Subcutaneous panaritium treatment at home. Finger felon

Panaritium is a purulent formation on the arm, affecting the bones, skin, soft fabrics. IN in rare cases the disease may develop on the legs.

Most often, this affects local areas on the hand, especially the fingers and nails. Depending on the level of damage, there are several subtypes that require special conditions treatment. At home, some types can be treated using traditional methods until pus forms.

Pay attention! Severe pain and sleepless night after the disease are signs of the formation of a purulent focus. Immediate consultation with a doctor is recommended.

  • bony, subungual panaritium is treated only surgically;
  • cutaneous, subcutaneous, periungual is treated in the first stages at home and with the help of antibiotics, cold application, ichthyol ointment and baths with saline solution;
  • ineffective for tendon and articular panaritium traditional methods. Antibiotics and cold compresses are prescribed.

In the first stages, felon can be cured at home, while in the later stages it can rarely be done without surgical intervention. Usually, doctors recommend gentle treatment until two to three days after illness.

Attention! The progressive growth of felon is accompanied by damage to all tissues of the hand, and can even reach the forearm. The only way to stop the spread is amputation .

For treatment, traditional methods are used along with doctor’s prescriptions.

  • antibiotics and antifungal drugs;
  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • ointments.


They should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, as initial stages development of the disease, as well as in a progressive form. They are administered orally or by injection.

Usually these are antibiotics wide range actions, amoxiclav, ciprofloxacin (ciprolet), levofloxacin, cephalosporins and others.

Pay attention! The drug is selected in accordance with individual characteristics body and the affected area of ​​the body.

Therapeutic baths

Almost all types of therapeutic baths can be taken at home using readily available products. At the first signs of illness, it will be enough to place the damaged surface in warm water, leaving for half an hour. Regular repetition of the procedure will cause the death of microorganisms due to heat and stop the disease.

If this method does not help or the disease does not progress for the first day, you can pay attention to baths with additives.

Bath on potassium permanganate

Prepare a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate and dip the damaged surface into it, leaving it for 15-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure regularly until full recovery.

Bath with potassium permanganate, calendula, eucalyptus

Applies only in cases of absence purulent discharge in the affected area.

  1. Place 10 ml of calendula solution in 100 ml of warm water.
  2. Pour 15-20 ml of eucalyptus solution into a glass of warm water.
  3. Prepare a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Alternately dip the infected area into each solution and hold for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedures regularly until complete recovery.

Baths based on copper sulfate

You need to heat 50 ml of water and stir a pinch in it copper sulfate. Immerse the damaged surface in the solution for 15 minutes. After completing a short course of procedures, you can achieve the disappearance of the disease.

Treatment with soda baths

In 250 ml hot water add 2 tablespoons of soda and mix. The affected area of ​​the hand is placed in the solution and left for 30 minutes.

After several procedures, the panaritium will completely disappear.

Calamus roots

As an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for panaritium, you can use baths based on tincture of calamus root.

  1. 10 dried rhizomes are ground to a powder.
  2. The crushed raw materials are poured into 1 cup of boiling water and placed on boiling water. water bath. Keep for about 30 minutes.
  3. Leave to infuse in a sealed container at room temperature for about half an hour.
  4. Strain through several layers of gauze and take baths at a temperature of 37 degrees.
  5. The duration of one bath is 15 minutes, the duration of the course is at least 8 baths.

IN water baths you can add infusions of herbs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects (St. John's wort, plantain, chamomile) in the proportion of 1 large spoon of infusion per glass of hot water.


Besides therapeutic baths, an effective remedy can be the use of compresses. They can be made at home using widely available products.

Pay attention! It is prohibited to use warming compresses, including compress paper or cellophane.

Vodka compress

It will require a little cotton wool or gauze and vodka of any production. It is necessary to moisten the gauze and apply it to the damaged area and bandage it. You need to wear the bandage for 10-12 hours; repeating is recommended once a day for three days. Afterwards the symptoms should disappear.

Important! It is necessary to repeat wetting the compress from time to time, without allowing it to dry completely.

Paraffin compress

A small piece of paraffin is taken, melted in a water bath, after which the diseased surface is lowered into it for a couple of seconds. This procedure is repeated several times until a thick layer is formed on the skin. After complete drying, the paraffin can be removed and sore spot lubricate with iodine and brilliant green.

Pay attention! This procedure is only suitable if there is no pus.

Soap and egg white

For the procedure you will need finely grated soap and lightly beaten egg white.

  1. The ingredients are mixed until a mushy mass is formed.
  2. Apply a thick layer to the damaged area, while capturing some healthy skin.
  3. Let the soap dry, then apply a bandage and keep it on for 24 hours.

If there is no result, the procedure can be repeated.


But you can also prepare it at home effective means against cutaneous and periungual panaritium.

Calendula and oil ointment recipe

You can buy calendula powder or make it yourself by grinding dried flowers.

1 part powder mixed with 5 equal parts butter and applied to the skin before bed.

Treatment of felon at home on a child’s hand

Universal ointment

Used in the treatment of felon, furunculosis, abscess, bone tuberculosis. It quite effectively treats felon on the arm of children and has no contraindications.


  • soft part of aloe;
  • medical tar;
  • natural butter;
  • flower honey;
  • pine resin.

All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, placed in an enamel bowl and placed in a water bath. You should get a homogeneous viscous substance. After cooling, if it is too thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of alcohol or vodka.


To treat felon in a child, take regular iodine and dip your finger in it. Reviews from people who have tried this method say that the panaritium disappears the very next day. You can also use chlorhexidine instead of iodine, which is effective due to its antiseptic properties.


Heat up table salt in a frying pan and pour into a clean cloth. Roll up into a bag and apply to the panaritium. Make sure that the salt is not too hot and does not burn your skin.

An exotic folk remedy is fumigation of felon with smoke. For this procedure you will need natural fabric: cotton, linen, wool.

The fabric is twisted into a flagellum, set on fire and brought to the sore spot so that smoke reaches it. Fumigation is carried out for 3 minutes several times a day.

You must be careful not to burn the skin, and also carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area, observing safety precautions when working with fire.


Means, both preventive and medicinal purposes, can be used in combination, waiting a few minutes between uses. Baths, compresses and ointments usually go well together, but you should pay attention to personal intolerance to the components and the doctor’s recommendations.

Panaritium is a sharp inflammatory process tissues of the fingers or toes. Most often appears on the first phalanges. Many people whose work involves metal shavings, wood chips, and various harmful substances, have probably encountered this disease more than once.

Panaritium: reasons

Surgeons often encounter such a disease as panaritium: the reasons for this are very diverse. But most often the infection penetrates the tissue through cuts, various small puncture wounds, injections, and scratches. If the wound was not treated on time, or you have numerous small wounds, for example, from splinters, then there is a possibility of developing this rather unpleasant disease.

Therefore, if as a result of your work you often get injuries to your fingers, then it is advisable to wear gloves to protect your hands. Microbes can penetrate through wounds, which become the cause of diseases such as panaritium. Basically, staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, as well as the so-called pathogenic flora lead to tissue infection and the inflammatory process. Inflammation can also spread not only to the skin, but also directly to subcutaneous tissue, tendons of the fingers themselves, bones, as well as joints. Panaritium can be so-called serous, that is, edematous, as well as purulent. The last option is more dangerous. Most often, patients with diabetes mellitus, problems with blood clotting, poor circulation in small vessels.

Panaritium: symptoms

This disease almost never occurs without microtrauma. After some time, severe redness appears, as well as slight swelling at first. In this case, a person may feel an unpleasant and throbbing pain in the area of ​​the wound. Fever and chills are also possible, especially if the inflammation is severe. It needs to be treated urgently, and not wait until the wound finally heals. With panaritium, the symptoms are very noticeable, it is impossible not to pay attention to them.

Types of felon

There are quite a lot of different types of panaritium. Doctors mainly distinguish between superficial and deep types of disease. With superficial ones, the first layers of the dermis are mainly affected, and with deep ones, directly bone tissue, tendons, and joints.

Subungual panaritium

Living tissue can become inflamed under the nail plate itself. This mainly occurs when a splinter gets under the nail, or the nail is punctured due to careless work.

Bone panaritium

In this situation, the tissue of the finger is affected. Often this type appears due to infection entering the tissue, for example, during fractures. It is also possible for infection to spread from living tissue directly to bone. Such panaritium requires immediate treatment, as it is very dangerous. Sometimes the inflammation spreads to the hands and forearms.

Subcutaneous panaritium

This variant of the disease mainly affects the tissue under the fingertips. The fact is that the pads have quite thick skin. When an inflammatory process occurs, it is very difficult for pus to break through, and felon begins to spread to the deeper layers of the skin. The pain is usually pulsating in nature and intensifies when pressing on the finger. If you start treatment in a timely manner, you can avoid inflammation of the joints and bones.

Articular felon

Articular panaritium is very dangerous. It can occur if the infection somehow reaches the joint cavity. This often occurs when deeply wounded finger or after prolonged suppuration of soft tissues. The joint becomes inflamed and expands, the mobility of the finger decreases, and it is painful to press on it. Pain also occurs when trying to move a finger.

Tendon panaritium

Perhaps this variant of the disease can be called the most severe and quite complex. The patient can long time suffer from impaired hand mobility. The finger often swells. If you try to straighten your finger, you can only get severe pain.

Cutaneous panaritium

Cutaneous panaritium usually appears on back side finger Pus begins to accumulate under the skin, a bubble is formed, which is filled with cloudy contents, that is, pus. The skin may become red and also inflamed. Appears strong burning sensation, as well as pain. If the disease is not treated, the bubble may increase in size, and the pus spreads to neighboring tissues. It is also very dangerous.

Nail felon

This form often occurs when the periungual fold becomes inflamed. Mostly girls or women suffer after improper manicure. This felon can be caused by numerous hangnails, as well as cuts and small cracks in the skin.

How to treat felon at home?

Some people ask the question: “How to treat felon at home?” If the finger is very swollen as a result of an infection, an abscess has begun to form that cannot break out, pain has appeared, and the wound does not want to heal on its own, then the first thing you need to do is treat everything properly with some kind of antiseptic and go to see a doctor, preferably surgeon

You can go to the emergency room, they can also provide assistance with this disease. And treat this disease based on your doctor's recommendations. And then you can use folk remedies when the wound begins to heal. But individual folk remedies are not able to cope with this unpleasant illness, especially if it has already acquired serious forms.

Antibiotics for felon

Antibiotics should be prescribed only by a specialist who will determine the correct dosage and select the drug based on the degree of the disease.

Ointment for felon

Some believe that they are effective for felon various ointments. But most ointments, especially under a tight bandage, can only cause even more inflammation. Therefore, it is advisable to abandon them.

Vishnevsky ointment for panaritium

As we have already said, ointments for this disease are of little effectiveness. But if there is nothing else at hand, you can use Vishnevsky ointment. However, the ointment may, if the bandage is worn for a long time, lead to purulent phase panaritium. Therefore, be especially careful.

Ichthyol ointment for felon

Ichthyol ointment is also not very effective and can even be harmful. Consult with your specialist which dressings are best for panaritium.

Levomekol for felon

Levomekol is more effective, but you should not keep it on your finger for a long time. It can draw out the infection and prevent a new one from getting in, as often happens with felon.

Dimexide for felon

Dressings with dimexide are very effective for this disease. Just first you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:4. Soak gauze or bandage with this product and apply it to your finger.

Baths for panaritium

Baths with cooking water or sea ​​salt, which is easy to purchase. Just add 2 teaspoons of salt to 2 glasses of water and stir. You do not need to hold the injured finger for long, after which you should treat the wound with iodine and apply a clean and dry bandage.

Compress for felon

As we have already written, compresses with dimexide diluted with water help a lot. Just do not do this compress for too long.

Panaritium: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies for felon is possible, but it is advisable to do this only after you visit a doctor who will treat the wound and give the necessary recommendations. If you use only folk remedies, you can bring the disease to a purulent stage.

Conspiracy from panaritium

No conspiracies will help you get rid of of this disease. Even if you believe in their power, a miracle will not happen. It is better to contact a surgeon in time to treat the wound.

Aloe from felon

Cut off a succulent aloe leaf and wash it thoroughly with water, then cut off the spines and cut the leaf. A sheet should be applied to the inflamed area and bandaged thoroughly. It is enough to keep the bandage on for three to four hours to have an effect. But remember, the sheet must be clean! Otherwise, you may get an additional infection.

Laundry soap and onions from panaritium

You can make a compress from laundry soap and onion juice. To do this, rub a small amount laundry soap and add a couple of drops of onion juice to the mixture.

Iodine for felon

Iodine - excellent remedy, but it dries the skin and burns the wound. Therefore, it must be used with extreme caution. It is better to use iodine to treat wounds.

Soda from felon

You can make baths from soda and salt for this disease. But remember that if the felon has already acquired purulent form, then it is better to treat it following the recommendations of your doctor. The same should be done if your finger begins to pulsate.

Onion vs panaritium

Onions are an excellent remedy when your finger has just begun to become inflamed. It fights well against germs that have penetrated the wound. You just need to boil the onion in milk, and then you need to apply a piece of the onion to the sore spot and hold it for a couple of minutes.

Complications of felon

There are a huge number of complications with panaritium. It is very difficult for pus to break through the thick skin of the fingers, so the infection begins to spread inward. If a person suffers from diabetes, it is possible rapid spread infections to other tissues. The most dangerous thing is when it comes to amputation. But in most cases treatment with antibiotics and permanent shift bandages. Sometimes a special operation is performed.

Panaritium: prevention

But it is best to prevent felon so that this disease will bypass you. To do this, you should always treat wounds with iodine or another antiseptic, and also work strictly with gloves and always follow the instructions. It is also important to clean your tools every time before a manicure and trim hangnails rather than bite them off. Always keep your hands clean, and you need to do this not only before eating. Wash your hands often, especially if they have sores. If inflammation appears on your finger, consult a doctor immediately.

Felon can occur in adults and children. Panaritium of a finger on the hand– acute purulent melting of its tissues, much less common, but this disease also occurs on the leg.

The causes of panaritium on the hands are minor injuries to the fingers (abrasions, abrasions, scratches, injections). General deficiency favors the development of the disease immune system organism, pathogenic microbial flora, chronic disorders blood circulation, diabetes mellitus.

Today we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of felon at home in adults and children, how to treat felon of the fingers with folk and medical supplies and procedures. At the end of the article, you will be able to expand your knowledge on this topic from the video.

Code panaritium with lymphangitis ICD-10(medical classification of diseases, tenth revision) is written as follows: L03.0

Symptoms of felon

Why does panaritium occur more often on the fingers than on the toes? Because it is the hands that are most often injured in everyday life. On the inner palmar surface of the finger, the skin is connected to the palmar aponeurosis by dense tendon cords, and between them there is an accumulation of adipose tissue.

With wounds and inflammation of the skin, the inflammatory process quickly spreads along the connective tissue cords to deeper tissues: tendons, bones and joints. In addition, the accumulation of exudate in closed fascial cavities between connective tissue bridges leads to impaired circulation due to pressure on the supplying vessels and tissue necrosis quickly develops.

With all types of panaritium, patients complain of sharp, throbbing pain in the area of ​​the affected finger. The pain can sometimes be unbearable and be accompanied by elevated temperature bodies. Work ability and general condition patients are violated.

Panaritium: cutaneous, subcutaneous, tendon, articular, bone

There are cutaneous, subcutaneous, tendon, articular and bone felons. The first two forms are considered mild and can be treated with medications traditional medicine. Others require only surgery.

Very often, one type of panaritium transforms into another, and the process takes on more severe forms.

Inflammation of the nail fold is called paronychia. Paronychia also develops when microorganisms penetrate damaged skin through hangnails. The process is very painful and often ends with the removal of the nail plate.

Signs of panaritium and paronychia are: severe pain, swelling, edema, redness of the skin on one of the fingers and disruption of its functions.

Treatment of panaritium at home

How to treat felon: baths, medications

  1. Warm baths with a solution of manganese, Vishnevsky ointment on the affected area, treatment with a solution of iodine or brilliant green, medications - sulfonamides and antibiotics.
  2. If the process does not stop, felon is treated surgically in a hospital setting.
  3. With cutaneous panaritium, the resulting bubble is opened and the epidermis is removed along its entire length. Then a bandage with furacilin or syntomycin ointment is applied to the wound.
  4. For subcutaneous, nail or bony felon A deeper tissue dissection under local anesthesia is required.

How to treat felon with folk remedies

When felon begins:

Common chicory. Apply the paste to the affected area twice a day. fresh leaves chicory, bandaging tightly.

IN initial stage Steam your finger in salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per cup of boiling water) for 20–25 minutes in the evening, then apply a cut aloe leaf and bandage overnight.

Dip your finger into boiling water for 1 second. You should not be afraid of burns, since the effect of high temperature is immediate. Do the procedure 3-4 times a day (be careful, note from the site author)

Apply to the affected area chewed wheat or rye, cover the top cabbage sheet and bandage. Change the bandage twice a day. If panaritium is not started, the positive effect will appear very quickly.

First bath - hot furatsilin(1 tablet per 0.5 cup of water), 2nd - hot alcohol. After this, fill the nail dry penicillin.

Budra ivy-shaped. It is used externally for panaritiums and abscesses in the form of a paste of leaves. Change the bandage 2 times a day.

Rose oil, obtained from red rose petals, is used as an external remedy in the treatment of abscesses, boils, and felons.

Anything can be used to treat felon herbal remedies for abscesses and boils.

Video on the topic

Under the nail (from under the nail) panaritium: operation

With subungual felon, pus accumulates under the nail plate and often “shines through” it. During the operation, it is important not to miss the leaks of pus, and also to sparingly remove the nail plate (only the part that is peeled off by pus).

Paronychia operation according to Canavell

Paranychia is a type of felon in which the area of ​​the periungual fold suppurates.

How to cure felon without surgery

Opening a panaritium at home

Opening a panaritium on a finger at home. This is a so-called finger infection. Do not repeat this, it is better to consult a doctor. Using a needle, the abscess was opened and the pus was squeezed out. There is a good chance that nothing will go away and the next day there will be the same abscess.

Finger felon treatment at home

How to treat panaritium on a finger

Purulent abscess - felon - on the finger, pus under the nail in a child: treatment

A purulent abscess on the finger, pus under the nail - we treat it ourselves at home + saline solution. Treatment with saline solution. The Peruvian balsam helped a lot.

The panaritium represents purulent inflammation tissues of the finger, which can be located in any area and spread to the bone itself. As a rule, panaritium affects the fingers, not the toes. The cause is most often injury.

At the initial stage of the disease it is used conservative therapy, as well as folk remedies. If pus appears, treatment can only be surgical.

If you know the main causes and symptoms of the disease, you can start on time effective treatment at home.

The development of the disease begins when infection enters the soft tissues of the fingers. This occurs when the deep layers of the skin are damaged, which can occur with the following injuries:

  • scratches;
  • microcracks;
  • splinters;
  • cuts;
  • abrasions;
  • hangnails.

When the skin is injured, an infection gets inside, the causative agents of which can be the following bacteria:

  • staphylococci;
  • enterococci;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • streptococci;
  • fungal infections;
  • coli.

The main reason is Staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, the slightest cut or scratch must be treated antiseptic. Most often, trauma to the skin does not cause panaritium.

May increase the risk of developing infection external factors, which include:

  • systematic hypothermia;
  • maceration;
  • tissue contamination;
  • constant hydration;
  • ingress of irritating substances.

In addition, the risk of developing the disease increases in this case:

  • decline protective functions body;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Symptoms and forms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease differ depending on the location of the inflammatory process.

Common signs of felon are:

At cutaneous form The disease causes redness and several blisters filled with a yellowish liquid. Pain occurs when pressure is applied.

If the subcutaneous form is diagnosed, then the swelling will be larger and have a blurred shape. The abscess looks like a white dot.

There is also a periungual panaritium, which is characterized by redness and swelling on one side nail plate. Without proper treatment for this form of the disease, pus can spread to the nail bed. In this case, there is swelling and redness of the phalanx of the finger, as well as difficulty in movement. Arises severe pain. And pus is visible under the nail.

Bone panaritium begins with the subcutaneous form of the disease. As the disease spreads, the finger swells greatly and resembles a flask. Finger movement is very difficult. Observed and general symptoms such as: malaise, fever, chills, headache and increased heart rate. When the purulent sac spontaneously opens, the pain subsides, but the symptoms quickly return.

The articular form of the disease is characterized by the penetration of pus into the soft tissues of the joint. In this case, the joint swells greatly. The pain becomes very strong and constant.

The first sign of tendon panaritium is sharp pain in the finger. Severe swelling occurs and general signs inflammatory process. In this case, the finger greatly increases in size, its surface becomes shiny and bluish.

Also, a fistula may form on the surface through which pus will escape.

If you press down on the injured finger, you can hear the crunch of the subcutaneous tissue.

Complications and consequences

Panaritium is serious illness, the treatment of which must be carried out immediately. If you do not visit a doctor in time and do not start effective treatment, you may develop serious complications, which include:

  • tissue inflammation;
  • joint destruction;
  • development of sepsis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • joint inflammation;
  • thrombophlebitis, accompanied by the formation of blood clots.

How does the development of panaritium begin and all the features of this disease, says the surgeon, watch the video:

Treatment at home

There are many effective methods treatment of panaritium on fingers and toes. Most of these methods can be used at home. However, it is recommended to visit a doctor first. Home treatment It is recommended to start when the first symptoms appear, such as redness and abscess.

For treatment, traditional and folk recipes. TO traditional means include various ointments, compresses, as well as antibiotics to combat the cause of inflammation.

Traditional medicine has absorbed the experience of centuries in the fight against illness, and consists of using medicinal herbs, alcohol tinctures, honey and other natural ingredients.

Traditional medicine recipes

Most often, felon can be treated well at home with the help of pharmaceutical drugs.

The most effective recipes:

Traditional medicine recipes

Besides traditional methods treatments, there are traditional methods get rid of panaritium on fingers and toes. Such recipes can be used both as main and additional treatment. To the most effective recipes applies:

There is a simple rule for treating felon: cold should be applied to relieve pain, and heat should be applied to accelerate the maturation of pus.


To protect your fingers and toes from panaritium, you must be careful when working with metal, wood, glass or other materials that produce sharp shards or shavings.

However, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from injury. Therefore, if the skin is damaged, it should be treated with an antiseptic and sealed with a band-aid.

Manicures and pedicures must be performed only with pre-treated instruments.


Treatment of felon at home is possible various methods. Panaritium – inflammatory disease tissues of the toes or hands. Traditional and folk recipes are used to treat it. However, if the disease progresses, it is recommended to consult a surgeon.

And well-groomed women. He strives to snatch at least a finger from his victims, and eliminates witnesses with poison. It all starts with a trifle: it’s enough to prick your finger with a needle, get a splinter or pick off a hangnail. And microbes penetrate under the skin. They destroy the soft tissue of the finger, and then can move further, depriving the patient of his hand.

To protect against panaritium better than soap and Yoda haven’t come up with anything yet.

It all starts with a splinter

A person with panaritium becomes dangerous to others. So, one chef with a sore finger could be the culprit food poisoning from all restaurant visitors who dared to try the dish of the day. The cause of poisoning will be staphylococcal toxins that get into products during culinary processing. Women most often encounter panaritium after an unsuccessful manicure. In men, the disease develops on fingers knocked down with a hammer or cut. Those who, even over the years, have not been able to get rid of the childhood habit of biting their nails are also at risk.

Felon. Symptoms

Symptoms of felon develop within 1-3 days and within a week can lead to disability. Fortunately, in most cases felon can be successfully treated. Sometimes it’s even possible treat panaritium at home.

True, we note that treat panaritium at home possible only at the very beginning of the disease.

The first symptom of felon is a pain that forces you to pay attention to a red and swollen finger. The pain is diffuse, aching, and gradually intensifies. The affected finger assumes a half-bent position, and trying to move it causes the most acute sensations.

At this stage, you can help your finger by “drowning” it in medical alcohol for about 30 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. To save money valuable product baths can be replaced with wraps - folded several times gauze pad moisten generously in 72-98% ethyl alcohol and bandage it to the sore spot. After drying, the bandage is removed and the procedure is repeated every 2-3 hours.

How to properly treat felon?

Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka. But given the lower concentration of alcohol, the bandage must be hermetically covered with film. This compress is left on the finger for several hours or overnight. After removing the bandage, the skin of the finger should look steamed, pale, and may peel. All these changes go away on their own after a few days. Alcohol treatments can completely stop the inflammatory process, preventing suppuration.

There are also recommendations to “soak” the finger with felon in a hot concentrated solution of salt or baking soda, and sometimes it helps. However high temperature solution can contribute to the spread of infection deep into the tissues, as well as increase intoxication of the body. Therefore, resorting to this method is risky.

To try self-treatment felon is given no more than 24 hours from the moment the pain begins. If after a day the condition does not improve, you should not tempt fate, it’s time to surrender to the surgeons!

If you were unable to cure felon at home in one day, run to the surgeon!

On the 2-3rd day, a cavity filled with pus begins to form in the lesion. At this stage, self-medication of felon is unacceptable. The only way save the finger - open the abscess. How to determine that the purulent stage has begun?

With cutaneous, periungual or subungual felon, the purulent focus is visible to the naked eye under the skin or under the nail in the form of a yellow-gray bubble. Touching it causes a sharp increase in pain.

Open superficial panaritium doesn't represent special difficulties, however Under no circumstances should you do this yourself or at home.. Taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of the fingers, one must keep in mind that the lesion visible to the eye may turn out to be only part purulent cavity, “rooted” deep into the brush. This process can only be handled in a hospital setting. If the paranicium is located deeper under the skin, you can guess the transition to the purulent stage by its characteristic coloring: against the background of redness, a rounded lesion appears, where the skin is slightly paler.

A universal symptom of the transition of felon to the second stage is a change in the nature of pain. If in the first stage of felon it was diffuse and did not have a clear localization, now its epicenter exactly corresponds to the location of the purulent cavity. The pain becomes tugging, throbbing, giving no rest and depriving sleep.

The appearance of general malaise, nausea, increased body temperature are unfavorable signs and indicate the spread of infection to lymphatic vessels brushes It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia: an anesthetic solution is injected into the soft tissues of the finger along the nerves, which blocks painful sensations. The skin over the purulent focus is dissected, pus and dead tissue are removed. Drains are inserted into the wound to wash the wound and administer medicines. After a few days it is removed. If treatment for panaritium was undertaken on time, appearance and the function of the finger is completely restored.

If you know folk remedy to treat felon at home, please leave a review of this remedy in the comments below

Grigorieva Alexandra