The cat is vomiting white foam and has diarrhea. The cat is vomiting white foam

If your cat is vomiting white foam, you shouldn’t panic right away. After all similar phenomenon occurs quite often. Perhaps this is just a natural process of cleansing the stomach of fur. However, one should not discount other possible problems. After all, vomiting can be not only cleansing, but also pathological, that is, caused by some kind of infection, contamination or disease.

For what reasons does a cat vomit?

If a cat vomits only once, then there is no need to panic. You just need to carefully monitor him throughout the day. If the animal’s condition has returned to normal, then no measures need to be taken. Otherwise, if the cat gets worse, then you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

There are a number of reasons why a cat vomits white foam:

Attention! Inflammation of the adrenal glands is scary because the cat’s blood sugar level begins to drop sharply, muscle weakness occurs, and he vomits. In this state, leave the animal without medical care it is forbidden. The cat may die.

First aid for a cat

Regidron helps reduce the intensity of vomiting.

If you are sure that the cat does not suffer from serious illnesses, and other than vomiting there are no problems, then you can handle the situation on your own:

  1. Put your cat on a one-day fasting diet. Over the course of a day, the digestive system will be unloaded, and the body will begin to “come to its senses.” After this time, vomiting should stop. Now you can little by little, but often, feed your pet rice boiled in chicken broth. It is better to start with minimal portions every 2-3 hours. In subsequent days, portions increase, but the number of meals decreases.
  2. Brew mint. You can use pharmacy tea. The broth should be cooled to 37 degrees and poured into the cat’s mouth. One tablespoon of decoction is enough. You can give it either immediately after vomiting or after several hours.
  3. If your cat often swallows fur, you can give him a teaspoon of vegetable oil 3 times a week.

When to go to the vet

A visit to the veterinarian is necessary to determine the cause of vomiting.

If vomiting does not stop for a long time, there is no need to think about what to do. There is only one answer - seek help from a specialist. Especially if there are a number of related problems:

  1. The cat has lost interest in food and is vomiting foam. This may indicate the development of extremely dangerous pathology– liver lipidosis.
  2. The animal is tormenting extreme thirst. If your cat drinks constantly, there is a possibility of kidney problems that need to be treated urgently.
  3. The cat drinks a lot, but does not go to the toilet for a little while.
  4. The cat vomits almost constantly. Vomiting, which is repeated several times in an hour, should be alarming.
  5. The cat has stopped making contact; he is scared or in a clouded state. This may indicate severe intoxication of the body, as well as problems in the brain.

Attention! With such symptoms, hoping for a miracle is dangerous and pointless. Vomiting may be harmless in itself, but when coupled with the above problems, it becomes deadly. Therefore, you need to immediately take the animal to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. Before his visit, you cannot self-medicate!

Diagnosis and treatment

Poor diet may cause vomiting.

To understand what actually caused the vomiting, the doctor must find out some details from the owner:

  1. When the vomiting started.
  2. What did the cat eat? lately. Have there been any changes in his diet? How much did he eat?
  3. How often does vomiting occur?
  4. What volume of vomit comes out and its composition.
  5. Does the cat have any chronic or infectious diseases?
  6. How the animal eats and drinks.
  7. Cat behavior.
  8. Frequency of going to the toilet.

In addition, the doctor must examine the animal. Sometimes, to make a diagnosis, it is enough to obtain information from the pet owner and palpate the abdomen. If this is not enough, the doctor will order a urine and blood test.

Some clinics prefer to do the full range diagnostic measures, which includes x-ray of the kidneys and ultrasound abdominal cavity.

Treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis. Mainly assigned medications, as well as measures aimed at preventing dehydration.

An injection of the drug "Cerucal" helps stop persistent vomiting.

The treatment strategy is to eliminate not only the signs of pathology, but also its causes. Therefore, the cat owner must understand in what cases and how he can help the cat on his own, and when it is necessary to immediately seek help.

In the video, a veterinarian talks about the causes and methods of treating vomiting in a cat:

A healthy and cheerful pet is the dream of every owner of a furry creature. However, animals often experience digestive problems in the form of nausea and vomiting. There are many reasons why a cat vomits: from basic overeating to a health- and life-threatening infectious disease. It is important for the owner to be able to recognize when a phenomenon such as vomiting has a dangerous tendency, and also to know how to provide first aid to the animal at home.

Read in this article

Causes of vomiting

There are many reasons why a cat vomits food, but the main ones are:

  • Overeating. Swallowing food too quickly and consuming large amounts of food often leads to regurgitation of food masses.
  • Formation of hairballs in the stomach leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting in the pet. Long-haired breeds are especially susceptible to the disease.
  • Lead to nausea and vomiting food associated with eating low-quality stale feed.
  • Animals eating hard parts indoor plants - a common cause of regurgitation of food masses.
  • Entry of foreign objects into the digestive tract, bones leads to irritation of the stomach and the release of its contents out.
  • . Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting in the pet.
  • Inflammation and other pathologies of the pancreas lead to disruption of enzymatic processes during feed digestion and are often accompanied by vomiting.
  • Vomiting can be a symptom of such a dangerous condition for the animal as volvulus, intestinal obstruction, . Such situations require urgent intervention from a veterinarian, as they pose a threat to the pet’s life.
  • Often the cause of nausea and regular vomiting is pathology of the liver and gall bladder. In this case, the digestion of fatty foods is disrupted, which leads to regurgitation.
  • Poisoning with medications, pesticides– common reasons why a cat rejects food masses. This protective reflex helps reduce concentration toxic substance in the animal's body.
  • Often the reason why a cat burps is, striking digestive system. Worms may even be observed in the vomit, indicating intense helminth infestation.
  • Infectious diseases often accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, which indicates the development pathological process. , calcivirosis, coronovirus infection - this is an incomplete list viral causes Why does a cat burp every day? In addition to nausea and vomiting, the animal will experience increased stress, lethargy, refusal to feed and other symptoms indicating the seriousness of the situation.

TO systemic diseases accompanied by nausea and vomiting, also include oncological pathologies, diseases nervous system(including stress), pathologies of the heart and kidneys.

What are the main causes of vomiting? pet What to do with this, look at the video:

What does the composition of vomit tell you?

The variety of causes that lead to nausea and vomiting in cats makes them difficult to identify at first glance. However, the nature and composition of the vomit will help in diagnosing the disease. Therefore, if the owner detects vomiting in a pet, before starting cleaning, he should carefully examine the vomited mass.

Vomit color and other characteristic features What color and consistency indicate
Presence of white foam This condition indicates that the stomach is empty. The cause of vomiting in this case may be gastritis, a long-term starvation diet, or a psycho-emotional state (stress). Regular vomiting with white foam in an older cat may indicate the development of cancer. If a cat is vomiting white foam, what exactly should you do - do not self-medicate, but show your pet veterinary specialist
Yellow Indicates that bile has entered the stomach. This phenomenon is observed in diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and small intestine.
Green vomit This may happen when the pet has eaten a lot of green grass. However, this color undigested food may also indicate a large reflux of bile into the stomach, which is unfavorable symptom and is often observed in acute infectious diseases
Blood impurities Observed in case of injuries, foreign bodies, and stomach ulcers. At home, the owner can inspect the animal's mouth for the presence of foreign objects. If a cat is vomiting, you need to do the following: open the animal’s mouth, find the stuck object and remove it. In other cases, it is necessary to seek qualified veterinary help
Coffee-colored vomit It is an unfavorable symptom of diseases such as gastric bleeding, destruction malignant tumor. Chocolate color is the result of exposure gastric juice for blood. If in addition to dark brown there is a smell of feces, then you can suspect intestinal obstruction - a phenomenon dangerous to the life of the animal

When diagnosing the causes of nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to pay attention not only to color, but also to the presence of mucus, undigested food particles, foreign impurities (worms, foreign objects), and the consistency of vomit. Thus, vomiting with mucus most often accompanies gastritis, helminthic infestations. On New Year's days, pets often gorge themselves on tinsel and rain, and these foreign objects are often found in the vomit.

Is the condition so dangerous?

Many owners are puzzled about what to do if their cat is vomiting and how to help him at home. Of course, you can try to alleviate the cat’s condition on your own, but only if the cause is known and it does not pose a threat to the health and life of the pet. For example, Often the cause of vomiting is toxicosis in pregnant cat in the first half of term.

As a rule, if vomiting is periodic from time to time, and there are no undigested particles in the vomit, no mucus, and the color is not alarming, then there is no reason to worry. Most veterinary specialists believe that vomiting in cats is a natural process of self-cleansing of the body. Feeding special food for removing hair, regularly giving your pet malt paste or tablets will help solve the problem.

If the cause of vomiting is worms, the owner must carry out unscheduled treatment of the animal for helminths.

However, if vomiting is frequent (several times a day or every day), accompanied by a change in color, or associated symptoms are present (fever, diarrhea, refusal to feed, lethargy, etc.), you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Help an animal

Owners are often lost and don’t know what to do. When a cat vomits, here's what to do at home:

1. First of all, you need to remove all food from your pet.

2. Water should be left if drinking it does not cause new attacks.

3. The owner should measure the cat’s body temperature and inspect the food to ensure its freshness.

4. If vomiting is frequent, care should be taken to prevent dehydration in the pet. To do this, it is necessary to provide the animal unhindered access To clean water and do not delay your visit to a specialist.

Do not use medications from a human first aid kit if you notice nausea and regurgitation of food in an animal. Only a veterinarian can recommend what to give your cat for vomiting. For example, in case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, or solvents, it is prohibited to induce vomiting. If an animal swallows sharp objects, tinsel, or rain, use a syringe to inject 5 - 6 ml Vaseline oil and go to the clinic.

To learn what to do and how to help your cat if vomiting is caused by poisoning, watch this video:

In a specialized institution, when identifying the causes of vomiting, antiemetic drugs, for example, cerucal, antispasmodics, detoxification drugs. If vomiting is caused by stomach diseases, the pet will be prescribed gastroprotectors that reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa. For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, hepatoprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

What to do if a cat vomits due to infectious diseases? In addition to vomiting, viral diseases often accompanied by diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. In a veterinary clinic, if there are signs of a lack of water in the body, the animal is prescribed intravenous injections saline solution, Ringer's solution, glucose.


To prevent nausea, regurgitation and vomiting in pet to the ownerit is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists:

  • feed your pet only proven food;
  • avoid overfeeding, give food in small portions several times a day;
  • regularly carry out treatment for helminths;
  • prevent the formation of hairballs in the stomach by periodically using special food and pastes for removing hair, and regularly comb out your pet’s coat;
  • protect the animal from swallowing foreign objects;
  • regularly vaccinate your cat against infectious diseases;
  • carry out regularly routine inspection see a specialist who will help identify pathologies of internal organs.

Pet owners need to understand what causes vomiting in cats. This will help determine the severity of the problem. And if a cat is found vomiting, the owner should also have an idea of ​​what to do in such a situation in order to provide timely assistance. necessary help pet.

When a cat vomits white foam, its owners may have well-founded concerns about its health.

The fact is that vomiting is usually a symptom of some painful condition in both humans and animals. If you notice it in time and accept it appropriate measures, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of very dangerous disease, which can end very badly for your pet.

How to determine the cause of vomiting in cats?

Only a veterinarian can correctly identify the reasons why a cat is vomiting white foam. The fact is that vomiting for cats is a peculiar defensive reaction to contamination of the body with both pathogenic microorganisms and toxic chemicals. Moreover, the appearance of a gag reflex may not always be associated with the manifestation of any disease. For example, cats very often regurgitate hair that gets into their stomach during licking and cleaning.

If your cat periodically vomits white foam, it should definitely be seen by a doctor. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the veterinarian usually examines the cat, during which:

  1. Determines the frequency of vomiting.
  2. Finds out what the animal ate and whether it had access to any chemicals. This is done in order to completely eliminate the possibility of poisoning.
  3. The exact time the animal first vomited.
  4. Type and amount of vomit.
  5. The presence or absence of appetite in the animal.
  6. General condition of the animal.
  7. The presence or absence of an animal chronic diseases.

If your cat is not eating and is vomiting white foam, this may be a sign of a fairly serious illness. If such a symptom is detected, the doctor may order urine and blood tests for your pet, an ultrasound of the kidneys and abdomen, and an x-ray. In the event that there is a suspicion of serious illness digestive organs, cats can perform an endoscopic examination.

When you cannot quickly get an animal to a doctor, it is worth keeping an eye on it. If vomiting does not recur periodically and the animal's condition does not worsen, the cat most likely just wants to get rid of fur or foreign objects that have entered its stomach. This is not dangerous, and such vomiting may stop on its own after a few days.

When a cat is lethargic, apathetic, constantly lies and does not play, it needs to be shown urgently veterinarian. This can be either poisoning or an exacerbation of some serious chronic illness. Only an experienced veterinarian can figure out what is happening to the animal.

Even though initial appointment It can cost about 500 rubles from a veterinarian, it’s better not to save money and show your pet to a doctor. By doing this, you will not only provide him with invaluable help, but also protect yourself, as well as your loved ones, from the infection that a sick cat can transmit. This is especially important when you have children who can become infected with very unpleasant diseases from a sick animal.

Types of vomiting in cats

If you have seen a cat vomiting white foam and know what to do in such cases, this does not mean that you will be able to correctly determine whether the animal is sick or not. The success of further treatment of the animal directly depends on the correct diagnosis. So there are the following types vomiting in cats:

  • foam;
  • food;
  • liquid;
  • bile;
  • blood;
  • saliva.

Those cases where a cat vomits white foam are usually considered quite safe. The fact is that when eating food, the animal swallows a little air, which, when in contact with mucus, gives the effect of white foam. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s still worth showing your pet to a doctor, because copious discharge foam may indicate problems with bile secretion.

The second reason for the appearance of vomiting with white foam can be the consumption of stale food. In addition, animals of some breeds eat only specially selected foods, and if their diet is changed, a reaction such as vomiting is possible. If there are no other signs of illness, try changing the menu, and it is quite possible that your animal will recover fairly quickly.

A cat may also vomit due to the fact that it swallows too much fur while cleaning and licking it. This is especially true for long-haired breeds. Try to brush them more often, and also don't let them spend too much time on their toilet. By the way, excessive licking can occur during nervous soil, so try not to disturb your pets too often in this case.

Sometimes vomiting with white foam is unsafe. This happens when an animal gets sick with distemper or feline panleukopenia. In this case, in white foam yellow color may be mixed in, and the animal will vomit periodically. Here in mandatory A doctor's intervention will be required, since if the cat is not treated, other pets living in the house may become infected.

If treatment measures are taken in a timely manner, vomiting with white foam will pass quickly enough, and the cat will suffer virtually no complications. So, carefully monitor your pet in order to respond in time to the symptoms of dangerous diseases.

Vomiting food and liquid

Once you know why your cat vomits white foam, you should also understand why this animal can sometimes vomit food and liquid. Typically this behavior indicates pathological change gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a cat may vomit food even in the case of banal overeating, since these animals have no sense of proportion and can eat gourmet foods in excessive quantities.

But in the case when blood appears in the vomit, it makes sense to be alarmed. The fact is that this may indicate that an infection has entered the animal’s body, or that it has worms. In this case, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory. for preventive purposes to prevent infection of both other animals and people.

In addition, vomiting blood may also be a sign that the cat has ingested foreign object. Pets often lick and swallow various shiny and unknown objects that can be dangerous. So, very often they swallow glass or can damage their internal organs bones. As a result, internal bleeding begins, which can threaten the life of the animal. Therefore, if you notice blood in the vomit, immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic.

Vomiting liquid alone is also a cause for concern. The fact is that vomit, consisting of liquid yellowish color, are signs of feline distemper. At the same time, the animal does not eat, is afraid of light, and its vomiting is strong and painful. If treatment measures are not taken in time, it can die quite quickly, primarily from dehydration.

You should be especially concerned when your cat begins to refuse food. Normally, even a sick animal eats periodically. If it stopped doing this, it has a very serious condition. So, the means at hand most likely will not help him, and he will need to go to the nearest veterinary clinic.

By the way, you should never forget about such an unpleasant subject as helminths.

Attention! Many cat owners, having noticed their vomiting and poor appetite, they immediately begin to panic and completely forget that common worms can cause symptoms in animals that are similar to those of dangerous illnesses.

Therefore, be sure to periodically inspect your animals for worms, because even domestic cats can pick them up by sitting, for example, for a short time in a tray with sand taken from the street.

What to do if a cat vomits?

If your cat is vomiting white foam and you don’t know what to do, try to get advice on this topic by phone at a veterinary clinic. Typically, such consultations are given free of charge, and you will have the opportunity to provide emergency assistance to your pet. However, in any case, show it to a veterinarian later, since vomiting may only be the first symptom of a very serious disease that is beginning.

To provide emergency assistance in the case when the cat vomits white foam and diarrhea occurs, it is urgent to limit your pet's food intake. If the situation is serious, then it is worth removing the water until new attacks of vomiting stop. The thing is that in most cases the animal is simply poisoned by poor-quality food. If it gets a little hungry while consuming large number water, the body can overcome poisoning itself. At the same time, experts advise adding a little potassium permanganate to such water.

Attention! When a cat vomits saliva with white foam, you should not give it untested drugs, especially those intended for treating humans.

Any medications can only be given after you have consulted a veterinarian on this topic, otherwise your pet’s condition may only worsen.

If you are absolutely sure that your cat has eaten turpentine, lye, or ingested solvent, do not under any circumstances provoke her to vomit. Give her a spoonful of Enterosgel before sending her to the veterinary clinic. It is also prohibited to induce vomiting in cases where there is a suspicion that the animal has swallowed a sharp object. The fact is that stomach spasms during vomiting can cause movement of such an object in it and, accordingly, damage to the wall of the stomach and esophagus. The maximum that can be done here without a doctor is to give the victim 1 tbsp. l. Vaseline oil.

In the event that specialists veterinary clinic It is advised to induce vomiting in the animal, and this happens when poisoning is suspected, you can do this by giving a glass warm water with 1 tbsp dissolved in it. l. salt. In any case, you will need to consult a doctor on the day symptoms of illness appear, since the cat can die within 2 days due to dehydration caused by vomiting.

Attention! Vomiting in cats can be a sign of very wide range diseases, so you need to be able to distinguish the signs of some diseases from others.

For example, if your furry friend has a digestive problem, the only way you can stop him from vomiting is by keeping him on a strict diet and only feeding him high-quality food.

Also, try to prevent your cat from licking or swallowing anything from the floor. She can swallow not only sharp objects, but also, for example, medicines which could have a negative impact on her health. Even such simple preventive measures can protect your pet from very serious problems with health.

What should you do if your cat is vomiting white foam? was last modified: September 12th, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

Vomiting is a completely normal physiological reflex, which can even save a cat’s life if he ate “something wrong.” In addition, cats often empty their stomachs by eating grass and artificially stimulating the gag reflex. But the norm is a rather loose concept. So, if your cat is vomiting foam, and this happens constantly, it makes sense to take her to the vet. Sometimes you need to do this as quickly as possible.

Let us immediately note that the reasons for what is happening can be extremely varied, but still there is no need to panic right away: as a rule, this pathology is caused by quite ordinary factors, and if they are eliminated, everything will probably be fine with the animal’s health. For example, a cat often turns into something like a fire extinguisher because of overeating.

The fact is that young animals have virtually no “brakes” in terms of food; kittens eat incessantly. In the case when the baby “reaches out” for large volumes of food, he eats until his own body resists it. To avoid stomach rupture, the latter activates gag reflex. Overfed kittens vomit violently and for a long time. Vomits until gastric juice begins to come out, mixed with secretions of the mucous membrane (foam).

The same thing happens with some animals, which owners dramatically changed their diet. For example, they switched from dry food to canned food, or vice versa. In principle, changes in diet can cause vomiting on their own, but often they stimulate the same gluttony, the results of which we have already discussed above. What's even more dangerous abrupt change“grocery” basket very often leads to rapid development stomach upsets. So New food should be introduced into the cat’s diet in small portions and very gradually, without rushing.

If a cat vomits foam mixed with blood and coughs at the same time, there is a high probability of some kind of infectious respiratory disease. In this case, vomiting itself is only a consequence of constant and gross irritation of the vomiting center with incessant coughing. Blood appears as a result of damage and microscopic tears in the mucous membranes of organs. Remember whether your pet has recently had contact with obviously sick animals, whether he has been vaccinated against respiratory infections etc. In short, if a cat is vomiting pink foam tinted with small amounts of blood, it is imperative to show it to a veterinarian.

Other possibilities

Another reason for the release of white foam from the stomach is malnutrition and even hunger. It just so happens that cats are very sensitive to lack of food. Their body will synthesize all the necessary digestive secretions in the same volumes for a long time, without reducing their quantity. If you don't feed your cat for a long time, the accumulation hydrochloric acid may cause stomach irritation. As a result, the same foamy vomit will occur. It is for this reason The duration of a fasting diet for cats should not exceed one day.

Read also: What do fleas look like on cats? Know the enemy by sight!

In addition, a similar clinical picture can be seen in cases where a large amount accumulates in the cat's stomach. hairballs. This is especially typical for representatives of long-haired breeds, whose owners do not comb their pets. As a result, when the animal does its daily “marathon”, a considerable amount of hair is simply swallowed. The natural result is the formation of numerous, matted and very dense hairballs, which constantly irritate the gastric mucosa, from time to time causing violent, foamy vomiting. If the cat does not eat anything and develops constipation, this serves as additional confirmation of the “wool” theory.

A very dangerous and fairly common cause of foamy vomiting is a variety of inflammatory diseases , both the stomach itself and the entire gastrointestinal tract. These pathologies can cause not only “belching”, but also something much more dangerous. The most harmless variety is heartburn. In this case, the cat vomits white foam in the morning on an empty stomach. Other symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases are constant lethargy, weight loss, interspersed with constipation, and lack of appetite. If regurgitation occurs immediately after eating, this almost certainly indicates the presence of heartburn and similar gastrointestinal pathologies.

One of the most dangerous varieties gastrointestinal diseases is. This is the name of a pathology in which the mucous membrane becomes inflamed thin section intestines. Vomiting is just one of the symptoms, and in this case, protracted, debilitating diarrhea is much more typical. In the vomit of enteritis, impurities of blood or even bile are often found. If a cat vomits bile and foam, then you urgently need to show it to the veterinarian, since in such a situation the matter can end in cholemia (the entry of bile into the blood), nervous attacks and death.

Diseases of the adrenal glands can have serious consequences. When they are inflamed, the animal’s body cannot synthesize a sufficient amount of cortisone. Because of this, the cat vomits white foam and diarrhea is often accompanied this process. The disease is equally likely to occur in animals of all ages and breeds. However, the cats are in the zone maximum risk. With adrenal disease, blood sugar levels often and severely decrease, diarrhea is noted, muscle weakness, depression and lethargy. Any hormonal disorders need urgent treatment, as the consequences can be extremely serious. We also recommend watching a video about the causes, types and methods of stopping vomiting in cats.

Read also: Inflammation of the prostate in a cat: clinical picture diseases and therapy

Besides, severe intoxication itself causes vomiting. The latter in this case is a normal protective reflex of the body, which in this way tries to get rid of excess toxins. In addition, worms have an effect on the mucous membranes digestive tract pronounced mechanical impact, which also leads to vomiting.

A separate “song” - action various medications , including after surgery. Many drugs, especially those eaten “illegally” by a cat, can cause a similar effect. The same applies to almost all varieties household chemicals. If you suspect that your pet has eaten something from this category, contact your veterinarian immediately, without delaying the process!

Owners living in warm climates, where there is a possibility of encounters between their pets and poisonous reptiles and insects. The bite of some of them can also lead to the development of profuse, foamy vomiting. Very often, vomit in this case is stained with blood. Since in any of these cases, delay is fraught with the death of your pet, you need to immediately, without wasting a single second, take him to the veterinarian!

Finally, there is a chance that your cat, having decided to “cleanse” his body, I ate something by mistake poisonous grass. Of course, most of the poison will come out with vomit, but this does not eliminate the need to show the animal to a veterinarian.

Simple ways to provide first aid to an animal

In the case when your cat is vomiting water and foam, and no more threatening symptoms are observed, you can try to help your pet without resorting to veterinary care(or in cases where it is simply not possible to quickly get to the clinic). As a rule, hungry daily diet can significantly alleviate the condition of the animal in many cases. The point is to “unload” the digestive system, in time during which the body can repair some damage. The main thing is that the animal must have unhindered access to drinking water(and boiled).

If after a day the animal’s condition has stabilized and there are no more cases of vomiting, you can gradually soften the diet. At this time, you can start giving small amounts of boiled white rice in chicken broth. Preferably feed the animal five to six times a day, but in small portions, so as not to burden his digestive system. After two days, you should gradually increase the volume of portions, reducing their number and bringing them to the normal daily frequency of nutrition. If you have even the slightest doubt about stabilizing your pet’s condition, it is better to keep him on the diet longer (at least all week).

As for stopping the usual, oddly enough, Regular mint tea works well for many cats, which in similar cases is effective for treating people. Just brew a cup mint tea and allow it to cool to a temperature of 35-37 degrees Celsius. Immediately after vomiting, you need to pour about a tablespoon of this decoction into the cat. What to do if you suspect the presence of hairballs in your pet's stomach?

😿 Causes of vomiting in cats. What to do if your cat is vomiting white foam or mucus. Diagnosis of green, red, black, yellow, orange, pink and clear vomit. The cat vomits after eating. Treatment

Vomiting in cats and cats 😿


There is hardly a single owner who would not observe such a phenomenon as cat vomiting. But the cat owner does not always pay due attention to what happened, considering it simply the body’s reaction to food. Yes, this happens, but it also happens that bad changes occur in the cat’s body, and this is one of the first symptoms of a serious illness. Therefore, it is better to figure out whether there is a reason to treat your pet.

Causes of vomiting in cats


Here is a list of diseases that can cause a cat to burp regularly:

    chronic renal failure. Often with chronic renal failure in the morning, the ejected contents consist of empty saliva, and uremic syndrome manifests itself;

    gastroenteritis, gastritis - mucus may be visible;

    But it’s no good to write off something like that unpleasant phenomenon only for pregnancy - infections can attack a cat at any time, so if you suspect it, it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian.

    Diagnosis of cat vomiting

    People often forget that it is necessary not only to remove the symptom, but to understand the cause of the phenomenon. Vomit may be a symptom various violations in the cat's body. To understand the true cause of regurgitation, you need to consider vomiting - after diagnosis it will become clear whether the animal needs urgent treatment, and which one exactly.

    The cat is vomiting blood

    When an owner notices blood in a cat's vomit, they may begin to panic. You shouldn't do this. You need to get together and first of all study the unpleasant phenomenon.

    Perhaps there is scarlet blood in the mass, or the mass itself is thick and brown. If the vomit is still brown, then there is a high chance of stomach bleeding. It could have been caused by a hit foreign body, tumor, ulcerative process, liver disease, acute course gastritis and some other diseases. Why brown? Because vomit contains not only blood, but also gastric juice.

    Scarlet bloody vomit or a mass of pronounced pink color signals bleeding in the esophagus or mouth. There is nothing that can be done here other than taking the cat to the clinic.

    Black vomit

    Black vomit in a cat can also scare the owners. Usually such a misfortune does not manifest itself without accompanying symptoms: Along with regurgitation, fever, drowsiness, weakness, pain, diarrhea, and signs of dehydration appear. They do not take any independent action - only a specialist treats the problem. The owner's task is not to try to feed the cat, but to get him to the doctor as soon as possible.

    Clear vomit in a cat

    Snatch clear liquid maybe an adult cat, and little kitten. Instead of stomach contents with pieces of food, there is simply clear water with some gastric juice. A small amount of mucus from the esophagus may be present.

    Simple yellow vomit occurs in a cat diet consisting of: industrial feed. But if the vomit is bright, saturated yellow, even orange, means bile has spilled into the stomach.


    Bile entering the stomach is caused by problems with the biliary tract or liver disease.


    It's best to re-learn the nutrition tips for cats: fatty foods excluded completely, not to mention stale. The second step will be to consult a veterinarian to check the animal’s condition.

    The cat has green vomit

    Green vomit appears when a lot of bile or even intestinal contents have spilled into the stomach. Usually the process is triggered by a severe infection. Required here urgent help veterinarian, and not treatment at home, take care of your cat!

    When a kitten or cat vomits greens and fur, everything is not so critical: the pet probably tasted green grass, and before that it ingested own wool- this is where the stomach self-cleanses from the fur that has filled it.

    The cat is vomiting white foam

    It happens that a cat vomits white foam - a one-time occurrence does not pose a threat. Nausea begins when food has been digested and sent to the intestines, and mucus and gastric juice remain in the empty stomach. The air that gets into them helps to form a foamy white mass. This happens at any age: both in old cats and in young ones after giving birth.

    Multiple foamy vomiting in cats indicates the presence of chronic stomach diseases. Foam is a derivative of mucus that protects the walls of the organ, and in its absence, ulcers can form.

    Foam vomiting is often observed in a kitten after switching to solid food: the stomach is often full, and the gag reflex is activated. The process is quite long and stops only when mucus and gastric juice come out in the form of white foam. In adult animals, such a stomach reaction is also possible when switching to new type nutrition.

    Veterinary medicine indicates beginning gastritis among the causes of morning white cat vomiting with foam. Parallel symptoms may include alternating diarrhea and constipation, refusal to eat, and apathetic behavior.

    If the foamy vomit contains some hair, the problem is caused by a hairball stuck in the stomach. The green grass fibers will help the animal get rid of the foreign body.

    It’s not at all good if, in addition to foam, bile or blood is found in the contents ejected from the stomach: the cat is shaking and tormented persistent diarrhea, nervous attacks develop: urgently see a veterinarian.

    Vomiting mucus

    Vomiting in a cat with mucus in it does not bode well: erosive and chronic gastritis, intestinal diseases, viral diseases.

    Vomiting in cats after eating

    There are several reasons for this: the cat could have eaten to its heart’s content, and the gag reflex was triggered. Or the cat ate too hastily, swallowing pieces - such a meal will not go well. In both cases the phenomenon will be one-time.

    Sometimes the owner notices that the pet constantly vomits undigested pieces immediately after eating - the veterinarian is already waiting for his patient, because this serious sign inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This happens due to pain while eating and the stomach’s refusal to digest food in the usual manner. Why is it worth going to the clinic as soon as possible? There were cases when cat vomited after eating due to volvulus.

    The cat has a gag reflex without vomiting

    While watching their pet, owners sometimes notice vomiting, which ends in nothing. Most likely, the pet has accumulated fur in its stomach. Weak peristalsis fails to cope, and the number of hairs increases. The veterinarian will remove the hairball, and the owners will be given advice on how to comb their pet's fur.

    What to feed your cat after vomiting

    After the cat has vomited, the attentive owner continues not only to observe the condition of the purr, but will also offer him dietary food. It does not cancel taking medications, but accompanies it. A fasting diet is required in the first 10 hours. Instead of water, after a single nausea, it is better to let the cat lick a couple of ice cubes. Repeated vomiting dehydrates your cat, so you will have to try to give your cat fresh, clean water to drink.

    The diet in this case is therapeutic: the stomach and intestines will react poorly to fatty, spicy and salty foods. If the cat eats dry food, medicinal forms are chosen.

    The animal is given rice water, baby purees, and boiled chicken for two days in a row.

    Treating a cat for vomiting

    Trying to stop vomiting on your own is not worth it - without knowing the real reason, you can cause serious harm to your pet.

    When the owner notices that the cat has vomited after sterilization, he may panic, but there is no reason to worry: the cat has undergone anesthesia and is recovering from it, or she was fed early. No treatment required. A single vomiting in a cat after vaccination also does not require help.

    In case of poisoning, the cat should be given absorbents; if severe poisons are suspected, a veterinarian will be treated.

    In any case, you can help your cat with vomiting with drugs that restore the water-salt balance.

    The doctor will prescribe a diet and prescribe pills that will protect the cat’s body from new vomiting.


    The gel has a homogeneous consistency pleasant taste and painted white. The contents of the sachet are used according to the dosage: for cats, 0.5 ml is calculated for each kilogram of the pet’s weight.


    Mezim is classified as a human drug approved for ingestion by animals. For treatment, use a quarter of a tablet, which is turned into powder and treated to the kitty 15 minutes before meals.


    Cerucal can be purchased in the form of tablets and injections. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal: 0.2-0.4 mg per kilogram of the animal’s weight. Reception is carried out 3-4 times a day.


    Substance in powder form white Available in sachets. On adult cat medium size is enough for 1.5 g of medicine. The powder is diluted to a mushy state boiled water(50 ml).

    Don't let the process go cat vomiting of course - the owner is responsible for the health of the animal.

    Video about vomiting in cats