Injection facial contouring. Facial contouring. This procedure also has its downsides.

Contour plastic stands injection technique to eliminate wrinkles and correct facial contours. This procedure is based on the process of filling the subcutaneous cavity through special drugs, so-called fillers.

What is filling in cosmetology?

Filling in cosmetology means smoothing out wrinkles using injectable drug. A noticeable anti-aging result and the ability to create significant changes in facial features through fillers allow us to talk about contouring as an excellent alternative to surgery.

Other undeniable advantages of this procedure include the speed and ease of implementation, as well as the absence of the need for anesthesia. Patients also do not require a recovery period, and the relatively low cost only attracts more and more clients who want to rejuvenate. To fill translated from English. "fill".

The basic ingredient of most drugs used in contouring is hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substrate of human skin, which guarantees the absence of allergic reactions and other side effects.

What is filling is interesting to many women. Let's figure it out further.

Contour plastic surgery: what is it for?

It is important to consider that the purpose of contouring is to achieve an aesthetic effect. A number of therapeutic results, such as stimulation of collagen production, also occur, however, only when we're talking about on the elimination of internal prerequisites for aging. So, thanks to contour plastic surgery, the following results can be achieved:

  • Absolutely all types of wrinkles and folds are eliminated, with the exception of deep structural types.
  • Lips are enlarged and their shape is adjusted.
  • The volume of various areas of the face is formed, for example, cheeks, cheekbones, nose, etc.
  • Asymmetry in facial features is eliminated.

In addition, this procedure is effective not only on the face, but also in the neck and décolleté area. This is also done when treating the skin on the knees and hands.

Nowadays even intimate filling is carried out.

Preparations used in contouring

There are two main types of drugs that are used for the contouring procedure:

  • Filler preparations based on hyaluronic acid, among which are Restylane, Surgiderm, Juvederm and Stylage.
  • Fillers based on other components that are safe for the body - Sculptra, Ellans, and Radiesse.

All differ from each other in two main characteristics, namely the density of the gel and the speed of biodegradation, that is, the duration of the result. The choice of one or another means is made based on the nature of the planned changes.

We have explained what filling is. But how is it carried out?

Carrying out contour plastic surgery

Despite the guaranteed safety of this procedure, only certified doctors who have undergone additional training in the relevant area have the right to perform contouring. Only a qualified specialist can choose the right the right drug, and also determine the dosage along with injection points.

The injection contouring method is used on an outpatient basis, within one procedure. This distinguishes it from mesotherapy, which provides courses of four or ten procedures. An anesthetic cream is applied to the previously cleansed skin, after which the specialist begins injections. This process takes from fifteen to forty minutes, depending on the size of the processing area.

A distinctive feature and advantage of fillering in cosmetology is the absence. There are, however, minor restrictions that must be observed in the first two weeks in order to achieve a better effect. To do this, limit the mechanical impact on the treated area, and also refuse to visit saunas, swimming pools and solariums.

The expected result from the injection will be noticeable almost immediately. The changes will be initially assessed after two days, and the final effect will be achieved in about seven days. Depending on the type of product used, the results obtained can last from four months to several years.

Intimate filling lasts even longer.

Contraindications for contour plastic surgery

The main contraindications in this case are the period of pregnancy and lactation, and in addition, the presence of various diseases at the acute stage. It is also prohibited to carry out injections if there is viral diseases and inflammatory processes in the areas of the planned injection. Another contraindication is blood clotting pathology.

What are the consequences of hyaluronic acid filling for a patient?

Possible complications due to contour plastic surgery

Despite the fact that current fillers are absolutely biologically compatible and safe for the human body, you should still have a general understanding of possible problems, which may be associated with their introduction, which will certainly help to prepare in advance and take measures to prevent troubles. So, in case of violation general rules When performing injections, the appearance of hematomas and edema is possible. To avoid an unsuccessful procedure, you should comply with all instructions, and also agree to provide services only in highly qualified clinics.

Softlifting as an innovative method of contouring

As part of this procedure, the rejuvenation effect is achieved through injections not subcutaneously, but into even deeper layers of facial tissue, which makes it possible to achieve impressive results, which can be comparable to full-fledged plastic surgery.

Thus, the popularity of injection methods aimed at rejuvenation is rapidly gaining momentum. Contour plastic surgery has the advantage of being painless and quickly achieving results compared to traditional plastic surgery. New lines of filler drugs, as well as various injection techniques along with beautiful photos“before” and “after” do not leave their clients indifferent, the majority of whom, of course, are representatives of the fair sex.

But in the endless pursuit of youth, one nuance should be taken into account, namely, that various advertising materials that talk about the complete safety and, in addition, painlessness of contour plastic surgery, are sometimes silent about the likelihood of complications and side effects. Therefore, to avoid any negative consequences, you must trust this technique only to qualified specialists, and also follow all precautions and instructions depending on your state of health.

So, we looked at what filling is. We hope that the information presented in this article will help you make an informed decision regarding such a procedure.

Age makes no exception for anyone. Over time, the skin loses elasticity and bags appear under the eyes. Wrinkles and a changed oval are not a reason to panic. Using injection contouring appearance can be corrected and rejuvenated. This is the gentlest and most effective method facial modeling, without surgery.

The first documented procedure was performed in 1893 by the German doctor Neuber. As a filler he used adipose tissue patients. At the beginning of the 20th century, Dr. Gersun (Germany) tried to use a synthetic component for this manipulation - paraffin, but this filler was not suitable for correcting the shape of the face.

After some time in plastic surgery begin to actively use silicone gel. But due to the poor quality of the gel and the dubious qualifications of specialists, many cases with complications appeared.

But progress in science has done its job. In the centers aesthetic medicine Now only super-professionals work, and silicone now has worthy alternative.

In the second half of the 20th century, it was scientifically proven that collagen is the main protein component of the structure of the epidermis. It is a safe natural substance for injection that produces a rejuvenating effect on the face.

Protein elements - collagen and elastin - prevent the skin from sagging and make it elastic. Unfortunately, they are produced in the human body only until the age of 25. And then the skin ages and does not recover.

What was needed was a stable filler that would stimulate the independent production of deficient protein in the connective fibers of the skin. Attempts to find such a filler did not stop and were soon crowned with success.

In the 1930s, German biochemist Karl Meyer developed a method for producing hyaluronic acid. Injection plastic surgery From that moment it began to develop rapidly.

Hyaluronic acid is a high molecular weight biopolymer that is integral component many tissues and biological fluids of our body. This is due to her wide application in medicine and cosmetic surgery. It effectively restores the intracellular balance of the skin, blocks its dehydration, stimulates metabolic processes and rejuvenation of epidermal tissue.

If you are concerned age-related decline volume of soft tissues, sunken cheeks, and cheekbones have lost their expressiveness, facial oval contouring using hyaluronic dermal fillers will help you. These are gel-like preparations used by cosmetologists to fill the space between the fibers of the epidermis and improve the structure of the deep layers of the skin.

Types of fillers

Non-degradable. Synthetics - silicone, biopolymer, polyacrylamide gel are not recommended for use due to the high risk of complications. They do not dissolve and are not excreted naturally. Seals and deformations of connective tissue may form around the injected polymer.

Biodegradable. They are eliminated from the body on their own, dissolving after six months or a year. Made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, they are absolutely safe and do not contain allergens or perfumes. Smooth out wrinkles and fill folds in the soft tissues of the face using intradermal injections.

The procedure is carried out with a special syringe with blunt needles - elastic cannulas. Penetrating into the skin, this instrument gently expands the interstitial space, with virtually no pain or bleeding.

Features of dermal gels

Cosmetologists prefer the following drugs:

The duration of action and area of ​​application of these drugs depends on the degree of viscosity. The higher this indicator, the longer the correction result lasts.

It is possible to neutralize the injected hyaluronic filler if for some reason the result is not satisfactory. For this purpose, a special enzyme is used - hyaluronidase. It dissolves the injected gel, which is then easily removed.

Sometimes it is advisable to use fillers with more long term actions. They are also safe and biodegradable , but have a different composition:

Advantages of non-surgical contouring

The main advantages of this method:

Having selected the right drug, the specialist will be able to:

Cost of the procedure

Before going to an aesthetic medicine center, it is worth asking how much facial contouring costs.

The cost is determined by the type and volume of filler used, the complexity of the work, and the qualifications of the doctor and clinic.

Approximate prices:

  • A small amount of work with small wrinkles 6,000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • Increasing lip volume, eliminating medium wrinkles 13,000 - 16,000 rubles;
  • Serious correction of the oval of the face with a change in the shape of the chin, cheeks and cheekbones, filling of nasolabial folds 30,000 - 38,000 rubles.

A low price may indicate a counterfeit drug.

You trust reliable clinics with a good reputation and a license. The doctor must have a certificate in plastic surgery or cosmetology.

Some tips for “newbies”:

Facial contouring is a contact manipulation using subcutaneous injections, it is an intervention in the body’s metabolic processes, and therefore has a number of restrictions for some people for the following reasons:

Subject to all rules and successful completion cosmetic procedure the result will be a refreshed face and a good mood.

Facial contouring- injection method of rejuvenation and correction of imperfections without surgical intervention. The most commonly used fillers are hyaluronic acid fillers. The natural product helps get rid of wrinkles on the face, as well as make lips or cheekbones more expressive and sensual.

Let's find out more about the effect of facial contouring: cost, what drugs are used, indications and contraindications, what is not allowed after the procedure, possible complications, pros and cons. And if you have already experienced the results of contouring, your feedback will be very useful to us.

WITH English language the word feel is translated as fill. The filler is a liquid, gel-like suspension designed to correct skin imperfections.

What is this procedure

The second name for anti-aging injections is contour modeling. The procedure involves the introduction of fillers under the skin of the face - fillers for contouring. After injection, the gel, delivered into the dermis with thin needles, is evenly distributed, helping to smooth out wrinkles and moisturize. The drug is also used to add volume to lips, correct cheekbones, and eliminate facial asymmetry.

Girls often ask: how long does the result of contouring last? The effect of the filler gel injection lasts for 6–18 months.

Progress of the classical procedure:

  1. Consultation with a specialist, checking for allergic reactions.
  2. Preparing for chipping. Before injections, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin.
  3. Then he uses a painkiller. Its use is not necessary; manipulations are easily tolerated.
  4. The next step is the injections themselves. On average, “beauty injections” will take 40–60 minutes, depending on the size of the problem area.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist applies a soothing agent to the skin that accelerates tissue regeneration.

Active substances, entering the deep layers, begin to work in several directions. They deeply moisturize, saturate the skin with oxygen, trigger the production of collagen and elastin, and also remove accumulated toxins from the tissues. As a result, after the contouring procedure, the face acquires a healthy tone, an even structure, elasticity increases, and wrinkles and pigmentation are eliminated.

Preparations for facial contouring

In cosmetology, anti-aging injections use formulations with the addition of vitamins and other components. Their effect dissolves over time without causing any harm to the body.

Main types of facial fillers:

  • Based on hyaluronic acid.
  • Synthetic: polypropylene, carboxymethylcellulose.
  • Collagen derived from skin cells. For example, Collost is collagen of animal origin.
  • Combined: can combine natural and synthesized components.

The most popular contouring procedure is hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronate is a component of the connective tissue of human skin. And the duration of action reaches one and a half years.

The drugs are also divided according to the duration of the effect: from 6 months to 5 years. However, the latter are mainly used for skin injuries, as they have side effects. The most commonly used cocktails are those that last 6–12 months.

Popular brands of filler manufacturers, Topping the ranking of the best drugs:

  • Swiss composition Restylane (Restylane).
  • Complex Ellanse (Elans) and Belotero (Belotero), produced in the UK.
  • French fillers Surgiderm (Surgiderm) and Stylage (Stylage).
  • American cocktail Radiesse (Radiesse) and Juvederm (Juvederm).
  • Russian fillers Cosmogel.

Unlike foreign-made drugs, a domestic brand will cost much less. However, it is worth noting that cocktails from foreign brands are based on hyaluronic acid, and Cosmogel fillers contain synthetic fibers.

More about the scope

With the help of fillers injected under the skin, you can not only get rid of age-related changes, but also to give a clearer, sensual shape to the oval of the face, cheekbones and lips. Capsule administration of the drug allows you to achieve the effect of increasing contours while maintaining natural facial expressions. This advantage will help you decide: what better fillers or, which also blocks the muscles.

Cheek contour contouring

Correction of cheekbones with injections of hyaluronic acid allows you to make the face more elongated, filling the folds on the cheeks, or, conversely, add emphasis along the contour. Many girls dream of expressive, emphasized cheekbones. This effect cannot be achieved even with professional makeup. And thanks to contouring with fillers, the cheekbones acquire a pronounced shape for 6–12 months.

Correction of the nasolacrimal groove

After 35 years, a small depression called the nasolacrimal groove begins to stretch from the inner corners of the eyes to the temporal zone. Filling the area with fillers allows you to increase tissue density, correct unevenness, eliminate facial wrinkles, as well as bags and circles under the eyes. Contouring of the nasolacrimal groove is most often performed using lidocaine, since the area is sensitive. The effect of fit and youth in this area lasts throughout the year.

Fillers for the skin around the eyes

Over time, the deeper layers of the skin stop producing collagen. The tissues lack moisture, lose elasticity, and appear. Crow's feet, drooping eyelids, bags, dark circles- treacherously betrays age. That's why modern girls resort to fillers. Contour plastic surgery around the eyes is carried out with hyaluronic acid, since only natural preparations. The effect of the gel wears off within 12 months, so the procedure requires repetition.

Nose shape correction with fillers

The injection procedure is considered a worthy alternative to rhinoplasty. Moreover, the manipulation does not imply injury to the skin, especially the bones.

Contouring of the nose allows you to:

  • Change the tip.
  • Correct the hump.
  • Fill scars, uneven areas.
  • Modify the width of the wings.
  • Eliminate deviated septum.

After administration, the gel with hyaluronic acid is smoothly distributed over the problem area, fills voids and corrects asymmetry. The procedure is considered absolutely safe in the absence of an allergic reaction to the drug, and the effect can last up to 2 years.

Contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds

The past years leave a sad and gloomy look on the face. The corners of the lips gradually droop, and nasolabial folds appear. Injections will allow you to get rid of age-related changes in the lower part of the face by filling them with a gel preparation. The result lasts from 6 months to six months.

Read also:

Chin correction with fillers

The introduction of filler gel allows you to model the oval of the face. After injections, hyaluronic acid evens out folds and wrinkles, eliminates sagging, and moisturizes the skin. In addition, the drug emphasizes contours and allows you to achieve ideal facial symmetry. The result is saved long time, in some cases reaches 3 years.

In addition to cosmetology, filler injections are used in other areas. For example, contour plastic surgery is very popular now intimate areas: so-called filling. The drugs help give the piquant organs an aesthetic appearance, as well as increase functionality.

Contour plastic surgery for lip augmentation

Many women dream of sensual, voluminous lips, which, unfortunately, nature did not endow them with. Shape correction injections are considered safe. Increasing lip volume with fillers with hyaluronic acid - good alternative synthetic drugs botox for face.

Indications and contraindications

The injection method of transforming appearance is recommended from 25–30 years of age in order to eliminate and prevent age-related changes, as well as contour modeling. The indications are:

  • Expression wrinkles in the eye area, forehead, chin, nasolabial folds, tear troughs.
  • Loss of elasticity in the neck, décolleté, changes in facial contours, sagging.
  • Asymmetry of contours or unaesthetic appearance of cheekbones, lips, chin.
  • Skin defects: acne marks, scars, scars, hyperpigmentation.

Contraindications for contour plastic surgery are considered internal and dermatological diseases, pregnancy, lactation period, psychological disorders, recent cosmetic procedures. The restriction is age under 18 years.

It is worth noting that it is not advisable to carry out contour plastic surgery during menstruation, since the composition of the blood changes, as well as the absorption of drugs.

How much does facial contouring cost?

Price for facial contouring on average is 10,000–20,000 rubles. The cost depends on the type and quantity of the drug used, as well as the area of ​​application. Accordingly, doing facial contouring in Moscow or St. Petersburg will be much more expensive than in remote cities.

Let's look at the table detailed information about the price of filler injections:

Prices also depend on the level of the medical center, the qualifications of the doctor, and the brand of the drug used. The cost usually does not include the use of anesthetics.

Rehabilitation and care after filler injections

For quick recovery tissue from injections, as well as long-term preservation of the effect, after the procedure it is important to follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

What not to do after contouring

  • Touch damaged areas.
  • Try to use your facial muscles less: kiss, smile.
  • Limit thermal effect: solarium, beach, bathhouse, sauna.
  • Give up sports and heavy physical activity for a while.
  • Do not accept medications, do not drink alcohol.

At first, the skin requires rest and special care without aggressive or decorative products. You only need to endure minor restrictions for 1–2 weeks. This way, the effect of “beauty injections” will last longer and you won’t be sorry for the money spent.

Possible consequences and complications

Normally, after the procedure, it can persist for 3–4 days. slight swelling. On sensitive skin After contouring, bruising is possible. Eliminate adverse symptoms It is possible only by means agreed upon with the doctor. As a rule, to relieve swelling, it is allowed to wipe the injection sites with ice cubes, as well as use soothing, anti-inflammatory ointments.

Serious complications after filler injections are:

  • Uneven distribution or migration of gel.
  • The appearance of large papules - compactions.
  • Damage to the skin or blood vessels.
  • Allergic reactions, intolerance.
  • Infectious, inflammatory processes.

It is important to choose an experienced doctor. After all, not only the aesthetic appearance, symmetry of lines, proportions of shapes, but also health in general depends on injections.

Sometimes, for some reason, it is necessary to cancel the effect of fillers. In this case, they resort to phonophoresis, darsonvalization or microcurrent therapy.

Pros and cons of contour plastic surgery

Despite the minor inconveniences of recovery, reviews of contour plastic surgery are more positive. But, of course, there were some negative aspects too. Let's talk about the pros and cons of the technique.


  • Painless.
  • Long lasting results.
  • Speed ​​of the procedure.
  • Facial expressions are preserved. Fillers, unlike Botox, do not block muscles.


  • Inaccurate injections may cause lumps under the skin.
  • Swelling, in some cases hematoma. It all depends on the specialist.

When modeling with injections, an experienced cosmetologist is needed not only for the safety of the procedures, but also for the duration of the effect. Some patients complain of no change.

Facial contouring is a worthy alternative to appearance transformation surgeries. Before deciding on the procedure, you need to carefully study the clinics providing this service. It is important to understand that filler injections require regular renewal. At proper care the skin will look 5-10 years younger, and expressive lips and cheekbones will add sensuality to the face.

Facial contouring is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery if there is no desire or opportunity to resort to it for some reason. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve a lasting and high-quality rejuvenation effect without resorting to a scalpel. Due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is used as the main drug, facial contouring is carried out quickly and humanely, and the result becomes noticeable almost instantly.

A non-surgical technique that can be used to safely and permanently tighten the skin of the face and neck, has a minimal rehabilitation period, and the presence side effects, subject to proper injection of drugs and patient compliance with all recommendations, is reduced to a minimum.

Features of the procedure

The composition of all medicines (or) includes this useful component, How . It is injected using thin needles into the upper layers of the epidermis, filling the resulting voids and smoothing out wrinkles from the inside. The procedure should only be performed by a qualified cosmetologist.

In addition to “hyaluronic acid,” the composition may also contain other components, but in terms of the effectiveness of its effect, it confidently ranks first. No side effects and good reaction patients for its administration are due to the fact that in its structure and composition hyaluronic acid is very similar to the same natural product, which is produced by the human body. Moreover, some of its types, which do not contain animal proteins, have long been successfully synthesized in the laboratory.

There are types of drugs, after the administration of which the effect becomes visible a week or two after the manipulation. However, on modern stage There are a number of substances that provide immediate and long-lasting effects, which is always an additional advantage.

To change the shape of the lips or improve the appearance of the chin, fillers are most often used. They have varying degrees density of "hyaluronic acid". Each of them is designed for one-time use and is a ready-made syringe onto which a sterile needle is placed and injections are made.

Depending on the level of the problem and the place on the skin where it is localized, the cosmetologist uses various injection techniques. Usually the entire face is chipped, and this is how a successful fight against the presence of folds, wrinkles or small defects on the face is carried out.

As a rule, before starting the process, the patient undergoes local anesthesia using a cream containing lidocaine. This technique allows you to tolerate the procedure well, minimize discomfort and relieve feelings of anxiety and discomfort. Some ready-made substances are already available with some anesthetic, so that pain relief is guaranteed to be carried out during the injection process, and the patient will not feel any pain.

The duration of one session is about 40 minutes. Swelling and bruising always appear at first. There is no need to be afraid of them, because they most often go away on their own within two to three days.

Look detailed video about facial contouring using fillers with comments from a cosmetologist:

If multiple procedures with large volumes are indicated active substance, the intermediate stage between each manipulation should be 14 days. Since hyaluronate is produced by different manufacturers, the duration of the effect can vary: from a couple of months to a year or more.

What medications are used

Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid is carried out with various medications, the choice of which is very wide on the market. One of popular drugs is . It is produced in Ireland, the “historical homeland” of the well-known Botox.

Juvederm offers a wide range of products. Each of them has a narrowly targeted effect on one or another cosmetic defect. There are fillers for deep and fine lines, as well as separate drug for defects in the area near the mouth. Fillers with increased level viscosity, perfectly maintain the shape of the lips, cheekbones and cheeks, and for sensitive patients, Juvederm Ultra, which contains lidocaine, has been developed.

If you have the desire and opportunity to please yourself with a longer lasting effect, you can ask your cosmetologist about a drug such as Juvederm Voluma. It is the best option for deeper contouring, returning the face to its original shape and maintaining a lasting rejuvenation effect.

The product is produced in Sweden. The drug protects skin face from dehydration and contributes to the natural activation of the production of such important proteins, like elastin and collagen, responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin. The dense structure of Restylane increases volume where it is needed, and the effect lasts for a very long time. The nasolabial folds are smoothed out, and the drooping corners of the lips are raised. If choosing a drug from this particular line, the cosmetologist should definitely take into account the patient’s age, the type of skin aging and how pronounced the external cosmetic defects are.

From the Restylane line, it would not hurt to especially note the drug Perlane (Restylane Perlane). It is very dense, which allows it to be used effectively in cases where it is necessary to remove visible wrinkles in the area around the eyes. If you combine it with botulinum toxin, which causes blocking of facial expressions, you get a long-lasting effect of smoothing out deep eyebrow wrinkles, frontal and nasolabial folds.

Fillers with beautiful name Princesses (Princess Filler) are produced in Austria. They are based on “hyaluronic acid”, which does not contain animal components. Thanks to the high technologies used in manufacturing, Princess is completely free of foreign impurities, which allows it to exhibit versatility and long-term effects when combating certain age-related changes.

After administration, the gel is evenly distributed inside the face, located in in the right places, and the form lasts up to 12 months. Like all high quality and safe drugs for contour plastic surgery, after some time it is quietly removed from the body naturally, without causing any harm or discomfort to patients.

For those whose skin is too sensitive, the Swiss preparation is ideal, since its production technology involves the complete removal of animal protein. For this reason, the risk of swelling and allergic reactions is minimized, and the concentration of the main substance is such that the oval of the face is tightened instantly, maintaining its excellent shape for more than 12 months. Teosial will gently and quickly get rid of eyebrow and nasolabial folds, improve the shape of the cheekbones, and correct the chin and temples.

The French drug Glytone contains mannitol alcohol, which removes excess fluid from the body that forms after injection. That is why swelling rarely occurs after it, and the result of the procedure lasts for two years. The scope of application of Glyton is the fight against wrinkles of varying depths and the correction of pronounced cosmetic defects.

The history of the drug Repleri is noteworthy in that it was initially patented in Russia, and the manufacturing country is China. The content of the active ingredient is high, so Replery is perfect for many types of contouring.

As additional component it uses sodium chloride, which consists of any biological fluid in the human body. Replery will be an excellent assistant for correcting the cheekbones, lips, forehead, nose and chin, and the shape is maintained for 12 months.

Who is not suitable for the procedure?

Contour facelift has a number of contraindications, which both the cosmetologist and the patient must take into account. For example, you cannot treat in this way those areas of the skin on the face where another surgical intervention is planned to be carried out in the near future.

Also, if a woman (or man) has allergic reaction on hyaluronic acid drugs or anesthesia, the procedure will have to be abandoned. When the skin is affected by herpes, fungus, or there are severe rashes and inflammatory processes on it, contour plastic surgery should be postponed until complete recovery.

Any inflammatory process in the body is also one of the serious contraindications, as well as pregnancy, and pathological conditions autoimmune origin.

Lip contouring

Most often combined with a general contour lift. Hyaluronic acid is injected subcutaneously to give the lips the required volume and correct their shape. It is important to use only high-quality drugs that eliminate the side effect of movement of gel lumps. The duration of the procedure is from ten minutes to half an hour, the result appears instantly, with the effect maintaining for about ten months. The procedure may be repeated until the approximate period has expired.

Cheek contour contouring

Often at a certain age, sagging skin of the cheekbones and deformation of the oval of the face are observed. In order to correct the situation, fillers containing hyaluronic acid are introduced into both the middle and deep layers of the dermis. Hyaluronic acid and collagen, which are part of the filler, replenish the volume and stimulate cell restoration. The effect lasts up to a year.

Changing the shape of the eyelids

Since the skin of the eyelids is very thin and sensitive, it undergoes aging processes faster than other areas. Wrinkles in the form of “crow’s feet” or “tear troughs” are a problem for most women, and their correction is carried out using fillers with varying degrees of viscosity.

The procedure lasts about an hour, there is no anesthesia before it. A few days before the procedure, patients should stop taking aspirin and not drink alcoholic beverages. Before and after the contour line you will have to avoid direct sunlight(for a certain time). The result is lasting and lasts up to a year.

Forehead contouring

Combats the presence of deep folds that can be smoothed out well with fillers. However, fillers will not be enough. To achieve a high-quality and long-lasting effect, apply combination combination“hyaluronic acid” preparations with botulinum toxin. Filling deep folds is carried out with gels that have a dense consistency, and the result appears immediately and lasts for 10-12 months.

Correction of nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds are one of the most popular manipulations for women, because it is their deepening that most often adds years. At the same time, the age of a young woman may not be more than 20-25 years, but, due to some physiological characteristics, the nasolabial “triangle” stands out very much, so it would be appropriate to correct it.

Some diseases can also contribute to its deepening. This area can be corrected, on average, in about thirty minutes, and the procedure itself is tolerated easily and without pain, since in this case the doctor uses thin microneedles. They do not leave visible marks or even swelling, and the effect after manipulation lasts about 12 months.

What complications can there be?

As complications, edema and hematomas have already been repeatedly mentioned, which often appear after any type of contouring. Of course, this is an unpleasant phenomenon, which at first causes discomfort to patients, but if you are prepared for it and follow certain tactics, the bruises will go away very soon and there will be no serious complications will not arise.

Edema and hematomas

It is important to know that swelling of the face and bruises after such a procedure are a completely natural phenomenon, and even the highest quality drug does not fully guarantee that discomfort at first there won't be any.

In order to minimize them, do a number of actions. Under no circumstances should you touch your face with your hands, constantly fixing your attention on the ongoing process. Also, you should not wash your face on the first day. In order to reduce swelling, it is recommended to sleep on your back and drink more on the first day after the procedure. clean water. Crusts may form at the injection sites, but they also do not need to be peeled off, as this can cause a secondary infection and increased swelling.

Facial massage and any physical activity should be excluded for at least the first week after the procedure. Should not be taken hot bath, visit the solarium and sauna - this restriction must be observed for three weeks. Even before manipulation, it is strongly recommended to buy good cream with UV protection, and use it whenever you are exposed to direct sunlight.

If you follow all the recommendations of a cosmetologist, hematomas and swelling will disappear after a few days, and the effect of the procedure will last for a long time. The main thing is to contact good clinic, where professional specialists work who will not only competently carry out contouring, but will also definitely advise how to behave correctly after it.

Contour plastic surgery is primarily about drugs medical purposes for filling and smoothing wrinkles. They fill the skin and increase volume. As a rule, these are drugs of synthetic origin, so such drugs do not cause allergic reactions.

They can be either biodegradable, i.e. completely resolve within a few months. Or they can be non-biodegradable, i.e. stays in the skin for many years.

The procedures do not require much time, and the recovery period after them is minimal. The results are visible immediately after the procedure. The safety of drugs is one of the important criteria today.

The preparations are based on hyaluronic acid, a natural component of the human body, and do not contain any substances of animal origin. Natural result procedures using such drugs do not distort appearance patient.

Wrinkle correction is a special service performed by our professional specialists here at the Moscow cosmetology clinic “Absolut Med”. Folds on the face and numerous wrinkles are the enemies of not only women, but also men. Modern technique correction allows you to regain the youth of your face and décolleté.

Sharon Stone has joined an initiative aimed at increasing confidence in aesthetic procedures.

March 28, 2015 In Monaco, Sharon Stone joined Galderma's global initiative to increase consumer confidence in aesthetic treatments. For the first time, a global celebrity is involved in promoting aesthetic procedures.

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid allows you to:

  • Get rid of wrinkles
  • Restore youth to lips
  • Restore facial contour
  • Restore elasticity and skin turgor
  • Improve skin condition back side arms and décolleté

“We want to shed light on how delicate and natural the results of aesthetic procedures can be. We know people have a hard time trusting photos, so we'll show you results you can trust - in real time. We hope to debunk outdated stereotypes and help people make informed decisions."

In 2013, over 23 million people in the world received experience using aesthetic procedures. More more people show interest in them.

Recent research from Galderma has shown that 9 out of 10 patients (87.1% of respondents) choose aesthetic procedures to feel more confident as they enter middle age. At the same time, people want natural-looking results. What patients fear most is unnatural results.

Restylane is the undisputed leader among fillers used to eliminate wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and correct the shape of the lips and facial contours. An important advantage of Restylane is its long-term effect - the effect of the procedure lasts for at least 6 months.

Restylane is a biogel of hyaluronic acid. When introduced into the skin tissue, the gel particles accumulate water molecules, creating volume and thereby smoothing the skin. Best effect Restylane is used when treating the forehead, bridge of the lips and outer edges of the eyes, as well as nasolabial folds.

Facial contouring

Contour plastic surgery is an injection cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to model proportions and facial features. It is carried out exclusively for aesthetic reasons, at the request of the patient herself. Contour plastic surgery is performed from the age of 18; there is no need to wait for age-related changes, the appearance of wrinkles, etc. The effect is achieved through the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations. This helps to increase volume, increase turgor and the level of hydration of the treated area.

Lip contouring

This procedure is often called lip augmentation. However, contour plastic surgery allows not only to increase volume, but also to correct the shape of the lips, eliminate existing asymmetry, and achieve rejuvenation of the perioral area. During the procedure, the doctor uses an ultra-thin needle to inject hyaluronic acid along the contour of the lips, evenly distributing it with massaging movements. A local anesthetic cream under the film is first applied to the surface of the treated area. This reduces discomfort during drug administration. Modern drugs They also contain an anesthetic substance, which reduces painful sensations. To ensure an ideal result, it is important for the patient to discuss the desired lip shape and size with the doctor in advance. Much depends on aesthetic feeling doctors It is important that the proportions are harmonious, natural and satisfy the girl’s own sense of beauty. Because the lips are produced large number injections to form the contour and shape, the client can clearly see the changes and correct them along the way.

Video about contouring and hyaluronic acid

The effectiveness of contouring

The aesthetic effectiveness of preparations based on hyaluronic acid is explained unique properties gel:

  • increases skin volume due to its ability to retain water,
  • improves skin morphology, increasing its elasticity,
  • When carrying out a maintenance course of procedures, it provides long-lasting results.


Botulinum toxin also has a number of contraindications. TO absolute contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, age less than 18 years, myasthenia gravis, movement disorders of various origins, individual intolerance drug, inflammatory changes at the planned injection site. Relative contraindications considered spicy somatic diseases in the acute stage, taking certain medicines operations performed at the planned injection site for a period of less than three months.

Important information

The effectiveness of subcutaneous injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin does not remain more than a year, then you should repeat the procedure. However, it is not worth doing it more often; there is a high probability that the body will develop tolerance to the drug, which can lead to a lack of the desired effect.

The choice of drug depends on the individual characteristics of the client, age, depth of wrinkles and area of ​​application.

How long do the results from contouring procedures last?

When correcting wrinkles and folds, planned procedures may be needed after 6-12 months, and for lip contouring - after 6 months. The duration of the effect depends on many factors, such as: the structure of the patient’s skin, his lifestyle, age, and injection technique. Clinical experience shows that when providing supportive and repeated procedures you can achieve a longer lasting effect. Thus, when correcting nasolabial folds, a repeat injection performed after 4.5 months provides results or even improvement in the condition of this area for 18 months.

Are there many side effects or unwanted reactions?

Since the drug is administered by injection, the usual reactions in this case are quite possible, such as: redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising and pain at the injection site. The intensity of these manifestations can vary from mild to moderate. They usually go away on their own within a few days, or a maximum of one or two weeks. Recorded cases of occurrence inflammatory reactions very little.

Is it possible to perform contouring during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

This use of drugs has not been studied.

Is it recommended to use anesthesia for contouring?

Most patients do not find the injections painful. However, you can use the drugs Restylan Lidocaine and Restylane Perlane Lidocaine, Juvederm uitra with 0.3% lidocaine added, to reduce pain and creating greater comfort for the patient. If necessary, you can apply superficial anesthesia using special drugs.

Can the procedure be performed on patients who have undergone laser therapy or chemical peeling?

Photos before and after

How is rehabilitation going?

  • After the procedure, you need to be in an upright position for about 4 hours and actively work the muscles into which the drug was injected.
  • A slight swelling may form in the correction areas, which will go away on its own within a few days.
  • During the rehabilitation period (several days), you should refrain from using cosmetics, visiting saunas, solariums and gyms. The use of alcoholic beverages and antibiotics is not recommended.

Promotions and prices

At the Absolut Med Clinic, patients are treated by cosmetologists with higher medical education. The doctor will conduct an examination, talk with the patient and suggest the optimal method for correcting existing aesthetic deficiencies. You can make an appointment with a doctor and learn more about facial contouring by phone or through our website. Also in our clinic in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow there are constant promotions and offers so that such necessary procedures could become more affordable for you.