Why do my hands and feet sweat? Why do the palms of the hands and feet of men sweat? Why do adults' hands and feet sweat?

Severe hyperhidrosis nothing more than sweating hands and feet often causes a lot of inconvenience. The psychological barrier that arises due to this problem provokes a lot of complexes and self-doubt. In our article we will find out why men's palms sweat and how to deal with it using medicines and folk remedies.

What causes your palms and feet to sweat?

Through sweating, the body removes excess fluid and normalizes body temperature. But the amount of moisture released is not always within normal limits. The causes of excessive sweating of the extremities are very diverse, but they carry the same discomfort.

Sweaty palms

Studies have shown that sweating of the palms of men is significantly higher than that of women. This is due to differences hormonal levels and activity sebaceous glands. The cause of sweaty palms in males can be determined by the nature of the discharge. Consider a few common cases.

Palms sweat sharply

Often, severe sweating of the palms is associated with a stressful state of the body. Scientifically proven that men are less emotional nervous tension than women, so the body itself copes with the “anxious” state. As a rule, sudden sweating of the palms is accompanied by rapid heartbeat and breathing.

Palms sweat a lot

If a man is in a state of nervous rest and does not perform any physical activity, but the palms sweat profusely - the reason may be a dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. Increased content cholesterol in the blood, unstable circulatory and blood pressure- all these factors aggravate the load on the heart muscles. Blood flow slows down and oxygen reaches the body cells less well. In this case, the body experiences “starvation” and against its background begins to react to what is happening with profuse sweating on the palms.

Palms sweat in summer

Sweating on the palms in the summer is a natural process of the body. Active production of sweating in hot weather provides cooling and normalization of body temperature. Thus, the skin cools and removes excess moisture along with toxins. Therapists recommend avoiding frequent use of talc in the summer, especially on the palms. Otherwise sebaceous glands become clogged and the body’s natural process is disrupted, leading to inflammatory process kidney

Cold palms and sticky sweat

As mentioned earlier, sweating helps normalize body temperature regardless of weather conditions. If in the summer sweat “helps” cool the body, then in winter time- on the contrary, it warms. When the temperature of the skin or limbs reaches its lowest point, the nervous system operates in “stress” mode. As a rule, these are cold palms, sticky sweat with a specific odor and trembling. Thus, the body tries to normalize the temperature and get out of the state of shock.

Sweaty feet

If it is impossible not to pay attention to the sweating of the palms, then many men simply ignore the excessive “dampness” of the feet. In most cases, diseases of the skin of the feet could be avoided with timely diagnosis and treatment of the problem. Let's take a look at the most common causes of sweaty feet in men.

Profuse sweating

Excessive sweating of the feet has many causes. For example, the use of shoes made of synthetic materials. Even a cotton sock cannot provide proper ventilation. Increased foot temperature and lack of oxygen provoke active work sebaceous glands.

Also, the cause of profuse sweating of the feet may be a “mess” at work. genitourinary system. For example, your kidneys can process much less fluid than you consume. As a result, swelling and profuse sweating of the feet and back occur.

Sweat with a strong odor

Sweating feet accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor may indicate bacterial damage to the skin of the feet. Often the reason lies in fungal diseases of the nail plate. Under the influence of “decomposition” of keratinized tissues, an unpleasant odor is formed. But the problem is not only him. The lesion will increase significantly if no measures are taken to cure it.

Sweating feet with odor is also one of the signs of slagging in the body. It is a well-known fact that excess fluid is eliminated with secretions. viral bacteria, toxins and carcinogens from the body. At various poisonings and indigestion, many pathogenic substances are formed in the blood, which are released through sweating, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Increased sweating of the feet and palms creates discomfort for men; anti-sweat products help solve the problem

What can you do to prevent your palms and feet from sweating?

Having found out the reason profuse sweating palms and feet, you need to start complex treatment problems. Let's look at how to reduce sweating without harming your health.

Anti-sweating medications

There are a wide variety of medications available to combat profuse sweating. A variety of media formats allow you to use them anywhere and at any time. Let's look at the most popular and effective drugs.

"Formagel" for sweating

An effective remedy for sweating is Formagel. The name of the drug reflects the main component of the composition - formaldehyde. Regarding "harmlessness" of this medicine There have been a lot of rumors for a long time. Since formaldehyde substances are toxic and hazardous to health, many consumers avoid Formagel. But few people know that toxic substances This component, when applied externally, does not enter the body’s bloodstream, acting exclusively on the surface of the epidermis. Formaldehyde temporarily tightens the pores, reducing the intensity of sweating. Formagel should be used once a day, lubricating the foot thin layer, then rinse thoroughly before going to bed. Price this drug- from 180 rubles.


Roll-on deodorant based on kaolin and zinc powder “Dry-Dry” is one of the most popular ways to eliminate sweating. The effect of the drug does not stop for 48 hours, or even more. “Dry-Dry” is irreplaceable for important meetings, as it does not leave marks on clothes and reliably protects against sweat stains. But, apply this remedy It is not recommended more than once a month. The reason for this was aluminum, which is part of cosmetic product. This metal tends to accumulate in the body. In addition, aluminum particles clog pores, blocking the outflow excess fluid. The cost of “Dry-Dry” deodorant is from 350 rubles.

"Teymur's paste"

"Teymur's paste" is one of the oldest, but effective ointments to combat excessive sweating. A thick zinc mass with a metallic odor is applied to the surface of the skin and left until completely dry. The “tightening” properties of the drug reduce pores, thereby reducing the volume of fluid released. Treatment with Teimur Paste is carried out in a course of 2 times a day for a week, but not more often than once every 2 months. The cost of this drug is only 30-60 rubles.

Anti-sweating sprays

Most large cosmetic companies They produce a line of products designed to reduce sweating in certain areas of the body. As a rule, they are made in spray format for greater ease of use. It is enough to spray the product onto the problem area and within 12 hours you will feel the result. The main components of these products are alcohol and zinc powder. If the first component of the spray disinfects the skin, then zinc narrows the pores, temporarily clogging the tubules. The price for such a product depends on the manufacturer, packaging design and the type of fragrances or oils added to the product, and starts from 150 rubles and above.

Folk remedies for sweating palms and feet

Hyperhidrosis has long been treated with traditional medicine. Now such methods are undeservedly forgotten, but many “natural” recipes effectively coped with the task no worse than some “promoted” drugs. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective methods of treating sweating.

Apple cider vinegar for sweating

Apple cider vinegar has astringent properties, thanks to which the seasoning is used not only for cooking, but also as a effective remedy from sweating. Due to the specific sour smell, treatment with this remedy is best done at home. First, take a shower, thoroughly washing the problem areas soap solution. Then. Using a cotton swab, wipe your skin with a 1:1 mixture of 9% apple cider vinegar and water. Wait until the solution is absorbed and repeat the procedure again. Treating your palms and feet with vinegar not only deeply cleanses the pores of sebaceous secretions, but also tightens them.

Oak bark for sweating

Like apple cider vinegar, oak bark also helps to tighten pores and has antiseptic effects. For excessive sweating of the feet, it is recommended to take foot baths with bark decoction every two days. To prepare it we need 500 grams of fresh or dry oak bark. Add 5 liters of water to it and put it on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat and add 2 tablespoons pharmaceutical chamomile. Let the product sit for 1-2 hours. Please note that reheating the oak bark decoction is possible at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. Otherwise, herbal ingredients will lose what they want healing effect. We take foot baths for 30 minutes per procedure.

Birch leaves for sweating

Birch leaves perfectly reduce the amount of sweating, and in any type of use of this component. For example, you can take weekly baths from tree leaves, or use them in fresh. You need to take a warm sock, preferably made of natural wool, and pour into it a mixture of crushed birch leaves and burdock root. Please note that this method only applies in a vertical position. Simply put, you put on “therapeutic” socks and go about your usual activities, rather than lying down. Thus, when walking, the juice of plants is squeezed out, and the warm fabric contributes to the “greenhouse” effect, due to which useful substances I have a more active effect on the deep layers of the epidermis.

Mint and tea tree for sweating

Fresh mint and essential oil tea tree often used to reduce sweating. This “duet” not only perfectly disinfects problem areas, but is also a natural flavoring agent, which is important when copious discharge sweat with odor. The unobtrusive aroma skillfully masks the unpleasant odor, while tannins reduce the production of sebaceous glands.

Tea tree essential oil and fresh mint can be added to baths or used as moisturizer ingredients. 4-5 drops of each type of ether per 100 ml of cosmetic product is enough. The cream base can be any, it is mainly used baby cream, but it could also be your favorite body lotion or softening foot gel. Please note that in the case of mint, the rule “the more the merrier” should not be applied. Otherwise, even on rough skin of the feet, an allergic reaction may appear in the form of itching, blisters and redness.

Before starting treatment for hyperhidrosis, you should consult a specialist for detailed advice. Only based on the results of the analysis and examination of the body, the doctor will prescribe you the appropriate drug. Traditional methods of treating sweating can be used as a preventative effect on the problem and maintaining optimal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Sweaty hands and feet is a problem known to many residents. globe. The reasons for such sweating can be natural, associated with the normal functioning of the sweat glands, but they can also be pathological, when the limbs sweat very heavily and constantly. In this case, the cause of increased sweating of the feet and hands may be an illness.

This condition, when the legs and arms sweat a lot, and the armpits often and heavily sweat, is called hyperhidrosis, and causes discomfort and many aesthetic problems.

Before you panic, you need to find out why your limbs are sweating and what to do in such a situation.

Reasons for this condition

Excessive sweating of the feet causes particular inconvenience to a person. After all, hyperhidrosis of the legs is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

After all, it is with the legs, or rather with the feet, that a person comes into contact with contaminated surfaces, as a result of which the damp environment of the feet provokes the proliferation of harmful bacteria, the activity of which causes an unpleasant odor. To eliminate the cause of sweaty feet, you need to understand why your limbs sweat.

The causes of sweating feet and hands are conventionally divided into two categories:

  1. Idiopathic.
  2. Secondary.

Sweaty hands and feet, which are also cold, most often indicate an idiopathic type of disease. This type of sweating is primary, that is, it is not caused by any disease. This type of hyperhidrosis occurs most often and does not pose a danger to the body as a whole. This often happens when individual characteristics human body when there are many sweat and sebaceous glands on the skin.

There is no deviation behind this, it’s just the structure skin is genetically determined and is inherited. People with very sensitive and thin skin also suffer from idiopathic sweating. Their skin almost never becomes rough and reacts to the slightest influence external environment, such as heat, wind, frost. The idiopathic type of the disease manifests itself even from early childhood, but especially makes itself felt in adolescence and adulthood. Such sweating does not pose any danger to human life and health as a whole.

But it creates psychological discomfort. After all, a person can sweat at any time, in any place, as a result of which he feels insecure and often withdraws into himself, avoiding communication with people. And although this condition does not pose a threat to human life, but often people with this syndrome are forced to seek help from specialists to eliminate psychological discomfort. Unfortunately, such a problem cannot be solved radically, because nature created man this way, and the advanced minds of humanity, unfortunately or fortunately, have not yet learned how to control human genes. But it is quite possible to partially reduce the problem.

On the modern cosmetic market there are many products to reduce sweating of the feet and armpits. These are all kinds of deodorants, antiperspirants, sprays, etc.

What should you be wary of if cold extremities sweat with secondary hyperhidrosis? This is a much more serious problem, because secondary sweating is caused by any diseases of human organs and systems. In this case, excessive sweating should be taken seriously. First of all, you should find out why your limbs sweat, and what pathology was the cause.

In order not to panic, first, you should exclude natural causes of excessive sweating.

These could be:

  • elevated temperature and high humidity environment. In the sultry summer days, or in a roast stuffy room, the physiological processes of thermoregulation of the body are activated, and in order to prevent overheating, the body begins to release excess heat through the pores;
  • psychological states of the body in which a person experiences stress, strong excitement and anxiety. The body can also react to stress and excessive nervous experiences with hyperhidrosis.

But excessive sweating can be caused by serious diseases. Such as:

  1. All kinds infectious diseases, both in acute and chronic stages.
  2. Various pathologies in the cardiovascular system.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. The manifestation of menopause in women in adulthood, especially during the period of hot flashes.
  5. Any deviations in work thyroid gland.
  6. Diabetes mellitus, or a predisposition to it.
  7. Pathological processes in the endocrine system, disorders proper operation adrenal glands
  8. Rehabilitation period after suffered a stroke, heart attack.
  9. Overweight, obesity.
  10. Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, when the sweat glands work in an enhanced mode.
  11. Accelerated metabolism in the body, as a result of which the body temperature rises and attacks of chills and fever are observed.
  12. Hereditary genetic diseases, in which increased sweating is observed.
  13. Fever, in all its manifestations.

If hyperhidrosis is a consequence of any of the above diseases, you should immediately seek help from specialists. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate excessive sweating without eliminating its cause. After all, such a situation can further aggravate the problem.

Insufficient body hygiene can also cause hyperhidrosis. In case of insufficiency water procedures, a person’s pores become clogged, and the body reacts to such a nuisance by excessive sweating, thus trying to cleanse the skin.

Clothes and shoes play a big role. Synthetic gloves, artificial socks and improper shoes that do not allow your feet to breathe will also contribute to increased work sweat glands To avoid this, you should use clothes and shoes only from natural ingredients that will provide the skin with free access to air.

Constant contact with household chemicals will also contribute to skin irritation and increased sweat production.

How to deal with excessive sweating

When the question of why the hands and feet sweat a lot has already been resolved, next question will be: how to counteract this. If sweating is caused by illness, it will go away on its own after recovery. If hyperhidrosis is independent disease, you should start treating it.

Hyperhidrosis is a disorder of the sweating mechanism. A person suffering from hyperhidrosis of the extremities sweats more often at high temperatures and when excited. Excessive sweating is not life-threatening, but this pathology significantly reduces its quality, causes irritation, stress, dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s appearance.

Fact! Symptoms of limb hyperhidrosis usually appear before the age of 30. Women are more likely to suffer from this disease.

Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis, and decreased sweating is called hypohidrosis.

Types and reasons for the development of this condition

Hyperhidrosis of the extremities is divided into primary and secondary. The latter is said if increased sweating is caused by a disease or pathological condition sick. The reasons for the appearance of secondary are as follows:

  • infectious diseases (tuberculosis, malaria);
  • taking certain medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • genetic disorders (cystic fibrosis, etc.);
  • menopause;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, pheochromocytoma);
  • neurological disorders (Parkinson's disease, neurosyphilis), etc.

As for primary hyperhidrosis, its appearance is caused by high activity of the sympathetic nervous system. There are other classifications of this disease. The disease is divided into:

  • diffuse (or generalized), in which increased sweating is a symptom of another disease;
  • limited (or local), in which certain areas of the body suffer (feet, palms, armpits, etc.).

Fact! It has been proven that about 2% of people worldwide suffer from excessive sweating.

reading information


Hyperhidrosis of the extremities is characterized by increased sweating in the arms and legs, namely the palms and feet. Sweat is released even with minor physical exertion and slight excitement. Often patients develop heat rash due to constant increased sweating.


If you experience excessive sweating of your feet and hands, you should consult a doctor.

Remember. Today there are many ways to combat this condition. The doctor will help identify the root cause pathological process and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

Different doctors treat foot hyperhidrosis. To exclude fungal diseases and anatomical defects of the legs, consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. If excessive sweating of the feet is associated with a psycho-emotional state, you should contact a neurologist. To exclude pathological disorders of the endocrine glands, you will need the help of an endocrinologist. Each case is individual.

To treat hyperhidrosis of the legs and arms, the following means and methods are used:

  1. Iontophoresis. This physiotherapeutic procedure is performed by applying an electric current to the limbs. ionizing agent. The patient places his feet or palms in special containers with water, and the device generates a weak electric current. The procedure lasts no more than 40 minutes. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. The effect can last up to six months.

Fact! Iontophoresis is the most effective method treatment of hyperhidrosis of the feet and palms. According to medical statistics, physiotherapy helps in 80% of cases.

  1. Ointments, antiperspirants. These drugs reduce sweating and eliminate unpleasant odor by blocking excretory ducts sweat glands The most effective are those that contain aluminum chloride.
  2. Botulinum toxin, or botulinum toxin type A (Botox). Botox subcutaneous injections used to treat hyperhidrosis of the legs and armpits. The drug disrupts the functioning of the glands responsible for sweating by blocking their nerve endings. The patient's sweating decreases after a few weeks. The blocking effect can last up to a year.

If none of the listed methods for treating limb hyperhidrosis help, patients may have surgery to block the limbs. nerve pathways or removal of sweat glands (endoscopic sympathectomy, curettage, etc.).

Folk recipes

Excessive sweating of the feet and palms in men and women can be combated at home. Traditional healers recommend:

  • do medicinal baths for limbs based on lemon juice, oak bark or apple cider vinegar;
  • for general hyperhidrosis take warm baths with mint, chamomile infusion and sage;
  • for foot hyperhidrosis, wear socks filled with crushed oak bark at night;
  • wipe your palms and feet with lemon juice several times a day, etc.

There are many unpleasant situations that can cause discomfort not only for the patient, but also for those around him. In this article I would like to reveal the main reasons and tell you why the feet and hands sweat in children and adults.


At the very beginning, it must be said that a huge number of sweat glands are located on the palms. This is necessary for the body to have normal thermoregulation. And if your palms sweat during intense physical exertion or high temperature environment is normal. In this case it turns on defensive reaction body, which cools internal organs. But if sweating occurs for no apparent reason, then you need to seek help from a doctor, or rather, a dermatologist, endocrinologist, or simply a therapist (he will already refer you to the right specialist).

Minor's sample

Let's look further at why our feet and hands sweat. So, it is worth mentioning that in medical institutions they use the Minor test to determine the level of sweating. What is this? This is absolutely painless procedure. The patient will first have iodine applied to the skin, then starch powder. And just by the size of the resulting purple spot they can tell about the degree of hyperhidrosis:

  1. Moderate hyperhidrosis: spot no more than 10 cm.
  2. Its severe form: a spot more than 20 cm.

Reason 1. Food

The first reason why people's hands sweat of different ages- This is eating too spicy food. In this case, increased sweating is just a protective reaction of the body.

Reason 2. Heredity

If someone in the family has hyperhidrosis of the arms or legs, representatives of subsequent generations this problem may also appear. So, the reason, for example, could be increased amount sweat glands on the palms or intolerance to synthetic materials (if we talk about sweaty feet).

Reason 3. Diseases

The next reason why hands sweat is various kinds of diseases that are accompanied by fever. In this case, most often we're talking about about the following diseases:

  1. Tumors.
  2. Rheumatism.
  3. So heavy viral diseases, like HIV infection, tuberculosis.

It is also worth mentioning that with these diseases, a person’s palms may sweat even at night, when the body is relaxed and in a state of rest.

Reason 4. Endocrine system

Another reason why hands sweat is a malfunction of the human endocrine system. Most often, this can be due to increased function of the thyroid gland, during menopause in women, as well as with adrenal disease.

Reason 5. Psychological

Hands and feet may sweat due to various violations in the functioning of the nervous system. Thus, even the simplest stressful situations can cause such symptoms. Also the cause of this symptom there may be neurological disorders resulting from stroke, neurosyphilis, multiple sclerosis.


Separately, you need to consider why your child’s hands sweat. There may be several reasons for this condition:

  1. If we talk about infants, a similar symptom can be caused by vitamin D deficiency (rickets). If we are talking about a newborn who is not even a month old, then such a baby’s palms should even sweat. This happens because the thermoregulation of such a baby is only adjusted to the influence of the environment. If the cause is rickets, then the baby will also have a lack of calcium in the blood, and muscle tone abdominal wall will be reduced.
  2. Another reason why a child’s hands sweat is helminthic infestations. Or, more simply put, the most common worms.


Some parents wonder why teenagers' hands sweat. So, in older children, the occurrence of this symptom may be a consequence of the above reasons. However, it is specifically for teenagers that problems that cause sweating of the palms and feet are typical:

  1. Stress. Teenagers are more likely than kids to be in stressful situations. However, by this time they are not yet very good at coping with, for example, anxiety, which can cause such a symptom.
  2. Very often the cause of sweaty palms in teenagers is precisely vegetative-vascular dystonia(after all, sweating is regulated by the autonomic nervous system).


What can be said separately about the feet? So, they can sweat due to the above reasons (after all, sweating of the hands and feet is often a complex phenomenon). However, in this case, similar symptoms may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect selection of shoes (when shoes are too small).
  2. Wearing shoes or socks made of synthetic materials.
  3. Lack of hygiene when caring for legs and feet.
  4. Fungal diseases of the feet.

What to do?

Having figured out why your arms, palms, legs and feet sweat, it is necessary to say how you can cope with this scourge. There are a number of ways to combat this problem:

  1. Use of antiperspirants (based on formaldehyde and talc).
  2. Iontophoresis. This procedure works great on the sweat glands. In this case, the patient will need to put his hands in the bath, where he will pour medicinal solution and electrodes are connected.
  3. Botox. By introducing this element under the skin, you can freeze the work of the sweat glands. However this method is not widely used due to the high cost of the drug.
  4. Surgical intervention. You can also cope with the problem if you remove the node autonomic system. However, this radical method is used as a last resort (if other methods do not help).

Traditional medicine

Having figured out why your hands and feet sweat, it is also worth saying that you can cope with the problem using traditional medicine.

  1. Ammonia. It must be dissolved in water (1:1) and wiped with this medicine on the palms and soles.
  2. Table vinegar. You can also keep your palms and feet in a vinegar solution for several minutes a day (dilute half a glass of the ingredient in 1 liter of water).
  3. Oak bark decoction. To prepare it, you need to take three tablespoons of oak bark and pour a liter of boiling water. The medicine is infused for about half an hour. After this, you need to lower your feet and palms into it for about 7-9 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure several times a day.

Sweating after a run - there is nothing strange about it. Getting wet after a half-hour workout at the gym is completely normal. You leak sweat during 40-degree heat in a stuffy museum hall in Egypt - nothing surprising. It's normal to sweat. Everyone gets beads of sweat from time to time – sweating is vital physiological process, which takes part in thermoregulation.

However, some people have the problem of excessive sweating, the so-called hyperhidrosis; their armpits, palms, and feet become covered with sweat with or without reason, in heat or cold, from the slightest stress or change in well-being. Sometimes the problem begins to affect the quality of life, forcing people to give up their usual pastimes, communication with friends, even a normal personal life.

The reasons why we sweat.

Without going into specific medical details, we can say that the work of the human sweat glands is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. They release droplets of liquid onto the surface of the skin in order to cool it - this is how thermoregulation works. Healthy man begins to sweat when the air becomes warmer than +25 degrees (this, of course, is the average). Emotionally conditioned sweating is also possible - that is, the sweat glands are triggered in response to stressful situations.

Scientists around the world have officially recognized hyperhidrosis as a disease (in the United States and some European countries it is even treated through health insurance). There are two types of excessive sweating: general and local.

General or secondary hyperhidrosis manifests itself as additional symptom some diseases, such as neuritis and others nervous disorders, VSD, endocrine disorders, tuberculosis, obesity, diseases of the genitourinary system, cardiovascular diseases. This type of sweating needs to be treated only comprehensively, starting with treatment of the underlying disease.

Local (primary or essential) hyperhidrosis manifests itself, as the name suggests, locally: the armpits, arms, and legs sweat. Either one area or all at once can sweat heavily. This problem usually manifests itself in people who are overly emotional, impressionable, and have an easily excitable nervous system. The cause of the development of primary hyperhidrosis may be overexcitation, constant stress, chronic fatigue. It can also appear due to a fungus, as a result long-term wearing shoes that are too tight (sweating feet) or uncomfortable, especially synthetic clothing(arms and torso).

In addition, sometimes excessive sweating can be hereditary, genetic problem, sometimes it occurs as a result of taking certain medications (for example, antibiotics or antidepressants), sometimes due to bad habits. As is known, they are more susceptible excessive sweating teenagers, pregnant women, women during menopause, overweight people.

Medical treatment for excessive sweating.

Before you begin to treat hyperhidrosis, you need to figure out whether it is a consequence of a more serious disease.


The fight against this physiological deficiency usually begins with the use of special antiperspirants (not to be confused with deodorants sold in cosmetics stores). They contain substances that temporarily block the work of the sweat glands, and they also prevent the development of microbes that cause an unpleasant odor.

Aluminum chloride preparations containing aluminum salts have proven themselves well - they can block sweating for several days, and with proper continuous use they can even help cure hyperhidrosis completely. You can buy them at the pharmacy. However, such products do not help everyone, and using them for sweating hands and feet is not very convenient, plus - many people have such products after long-term use cause allergic reactions on the skin. In such situations, doctors advise moving to more radical methods, namely, special treatment.


The simplest, most gentle therapeutic effects A treatment that helps reduce sweating is electrophoresis. During this procedure, a weak electric current is applied to the skin in areas of excessive sweating and blocks the functioning of the sweat glands.

Electrophoresis can be used on any problem area; it is a fairly gentle procedure and after a full course, sweating usually decreases significantly. The disadvantage of this technique is that not all patients notice a positive effect; the result lasts only about a month, but it is too frequent use electrophoresis may cause skin irritation. In addition, this treatment is not indicated for everyone.


One of the most modern, effective and simple ways To combat hyperhidrosis, injections of botulinum toxin are used, in other words, Botox. This drug has the ability to temporarily block the secretion of acetylcholine in nerve endings, which prevents the release of fluid from the sweat glands. In other words, after Botox injections, sweat production stops for some time.

The drug is administered locally using very thin needles, the entire procedure lasts no more than a few minutes in each zone. Maximum effect ( complete absence sweating) occurs 3–5 days after injections and persists for up to a year. This technique is applicable for the treatment of sweating of any type. problem area. The disadvantages of treating sweating with Botox are that the procedure is expensive and needs to be repeated quite often.


A more radical, serious procedure is curettage. To do this, a small incision is made on the skin, a special hook is inserted through it, with the help of which the space under the skin is scraped out, and the connection between the sweat glands and the nerve endings is damaged. IN lately The operation is carried out with video assistance, which reduces its morbidity.

If Botox injections can be performed by a cosmetologist, then this procedure only possible to an experienced surgeon. The operation has many advantages (sweating stops completely, it is done once and for all), but there are also disadvantages: for example, it can only be performed on armpits, after curettage, swelling and hematomas often occur, the operation itself is quite unpleasant.

Laser therapy.

The laser treatment procedure has proven itself quite well in the fight against hyperhidrochisis. A cannula (no thicker than 1 mm) with a neodymium laser at the end is inserted under the skin through a tiny incision, the radiation of which destroys the cells of the sweat glands.

This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, with local anesthesia, does not require recovery period, it is low-traumatic and very effective - literally the next day sweating stops. The disadvantages include the high cost of laser therapy, as well as the fact that it cannot be done on the palms and soles, plus - after a few years, the sweat glands in the affected areas can recover.


One more surgical technique, which allows you to get rid of sweaty palms is a sympathectomy. During this operation, the doctor inserts a thin tube with a camera and instruments through a small incision in the chest. Reaching the location area sympathetic trunk(near the spine), which is responsible for sweating in the palms, the surgeon cuts it or pinches it with a metal clip.

After the operation, sweating of the palms completely stops. This operation can only be performed by an experienced thoracic surgeon. Usually there are no complications after it, but several days are required for rehabilitation. In addition, after such an intervention, not very beautiful scars remain on the chest.

In some cases, when hyperhidrosis is a serious problem and greatly interferes with normal life, surgery is the only in an effective way her decisions. However, it happens that after excessive sweating has stopped in one zone, it compensatoryly increases in another.

Traditional methods for excessive sweating.

Many people find herbal medicine and traditional methods Quite effective in combating excessive sweating.

  • Baths with oak bark. You need to make an infusion of oak bark (sold in a pharmacy), as indicated on the package, and make baths for sweating extremities daily (up to a quarter of an hour). You can add to the decoction lemon juice. After the procedure, dry your hands and feet well, you can apply cream with juniper oil.
  • Powder from boric acid. One of the most simple recipes– use homemade boric acid powder. To do this, the crystals need to be crushed into fine powder, which is sprinkled on problem areas (especially legs and armpits). In the evening, the powder must be washed off (you can herbal infusion). With regular use, literally after 10 - 14 days, sweating will decrease, and the smell of sweat will become invisible.
  • Soda. It is also recommended to rinse your feet in the mornings and evenings. soda solution, and wipe your armpits and palms with a cotton swab dipped in it.
  • Tea. Rubbing and baths of strong tea leaves (black tea is used for this) help well. However, this option is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure.
  • Sage. For local hyperhidrosis, an infusion of sage leaves helps well - it should be prepared according to the instructions and consumed orally daily (three to five times) 1/4 cup.
  • Kalina. To treat excessive sweating in any part of the body, it is recommended to use a decoction of viburnum bark. They wipe problem areas twice or thrice a day (2 weeks).

You can reduce sweating in other ways by following a few simple tips.

  • Be sure to pay sufficient attention to hygiene: you need to shower at least twice a day, you can use antibacterial soap. Here's what's often recommended: tar soap can greatly dry out the skin. Regular contrast showers help reduce sweating.
  • You should always try to keep your feet warm when you sweat a lot. You cannot wear synthetic socks - only natural ones. Shoes should be fairly loose, made of natural materials, and breathable. Be sure to wash your insoles regularly.
  • Diet also affects the amount of sweat. To reduce sweating, you should remove fatty, fried, spicy foods from your diet, use less spicy spices, and do not drink coffee.

Also, try to be less nervous, enjoy life more, and spend time in nature! Perhaps the root of the problem is excessive overload and fatigue?