Lymphocytes are higher than normal. Why is the level of lymphocytes in the blood increased in women? Main causes and symptoms. Lymphocytes - what are they?

Lymphocyte (lymph) is like a “censorship” of our body. Lymphocytes are responsible for the immune surveillance of our body. The body of the lymphocyte has special receptors that are activated upon contact with a foreign cellular protein.

A lymphocyte lives not a couple of days, like “typical” leukocytes, but from several months to more than 20 years.

Individual lymphocyte cells can be born and live until a person’s death! Compared to red blood cells, they are very small 7-10 microns in diameter. The main difference between a lymphocyte and all white blood cells is that it gives them the ability to easily pass through body tissue and return back to the blood.
Normally, the percentage of lymphocytes in the blood is from 20 to 40%. There are lymphocytes in tissues increased amount than in the blood or vice versa. This is considered normal; some lymphocytes may differ from their “brothers” who live in different places in the body and belong to different species.

  • The specificity of the function of the lymphocyte included in the group of leukocytes is immune surveillance, amazing ability recognize in the body according to the principle of “friend” and “foreign”. It does not destroy bacteria, unlike other leukocytes, but its own diseased cells, cells modified by viruses, those that have undergone mutations, and cancer cells at an early stage.

Lymphocytes are normal

Everyone knows well that general analysis Blood tests must be done strictly on an empty stomach. However, you should take into account that the blood test result may be distorted due to the consumption of certain medicines, food additives and diets.

Age -- Indicator %:

  • Newborns 15 - 35
  • up to 2 weeks 22 - 55
  • From 2 weeks to 1 year 45 - 70
  • From 1 year to 2 years 37 - 60
  • From 2 to 5 years 33 - 55
  • From 6 to 7 years 30 - 50
  • From 8 to 9 years 30 - 50
  • From 9 to 11 years old 30 - 46
  • From 12 to 15 years 30 - 45
  • From 16 years old and adults 20 - 40

The condition when lymphocytes are higher than normal in the blood of the peripheral bloodstream is called lymphocytosis. Lymphocytosis should be assessed not as an increase in lymphocytes alone, but as a complex phenomenon affecting leukocytes of all types and their leukocyte formula, the absolute content of leukocytes, granulocytes, eosinophils, segmented neutrophils and their percentage.

leukocyte formula

If you have high level lymphocytes, ask your doctor what type of lymphocytosis you have:

  1. reactive;
  2. malignant.

Reactive lymphocytosis– manifests itself in case of an infectious disease or a malfunction of the immune system.

Malignant lymphocytosis– may be a signal of blood leukemia, manifested in chronic form and acute, lymphoproliferative disease.

Why are lymphocytes elevated?

When lymphocytes are elevated in an adult, this may indicate the reaction of the immune system to any disease or hidden condition occurring in the body. This reaction should resolve within 1-2 months after the cessation of the action of the factor causing it, in case of chronic diseases and acute diseases. May be accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged spleen and liver in the patient.

This should not cause the patient to panic about the development of oncology, since only a doctor can determine this. In order to determine what type of lymphocytosis is present, the doctor prescribes additional tests to:

  • pathologies of the lymphocytes themselves;
  • bone marrow analysis;
  • molecular genetic tests.

Each type of leukocyte performs its function in protecting against viruses and bacteria, foreign cells. Absolute lymphocytosis is characterized by a large excess of lymphocytes in diseases such as:

  • hepatitis,
  • infectious mononucleosis,
  • illnesses endocrine system
  • lymphosarcoma
  • Viral infection, lymphotropic virus

When should you sound the alarm?

You need to pay attention when, when taking a general blood test, an increased number of lymphocytes in your blood is constantly detected. When an increase in lymphocytes is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, liver, spleen, in such cases you need to consult a specialist, oncologist, hematologist.

Additional tests may need to be performed:

Symptoms of lymphocytosis

Symptoms of lymphocytosis:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Vomit
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Diarrhea
  • Liver enlargement
  • Constipation
  • Chills
  • Reduced temperature
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Exhaustion
  • Deterioration general condition
  • Inflammation of the cerebral cortex
  • Nasal infections
  • Infections of the oral mucosa
  • Allergies to foods or substances to which the body did not previously react in any way
  • Subtle body temperature is about 37º C and slightly higher for a long period.

Any of these symptoms should alert the patient to go away. medical tests and examination by a doctor to rule out lymphocytosis.

You should definitely take a general blood test along with a leukogram or leukocyte formula to accurately detect an increase in leukocytes in the blood.

Video: Lymphoma. Traitor lymphocytes: how to neutralize them

The lymphocyte level is tested by various reasons. One of the reasons is for preventive purposes or when there is a suspicion of the existence of any diseases or poisonings. This lymphocyte test is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of certain medicines and information regarding the correct course of treatment and its effectiveness for a particular patient.

Analysis for lymphocytes is often prescribed when diagnosing diseases such as:

  • presence of bacteria;
  • chronic leukemia;
  • lymphocytopenia;
  • lymphocytosis;
  • mononucleosis;
  • SARS - acute respiratory syndrome;
  • with a weakened immune system.

It often happens that the lymphocyte test is sometimes performed again. This is done in order to confirm or refute the results obtained earlier.

Cause of elevated lymphocytes

When a bacteria or foreign protein enters the body, fungal infection the body switches on mechanisms for producing an immune response through the bone marrow, which produces an increased number of lymphocytes.

A condition in which an increased level of lymphocytes in the blood is detected in a cat is called lymphocytosis. Usually, this is always indicated by an excess of lymphocytes in a general blood test (CBC). Sometimes the disease does not manifest itself and is detected only when the patient consults a doctor.

There are many reasons for increased lymphocytes in the blood, which can cause lymphocytosis. Using a variety of symptoms of lymphocytosis, you can try to determine the cause.

Stress and hormones

During stressful situations Fluctuations in the ratio of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the blood may occur. If you are overly worried, calm down or postpone taking blood tests.
Do not take tests during periods of fatigue or after exhausting physical work. Increased level lymphocytes in the blood of women occurs during the monthly cycle. The level remains no higher than 5 * 109 cells per liter and is restored to normal after some time.


I don't have smoking man A complete blood count will be very different for a smoker. Smokers not only have an increased number of lymphocytes, but the blood in general thickens, which is dangerous due to the formation of blood clots and the risk of stroke.


The introduction of infection into the body activates all the defenses of our body.

Neutrophils are always elevated due to the direct penetration of bacteria, and lymphocytes destroy mainly invading viruses,
infectious lymphocytosis.

By joining an infected cell, they place a marker on it and begin to produce special antibodies that eliminate the virus-producing cell. Relative lymphocytosis is diagnosed with each infection, and in some cases absolute lymphocytosis, which serves as evidence of the body’s struggle and the formation of an immune response.

High lymphocytes can be present throughout the illness, as well as during the recovery period and even for some time after the illness.
Infectious mononucleosis affects the general blood test very clearly.
You can also add some diseases that can develop into a long-term chronic form, for example: syphilis, tuberculosis.


The disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. According to statistics, this virus can infect the majority of the world's population, but only in some people it can lead to general symptoms called "infectious mononucleosis".
You can become infected either through a kiss or through ordinary household means, sharing utensils, or unsanitary premises.
Incubation period mononucleosis can last more than 28 days. Lymphocytes are primarily affected.

In children, the disease may be less acute, often in mild form, in adults it occurs more acutely and with possible complications.
There are symptoms of fever, weakness, patients often sweat at night, feel a sore throat, and, as a rule, the lymph nodes are enlarged.

Mononucleosis is diagnosed based on the patient's complaints, tests, and examination of the patient. In children with mononucleosis, lymphocytes are always elevated, and abnormal mononuclear cells are also noted.

Your doctor may order blood immunoglobulin tests. Treatment for this viral infection involves eliminating symptoms and strengthening the immune system. The patient is prescribed rest and rest, antipyretic medications are prescribed, and it is recommended to drink more green tea and liquids.

During this time, you should not engage in intense physical activity, especially sports. This is due to the fact that during illness, patients have an enlarged spleen, in which the affected blood cells are destroyed and any injury to it can lead to its rupture, bleeding and death of the patient.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough is a contagious disease respiratory tract heavy for a person. Vaccination across the country has significantly reduced the incidence of whooping cough. Children are more susceptible to the disease.
The symptoms of whooping cough are similar to a common cold, but after one or two weeks a severe cough develops, which can lead to vomiting.

The cough subsides after about a month, but does not go away, the child still coughs. Whooping cough, if left untreated, in past centuries caused disability in children and sometimes resulted in death.

Risk remains during illness convulsive syndrome, rupture of blood vessels during an acute cough due to changes in biochemical composition blood.

Application of modern methods PCR diagnostics and ELISA ( enzyme immunoassay), make it possible to detect the disease by early stages. A general blood test shows a high level of leukocytes, leukocytosis (15-50*109), immune reactions. The main indicator of increase in the analysis is blood lymphocytes.

Treatment is carried out using antibiotics. Although the disease continues for a long time, it is easier and, most importantly, the risk of complications after the disease is significantly reduced. The only way to avoid the consequences of complications and the disease itself is timely vaccination of the population with Pentaxim or Infanrix, as well as DPT.

Blood cancer

Sometimes reactive lymphocytosis does not always manifest itself, as a consequence of an established infection. The cause of lymphocytosis can be blood cancer, disruption of the hematopoietic system, uncontrolled cell division turning into a malignant tumor.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

Blood cancer in which immature lymphocytes (lymphoblasts) cease to form into full-bodied lymphocytes leads to acute lymphoblastic blood leukemia.

They cease to perform their main function, to protect the body from infectious agents. The uncontrolled division of these cells leads to the suppression of other blood cells. The largest number of cases lymphoblastic leukemia– these are children, more than 80% of all cases (childhood hemoblastosis).

Adult population countries are much less common to them.
The disease is of a genetic nature, abnormalities in cellular level, I also get sick in children with Down syndrome who have been exposed to radiation and radiation therapy.
Parents need to closely monitor the child’s diet, especially for the first 3 years of the baby’s life.

Pesticides are the main culprits in causing blood cancer in children during their first years of life. Signs of the disease Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are shortness of breath, weakness, poverty skin child. Bleeding and bruising on the skin appear spontaneously; such a child is often susceptible to infectious diseases, maybe sepsis.

When examining the child, an enlargement of the lymph nodes and spleen is observed. There are pains in the bones, tumors in the testicles and ovaries, as well as in the thymus and mediastinal area.

If ALL is suspected, a general blood test is prescribed, which shows a decrease in the number of platelets and red blood cells. The white blood cell count may be low, high, or not change much. Leukocytes are low, lymphocytes are high, in particular low neutrophils, lymphoblasts are noted.

For a final diagnosis, a bone marrow puncture is performed to avoid misdiagnosis. The number of blasts in the bone marrow will be higher than 20% of normal. Cytochemical and immunological studies can be carried out as additional research.

Treatment is carried out under the influence of cytostatic drugs, which lead to relief of the patient’s condition. long period, and then maintaining this state. The use of chemotherapy is not easy to tolerate; it can provide a chance for healing for the sick person.
If the disease continues to progress or comes back again (relapses), they may resort to more radical way, bone marrow transplantation, apply more strong drugs chemotherapy. For a bone marrow transplant, a suitable donor is sought, who is most often a close relative of the patient.

The prognosis of cured patients is quite high when using latest achievements in oncohematology. A positive prognosis is indicated by the fact that the number of leukocytes is not higher than 30,000, the absence of genetic changes at the cellular level and the recovery of the sick child’s condition after four weeks of intensive treatment.

The survival rate of children with such indicators exceeds 70%.
However, each relapse of the disease reduces the chances of favorable outcome. A patient is considered completely healthy if for five years he has not had a return of symptoms of the disease and has not undergone a course of chemotherapy.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

The opposite disease of ALL is called CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), where the level of mature white blood cells in the blood increases.

The cells here are formed as fully mature lymphocytes, but they do not perform their immunological function. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, in which increased lymphocytes in adults is more susceptible to people after sixty years of age, is less common in young people and children.

The cause of the disease remains unclear, and the risk group has also not been identified. Symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: pallor, weakness, increased bleeding.

The lymph nodes are enlarged, dense, mobile and painful when pressed. As the disease progresses, night sweats are observed, feverish state, weight loss, enlarged spleen and liver when palpated. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is insidious and can be asymptomatic; it is detected when the patient undergoes annual medical examination at the doctor and takes blood tests.

Treatment consists of chemotherapy, but the disease is very resistant to chemotherapy. This treatment is prescribed until obvious signs of the disease appear; without treatment, the patient can live for several years. At poor prognosis(doubling of leukocytes in six months) and the patient is not in remission, cytostatic drugs are prescribed, which can prolong the patient’s life.

Graves-Basedow disease

An increase in lymphocytes can occur as a consequence of autoimmune processes, the presence allergic reactions, inhibited type. Graves-Graves disease or diffuse toxic goiter often leads to exactly this type of excessive activity thyroid gland, whose cells are attacked by the immune system. The reason for this has not been clarified and remains a mystery. Symptoms of Graves' disease manifest themselves through excessive anxiety, heart failure, hand tremors, elevated temperature body, shortness of breath.

The eyes are wide open, as if they are coming out of their sockets.
In the blood, as the analysis shows, absolute or relative lymphocytosis. The value of thyroid hormones T3 and T4 is increased, TSH is decreased.
Treatment of the disease radioactive iodine And possible operation, use of thyreostatics. To others autoimmune diseases leading to high lymphocytes in the blood can also include: Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis.

Poisoning and medications

It is important to get tested and monitor the number of neutrophils, to prevent a significant decrease in immunity (agranulocytosis).


In some cases, by medical indications or occurs as a result of injury surgery removal of the spleen, called splenectomy.

As a result of the important role played by the spleen in the breakdown of lymphocytes, temporary lymphocytosis is possible. The body needs time to compensate for the absence of an important organ and the level of lymphocytes will return to normal.

Question – Answer

Why are lymphocytes lower in the tests and higher in adults?

Human blood consists of many different formed elements, blood cells. Some of them, leukocytes, protect our body from infection, various bacteria and viruses. The ratio of leukocytes and neutrophils and other blood cells is an indicator of the condition of the body. A case where neutrophils are low and lymphocytes are high may indicate an established infection, a latent inflammatory process, an allergic reaction, or helminthic infestation. Only a doctor can identify the disease and prescribe treatment,

What are the reasons for the increase in lymphocytes and monocytes in the blood?

The reasons for the increase in lymphocytes and monocytes shows the body's immune response.
Monocytes are young cells moving along the bloodstream into body tissues where they turn into mature histiocytes and macrophages. Penetrating into the mucous membranes and skin, macrophages devour (phagocytose) bacteria and foreign protein. An increase in monocytes indicates an established infection.
This condition can occur when:

  • acute respiratory infections, fungal diseases, viruses
  • In those recovering and some time after illness
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Hidden chronic diseases, inflammation
  • Blood cancer
  • Tumors
  • Poisoning with phosphorus, tetrachloroethane

What to do if leukocytes and lymphocytes are elevated?

The reasons may lie in various factors. Get other tests and histological tests besides the blood test. Any infections such as sinusitis or sinusitis and even caries can cause an increase in white blood cells and lymphocytes. The diagnosis can only be made by the attending physician, based on complaints and test results.

With such test results, it is important not to delay your visit to the doctor. This may lead to serious consequences for the body.

What to do when lymphocytes and ESR are elevated?

ESR is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. An increase in ESR levels may indicate a hidden inflammatory process, or that you have recently been ill and the body has not yet returned to normal.

If an infection enters the human body pathological nature, then in it instantly the main purpose is to protect immune system. Such defenders check every cell in the body several times every day, and if they identify an old or dying one, they immediately remove it from the body or destroy it. The amount of work that a lymphocyte performs is difficult to overestimate, given that lymphocytes in the human body are about 1 percent of the total. total number body cells. If their number increases, it is necessary to determine why lymphocytes are elevated in the general blood test.

The role of cells in the human body

All lymphocytes in the human body are divided into the following types: T, B and NK. Each of the presented cells has its own functionality and tasks, but they all work for one result - to provide the human body with strong immunity, which will not allow the development of any disease. While everything in the body is stable and pathogenic organisms are in an inactive state, lymphocytes perform almost no actions, do not secrete active ingredients, do not reproduce, but are only carriers of receptors that can recognize the infection.

When examining the condition of all human cells, it is lymphocytes that are the first to detect the presence of a pathological infection and send a signal to the brain, after which the process of protecting the body and suppressing foreign agents in it immediately begins.

Targeted effects of cells

Lymphocytes help maintain the state of cellular and humoral immunity in the body. This complex mechanism, which is created by nature to protect the human body from hazardous processes, activated during propagation harmful bacteria.

According to their structure, lymphocytes can be the following type:

  • large (NK-type), which are responsible for the quality of cells in the body and help eliminate dead cells or cells with an abnormal structure;
  • small (T- and B-type) - help destroy infection that penetrates the human body.

Immune protection

Such cells perform large number actions aimed at comprehensive protection of human immunity from pathogens:

  • identification of foreign microorganisms;
  • division of pathogens into previously encountered and unfamiliar;
  • attack and attack on dangerous microorganisms;
  • destruction of foreign agents;
  • remembering at the cellular level information about a new source of danger and passing it on to new generations (creating lasting immunity to previously suffered diseases).

Methods for detecting the disease

The number of lymphocytes in a person’s blood can be absolute (measured in units per liter), as well as relative (denoted as a percentage):

  • the absolute norm is 1-4.5*10 9 /l;
  • the relative norm is 20-37 percent.

Normal indicators for men and women are at the same level, but for women a minimal excess of indicators may be allowed due to physiology. The doctor deciphers the general blood test for elevated lymphocytes.

The procedure for identifying the number of lymphocytes in the body is a general blood test. During the procedure, a certain amount of blood is taken from the patient. To do this, he comes to the doctor in the morning on an empty stomach.

If the examination is carried out according to the old method, using a microscope, then only a few drops of blood are enough for the procedure. Modern devices, which automatically count the number of lymphocytes in the blood, have one main drawback - they cannot work with a small amount of blood.

It is for this reason that for such an analysis a person will have to give at least five ml of blood from a vein.

If there are diseases and pathological processes in the body, it will not be possible to determine the state of health with one general blood test; for this you need to use a more in-depth examination to identify the number of cells certain type(for example, T- and B-type).

Such tests are carried out using more sophisticated equipment, so the tests are quite expensive and are not carried out in every laboratory.

Increased lymphocyte count

Elevated lymphocytes and monocytes in a general blood test indicate an active process of the human immune system resisting infection, which may hide both ARVI and more serious illness. Experts include the following as the main causes of lymphocytosis:

Lymphocytes are also significantly increased in a general blood test during infection of the body. In some cases, after such processes, a person remains immune for life. It's about about chicken pox, rubella, measles and whooping cough. Lymphocytosis can occur against the background of an increase in the size of the liver, lymph nodes, and spleen.

When carrying a child

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman's body activates a natural immune suppression mechanism. This process can be explained by the fact that at this moment it is very important to protect the embryo from rejection, since a piece of the father’s biological material can be considered by the woman’s immune system as a foreign body.

Mainly those types of lymphocytes that are responsible for eliminating foreign elements in the body and producing antibodies that help reduce the aggressiveness of other cells are inhibited.

On last date After pregnancy, the norm of lymphocytes in the body is restored. Despite the fact that the total number of lymphocytes in a blood test reaches 20-40 percent, which is considered normal indicator, there are fewer and fewer of them.

If a pregnant woman has elevated lymphocytes and ESR during a general blood test, this may indicate the presence of various complications course of pregnancy, including possible miscarriage.

Main symptoms of damage

Considering exclusively external symptoms, it is almost impossible to accurately determine whether there are problems with the number of lymphocytes in the body, since this is not a disease, but an indicator of the state of the blood, which reports the presence of diseases in the body and helps determine whether the body has a protective response.

Therefore, if the condition worsens, all symptoms will correspond to the disease that is present in the body.

General Similarities

With all the variety of diseases there are common symptoms which arise as a result of an increase in the level of lymphocytes in the body:

  • sudden increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of perspiration, increased sweating;
  • feeling unwell extreme fatigue, drowsiness;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • partial or complete lack of appetite;
  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes, which, when palpated, are characterized by tuberosity;
  • upon palpation the patient feels pain syndrome, and the area of ​​the body being examined becomes very red.

Danger of condition

It is impossible to determine exactly how dangerous an increase in the level of lymphocytes in a person’s blood is, since this condition itself does not indicate anything specific. Everything will directly depend on the reason that led to the process. That is why it is important to consider the blood test in full, correlate it with the results of other studies and the patient’s symptoms of damage.

If a blood test shows an increased number of lymphocytes, this means that there are some problems in the body, but how dangerous they are, a specialist will tell you after deciphering the test results and conducting additional examinations. Under no circumstances should you try to self-diagnose or self-medicate.

This can provoke a worsening of the condition, the transition of the disease to a chronic form, and sometimes lead to death.

Increased lymphocytes in a child

Increased lymphocytes in a child during a general blood test - what does this mean? Age-related lymphocytosis most often refers to natural physiological process in the body, in which the child’s immune system develops and strengthens. This condition does not need to be treated, as it goes away on its own as the baby grows up.

But if the lymphocytes in the blood during a general analysis are significantly increased in a child, which is not at all consistent with the given age, then the doctor should mandatory determine the exact cause of this condition.

There are two types of lymphocytosis:

  • malignant - the number of lymphocytes increases due to cancer cells developing in the body;
  • reactive - a symptom appears as a result of a reaction to an irritant in the body: bacteria, fungi and viruses.

When is it important to treat?

Lymphocytosis of a malignant nature occurs quite rarely, but can appear even in a child under one year of age, so this condition cannot be excluded. Accurate diagnosis can be delivered after diagnostic measures, if a specialist has reasons, he will confirm the presence of pathology. The malignant nature of lymphocytosis may indicate following symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • regular nosebleeds for no reason;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased size of lymph nodes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • joint pain.

The level of lymphocytes in a child increases especially strongly when infectious mononucleosis. But other diseases cannot be ruled out. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause.

Blood is one of human and animal. It consists of three types of cells, which are also called blood cells. It also contains a large amount of liquid intercellular substance.

Blood cells are divided into three types: platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes. Platelets take part in the process. Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. And the function of leukocytes is to protect the human or animal body from harmful microorganisms.

What are leukocytes?

There are several varieties of them, each of which performs its own specific functions. So, leukocytes are divided into:

  • granulocytes;
  • agranulocytes.

What are granulocytes?

They are also called granular leukocytes. This group includes eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils. The former are capable of phagocytosis. They can capture microorganisms and then digest them. These cells are involved in inflammatory processes. They are also able to neutralize histamine, which is released by the body during allergies. Basophils contain a large amount of serotonin, leukotrienes, prostaglandins and histamine. They take part in the development of immediate allergic reactions. Neutrophils, like eosinophils, are capable of phagocytosis. A large number of them are located at the site of inflammation.

Non-granular leukocytes

Monocytes and lymphocytes are types of agranular (non-granular) white blood cells. The former, like agranulocytes, are capable of absorbing foreign particles that enter the body.

Lymphocytes are also part of the immune system of humans and animals. They are involved in neutralizing pathogenic microorganisms that enter the body. Let's talk about these cells in more detail.

Lymphocytes - what are they?

There are several varieties of these cells. We will look at them in more detail a little later.

We can say that lymphocytes are the main cells of the immune system. They provide both cellular and humoral immunity.

Cellular immunity is when lymphocytes come into direct contact with pathogens. Humoral is the production of special antibodies - substances that neutralize microorganisms.

The level of lymphocytes in the blood depends on the number in the body pathogenic bacteria or viruses. The more there are, the bigger body produces immune cells. Therefore, you probably already guessed what this means. This means that a person is currently experiencing an acute or chronic form inflammatory disease.

Lymphocytes: what are their types?

Depending on their structure, they are divided into two groups:

  • large granular lymphocytes;
  • small lymphocytes.

Lymphocyte cells are also divided into groups, depending on the functions they perform. So, there are three types of them:

  • B lymphocytes;
  • T lymphocytes;
  • NK lymphocytes.

The former are able to recognize foreign proteins and produce antibodies to them. An increased level of these cells in the blood is observed in diseases that occur only once (chickenpox, rubella, measles, etc.).

There are three types of T lymphocytes: killer T cells, helper T cells and suppressor T cells. The first destroy cells affected by viruses, as well as tumor cells. T helper cells stimulate the production of antibodies to pathogens. T-suppressors inhibit the production of antibodies when there is no longer a threat to the body. NK lymphocytes are responsible for the quality of the body's cells. They are able to destroy cells that differ from normal ones, such as cancer cells.

How do lymphocytes develop?

These cells, like other blood cells, are produced by the red bone marrow. They are formed there from stem cells. The next important organ of the immune system is the thymus or thymus. Newly formed lymphocytes arrive here. Here they ripen and are divided into groups. Also, some lymphocytes can mature in the spleen. Further, fully formed immune cells can form lymph nodes - clusters of lymphocytes along the lymphatic vessels. Nodes may enlarge during inflammatory processes in the body.

How many lymphocytes should there be in the blood?

The permissible number of lymphocytes in the blood depends on age and the condition of the body. Let's look at their normal level in the table.

These indicators do not depend on gender: for women and men the norm of lymphocytes in the blood is the same.

Indications for studying the level of lymphocytes

To find out their amount in the blood, a general blood test is used. It is prescribed to children in the following cases:

  1. Preventive medical examination once a year.
  2. Physical examination of chronically ill children two or more times a year.
  3. Health complaints.
  4. Prolonged treatment of non-serious diseases, such as acute respiratory infections.
  5. Complications after viral diseases.
  6. To track the effectiveness of treatment.
  7. To assess the severity of certain diseases.

For adults, a general blood test is indicated in the following cases:

  1. before employment.
  2. Preventive medical examination.
  3. Suspicion of anemia and other blood diseases.
  4. Diagnosis of inflammatory processes.
  5. Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.
  6. Lymphocytes in the blood of women are very important to monitor during pregnancy, especially in the first and second trimesters.

Elevated lymphocytes

If their amount in the blood is higher than the specified norm, then this indicates a viral disease, some bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis, typhoid fever, cancer, severe poisoning chemicals. Especially for diseases to which strong immunity is developed. These are chickenpox, measles, rubella, mononucleosis, etc.

Decreased lymphocytes

An insufficient amount of them in the blood is called lymphopenia. It occurs in the following cases:

  • viral diseases in the early stages;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • treatment with corticosteroid drugs;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

How to prepare for a blood test?

There are several factors that can affect the number of lymphocytes in the blood. If you do not prepare properly for a blood test, it may give incorrect results. So, you need to follow the following rules.

  • Don't lie down for a long time before donating blood for analysis. Abrupt change body position can affect the number of lymphocytes in the blood.
  • Do not take a blood test immediately after medical procedures such as x-rays, massage, punctures, physiotherapy, etc.
  • Do not take a blood test during or immediately after menstruation. Optimal time- 4-5 days after its completion.
  • Don't worry before donating blood.
  • Do not take a blood test immediately after exercise.
  • It is best to donate blood for analysis in the morning.

If these rules are not followed, there is high probability that the test results will be interpreted incorrectly and an incorrect diagnosis will be made. In such cases, for more accurate diagnosis may be assigned reanalysis blood.

Lymphocytes are a type of leukocyte - white blood cells. They perform an immune function. Lymphocytes are one of the main cells of the immune system, like monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for the production of antibodies - molecules aimed at destroying foreign particles and removing them from the body. If they are decreased or increased, then such data indicate that a malfunction has occurred in the body. The first phenomenon is called lymphopenia, the second - lymphocytosis. Normally, the level of these cells in the blood can change during the day, under the influence of various internal/external factors (stress, temperature changes, premenstrual syndrome etc.). However, further diagnostics absolutely necessary if lymphocytes are elevated. Lymphocytosis is an increase in lymphocytes relative to normal. Depending on age, the following normative indicators are identified:

Content of lymphocytes in the blood, normal

When lymphocytes are elevated

Increased content lymphocytes in the blood are determined during a general blood test. There are 2 types of lymphocytosis: absolute and relative. In the first case, all types of leukocytes are increased, in the second - only lymphocytes (the indicators of other white blood cells are decreased: segmented neutrophils, monocytes, etc.). To determine the ratio various types When analyzing leukocytes in the blood, a special leukocyte formula is used.

Causes of lymphocytosis

Why is it only through analysis that we can find out about changes in the number of blood cells? Lymphocytosis does not have specific symptoms- only a general blood test can determine it. The result is deciphered by specialists from biochemical laboratories, and on its basis, as well as based on medical history data or the nature of the patient’s complaints, the doctor can put forward a hypothesis about the reasons for the increase and prescribe further examination. An increase in lymphocyte levels can be caused by a number of factors that are specific to adults and children.

In children

An increased number of lymphocytes in children can be caused by:

  1. Viral disease: lichen, whooping cough, malaria, chicken pox(chickenpox), measles, viral hepatitis and others;
  2. Infection: influenza, ARVI, sore throat and others;
  3. Purulent-inflammatory processes;
  4. Bronchial asthma;
  5. Leukemia

Lymphocytes may also be elevated during other diseases, with various individual characteristics body. The exact reasons can only be determined after full examination. It should also be remembered that sometimes lymphocytes remain elevated even after some time after recovery in a blood test.

If lymphocytes are elevated in adults

An increase in lymphocytes detected in the analysis of an adult may be due to:

  1. Various diseases of an infectious viral nature: all kinds of colds, flu, ARVI, hepatitis, mononucleosis and others;
  2. Systemic blood disease: lymphosarcoma, leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia and others;
  3. Bronchial asthma;
  4. Serum sickness;
  5. Various diseases of the endocrine system: thyrotoxicosis, Addison's disease, acromegaly and others;
  6. Hypersensitivity to certain drugs;
  7. Neurasthenia;
  8. Vasculitis;
  9. The recovery period after an illness;
  10. Poisoning with dangerous chemicals: arsenic, lead and others.

The number of lymphocytes deviating from the norm may be evidence of the presence of other diseases - in each case it is individual. Deciphering a blood test is not a sufficient basis for making a particular diagnosis - such a conclusion can only be given based on the results of a full examination by qualified doctors. It should also be remembered that if monocytes and other types of leukocytes are low, then this may also indicate that lymphocytes are high . In each specific case, if a disease is suspected, a detailed breakdown of all indicators should be carried out.

Lymphocytosis in pregnant women

The number of white blood cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, etc.) is a very important indicator during pregnancy. Why are gynecologists watching him so closely? The reasons for this are that normally the body maintains a level of leukocytes that is safe for the fetus, that is, lymphocytes carry out their functions and do not pose a threat of destruction to foreign antigens of the father, which the embryo must have. If lymphocytes are elevated, then this situation can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women need to closely monitor the level of lymphocytes and other leukocytes. Regular blood tests will help with this. This is especially necessary in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. You will also need to see a doctor if your white blood cells are low.


Lymphocytosis is not independent disease. If lymphocytes are higher than normal, this means that there are some problems occurring in the body. pathological processes. To eliminate them, you need to:

  • Identify the reasons. For this purpose it is assigned comprehensive examination. Consult a specialist. Deciphering the data of any tests and studies should be carried out only by an experienced doctor.
  • Get treatment. Specific prescriptions are given depending on the disease found. If neutrophils, monocytes and other types of colorless blood cells often deviate from standard indicators, then this means that you need to immediately contact a specialist. It should also be remembered that a decrease in the level of lymphocytes after an illness does not always indicate its complete passage.

Increase in other types of white blood cells

The total level of blood leukocytes is also very important indicator. Monocytes and segmented neutrophils can have a direct effect on lymphocyte levels. For example, if these blood cells are relatively low, then lymphocytes are high. and monocytes, this means that a virus or infection is present in the body. Any change in the level of leukocytes in the blood will require repeated analysis, detailed interpretation and a comprehensive examination.

When receiving the results of blood or urine tests in their hands, most ordinary people read with confusion the incomprehensible symbols, percentages and definitions of limit values. And when they see outlandish signatures, they panic, believing that they have been given an incurable diagnosis. In fact, everything is not so sad: it was laboratory specialists who deciphered the lymphocytes in the blood, indicating possible deviations from the norm in medical terms. What do these indicators mean?

Norm of lymphocytes in the blood

Lymphocytes are representatives of white blood cells, otherwise known as leukocytes (WBC). This is a motley group of cells, varied in structure and function: eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes. The latter are called the most important cells of the immune system. They are the first to identify a “stranger”, recognize foreign antigens, developing a mechanism for an adequate response to the penetration of infections and viruses.

Lymphocytes are divided into:

  • B cells. When faced with antigens, B lymphocytes produce antibodies against the specific type of foreign structure that has penetrated. Peripheral blood contains from 8 to 20%.
  • T cells (cytotoxic lymphocytes) make up up to 70%.
  • NK (Natural Killers) – killer cells of foreign bodies. Their number in the blood is small - from 5 to 10%.
  • Atypical lymphocytes, which are represented by:
    • O-lymphocytes (null cells), which do not have the receptors characteristic of the above cells.
    • K-, L-, EK-lymphocytes, which act non-standardly: they change properties, depending on the antigen.

Where are lymphocytes formed? Red is responsible for the reproduction of these cells bone marrow and its lymphatic division of hematopoiesis. The common belief that lymphocytes “wander” through the blood, killing viruses known only to them, is erroneous. Peripheral blood contains about 2% of the total supply of lymphocytes, the rest contains lymphoid tissue, lymph nodes.

In adults

The level of lymphocytes in the blood of adults ranges from 25 to 40% total number white blood cells - leukocytes. For women and men, this indicator has minor differences. Changes in hormonal levels caused by menstruation during pregnancy affect the quality indicators of a clinical blood test: during this period, the specific gravity of lymphocytes increases to 50 - 55%.

If the results obtained indicate an increased level in the blood or their level is significantly lower than normal, additional studies may be prescribed:

  • Immunophenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes. This method of gene research allows us to identify the exact structure of cells, distinguishing the causes of deviations from the norm into reactive and tumor ones. The presence of prolymphocytes and lymphoblasts in the blood indicates pathology in the body.
  • Activated lymphocyte assay. Recommended by a doctor for protracted illness viral/infectious in nature to determine the course of the disease, as well as assess the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

In children

A child’s body up to 13–15 years old has its own “opinion” about the number of lymphocytes in the blood. Thus, in the first 4 days of life, neutrophils predominate in the blood of an infant, and from 5 normal level lymphocyte cells increases to 40-50%. In order to protect against viral infections, nature has made it so that in children aged one year this figure is about 60%, gradually decreasing by 4–6 years. At this age, the indicators of neutrophils and lymphocytes are compared, and upon reaching 12 years, neutrophils again predominate among leukocytes.


An increased content of lymphocyte cells in the blood is called lymphocytosis. The most important issue in this case is to establish the reason for such clinical picture. Exceeding the norm may be caused by:

  1. Reactive response to foreign bodies. Decrease in indicators to normal condition occurs within a month or two after recovery.
  2. Malignant formations. To exclude this diagnosis, additional biochemical research, analyses.

Lymphocytes are elevated in an adult

An increase in lymphocyte blood cells in an adult is not accompanied by symptoms, but is often discovered during the treatment of an infectious disease. Appears as:

  • Absolute lymphocytosis - the total number of immune guards of the body increases sharply as a response to a disease or pathology.
  • Relative lymphocytosis - the specific gravity of leukocytes in the structure changes leukocyte formula: without changing the absolute value in the blood, they “displace” other cells, for example, neutrophils.

The reasons are:

  • Infectious diseases viral type.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Allergic response to some types medical supplies.
  • Past diseases that require time to recover protective forces body. When donating blood for analysis during this period, be prepared to encounter “strange” transcripts on the result cards: plasmatization of the cytoplasm of lymphocytes - means a change in the structure of the cell, bringing its properties closer to monocytes; lymphocytosis granulopenia during pregnancy indicates the presence of inflammatory infections in expectant mother.
  • Endocrine disruptions of the body.
  • Leukemia and lymphocytic leukemia.

Causes of appearance in children

High lymphocytes in the blood of children are often caused by viral diseases, which help develop lifelong immunity to measles, rubella, mumps, chickenpox, etc. Absolute increase immune cells sometimes signals the onset of ARVI or influenza. When lymphocytes and monocytes are elevated, special attention you should pay attention to the likelihood of a disease such as mononucleosis. If long time After recovery, there are still a lot of these cells in the blood, you need to contact a hematologist or oncologist.


Lymphocytopenia is a condition characterized by reduced content lymphocytes. It is characterized by a decrease in the total number of these cells relative to other leukocytes. For example, during pneumonia and purulent infections, neutrophils increase, and lymphocytes decrease. Absolute lymphopenia is characteristic of diseases where the bone marrow cannot produce immune bodies or produces immature cells.

Low lymphocytes in adults

The presence of lymphocytes in the blood below normal does not cause alarm if this indicator is associated with a viral infection (ARVI) in full swing. The body intensely suppresses foreign bodies due to the influence of existing immune cells, and new ones have not yet been formed. A similar mechanism is observed in people suffering from HIV infection, when the exhausted body does not have time to replenish its reserves of leukocytes.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the organs responsible for the production/maturation of lymphocyte cells, a persistent, long-term decrease from the norm is observed:

  • during pregnancy;
  • anemia;
  • during treatment with corticosteroids;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • with oncology or after chemoradiotherapy.

Reduced content in a child

Childhood lymphopenia signals the presence of problems without showing any symptoms. This is a good reason to see a doctor immediately! The reasons for the decrease in lymphocytes in children are:

  1. Hereditary diseases.
  2. Bacterial infections.
  3. AIDS/HIV.
  4. Radiation or chemotherapy.
  5. Oncology.

How to lower lymphocytes in the blood with folk remedies

Normalization of the daily routine, good rest, rational nutrition will help restore the body's immune system. Folk remedies They help to slightly reduce lymphocytes, but their use should be discussed with your doctor. Decoctions and tinctures help get rid of lymphocytosis caused by viral infections:

  • Decoction of linden (flowers). Brew 2-3 tablespoons of linden in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes. Let it brew and take 100 ml throughout the day.
  • Propolis (tincture). Pour crushed propolis with 70% alcohol (ratio 3:7). Leave for 20 – 25 days in a dark place. Take in small portions (2 tablespoons).
  • Sloe jam. Crushed sloe berries (1 kg), boiled water(0.5 l) mix and leave to brew for 24 hours. Add honey or sugar and take several times a day.

How to increase lymphocytes

Violations of the structural formula of the blood - relative lymphopenia - are often caused by long-term diets, fasting, stressful conditions, iron deficiency and anemia. The following will help increase immune cell reserves:

  • Green green beans. Squeezed juice (2 tsp) should be taken 5 times a day before meals.
  • Beet kvass. Infused with honey and salt for three days, taken a couple of times a day, no more than 50 ml at a time.
  • Rosehip infusion. Restores the hematopoietic functions of the body, removes the manifestations of anemia. Volume daily dose should not exceed 500 ml.
  • Honey and herbs/plants. Mix mashed aloe leaves with honey in a 1:2 ratio, heat in a water bath and take daily.