Natural sweetener Stevia: benefits and harms, reviews from doctors. The whole truth about stevia and its benefits and harms - is it really a safe sugar substitute?

Stevia is the best natural sweetener without side effects. Honey herb, also called stevia, is widely used not only in dietary nutrition, but also in traditional and folk medicine.

What it looks like and where it grows

This plant is distributed in Central and South America, China, Brazil and Israel. Stevia grows only in subtropical conditions; it does not overwinter in continental climates. Honey grass is also common on the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula.

Externally, stevia is a low shrub, not reaching a height of seventy centimeters. The leaves of the grass are rich green, oval and elongated. The inflorescences are small and white.

Chemical composition

Stevia is rich in macro- and microelements: chromium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, copper and phosphorus. It contains several substances with a sweet taste: stevioside (a natural sweetener that has no analogues, which compares favorably with synthetic substances because it is safe for the body); glycosides dulcoside, rubuzoside, rebaudioside. In fresh leaves honey grass contains vitamins: A, B, C and P. Stevia also contains acids important for the body: linoleic and arachidonic.

Did you know? In Japan, capsules of stevia powder are taken to treat chronic fatigue syndrome.

Medicinal properties

Antioxidants in stevia can slow down the processes of cellular aging. Essential oils and macro- and microelements enhance protective forces the body, have antifungal effect. Honey grass has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. Tea from the plant is a good diuretic. It has also been scientifically proven to stop the growth of tumors. But perhaps the most popular herb is honey for the treatment of obesity and various violations metabolism.

Important! Stevia - effective remedy to combat bad habits. Regular consumption of honey herb tea will help you get rid of cravings for sweets, cigarettes and alcohol.

Use in folk medicine

The healing properties of honey herb are widely represented in traditional medicine recipes. Stevia's ability to replace sugar allows it to be used for diseases associated with metabolic disorders, especially diabetes. The plant also has wound-healing and general strengthening properties, can lower blood pressure and cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

For diabetes

Stevia is a solution to many diabetic problems. Firstly, it allows you not to limit yourself to sweets. Secondly, the plant does not contain carbohydrates, the breakdown of which requires insulin. Thirdly, honey grass contains large number substances beneficial to the body.

To treat diabetes, traditional medicine advises taking stevia infusion. To prepare it, you need to mix two teaspoons of honey herb powder with three tablespoons of herb. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew in a warm place for half an hour. Strain and drink three times a day before meals, a third of a glass.

For stomach ulcers

Stevia decoction suitable for treating not only stomach ulcers, but also duodenum. To prepare it, you need to mix a teaspoon of stevia herb and two teaspoons of St. John's wort herb. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and boil on a water boom for 15 minutes. Take the decoction warm, one-third of a glass before meals.

Did you know? Stevia extract is 300 times sweeter than sugar.

For skin diseases

For furunculosis, eczema and psoriasis, special lotions from the leaves and powder of the plant. Psoriasis and furunculosis are effectively treated with lotions of a teaspoon of stevia powder and two crushed medium-sized cloves mixed and poured into a glass of boiling water.

For eczema, teaspoons of dry crushed stevia and blackberry leaves are mixed in a ratio of 1:5. The mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water. After brewing a little, it is ready for use in the form of lotions.

For dandruff

A spoonful of dry crushed leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to brew for a quarter of an hour. Cooled tea is regularly rubbed into the scalp. This product not only allows you to forget about dandruff, but also gives your hair shine and thickness.

How can it be used in cooking?

Stevia can be used in cooking in the form of leaves, powder or extract. Honey grass leaves can completely replace sugar when added to tea or coffee. The decoction of the leaves is also unusually tasty. They can also be added to compotes or fruit and berry smoothies. The powdered version of the plant is used to make marshmallows, jam, cookies, pies and cheesecakes. The plant extract will be a good sweetener when making ice cream and fruit desserts.

Stevia - what is it? A perennial subtropical plant that middle lane grown as an annual. It is a fluffy bush, highly branched. The height reaches approximately 70 cm. The leaves are simple, arranged in pairs. The flowers are white, small. The horse system is very well developed, so if you decide to grow stevia in a pot, then you need to choose suitable size. And now about the most important thing - why is stevia so popular? What is this substance contained in its leaves that allows it to protrude? the best substitute Sahara? Let's figure it out together.

Nature never ceases to amaze

Indeed, stevia leaves contain a glycoside - stevioside. This is a natural substance that is 300 times sweeter than sucrose. This means that there is a way out for those with a sweet tooth - eat your favorite sweets, lollipops, pastries, and absolutely not worry about your figure, since, unlike sugar, this substance does not contain calories. For diabetics, people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders and cardiovascular diseases a real find is stevia. The world learned that this is the only natural analogue of sugar not so long ago, although the plant has been cultivated in its homeland for many centuries. Its leaves are used fresh or dried, and for ease of use you can purchase syrup or extract at the pharmacy.

Use in everyday life

Many people are unusual in using leaves instead of sugar, but in vain. They are added to various drinks, coffee, tea and cocktails. Despite the greenish tint and specific taste that you get used to, stevia makes it possible to consume sweets without harm to your health and figure. At the same time, the plant does not change its properties when heated, which means it can be used for making baked goods, jam and other dishes. It is also resistant to low temperatures, as well as exposure to acids. This means that stevia is also well suited for freezing, as well as for preparing fruit juices and drinks, including oranges and lemons. What kind of plant this is and how to use it, few people know yet, but gradually its popularity is growing, people pass seeds to each other and tell each other how to grow them at home and in the country. Today we will talk about how to grow and use honey grass.

Chemical composition

Before planting, much less consuming, it’s a good idea to find out what stevia is. Every herbalist knows the medicinal properties of this plant, but let’s first look at what useful elements it gives to the body. To date, research has confirmed that the leaves contain a large amount of vitamins A, C, P, E, as well as trace elements, essential oils, polysaccharides, glycosides, and fiber. impart, as we have already mentioned, stevioside glycosides, which are hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. However, here I would like to note that this only applies to powder produced using special technologies, which essentially represents the production of a concentrate or extract. Simple leaves, which you pick from a plant, dry and grind in a coffee grinder, are only 15 times sweeter than sugar, that is, a spoonful of such powder cannot replace 300 spoons of sugar. But it has an undeniable advantage: it contains no calories.

Stevia: medicinal properties of the plant

The chemical composition of this plant has the ability to save a person from many health problems. It is especially widely used in alternative medicine. Herbalists call it a healing plant and a recipe for eternal youth. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, bactericidal and choleretic effect. This composition allows you to maintain the body’s immune strength and effectively respond to pathogenic viruses and bacteria. In addition, an antiallergic effect is noted, which is also closely related to immune system body, as well as a pronounced diuretic and antifungal effect. The only one to stick to certain dosage, is Abuse of stevia can negatively affect performance.

Unique amino acids

We have only revealed general list useful properties, I would like to dwell in more detail on a few more points. Stevia leaves contain essential amino acid- lysine She is one of the key elements the process of hematopoiesis, actively participates in the formation of hormones, antibodies and enzymes. Lysin plays important role during the healing of skin defects, restoration of the musculoskeletal system after injuries. Another acid that the leaves contain is methionine. It is extremely important for people who live in unfavorable environmental conditions. It helps protect the body from harmful effects radiation. In addition, it is extremely important for the liver, as it prevents fatty degeneration.

Gastrointestinal protection

Stevia leaves contain exactly the set of microelements that are necessary for good functioning of the stomach and intestines. The plant has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. This is extremely important, since the walls of our stomach are often exposed to negative impact too spicy food, acid and enzymes. Any imbalance threatens their integrity and threatens the formation of ulcers.

Regular consumption of stevia helps protect the stomach from the effects strong alcohol, spices. Besides, unique plant allows you to restore microflora to normal after a course of antibiotics or poisoning (alcohol, medication or food). Stevia also has a positive effect on the pancreas.

Cardiovascular system

And here stevia showed itself well. The plant can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart, blood vessels and capillaries, which is easily explained by the presence of flavonoids. It is these substances that provide strength to the walls of our blood vessels and help overcome spasms. The presence only enhances the vascular strengthening effect. Without it, full synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for the elasticity of blood vessels and the activity of the heart muscle, is impossible.

Stevia syrup provides the body essential microelements. These are potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Thanks to this “cocktail”, thrombus formation is prevented, the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. The risk of inflammatory processes is reduced, which means that stevia is a plant that effectively fights heart attacks and strokes.

Musculoskeletal system

As already mentioned, stevia extract contains a large number of microelements. They are vital for full development and the functioning of cartilage tissue and bones. These are calcium and vitamin D, silicon and lysine, that is, the set that is able to compensate the body for minimal physical activity, passive rest, work in unnatural positions, overweight. Stevia is recommended by surgeons and orthopedists for diseases such as osteochondrosis and arthrosis. As you can see, stevia extract can be used not only for weight loss, but also for general health, strengthening and healing the body. This can easily be grown on your windowsill. Let's look at the features of cultivation.

Selection of site and soil

First of all, you need to get the stevia seeds themselves. Today this can be done in specialized stores, from familiar summer residents or via the Internet. With the arrival of spring, it is necessary to choose a place for future plantings. If you have personal plot, then choose the sunniest place protected from the wind. In the shade, the leaves will not accumulate as much sweet steoside. It is best if legumes grew in the selected area last year. The composition of the soil is also very important; it should be light and loose, with a slightly acidic reaction. If your site is very different, take out some of the garden soil and add a special store-bought mixture there. You can prepare your own mixture of peat, forest humus and river sand.

Planting seeds

Stevia seeds are sown for seedlings in late March - early April. In the middle zone it is used as an annual; 16-18 weeks after sowing, the leaves are harvested and the plant is dug up. Although it can grow in a pot all year round. Contrary to popular belief, stevia from seeds is quite easy to grow. The seeds, of course, are small, but this is not a problem. Mix them with fine sand and carefully spread them over light surface earthen mixture. They do not need to be covered with soil, just lightly sprayed with water and covered with glass or polyethylene. As soon as the sprouts appear, remove the glass and move the pot to the brightest place. With the appearance of a pair of true leaves, it is necessary to pick.

Planting in open ground

With the onset of sustained heat, the plants should be moved to the garden bed. If you plan to grow stevia on a window, then choose a wide, not too deep, large pot, transplant one strong sprout into it and place it in the sunniest and warmest place, perhaps on the balcony. Typically, planting is done when the daytime air temperature rises to +15-29 degrees. It is advisable to plant in the evening and cover the plants from the bright sun the next day. A thickened planting is preferred. Immediately the plant needs to be hilled up to a height of 1/3 of the length of the trunk and watered well. This is almost all the information on how to grow stevia. With regular weed removal, watering and fertilizing, you can expect a good harvest of sweet foliage. Do not forget that this plant is initially perennial, so it is advisable to dig up the roots in the fall and store them in the cellar until next year. Some can be planted in pots so that in winter you have fresh leaves.

Winter storage

After harvesting, the rhizomes should be dug up along with the ground and dried. After that, take a large box and pour soil into it, put the crusts on top and cover it with moist soil right up to the stumps. This is how stevia overwinters. Care is about maintaining the correct temperature regime. At temperatures above +8, premature growth will begin, and temperatures below +4 are fraught with death of the roots.

You have one last task left - to prepare the collected stems. To do this, they are simply collected in bunches and hung to dry in a shaded place. After complete drying, you can put it in a linen bag and take it out as needed. The resulting raw materials are ground in a coffee grinder and added to various dishes to taste. Judging by the reviews, the herbal taste in drinks is almost invisible. This is how amazing stevia is. Its application is very wide - cocktails and jelly desserts, drinks and favorite pastries (sweet, but without extra calories).

Stevia extract

For your own convenience, prepare a syrup or extract that you can add to your taste in various dishes. To do this, you need to pour whole leaves with alcohol or regular vodka and leave for a day. Don't worry, you won't have to drink alcohol. The next day, carefully filter the infusion from leaves and powder. If necessary, repeat this procedure. To evaporate all the alcohol, you need to heat the resulting infusion. To do this, pour into a metal bowl and place on low heat; the mixture should not boil. The alcoholic substances gradually evaporate, and you are left with a pure extract. You can prepare it in the same way aqueous extract, but at the same time useful substances are not extracted as completely as in the case of alcohol. But by evaporating the water, you can achieve high concentration. The properties of stevia do not deteriorate from heating.

The article will tell you how to use stevia correctly and what properties it has.

Stevia is a plant from which a natural sugar substitute called stevioside is obtained. The sweet substance obtained from stevia not only helps those trying to avoid eating sugar lose weight, but also improves the quality of food and drinks for those who struggle with diabetes mellitus. In addition, stevia has large stock useful microelements. Stevia is a herb that can reach a meter in height and is a perennial plant.

INTERESTING: Scientifically proven fact confirms that the ancient Indians added stevia to their drink recipes, but modern world I learned about this plant only in the last century.

Rich and useful composition stevia:

  • Vitamin E - helps maintain the youth of the body and the beauty of the skin, nails, and hair.
  • Vitamin B group – regulated hormonal background humans and are responsible for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Vitamin D – responsible for bone health
  • Vitamin C – improves the body's immune function
  • Vitamin P – “helper” in strengthening blood vessels
  • A supply of essential oils – provide internal and external positive impact on the body and body.
  • Stock tannins– not only strengthens blood vessels, but also improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Iron – prevents anemia
  • Amino acids – prolong the youth of the body, improve the health of the body.
  • Copper – helps synthesize hemoglobin in the blood
  • Selenium – helps in the production of enzymes and hormones
  • Magnesium – normalizes blood pressure and cleans blood vessels
  • Phosphorus – helps form the skeletal system
  • Potassium – “takes care” of soft tissues body (muscle)
  • Calcium – essential for bone and muscle tissue person
  • Zinc – improves skin cell regeneration
  • Silicon – strengthens bones
  • Chromium – regulates blood sugar levels
  • Cobalt – helps in the production of thyroid hormones

IMPORTANT: With such a rich composition of beneficial microelements, stevia has a low calorie content of 18 kcal per 100 g.

What does stevia look like and grow?

Benefits of Stevia:

  • When ingested, stevia does not fill a person with “empty” carbohydrates (compared to sugar).
  • Stevia has a pleasant, sweet taste, which can be used to complement hot drinks and desserts.
  • Stevia is a plant that is useful for its microelements for people suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Stevia gently removes cholesterol from the body that may have accumulated over the years.
  • Stevia “cleanses” the body of accumulated toxins and harmful substances.
  • The plant improves blood flow and removes toxins
  • Eliminates high blood pressure
  • Stevia can weaken inflammatory processes
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver
  • Can lower blood sugar levels
  • Stevia - powerful antimicrobial agent, which has an effect not only on the oral cavity, but also on the digestive tract.
  • Strengthens the immune system, replenishes the body with strength and energy
  • IN winter time serves as an excellent prevention of colds.
  • Improves the body's metabolism, while simultaneously slowing down its aging.
  • “Removes” “excess” water from the body, having a powerful diuretic effect.

IMPORTANT: Numerous studies confirm that stevia is harmless to the body and only in some cases (if there is an intolerance to the ingredient), it is possible to get some “negative” consequences.

Possible harm of stevia:

  • It is important to know that stevia should not be consumed in large portions at once. It should be introduced into the diet gradually so as not to harm yourself.
  • If you drink stevia and milk at the same time, you can get diarrhea.
  • With individual predisposition, stevia can cause allergies.
  • If you do not control the use of stevia (if you have diabetes), you can cause yourself great harm.
  • Stevia should not be used by those with low blood pressure.
  • To prevent it from getting worse, do not consume excessive amounts of stevia if you have a disorder. digestive system, disrupted hormonal levels or blood diseases.

IMPORTANT: Before using stevia, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of it frequent use in food.

Stevia is a natural sweetener

Stevia herb and leaves: use for type 2 diabetes

Stevia is often called “honey grass” because pleasant aroma and sweetness. The leaves of the plant are sweet. Interestingly, stevia extract is much sweeter than regular sugar. It does not interfere with weight loss, as it does not slow down metabolism.

If a person has type 2 diabetes, it is allowed to use stevia in several forms:

  • Tablets – plant leaf extract
  • The syrup is an extract from stevia; the syrup can have different flavors.
  • Tea – dry leaves of the plant, large or crushed
  • Extract – plant extract

Stevia herb and leaves: use for weight loss, calorie content

Stevia is a plant that can help a person in the fight against weight loss. Its pleasant sweet taste and beneficial properties will only have beneficial effects on the body.

What is good about stevia for weight loss:

  • The herb can eliminate increased appetite
  • Provides sweetness without adding calories
  • Nourishes the body with essential nutrients healthy weight loss vitamins and amino acids.
  • Eliminates any inflammatory processes without forcing a person to resort to “harmful” chemical medications.
  • Improves intestinal function and “cleanses” it of accumulated toxins.

IMPORTANT: If you cannot drink tea or coffee without sugar, you can replace it with stevia tablets, which you can buy at the pharmacy. It is much healthier to drink tea brewed from fresh or dry leaves.

How to use stevia correctly?

The syrup is less recommended for consumption, because it is intended for medicinal purposes and contains a portion of sugar. Tea with stevia has sweetness and this allows a person to “delight himself” with something sweet. At the same time, regular sugar does not enter the body and it begins to look for other ways to obtain carbohydrates hidden in the fat “reserves” of the body.

In order to achieve greater weight loss effects when consuming stevia, you should completely regulate your diet, eliminating fats and carbohydrates. In addition, you should definitely drink a lot of water per day and preferably exercise. You should not use stevia from the very first day. large quantities, start with one cup of tea or one or two tablets.

IMPORTANT: If after consuming stevia you experience itching, intestinal irritation, fever and rashes, you most likely have an intolerance to stevia. Eliminate stevia from your diet, or reduce the amount you consume.

Stevia tablets "Leovit" - instructions for use

The Leovit company has been producing stevia tablets for several years in a row. This product is most popular and in demand in pharmacies as a sweetener. Stevia tablets are considered a natural dietary supplement that can have a beneficial effect on humans.

In one small stevia tablet brown from "Leovit" contains plant leaf extract - 140 mg. This dose is quite sufficient for initial and systematic use.

Indications for use of stevia:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Impaired metabolism
  • Impaired carbohydrate metabolism in the body
  • Obesity
  • Weak immunity
  • Skin diseases
  • Prevention of aging
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Insufficient secret
  • Pancreatic diseases
  • Low acidity
  • Intestinal disorder
  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system
  • High cholesterol

Contraindications to the use of stevia:

  • Allergy
  • Individual intolerance
  • Receptive Gut

Stavia tablets are intended for internal use. They are needed to sweeten liquids (hot and cold). One or two tablets are enough for one-time use. It is important not to exceed daily norm tablets – 8 pieces.

Stevia - sweetener in tablets

How and who can drink herbal tea with stevia?

Tea with stevia is drunk in case of struggle with overweight, in preventive and medicinal purposes. You can buy the herb at the pharmacy, or you can grow it yourself in the garden or even on the windowsill. You can add stevia leaves to any other tea to sweeten it.

How to brew tea, several ways:

  • First way: Pour boiling water over fresh leaves and let them brew for 5-7 minutes.
  • Second way: Pour boiling water over the dry herb and let it brew for 3-4 minutes.
  • Third way: add fresh or dry leaves to regular tea.

Recipe for brewing stevia tea:

  • Stevia – 20-25 gr.
  • Boiling water 60-70 degrees – 500 ml.


  • Pour boiling water over the grass
  • Infuse the herb for 5 minutes with the lid closed
  • Strain the resulting tea
  • Pour boiling water back into the thermos and leave the squeezed herb for 5-6 hours.
  • Drink tea three times a day
  • Drink tea half an hour before meals

Healthy tea from stevia

How and who can use stevia syrup?

Stevia syrup is often used to cook dietary and healthy jam from fruits and berries. Syrup is also added to tea, water or coffee in small quantities to sweeten the drink. Compotes and other drinks are brewed with syrup: lemonade, infusion, herbal decoctions, even cocoa.

IMPORTANT: Concentrated and sweet syrup is used for medicinal and for preventive purposes, but not for weight loss. Stevia syrup is obtained by boiling the herb for a long time. This is a very concentrated substance and should be added to drinks in limited quantities: just a few drops per glass.

Stevia syrup

How to use stevia powder?

Stevia powder is a highly concentrated substance and therefore should be consumed with caution and in accordance with the dosage. Simply put, the powder is a refined substance called “stevioside.” Exaggerating the dosage of stevia in recipes can spoil the dish and make it have a cloying sweet taste.

Stevia powder

Is it possible to take the sweetener stevia during pregnancy and nursing mothers?

Every woman should be attentive to her condition, monitor her health and nutrition, and the development of the fetus. Often pregnant women decide to use stevia. Instead of sugar, so as not to gain extra pounds.

Fortunately, stevia is completely harmless and safe for pregnant women and does not pose any threat to the fetus. Moreover, in the first trimester (when there is often severe nausea) stevia is indicated for use against toxicosis. On the other hand, if a pregnant woman is sick and has diabetes, then taking stevia should definitely be discussed with a doctor.

Another precaution is to take into account the characteristics of your blood pressure; stevia lowers it and therefore can play a “wicked joke” on a woman’s health and cause harm. In no case should you violate the prescribed dosage so as not to worsen your condition.

Can children take the sweetener stevia?

As you know, children are big lovers of sweets from birth, when they try their mother’s breast milk. Older children often get carried away excessive consumption chocolate and sugar. You can replace these “harmful” foods by including stevia (syrup, powder, infusion or tablets) in your recipes.

By consuming drinks and homemade sweets with stevia, the child will not only not be able to harm himself with excessive amounts of carbohydrates, but also provide himself with great benefits: get vitamins, strengthen the immune system and carry out prevention colds. You can give stevia from birth (but this is not required), but from six months you can already slightly sweeten drinks and cereals.

IMPORTANT: Monitor your baby’s sensations to see if he has a rash or intestinal irritation after taking stevia. If everything is fine, then the baby is not allergic to the substance.

Stevia sweetener: reviews

Valeria:“I switched to stevia tablets a long time ago instead of sugar. I know that this is the bare minimum for my health, but I try to behave correct image life and I want not to harm myself with “empty” carbohydrates.”

Daria: “I follow the Dukan diet and constantly use stevia tablets, powder and tea to help me achieve my goal of getting a slim figure.”

Alexander: “I only recently learned about stevia, but since then I can’t live without it. I drink tea - it is pleasant, sweet and tasty. In addition, he kicks out excess liquid and helps me lead a healthy lifestyle and also lose weight!”

Video: “Life is great! Stevia. Sugar substitute"

Medicinal plants have been successfully used in folk medicine for many centuries. One of them is stevia - natural grass with a special sweet taste, practically no disadvantages or contraindications.

What is it?

Stevia or sweet bifoil is a type of medicinal perennial bushy herb of the Asteraceae family. The plant is not tall, can reach 60-80 cm. The leaves are simple, the flowers are small and white. Root system stevia is well developed, fibrous. The leaves are of particular value; they are much sweeter than regular sugar and differ pleasant taste and aroma.

Where does it grow?

Stevia is considered the birthplace of South America.

Did you know?Indian peoples considered stevia a symbol of happiness, eternal beauty, strength and courage. There was a legend that a girl named Stevia, who lived in ancient times, sacrificed herself for the sake of her people. The gods, rewarding humanity for the beauty’s feat, gave the earth sweet, fragrant grass.

Most comfortable conditions For the growth of bifoil, this is a moderately humid subtropical climate. Today it can be found in Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Stevia is also grown in southeast Asia. If you create comfortable conditions for the plant, it can grow almost anywhere.

Chemical composition

Stevia is a herb rich in a huge number of unique in its properties, special beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition human body. The main beneficial substances of the plant are stevioside and rebaudioside.
It also contains:

  • group vitamins;
  • minerals (, etc.);
  • stevioside;
  • rebaudiosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • hydroxycinnamic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • chlorophylls;
  • xanthophylls;
  • essential oils.

Did you know? Stevioside is three hundred times sweeter than sugar, but at the same time, it has a low calorie content, does not lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, and has an antibacterial effect.

Stevia is used to make essential oils, which contain over 53 active substances. Such oils have a healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect.

Benefits for the body

The beneficial properties of stevia for humans deserve special attention. Herbal syrups and infusions are indicated for many diseases various types. Systematic consumption of the plant allows you to stabilize cholesterol levels, speed up metabolism, and normalize blood pressure. Sweet grass helps to naturally cleanse the body, remove toxins, and increase the body's resistance to negative external factors.

Since it suppresses appetite and helps break down fat, it is used for obesity varying degrees. People who take stevia experience a significant increase in activity, performance, and endurance. The components that make up it allow you to fight microorganisms, viruses and infections. This property This is because the plant is used to produce toothpaste.
Regular use of stevia infusions and tea restores vitality a person, gives him vigor and confidence, lifts his spirits. The herb stimulates activity and fights fatigue, which is why it is very popular among people who are actively involved in sports and other physical activity. Condition improves noticeably skin, hair, nails. Stevia extract can heal wounds, scars, burns, remove rashes and inflammation.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of the plant have been known since the times of the aborigines. They used it for almost all ailments. Modern scientists are actively studying the functions of stevia and conducting various experiments regarding the use and benefits of the herb.

The main property of bifoil is that it replaces sugar. It has a positive effect on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, allows you to activate metabolic processes and speed up the breakdown of fats. The plant reduces cravings for sweets and reduces appetite, which makes it possible to quickly lose extra pounds.

Did you know? Currently, the Japanese are considered the world leaders in stevia consumption. They have long forgotten about consuming sugar and switched to the product in industrial quantities.

Honey grass, in addition to replacing sugar, can cope with various diseases. It has choleretic and diuretic functions, thereby allowing you to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid from cells, which can cause fatigue, lethargy and apathy. The antimicrobial properties of the plant make it possible to use it as a remedy for the treatment of colds, increasing the body's resistance, and strengthening the immune system.


Sweet bifolia is used in many fields: folk medicine, cosmetology, cooking. He showed excellent results in the treatment of such diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • various skin diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • frostbite or burns;
  • seborrhea and dandruff;
  • diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • nervous exhaustion.
Dry and fresh leaves are used to produce medicines from stevia. The plant is consumed in the form of tablets, tinctures, decoctions and teas. It is recommended to prepare a fresh portion of the medicine daily, since after 24 hours it loses all its beneficial substances. As food additives Doctors have approved the optimal dose for humans - no more than 2 mg/kg of human weight per day.

Important!To use the plant for health purposes, you must consult a doctor. He will determine the treatment regimen and the required dosage, taking into account the patient’s age, course and complexity of the disease.

For preventive purposes, stevia syrup is consumed daily, 4-5 drops per glass. clean water. It is recommended to drink one cup of tea daily. It normalizes intestinal motility, accelerates metabolism, and promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. You can also use stevia in powder form. However, you need to remember that it is the most concentrated. To replace sugar, just take the product on the tip of a knife.
Experts advise children to take stevia to prevent colds, treat bronchitis or obesity. For this purpose, prepare an infusion: 2-3 tbsp. l. leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for several hours. Take the product 3 times a day. If not individual intolerance, pregnant women can also take decoctions and infusions of stevia. They significantly strengthen the immune system, fight fatigue and depression, and normalize sleep.

Possible harm and contraindications

Stevia is generally safe for human health, does not cause allergic reactions and others side effects. The only contraindications to the use of the plant are individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding. People suffering from diabetes should use stevia with caution. When dieting and losing weight, it is also better to minimize the intake of this natural sweetener. Children can consume sweet bifoil under strict adult supervision.

Stevia - healthy, safe plant, which has virtually no contraindications and can be used by adults and children at any age. It will be an excellent way to sweeten teas, infusions, decoctions, when baking desserts and cakes, and can also help in the fight against many ailments.

Stevia herb: history of discovery, composition, medicinal properties. The benefits of stevia for people with diabetes.

Stevia or “Stevia” (honey grass, sweet bifoil) is a perennial low shrub of the Asteraceae family with paired leaves and miniature white flowers. It is the leaves of the plant that are valued for their unique properties– they are 15 times sweeter than sugar, have a pleasant spicy aroma with a bitter aftertaste. The sweetest and most delicious are leaves up to six months old.

Stevia is not as well known as other medicinal plants - chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, oregano. But in terms of its healing properties, this sweet herb can compete with many representatives of the plant world.

History and distribution

Stevia is translated from the Mayan language as “honey”. According to legend, that was the name of the girl who was ready to sacrifice her life to save her people. For her devotion and love for her fellow tribesmen, the gods gave her emerald grass, which gives eternal youth and limitless power.

Stevia is considered to be native to South America (Brazil, Paraguay). From there, the plant was brought to Europe in the 20th century. True, the Spanish conquistadors learned about the unusual herb much earlier, back in the 18th century. While in America, they noticed that the natives add stevia to their tea for any ailments, fatigue, or just for taste. Today, the herb, nicknamed honey precisely because of its sweetness, is part of Paraguayan mate tea.

Stevia was first described by the South American naturalist Antonio Bertoni in 1887. After extensive study, the plant gradually conquered the world. In the Soviet Union, a new product appeared in the late 70s of the 20th century. According to some sources, it was supposed to become food for submariners, astronauts, and secret service workers. It is not known for certain whether this program was implemented or not, but after five years scientific research that were carried out in Ukraine in the 80s was proven beneficial influence stevia on fat and carbohydrate metabolism. In 1990, honey herb was recognized as one of the most valuable plants used to treat diabetes. Today, stevia is cultivated in Japan, Korea, China, Brazil, the USA and Crimea. Modern varieties are grown not only in summer outdoors, but also in winter in indoor conditions.

Composition of stevia

Stevia leaves have the highest medicinal value. They contain vitamins, flavonoids, pectins, fiber, essential oils, mineral salts, plant lipids, polysaccharides and 17 amino acids. The honey herb contains vitamins A, D, B, F, tocopherol, rutin, niacin, ascorbic acid, and from microelements - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc, iron.

Sweetness and medicinal value stevia provides steviosides or diterpene glycosides - substances that are building material for the production of hormones. Steviosides were discovered in 1931 by French chemists: they managed to isolate an extract from the leaves of honey grass, which they called stevioside. It turned out that this substance is 300 times sweeter than regular sugar.

Japanese scientists have discovered a lot of beneficial properties of stevia. In the Country rising sun The plant has been grown in greenhouses since 1954. Today it is impossible to imagine Japanese food without stevioside. food industry: It has captured more than 40% of the domestic sweetener market. Stevia extract is widely used to sweeten juices, desserts, marinades, soy sauce, dried seafood products, pickled vegetables, chewing gum, toothpaste, etc.

The benefits and medicinal properties of stevia

Stevia is indispensable for low immunity, obesity, diabetes, allergies, atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney, blood and gastrointestinal diseases. Its use will help not only in the treatment, but also in the prevention of these ailments. Honey grass prevents the development of oncology, caries, treats thrush, eczema and dermatitis. This humble plant is deservedly called the medicine of the 21st century. By replacing regular sugar with stevia, you get all the benefits of this sweet herb instead of the disadvantages of white refined sugar.

What else is stevia useful for: it is recommended to drink stevia tea to prevent colds; stevia has powerful antimicrobial effect. The bactericidal properties of the plant are used to inhibit the growth of bacteria in oral cavity and healing of shallow wounds, and stevia can prevent the appearance of scars. And also this healing herb normalizes the functioning of all body systems: helps get rid of toxins, reduces sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, restores lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improves digestion, slows down the aging process, strengthens blood vessels.

Beneficial properties: aqueous infusion of stevia helps in treatment acne, eliminates irritation, makes the skin elastic and soft, prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Very valuable for people suffering from diabetes is that stevia does not affect the metabolism of blood sugar and is a safe natural sugar substitute. The plant is perfect for making compotes, jams and other desserts that can be eaten by people with diabetes.

Contraindications to the use of stevia

Stevia is one of the few medicinal plants, which have no contraindications other than individual intolerance. It is compatible with all foods and medications. It goes without saying that people who want to lose weight should limit their consumption of stevia, and for weight loss it is better to eat it with protein products, for example, low-fat cottage cheese. It is not recommended to abuse this natural sweetener and people who have diabetes. It is advisable not to consume stevia with milk, as this can cause diarrhea.

Numerous advantages and multifaceted healing properties honey herb have made it one of the most beneficial plants for humans. This sweet gift of nature is truly priceless.