What is the medicine for Faringosept? Approximate price in Russia. Can pregnant or breastfeeding women take the medicine?

Instructions for use:

Faringosept is a drug used for diseases of the oral cavity.

Composition and release form

The drug is produced in the form of pressed lozenges of 10 mg. One lozenge contains the active ingredient – ​​ambazone 10 mg.

Blisters contain 20 lollipops.

An analogue of Faringosept in terms of the active substance is Ambazon.

Pharmacological action of Faringosept

According to the instructions, Faringosept is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity caused by pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci. According to reviews, Faringosept acts bacteriostatically.

The use of Faringosept is effective as monotherapy for the treatment various diseases oropharynx and cavities mouth light degree of severity. The drug or analogue of Faringosept acts locally, which prevents the development of resistance pathogenic microorganisms To antibacterial drugs.

Resorption of the drug increases salivation, which leads to a decrease in the manifestations of diseases such as a sore throat and reduces discomfort when swallowing. Thanks to local action, the drug does not suppress the growth of natural intestinal microflora, therefore the development of dysbacteriosis is excluded.

The optimal content of the active substance in saliva is achieved three days after using Faringosept.


According to the instructions, Faringosept is indicated for the treatment of diseases of the oropharynx and oral cavity caused by pathogens sensitive to the drug. These include:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • angina;
  • stomatitis.

Also, the drug and an analogue of Faringosept are used to prevent complications after surgical interventions(tooth extraction or tonsillectomy).

Method of application of Faringosept and dosage regimen

Children over seven years of age and adults are prescribed the following treatment regimen: one lozenge three to five times a day. Lollipops must be sucked. According to reviews, Faringosept should be used some time (15 minutes) after eating. After taking the lollipop, you should not drink or eat for two hours. The duration of treatment is at least five days. Possibly more long-term treatment according to the doctor's indications.

Children from three to seven years old are usually prescribed Faringosept in the following dosage: 30 mg per day, divided into three doses.


According to the instructions, Faringosept is contraindicated in children under three years of age, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to ambazone.

Side effects of Faringosept

According to reviews, Faringosept is well tolerated by patients. Possible minor hypersensitivity reactions, flushing of the facial skin, itchy skin, rash, urticaria, Quincke's edema.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical data regarding the use of ambazon during pregnancy and breastfeeding not provided.

Taking the drug or an analogue of Faringosept during pregnancy is possible if there is a balance between benefit and risk for the mother and fetus.

Special instructions

Since Faringosept contains lactose and sucrose, it should be avoided by people with galactose or fructose intolerance, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome or Lapp lactase deficiency. The drug should also be used with caution in patients diabetes mellitus.

A sore throat can occur at any time. Most often, this symptom is observed with viral infections. Eliminate discomfort will help local drugs. One of the effective remedies is Faringosept. Reviews say that this is enough effective antiseptic, used in various areas medicine. Let's take a closer look at its composition, action and indications for use.

Description of the medicine

Respiratory diseases often cause a sore throat. This phenomenon often leads to complications in the absence of proper treatment. To alleviate the condition and destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause the disease, drugs with local effects.

Many people are familiar with such a remedy as Faringosept. What does this medication help with? According to the instructions, it has powerful antiseptic properties and can be used for colds.

The drug is produced by the pharmaceutical company Terapia (Romania). The cost of the drug ranges from 135-160 rubles per package.

Release form, composition

Faringosept is available in the form of lozenges. One package can contain 10 or 20 light brown tablets.

The active ingredient in the composition is ambazone monohydrate (10 mg in one tablet). This substance can affect various types pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. It is these microorganisms that most often provoke the development inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Ambazon has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it prevents the proliferation of pathogenic agents.

The auxiliary components enhance the effectiveness of the local antiseptic: sucrose, lactose monohydrate, gum arabic, polyvidone, magnesium stearate, lemon flavor. Due to the presence of cocoa in the composition, the tablets have a characteristic pleasant taste.

Indications for use

Unpleasant sensations when swallowing, hoarse voice, pain even in calm state- symptoms of the development of the inflammatory process. It is important to start therapy as early as possible, because the infection can quickly spread to other organs. Will Faringosept help in such a situation? Indications for use describes official instructions, according to which the medication will be effective for respiratory ailments accompanied by pain in the throat.

  • for sore throat caused by streptococci;
  • with pharyngitis (in acute and chronic periods);
  • for stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • with non-purulent tonsillitis;
  • with acute tracheitis.

Is Faringosept suitable for children?

The instructions for use allow the drug to be prescribed for the treatment of children from three years of age. However, you must first make sure that the child responds normally to the active ingredient.

Typically, a sore throat in children occurs due to an acute respiratory or bacterial infection. In this case, symptoms such as fever, runny nose, and cough may also be observed. To avoid complications, which, by the way, develop very quickly in children, treatment should be started as early as possible.

First aid drug for children - Faringosept. Instructions for use recommend giving a local antiseptic to children for a variety of infections affecting the mouth and throat. Ambazon effectively disinfects and envelops the mucous surface, resisting the development of pathogenic microorganisms. In case of a bacterial infection, the tablets must be given to the child in combination with antibiotics.

Is the medicine prescribed during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers are exposed to viruses and bacteria due to decreased protective forces body. Therefore even common cold will be much more difficult to bear. Considering that during the period of bearing a child, not all drugs can be taken for treatment, you should carefully approach the choice of method of therapy.

Can pregnant women take Faringosept for a sore throat? Reviews from experts indicate that the active component of the drug does not penetrate into systemic blood flow and provides therapeutic effect exclusively at the local level. This means that lozenges can be taken in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

With timely initiation of therapy with a local antiseptic, the use of stronger medications can be avoided. The optimal duration of treatment is 5 days.

Directions for use

Faringosept lozenges are taken one piece no more than 5 times a day. The doctor may adjust the dosage depending on the patient’s condition. Children from 3 to 7 years old should be given no more than 3 tablets per day. The average duration of therapy is 5 days.

In order for the drug to really help cope with pain, it is taken 20-30 minutes after eating. The tablet must be dissolved slowly in the mouth, not chewed or swallowed. After this, you should refrain from eating for 2 hours.


We have already figured out what Faringosept helps with and how to take it correctly, and now it’s worth paying attention to in what cases it is better to refuse of this medication. According to the instructions, the drug is not prescribed to patients who are hypersensitive to ambazone.

Considering that the tablets contain glucose (760 mg), patients suffering from diabetes should take the medication only after consulting with their doctor. If you are lactose intolerant, you should avoid using Faringosept. Reviews indicate that otherwise there is a risk of side effects.

The instructions prohibit giving local antiseptics to children under three years of age. However, in practice, lozenges are often prescribed to children under 3 years of age with the condition of reducing the dosage. For pharyngitis, stomatitis, and sore throat, doctors recommend giving the baby a fourth or third of the pill.

Side effects

Does the local antiseptic Faringosept cause negative reactions in the body? Reviews indicate that the medication is well tolerated by both adult patients and children. Rare cases Side effects are observed only in cases of hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets. Manifests similar phenomenon usually in the form of cutaneous allergic reaction- rash, redness, itching.

How to replace Faringosept?

Analogues of the medicine, which would contain the same active substance, on pharmaceutical market none. You can replace Faringosept tablets with other medications with a similar therapeutic effect.

The following drugs have pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial and analgesic properties:

  1. "Lizobakt".
  2. "Strepsils".
  3. "Lizak."
  4. "Septolete."
  5. "Theraflu LAR" (tablets and spray).
  6. "Hexalize".
  7. "Hexasprey".
  8. "Falimint."
  9. "Orasept."
  10. "Inhalipt."

A large number of Faringosept analogues allows you to select the most optimal remedy for the treatment of pathologies of the mouth and throat. However, do not forget that each remedy has its own contraindications, which must be familiarized with before starting therapy. Any medication should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Spray or tablets?

For diseases of the ENT organs, not only Faringosept tablets can be used to relieve sore throat. A spray containing antiseptic and analgesic components is also able to quickly relieve pain syndrome and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Medicines intended for irrigating the throat and oral cavity are in great demand. One of the most effective is the Orasept spray. It contains phenol and glycerin. These substances have fungicidal, antifungal, softening and enveloping effects. The spray is allowed to be used in pediatric practice from 2 years old.

Faringosept tablets are an antibacterial agent taken for diseases of the throat and mouth. What does this medicine help with? The safety and effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed numerous reviews. Faringosept, instructions for use prescribes drinking for various ENT diseases.

Pharmacological properties

According to the instructions, Faringosept is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity caused by pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci. According to reviews, Faringosept acts bacteriostatically. The use of the drug is effective as monotherapy for the treatment of various diseases of the oropharynx and oral cavity mild degree gravity. The medicine or its analog acts locally, which prevents the development of resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial drugs.

The absorption of the drug Faringosept, which increases salivation, leads to a decrease in the manifestations of diseases such as a sore throat, and reduces discomfort when swallowing. Due to its local action, the drug does not suppress the growth of natural intestinal microflora, therefore the development of dysbacteriosis is excluded. The optimal content of the active substance in saliva is achieved three days after using Faringosept.

Composition and release form

The drug is produced in the form of pressed lozenges of 10 mg. Faringosept tablets, which help with tonsillitis, contain the active ingredient - ambazone 10 mg. Sold in blisters of 20 lollipops. Excipients are: lemon flavor or vanillin, sucrose, polyvidone, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, gum arabic, cocoa.

Faringosept tablets: what does the medicine help with?

Indications for use include:

  • tracheitis;
  • sore throat;
  • stomatitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • pharyngitis.

The drug Faringosept, which helps many patients, is prescribed for diseases of the oropharynx and for prevention infectious complications after surgical procedures (tooth extraction, tonsil removal). The main purpose of the drug is to help with the throat.

Faringosept: instructions for use

The tablets must be kept in the mouth until completely absorbed. Standard regimen for adults: 3-5 times a day, 1 tablet. The instructions for the drug Faringosept indicate the need to wait 15 minutes after eating before using the medication. It is not recommended to eat, drink water or any liquids for two hours. Therapy is designed for 3-5 days.

Instructions for children

The daily dose of 0.03 grams should be divided into 3 doses (age 3-7 years). Feedback on the reception of children is extremely positive. If you follow the instructions, the medication allows you to quickly get rid of soreness and discomfort in the throat.

Contraindications and side effects

Faringosept instructions for use prohibit use in children under three years of age, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to ambazone, which can cause an allergy. According to reviews, Faringosept is well tolerated by patients. Minor hypersensitivity reactions are possible:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • facial skin hyperemia;
  • skin itching;
  • rash;
  • hives.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Clinical data regarding the use of ambazone during pregnancy and breastfeeding are not provided. Taking the drug or an analogue of Faringosept during pregnancy is possible if there is a balance between benefit and risk for the mother and fetus. Special instructions Since Faringosept contains lactose and sucrose, it should be avoided by people with galactose or fructose intolerance, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome or Lapp lactase deficiency. The drug should also be used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Analogues of the drug Faringosept

Structural analogue - Ambazon.

For the treatment of sore throat and tonsillitis, analogues are used:

  • Polyoxidonium.
  • Zanotsin.
  • Propolis tincture.
  • Hexoral.
  • Abisil.
  • Metovit.
  • Bactrim.
  • Hexaspray.
  • Augmentin.
  • Amoxisar.
  • Angin-Khel SD.
  • Zitrolide forte.
  • Septolete.
  • Clarithromycin.
  • Grunamox.
  • TheraFlu LAR.
  • Cliacyl.
  • Tsiprolet.
  • Fromilid.
  • Liprokhin.
  • Orelox.
  • Tonsilotren.
  • Erythromycin.
  • Laripront.
  • Biseptol.
  • Doxilan.
  • Biodroxyl.
  • Hexadreps.
  • Flemoklav Solutab.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Grammidin.
  • Ampicillin.
  • Suprax.
  • Azivok.
  • Dr. Theiss Angi Sept.
  • Sumamed.
  • IRS 19.
  • Rovamycin.
  • Arlet.
  • Ospexin.
  • Bioparox.
  • Ribomunyl.
  • Vibramycin.
  • Afenoxin.
  • Voqara.
  • Dr. Theiss Sage.
  • Vilprafen.
  • Bicillin.
  • Amoxicillin.
  • Strepsils.
  • Unidox Solutab.
  • Grunamycin syrup.
  • Cefotaxime.
  • Aqua Maris.
  • Vepikombin.
  • Falimint.
  • Tantum Verde.
  • Miramistin.
  • Stopangin.
  • Hexapneumin.
  • Hyposol.
  • Hexalize.
  • Iodinol.
  • Cefezol.
  • Alphacet.
  • Furacilin.
  • Brifeseptol.
  • Azitral.
  • Faringopils.
  • Smallpox.
  • Lysobacter.
  • Rulid.
  • Tonsilgon N.
  • Anti-Angin Formula.
  • Oxamp.
  • Dinabak.
  • Bicarmint.
  • Microflox.
  • Ambien.
  • Palitrex.


The price of Faringosept tablets in Russia is 70 rubles for 10 pieces. The cost in Ukraine is 25 UAH (10 tablets). You can buy Faringosept in Belarus for 3.6 - 4 Belarusian rubles, in Kazakhstan - for 1233 tenge.

Faringosept is a drug for the treatment of ENT organs, has a bacteriostatic effect

Faringosept is an antiseptic drug for the treatment of ENT organs and the prevention of oral infections. It has a bacteriostatic effect and is active against beta-hemolytic, non-hemolytic and pneumococci.


Faringosept for the throat is produced in the form of lozenges, 10 pieces in 1 blister. The active ingredient in the medicine is ambazone monohydrate.

TO auxiliary components include:

  • flavoring (lemon or vanillin);
  • sucrose;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • stearate;
  • polyvidone;
  • gum arabic;
  • cocoa.

The shelf life of Faringosept is 3 years at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

The price of the drug varies between 150-170 rubles. Faringosept can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription form from a doctor.

What does Faringosept help with?

This medicine has the following indications:

  1. Infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity and pharynx.
  2. Prevention of complications after tonsillectomy and tooth extraction.
  3. Prevention of professional

Side effects are extremely rare. These include allergic reactions.

How to take?

Faringosept tablets must be dissolved until they are completely dissolved. It is advisable to consume them half an hour after a meal, then you should refrain from drinking and eating for 3 hours.

The daily dosage for adults is 4-5 tablets.

The daily dosage for children from 3 years to 7 years is 3 tablets. The course of treatment should last no more than 4 days.

Pay attention! Faringosept is contraindicated in people intolerant to ambazone monohydrate. People with diabetes should take the medicine with caution, since the sucrose contained in the tablets can change the level of glucose in the blood.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

If a woman has a sore throat during pregnancy, a stuffy nose, and a high body temperature, then it is worth using Faringosept absorbable tablets to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a cold. The drug will reduce irritation in the throat, eliminate painful sensations and discomfort when swallowing.

Due to the fact that Faringosept acts locally, it can be used during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, as well as during breastfeeding

Doctors consider Faringosept a harmless drug that can be used without fear during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, as well as during breastfeeding. This is explained by the fact that the drug is not absorbed into the blood, but acts exclusively locally. Faringosept also does not provide negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract and do not provoke.

Pay attention! If after 5 days there is no positive result from treatment, you should stop taking it and contact your doctor again.

Faringosept's analogs

The drug has no structural analogues for the active component. Faringosept can be replaced with drugs with identical therapeutic effect:

  • Lysobacter;
  • Agisept;
  • Hexoral;
  • Grammidin;
  • Strepsils and others.

Cheap analogues are the following drugs:

  • Furacilin;
  • Streptocide.

Faringosept or Lizobakt - which is better?

Lizobakt – combination drug, which contains lysozyme hydrochloride and pyrodoxine hydrochloride. It is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the oral mucosa, gums and larynx. The medicine also effectively fights herpetic lesions as part of complex treatment.

Lizobact is a drug with an identical therapeutic effect

Lizobact is produced in tablet form. The medicine should be taken for at least 8 days, while Faringosept helps cope with cold symptoms in 3-4 days. Unlike Faringosept, Lizobakt enhances the effect of antibacterial and diuretic drugs.

The use of Lyzobact is permitted during pregnancy. The daily dosage is 8 tablets (2 pieces for 4 doses).

The price of Lizobakt is 270-290 rubles per package of 30 tablets.


Adjisept is an anti-inflammatory drug with an analgesic and antiseptic effect. It has a number of indications:

The active ingredients of the drug are amylmetacresol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol.

Agisept - indicated for laryngitis and stomatitis

Adjisept is produced in the form of lozenges in various flavors.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age and people with hypersensitivity to the components.

The price of Adjisept is 35-60 rubles per package of 24 lozenges.


Hexoral is a common antiseptic drug that is used to treat ENT diseases. The active ingredient in it is hexetidine. Hexoral actively fights fungi and bacteria and relieves pain.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of sore throat and stomatitis in children over 3 years of age. Adults often use Hexoral for pharyngitis and glossitis.

Hexoral is produced in the form of an aerosol, a solution for local use and lozenges.

The price of the medicine is 150-170 rubles.


Grammidin is combination remedy for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat and oral cavity. The drug contains the antimicrobial substance gramicidin C and the antiseptic substance cetylpyridinium chloride. They inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, reduce inflammation and make swallowing easier.

Advice! The drug should be taken with caution during pregnancy! It is not recommended for use in the first trimester.

The product is contraindicated for use in children under 4 years of age.

The price of Grammidin is 230-260 rubles per package of 18 tablets.


Strepsils also has an antiseptic effect. The drug is used to treat stomatitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. Strepsils is often used after tooth extraction or removal palatine tonsils.

Strepsils - used to treat stomatitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis

The drug is approved for use by children over 5 years of age. Pregnant women can also take Strepsils.

The price of the medicine is 180-210 rubles per package of 24 tablets.


One of popular drugs in the fight against various pathogens of inflammation is Furacilin. Active component it contains nitrofural. This drug is prescribed for the following pathologies:

Streptocide is available in pharmacies in the form of tablets, powder and ointment. The drug is cheaper than Faringosept, but no less effective.

Unlike Faringosept, Streptotsid has big list side effects:

  • and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • feeling of numbness in the limbs.

The price of the drug is 30-45 rubles.

One of the drugs that enjoys deserved popularity among patients with various diseases of the ENT organs is Faringosept. Reviews of the medicine from patients and doctors are only positive, since, unlike many others, antibacterial agents, almost no addiction of infectious agents develops. In addition, Faringosept has virtually no contraindications for use.

Pharyngosept as an antiseptic. Abstract, composition

The medicine Faringosept is an antiseptic for local application, which is released in special tablets for resorption by the Indian pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited. The composition of the drug is as follows: its active active substance is ambazon, the components of additional substances are simple sugars (sucrose and lactose).

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Faringosept tablets are round, slightly beveled towards the outer edge, lilac-brown in color with engraving on the surface. Others pharmaceutical companies sometimes released medicines– analogues. Faringosept has no such analogues.

In accordance with the instructions, Faringosept has a bacteriostatic effect (suppresses vital activity) on most bacteria, causing diseases oral cavity and pharynx. The medicine is effective only with prolonged resorption, since in addition to the antibacterial effect it also stimulates the secretion salivary glands, which leads to additional hydration of the mucous membrane and a reduction in such manifestations of the disease as dryness, sore throat and sore throat. The peculiarity of Faringosept is that with regular long-term resorption of tablets, it gradually accumulates in the tissues of the oral cavity and pharynx and also gradually increases its antibacterial effect. The maximum antibacterial effect is achieved no earlier than the third day of administration.

Faringosept has one more feature - it, while actively suppressing the vital activity of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora that causes various diseases of the oropharynx, has virtually no effect on the natural microflora living in the area of ​​the ENT organs. This is very important, since it is the natural microflora that suppresses the proliferation of yeast-like fungi that cause such a common disease as candidiasis (thrush).

Also distinguishes from others medicines Faringosept price is inexpensive drug, but with high efficiency.

Application of Faringosept. Indications for use

Faringosept can be used alone or as part of a complex treatment. This drug is suitable for treating not only adult patients. It is used for children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In most cases, a bacterial infection of the mouth and throat is a complication viral infection, as a result of which immunity decreases. In addition, it is easier for opportunistic microorganisms living on the surface of the oropharynx to penetrate the inflamed mucous membrane. Therefore, the use of Faringosept is justified for acute respiratory diseases of both viral and initially bacterial origin. In case of a viral infection, the tablets will moisturize the mucous membrane and remove unpleasant symptoms diseases and prevent bacterial complications. You can start using the drug on your own, but if the condition worsens, it is better to call a doctor to avoid serious complications.

For acute bacterial infections, such as purulent sore throat, Faringosept tablets alone cannot be used, but they can be used in combination with antibiotics. But in the treatment of acute non-purulent bacterial inflammatory processes of periodontal tissues (periodontitis), including gums (gingivitis) and the oral mucosa (stomatitis), Faringosept may well help.

As part of complex treatment, the medicine is also taken for chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in the oropharynx, for example, for chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), chronic pharyngitis(inflammation of the pharynx), chronic laryngitis(inflammation of the larynx). But the treatment of such diseases requires preliminary laboratory research– identification of the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Therefore, in this case, before using Faringosept, you should consult a doctor.

Faringosept is often used with for preventive purposes, for example, to suppress vital activity bacterial microflora before operations on ENT organs. So, before removing the tonsils, Faringosept tablets (doctors' reviews) can prevent postoperative complications.

Rules for taking Faringosept

Take Faringosept tablets after meals (usually after 30 minutes) and thoroughly rinsing the mouth. The tablet is kept in the mouth (on the tongue or behind the cheek) until it is completely dissolved. After taking the tablet, it is not recommended to take anything by mouth for at least two hours (no drinking or eating).

Adults and children after seven years of age usually take one Faringosept tablet 5 times a day for 5 days, sometimes a longer course of treatment is possible. To carry out a full course of treatment, 2–3 packages of tablets are required (the price of one package is about 80 rubles, it contains 10 tablets). The drug goes well with any other medications, including antibiotics, sulfonamides and immunomodulators (drugs for restoring immunity).

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for taking Faringosept are: increased sensitivity to its components. It should also be taken into account that the drug contains simple sugars, so if the patient suffers from diabetes, the intake should be coordinated with the doctor to avoid a sudden rise in blood sugar (hyperglycemia). Patients with lactose or milk sugar intolerance should also be admitted. Some adults do not have enzymes that break down milk sugar, so foods that contain it cause digestive upset. The doctor will decide whether it is worth taking Faringosept in this case. Contraindications to this drug should be taken into account.

Faringosept tablets are also not prescribed to small children who will not be able to dissolve them. Usually these are children under 3–4 years old. It makes no sense to crush the tablets and pour them into the child’s mouth, because the drug should be absorbed slowly.

The drug does not give any side effects except allergies, which can develop to any drug.

Faringosept is not contraindicated during pregnancy and is often the drug of choice in the treatment of various diseases of the ENT organs in pregnant women. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, a decrease in immunity always occurs; this is a physiological reaction, thanks to which the woman’s body does not reject the fetus. That's why colds, exacerbation of chronic infectious and inflammatory processes (for example, chronic tonsillitis or pharyngitis) are very typical during pregnancy.

But, as you know, during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks, you should not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription. What should a sick woman do and can pregnant women take Faringosept? Can. The drug is prescribed to pregnant women by a doctor, but even before his arrival, you can start taking Faringosept tablets - there will be no harm, since they are almost not absorbed into the blood and have no general effect on the body.

When resorption active substances The drug suppresses the vital activity of most pathogenic microorganisms living in the oropharynx. Therefore, the drug can be used in pregnant women for acute respiratory diseases, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis, etc. But if an exacerbation of these diseases begins, then you need to consult a doctor, since perhaps Faringosept tablets alone will not be enough. When asked whether Faringosept can be taken by pregnant women, obstetricians-gynecologists give a positive answer.

During pregnancy, take one tablet 4 times a day, completely dissolving. Duration of treatment is 4 – 5 days. The main thing is not to forget that after resorption of the tablet you should not drink or eat for 2 hours.

Faringosept during breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, Faringosept tablets are also not contraindicated. The drug is not absorbed into the blood, so it cannot enter the human milk. This allows the mother to treat acute respiratory diseases and to prevent exacerbations of infectious and inflammatory processes in the ENT organs, take Faringosept. During lactation it may be the drug of choice.

Pharyngosept can be prescribed to nursing mothers by a doctor, but you can also take it yourself (if there is no improvement within three to four days, you should consult a doctor). Taking the drug at the very beginning of the disease can save a woman from serious complications and the need to use antibacterial agents with general action that require interruption of breastfeeding.

Faringosept for children: how to use?

Faringosept is not contraindicated for children. For childhood characteristic frequent infections. This happens due to imperfect immunity. Children especially often begin to get sick at the age of three or four, when they first join a children's group. There is a constant infection in children's groups. And the smaller the children, the more there is.

For children, the drug can be a way out. It can be taken from 3 to 4 years of age, when the child already understands what resorption of tablets is. There is no point in giving it to very young children, even if you grind it into powder and put it in your mouth: it only works if it is absorbed for a long time, and the powder is instantly washed off with saliva.

The drug is prescribed for children from three to seven years old, one tablet 3 times a day for 4 to 5 days. Children after seven years of age are prescribed the same as adults.

One of the most popular and effective drugs Today, Faringosept is the treatment for throat treatment; almost anyone can afford to use it.