At what month is it better to pierce a child's ears? When is it better to pierce a child’s ears: age, time of year, features of the procedure

When a girl grows up in a family, the question of ear piercing one day confronts parents in all its frightening glory. Since there is no specific universal advice on this matter, mothers and fathers are at a loss - when and how to pierce their daughter’s ears and is it dangerous? We will talk about this in detail in this material.

A little history

Humanity learned to pierce ears almost simultaneously with the use of stone axes and other tools that advanced civilization far forward. IN different times the pierced ears of representatives of a particular people or tribe could tell a lot about a person - these jewelry reflected him social status, welfare. In the Middle Ages, Europeans sincerely believed that piercing one ear improved vision, and therefore travelers and pirates wore earrings.

The tradition of piercing ears was widespread not only among women, but also among men.

Many famous people and members of royal families wore earrings. Today, earrings are still considered jewelry. Mainly female. But it happens that a boy’s ear is also pierced if he is brought up in a family of great originals.

There are many types of ear piercings - this is not only a standard earlobe piercing, but also shaped piercings of other parts of the auricle, and not in one place. Typically, this type of piercing is chosen by young people, less often by teenagers. In most cases, parents choose a traditional earlobe piercing for children. Despite its apparent simplicity, this manipulation raises a lot of questions, doubts and concerns.

Optimal age

The main question concerns the age at which a baby can have his ears pierced. There is no single standard here. It all depends on what opinion the parents came to at the family council. Some people pierce their daughters' ears as soon as the baby is 5-6 months old, others wait until they reach a more conscious age - 10-14 years. Often parents deliberately pierce the earlobe of their newborn.

Ear piercing is a traumatic procedure, no matter how you look at it. From the point of view of child psychologists, it is better to conduct it when the child, due to his age, cannot remember either positive or negative experience- up to a year. The baby will, of course, be in pain. But not for long. And there will be no memories of this. The same opinion is shared by many mothers who remember their personal, not always positive, experience of having their ears pierced at an older age.

Most pediatricians and surgeons tend to believe that it is better to pierce a child’s ears no earlier than the baby turns 3 years old.

This position has serious arguments:

  • local immunity in children is not sufficiently developed, and therefore the wound healing process can be longer and more painful for the child;
  • kids cannot consciously relate to foreign object in the ear, which are earrings, so you can’t expect careful treatment from them. Children under 3 years old can cling to earrings while playing or getting dressed, and this can lead to earlobe ruptures and severe pain;
  • Even good quality earrings can come unfastened from time to time. A shiny, interesting object cannot help but interest a child; the baby can taste it, swallow it or inhale it;
  • even a minor mistake by the specialist who will do the piercing can lead to damage to the nerve endings concentrated in the earlobe;
  • At an early age, there is a high probability of developing an allergic reaction to the metals that make up earrings.

Thus, the answer to the question of how many years or months to pierce a child’s ears should only be given by specific parents of a specific child.

Unfortunately, mothers are often driven not by the desire to make their child better, but by creating the appearance of well-being. Therefore, the baby is taken to have her ears pierced only for the reason that the neighbor girl already has gold earrings in her earlobes, and that her friends’ daughters have already had their ears pierced almost from birth.

From this point of view, it is wiser to let the child make his own choice. If a girl, having reached a certain age, wants to wear earrings herself, it will not be too late to meet her desire and take her to a cosmetology office or salon to get her ears pierced. Medicine does not set a strict age limit for the procedure. Therefore, any age for piercing can be. From the point of view of the technical execution of the puncture, it does not make much difference how old or months old the child is.

The right moment

If the issue of age has already been resolved, the next most pressing question is when is the best time to pierce a girl’s ears. Firstly, at the time of the procedure the baby must be healthy; any problems - teething, runny nose, cough - must first be cured and only then go for piercing. Secondly, it is important to consider the time of year. Getting your ears pierced in the summer is convenient, because the child does not wear hats, and the risk of mechanical injury to unhealed wounds in the earlobes is minimal. But in hot months the risk of infection increases, Because the child is sweating, it is hot outside and dust is flying.

Winter time is not the best option due to the need to wear a hat, as well as the likelihood of hypothermia in ears injured by piercing.

The most the best time It is quite reasonable to consider the end of spring and the beginning of autumn for ear piercing.

May and late August-early September- the most convenient months for this, when there is no risk of inadvertently injuring your ears with a hat or scarf, and there is no severe heat, the risk of infection is significantly reduced.


It would be a good idea to visit a pediatrician before getting your ears pierced. He will examine the child and give recommendations. The fact is that the procedure is not allowed for all children for safety reasons. Below we will tell you who should not have their ears pierced.

If the doctor approves of the parents’ wishes, then, with his support, you can start choosing a salon or office that deals with ear piercing. It is important to navigate not only on the price list of the organization, but also on reviews of its work, which, if desired, can always be found on the Internet.

You shouldn’t focus your child’s attention too much on the upcoming procedure so as not to frighten him, but you also shouldn’t hold back the details. If the girl already understands reasonable explanations, it is worth telling her about the upcoming manipulation, however, avoiding “bloody” details.

On the appointed day you need to behave calmly and casually. Be sure to wash your child's hair to keep his hair clean. You should also make sure that the neck and ears themselves are clean.

Piercing methods

There are several ways to pierce a girl's ears. In the days of our grandmothers, punctures were carried out exclusively with a needle; today manipulations are carried out more humanely and less traumaticly. There are three main ways to make neat holes in the earlobes for earrings.

Studex 75 system

This is the most innovative method ear piercing, which came to Russia not so long ago. The Studex System 75 is a disposable piercing device designed and manufactured in the USA. In appearance, the device is similar to a stationery stapler. According to the principle of action, there is also something in common. This method is considered the most humane for piercing children's ears. The device pierces the skin of the earlobes completely silently, so the child will not be afraid at the moment the earlobe is pierced.

A puncture using an American device turns out to be quite painless, and due to the absence of skin rupture, the wound heals much faster and gives the child significantly less unpleasant minutes.

Among the disadvantages innovation system- rather limited selection of decoration options. Parents will not be able to immediately insert into their child the earrings they have chosen and bought, since the device is filled with specific medical earrings and there is no other option. True, large salons that have such technology offer an assortment of medical jewelry, some even have a special children's design. The composition of medical earrings resembles the composition of surgical instruments - this titanium and hypoallergenic medical steel.

Another disadvantage is the relatively high cost of the procedure. On average, it is 2-2.5 times higher than regular ear piercing. But “System 75” opens up enormous opportunities for parents of infants who do not want to injure their child or frighten him. The device can pierce a child's ears even when he is sleeping. The procedure is simple - the device is brought to the earlobe, the master presses the trigger - and the earring ends up in the ear, already fastened.

Puncture using a special “gun”

This too hardware method get a piercing, but for the puncture they use a device that really looks very similar to a gun. The device is reusable, which theoretically increases the likelihood of infection. However, before use, both the earlobe and that part of the device that will come into contact with the skin should be mandatory disinfected.

The “gun” shoots a sterile “stud” into the place on the child’s earlobe, designated in advance with a thin marker. The craftsman will not have to fasten the “stud” manually; this process occurs automatically. The undoubted advantages of the method are in the speed and relative painlessness of the process. However, the “gun” works noisily, the baby will feel and hear the moment of puncture, which can frighten him.

Another disadvantage is the lack of sterility of the method, because the device is reusable and a lot will depend on how sensitive the salon is to disinfection issues. In addition, history knows examples when the device “stuck” and did not fire at right moment. The “carnations” themselves are made of medical steel, they are hypoallergenic, but their choice is very limited.

Despite this, the method of piercing children's ears with a “gun” is quite popular and widespread.

Manual puncture

This is an old and time-tested method. It cannot be called painless, but it opens additional features. So, when piercing with special piercing needles, the master has the opportunity to select the size of the needle according to the size of the lobe. An experienced master guesses the right size almost intuitively, without damaging the nerve endings of the lobe.

After manual piercing with a needle, it is possible to insert into the ears not “studs” and needle earrings, but the pair of jewelry that the parents lovingly chose for their daughter in a jewelry store. This is convenient because later you will not need to replace temporary medical earrings with permanent ones. The method is difficult for children to understand, after all, one type of needle can lead some children into a state of hysterics. Moreover, it cannot be called bloodless.

The possibility of infection exists even if the technician has thoroughly cleaned both the needle and the earlobe.

This procedure costs much less than the automatic methods described above. But, taking into account all the disadvantages and disadvantages, the method is not very popular for children's piercing, and this is quite justified.

Choosing your first earrings

Choosing the first jewelry for the little princess's ears is a crucial moment. It is important that the earrings are not only comfortable and beautiful, but also safe for the baby’s health. No matter what they say about the advantages and healing properties of titanium and silver, the best option for a child is gold earrings. Moreover, the higher the gold purity, the less likely development of an allergic reaction to metal.

In case of severe allergies, the earrings “do not take root”; the ears become inflamed and fester for a long time, hurt and cause a lot of trouble. As a result, it happens that you have to take off your earrings completely and let your ears grow in peace.

To prevent this scenario from becoming your reality, it is better not to take risks and immediately buy the girl 999 earrings. Today, on the shelves of jewelry stores there are many children's jewelry made from jewelry alloys. Despite them high cost, belonging to famous brands, they are not suitable as the first decoration after ear piercing. If desired, later, when the wound is completely healed, you can change the earrings.

It is best to change earrings to silver or alloy products when when the child fully adapts to wearing jewelry in the ears, this should be done in doses, carefully observing whether the body’s inappropriate reaction to the new jewelry appears - redness, inflammation, the formation of a purulent plug.

The first earrings should not pull down the earlobe, so it is important that they are light in weight and small in size.

You should not choose original designer models with sharp elements or protruding edges. It is better to choose smooth and even jewelry with a secure lock. For the first couple, it is better to opt for an English or French type of lock.

Dangle earrings look elegant and stylish on teenage girls, but this type of jewelry is not suitable for a little girl. Pendants and any hanging elements can cling to hair and clothes; the baby can snag them during enthusiastic play. This is fraught with both earring breakage and earlobe injury.

When choosing earrings taking into account all the above safety requirements, do not forget to consult with your daughter herself. If she is of an age where children are able to express their preferences, you should definitely ask her opinion about the product.

Contraindications for the procedure

Not all babies can have their ears pierced. Like any procedure associated with interference with the body, piercing has very specific contraindications. So, if a child has hearing or vision diseases, it is better to refrain from the procedure. This also applies to temporary problems with these sensory organs - otitis media, conjunctivitis, myopia or strabismus.

After correction of diseases with the permission of an ENT doctor or ophthalmologist-You can get your ears pierced. Piercing is contraindicated for children with diabetes and a congenital tendency to form keloid scars on the skin (this fact can be established by visiting a dermatologist).

Recent and existing traumatic brain injuries neurological diseases are also an indication to refuse ear piercing. If a girl is prone to allergic reactions to food, medicines, and detergents from birth, then it is better to hold off on piercing.

Some blood diseases, especially those associated with low content platelets. You should not pierce the ears of a child with HIV infection or other illnesses associated with immunodeficiency. After suffering an infectious disease (any), it is better to wait at least a month before going for earlobe piercing.

Post-procedure care

How thoroughly and correctly you care for your child’s pierced ears will determine how the earlobes will heal and how long the baby will experience discomfort:

  • Bathing. You should not bathe your child after ear piercing for at least the first 3-5 days. You should not wash your hair or take your child to the bathhouse or pool. Many viruses and bacteria are transmitted with water; in addition, chlorine, which is contained in pool water, can cause severe inflammation if it gets into the wound. You can wash your face, but be careful, avoiding getting soap and water on your earlobes. Open bodies of water, including the sea, should be avoided during the first month.
  • Physical activity. For a week after the puncture, the child should be protected from physical activity, active games related to movement. During physical activity, sweating increases, and getting sweat into an unhealed wound is not only dangerous from the point of view of possible infection, but also quite painful.
  • Hairstyle. It is important to ensure that the girl’s hair does not come into contact with her earlobes. To do this, it is best to give her a high ponytail and a bun at the back of her head.

  • Replacing earrings. Earrings that end up in the earlobes when pierced should remain there for at least one and a half months. This is exactly how long it takes for the traumatic canal in the tissue to completely heal and be able to calmly “accept” the change of jewelry.
  • Treatment of the wound. Wounds need to be treated at least three times a day - preferably in the morning, afternoon and evening. The best way to do this is to use hydrogen peroxide. It is better to leave alcohol-containing products, including vodka, for similar procedures in adults and adolescents. Alcohol liquids, even topically, are completely contraindicated for children. During treatment, peroxide is dripped onto the wounds and the “nail” is carefully rotated around its axis. If it's in your ear gold earring with a bow, you can move the bow back and forth.

For treatment, you can use antiseptics such as “Miramistin”, “Chlorhexidine”; if suppuration appears, you can apply antibiotic ointment to the wound - “Levomekol” or “Erythromycin”.

If everything is done in a timely manner and correctly, if the child does not touch his ears during recovery period, then the wound in the lobe heals quite quickly - from 2 weeks to one and a half months.

Possible consequences

Ear piercing, if carried out in compliance with hygienic rules, in the sterile conditions of a special clinic or office, rarely leads to complications. More often, complications occur when self-piercing at home with a non-sterile sewing needle or a syringe needle. Now there is such a service - a piercing specialist visiting your home, and many mothers use it.

This is convenient, because the child does not change familiar surroundings, and it is easier for him to endure the manipulation. But even good specialist With good equipment and solid work experience cannot guarantee one hundred percent sterility of the procedure carried out in an ordinary apartment. Most a common complication ear piercing in children is bacterial inflammation of the wound.

Children with diabetes and blood diseases may have complications associated not only with poor and slow healing of the puncture wound, but also with a deterioration in their overall health, especially if the infection enters the bloodstream. According to the existing pediatric practice You should consult a doctor after ear piercing if if healing has not occurred within a month or a month and a half, and also earlier, if the child has an allergy, the temperature has risen, neurological symptoms, which can cause damage to the active point of the earlobe and nerve endings.

You should not buy earrings with any nickel content for your child to wear. It is usually added even to inexpensive gold. Nickel causes a severe allergic reaction in children.

To dispel doubts, you should ask the seller for a certificate of quality and a certificate of conformity for the selected gold items.

In order not to risk the child’s health, you need to make sure that the chosen cosmetology clinic or office has the appropriate license to carry out mini-operations and minor surgical interventions, which include piercing. The technician who will pierce the child’s ears must have the appropriate qualifications and medical education. Don’t be shy about asking for supporting documents, because we're talking about about the child's health.

Some cosmetology clinics and offices provide additional services- physical therapy during the healing process of the wound after piercing. If possible, be sure to attend UV therapy, at least in the first week, this will help the canal heal faster.

Doctors' opinion

Piercing a girl's ears too early is just as undesirable as doing it too late. The fact is that after 12 years, the process of puberty begins in girls’ bodies, and wounds on the body at this age take a little longer to heal. Therefore, it is best to get a piercing before puberty.

Earrings are not considered mandatory or even an important condition normal life and the development of the girl, and therefore this process can be quite successfully postponed until adulthood, especially since it may turn out that the girl does not consider it necessary to pierce her ears, because now there is a lot of jewelry with a clip, for the wearing of which a piercing as such is not required.

Puncture of the lobe is always a big risk, because even an experienced specialist who does this every day cannot guarantee that he will not affect one of these “strategically important” points.

So, below the middle of the lobe, towards the cheek, there are points that are responsible for visual acuity. Their injury may be the beginning pathological process formation of glaucoma, decreased visual function in a child. Naturally, the changes will not be lightning fast.

The pathology will develop gradually, and several years later, when the child is diagnosed with an eye disease, parents are unlikely to be able to compare these two events with each other - the disease and ear piercing at an early age.

Neurologists are not so categorical. Most of these specialists believe that the injured active point is simply “switched off” from the chain of nerve impulses. Whether such a “shutdown” is harmful is still unknown to science. If there are consequences, they are quite distant.

Cosmetologist I. Sysueva will tell you about when to pierce children’s ears in the next video.

As you can see, there is no clear opinion, and moms and dads have multiple related questions. Answers to them and recommendations from specialists will help solve the problem in each individual case.

When to pierce a child's ears?

The question of at what age is it preferable to pierce a child’s ears causes controversy among experts in various fields and parents.

It is necessary to consider the arguments of followers of early accustoming girls to earrings and supporters of late ear piercing.

Arguments for early piercing

The opinion that piercing is necessary for children under one year of age is held primarily by psychologists. They are convinced that if this procedure is carried out at the age of 6-10 months, the child will experience fewer negative emotions.

With early piercing, negative memories disappear almost instantly, but three-year-old children can return to a stressful situation for a long time and, as a result, may refuse to wear earrings altogether.

Mothers also agree with this opinion, but they mostly pursue aesthetic goals. Their main desire is for those around them to perceive the little princess as a girl, and not confuse her with a boy.

In addition, some parents are convinced that piercing the ears of girls under one year old will help avoid infection of the holes in the ears.

Arguments against early piercing

And yet, many experts oppose ear piercing before the age of three, citing quite reasonable and well-founded arguments. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. The ear can heal enough long term, which causes prolonged unpleasant sensations that are not always well tolerated by younger children three years. The situation is further complicated by the fact that not all medications are approved at such an early age.
  2. Piercing the ears of a child under three years old often results in the girl trying to pull off the uncomfortable earring. In addition, babies often get caught with earrings (even if they are very small size) for clothes, and this is fraught with pain and bleeding from the wounds.
  3. Situations are also possible when the lock becomes unfastened and the earring falls out of the earlobe. A girl, interested in a small shiny decoration, can put it in her mouth and, accordingly, swallow it.
  4. It is also possible that the baby will have an allergic reaction to nickel, which is contained in almost all ear jewelry.
  5. Another reason not to pierce your ears at an early age is the risk of touching the nerve endings, which are compactly located in the tiny lobe. Similar problem sometimes provokes a delay in the psychological development of girls.

The popular doctor E. O. Komarovsky, when asked at what age it is better to pierce ears, answers that medicine does not impose strict age restrictions. However, carrying out the procedure at the age of less than 1 year is practically an extremist action.

A well-known pediatrician also points out the fact that ear piercing at 11 years of age and older increases the risk of skin scarring. But there is no need to worry about infection, since the procedure is carried out under sterile conditions.

When is it better to pierce a child’s ears: in winter or summer?

Some parents do not pay attention to the time of year, believing that earrings will look attractive on both summer and winter days.

However, if we are talking about a child and his well-being, then everything should be taken into account possible factors and conditions. In this case, parents will be able to prevent possible negative consequences.

So, what time of year is best to carry out this procedure? Let's consider the arguments of experts:

  • It is not recommended to pierce children's ears in winter. Firstly, they can inadvertently catch a cold. Secondly, the child wears sweaters, turtlenecks, and knitted hats. There is a risk that the baby may catch the earring with threads and damage the ears;
  • the first spring and late autumn months are not the best good option. The reasons for the undesirability of the procedure in this case are similar to those presented above;
  • In summer, you also shouldn’t pierce a girl’s ears, because high temperature and dirty air increase the likelihood of wound infection and help prolong the healing period;
  • The best option is May or September. During these periods, temperatures are not as high as in the summer months, and knitted sweaters are not worn. The ears will heal quickly and without any negative consequences.

Thus, in addition to age parameters, it is necessary to take into account the seasonal factor when piercing children's ears. This will avoid negative effects.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the desire of parents to pierce the ears of their beloved children, there are a number of conditions and diseases in which it is necessary to either forget about the event for a while or abandon it altogether.

Experts highlight the following contraindications(temporary or permanent) for ear piercing:

  • some ophthalmological diseases;
  • eczematous rashes in the ear area, dermatitis;
  • intolerance to nickel alloys;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • predisposition to keloid scars;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • low immunity;
  • period of teething;
  • reduced pain threshold;
  • skin damage in the area of ​​the future puncture;
  • moles on earlobes.

It is better not to pierce the ears at all if the child, who is already at a relatively conscious age, is categorically against this procedure.

Probably the refusal is due to fear of the process itself or simply a dislike of earrings. Parents should not insist and use peers as examples. The girl has the right to decide for herself whether she needs such jewelry.

Where to pierce a child's ears?

The procedure itself is quite simple, but you need to prepare for it. This is necessary in order to avoid all sorts of undesirable consequences.

First stage– medical consultations. A must visit with a child several specialists:

  • First of all, you should make an appointment with a pediatrician, who will conduct a general examination and prescribe several diagnostic procedures: blood test and sugar level measurement;
  • You should also visit an ophthalmologist. The earlobe is closely connected with the organs of vision through a system of nerve fibers. If there are problems with the eyes, it is better to postpone the procedure or refuse it;
  • It is also recommended to visit an allergist. Many earrings contain nickel compounds, which can cause hypersensitivity reactions in the body.

Second stage– choosing a medical institution or salon. If there are no contraindications to the procedure, then you need to move on to choosing a salon or clinic.

Is it possible to pierce a child’s ears at a regular hairdresser located nearby? It’s better not to take risks, but to turn to professionals who have documents confirming their qualifications.

An experienced specialist will determine safe places for piercing, carry out the procedure itself as painlessly as possible and guarantee the absence of complications. Parents need to make sure that the instruments and earrings that end up in their children’s ears are sterile.

Third stage– purchasing earrings. Initially, girls are inserted into ears made of a special alloy, which, in fact, pierce the lobes. Then, when the wounds heal, mom will be able to insert other earrings.

About what jewelry prefer, we will tell you in more detail later. It is only important to understand that the hearts should be light, without sharp corners and with a strong clasp that will not open during child manipulation.

Ear piercing: main types of procedures, their pros and cons

Another common question that concerns many parents concerns how to properly pierce a child’s ears. There are several options for the procedure: piercing with a special reusable or disposable gun and a special needle.

A specialist decides how to pierce your ears correctly. Parents need to choose the hygiene procedure that is most appropriate for their age and personal characteristics.

You can pierce a child's ears manually using a special disposable catheter needle. A big plus of such a procedure is the selection of a needle taking into account the size of the earlobe. Also, after piercing, you can put in any earrings, and not just standard “studs” or “rings”.

The procedure itself is quite simple and consists of from several steps:

  • preliminary disinfection of the auricle on both sides;
  • determining the piercing site and marking it with a marker;
  • piercing with a disposable needle;
  • inserting earrings;
  • treating the earlobe with a special healing cream.

Often, the mere sight of a needle causes horror in children; moreover, the procedure itself lasts quite a long time and is somewhat painful. So this method can be recommended to adult girls who are not afraid of medical manipulations.

Using a reusable gun

Before piercing the ears with a gun, the auricle is again disinfected and the piercing site is marked. Then the device is charged with the stud earrings that the parents chose.

The specialist places the earlobe in special department at the end of the device and fires. As a result of these actions, piercing is carried out not with a needle, but directly with the earring itself, which is simultaneously threaded into the auricle. Then the earlobe is treated with a special healing preparation.

Piercing with a gun is different from piercing with a needle. In the first case, the wound turns out to be torn (which is fraught with keloid scars), and in the case of a needle, it becomes punctured. But piercing with a gun does not require time, and therefore is less painful.

Main advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • use of sterile earrings;
  • speed of the procedure.

Main disadvantages:

  • the gun itself is not completely sterile, so there is a small risk of infection;
  • small selection of earrings;
  • a loud sound when pierced, which often frightens children.

How does this method of carrying out the procedure differ from the previous version? The standard ear gun is a reusable instrument with sterile piercing earrings. In this case, the tissues are torn and a loud sound is heard. In addition, infection cannot be ruled out.

System 75 is a special disposable device that is completely sterile. Outwardly, it looks like a classic stapler, into which a disposable cartridge is inserted. During the procedure, the specialist does not touch the jewelry at all.

And thanks to the special sharpening of the earrings, the fabrics do not tear. It is the puncture that occurs, so wounds heal much faster and the risk of all possible complications and undesirable consequences. In addition, the puncture is painless and silent.

How much will such a procedure cost? Using a disposable gun is quite expensive - at least twice as expensive as a standard reusable gun.

The final price will depend on the quality of the selected earrings. Thus, not every parent can afford a puncture with a disposable instrument.

Which earrings to choose for a child?

It should be remembered that children are prohibited from wearing cheap jewelry, large and heavy earrings, as well as jewelry with poorly set stones.

A detailed description of the characteristics of earrings that should be taken into account when choosing jewelry during a piercing and after the hole has healed is presented in the table.

Choosing earrings for a child

Decoration OptionsWhen piercingAfter the wound has healed
MaterialInitially, it is better to put earrings made of special medical steel, titanium compounds or bioflex into children’s ears. All these materials are hypoallergenic.Once the wounds have healed, you can purchase silver or gold earrings.
You should not wear them at the time of piercing, since gold contains allergic impurities, and silver oxidizes.
FormThere are many varieties of earrings for babies. But for the first time it is better to stick to standard small carnations. But the shape of their “head” can be varied: hearts, triangles, balls, etc.
Surface FeaturesEarrings must be absolutely smooth, the surface without various protrusions, burrs and sharp parts that could scratch the child's skin.
Presence of stonesSmall, neat stones (not diamonds, of course, for the safety of the baby) are quite acceptable, especially when it comes to older children. Earrings without stones are also suitable for infants.
Lock typeThe ideal option is the same nails with a convenient clasp that a child cannot open on his own or damage.After healing, you can put on earrings with an English lock that does not squeeze the earlobe. It is also difficult to open with children's hands.
WeightThe earrings should be light, otherwise the baby will feel heavy and uncomfortable on her own ears. Naturally, we are not talking about comfortable wearing.

Caring for pierced ears

Get your ears pierced to a small child- this is just the beginning hygiene procedure, since parents will have to regularly treat the ears and monitor possible negative consequences.

The rules of care are quite simple:

  1. Until the wound hole is completely healed, it is necessary to wipe the ear lobe with antiseptics every day. Hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or miramistin are suitable for this procedure. The usual frequency is three times a day.
  2. Before handling, mother should wash her hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and treat them again with an antiseptic. This will prevent the infectious agent from entering the hole.
  3. When processing, it is necessary to ensure that the antiseptic agent gets not only on skin surface, but also inside the hole itself. For this purpose, the drug is dripped onto the earring and scrolled 2-3 times in the earlobe.
  4. Treat wounds with medical glue. In this case, there is no need to twist the earrings; on the contrary, you should touch the wound surface and the earlobes themselves as little as possible.
  5. If the ears begin to become inflamed, the earlobes need to be treated at least 9 times a day. It is not necessary to remove the earring if the child does not feel pain.
  6. If pus has formed in the ear, it hurts, the child scratches the auricle, you need to see a doctor and remove the earrings. The doctor will prescribe special antibiotic creams.
  7. Emergency medical assistance may be necessary if the child gets his earring caught on something and the earlobe breaks. The doctor will probably need stitches.

The wound usually heals within 30 days. After this period, the earrings are removed and treated with an antiseptic. If desired, the jewelry can be changed (they are also treated with peroxide). The earlobe is also lubricated with the drug, and at the end of the procedure the earrings are put back in.

When can a child's ears be pierced? This issue is decided by parents after weighing everything in advance. Some mothers bring their daughter to the salon in the first year of life, while others decide to leave the last word to the girl.

Another question is the choice of the type of procedure. Some specialists pierce the ears with special needles, others with a reusable or disposable “shooting” earring instrument. It's up to you to decide!

The question of when to pierce a girl’s ears, how to do it, and whether it is necessary at all, arises for all parents of little princesses. Our article can influence the decision about piercing too early, it will tell you about methods of carrying out unpleasant procedure, will give recommendations on wound care.

From this article you will learn

Pros and cons

Public opinion on early piercing is divided. Proponents of piercing a child under 3 years of age put forward their arguments:

  • No fear or bad memories in the future. According to psychologists, the painful process will not upset a baby so much at the age of 7-10 months or even a year. The baby is quickly distracted and forgets about the offense. And three-year-old girls can get psychological trauma, stress, and phobias.
  • The original appearance of the tiny princess. The earlobe, decorated with gold and silver earrings almost from birth, causes great delight among parents and strangers on the street.
  • At an early age, the wound will heal faster.

Pediatricians and more cautious parents have their reasons for postponing the piercing of a baby’s ear until the age of 3 or to a later period:

  • The traumatic procedure will cause pain to the baby.
  • The cartilage in the ear is still developing, and it can be accidentally damaged during the procedure.
  • Low infant immunity.
  • Restlessness, inexperience of the child. A baby may twitch its ears when interested in an unusual object. If you manage to rip off or unfasten an earring, you will definitely taste it.
  • Danger to the life and health of the baby. The earlobe contains important nerve endings. Their accidental damage can harm the development of the child and provoke pathologies of the central nervous system.
  • Allergenicity of jewelry material. Earrings may contain nickel, which causes allergies. The ear may turn red immediately after putting it on in the salon and will hurt.

When is it better?

Choice optimal age for piercing depends on the state of health, the character of the girl and the opinion of the parents on this matter. The best period of life, from the point of view of doctors, is considered age 5 - 8 years.

A popular children's doctor, author of famous television programs about raising children, Dr. Komarovsky believes that piercing the ears of children under one year of age is an act of terrorism and extremism. In his opinion, it is better to wait until the baby grows up, the girl is 5-10 years old, and maybe more.

However, puberty (11-14 years) is also not the best period for piercing. Wounds take longer to heal, the body needs strength for hormonal changes. It is advisable to have time to complete your plans before this time. But the final decision, of course, is made by the parents.

It is important to consider the time of year. Winter is the period of hats, scarves, collars. Pierced ears can be injured when dressing and catch a cold. Risk in summer mechanical damage the leakage is minimal, but it is dusty and windy outside, and there is a possibility of wound infection.

For these reasons, spring and autumn are the optimal period for piercing. In May and September there is no need to wear hats, there is no heat or dust.

Some parents choose the time for piercing according to signs and lunar calendar. Suitable for earlobe 1st – 5th day of the new lunar month.


  • dermatitis (eczema, diathesis, rashes and other skin diseases);
  • allergies, especially of unknown etiology, to metals;
  • blood pathologies ( special attention It is worth paying attention to blood clotting; if it is bad, refuse the procedure);
  • visual impairment, hearing impairment;
  • otitis, strabismus, temporary inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane.
  • chronic diseases of internal organs (asthma, hepatitis, diabetes and others);
  • HIV infection;
  • heart defects;
  • mental illness, epilepsy;
  • keloid scars;
  • period of teething;
  • low immunity;
  • general malaise (snot, lethargy).

In some conditions, parents need to choose a different time for piercing, for example, to cure an acute respiratory viral infection, or wait until a tooth cuts through.

But other pathologies are a lifelong contraindication - these are blood diseases, diabetes, nervous excitability, immunodeficiencies and nickel allergies.

Where to do the procedure

There are several options: a beauty salon, a medical center, or on your own at home. Let's consider the positive and negative aspects each of them in comparison.

  • Piercing at home. Bad option for piercing the ears of newborns and babies up to 3 years old. The likelihood of infection and errors in choosing a location for the hole is very high. In addition, making a hole with a needle is quite painful. You will be responsible for the quality and take care of the wound yourself.
  • Beauty salon, hairdresser. Trust only verified centers industry. Often this service is offered as an additional service without any experience. This option is more suitable for adults, not for babies or preschool-aged children.

If you nevertheless decide to go to the nearest hairdresser to your child’s friend “Aunt Masha”, then be sure to ensure that the pistol is disinfected, it would be a good idea ask for a license to carry out such activities.

The advantages of choosing a beauty salon include: service cost, it will be lower than in the medical center, but, according to doctors and experienced parents, it is more dangerous for the baby’s health.

  • Medical clinic. Reliable, safe option . The advantages of a medical institution include the opportunity to consult with a specialist.

Make an appointment with your doctor before your piercing procedure. You can be seen by a surgeon, pediatrician, or reflexologist. They will definitely show photos and videos about the disadvantages of piercing at an early age, explain how to care for the wound after the procedure, and help in case of complications or suppuration of the ear.

The hole will be pierced by a qualified specialist who is responsible for the safety of the baby and the quality of the procedure.

The better to pierce

Children's ears are pierced in several ways: medical needle, gun, system 75. All of them are practically painless and safe. The choice may be based on cost and parental preference. Below is a comparative description of all piercing methods.

Method, type of toolPeculiaritiesProsCons
Classic method Medical gun for reusable use.The device looks like a pistol and works the same way.
Before starting the procedure, it must be disinfected. The puncture site is marked with a marker, and a stud earring is charged into the device. It is she who acts as a needle. The procedure takes a few seconds, the pain goes away quickly.
Painless, speed of execution. The use of medical studs guarantees the absence allergic reactions in a child.
The piercing and screwing of the earring into the lobe occurs simultaneously.
The need to sterilize the device. If disinfection is performed poorly, there is a risk of infection.
The noise from a gun shot can frighten a girl. In some cases, it is difficult to persuade a child to get a puncture on the second lobe.
Medical needle Manual method. A catheter needle is used. Our grandmothers used this method to pierce their ears.The needle is selected individually according to the size of the hole for the earrings and the child’s earlobe.
In the puncture area, it is not medical studs that are worn, but real earrings that the baby likes.
Low cost procedures.
The needle causes panic in the child on a subconscious level. The procedure lasts at least 3 - 5 minutes.
Soreness. There is a danger of infection and inflammation of the wound.
System 75 A reusable gun with disposable cartridges is used. The earring is inside, the needle pierces the ear, and the stud lock is fastened automatically.Sterility. The puncture is done quickly, painlessly, quietly. The earrings are absolutely hypoallergenic. Titanium, medical steel, bioflex do not cause a negative reaction from the body.Limited choice of temporary earrings, the need to replace them after the wound has healed.
The procedure is expensive.

How do you plan to do the piercing?

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How the process works

Before going to a medical center or a piercing salon, your baby needs to understand and know the intricacies of the ear piercing process. This is necessary to monitor the correctness of the specialist’s manipulations, monitor the child’s safety, reduce the risk of infection, and get rid of fear. The puncture takes place in several stages:

  1. External inspection. The specialist identifies the presence of contraindications. The child’s ears, skin, eyes, and head must be clean, without scratches, wounds, or suppuration.
  2. Tool processing. A very important stage, it needs to be monitored in order to avoid complications with the ears and a hole in the lobe later.
  3. Puncture with a gun or needle. It is done quickly, in the presence of adults. Earrings are inserted using an automatic device or manually.
  4. Checking the quality of the procedure. Pay attention to whether the punctures are symmetrical and whether the lock is tightly fastened. They can make a hole unevenly in specialized centers, it all depends on the experience of the master.
  5. Consultation on wound care. Parents are often given a booklet with useful tips, instructions. You should definitely take the technician’s phone number for consultation in unforeseen circumstances.

How to treat ears

By observing the basic rules of hygiene of the wound in the lobe, mothers will be able to save their daughters from suppuration and complications after piercing. Instructions for caring for your ears are as follows:

  • Don't shoot and do not change the earrings you wear in the salon 2 - 3 months, thereby avoiding injury to the wound.
  • Treat the earlobe and earring with antiseptics three times daily. Use chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. It is not recommended to smear with alcohol or streptocide. If the earlobe breaks out, quickly begin to treat it with Vishnevsky ointment and other means.
  • When processing, rotate the nail along the axis. Make movements with the bow so that dirt does not stagnate inside the wound. Be sure to pull the entire surface of the earring out and wipe it. Wash your hands thoroughly before doing this.
  • Do not remove the dried crust from the wound. It will disappear on its own.
  • Put baby's hair in a ponytail higher to avoid infection in the ears.
  • Use medical glue to speed up wound healing.
  • Avoid swimming in open water, dirt, soap, cosmetics on the earring and earlobe.
  • For 1 - 2 weeks after the procedure limit physical activity child. Sweating can negatively affect tissue regeneration. If dirt or dust gets in, the ear can become inflamed.

What to do if your ear starts to fester

An unpleasant consequence of piercing is the suppuration of the wound in the baby’s ear. provoke inflammatory process, infection can be caused by poorly processed piercing devices, improper care after the procedure, or replacement of earrings. A scar may remain on the ear, and the girl will no longer be able to wear earrings.

To eliminate suppuration and exclude other complications, treatment should be started immediately:

  1. Consult a doctor. Especially with prolonged suppuration, detection of redness in the neck area, compaction in the lobe, in the future it may turn black due to tissue death.
  2. Apply medication to the wound yourself. Use " Miramistin" for spraying the wound 2 - 3 times a day, " Solcoseryl», « Levomekol", lubricate the inflamed areas with synthomycin ointment. You can wash out the suppuration with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Go to the surgeon immediately, if the ear turns black, begins to swell, the child has a fever. The doctor will administer anesthesia and examine the baby. May be required surgery to eliminate the source of inflammation, clean the wound from pus.
  4. Don't ignore folk remedies. Grandmother's advice helps treat inflammation without medication:
  • aloe juice draws out pus, heals the wound, relieves pain;

Cut a leaf of the plant in half, attach it to the ear, and replace it with a new one after two hours. Use the recipe several days in a row.

Self-piercing of children's ears at home often leads to complications. This is absolutely not allowed!

Inflammatory processes on the lobe and inside the auricle lead to serious consequences. This is paralysis facial nerves, keloids, tissue ruptures, hearing and vision disabilities. It is unknown how many troubles await in this case and how many complications you will encounter.

Do right choice, entrusting your child to professionals. This way you will protect your little princess from complications, and she will be happy with her earrings in her little ears.

Which earrings to choose

When choosing the first jewelry for your baby, you need to pay attention to the following earring parameters:

  • Type of metal. During piercing, girls wear special temporary earrings made of titanium, medical steel or modern bioflex. They do not cause allergies and promote rapid wound healing. Buy gold and silver earrings later, 1 - 2 months after the piercing. Precious metals oxidize and may contain nickel, which is unsafe for an open wound in the ear and the child’s health in general.
  • Product weight. It is important for a baby, a one-year-old baby, not to feel the weight of the decoration. Almost weightless models are the best.
  • Form. Triangle, circle, heart - any option will be optimal if the child's earring does not interfere and fits neatly on the earlobe. The main thing is that they are not huge and do not interfere with dressing.
  • Sharpened edges. Traumatic, protruding edges are strictly prohibited.
  • Pebbles. Small ones welcome gems, crystals, diamonds. What is important is strength and reliability of their fixation, not high cost.
  • Lock. For kids, nails with a reliable closing mechanism or an English lock are suitable. It is difficult to unfasten them on your own and to lose them.

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Looking at little girls with beautiful earrings, many mothers are thinking about getting their princess’s ears pierced. But at what age is it better to do this? Let's try to figure it out together.

Doctors' opinion

Official medicine does not recommend ear piercings until at least three years of age. This is due to the risk of infection. Small children are very active, they can touch the earring while playing. It will also be interesting for the baby to touch the new earrings. She still doesn’t understand that it’s better not to do this with hands stained with porridge or sand.

On the other hand, studies have shown that after 11 years the risk of colloidal scar formation increases several times. So it is better to pierce your ears earlier, but after consulting a doctor. This is necessary to ensure that the child is absolutely healthy at the time of the procedure. surgical intervention, which is considered the procedure of ear piercing from the point of view of doctors. The baby shouldn't have something like that infectious diseases, and even slight malaise. Also contraindications are some chronic diseases (diabetes, decreased blood clotting, a tendency to form colloidal scars and some others).

An indisputable fact is that the ears contain a lot of biological active points. As is known, short-term exposure to them affects the condition of internal organs. Close to the center of the lobe, where earrings are usually pierced, there is a point responsible for the eyes. There is an opinion that if vision deteriorates, a hole should be pierced in it and the person will see better. On the other hand, there is much more data on vision deterioration if you touch this point. Opinions are radically opposite, so it’s better not to take risks and make a puncture at a neutral point that is not associated with any internal organ. To do this, the procedure must be performed by a specialist who has knowledge of the location of biologically active points.

Psychologists' opinion

Some experts say that it is better to pierce the ears of babies before they are 1.5 years old. This is explained by the fact that at such an early age children are not able to focus on attention for a long time. pain and the girl will quickly forget about the not entirely pleasant procedure.

Other psychologists defend the opinion that a child has the right to choose. In infancy, parents make all decisions for children. It's hard to imagine a one-year-old baby expressing his desire to wear earrings. This means that he was deprived of the right to choose, and many psychologists consider this unacceptable. Most likely, your daughter will ask to buy earrings when she is about four years old. True, such a desire can hardly be considered conscious, since during this period children try to imitate adults in everything. From the point of view of psychologists, children can make conscious choices at the age of about 7 years. It is during this period that you should get your ears pierced if your daughter asks for it.

As we see, doctors and psychologists cannot come to a common opinion, so the final decision remains with the parents. Only they can decide whether a little girl needs earrings or whether she should wait until she grows up and asks for it herself. In any case, you need to approach this procedure responsibly: have the child examined by a doctor, choose a good salon, a specialist, and the first earrings. By making the right choice, you will avoid possible complications, and jewelry in your daughter’s ears will delight you and the baby.

Earrings are the first piece of jewelry that girls get at an early age. Parents eagerly await the moment to pierce their child's ears. But not everyone knows how and with what they pierce children’s ears, and when this procedure should be carried out.

At what age is it best to pierce a child's ears?

The decision to pierce your ears often comes spontaneously. Mothers pay attention to their daughter’s peers and take note of the age at which their ears were pierced. In fact, there is no consensus on piercing children's ears. There are several points of view on how long to pierce a girl’s ears.

This question can be asked to doctors, friends, or those parents who have already gone through this process. First, we recommend that you watch a short video where a young mother shares her experience:

Piercing at an early age

Early piercing from 9 months to 1-2 years is supported by psychologists. The child is not yet aware of what is happening, the mood and preparation are minimal, the piercing process will quickly be forgotten.

Pros: earrings become distinctive feature and a baby on the playground will not be confused with a boy. Also, mothers often want to decorate their daughter’s ears with earrings early in order to replenish their baby’s “arsenal” with real jewelry.

Cons: Until the age of three, earlobes are in the growth stage, and early piercing can cause the piercing to move, which will not look aesthetically pleasing.

After 3 years of age

Piercing after 3 years is considered the most optimal with medical point vision. The process of growth and formation of ear cartilage is suspended, making the procedure safer.

Pros: The purpose of the earrings can already be explained to the child. A three-year-old baby can understand the request not to touch her ears, and there will be no hygiene problems.

Cons: The piercing can be painful, and after piercing one ear, the child may cry and resist piercing the second. A psychological attitude is required before the procedure.

Before school or at school age (5-10 years old)

At an older age of 6 years, ear piercing often becomes the will of the child himself. A girl wants to be beautiful; her friends at school who wear earrings play an important role.

Pros: the child treats the puncture responsibly and endures discomfort During the procedure, she chooses her own jewelry.

Cons: After 10 years of age, the structure of the skin changes; an ear piercing can leave an unsightly keloid scar at the site of healing.

Possible piercing options

Children's ears are pierced using one of two possible methods:

  • Medical needle;
  • An ear piercing gun.

For young children, it is recommended to pierce the earlobes with a gun. The entire piercing process takes no more than 5-7 minutes: disinfection of the earlobes, determination by the doctor of the puncture points, and, in fact, the punctures themselves. The pistol has a number of advantages over using medical needle. Let's highlight three main ones:

  1. the procedure lasts only 0.5 minutes for each ear;
  2. piercing with a pistol is almost painless, the process does not require anesthesia;
  3. The puncture and insertion of the earring occur quickly and almost simultaneously.

And now a short video about what this process looks like. It takes little time and happens without unnecessary pain:

A medical needle is more often used for ear piercings at home. The process of piercing with a needle is painful and requires special skill and professionalism of the master. When puncturing the earlobe with a needle, the surface of the earlobe is numbed with lidocaine. The procedure is carried out in two steps - first a puncture is made, then the earring is inserted.

Important! The risk of infection when piercing with a needle is higher than when using a special gun.

Where to pierce a child's ears?

Ear piercings are performed medical centers, beauty salons, piercing salons and some pharmacies.

Earrings for piercing can be purchased in advance or on site from a master cosmetologist. The main requirement for the first children's earrings: they must be made of medical steel, sterile, and packaged in a special container.

Children's ears should only be pierced by qualified professionals. A cosmetologist must know how to make a neat and beautiful puncture with minimal painful sensations. Give preference to specialized places with trained staff.

Getting your ears pierced at any age can be a stressful experience for a child. To ensure that the procedure goes as smoothly as possible, take note of the following tips:

  • Ear piercing can only be done healthy child. If the baby has a cold or is experiencing other ailments, it is better to postpone visiting the cosmetologist until a more appropriate moment;
  • the child should know where you are going, do not hide the planned event from him;
  • With a girl, you can choose earrings in advance. If she is involved in the process, the piercing process will go more calmly and confidently;
  • for small children, prepare a small gift for their courage - and after punctures you can distract, calm the child, and cheer up;
  • Contact with the specialist is very important - before piercing, try together to reach an understanding with the baby. It’s better if what happens happens during the game: let the girl meet the cosmetologist, touch the gun, and look at the result in the mirror after the procedure.

Care and treatment of earlobes after piercing

The doctor's office is behind, there are emblazoned on your girl's lobes beautiful earrings. It is very important to properly care for your ears after a piercing so that the healing process is not marred by inflammation:

– For the first day after placing earrings, it is better not to touch the puncture site. Help your child change clothes so as not to accidentally touch the earrings.

– Starting from day 2, try to carefully move/twist the earring in your ear 3-4 times a day. If the child categorically does not allow his ears to be touched, scroll through the jewelry while sleeping.

– Stud earrings should be worn for at least 1 month, then they can be replaced with gold or silver items with an English clasp.

Pay attention! It happens that it is very difficult to remove earrings placed with a gun - in this case, contact the specialist who pierced your ears. It will help you change earrings painlessly;

– It is imperative to treat the earlobes after piercing with antiseptics: chlorhexidine/miramistin. Can be used alcohol tincture calendula, propolis, chamomile. Treatment is carried out in the morning and evening, on both sides of the puncture.

Note! Hydrogen peroxide slows down wound healing, so treatment with this product is not recommended.

Contraindications for ear piercing

Ear piercing is medical procedure associated with certain risks. It is better to carry out the procedure in the cool season. For the first few days, limit your child’s swimming in the pool, sea, or any bodies of water.

  • bleeding disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • viral/infectious diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • low pain threshold.

Also, ear piercing should be postponed during routine vaccinations.