Broccoli: benefits and harms, unique medicinal properties for health. The benefits of broccoli for the male body. Benefits of frozen broccoli

Discoverers healing vegetable The ancient Romans came from the cabbage family. An annual plant, broccoli, bred through selection from cauliflower, turned out to be more resistant to climatic conditions than its predecessor. The culture quickly gained nutritional popularity due to the presence of natural vitamins, microelements and fiber. Minimum content vegetable fats has made broccoli an indispensable product in the diet of people who follow healthy image life. The dietary vegetable is successfully used in medicinal purposes- it is indispensable for physical recovery after operations or during serious illnesses associated with intestinal pathologies.

What does broccoli look like?

In appearance, cabbage consists of green or purple asparagus inflorescences on thin stems. The most common type is calabrese. These are green heads of cabbage formed by an umbrella with tight-fitting inflorescences on a thick stalk. Young shoots, both stems and inflorescences of the crop, are mainly eaten.

Nutritional value of broccoli

Broccoli contains organic nutrients that give the crop healing properties. This allows cabbage to be used in children's and dietary nutrition, for diabetes mellitus, in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract, oncology and cardiovascular pathology.

The nutritional value of broccoli is determined by the presence of the leading amount in 100 g of product separate groups plant vitamins.

  1. C ( ascorbic acid) - the content in the product is 2 times higher than citrus fruits (89.2 mg). Normalizes the functions of connective and bone tissues, restores the body's immune defense.
  2. A (retinoid beta-carotene) – supports healthy vision, improves metabolic processes skin, natural antioxidant.
  3. PP (nicotine) – stimulates the redox reaction, forms additional enzymes, accelerates carbohydrate metabolism living cell.
  4. K (fat soluble) – synthesizes protein metabolism, ensures regulation of blood clotting.
  5. E (tocol derivatives) – powerful antioxidant, preventing the development of signs of aging in the body.
  6. U (methylmethionine) – normalizes acidity, is active against the formation of ulcerative pathologies.
  7. Derivatives of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9) - synthesize ATP, participate in the formation of protective antibodies, reduce the risk of developing fetal pathologies during pregnancy, and normalize cholesterol.

The unique combination of the rich composition of broccoli is successfully complemented by electrolytes - sodium and potassium. The concentration of elements in 100 g of culture provides the daily requirement for human consumption. Cellular derivatives actively participate in metabolic processes, stimulating the production of water-salt balance.

By protein composition the product is superior to beef and chicken egg. Cabbage contains about 3 g of animal protein, which minimizes cholesterol contamination in the body.

The carbohydrate content of broccoli consists of complex elements (about 7 g). They slowly split into acidic environment stomach, preventing rapid insulin release.

Compound nutrients crops are organically supplemented with minerals - calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and selenium. The product also contains amino acids - phenylalamine and lysine.

Broccoli calories

Fresh vegetables are the most nutritious and healthy. The calorie content of cabbage per 100 g is only 34 kcal. When boiled, the product loses a third useful properties, due to which the calorie indicator is reduced - 27 kcal.

High nutritional value compensated by low energy potential– leading nutritionists recognize the culture as the best herbal remedy in the fight against cellulite (glycemic index does not exceed 10 units).

A lasting positive effect is ensured by regular consumption of cabbage inflorescences. For example, dishes from fresh vegetable have a strengthening effect on the body, help quickly get rid of stress, normalize sleep and restore mental state after a long depression.

Steamed or steamed high temperature Nutritionists recommend using broccoli regularly:

  1. To strengthen immune defense, increasing the level of resistance to diseases of viral or infectious etiology.
  2. In order to prevent possible development complications of gastrointestinal pathology.
  3. As a prevention of diabetes mellitus, as well as in dietary nutrition to normalize insulin during remission.
  4. As a means of preventing the development of complications of cancer.
  5. IN for preventive purposes improving the functioning of cardiovascular muscles, lowering blood pressure.

Medical research has particularly emphasized the properties of broccoli in regulating the production of organic cholesterol, reducing the risk of intrauterine pathologies of the fetus, normalizing digestion and eliminating constipation.

The cosmetic use of the product is widely used to strengthen nails and hair, regulate the water balance of the epidermis, cellular regeneration and normalize hormonal imbalances.

The most valuable composition is, of course, the raw vegetable. But you can also use stewed, boiled, steamed or baked broccoli dishes as a dietary food.

Constant dietary preference for vegetable variations from cabbage will provide optimal conditions for powerful vitamin prophylaxis of the whole body during the recovery period.

Separately, we can highlight the value of the product for severe cancer patients. Regular consumption of broccoli will ensure the constant removal of dead cells, free radicals, waste, toxins and ions from the body heavy metals. Therefore, cabbage must be included in the diet of irradiated patients. Optimal prophylactic product ideal for preventing the development of cancer complications due to the presence of organic sulforaphane in it, a substance that has a restorative effect after oncology. The combination of the element with a large amount of vitamin C gives an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

The value of broccoli is irreplaceable for older people. The sulforaphane contained in it destroys the cartilaginous growths of the joints. Inclusion in the diet healthy vegetable significantly reduces constant pain in the legs and arms, prevents the occurrence of arthritis.

Leading nutritionists do not recommend consuming more than 100 g of vegetables per day for an adult. Complex and volumetric concentration useful substances in broccoli cabbage excessive consumption provokes the development of hypervitaminosis and mineral excess in the body.

For children, it will be enough to eat dishes from inflorescences no more than 2-3 times a week.

Broccoli puree and porridge can be given infant from 7-8 months of age.

Contraindications for eating broccoli

By systematically studying behavior and general health patients who regularly consume cabbage dishes, nutritionists came to the conclusion that special contraindications Broccoli is not used for food. However, based on the urgent recommendations of gastroenterologists, when prescribing gentle vegetable diets You should be careful when eating cabbage:

  1. If exists individual intolerance product or allergy diagnosed in the patient.
  2. For severe pathology of the gastrointestinal tract caused by high acidity.

How to preserve broccoli at home

When choosing a vegetable at the market, stick to a few simple rules. The head of cabbage should be dense, with uniform inflorescences, of a uniform green hue. The smell is fresh, not on the surface visible damage(damage, rot, strange small spots).

You can store fresh cabbage in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 days, after wrapping it wet towel. There is no need to wrap the vegetable in a bag; continuous air supply ensures optimal conditions for preserving the product.

Deep freezing cabbage will increase its shelf life. To place in the freezer, the inflorescences must be separated and blanched for 3 minutes in boiling water. Then rinse cold water and let dry. Broccoli retains its beneficial properties in the freezer for about a year after it is initially frozen.

You should not re-freeze the vegetable - cabbage loses most of its nutrients and becomes very soft. In this state, it is tasteless and has no healing qualities.

Today it is one of the common healing vegetables from Mother Nature's medicinal pantry. Given the variety of beneficial properties, broccoli is very popular not only as a product of the daily diet. It is great for athletic people, ideally replacing animal proteins, allowing good nutrition for vegetarians.

Combining good nutritional qualities with various components, broccoli rightfully occupies a leading position among dietary vegetables, since its preparation gives a lot of variations in the taste of dishes. This ensures even variety in the diet healthy eating person.

Video: beneficial properties of broccoli for the body

Today we’ll talk about the healthiest member of the cabbage family: broccoli. Useful properties and contraindications, how to prepare it to better preserve vitamins.

What vegetables are the best food from those available to us is not news. However, we continue to put them in second and even third place on our grocery lists, while stubbornly insisting that we want to be healthy, beautiful and happy. This is wrong, vegetables can and should be cooked deliciously in order to get not only their benefits but also pleasure from the process of eating.

About the benefits of broccoli

A close relative of cauliflower, broccoli is ahead of it in almost everything. For example, cauliflower contains virtually no carotene (a form of vitamin A) while a serving of broccoli (150 grams) provides 11% daily dose vitamin for an adult, broccoli also has 2 times more calcium, a third more vitamin C and more proteins.

Properties of broccoli:

  • If you steam broccoli, it will help lower cholesterol and promote the excretion of bile;
  • Broccoli has a strong cleansing effect. The phytonutrients, antioxidants and fiber that this cabbage is rich in help neutralize and remove toxins and cleanse the intestines;
  • It is beneficial to eat broccoli when taking vitamin D, as it contains large amounts of vitamins K and A. Their presence is necessary for the metabolism of vitamin D.
  • Broccoli is an excellent source of a flavonoid called campferol, which is a unique anti-inflammatory substance and also reduces negative impact allergens to the human body;
  • Regular consumption of broccoli reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, improves the health and elasticity of blood vessels, and improves immunity;
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin in broccoli are beneficial for eye health;
  • Useful for the prevention of arthrosis.

It is no coincidence that Broccoli is one of the most researched vegetables, because many results have shown that regular consumption of broccoli increases the body’s ability to heal itself and prevents cancer.

Scientists have established a connection between three processes in the body and development malignant tumors. This:

  1. Chronic inflammation;
  2. Oxidative stress – cell damage due to oxidation;
  3. Inadequate detoxification of the body (slagging);

Broccoli has a special role in this triangle of problems, since its properties and substances can affect each of them.

Composition of broccoli. One serving of broccoli (150 grams) contains the following vitamins and nutrients:

  • Vitamin K – 245% daily value;
  • Vitamin C – 135%;
  • Chrome – 53%;
  • Folic acid – 42%;
  • Fiber – 21%;
  • Pantothenic acid – 19%;
  • Vitamin B6 – 18%;
  • Vitamin E – 15%;
  • Phosphorus – 15%;
  • Manganese - 15%;
  • Choline - 15%;
  • Vitamin B2 - 15%;
  • Vitamin A - 13%;
  • Potassium - 13%;
  • Copper - 11%;
  • Vitamin B1 - 8%;
  • Omega-3 - 8%;
  • Magnesium - 8%;
  • Protein - 7%;
  • Zinc - 6%;
  • Iron - 6%;
  • Calcium - 6%;
  • Selenium - 5%;
  • Vitamin B3 - 5%.

How to select and store broccoli

The best broccoli has compact florets with a uniform color, dark green, without yellowness. Broccoli stores well in a regular plastic bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The storage period should not exceed 10 days.

It is not recommended to wash broccoli before storing. If the cabbage has already been divided into inflorescences, it is best to use it within a few days, since the longer the cabbage lies like this, the less vitamin C will remain in it.

Are there any contraindications?

Oddly enough, broccoli is one of those rare foods that have no contraindications, or at least nothing is known to science yet. Broccoli is equally beneficial for children, the elderly and pregnant women.

Best cooking methods

It is believed that best way Cook the broccoli by steaming it for a few minutes. Thus, vitamins and other beneficial substances not only remain in place, but some also become larger. So, steamed broccoli is healthier than fresh.

There is nothing strange about this. For example, studies have long proven that there is more vitamin A in boiled carrots than in fresh ones.

Boiled or steamed broccoli is great as a side dish or in warm salads.

  • Broccoli and red beet salad

Ingredients: boiled broccoli florets and red beets, lemon juice, vegetable oil, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Preparation. All you need to do is boil the broccoli and beets, cut into small pieces and season with a mixture of oil and lemon juice. Decorate the salad with healthy seeds.

  • Green soup with spinach and broccoli

Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 grams of broccoli, vegetable oil, 1 onion, 4 cloves of garlic, liter of chicken or vegetable broth, 2 bunches of spinach, spoon lemon juice, parsley, salt, pepper.

Preparation: Sauté the onion and garlic in a saucepan for several minutes, then add the broccoli and, stirring constantly, continue for 4-5 minutes. Add broth and spinach, cover and simmer until fully cooked. Next, using a blender, grind all the contents in a saucepan until the consistency of liquid puree. The soup is served with a side dish of garlic fried in olive oil and fresh parsley.

  • Omelet with broccoli and onions

For 2 servings you will need: 1 small onion, 200 grams of broccoli, 50 grams of hard cheese, 4 eggs.

Preparation: Fry a little onion in vegetable oil, add broccoli divided into florets and 2-3 tablespoons of water. Cover with a lid and leave for 4-5 minutes, after which you can pour in the beaten eggs with salt and pepper. Stir everything 1-2 times, then reduce the heat to low, sprinkle with grated cheese and leave for another couple of minutes.

  • The benefits and harms of cauliflower – properties, composition,…

A green plant called broccoli is famous for its beneficial properties. Today cabbage can be found on the shelves of most stores. However, many housewives are in no hurry to use the product when cooking. You can evaluate all the qualities of the famous vegetable by understanding its health benefits, harms, and methods of use.

What is broccoli

Many people have come across this beautiful green plant in stores more than once, reminiscent of a lush flower bouquet. This vegetable is broccoli cabbage. It can be grown in almost any area, but the climate of Spain, Italy, and France is considered the best. In these countries, the plant is often used in cooking due to its beneficial properties. You can eat this type of cauliflower fried, boiled, stewed, or add it to salads. For cooking, inflorescences with the tender part of the stem, and sometimes sprouts, are used.

Broccoli - composition

To learn more about the topic: broccoli - benefits and harm, you need to learn about the substances that are contained in the plant. It has a large number of different microelements, vitamins, macroelements. Chemical composition broccoli is presented:

  • beta-carotene (vitamin A);
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin U;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • B vitamins;
  • fiber;
  • silicon;
  • vitamin C;
  • biologically active substances;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin E;
  • selenium

Broccoli - calories

Indicator energy value very important for dieters and those watching their figure. Depending on the processing method, scientists have determined the calorie content of broccoli, 100 grams of which contain:

  • unprocessed (raw) vegetable – 35 kcal;
  • boiled – 28 kcal;
  • steamed – 27 kcal;
  • frozen – 23 kcal;
  • stewed – 37 kcal;
  • fried – 46 kcal.

Nutritional value of broccoli

One more important characteristic is the nutritional value of broccoli. Using these values, a person can find out how much he will receive important substances for the body by eating 100 g of cabbage. These elements are energy accumulators that help regulate our life activities. The plant contains:

  • proteins – 2.8 g (3.41% of the required value per day);
  • fats – 0.4 g (0.62%);
  • carbohydrates – 6.6 g (5.16%);
  • dietary fiber– 2.6 g (13%);
  • water – 89.3 g (3.49% daily norm).

Can you eat broccoli raw?

Consumers are accustomed to the fact that fresh, unprocessed vegetables are better absorbed by the human body than boiled, fried or stewed. However, there is no consensus on the question of whether broccoli can be eaten raw. Some experts claim that when cooked, the plant loses more than half of its beneficial properties, while others believe that properly processed or blanched cabbage is healthier.

There are a huge number of recipes for dishes that include fresh green cabbage among the ingredients. In Europe and America, broccoli is often consumed unprocessed and made into a salad. For those who want to lose weight and are watching calories, it is recommended to blanch cabbage. To do this, simply place the heads of cabbage in a container of boiling water for a few seconds. Season the vegetable olive oil, add your favorite spices and serve. Green cabbage is especially useful for pregnant women and young children - it is perfectly digestible and contains many vitamins.

Broccoli - beneficial properties

Invaluable benefits Broccoli for the body consists of its following properties:

  • contains antioxidants of natural origin;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • regulates blood sugar;
  • improves the condition of the lens and retina of the eyes;
  • contains elements that benefit the liver;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves blood composition.

Benefits of broccoli for women

Many representatives of the fair sex are skeptical about this vegetable, considering it tasteless and bland. The benefits of broccoli for women include the following factors:

  • Positive effect on skin condition. By eating broccoli daily, you prolong your youth. Useful to use medicinal plant for masks, because it contains a lot of vitamins.
  • Vitamin oil from the vegetable is used for hair and nails, helping to strengthen their structure and eliminate fragility.
  • Use in dietary nutrition. The product contains a large amount of protein, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Green cabbage – indispensable product for dietary, vegetarian and Lenten dishes.
  • Fight cellulite. The beneficial properties of broccoli promote the production of bile. It helps regulate fat levels, thereby helping to eliminate skin imperfections associated with cellulite.
  • Getting rid of carcinogens, toxins and waste. These harmful substances can provoke the development of tumors of the uterus, breast and ovaries. The inflorescences contain antioxidants that can combat this problem.
  • The nutrient-rich composition will benefit your hair and nails.
  • The content of indoles maintains hormonal balance.

Benefits of broccoli for children

This type of cauliflower is one of the ten most healthy products. The plant is often used in children's nutrition. As part of a child's diet, broccoli can benefit:

Benefits of broccoli for men

Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to consume proteins only of animal origin, so they often refuse vegetables. However, the benefits of broccoli for men are invaluable. The plant is an excellent remedy for preventing the development cancer cells And inflammatory processes V prostate gland.. Broccoli actively fights problems cardiovascular system, helps remove excess cholesterol in the blood, which can appear when eaten fatty foods.

Broccoli for gastritis

The composition of green cabbage is not much different from its relative, white cabbage, but contains more carotene. The element renders positive impact on mucous membranes. The principle of its action is based on blocking heavy metal ions that affect the gastric and intestinal walls. Eating broccoli for gastritis will help restore tissue, heal ulcers and wounds, and remove dead cells. Experts recommend choosing boiling or stewing, or steaming to preserve all the beneficial properties of the vegetable.

Broccoli during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child for a woman is associated with the need to increase immunity. Content folic acid prevents the development of fetal pathologies and promotes cell renewal. Broccoli for pregnant women allows you not to take additional medications to replenish the reserves of selenium, retinol and calcium - the vegetable contains them in abundance. Cabbage is also beneficial when planning a child, preparing the woman’s body for future pregnancy.

Broccoli for weight loss

Using broccoli for weight loss helps saturate the body and promotes weight loss. At the same time, a person receives all the substances necessary for normal life. Among those who are studying weight loss and want to weigh less, a broccoli-based diet is popular. This vegetable is one of the lowest in calories, contains a lot of fiber and helps reduce appetite. And the hormone serotonin improves mood and general condition body, fights depression.

Broccoli - contraindications

Like any food product, this type of cabbage can be harmful. There are the following contraindications for broccoli:

If you have at least one of these contraindications, you can simply replace the variety of cabbage with white or cauliflower.

Video: broccoli - beneficial properties and contraindications

The queen among the rest of the cabbage world, this is how broccoli can be described. She was awarded this title because of her beneficial properties. Fiber and vitamins, which, in large quantities contained in cabbage are suitable for people involved in sports, on a diet, and simply for the everyday diet.

Broccoli stimulates the human immune system. It contains many minerals, trace elements, and vitamins that are beneficial to humans. All this variety of nutrients contributes to the normal development of the body and its systems. They not only perform nutritional function, but also protect the body from harmful factors during illness.

Composition of broccoli

Vitamin B9 63 mcg 16%
Vitamin B3 0.639 mg 4%
Vitamin B5 0.573 mg 12%
Vitamin B6 0.175 mg 13%
Vitamin B2 0.117 mg 9%
Vitamin B1 0.071 mg 6%
Vitamin A 623 IU 21%
Vitamin C 89.2 mg 149%
Vitamin E 0.17 mg 1.5%
Vitamin K 101.6 mcg 85%

Beneficial properties of broccoli

  1. Cancer prevention

    Broccoli is a godsend for preventing and helping with cancer. Cabbage contains the following compounds: glucoraphanin, calcium, potassium, selenium, they have an anti-carcinogenic effect. The presence of vitamins “A”, “C”, “E”, and amino acids help to positively fight cancer of the intestines, lungs, kidneys, reproductive organs in men and women, and other types of cancer. Eating broccoli has a particular effect on breast and cervical cancer.

  2. The presence of calcium in broccoli, nutrients and other elements that help the body absorb calcium becomes indispensable for children, pregnant and lactating mothers, elderly people, patients who have undergone surgery bone tissue. This vegetable can easily compensate for the lack of calcium in the body.

  3. Detoxification effect

    Ascorbic acid, sulfur and amino acids help remove toxins and waste from the body. Ridding the body of its natural pollutants helps cleanse the blood, which ensures better saturation of organs with oxygen and improves their functioning and accelerates metabolic processes in them, positively affecting the immune system.

  4. Heart Health

    Fighting cholesterol is one of the the most important problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Broccoli, which contains vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, helps lower blood cholesterol levels. The most positive effect can be achieved if cabbage is steamed; in this case, more beneficial substances are retained that help eliminate cholesterol, which cleans blood vessels and improves blood flow. Potassium is part of broccoli; it has a vasodilating effect, which increases blood flow to the organs and saturates them with oxygen.

  5. Rejuvenating effect for skin

    Constant presence of broccoli in the diet, especially in winter and spring periods will promote the regeneration of skin cells and increase cell turgor. The skin will be smoother, more elastic, velvety, and there will be less inflammation in the form of pimples and acne. This effect is achieved thanks to a number of vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidants. In the summer, all these elements and minerals will protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

  6. Improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines

    The fiber in broccoli helps normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Fiber fibers retain water and provide better permeability feces through the intestines, effectively coping with constipation. Broccoli juice contains vitamins and minerals that promote proper digestion, stabilize acidity and restore the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

  7. Source of Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is produced abundantly in the summer when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light; this is a natural process in which it is synthesized in the body. IN winter period, a person is deficient in vitamin D. But broccoli contains enough of this vitamin and in winter time, it should always be part of the diet, especially for children under three years of age.

  8. Strengthening the immune system

    Good immunity prevents pathogenic microbes from entering the body. Vitamins and microelements found in broccoli, such as copper, zinc, ascorbic acid, help strengthen the immune system and its active work during the period viral diseases or in the postoperative period, when immunity needs to be restored.

  9. Help for pregnant and nursing mothers

    Broccoli must be included in the diet of a pregnant woman, unless there is an individual intolerance to the product. A diet that includes broccoli helps correct formation systems and organs of the fetus during pregnancy. This effect is achieved due to the vitamins, omega-3 amino acids, trace elements and minerals that are part of broccoli. A large amount of fiber helps prevent constipation in a pregnant woman, normalizes the pH environment and preserves the intestinal microflora. During lactation female body needs increased content nutrients and vitamins, broccoli will be a good product that compensates for this deficiency.

  10. Nervous system health

    Eating broccoli helps strengthen the nervous system, which is especially necessary in early childhood and in patients who have undergone neurosurgical operations. The potassium contained in cabbage promotes the formation of nerve fibers. Broccoli is also considered a good way to prevent Parkinson's disease.

  11. Help with diabetes

    With this disease, it is recommended to consume more vegetables that contain fiber and are low in calories, and broccoli comes first here. When consumed, there is no sudden increase in blood sugar levels. Systematic consumption of broccoli and compliance general diet will help stabilize blood sugar levels.

  12. Vitamins and microelements that broccoli contains and omega-3 fatty acids, they all play important role in decline blood pressure. To achieve this effect, you need to systematically eat broccoli, having previously calculated the daily intake from a nutritionist and consulted with a cardiologist.

    Lack of protein and iron in the body leads to anemia. In 100g. Broccoli contains a sufficient amount of protein, a tenth of the daily requirement of iron, as well as copper, which also plays an important role in hematopoiesis.

  13. Keen vision

    Studies have shown that the carotenoid lutein helps prevent age-related macular degeneration of the retina, cataracts, as well as benign and malignant tumors of the eye. In addition, broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin A - more than 20% of the daily value. Vitamin A is included in visual pigment rhodopsin, contained in rods, plays a key role in the process of light perception. With its deficiency, night blindness develops.

Contraindications to eating broccoli

All healthy products have contraindications to one degree or another. But not broccoli. Modern medicine After conducting many experiments and studies, I confirmed that broccoli has no contraindications for use. This vegetable can truly be considered universal; its effect on the body from the allergic side is neutral. The only factor in which it is not recommended to eat broccoli is individual intolerance, but such cases are extremely rare. As a result, eating broccoli has only a positive effect on health and immunity.

The name of this vegetable originates from ancient times. According to primary sources, the word broccoli with Latin language translated as “branch” (bracchium). Translated from Italian, broccoli (Italian Broccoli) means “flowering stem”, “shoot”.

In terms of nutritional value, broccoli proteins can be compared to the proteins found in meat or eggs.

Western scientists decided to improve the properties of broccoli and, after numerous breeding tests, a new variety appeared. The new vegetable contains three times more compounds that have anti-oncological and antibacterial properties compared to traditional varieties of broccoli.

Broccoli has a very low calorie content, only 34 kcal per hundred grams of weight. The human body requires a certain amount of energy to process this product. But the large amount of fiber in cabbage ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time.

What else is useful?

The variety most often found on shelves is “Calabrese”. It is easily recognized by its green inflorescences on a thick stem, tightly adjacent to each other. It is worth knowing what the health benefits and harms are of this product, which nutritionists recommend to include in your diet.

Useful substances in the composition

The first thing that attracts attention is the vitamin composition.

  • Beta-carotene is extremely important for maintaining youth and maintaining visual acuity.
  • B vitamins are essential for normal functioning almost all organs and systems of the body.
  • Vitamin C enhances the body's protective properties and has a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels. Broccoli contains it significantly more than citrus fruits.
  • Vitamin E protects cell membranes from destruction.
  • Vitamin U is a fairly rare, but at the same time extremely important element. It promotes the healing of ulcers. In terms of its content, broccoli can compete with.
  • Calcium is needed for healthy bones and teeth. Broccoli is one of the leaders in content of this element, so cabbage is recommended to be included in the diet of people with lactase deficiency.
  • Phosphorus is also important for the formation of bone tissue.
  • Magnesium is good for the nervous system and improves brain function.
  • Potassium is necessary for normal operation cardiovascular system.
  • Sodium is involved in water-salt metabolic processes.
  • Iron is also necessary - without this element it is impossible to transport oxygen in the body; internal secretion organs also need it.

The benefits of broccoli for the body do not end there. It is valued for such an element as chlorophyll, which has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes. Broccoli contains a significant amount of protein, containing essential amino acids. Some of them, besides this vegetable, can only be found in meat. However, this product has an advantage over food of animal origin: it does not contain cholesterol. Moreover, it contains substances that help eliminate bad cholesterol and normalization of its level in the blood.

As a part of the vegetable it provides positive influence on the intestines. Cabbage stimulates the excretion of bile, helping the liver and bile ducts work. Modern research show that broccoli contains substances that help fight oncological diseases: sulforaphane, sinigrin and indole-3-carbinol. The latter not only helps destroy cancer cells, but also makes the immune system stronger, so that the body successfully resists cancer.

Effect on the body

The remarkable composition of the product provides the benefits of broccoli for the human body. Regular consumption of vegetables helps heal ulcers, promotes the removal of salts and harmful metals, rapid growth healthy nails and hair, bone strength. The elements it contains are involved in the formation of new cells and stabilize nervous system, support the organs of vision.

This type of cabbage has the following beneficial properties.

  • Broccoli helps cleanse the intestines, normalizes digestive processes, helps to forget about constipation.
  • Prevents cholesterol from accumulating. If a vegetable is often present on the menu, the likelihood of heart attack and stroke is reduced.
  • The elements that are present in this cabbage strengthen the immune system and help fight malignant tumors.
  • It is recommended to eat the vegetable for seriously ill people. After all, it affects the processes of removing toxins, heavy metals from the body, excess liquid.
  • Broccoli promotes cell regeneration and tissue formation. So it should be used by those who have undergone operations and any diseases.
  • The product improves the condition of joints and prevents the destruction of cartilage.

The vegetable has low glycemic index, so it is recommended for sick people to eat it diabetes mellitus. Individual components in the composition help normalize insulin levels. The medicinal properties of broccoli make it possible to use it in the treatment of cataracts, so this product is included in a restorative diet.

The benefits of broccoli for pregnant women are great. During this period, it is important to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals; regular consumption of vegetables will help with this. It also helps prevent constipation, a common problem during pregnancy.

Protein, which is contained in fairly large quantities in the product, will also be useful. It is used as building material for the formation of tissues and organs of the baby. Vitamin C and other components will help protect expectant mother from various diseases.

Broccoli juice is very beneficial. It is easily digestible and enriches the body with elements important for maintaining health.

Another important quality of the vegetable is the presence of folic acid in the composition. This substance is extremely important for proper development child. A pregnant woman should receive it in sufficient quantities to reduce the risk of pathologies, especially in the first trimester.

It is worth noting that the product not only contains many vitamins and minerals, but is also considered hypoallergenic. Broccoli for babies - good option for the first feeding. Manufacturers baby food They offer puree from this type of cabbage; you can also prepare it yourself.

This vegetable is recommended for those who want to lose weight. Broccoli, the benefit of which is to improve digestion and remove excess fluid, helps get rid of extra pounds. In addition, it has a low calorie content - less than 30 kcal per 100 g. That is why this cabbage is included in various diets, satisfied fasting days based on it. And the composition, rich in useful substances, will help support the body during periods of restriction in certain products, so that weight loss will take place without harm to health.


Like any product, broccoli has contraindications. Its use should be avoided if the following pathologies are present:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • intolerance to coarse fiber (it is also possible to limit consumption raw vegetables, which contain a lot of this substance, after some operations);
  • allergic reactions to this product.

If there are any disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the possibility of consuming the vegetable. In other cases, when proper preparation broccoli harm for the body is practically absent.

Which form is best to eat?

An important question is how to cook this type of cabbage. Important Feature product is that as a result heat treatment a significant part of the nutrients is lost. How much remains depends on the cooking method. It's better not to use it for this microwave oven, since it manages to preserve very few vitamins and minerals.

Most useful raw cabbage. It is added to salads or eaten as a side dish. But not everyone likes the taste of raw broccoli. In addition, only young vegetables can be eaten in this form; more mature ones become harsh.

Broccoli will retain most of its valuable qualities if it is steamed or slightly stewed with water and oil. You can also bake or boil it, however, the loss of important elements with these methods is higher. You can eat the vegetable in soups. It cooks quickly, so it is recommended to add it a few minutes before it is ready.

How to select and store

The benefits of broccoli for the body are great, but only if the product high quality. You need to know what to look for when purchasing.

  • The vegetable stems should be firm, the inflorescences should be dense and richly green. Interspersed yellow are a sign that the cabbage is overripe.
  • An unpleasant odor means that the vegetable has begun to deteriorate.
  • Dark inflorescences, shimmering purple, are a sign high content beta carotene.
  • It is better to avoid buying stale-looking cabbage, with limp stems and inflorescences and spots of rot.

To save useful qualities Broccoli is good for the human body and should be stored properly. It can be placed in the refrigerator for a short period. The best option- Place the stem in a container with water or wrap the vegetable with a damp cloth. It is also possible to store it in an airtight container or plastic bag, in which small holes are made for air access.

For long-term storage, freezing the product is suitable. With this procedure, about 90% of the nutrients are retained. They do it like this.

  1. Rinse the vegetable in running water, then shake off the water.
  2. Divide the cabbage into pieces. If stems or inflorescences with defects are found, they are removed.
  3. Next, you need to blanch; without this, the broccoli will change color in the future. taste qualities will get worse. In addition, this process will help get rid of invisible to the eye insects and microorganisms. To do this, place the vegetable in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then take it out and immediately plunge it into cold water.
  4. Broccoli should be dried and then placed in containers for freezing.

Cabbage processed in this way can be eaten throughout the year.

Broccoli is a vegetable that can become a valuable source of substances important for the body. It is not for nothing that nutritionists recommend consuming it as often as possible, if there are no contraindications. You just need to know how to prepare this wonderful product to get greatest benefit.