Alginic acid and what it contains. Alginic acid: properties and application features. "Alginic acid" for human health

The name “alginic acid” comes from the Latin “alga” - sea grass, algae. Alginic acid was first isolated in 1896 by the British chemist E. Stanford. Currently, the only raw material source for obtaining alginic acid and its salts are brown algae (lat. Phaeophyceae), Japanese kelp (lat. Laminaria japonica Aresch) and others seaweed.

Alginic acid – polysaccharide, soluble dietary fiber. In its structure, alginic acid is a heteropolymer formed by two monomers, which are residues of polyuronic acids: α-L-guluronic and β-D-mannuronic, linked into linear chains by glycosidic bonds.

Alginic acid is a viscous rubber-like substance.

Alginic acid is poorly soluble in cold water and most organic solvents, highly soluble in hot water and alkalis. In cold water, alginic acid forms a gel and is capable of binding 200-300 times the amount of water.

Alginic acid in algae performs a cleansing function. Metal ions, penetrating through the cell membrane, enter the algae cells and prevent the implementation of biochemical reactions inside the cell. Alginic acid binds metal ions inside the cell, and then the algal cell releases alginic acid salts onto its surface. In this way, ions that interfere with biochemical reactions inside the cell are removed from the algae cells, and alginates are constantly formed in the shell of the algae cells.

Alginates are a component of the cell membrane of brown algae. On average, from 13 to 54% of the dry residue of brown algae comes from salts of alginic acids - potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium alginates and others.

Alginates of potassium, sodium and magnesium are highly soluble in water and form viscous colloidal solutions; alginates of divalent and polyvalent metals, such as calcium, copper, aluminum, zinc, iron, are poorly soluble in water and form gels.

Alginic acid and its salts are practically harmless. Daily consumption they are not limited by hygiene standards.

Due to properties such as viscosity, ability to swell and retain moisture, stabilizing, emulsifying and gelling properties, the ability to interact with certain structures, alginic acid and its salts have found wide application in textile, winemaking, food, medical, perfumery and cosmetics and other industries.

Application of alginates and alginic acid in medicine

Currently, the use of alginates in medicine has become widespread. Alginates are used in medicine mainly in two ways:

  • as a biologically active substance in various medicines and medicinal cosmetics and hygiene products;
  • as an excipient in finished products dosage forms ah, hygiene products and cosmetics.
  • as an excipient, alginates are used as disintegrants in tablets, which increases the disintegration and absorption of tablets in the gastrointestinal tract, as a gelling agent, thickener and emulsion stabilizer in liquid forms, as a film former, etc.

Pharmacological properties of alginates

Today, alginates are a promising source of soluble dietary fiber – soluble fiber.

Clinical studies of the use of alginates show that they:

  • are powerful enterosorbents, reduce absorption various substances in the intestines, absorb toxins and weaken their harmful effects on the intestines and the body as a whole;
  • can be used as a means for sorption therapy with radionuclide intoxication and heavy metal poisoning;
  • can be used for food and infectious allergic reactions;
  • have pronounced antacid properties;
  • effective in complex therapy diseases digestive system, make the tissues of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract more resistant to the pathogenic effects of microorganisms;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthen the barrier functions of the colon;
  • can be used in complex therapy for cardiovascular diseases;
  • have a prebiotic effect, modulate the growth of normal intestinal microflora, can be used to normalize microflora after undergoing intestinal infections, and also when long-term use medications (especially antibiotics);
  • stimulate immune reactions, have an immunomodulatory effect;
  • allow you to reduce the dose antibacterial drugs when used together;
  • normalize metabolism, incl. fats and carbohydrates, can be used in therapy metabolic syndrome and obesity;
  • cause a feeling of satiety;
  • promote the healing of erosions and ulcers of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • reduce (reduce) the body’s response to glucose load and can be used for various types diabetes

According to the pharmacological index, alginates are pronounced adsorbents and antacids.

Being powerful enterosorbents, alginates are able to bind and remove from the body by-products metabolism, salt heavy metals and radionuclides.

In preclinical and clinical studies conducted in various countries of the world, incl. Ukraine, USA, Russia, received evidence base on the effectiveness of using alginates to remove salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

In 1987, a special report for the American Society of Nuclear Physics presented the results of studies stating that calcium alginate removes radioactive strontium with an efficiency of up to 80%, and in special studies it was found that after 24 hours 100% of uranium and thorium were bound by alginates, 98% americium.

There is clinical evidence of high efficiency the use of alginates to cleanse the body of radionuclides of barium, lanthanum, zirconium, ruthenium, cerium and cesium. Thanks to the effective removal of radionuclides, the use of alginates makes it possible to prevent the accumulation of heavy metals and radionuclides in the body, primarily in bone tissue.

According to research conducted by specialists from the State Research Center medicines(SSCLS, Kharkov, Ukraine) together with a number of other institutes in the 80-90s of the twentieth century, alginates, in particular sodium and calcium alginates, have antidote activity and are effective anti-radiation agents of polyvalent action. These studies convincingly prove the effective therapeutic and prophylactic effect of alginates under conditions of external irradiation, which manifests itself in a significant increase in the survival rate of the body (3 times) with acute single irradiation, in a significant weakening of the degree of damage to bone marrow hematopoiesis and the gastrointestinal tract system as in acute radiation sickness, and under conditions of chronic irradiation in low doses. These properties of alginates have been obtained practical application and testing in the treatment of pathologies caused by exposure to radiation factors among liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

The properties of alginates to effectively remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the body allows them to be used to prevent negative consequences in patients with oncological diseases various localizations who undergo courses of complex chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Clinical studies have established that alginates, together with pectins, can remove up to 70% of heavy metals from the human body.

One of the most common and dangerous toxic metals is lead (Pb). Lead can accumulate in tissues and poison the body. Clinical studies from various scientific centers around the world prove that alginates, due to their ion-exchange properties, effectively remove this metal from the body and are able to completely remove lead from the body within 4-7 days. This is extremely important for people living in cities and industrial areas.

Heavy metals are usually excreted from the body through the kidneys, leading to damage renal tissue, especially in children, causing toxic nephropathies, interstitial nephritis. Studies conducted at the Arkhangelsk Nephrocenter (Russia) prove that when taking alginates for three weeks, the excretion of heavy metal salts in the urine practically ceased. Similar data were obtained by scientists at the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery when treating children with nephropathies from a region contaminated with heavy metals.

Alginates have antacid and antireflux properties. When alginates interact with hydrochloric (hydrochloric) acid gastric juice in the presence of sodium or potassium ions, dioxide is formed, which is captured by the gel. The gel with dioxide floats and floats on the surface of the stomach contents, creating a kind of gel barrier or “raft” that mechanically prevents reflux hydrochloric acid and pepsin from the stomach into the lumen of the esophagus. It is important that the antacid and antireflux properties of alginates have a long-lasting effect (up to 4.5 hours) and are not selective. Alginate-containing preparations are used for symptomatic treatment heartburn and inflammation of the esophagus for more than 30 years.

Clinical studies of the properties of alginates show that their use in relieving symptoms of heartburn and dyspepsia preferable to use other antacids. Besides, sharing alginates with other non-absorbable antacids can significantly increase the likelihood favorable outcomes treatment of acid-related diseases.

Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant were very often identified peptic ulcer duodenum and chronic gastroduodenitis. This group was treated with sodium alginate gel for 4 weeks. When sodium alginate gel was included in the treatment regimen, patients noted a decrease in gastrointestinal discomfort already on days 5–8. With fibroduodenogastroscopic control, scarring of the ulcerative defect occurred in 80% of patients after 3-4 weeks. In patients receiving conventional antacids (Almagel, Vikalin) pain syndrome lasted up to 15 days, scarring of the ulcer also occurred more slowly. In patients who were prescribed sodium alginate as an antacid, normalization of stomach acidity was noted to be more early dates compared to other drugs similar action. The effect turned out to be the same as when using expensive foreign “branded” antacids local action. Sodium alginate gel is more effective when used 3 - 4 times a day 1.5 - 2 hours after meals. Alginates are able to stop bleeding from ulcerative and erosive lesions gastrointestinal tract.

Alginates, like other dietary fibers, effectively bind in chyme bile acids, potential food mutagens, preventing them negative action not only on the intestinal mucosa, but also on the body as a whole.

Alginates have a gentle enveloping effect on the intestinal mucosa, which is associated with their swelling and high viscosity in the intestine. This property, characteristic of alginates, leads to a weakening or complete suppression of pathological reflexes from the mucous membrane, including pain, and suppression of inflammatory processes.

Alginates are able to enhance the barrier functions of the colon and are able to reduce excessive intestinal motility, which relieves intestinal cramps and pain.

Preclinical and clinical studies show that the use of alginates is effective and safe method treatment of constipation and flatulence. The enveloping effect of alginic acid helps to delay the absorption of water in the intestine, which leads to normalization of stool.

Alginates have unique immunostimulating properties - they stimulate phagocytosis. Stimulation of phagocytic defense provides antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral activity of alginate-based drugs.

In addition, alginates are able to adsorb immune complexes - conglomerates consisting of an antigen (a part of the microbial wall protein, a foreign substance) and immunoglobulin (a protein produced in response to immune system), making them inactive and removing them from the body. This property of alginates helps prevent damage to the vascular wall and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Alginates also sorb (bind) and remove E-immunoglobulins responsible for allergic reactions from the body, stimulate the synthesis of local antibodies specific protection(class A immunoglobulins), which makes the skin and mucous membranes respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract are more resistant to the pathogenic effects of microbes.

Being polysaccharides, alginates are a good food substrate for normal microflora human intestines and have a prebiotic effect. Thanks to this property, they contribute to the restoration of intestinal microbiocenosis, the growth of normal microflora, and suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora (staphylococcus, Candida fungi, etc.). Alginates make the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract more resistant to the pathogenic effects of microbes. A number of clinical studies have found that alginates absorb and remove pathogenic bacteria.

Alginates have a prokinetic effect - they restore and stimulate peristalsis of the stomach, intestines and bile ducts.

Alginates cause a feeling of satiety and reduce the absorption of various substances in the intestine, reduce the body's response to glucose load, inhibit the activity of proteases (enzymes that break down proteins) in the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the so-called glycemic index food (the ability of foods to increase the risk diabetes mellitus), which is important for people with a diet with excess calories, fat, animal proteins and simple carbohydrates. IN clinical trial conducted in the UK, it was proven that, due to the enterosorbing effect of alginates, when consumed in food, they prevent the accumulation overweight, reduce the digestibility of fats in the body and reduce their absorption in the intestines by 75%, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and reduce blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes.

Alginates can reduce blood clotting and reduce blood pressure, which allows them to be successfully used in complex treatment of diseases cardiovascular system, such as ischemic disease, violations heart rate. Taking alginates helps reduce the dose of basic drugs in the treatment of these pathologies, and also reduces cholesterol levels, preventing vascular atherosclerosis, ensures the removal from the body of autoantibodies and circulating immune complexes that play a role in important role in the development of heart and vascular diseases.

Alginates have a pronounced regenerative and cytoprotective effect on damaged tissues.

Alginates are safe and well tolerated when used internally and cutaneously. Toxicological studies conducted around the world in the 40s–70s of the 20th century, confirmed the safety of using alginates. In 1990, WHO lifted the limit on daily human consumption of alginates. Long-term clinical use of drugs based on alginic acid salts confirms their non-toxicity, absence side effects, possibility of use in pediatric practice.


  • do not change the water-salt balance;
  • non-toxic;
  • are eliminated from the body within 24-48 hours;
  • do not bind hydrogen sulfide, which is necessary for peristalsis in the intestine;
  • do not undergo metabolic transformations in the human body.

Application of alginates in the food industry

IN food industry alginates, in particular sodium alginate, are widely used.

The empirical formula for sodium alginate is (C6H7O6Na)n. By organoleptic properties Sodium alginate is a fibrous powder, plates or granules of a white-yellow color (sometimes it may have a gray tint).

Sodium alginate is used in the food industry mainly as:

  • stabilizer;
  • gelling agent;
  • moisture-retaining agent;
  • coating and encapsulation agents.

Sodium alginate is used as an ingredient:

  • in hard and processed cheeses;
  • in curd products;
  • in desserts (for example, jelly);
  • in confectionery products;
  • in conservation (mushrooms, canned vegetables and meat);
  • in sauces;
  • in bakery and other flour products.

One of the most famous products nutrition using alginates is algin caviar black and red.

Application of alginates in medical products

Alginates are widely used in medicine as a basis for therapeutic absorbable wound coatings (bandages), ointments, gels, and creams. Experience clinical application alginate coatings on wounds and burns shows that they have high drainage properties, contribute quick cleansing wounds, reduce their infection, reduce swelling of surrounding tissues, have a pronounced hemostatic effect, and contribute to the favorable course of the wound process.

Alginates, in particular calcium alginate, are widely used in dressings of exuding and bleeding wounds, for trophic and diabetic ulcers, bedsores, abscesses, boils, as well as for difficult-to-treat wounds in emergency and tumor surgery. A bandage made of calcium alginate fibers tamponed into the wound, reacting with sodium salts in the blood and secretions, turns into a hydrophilic gel that fills the wound and does not stick to it. This creates close contact with the wound surface and a microenvironment that promotes healing (during the process of gelation, microorganisms are included in the gel structure).

Soft dosage forms based on alginates are effective in dentistry for the treatment of periodontal disease and other oral diseases.

Alginates are widely used for the production of removable dentures and their modeling, as excipients in the production of tablets, for the manufacture of hard capsules, as a basis for liquid and soft dosage forms, etc.

Application of alginates in the perfumery and cosmetics industry

Alginates and alginic acid due to their biological, chemical and physical important properties, are widely used in perfumery and cosmetics, where they are used as an independent product, a basis for various products and as an excipient.

One of the main and most common uses of alginates in cosmetology are masks for the face and body. Alginate masks perfectly restore skin of any type and are used for the prevention and correction of skin imperfections. The use of alginate masks is recommended:

  • for problem skin;
  • at age-related changes(weak and pronounced);
  • for dry skin to moisturize it and maintain water-salt balance;
  • for inflammation, irritation, microtrauma of the skin;
  • with loss of skin tone;
  • with hyperpigmentation;
  • for dermatoses and rosacea;
  • for cellulite;
  • for general detoxification of the skin and body;
  • to improve the outflow of blood and lymph (lymphatic drainage);
  • for cosmetic modeling and lifting.

When using alginate masks, they are often injected additional components, making them more specialized in application. Masks are used both as an independent therapeutic and cosmetic product, and after various procedures to consolidate the effect.

Due to their stabilizing properties, alginates are often integral part creams, emulsions and lotions, hygiene products, are used as a base for ointments and lipsticks.

List of foods containing pectin

  1. Dietary supplement "Activium Alginopect-Sorbo"

Sources of information

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For quotation: Vasiliev Yu.V. Gaviscon as an alginate derivative in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease // Breast Cancer. 2012. No. 15. S. 800

IN recent years there is a trend towards an increase in the prevalence and incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in the population of various countries [Vasiliev Yu.V. et al., 2007]. This fact makes it extremely important timely diagnosis of this disease And optimal treatment sick. Some progress has now been made in the diagnosis and treatment of GERD in Russia. This was facilitated by the introduction into the practice of examining patients of modern endoscopic methods and treatment with inhibitors proton pump and/or histamine H2 receptor antagonists. However, the use medicines these classes do not always make it possible to solve all the problems associated with the course of GERD, including its complications, primarily with the development of Barrett's esophagus and its subsequent transformation into adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, which is facilitated by pathological (long-term) gastroesophageal reflux (GER) .

Alginates and alginic acid. As a result of research to develop new treatments patients with GERD The idea of ​​using preparations from seaweed was proposed. These plants were the first life form to leave a fossil imprint in rocks. The miraculous power of seaweed has been known since ancient times: Ancient China they were used to treat abscesses and malignant tumors, and in India - like effective remedy in the fight against certain diseases of the endocrine glands. Mention of healing properties seaweed can also be found in the notes of the great Russian explorer S.P. Krasheninnikov, made by him after an expedition to Kamchatka in the 18th century: “The Kuril Islands soak this herb in cold water and drink from the great rez.”
IN early XIX V. Stanford opened as part of some marine plants alginic acid. So, its content is brown algae of the kelp family ranges from 15 to 30%.
Currently, there are four main groups of seaweeds, including green (Chlorophyceae), brown (Phodophyceae), blue-green (Cyanophyceae) and red (Rhoclophyceae). Many seaweeds contain salts of alginic acid - alginates (for example, alginates K, Ca, Mg are obtained from brown algae kelp). To date, alginates have not been found in plants living on Earth (outside a liquid permanent habitat). Therefore, seaweed is the only raw material source for the production of alginic acid and its salts.
Alginates are powerful sorbents of radionuclides, heavy metal salts, fatty acids, cholesterol, various allergens, bacterial, fungal and viral toxins, have a noticeable immunomodulatory effect by restoring the balance of immune reactions, remove excess circulating immune complexes from the body, stimulate phagocytosis, and restore the activity of cellular receptors. Alginates have wound healing properties and accelerate rehabilitation after injuries, surgical operations and childbirth. The combination of immunomodulatory and sorbing properties in them ensures the success of antiseptic and sorption therapy of chronic diseases.
Why do algae need alginic acid? The fact is that the normal course of various biochemical reactions is interfered with by ions of various metals that penetrate into the cell through the algae shell. The algae cell membrane (membrane) cannot fully protect the cell from the penetration of metal ions. That is why alginic acid is necessary, which binds ions that have penetrated into the cell, and the cell releases the resulting alginates onto the cell surface. Thus, the cell continuously produces alginic acid and is thereby cleared of metal ions that are toxic to it.
Widespread use of alginates in production activities human is associated with such properties as viscosity, swelling ability; Potassium and sodium alginates in water form colloidal solutions. Alginic acid is a long chain of fiber-forming polyuronic acids. They consist of two different monomeric units (mannuronic and hyaluronic acid) in different proportions. Alginate fibers are not digested by the human body, but are excreted through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Like other natural polymers, alginic acid is insoluble in water and most organic solvents. In addition, it has a remarkable ability to adsorb water (almost 300 times its own weight), as well as ion exchange properties.
When an excessive amount of such immune complexes forms in a person’s blood, his body does not have time to cleanse himself of them. Their excess amount in almost all organs damages vascular wall the smallest blood vessels and calls inflammatory reaction. This occurs in many diseases ( bronchial asthma, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, chronic hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, autoimmune anemia, thrombocytopenia). Alginates are capable of sorbing (binding) excess amounts of a special class of immunoglobulins (E), which play a certain role in the development of acute allergic reactions and diseases.
Alginic acid salts (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) have unique immunostimulating and excellent anti-radiation properties. Alginates specifically and selectively bind and remove from the body, for example, strontium ions. It turned out that strontium cations, regardless of whether it is a stable element or a radioisotope, have the same specific affinity for alginates. Alginates bind strontium isotopes and are removed from the body, releasing calcium ions in return.
It has long been experimentally and clinically established that with the help of alginates it is possible to stop local bleeding and stimulate the healing of ulcerative lesions of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. The mechanism of these processes is based on the reaction of neutralization of gastric juice with sodium alginate. Alginic acid, which is formed in the form of a viscous gel, envelops the gastric mucosa, protecting it from further exposure to hydrochloric acid and pepsin, which has a positive influence to stop bleeding. Thus, alginates act not only “mechanically”, but also participate in the digestion process, neutralizing hydrochloric acid.
Alginic acid itself swells during digestion, exerting a gentle enveloping effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, while at the same time helping to significantly weaken pathological reflexes, including pain. The enveloping effect of alginic acid helps to delay the absorption of water in the intestine, which leads to normalization of stool. The safety of alginates has been assessed by the FAG/WHO "Joint Expert Committee on food additives(JECFA), which established the acceptable daily intake as “unrestricted” for alginic acid and its salts.
Gaviscon. The appearance on the Russian pharmacological market of the drug Gaviscon, which belongs to the group of alginates and has other medicinal effect(as opposed to proton pump inhibitors, histamine H2 receptor antagonists, antacids and prokinetics), aroused significant interest among doctors, primarily gastroenterologists.
Gaviscon - oral suspension (mint), which contains: active substances(sodium alginate - 500 mg, sodium bicarbonate - 267 mg, calcium carbonate - 60 mg). Pharmacodynamics of Gaviscon: when taken orally, the drug, as observations have shown, quickly reacts with the acidic contents of the stomach. In this case, an alginate gel is formed, which prevents the occurrence of GER, i.e. penetration of stomach contents into the esophagus. Essentially, when Gaviscon comes into contact with stomach acid, a viscous, foamy layer with an almost neutral pH is formed on the surface of the stomach contents, making it difficult for gastric reflux to enter the esophagus. This is already the first study conducted in Russia to study the effectiveness of Gaviscon in the treatment of men and women with GERD aged 32 to 53 years ( middle age patients - 45.4±5.7 years), primarily in eliminating heartburn and pathological gastroesophageal reflux, showed the feasibility of using this drug in the treatment of GERD. Before treatment, according to endoscopy, almost all patients, according to the endoscopic classification most often used in the Central Research Institute of Geology, had GERD in the stage of reflux esophagitis (only one of these patients had erosions of the esophageal mucosa). Within 2 weeks. Patients were treated with Gaviscon 4 times a day as monotherapy. respectively, 20 ml every 30 minutes. after three main daily meals and before bed.
The effectiveness of Gaviscon has been proven in 84% of patients: while taking the drug, the pH of the contents of the esophagus does not change, and the functioning of digestive enzymes. When assessing the data obtained, we took into account that gastroesophageal reflux can be considered pathological only in cases where the frequency of its occurrence is more than 50 times a day or when the pH reaches 4.0 or lower numbers, exceeding 4.2% of the total recording time . To standardize the conclusion of daily pH measurements, the generalized De Meester indicator is traditionally used, an increase of more than 14.72 indicates the presence of GERD. The study showed that after taking 20 ml of Gaviscon, there was no pathological reflux (pH<4) в течение 3,5 ч .
Gaviscon therapy had a positive effect even in the presence of alkaline reflux. Analysis of the results of eliminating the main clinical symptoms identified before treatment of patients with Gaviscon, including heartburn, showed the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of GERD: heartburn decreased and/or disappeared during treatment with Gaviscon in 2.4 ± 0.8 days, belching with air - within 3.2±4 days, regurgitation - 2.8±1.7 days.
The study showed the effectiveness of eliminating gastroesophageal reflux in patients with GERD already on the first day of taking Gaviscon (according to 24-hour pH-metry), as well as the main clinical symptoms of GERD within 2-3 days. These facts indicate the advisability of using this drug in the treatment of GERD. One of the main advantages of Gaviscon has also been confirmed - the ability to prevent the contents of gastroesophageal reflux, including acid, pancreatic enzymes, bile and pepsin, from entering the esophagus. Considering the effectiveness of Gaviscon in eliminating gastroesophageal reflux and, in fact, heartburn, this drug is advisable to use in the treatment of GERD (in the presence of main and extraesophageal symptoms), as well as in the complex treatment of reflux esophagitis of any etiology and in the presence of episodic heartburn in healthy individuals.
Gaviscon forte in the treatment of GERD in pregnant women. Heartburn and GER are common symptoms of GERD in pregnant women (45-85%). These symptoms, often mild or moderate, usually disappear after childbirth. But heartburn can be more distressing than other potentially more serious conditions and, if left untreated, can disrupt sleep and digestion, with adverse effects on a mother's emotional well-being. An additional but little discussed consequence of regurgitant disease is bronchospasm as regurgitated material reaches the lower airways.
GER and heartburn require quick and effective elimination and treatment of patients. In the case of pregnant women, there is additional concern for the safety of the fetus. Despite the fact that the main structures of organs are formed in 12 weeks, and the period when developmental defects can occur exists for 16 weeks. after conception, medication taken later in pregnancy may also interfere with fetal development. Therefore, any treatment that does not involve systemic exposure is preferable.
Most often, in the treatment of pregnant women, doctors use symptomatic medications, giving preference to drugs with the least systemic effect - antacids and alginates.
A new modification of Gaviscon - Gaviscon forte is a unique alginate-containing anti-reflux drug, which contains significantly less sodium. After oral administration, Gaviscon Forte creates a powerful protective barrier in the stomach, preventing the contents of duodenogastroesophageal reflux from entering the esophagus. Gaviscon Forte has a non-systemic effect, forming a viscous, almost neutral, low-density “raft” that floats above the contents of the stomach, physically blocking its entry into the esophagus.
An assessment of the effectiveness and safety of Gaviscon forte in the treatment of pregnant women at a dose of 5-10 ml (if necessary, no more than 40 ml/day) showed the following: in 150 pregnant women who took Gaviscon forte at a dose of 60 ml/day, already in the first 4 weeks . The severity of daytime and nighttime heartburn decreased. The effectiveness of this treatment was rated as good or very good: 88% of women reported relief of symptoms within 20 minutes. after taking Gaviscon forte.
The incidence of adverse events in the fetus and newborns was low, not related to the study drug, which allowed the study authors to state the following: Gaviscon Forte is a highly effective drug for eliminating heartburn, safe for the mother and fetus in pregnant women. The non-systemic mode of action of Gaviscon forte (unlike other methods of reducing the frequency and intensity of heartburn and GER) cannot affect the biological changes associated with pregnancy in women.
The average daily dose of Gaviscon taken by pregnant women was 12.8 ml in the UK and 19.7 ml in South Africa. A proportion of pregnant women reported adverse side effects: in the UK - 61%, in South Africa - 47%. Most pregnant women had electrolyte levels within normal limits. One patient had a clinically significant increase in serum potassium.
In previously published studies, treatment was administered over a relatively short period of time. The current study was larger in size and women were allowed to start or stop taking Gaviscon as needed. In this work, the assessments of the researcher and patients regarding the effectiveness of the drug throughout the entire study period coincided. Both sides assessed the treatment as successful in 90% of cases. This observation may indicate that pregnant women have symptoms of regurgitation. In a previous open-label study of 50 pregnant women, the effectiveness of alginate suspension was rated positive in 72% of cases.
The greater effectiveness of Gaviscon Forte is likely due to the relatively large number of women in this study compared to other groups of previously examined pregnant women, as well as the dosage regimen and/or duration of treatment with Gaviscon Forte. Most women (67%) noted the rapid onset of action of the drug - within 10 minutes. and almost all (93%) - within 20 minutes.
According to the study, it was found that Gaviscon Forte in a dose of 5-10 ml, taken by pregnant women depending on the need, is highly effective in eliminating (reducing the severity) of heartburn and regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus. The safety of Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women has also been established. s

1. Vasiliev Yu.V., Masharova A.A., Yanova O.B. Experience of using Gaviscon in the elimination of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease // Consilium Mtdicum. Appendix to the magazine. 2007. No. 2. P. 3-5.
2. Vasiliev Yu.V. Proposals for a new endoscopic classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease // Experimental and clinical gastroenterology. 2005. No. 3. P. 64-68.
3. Lagergen J., Bergstrom R., Lindgren A. Symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux as a risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma // New Engl. Med. 1999. Vol. 340. P. 825-831.
4. Washington N. Int J Pharmaceut. 1985. Vol. 27. P. 279-286.
5. Jone L. Bryan Sarah L. Little Yohn Sees at al. Efficacy and safety of the unique antireflux drug Gaviscon Forte // Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2001. Vol. 4. No. 5. R. 258.

Alginic acid (Alginic acid, E400) is a polysaccharide, a viscous rubber-like substance, extracted from brown algae (Phaeophyceae) Japanese kelp (Laminaria japonica Aresch). The content of alginic acid in kelp ranges from 15 to 30%.

Alginic acid is insoluble in water and most organic solvents. 1 part of alginic acid adsorbs 300 parts by weight of water, which determines its use as a thickener.

Alginic acid is a polymer chain consisting of two monomers - polyuronic acid residues (D-mannuronic and L-guluronic) in different proportions, varying depending on the specific type of algae. Alginates are not digested in the human body and are excreted through the intestines.

Alginic acid and alginates are widely used in medicine (as an antacid) and as food additives (thickeners). Alginic acid removes heavy metals (lead, mercury, etc.) and radionuclides from the body. Many of the healing properties of seaweed are explained by alginic acid.

Today, the role of food stabilizers is difficult to overestimate, because they are responsible for maintaining the required consistency of finished food products. As for the properties of the food stabilizer E400 Alginic acid, they completely replicate the qualities characteristic of other similar substances. In addition, this additive can increase the viscosity of products.

The physical properties of the food stabilizer E400 Alginic acid are determined by the method of obtaining this additive - it is produced from seaweed (large subspecies of kelp and fucus). That is why externally alginic acid is a viscous, viscous substance.

As is known, kelp contains about 30 percent alginic acid, which is incapable of dissolving in either water or most solvents. By the way, the widespread use of food stabilizer E400 Alginic acid as a thickener is due to its ability to perfectly adsorb water.

Alginic acid is a polymer chain consisting of monomers in different proportions, and also depends on the type of seaweed from which it is isolated. It is noteworthy that this substance is not digested by the human body.

The food stabilizer E400 Alginic acid is mainly used in the production of marmalade, various jams and jelly products. In addition, it is often added to berry and fruit pastes, and is also used as a stabilizing substance in the production of milkshakes and ice cream.

The food industry is not the only industry where E400 is used. In the printing and textile industries, alginic acid is used as a printing thickener and as a thread sealant. Other functions of the food additive include providing gloss to printed products and adhesion of paper. In addition, E400 is involved in the production of paints and inks for printers, cosmetics and care products, insecticides and some medicinal formulations.

The benefits of food stabilizer E400 Alginic acid

The benefit of the food stabilizer E400 Alginic acid lies, first of all, in the fact that it is present in the composition of sea kelp. By the way, the beneficial properties of this plant are due precisely to the presence of this acid. For humans, alginic acid plays the role of a binding substance that is capable of absorbing and subsequently removing various heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

The food stabilizer E400 Alginic acid does not have allergenic properties and, moreover, it does not cause irritation of the mucous membranes and skin. That is why the use of this additive is permitted in many countries around the world. For example, in the Russian Federation, E400 is not prohibited for use in the production of medical and baby food.

However, despite the significant benefits of the food stabilizer E400 Alginic acid, it is worth considering the fact that it is not capable of being digested by the human body. That is why people with gastrointestinal diseases are advised to exercise caution when consuming products that contain alginic acid.

Other names: sodium salt of alginic acid, E401.

Sodium alginate is an organic compound with the chemical formula (C 6 H 7 O 6 Na) n. In nature it is found in the form of alginic acid. In the food industry, the substance is registered as food additive E401.


Units of guluronic and mannuronic acids, connected mainly by 1,4-(3-glycosidic bonds, with small branches. In the carboxyl groups, hydrogen is replaced by sodium. The ratio of mannuronic: guluronic acid varies depending on the type of algae from 1: 1.04 to 1 :1.9.

Sources #1

Physical properties

The appearance is yellowish-white, sometimes with a grayish tint, fibrous powder, granules or plates. Slowly forms a viscous colloidal solution in water; insoluble in alcohol (and aqueous-alcoholic solutions with an alcohol content of more than 30%), organic solvents, acidic environments with pH< 3. Потери при сушку составляют не более 15,0% (105°C на протяжении 4 часов).

Sources No. 1,2

Chemical properties and methods of preparation

Alginic acids are extracted from algae by treatment with an alkali solution. The resulting alginate solution is purified. The commercial product may contain impurities coming from algae and sea water.

Sources No. 1,2

Hygienic standards

Chipboard is not limited. The maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area is 10 mg/m3, hazard class 4 (GN-98). Codex: allowed in 18 food standards in quantities from 0.5 to 20 g/kg or GMP. In the Russian Federation, it is allowed in food products according to TI in quantities according to TI individually or in combination with other alginates (clause 3.6.3 of SanPiN; as an auxiliary agent (materials and solid carriers) for the immobilization of enzyme preparations (clause of SanPiN

Hygienic standards for quality and safety (SanPiN

  • / /heavy met., mg/kg, no more than 3/10/-
  • Radionuclides Cs-137/Sr-90, Bq/kg, no more than 160/90
Microbiological indicators:
  • KMAFAnM, CFU/g, no more than 50000
  • Mold, CFU/g, no more than 100
  • Coliforms (coliforms), not allowed in 1g
  • Pathogenic, incl. salmonella, not allowed in 25 g

Sources #1

Metabolism and toxicity

Giving insoluble salts with ions, etc., can reduce the degree of their absorption and the efficiency of assimilation. Alginic acid, formed from sodium alginate in the human stomach under the influence of the hydrochloric acid contained there, is not absorbed in the intestine, but it can be slightly broken down by intestinal microflora.

Sources No. 1,2


Used as a thickener and/or gelling agent in desserts, processed cheeses, homemade cheese, cottage cheese products, sauces, canned vegetables and mushrooms, canned meat, ice cream; moisture-retaining agent in bread and confectionery products. Commonly used quantities:
  • Desserts, creams, fillers - 5-10 g/kg
  • Sauces, mayonnaise, ice cream - 2-7 g/kg
  • Canned vegetables and mushrooms - 5-10 g/kg
  • Processed cheeses - up to 8 g/kg
  • Homemade cheese - 5 g/kg
  • Curd products - 5-7 g/kg
  • Confectionery, snacks - 5-30 g/kg
Also added to bread and bakery products - 1-5%; weight loss drugs - up to 10%. Used for fining wine instead of gelatin, for purifying juices in the production of raw sugar (up to 20 mg/l). Food grade sodium alginate is included in the list of raw materials in GOST 30004.1-93 “Mayonnaise. General specifications."

It is also used in perfumes, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals for the same purposes as in food products.

Sources #1

Product forms

Because sodium alginate can form insoluble salts in hard water, phosphates, citrates, and other reagents that bind calcium ions are often added to commercial forms of sodium alginate.

Sources #1

List of used literature

  1. Sarafanova L. A. Food additives: Encyclopedia. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2004. - 808 p. ISBN 5-901065-79-4 [p. 92-94]
  2. Lastukhin Yu.O. Kharchovy additives. E-code. Budova. Obsession. Authority. Navch. Pos_bnik. - Lviv: Center of Europe, 2009. - 836 p. ISBN 978-966-7022-83-9 [p. 381-382]

We bring to your attention a number of articles about the unique healing properties of seaweed (based on materials from the book of the same name by L.A. Zubov, Candidate of Medical Sciences)

  • Precious substances – micro and macroelements, vitamins in algae.
  • Prevention of iodine deficiency or nutrition for the thyroid gland.
  • Help the immune system, immune regulators. Allergy prevention.
  • The use of algal preparations for the treatment of the stomach and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Alginates. Application of alginic acid in pharmacology.

In the 19th century, scientists first discovered that some marine plants contain alginic acid. A few years later this acid was called algal acid. It is thanks to this polysaccharide that seaweed has many healing properties. Laminaria contains from 15 to 30% alginic acid. Alginic acid, like other polysaccharides of natural origin - cellulose, pectins, starch, has many beneficial properties, but at the same time it is also distinguished by unique properties inherent only to it.

What is it about this alginic acid?

Alginic acid is a polysaccharide. Marine polysaccharides are widely used due to such properties as swelling ability, viscosity, and interaction with various structures. Alginic acid is a long chain of polyuronic acids that make up algae fibers. These fibers consist of two monomer units - guluronic and mannuronic acids in different proportions. Algae fibers are not digested and are excreted through the intestines. Alginic acid is insoluble in most organic solvents, including water, like other natural polymers. Alginates - salts of alginic acid - behave differently. Potassium alginate, sodium alginate and magnesium alginate are very soluble in water and form viscous solutions. This property of alginates allows them to be used as thickeners and stabilizers in the production of food products and medicines. If you add sodium aginate and calcium ions, a gel is easily formed. Alginic acid also has the property of adsorbing water with a mass of 300 times its own.

Ion exchange properties are also inherent in aginic acid. A series of cations has been identified in order of increasing their affinity with alginic acid - if any cation binds more tightly to it, then it displaces another cation from the compound. For example, cations of copper, lead, strontium, barium have a greater affinity than calcium cations for alginic acid, therefore calcium cations will be displaced from calcium anginate by lead cations and the latter will themselves bind tightly to alginic acid.

Brown seaweed is the only source for the production of alginic acid. Every year the planet produces 25 thousand tons of alginic acid. Alginic acid and its derivatives are used in perfumery, cosmetics, medicine, winemaking, textiles, food and other industries.

Recently, the demand for alginates in medicine has sharply increased. In medicine, alginates are used as biologically active substances in medical preparations or excipients for finished medications. Due to the property of alginates, they swell in water and form gel-like solutions. they are used as disintegrants in tablets, which increases the absorption of tablets in the gastrointestinal tract. Apginic acid is used in 20% of tablet medications. "Pentalgin", for example, quickly cements during storage, which is why the time of its dissolution in the stomach increases to 60 minutes, and we need to relieve headaches quickly. When alginic acid is added to Pentalgin, the dissolution time is reduced to 6 - 10 minutes.

The most convenient form for medicines is capsules; gastric juice does not destroy the medicine, and it is absorbed through the intestines in full. In the production of capsules, gelatin is usually used, but if alginates are added to the gelatin mass, capsules are obtained with selective solubility in the areas of the gastrointestinal tract necessary for the drug, while the medications have a pronounced effect and help weaken the effect of gastric juice on the active components of the drug. At the same time, the cost of alginic acid and its salts is much lower than other plant extracts used in the manufacture of medicines. Algae components can completely replace expensive extracts. In dentistry, sodium alginate is used to take dental impressions when making dentures.

These and many other properties of alginates are successfully used in pharmaceuticals. In the following articles we will talk about how alginic acid derivatives help maintain health in unfavorable environmental conditions, protect against modern diseases - cancer, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, kidney, and strengthen the immune system.