List of fluoride-free toothpastes for adults and children, how to choose the best fluoride-free toothpaste

To save healthy smile, you need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. It is known that it is fluoride and calcium that strengthen enamel and prevent the development of caries. However, fluoridated toothpastes are not always beneficial.

  1. With increased fluoride content in drinking water.
  2. When using food products enriched with fluoride compounds.
  3. With the development of fluorosis.
  4. With a decrease in testosterone in the blood.
  5. When hormone production is suppressed thyroid gland.
  6. For atherosclerosis.

In these cases, it is recommended to replace fluoride-containing toothpaste to a safer product. If there is a high fluoride content in drinking water, it is recommended to boil or filter it. It is better not to consume products grown on land with a high content of fluorides - they necessarily contain fluoride in large quantities.

In any case, the fluoride content in toothpaste should be minimal. For example, for adults optimal dosage of this element is about 0.2 mg per 100 g of product, and for children - 0.1 mg.

Composition of fluoride-free toothpastes

It is difficult for many to imagine a familiar dental product without fluoride. But if it enters the body in excess, the paste is enriched with other components. In this case, there is no need to further strengthen the dental tissues.

What toothpastes are fluoride-free? They contain more calcium compounds. This component not only strengthens the enamel, but also removes excess fluoride from the body. Calcium is typically present in the form of compounds such as calcium glycerophosphate, calcium lactate and citrate, calcium panthogenate and synthetic hydroxyapatite.

Often, toothpastes contain substances that help make teeth whiter. This is papaya extract, abrasives, oil tea tree. IN lately Particular attention is paid to elements such as xylitol and bromelain. The first provides a reliable and safe environment in the oral cavity. Bromelain helps dissolve pigment plaque without damaging hard tissue.

In addition, the emphasis is on maintaining and strengthening gum health. Natural ingredients in the form of extracts help achieve this. medicinal herbs, extracts from leaves and tree bark.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for adults

There are not so many of these hygiene products. Titles most commonfluoride-free toothpastesquite well known. All prices shown are current as of September 2016.


Made in Italy. The composition includes calcium glycerophosphate, papain and xylitol, lactate and calcium panthogenate. The unique composition allows the paste to stand out from all its competitors. It not only helps prevent excess fluoride, but also provides reliable daily care with a strong antiseptic effect.

When used correctly, the product helps make the enamel a little lighter thanks to the abrasives included in the composition. However, this is also a big disadvantage. Potassium salt as a bleaching agent for long-term use can cause hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues. The cost of PRESIDENT Unique is about 200 rubles.

SPLAT Biocalcium

The product is manufactured in Russia. The active ingredients are papain, calcium lactate, polydone and synthetic hydroxyapatite. The drug provides easy and, most importantly, quick cleaning of the enamel surface from plaque. Minimal particles of hydroxyapatite ensure deep penetration into the hard layers of the tooth.

The product is popular due to its affordable cost. The price of the product does not exceed 150 rubles.

ROCS for adults

Also produced in Russia. Its uniqueness lies in the following. Xylitol, together with calcium glycerophosphate, eliminates the acidic environment of the oral cavity and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora. Pigment plaque dissolves under the influence of a substance such as Bromelain.

But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of this product in matters of whitening is somewhat lower than stated. The price can reach up to 250 rubles per package.

ASEPTA Sensitive

Recommended for hypersensitivity enamel to various types of irritants. Reduced sensitivity is ensured by the introduction of potassium citrate. Papain provides reliable protection from the accumulation of microbes and the formation of pigmented plaque.

The downside is the pronounced effect of reducing sensitivity. For this reason, you may not notice the onset of caries development. The product costs from 150 to 200 rubles.

New pearls with calcium

This is one of the cheapest means Russian production. Despite this, when using the product, a large amount of active calcium is released. This is the only active ingredient included in the composition. Calcium citrate is able to very quickly absorb into the enamel and reliably protect it from the aggressive environment of the oral cavity.

"Mexidol Denta"

The product is very popular. Allows you not only to protect your teeth, but also to get rid of unpleasant odor, and also strengthen your gums. The drug should not be used independently, as it is a medicinal product.

It is prescribed only by a doctor after examination. Particular attention should be paid to its composition. Some components contained may easily cause allergic reaction at the local level. The price of the product ranges from 100 to 150 rubles.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for children

Young patients require a special approach when choosing products for oral hygiene. Fluoride-free children's toothpastes are mainly classified by age. They are usually recommended for use up to 14 years of age.

Consider a list of fluoride-free toothpastes that are most often recommended by pediatric dentists.

"President Baby"

The product is recommended for children from 0 to 3 years old. The product is produced in Italy and has a pleasant raspberry flavor. It is absolutely safe if swallowed even by the smallest child. The main active ingredient in this fluoride-free children's toothpaste is calcium glycerophosphate. To maintain normal oral microflora, the product contains xylitol.

"Weleda" - gel with calendula

The paste is produced in Germany and is recommended for children under 3 years of age. The product perfectly removes plaque and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This effect is provided essential oils and alginate. The absence of calcium and fluorine in the composition requires alternation in the use of the product.

"Splat Juicy Set"

"Rox Kids Barberry"

This product is similar in action to Splat Juicy Set. A pronounced anti-caries effect is provided by calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol. However, it can only be used from 3 to 7 years.

A fluoride overdose can occur faster in a child than in an adult. This must be taken into account. It is better to use pastes with this component only once a week. The list of fluoride-free children's toothpastes is short, especially when we're talking about about effective means.

The most serious disease caused by fluoride intoxication is fluorosis. In this case, not only the teeth, but the entire musculoskeletal system of the child are affected. Hard tissues begin to deform, pain appears and increased fatigue. In the absence necessary actions the disease can lead to the development of disability in the baby.

The first signs of fluorosis are very similar to initial caries. Only a doctor can diagnose it at an appointment. Vital staining of enamel is mainly used for this purpose. Toothpaste with calcium without fluoride for a child is a good preventive measure for fluorosis.

Toothpaste for the youngest should be selected by the dentist together with the pediatrician. An adult should also not choose an oral hygiene product on his own, especially if the level of fluoride in his body is elevated.

Useful video about toothpastes containing fluoride

Professional dentists will certainly tell patients how beneficial fluoride-free children's toothpaste is; a list of types of such toothpaste can be found below. Most often, consumers buy toothpaste for children based on advertising and bright labels, but not all toothpastes are safe for children’s teeth.

It should not contain the same amount active ingredients, which are found in adult products. The most important thing is that toothpaste for children should contain as little fluoride as possible, or better yet, without it at all. Most often, pasta for them is made with various aromatic and flavor additives that children like so much. They swallow part of the cleaning mass, including the fluoride compounds that are part of it. Over time, they accumulate in the body and poison it, not to mention the fact that fluoride harms the enamel of children's teeth, which has not yet fully formed.

Useful and dangerous fluoride

Fluoride is beneficial. This fact has been proven by experts, but when fluorides accumulate in the body, they can be toxic. Lethal dose sodium fluoride consumed by children ranges from 5 to 10 g.

According to dentists, if fluoride compounds enter the body, they can damage the organs of the respiratory, central nervous and circulatory systems.

Fluoridated paste is dangerous for child's body. Children who use it to brush their teeth are at high risk of developing a disease such as fluorosis. This disease, which develops in some children even before teething, manifests itself with prolonged consumption of liquids, food and the use of toothpaste containing increased amount fluorine This pathology threatens that red and dark brown spots appear on the child’s teeth. In addition, fluoride can cause developmental delays nervous system growing organism.

Easy to find out

In order not to harm the baby, mothers and fathers need to carefully study the composition of the dental product before purchasing. Fluorine may be contained in the paste in compounds such as:

  • monofluorophosphate or sodium fluoride;
  • aluminum or tin fluoride;
  • aminofluoride

The latter, by the way, is the safest fluoride compound, but usually monofluorophosphate and sodium fluoride are added to dental products, which are less effective and more destructive. They are found, for example, in Aquafresh, Blend-a-honey and Colgate.


Few consumers, when buying fluoride-free toothpastes, notice colorful stripes shown on the packaging. But in vain! The color of this line will share very valuable information, namely, the presence of natural components in the paste.

The strip on the paste package:

  • Black color indicates that it is 100% composed of chemicals. This means that it will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the teeth.
  • Blue color indicates that it contains only 20% natural ingredients.
  • Red color means that the composition is half natural.
  • 100% green natural composition encourages you to use it every day.

Toothpaste and age

Toothpastes must be chosen depending on the age of the child, since the characteristics of the baby’s body change every year.

Now you can buy toothpaste for children in pharmacies and retail chains:

  1. from 3 to 6 years;
  2. from 7 to 14 years;
  3. a teenager can already use adult products.

Ingredients of toothpastes that are beneficial for children's bodies:

  1. lactic enzymes;
  2. glucose oxide;
  3. casein;
  4. papain;
  5. organic calcium.

The modern consumer has a wide choice of products of this type, so you can easily do without fluoride oral products.

For sensitive children's teeth

You need to choose baby toothpastes by carefully studying the composition. Up to 5 years, you should choose products that do not contain fluoride at all.

List of children's toothpastes without fluoride:

  • "President baby";
  • "Weleda Children's";
  • "Splat Juicy Set";
  • "Splat Junior for Children";
  • "Rocks baby - Fragrant chamomile";
  • "Rocks Kids - Barberry";
  • "Rox Baby PRO";
  • "Disney Baby";
  • "Silka Putzi";
  • "Kids Safe grapes."

Let's look at these options in more detail.

"President Baby" Italian children's dental product without fluoride. It is suitable for the youngest neat kids aged 0 to 3 years. This paste has a fine structure, which is necessary to ensure the safety of children's unformed enamel. Kids will appreciate its raspberry aroma.

Active composition:

  • calcium glycerophosphate strengthens enamel;
  • xylitol fights bacteria.

According to the manufacturer, it is safe if swallowed.

Harmful composition:

  • dyes, preservatives and allergens that can be harmful to the baby’s body;
  • sorbitol may cause gas, stomach pain and diarrhea;
  • foaming agents disrupt the immunity of the oral mucosa.

Approximate price- from 100 rubles.

"Weleda Children's". German gel with calendula is suitable for the baby teeth of children aged 0 to 3 years. It contains neither calcium nor fluorine, so it is necessary to alternate with products that contain calcium compounds. “Weleda” has taste and aroma due to the presence of essential oils.

It is worth paying attention to its natural active composition without chemical additives:

  1. alginate (extract from seaweed kelp) removes toxins from the child’s body, has regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects;
  2. fennel essential oil relieves inflammation, stops bleeding in the mouth, fights periodontal disease and gingivitis;
  3. mint essential oil cleanses the mucous membranes and has an antibacterial effect;
  4. Esculin essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties;
  5. silicon dioxide carefully cleans baby teeth and does not harm the enamel;
  6. Calendula extract strengthens gums.
  • this paste does not contain fluoride and calcium, so its use must be alternated with other tooth powders that contain calcium;
  • consumers often complain that the paste is too soft to clean teeth that have plaque remaining on them (approximate price - from 390 rubles).

"Splat Juicy Seth." This Russian set of 3 toothpastes that are suitable for children of different ages, including preschoolers.

It is recommended for intensive strengthening of enamel, as it contains the form easily digestible calcium. It restores the structure of the enamel, strengthening and mineralizing it. The content of enzymes makes the paste anti-inflammatory, increasing local immunity.

The paste is sold in ice cream, cherry, tutti-frutti, kiwi, peach and chocolate flavors.

A set of strengthening toothpastes, wonderfully suitable for immature children's enamel, as well as very sensitive teeth in adults. They do not contain fluorine, antiseptics, aggressive abrasives or allergens.

Active components:

  1. Calcium nanohydroxyapatite protects and cleans the tooth surface;
  2. Aloe vera moisturizes baby's gums.

Approximate price: set of 3 tubes of 35 ml - from 250 rubles.

"Splat Junior" This Russian-made children's toothpaste is suitable for children aged 5 to 8 years. It enriches the child’s body with microelements and vitamins, protects against stomatitis.

Active composition:

  • calcium;
  • xylitol fights bacteria;
  • Casein hydrolyzate enriches teeth with minerals;
  • lactic enzymes with an immunostimulating effect protect teeth from bacteria, just as mother’s milk protects a baby’s mouth;
  • Licorice extract protects teeth from plaque and caries;
  • aloe gel moisturizes baby's gums.

Approximate price - from 120 rubles.

"Rocks baby - Fragrant chamomile." This Russian toothpaste is suitable for children only at the moment when their first teeth begin to emerge. This remedy relieves inflammation, swelling and heals gums.

Active composition:

  1. chamomile extract, which heals wounds;
  2. alginate has regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Minus: the composition does not contain fluoride and calcium, so the enamel will not be protected. Approximate price - from 150 rubles.

"Rocks Kids - Barberry." This series of children's toothpastes is designed for children aged 3 to 7 years.

Active composition:

  • calcium glycerophosphate strengthens enamel;
  • Xylitol neutralizes acidity in the mouth.
  • contains flavorings and dyes;
  • high price - from 200 rubles.

"Rox Baby PRO". This paste is designed for children up to 3 years old. Manufacturers produce it using cold cooking, preserving all natural beneficial properties ingredients. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Active composition:

  1. xylitol fights bacteria;
  2. calcium glycerophosphate strengthens the surface of the teeth;
  3. magnesium chloride.

Approximate price - from 210 rubles.

"Disney Baby." Russian toothpaste, which is suitable for children with milk teeth and does not contain allergens. Sold in strawberry and banana flavors.

Active composition:

  • silicon dioxide gently cleans teeth and does not harm enamel;
  • xylitol fights bacteria;
  • calcium gluconate strengthens enamel;
  • sage extract has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

As for the downsides, the paste contains:

  • sorbitol, which causes gas and stomach pain;
  • flavorings, which can also harm the child’s body.

Approximate price - from 110 rubles.

"Silka Putzy Banana without fluoride." This German paste is designed for children aged from one to 6 years, does not contain dyes, fluoride and calcium. When using, you need to alternate with pastes that contain microelements.

Active composition:

  1. silicon dioxide cleans teeth from plaque;
  2. cocamidopropyl betaine is a natural hypoallergenic foaming component;
  3. fruit flavors that do not contain menthol;
  4. potassium pyrophosphate;
  5. Limonene has an antimicrobial effect.

Approximate price - from 80 rubles.

"Kids Safe grapes." Korean toothpaste high quality, intended for children from 6 months with sensitive gums.

Active components:

  • vitamin B6;
  • calcium strengthens enamel;
  • xylitol prevents caries.
  • sorbitol causes gas formation and stomach pain;
  • dyes and flavors.

Each child is individual. That is why, before settling on one of the children's toothpastes, it is necessary to consult a dentist. This is especially important if the child has problems with tooth enamel or gums. Take care of your babies' teeth.

Fluorine is one of the essential elements, responsible for the formation of enamel and maintaining dental health. However, in some regions the concentration of this substance in drinking water is quite high. Thus, for the people living there it becomes current list toothpastes without fluoride.

Features of the composition

The list of fluoride-free toothpastes is constantly expanding. Recently there has been a tendency to use natural remedies hygiene. As for fluorine, its excess is dangerous to health, and therefore in a number of regions (Ural, Siberia, Tambov, Tver and Moscow regions) pastes without this component are especially popular. However, it is not enough to pay attention to the Without Fluoride label. It is important to carefully study the composition.

Toothpaste in mandatory must contain calcium. It is responsible for strengthening the enamel. In addition, this substance binds excess fluoride, which is contained in running water. It may be present in the paste in the form of one of the following compounds:

  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • calcium citrate;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • calcium lactate.

Toothpastes without fluoride require close attention to the composition. The names of the products say less than the components they consist of. So, if you want to know 100% that the toothpaste does not contain fluoride, make sure that the composition does not contain the following compounds:

  • monofluorophosphate;
  • aluminum fluoride;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • aminofluoride (may also be called olaflur);
  • tin fluoride.

Toothpaste "President"

Commitment to maintaining health oral cavity forces consumers to look for the best hygiene products. Thus, President toothpaste is one of the best on the market. It is produced by the Italian concern Betafarma SPA. This is a fairly expensive product, the price of which starts from 200 rubles for 75 ml. The active substances in this product are the following:

  • calcium pantothenate, lactate, glycerophosphate;
  • papain;
  • xylitol

It's worth noting that this is an excellent calcium toothpaste without fluoride. The first component is contained in it in three compounds at once. Moreover, they are easy to digest. Regarding papain, it is worth noting that it is an enzyme that dissolves protein. Its main purpose is to remove plaque. Xylitol, in turn, prevents its further formation.

However, the paste also has some disadvantages. Thus, dentists are confused by the presence of potassium salt in the composition. This component combats tooth enamel sensitivity. However, its frequent use is contraindicated, because a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings can mask the symptoms of caries and other problems.

Pasta "President" for children

On the market you can find fluoride-free toothpastes whose names indicate that they are intended for children. Thus, the Italian concern produces “President Baby”. It is characterized by low abrasiveness and a pleasant raspberry taste. Calcium glycerophosphate perfectly strengthens the enamel of baby teeth. Xylitol is responsible for neutralizing acids, preventing the formation of caries. And thanks to the fact that the paste does not contain SLS, PEG, parabens and others harmful substances, you don’t have to worry about harm to health if your child accidentally swallows it.

Toothpaste "Splat"

A number of domestic manufacturers produce fluoride-free oral care products. So, special attention Splat toothpaste deserves it. From the average price category the most popular product is "Biocalcium", the price of which starts from 120 rubles. The paste contains hydroxyapatite, polydone, calcium lactate and papain. These substances effectively fight plaque and actively strengthen tooth enamel.

The effectiveness of Biocalcium paste is largely due to the presence of hydroxypatite in its composition. Its structure consists of tiny particles that have good penetrating abilities. However, the list of fluoride-free toothpastes from the Splat company does not end there.

Another popular domestically produced product is “Maximum”. In addition to the components present in the previous product, there is also zinc citrate and an enzyme complex. These components give the oral cavity long-lasting freshness and block the growth of bacteria that cause unpleasant odor.

Pasta "Splat" for children

Fluoride-free children's toothpaste "Splat Juicy Set" is very popular. Given its effectiveness in strengthening enamel, it is also recommended for adults. The secret of this product is synthetic hydroxyapatite, which is the most easily digestible calcium compound. It effectively restores enamel, making it stronger. It is also worth noting the presence of enzymes in the composition, which are entrusted with the function of increasing oral immunity. thus reducing the likelihood of stomatitis and inflammatory processes.

Also, fans of this manufacturer's products will be invited to try Splat Junior toothpaste, which is intended for children under 4 years old. Children will certainly love the soft creamy taste with notes of vanilla, but parents should pay attention to the composition. Thus, the enzyme complex prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the child’s oral cavity. Aloe gel helps relieve unpleasant symptoms during teething. A nice feature is that the kit includes a silicone brush that fits on your finger.

Nevertheless, such a component as calcis causes some misunderstanding. Considering that such a compound does not exist, we can say that this is nothing more than the commercial name of one of the common substances. At the same time, without knowing exactly what compound is used in the paste, it is impossible to say with certainty how it affects the enamel.

Fluoride-free paste "Rox"

"Rox" toothpaste is another achievement of the domestic industry. The price of this product is more than 200 rubles. Having studied the composition, it is worth highlighting such active substances as calcium glycerophosphate, bromelain and xylitol. Thus, the last component is indispensable in the prevention of caries. It inhibits the growth of microflora and neutralizes acids. Bromelain is responsible for the breakdown of plaque. And, of course, we can’t help but mention the huge variety of pasta flavors.

Despite its advantages, Rox toothpaste has also received criticism from dentists. The main complaints are made about its low abrasiveness. However, its degree is not indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Thus, the tooth surface is not sufficiently cleaned. Therefore, we can judge that the price of the product is too high.

Pasta "Rox" for children

When considering the best fluoride-free toothpastes, you cannot pass by a product like Rox PRO Baby. The product is intended for children under 3 years of age. It is precisely these age limits that determine the low abrasiveness of the paste. Of course, it is worth noting the absence of any harmful substances, including SLS, parabens, dyes and antiseptics. Thus, it is safe if swallowed. Calcium glycerophosphate actively nourishes the enamel, and xylitol prevents the early formation of caries.

For older children (from 3 to 7 years old) "Rox kids" paste is produced. Its active components are the same as in the previous case. However, the abrasiveness is an order of magnitude higher. It also contains antiseptics. This great option to prepare for the formation of molars.

Toothpaste "Asepta"

The list of fluoride-free toothpastes includes one more domestic development"Acepta" costs about 130 rubles. The main components of its composition are potassium citrate, hydroxyapatite and papain. It is recommended to use this product only if you have a problem with tooth sensitivity. Otherwise, there is a risk of masking the symptoms of caries, which could be cured at an early stage.

Pasta "New Pearl"

Toothpaste "New Pearl" belongs to the budget segment. Its cost starts from 30 rubles (depending on the volume of the tube). Main active substance is calcium citrate. This item releases ions quickly enough, which facilitates their rapid penetration into the enamel. Nevertheless this remedy nothing more remarkable. This is not surprising, considering low cost such a domestic product as “New Pearl” toothpaste.

Paste without fluoride "Paradontax"

Paradontax toothpaste compares favorably with other products in that a significant proportion of its composition is made up of plant components. At the same time, the plant complex has proven itself so well that it has remained unchanged for 40 years. So, from natural components it is worth highlighting the following:

  • echinacea - kills bacteria, relieves inflammation, and is also responsible for the formation of oral immunity;
  • myrrh - provides prevention of gum disease and prevents bleeding;
  • chamomile - helps reduce sensitivity and also inhibits inflammatory processes;
  • ratania - tones the gum tissue, making it more elastic and resistant to damage;
  • mint - provides fresh breath, relieves inflammation, relieves pain;
  • sage - kills germs and strengthens enamel.

Paradontax toothpaste has a specific taste, which is due to the absence of any flavorings and sweeteners. Thus, when brushing your teeth, there is a salty taste that may seem unpleasant at first. The paste is not intended for continuous use, as it is addictive.

Is it advisable to use toothpaste without fluoride?

Although fluoride is essential and beneficial for dental health, excess fluoride can lead to reverse effect. Thus, children often have a problem such as fluorosis. It appears as white or dark spots on teeth, as well as uneven enamel. For adults, this problem is irrelevant. Nevertheless, it has been scientifically proven that excess fluoride in the body is harmful to all its systems (and especially to the thyroid gland).

Thus, if the drinking water in your region has a high concentration of this substance, the toothpaste should be appropriate (if you do not use a filter). However, using fluoride-free toothpaste not out of necessity, but because of an established trend, you risk causing irreparable damage to tooth enamel, which consists of the following:

  • destruction will occur 40% faster;
  • formation of plaque and tartar;
  • bad breath.

Benefits of fluoride

If your region has a neutral drinking water chemistry, or you use a filter, be sure to use fluoride paste. This substance has the following beneficial properties:

  • Fluoride strengthens enamel, making it more resistant to harmful effects acids This is due to the fact that, penetrating into the tooth tissue, it forms the compound fluorapatite. It is the most resistant to cariogenic microorganisms.
  • Fluoride is a powerful antiseptic. It inhibits the proliferation of bacteria and microbes in the oral cavity. Thus, plaque will form much more slowly. As a result, your breath will remain fresh for much longer.
  • Fluoride takes an active part in the process of formation of molars. Thus, children after 5 years of age simply need, one way or another, to saturate their tooth enamel with this substance.
  • Fluoride retains calcium in bone tissue. Thus, tooth enamel becomes stronger and less susceptible to carious damage.


On store shelves you can find many toothpastes labeled “Safe” or “Fluoride-free.” In the first case, we are talking about a marketing move, and in the second, about the regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Health. Chemical composition drinking water in some regions forces the formula to be adjusted hygiene products. However, when buying toothpaste without fluoride, you must be sure that it actually poses a danger to your health. Otherwise, you are stripping your tooth enamel. necessary nutrition and protection.

The topic of our review is fluoride-free toothpaste. It even worked out to rhyme. We hope that the information obtained from this article will help you do right choice. There has long been a debate in the world about the benefits and harms fluoride compounds as part of oral care products. Moreover, it is not ordinary people who argue, but doctors, chemists, biologists, physiologists and other specialists who understand the issue. They disassemble each tube of paste almost molecularly to prove that they are right. But who is really right? As practice shows, both camps.

Advantages and disadvantages of fluoride-free toothpastes

There are many regions in the world where the fluoride content in water, soil, and products is higher permissible norm. If you also use additional fluoride in your toothpaste, then the least you can expect is an unpleasant dental lesion called. And let’s not forget that fluoride is only useful in non- large quantities. Excess leads to poisoning. However, like other halogens.

What does fluoride do in toothpastes? Its task is to prevent the development of carious lesions caused by the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora in the oral cavity.

How does this happen?

  1. Fluorides prevent bacteria from synthesizing acid from the resulting sugars. Consequently, the environment becomes less acidic and the enamel is less destroyed.
  2. Fluoride ions form a film on the enamel and penetrate into its cracks. There they create compounds with calcium, providing dental protection.
  3. Fluorapatite is formed, which ensures remineralization of tooth enamel.

If you can’t have fluoride, what can you do? Use other popular ones antiseptics. If you always and everywhere use filtered water, you can forget about fluoride in your water and use regular pastes. After all, modern filtration means - osmotic and carbon - purify water from excess fluoride content.

How to determine that there is no fluoride in toothpaste? The composition should not contain sodium, aluminum, tin fluorides, as well as monofluorophosphate and amino fluoride. If the composition is written in Latin, look for Sodium fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate and other words with the root fluor. If they are not present, then most likely it is a toothpaste without fluoride.

Video - Which toothpaste to choose: with fluoride or calcium

Fluorides in pastes and their real effect

The tooth enamel of any person consists of a compound called hydroxyapatite. This is a complex compound based on phosphorus and calcium. When you use a paste or rinse with fluoride, fluoride ions penetrate the enamel and combine with hydroxyapatite, converting it into fluorapatite. It is believed that such a connection resists better acidic environment in the oral cavity, which means it resists caries longer and more effectively. The hardness and strength of the enamel increases. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are produced. Therapeutic ones contain an average of 1450 units of fluoride, and preventive ones - up to 950. Children's ones contain 250-500 units.

Fluorine is also an antiseptic, as it inhibits the growth of bacteria, causing development caries and periodontal diseases.

We have already talked about the controversy over the use of fluoride in toothpastes. No matter what anyone says, fluorine is a poisonous gas that remains poisonous even in small concentrations. Now on the Internet and various “physical” media you can find tables that show in which regions the fluoride content in drinking water is high. Moreover, within one area there may be settlements with high, low and normal fluoride content in water. For example, in Moscow – 0.16/0.22 (below the norm), and in the city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region – 3.0 (above the norm).

What is the safety threshold? It was experimentally established that pastes containing no more than 1500 ppm of fluorides do not harm human health. But here's a footnote - provided that he doesn't get another 2-3 ppm from the water. It turns out that you need to count these ppm as calories in food during a diet. Difficult? It may be difficult, but it will protect you from excess fluoride in the body.

Now anyone can do a detailed blood test for microelements. If a lot of fluoride is found in the composition, then you should think about buying pastes and products that do not contain it, and at the same time a good filter.

Fluoride conspiracy. Should you believe the rumors?

Many websites disseminate information that fluoride pastes are completely harmless. But let's face it. In 9 cases, 10 of them are custom-made articles that are paid for by large manufacturers. A living example of such hidden PR are articles from the portal about healthy lifestyle “Evriday mi”. Beneath it, in small print, it says “Tips from P&G.” If the article is paid for by Procter & Gamble, it is logical that the author will foam at the mouth in defense of his employers.

It is easy to find information in newspapers and the Internet that the popularity of pastes containing fluorides is due to the fact that back in the middle of the last century industrial enterprises a problem arose - waste containing fluorine had nowhere to go. As a result, in order to solve the problem, in some countries of the world they began to fluoridate water (supposedly to protect against harmful microorganisms) and launched a large-scale advertising campaign for toothpastes. This campaign continues even now. Lonely speeches by scientists against it are ridiculed or hushed up. Any studies showing danger are buried under millions of corporate-funded studies. Popularization is promoted not only by beautiful advertising, but also by enthusiastic reviews from ordinary people.

Children's teeth are fluoridated. And, please note, they continue to deteriorate in most young patients. But doctors do not draw conclusions and continue meaningless procedures year after year. Of course, this brings them profit and they could blame everything on the banal greed of dentists. But the problem is deeper. She's in education. Dentists sincerely believe that they are right and are unshakable even in the face of failure. After all, academic knowledge cannot be challenged by anyone.

Fluoridation of teeth “Pros” and “Cons”:

Reduces tooth sensitivity, prevents discomfort when consuming cold and hot foods and drinksFluorides – toxic substances. In large quantities they harm the human body
Thanks to the development of caries is reduced, due to the reduction pathogenic bacteria. Increases teeth resistance to acidic environmentsFluorosis is an excessive accumulation of fluoride in the human body. This provokes fragility in the bones, anemia and leads to neuralgic abnormalities. When fluoride accumulates excessively, the enamel on the teeth begins to deteriorate.
Durable and strong teeth become thanks to fluoridation, as it prevents the leaching of calcium from tooth enamel

On the other hand, a wave of rumors about harm has given rise to a new campaign. Now many manufacturers make money from the fact that you have become afraid of ordinary pastes.

Video - Fluoride paste: harm or benefit

Popular manufacturers and their products

Almost all such teeth cleaning products contain calcium. It is important to look at which calcium compound is used in specific product. The fact is that there are some that are not able to penetrate tooth enamel. The most useless option is calcium carbonate. Essentially, it is chalk, limestone. Using it in pasta is nothing more than a marketing ploy to sell the product. The composition may also contain the following calcium compounds:

  • citrate;
  • lactate;
  • pantothenate no.;
  • glycerophosphate.

Paste "President" without fluoride

The line of products produced under the President brand has long gained popularity in our country. Among them are pastes that do not contain fluorides. Which important substances do these dental care products contain?

  1. Xylitol is a substance familiar to us through its use in popular chewing gum. Its main task is to maintain the desired level of acidity in the mouth. Less plaque forms and caries develops less frequently.
  2. Papain is a substance that dissolves proteins in dental plaque. A very useful component.
  3. Calcium compounds - lactate, glycerophosphate and pantothenate.

In total, we have calcium in an assimilable form, a normalizer of acidity and protection against the spread of bacteria.

This paste, called Unique, has one feature that many do not notice. It contains potassium salts, the main task of which is to reduce it. It would seem that what’s wrong with this? If you just have problems with sensitive enamel- Nothing. But this property allows you to mask the symptoms of caries. You will find out about the problem with your teeth too late. This is not a call to give up pasta altogether. It simply cannot be considered a product for daily use.

R.O.C.S. - a joint product produced in the Moscow region. The main substances included in the composition are xylitol, bromelain and calcium glycerophosphate. The abrasiveness index is 75. Bromelain is an enzyme that dissolves proteins in dental plaque, like papain in President toothpastes. We have already discussed xylitol above; with calcium everything is clear. The abrasiveness is medium-low. So don't expect a whitening effect. Overall, the paste is not bad, but for its price it could contain a more impressive composition and whiten enamel better. Who is Roks pasta suitable for? For those with high tooth wear and weakened enamel. Overall, an unremarkable pasta. This manufacturer has many more interesting products.

Pasta “New Pearl”

The next “guest” of our review is the paste from the “New Pearl” line. Popular and inexpensive Russian product, sold in many CIS countries. Contains calcium citrate, which acts well and quickly, providing calcium ions to tooth enamel. This is a definite plus of the product. There are simply no other active components. So there is no need to expect protection from caries, nor the removal of old plaque.

Toothpaste "Paradontax" without fluoride

Paradontax paste is very successful in our country. It is officially produced by the British from GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare. In fact, they are made in the CIS under license and packaged there. You can only buy an original product in the post-Soviet space if you place an order directly from Europe. However, the pasta is not bad. Helps in the prevention of gum disease and caries. It is in prevention, not treatment, as the “especially literate” think. If you or your child develop inflammatory disease periodontal disease, paste will not help here.

Tubes of 50 and 70 ml are available for sale. Its consumption is small, so the volume of product is quite adequate. An undoubted advantage (apart from the absence of fluorine) is that the composition includes natural extracts. In particular, the instructions indicate that the manufacturer used echinacea, mint, sage, chamomile, ratania and myrrh. This composition helps in the fight against bleeding gums and helps freshen breath. In general, the paste copes well with plaque.

The downside (and even then relative) is the unusual salty taste. Within a week you will get used to it and will not attach any importance to it.

Asepta Sensitive paste

Inexpensive fluoride-free toothpaste for sensitive teeth. The main active ingredients are papain, potassium citrate and hydroxyapatite. Consequently, it strengthens teeth, dissolves plaque, and reduces sensitivity when the enamel is thinned. Plus of the product - favorable price and a good composition. Minus - the paste often masks the symptoms of caries in the early stages of development.

Bioactive toothpaste “SPLAT Lavandasept”

Lavendercept paste, as you can easily understand from the name, contains lavender oil, as well as thyme and rosemary. It helps people with bleeding gums and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It contains no harmful preservatives, dyes or flavor and odor enhancers. It does not contain parabens or sodium lauryl sulfate.

It contains papain, which, as you already know, fights plaque. Also contains Dissolvine salts, which help achieve a whitening effect. All this plus zinc salts - an excellent antioxidant. The paste also contains calcium phosphate.

Biorepair Pro Perfect protection

Italian toothpaste without fluoride is not very cheap. But, according to the manufacturer, it seals microcracks in the enamel, fights plaque, and protects against the formation of tartar. The composition contains xylitol, zinc hydroxyapatite, zinc citrate and other components. Free of SLS, parabens, titanium dioxide and fluoride.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for children

The next topic we want to discuss is fluoride-free children's toothpaste. There are many such products and they are produced both in the CIS and throughout the world. A feature of a high-quality product is the absence of harmful components that can cause dry mouth and reactions in a child.

We have compiled a small list of products presented on the shelves of pharmacies and stores. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Some pastes simply do not contain anything really useful, others have too low abrasiveness (even for children).

The Italians, who produce TM President pastes, offer very interesting product called "President Baby". Main advantages:

  • absence of sugars, parabens, SLS and PEG;
  • adequate abrasiveness;
  • pleasant taste;
  • contains calcium glycerophosphate and xylitol.

The paste provides the enamel with calcium ions and normalizes acidity, providing protection against caries. In addition, there is nothing in the composition that could harm the child’s gastrointestinal tract if swallowed. Recommended for children under 3 years old. Sold in 30 ml tubes. It's inexpensive.

However, this is not the only toothpaste for children without fluoride. For example, the famous manufacturer SPLAT there is an interesting product. It is difficult to confuse it with anything, because the paste is called “”. It couldn't be clearer. Composition and features:

  • calcium compounds (KaltsiS complex);
  • enzymes that dissolve plaque and increase immunity in the oral cavity;
  • xylitol;
  • without fluorine and SLS;
  • can be swallowed;
  • contains aloe vera and licorice;
  • The kit includes a silicone brush;
  • prevention of stomatitis;
  • pleasant vanilla-creamy taste.

ROKS has several products for children.

  1. ROCS Kids – barberry. Fluoride-free toothpaste is intended for children from 3 to 7 years old. The main active ingredients are xylitol and calcium glycerophosphate. Abrasiveness – 45. The paste is generally mediocre. Protection against caries is average. At the same time, the price per 45 grams is higher than that of many “adult” analogues.
  2. ROCS Pro Baby from 0 to 3 years. It differs from the previous one with a minimum RDA of 19. Active ingredients the same. The manufacturer positions its product as completely natural and hypoallergenic. The composition does not contain SLS, antiseptic substances that dry out the oral mucosa, dyes, parabens, etc. Of course, it does not contain fluorides either. Overall, a good product, but again, overpriced.
  3. ROCS Baby “Scented chamomile”. For children from 0 to 3 years. Contains alginate, chamomile extract and xylitol. Without SLS and other harmful components. RDA, like the previous one, is 19. The paste does a good job of removing plaque, protecting against caries, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Disadvantage of the product - complete absence calcium compounds. And the price is not encouraging. You can buy an imported product from the best lineup for less money.

There is also an interesting universal option from SPLAT called “Splat Juicy Set from 0 to 99 years old”. That is, this paste is suitable not only for children, but also for people of any age. Contains:

  • hydroxyapatite, which provides remineralization;
  • enzymes including lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase and glucose oxidase.

Does not include:

  • fluorine;
  • sugars;
  • parabens;
  • substances that can cause reactions in allergy sufferers.

Overall, a very good option. First of all, it is harmless. Secondly, the kit contains three 35 ml tubes at once. Thirdly, it contains calcium in a form that is best absorbed. Improves the immunity of the oral mucosa, protecting against stomatitis. Plus to everything - low price this set.

How to choose fluoride-free baby toothpaste?

The choice of paste depends very much on the age of the child. The younger it is, the more important it is to contain calcium compounds. Preferably those that are absorbed best and fastest. This is due to the fact that enamel mineralization in children under one year of age is minimal, especially when it comes to teething. Calcium is needed not only for babies, legs and children under 6 years old. The reason is the same - mineralization. But if you are prone to caries, or have stains on your teeth (not fluorous), then you should hardly avoid fluoride toothpastes. Dentists believe that if there are no contraindications, it is worth combining the use of pastes with active calcium and active fluorides. The second option is to use fluoride-free toothpaste, but rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. special means, which contains fluorine.

In addition to pastes, there are also special gels. One of them is Weleda, containing natural extracts medicinal plants. It is intended for children under 3 years of age.

This product is produced by the Germans. It costs a little more than regular pastes and is not a replacement for them. Rather it's additional remedy, used simultaneously or alternating with calcium-containing pastes. In general, the gel is a good tool for preventing caries and caring for the enamel of baby teeth. But we are not talking about strengthening. But it provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

The composition contains not only fluoride, but also parabens, SLS, as well as sugars and parabens. This is a clear plus for German manufacturers. Plaque is removed relatively effectively. Although about some high level The gel is not abrasive at all. A large percentage of natural ingredients, including algae extract, calendula, mint and fennel oils. It is recommended to use in parallel with pastes based on calcium glycerophosphate. In this case you will receive enhanced effect teeth protection.

Toothpaste without fluoride - let's summarize

What is the best fluoride-free toothpaste? Let's face it: any answer can be considered direct advertising specific product. But the purpose of writing this article is different. We wanted to show what choice the domestic consumer has. You also now know whether fluoride in toothpastes is dangerous and how much of it is considered acceptable. If you need a whitening toothpaste without fluoride, buy a product with natural enzymes.

And information about the conspiracy is a controversial thing. There are millions of people in the world who brush their teeth with fluoride toothpastes all their lives and have not developed any problems. There are also negative examples among children and adults. Moreover, these problems are not always diagnosed in people living in regions where the fluoride content in water is higher than normal. So everything is purely individual.

Video - Making homemade toothpaste without fluoride and harmful impurities