Beneficial properties of bee pollen. What are the benefits of bee pollen, medicinal properties and contraindications of the product. Depending on the health problem and the purpose of using this beekeeping product, there will be recommendations for use

Bee pollen contains large amounts nutrients, therefore it is considered more useful than bee honey. It contains a lot of proteins, biotin, amino acids, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, folic, nicotinic and pantothenic acid, inositol. The use of bee pollen is indicated for physical and mental exhaustion, decreased immunity, frequent colds. B vitamins stimulate the immune system, and rutin strengthens the walls of capillaries and protects the body from infections.

Pollen is an excellent adaptogen of natural origin and is used to restore physical and mental performance.

Bee pollen is a natural concentrate of amino acids, carbohydrates and minerals that restores tissue proteins and relieves the body from the consequences poor nutrition. This is especially true for weakened patients and elderly people.
The shelf life of bee pollen is two years, and if it is stored in honey, the shelf life can increase to five years. After the expiration date, it loses more than seventy percent of its healing properties.

Thus, when buying this natural remedy in a store, you need to pay attention to the date of collection and store the purchased product in a dark place at an air temperature of up to twenty degrees and at a relative humidity of less than 75%.

Beneficial properties of bee pollen

The nutrients contained in bee pollen have positive influence on the human body:

  • stimulate metabolism,
  • trigger hematopoietic processes,
  • optimize activities nervous system,
  • improve metabolism in bone and cartilage tissue,
  • have a positive effect on human growth,
  • removes harmful cholesterol from the body,
  • strengthens blood vessels,
  • improve blood composition,
  • restore damaged body cells.
You will learn in detail about the healing properties of this beekeeping product and its effect on human health from the article: And now we will tell you about what diseases it can help with and how to take it correctly.

Diseases for which bee pollen is indicated

For pathology of the heart and blood vessels bee pollen indispensable for eliminating and preventing heart attacks, strokes, ischemia, hypertension, tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia. It successfully fights anemia, functional and organic lesions cardiovascular system.
Pollen is recommended to be taken for diseases of the pancreas, liver and everything gastrointestinal tract, as well as during the recovery period after treatment for alcohol addiction.
The use of bee pollen for men is indicated for infertility and insufficient quantities live sperm. Pollen is an excellent dope before a love date and a source sexual energy. It contains about two hundred healthy ingredients, among which sexy leaders— microelements phosphorus and magnesium.
Antibacterial and strengthening properties make this natural remedy indispensable in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases. With its help, mental and physical activity.
This universal remedy relieves depression, sleep disorders, impotence and prostate lesions. Pollen restores and strengthens the body after injuries, prevents age-related hormonal declines, senile diseases, endocrine disorders, decreased memory, attention, dull skin, hair loss, that is, all signs of premature aging.

How to take bee pollen?

To strengthen and restore physical or mental strength, take pollen one teaspoon three times a day.

For various diseases

  • Bee pollen treatment is very effective initial stages hypertension. To do this, take the remedy on an empty stomach, one-third of a teaspoon. This allows you to quickly normalize blood pressure, get rid of headaches, dizziness, weakness and malaise.
  • If you have frequent colds, you can increase your immunity by taking half a teaspoon of the miracle cure three times a day. Duration of treatment is a month.
  • How to take bee pollen correctly for gastrointestinal pathologies? To do this, regularly consume a healing natural remedy, a teaspoon three times a day. Pollen is especially effective for gastritis, ulcers or colitis.
  • Pollen mixed with honey is useful for hepatitis, lung diseases, and some oncological diseases. Treatment is carried out over a period of two to three months with a two-week break. Healing mixture pre-dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water.

How to use bee pollen to restore vitality important functions body? For physical overstrain, exhaustion, as well as for restoring the body after surgical interventions take pollen one third of a teaspoon three times a day. The duration of treatment is three to six months. In such cases, it is useful to mix pollen with honey in a one-to-one ratio and take a teaspoon three times a day.

For children

Due to its sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness, pollen is used quite actively among children. At the same time, the dose natural remedy reduced and amounts to a fourth or third of a teaspoon per dose.
Bee pollen should be used to treat children with extreme caution to avoid allergic reactions or other pathological disorders.

For pregnant women

During pregnancy, bee pollen protects the weakened body of the woman and fetus from harmful effects toxins and factors external environment. It helps reduce the risk of birth defects and fetal development abnormalities, as well as eliminating the embryotoxic effects of certain substances. Flower pollen stimulates physical development fetus, protects the liver of the mother and child, since independent hematopoiesis begins in the fetal liver from approximately the fifth week of intrauterine development.
Eating bee pollen during pregnancy is beneficial in all respects, as it contains vitamins necessary for the life of mother and child.


Contraindications to the use of bee pollen are the following:

  1. allergy,
  2. diabetes mellitus,
  3. increased tendency to bleed.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Pollen, or pollen, as it is popularly called, is another beekeeping product that has found its place in human life. The little workers work hard to create each individual granule to feed their offspring with pollen. And beekeepers extract the resulting pollen because they know that it has amazing medicinal properties. How to take bee pollen correctly is further in the article.

Interesting fact: Do not confuse the intake of flower pollen with bee pollen. The first is a dusty substance that is formed in flower buds, while the second is a product subsequently processed by little workers. How to take pollen in its natural form? It's almost unreal. But bees collect pollen on their paws and impregnate it with a special enzyme. As a result, we get multi-colored miniature granules, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Article on the topic: Bee pollen: effective help from Nature

We are sure that you have already heard about the beneficial properties of bee pollen if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to take it. We will talk about this later in the article.


To understand how to properly take pollen, you first need to decide on precise dosage. It all depends on your age and health status.

For children

Consumption of pollen involves the following doses:

  • children from 3 to 7 years old - ½ teaspoon once a day
  • children from 8 to 12 years old - ½ teaspoon 2 times a day

Article on the topic: TOP 5 most useful bee products for children

Please note that pollen consumption is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. This is due to the fact that the product is a potential allergen. And your child will be too young to tell you about any symptoms in time individual intolerance.

For adults

IN for preventive purposes For adults, it is enough to take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. If you plan to use natural product for the treatment of any disease, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor. He, at his discretion, can change the dosages described above.

There is no difference between how to take bee pollen for men and women. The only exception is if a representative of the stronger sex is undergoing treatment for any disease of the reproductive system (prostatitis, impotence, infertility, etc.). Often, doctors recommend taking 1 tablespoon of pollen per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

Article on the topic: Bee products against male problems

Elderly people

According to reviews about how older people should take bee pollen, there is no need to make any special changes in the preventive dosage. The daily intake of a natural product is about 15 grams, which is equal to 1 tablespoon.

Many people advise not to split this dose into several doses, but to use it once a day - preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach. However, such a rule does not have any significant advantages.

Article on the topic:

A clear answer to the question “How should women take bee pollen during pregnancy?” No. Some argue that the standard prophylactic dose(1 teaspoon 2 times a day) will help full development fetus and will positively affect the health of the expectant mother.

Others believe that it is necessary to increase the norm to 1 tablespoon per day, since the body of a pregnant woman requires more vitamins and minerals. Therefore, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor.


Is it permissible to use pollen for people suffering from diabetes mellitus? Doctors disagree on the correct answer. But they are united in one thing: the pollen cannot be present in your daily diet nutrition. It can be used strictly as directed by the attending physician, and also in strictly defined doses.

Article on the topic: Can you eat honey if you have diabetes?

The use of bee pollen by diabetics should be limited to 1 teaspoon per day. It is recommended to eat it in the first half of the day - either immediately before breakfast, or in between meals.

Rules for using pollen

The use of bee (flower) pollen is associated with certain rules. Only by strictly observing each of them will you be able to achieve effective therapeutic effects:

  • The pollen should not be swallowed immediately. First, you need to chew it thoroughly and mix it thoroughly with saliva. Thus, you will be able to literally get the most out of the beneficial properties of the product.
  • It is not recommended to eat pollen, nor to drink water. Between taking medication and next step You need to take a break from eating for at least 40 minutes.
  • daily norm(15-20 grams) is recommended to be divided into 2-3 doses. The first should take place in the morning and on an empty stomach, and the last - no later than 19:00, because... the product has an invigorating effect, which may threaten you with insomnia if taken later.
  • preventive course of bee product use - 1 month. It is recommended to carry out it 3 times a year - in late autumn, winter and early spring - when the lack of vitamins is especially acute in the human body.
  • Between courses of treatment you should definitely take a break. Its duration is at least 4 weeks.

How should children who refuse to take bee pollen take it? In this case, it is permissible to break one of the rules - not to eat the pollen. If necessary, you can add a natural product to porridge or other dish intended for your baby. Pollen has a slight sweetish taste, so it will not spoil your child’s favorite treat.

How to take flower pollen in granules will tell you the instructions, which are necessarily attached to each pharmaceutical preparation.

You can purchase pollen directly from our apiary "Sviy honey":

Folk recipes

Just like taking bee pollen in pure form, it can be used in mixture with other ingredients. In some cases, this will enhance therapeutic effect and speed up the treatment process. The specific method of using pollen depends on the expected result.

With honey. The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and blended with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Acacia honey is best suited for this purpose. There is no difference between taking pollen with and without honey. Follow the same dosages and the same rules. It is believed that such a recipe will significantly enhance beneficial properties pollen

Article on the topic: Pollen with honey: doubly beneficial!

WITH herbal decoction . It is enough to drink pollen with a glass of infusion immediately after swallowing. The specific type of herbs should be chosen depending on the “weak” place in the body. For example, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, the following will be especially relevant: chamomile, mint, linden, lemon balm, calendula, yarrow, dandelion. And for problems with the gastrointestinal tract: plantain leaves, dried grass, St. John's wort, centaury, cumin.

Articles on the topic:

Bee pollen for the cardiovascular system

Beekeeping products against gastritis and ulcers

With nuts and dried fruits . This recipe- this is the most correct answer to the question of how to take bee pollen to strengthen the immune system. Mix 50 grams of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, and peeled walnuts. Add 2 tablespoons of pollen and honey. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

WITH olive oil . Mix 1 dessert spoon of pollen and oil. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with fresh apple juice. This recipe will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite, speed up metabolism, and get rid of constipation.

With banana and milk . Based on these ingredients, you can prepare a tasty and healthy tonic cocktail. For 200 ml of milk you will need ⅔ banana and 1 teaspoon of pollen. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey. Whisk until smooth and drink twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 40 minutes before dinner.

With flax seeds . 100 grams of seeds must be ground in a coffee grinder and the same amount of pollen added. Some sources recommend using an additional 50 grams of golden root and angelica root. According to reviews of how to take bee pollen, this recipe has a positive effect on brain function: improves blood circulation and memory, relieves migraines, and also prevents vascular sclerosis.

With royal jelly . Combine all the ingredients together: 20 grams of pollen (2 heaped teaspoons), 2 grams of native royal jelly (about 8-10 royal jelly) and 0.5 liters of honey. Mix thoroughly until smooth. How to use pollen with honey and milk: ½ teaspoon 3 times a day. This remedy will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system: improve concentration and sleep, relieve stress.

Article on the topic: What is royal jelly?


Bee pollen can bring both benefit and harm - if it is taken by those for whom it is contraindicated or if the permissible dosage is exceeded.

Firstly, treatment is contraindicated for those who suffer from individual intolerance to bee products. Therefore, before starting use, we recommend that you undergo an appropriate examination.

In addition, the product has the following contraindications for use:

  • chronic failure or other liver diseases
  • decreased level of blood clotting
  • hypervitaminosis
  • increased excitability of the nervous system
  • oncological diseases

Please note that in the latter case, pollen may be medicine. But before use, we recommend that you consult your doctor.


Wikipedia: Bee pollen

Video "Bee pollen for treatment and prevention"

Flower pollen is the male element in the plant reproduction system. In flight, the bee becomes electrified, and light dust particles from flowers are attracted to it. As pollen accumulates on the body, the bee collects it with its paws into special baskets. These baskets on the bee's legs are lined with twisted hairs that hold pollen. This is where the popular name for pollen came from - bee pollen. Returning to the hive, the bee drops some of the pollen it brought into a tray specially equipped by the beekeeper.

The remaining pollen is vital for all bee family food raw materials. Nurse bees and newly born bees primarily feed on this natural protein-lipid concentrate. Such rich food allows the larva to become 190 times more developed in 3 days!

Why is pollen (bee pollen) different colors?

The color of pollen depends on the flower from which it is collected. As, in fact, its shape and size.

“The color of pollen depending on the plant”

Pollen color


Red Pear, peach, horse chestnut, apricot
Green Linden, maple, rowan, fireweed (willowherb)
Golden yellow Rosehip, hazel, gooseberry, alder, sweet clover
Yellow-green Linen, oak, ash
Egg yellow Willow
Violet Buckwheat, angelica, bluebell, phacelia
Blue Bruise, wild mallow
White Apple tree, raspberry, acacia
White-gray Raspberry, elm, henbane
Brown Sainfoin, red clover, white clover, meadow cornflower, cherry, bird cherry, hawthorn, oregano
Orange Sunflower, dandelion

Composition of flower pollen

The chemical composition of bee pollen (breadbread, pollen) is extremely diverse:

  • water (20% - freshly collected; up to 10% - after drying);
  • proteins 25-35%, fats – 5-7% ( fatty acids, phospholipids, etc.), carbohydrates 20-40%;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, P);
  • minerals(iron, manganese, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, silver, etc.);
  • phenolic compounds;
  • nucleic acids;
  • hormones;
  • growth stimulants;
  • natural antibiotics, etc.

Beneficial properties of pollen

Bee pollen treatment has proven to be effective and is used for the following health problems:

  • diseases of the immune system (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza);
  • diseases of the digestive system (stomach ulcers and duodenum, chronic gastritis, constipation, diarrhea);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic disease heart disease, heart disease, myocardial dystrophy, cardioneurosis);
  • diseases of the nervous system (neuroses, depression, loss of strength);
  • headaches, memory loss, climacteric syndrome;
  • obesity and underweight;
  • violations endocrine system;
  • eye diseases(conjunctivitis, decreased vision, etc.);
  • liver diseases;
  • asthma;
  • lung abscess and other lung diseases;
  • prostatitis, impotence, adenoma and infertility in men;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • consequences of radioactive exposure, etc.

Bee pollen has a pronounced antitumor effect. It can be taken when benign neoplasms, as well as for some types of malignant ones. In addition, due to the high zinc content, pollen can restore the condition of the skin, hair and improve the health of nails.

Pollen also relieves hangovers. When treating a mentally ill person with “flower powder,” the patient’s mood improves and irritability disappears. This often allows you to reduce the dose of prescribed antidepressants.

How to take pollen?

Recommended daily dose natural pollen dried using a special technology is 25-30 g. For one dose, 1 tsp is suitable. The pollen should be thoroughly chewed and moistened with saliva before swallowing. To facilitate the reception process, pollen can be poured into 50 ml of warm boiled water, let it sit for a couple of hours, shaking occasionally. The solution is consumed half an hour before meals. After 18.00, consumption of bee pollen is undesirable. The course of treatment is 1 month. 3 courses per year are recommended.

Another way to consume bee pollen is to buy ready-made honey with pollen. In this case, due to canning, the beneficial properties in the bee product are preserved 50% longer.

Bee pollen for children

Children can be given pollen from the age of 3 at a dose of ¼ tsp. 3 r. per day, mixed with food. Adolescents aged 12 years and older are given pollen 1/2 tsp. 3 r. per day before meals. Pollen is useful for improving physical and mental development child. It increases appetite and protective forces child's body, which is especially important when the child is in kindergarten or school.

In case of anemia in children, pollen significantly increases hemoglobin and red blood cell levels. The bee product is indicated for sick, weakened children, as well as for recovery after past illness or surgical intervention.

Pollen during pregnancy

Proper consumption of pollen enriches the body of a pregnant woman and her fetus with the colossal living energy of Nature. This is a mild anabolic steroid, guardian of the immune system, gastrointestinal health care provider, regulator metabolic processes, controller of the cardiovascular and nervous system, fighter against anemia and vitamin deficiency. However, before active use natural component Consultation with the treating gynecologist is important.

Bee pollen contraindications

Despite his unique benefit, bee product is not useful for everyone. First of all, pollen is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. People who have a tendency to bleed should refrain from using pollen, as the product reduces blood clotting.

Diabetics on early stages diseases should consume bee pollen only under the supervision of a physician. An overdose of bee pollen can cause harm.

Shelf life and storage of pollen

Bee pollen should be stored for no more than 2 years in a clean, dry room, without harsh foreign odors at a temperature of 0-15°C. Pollen in the honey mixture can be stored for no more than 5 years.

Flower pollen - reviews

"I try to eat a spoonful of pollen in morning time, it raises tone and increases performance. When I take it in winter time, I get sick less often, colds go away faster, and respiratory tract are cleared. I like the taste. It's nice to eat a spoonful of pollen with your morning tea, instead of some high-calorie dessert."

“I work in medicine and my friend, a urologist, told me about this miraculous remedy, who recommends using this product for all men after 45 years of age. Pollen is a very powerful means of enhancing male potency which is undeservedly forgotten lately. From the point of view of arousing sexual interest, bee pollen is one of the most effective aphrodisiacs. The product really WORKS! And the effect comes very quickly."

Where to buy bee pollen?

From us you can buy not only honey with bee pollen, but also pollen in bulk. Wholesale. Opened in Moscow. Regarding the retail purchase of pollen, contact our managers - we will figure something out. :)

Bee pollen (pollen) is one of the few, but very valuable products beekeeping. It serves as a source of energy and useful substances, therefore it is justifiably considered a unique medicine. What vitamins are contained in bee pollen, what properties it has, and how to take it for health purposes - we will discuss these issues in more detail.

Chemical composition of bee pollen

Obnozhka owns so unique chemical composition that the number of useful nutrients will surpass even honey.

In its composition in large quantities the following substances are concentrated:

  • Vitamin set - all vitamins B, C, E, K, A, biotin.
  • Mineral complex (28 components in total) - iodine, calcium, vanadium, chlorine, copper, cobalt, selenium and others.
  • Flavonoids and phenolic acids.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Phytohormones.
  • Phospholipids.
  • Amino acids.
  • Proteins.

Bee pollen: unique properties

The effects of pollen on the body are very diverse. Some properties of pollen came to us from ancient healers, and many are discovered every day by scientists around the world.

Re-evaluate and fully disclose the entire list useful qualities pollen is simply impossible, but among the most valuable properties are the following:

  • Helps restore energy balance.
  • Improves the condition of the cardiovascular system.
  • Serves as an absorbent of toxins and harmful microorganisms.
  • Restores liver function.
  • Has a beneficial effect on digestion.
  • Increases hemoglobin levels and treats anemia.
  • Effective for endocrinological diseases, including diabetes and thyroid adenoma.
  • Restores the psycho-emotional background and helps get rid of neurasthenia.
  • Pollen relieves hangover symptoms.
  • Reduces dependence on nicotine and strong alcohol.
  • When added to homemade creams and masks, it rejuvenates the skin.
  • Disinfects the genitourinary tract during inflammation.

How to take bee pollen at home

To achieve maximum benefit from taking pollen, you should adhere to several rules of treatment with its participation:

  • Buy pollen only from trusted beekeepers who sell quality products.
  • Pollen for preventive and health purposes is taken once a day, 1 teaspoon. To enhance the effect, you should combine pollen with honey in a 1:1 ratio, then slowly dissolve in your mouth.
  • The product should be consumed half an hour before eating or drinking.
  • The course of therapy varies depending on the severity of the disease and can last from two weeks to a month.
  • For chronic diseases, treatment is carried out for about a year with short breaks.
  • Since pollen greatly tones the body, it is better to consume it in the first half of the day.
  • To prevent vitamin deficiency, you can drink pollen every season for 4 weeks.
  • The maximum daily dose of pollen is 5 g. Exceeding it can lead to hypervitaminosis and even poisoning.

When is bee pollen contraindicated?

People with the following diseases should refuse therapy with bee products:

  • Allergy to honey.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Tendency to uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  • Severe diabetes.

By taking bee pollen you can strengthen your immune system and improve your appearance and cure many diseases. But before starting treatment, be sure to make sure that you do not have allergic reaction on bee products and strictly adhere to the recommended dosage.

Flower pollen is important element reproduction of each flower, which “part-time” plays the role of a very useful biological substance For human body. It helps to treat even the most serious illnesses, improves mood and increases the desire to live, so few are surprised that many people are interested in data on how to properly consume pollen. Despite all its benefits and harmlessness, incorrect use of this product may lead to the loss of its healing properties, but before talking about the rules for its use, it is necessary to pay attention to its composition.

Chemical composition of the product

If you believe the scientists who were engaged in biological research of this substance, then it contains almost 250 useful substances - vitamins, microelements, fats, organic compounds, and so on. It turned out to be impossible to determine the exact composition of flower pollen in practice due to the fact that it is fickle, can change and depends on where it was collected, from what flowers or trees, and even on whether it was raining outside at that time . But we can say for sure that this the product consists of large quantity vitamins that belong to group B (pyridoxine, thiamine, etc.), and these are the substances that are catalysts for almost two dozen chemical reactions, occurring every second in the human body.

You can always buy bee pollen in Ukraine from us, at the family apiary “Veselyi Hornet” by phone:


They improve brain activity, activate the work and restoration of neurons, improve immune system, and also catalyze at least two types of metabolism - protein and carbohydrate. Thanks to high content vitamin B, the use of pollen for children is considered especially useful, because the child’s body, like no other, needs to be recharged with these vitamins, because they can improve their appetite (and it is very difficult to get children to eat normally), normalize sleep patterns and prevent the development of anemia, which sometimes occurs against the background of an unbalanced diet.

In addition, pollen grains also contain carotenoids (it is because of them that they have a yellow tint) - provitamins A and C (the body uses carotenoids as a raw material component to produce those components that it needs). They improve the condition of the liver and also protect cells from malignant degeneration (that is, regular use of pollen helps to avoid the development of oncology). Moreover, these substances (according to one study from Harvard University) reduce the risk of developing ischemia by 50%, which is very relevant in modern times.

Pollen grains also contain many protein components and amino acid residues, which are involved in the regeneration and formation of new cells, improve protective functions internal organs. Proteins perform construction functions and are used by the brain to produce energy, so you should not neglect the consumption of foods that contain them. Well, we can’t help but talk about the rich polymineral composition of this product, since it includes magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron, chromium and other minerals, which together improve the functioning and condition of the entire body, normalize blood composition and prevent the development chronic diseases.

So taking pollen helps not only treat diseases, but also prevent their occurrence. Its effect becomes especially noticeable when taken regularly by older people, whose body begins to slowly lose ground - pain appears behind the sternum, weakness, mood disappears and something “new” hurts every day.

Gerontologists (people who study age problems with health) were able to prove that daily intake of this remedy (though the studies were conducted using bee pollen, its difference from pollen will be described below) helps to reduce the risk of developing all “senile” diseases (osteochondrosis, heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc.) by 50%. further). The main thing is to know the rules of how to properly take pollen, because half of the result depends on the dose of its intake and even the time.

What is the difference between bee pollen and flower pollen?

As you know, there are two products in the world based on bee pollen, and they are both created by nature. A person collects the first product at the moment when plants begin to bloom, and the second product is collected by bees and brought to their hive in order to preserve it (turn it into bee bread or bee bread) and use it to feed young individuals.

Many people do not understand the difference between flower pollen and bee pollen, and these gaps in education need to be filled, because these substances, although very similar to each other in composition, still differ in their healing properties. Bee pollen is the name given to pollen grains that bees collect from flowers, moisten them with salivary enzymes, and then use them for food. So, the benefits of pollen, which is processed with salivary enzymes, are many times greater than the benefits of the product that a person collects on his own. Besides this, Many people suffer from pollen allergies (hay fever), so they cannot afford to consume this product, and bee pollen does not contain allergens, so it is not dangerous for either adults or children.

Also, reviews of pollen provide information that it is most often sold in the form of capsules coated with a gelatin shell. And even though gelatin is considered a fairly safe substance, it is still not completely absorbed by organisms and is excreted through the liver, which in itself contradicts the main principles of traditional (alternative) medicine.

Methods of using pollen grains

Talking about how to use pollen, it must be said that there are two main ways to take it:

  • V in kind– granules or powder;
  • mixed with honey or other substances.

When consumed in its natural form, it is necessary to remember that each grain of this product is covered with a shell, so it is advisable to process it before it enters the stomach. How? You can dissolve a small amount of this product in a glass of boiled water (it will not dissolve completely, but the shell will soften, which will improve its bioavailability) or hold it in your mouth for a while so that salivary enzymes act on it. The second method is unpleasant, but correct and not suitable for everyone, because the grains have a slightly bitter taste and swallowing them is not so pleasant. Therefore, before starting to take pollen, it would be more correct to first mix it with liquid honey, and then take it on an empty stomach for 30 minutes before meals, dissolving in the mouth.

Few people prepare mixtures of this product, because the mixture of pollen product and honey, although it has strong healing properties, looks very unappetizing in appearance. Some advise mixing a small amount of this substance with butter and spread on bread or simply dissolve in the mouth, but beekeepers claim that the most benefit can be obtained from taking this product in its pure form.

Dosage and time of administration

It is worth understanding how to use pollen correctly, because this substance exhibits high biological activity and if used incorrectly, for example, can become a catalyst for the formation of excess fat. Best to take this remedy on an empty stomach, because it starts the metabolism and speeds up the digestion of food (in this case it will even be useful for those people who want to lose weight). As for the dosage, it will be slightly different for adults and children:

  1. adults can eat one spoon (teaspoon) of this product per day (for treatment) or half for prevention;
  2. As for how to take pollen for children, children under 6 years old can be given 2-3 grams of this substance per day (the tip of a knife or a teaspoon), for everyone else - the daily dose should not exceed half a spoon (especially active It can only be given to babies in the morning, since evening reception may prevent your baby from falling asleep).

You can order pollen with honey by phone:

Everyone must decide for themselves whether to buy pollen or maybe bee pollen, but according to legend, bees became inhabitants of the earth in order to preserve human health, which means that everything they touch takes on a little bit of them healing power. You can try both products and then choose the most worthy one. There is always a choice!

Svetlana: “The whole family took pollen grains last fall to avoid infectious diseases. No one got sick, now I’ve learned that bee pollen is even more beneficial than its counterpart, I’ll try it.”