Protein-fruit diet for weight loss. The effectiveness of a fruit-protein diet: stunning weight loss in a few days. days of protein-vegetable diet

The essence of the fruit-protein diet is to alternate meals of protein foods with carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables), and in no case mix them. Due to this, you lose weight. The advantage of this diet is that your body will receive required quantity useful substances, and fractional and frequent meals normalizes metabolism and. At the same time, you will not experience a strong feeling of hunger.

With such a diet, the risk of consuming fats and the wrong carbohydrates, which are then deposited in unnecessary places, is eliminated. Thanks to proteins, this diet helps maintain muscle tone, which is important for those who work out in the gym (we recently wrote about that).


Fruit and protein diet Contraindicated for those who:

allergy to one of the products used in the diet;
people with kidney and liver disease;
people with gastrointestinal diseases;
pregnant women and women during lactation;
for diabetics.


Nutritionists advise using a fruit-protein diet for 7, 10 or 14 days. Proteins, fruits or vegetables should be taken every 2.5 hours. The number of meals is 6-7 times a day. Water and green tea You can drink in unlimited quantities. At strict adherence fruit-protein diet, you can lose up to 10 kg in up to 2 weeks. Below is an approximate plan for a fruit-protein diet for 14 days.

1st day: 2-3 eggs, fruit and 1.5 liters of milk.

2nd day: 500 g of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, 1-1.5 liters of kefir, 3 pears.

3rd day: 200 g fish, 1 liter kefir, 4 apples.

4th day: 500g chicken breast, 1 liter of kefir.

5th day: 1 kg of apples, 1.5 liters of kefir, boiled chicken fillet.

6th day: 400-500g cottage cheese with sour cream, 1-1.5 liters of kefir, 4 apples.

7th day: fruits and vegetables.

8th day: 300g chicken, 1 egg, vegetable salad.

9th day: fruit, 150g beef, salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetable oil).

10th day: 150g fish, 2 pieces rye bread, salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetable oil), 0.5 liters of kefir.

11th day: 150g beef, 4 slices of rye bread, 2 eggs, vegetable salad, 0.5l kefir.

12th day: 1 liter of kefir, fruits and vegetables.

13th day: 300g chicken, 2 eggs, vegetable salad.

14th day: fruits, 4 boiled potatoes, 1 liter of kefir.

We told you all about the fruit and protein diet. Try it and share your successes and results in the comments! And don’t forget that only a positive attitude and the right goal will help.

The protein-vegetable diet comes in many variations that can be found on the Internet. Below are the most popular and effective ones.

5-day protein-vegetable diet

Its principle is a complete rejection of potatoes, alcohol-containing drinks and soda. She promises to achieve weight loss results of up to 6 kg in 5 days.

1 day - mix. During the day you can eat an unlimited amount of boiled or fresh vegetables without seasoning them with salt and oil. You can also have two slices of black bread and 1.5 liters of any vegetable juice except beetroot.

Nutrition calendar

Day 2.3 - protein

MorningGreen tea and a slice of black bread with butter (fat content 72.5%).

Lunch Boiled chicken (preferably sirloin) and chicken broth.

Dinner Cottage cheese 1% - 200 g, two chicken eggs.

If you feel hungry between meals, allow yourself to drink a cup of hot green tea with a slice of bread throughout the day.

3 days protein-vegetable diet

100 g chicken fillet or the same weight of 1% cottage cheese

Soft-boiled egg - 1 pc.

Cheese with fat content of 50% or less - 50 g

Vegetables are consumed at any time in unlimited quantities.

1 kg per 1 day diet

This principle is achieved through more severe dietary restrictions. This protein-vegetable diet lasts from 1 to 4 days.

Nutrition calendar

MorningKefir 1% - 200 ml.

LunchKefir 1% - 200 ml, cottage cheese 1% with herbs - 150 g.

Lunch Vegetable soup, fresh vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack Green tea - 200 ml, two slices of bread or toast without butter.

Dinner Unprocessed vegetables, rabbit meat - 150 g.

Protein-vegetable diet week

If you want a more lasting result, give preference to a longer diet option - 7 days. The principle of the diet remains unchanged: days alternate, vegetable ones replace protein ones. But compared to the same option “1 kg in 1 day” daily ration increases by an average of 15%, already amounting to 1200 kcal per day.

This option guarantees a weight loss result of 3 kg every 7 days. Moreover, a weekly duration is suitable both in cases of obesity and slight excess weight, which does not interfere with normal life activities.

Protein-vegetable diet for 21 days

Nutrition calendar

MorningKefir 1% - 200 ml, cottage cheese 1% with herbs - 150 g.

Lunch Green tea - 200 ml, a slice of bread or toast without butter.

Lunch Fresh vegetable salad, vegetable stew.

Afternoon snack Green apple - 1 pc., nuts and seeds - up to 50 g.

Dinner Raw vegetables, low-fat boiled fish - 150 g.

A protein diet with vegetables has many positive qualities, but along with them there are clear limitations and even contraindications to its use. For this reason, experienced nutritionists recommend consulting your doctor to decide whether to lose weight with this diet or not.

The duration varies - from five to twenty days. During this time your daily ration will consist of the following points:

  • Water, green, herbal or black tea, coffee;
  • Vegetables - fresh, stewed, boiled, steamed;
  • Meat or fish (choose lean);
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Fruits (small quantity).

According to these points we will draw up diet menu. For the main lunch meal, you need to prepare chicken broth or vegetable soup. A single serving should not exceed 200 grams. You are allowed to eat fractionally, in small portions and often (up to five times a day).

Types of diet.

  1. Four-day protein-vegetable diet. A very common diet, suitable for those who want to lose a small amount of kilograms in short time. This method of losing weight is a strict diet, so before using it, it is best to be patient and stock up on willpower.
    Sample menu for four days.
    1st day.
    Breakfast - it consists of a glass of yogurt without any fruit additives or kefir with a fat content of 1%.
    Lunch - take one hundred grams of cottage cheese (preferably homemade) and the same amount of kefir, mix everything. If you have a blender, you can make a homogeneous mixture and add a few pieces (2-3) of dried apricots (rinse under boiling water before doing this).
    Lunch - prepare vegetable soup from broccoli, salad from a boiled chicken egg, lettuce, tomatoes and herbs.
    Dinner - beef stew with vegetables and a cup of green tea.
    2nd day.
    Breakfast is the same as on the first day.
    Second breakfast - oven-baked apple with cottage cheese.
    Lunch - chicken broth. Salad of cooked turkey meat, arugula, cucumbers and basil.
    Dinner - steam low-fat fish with cauliflower (you can also have broccoli).
    3rd day.
    Breakfast - the previous diet menu is repeated.
    Lunch - prepare a cocktail. To do this, take 150 grams of yogurt, 50 grams of cottage cheese, 50 grams of milk and two apricots (rinse and pit them first), process all this with a blender until smooth.
    Lunch - bake pork with vegetables in the oven, add a small portion of brown rice to the side dish.
    Dinner - a salad of boiled rabbit meat, eggs, arugula, cucumbers and lettuce. Drink some tea.
    4th day.
    Breakfast hasn't changed.
    Second breakfast - casserole of rice and apples (remember that the portion should not exceed 200 grams).
    Lunch: creamy spinach soup. Salad of boiled mushrooms, eggs, vegetables.
    Dinner - a piece of boiled beef and raw vegetables.
  2. Classic protein-vegetable diet. This method is suitable for long-term use. The best is twenty days. During this time, you can lose more than 10 kilograms (but you need to take into account your body physiology). During the entire duration, follow the rules and do not violate the dietary menu.
    Menu for twenty days.
    1st day.
    This day continues fasting days(you followed them before going on a diet). Today you can eat rye bread toast with hard cheese and drink kefir throughout the day (choose low-fat and no more than 1.5 liters).
    2nd day.
    It's the same as the first one. Instead of kefir, you can drink yogurt.
    3rd day.
    Breakfast - boil two medium chicken eggs and drink one cup of fruit or herbal tea.
    Second breakfast - salad of vegetables and boiled turkey.
    Lunch - vegetable soup.
    Afternoon snack - one apple.
    Dinner - baked fish with vegetables.
    4th day.
    Breakfast - boiled beef and one cucumber.
    Lunch: baked apple.
    Lunch - beef broth soup with mushrooms.
    Afternoon snack - vegetable salad.
    Dinner - boiled turkey and steamed vegetables.
    5th, 6th day.
    These days should consist of eating plenty of vegetables. You can prepare salads from fresh or boiled vegetables, stews and steam them. Drink plain water, tea or coffee (without sugar).
    7th day.
    On this day we eat only two pieces of toast with hard cheese and drink kefir (1.5 liters). This should be divided into four meals.
    8th day.
    Breakfast - boiled chicken fillet and cauliflower.
    Second breakfast - salad of radishes, green onions, salads, cucumbers.
    Lunch - baked fish with vegetables with buckwheat porridge.
    Afternoon snack - salad of tomatoes, bell peppers, arugula.
    Dinner - stewed veal with vegetables.
    9th day.
    Breakfast - two boiled eggs and a cup of tea (if you eat it for weight loss, it is better to drink it).
    Lunch - vegetable stew.
    Lunch: cream of mushroom soup. Rice with fish and vegetables (serving up to 200 grams).
    Afternoon snack - salad of cabbage, herbs, bell pepper (green).
    Dinner - boiled turkey and stewed vegetables.
    10th, 11th day.
    Your diet should consist of vegetables. Do not eat tomatoes or potatoes. You can prepare soup, salads, stews, casseroles. Drink as much as possible ordinary water, the next morning tea or coffee.
    12th day.
    From this day inclusive, the diet menu repeats all days from the start of the diet.
  3. Protein-vegetable diet for seven days. The diet is based on the main rules and principles. You can lose three to five extra pounds in a week.
    Breakfast - a glass (150 grams) of yogurt and one apple.
    Second breakfast - salad of boiled vegetables.
    Lunch - veal broth soup and one piece of toast.
    Afternoon snack - boiled egg and cucumber.
    Dinner - baked salad beef meat and fresh vegetables (lettuce or arugula, cucumbers, green bell pepper, greens).
    Breakfast - toast and a cup of tea (coffee).
    Lunch - boiled turkey and broccoli.
    Lunch - spinach cream soup. Cooked rice with vegetables and steamed fish.
    Afternoon snack - vegetable salad.
    Dinner - low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream and vegetables.
    Breakfast - fresh vegetables and toast with chicken fillet.
    Second breakfast - rice with vegetables.
    Dinner - buckwheat porridge and stewed rabbit in sour cream.
    Afternoon snack - chicken broth.
    Dinner - salad of boiled fish, cucumbers, herbs, lettuce, tomatoes.
    Breakfast - any boiled meat with vegetables.
    Lunch - a glass of kefir and an apple.
    Dinner - oatmeal and steamed fish cakes. Vegetable salad.
    Afternoon snack - an apple baked in the oven with homemade cottage cheese.
    Dinner - stew of vegetables and chicken breast.
    Breakfast - a glass of kefir and rye bread toast.
    Second breakfast - apple and rice casserole.
    Lunch - fish soup, a salad of boiled eggs, fresh vegetables (you can eat a piece of black bread).
    Afternoon snack - rice with steamed vegetables.
    Dinner - stewed eggplants, zucchini and boiled turkey meat.
    Breakfast - a glass tomato juice and one hard-boiled egg.
    Lunch - eat a salad of fresh vegetables, choose to your taste.
    Dinner - pearl barley porridge With stewed chicken and mushrooms.
    Afternoon snack - low-calorie cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.
    Dinner - salad of baked veal and vegetables.
    Breakfast - prepare an omelet from two eggs, cucumbers.
    Lunch - rice and apple casserole.
    Lunch - soup for chicken broth(without potatoes), rice with beef.
    Afternoon snack - a salad of boiled seasonal vegetables.
    Dinner - boiled turkey and vegetable stew. A glass of herbal infusion.

A fruit-protein diet makes it possible to achieve simply amazing results in a very short term and with the least harm to the body. If you follow all the recommendations this method, by the end of the weight loss course you will certainly lose up to 10 kg.

Method of protein-fruit diet

Belkovo- fruit diet takes 2 weeks. During this time, you will eat mainly fruits, vegetables, and protein foods. It's not that complicated. In addition, it allows certain concessions. For example, after the first few days, you can add a salad seasoned with lemon juice. You can also add a little seasoning to make it more interesting.

During this diet, it is also advisable to drink regular drinking water (can be hot), mineral water, herbal infusions and tea without sugar (green is especially recommended). You can use them in unlimited quantities. But you must give up all other drinks. Yes, you won’t have to try lemonade, alcohol, juices and soda while following a proper fruit-protein diet.

This method is based on alternating carbohydrate and protein days. Carbohydrates in this case are obtained from fruits and vegetables. In this case, it is advisable to use those whose ripening period falls precisely on given time year. After all, it is always better to eat more affordable and fresh foods.

Fats will have to be completely eliminated from your diet for a while. The products indicated on the menu must be consumed without any sauces, ketchup, seasonings, mayonnaise, etc. Salt food in very moderate quantities. And consume protein and vitamin components separately, always during different meals.

Vegetables should also be eaten separately from fruits.

Fruit-protein diet menu

  • First day - 2-3 eggs, fresh vegetables, fruits.
  • Second day - About 500 g of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, 1 liter of kefir.
  • Third day - Fresh fruits and vegetables, 1 liter of juice, 1 liter of kefir.
  • Fourth day - 500 g chicken breast, 1 liter of kefir.
  • Fifth day - Fruits and vegetables.
  • Sixth day - About 450 g of cottage cheese with sour cream, 1 liter of kefir.
  • Seventh day - Fruits and vegetables.
  • Eighth day - 300 g of chicken, fresh vegetable salad, 1 egg.
  • Ninth day - Fruits, salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil, 150 g of beef.
  • Tenth day - 150 g of fish, a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil, 2 slices of rye bread, half a liter of kefir.
  • Eleventh day - 2 eggs, 4 slices of rye bread, half a liter of kefir, 150 g of beef, fresh vegetable salad.
  • Twelfth day - 1 liter of kefir, vegetables and fruits.
  • Thirteenth day - 300 g of chicken, 2 eggs, fresh vegetable salad.
  • Fourteenth day - 4 boiled potatoes, 1 liter of kefir, fruit.

As you can see, the diet is not too complicated. At the same time, her menu contains very healthy and satisfying products. Thanks to this well-thought-out weight loss method, you will notice the first results within five days.

Number of meals - 6-7. This should be done approximately every 2.5 hours. This is especially important so that during the time from one meal to the next, feelings of hunger do not arise.

The main thing is not to eat too much. Remember that this is still a diet. Otherwise, we still advise you not to eat food after 18.00. Carefully calculate the amount of food and meal times. This is the only way you will achieve real success!

So your menu could be something like this:

  • 8.00 - breakfast - 2 boiled eggs.
  • 10.30 - second breakfast - 1 grapefruit.
  • 13.00 - lunch - 200 g of boiled lean meat.
  • 15.30 - afternoon snack - 2 apples.
  • 18.00 - dinner - 200 g of boiled fish.
  • 20.30 - second dinner - 1 large orange.

As you can see, the described menu option for the day alternates vitamin and protein products for different meals. They are not mixed. This is especially important. Remember that proteins are not only found in fish, meat and eggs. They are also found in low-fat cottage cheese, boiled sausage and feta cheese (and other low-fat white cheeses).

And beets, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, and almost all fruits are suitable as vitamin components. You should only refrain from eating fruits that are too sweet, such as grapes, apricots, bananas, and persimmons. They contain too many carbohydrates. For the same reason, you should also somewhat limit your potato consumption.

The benefits of a fruit-protein diet

As you know, fruits contain enough more vitamins, fiber and minerals. All this has an exceptional positive impact on digestive system and metabolism.

Protein will help your muscles stay toned.

The protein-fruit diet is especially suitable for those who need rapid weight loss in a very limited period of time. The body easily tolerates it, because you will not feel any feeling of hunger. The prescribed diet is gentle and therefore absolutely safe for health.

And when combining diet with physical activity (especially in protein days) the effect will be much better. You will not only reset overweight faster, but you will also train your body.

Being fit and athletic is the trend of our time. But what to do if you don’t have enough time for sports, or it doesn’t bring you pleasure, or your weight is such that it’s decent? physical activity Are they simply contraindicated? A diet, that is, a restrictive eating regimen, will come to the rescue.

Diet is a multifaceted tool that can be used to achieve various goals. Gain or lose weight, build up muscle tissue, get rid of the symptoms of any diseases, reduce recovery period after operations - this and much more can be done on a diet!

Types of restrictive nutrition

To get rid of extra pounds power systems used:

  • no carbohydrates;
  • low fat;
  • low-calorie.

The names speak for themselves. And any diet one way or another belongs to the categories mentioned above. Their action is based either on a lack of some element (fats, carbohydrates), or on a decrease in the daily calorie content of food.

Separately, there are “one product” diets, in which a person eats only one type of food for several (1-2, rarely more) days: soup, juices, kefir, apples, etc. They work due to the fact that the body receives only certain and always the same nutrients. He has to get the rest from his bins.

The essence of the method

The fruit-protein diet is a protein-based weight loss method. You can eat lean protein foods, alternating them with fruits and vegetables, but without mixing one with the other. Portions are small, meals are split, 5-6 (sometimes 7) times a day.

What is the main idea? The fact is that when there is a lack of carbohydrates, the body switches to using protein and fat as fuel. There is little fat coming in, so you have to spend “savings”. There is a lot of protein, but it is building material, and goes to muscles and other needs of the body. Why, then, these fruits and vegetables, if there should not be enough carbohydrates?

Then, what exactly do they carry a wide range of vitamins and other necessary elements. And in addition, they contain fiber, without which the gastrointestinal tract does not function properly.

According to reviews, the effectiveness of the fruit-protein diet is extremely high. And hunger can be avoided due to a good supply of protein products. However, this diet is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, it is not suitable for everyone; there are health restrictions. Secondly, any poor diet can lead to unforeseen consequences and cannot be maintained for long. That is, when the weight is too heavy, you will have to lose it in several stages with breaks.

What is possible and what is not?



  • fatty fish, meat, poultry, fried foods;
  • cereals, bakery products, pasta;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • high-fat dairy products;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Pros and cons


Important!The result of any diet for you may be more or less than average. It depends on your build, sports activities, weight, age and other factors.


  • nutritionists usually do not recommend “folk” diets, since the consequences are unpredictable;
  • refusal of flour, cereals, pasta, and many people love it;
  • It is forbidden to salt dishes (if you cannot tolerate unsalted food at all, under-salt as much as possible and experiment with aromatic seasonings);
  • By adjusting your weight without a specialist, you take full responsibility on yourself! Monitor your condition: this is normal, but a depressed mood, pain, loss of “taste for life” is a reason to seek advice!

Do not test the protein-fruit diet on yourself if you have:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, stomach, intestines, and other internal organs;
  • diseases of the neurological and mental spectrum;
  • unstable endocrine system, metabolic problems.

Besides, direct contraindication– this is pregnancy and lactation, as well as old age and childhood.

Menu for 5 – 7 – 14 days

There are 3 types of protein-fruit diet menu: five-, seven- and fourteen-day. Sometimes a 10-day option is offered. The difference is not only that a shorter period is suitable for getting rid of fewer kilograms and vice versa, but also in the diet.

Choosing a course of 5 or 7 days,You will alternate daily between an all-protein and an all-fruit (vegetable) meal. For example, protein breakfast, vegetable second breakfast, protein lunch, fruit afternoon snack, protein dinner.

Important! Do not combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal, this is the rule separate power supply, used by this diet!

A protein-fruit diet menu for all days of the week may look something like this:

day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7
breakfast 2 boiled eggs 1 glass of kefir fried egg with a slice of lean meat Omelette with cheese cottage cheese 0-1.5% fat 1 glass of fermented baked milk cottage cheese whipped with low-fat sour cream and raisins
2nd breakfast 2 kiwi orange grapefruit apple 2-3 tangerines baked apple with cinnamon pear
dinner chicken breast baked with herbs 2 steamed beef cutlets seafood platter steamed turkey wing pollock baked in foil with a slice of lemon veal chop pink salmon stewed in a slow cooker
afternoon tea fresh cabbage salad with apple boiled broccoli salad from fresh cucumber and tomato Fruit juice 1 cup assorted berries grated boiled beets 2-3 plums
dinner 1 cup curdled milk cheese platter cottage cheese casserole Cold boiled veal braised skinless chicken thigh 2 egg omelette stewed chicken hearts

If necessary (that is, an acute feeling of hunger) and no later than 2-1.5 hours before bedtime, you can allow yourself a vegetable or not. sweet fruit. Don't drive yourself to starvation and insomnia!

Important!Don't neglect drinking regime so as not to increase the load on the kidneys. Drink without limits clean water, non-carbonated drinks without sugar.

How is it different?14 day diet? On it you will alternate all-protein days with days when fruits and vegetables are allowed. That is, we form a “protein” day only from meat, fish, and dairy meals. We take “carbohydrate” without changes from the table for the 5 and 7-day course.

Attention!On a “protein” day, you simply need to drink up to 2 liters of water! Otherwise, it will be difficult for decay products to leave the body.

In addition, on a “carbohydrate” day, it is permissible to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, but only by reducing protein portions.

What to do if not all the excess weight is gone?

The usual advice to everyone who practices diets is not to repeat them more often than once every quarter or six months. The rule is also true for this program. But! In a lighter form, it is permissible to use the diet for up to 30 or even 90 days in a row.

When choosing the extended option, do not try to greatly reduce your daily calories.

  • Find out your norm (using numerous tables on the Internet or by being examined by a nutritionist) and stick to -500 kcal from the norm.
  • Add some to fruits and vegetables vegetable oils(for example, for), a limited amount of whole grain bread, cereals (except for refined rice and semolina).
  • Supplement your schedule with feasible exercises. This diet is not strict, you should have enough strength. But focus on your usual activity: those who trained twice a week add a third workout. Those who “walked” maximum up to the second floor to their apartment begin Nordic walking, walking, swimming.

What will we get?

  • It is a good habit to eat little and often.
  • Even more good habit consider fruits not as icing on the cake, but as a meal in their own right.
  • Strengthening the skills of separate nutrition.
  • Smooth weight loss without loss of muscle mass.
  • Lasting results.

How to maintain the result?

Returning to my usual diet, you, what you just broke up with. And grab a little extra on top. To ensure that the weight remains at the achieved level, introducing previously banned foods one at a time every 2 days.

Avoid “empty” calories, that is, refined sugars, baked goods, buns, fast food. Are you already accustomed to not eating dishes without salt, mayonnaise and store-bought sauces? Don't go back to them at all! Proper eating habits are the key to ensuring that you no longer need a diet.

Get rid of 5-8 kilograms of excess weight in just 10 days, without ever experiencing the pangs of hunger - this is exactly the result that the fruit-protein diet promises. Sounds more than encouraging and tempting, doesn't it? Beach season is just around the corner, and I really want to impress everyone with my chiseled figure in a bikini! By adhering to this technique, you will not only quickly lose the hated excess weight, but you will also eat a fairly varied and tasty diet. Not a diet - a dream!

This system nutrition based on food intake large quantity protein foods, which must be alternated with fruits. At the same time, all other carbohydrates and fats should be excluded from the menu for all 10 days - this is how long it is necessary to adhere to a fruit-protein diet. For obvious reasons, you will have to forget about sauces, seasonings and other substances designed to “ennoble” the taste of food. The amount of salt should also be kept to a minimum. Rules you must follow:

  1. Protein foods and fruits should be consumed at different meals. For example: breakfast - boiled eggs, lunch – 1-2 grapefruits.
  2. One meal should consist of a serving of protein food (no more than 200 grams) or one or two fruits.
  3. Drinking regime – at least 2 liters drinking water per day. Allowed drinks – tea (black, green, herbal), drinking and non-carbonated mineral water. All drinks should be hot or warm (liquid temperature slightly above room temperature).
  4. No bread or sweets!
  5. Dried fruits, grapes, bananas, apricots, persimmons are strictly prohibited as products with high content carbohydrates.
  6. Complete abstinence from alcohol, coffee and caffeinated drinks, sweet carbonated water, compotes, packaged juices, etc.
  7. You need to eat every 2.5 hours.
  8. The approximate number of meals per day is 6-7 times.

Thus, the fruit-protein diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition with an emphasis on limited consumption high carbohydrate foods. Actually, this leads to a fairly quick loss of extra pounds.

Sample menu

  • Breakfast (8:00): two boiled eggs
  • Lunch (10:30): 1-2 grapefruits
  • Lunch (13:00): two hundred grams of lean meat
  • Afternoon snack (15:30): 2 apples
  • Dinner (18:00): two hundred grams of boiled or steamed fish
  • Second dinner (20:30): 1-2 oranges

As you can see, protein and vitamin meals alternate with each other. This is especially important. Remember: proteins are not just meat, eggs and fish. They are found in many other products - cottage cheese, cheeses, dairy and fermented milk products and even boiled sausage. True, in our case we can only be content with low-fat boiled sausage, low-fat cheeses, for example, feta cheese, boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, milk, kefir, lean meat and fish. Almost all fruits, as well as many vegetables (cucumbers, beets, peppers, tomatoes, carrots) are suitable as vitamin components.