Hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance that everyone should know in order to take action in time - Video. Testosterone levels may also decrease

What is dangerous about hormonal imbalance and how to treat it?

Health, psychological state and even attractive appearance, directly depend on hormonal levels. If it increases or decreases significantly, it immediately affects a person’s well-being. Not really correct processes, occurring against this background, as a rule, immediately worsen the quality of life of men and women.

Typically, this pathology greatly reduces stress resistance and the person becomes irritable and slightly unbalanced. You can get rid of all these problems only with the help of properly selected therapy.

What is hormonal imbalance: why is it dangerous, what consequences can there be?

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal imbalance- this is insufficient or excessive production of hormones that are responsible for correct work all human systems and organs. If their quantity deviates from the norm, the body of men and women begins to experience pathological processes, which sooner or later lead to the development of quite serious diseases.

Initially, problems with the endocrine system in the fair sex were called hormonal imbalance, but over time it became clear that men are also prone to developing this problem. Regardless of gender, people who are faced with this pathology necessarily develop disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system; weight may increase quite sharply, as well as decrease. sexual desire.

If you do not begin to put hormones in order at this stage, this can lead to the development of benign and malignant neoplasms in the body.

Hormonal imbalance in women: symptoms, signs, causes

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women:

  • Very sharp changes mood
  • Weight gain with a fairly balanced diet
  • Restless sleep
  • Unreasonable fatigue
  • Delayed menstruation
  • Headaches that occur during sleep
  • Sexual desire almost completely disappears
  • Hair falls out and appears acne

Causes of hormonal imbalance in women:

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth, miscarriage, termination of pregnancy

Menstrual irregularities almost always occur after miscarriage and medical abortion.

As a rule, immediately after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion, almost all women develop bright severe symptoms hormonal imbalance. Since from the very first days of pregnancy girls' hormonal levels increase quite strongly, then if a miscarriage occurs, orgasm continues to produce substances necessary for some time. proper development fetus

Usually while he is rebuilding (he does this in a strong nervous shock) a woman reacts quite sharply to everything that happens around her.

The development of hormonal dysfunction after an abortion or miscarriage is indicated by:

  • The appearance of stretch marks
  • Headache
  • Persistent depression
  • Regular races blood pressure

Delayed menstruation - hormonal imbalance in girls: symptoms and causes

Reasons for delayed periods in girls:

  • Defects hormonal system
  • Improper functioning of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and pancreas
  • Incorrect application oral contraceptives
  • Diseases or defects of the ovaries
  • Colposcopy, cauterization of erosion
  • Ultraviolet abuse

Symptoms of delayed menstruation in girls:

  • Cycle length increases or decreases
  • Uterine bleeding that is not associated with menstruation appears
  • Pain in the area of ​​the ovaries
  • Increased breast sensitivity
  • Dull pain in the lumbar region
  • Excessive vaginal dryness

Hormonal imbalance in teenage girls during puberty: symptoms and causes

Thyroid problems can slow down or speed up puberty

Causes of failure in adolescents:

  • Heredity
  • Stressful situations
  • Thyroid problems
  • Use of certain medications
  • Genital pathologists
  • Chronic diseases

Symptoms of failure in adolescents:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Irritability
  • Dermatological problems
  • Stopping growth
  • Too tall
  • Underweight
  • Incorrect and untimely development of mammary glands

Positive pregnancy test due to hormonal imbalance

As you already understood, hormonal imbalance a very serious problem that requires immediate correction. After all, if you don’t fight it, then quite interesting things can begin to happen to the body, for example, a pregnancy test will begin to show positive result despite the fact that you will know for sure that conception could not have happened.

If you encounter such a problem, then immediately go to the doctor. Two lines on the test may indicate that your body is producing hCG, and this is evidence of development malignant tumor. Moreover, it will not necessarily be in the reproductive system. You may have problems with your kidneys, stomach and intestines.

Pregnancy or hormonal imbalance: differences

Many women perceive a delay in menstruation solely as a reason for joy. But sometimes the absence of menstruation may indicate to us that a hormonal imbalance has occurred in the body.

The main differences between pregnancy and hormonal dysfunction:

  • If you begin to eat more, but at the same time your weight begins to decrease, then you are pregnant. But if you eat less than usual, and your weight only increases, then you definitely need to get tested for hormones.
  • The second difference is sexual desire. When pregnancy occurs, it increases, and with hormonal dysfunction it disappears altogether.
  • Another pronounced difference is increased body temperature. If there is a malfunction, it can be high for weeks, but during pregnancy such a deviation is not observed.

How to induce menstruation during hormonal imbalance?

You can induce menstruation during hormonal imbalance with the help of certain medications and folk remedies. But since this problem is caused by an insufficient amount of hormones in your body, it will be better if you do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a gynecologist or therapist.

Pharmacy medications that will help induce menstruation:

  • Norkolut
  • Utrozhestan
  • Pulsatilla
  • Progesterone

Folk remedies for inducing menstruation:

  • Decoction of elecampane roots
  • Dry tansy tea
  • Bay leaf decoction
  • Milk with honey

Is it possible to lose weight or gain weight due to hormonal imbalance?

How to lose weight?

In principle, adjusting weight in one direction or another due to hormonal dysfunction is quite possible. But besides proper nutrition It is also extremely important to normalize hormones.

In view of this, if you want to lose weight or gain the missing mass, then be sure to first ask a specialist to prescribe you therapy that will help normalize the balance of hormones in the body. And, of course, at the same time, be sure to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.


  • Avoid junk food
  • Eat small portions 5-6 times a day
  • Include phytoestrogens (fruits, berries and legumes) in your diet
  • Eat as much fiber as possible

Hormonal imbalance: how to stop hair loss, how to remove acne on the face?

Our hair and skin are usually the first to react to not entirely normal processes occurring inside the body. Usually, if a person experiences hormonal dysfunction, he begins to develop acne and experience severe hair loss.

The only way to leave all this is to normalize the hormonal levels. If you don't do this, then everything cosmetic procedures will only give temporary results.

Which doctor should I contact, what tests should I take if I have a hormonal imbalance?

An endocrinologist will help you establish proper functioning of the body.

If you have all the symptoms of a hormonal disorder, then immediately make an appointment with an endocrinologist. If possible, you should find a doctor who specializes in either female or male endocrinology.

If you live in small town and you don’t have such specialists, then see a therapist, gynecologist and urologist. To have an idea of ​​what is happening to you, your doctor will suggest that you take general analysis blood and hormone analysis.

A blood test will show what level are:

  1. Sex hormones
  2. Pituitary hormones
  3. Thyroid gland

Hormonal imbalance in women: treatment with drugs, Duphaston

Dufostan is enough effective drug, which gently and practically without side effects normalizes hormones. Main active substance This drug is dydrogesterone.

And since it is considered a synthetic substitute for progesterone, this medicine will not have any effect on female body anabolic and thermogenic effect. But effective treatment This will only happen if you take the pills strictly according to the instructions.

Homeopathic remedies for hormonal imbalance: Remens

In case of hormonal imbalances, Remens normalizes the balance of female sex hormones

Although Remens is not a hormonal drug, it helps fight this dysfunction no worse than other drugs. But since it is considered a geomopathic remedy, it must be taken for at least 2 months to achieve a lasting and positive therapeutic effect.

In addition to restoring hormonal levels, this drug will help you get rid of inflammatory processes that cause the development of female diseases.

Hormonal imbalance: treatment with folk remedies

If you want to get rid of this pathology traditional methods, then use so-called phytohormones and hormone-stimulating herbs for this.

They have these qualities:

  1. Sagebrush
  2. Sage
  3. Bloodroot
  4. Hop
  5. Mallow
  6. Nettle

Hormonal imbalance: treatment with propolis

Propolis tincture

One more effective means Propolis is considered to combat hormone dysfunction. It quickly normalizes the proper production of these substances and tones the entire body. This remedy has good general strengthening, anti-inflammatory properties, and also gently adjusts menstrual cycle.

To treat this problem, a 20% propolis tincture is most often used. It should be taken 3 times a day, 20-30 drops. To soften the effect of propolis on gastrointestinal tract, it is best to take it with milk.

Vitamins for hormonal imbalance in women: folic acid, for beauty and hair, women's health

Folic acid is simply irreplaceable for the female body. This substance is involved in almost all metabolic processes and helps maintain in good condition hormonal background. In order for a woman to always be beautiful and healthy, she only needs to take one pill folic acid a day.

But still this drug is not strong enough therapeutic effect Therefore, it is most often prescribed in combination with other drugs.

Diet for hormonal imbalance

Berries contain a lot of phytoestrogens

If you want to forget about hormonal imbalance once and for all, then accustom yourself to the idea that you will have to completely turn to salty, spicy and smoked food. All these products greatly overload the gastrointestinal tract and this immediately affects the functioning of all body systems. In view of this, try to eat exclusively healthy foods and be sure to ensure that almost half of your daily diet consists of phytoestrogens.

Such products include absolutely all berries, peas, lentils, beans and mushrooms. Also make sure that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the body. But don't overdo it. If you drink too much water, your kidneys may not be able to cope and you will experience swelling.

How to get pregnant with hormonal imbalance?

If a woman is healthy, then in the first half of the menstrual cycle her body produces estrogen, and in the second half the hormone progesterone (also called the pregnancy hormone). If a malfunction occurs in the body, these substances are produced in insufficient quantities, which leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, if you want to get pregnant as quickly as possible, then contact your gynecologist and ask him to prescribe you a course of certain medications. It is also necessary to treat sexually transmitted infections (if any) and block all inflammatory processes, occurring in the reproductive system.

What kind of discharge occurs during hormonal imbalance?

Discharge due to hormonal imbalance

As is correct, even a minimal hormonal imbalance leads to the fact that a woman’s periods disappear and against this background she experiences intermenstrual bleeding of varying intensity.

Most often these are not very abundant beige or brown discharge colorless and odorless. But if a woman has not neglected herself very much, then the discharge can be quite intense and have the color of menstrual blood.

Can vomiting occur due to hormonal imbalance?

Even during a hormonal imbalance, our body tries to work normally. Therefore, it continues to produce serotonin, which is necessary for the timely onset of menstruation. An excess of this substance most often causes nausea, which torments women until their hormone production normalizes.

Another cause of nausea may be excess fluid in the body. Therefore, if you notice that your feet and hands are swollen, then take a diuretic.

Can there be uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance?

Uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalances is quite common. Moreover, both young girls and older ladies are susceptible to this problem. Most often this occurs due to malfunction of the pituitary gland and ovaries. The woman’s body begins to produce estrogen, which stimulates the premature release of the egg from the follicle.

Against this background, the woman begins to have quite strong uterine bleeding with quite large clots. Girls with this problem are usually prescribed additional examinations and once again review the hormonal therapy regimen.

Could there be a hormonal imbalance after stopping OK and Excapel?

As a rule, complete refusal to take OCs and Excapel greatly increases the functioning of the ovaries. Against this background, the woman’s hormones rise sharply and all the characteristic symptoms of dysfunction begin to appear.

This occurs due to the fact that refusal of therapy disinhibits ovulation and the body begins to intensively produce follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. Until the girl’s body restores the ability of the endometrium to implant, she will live with these unpleasant sensations.

Is yoga useful for hormonal imbalance in women?

Yoga brings exceptional benefits to the body

Everyone knows that excessive estrogen production has a rather negative effect on the menstrual cycle. It interferes with the normal flow of menstruation and makes them painful.

Yoga greatly influences the functioning of the liver, which is involved in the synthesis of this hormone, so we can say with great confidence that it is simply necessary for women who have had a hormonal imbalance.

Yoga helps:

  • Correct genital dysfunction
  • Encourage proper work endocrine system
  • Eliminate blood stagnation in the pelvis

Do hormonal levels change when using Iodomarin?

Iodomarin is usually prescribed to women who have problems with the thyroid gland. The substances contained in this drug stimulate the synthesis of hormones and participate in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Taking Iodomarin in most cases has an extremely positive effect on hormonal levels and general condition body.

Side effects and hormone surges can only be observed if the drug regimen was not chosen entirely correctly.

Can there be a fever due to hormonal imbalance?

Temperature due to hormone dysfunction

Many women experience elevated temperatures due to the malfunction. Moreover, most often this happens when ladies begin to move intensively or play sports. This is how the body reacts to increased thyroid function.

Therefore, if you have been experiencing temperature fluctuations for quite a long time, then under no circumstances self-medicate, but go to an endocrinologist and take a blood test for TSH. After all, until you establish proper functioning of the thyroid gland, the temperature will still periodically rise.

Could there be a hormonal imbalance due to stress?

Stress can be the root cause of hormonal imbalance. Our body reacts to an unpleasant situation with an immediate release of adrenaline and cortisol. The main task of these substances is to prepare a person for bad information or actions of strangers.

If a person lives in constant stress, then the level of these hormones is almost never normal, and this provokes hormonal imbalance, which can lead to the development of heart problems, nervous system and even the appearance of malignant tumors.

Can breasts hurt due to hormonal imbalance?

With excessive hormone production, the breasts become very painful

Pain in the mammary gland with increased hormonal levels is observed in almost all women. This is how the body reacts to an excessive increase in blood estrogen. Also, the cause of pain in the chest area can be mastopathy, which develops against the background of dysfunction.

This disease quickly degenerates into a malignant one, so if your breasts hurt not only before the expected menstruation, then be sure to visit a mammologist.

Can hCG increase due to hormonal imbalance?

Quite a lot of women think that an elevated hCG level is evidence of pregnancy. If a woman is completely healthy, then this is usually the case. But if a representative of the fair sex has all the signs of a hormonal imbalance, then such hCG levels indicate that she is developing some kind of severe pathology. This may be a sign of the development of a pituitary adenoma, an ovarian defect, or problems with the thyroid gland.

Video: How to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels?

For a woman's body to remain healthy, hormones must be balanced. When any of them increases or decreases significantly, hormonal imbalance may occur, which can further lead to serious problems and diseases. If you notice unusual symptoms and suspect you have an endocrine disorder, see your doctor as soon as possible to get tested and get the right treatment.


Hormonal imbalance and its effect on the body. How to recognize the most common signs hormonal disorders.

  1. Estrogens

Estrogens are primarily produced in the ovaries, but are also produced in the adrenal glands. These hormones are important for a woman's sexual and reproductive development. Teenagers often have high levels of testosterone or more low content estradiol, but as we grow older, the amount of testosterone decreases and the female hormone increases.

If it is present in a woman’s body, a hormonal disorder and so-called estrogen dominance may occur. This condition causes symptoms such as:

  • weight gain,
  • changes in the menstrual cycle,
  • worsening PMS symptoms,
  • cysts in the breast,
  • tides,
  • decrease in sexual desire,
  • dry skin,
  • mood swings.

Too little estrogen can also lead to hormonal imbalance, irregular or absent periods, and even early menopause. A woman in this case may experience symptoms of menopause. Improper production of one estradiol often leads to disturbances in the production of other hormones. Conversely, estrogens can go beyond normal limits, for example due to excessive prolactin production or low progesterone. Also, the amount of this hormone in the body is affected by some tumors, diseases (for example, cirrhosis of the liver), physical activity and nutrition.

  1. Testosterone

Testosterone stimulates the development of male characteristics and the internal and external reproductive organs necessary for the production of sperm. Normally, a woman should have less of this hormone than a man. High testosterone usually occurs in young children. Women have it increased content may be an indicator of a hormonal disorder, including polycystic ovary syndrome. The main features include:

  • (even in adulthood) and oily skin,
  • on the body and face,
  • severe and baldness,
  • increase in muscle mass.

Low levels of this hormone occur in women taking oral contraceptives or following a strict diet.

  1. Progesterone

The steroid hormone progesterone plays an important role in the menstrual cycle and maintaining pregnancy. early stages. One of its main tasks is to prepare the endometrium lining internal cavity uterus, to possible conception after ovulation. Women with low progesterone levels (luteal phase deficiency) tend to have irregular periods and fertility problems.

During pregnancy, a lack of this hormone increases the chance of miscarriage and premature birth. Increased progesterone also leads to hormonal imbalances in women, including uterine bleeding.

  1. Insulin

The hormone insulin is released into the bloodstream by special beta cells found in the pancreas. It controls the body's use of carbohydrates and fats from food. Insulin allows cells in the liver, muscle and fat to absorb sugar from the bloodstream. Glucose can also be converted into fat to provide energy when sugar levels are too low.

If a woman's body becomes insensitive to insulin, the body begins to produce it in increased quantity, which subsequently leads to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Obesity, which is often observed in this case, further worsens the situation. In addition, with problems with insulin, a woman often develops a hormonal disorder such as.

Signs high sugar in the blood:

  • strong thirst
  • headaches,
  • blurred vision,
  • frequent urination,
  • fatigue.

Symptoms of low blood sugar:

  • dizziness,
  • absent-mindedness,
  • sticky sweat
  • nervousness,
  • rapid pulse,
  • feeling of hunger.
  1. Thyroid hormones

Thyroid gland - small organ, which is located in the front of the neck. It absorbs iodine(iodides) from food products and converts them into thyroid hormones. They, in turn, regulate vital important functions body, such as breathing, heart rate, temperature and body weight, muscle strength, menstrual cycle, etc.

A hormonal disorder in which women have too much thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) and too little TSH is called hyperthyroidism. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • anxiety,
  • hyperactivity,
  • sweating or high temperature,
  • hair loss,
  • absent or short menstruation.

A hormonal imbalance in which TSH rises and thyroid hormones fall is called hypothyroidism. Its symptoms include:

  • drowsiness,
  • fatigue,
  • dry skin or hair,
  • depression,
  • sensitivity to cold temperatures,
  • heavy periods, ovarian dysfunction,
  • muscle pain.
  1. Cortisol

Cortisol is steroid hormone, formed in the adrenal cortex. Once in the bloodstream, it is distributed throughout the body, helping to regulate metabolism. It may act as an anti-inflammatory and affect blood pressure.

Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone because it helps a woman cope with nervous tension by shutting down certain functions so that the body can focus its energy on dealing with stress. A stressful state usually does not harm the body if it does not last long. Chronic stress and increased during long period and including Cushing's syndrome, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • rapid weight gain in the face, chest and abdomen, with thin arms and legs,
  • red face,
  • high blood pressure,
  • osteoporosis,
  • bruises,
  • muscle weakness,
  • mood swings, anxiety and depression,
  • urinating frequently.
  1. Leptin

This hormone is released from fat cells and helps regulate body weight. The higher a woman's weight, the more leptin will circulate in the blood. In obesity, levels of this hormone are very high, the brain does not receive the signal that it is full, and as a result a condition known as leptin resistance can occur. The person continues to eat, leptin levels rise, and weight increases.

The main signs of a hormonal disorder called leptin resistance:

  • obesity, overweight and the difficulty of losing him,
  • constant craving for food.


  1. How is low estrogen treated?

At low estradiol, may be assigned hormonal treatment. Women aged 25 to 50 years are usually prescribed high dose estrogen to reduce the risk of loss bone tissue, cardiovascular diseases and other hormonal disorders. The actual dose depends on the severity of the condition and route of administration. Estrogen can be taken:

  • orally,
  • externally,
  • vaginally,
  • through injections.

In some cases, long-term treatment may be required even after estrogen levels return to normal. Lower doses may be prescribed to maintain hormonal balance.

In addition, estrogen treatment may ease the severity of menopausal symptoms and reduce the risk of fractures. Long-term estrogen therapy is primarily recommended for women who are approaching menopause or have had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). In all other cases, estrogen therapy is recommended to be continued for no more than 1–2 years, as it can potentially increase the risk of cancer, blood clots and stroke.

  1. Increased estrogen in women

High level female hormones, which is not related to the presence serious illnesses, can be reduced using folk remedies. After consultation with a doctor, a woman may be prescribed the drug DIM, Indole, Zinc Picolinate, Calcium D Glucarate. Other benefits include detoxifying the liver, improving bowel function by eating fiber and avoiding processed foods, losing excess weight and reducing insulin resistance, and reducing alcohol consumption and aromatase enzyme activity.

  1. Hormonal imbalance associated with high testosterone

Low doses of corticosteroids, such as prednisone or dexamethasone, given daily for 2 to 3 months, can reduce adrenal androgen production. Glucocorticosteroids reduce acne and may improve fertility and moderately reduce acne in women.

At increased testosterone caused by insulin resistance, as a rule, the drug is prescribed. It helps in weight loss, which also reduces androgen levels and reduces excess hair growth.

Oral contraceptives can also reduce testosterone levels in women. COCs reduce acne and hirsutism, and also help prevent alopecia.

Spironolactone is a drug that blocks the action of aldosterone and reduces hair loss. However, this medicine may cause birth defects and should not be taken by women who may become pregnant. When taken, the following symptoms may appear: side effects, such as fatigue, dizziness, headaches and decreased desire.

Lifestyle changes may help with a slight increase in test levels. Thus, 55–65% of women with increased level testosterone are overweight. Losing just 7% of your body weight can reduce symptoms of hyperandrogenism and improve fertility. Regular exercise also helps normalize blood glucose levels.

  1. Hormonal imbalances with low testosterone

It is rare and requires specialist consultation. Sometimes doctors prescribe the medicine Estratest, which contains both estrogen and testron. If indicated, women may be prescribed injections or androgel, usually prescribed to men. DHEA supplements may also be prescribed.

All these drugs can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Too much high magnification testosterone can lead to acne, hirsutism, and infertility.

  1. Low or high progesterone

Reduced hormone progesterone sometimes causes problems with conception, bleeding and menstrual irregularities. At severe symptoms menopause prog-ron is also often prescribed in combination with estrogen. Treatment can be prescribed in the form of:

  • cream or gel for topical or vaginal use,
  • suppositories,
  • vaginal ring,
  • oral medications, such as Provera.

Hormone therapy can relieve symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes. Oral progesterone provides a calming effect, improving sleep.

Home remedies to improve low progesterone levels include:

  • increasing the intake of vitamins B and C,
  • adding more foods with zinc to your diet,
  • control stress levels, since when stress is high, cortisol is released instead of progesterone.

The most common cause of high progesterone is due to the use of medications containing this hormone. If the level of proron in the blood is too high, the doctor may adjust the dose of the drug. Another reason may be excessive production of progesterone by the adrenal glands. Stress increases progesterone levels. In this case, it is recommended to reduce caffeine consumption, reduce nervous tension and physical activity (if excessive), lower cortisol and check DHEA, change diet by reducing refined carbohydrate intake.

In addition, changes in thyroid function alter the levels of progesterone and cortisol and affect obesity. At increased progesterone it is necessary to examine the thyroid gland, measure the content of insulin, leptin, testosterone in the blood.

  1. Insulin and hormonal disorders

Insulin resistance is associated with hormonal imbalances, obesity, diabetes, PCOS, and increased blood pressure, high level cholesterol, breast and endometrial cancer, Alzheimer's disease.

To combat insulin resistance, doctors prescribe drugs such as. Additionally, it is recommended to switch to a diet consisting of small amounts of lean meat and other proteins, fiber, grains and plenty of vegetables and legumes, leafy greens and fruits. Regular half-hour exercise 3-5 times a week helps regulate metabolic function and maintain hormonal balance.

  1. Hormonal disorders associated with the thyroid gland

The standard treatment for hypothyroidism is replacement therapy, such as levothyroxine, which is taken by mouth to replace missing thyroid hormone. Treatment is usually long-term.

Hyperthyroidism can be treated with iodine (including radioactive iodine), antithyroid drugs, or surgical method. Radioactive iodine can destroy part of the thyroid gland. This may be enough to control hyperthyroidism. In at least 80% of cases one dose radioactive iodine can cure hyperthyroidism.

  1. Cortisol and hormonal imbalance

For low or high cortisol, stress reduction is recommended, including reducing exposure to chemical and biochemical stressors, such as avoiding extra sugar and processed foods. For minor deviations from the norm, natural supplements with ashwagandha and fish oil. At severe violations specialist consultation will be required.

  1. The role of leptin in hormonal disorders

For obesity and leptin resistance, it is recommended to avoid processed foods, which disrupt the intestines and cause inflammation in the body, consume soluble fiber and protein, and lower triglycerides in the blood if they are elevated. Physical activity And proper sleep also improve leptin sensitivity.

Hormonal imbalance in women, symptoms and treatment are sometimes very difficult to determine. What signs will tell you that your hormones are going haywire? After all, our health, both physical and emotional, often depends on hormonal levels.

Hello everyone, dear readers. Svetlana Morozova is with you. One of my friends said that women are a cocktail of hormones, plus beautiful eyes. Well, it's hard to disagree, right? Today we will tell you how to identify a violation and how to bring everything back to normal.

Hormonal imbalance in women: symptoms, treatment: violators

Of course, hormones are all important. But now we will look at those that are specifically for women's health. And for this we are responsible for progesterone, estrogen, prolactin and yes, although many people associate it only with men. And an imbalance of even one hormone immediately affects the general condition.

So, what are they signs They will say that the hormones have gone crazy:

Hormonal imbalance in women: symptoms, treatment - how to overcome

How to restore hormonal balance? I’ll tell you what is usually done in such cases:

  • If prescribed by a doctor, we take hormonal drugs. This is almost always the case.
  • We drink dietary supplements and herbs. Women's background is helped to restore folk remedies based on St. John's wort, wormwood, yarrow, a mixture of marigold, chamomile, motherwort, horsetail, cinquefoil, centaury, nettle, peppermint, shepherd's purse. Check with your doctor about each product; there are contraindications.
  • . If there is a lack of estradiol, flour cannot be consumed and should be reduced to a minimum - estradiol is removed from the body. But we need more. With progesterone deficiency, on the contrary, there is a bias towards fruits and berries, especially where there is a lot of vitamin C. And we don’t skim the diet, healthy fats – best friends women's health.
  • Getting rid of excess weight. with hormonal imbalance? We eat healthy food, we spend more calories than we consume. , drink enough, go to bed no later than 22:00.

Most likely, hormonal imbalance will prevent you from losing weight quickly and easily. But do not despair, sooner or later your efforts will be crowned with success. And don't accept emergency measures type of hunger strike diets. In most cases, they only make things worse.

Sometimes it’s worth going to a psychotherapist, obesity is mostly psychological problem. When the brain resists health, hormones are sure to rebel.

Why do hormones go wrong?

What are the reasons that bring discord to one of the most important areas in a woman’s health:

Take care of yourself, take care of your health. It is always easier to cure a disease in the early stages.

It’s not for nothing that they say that a woman’s purpose is love. Love yourself and everyone around you, appreciate every moment, take care of your health, nutrition, rest, appearance, mental balance. If you want to attract happiness, become its personification. And everything will get better, and the hormones will be in order.

See you soon on my blog. Bye everyone!

Hormones largely determine the functioning of the female reproductive system. They are in such a close relationship that a deficiency or excess of one of them leads to the incorrect production of other hormones.

As a result, irregularities in the menstrual cycle begin, which are difficult to correct. The process of restoring the endocrine system takes a long time, and in some cases it is completely impossible.

There may be two reasons for this: improper use of hormonal drugs or congenital disorders functions of organs responsible for the production of hormones.

If in the first case it is possible full recovery endocrine system, then in the second only treatment regimens that will temporarily correct the incorrect production of hormones can help.

The female endocrine system - how it works

Failure of the hormonal system can begin at any age, but most often it affects either teenage girls or women during menopause, when the endocrine system undergoes dramatic changes.

Hormones in the female body are produced by certain glands, which in medical science are called the glandular apparatus.

Some of these glands have direct relation to the functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system:

The pituitary gland is a cerebral appendage located on the lower surface of the brain. Responsible for the production of prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), oxytocin.

Thyroid gland– located in the neck area, above the larynx. Responsible for the production of thyroxine, which affects the growth of the endometrium in the uterus.

The adrenal glands are paired glands that are located above the kidneys. Responsible for the production of progesterone, a number of androgens and a small amount of estrogens.

The ovaries are paired glands located in the pelvic cavity. Responsible for the production of estrogens, weak androgens and progesterone.

If in older women, dysfunction of the endocrine system occurs due to the consumption of the supply of eggs and the fading of the ability to bear children, then hormonal imbalance in girls, on the contrary, indicates the maturation of the body and its preparation for fulfillment. reproductive functions.

Hormones that affect the female reproductive system

– the common name for three hormones: estriol, estradiol and estrone. Produced by the ovaries and partly by the adrenal glands. They are hormones of the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Prolactin – affects the formation of milk in the mammary glands. Helps reduce estrogen levels and inhibit ovulation during breastfeeding.

Follicle stimulating hormone – produced by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Accelerates the growth of follicles in the ovaries in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Affects the production of estrogen.

Luteinizing hormone – produced by the pituitary gland, stimulates the production of estrogen, provokes rupture of the capsule of the dominant follicle and the release of a mature egg from it. It is closely related to the production of follicle-stimulating hormone.

Testosterone - male sex hormone. In women large quantities produced by the adrenal cortex and ovaries. Promotes breast enlargement during pregnancy.

Progesterone – hormone corpus luteum, which is formed after the capsule of the dominant follicle ruptures during ovulation. In addition, it is produced in large quantities by the ovaries and placenta if a woman is pregnant.

These are the main hormones that have a greater influence on the menstrual cycle than all others, which are also produced by the endocrine glands.

7 reasons for hormonal imbalance

Improper hormone production can be either congenital or acquired during life. Treatment for this problem will depend on what caused the endocrine system failure:

1) Taking oral contraceptives. Despite the fact that some gynecologists are confident that oral contraceptives normalize a woman’s hormonal levels, this is not always the case. After stopping the pills, in some patients the endocrine system cannot normalize its functions.

2) Taking medications for emergency contraception. Leads to a strong surge in hormones, after which the menstrual cycle may not return to normal for a long time.

3) Unauthorized use of other hormonal drugs. Medicines that regulate the functioning of the endocrine system should be prescribed by a doctor of the appropriate profile. Even if the test results show a deviation from the norm of any hormone, then select it yourself medicines not advisable for correction. Only an endocrinologist can prescribe an adequate treatment regimen.

4) Functional impairment endocrine glands. It can occur both as a result of their diseases and as a result of abnormalities in their development.

5) Age physiological changes. This refers to puberty and menopause - two periods in a woman’s life during which the most dramatic restructuring of the endocrine system is observed.

6) Artificial termination of pregnancy. A sudden cessation of hCG production leads to a disruption in the production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Both medicinal and surgical abortion equally negatively affect the functioning of the endocrine system.

7) Long-term stressful conditions. They influence the suppression of the production of the hormone oxytocin. A decrease in oxytocin levels affects the production of prolactin.

Hormonal imbalance can also be caused by pregnancy, but in this case the body is programmed natural ways to normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands, which are activated after childbirth.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

Hormonal imbalances never go away without consequences. Depending on which endocrine gland is not functioning properly, a woman experiences certain symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

In medicine, a symptom is a set of manifestations of a disease that the patient himself notices. In this case, the symptoms will be the following:

  1. Irregularity in the duration of the menstrual cycle;
  2. Excessive body hair growth;
  3. The release of milk from the mammary glands in the absence of breastfeeding;
  4. Frequent mood swings;
  5. Increase in body weight at relatively moderate consumption food;
  6. Hair loss;
  7. Decreased libido.

The listed symptoms should alert you and become a reason to visit an endocrinologist.

Signs of endocrine system dysfunction

In medicine, a sign means a set of manifestations of a disease that a doctor observes. It amounts to clinical picture diseases, relying not only on data medical research, but also to the complaints of the patient herself.

The following are signs of hormonal imbalance in a woman:

  • Shortening or lengthening the first or second phase of the cycle;
  • Lack of ovulation;
  • Ovarian cysts;
  • Corpus luteum cysts;
  • Thin or too thick endometrium;
  • Presence of fibroids;
  • Disruption of the maturation process of follicles (regression of the dominant follicle, follicular cyst);
  • A large number of antral follicles in one ovary, not exceeding 8-9 mm in diameter (MFN);
  • A large number of follicles in one ovary, which exceed the size of 9 mm in diameter, but are still smaller than dominant follicle(PCOS).

Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy

The body undergoes changes after conceiving a child. From the day a fertilized egg is implanted into one of the walls of the uterus, the production of the hormone hCG begins. An increase in its concentration in the blood provokes a change in the amount of production of other hormones.

The endocrine system is forced to adapt to the changes that have occurred in the body, however, hormonal imbalance during pregnancy is a natural process necessary for the successful bearing of a child.

But there are violations that can lead to the threat of miscarriage:

  1. Lack of progesterone.
  2. Excess testosterone.
  3. Lack of estrogen.

These are the three main hormonal disorders that pregnant women encounter most often. To correct them, the gynecologist will prescribe drug therapy.

Consequences of improper functioning of the endocrine system

Hormonal imbalance is a factor that negatively affects a woman’s health. It's about not only about impaired reproductive functions, but also about general deterioration health status.

Lack or excess of certain hormones, in the absence timely treatment, may lead to serious consequences, among which:

  • Infertility;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Obesity;
  • The occurrence of cancer;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • High fatigue;
  • Formation of benign tumors;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Decreased sexual activity.

If the reason hormonal imbalance lies in the improper functioning of the endocrine glands, which has been observed since birth, then constant monitoring by an endocrinologist and systematic correction of the production of one or another hormone are required.

The treatment regimen will depend on which hormone deviates from normal values. Sometimes there are problems with the production of any one hormone, but more often than not, a blood test indicates problems with several hormones at once.

Each doctor has his own views on treatment methods, but gynecologist-endocrinologists can be divided into two categories: the first prefer to prescribe oral contraceptives as therapy, and the second prefer to regulate each hormone with separate drugs.

Correction of hormonal imbalance using oral contraceptives

To normalize the production of hormones, drugs such as Yarina, Diane 35, Jess, Lindinet can be prescribed. On the one hand, it is convenient for the doctor: there is no need to select a special treatment regimen - everything is in tablets synthetic analogues hormones are pre-distributed according to the days of the cycle.

On the other hand, such a correction is fraught with negative consequences:

  • Intolerance to oral contraceptives, expressed in daily severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Unplanned pregnancy after stopping a course of pills. And, thanks to the rebound effect, it may turn out that a woman is carrying twins or triplets.
  • Increased signs of hormonal imbalance after discontinuation of oral contraceptives

Correction of hormonal imbalance using an individual selection of hormonal drugs

It is more difficult to create such a treatment regimen. There is a need to use several hormonal drugs at once, so the gynecologist-endocrinologist must select medications in such a way as not to provoke a disruption in the production of other hormones that are normal.

  • Excess testosterone – Dexamethasone, Cyproterone, Metypred are used for treatment.
  • Lack of Progesterone - Duphaston and Utrozhestan are used to normalize indicators.
  • Lack of estrogen is corrected with the help of Divigel, Premarin, Proginova.
  • Excess estrogen - treated with Clomiphene, Tamoxifen.

These are just a few examples of solving problems with the production of certain hormones. In fact, there may be much more of them, and a specific treatment regimen should be drawn up by an endocrinologist. Herbal mixtures are also used to correct hormonal levels, but they also need to be taken only on doctor's recommendation.

As preventive measures You can be advised not to take hormonal drugs without permission, without a doctor’s prescription and supervision. Once a year you need to donate blood to analyze the main female hormones and if one or more of them deviate from the norm, contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist.


Hormones have a direct effect on physiology and are responsible for regulating metabolic processes in the body. Despite significant differences, all hormones are very clearly balanced among themselves. Breaking them normal level leads to an imbalance, which results in hormonal imbalance in women, which can cause serious negative consequences for the body. Therefore, such situations require urgent action, since the reaction can be completely unpredictable.

What is hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance occurs when the production of hormones in the body becomes unstable, and the amount does not fit into the regulatory framework. The cause of such anomalies can be metabolic disorders, stressful situations and other negative factors.

In case of hormonal imbalance, the hormonal balance is first disrupted. For this reason, women develop diseases associated with the reproductive system, immunity is impaired, inflammatory processes and genital infections occur. As a result of such abnormalities, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, anomalies lead to hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, polyps and polycystic disease. In such cases, it is of great importance to carry out timely gynecological examinations, since most diseases of the reproductive system have no symptoms and occur without any clinical manifestations.

Majority complex processes in a woman’s body, it occurs under the control of estrogen, which is responsible for the onset of menstruation in adolescents, the achievement of puberty, hair growth, an increase in breast size, and the performance of reproductive functions. Change hormonal levels occurs in connection with pregnancy. During this period, the release of a new hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, is observed. At the same time, there is an increase in the content of progesterone and estrogen. At the 4th month, the placenta produces its own hormones that support pregnancy. The onset of hormonal imbalance often occurs as a result of an imbalance between female and male hormones. It is he who gives impetus to certain gynecological diseases.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

Offensive period hormonal imbalances often occurs during menopause. The main reason Pathologies usually include features of the menstrual cycle and dysfunction of the hormonal glands. No less important factor hormones are not produced in the quantities required by the body.

Most women experience hormonal imbalances at the age of 40 and older. However, in modern conditions, young girls are increasingly becoming susceptible to such violations. First of all, this is explained by their excessive busyness at work, when there is simply no free time to visit a gynecologist. Very often there is a frivolous attitude even in the presence of characteristic symptoms. Most girls don't realize how hard it is possible consequences and bring the situation to a critical state. Instead of a small short-term treatment, it is necessary to carry out the whole complex therapeutic interventions over a long period of time.

One of the causes of hormonal imbalance is observed during puberty in girls. The cause of pathology in young women can be contraceptives hormonal agents, fatigue, stress, poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle and other negative factors.

After reaching the age of forty, hormonal levels are disrupted under the influence of natural factors. The main reason is the onset of menopause. At this time, eggs are no longer formed, so estrogen enters the body in noticeably reduced quantities. In this regard, hot flashes, irritability, night sweats, and severe fatigue occur. The treatment does not produce results, so its implementation is considered useless.

Signs of hormonal imbalance in women

Hormonal background the female body may undergo changes in different periods, especially during the formation and development of the reproductive system.

Hormonal imbalance manifests itself as common features, such as disrupted menstrual cycle, frequent and severe headaches. The woman becomes nervous, overly irritable, and regularly suffers from insomnia. Hair begins to grow rapidly in those areas of the body where it should not be in such quantities. The vagina becomes dry and irritable, libido decreases, and discomfort is felt during sexual intercourse.

During puberty in girls, hormonal imbalance leads to irregular menstruation or its complete absence at the age of 16 years. There is no hair in the armpits and pubic area. In some cases, on the contrary, these places are subject to excessive hair growth. Mammary glands underdeveloped, combined with severe thinness and impaired normal deposition of adipose tissue. Arms and legs look disproportionately long.

In women in reproductive age hormonal disorders are manifested by regular disruptions of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, problems may affect reproductive functions in the form of spontaneous abortions, missed abortions, and the impossibility of fertilization. Sometimes dysfunctional uterine bleeding develops.

During menopause and menopause, women are often susceptible to depression and apathy, which manifests itself very clearly premenstrual syndrome, concentration decreases. The main symptoms are accompanied by headaches, digestive disorders, painful sensations in the chest, sleep disorders.

Insufficient amounts of hormones are characterized by the following disorders:

  • Lack of prolactin leads to abnormal development mammary glands. As a result, after childbirth, breast milk produced in insufficient quantities or it may not exist at all. At the same time, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted.
  • Insufficient testosterone also leads to menstrual irregularities. This condition causes the development of frigidity; the sebaceous and sweat glands malfunction. Particularly severe cases are accompanied by renal failure.
  • Lack of estrogen, in addition to cycle disorders, causes osteoporosis, spontaneous abortions, benign formations in the mammary glands. Besides, this pathology leads to atherosclerosis, depression, obesity, cervical erosion, and various autonomic disorders.
  • Insufficient production of progesterone can cause inflammatory processes in the uterus, leading to painful and heavy menstruation. The likelihood of spontaneous abortion during pregnancy increases significantly. Ovulation is disrupted, and the skin becomes covered with boils and acne.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth, although they represent a completely natural natural process, nevertheless, have a serious impact on the entire female body. Changes occur immediately after conception and continue until birth. All this restructuring is aimed solely at preserving the actively growing fragile life of the unborn child. After childbirth, the body recovers and regulates its own processes, bringing them to a normal state.

These changes also affect the general hormonal background, which is subject to significant, dramatic changes. However, immediately after childbirth, the hormonal balance is completely restored on its own. However, in some cases this may not happen, then experts diagnose a hormonal imbalance or imbalance.

The main signs of the anomaly are dizziness and severe headaches. A woman suffers from insomnia, she develops swelling, her blood pressure readings are characterized by sharp jumps. Associated symptoms include apathy, deep depression, constant manifestation of irritability. The hormonal nature of the problems is indicated by increased sweating, accompanied by fatigue And sharp decline libido. Hormonal imbalance can lead to hair growth problems. There is both an excess of hair and a lack of it. Hair can actively fall out, including on the head. Problems of excess weight arise, despite a balanced and proper diet.

It is possible to speak confidently about hormonal imbalance only after special tests and studies prescribed by a doctor. Based on the results of such an examination, all organs and systems are realistically assessed. Based on the data obtained, based on general well-being, the necessary medication is prescribed.

How to treat hormonal imbalance

Once the causes of hormonal disorders have been identified and a diagnosis has been established, the necessary treatment is prescribed using special medications. This group The drugs effectively restore and regulate the menstrual cycle, alleviate menopause and other symptoms. Most often, hormonal therapy is carried out using Klimadinon, Mastodinon, Cyclodinone and others. At the same time, vitamin therapy and a course of physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed. Many women are recommended sanatorium treatment and wellness.

If a hormonal imbalance in women is definitely established, then the necessary medicines can be taken from several days to several months. Therapeutic measures are prescribed on an individual basis, based on analysis data. When selecting a dose, weight, age and hormone levels in the blood are taken into account. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated.