Laryngitis in children - the first signs of inflammation and how to effectively treat it at home. Fast and effective treatment of laryngitis in children Laryngitis treatment in children 8 years old

Laryngitis often occurs as a complication respiratory diseases. Often this pathology occurs together with tracheitis or smoothly transforms into it. How younger age child, the more dangerous laryngitis is for him. Due to the structural features of the larynx in young children, croup often develops against the background of this pathology, which can cause suffocation. Parents should know all the symptoms of laryngitis, as well as how to help their child with coughing attacks. In addition, adults should have information about what medications a doctor may prescribe for children.

An inflammatory process in the larynx can occur in young children in both acute and chronic forms.. Laryngitis is divided into the following types:

  • Catarrhal form is the most harmless form of laryngitis, which occurs with all the symptoms of respiratory diseases - cough, runny nose, elevated temperature, sore throat and noticeable hoarseness due to severe swelling larynx.
  • Hypertrophic form - this form also often occurs in young children, with tissue growth in the larynx.
  • Hemorrhagic form - with this laryngitis, hemorrhages appear vocal cords and laryngeal mucosa. A feature of this course of the disease is a dry cough in the morning with the release of a small amount into the sputum, where streaks of blood can be seen. In addition, there is a constant lump in the throat.
  • Diphtheria form - occurs when the causative agent of diphtheria enters the body. The tonsils are affected by a white-gray coating, the lumen of the larynx may be blocked by whitish films.
  • Laryngotracheitis - with this form of the disease, inflammation extends to the trachea. Distinctive features This form of the disease is pain in the sternum and constant tickling in the throat.
  • Phlegmonous laryngitis - this condition is very rare in children. In this case, the muscles of the larynx, submucosal layer, cartilage and vocal cords are affected. A feature of this course of the disease is high temperature And severe pain when swallowing. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is quite common.
  • Atrophic form - this type of laryngitis almost never occurs in children. In this case, severe thinning of the laryngeal mucosa is observed.

Most often, laryngitis occurs against a background of reduced immunity.. Frequent colds, as well as some chronic pathologies can provoke inflammation of the larynx.

Children who suffer from allergies are most susceptible to laryngitis. When treating such patients, medications are selected with great care, avoiding drugs with essential oils.

Symptoms of the disease

It is most often not difficult to understand that a child has fallen ill with laryngitis; in most cases, the disease begins acutely. Parents may notice a strong cough in the baby, which worsens at night and in the morning, hoarseness of voice, general weakness and lack of appetite. The baby may complain of pain in the sternum, which intensifies with coughing attacks. In addition, there may be the following symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • when examining the throat, you can notice inflammation and swelling of the walls of the larynx;
  • minor hemorrhages are observed in the larynx;
  • the child’s voice changes, he becomes hoarse;
  • the child’s breathing is difficult due to severe swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • V oral cavity there is a feeling of dryness and a feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • the cough is similar to the barking of a dog, at first it is dry, and over time scanty sputum begins to leave;
  • temperatures can rise to high levels.

The child's breathing is severely impaired, it becomes intermittent and shallow, and shortness of breath is very common. Even if such breathing does not cause discomfort to the child, it can lead to heart failure and suffocation.

When the first signs of laryngitis appear, parents should call a doctor. If a coughing attack begins and the child cannot stop, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Bronchodilator drugs

At complex treatment For laryngitis, bronchodilators are always used, which are most often administered by inhalation. Medicines for laryngitis in children can be different; they are usually selected by the attending physician.


In the treatment of laryngitis, Berodual is prescribed for inhalation through a nebulizer. This medication contains two active substances– fenoterol hydrobromide and ipratropium bromide, which have a pronounced bronchodilator effect. Berodual is prescribed as part of complex therapy in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, asthma and other pathologies that are somehow related to the bronchi. This solution helps prepare the airways for administration antibacterial drugs and mucolytics.

This drug is prescribed for children over 3 years of age. If Berodual is used in the form of an aerosol, then it is injected into a sick child 3 times a day, up to two presses at a time. If Berodual is used in the form of a solution through a nebulizer, then take 2-8 drops, depending on age, be sure to dilute it with saline and inhale through a nebulizer up to 6 times a day, always observing a two-hour interval.

Berodual can only be used for inhalation; it is strictly forbidden to take it orally!


Inflammation of the larynx can also be treated with Erespal. This drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the production of viscous secretion in the bronchi. This drug is produced in syrup and tablets.

Syrup is prescribed to children who are 2 years old, and tablets can be prescribed starting from adolescence when the child reaches 14 years of age. The doctor is counting daily dose of the drug based on weight, the resulting figure is divided into 3 doses. Treatment with Erespal can last up to three weeks. If the medicine is used in syrup form, shake it well before use.

It is strictly forbidden to start using Erespal without a doctor’s prescription; there are many contraindications.


Eufillin is often used in the treatment of laryngitis. This drug helps relax the muscles of the bronchi, contract the diaphragm, and also helps saturate the blood with oxygen.

In severe forms of inflammation of the larynx, the medication can be prescribed intravenously, in the form of a dropper. In this case, the dose is calculated by the attending physician individually, depending on age. little patient and the severity of his condition.

For laryngitis that is not too severe, tablets may be prescribed to be taken 3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed a week.

Eufillin can be prescribed to children who have reached the age of six. IN younger age the drug is not prescribed.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Prescribed by a doctor medicines for laryngitis, anti-inflammatory medications are required. Most often prescribed hormonal drugs .


Prednisolone in the treatment of laryngitis is often prescribed as an effective anti-inflammatory drug. Under the influence of this drug, the accumulation of immune bodies in one zone stops, the aggression of cellular enzymes slows down and noticeably decreases inflammatory process.

This drug can be prescribed to children as young as four years of age. Prednisolone should not be stopped when the main symptoms of the disease disappear; treatment should be continued for another week.

Prednisolone should not be stopped suddenly, as side effects may occur. Discontinuation of the drug should be gradual.


This medicine for laryngitis for children and adults has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects.
. Dexamethasone acts on cellular level, through the receptor system in the cytoplasm of cells. This hormonal drug is available in the form of an injection solution and tablets.

The attending physician calculates the dose based on the weight and severity of the patient's condition. As the condition improves, the dosage is gradually reduced and then the drug is discontinued. Dexamethasone injections are given for no more than 3 days, then changed to tablets.

Any hormonal drugs cannot be taken without a doctor’s prescription, they have too many contraindications and side effects!


This is a glucocorticoid and antiallergic drug that is prescribed for pathologies of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. This medicine is one of the safest that can be prescribed for long-term treatment . Available in the form of powder and dosed suspension. Used for inhalation through a nebulizer.

Antibacterial drugs

Sometimes the inflammatory process in the larynx is provoked pathogenic bacteria, in this case, treatment cannot be done without antibiotics
. The most commonly prescribed drug is Bioparox. This medicine comes in the form of a spray and has wide range actions.

Bioparox spray helps reduce the inflammatory process and has a detrimental effect on bacteria that are in the larynx. Gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as staphylococci and streptococci, are sensitive to this medication.

Prescribed to children from the age of two. The dosage depends on the age of the patient; children from two to 12 years old are advised to take two injections; for adolescents over 12 years old, the dose is increased to four injections.

The Bioparox bottle has a special mouthpiece, which must be tightly clasped with your lips.


With laryngitis in children, the inflammatory process often affects the bronchi, in which viscous secretions begin to accumulate. To facilitate sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs are prescribed.


The active substance of this medicine is ambroxol. This component helps increase mucus secretion, making cough more productive. This medication is well absorbed, acts only on the bronchi and lungs and does not tend to accumulate in tissues.

Children over 6 years of age are prescribed tablets, children from 2 years of age are prescribed syrup. From the age of five, Lazolvan solution can be used for inhalation through a nebulizer.


Ascoril is a bronchodilator and mucolytic drug. It helps relieve spasms in the bronchi, removes viscous sputum and increases the overall volume of the lungs.

Treatment with Ascoril can last up to a week or more, according to the doctor's testimony. The tablets are not prescribed to children under 6 years of age. The syrup is taken in the dose indicated by the attending physician.

Ascoril effectively relieves shortness of breath, normalizes breathing, and also prevents coughing attacks.


The active ingredient in Ambrobene is ambroxol. This medicine can be purchased in tablets, capsules, syrup, injection and inhalation.

For children under six years of age, the drug can be prescribed in syrup and solution for inhalation. Older children are already prescribed tablets and capsules in the dosage calculated by the doctor.

When treating Ambrobene, the child needs to have a good drinking regime.

Antihistamines and antiseptics

Allergens can provoke coughing attacks, so treatment should include antiallergic drugs. In addition, it is very important to sanitize the larynx to reduce the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.


Prescribing Suprastin is simply necessary to prevent allergies to certain medicines or relieve allergy symptoms
if they are already observed. Suprastin helps relieve swelling and eliminate itching, and also has a mild hypnotic effect.

The medication can be prescribed even to newborns. In this case, the daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses. If laryngitis is very severe, Suprastin injections are prescribed.


To sanitize the larynx, the doctor may prescribe Ingalipt spray. This drug is usually not prescribed to children under 3 years of age, as they may experience discomfort due to the nature of the spray. The throat is treated up to 5 times a day.

Inhalipt is prescribed with caution to children with allergies, as it contains essential oils.

There are many medications for the treatment of laryngitis. The doctor selects medications individually, based on the severity of the disease, the causes of its occurrence, as well as the age of the little patient.

Less developed immune system and the relatively narrow larynx in children lead to the fact that laryngitis occurs in them much more often and proceeds more violently than in adults.

Laryngitis in children is inflammation of the larynx. At the same time, the vocal cords swell, the voice becomes hoarse, hoarse and may completely disappear.


Children under 2 years of age are most susceptible to the disease - laryngitis is found in every third person. At risk are children with allergic diseases, overweight and with increased thymus gland. Chronic laryngitis It is more often recorded in boys under 10 years of age.

The largest number of cases is observed among children living in dusty and gas-polluted industrial areas, near major highways, intersections and industrial facilities.

The peak of diseases occurs in spring and autumn, since laryngitis often develops against the background of colds and flu.

The children's nasopharynx is not yet developed enough to retain microorganisms that enter from the outside. As a result, pathogenic microflora quickly penetrates below. Inflammation caused by germs causes swelling, which can compress the airways. How younger child, the more severe the disease can be.

The study of laryngitis has thousand-year history. Inflammation of the larynx was studied by Hippocrates (IV century BC), Galen in the 1st century BC. made the first description. The term “croup” was introduced into terminology in 1765.

Until the mid-twentieth century, croup was considered terrible disease which caused enormous infant mortality.

Croup that occurred with diphtheria was called true, and with other infections - false. Now this division is not relevant.

Causes of the disease

  • Viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, adeno- and RS-viruses) – cause the vast majority of cases of laryngitis (up to 90%);
  • bacteria (staphylo-, streptopneumococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) – rarely cause acute laryngitis, but their addition to the infection causes a severe and protracted illness;
  • a loud, hysterical cry from a child is one of the main causes of acute laryngitis;
  • exposure to harmful substances – dusty, polluted air;
  • allergic reactions – to dust, paints and varnishes, animal hair.

Symptoms of laryngitis in children

Acute course

Acute laryngitis in children– inflammation that occurs suddenly and rapidly develops.

  • Change in voice – hoarseness and roughness appear. There may be complete loss of voice;
  • cough at the beginning of the disease is dry, suffocating, then wet, with expectoration of sputum;
  • runny nose;
  • temperature rise (not always found) – possibly up to 40°C. In mild cases, the temperature may not rise;
  • difficulty, increased breathing - due to swelling of the larynx;
  • pain, dryness and sore throat.

Chronic course

Chronic laryngitis in childrenlong illness with periodic exacerbations.

  • Hoarseness, change in voice;
  • feeling of a lump, soreness and dryness in the throat;
  • cough varies, from constant quiet coughing to painful suffocating attacks.

In case of exacerbation - rise in temperature, fatigue, headaches. During remission, the symptoms are mild; during exacerbation, they intensify.

Types and characteristics in children

  • Catarrhal laryngitis - easy to treat, most common;
  • hypertrophic laryngitis is common. Differs in hyperplasia of the mucous membrane;
  • hemorrhagic laryngitis - features hemorrhages in the membrane of the larynx and ligaments, streaks of blood in the sputum;
  • diphtheria form - inflammation from the tonsils passes into the larynx;
  • phlegmatic laryngitis is a severe but rare form, characterized by inflammation of the muscular and submucosal layers of the larynx, perichondrium, and ligaments;
  • stenosing laryngitis is the most dangerous species (false croup). Characterized by narrowing of the airways, rapid development lack of oxygen, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. Requires immediate hospitalization, and sometimes even intensive care.

Diagnostic methods

  • Taking an anamnesis - examination to establish symptoms, establish redness of the larynx;
  • laryngoscopy - examination using a laryngoscope with a flashlight to detect swelling, hemorrhages in the mucosa, increased vascular pattern, thickening and incomplete closure of ligaments;
  • pharyngoscopy - examination of the pharynx under special lighting;
  • rhinoscopy - examination of the condition of the nasal cavity using special mirrors;
  • examination of swabs from the larynx (virological, bacteriological) - to identify the causative agent of the disease.

Differential diagnosis

It is necessary to differentiate laryngitis from diphtheria, foreign body, retropharyngeal abscess, papillomatosis. With diphtheria, plaque is detected on the tonsils and around them, suffocation develops gradually, with increasing cervical lymph nodes. The retropharyngeal process is characterized by difficulty breathing, lack of cough and hoarse voice.

At foreign body in the larynx, symptoms occur suddenly, while playing or eating. Cough - up to vomiting. Main role in differentiation belongs to laryngoscopy.

With laryngeal papillomatosis, progressive difficulty breathing gradually develops against the background of prolonged hoarseness. Laryngoscopy data are used for differentiation.

Treatment of laryngitis in children

General rules:

  • Elimination of the causes of the disease (usually treatment for influenza or ARVI);
  • strict bed rest;
  • providing fresh humidified air in the room;
  • silence mode - talk as little as possible, whispering is also forbidden;
  • warm drinking plenty of fluids(herbal decoctions,);
  • diet - food should be warm, exclude all spicy, salty, spicy foods, allergenic foods.

Acute treatment

Acute laryngitis in children can be cured without a trace using a set of measures:

  • inhalations - in the first days every 2 hours for 5 minutes, then at longer intervals;
  • warm compresses - on the neck or a warm scarf;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - in the form of sprays (,) or lozenges (faringosept, strepsils);
  • antibiotics - prescribed by a doctor for bacterial infection;
  • antitussive drugs (,);
  • expectorant medications - to facilitate the discharge of sputum (thermopsis,);
  • antihistamines - to reduce swelling and calm the child (Claritin, Zodak, Cetrin);
  • antipyretics – (panadol, ibufen, efferalgan);
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, UHF).

Mild treatment

Produced at home, consists of compliance general rules, and, if necessary, symptomatic treatment:


Treatment is carried out in a hospital. The following is used in treatment:

  • Inhalation with hydrocortisone;
  • intravenous administration glucocorticoids;
  • if breathing difficulty increases, intubation or tracheotomy is resorted to.

Severe degree

Treatment only in a hospital. Used:

  • Antibiotics (amoxiclav, ceftriaxone, azithromycin);
  • antihistamines and diuretics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • when an abscess forms, they resort to opening it;
  • with increasing stenosis - urgent tracheotomy.

Chronic treatment

A combination of general rules and symptomatic treatment is used:

  • Inhalations with alkaline solutions;
  • antiseptic sprays and lozenges;
  • antitussives and expectorants;
  • physiotherapy during periods of remission: UV irradiation, UHF, Sollux, electrophoresis;
  • removal of hyperplastic areas with laser, ultrasound.


  • Electrophoresis on the larynx area - administration of drugs (novocaine, 5% calcium chloride) using a constant low-frequency current.
  • Ural rays - the use of ultraviolet radiation increases the absorption of oxygen and increases resistance to infection. Has a bactericidal effect.
  • UHF – high-frequency ultrasound is used, operating in a non-contact manner. Most effective in inflammatory processes.
  • Sollux - the action of an artificial light source is directed to the front surface of the neck.

Inhalations for laryngitis in children

The most effective treatment. Using inhalations, the larynx is additionally moistened to relieve coughing that may accompany laryngitis. As prescribed by the doctor, decongestants and antiseptic agents. It is better not to use inhalations with essential oils.
Inhalations are performed using inhalers and nebulizers.

Treatment with folk remedies


  • Potato steam. Boil unpeeled potatoes and place on mint or chamomile. Breathe over the steam for 10 minutes;
  • garlic Finely chop the garlic and spread it around the patient’s room, around his bed;
  • hot steam. Turning on hot water, fill the bathroom with steam. Sit in it for 15 minutes.
Hot inhalations should not be performed if the child has wheezing and difficulty breathing. This can provoke even greater obstruction of the airways, up to their complete closure.


  • Beetroot and potato juice;
  • honey (dissolve 1 spoon in a glass of boiling water);
  • infusions of herbs (calendula, sage, chamomile, oak);

Nasal rinsing:

  • infusions of herbs;
  • solution sea ​​salt or soda (0.5 spoons per glass of water).

For oral administration:

  • Brew 2 tablespoons of plantain leaves with boiling water and leave. Drink when coughing;
  • carrot juice with honey – anti-inflammatory and tonic.
  • a decoction of dried apples with honey or carrots in milk - for hoarseness.

Treatment of laryngitis in children at home

Uncomplicated forms of laryngitis are successfully treated at home. Use a combination of general rules, medical and traditional methods treatment.

Disease prevention

Primary prevention:

  • Personal hygiene;
  • avoiding contact with people with colds;
  • hardening of the child is gradual;
  • hypothermia of the child’s body is not permissible; in the cold season, a scarf and hat are required;
  • maintaining clean, fresh and humid air in the house.

Secondary prevention:

  • Timely treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases;
  • vaccination against childhood diseases;
  • upon forced contact with harmful substances(living in a contaminated area) - periodic preventive inhalations.


Children with acute uncomplicated laryngitis have a favorable prognosis. Timely treatment will allow you to forget about the disease within 2 weeks. In case of violations in treatment (non-compliance with general rules) and frequent occurrence Laryngitis can develop into a chronic form of the disease. With the development of a stenotic form, the prognosis depends on the timeliness of treatment, otherwise laryngeal stenosis can lead to death as a result of asphyxia.

If a child has a cough, high temperature (39OC), difficulty breathing and swallowing, whistling when breathing, immediately consult a doctor - therapist, otolaryngologist, pulmonologist.

Useful video

Children's laryngitis (especially the stenotic form) – serious illness, requiring immediate medical attention, details in this video:

Laryngitis in children 3 years of age manifests itself as catarrh mucous membrane of the larynx, which occurs against the background of vocal strain, an allergic reaction, hypothermia, a cold or infectious disease. Treatment of the disease is carried out in a hospital or at home.

Reasons for development

The tendency to develop laryngitis in young children is explained by anatomical, as well as physiological characteristics their body. Since the laryngeal mucosa in children under 3 years of age is very loose, it swells easily, thereby reducing the size of the glottis. Air passing through the swollen ligaments causes severe coughing, wheezing and hoarseness.

The main causes of laryngeal edema in a child are:

  1. Viruses and bacteria. They hit the top respiratory tract, localized in the larynx and causing its swelling.
  2. Allergy. Swelling of the larynx is caused by allergens: strong odors eg paints, varnishes, wool and animal feed, dust, food products.
  3. Medicinal aerosols. Children under 3 years of age should not use spray medications. When they are sprayed, the jet hits the back wall pharynx, causes a reflex spasm, which leads to swelling of the vocal cords.

Types and symptoms of laryngitis

  1. Acute laryngitis. Most often accompanied by diseases: influenza, measles, scarlet fever, ARVI, mumps, whooping cough, and also manifests itself as a reaction to individual intolerance various substances. Symptoms: feeling of dry throat, sore throat, dry cough. Over time, the cough turns into a wet one.
  2. Chronic laryngitis. It lasts for a longer period than the acute form, is permanent in nature and manifests itself as a consequence of prolonged inflammatory processes occurring in the nose, pharynx, paranasal sinuses. Symptoms: periodic sore throat and coughing, hoarse or lost voice.
  3. Stenosing laryngitis (false croup). Is one of the subspecies acute form laryngitis It is severe, causing swelling of the larynx so severe that the baby may suffocate. Symptoms: difficulty breathing and reflex spasms,
  4. Viral laryngitis. Accompanies a cold. Symptoms: dry cough, chills, sore throat, change in voice, sore throat.
  5. Allergic laryngitis. Symptoms: dry cough and inspiratory shortness of breath.
    This disease for a 3 year old child can be very dangerous, leading to severe consequences requiring immediate resuscitation care. Exacerbation of attacks of laryngitis in children occurs at night and in the morning. Timely and competent treatment laryngitis will help protect the child from dangerous consequences.

Methods for treating laryngitis

Laryngitis can be treated in children 3 years of age using rinses., which have a disinfectant and immunomodulatory effect, relieving coughing and sore throat. Treatment can be carried out with a solution of furatsilin, rotokan and other medications.

An effective method is to treat children with a nebulizer. It's safe and modern way inhalation treatment, allowing the use of drugs in the required doses.

Laryngitis can also be effectively treated with lozenges and tablets.: septolete, pharyngosept and others that help reduce inflammatory symptoms larynx.

The use of sprays when treating a child aged 3 years is strictly prohibited, since irrigation of the larynx can cause small child cause laryngospasm. Treatment with sprays can be carried out on children over 5-6 years old.

Effective treatment of laryngitis is possible using homeopathic remedies : sinupret and others. To relieve a sore throat in a child, use thuja oil, in as nasal drops.

At the onset of the disease, when The child’s cough is still dry, you should give him syrups, to alleviate coughing attacks, after the cough becomes wet, you can use expectorants and microlytic agents: marshmallow syrup, lazolvan, herbion, linkas, gedelix, ambrobene.

If the temperature rises above 38°C in a 3-year-old child, It is recommended to use antipyretic drugs. These may be ibuprofen, paracetamol.
Treatment of nasal congestion is carried out using vasoconstrictors. Their use will facilitate the process of nasal breathing, thereby reducing the load on the larynx.

Antibiotics for laryngitis are used as prescribed by a doctor, and only if a bacterial infection is detected. If it is established that laryngitis was a consequence viral infection: ARVI, influenza, then treatment with anaferon or other antiviral drugs is prescribed.

Use of antihistamines: Loratadine or suprastin will help relieve laryngeal swelling.

Home remedies and folk recipes

Children 3 years old can be treated by rinsing with a solution of honey, sea salt, aloe juice, and beetroot.

As a medicinal drink, you can use carrot juice with honey, giving your baby 1/3 cup three times during the day.

Children 3 years old can also be given warm milk with honey or warm Borjomi half and half with milk.

Features of care during illness

If a 3-year-old child does not require hospitalization, laryngitis can be treated at home under the supervision of a pediatrician. For successful recovery, certain rules must be followed:

  • Frequent ventilation. Fresh cool air prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Air humidification. In hotly heated rooms, the mucous membranes of the nose and throat dry out, which allows viruses and bacteria to easily penetrate and multiply in the body. To control room humidity, it is recommended to use modern air humidifiers, water containers, aquariums, and indoor fountains.
  • Drink plenty of warm drinks. For a 3-year-old child with laryngitis, you can give: compote, fruit drink, jelly, weak tea, milk with butter And mineral water.
  • Diet food. During illness, foods and dishes that cause additional irritation to the throat mucosa should be excluded from the diet of a 3-year-old child: hot and cold, fried, spicy, sausage, red fish, citrus fruits, chocolate, carbonated drinks. During this period, pureed, pureed, slimy and steamed dishes should be prepared: soups, cereals, jelly, vegetables, meat.
  • Voice rest. You should explain to your child the need to remain silent. If you have laryngitis, it is not recommended to whisper, since it puts a lot of stress on the inflamed vocal cords; it is better to just talk quietly.
  • Engage the child. During illness, if there is no fever, it is recommended to keep the baby busy with an interesting activity or game. By concentrating on something, he is distracted and coughs less.

What not to do

  1. Children aged 3 years cannot be treated with conventional steam inhalations, since the baby may get burned during the procedure.
  2. Use mustard plasters or other warming agents and methods during the period of acute laryngitis.
  3. Use expectorants for stenosing laryngitis, since the accumulation of mucus in the throat and the inability to cough it up due to severe swelling can worsen the already difficult breathing of a child at 3 years old.
  4. Treatment should not be carried out using hot drinks, which can irritate a sore throat and increase swelling.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of laryngitis in 3-year-old children is to maintain a strong immune system. To do this, you should provide your baby with adequate healthy eating, rich in vitamins and minerals, correct mode days from frequent walks on fresh air, carrying out hardening procedures using contrast shower. In case colds You should definitely see a pediatrician.

Preschoolers often come to the ENT doctor with respiratory problems. When the inflammatory process affects the mucous membranes of the larynx, vocal cords or top part trachea, children are diagnosed with laryngitis.

Increased morbidity in children early age associated with underdevelopment and looseness of the laryngeal mucosa. Under the influence negative factors the tissue becomes inflamed and swollen, blocking the glottis and making breathing difficult.

Therefore, it is important to prevent the progression of laryngitis and treat it immediately, when the baby only complains of discomfort in the mouth, and the mother notices a change in voice and coughing.

In adolescents, manifestations of pathology are rarely observed, since after 5 years the laryngeal mucosa becomes stronger. The most vulnerable tissue in a child is from birth to 2 years. The risk of developing the disease increases frequent colds, bronchitis, tracheitis and allergies.

How effective laryngitis treatment will be depends on the sick child’s compliance with a certain regimen. During waking hours, he should talk as little as possible and turn to an adult in case of emergency. Parents are advised not to move away so that the baby does not have to strain his vocal cords. He should also not whisper, because the vocal apparatus makes even more effort.

Second important point therapy at home - organization drinking regime. With laryngitis, children's throats become dry and they feel thirsty, so they need to drink plenty of fluids.

Pediatrician Komarovsky does not recommend giving hot and sweet drinks, because they provoke swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane. The child should be given weakly brewed chamomile or black tea and unsweetened compotes.

They will help you get rid of the first symptoms of laryngitis quickly. foot baths. The baby’s limbs are immersed in a basin of water heated to 40 – 45°C and timed for 20 minutes. The procedure is completed by drying your feet and putting on warm socks. Then the baby is put to bed. Warming the body is allowed during the course of the disease without fever.

Subject to availability wet cough The release of mucus is accelerated by applying a compress with grated boiled potatoes. Warm paste is placed between layers of gauze and a bandage is applied to the child’s neck. Keep the compress until it cools down. Treatment with warming ointments is not carried out to avoid increased irritation of the oropharynx.

Treatment of the disease at home is successfully carried out by inhalation. The procedures soften the mucous membrane and improve breathing. With rules and ways to implement them, suitable medications and recipes can be found in this article:

Drug control against laryngitis

The pediatrician or ENT doctor prescribes treatment depending on the cause that caused the symptoms of laryngitis. Allergic diseases are eliminated antihistamines, relieving swelling of the mucous membrane. This group includes Zodak, Claritin, Parlazin, Citrine, etc.

Antipyretic drugs - Cefekon, Efferalgan, Paracetamol, Panadol - save children from high fever. They are given to babies if the temperature exceeds 38°C. Teas with raspberries and lime color and wiping the body with water. At feeling unwell non-steroid Ibufen is indicated.

Antitussives such as:

  • Libexin;
  • Sinecode;
  • Gerbion;
  • Erespal.

When a dry cough transforms into a productive form, treatment is continued with syrups with marshmallow and licorice, ACC powder, Bronchosan, Solvin, Ambrobene, tablets with thermopsis.

What else can you do to treat a cough? At the 6th year of life, young patients are offered absorbable tablets, sprays and aerosols:

  1. Hexoral Tabs, Faringosept, Strepsils, Stopangin, Grammidin - tablets;
  2. Lugol, Hexoral, Miramistin - sprays.

Antibiotic drugs are rarely prescribed for the treatment of children. The main indication is increased intoxication caused by bacterial infection of the throat. According to medical prescriptions, the baby is treated at home with Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ecoclave. At severe course laryngitis requires other medications:

  • Ecomed;
  • Azitrox;
  • Sumamed;
  • Zetamax retard;
  • Clarithromycin.

If the disease is of viral origin, it can be treated without antibiotics. In order to neutralize ARVI, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, children are treated with etiotropic medications in tablet form:

  1. Cytovir;
  2. Anaferon;
  3. Viferon;
  4. Ergoferon.

Children under 1 year of age are not treated at home. Regardless of the nature of laryngitis and the stage of its progression, the baby is placed in a hospital together with the mother.
If the baby has an attack, he is not given rubbing, warming, baths or inhalation. It is necessary to call a doctor at home and follow his instructions. There is no need to refuse a trip to the clinic - specialists will quickly get the baby back on his feet and discharge him home after 7-10 days. About how to properly treat the youngest patients who are not yet a year old in the article -.

Unconventional methods of combating pathology

You shouldn’t pin your hopes on folk remedies alone, since they can completely rid a baby of laryngitis in combination with medications. The feasibility of using herbs and healing mixtures should always be discussed with your doctor. Let's look at what mothers can do at home after consulting with the doctor.

  1. Rub your child's feet with camphor oil at night. In the morning, socks are taken off and feet are washed. The manipulation is performed 5 evenings in a row.
  2. Combine 1 tablespoon of oregano, dill seeds, chamomile flowers, anise, marshmallow root and sage herb and brew a teaspoon of phytomass with a glass of boiling water. Children need to be given warm medicine 4 times a day. per day in portions of 30 ml.
  3. If acute laryngitis accepted chronic stage, improve condition respiratory system the dough will help. How to cure the disease in this way? The flatbread is made from pumpkin pulp, rye flour and milk. Then it is wrapped in a piece of cotton cloth and applied to the baby's chest. The compress is fixed with a towel and removed after 3 hours.
  4. A tasty treatment is carried out using carrots. At home, juice is squeezed out of the vegetable to make a full glass. The liquid is sweetened with a spoonful of honey and given to children in 3 doses over 1 day.

Diseases of the ENT organs are the most common ailments among children. According to statistics, a child with normal immunity suffers from ear, throat or nose diseases up to 4 times a year. However, you should not take such diseases lightly, as some of them can cause serious complications and conditions dangerous to the child’s life.

If the child is hoarse, has a slight fever, and complains of a sore throat or cough, experienced mother may take it relatively calmly, attributing the symptoms to a cold. However, you should not ignore even minor ailments: hoarse voice may be one of the signs of laryngitis - a rather serious disease that requires immediate and proper treatment.

Laryngitis: causes of the disease

Laryngitis is irritation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, causing inflammation or swelling. This condition may be accompanied severe cough, fever or loss of voice. In some cases, inflammation progresses to upper sections trachea - this condition is called laryngotracheitis.

Laryngitis occurs frequently in young children. This is due to the fact that the mucous tissue of the child’s larynx is still loose, so external irritants easily penetrate it, causing inflammation and swelling. With age, the mucous membranes become denser, and laryngitis appears less frequently in a child after 2 years of age.

Inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Viral infections. Viruses that infect the upper respiratory tract accumulate in the area of ​​the vocal cords, causing defensive reaction laryngeal tissues.
  2. Allergic reaction. Food products, fresh and strong smell varnishes and paints, pet hair, pet food and even house dust - all these allergens can provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat.
  3. The use of sprays in the treatment of diseases of the nose and throat. Even if the instructions for the drug in the form of a spray (Hexoral, Ingalipt, etc.) have no contraindications for children under 3 years of age, they must be used carefully - a sprayed stream of medication, forcefully acting on the nerve endings of the throat mucosa, can cause an involuntary spasm and, as consequence, swelling. In extreme cases, such products can be used with specially designed sprayers.
  4. Predisposition. The vulnerability of the mucous membranes of the larynx may be the result of health problems in the mother during pregnancy or it may be hereditary. Such children need special attention when infectious diseases.
  5. Severe stress. The psyche of children is still immature, so many situations can cause deep distress in them. jar of Hearts. Sometimes it manifests itself as loss of voice due to spasm of the vocal cords.


The manifestations of laryngitis in children are quite varied and depend on the child’s immunity and the strength of the irritants. Laryngitis most often occurs acutely, but can also occur chronic form.

There are several types of acute laryngitis.

Catarrhal laryngitis is the most light form diseases. In this condition, the child usually complains of irritation and sore throat, wheezes a little, and coughs occasionally. With timely treatment, the malaise quickly disappears.

Hypertrophic Laryngitis is a more serious condition. The mucous membrane of the larynx becomes inflamed and swollen; upon examination, dark red dots may be visible on it - the result of damage small capillaries. Small nodules form on the vocal cords, disrupting vocal vibrations. In this case, the child coughs very much, his throat hurts, breathing may be difficult, and the temperature may be slightly elevated. But main feature hypertrophic laryngitis - a change in the voice, which can become hoarse beyond recognition. In some cases, thickening of the ligaments may remain after treatment of laryngitis, in which case cauterization or even surgery may be required.

Hemorrhagic laryngitis – develops against the background of serious infectious diseases and is caused by hemorrhage into the mucous membrane of the larynx. Signs of such laryngitis are a hoarse voice, a sharp hacking cough, and the discharge of sputum with bloody streaks.

Stenotic laryngotracheitis - in this form, inflammation spreads to the upper parts of the trachea. The larynx becomes very narrow, causing dangerous condition hypoxia. IN initial stage development of laryngotracheitis, attacks are observed barking cough, which intensify at night and in the early morning hours to such an extent that they can cause suffocation. Then the child cannot inhale normally, as the movement of air causes a new spasm of the larynx. Lack of oxygen manifests itself in heavy breathing, blueness of the nasolabial triangle, apathy. With such laryngitis in children under one year old, crying can be observed with every breath.

Another form of laryngitis is atrophic - almost never occurs in children, since thinning of the mucous membrane of the larynx in this form of the disease is often caused by dietary errors and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Thus, signs of laryngitis in a child are:

  • sharp dry cough, often paroxysmal, especially at night;
  • hoarseness of voice up to its loss;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • swollen and reddened mucous membranes of the throat;
  • dry throat;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • slight runny nose.

Even if the symptoms of laryngitis in a child are not too pronounced, treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the disease will develop into a more dangerous form.


The development of laryngotracheitis can cause false croup - an extremely dangerous condition for the life of a child. That is why treatment of laryngitis in children must be carried out exclusively in a hospital in order to prevent an increase in edema and suffocation in time. At home, you can only cope with mild forms.

In this case, the most effective measures will be:

  • steam inhalations (with mineral water or essential oil);
  • foot baths;
  • warming compresses (should not be done if the baby is not at least 1 year old).

Use of folk remedies to treat laryngitis in children under 2 years of age should be done with extreme caution or even abstain from them. Warm milk with butter, sucking honey, breast training and infusions for inhalation - all these proven recipes can cause severe allergic reaction and irritation of the larynx, which will lead to worsening of the condition and the development of edema.

However, the application folk remedies for laryngitis in older children it is quite justified. After all, before medical care was not available everywhere, so many knew how to treat laryngitis in a child without medication.

Only doctors should determine how to treat laryngitis in children. Even the most experienced parents should never be prescribed drug treatment on one's own.

Typically, the treatment regimen includes drugs from several groups. Antitussives remedies (especially recommended for dry cough). If sputum begins to pass, your doctor may recommend expectorant medications. Antipyretics medications are taken if the child’s temperature is above 38 degrees or causes headache. For children, products containing ibuprofen or paracetamol are recommended.

Antihistamines The products help reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and calm the child. It is best to take allergy medications at night. If you have a sore throat, your doctor may prescribe rinsing solutions or lozenges. The use of sprays is unacceptable. Antibiotics for laryngitis, they can be prescribed if, when taking an analysis from the mucous membrane of the larynx, a bacterial environment is detected or laryngitis is severe - with a high temperature and a deterioration in the general condition of the child. You should not give such drugs to your child on your own.

In the hospital, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. In particularly serious forms of laryngitis, resuscitation measures may be required, including tracheal surgery. Therefore, even if the child’s condition does not seem serious, and the doctor insists on hospitalization, there is no need to refuse.

In order for the baby to recover faster, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the medication regimen and be sure to complete the course of treatment to the end, even if the child’s condition improves faster.

Attack of laryngitis: what to do?

When the condition of a child with laryngitis worsens, emergency medical attention is required. If breathing is uneven, difficult or intermittent, the cough has become suffocating, the child cannot breathe (babies usually cry with every cough or even breath), he becomes dizzy and turns blue nasolabial triangle or the high temperature persists for more than a day, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In case of stenosis (narrowing of the larynx, which makes it difficult to breathe) and suffocating coughing attacks, the following measures should be taken before doctors arrive:

  • do inhalation with saline solution;
  • try to humidify the air in the room;
  • do not let the child lie down - it will be easier for him to breathe in an upright position;
  • make a warm foot bath;
  • prohibit the child from talking - any tension in the larynx and vocal cords in this situation is harmful;
  • distract the child from his condition, create the most calm environment possible - fear can intensify the attack.

It is possible that doctors will be able to relieve an attack of laryngitis on the spot, but if hospitalization is offered, in no case should you refuse. Symptoms of laryngitis in children can become dangerous in a short time.

Treatment of mild forms of laryngitis usually lasts about a week, more serious forms - depending on the condition of the child. To speed up your recovery, you must adhere to the following recommendations. To full recovery the child must be in bed. You definitely need to drink as much liquid as possible, warm and preferably unsweetened: fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas. This will help soften the mucous membrane and remove toxins from the body. It is imperative to follow a diet: warm and not hard food with minimal added salt. You need to exclude all smoked and pickled foods, as well as sour and spicy foods. Eating dry food with laryngitis is also unacceptable.

In the room where the child is located, clean and moist air should be constantly maintained. It is very important to maintain the correct voice mode: the child should not talk a lot, nor should he raise his voice or speak in a whisper. All this creates heavy load on the vocal cords, and they need maximum rest during the treatment period. The environment around the child should be calm, friendly and relaxed.

Prevention of laryngitis

To prevent laryngitis from becoming chronic, annoying with regular exacerbations and threatening loss of voice, you need to follow simple preventive measures:

  • carefully monitor the child’s condition and be sure to treat even mild colds to the end;
  • minimize the child’s contact with possible allergens;
  • regularly ventilate the nursery, providing a flow of fresh air;
  • adhere to proper nutrition;
  • strengthen the immune system: strengthen the child, exercise physical exercise and spend as much time outdoors as possible;
  • provide a calm homely atmosphere at home.

Laryngitis can be quite severe, but timely treatment will help you get rid of it without consequences.

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