What is the difference between neurotic depression: symptoms, causes, treatment. Neurotic depression

IN modern world with its fast rhythms and sudden changes, it is often very difficult to remain calm and peace of mind. Constant affairs and problems, conflicts, accumulated fatigue load our psyche more and more. As a result, stress arises, and a mental disorder is just around the corner.

Therefore, if you feel that you or your loved ones have a mental disorder, then you should not ignore it and put it off until later; you need to work with it, involving specialists, in order to avoid more serious consequences in the future.

What is the difference between depression and bad mood?

It is a mistake to consider depression a bad mood, because depression is a disease that needs to be treated. If you are in a bad mood, it is enough to eliminate the stress factor, change the environment or just relax. Such measures will not help to cope with a depressive disorder, since deeper changes occur here associated with damage to certain areas of the brain, so such advice as how to pull yourself together or distract yourself does not work; here you will need the help of a specialist and long-term drug treatment antidepressants.

Some people think that a patient with a depressive disorder is immediately visible. This is a misconception, many people suffering from depression look very lively and active and are no different from ordinary people. By characteristic features depression is divided into the following types: melancholic, anxious, inhibited, anesthetic, dynamic, ideomotor, apathetic, dysphoric, ironic, stuporous, agitated, however, as a rule, depressions are of a mixed nature.

So what is the difference between a bad mood and depression?

When a person is in a bad mood, a person’s aggression is directed towards the world and his self-esteem does not suffer. In a depressed state, a person engages in self-flagellation and aggression is directed inward, willpower disappears, and a reluctance to communicate is typical.

If you are in a bad mood, the quality of sleep is normal, the problem is difficulty falling asleep, and with depression, sleep is superficial with frequent awakenings and does not bring rest. It should be noted that the reception sleeping pills with depression, they improve sleep, but the person’s condition becomes even more depressed, and depressive symptoms intensify. And also sedatives relieve anxiety and irritation, but at the same time depression increases.

With a low mood, there is a deterioration in well-being in the evening. And with depression, there is a broken state in the morning, and by the evening the state returns to normal. In addition, depression is seasonal: spring and autumn exacerbation.

But the most important difference is that Bad mood doesn't last long. If it lasts more than two weeks, then it is depression.

How does neurosis differ from depression?

Neurosis currently refers to a whole group of mental disorders. But to be more precise, neurosis is depressed and anxiety which occurs as a result of exhaustion of the nervous system.

If we compare this disease with depression, they are different in their manifestations.

With depression, a person is in a persistently low mood, motor and mental retardation. It is difficult for a person to adequately evaluate himself and reality as a whole. Neurosis is also characterized by a depressed state, with increased energy and activity in one or more areas that bother him.

Also, the difference between neurosis and depression is that neurosis is directly related to external factors, and depression is directly related to internal causes.

Untreated neurosis can provoke the development of depression. However, depressive disorder has the ability to occur without neurosis. And here the most important difference between these two diseases emerges - if you still have the ability to enjoy your favorite things, then this is neurosis, and if no little things are no longer pleasing, it is depression. After all, when a person is depressed, all the joy receptors are clogged with unnecessary “junk”, and the body simply has nothing to perceive pleasant moments with.

Depression is more common than neurosis. The most clear signs neurosis is an indifferent state, negative attitude to life and to others

Signs of depressive neurosis.

It often happens that in an advanced state, depression and neurosis combine to form a mental disorder called depressive psychosis.

Depressive neurosis may occur when severe complications, both psychological and physiological in nature. For example, such a disease may be associated with hormonal disorder thyroid gland or pituitary gland, as well as with mental diseases such as paranoia or schizophrenia.

Physiological signs:

  • Sleep is disturbed: difficulty falling asleep and awakenings at night, accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, palpitations, and in morning time- weakness and weakness;
  • Increased sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds and temperature changes;
  • The functioning of the stomach is disrupted: gastritis, colitis or a disease such as “irritable bowel syndrome” is 70% caused by a mental disorder:
  • Headaches turning into migraines;
  • Tachycardia and pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, while the electrocardiogram is completely normal, observed excessive sweating and nervous tics;
  • Hypotension and feelings of weakness;
  • Weight loss or gain due to an eating disorder:
  • Panic attacks

Signs of a psychological and behavioral nature:

  • Critical thinking is impaired, all thoughts and reasoning are pessimistic, problems with self-esteem arise;
  • Anxiety and irritability sudden changes mood, tearfulness and depression;
  • Exacerbation of phobias and constant feeling guilt;
  • A desire for solitude appears;
  • The level of thinking, memory and attention decreases;
  • Difficulty communicating with others, increased sensitivity

It should be noted that with depressive neurosis, self-control is maintained, there is no apathy, the volume of work activity is preserved

At first glance, neurotic depression is a fairly tolerant state in comparison with endogenous depressive disorders. But the influence of neurotic depression on a person’s condition cannot be underestimated, since in this case, hot temper and aggression often become the main behavior patterns.

Description of the pathology

Neurotic depression most often occurs against the background of some event that causes serious injury human psyche. The disorder is characterized by prolonged neurosis.

The disorder is accompanied by the manifestation of asthenia, hypochondria, anxiety, phobia, or aggression, rage, and uncontrolled behavior. Already the first symptoms appear after the end of a traumatic situation, which may seem insignificant to others, but for the patient it is subjective great value.

For development of this state Heredity has virtually no effect - susceptibility to what is happening here is an exclusively subjective value.

The form of the disease can be different, for example, there are reactive, personal, non-psychotic and non-endogenous forms. Most psychiatrists still look at this disorder, as one of the stages in the development of deeper mental disorders.

Neurotic depression can manifest itself in a wide range of symptoms, including disguised and hidden ones, which significantly complicate the diagnosis of the pathology.

Most often, hidden symptoms are observed in adolescents, and often parents try to recognize in them the beginning of a restless puberty. But it should be remembered that mild manifestations or complete absence symptoms prevent complete treatment and can cause the development of severe mental disorders.

Physical condition

An important role in the diagnosis of such pathology is played by physical condition sick. It may fail medical examinations for physical ailments, feeling weak and sick, but diagnostics will not reveal any symptoms.

Often, as a result of lengthy and unsuccessful diagnostics, the doctor diagnoses the condition as overwork and recommends rest. But in this case, the emotional status of the patient deepens even more.

Complications of the pathology include thoughts of suicide and attempts to carry it out at the moment of maximum acute condition, in which the patient is in a state of hopelessness, despair and self-flagellation.

Differences between neurosis and depression

For adequate assessment the patient’s condition, the differences between depression and neurosis should be determined. The most striking and understandable difference is the ability to enjoy the little things. For example, against the backdrop of an absolutely depressed and apathetic state, a person can enjoy a cup of deliciously brewed coffee or the company of some close and pleasant person.

As the neurosis deepens, joy is expressed less and less and its effects last longer. short term, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible to distinguish it from the normal state.

During depression, even the previously most beloved activities and ways of spending time no longer please a person and are mixed into one gray mass. Thus, both pleasant and unpleasant events take on the same characteristic in a depressed person.

Another way to distinguish depression from neurosis is to have a good rest. Set aside one day, turn off your phone, get a good night's sleep and cook your favorite dish, for example. If the condition improves, we should talk about neurosis, albeit protracted.

Neurosis also differs from depression in that the person continues to think about his well-being, while the characteristic depressive state accusations and even self-hatred appear.

Causes of pathology

Neurotic depression can develop for purely individual reasons and in many cases it happens that different individuals perceive the same situation differently. This means that for one the reason will be failure at work, for another it will be a breakdown in family well-being. It all depends on excellent priorities.

Factors that provoke the development of depression may be the collapse of any hopes and plans, protracted conflicts, difficult situations in the family circle or work team.

For example, depression can result from factors that act less intensely but constantly. This is a bad situation between colleagues at work, unresolved conflict situations houses, large financial debts.

In such cases, denying proper rest and any ways to get rid of accumulated negativity, a person is constantly exposed to negative factors, even leaving their environment. This manifests itself in the fact that a person, working in an unfriendly team, will think and worry about this even when he is at home.

The risk group includes people who overreact even to minor stimuli and become fixated on a pessimistic assessment of any event without noticing positive points. In addition, the development of depression is more often observed in people who show indecisiveness and hesitate without the help of others. Awareness and distinction that a person is experiencing signs of neurosis and depression is the first step towards an adequate diagnosis.


The main symptom of a depressive state is manifested in an unreasonable sudden change a mood that cannot be adequately explained. Most often, depression manifests itself in apathy and depression, but there are also minor symptoms of melancholy.

Neurotic depression, however, is less likely to manifest itself as low self-esteem and loss of interest in everything than other types of depression. Patients often retain their ability to work, although their effectiveness is significantly reduced.

As the disease deepens and becomes aggravated, mood swings are expressed more strongly, more vividly, their duration increases, but does not develop into constant and intense depression.

Neurotic depression is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of pity for oneself, tearfulness, hot temper.
  • Criticizing and blaming others who are also involved in the depression-provoking situation. For example, work colleagues, even if they are experiencing a similar condition.
  • Weakness, lethargy, weakness, apathy.
  • Decreased appetite, sleep disorder.
  • Preservation of one’s own qualities and properties, but clear clarity of the reasons for one’s depression.

When depression becomes protracted and deepens, it can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Irregularities at work gastrointestinal tract– constipation, diarrhea, indigestion.
  • Joint pain and increased body temperature.
  • Disorders menstrual cycle and amenorrhea.
  • Low libido, headaches.
  • Pain syndrome in the deep area, arrhythmia.
  • Increased blood pressure, tachycardia.

At the same time, patients are fully aware of the connection between their mental and physical condition, associate it with stress and admit that they suffer from pathology. Often the facial expressions of patients become sharp and bright when we're talking about about a traumatic factor for them, they do something as if demonstratively and for show.

Treatment of depression

Treatment of this pathology is selected individually in each individual case. This should be done by a professional psychiatrist, having examined the severity and form of the disorder. The success of treatment is guaranteed when it is carried out comprehensively and correctly, and the patient strictly follows all the doctor’s instructions.

The main role in the treatment of the disease belongs to medications. The course of treatment may include antipsychotics, antidepressants, vitamins, and tranquilizers. Do not neglect taking prescribed medications.

The success of treatment will also depend on how openly and completely the patient describes his condition. The doctor must provide constant support and monitoring the dynamics of the pathology. In addition, the support of the patient’s loved ones in his immediate environment is important.

Good results can be achieved through competent hypnotic sessions, meditation and auto-training prescribed by a doctor. Another method of treatment is dolphin therapy. Together with your doctor, it is recommended to analyze and review your work and rest schedule, as well as nutrition and sleep. At least temporarily, one should reduce mental and physical activity, increase rest time. Then, as the person gets rid of the disorder, the work regime can be strengthened, but not to the previous, pre-depressive levels.

Depressive neurosis is one of the types neurotic disorder, which is characterized by bad mood, physical inactivity and general lethargy. Not all psychologists, neurologists and psychiatrists identify the disease as an independent disease; many consider it synonymous with neurotic depression. American experts include it in the concept of situational depression.

Why does depressive neurosis occur?

Depression is associated with external factors that are of great importance for a particular person. As a rule, the reasons are protracted. Experts identify several main factors that cause depression:

  1. Multiple failures. It happens that a person experiences difficulties in several areas of activity at once: problems in family life, financial difficulties, constant lack of money, debts, loans, difficulties at work. All this together affects the person’s condition, and he classifies himself as a “loser.”
  2. Circumstances of emotional deprivation. Life situations when the patient cannot establish contact with an important and close person to him, forced separation from loved ones, forced secret communication with someone, inability to do something that he really likes similar situations can lead a person to a state of depression.

Depressive psychoneurosis occurs when traumatic circumstances affect a person for a long time. The current situation seems unsolvable to him, and he spends all his time not on finding a way out of the situation, but on trying to hide from others the negative emotions that he experiences about this, that is, he keeps everything to himself.

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Symptoms of depressive neurosis

The first symptom of the disease is vegetative-somatic disorders. As the disease progresses, other signs of the disease begin to appear:

  • prevalence of bad mood;
  • decreased activity, loss of interest in life;
  • slower thinking, speech, reaction speed;
  • general weakness, dizziness;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach;
  • sleep disorders, which manifest themselves in difficulty falling asleep and waking up at night from feelings of anxiety.

Despite the fact that the disease is accompanied by vegetative-somatic disorders and sleep disturbances, the person does not cease to perceive reality with optimism and believes in a bright future, retains the ability to perform professional activities, and no profound personality changes occur.

Thus, the syndromes of classical depression and depressive neurosis are very similar to each other. However, unlike the first, with depressive neurosis the symptoms do not develop into a degree of psychosis and are less neurotic in severity. Patients know how to control themselves, do not avoid communicating with others and adequately perceive reality. They believe that everything will be fine in the future and do not try to take their own lives. On the contrary, patients, when making plans for the future, take into account the current situation. Many experts called this feature “faith in a bright future.”

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Diagnosis of depressive neurosis

One of the features of the disease is the difficulty of diagnosis. This is due to the fact that the patient does not compare his condition with the current psychogenic situation and does not mention it in a conversation with doctors. Doctors often attribute symptoms of depressive neurosis to signs of an existing somatic disease, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia or chronic gastritis. That is why it is very important to visit not only a therapist and a specialist, but also to get to a psychoneurologist, who, during a personal conversation, will talk to the patient and ask all the questions necessary to identify the causes of the experiences that torment him. In order to exclude somatic disease, a neuropsychiatrist can send the patient for examination to a gastroenterologist and cardiologist.

The human body experiences daily stress in the form of stressful situations And nervous system long time manages to fight them. There comes a time when you can no longer withstand the pressure. Therefore, symptoms of neurosis or depression, or a combination of both, appear. Both concepts are different, but there is a fine line between them, which needs to be remembered. Collateral proper treatment is the correct diagnosis based on the cause and symptoms of the disease.

Neurosis and depression - various diseases, but they can be combined

There are several groups among the population that are more likely than others to develop the disease. Neurosis and depression appear in people who are purposeful and straightforward. They are constantly at the center of society and it is difficult for them to remain unnoticed. Such people are usually called the soul of the company, but the main problem is the inability to fully open up to others. Therefore, the emotions and feelings that appear inside them remain there, because they never show them off in front of others.

The other group includes people with low self-esteem, who are the complete opposite of the first. It is difficult for this category of citizens to make any decision without doubt; they often have to spend time alone. As a result, their whole life is built on illusions and fantasies that they themselves invent. Therefore, in life it is rare to successfully adapt to conditions and changes. Among the main reasons that connect all people with a tendency to neurosis and depression are the following:

  • Tense life situation, failures at work, conflicts in family life.
  • An overly expressed sense of responsibility.
  • Constant suppression of emerging emotions and feelings, the emergence of the habit of taking any situation “close to the heart.”
  • Mental trauma with long-term experiences.
  • Material problems.
  • Intrapersonal conflict (the simultaneous presence of a person’s desire to achieve something more from life combined with a lack of opportunity or incompetence in a certain form activities).

Failures at work may well lead to depressive neurosis

Among the listed factors, not every one leads to neurosis and depression. It all depends on the mental stability of the person. Personality characteristics patients are largely determined by heredity. As the situation progresses and there is no help or solution to the problem, depressive neurosis develops.

Age plays a role, and the risk of getting sick increases with adolescence and during early adulthood (25-35 years). With rare exceptions, older people suffer from neurosis or are depressed. Such significant differences are associated with long-resolved life issues - work, family and material well-being.

Risk factors include improper upbringing of children in childhood - lack of attention from the mother and poor relationships between parents. Signs of neurosis and depression are sometimes associated with psychological protection. Focusing on your dysfunctional state helps you get away from life problems and on short time cope with nervous tension. Some patients view the problem from a different angle. When symptoms of the disease appear, they understand that they need to be cured. In this way, with the help of a doctor, they will be able to return to their previous state and solve a pressing life issue.

Symptoms of neurosis and depression

Patients sometimes do not understand what is happening to them, and the symptoms are attributed to other diseases. Most often, with depressive neurosis, patients are worried about:

  • decreased interest in life;
  • often depressed mood;
  • slow speed of thinking, speech, memory impairment.

At the beginning of its development, depressive neurosis manifests itself as weakness. In the morning general condition Such people have satisfactory health, but in the middle of the day and towards evening they become very tired. Noted rapid decline performance even under light loads.

Every morning begins with a feeling of weakness and exhaustion.

All patients have sleep disturbances and therefore each morning begins with a feeling of weakness and exhaustion. Sometimes there are short-term discomfort in the body, which they mistake for diseases internal organs. Frequent dizziness, low blood pressure, anxiety, visual impairment, cardiac activity and respiratory function.

Despite the treatment, patients feel the same or worse. They note a constant depressed mood, unmotivated sadness. Decreased physical activity is associated with entertainment choices or professional activity. Patients try to have as little contact with other people as possible. Some people are afraid when such symptoms appear and, on the contrary, everyone tries free time keep busy with work and hobbies.

Symptoms of depressive neurosis do not reach the same degree of severity as in neurosis or depression. Patients are able to maintain self-control of their environment and problems. Sleep disturbances are not typical for them. After waking up, patients do not feel anxiety and melancholy, which is typical for depression.

The severity of the symptoms of depressive neurosis depends not only on the cause, but also on the patient’s character traits. Lead to a protracted course of the disease chronic diseases internal organs.

Differences between depression and neurosis

Before you understand how to distinguish depression from neurosis, you need to understand what both concepts mean. They are close in meaning, but have certain features.

Neurosis is a disease caused by the patient's prolonged presence in conditions of conflict within him, in which neurological disorders are less pronounced than symptoms from the internal organs. People with this disease have the following characteristic features:

  • Quick change of mood.
  • Difficulty concentrating on one thing.
  • The appearance of unpleasant and painful sensations in the body.
  • Disturbed sleep.
  • Decreased sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

The combination of weakness and irritability is a characteristic manifestation of neurosis

An important manifestation of neurosis is a combination of irritability at any external factor with weakness. Patients get offended or upset to the point of tears over any little thing. They note a rapid loss of concentration on a particular task. They are often bothered by headaches, tinnitus, and abdominal pain. Therefore, patients turn to a therapist, where during an appointment the doctor can identify low blood pressure and diseases of the digestive tract.

Patients with neuroses are worried about a decrease in sexual desire, which becomes a common reason for visiting a sexologist. Sleep disturbance manifests itself as difficulty falling asleep, followed by sleepiness throughout the day.

The term depression refers to a gloomy and depressed state associated with internal mental reasons. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Depressed mood.
  • Slowness of thinking.
  • Retardation of movements.
  • Avoiding contact with other people.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Lack of sexual desire.

Depressed mood is manifested by poorly expressed facial expressions, patients complain of constant melancholy and sadness. Depending on the severity, they describe their condition from sadness to a feeling of “a stone on the heart.” Melancholy is most characteristically intensified in the morning and slightly weakened in the late afternoon. An important point Depression is considered to be a lack of dependence on circumstances. Patients do not react in any way to good news or bad news.

Slow thinking is manifested by poor speech and long thinking about answers. In severe cases, patients find it difficult to comprehend the question asked of them and are unable to solve the most simple tasks. One of the most painful sensations is sleep disturbance. When you are depressed, you have difficulty falling asleep at night and wake up early with a feeling of exhaustion.

People with symptoms of depression become clumsy, and sometimes they practically do not move. Characteristic pose- lying on your back with your arms extended along your body or sitting with your head bowed, leaning on your knees with your elbows.

Patients with depression describe themselves as people who are of no use to anyone and lack talent. In contrast to depression and neurosis, such patients have a reduced appetite due to which they quickly lose weight. Such patients do not experience attraction to the opposite sex. Patients avoid all communication and become so self-absorbed that they are unable to care for themselves or anyone else.

People with symptoms of depression become clumsy and hardly move

Knowing the difference between depression and neurosis, it is much easier to recognize this condition in time and seek help from a doctor.. Depending on their character, each person tends to react differently to life’s difficulties, so it is not always possible to cope with problems on their own.

Self-help for depression and neurosis

If a person stays in a state of depression or neurosis for a long time, it reorganizes him into negative side. Sometimes there is a feeling of emptiness and no joy. This condition is getting worse and the problem needs to be solved in a timely manner. Negative feelings accumulate when there is no way out. Suppressing emotions does more more than a person the unfortunate, having a powerful destructive effect from the inside.

Therefore, symptoms appear that mimic various diseases. This makes a person fall into even greater depression or neurosis. Therefore, it is necessary to stop this process in time so as not to drive yourself into a vicious circle. Before you see a doctor, there are many ways to help yourself with depression and neurosis. These include:

  • Writing poetry or putting words into rhyme.
  • Sports activities.
  • Finding yourself in the culinary business.
  • New renovation.
  • A trip to other countries or an unusual exciting journey.

When a person is a creative person, then the first option in the treatment of neuroses and depression will be to transfer his negative emotions on paper in the form of poems. This will allow you not to accumulate negative feelings, but to give them an outlet. If you have always had certain sports hobbies, then it’s time to try it. Physical activity not only gives vent to negativity, but also brings powerful charge energy.

It's never too late to learn how to cook unusual dishes or go to a place on the planet that has long been attractive, but was a dream. It’s also time to make home renovations or, better yet, remodel by destroying the walls in adjacent rooms. Making new and bright changes in life will set you up for positive emotions and in the process you will be able to independently find a way to solve the problem.

Treatment of depressive neurosis

In some situations, you cannot cope on your own. IN advanced cases The severity of the condition does not allow this to be done, and even more so if it has turned into depressive neurosis. That's why the help of specialists is required - a psychotherapist, a neurologist and a psychiatrist. The symptoms and treatment of depressive neurosis are similar to neurosis and depression. For this reason, a single integrated approach to solve the problem, including:

  • Taking medications.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy and massage.

Treatment should begin with good rest. Among the drugs chosen are safe antidepressants with a calming effect (Fluvoxamine, Trazodone). To overcome fatigue, nootropics (Piracetam, Phenibut) and restoratives(Ginseng, Pantocrine). Lorazepam and Zopiclone are effective as a remedy for insomnia. If the patient is prone to irritability, then small dosages of antipsychotics (Sulpiride, Thioridazine) are prescribed.

At the beginning of treatment, of all methods of psychotherapy, suggestion is preferred in the waking state with the help of images of space and flight. In the treatment of depressive neurosis, procedures with darsonval and electrosleep are considered effective. To relieve tension and irritability, the preferred areas for massage are cervical-collar area. Other types are recommended - acupressure, herbal massage or Ayurvedic massage in combination with acupuncture.

Treatment of depressive neurosis is impossible without proper rest.

Depressive neurosis refers to curable diseases , but sometimes the patient's depression is so strong that it is necessary long-term therapy under the supervision of specialists. In some cases, this may take up to 6 months or more. The duration of therapy depends on the stability of the person’s psyche to problematic situations, the neglect of the condition and the desire to be treated.

Hello, dear readers! I don’t understand why people like to attribute various mental disorders to themselves. We very often hear that someone is “depressed”, when in fact it is very serious illness, which is not so easy to cure even with the assistance of a specialist. "Patients" through certain time It’s quite easy to get out of this state, as if you “had” the most common flu.

In this article I will tell you what the difference between neurosis and depression actually is. You will understand what a beautiful word, so often used in everyday life, hides a very serious disease, which has a number of differences from apathy, psychosis, bad mood and despondency.

Well, let's get started. To begin with, I would like to talk about the basic concepts of “neurosis” and what they are distinctive features, what symptoms accompany each and much more.

Just 5 minutes and you can not only stop making mistakes in terminology, but also bring information to the masses, exposing “sick” friends and explaining to them that they are using words not entirely correctly.

Distinctive features of neurosis

I can recommend you a book "Happiness Hormones", which will help you in preventing this disease.


Depression is complete despondency, deep melancholy, isolation from the world. It is not just a bad mood or stress, but a complete anxiety disorder psyche.

As a rule, the onset of depression is facilitated by some serious experience that progresses under the influence internal features person. Even or other fatal and extreme situations It doesn't cause depression for everyone.

The person stops reacting to what is happening. This is the main difference between depression and neurosis. He stops perceiving news, dividing it into good and bad. The most interesting thing is that even after eliminating the cause of depression, it is impossible to cope with it. Over time, the gloomy state only gets worse.

The only thing that helps cope with the disease is drug therapy and specialist supervision.

Brands and psychology

The word "depression" has become commercial brand, which helps sell various products: from books to valerian. In principle, this happens with many psychological terms and phenomena. This is very sad.

I can recommend you a book Anton Zainiev "Guide to mental disorders» which will help you understand what it is bipolar disorder, who a sociopath really is, what the words “anxiety disorder”, “attention deficit disorder”, “schizophrenia”, “psychosis” and “psychopathy” mean, and much more.

Find out what these terms really mean. Don't be another common person who says words without understanding their meaning. Strive to be more erudite than others. With this article you have already taken a huge step in this direction. Don't stop. See you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. There will be more to come.