being and create the right set of exercises.

Manual figure correction

Massage is an excellent method not only to get rid of cellulite and excess fat, but also to relax and improve your health. It is important to “surrender” only to professional massage therapists, because in “inept hands” you will not see any changes except redness and pain.

Corrective massage itself is painful. After it, you may feel some discomfort for several days.

Manual influences contribute not only to visual improvements in your body, but also internal ones. Thus, massage helps improve blood and lymph circulation. It also stimulates the muscles, toning them.

Laser body correction

This procedure is based on laser exposure which does not entail pain and discomfort. Also laser procedure does not create additional stress on the liver, unlike cavitation.

Laser correction is quite effective: in one procedure you can “shrink” up to five centimeters in volume. Agree, the numbers are impressive. It is also worth noting that laser can be used on any part of the body - be it arms, stomach or legs.

The procedure does not cause pain at all and has no contraindications. That is why, if you decide to radically change your appearance, laser therapy- what you need. The result lasts for a relatively long time.

The session lasts exactly one hour. There are two doctor visits per week for four weeks (8 laser procedures in total).

Biomechanical body correction

V. T. Nazarov, the author of the biomechanical method of figure correction, intended his invention primarily for athletes. However, over time, the range of people wishing to try this wonderful technique has increased. Today biomechanical method figure improvement is extremely popular among women who are overweight.

The essence of the procedure is a mechanical effect on problem areas, which in turn improves metabolism and enhances the circulatory function of muscles. Capillaries, pinched by fat cells, open. As a result, the muscles begin to work more efficiently.

This type of figure correction technique has been tested for years. Guarantees fast weight loss and long-lasting effect as a result of procedures performed on a special device.

Myostimulation figure correction

Myostimulation figure correction is effective method weight loss, the essence of which is muscle contractions under the influence electric current.

The procedure does not promote fat burning, but only triggers a system of positive changes that entails weight loss.

Myostimulation makes the heart beat even faster, thereby causing respiratory system capture more oxygen. In addition, thanks to the procedure, muscle work, the activity of arterioles and capillaries are normalized, the lymphatic system, which removes waste products from the body, is “activated,” and the need for energy increases, which is taken from fat and other reserves.

Vacuum figure correction

Vacuum correction is a massage, but not a standard one, but using a special apparatus with ball-shaped attachments. The device is applied to problem areas of the skin, where cellulite and excess fat deposits in general are most noticeable. Depending on the patient, the device can be activated in a constant or pulsating mode. The power of the vacuum unit is also determined individually.

Vacuum therapy is used if there is cellulite and obvious fat deposits, to improve skin tone, eliminate muscle pain after sports, and also to eliminate swelling.

Vacuum massage helps normalize blood flow, which in turn plays a role in important role when losing weight. The procedure also forces the metabolic system to remove waste products at an accelerated rate, eliminates pain in the muscles and improves performance. lymphatic system.

To get rid of fat, vacuum massage is carried out systematically over a certain period. If you came to the procedure for other purposes, several sessions will be enough.

Roller body contouring

Roller correction is the same as vacuum therapy, but instead of balls, special rollers are used. This procedure is often resorted to after a long diet due to the resulting “looseness” of the skin. Roller massage is also useful for “orange peel”, that is, cellulite. Within just a few sessions the result is noticeable.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure if there are cardiovascular and oncological diseases, various viral diseases. Also, roller massage should not be performed on pregnant women.

The optimal number of massages is about twelve. It is not recommended to take breaks for more than three days. This massage goes well with wraps and mesotherapy.

Body correction: cavitation

Cavitation is a therapy with ultrasonic waves that pass through the skin, forming bubbles there. Over time, these bubbles burst, affecting the fat cells. In general, what happens inside the skin resembles an explosion in a minefield. The contents of destroyed cells leave the body thanks to the work of the lymphatic system. However, a small part of the fat enters the bloodstream, turning into glucose. As you know from biology courses, glucose is energy.

Cavitation therapy is quite effective. The results are noticeable after just a few sessions.

It is worth noting that cavitation is carried out not only in the case of fatty deposits. It is necessary for people who require surgery, and fat does not allow surgeons to “get into” the desired area of ​​the body.

Before therapy, you need to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. The fact is that the content of fat cells after the procedure is eliminated through the kidneys and liver. Created heavy load to these organs. Strict dietary ration will help normalize the functioning of these organs.

Figure correction using mesotherapy

It is unlikely that any diet will cope with cellulite and loose skin. If you have similar problems, then it’s worth visiting a mesotherapy specialist at least several times.

Unknown terms scare many women, but there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Mesotherapy is the introduction of a special solution consisting of minerals and vitamins into problem areas.

The procedure should be carried out not only in case of excess weight. If after losing weight your skin hangs, an “orange peel” has formed, or you want more voluminous buttocks and breasts, mesotherapy will solve these problems. The number of sessions is determined by a clinic or salon specialist. On average, getting rid of cellulite will require at least ten procedures. And if the problem area is large enough, a hundred injections may be needed.

Although there are few contraindications, they exist. The following procedure is not permitted:

  • during pregnancy;
  • for fungal skin diseases;
  • if you have a temperature or fever;
  • at allergic reactions for certain chemicals.

Figure correction: pressotherapy

Pressotherapy is a procedure that is very short terms will turn your body into candy.

The essence of the therapy is to wear a special suit that applies compressed air to the body. Unlike conventional anti-cellulite massage, pressotherapy is painless, and after it the patient does not experience any discomfort at all.

Therapy helps restore normal blood flow. As a result, metabolism is normalized, which in turn is key factor losing weight. Pressotherapy activates the body's lymphatic system, which improves muscle tone and makes the skin more elastic.

Typically, about fifteen sessions lasting forty-five minutes each are needed to treat problem areas.

The special suit is programmable. The doctor selects the regimen individually for each patient. For better effect Pressotherapy can be combined with thalassotherapy, which is based on the use of algae. Mesotherapy, described just above, is also useful.

Ultrasound body correction

This therapy involves the impact of ultrasound on problem areas, as a result of which fat cells are broken down. Ultrasound body contouring is recommended if fat deposits are located on the legs, thighs, buttocks and abdomen. It is also quite effective in case of deposits on the back and arms.

A specialist uses equipment to influence the human body with short sound pulses. According to professionals, the procedure does not harm health. Ultrasound destroys only fat cells and no others. The contents of the cells are distributed throughout the body: ten percent enters the blood, and the remaining ninety are excreted through certain time thanks to the work of the lymphatic system.

Usually, one session is enough to correct your figure. But if the fat problem is serious, the doctor may prescribe several more sessions. For greater effect, it is recommended to visit the gym or perform a set of physical exercises at home. Also go on some simple diet. It will improve your health and, to some extent, help you fight excess weight.

Acupuncture for obesity, figure correction

Acupuncture, or acupuncture, has been known for a long time. Acupuncture itself does not promote weight loss, but only normalizes the body's metabolism. To a greater extent, the cause of obesity is disruption of the functioning of certain organs. Acupuncture helps not only correct the functioning of the body, but also regulates appetite.

There are quite a lot of points on the human body that are directly connected to the central nervous system. Acupuncture uses long, thin, disposable needles. Injecting them into the skin is not accompanied by pain. This is due to the very small diameter.

To lose weight, a specialist inserts needles into points that calm the appetite. Rarely, but it still happens, the doctor also acts on the areas responsible for metabolism.

The disadvantage of acupuncture is that the effect is relatively short-lived when compared with other methods of body contouring.

Cosmetics for figure correction

On store shelves you can see hundreds of figure correction products. If you don’t have money for expensive but effective procedures, you can try using miracle drugs.

All weight loss cosmetics are divided into two groups: those based on natural ingredients and synthetic ones. Remember that good remedy cannot cost 200 rubles. But if you bought an anti-cellulite cream for 1000 rubles, this also does not mean that it is effective. Before buying expensive cosmetics, read forums or reviews about a particular product. This way you will save both time and money.

Natural appearance-correcting cosmetics may consist of:

  • various plants, for example, ivy, coffee, lemongrass, etc.;
  • seaweed;
  • essential oils of various plants: mint, citrus, lemon balm, etc.

Synthetic products can consist of:

  • collagen;
  • elastin;
  • coenzyme;
  • L-quarantine.

Of course, how your body will react to such chemistry is unknown.

If you have cellulite or simply insufficiently elastic skin, choose cosmetics marked firming (strengthening) or regenerating (restoration). If the problem is excess weight, then look for products marked slimming (weight loss), contouring (correction) or draining (drainage). Drainage cosmetics improve metabolic processes body, which in turn promotes weight loss.

Body contouring with body wrap

Wrap - very ancient way losing weight. Using this procedure, you can get rid of orange peel, fat deposits, and also prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body. In addition, wrapping helps remove them.

It is unlikely that you will be able to conduct a quality session at home. It is best to go to a beauty salon.

For the procedure, different aids. For example, to destroy the membranes of fat cells, they use kelp, which has a similar property. If you need to remove waste and toxins from the body, you should use fucus, which has an antitoxic effect.

For greater effect, before wrapping it will be useful to carry out ultrasound correction, which will to some extent prepare the body by activating the lymphatic system.

Although wrapping, at first glance, is a safe procedure, there are contraindications. So, it is forbidden to correct the figure similar method women suffering from cardiovascular diseases or varicose veins.

Body shaping oil

  1. Juniper oil will be useful to normalize metabolism. It does not have beautiful taste qualities, so it’s better to drop some oil on a small slice of bread or sugar. Cypress oil is also suitable. The only difference is that it should not be consumed orally, but should be taken in baths.
  2. Grapefruit oil breaks down fatty deposits. You can take baths and massage with it.
  3. In the fight against cellulite, a massage with lemon oil will be most effective. In addition, fennel oil, basil or jasmine, and mint can be used as an alternative.

To take a bath with oils, only 10-15 drops are enough.

Gymnastics for figure correction

This is perhaps the most best method figure correction.

Below are the most effective exercises.

  1. As expected, any warm-up should begin with the head. Make circular movements with your head and then turns.
  2. Next, engage your shoulders. They can also make circular movements forward and then back.
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent in front of the chest. Make several approaches of swinging your arms back 10 times, while extending them.
  4. Tilts left, right, forward and backward. It is enough to repeat the exercise ten times.
  5. Lie on your back. Raise your straight legs and pelvis up, fixing the position with your hands on your hips for a few seconds. The exercise is better known as “Birch”.
  6. Exercise “Mill”: feet shoulder-width apart, bend your torso forward, spreading your arms to the sides. Next, alternately touch your left hand to right leg, and vice versa. The exercise is performed at a fast pace.
  7. It is very effective to perform the abdominal exercise at least 10 times. When clinging to a sofa or other furniture, bend your legs slightly. Touch your elbows to your knees.

Body shaping with yoga

The main conditions for body correction using yoga are proper nutrition, breathing and performing actions (asanas) no earlier than three hours after eating.

Asana first:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Spread your legs to the sides.
  3. Next, raise them first by thirty degrees.
  4. In half a minute - at sixty.
  5. After another half a minute, raise it to ninety degrees.

Asana second:

  1. Standing straight, move your shoulders back.
  2. Your arms are straight, and your palms are also turned back.
  3. Pull your stomach in.
  4. Slowly reach up.

Asana third:

  1. Raise your hands up.
  2. Stand straight.
  3. Turn your palms towards each other.
  4. Next, move your pelvis back.

Asana fourth:

  1. Place your feet at shoulder level.
  2. Clasp your hands behind your back.
  3. Take a breath.
  4. As you exhale, bend forward so that your forehead touches your knees.

Body shaping after childbirth

Many women are afraid during pregnancy possible consequences in the form of excess weight and sagging skin. Of course, this happens quite often, but it is relatively easy to solve. If you were not overweight before giving birth, you have nothing to fear. In a year, or a little longer, your physical condition will return to its previous state.

You can begin body correction after the end of the period breastfeeding. It is recommended to follow a not very strict diet, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Those who dream of solving problems with excess deposits on the body have the opportunity to do this without using physical activity using special devices. Is hardware figure correction always - effective procedure? What methods exist for putting the body in order, on what principles are their actions based, is it possible to give up diets - a review of modern cosmetic techniques will help you figure this out.

What is hardware body correction

In cosmetology, there are special hardware procedures that can be used to correct the contours of the figure, cope with excess weight, and fat deposits. Body correction is performed by physical and mechanical influence on it using special devices. To obtain the effect, you must comply certain rules:

  • find out the causes of obesity, cellulite - if they are hormonal, then the methods will be useless;
  • organize proper nutrition;
  • To increase the effect, additionally carry out supporting procedures - massages, wraps.

Hardware methods of body correction require financial investments - several sessions are necessary to obtain results. Thanks to the procedures, the following occurs:

  • removal of fluid;
  • reduction of signs of cellulite;
  • increasing body elasticity;
  • breakdown of fats;
  • removal of toxins;
  • tightening loose skin;
  • elimination of fat folds;
  • correction of body contours;
  • increased muscle tone.

Hardware body correction techniques

To put the body in order, they use the services of specialists in clinics and salons; there is a classification of procedures. Popular hardware body correction techniques:

  • ultrasonic – breaks down fat;
  • infrared – enhances metabolic processes;
  • microcurrent – ​​tightens sagging skin;
  • laser – crushes fats;
  • biomechanical – improves metabolism;
  • lymphatic drainage – removes excess fluid;
  • electrolipolysis – reduces the size of fat cells;
  • electrical stimulation – gives muscle tone;
  • pressotherapy – produces lymph outflow;
  • lpg massage – reduces volumes.

Myostimulation in cosmetology

The basis of this hardware method is the reduction muscle fibers under the influence of electric current. Their alternating relaxation and compression increases tone, enhances the effectiveness of enzymes, activates blood supply, and increases lymphatic drainage. Myostimulator for weight loss works in various ways:

  • classic – has a slight effect on body fat;
  • microcurrents – increase the tone of small muscles, provide gentle lymphatic drainage with the removal of metabolic products;
  • alternating current - gives results on initial stages development of cellulite, obesity.


When using ultrasonic waves, the effect occurs deep into the body up to four centimeters. The mechanical energy of vibrations is converted into thermal energy, affecting tissues. Ultrasonic body contouring promotes:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • softening of fatty tissue;
  • stimulating cell regeneration;
  • activation of microcirculation;
  • enhancing the action of intercellular enzymes;
  • improving skin permeability.


This hardware procedure organizes the effect on fat cells certain types currents Correction is made using special needle electrodes. As a result of the process, fat cells are not destroyed, but are reduced in size. If you do not follow a diet, they may quickly return to their previous state. The electrolipolysis procedure goes like this:

  • electrodes are installed deep into the tissue;
  • current is supplied;
  • fat breakdown begins fatty acids;
  • They are released into the blood and used for the body’s functioning.

Lymphatic drainage

Cosmetologists recommend starting any hardware correction methods only after this procedure. Common reason the appearance of problem areas - accumulation of excess fluid. Lymphatic drainage for figure correction ensures its removal. As a result of hardware procedures:

  • lymph outflow accelerates;
  • swelling is relieved;
  • cleavage products are removed;
  • blood circulation is activated;
  • vascular tone increases;
  • the contours of the figure are corrected;
  • weight decreases.


This hardware method It is used not only to correct the figure, but also to improve the health of the entire body. The patient puts on a special suit that is filled with air. There is a rhythmic increase in pressure and its decrease. Pressotherapy for figure correction is a type of lymphatic drainage with acceleration of metabolic processes, activation of blood flow, lymph flow. With its help there arises enhanced effect to:

  • fat deposits;
  • skin;
  • muscles;
  • lymph nodes;
  • vessels.

Anti-cellulite massage lpg

A hardware procedure - endermological lipomassage - uses the simultaneous action of a vacuum and special rollers on the body. There is an effect on the skin, muscles, subcutaneous tissue. As a result of the procedure:

  • body volumes decrease;
  • figure correction occurs;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • signs of cellulite disappear;
  • deleted excess liquid;
  • work is returning to normal reproductive system;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • swelling is eliminated.

Indications for the procedure

Hardware procedures for body contouring, although expensive, are in great demand. Before use, you need to undergo a consultation to choose the appropriate technique. There are indications for hardware cosmetology:

  • excess weight gain due to pregnancy;
  • signs of cellulite;
  • breast drooping;
  • excess fat in problem areas - thighs, buttocks, stomach;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • presence of stretch marks;
  • sagging skin, muscle weakness with sudden weight loss;
  • excess weight gain due to stress;
  • impossibility of correction by other means.


Hardware body correction gives excellent results during a course of procedures. It is necessary to carefully consider their choice so as not to cause harm to the body. There are contraindications to hardware cosmetology:

  • oncological diseases;
  • skin damage;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • blood diseases;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • acute inflammation;
  • skin diseases;
  • sensitivity to ultrasound, electricity;
  • intolerance medicines;
  • period of menstruation.

Figure correction devices

Beauty salons can use professional devices that have a variety of operating principles. The results of their influence on the body are different. Correction female figure performed on devices:

  • Liposonix – destroys subcutaneous fat with high-intensity focused ultrasound;
  • Coolsculpting – acts on problem areas with cold – the process of cryolipolysis;
  • Starvac – vacuum roller massage, affects skin and fat deposits.

The following hardware devices are effective for body correction:

  • “Bozon-Lor” - normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system by introducing an ozone solution into problem areas, which oxidizes fat cells;
  • ZLipo – performs the cryolipolysis procedure;
  • ZWave Pro – shock wave therapy– anti-cellulite effect, increased muscle tone, improved lymph microcirculation.

Body correction using the b flexy device

After undergoing a hardware procedure using this device, patients see improvements already after the first session. Massage lpg b flexy provides double action– vacuum suction and mechanical rolling of rollers for deep tissue treatment. As a result of executing the hardware procedure:

  • blood circulation is activated - fats are burned;
  • collagen production increases - skin tightens;
  • lymphatic drainage is stimulated - toxins are removed, the flow of nutrients and oxygen increases.

Device for body correction and cellulite excel

When using this hardware influence, a local effect of ultrasound occurs on areas of fatty deposits. In specially selected modes, low frequency waves penetrate the body, forming air bubbles that burst and destroy fat cells. Correction of figure and weight is carried out as a result of processes occurring in the body:

  • removal of most of the destroyed cells through the lymphatic system;
  • the remaining portion enters the bloodstream to form nutrients.

Vela shape device

This hardware technique is suitable for clients who want to get quick results. The vela shape 3 procedure in Moscow is in demand in many salons and clinics due to its enhanced effect on the figure. The device combines several cosmetic techniques:

  • infrared radiation – promotes the breakdown of fats;
  • radio waves - enhance collagen production, increase skin elasticity;
  • roller and vacuum massage – improve lymphatic drainage, blood circulation, and activate the removal of toxins.

The result of hardware figure correction

Experts in the field of hardware cosmetology do not advise expecting quick results from the use of procedures. It is necessary to complete the full course, organize proper nutrition, use helper methods losing weight. Physical activity and drinking regime. The effectiveness of hardware methods is noted, as a result of which:

  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • fat is broken down;
  • excess fluid is removed.

The undoubted advantage of hardware effects on the figure is the improvement of body contours. This is clearly visible in the photos before and after the sessions. As a result of applying the methods:

  • signs of cellulite are eliminated;
  • general improvement of the skin occurs;
  • muscle tone increases;
  • microcirculation improves;
  • elasticity is restored skin;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • stretch marks and sagging skin are eliminated;
  • there is a feeling of cheerfulness;
  • excess volumes are eliminated;
  • skin turgor improves;
  • weight loss occurs.

Price of hardware body correction

The cost of the hardware procedure depends on the method of implementation and the size of the treatment area. It is influenced by the duration of the process, the qualifications of the staff, and the prestige of the clinic. In Moscow, the price range is within:

Video: Cryolipolysis procedure

Manual plastic surgery is the only method that, without surgical intervention, can solve the aesthetic problems of the body of patients who do not have an “excess weight problem.” Body shaping is fundamentally different from other similar methods aimed at reducing body fat. This method of aesthetic correction of the body is aimed at correcting hereditary defects in the female figure - shapes, lines, proportions of the body. Let us describe the main signs of correct figure correction.

1. Body correction eliminates the main body flaws. As a result, the massage therapist’s work is aimed at highlighting the lines of the body, normalizing the proportions and shape of the body.

By correcting the body, we achieve not just a reduction in weight and volume, we achieve the creation perfect harmony lines, proportions and shapes female body. Those. That maximum result, which can be achieved through diets, sports, fitness - there is just a starting point for body correction. In other words, the indicators that can be achieved by body correction can never be achieved either by fasting or sports.

In Fig. 1, the girl was photographed before and after the body correction course. The girl intensively attended fitness classes and followed some diets. The photo that was taken before the course is the result of the effort and money invested. And the result is quite good. She achieved the maximum that can be achieved sports loads and fasting. There is no cellulite, the girl’s weight is normal. The only way to increase the result further is through plastic surgery. It is very difficult to assess the harmony of your body on your own. Each woman may have individual figure problems, such as sagging skin, excess weight, incorrect proportions and figure lines. The specialist considers each patient individually, and for each he develops his own program of action for body correction.

When correcting the figure, the massage therapist does not specifically deal with skin problems, weight loss, or improving blood circulation. All this happens indirectly during the session. All these problems, with proper body correction, should go away along with a decrease in the volume of problem areas. At the same time, muscle tone improves, the body is cleansed of toxins, and becomes healthier.

When correcting a figure, the issue of weight loss is not considered. In Fig. Figure 2 shows how, when correcting the woman’s lower body, her hip circumference significantly decreased. Despite this, the weight in the picture after the course is 6 kg more than before the course. The specialist decided to enlarge the face and chest due to weight gain.

The aesthetics of the body, the harmony of the figure lies not in weight and kilograms, but in correct proportions the entire body, starting from the face, chest, arms, torso, and ending with the hips and legs.

The cause of sagging skin is not the structure muscular system, but the age of a particular patient and his lifestyle. Often, sagging skin in the lower gluteal area is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, bad habits(cigarettes and alcohol). Sometimes, due to deposits of adipose tissue in the lower and lateral gluteal area, they create a visual effect of sagging in this area. It is often mistakenly believed that the cause of sagging buttocks is lack of exercise. sedentary life. They try to strengthen this area with all sorts of exercises, mistakenly thinking that it is necessary to increase the muscle tone of the gluteal muscles. The tissue in this zone is hereditary in nature (i.e., the structure of the body is determined by hereditary genetics). This tissue, when excessive, puts pressure on the gluteal muscles and pulls them down. The impression of sagging buttocks is created.

In Fig. 3, the girl had problems with body proportions. A large percentage of the weight was concentrated in the lower part of the body - the pelvic area. While upper part body remained thin. Diets and exercise reduced the weight of the entire body at the same time. The general proportions remained. A reduction in the volume of the pelvic area was achieved by reducing constitutional (hereditary) dense adipose tissue. What is important here is not the reduction of body volume, but the achievement overall beauty bodies.

In Fig. 4, a correction was achieved specifically in the hip line, and not in the hip volume. The volume of her hips did not change, but visually the impression was created that the girl had become taller, her legs were longer, and her figure had acquired the correct shape.

It is important to understand the term “female plastic surgery” as precisely the correction of an imbalance in the female body. The patient herself must explain to the massage therapist the flaws in her figure that she does not like.

2. All correction actions are aimed at working out the locally problem area, for example. only the “breeches” area.

These problem areas change and spoil the overall line of the figure. Before the session, you can specifically circle problem areas. A slight deviation and elaboration of an unaffected area can nullify all the efforts of the master (uneven contour or excessive deepening of the tissue).

When correcting the body, the massage therapist’s phrases are unacceptable: “we will additionally work on the area around the problem area,” “we will do additional general massage body." This is acceptable for a specialist whose goal is general decline body weight.

The correction method is not medical method- deposits of female adipose tissue are not medical illness and not a pathology. This is just an aesthetic problem of the female figure. A specialist can suggest which problem areas need correction based only on his aesthetic taste. He can only give advice based on his point of view. All decisions to change one or another area of ​​the figure are made by the patient.

3. When correcting the figure to achieve desired result no diet, sports exercises, or additional cosmetics after the sessions.

The manual correction method does not require the patient to additionally adhere to a certain diet or exercise physical exercise. It is even acceptable to gain weight in order to equalize body proportions. When undergoing a body correction course, you need to lead your normal lifestyle.

4. The result of the course is secured for a very long time long term.

It is important to remember that the effect of the method remains for a very long time. If a specialist makes a mistake and removes too much fat tissue, it will be almost impossible to restore it even by taking weight gain products.

It should also be remembered that during correction, the massage therapist will normalize the proportions and lines of the figure. If the patient begins to recover, the body volume will increase. But there will be no more imbalance in the figure. Everything will increase evenly (torso, pelvis, legs and arms).

The foundations of the structure of the body and tissues (shape, relief, body proportions, etc.) are laid in the youthful period of life. The constitutional model of the body is formed during the period of maturation of the body. Already at an older age, this individual constitutional model begins to become overgrown with adipose tissue. Those. if a woman has developed bottom part increased proportions compared to other parts of the body, then at an older age the proportions will remain the same.Only the total volume of the body will increase. Body correction, unlike anti-cellulite procedures, affects precisely our original “youthful silhouette”. When a massage therapist reduces your constitutional (youthful) silhouette, the body is unable to regain its constitutional model to its original condition.

The liposuction procedure also aims to get rid of these constitutional fat deposits. This is why she is dangerous. One wrong move by the doctor and an incorrect figure will remain with you forever. The good thing about body contouring is that the results are achieved gradually. And at any time during the course you can change the body correction program.

5. Each stage of correction must be photographed.

It is from photographs that you can see the difference and determine or change a further body correction program.

The course of correction lasts quite a long time, and changes in the figure and silhouette occur slowly. The patient has time to get used to each change. Sometimes it happens that the patient begins to feel that changes are not happening. When in fact the figure, proportions, lines gradually take on a qualitatively new look.

If the correction is aimed at the buttocks area, then it is necessary to photograph the result every period of time (at least before and after the course). In this case, it is advisable to take photographs from the same distance, at the same point, under the same lighting. This will protect a good massage therapist from unlawful claims. The result is there, but the patient complains. Showing before and after photos can easily convince the patient.

6. How much does the course cost?

A body correction course cannot be cheap. This is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. The result of this process is fixed for life. The entire course costs more than liposuction. Unlike liposuction, when this method possibility excluded irregular shape a body that will remain with you for the rest of your life, and which was the result of a doctor’s mistake. With this method there is no surgical intervention. Plastic change figures cannot be cheap. Body correction is a big one, which long time he invests in his patient. Therefore, a beautiful body is not cheap.

Having considered these 6 points, we can briefly explain what the correct one is.

Hardware body correction has been used for more than 30 years. However fundamental change in appearance you will not achieve using only one manual or vacuum massage, because each procedure is aimed at specific areas and has certain properties and capabilities.

Alternate methods, use them in combination and the result will not keep you waiting.

General approach to hardware cosmetology for figure correction

Diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. By eating right and exercising, theoretically everyone will lose weight. But in practice, it happens that dietary restrictions do not give the desired result. So what to do in such a situation?

It is worth considering resorting to such methods if:

  • You have gained weight due to pregnancy or severe stress(and for the body, even seemingly good events can also be stressful);
  • We discovered 5-7 unnecessary kilograms that are dispersed throughout the body, especially in problem areas - on the stomach, buttocks and thighs;
  • Do you want to get rid of emerging or already “chronic” cellulite?
  • You’ve gained weight once and you can’t get rid of the extra weight, despite all your efforts.

For example, massage using infrared rays stimulates blood circulation, activates metabolic processes, accelerates the burning of subcutaneous fat, strengthens muscles, and quickly restores the body during physical activity. Vacuum massage relieves swelling, tightens and smoothes the skin, removes signs of cellulite, increases skin elasticity, and cleanses the body of toxins.

The most common problems that can be solved using hardware body correction methods:

  • Manifestation of cellulite;
  • Excess fat accumulation;
  • General muscle failure, decreased skin turgor due to sudden weight loss;
  • Decreased elasticity of the buttocks, loss of tone and sagging breasts.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the cause of the violations, which is why the patients’ complaints arose. For example, if we rely on the etiological classification of obesity, then the effectiveness of the aesthetic technique is quite high only with exogenous-constitutional (primary, spontaneous) obesity, which is not accompanied by the presence of abnormalities or diseases. In other cases, you must first treat the underlying disease. But it should be noted that the percentage of such patients is quite small.

Classification of hardware procedures for figure correction

With such a variety of professional equipment that cosmetology can offer, you can easily create general classification, because each device does not have many physiotherapeutic methods of influence.

  • Liposuction without surgery

Sometimes it happens that the weight is normal, and the figure generally looks normal, but problems appear cosmetic defects, for example, “ears” on the sides, “breeches” on the upper thighs, “buns” on the shoulders or a saggy belly, which spoil the overall appearance.

Yes, such problems can be corrected with diet or exercise, but this is a very slow and labor-intensive process. It is in such cases that non-surgical liposuction can help.

It is based on the breakdown of subcutaneous fat tissue using a laser - laser lipolysis.

Many famous stars use these procedures in their beauty ritual. For example, Demi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Carmen Electra, Britney Spears are ardent fans of this method.

With just one application, experts promise a reduction in volume by 2–10 centimeters, depending on the size of the adipose tissue. The procedure is based on local anesthesia. A small tube with a diameter of only 1 mm is inserted into the problem area, so no scars will be visible.

Immediately after visiting the doctor, you will be able to lead your normal lifestyle. But doctors advise sticking to a diet, drinking up to 3 liters of water and using compression garments for 2-3 weeks.

  • Hardware methods for cellulite correction

All diets have significant drawbacks - deprivation of favorite foods and uneven reduction in volume. In addition to this, the weight quickly returns after the end of the diet. You can ignore this and continue to keep yourself within limits, but the hated cellulite will be in its place.

Get rid of it for a long time "orange peel" possible using professional equipment. The essence of the devices' action is the method of bioelectric stimulation. It influences different zones simultaneously. During the session, for 30 minutes necessary procedures both for the body and for the face. At the end of the course, cellulite completely disappears.

The procedure itself is completely painless: small plates are attached to problem areas, which stimulate biologically active areas using current.

  • Lipomassage-ergodrive for figure correction

These methods are aimed at removing fat deposits, tightening the entire body and removing
cellulite. The technique allows you not only to cope with cellulite, but also to model shapes: the operation of the device is based on non-invasive technology, which can guarantee quick changes in your figure for the better, even very fat people. In addition, the design of the handpiece allows you to work in hard-to-reach places.

After such sessions, you must not forget about skin tightening! With rapid weight loss, the skin quickly sags.

  • Pressotherapy for body correction

Pressotherapy is one of the most effective ways to get rid of cellulite and tissue swelling. This is one of the types lymphatic drainage massage, which restores the outflow of lymph and venous blood. Lymph not only nourishes or protects the body, but also cleanses it.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a kind of detox - removes from the body harmful substances and excess liquid.

After the examination, the doctor will create an individual complex of eight programs for which the device is configured. You will receive a special "uniform" and a pair of inflatable boots. This “outfit” will be filled with air, and the press massage itself will begin - a rhythmic alternation of pressure and pauses. Air waves have a mechanical effect on the skin, fat deposits, muscles, venous and lymphatic vessels. At the end of the procedure, blood circulation becomes better, as does metabolism. It's not only great method tighten your figure, but also good way improve your health!