This means health group 3a. Children's health groups: characteristics for distribution

Adult population. Each of them differs not only in the patient’s condition, but also in the frequency of his dispensary observation.

Adult health groups: classification

The need to create a full division of patients into various categories arose almost immediately after the advent of clinical examination. The fact is that it involves a different number of studies depending on what kind of diseases a person has.

Currently, there are 3 main health groups of the adult population. Each of them is characterized by certain criteria indicating the presence or absence of certain diseases.

First health group

About the first and second groups

Patients from the first adult health group can visit doctors only once a year and undergo only standard tests. If, as a result of such a commission, no chronic non-communicable diseases or additional factors to their formation are identified, they remain in the same category.

As for the second health group of the adult population, those who belong to it can also undergo examination only once a year, however, they need a more serious examination. Its volume will depend on what risk factors the patient already has. The fact is that the primary detection of chronic non-infectious diseases is typical specifically for this health group in adults. The characteristics of this category of patients do not imply the presence of diseases, so after identifying an illness, the person automatically moves to the next health group.

The presence of a chronic disease is a sufficient reason to visit the doctor not once, but at least twice a year. In this case, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests. Thanks to them, the doctor will see how active the chronic pathological process is, and whether it is currently affecting the functioning of a particular organ. Ultimately, the doctor will understand whether it is necessary to carry out any serious therapeutic measures Or usual prevention is quite enough.

About the third group

Patients from the third health group of the adult population can be examined more often than 2 times a year. The frequency of observations depends on the severity of chronic pathological process. At the same time, for patients with certain diseases, according to dispensary observation It is recommended to take the course inpatient treatment 1-2 times a year.

About children

The health groups of adults and children differ significantly. The fact is that children are usually divided not into 3, but into 5 categories. This is due to the great attention paid to children's population. So the adult health groups and their characteristics are not applicable to minor patients.

The first group is characterized by the absence of any diseases or abnormalities in the child. This baby can get sick sometimes acute form any pathology, but at the time of examination he did not have it. In addition, such a child should have sufficient high level body resistance.

Second group children's health includes children who do not have any chronic diseases, but at the same time have minor deviations. An example would be complications during childbirth in the mother. At the same time, these deviations have absolutely no effect on the child’s functional abilities.

Children from the third health group have one or another chronic disease. Moreover, this category of small patients is characterized by its full compensation. That is, despite the presence of the disease, the child does not experience any special problems with normal loads.

If we talk about the fourth group of children’s health, then it includes those kids who have quite serious chronic illnesses, who are in the stage of subcompensation. That is, the child has the ability to maintain full functional activity, but at the same time his organs and systems are forced to work, constantly straining, which ultimately leads to morphological changes and further deterioration in performance. As a result, such a child has to be transferred to the next health group.

The fifth group of children usually includes those children who have serious chronic pathology. Moreover, in order to be transferred to this category, there must also be decompensation of the activity of a particular organ. Such a child clearly needs serious medical care.

In terms of medical examination, doctors naturally have to pay the greatest attention to children from the 3rd, 4th and 5th groups.

Children's health is enough important indicator not only the present, but also the future well-being of society and the state. Therefore, for the necessary timely correction of any deviations in the child’s health and for proper preventive examinations, children of early and to school age It is customary to refer to certain health groups.

Distribution of children by health groups

Health groups are a specific scale that evaluates the health and development of a child, taking into account all possible factors risk, with a forecast for the future. The health group of each child is determined by the local pediatrician, based on the fundamental criteria:

  • heredity, pregnancy, childbirth, the first month of a child’s life;
  • the physical development of the child and his harmony - weight, height, head circumference, chest circumference, etc.;
  • neuropsychic state - speech development, skills;
  • body resistance to various factors external influence;
  • level functional state organs and systems;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, defects, and developmental anomalies.

Health groups for children and adolescents

Based on the results medical examination and based on all the above criteria, children are divided into five groups.

1st health group in children

This includes children who do not have any deviations in all health assessment criteria, with normal mental and physical development, who rarely get sick and are completely healthy at the time of examination. This group also includes children who have single birth defects developments that do not require correction and do not affect the general health of the child.

Health group 2 in children

This group consists of healthy children, but at low risk of developing chronic diseases. Among the second health group, there are 2 subgroups of children:

  1. Subgroup “A” includes healthy children who have severe heredity and had any complications during pregnancy or childbirth;
  2. Subgroup “B” includes children who are often sick (more than 4 times a year), have some functional deviations with possible risk development of chronic diseases.

Among the deviations of this group are: multiple pregnancy, prematurity or postmaturity, intrauterine infection, low or overweight at birth, grade 1 malnutrition, rickets, constitutional anomalies, frequent acute diseases etc.

Health group 3 in children

This group includes children with chronic diseases or congenital pathologies with rare manifestation of lung exacerbation that does not affect general health and the child's behavior. Such diseases are considered: chronic gastritis, chronic bronchitis, anemia, pyelonephritis, flat feet, stuttering, adenoids, obesity, etc.

4 health group in children

This group brings together children with chronic diseases And congenital pathology, which after the acute stage lead to long-term disturbances in well-being and general condition child's health. These diseases include: epilepsy, thyrotoxicosis, hypertension, progressive scoliosis.

5 health group in children

This group consists of children with chronic diseases or severe developmental defects with significantly reduced functional capabilities. These are children who cannot walk, have disabilities, oncological diseases or other serious conditions.

Health group is an indicator that can change in children with age, but, unfortunately, usually only for the worse.

Health groups of adults and children: classification

Today there are 3 main health groups of the adult population. Each of them differs not only in the patient’s condition, but also in the frequency of his dispensary observation.

Adult health groups: classification

The need to create a full division of patients into various categories arose almost immediately after the advent of clinical examination. The fact is that it involves a different number of studies depending on what kind of diseases a person has.

Currently, there are 3 main health groups of the adult population. Each of them is characterized by certain criteria indicating the presence or absence of certain diseases.

First health group

This includes completely healthy people who do not suffer from any chronic non-communicable diseases, and also do not have a large number of risk factors for their development.

This population health group has the most favorable prognosis for future life. The fact is that it is chronic infectious diseases most often they become the cause of the development of severe conditions.

As a result of the significant expansion of diagnostic capabilities, today there are not so many representatives of the first health group of the adult population. This is due to the fact that with age a person accumulates enough large number risk factors for certain chronic diseases.

Second health group

What is characteristic of the second group of adult health? This, like the first, includes people who do not have any chronic non-infectious diseases. At the same time, they have enough high risk their acquisition in the very near future. In addition, they have several factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

As risk factors accumulate, minor morphological changes may gradually occur. Ultimately, they lead to the acquisition of one or another chronic disease, which can no longer be completely cured even by the most modern medicines. As a result, the patient moves from the second adult health group to the third. This category is the most extensive.

Third health group

This includes people at high risk of developing diseases cardiovascular system, as well as the presence of chronic non-infectious pathology. This category of the population is most extensive after the age of 40 years. The fact is that with age, sooner or later, any person begins the aging process. This leads to morphological changes. As a result, very soon they begin to suffer and various organs. All this leads to gradual decompensation of the activity of various body systems. Currently this group health is quite common. For dispensary observation of patients included in it, it is necessary to spend greatest number funds.

Health groups for adults: clinical examination

The presence or absence of chronic diseases determines how often the patient should visit certain specialists. This is largely why the division into adult health groups was introduced. The classification helps doctors correctly maintain clinical records. For each category of citizens there are different levels and frequency of medical examinations.

About the first and second groups

Patients from the first adult health group can visit doctors only once a year and undergo only standard tests. If, as a result of such a commission, no chronic non-communicable diseases or additional factors to their formation are identified, they remain in the same category.

As for the second health group of the adult population, those who belong to it can also undergo examination only once a year, however, they need a more serious examination. Its volume will depend on what risk factors the patient already has. The fact is that the primary detection of chronic non-infectious diseases is typical specifically for this health group in adults. The characteristics of this category of patients do not imply the presence of diseases, so after identifying an illness, the person automatically moves to the next health group.

The presence of a chronic disease is a sufficient reason to visit the doctor not once, but at least twice a year. In this case, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests. Thanks to them, the doctor will see how active the chronic pathological process is, and whether it is currently affecting the functioning of a particular organ. Ultimately, the doctor will understand whether it is necessary to carry out any serious therapeutic measures or whether ordinary prevention is sufficient.

About the third group

Patients from the third health group of the adult population can be examined more often than 2 times a year. The frequency of observations depends on the severity of the chronic pathological process. At the same time, for patients with certain diseases, according to dispensary observation, it is recommended to undergo a course of inpatient treatment 1-2 times a year.

About children

The health groups of adults and children differ significantly. The fact is that children are usually divided not into 3, but into 5 categories. This is due to the great attention paid specifically to the children's population. So the adult health groups and their characteristics are not applicable to minor patients.

The first group is characterized by the absence of any diseases or abnormalities in the child. Such a baby may sometimes suffer from an acute form of some pathology, but at the time of examination he does not have it. In addition, such a child should have a fairly high level of body resistance.

The second group of children's health includes children who do not have any chronic diseases, but have minor deviations. An example would be complications during childbirth in the mother. At the same time, these deviations have absolutely no effect on the child’s functional abilities.

Children from the third health group have one or another chronic disease. Moreover, this category of small patients is characterized by its full compensation. That is, despite the presence of the disease, the child does not experience any special problems with normal loads.

If we talk about the fourth group of children’s health, then it includes those children who have quite serious chronic illnesses that are in the stage of subcompensation. That is, the child has the ability to maintain full functional activity, but at the same time his organs and systems are forced to work, constantly straining, which ultimately leads to morphological changes and further deterioration of activity. As a result, such a child has to be transferred to the next health group.

The fifth group of children usually includes those children who have a serious chronic pathology. Moreover, in order to be transferred to this category, there must also be decompensation of the activity of a particular organ. Such a child clearly needs serious medical care.

In terms of medical examination, doctors naturally have to pay the greatest attention to children from the 3rd, 4th and 5th groups.

Often, parents can find an entry in a child’s card that classifies him or her into one or another health group. Most often, a child is classified into the second health group (about 60%), but not everyone knows by what criteria a child is classified into the 2nd health group. Today we will try to figure this out.

How to determine a child's health group?

The health group is determined based on an assessment of the level of physical and neuropsychic development, which includes the degree of readiness of the body to withstand unfavorable factors, presence or absence of chronic diseases.

When assigning children to a certain health group, it is not necessary that the children have deviations in all health criteria. The health group is determined by the presence of the most pronounced or severe deviation, or group of criteria.

The health group is determined by the doctor after the conclusion medical examination and collecting the necessary tests.

What does health group 2 mean?

Health group 2 includes healthy children who are at “risk” of developing chronic diseases. IN early childhood Children of group 2 are divided into subgroups.

  1. Health group 2-A in a child, includes “at-risk children” who have unfavorable heredity or poor living conditions, which can directly affect their physical and mental health.
  2. Health group 2-B in a child, unites children who have some functional and morphological abnormalities: for example, children with abnormal structures, frequently ill children.

A child of preschool and primary school age is classified as health group 2 if the following criteria are met:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • prematurity or postmaturity;
  • intrauterine damage to the central nervous system;
  • perinatal fusion;
  • low birth weight;
  • excess birth weight;
  • rickets on initial stage or residual effects;
  • body weight deficiency (hypotrophy) 1st degree;
  • excess body weight (hypertrophy) of the 1st or 2nd degree;
  • constitutional anomalies (exudative-catarrhal or neuro-arthritic diathesis);
  • functional changes in the cardiovascular system (murmurs, tendency to increase or decrease blood pressure, arrhythmia);
  • frequent acute respiratory diseases(more than 4-6 times a year);
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • dysfunction gastrointestinal tract(appetite disturbance, abdominal pain);
  • transition negative test Mantoux to positive;
  • condition after suffering an acute infectious disease (pneumonia, Botkin’s disease, etc.);
  • condition after undergoing emergency surgical operations.

What are basic and preparatory health groups?

Based on medical report Children of primary school age in group 2 are assigned to the main or preparatory health group.

TO 2nd main health group include children who have some diseases that do not affect motor activity, as well as schoolchildren whose minor functional changes do not interfere with normal physical development. For example, schoolchildren with moderate overweight body, dysfunction of some internal organs or with skin allergic reactions.

Children belonging to this group are allowed to engage in physical exercise in full according to curriculum physical education. Also, such schoolchildren are recommended to participate in sports clubs and sections.

Co. 2nd preparatory health group include children who have some delay in physical development due to abnormal health conditions. The preparatory group includes children who have recently suffered acute illnesses, as well as those whose illness has progressed to chronic form. Classes in a special health group are aimed at increasing the physical fitness of children to a normal level.

Program physical training for such children should be limited, in particular to children from preparatory group large volumes are contraindicated physical activity.

How to understand that a child has health group 3?

health group I – healthy children, with normal development And normal level functions, and children with external compensated birth defects;
health group II – healthy children, but with risk factors for the occurrence of pathology, functional and some morphological abnormalities, chronic diseases in the stage of stable clinical and laboratory remission for at least 3–5 years, birth defects development, not complicated by diseases of the organ of the same name or disruption of its function, as well as with reduced resistance to acute chronic diseases;
group health III– children with chronic diseases and congenital malformations varying degrees activity and compensation, with preserved functionality;
health group IV - children with significant deviations in the state of health of a permanent (chronic diseases in the subcompensation stage) or temporary nature, but without a pronounced impairment of well-being, with reduced functionality;
health group V – children with chronic diseases in a state of decompensation, with significantly reduced functional capabilities.
Based on the results of a medical examination of students, the doctor makes a conclusion about the state of health and level of physical development each student, paying attention to the peculiarities of the condition of the musculoskeletal system and other organs involved in performing individual exercises. Level assessment physical fitness given on the basis of a sports history, analysis of academic performance and observations made during test physical exercises.


Probably, there are some diagnoses from specialists; the child may be registered at the dispensary. Group 1 - absolute health... There are very few such children, 2 - practically healthy, the majority of such children, Group 3 - the presence of some diseases...

Anna Kryukova

Group 3 is called special, which means that the child has some kind of chronic disease or the child has undergone surgery. for him there should be less physical activity. and in general, the health group is determined by the pediatrician after examination by various specialists and passing all tests.

In-depth research. During it, the child’s health status is assessed during periods of epicrisis, with subsequent recommendations from specialists for further full development baby.

Identification on early stages various diseases and the improvement of the child’s health, the goal of which is to prevent the formation of a chronic disease.

The pediatrician determines the health group, taking into account all examinations by specialists.

There are several criteria to assess the child’s health status:

1 criterion - whether deviations are observed in early ontogenesis.

2nd criterion - development in physical terms.

3 criterion - nervous mental development.

4th criterion - the body's resistance to various painful factors.

5th criterion - the state of organs and systems.

6 criterion - is there chronic diseases or congenital diseases.

Thus, the determination of the health group is based on the criteria listed above. So, the child has health group 2. What does this mean?

Characteristics of health group 2

You need to understand that a health group is nothing more than the child’s health state and his predisposition to various diseases, as well as the presence of congenital diseases. Health group 2 includes children who have minor health problems. They tend to get sick more often, for example, acute respiratory infections may be present overweight or the possibility of allergies.

Health group 2 occurs most often in newborns. Because currently, completely healthy children are not born, even if the mother does not suffer from any diseases. A person’s attitude to one or another health group is established not only in but also accompanies him throughout his life.

There are two more subgroups among children who are assigned to group 2

2-A are children who have biological, genetic and social factors for the development of diseases, but they are healthy according to other criteria.

Genetic factors are the presence of relatives with various diseases, which can be passed on from generation to generation. For example, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, allergies and others.

Biological factors are deviations that arose during pregnancy and childbirth in the mother. Are they fast or vice versa? long labor, C-section, long stay a fetus without amniotic fluid, pathology of the placenta, abnormal positioning of the fetus, and so on.

TO social factors include smoking, alcoholism of parents, work of parents in hazardous work, chronic diseases of the mother, too early or late pregnancy. The presence of infections that can be sexually transmitted, a threat premature birth or a miscarriage in the mother. Poor nutrition during pregnancy and violation of the general regime.

2-B are children who have morphological and functional changes. Newborns who belong to this subgroup suffered from some disease in the first days or hours of life and after discharge from the hospital they still have some abnormalities. Such babies often get sick, have constitutional anomalies and other health abnormalities.

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, the risk group is indicated, and, judging by it, the pediatrician must draw up a plan for observations, examinations, and preventive measures(hardening, vaccinations). If necessary, drug treatment is prescribed.

Children who belong to subgroup 2-B must be monitored at home for up to three months.

So, what is health group 2, and how can children be classified? early age and preschoolers to it?

There are a number of deviations that can be used to judge the child’s health status:

Multiple pregnancy.

Immaturity is post-term, prematurity.

Damage to the central nervous system.

Hypotrophy 1st degree.

Infection in the womb.

Low birth weight.

Excess birth weight (4 kg or more).

The initial period of rickets, 1st degree of rickets and its residual effects.

Presence of anomalies in the constitution.

Changes that relate to the cardiovascular system, changes in blood pressure, pulse.

Frequent diseases, including respiratory ones.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction - lack of appetite, abdominal pain, etc.

Group 2 health in a child is not yet an indicator that all deviations should be present in the medical record. Just one or a few is enough. The health group is determined based on the most severe deviation.

All parents can easily find out which health group their child belongs to. Every local doctor has this information, and even a nurse will be able to provide explanations. After all, a child’s health group is not a medical secret.

Monitoring the health of children in child care institutions

Information about children from 2 gr. health is a must for a nurse child care facility. If a child belongs to this group, then in physical education lessons he is offered a set of exercises specially designed for such children. The loads for them should be lower. But this does not mean giving up sports at all. If a child has health group 2, then such children are often prescribed classes physical therapy.

In addition, medical supervision of children who belong to this group is necessary. Since they may have a high risk of developing various pathologies. The main method that allows you to assess the health status of children is preventive examination, which is carried out by doctors.

There is also an algorithm for determining health groups in children aged 3 to 17 years. Children are examined:

At 3 years old (before entering kindergarten);

At 5 and a half or 6 years old (one year before primary school);

At the age of 8, when the child finishes 1st grade of school;

At age 10, when the child enters secondary school;

At 14-15 years old.

If, as a result of the examination, the child’s health indicators are related to the classes and groups of diseases identified by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, then he is assigned to a certain health group.

Physical education classes for children of health group 2

In order for physical education lessons to be carried out effectively and without risk to the health of schoolchildren, the latter are classified into one of three groups (basic, preparatory and special). The division is made by a pediatrician or therapist at the end academic year, but the specialist makes a final verdict only after a second examination before the start of the next academic year.

If a child has health group 2 in physical education, then he belongs to the preparatory medical group. These are practically healthy children, but they have certain deviations and are poorly prepared physically. Schoolchildren can study but with the condition of gradual acquisition of the necessary motor skills and abilities. The dosage of physical activity is observed, contraindicated movements are excluded.

If a child has health group 2, then he is prohibited from performing test tasks in lessons and participate in sporting events. But experts strongly recommend conducting additional physical education classes at home or at school.

Tasks for schoolchildren with health group 2:

Strengthening and improving health;

Improving physical development;

Mastering important motor skills, qualities and abilities;

Improving the body's adaptation to physical activity;

Hardening and increasing the body's resistance to disease;

Generating interest in permanent studies physical culture, development of volitional qualities;

Upbringing positive attitude to healthy lifestyle;

Mastering a set of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the child’s body, taking into account the existing disease;

Compliance correct mode rest and work, hygiene, good nutrition.


Thus, health group 2 in a child is not a death sentence. He should not be considered inferior or terminally ill. The child’s belonging to this group means that he needs sensitive care, and his health must be constantly monitored in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Children with this health group lead a normal life and develop well; they are no different from other children.

Hello friends! What are children's health groups for physical education? If you ask this question to parents of schoolchildren, as well as future first-graders, there will not be many clear, clear answers.

On the one hand, this is good! This means that everything is fine with the children’s health, and the question is simply not relevant. But on the other hand, no one is immune from various health problems. And then parents risk being completely unprepared for problems with physical education.

But problems appear, as evidenced by the huge number of messages and questions on this topic on various Internet forums. Therefore, I propose to deal with this right now.

Let's immediately understand that a health group and a medical health group for physical education are two different things.

Lesson plan:

Child health groups

In accordance with Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1346 n, the health of children is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • chronic diseases (whether they exist or not);
  • state of the body systems (respiratory, excretory, endocrine, etc.);
  • body resistance external influences(cold, heat, irritants, etc.);
  • physical development.

First, the doctor assesses the child's health condition. And then assigns him to one of five groups.


The child is healthy.

Physical development within age norm. There are no physical disabilities.


These are the children:

  • who do not have chronic diseases, but have some functional disorders (internal organ does not function correctly, and the causes of these disorders lie outside this organ);

  • convalescing after past diseases moderate to severe severity;

  • with delayed physical development (short stature, increased or decreased body weight, etc.);

  • often suffering from acute respiratory infections;

  • who have physical disabilities resulting from injuries or operations, but all organs and systems of the body function normally.


These are the children:

  • with chronic diseases. But these diseases are in remission (disappearance of disease symptoms) with rare exacerbations, in which the functions of organs and systems of the body are preserved or compensated;

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injury or surgery. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are compensated. They are not limited in their ability to study and work.


These are the children:

  • suffering from chronic diseases. Active phase. Exacerbations are frequent. The functions of organs and systems of the body are preserved or compensated or not fully compensated;

  • with chronic diseases that are in remission, but with such dysfunction of organs and body systems that require maintenance treatment;

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries and operations in which the functions of the organs and systems of the body are not fully compensated. Opportunities for training and work are limited.


These are the children:

  • with chronic diseases. The form is heavy. Remissions are rare, exacerbations are frequent. Presence of complications. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are not compensated. Requires ongoing treatment.

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries and operations, with impaired functions of organs and body systems. Significantly limited opportunities for training and work.

Physical education groups

When a student goes to first grade, he goes to school with him medical card. It must indicate the physical education group. There are three of them: basic, preparatory, special.


Children with the first and partially second group of health, physically and psychologically strong and developed, without diseases. Or having slight deviations in which physical activity is not prohibited, for example, small overweight, or minor allergic reactions.

They study according to the main program, pass the exam, and can participate in various competitions and all kinds of sporting events.


Children with the second health group. They have a delay in physical development and therefore cannot study as intensively as their healthy colleagues, although they go to lessons with the class.

The teacher’s task is to select special complexes exercises that will not harm your health. He selects them in accordance with the instructions, in which the attending physician must indicate what exactly the schoolchild should not do (somersault, swim, bend over, jump, etc.)

The certificate must also indicate the deadline for the transfer. After the certificate expires, the student automatically gets into the main group.

In order to subject such schoolchildren to tests on physical culture You must obtain a doctor's permission. His permission will also be required in order to involve a student in participation in mass sports events.


In order to transfer a student to a special group, the opinion of one attending physician is not enough. In this case, a commission (KEC) is assembled. The certificate is issued for a certain period.

The special group is divided into two more.

Special "A"

Children with the third health group. Those who have significant restrictions on physical activity. They cannot study with the class. For such children, schools should conduct separate physical education lessons and develop special programs. And classes must be taught by teachers or instructors who have undergone special training.

Such children are not allowed to attend sports clubs, participate in competitions and public sports events.

Special "B"

This includes children partially with the third and fourth health groups. They are allowed to attend theory classes at school. But the health risks of physical activity are so great that they don’t do physical education at school. That is, in essence, this is an exemption from school physical education lessons.

But completely without physical activity no one is going to leave them. They are recommended to take physical therapy classes at the base medical institutions and physical education clinics, under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor. As well as additional classes at home using a specially designed set of exercises.

Well, children with the fifth health group are most often in medical institutions and for them the opportunity to engage in exercise therapy is extremely individual.

How are they graded?

Same interesting question. Everything is clear, if a student is in the main group, then he is, and on the basis of this he is given one grade or another.

And if in preparatory or special education, what then? After all, he cannot pass the standards like his completely healthy classmates. In this case, the teacher focuses on class attendance, quality of exercises, as well as theoretical knowledge. Textbooks on physical education, it turns out, exist.

The teacher may also ask you to prepare a project for some sports theme or on the topic of healthy lifestyle, essay, report or presentation. But the student cannot remain without a grade in physical education.

Well, that seems to be all, friends. Any questions? Ask them in the comments. We'll definitely figure it out together.

I wonder how you felt about physical education lessons when you were at school?

To be honest, I didn’t really like appearing on them. I had enough workload without them, since I was intensely involved in volleyball. And I was very glad when my teacher, Alexander Vasilyevich, allowed me not to come and automatically gave me five marks. But because I would have passed everything with straight A’s anyway.

And even now children do not take physical education seriously. in the best possible way, I think. They consider it some kind of secondary subject. But in vain! Sports are cool! It's nice to have a flexible, slender and strong body, which you can also easily control. Do you agree?

And these guys in the video definitely had no problems with physical education at school)

I wish your little schoolchildren good health and great sporting achievements!

All the best to you!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

What are health groups and what do they mean? This question remains one of the pressing ones that adoptive parents ask. We continue our series of materials with various experts on different aspects of this topic. Last time we talked with, now - with a pediatric specialist, and part-time, an adoptive mother.

What diagnoses belong to which groups? Who defines them? How reliable are they? What predictions do doctors give about the future of a child or teenager? Will diagnoses that were made in orphanage, from a child, when will he live in a full-fledged family? Answered these questions

What are “health groups”

Ministry of Health Russian Federation issued order No. 621 of December 30, 2013 “On a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children.” This order regulates the algorithm for assessing health groups in children from 3 to 17 years old. According to this order, children can be classified as 5 various groups health

1 group– these are healthy children with normal physical and mental development, without developmental defects or any deviations from the norm.

2nd group– it includes practically healthy children who do not have chronic diseases, but have some functional and morphofunctional disorders. For example, children who have suffered severe and moderate severity infectious diseases; children with general delay in physical development without endocrine pathology(short height, low weight or overweight). This group also includes frequently ill children and children with physical disabilities (consequences of injuries or operations), but who have retained all functions.

3 group health - this includes children who have chronic diseases, with rare exacerbations and who are in remission at the time of examination. This group includes children with physical disabilities, consequences of injuries and operations, subject to compensation for the corresponding functions (that is, existing disabilities should not limit the child’s ability to study or work).

4 group health - these are children suffering from chronic diseases in the acute stage or in the stage of unstable clinical remission (with frequent exacerbations) that limit the child’s life activity or require supportive therapy. This group includes children with preserved or compensated functional capabilities with physical disabilities, consequences of injuries and operations with incomplete compensation of the corresponding functions, which, to some extent, limits the child’s ability to study or work.

5 group health – this includes children suffering from severe chronic diseases, with frequent exacerbations or continuous relapses, with severe decompensation of the body’s functional capabilities, requiring constant therapy. As well as children with disabilities, children with physical disabilities, consequences of injuries and operations with a pronounced violation of the compensation of relevant functions and a significant limitation in the ability to study or work.

Who determines the health group and how?

In real practice, the health group is determined by a local pediatrician or a doctor at an orphanage/orphanage based on an examination, medical examination and/or additional examinations.

The said order clearly states an algorithm based on international classification diseases, according to which the doctor has a “diagnostic corridor”, within which he establishes a health group

In orphanages, health groups are determined according to a generally accepted algorithm. The question is about the quality of the medical examination performed. Children under three years of age are not assigned a health group at all. Over three years old and up to 17 years old - according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Possible scenarios for the development of events

One hundred percent guarantee that if you take a child with health group 1-2, you will really get healthy baby or a teenager, no one has. There are many scenarios for the development of events, but globally, in my opinion, there are four of them:

  1. Works in an orphanage good doctor, and medical examination is not carried out formally. That is, what is written in the student’s medical history is true. This means that the health group with a large share the probabilities are set correctly.
  2. There is no doctor at all in the orphanage, or he performs his duties formally, and/or the clinical examination is also carried out formally. Then the following options are possible here. First: overdiagnosis. A diagnosis is made that is not there. And because of this, the health group is defined as more severe. Second: With this option, the health group is, for example, second. But in reality, the child requires in-depth examination and treatment.
  3. The correct health group is set, for example, third. But once in a home environment, the child “heals himself.” And after a year or two his health group is first or second.
  4. Any potential adoptive parent should be aware that even taking healthy child with health group 1, this does not guarantee that over time the child will not develop any disease, including serious and disabling disease. And the reason for the appearance of the disease will not be that the doctor at the orphanage did not work well. It was just a coincidence of circumstances, the presence of genetic predispositions, etc.

How to relate to declared children’s health groups

Almost every person has preferences and fears: someone is afraid of infections, someone simply doesn’t like hospitals, someone is not comfortable in the company of people with visible physical disabilities, someone really doesn’t want to take a child with.

Therefore, I would advise potential adoptive parents to honestly understand for themselves which diseases are not acceptable for them, and not immediately consider such children. For example: , tuberculosis. In this case, a child with HIV may belong to health groups 3, 4 and 5, depending on the course of HIV.

Chronic non-communicable diseases, for example chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic gastritis - from 3 to 5 health groups, depending on the severity of the disease. In this case, for example, the presence of a diagnosis of bronchial asthma immediately places the child in health group 3. Currently, bronchial asthma is very well treated, and most children lead a completely normal lifestyle, including going to school and playing sports (though not professionally). But the health group will be no less than 3.

At the same time, children with personality and behavioral disorders caused by disease, damage or dysfunction of the brain, with schizotypy and neurasthenia, can belong to both 2 and 3 health groups.

The first health group is a rarity among children at home; in an orphanage they are even rarer. Health group 2-3 are children with health problems that do not interfere/or do not interfere much with normal life. Health groups 4-5 are children with significant health problems and children with disabilities, but often they can cause less problems than children with health group 2.

For admission to a gymnasium, lyceum or special language school, 1-2 health groups are required, as well as for classes in specialized sports schools. This is due to the burden placed on children increased load, which may have a negative impact on not entirely healthy children and worsen their somatic status.

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