Patchouli oil: application. Patchouli essential oil for women's health. Allergy to patchouli oil

Essential oil Patchouli has a dark yellow, even brownish color. It is characterized by a spicy, tart, resinous-woody aroma. Patchouli resembles the smell of wood, Indian spices and a burning fire. Quite thick in consistency, with low volatility. Therefore, the smell of the oil can be felt even after 2 or 3 days. This feature is used in perfumery to maintain the stability of perfumes. The main producers of fragrant patchouli are Malaysia, India, Paraguay, China, Burma, and Singapore.

Patchouli extract is extracted from the leaves of the Pogostemon plant using long-term steam distillation. The combination of all components of patchouli oil is absolutely unique: the main ingredient is patchouli alcohol - it is responsible for its unique smell. The quality of the oil depends on the saturation of patchoulol - after all, it is determined by its concentration by almost 50%.

Properties and application

The fragrant smell of patchouli has a very intense effect on humans, since it has many different properties: diuretic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory. The oil strengthens the immune system and has antiviral protection. It is also a unique aphrodisiac, a good antidepressant and antiseptic.

Use in medicine

Widely used to treat many skin problems. Particularly effective against fungal infections. In undiluted form, it is used to treat small cuts and wounds (applied pointwise to the affected area of ​​the skin). Thanks to its excellent restorative properties, the use of patchouli makes scars, small cracks, scars, and acne marks less noticeable. Patchouli compresses are used to reduce skin inflammation.

Steam inhalation with essential oil is recommended for treatment colds and sore throats. In addition, they can treat hemorrhoids, allergic rashes. It is a powerful aphrodisiac, as it contributes to a significant increase in sexual desire and potency. Patchouli blends well with incense, lavender, cedar, sandalwood oil, geranium, jasmine, verbena, bergamot and rose.

Application in cosmetology

With constant use of patchouli oil for hair, it returns healthy shine, restores, strengthens, and eliminates dandruff.

Suitable for all skin types, but due to its rejuvenating and tightening effect, it is especially suitable for aging skin. It also returns lost tissue turgor well, so it is used to restore skin elasticity in the area of ​​the chin, buttocks and chest. But patchouli will also be an excellent remedy for young skin. Patchouli oil wonderfully nourishes the epidermis, accelerates the healing of acne, and removes redness and swelling.

Use in aromatherapy and perfumery

Since it contains many volatile aromatic substances, it is actively used in the perfume industry. It is often included in men's perfumes. It is characterized as a warm, heavy, very sensual tart smell.

Aromatherapy with this essential oil relaxes, alleviates symptoms of depression, stress and nervous exhaustion.

It is an excellent remedy for moths. It is recommended to leave a bottle of patchouli oil open in the closet.

Oil dosage

In concentrated form, patchouli essential oil should be used very carefully.

  • cosmetic products are diluted with 2 drops of patchouli extract;
  • no more than 2 drops per 5 sq.m. are dripped into the aroma lamp;
  • when used as a massage oil, add 2-3 drops per 10 g of olive oil;
  • for compresses, take 3-4 drops undiluted, which are applied to a damp cloth;
  • 6-7 drops are poured into the aroma bath, first dissolved in an emulsifier, which can be cream, salt or honey;
  • for gargling - add 2 drops of extract to 0.5 tsp. emulsifier, and then stir in a glass of water;
  • for inhalation, pour 1-2 drops of extract into well-heated water, throw a towel over your head, then inhale the resulting vapor for about 10 minutes;
  • During production cosmetic ice for skin care, about 5 drops of patchouli are combined with an emulsifier (1 tsp), then a glass of water is added, poured into molds and frozen. Use this product to tone your face, neck and décolleté twice a day.

Such a strong concentrate can only be used externally. Before using it, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


  • pregnancy at all stages;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • asthma of any etiology.

You should refrain from using it when individual intolerance and the presence of allergies.

The variety of uses of this essential oil allows you to take care of the body. Patchouli is an excellent assistant in skin and hair care. Unique composition and the healing properties of patchouli oil make it possible to restore elasticity to the skin, and shine and softness to the hair. Thanks to this oil, it is easier to restore integrity skin after dermatitis and cuts, stress is relieved and the nervous system calms down.

Patchouli oil has been famous for over a hundred years and is one of the most versatile and popular essential oils. Its aroma is unique, ambiguous, it is one of those smells that either captivates you forever or will be rejected from the first moment. And the use of oil is very diverse, from medicinal purposes and cosmetic procedures for hair and skin to money-making and aromatic uses.

The smell is woody, resinous with noticeable notes of roots and earth. In compositions made from essential oil mixtures, the aroma of patchouli always prevails, introducing a hint of some bitterness, astringency and Indian spices. Patchouli oil harmonizes perfectly with the oils of grapefruit, lavender, bergamot, ginger, basil, etc. The oil itself is a rather thick liquid, the color of which can vary from bright yellow to yellow-green tones. It is produced from the leaves of the patchouli bush, which, unfortunately, does not grow in Russian latitudes.

Patchouli oil includes a huge list of constituent substances, the most interesting and unique of which is patchouli alcohol - patchoulol, the content of which directly determines the unusual aroma of the oil. Typically its share ranges from 30 to 50%, and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons are mainly responsible for the depth and harmony of the odor.

Over time, patchouli essential oil only improves its properties. beneficial properties.

Found this product wide application in many areas: medicine and its various branches, cosmetology, aromatherapy, treatment nervous system. This distribution of patchouli essential oil is determined by a number of beneficial properties that it possesses and the effect it has on the human body.

  • Patchouli oil is famous for its bactericidal and fungicidal properties, which help cope with various diseases skin and eliminate fungus, which is also used in the care of intimate places.
  • Tightens the skin, gives it elasticity and firmness.
  • It is considered one of the most effective aphrodisiacs for men and helps solve problems with potency and the urinary system.
  • Strengthens the body and increases immunity to infectious diseases.
  • Eliminates cellulite by removing excess water from the body and controlling appetite.
  • It has a calming effect on the nervous system, normalizing the overall emotional level.
  • Suitable for oral care.

Contraindications to the use of patchouli oil:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • the presence of stomach diseases and ulcers;
  • age up to 2 years.

Uses of patchouli essential oil

Patchouli oil can also be used in everyday life, for example, against moths, by treating cabinet shelves with it. But still more interesting is its use on the human body, examples of which are discussed below.

Thanks to its healing and antimicrobial action, as well as an exquisite aroma, patchouli oil is widely used in cosmetology to restore, treat and give healthy looking skin, hair, nails and even intimate places. This product can be used as the main ingredient or a few drops can be added to ready-made cosmetics, such as creams, masks, shampoos and gels. However, it has been proven that the effectiveness is much higher with the regular use of patchouli essential oil as the dominant component in the composition with additional natural ingredients. Below are a few interesting recipes using patchouli oil at home.

Patchouli oil for hair care

Regular use of patchouli oil for hair will not only help give it a healthy shine and strength, but also, when rubbing the mixture into the scalp, eliminate dandruff and premature hair loss.

To prepare the mixture you will need 2 tbsp. any base oil, for which jojoba, shea butter, almond or coconut oil are ideal. 4...5 drops of patchouli essential oil are added to it, and the resulting mixture is distributed over the surface of the scalp and rubbed in with circular massage movements for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, the mixture is washed off in the usual way.

Mask for oily hair

Its composition is quite simple: you need to take 1 chicken yolk, 2 tbsp. olive oil, add 3 drops of patchouli oil to the mixture and carefully distribute the resulting mass over the entire length of the hair. To carry out such a mask, the hair is usually hidden under a plastic cap or bag, and additionally wrapped with a scarf or towel on top. The procedure lasts 45 minutes, after this time the mask is washed off.

Patchouli essential oil is used to tighten pores and dry out oily skin, moisturize and nourish dry skin, and help fight various types irritations, swelling, spots and pimples, and also smoothes wrinkles and gives the skin a tightened appearance. You can enrich your facial cosmetics with a few drops of patchouli oil, apply it directly, undiluted, to problem areas (pimples and blemishes), or use it differently, additional options are presented below.

Ice cubes recipe

Cubes prepared in this way are suitable for daily rubbing of the facial skin to make it velvety, firm and eliminate fine wrinkles. It is recommended to carry out the procedure during the morning toilet, rubbing the cube over the face with massage circular movements. To make ice cubes, you will need to mix a glass of warm clean water with 1 tsp. liquid honey (if it is thick, then it is preheated in a water bath). When the mixture is ready and the honey is dissolved in water, you can add 4...5 drops of patchouli essential oil. After this, the solution is poured into a container for freezing the cubes and sent to the freezer.

Add 1 drop of essential oils of patchouli, leuzea and neroli to 0.5 liters of hot water. You must hold your face over the container with the solution for 5 minutes. After the procedure, you need to let the skin dry on its own without wiping it with a napkin or towel. In addition to cleaning the pores, such a simple procedure has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Anti-aging mask

Here it is proposed to create a mask based on mixtures of essential oils of geranium, rosemary and patchouli, taken in the same quantity - 2 drops each. They are added to the base olive oil(1 tbsp). All components are mixed and applied to the face for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, the mask is not washed off, but simply removed with a paper napkin.

To prepare the mixture you will need to add 5 drops of patchouli oil per 10 ml sesame oil. It is recommended to apply the resulting substance only to problem areas - scars, small scars and old acne spots. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2…3 times a day.

Patchouli oil for skin care of the body, hands and feet

To care for the skin of the body, arms and legs, massages, baths and baths are most often recommended. The skin will noticeably tighten, refresh and rejuvenate, and the signs of various skin diseases and damage.

They don't get too much in the bath hot water(no more than 40 0) and add 6...8 drops of patchouli essential oil. It is advisable to add the oil not directly to the bath, but first dilute it in a glass warm milk or cream. You need to take such a bath for 10...15 minutes at least 1...2 times a week.

Hand bath

In a container with warm water add 5...6 drops of patchouli oil and put your hands in it for 10...15 minutes. This procedure gives elasticity to the skin of the hands, helps fight the signs of skin aging, and is also simply irreplaceable for mycoses and stubborn wounds.

Warm water is poured into the bath and 6...7 drops of patchouli essential oil are added. Lower your legs for 10...15 minutes. Carrying out such baths 1…2 times a week will help get rid of unpleasant foot odor and also prevent the appearance of fungus.

Massage with patchouli oil

The mixture is prepared from patchouli oil and base oil, taken in a ratio of 7:10, respectively. Olive, peach, almond or corn oil. Massage using a mixture of oils calms the nervous system, relaxes and at the same time gives the body skin firmness and elasticity, effectively tightens problem areas and tones.

Some people confidently claim that patchouli oil has a number of magical properties, the main one of which is attracting money and material wealth. Whether this is true or not is for everyone to decide for themselves.

In order for wealth to flow into your hands, during the procedures you need to think about it and visually imagine the future purchase. You can simply apply a small amount of patchouli oil mixed with any oil. plant origin to the places where the pulsation of blood is most noticeable, or to treat with it objects in any way connected with the arrival of money: a wallet, bank cards, work items, with a mixture of essential oils.

To do this, make a mixture of 1 drop of cinnamon oil, 2 drops of nutmeg oil, 5 drops cedar oil and 7 drops of patchouli oil. The resulting substance is applied using a cotton swab, but in no case with your hands.

You can carry patchouli oil with you in an aroma locket, then you will be able to mentally attract capital into your hands at any time.

This product is considered one of the most ancient oils used to increase potency in men. The heavy aroma of patchouli oil is considered a masculine scent, which helps it to fully reveal itself in intimate moments. It is enough for a woman to apply a mixture of essential oils to her skin instead of perfume half an hour before the meeting so that the man feels an irresistible attraction and desire for her.

The mixture is prepared by mixing 6 drops of sandalwood oil, 4 drops of cedarwood oil, 2 drops of ylang-ylang and 2 drops of patchouli oil. Of course, they should be diluted in basic basis, for example, avocado, apricot or almond oil, taken in an amount of 30 ml.

In addition to applying the mixture to a woman’s body, you can use other options for using the essential mixture to enhance a man’s desire:

  • aromatization of indoor air. Here you can use an aroma lamp or a spray bottle;
  • taking an aroma bath together. Of course, if conditions allow;
  • erotic aroma massage.

Patchouli oil - benefits, properties and application: video

Oil price

The price of patchouli essential oil can be very different - for 10 ml of the product you can pay from 150 to 2000 rubles. Cheaper patchouli oil can either be diluted in the base oil, while the content of the main component there is extremely low, or simply be a fake.

Patchouli oil is obtained from an evergreen subshrub that grows in Southeast Asia, in South America, as well as on tropical islands. Motley India is considered the birthplace of patchouli ether. The plant is notable for its strong, fleecy stems, large fragrant leaves, small white and purple flowers and a fragrant specific smell.

The composition of the essential oil culture includes the following chemical elements: phenols, patchouli alcohol, sesquiterpenes, aldehydes (brown, benzoic), etc.

From history

Humanity has been using patchouli for hundreds of years. The times of Napoleon were saturated with it - oriental fabrics that were transported by ship to Europe were covered with dried branches of a fragrant plant, which helped protect them from rodents and insects.

The rich goods delivered were so saturated with a musky smell that the magnificent outfits made from them retained their specific spirit for a very long time. This did not scare off the fashionable ladies of that time. The demand was great! European merchants bought 1 kg of butter for 1 kg of gold.

Patchouli oil – properties and uses

This is what a patchouli plant looks like

The tropical miracle has a spicy, sweet-tart aroma that relieves anxiety, drives away depression, relieves stress, relaxes and calms. It normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces appetite and promotes weight loss.

Patchouli essential oil has a number of beneficial properties:

  • antifungal:
  • antimicrobial;
  • astringent;
  • tonic;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • deodorizing;
  • etc.

Healing herbal extract stimulates the skin restoration process (relieves swelling, heals cracks, has a lifting effect).

Medicinal uses of oil

Useful properties and applications

Patchouli oil is used for massage, douching, is included in many skin, nail, and hair care products, and is also a component in intimate gels. In the East, fragrant bags are placed in linen closets to protect clothes from household insect pests. It is used to flavor herbal drinks. Patchouli oil is also used to attract success and money!

Patchouli herbal extract is widely used in treatment various ailments. It also smoothes and tightens the skin, disperses cellulite, perfectly heals stretch marks, making them barely visible, improves nail plate. IN pure form the extract is used to treat pimples and purulent rashes.

Important! Patchouli oil has strong action Therefore, the dosage must be strictly observed.

Oil compress for painful injuries

The compress will help not only relieve inflammation, but also numb the injured area. 10 ml fat cosmetic oil combine with four drops of patchouli extract, soak gauze and apply to the affected area. Perform: 3 p. a day for 15 minutes until the pain disappears.

For tonsillitis, sore throat

3 drops of patchouli oil, 10 ml of carrier oil, 0.5 teaspoon each of honey and salt. Stir in glass warm water. It is recommended to gargle with this solution.

Attention! For internal use, you can add the extract to honey or jam, no more than 1 drop.


In a container with hot water add 2 drops of patchouli oil, bend over the solution, cover with a cotton cloth, close your eyes. Breathe aromatic vapors for 8 – 9 minutes.

Cosmetology - recipes for skin and hair

Aesthetic cosmetologists use patchouli oil to care for the skin of the face and body. The product helps smooth out fine wrinkles, tissue regeneration, and rejuvenation. In its pure form, the extract is successfully used to eliminate stretch marks.

Products enriched with essential oils are suitable for any skin type:

  • dry - moisturize it;
  • fatty – will normalize functions sebaceous glands;
  • sensitive - will calm irritation.

Aging skin (recipe)

Mix 2 - 3 drops of essence with a tablespoon of cream. Gently lubricate your neck and face. After 30 minutes, rinse off the composition with water.

Tired skin

10 ml of night cream, 2 drops each of patchouli and ylang-ylang extract, 1 drop of grapefruit. Combine everything, mix. Use before bed.

Refreshing ice

Combine 3 drops of ether with a dessert spoon of honey and pour into a container of water (200 ml). Then pour the liquid into molds and place in the freezer. Wipe your face with ice cubes (morning and evening).

Softening mask for breasts

Mix 6 drops of patchouli extract with 10 ml of base oil. Lubricate your fingers with the mixture and light movements massage the neckline and chest. The mask will tighten the skin and make it velvety.

Body scrub

Mix 2 drops of patchouli and orange oils with salt, honey and coffee (take 1 dessert spoon each). Apply the scrub to a damp body, then massage (with a sponge). Afterwards you should rinse off in the shower.

Foot bath

3 drops each of patchouli bush esters and tea tree, 8 ml grape seed extract. This bath will soften the skin of your feet and relieve them from sweating.

For hair

Patchouli oil is good for hair. Add 4 drops of phytoessence to 10 ml of shampoo. The product will revive dry hair and improve its growth, eliminate dandruff.


Today many famous brands use the smell of patchouli to create perfume compositions. For example, in the classic Chanel fragrance “Chance” patchouli is present as the top and base note, giving the light composition a piquant melody.

Perfume products with the fragrance of the Malaysian bush are ideal for romantic dates and walks in daytime. Since patchouli is a symbol of prosperity and wealth, perfumes with this note are excellent for independent business women.

Patchouli oil in aromatherapy

The unique tart-spicy aroma of patchouli is characterized by sensuality and depth. You can drop 3 drops of ether into the aroma locket and wear it around your neck. The aroma is wonderful in itself, and also goes well with the smell:

  • geraniums;
  • myrrh;
  • lavender;
  • bergamot.

Often paired with a delicate jasmine accord.

The exotic fragrance of the Ostinda plant perfectly stimulates creativity, so it is suitable for creative individuals. Ether is also an excellent relaxant - it banishes anxiety and insomnia. Its relaxing effect is appreciated by people conducting meditation sessions. Two drops of this miraculous substance are enough to fill the room with the aroma of serenity.

Patchouli oil is a powerful aphrodisiac that increases the energy of the senses.

To do sex life brighter and more harmonious, take 10 mg of unscented cream, 1 drop each of patchouli and ylang-ylang esters, 2 drops each of cedar and sandalwood. If you use this mixture for erotic massage, it will significantly increase sexual desire.

Please note! Patchouli essential oil has long term suitability. However, over time its aroma changes.

The magical properties of patchouli oil - attract money!

How to attract money and luck?

Patchouli has a magical property - it attracts cash flows. Apply a drop of aroma oil to a banknote and hide it in your wallet. After performing the magical act, financial flows will begin to be attracted to you with cosmic force! You can lubricate working tools with miraculous ether, bank card, a place where money is kept.

The aroma not only stabilizes financial situation, it expands the prospects for activity, settles conflict situations, easily solves legal problems and helps make plans for the future.

Visualization – ritual with a candle

Carry out on the sixth day lunar calendar. Lubricate a green candle with a mixture of cedar and patchouli oils, then burn it, representing images of prosperity.

Note! An empty oil bottle should not be thrown away! Let it remain in your home as a symbolic talisman.

Patchouli oil contraindications

You should protect your eyes and nasal mucosa from getting patchouli essence.

It is prohibited to use the phytoextractor:

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • persons with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • asthmatics.

If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, then before using preparations with esters, you should conduct a classic “skin” test. It is also recommended to consult with your doctor.

Thus, patchouli essential oil will improve the function internal organs, will make your skin elastic and your hair soft. It will fill your home with a noble fragrance and will help attract magical positive energies into your home.

Today we are talking about the properties of the amazing patchouli essential oil, whose history of use in medicine, cosmetology and even magic has acquired both a lot of facts and a lot of legends.

They processed fabrics in ancient india, were added to perfumes at Napoleon's court, ether was used to attract money and treat diseases, and it was believed that patchouli was a strong antidote to snake bites.

Is this oil really so unique and endowed with special properties?

History of discovery and brief characteristics of patchouli ether

Initially, patchouli oil was widely used in ancient India as an antidote to snake bites and poisonous insects.

The oil of the tropical patchouli bush became famous and widely used in the Middle Ages.

Later, during the time of Napoleon, when the plague was raging in France, not a single self-respecting lady left the house without first placing a few leaves of this plant under her shawl.

They provided the owner pleasant aroma, protection from unpleasant odors, and also repelled insects.

Since then, this particular smell has been associated with youth and beauty, which is why the aroma of patchouli is widely used in perfumery.

Oddly enough, in next century, fashion for strange, but pleasant smell passed, and its use even became a bad form.

Elsa Schiaparelli, a fashion designer who stood at the origins of high fashion, managed to return patchouli to its former pedestal.

In 1937, she decided to add a touch of fragrance to her new perfume, which subsequently captivated the whole world.

patchouli plant

What is patchouli?

Patchouli is a low shrub natural environment habitats for which are open spaces Philippine Islands, India and Malaysia.

Today it is grown far beyond their borders: in Burma, Sumatra, Paraguay and China.

The color of essential oil can vary, mainly reddish-green and dark brown.

But the consistency is always the same: the oil is viscous and viscous.

Its smell remains unchanged. The young oil gives off a warm, pungent note, vaguely reminiscent of the aroma of a forest after rain, trees and damp earth.

Over time, a subtle, sweet, noble scent appears.

The oil has a unique smell

How is patchouli oil obtained?

To obtain a valuable extract, the leaves of the bush are dried in a natural way, and then treated with steam.

The ester contains patchulol, that is, patchouli alcohol, which is extracted from the plant.

Since it is the main component, the quality of the product directly depends on its quantity.

The integrity of the aroma is also created by adding alpha-patchoulene, guayene, and boulnesen.

Beneficial properties of patchouli essential oil

Patchouli oil has a specific smell

Like other essential oils, patchouli extract:

  1. Patchouli calms and helps reduce anxiety
  2. Relieves the development of depression and worsening stress
  3. Helps to tune in to positivity and sensuality
  4. Tones the soul and body
  5. Helps increase vitality
  6. Helps you focus and increase productivity
  7. Stimulates unloading of the subconscious and cleansing of the human soul and mind
  8. Helps stimulate imagination, creativity, artistry
  9. Improves mood and harmonizes our emotional state

Patchouli oil in cosmetology

The cosmetic use of essential oil is no less well known.

If you look closely at the labels on anti-aging skin products, you will notice that they contain tropical shrub extract.

He is capable of:

  1. Get rid of sagging skin
  2. Remove wrinkles, folds, peeling
  3. Clear acne marks
  4. Relieve oily shine, irritation, inflammation
  5. Stop dandruff formation
  6. Save from the consequences of allergic reactions
  7. Cure from fungus

Patchouli oil is widely used in cosmetology

This product is an excellent additive for enriching shampoos, lotions, creams, rinses and other cosmetics.

One of the most sought after cosmetic properties Patchouli extract is a treatment for the so-called “orange peel”.

Etherol restores elasticity to even the most flabby and sagging skin.

This effect is due to the fact that the oil promotes excretion from the body. excess liquid, reducing appetite and treating skin imperfections.

Mystical patchouli: true or false?

Its properties as a talisman and a real magnet for money are also known.

No one can give a clear answer to the question: is it true or false?

Some believe that a financial love spell is nothing more than a fiction, based on the use of scent on the shawls of rich ladies who, due to their origin, found equally rich husbands.

Others believe that a drop of extract in a wallet or on a credit card will increase the financial well-being of the entire family and bring everything they desire.

Many people consider patchouli oil to be a money talisman.

The magical properties of patchouli essential oil depend largely on whether you believe in them.

If you think that the drop aromatic oil will help you get out of a difficult financial situation, then, for sure, this is exactly what will happen!

Tip: Charge the supplement before testing the mystical effect. To do this, take a bottle of essential oil in your hands and hold it thinking about wealth and desired purchases. Experts in this matter recommend diluting the oil with a base and applying it to places on the body where blood pulsation is especially noticeable. According to them, such an application will provide maximum effect.

We should not forget about visualization. Be sure to imagine yourself as the owner of everything you want.

Focus on the sensations. Create the most realistic picture of your near future.

To make it work, take the idea seriously and don't let skepticism take over.

The magic of oil will work if you believe in it.

How to lure money into your home with patchouli

You can make aromatic oil bring money into your home in the following ways:

  1. Treat everything you use to make money with undiluted oil. For example, if you need a computer for work, drop some oil on your mouse, keyboard, or router.
  2. Be sure to apply the extract to your wallet, credit cards, lucky coins or banknotes.
  3. Make a mixture of patchouli oil and cedar etherol in a ratio of 7 to 5. Lubricate a green candle with the resulting liquid. It should be lit strictly on the sixth day of the lunar calendar.
  4. "Financial" bath. Combine in a container sea ​​salt and one part each of cinnamon, patchouli and cedar. Place the mixture in the bath while the water is running. You need to relax and imagine yourself in the desired role of a successful, rich person. Appointment time water procedure- 20 minutes.
  5. Use a special medallion with a few drops of extract so that the help of the oil is always nearby.

Tip: Patchouli goes best with mint, basil, ginger and vetiver.

TOP recipes for using patchouli essential oil in home cosmetology

Prepared better recipes using patchouli oil in home cosmetology

The properties of patchouli essential oil for the skin provide maximum effect when used correctly:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of sesame oil and 5 drops of shrub leaf extract. Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin daily. A couple of weeks of use, and the skin will become cleaner, tone up, and gain elasticity.
  2. 2 drops of patchouli, grapefruit, ylang-ylang and 10 ml of skin cosmetic should be massaged onto the face every morning. As a result, you will very soon notice the disappearance of wrinkles and dullness.
  3. A face mask is made from base oil and a few drops of patchouli. Apply for 30 minutes, then rinse off first with warm water, then cold water. The basis for oily skin should be grape seed oil, for dry skin - jojoba oil, aging skin needs wheat germ oil. To restore cells, choose avocado squeeze, for rejuvenation - walnut.
  4. The most effective way is to use patchouli leaf oil in a steam bath. Two drops of neroli, leuzea and patchouli are diluted in a liter of hot water. You need to hold your face over the steam for about 10 minutes to remove oily shine and open pores.

It is important to monitor not only the quality of the purchased product, but also correct dosage and application.

Undiluted oil can be applied to the skin only pointwise.

For a massage or mask, a few drops of etherol should be mixed with water, base oils or cosmetic creams.

Even this one healthy oil there may be contraindications

Contraindications for use

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Breastfeeding
  3. Asthma
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  5. Individual intolerance
  6. Allergic reactions
  7. Age restrictions: up to 1.5 years, after 60 years.

As with other oils, before each use of patchouli you need to check your own reaction to the drug.

To do this, apply a few drops of oil with a base to the areas hypersensitivity skin, often on the wrist, a day before the planned procedure.

If after 24 hours a feeling of discomfort does not appear, use can be continued; if it does, it is highly undesirable to resort to subsequent use of etherol.

The amazing properties of essential oils have been used by people for a long time for various purposes: for treatment, skin and hair care, as aphrodisiacs and aromatization of rooms. Today their use has not lost its relevance. One of the widely used essential oils is patchouli oil.

Patchouli essential oil has an interesting aroma, something like a mixture of wood and Indian spices with a hint of camphor. It got its name in India, where it found its first use. For centuries, it has been used as a powerful antidote for insect and snake bites. In the old days, people considered it a kind of amulet that preserved family well-being. According to other beliefs, patchouli essential oil is a symbol that attracts money. People believed that if you lubricate your wallet with it, it would never be empty, and if a person suddenly loses money, then it will definitely return to him. By the way, the latter belief still exists today; today people are increasingly using patchouli oil as a symbol that attracts wealth and prosperity, success and stability, for which they lubricate all things related to money with it (credit cards, money itself, wallets etc.). In Europe, patchouli became especially popular during the time of Napoleon. Every lady, when going out, covered her shoulders with a luxurious cashmere shawl, which was lined with patchouli leaves to repel moths. Even today, patchouli is widely used in India to repel insects.

The patchouli plant itself, native to the Philippine Islands, is a shrub less than a meter in height. From the young leaves of the bush it is obtained aromatic oil patchouli. The leaves themselves do not smell; in order for them to acquire an aroma, they are dried and exposed to superheated steam for a long time (steam distillation method). The product turns out to be quite heavy and dense in consistency, so to remove it from the bottle you need to warm it up a little in your hands or with warm water.

Today, the main producers of patchouli oil are India, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

Composition and beneficial properties of patchouli oil.
The chemical composition of patchouli oil is called unique. The main substance contained in it is considered to be patchouli alcohol, which is responsible for the unique aroma of the oil. The quality of the product depends on the level of patchuole content in the product. The oil also contains nonpatchoulol, benzaldehyde, eugenol, and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (bulnesen, alpha-patchoulene, alpha-guayene), the latter making the aroma deeper and more harmonious.

Patchouli essential oil, namely its aroma, has active influence on mental, emotional and physical sphere human, increases concentration. It has antiviral activity, has a strengthening effect on the body, controls self-regulation processes, has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, in the latter case having an antidepressant effect. Patchouli is also a good anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti-allergenic agent, has a slight decongestant and diuretic effect, has aphrodisiac properties, and helps increase sexual desire and potency.

The oil also has many cosmetic properties, suitable for additional care for any skin type, especially recommended for aging and mature skin. The oil helps accelerate the regeneration processes and healing processes of microcracks in the skin (which is especially effective when allergic dermatitis and eczema), nourishes and rejuvenates it.

The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology.
Patchouli oil contains a huge amount of volatile aromatic substances, due to which it is widely used in the perfume industry. Patchouli is often added to skin care products. intimate hygiene, which is due to its high antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

In home cosmetology, patchouli essential oil is most often used as an additive to ready-made cosmetic products for the care of the face (lotions, creams, milks, etc. 3-4 drops per single serving), body and hair. It is suitable for absolutely all skin types. For those with dry skin, patchouli oil will eliminate flaking, aging skin will acquire a healthy, radiant and toned appearance, with oily skin- will reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and if sensitive, will reduce inflammation and eliminate irritation.

Regularly adding a few drops of oil to ready-made products for hair care (3-4 drops per single serving) will give hair a natural shine, soothe irritated skin, eliminate dandruff, strengthen hair follicles. Patchouli should be added to a cream or body lotion in the following ratio: 5 drops of essential component per 10 ml of product. Regular use of patchouli oil in body creams will increase skin elasticity and improve its condition with cellulite.

For nails, patchouli is easy an indispensable tool in care. Regularly rubbing it into the cuticle and nail plate will strengthen them and add shine. The oil can be applied in its pure form, or you can make baths with your favorite fatty oils and the addition of patchouli oil.

Systematic breast massage with patchouli essential oil will increase the elasticity of the skin in this area, significantly improving its shape. For cooking massage mixture you need to take 10 ml vegetable oil(olive, almond, linseed, etc.) and combine with 8 drops of patchouli oil. For the same purpose, it is effective to take an aroma bath with the addition of patchouli oil three times a week. First, it should be added to the emulsifier (sea salt, milk or cream), and then poured into warm water (take 6 drops of essential oil for ½ cup of emulsifier).

Aromatherapy using patchouli will not only calm you down and put your thoughts in order, but also reduce your appetite, which is especially important during dieting. In aroma lamps for 15 sq. m area you need to add 5-8 drops of patchouli oil.

In its pure form, patchouli is used locally exclusively for the treatment of purulent rashes and acne. To smooth the surface of the skin, eliminate the effects of post-acne and acne, patchouli should be dissolved in the base fatty oil(take 5 drops of essential component for 1 tablespoon of base).

Homemade recipes with patchouli oil.

Cream for dry and tired facial skin.
Moisturizes, nourishes, gives a lifting effect.

Night cream or olive oil – 10 ml.

Ylang-ylang essential oil – 2 drops.
Grapefruit oil – 1 drop.

Combine the base product with essential ingredients, mix well and use at night on cleansed skin as a regular nourishing cream.

Mask for dry, flaky facial skin with signs of aging.
Eliminates peeling, softens, nourishes, and makes the skin velvety.

Avocado oil (or almond oil) – 10 ml.
Patchouli essential oil – 2 drops.
Chamomile oil – 4 drops.
Leuzea oil – 2 drops.

Add essential components to the base oil, combine everything thoroughly and apply to a previously cleansed face. After twenty minutes, blot off the remaining mask with a paper napkin.

Steam bath with patchouli to cleanse facial skin.
Very good before application cosmetics cleanse the skin. This process is much more effective using a steam bath or facial bath. For the procedure, take 500 ml of boiling water and add patchouli, neroli and leuzea oils, taken one drop at a time. Breathe over the steam under a towel for 15 minutes.

Cosmetic ice with patchouli oil.
Pure water – 200 ml.
Patchouli oil – 5 drops.
Honey or cosmetic cream – 1 tsp.

Combine the ingredients, pour into special ice trays and freeze. Use morning and evening on the face, neck, and décolleté.

The use of patchouli oil in treatment.
IN folk medicine Patchouli is used mainly to accelerate the healing of wounds, cuts, cracks, purulent lesions, dermatoses, allergic and herpetic rashes. It is applied in its pure form, spot-on, or mixed with a plant base.

Inhaling the aroma of patchouli oil calms, eliminates the effects of stress, relieves tension, and promotes complete relaxation. In case of loss of strength, patchouli, on the contrary, tones, gives vigor, strength and self-confidence.

Compresses will help relieve inflammation and relieve pain from injuries. To do this, combine 10 ml of any oily base with 3-4 drops of patchouli, soak gauze pad and apply to the painful area. Do the procedure three times a day for twenty minutes until inflammation and pain are completely eliminated.

To create an erotic mood, it is good to use the following compositions:

  • For 10 ml of oil grape seed take a drop of patchouli, two drops of cedar, 3 drops of sandalwood;
  • For 10 ml of grape oil, take a drop of patchouli, 2 drops of sandalwood and palmarosa, 3 drops of ylang-ylang;
  • For 10 ml of grape seed oil, take 3 drops of patchouli, the same amount of ginger and bergamot, 2 drops of cinnamon.
To relieve pain and irritation in the throat, it is good to use the following gargle: dissolve 2 drops of oil in half a teaspoon of honey, salt or soda and add to 200 ml of warm water. Gargle two to three times a day.

The use of patchouli oil in aroma lamps is effective in treating colds and preventing them. Simply add 3-5 drops of this unique cosmetic product to the lamp.

Inhalation with patchouli oil: take a small bowl, pour hot water, add 2 drops of patchouli oil, cover with a towel and breathe over the steam with eyes closed within ten minutes.

Contraindications to the use of patchouli essential oil.

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Children under 1.5 years old.
  • Patients suffering from asthma.
Before using the oil, be sure to test it for individual intolerances and allergic reactions.