What strengthens cartilage tissue. Augmentation of cartilage tissue of the knee joint

The older we get, the more attention we should pay to our joints and spine. With age, the natural processes of renewal and restoration of cartilage tissue, as well as synovial fluid, slow down significantly. For the prevention and treatment of joint pathology, it is recommended to change the diet, dosed physical activity and use special medicines chondroprotectors.

How to restore cartilage tissue?

With active physical activity, joints, be it elbow, knee or hip, quickly wear out. To prevent the development of a degenerative-dystrophic process, it is necessary to promote the rapid restoration of cartilage, ligaments and other joint elements. What products can be used to treat and restore cartilage tissue of the joints and spine:

  • Medicines (chondroprotective drugs in the form of tablets, ointments, creams, injections).
  • Nutrition.
  • Traditional medicine.

Any medications for the shoulder, elbow, knee or any other joint that provide restoration of cartilage structure must first be approved by the attending physician.


Currently, one of the main medications for the restoration of affected joints and cartilage is considered. In addition, these medications also prevent the development and progression of degenerative processes in the musculoskeletal system. There are several classifications, but we will dwell in more detail on the one that is based on the composition of chondroprotectors:

  1. Preparations containing chondroitin sulfate (, Mucosat, Structum).
  2. (Artron, Flexamine, Dona).
  3. Preparations based on mucopolysaccharide (Arteparon).
  4. Combined drugs (Movex, Triaktiv, Artrodar).
  5. Medicines with chondroitin and glucosamine (Teraflex, Artron complex).
  6. Preparations from natural ingredients animal origin (Alflutop, ).

In cases of severe joint destruction (for example, grade 2 or 3 knee arthrosis), chondroprotective drugs used to restore cartilage are ineffective.


The main effect of Chondroxide is to stimulate the production of proteoglycans, helping to accelerate the processes of restoration of cartilage and bone tissue, as well as increasing the production of synovial fluid. In addition, this medicine slows the progression of degenerative disorders and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chondroxide is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The optimal duration of treatment with this drug is at least 6 months. As shown clinical experience application, the chondrotector effect lasts for 4–5 months. If necessary, repeated courses of therapy are recommended. A package of Chondroxide tablets can be purchased at a pharmacy for 600 rubles. The drug is available by prescription.


The drug Artron has all the main therapeutic effects and actions that are characteristic of chondroprotectors. It is recommended to take Artron for at least 1.5 months. Typically, the clinical effect develops gradually and is observed after several months. In each specific case, an individual course of treatment is selected taking into account the nature and course of the disease.

Artron helps reduce the need to use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Gain therapeutic effect increases with simultaneous use with drugs containing chondroitin sulfate. At the same time, the drug should not be used by the following categories of people:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Nursing mothers.
  • Children.
  • Serious pathology of the kidneys and liver.
  • Increased sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.

Sometimes there are cases of the development of adverse reactions in the form of nausea, vomiting, increased gas formation, various skin rashes and the appearance of itching. Average price per pack of Artron tablets (30 pieces) ranges from 700–750 rubles.

The selection of the optimal chondroprotector is carried out by a medical specialist for each patient individually.


One of the popular combined chondroprotectors is considered to be one that contains glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and ibuprofen. Thanks to three active substances, Teraflex not only has a pronounced chondroprotective effect, but also provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, the drug cannot be used in patients with erosive and ulcerative pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, high content potassium in the blood, blood clotting disorders, kidney and/or liver failure, as well as children under 18 years of age. In addition, it is not recommended to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There may be adverse reactions that disappear after stopping taking Theraflex:

  • Nausea.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Flatulence.
  • Skin rashes and itching.

Combining the use of the drug with other medications is possible only with the approval of the attending physician. With long-term treatment with this combined chondroprotector, blood counts and the performance of the kidneys and liver should be monitored. Available in pharmacies without a prescription. The average price for a package of Teraflex tablets (30 pieces) is approximately 780 rubles.


The drug Rumalon is a chondroprotector of animal origin. It is obtained from cartilage tissue and bone marrow of calves. Indications for the use of Rumalon are similar to those for other chondroprotectors. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug and rheumatoid arthritis. Also, Rumalon is not prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

From side effects Allergic reactions may occur. However, such cases were recorded extremely rarely. Interactions with drugs from other pharmacological groups not installed. To purchase this medicine, you need a prescription from your doctor. Ten ampoules of Rumalon solution cost about 1,500 rubles.

Typically, to restore cartilage tissue in any joints (elbow, knee, hip, etc.), it is necessary long-term use chondroprotector drug. The average therapeutic course lasts from 6 months to a year.


To maintain healthy joints it is necessary. However, in no case should you consider your diet as a panacea for any joint pathology. Balanced diet cannot prevent various destructions of cartilage tissue, but can significantly contribute to its restoration. Products that will be useful for the effective restoration of cartilage tissue of joints (shoulder, elbow, knee, etc.) and the spine:

  1. Red pepper. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, red pepper can be compared to lemon and currants. Vitamin C is involved in the formation of the structural protein collagen, which helps strengthen ligaments, bones, cartilage and joints. Also rich in vitamin C are foods such as rose hips, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, green bell peppers, herbs, etc.
  2. Salmon. Calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, contained in salmon, will have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system of the body. These nutrients and trace elements are also present in trout, sardines, and mackerel.
  3. Chicken eggs. Without sufficient amounts of sulfur and selenium, normal collagen formation is impossible. You can replenish your sulfur and selenium reserves thanks to daily use not only eggs, but also many other available products (chicken, cod, legumes, radishes, cabbage, garlic).

Numerous scientific research have proven the beneficial effects of dosed physical activity And balanced diet, saturated healthy products, in the treatment of joint and cartilage diseases.

Folk remedies

Today, many patients use prescriptions traditional medicine in treatment various diseases joints. It should immediately be noted that the use of any therapeutic methods must first be agreed with the attending physician. Several folk remedies used to restore damaged cartilage tissue of joints:

  • Chicken cartilage. Every day on an empty stomach in the morning we eat one teaspoon of chopped boiled chicken cartilage. You can additionally use broth from them.
  • Chestnut tincture. The cooking recipe is quite simple and not labor-intensive. Grind the chestnut fruits and inflorescences. Fill with alcohol. The proportion should be as follows: for 0.5 liters of alcohol you need to take 150 grams of fruits and approximately 50 grams of chestnut inflorescences. Insist for 7 days. The tincture is used for rubbing into affected joints.
  • A decoction of rye grains. Add a glass of rye grains to two liters of water. Boil for about 10 minutes, strain and let the broth cool. Then add half a liter of honey, vodka and 1 tablespoon of chopped barberry roots to the decoction. Mix and leave the liquid in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks. A decoction of rye grains infused with vodka is recommended to take 3 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

To effectively restore cartilage in the spine and joints (hip, knee, elbow, etc.), it is necessary to use an integrated approach to treatment and use all modern therapeutic methods.

Restore synovial fluid

For optimal performance large joints necessary normal amount synovial fluid. Currently, many medications have been developed that promote the production of intra-articular fluid. The most common medications from this group:

  • Fermatron.
  • Synocrom.
  • Hyalur.


To restore the properties of synovial fluid, Fermatron is used, which is injected into the joint. In addition, this drug reduces inflammation, relieves pain, improves joint mobility, stimulates production hyaluronic acid etc. In most cases, one injection per week is recommended. The therapeutic course averages 3-4 injections.

The clinical effect remains sufficiently long time. There are practically no side reactions. The use of Fermatron during pregnancy and breastfeeding depends solely on the attending physician. The combined administration of several drugs into a joint at once together with Fermatron is not recommended. The price of one injection of this medicine, which is produced by the British company Enzyme, is almost 6,300 rubles.


Sinokrom will help improve the condition and production of synovial fluid in large joints. The recommended course of therapy consists of five injections, which are administered exclusively inside the joints. The clinical effect usually lasts for 4–6 months. It is possible to prescribe repeated courses of treatment. Contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug.

When using Syncrom, some patients experienced local adverse reactions in the form of joint pain, redness or swelling. If there are pronounced side symptoms, it is necessary to remove the drug from the joint. The development of an allergic reaction has been observed extremely rarely ( itchy skin, rashes, etc.).

Clinical studies regarding the use of Synokrom in pregnant women and children have not been conducted. The question of its appointment for such patients is decided on an individual basis.

The cost of one injection is approximately 3,500 rubles.


Hyaluroma solution, which is injected into large joints, can be used as a temporary replacement for synovial fluid. The drug makes it easier painful sensations and helps improve the mobility of affected joints. After one therapeutic course, the clinical effect can last up to six months or more. Hyalurom is not used in the following cases:

  • Infectious joint damage.
  • The presence of open and infected wounds in the area of ​​the planned administration of the drug.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.

The introduction of Hyalurom into the joint is carried out only by an experienced specialist. An approximate treatment regimen includes 3 injections over 3 weeks (one injection every 7 days). Today, the price of one Hyalurom injection is 5,200 rubles.

The intake and use of medications in the form of tablets, capsules, ointments, gels or injections that restore cartilage tissue and synovial fluid in the knee, hip or other joint should be agreed with your doctor. Self-treatment without consulting a specialist can lead to serious consequences.

Regeneration and restoration of cartilage tissue of joints will help stop degenerative and destructive processes that provoke age-related changes or diseases that contribute to degeneration of interarticular structures. There are different methods by which the cartilage will gradually recover, but a suitable treatment regimen and medicine must be prescribed by a doctor after diagnostic measures and confirmation of the diagnosis.

Main causes of destruction

Cartilage tissue is deformed, worn out and damaged under the influence of various factors. For example, in older people, cartilage structures wear out due to physiological aging of the body. In this case, it is difficult to prevent destruction, since the lack of necessary nutrients is difficult to compensate from the outside. In young women and men, the cartilage of the knee or hip joint wears out for the following reasons:

  • progression of pathologies of a degenerative-destructive nature;
  • severe physical overload associated with professional activities;
  • unbalanced and poor nutrition;
  • metabolic and autoimmune disorders;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • active sports;
  • traumatic damage to cartilage due to blows, bruises and fractures;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • inactive lifestyle.

Characteristic symptoms

Joint destruction reduces a person's mobility.

The destruction of bone tissue, joints and cartilage is accompanied by severe symptoms, which cannot be ignored as the problem progresses. First of all, there is a violation of the mobility of the limb, which affects the patient’s gait itself: lameness or skew to one side appears. The cavity of the articular joint decreases in size, due to the lack of cartilage, the bones that form the joint are worn away.

As the destructive processes progress, the person’s condition worsens. Pain in the knees and other joints begins to bother you during movements or rest. If the cartilage is damaged due to injury and cracks have formed on it, it is possible infectious inflammation, formation of edema and hematomas. To find best way to solve the problem, you need to visit a doctor who can help you choose the correct scheme therapy. Thanks to it, the cartilage will be restored without surgical intervention.

What needs to be done to restore joint cartilage?

Only an integrated approach to treatment will bring positive result.

Restoring the cartilage tissue of the knee joint and other joints is a long process, improvements do not occur immediately, so the patient needs to be patient. The treatment regimen requires you to regularly take certain groups of drugs, perform physical exercise, attend physiotherapy and massage courses. If conservative treatment will not help improve the situation, the damaged cartilage is restored with the help of surgical treatment.


Medicines included in the group will help strengthen, restore and build up interarticular cartilage. Depending on the mechanism of influence, the number of components, effectiveness and main active ingredient, they distinguish the following types chondroprotectors:

  • Based on chondrotin sulfate. Chondrotin is directly involved in the formation of cartilage structures, strengthens them, stimulates regeneration and restoration. With the help of chondrotin-based products, it will be possible to restore joints and normalize their functioning. This group includes the following drugs for the restoration of joint cartilage tissue:
    • "Structum";
    • “Chondroguard;
    • "Chondroitin";
    • "Chondrolone";
    • "Artrin."
  • Based on glucosamine. Medicines containing this essential substance strengthen the structure of cartilage tissue, stimulate its restoration and growth. The best of this group:
    • "Dona";
    • "Elbona";
    • "Glucosamine sulfate";
    • "Sustilak".
  • Based on animal ingredients. Such preparations contain elements of animal cartilage and bones. Cartilage structures are effectively restored when using such products, but there are also disadvantages - the risk of an allergic reaction to a foreign protein. The best drug of this group - “Rumalon”, with which they make. The food gel “Shark cartilage” has also proven itself well.

Other means

Drugs wide range actions will quickly and effectively relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Medicines from the following groups can also help restore cartilage:

  • Mucopolysaccharides. Stimulate the production of fluid in the interarticular space, due to which the functionality of the knee or hip joint normalizes. A good medication belonging to this group is Arteparon.
  • Combined means. The disease, which destroys the joint and cartilage, causes pain and discomfort in a person. To improve well-being in such a situation, a combination of drugs is used that have restorative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties:
    • "Arthrodar";
    • "Advance".
  • Medicines based on hyaluronic acid. Stimulate the production of interarticular fluid, which prevents abrasion of articulation elements. Thus, hyaline cartilage is less damaged and becomes more elastic.
  • Homeopathic medicines. With their help, reconstruction of cartilage tissue is also possible. Tablets, capsules and powders are used for a long time, with no side effects. The joints begin to function normally with the help of medications:
    • "Target T";
    • "Traumeel S".
  • Dietary supplements. Promote the renewal of cartilage tissue. The dietary supplement “Stop Arthrosis” has proven itself well.

What foods to eat?

Nutrition correction is an integral part of treatment.

If the cartilage in the knee joint or other joint is worn out and worn out, pills and injections alone will not do. It is important to adjust the patient’s diet and exclude foods that contribute to the destruction of joint structures. It is worth regularly eating dishes containing collagen - aspic, fruit jelly. It is also recommended to include products containing healthy vitamins, micro- and macroelements:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • porridge;
  • seaweed;
  • vegetables, fruits;
  • eggs;
  • seafood.

Therapeutic exercises

IN recovery period It is better to perform workouts that involve static loads.

Gymnastics will improve the elasticity of ligaments and strengthen joints.

To restore the cartilage tissue of the spine and joints, it is necessary to include physical therapeutic training, which is first recommended to be performed under the supervision of a trainer. When the condition returns to normal, you can continue to train, but at home. Thanks to the stimulation of muscle structures, they are normalized metabolic processes in the affected areas, and the risk of cartilage abrasion is reduced. Oriental practices, such as yoga, can regenerate spinal, hip or knee cartilage. It is effective and healing technique, but if the patient has respiratory, cardiovascular or other disorders, it is better to discuss the advisability of yoga with a doctor.


To speed up the process of building up and restoring cartilage, it is recommended to enroll in a course of physiotherapeutic procedures. The most best influence provide the following methods:

  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • laser heating;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • inductothermy.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alcohol tinctures improve blood circulation.

Cartilage can be fully restored thanks to unconventional means. But before using this method, it is better to first consult with and agree with him important points. The recovery recipe can be selected individually, but if the doctor does not have such recommendations, you can use the following folk remedies:

  • Infusion from bay leaf. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over 2-3 dry laurel leaves and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Ready product Take 1-2 sips per dose throughout the day. Treat for 3 days, then stop taking it for a month, if necessary, resume therapy.
  • Vodka-garlic tincture. Peel and chop 3 heads of garlic and pour in a liter of vodka. Leave for 2-3 weeks, then lubricate the sore hip or knee joint with the product at night.
  • Compress made from plantain leaves. Crumple a large leaf, spread honey on top and apply to the sore joint, securing with a bandage and woolen cloth.
  • Chicken leg broth. Fill cold water 15-20 legs, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and keep on the stove for 3-4 hours. When the broth has cooled, pour into small plates and refrigerate. This jellied meat is recommended to be consumed daily if you have joint problems.
  • Warming ointment. Warmed lamb fat 3 tbsp. l. combine with 1 spoon of mustard. Apply to the affected area before going to bed, secure on top with plastic wrap and a woolen scarf.

Operational recovery

If conservative methods did not bring results, without surgical intervention can't get by. To restore cartilage and functionality of the joint, the following surgical techniques are used:

  • replacement of affected cartilage with chondrocytes;
  • tunneling;
  • micro-invoicing;
  • arthroplasty.

To restore and regenerate cartilage, stem cells are used, which are extracted from the patient’s own brain matter. After receiving and specifically processing the biological product, the doctor punctures it into the cavity of the affected joint. Such cells have high potential and contribute to active tissue repair even in advanced cases. But the doctor will decide which surgical method is suitable in an individual case.

Appearance discomfort in one or another joint can bother a person after 30-35 years. Most often, discomfort is associated with microcracks and various growths on the cartilage covering the head of the joint - a natural shock absorber designed to compensate for the loads during movement. After diagnostic examinations, the specialist selects and recommends the optimal drugs for restoring joint cartilage tissue.

Every year, according to medical statistics, there is a significant increase in the number of patients seeking treatment for damage to joint structures, difficulty moving, performing labor responsibilities. Therefore, it is so important to begin treatment with modern and effective medications in a timely manner.

Stages of destruction of cartilage tissue

Criteria for choosing medications

The shock-absorbing properties of cartilage tissue are provided by the intercellular substance located inside each joint. Its components are necessarily glucosamine, chondroitin and prostaglandins. Intra-articular synovial fluid with the above components washes the head of the joint, promoting its regeneration.

When degenerative-dystrophic processes occur in articular structures, the amount of necessary synovial fluid is much less than required - cartilage begins to deteriorate, grow pathologically, and osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis form.

Joint structure

So that the restoration of the cartilage tissue of the patient’s joints occurs in a short time and without negative consequences, the specialist is guided by the following selection criteria:

  • what subgroup does the drug belong to - for anti-inflammatory therapy, analgesic, for cartilage restoration;
  • single agent or combination drug;
  • what does it feel like active substance– synthetic or extract of medicinal plants;
  • the presence of individual contraindications to taking the medication;
  • what is the mechanism of action of the drug on the human body;
  • time of appearance of the expected result, optimal frequency and duration of taking the drug.

Osteochondrosis of the spine

Medicine for restoring joint cartilage tissue is prescribed only by a specialist - self-medication can lead to unwanted complications and consequences. The drugs of choice in this case are chondroprotectors.

Positive properties of chondroprotectors

Numerous studies have convincingly proven that a course of taking chondroprotective drugs allows you to achieve the following positive aspects:

  • optimal nutrition of the cartilage shell;
  • full launch of the processes of formation of new own cells of the joint;
  • excellent stimulation of synovial fluid synthesis;
  • a quickly noticeable decrease in the intensity of pain;
  • reduction or complete elimination inflammatory processes in tissues.

In any pharmacy chain today you can purchase chondroprotectors in various forms - for injection, oral administration, in the form of ointments and gels for topical use.

The main representatives of chondroprotectors

Popular and effective, with a huge number positive feedback, are the following drugs:

  • If osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis is detected, a specialist is one of the first to recommend taking the drug Artra - thanks to chondroitin sulfate, it helps to quickly eliminate microdamages on the lining of the joints. Produced by the manufacturer in tablet form.

Artra drug

  • Artron Flex – active substance is glucosamine, contributes to the optimal prevention of microdamage to cartilage, and is also able to counteract active destruction the joint itself. The drug is presented in the form of tablets.
  • A drug belonging to the first generation of chondroprotectors is Alflutop. It is made from certain type fish, so it has the ability to enhance the production of type 2 collagen, as well as hyaluronic acid. Available as a solution for injection.
  • Don's drug. Available in the form of powder for injection, as well as in tablet form. TO positive aspects Experts attribute its ability not only to restore the cartilage tissue of the joint, but also to stop local foci of inflammation.
  • Rumalon is an extract from bone marrow and cartilage of young calves. It is used by injection - the duration of the treatment course is determined only by a specialist.

The drug Rumalon

  • Structum – promotes the correction of metabolic processes in the structure of the cartilage, as well as in the joint capsule, due to which the joint regains its former mobility. Produced by the manufacturer in capsules.
  • The drug Chondroitin sulfate has the most beneficial effect on the restoration of cartilage elements. It is produced both in the form of an independent ointment with one component, and in combination with other active substances.
  • Elbona drug. Promotes the production of own hyaluronic acid by joint cells. It also has a pronounced analgesic and effective anti-inflammatory effect. The manufacturer produces it in the form of an injection solution.
  • Teraflex. Basic active ingredients– chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride – are aimed at stimulating the healing of microdamage to cartilage, as well as regulating metabolic processes in it. The drug is mainly presented in capsule form.
  • Fermatron is a substitute for intra-articular fluid. It effectively balances the volume of synovial fluid, according to the needs of the patient’s body, and helps to significantly slow down negative processes in the joint.

The drug Fermatron


Like all medications, drugs for restoring joint cartilage tissue have their own administration and contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • pediatric category of patients under 12 years of age;
  • individual increased susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • ankylosis of the joints - no positive effect should be expected in this case - the cartilage is already completely destroyed.

Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of chondroprotectors

With extreme caution, chondroprotectors are prescribed when the patient has a history of severe pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Entrust the selection optimal remedy To correct the condition of the cartilage tissue of the joints, only a competent specialist can choose the dose of the medicine, its release form, and the duration of the treatment course.

To prevent the development and exclude possible relapse of diseases of the joints and spine, a course of chondroprotectors is recommended.

Hello bulls, all regular and occasional guests of this blog! IN once again we will talk about the terrible danger that awaits our cartilage. These valiant workers literally smooth out all the uneven corners in our body and help us move evenly and smoothly. Without them, we would simply resemble old ruins and would not be able to take a step.

Few people know how to restore the cartilage tissue of the spine. Today we will figure out which methods work and which are absolutely meaningless.

Already in 30-year-old patients, doctors diagnose fiber disintegration of the surface of cartilage tissue. If you place such samples under a microscope, you can see small microcracks on them.

After 40 years, widespread aging of cartilage begins. The main problem is that this protective fabric is rapidly losing one of its main components - water (about 75% of it here).

And there is no special need to talk about the role of water in our body: everyone already understands its extreme importance.

How less water in cartilage, the less its strength. The second problem is the low metabolic activity of this structure.

For comparison, the protein component of the liver completely regenerates after 4 days, but the cartilage is in no hurry. Its collagen cells will change their composition by half only after 10 years.

Now, my prudent reader, do you understand why even the slightest damage to cartilage tissue in the spine is so dangerous?! Let's figure out what kind of mysterious fabric is in front of us?

What is cartilage made of and what makes its life difficult?

This type of tissue is connective and performs supporting functions. Each cartilage also has a so-called perichondrium (except for articular ones, where this role is played by synovial fluid). Thanks to it, the tissue grows and receives nutrition.

The life of cartilage is not easy: they constantly feel static and dynamic loads. Their structure is unique: they can be deformed and return to their previous state.

The tissue complex of cartilage consists of chondrocyte cells and extracellular matrix. Moreover, there are much fewer cells than the intercellular substance that surrounds them. Low regenerative abilities are associated precisely with this small number of cells.

There are only 1 to 10% of them in the entire volume of the matrix. Worst of all is the nucleus pulposus in intervertebral discs and articular cartilage. To prevent the matrix from losing water, it contains hyaluronic acid.

The intra-articular surface most often consists of hyaline cartilage, and half of its matrix is ​​occupied by collagen. If we study the structure of a collagen molecule under a microscope, we will see that these are large multilayer spirals. Therefore, they can easily withstand stretching, tearing and twisting.

Articular cartilage is the least fortunate, because it does not contain blood vessels. Likewise, they are not found in collagen cartilage. Water moves between the matrix elements and thus ensures metabolic processes.

There is another type of cartilage: the so-called fibrous or hyaline. Our intervertebral discs are made of it.

The viability of the matrix depends only on chondrocytes. They synthesize all biopolymers: collagen, elastin and others.

The next problem is related to the fact that if the cartilage tissue is immobilized, the synovial fluid will not be able to mix, and, consequently, nutrition is disrupted and the mass of this structure begins to decrease. That is, any immobilization during fractures will negatively affect the cartilage.

The final problem is that scientists have not yet been able to fully decipher the structure of chondrocytes to help them regenerate.

Cartilage can only recover half on its own. Moreover, scar tissue often appears in place of normal tissue.

Now it probably seems to you, my horrified reader, that it is completely impossible to revive destroyed cartilage. However, this is not true. We will discuss how to do this below.

Causes of destruction

As we have already found out above, age and numerous injuries are to blame. You can also add here genetic predisposition, common problems metabolism, lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, hormonal imbalance, some infectious and other diseases, but, most importantly, unbalanced loads.

What affects regeneration?

  • First, cartilage can repair itself through chondrocytes and matrix growth;
  • Secondly, with the help of other types of connective tissue;
  • Thirdly, bone cells are originally of cartilaginous origin and are capable of transforming back and forth;
  • Fourthly, bone marrow can also be classified as such multifunctional cells.

After injury, chondrocytes begin active activity. The surge lasts about two weeks. However, the remodulation process will be completed only after a year. But the new fabric will be inferior in quality to the previous one.

What is the optimal treatment mechanism to choose?

When the acute period of the disease has passed, and inflammation and pain syndrome removed, the doctor’s task is to get rid of damaged tissue. To do this, using electrophoresis or ultrasound, specific enzymes and glucocorticosteroids are introduced into this area.

If the cartilage tissue is damaged only superficially, then potent pharmacological preparations. After many years clinical trials the highest activity was found only in somatotropic hormone, which activates the division of chondrocytes.

Sometimes it is combined with a hormone thyroid gland called thyrocalcitonin. However, the main disadvantage of such a hormone is that it cannot be administered topically.

When it is introduced by injection, the growth of all cartilage is activated, which is not always desirable. If you use it for a long time, the proportions of the skeleton may even be disrupted.

They are also betting big on insulin-like growth factor in dosage form; it is responsible for the regeneration of all tissues in the body, including cartilage.

The doctor may prescribe daily small doses of adrenaline, which also stimulates recovery processes.

We already remember well that the weak regenerative functions of cartilage tissue are due to a small number of chondrocytes.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that at one point doctors figured out to artificially inject additional doses of chondrocytes into problem areas.

Moreover, the advantage of this manipulation is that the body, due to weak immunogenic activity, will not reject even foreign chondrocytes.

They gradually begin to multiply and form new strong tissue. Large cartilage tissue cells are used as donor cells. cattle, deceased. The best proven material is embryonic material, which does not cause any immune rejection reactions at all.

When even such global efforts do not produce any results, then surgical intervention is put artificial prosthesis. At the moment they are as close as possible to their prototype.

The next item is everyone’s favorite vitamins and microelements, but in this case they can really help significantly.

How should you change your diet?

Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid. Even small doses of this substance that enter the blood can increase the level of growth hormone by two or three times. Vitamin K can also be mentioned in this list.

The state of the matrix in better side change and overdoses ascorbic acid. It is usually combined with vitamin P.

Ascorbic acid also has a beneficial effect on collagen structures.

Among others, a combination of ascorbic acid with glycine or with proline, alanine and lysine is used.

Restoration of cartilage tissue using folk remedies

These products are recommended for healing bones in Domostroy.

You can even find such exotic recipes as chicken cartilage diluted in orange juice.

Among other things, you should eat sea fish and other seafood, as well as dairy products, which are rich in calcium and phosphorus.

As we have already found out above, food containing high doses designated vitamins. That's almost all raw vegetables and vegetable oils.

In general, a review of the diet in positive side in any case, it will bring you undeniable benefits.

Your spine and entire body will thank you if you restore intestinal function, learn to eat only healthy and balanced food, and, most importantly, cook it. Great recommendations and detailed instructions You can see this topic here: Free special report " 10 essential nutritional components for a healthy spine"

There you will find answers to many questions that I did not have time to reveal in my story today.

Dietary supplements and other drugs

Some doctors actively advise using so-called chondroprotectors. They usually contain hyaluronic acid, collagen and glucosamine (jelly, marmalade, etc. are rich in them).

It is worth mentioning that chondroprotectors are considered effective only on initial stages destruction of cartilage tissue. If the development of the disease has reached its climax and the cartilage has suffered globally, then such drugs, as in the old saying, can be compared to poultices for deceased patients.

Can exercise help?

Exercise as such, of course, will not grow you new body parts. However, we have already found out that lack of movement reduces the volume of cartilage tissue.

Therefore, indirectly, exercise still has a very positive effect.

By doing special or general gymnastics, you will strengthen your body and give it the opportunity to recover much faster.

I hope my story helped you make up your mind and learn something new. Stay here, next time it will be even more interesting.

Hello, Friends! Let's continue the topic of cartilage damage. We will look at hyaline cartilage injuries and try to answer questions injury prevention And cartilage restoration, how to treat and restore joint cartilage.

Hyaline cartilage covers the touching heads of our bones in a joint and can become damaged very easily. To prevent this from happening, nature provides a complex and unique structure. Considering all the features of this structure, if you treat your joints correctly, their service life is enormous. Unfortunately, cartilage has a very limited potential for regeneration (self-healing).

If an injury occurs and the cartilage is damaged, cracked, exfoliated, then it is restored in this case due to the flow of blood and nutrients from bone. It is on this property that the operation is based. But the newly formed restored tissue already consists of. This fabric does not contain enough . This tissue is not suitable for performing the functions of hyaline cartilage; it is less reliable, not as strong, smooth and elastic than the original one. But it is better to have at least such tissue in the form of a patch on the cartilage than to have nothing.

My point is that in such a situation with cartilage restoration, especially if there is damage or if surgery has been performed on the cartilage, you need to think about what to do to strengthen the cartilage tissue, push it to natural recovery and protect yourself from subsequent damage and joint diseases, the likelihood of which, unfortunately, increases many times over.

Nutrition and restoration of joint cartilage tissue

Be that as it may, these are living tissues, so in any case they consist of living cells that are born, live, feed, reproduce and die. Cartilage cannot be nourished like all other cells of our body, due to the nutrients that the blood brings to them. Cartilage does not have capillaries. This is understandable: no vessels can withstand the loads experienced by the cartilage of the knee joint; they will simply burst immediately. There are no nerve endings there, otherwise every step we take would be accompanied by severe pain. But you need to eat. The cartilage tissue of the joints is nourished by osmosis. Quite a difficult phenomenon to explain. Therefore, I will write this: nutrients approach the joint, there they are taken and dissolved in the fluid produced by special cells, and the synovial fluid, entering the joint, constantly mixing and renewing there, absorbing into the cartilage fibers, nourishes them with the necessary substances and takes away decay and waste products . And so that the entire process described is most effective The following conditions must be met:

The synovial fluid should be fairly thin.

This point, in principle, should be clear to everyone and does not require much discussion. In order for the synovial fluid to be liquid, it is needed. You need to determine your consumption rate clean water per day (30 ml x your weight) and drink it. Something can only be diluted with water. I met people who said that their joints were cracking, but I started drinking more water and the crunching stopped. It's as simple as that, and he may have prevented injury and cartilage destruction. True, you need to be careful here: crunching without pain or discomfort can be natural for the joints. If the crunch goes away after warming up and exercises, everything is fine; if it is accompanied by pain, see a doctor. The same goes for blood. Only water can “thin” the blood, nothing else. Aspirin or other drugs with similar effects may certain time prevent the thickening of blood cells, but time will run out and everything will come back. Moreover, only enough liquid blood is able to quickly and easily deliver nutrients and oxygen through blood vessels and capillaries to the most remote corners of our body and to the joints. I think it is clear that the consumption of clean water is one of the main conditions for the restoration of cartilage tissue. If you do not accept this simple condition, the rest will be useless.

Synovial fluid should be in sufficient quantity,if it is deficient, the contacting parts of the jointwill put more pressure on each other and collapse.

This indicator in a normal, uninjured joint also depends on the amount of water consumed and other nutrients, necessary for the body and, in particular, to special cells located on the surface. If these conditions are met, the body will produce as much fluid as necessary.

If we take the condition after surgery (during surgery, the internal environment of the joint is washed), then in order to replenish the composition of the fluid and protect the cartilage, the doctor prescribes drugs - the main component of synovial fluid and the intercellular substance of cartilage tissue. These drugs are also called "synovial fluid prostheses". Their main function is to retain water in the knee joint. They are expensive. Cost depends on various factors, as well as the degree of processing. Some drugs are injected into the joint after operations and for prophylaxis during heavy sports activities, others - for degenerative diseases of the joints and cartilage. The degree of viscosity of the drug determines how long it can remain in the joint cavity and replenish the lack of its own synovial fluid. belong to the group. This is the topic of a separate article and we will definitely talk about it. Here I will say that hyaluronic acid preparations are beneficial for the joint and the whole body, one minus is that introduction into the joint (even a simple injection) is a violation of its environment and the likelihood of infection. And each person’s joint can react differently. You have to be careful with this. Hyaluronic acid preparations can also be in the form of additives (dry matter). Just like other drugs of the chondroprotective group, their effectiveness has not been precisely determined and is controversial. So, drink water.

- group medicines and biologically active food additives designed to maintain and restore cartilage tissue.

The joint must constantly renew and mix the intra-articular fluid, and this can only be achieved through the mechanical work of the joint, its flexion and extension.

Here, too, everything is clear: standing water is a swamp and a breeding ground for everything bad. A new portion of liquid with nutrients should be mixed with the old one and enrich it. If there are not enough movements, then enrichment does not occur and the cartilage has nothing to feed on, its cells starve and die, and there is no talk of restoration at all. After surgery on the cartilage, doctors forbid standing on the leg to allow it to heal; putting pressure on it during this period is dangerous. But it is during this period, when you cannot stand on your leg, that you need to move your leg even more and make flexion and extension movements, constantly mixing the fluid of the knee joint. Carefully, controlling movements, up to the pain threshold.

Synovial fluid should be rich in composition, those. contain in the required quantity all the necessary nutrients for cartilage tissue cells. Essential microelements and cartilage tissue takes vitamins only from synovial fluid.

First let me remind you that our body is a complex interconnected system . And this system, as it was invented, requires standard substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, fiber, and. For us everything is quite simple. It is necessary to consume all this in the right quantities, and the body itself will figure out: where, why and what to send it. What will go to the heart, what to the bones, what to the joints. This entire article could be boiled down to a couple of phrases: drink water, eat well and move - you don’t need to know anything else. But who will read it then? And will you believe it so easily? We need evidence, arguments, etc. So let's continue.

In each of my articles about the various components of a joint, I focused on their composition. The compositions of ligaments, cartilage, menisci and synovial fluid were analyzed. This means that in order for all this to live and be restored, it must be given to him in the required quantity. So it turned out that for the joint, in addition to the standard set of nutrients, you need:

  • specific substances glycosaminoglycans (this includes) ,

In fact, the body produces all this itself if it has enough of what to produce it from. But modern science and medicine believe that it would be a good idea to directly give him these substances. And then everyone will be fine: the body will not waste time and effort to produce these substances, and their sufficient quantity and even excess will provide effective recovery(in this case, cartilage). Well, let’s believe science and for now accept the fact that in order to maintain and restore cartilage tissue and the joint itself, we need good nutrition and these substances in the form of dietary supplements.

In other articles we will analyze each of these substances: which ones, how much, for whom and how to choose and how to take and whether to take them.

For effective regeneration of cartilage tissue,needs maintenance high level chondrocytes are the main cartilage tissue cells.

The issues of restoration of cartilage tissue and the production of necessary compounds and substances are dealt with chondrocytes.

Chondrocytes, by their nature, do not differ from other cells in terms of development and regeneration; their metabolic rate is quite high. But the problem is that there are very few of these same chondrocytes. In articular cartilage, the number of chondrocytes is only 2-3% of the mass of the cartilage. Therefore, the restoration of cartilage tissue is so limited.

In order for the cartilage of the knee joint to recover, it is necessary achieve high numbers and activity of chondrocyte cells. We only need complete nutrition, which they can receive through synovial fluid and through physical activity.

And there is one more thing that should not be forgotten. Let me remind you that in the joint under the influence various reasons(internal and external) processes of destruction and restoration constantly occur. And our task is maintaining a balance between factors that damage articular cartilage and factors that promote its protection and regeneration. In case of injury or after surgery on cartilage, the task becomes more complicated: it is necessary to achieve restoration of cartilage tissue faster than it is destroyed. And they deal with issues of restoration in our body hormones. Hormones accelerate metabolic processes. Restores under the influence of hormones muscle tissue after stress and damage, strengthens bone tissue, ligaments and tendons. Hormones also take part in the process of cartilage restoration. Or rather, as modern science believes, one hormone - insulin-like growth factor hormone (IGF). It is he who is able to cause division of chondrocytes. The amount of this hormone in the blood directly depends on the intensity of training and load. The more intense and frequent it is, the more hormone there is and the more intense the process of cartilage restoration. We will definitely return to this issue. Let's consider artificial and natural analogues of this hormone. I also have experience in this.

The joint must constantly move, otherwise the synovial fluid will not be able to effectively penetrate the cartilage tissue and carry nutrients there. Thus, the vital activity and restoration of cartilagealmost entirely depends on our physical activity.

Well, I won’t be original: movement is life, or rather, life is movement. And even more specifically: the life of a joint is... Let's not take injuries into account. Why do joints get sick and cartilage deteriorate?

A man is born. As a child, he constantly runs, jumps, explores the world, and does not sit still. Study begins: we sit down at the table and reduce motor activity, but we are saved by metabolism and a strong, growing young body, with great recovery potential. We get older, we sit on a chair more long term, then into the car and home, and growth already stops, the processes of metabolism, regeneration and recovery slow down due to natural causes; in joints, destruction processes begin to prevail over restoration. The cartilage is destroyed.

Don’t you think that the right way out is to start running and jumping right now, when your body and joints need it most? Please note that this scheme can be applied to any part of our body.

I have extensive experience communicating with rehabilitation doctors. I have a lot of programs and exercises, both my own and those found somewhere. I'll sort them out and give them to you someday. But that's not the main thing. If you have an injury, or you have already experienced knee surgery, there are specialists who will give you their recommendations. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor and you need to listen to him. If you are an athlete, then your task, on the contrary, is to control the load and listen carefully to your body. Gradually you will feel when you can move on to next step and increase the load on the injured limb. The main thing is not to force things, gradually, smoothly increase the load and return to the previous level.

I want to give some advice to those who go to work, live the ordinary life of a city dweller, but understand the need to change something in their lives and are trying to come to a more active and healthy lifestyle. I assume that otherwise you would not be reading this blog.

Let’s move away from exercises and complexes, no one will do them all the time, but I also can’t give you a way to heal your joints without doing anything in a week. Sorry.

I also work in an office, I also sit on a chair at the computer all day, but now I’m at home. True, there is quite a lot of active activity in my life: I do high-intensity training for two to three hours, three to four times a week. But if we put this aside, there are no differences. What am I doing?

Firstly, I highly recommend adding sports and hobbies to your life, if you haven’t already. This will enrich life, make it brighter and richer. You will feel that you are different from many in that you can do something that others cannot. You will be proud of yourself and your body (and it will be so, the body will not go anywhere, it will be forced to tone up in order to match your activity). You won’t sluggishly trudge home, thinking: “Now eat, then watch TV and sleep. There are still two days until the weekend." Goals and plans will appear.

You came to the office, sat down on a chair and began to work. How to proceed?

After a certain amount of time (an hour or two), and so several times a day, you need to:

- Take your eyes off the monitor. Close your eyes with the inner ribs of your palms, apply light pressure and perform rotational movements for 10-20 seconds. And continue to sit with your eyes closed for another 20-30 seconds.

— Then get up and slowly walk to the cooler (the source of quenching the thirst of an office worker).

— Pour a glass of water.

- Slowly drink water and at the same time, without rotating your head, look with your eyes in different directions in your office (up and down, right and left).

“After that, you can go out into the corridor, walk around and return to your place.

- Don't sit down right away. If you are very busy and don’t have time, then pick up your documents and continue reading while standing (as one of the options).

- At the same time, rise and fall on your toes several times.

- Rotate your body several times in different directions.

— Without stopping looking at the documents or the monitor, bend down and stretch your lower back, do several bends (you must keep your back straight).

- Are you tired? You can sit down and continue working.

- Now let's move on to the legs. They're not busy, are they?

— You can do leg exercises as often as you want. Stretch, spread, strain the leg muscles, press the pedal (work with the foot), and at the same time the knee joint will make small movements. Perform these exercises alternately and with both legs together. You can even dance tango under the table with your feet. Nobody sees.

In my opinion, it's simple. If you wish, you can easily diversify this set of exercises. Please note that I do not give either the number of times or the number of approaches: just do as many as you see fit. This is better than just sitting in one place all day without moving.

And after work, you will find training or a gym, yoga, horse riding, shooting at a shooting range, dancing, martial arts, wushu, ballet, etc. etc. Well, don’t forget about your loved ones, dates, cinema, theater, walks.

If you already have problems with cartilage, you cannot forget about it. But you shouldn’t completely limit yourself in everything and think about it constantly. Change your life a little, add more movement, consume necessary substances, eat well and move on with your life. And all this will only diversify and enrich life, make it healthier and longer. There is no need to justify yourself and say: “I don’t have time. I'm busy (busy). We have to get things done."

I usually give this example. Imagine a smart, workaholic scientist. He sits day and night, writes, opens, works, does not see the white light, forgets not only to move, but even to drink and eat. A little more and he will finally invent a perpetual motion machine or prove how to win incurable disease. They support him and are waiting for results. And then bam, the body can’t stand it. Stroke. I wonder why? The man dies. His works were never completed, the disease was not defeated, and the perpetual motion machine was not invented. Everything he did was unnecessary: ​​the result was never achieved. But there wasn’t enough time, as usually happens, just a little bit. Like this. And it’s one thing if our scientist is 90 years old. What if 50? He did not have time and ruined himself, and we did not receive a great discovery or healing.

Let's move on to the issue of returning to active activity after injury. Usually, after operations on knee joints and cartilage, doctors say something like: “By the way, chess is also a sport.” The phrase is deadly, especially if there were some plans, hopes and goals. For professional athletes this is generally scary. For us, ordinary people who also do something, it also hurts to hear this.

Firstly, it must be said that ordinary doctors prohibit everything, so if you play sports and have an injury, you need to contact sports doctors who deal with sports injuries. There the situation and opinions will not be so categorical. I remember once at the clinic I went to the gastroenterologist and complained that sometimes heartburn occurred, there was such a period. I was forbidden to do everything: bending, bending, pumping my abs, etc. So, how do you like it? By the way, as soon as I started drinking more water, the problem with heartburn disappeared. My trainer tells me the same thing about the doctor.

Secondly, main advice- This is a gradual, deliberate approach to your studies. Both rehabilitation, after injury, and basic, related to your sport. The loads should be consistent, gradually becoming more difficult. If you feel pain, it means that this is your limit for now. You can't overcome the pain. Trust your body, it will tell you and you will feel like you can do more.

Another question that deserves a separate article is psychological state after injury. This is what worries me personally the most right now. Here, too, the only way is consistency and slowness. The body was able to do something more, and the brain will gradually understand it. So, step by step, step by step, you will return to old life and loads. Of course, anything can happen and there are injuries that you need to come to terms with and accept, reconsider your life and previous activities. But let's not think about it. Positive thoughts and attitude play a huge and often decisive role in any human activity.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs

Now, as for the tablets, the so-called anti-inflammatory painkillers non-hormonal drugs . It has long been proven that such tablets have a negative effect on the cartilage tissue of the joint and gradually destroy it. Destruction occurs both under the influence of themselves chemicals, and the fact that by giving pain relief and not feeling the pain signal from the knee, you load it, thereby provoking even greater mechanical damage. These drugs can be used occasionally, in moments of acute intolerable pain. Then it's justified. And as soon as the opportunity arises, you need to quickly go to the doctor for examination and find out the reasons.

The same applies to injections of similar drugs into the joints. This also includes hormonal drugs. Only as a last resort, when the doctor has accurately determined that the benefit will be higher than the harm from such an injection, only then is the use of such means justified. This may be an infectious infection or a severe, persistent inflammatory process.

Folk remedies treatment of cartilage and joints

As you understand, this question, especially when it comes to traumatic injuries, is completely irrelevant. I think that on the Internet you can always find a large number of folk remedies for relieving pain and treating joints. But we must understand that any tincture, wrapping the knee cabbage leaf or rubbing an injured joint with burdock decoction will not solve the problems. These remedies are good later, when you know the causes of the pain, and when the doctors have done everything they could. They will help relieve slight swelling, cool, warm, and reduce weather pain that occurs in the damaged joint. Folk remedies can replace expensive creams from pharmacies, designed to warm up the joint and thereby increase the flow of additional nutrients to the sore spot. These are very valuable remedies invented by nature, but you need to know when to take them and hope for their effect. I am also against all chemistry and pills that heal and cripple at the same time. That is why, when choosing products and supplements for myself, I am guided by their natural properties. natural origin and no side effects.

That's all. I think it’s time to finish and not burden you with any more information.

I'll make a small announcement. I feel that the time has come to write a whole series of articles about various substances and supplements that are necessary both for the entire body and for our joints. Gradually, step by step, I will try to sort it all out and give it to you. So subscribe to the blog, read and apply.

If you have any questions, write and comment. But do not forget about some of the principles that are given in the article about. I am not a doctor, but as a person who has suffered and experienced a lot, as they say, “in the know,” I can quite help with questions that doctors usually do not answer.

All the best, don't get sick!

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