My leg is swollen, what should I do? Causes of swelling of the feet and ways to relieve swelling. Kidney tea will relieve swelling

When a person first sees swelling in his legs, the first thing he experiences is fear and a desire to get rid of it quickly.

Of course, swelling often indicates serious illnesses heart or kidneys, but before you grab medications or folk remedies for edema, you need to find out as accurately as possible why your legs swell, and for this it is wise to consult a doctor, and not rush to the Internet with the request “swelling of the legs, what to do.”

All edema is divided into several groups depending on the reasons that cause them (see details). The main approaches to treatment depend on this.

  • Orthostatic edema due to forced positions.
  • Edema with nephrotic syndrome against the background renal pathologies(glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis) or systemic diseases(amyloidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, lymphogranulomatosis, diabetes), as well as nephropathy in pregnant women.
  • Cardiac edema due to circulatory failure (with heart defects, disorders heart rate And coronary disease heart, decompensation of the pulmonary heart).
  • Venous edema with venous thrombosis lower limbs.
  • Lymphatic edema.
  • Idiopathic edema in women.

What to do with swollen legs before going to the doctor?

Until the moment when a person manages to get an appointment with a specialist, it is inappropriate to leave swelling unattended. However, this does not mean that you should immediately start taking diuretics, since uncontrolled reception These drugs are fraught with a number of side effects, which are not inferior in severity to the edema itself.

But the simplest measures that help reduce or relieve swelling of the legs will not cause harm to health.

  • First, leg swelling can be reduced by positional drainage

This method is good for eliminating edema resulting from venous stagnation or positional edema, when a person spends a long period of time in a forced position with his legs down or stands for a long time. To carry out drainage correctly, you need to raise your leg from heel to hip above the level of the body at an angle of thirty to forty-five degrees. To do this, you can lie down with a rolled-up blanket under your feet (this way, by the way, you can sleep all night without any problems) or sit down with pillows under your feet. Any amount of time, starting from half an hour, spent in this position can reduce swelling of the legs.

  • Limiting fluid and salt intake

Another factor that can help in the fight against swelling in the legs is limiting the liquid you drink during the day (up to two and a half liters, including soup), not drinking at night and reducing salt intake. The point is that table salt(sodium chloride) contains sodium, which, when retained in the body, draws water into the tissue and causes swelling. Enough to start by giving up adding salt ready meals, gradually reducing and adding salt when cooking.

Also, simple physical exercises can help with swelling of the legs:

  • tiptoe walking
  • alternately raising your toes and heels while standing or sitting
  • dorsiflexion of the foot
  • splaying and curling of toes
  • foot massage

Self-massage of the feet and legs can also be effective, which should be started from the tips of the fingers, kneading the soles of the feet, and done for 2-5 minutes, alternating stroking, rubbing and kneading. Yoga classes are also very effective, as they help improve blood circulation, massage internal organs, which has a positive effect on metabolism and general condition body.

  • If there is a deficiency of magnesium in the body, take dietary supplements and multivitamins

A lack of magnesium can lead to swelling of the legs, especially during pregnancy. Therefore, taking Magne B6, Magnelis B6, Magnerot, and multivitamins can significantly reduce swelling of the lower extremities. During pregnancy, you should not take magnesium supplements on your own; the dosage and course of treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Can be used as a bath solution mineral water or tonic, which is used to dilute alcoholic drinks, the components contained in soda and quinine reduce swelling. Baths with drops essential oils or Epsom salt or foot baths with sea ​​salt also alleviate the condition. Any water procedures, bathing, swimming give rest and relaxation to the legs, since water pressure prevents the dilation of blood vessels and helps reduce swelling of the legs.

How to reduce leg swelling depending on the cause?

After a thorough diagnosis of edema has been carried out and its true cause has been identified, the doctor prescribes one or another treatment regimen. Duration therapeutic measures directly depends on the origin of edema:

Orthostatic edema

Such swelling is treated with postural drainage. Cold foot baths may also be effective. To do this, the legs up to the knees are immersed in a container with cool water for fifteen to thirty minutes.

Nephrotic edema

This is a more serious situation that requires systematic approach. Since in this case the cause of swelling of the legs is a violation of renal filtration, the first step is to reduce the load on the kidneys. For this purpose, a diet is prescribed:

  • limiting fluid to 2 liters per day
  • salt up to 3 grams per day
  • protein up to 90-60 grams
  • Thus, for glomerulonephritis, glucocorticoids (prednisolone), cytostatics (cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, cyclosporine, azathioprine), and penicillin antibiotics are prescribed.
  • In post-streptococcal process and ACE inhibitors with option arterial hypertension(enalapril, ramipril).
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis are also treated with hormones and cytostatics.
  • Nephropathy due to diabetes requires the use of insulins or hypoglycemic drugs such as sulfonylureas (glibenclamide, gliclazide, gliquidone, glimeprimidone), biguanides (metformin), thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone), alpha-glycoidase blockers (acarbol).

The swelling itself is resolved by prescribing diuretics (furosemide, indapamide). If conservative measures are ineffective, dialysis is prescribed, that is, hardware blood purification, which replaces the natural function of the kidneys.

Cardiac edema

Cardiac pathologies that lead to swelling of the legs also require complex treatment. Treatment begins with a diet (restriction of water and salt load). You also need to adjust your weight and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis by balancing vegetable and animal fats in your diet and taking anti-atherosclerotic medications (see: vasilip, simvastatin, astorvostatin, rosuvostatin). Smoking, which constricts blood vessels, and alcohol, which has a direct effect, are contraindicated. toxic effect on the heart.

Chronic heart failure is treated using:

  • drugs that increase myocardial contractility - cardiac glycosides, such as digoxin, strophanthin
  • drugs that reduce vascular tone:
    • ACE inhibitors - berlipril, enalapril, diroton, ramipril
    • angiotensin receptor blockers - losartan, valsartan
    • nitrates - nitrosorbide
  • diuretics - hypothiazide, spironolactone, indapamide, furosemide
  • drugs that reduce the load on the heart: beta blockers - metoprolol, betaloc ZOK, bisoprolol, carvedilol, nebivalol

Heart defects are subject to surgical correction, in case of weakness sinus node put artificial drivers rhythm, and in ischemic disease and after previous heart attacks coronary artery bypass grafting is used.

Venous edema

Venous edema is one of the most common types of leg swelling. Their reason may lie in varicose veins or vein thrombosis (see).

At venous insufficiency The first measures that help eliminate swelling are positional drainage and compression bandaging of the legs. Today, instead of bandages, specialized compression stockings(cm. ). Both bandaging and stockings should be applied in the morning, without getting out of bed in a lying position, while the blood has not yet stagnated in the veins against the background of the day's load.

Since venous stagnation can be caused by increased intra-abdominal pressure, you should avoid lifting heavy objects and combat constipation. The diet for vein pathology should not contain spices, pepper, it is advisable to give up alcohol and smoking (see).

  • Venotonics (venitan, antistax, troxevasin), rutosides (venolan, venoruton, ginkor forte), saponins (escusan), diosmin, .
  • If the veins are completely incompetent, they are turned off from the bloodstream with the help of venous sclerosing drugs (hepatrombin or ethoxysklerol), which are injected into the veins or removed surgically.
  • Even in case of venous pathologies, it is recommended to improve capillary blood flow with the help of pentoxifylline and low molecular weight dextrans.
  • Thrombotic complications are treated with direct (heparin) or indirect (phenindione, coumarin derivatives) anticoagulants.
  • At acute thrombosis in conditions surgical hospital heparins are administered followed by a switch to warfarin or surgery is performed.

Lymphatic edema (lymphedema) is the result of impaired drainage through the lymph vessels. They accompany congenital anomalies or blockage lymphatic vessels, malignant tumors. In this case, as a rule, one leg swells.

  • With this form of edema, the condition is somewhat alleviated with the help of:
    • positional drainage
    • compression bandages or garments
    • foot massage
  • Also appointed physical therapy and methods of physiotherapy:
    • Pneumatic massage boils down to the fact that with the help of a special apparatus a rising wave is formed over the area of ​​influence high blood pressure, which acts from 1 to 7 minutes and drives lymph from the periphery of the limb to the central ducts.
    • With kinesiology taping A network of adhesive tape is applied in the projection of the lymphatic vessels. Which lifts areas of soft tissue, stimulating the outflow of lymph.

Contraindications to physical therapy are acute infectious and skin processes, tumors,. There are also surgical techniques restoration of lymphatic drainage pathways by creating anastomoses between the lymphatic and venous systems.

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women

The legs of a pregnant woman bear a double load, so all the conditions are created for venous stagnation. The situation is aggravated by compression of the inferior vena cava by the pregnant uterus, as well as difficult ventilation of the lungs and increased demands on the heart. Therefore, often in healthy pregnant women, after a whole day, especially if it is spent on feet shod in narrow shoes, the feet or ankles of the legs swell. It is usually enough to lie down for a while with a blanket under your feet to let the swelling go down.

The situation becomes more serious when swelling in a pregnant woman is the result of gestosis or nephropathy (see). These situations require observation by a doctor and timely drug correction. Often such women are offered hospitalization in obstetric hospital, which should not be neglected in order to maintain pregnancy. After all, if you expectant mother the legs are swollen, what to do should be decided by a competent doctor, who will be responsible for the baby’s health.

How are diuretics selected?

The basis of the kidney is the nephron, which contains the vascular glomerulus, its capsule and a system of afferent and efferent tubules connected by a loop. The efferent tubule passes into the collecting duct, which flows into renal pelvis. The glomerulus filters blood plasma and turns it into primary urine. Along the tubules, some of the water, as well as sodium, potassium and chloride ions, are partially reabsorbed.

Different classes of diuretics are preferred for for various reasons swelling of the legs.

  • Saluretics are diuretics whose effect is based on the removal of potassium and magnesium ions. These include:
    • thiazide (hypothiazide, cyclomethiazide)
    • sulfonamides (indapamide, chlorthalidone, clopamide)
    • loop (furosemide, lasix, torasemide, ethacrynic acid, bumetanide)
    • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (diacarb, acetazolamide).
  • Osmotic diuretics (urea, beckons) work due to the difference osmotic pressure in the tubules, which prevents the reabsorption of water.
  • Potassium-sparing diuretics (amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone, veroshpirone, eplerenone) work in the efferent tubule, interfering with potassium loss.
By efficiency
  • Diuretics are strong - furosemide, lasix, tripas, uregit, brinaldix, clopamd, ethacrynic acid
  • medium strength - hypothiazide, hygroton, cyclomethiazide, oxodoline
  • weak - veroshpiron, diacarb, triamterene
By duration of action
  • Eplerenone, chlorthalidone, veroshpiron work for a long time (up to four days)
  • Medium-term (up to 14 hours) are diacarb, hypothiazide, clopamide, triamterene, indapamide
  • Diuretics with short action(up to 8 hours) – this is beckoning, lasix, furosemide. Torsemide, ethacrynic acid
According to the speed of onset of action
  • secrete fast diuretics (begin to act after half an hour): furosemide, ethacrynic acid, torasemide, triamterene
  • medium (after 2 hours): amiloride, diacarb
  • slow (after 2 days): veroshpirone, eplerenone

Diuretics are selected as follows:

  • For chronic heart failure and nephrotic syndrome, loop diuretics are preferred.
  • Osteoporosis requires the use of thiazides.
  • Indapamide is used for metabolic disorders and diabetes.
  • Spironolactone is indicated for increased secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal glands.
  • Arterial hypertension is treated with thiazides and indapamide.
  • Severe swelling of the legs due to heart failure requires parenteral administration lasix or furosemide.

It should be remembered that treatment of edema should begin not with taking diuretics, but with a trip to the doctor in order to establish as early as possible the real reason swelling and receive adequate advice on what to do when your legs swell.

Do your legs tingle and swell every evening? There are so many people who face this problem every day! Of course, most often it bothers those who have to stand or walk a lot, but office workers who lead a sedentary lifestyle can also be very bothered. We will discuss the causes and treatment of this condition in this article, hoping that the information will be useful.

What causes swelling in the legs

Typically, swelling is a fairly harmless consequence of a person being in an upright position for a long time.

Long trips and air travel, which involve staying in the same position for long periods of time, can lead to swelling (most often in the ankles or feet). This also includes wearing high heels. The fact is that both blood and lymph are largely helped to move unhindered in the opposite direction of contraction calf muscles, but in the situations listed above this does not happen.

With weight gain, circulatory problems or varicose veins veins, you can also often see how the legs below swell. The reasons for such phenomena are no longer harmless physiological processes, and the signals existing problems with health status.

Causes of edema (injury)

If blood plasma for some reason gets outside the walls of blood vessels, this causes the formation of edema. In particular, often the causes in men and women are injuries to the extremities.

In normal situations, swelling decreases and disappears as the injured areas heal. But in the case when they are damaged soft fabrics, which are necessary for free lymph flow or blood flow in the veins of the lower extremities, the patient may develop chronic type swelling on the injured leg.

By the way, both the injuries themselves and their treatment increase the risk of thrombosis in the deep veins, as well as venous insufficiency.

Edema due to venous outflow disorders

In addition to fatigue and injury, there are other causes of swelling in the legs. And the most common, unfortunately, is varicose veins.

Edema in these cases progresses slowly. At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is generally unnoticeable. By the morning or after a long rest, as a rule, the swelling disappears, and reappears only in the evening. Over time, it becomes permanent, and the skin changes color and ulcers may appear on it. By the way, swelling with varicose veins is mostly asymmetrical, as it is located on one leg.

Another cause of the described problem may be. In this case, swelling appears on both one and both legs and lasts from several hours to several days. With thrombophlebitis, swelling is also accompanied by increased temperature, redness and pain around the vein.

Other causes of leg swelling

If the legs below swell, the reasons may lie in other pathological processes occurring in the body.

  • Heart disease, such as heart failure. The swelling is symmetrical; its size increases as the disease progresses and even covers the thighs. Over time, they are joined by shortness of breath and fatigue.
  • Renal pathology. Swelling appears on both legs with back side feet. As additional symptoms arise dark circles under the eyelids and the color of the urine changes.
  • Disruption of lymph flow. Swelling in one or both legs that is soft and painless to the touch.
  • Thyroid diseases. The swelling is elastic, accompanied by swelling of the tongue, intestinal dysfunction, and drowsiness.

As you can see, the causes and types of swelling are very diverse and quite serious. So if your swelling has become a constant occurrence, is increasing in size and is accompanied by other alarming symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor! Don't try to deal with the problem yourself - you will waste time.

Why do legs swell and how to treat it?

There is probably no need to clarify that treatment of leg swelling should begin with an examination of the body and identification of the disease that caused this phenomenon. Its treatment will be the main way to combat swelling.

As an additional therapy, diuretics can be used to reduce the amount of fluid in the body. By the way, fruit drinks made from lingonberries or cranberries, watermelons and herbal infusions, which will be discussed below.

In addition, patients, regardless of the cause of swelling in the legs, are advised to reduce the amount of salt and hot spices they consume, which cause fluid retention.

Several recipes for swollen feet

IN folk medicine I have accumulated considerable experience in using natural remedies to relieve swelling. Some of them simply eliminate very unpleasant symptom, in which the legs below swell (reasons similar phenomenon we have already discussed in the article) after physical activity, while others normalize water-salt metabolism.

So, for example, if your feet are tired and swollen, then warm foot baths made from chamomile, horsetail and sage flowers will come to the rescue. The mixture (100 g) is poured hot water(1 l), boil for 15 minutes over low heat and then leave for 45 minutes. The strained broth is diluted with 3 liters of water.

Legs burning from fatigue will lead to normal condition foot bath, to which an infusion of black elderberry flowers will be added. You can grind them with a mixture of a glass of olive oil and a teaspoon of salt, which is stirred in the oil until completely dissolved. In this case, the juice of one lemon mixed with the same volume of vegetable oil is also successfully used.

But remember that if you have thrombophlebitis, you can’t hover or massage your legs!

How to relieve swelling in venous insufficiency, heart disease

If you have thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, traditional doctors advise making warm foot baths up to the knees, adding a mixture of willow and oak roots to the water (calculated at 50 g per 10 liters of water).

For pain and swelling, inevitable with thrombophlebitis, mumiyo is very useful, which is added to a mixture of milk and honey (in a ratio of 20:1) and taken orally, a tablespoon twice a day, for 25 days. After a 10-day break, the course is repeated if desired.

If the main reasons why your legs swell are cardiovascular failure, then it is useful as a diuretic to take a collection of birch leaves (take 50 g), cinnamon rose hips (about 25 g) and root (about 25 g). An infusion is prepared from this collection. Two tablespoons of this mixture are poured into a glass of boiling water and placed in hot water for 15 minutes, where they cool for 45 minutes. After which all components are squeezed out, the infusion is filtered and brought to a volume of 200 ml boiled water. It should be taken in a quarter glass 3 times a day. per day.

Pumpkin is also good in such cases, since its pulp enhances the removal of chlorine salts from the body and, without irritating the kidneys, increases diuresis.

What can you do to prevent swelling?

Unfortunately, methods for preventing the appearance of swelling on the legs are very banal; nothing new or magical has yet been invented. But, despite the fact that these tips are regularly repeated, for some reason people don’t like to follow them. Although, it would seem that it could be simpler - do not overuse salt, avoid overworking your feet and choose comfortable shoes that do not have high heels (they can only be used “on the go”) or completely flat soles. And in the evenings, do it lightly and place a cushion or pillow under your ankles to help the outflow of fluid in the lower extremities.

But, probably, a person is designed in such a way that he does not look for easy ways: smoking, alcohol (it increases fluid retention in tissues), overweight, putting stress on the legs and cardiovascular system - from all this, of course, by the evening the legs below swell. The reasons are not taken into account and ultimately lead to sad consequences, with which the patient begins a selfless struggle! Maybe we shouldn't go that far?

The mechanism of edema formation is very simple. Liquid easily penetrates into the intercellular space of tissues and accumulates there, since reverse outflow is difficult for one reason or another:

  • Lymphatic drainage disorders. Accumulating in the tissues of the skin, lymph (liquid with high content protein) forms a dense but painless swelling. His hallmarkinability to grasp the skin in a fold at the base of the second toe.
  • Disorder of blood flow in veins or arteries. When water penetrates the tissue from the capillaries, a more loose edema is formed, accompanied by painful sensations. It can be distinguished from lymphatic by characteristic feature: swelling noticeably decreases if you take a horizontal position for a while.

In addition, the removal of fluid from the body can be caused by kidney dysfunction.

Normal slight swelling may be due to wearing tight shoes(as an option - high heels). Beautiful, fashionable, but uncomfortable shoes provoke stagnation of lymph and blood.

The above-described symptoms pass rather quickly, but you should still not abuse the body’s capabilities - this is fraught chronic diseases blood vessels and deformation.

Prodlingering standing(at certain types professions) or sitting during a trip they also interfere with normal lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. In an upright position of the body, the fluid circulates slowly and stagnates. Typically a couple of hours after physical activity and cool baths All symptoms of swelling disappear.

Salty and fatty foods also causes swelling. The body's water-salt balance implies a constant proportion of fluid and electrolytes. Therefore, if you want something salty for dinner and then drink something, don’t be surprised at your swollen ankles the next morning. The lymphatic system also rests at night, so swelling after overusing salt and water is a completely natural phenomenon.

Pathological edema, caused by various painful conditions of the body, are divided into acute and chronic.

Causes of acute swelling of the legs

If swelling forms within 2-3 days, then we are talking about his acute form. Severity ranges from moderate to intense, and fluid can accumulate in one leg or both (depending on the specific cause).


As a result of damage to lymphatic vessels, as well as circulatory systems with a bruise or fracture water accumulates in the tissues of the limb. In this case, pronounced swelling is formed, accompanied by severe pain.

Thrombosis or blockage of deep veins

In the background long-term immobilization (in bedridden patients), chemotherapy, radiation or varicose veins the patency of the veins in a certain area of ​​the leg is impaired. The phenomenon is usually accompanied by pain, and by its location the location of the blood clot can be determined. In addition to severe pain during thrombosis, the following are observed:

  • massive swelling;
  • skin color change legs and feet (it takes on a bluish tint);
  • decrease in temperature limbs;
  • muscular pain.

The process may affect both legs or just one. Sometimes pain syndrome absent.

Venous insufficiency

This acute condition occurs due to prolonged immobility, heavy lifting or on an airplane. Edema develops bilaterally, is quite painful, and dilated veins are clearly visible under the skin. As a rule, when venous outflow is restored, all symptoms quickly disappear.

Why does chronic edema occur?

This variety appears periodically in the background various pathologies and painful conditions. The legs swell often and for a long time; drug therapy is often required to relieve symptoms.

  • Varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. Due to prolonged stagnation of blood, the walls of blood vessels are stretched and deformed, and their permeability increases. The liquid easily penetrates into the intercellular space, forming loose, painful swelling of the lower leg during the day. It usually disappears during the night, appearing again in the evening. If varicose veins are not treated, over time the skin is affected: appear sores and brown spots.
  • Heart failure is manifested by progressive swelling of the legs. The feet swell first, then the ankles and legs. At the point of pressure, a characteristic pit is formed on the skin. If left untreated, the knees and hips swell. Additionally, shortness of breath and fatigue appear.
  • Kidney diseases(nephritis, glomerulonephritis) in addition to the main symptoms are often accompanied by prolonged bilateral edema. The leg swells from the foot to the knee, the tissue remains soft and the skin turns pale. The intensity of swelling does not depend on the time of day.
  • Cirrhosis and liver failure also manifested by swelling of the legs. Fluid also accumulates in the abdominal cavity (ascites), and rectal and throat bleeding is possible due to enlarged venous nodes in the anus and esophagus.
  • Obesity and pregnancy. In these conditions there is compression of the inferior vena cava fat or an enlarged uterus, causing blood to pool in the legs.

An additional cause of swelling in pregnant women may be gestosis on later . In this case, the lower third of the leg swells, the skin turns slightly pale, and the swelling itself is soft and painless.

Causes of lymphedema

Violation of lymph outflow (lymphedema) can be primary or secondary:

  • Primary lymphedema manifests itself in early age(no later than 35 years) and is congenital, genetically inherited. Differs from acquired bilateral localization.
  • Secondary lymphedema is a result of drainage problems due to surgical interventions, removal of lymph nodes, ovarian cancer or p growths, radiation and chemotherapy. Appears at a later age.

In both cases, a pale, gradually thickening edema forms. As the disease progresses spreads from foot to groin, on early stages usually subsides by morning.

Drug-induced edema

Besides pathological changes, on cardiovascular and lymphatic systems may influence various drugs. Edema of the lower extremities often develops while taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Diclofenac, Indomethacin), glucocorticosteroids type Prednisolone, calcium antagonists(Verapamil). In addition, swelling often appears when using drugs sex hormones, oral contraceptives, diuretics and some funds for treatment. After completing the course drug therapy swelling subsides.

Metabolic disorders

With prolonged or enteropathies (impaired absorption of proteins in the intestine), protein deficiency and changes in blood composition. Plasma actively penetrates tissues through vascular wall, accumulating there and forming massive edema.

Hypothyroidism ( thyroid deficiency) leads to serious disruption of protein metabolism and accumulation of albumin in tissues. Dense swelling of the lower extremities appears in combination with drowsiness, fragility nail plates and hair, increased dry skin.

How to get rid of swelling of the legs using traditional methods (video)

Men and women: characteristic causes of edema

The most common reason swelling of the lower extremities in the fair sex - fluctuations in the hormonal cycle:

  • decrease in progestin levels before menstruation;
  • menopause and postmenopause(swelling of the legs, arms and face is usually combined with weight gain and depression);
  • postpartum period, especially if venous insufficiency developed during pregnancy.

Fatigue, diseases of internal organs, and causes of edema are many. Understanding how to quickly relieve leg swelling at home will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and restore motor activity.

Swelling in the legs is not a problem if the causes of their occurrence are diagnosed in a timely manner and treatment is started with folk remedies (if necessary, with medications).

There are many factors that provoke swelling of the lower extremities, the most commonly diagnosed of which are:

  1. Varicose veins The swelling that occurs with venous insufficiency is dense, hot to the touch, and painful when pressed. In addition to edema caused by vascular diseases, the patient complains of a feeling of heaviness and heat (the concept of “feet are burning”). With the development of the pathological process, a network of convex veins appears on the legs, the skin acquires a brown tint, hemorrhages and trophic ulcers are possible.

  2. Cardiac pathologies, which are characterized by swelling of the lower legs of both legs. On palpation, the swelling is cold, motionless, and painful. Most often, swelling forms in the evening or at night.

  3. Diseases of the joints, which are characterized by the formation of symmetrical, painless swelling. Liquid accumulates gradually. Swelling becomes most pronounced in the evening, almost disappearing overnight.
  4. Kidney pathologies provoke the formation of edema on the top of the foot. The swelling is symmetrical, soft to the touch, most pronounced in morning time. For patients with kidney disease, edema is provoked by uncontrolled fluid intake. Associated symptoms Kidney pathologies, in addition to edema, are lower back pain, changes in the smell and color of urine, swelling under the eyes.

  5. Injuries, fractures, and bruises of the lower extremities are accompanied by swelling, hematomas, and pain when walking. Only a doctor can accurately determine the extent of damage to the lower limb based on an x-ray.
  6. Liver pathologies (cirrhosis) impair natural exchange substances that provoke blood stagnation in big circle blood circulation The accumulated fluid activates the process of edema formation, as well as the development of ascites (fluid accumulation in the space of the anterior abdominal wall).
  7. Drug-induced edema is provoked by taking certain medications: androgens, drugs from licorice root, reserpine, hormonal drugs.
  8. Fatigue. If your legs swell without obvious symptoms any disease of the internal organs, then the problem is provoked by banal fatigue, excessive physical exertion, or prolonged positioning of the body in one position. Such swelling can be eliminated without the use of medications, using traditional medicine.
  9. Symptoms

    Depending on the disease that provoked the development of edema in the legs, the symptoms of the pathological process differ:

  • swelling caused by prolonged physical activity is evenly localized on both feet, pronounced in the evening, and disappears quickly without drug therapy;
  • with venous insufficiency, swelling of the lower extremities is uneven. The swelling on one foot is more pronounced, dense to the touch, painful on palpation;
  • symptom renal failure is swelling of two limbs at the same time, occurring in the morning. Edema develops simultaneously with swelling of other parts of the body (for example, the face);
  • swelling caused by damage to the joints, unilateral injuries, are localized in the place of violation of the integrity of soft tissues, joints, bones, causing severe pain when walking;
  • swelling of the feet in heart failure is mild, localized from the foot to the knee, and is most pronounced in the evening.

How to quickly relieve swelling from your legs at home

The use of folk remedies for swelling of the legs is justified if pathological process is not associated with diseases of internal organs and occurs periodically. Otherwise, the treatment of edema should be determined by a doctor, based on the results of the study.

Quickly relieve fatigue and swelling of the feet using baths medicinal herbs, ice, salt. Just as fast and efficient Wax cream will help relieve fatigue from your legs and get rid of varicose veins!

For swelling of the lower extremities, it is customary to take herbal teas brewed with medicinal plants with strong diuretic properties.

Compresses will help quickly remove swelling and restore motor activity.


Do-it-yourself folk remedies take first place in the ranking of methods for quickly relieving leg swelling at home.

Enough is known large number medicinal plants that have a diuretic effect, which are used in the preparation of decoctions, tinctures, and medicinal cocktails.

Here are a few recipes for preparing diuretics that are effective in treating leg swelling:

Foot baths

When you don’t know what you can do at home, when your feet are swollen, foot baths will come to the rescue. They will quickly relieve swelling of the legs, a feeling of fatigue, and restore natural blood circulation.

By relieving swelling of the legs with the help of folk remedies, you can not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also quickly restore motor activity.


Leg swelling may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations itching, pain, redness skin. Having studied in detail the methods of how to remove swelling in the legs at home, you can easily eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms yourself.

1. Cabbage leaves - excellent remedy from swelling of the legs. The cabbage is crushed with a rolling pin, thick veins are removed and applied to the site of swelling. The compress is kept for at least twelve hours (it is better to leave it overnight). Compress from cabbage leaves- the simplest and safe remedy against edema, time-tested.

2. Birch leaves. For the compress you will need 200 g. fresh leaves. They are brewed with boiling water and left for forty minutes. To enhance medicinal properties, the leaves can be combined with a tablespoon of salt. Gauze is dipped into the resulting mixture, which, folded in several layers, is applied to the swollen area of ​​the leg.

3. Ice compress on feet. Ice effectively relieves swelling, pain, and redness. Crushed ice is wrapped in cloth and applied to the damaged area. Ice compresses are effective in the treatment of varicose veins, and as a first aid method for dislocations and sprains.

4. Compress made of honey and chamomile. Useful properties chamomile in combination with honey - effective remedy from edema. A decoction of chamomile and honey is generously moistened into a cloth that is placed on a swollen joint, foot, or ankle.

Scheme for complex treatment of swelling in varicose veins

How to deal with swelling of the legs due to varicose veins is corrected by the doctor, individually in each case, based on the research.

The general scheme of complex treatment consists of several stages:

  • In the first week, salt baths are used to combat the problem of swelling of the lower extremities. To carry out this procedure for 20 l warm water you need to take a pack of salt. Having prepared a saline solution, immerse the swollen leg in it for half an hour. good for salt baths use a basin with high sides or a bucket. So saline solution you can cover the leg from the foot to the knee, covering the entire area of ​​​​the swelling.
  • In the second week, the swollen leg is rubbed with tinctures from medicinal herbs. The most popular recipe is: a mixture of propolis, mint, yarrow (a tablespoon each) is combined with vodka (0.5 l) and infused for ten days. Afterwards, the product is filtered and rubbed on the feet before going to bed.
  • In the third week, it is good to use cabbage leaves. They are beaten off, applied to the damaged area of ​​the leg and secured with a bandage. The compress must be changed every day throughout the week.
  • The fourth week is rest.

Reach maximum results Using the above diagram, how to get rid of swelling in the legs is possible, provided that the course is repeated at least five times. Important: if you have varicose veins, it is strictly forbidden to use hot baths.

Prevention measures

Pin positive result Certain preventive measures will help treat leg swelling at home and prevent the development of new swelling:

  • for everyday wear, choose comfortable shoes with low heels;
  • during the working day, set aside ten minutes for light leg exercises;
  • while resting, it is better to raise your legs on a bolster or pad;
  • good folk remedy prevention of swelling of the legs - baths before bed, foot massage;
  • control the amount of liquid consumed, do not add too much salt to food, limit the intake of spicy, smoked, puff pastries.

Most often, the lower parts of the legs—the feet and ankles—swell. This localization is caused natural cause- gravity.

When swelling occurs, fluid accumulates in the tissues. Excess fluid is easily determined. If you press firmly with your finger on the swollen area, then after you remove your finger, a depression will remain in this place for some time.

Often the cause of leg swelling is venous diseases (chronic or acute thrombophlebitis, varicose veins of the saphenous veins, phlebothrombosis. Due to these diseases, the outflow of blood from the feet and ankles is disrupted, and intracapillary pressure increases.

Edema develops on the affected leg. It is often preceded by the onset of pain. With acute thrombophlebitis, the skin in the affected area may turn red.

Fluid accumulation in the tissue as a result of heart failure can also cause swelling in the ankle area. At serious illnesses lungs, for example severe course bronchial asthma, the heart also cannot work effectively, the blood stagnates, venous pressure increases, which leads to swelling, including in the ankles. Often, swelling can be caused by kidney and even liver diseases. In liver diseases, fluid usually first accumulates in the abdomen (ascites), and later swelling appears in the legs.

If swelling is caused by diseases of the internal organs, you should consult a doctor, but you can take some measures yourself.

A salt-free diet and reduced fluid intake can help reduce fluid retention and swelling.

If your legs are swollen, you can lie down with one or two pillows under your shins so your legs are higher than your heart, but don't put pillows just under your knees.

Those who have swollen legs should not wear stockings or stockings with elastic bands.

Don't sit or stand for long periods of time. If you really have to long time be in one of these positions, from time to time let the muscles of the lower leg work, moving the feet and toes. It is also useful to wear special medical elastic stockings or tights, which help reduce swelling.

If swelling occurs, be sure to consult your doctor. The doctor will conduct thorough examination, including the heart and lungs, as well as the legs, will take blood tests to check kidney and liver function and determine protein levels. If necessary, diuretics (diuretics) may be prescribed. They are effective, but they also have some side effects. For example, the leaching of potassium from the body, which is necessary for normal operation hearts. Therefore, when taking diuretics, add potassium-rich foods to your diet (apricots, dried apricots, pumpkin, zucchini, watermelon, apples, raisins, milk).

Leg swelling can also be caused by an ankle injury. The degree of swelling in this case does not indicate the severity of the injury. The leg can become very swollen when it is sprained, when ligaments are torn, or when there is a fracture.

When the bones of the ankle are fractured, the leg swells less than when the ligaments are sprained. A sprained or torn ligament is usually accompanied by bleeding into the surrounding tissue, causing the skin in that area to turn blue-black.

If there is no fracture, then a cast is not required. But treatment should begin immediately - ensure the joint is immobile, apply ice, etc. For mild ligament damage, this is sufficient. However, if there is no improvement after 1-2 days, you should see a doctor.

To determine the type of injury, the doctor will check the mobility of the leg at the ankle joint and may also recommend an X-ray examination. If there is no fracture or a benign non-displaced fracture, you will probably be told to continue home treatment. For other fractures, a plaster cast must be applied.

The injured leg should be kept elevated. Immediately apply ice, wrapped in a towel and plastic bag, to the injured area and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. If after the first half hour there is even slight swelling, then apply ice for the next few hours for 30 minutes at 15-minute intervals. If ankle joint when raised, the pain stops, you can carefully try to step on this leg. If the joint still hurts during loading, then it is better not to do this for the first day. Warm compresses can only be done after 24 hours. Helps too elastic bandage. Do not stretch it when applying a bandage - it should not be too tight and interfere with blood circulation. There is no need to bandage children yourself, as an incorrectly applied bandage can interfere with blood circulation in the foot. If the skin below the bandage turns blue or pale, it means the bandage is applied very tightly. In this case, loosen the bandage.

After about 10 days, the ankle joint should return to normal. However, please note that complete healing can only be expected after 4-6 weeks. If you need to move at this time, for example, do therapeutic exercises, then the ankle joint must be bandaged. However, the bandage will not protect against re-injury if you return to full weight bearing.


In healing and folk medicine, considerable experience has been accumulated in the use of natural remedies, helping to quickly relieve swelling of the legs. Some simply eliminate this unpleasant symptom when the legs swell after heavy physical exertion (this happens especially often with a lot of weight), others are aimed at normalizing water-salt metabolism. There are also recommendations that help improve the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and liver, which directly affect the removal of excess fluid from the body.

If your feet are tired and swollen in the evening, it is very useful to take warm foot baths. For such baths, you can use an infusion of chamomile, sage, horsetail flowers: 100 g of dry herb is poured with a liter of hot water, boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, left for 45 minutes, filtered. The resulting infusion is diluted with 3-4 liters of water.

When your feet are burning from fatigue, a foot bath made from an infusion of black elderberry flowers is a great help.

It is useful to wipe swollen and tired feet with ice. It’s even better to make ice from an infusion of sage leaves, chamomile flowers, cornflower or yarrow herb.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the legs. You should massage your feet daily with a hard towel from your toes up. The foot can be massaged strongly, but the knees and hips - less. You can use two brushes with medium-hard bristles for massage. In this case, rub the legs from the feet to the inguinal folds with synchronized circular movements. Continue the massage until the skin becomes red. Afterwards, lubricate the skin with a special foot cream or vegetable oil.

To make your legs less tired, you can strengthen them with the following gymnastics: balance first on one of them, then on the other. Do this several times. This exercise restores blood circulation in the legs well.

If your tired feet hurt, rub them with a mixture of olive oil and salt (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of oil, stir until the salt is completely dissolved).

For the same purposes, use lemon juice or a mixture of lemon juice half and half with vegetable oil.

Tired feet with rough skin are well soothed and softened by a compress of wheat bran. Dilute the bran warm milk until you get a paste. Apply this paste to your feet and keep it until it dries. Then rinse with water and lubricate your feet with cream.

If you have thrombophlebitis, rubbing and steaming your legs is not recommended.

A good remedy for pain and swelling in thrombophlebitis is mumiyo. Mumiyo is taken orally at 0.25-0.3 g 2 times a day for 25 days, adding it to a mixture of honey and milk (1:20). After a 10-day break, the course can be repeated.

If your legs hurt due to thrombophlebitis (or varicose veins), it is useful to take warm foot baths up to the knees from willow and oak roots (50 g per 10 liters of water). The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. Water temperature - no more than 38°C.

For swelling of the legs, drink a decoction of flaxseed. It is prepared at the rate of 4 teaspoons of seeds per liter of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, then leave in a warm place for an hour. To improve the taste, you can add any fresh fruit juice (for example, lemon) to the broth. Drink half a glass every 2 hours 6-8 times a day, preferably hot. The result can be felt after 2 weeks.

For liver pathologies with poor circulation and edema, the following herbal collection is recommended: spring adonis - 20 g, horsetail - 30 g, yarrow - 30 g, celandine - 20 g. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1-2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture are poured into a glass of hot boiled water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool for 45 minutes, strain and squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. Take half a glass 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For edema of cardiac origin, it is useful to take a tincture of birch buds: 20 g of buds are poured into 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Let it sit for 3 weeks, squeeze out, filter and store in a dark container in a cool place away from light. At cardiovascular failure accompanied by edema, the following collection is recommended as a diuretic: silver birch (leaves) - 50 g, cinnamon rose hips (fruits) - 25 g, field steelhead (root) - 25 g. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1-2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture are poured into a glass of hot boiled water, left for 15 minutes in hot water(but do not heat!), cool for 45 minutes, squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day.

For edema associated with diseases cardiovascular system and kidneys, an indispensable diuretic is watermelon. Watermelon juice not only removes excess fluid from the body, but also provides it with easily digestible sugars. Nutritionists believe that you can consume 2-2.5 kg of watermelon per day.

Useful for kidney diseases grape juice, which is an effective diuretic. You need to drink it an hour before meals 3 times a day. Start with half a glass and by the end of the course (after 1-1.5 months) increase the intake to two glasses. It is also useful for diseases of the liver, lungs, gout and hypertension; it is a good general tonic.

For heart disease accompanied by edema, pumpkin is very good. Pumpkin pulp enhances the excretion of chloride salts from the body and increases diuresis without irritating the kidneys.