Ringworm in humans: symptoms and treatment. Ringworm - causes and treatment features of trichophytosis

Every person has heard about such an infectious skin disease as ringworm, but not everyone knows how to identify its symptoms and identify the disease in its initial stage (see photo). Let's try to do this, relying on the current knowledge of dermatologists, reviews of the disease and treatment methods described in the literature.

Ringworm(microsporia) – fungal infection skin, hair, nails, which can infect anyone. It is caused by microsporum and trichophyton fungi. This is a well-researched type of lichen. This skin pathology is called microsporia and trichophytosis (depending on the pathogen). One person can become infected with trichophytosis from another, microsporia - from an animal.


The characteristics of ringworm primarily include damage to the hair (including the mustache), smooth skin varying degrees depth of penetration and nails. All the symptoms of ringworm are visible to the eye, their description is quite informative, but extremely unaesthetic.

Human ringworm is a contagious and can be transmitted in several ways:

  • First, personal contact with an infected person.
  • Secondly, the use of things and objects of an infected person.
  • Thirdly, long stay with an infected person in the same room, even the slightest injury to the skin will be enough for the infection to penetrate the body.

Risk factors that increase the chance of contracting a fungus include:

  • broken integrity skin;
  • softening of the skin during prolonged exposure to water or high humidity;
  • weakened immune system;
  • the presence of other skin diseases;
  • soil processing without protective gloves;
  • regular stress and depression.

In humans, the first signs of ringworm appear within two weeks, after which the disease begins to affect the skin. To correctly determine the type of lichen, a person must be examined by a dermatologist.

Symptoms of ringworm in humans

The incubation period of ringworm can last from several days to 1.5-2 months. It all depends on the type of fungus. What does ringworm look like? The disease in most cases has a clear severe symptoms, which are easy to notice with the naked eye:

  • noted severe itching certain areas of the skin;
  • small bumps appear in the area of ​​the ears and eyes;
  • the tubercles gradually turn into quite noticeable spots;
  • the next stage is a crust on the spots;
  • hair breaks off on the affected skin, if, of course, it exists in this area;
  • the spots grow in size and quantity, gradually occupying other areas of the body and moving to the legs, arms, and stomach.

Any area of ​​the skin and head can be affected. When lichen occurs on the scalp, the first symptoms may not be noticed. Hair gradually falls out and becomes brittle at the base. The skin begins to peel off and itching appears. After 7-10 days, clear boundaries of the lesion are visible, occupying a large area. Vesicles with purulent contents appear around the lesions. The hair begins to fall out even more, and a gray coating is noticeable at the ends.

Nails are affected by ringworm much less frequently than skin. Clinically, this manifests itself in the appearance of white spots on the outer edge of the nail. After some time, the nail in this place begins to soften and crumble.

Chronic form

Chronic ringworm is a condition common only among women who have not had superficial ringworm treated during childhood. It usually manifests itself in cases where a woman has problems with her thyroid gland and in the functioning of the ovaries, as well as with vitamin deficiency and general exhaustion of the body.

Ringworm in humans: photo initial stage

To understand exactly what ringworm looks like in a person in the initial stage, we suggest viewing detailed photos affected areas of human skin.


The diagnosis is based on a visual examination of the patient, as well as collecting a medical history and questioning about possible sources of infection. If in doubt, the doctor will scrape the affected area.

The collected materials are examined under a microscope or placed in a nutrient medium for three days, during which rapid growth fungal colonies. When filaments of mycelium and spores of a fungal pathogen are detected, it is identified.

Treatment of ringworm in humans

When ringworm occurs in a person, the basis of treatment is the fight against the fungus that caused dermatomycosis. The course of treatment is prescribed only by a dermatologist and is carried out at home. It combines local therapy with ointments for lichen - antifungal creams, sprays, shampoos with oral antifungal drugs.

The following medications are effective for treating ringworm:

  • Micoconazole;
  • Griseofulvin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Preparations with active substance terbinafine (for example, Lamisil, Terbifin, Terbizil, etc.).

When a fungal infection affects smooth skin, patients are prescribed external antifungal drugs, as well as alcohol solution iodine, sulfur and sulfur-tar or sulfur-salicylic ointment. With the development of a pronounced inflammatory process, it is recommended to take combination drugs containing hormones.

If the scalp is affected, it is necessary to completely shave the hair before starting the procedures, after which antifungal therapy is carried out using etiotropic drugs systemic action. In this case, the antifungal antibiotic griseofulvin is most often prescribed. It should be noted that the course of treatment should be carried out under the control of a fluorescent lamp.

After treatment for ringworm is completed, the scraping is taken again. bacterial analysis from the surface of the skin in places where there used to be lichen, it is taken 3 times - immediately after the end of treatment, after a week and after 2-3 months. Only if all 3 tests give negative result, ringworm is considered cured. If the results are positive, then the course of treatment should be reconsidered and a different regimen should be prescribed.

Ringworm is dermatological disease, which may appear on different areas body, including the scalp and nails. In medicine, there are many names for this disease: trichophytosis and microsporia (named after the causative fungi), dermatomycosis, dermatophytosis, dermatophytosis.

Ringworm is caused by several types of fungi that can be contracted from animals, from people suffering from this disease, and after contact with soil. There are several forms of ringworm, including chronic, which can occur primarily in women if not treated with medication.


Fungal infections of human skin begin with infection. There are three forms of existence of the pathogen and the method of infection depends on this.

  • Zooanthroponotic fungal pathogens live and reproduce in the skin of animals. Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, horses, mice - all these animals can be carriers of the disease. When contacting a sick animal, a person quickly becomes infected with lichen. This happens especially often with children. If fur or dander from a sick animal gets on a child’s skin, the chances of infection are very high.
  • Anthroponotic form of the disease. These fungi live only in human skin. This disease is very easily transmitted to other people through clothing, combs and anything that may have particles of the patient’s skin on its surface.
  • Geophilic fungi, the causative agents of lichen, are found in the soil. With frequent contact with soil, especially against the background of chronic diseases or decreased immunity, you can become infected with ringworm.

It has been noticed that ringworm most often appears in humans during the autumn and spring seasons, when the body tries to adapt to the change. environment and a possible decrease in its protective powers.

The following factors increase the risk of contracting ringworm:

  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • course of antibiotic treatment;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin: wounds, cuts, abrasions, rashes, sores, etc.

Children most often suffer from microsporia. Contact with stray animals plays a significant role in the causes of the disease. In addition, children's skin has not yet developed such a powerful local immunity in the form of benign fungi and bacteria that adults have. However, even adults can become infected with lichen from their own sick child or from an animal.

Exists high probability become infected with lichen fungus through contact with a sick person. Children are especially susceptible to infection. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, not to use other people’s combs, towels, that is, anything where there may be spores of the causative agent of ringworm.

Signs of ringworm in humans

Symptoms of ringworm in humans vary depending on the location of the lesion. There are 3 main places where microsporia can develop:

Let us consider the manifestation of the disease on different surfaces in more detail.

On the scalp

In the first stage of the disease, hair loss occurs in the affected area. People pay attention to this process, as a rule, when a circle of thinning and broken hair is already clearly visible on the head. The diameter of such a circle can reach 6-10 cm.

The edges of the circle have a very pronounced contour, which at first consists of small rashes. After a few days, the rash fills with fluid and bursts. When they dry out, they form a crust that borders the affected area.

On the affected skin, the hair thins and breaks off. The remains of hair shafts, which are 2-3 millimeters long, are visible above the surface. The reason for such brittle hair is the activity of fungi. Growing from the hair follicles, they spread to the hair. The fungus spoils the structure of the hair, it becomes thinner and breaks off under the weight of its own weight.

The skin on the affected area may peel off and become covered with small gray scales. IN in rare cases Ringworm areas on the head itch and cause discomfort. Usually the only complaints are hair loss.

On skin without hair

Interestingly, dermatomycosis manifests itself here with slightly different symptoms. First of all, it is severe itching. The affected areas are manifested by painful, itchy sensations and discomfort.

Inflamed, reddened areas appear on the skin. Rashes appear in a circle, as in the scalp. Over time, the pimples turn into a small crust that frames the circle along the contour. The skin near the outline becomes inflamed, and these areas may be red or pink.

Inside the circle there may be bright red spots with rashes, peeling, and slight swelling. Sometimes the area in the circle becomes covered with gray scales. Itching and discomfort are felt.

If dermatomycosis is not treated, the affected area will grow. New areas with rashes and redness may appear on the body. Ringworm can affect any part of the body, including the palms and soles of the feet.

On the nails

Microproria can also affect the nail plates, but this does not always happen, in about 20% of cases. At the same time, the nails become rougher and longitudinal grooves appear on them. Simultaneously with the coarsening of the nail plate, it becomes very loose, as the fungus multiplies in it. In particular advanced cases The nail plate may separate from the nail bed.

Chronic form

The development of chronic lichen is possible only in females. If the child’s ringworm has not been cured, then adolescence The boys’ immune system copes with the disease and microsporia goes away. Girls need to be treated for lichen mandatory, since it will not go away on its own and can develop into chronic form.

The chronic form of dermatomycosis occurs in women in adulthood. Often lichen is combined with chronic gynecological diseases: inflammation of the ovaries, etc.

The course of chronic dermatomycosis manifests itself on the scalp, skin and nails. Clear boundaries of the affected area are not visible in the hair, but bald spots with broken hair appear. Also, dark dots and nodules, flaking and gray scales may be visible on the affected scalp.

Most often, chronic ringworm appears on the chest, back, buttocks, lower limbs. Peeling areas appear on the body that do not have clear boundaries. The color of inflamed skin varies from pink to bluish. Patients are bothered by persistent itching and painful sensations.

Affected nails with chronic lichen lose their healthy shine and smoothness. The nail plate becomes gray and brittle. Nails may become thinner or, conversely, become very thick and loose.

Infiltrative-suppurative form

This form of dermatophytosis is transmitted to humans from domestic animals. Zoophilic fungi infect human hair follicles, causing them to fester. This occurs especially acutely and painfully if infiltrative-suppurative dermatophytosis appears on the scalp. This is called a follicular abscess.

Uneven plaques that look like a tumor appear on the scalp. Their diameter can reach 8-10 centimeters. They contain pus, which can seep out and dry out, forming yellow crusts. Pain is felt when you press on the affected areas. In advanced cases of the disease, a person may lose hair in the affected areas forever.

If the disease manifests itself on smooth skin, flat areas of a different color appear on the human body, covered with a crust, and sometimes small scales may peel off. You can see a clear boundary between healthy and affected skin. When the lichen goes away, light spots may remain on the affected areas.

Regardless of the location of the lichen, additional symptoms appear.

  • weakness;
  • increase in temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Treatment of this form of ringworm must be carried out under medical supervision. The longer ringworm lasts, the greater the chance of remaining hairless in the affected area. The fact is that suppurative processes that occur in hair follicles, can lead to irreversible processes in them. After long-term illness the bulbs lose the ability to function fully.

It is characteristic that a person develops immunity to this form of ringworm. At re-infection With other types of fungus, a person will get sick every time if the conditions are favorable for this.


Diagnosis of ringworm is carried out by a dermatologist. After a personal examination, the doctor scrapes the affected part of the skin for bacterioscopic analysis. Also, the causative agents of ringworm - microsporia fungi, trichophytosis - are visible when examining the patient using a Wood's lamp.

After the results of the bacterioscopic analysis, it is possible to diagnose ringworm, since spores and mycelium of the fungus should be detected in the scraping. Based on the type of pathogen identified, appropriate treatment is prescribed.


Drug treatment of all forms of ringworm is complex and necessarily consists of local treatment and oral antifungal drugs.

There are a number of antimycotic (antifungal) drugs that are prescribed for this disease. These are griseofulvin, ornugal, lamisil, flconazole. Depending on the patient’s weight, the necessary daily dose drug. Treatment continues for up to 8 weeks. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to re-examine and do a bacteriological analysis of the scraping.

In some cases, if the analysis showed the presence of fungi after a course of treatment, other drugs are prescribed. Antifungal therapy in the treatment of ringworm in humans must be continued until the fungi are completely eliminated from the skin.

External treatment of lichen consists of several stages.

  • treating the affected area with iodine solution;
  • applying antifungal ointment: sulfur, sulfur-tar ointment, Lamisil, Mycospor, Wilkinson's ointment, salicylic;
  • antifungal solutions in liquid form are used to treat the scalp: vocadine, nitrofungin, iodicirin.

Treatment of the chronic form of the disease consists of the same recommendations, but additionally prescribed drugs that stimulate immune system, restoratives, vitamin courses. Sometimes appointed hormonal drugs, as well as medications that improve blood microcirculation.

Treatment of nails affected by ringworm consists of removing them. Using special tools, the nail plate is softened and scraped off with a scalpel. The nail bed is treated disinfectant solutions. After successful manipulations at the site of the affected nail plates healthy nails grow.

Ringworm or microsporia is a skin disease caused by a fungus of the genus Microsporum. Affects hair, skin, and occasionally nails and eyelashes. The fungi that cause the disease are called dermatophytes (skin-loving).

Most often, areas of lichen are located on the scalp under the hair. Round lesions are formed where all the hair breaks off at a height of 5-8 mm above the skin level. They are quite large, the size of a palm. The hair appears to be cut at the same level. This feature gave the disease its name.

On the body, ringworm appears as oval reddish spots surrounded by a raised ridge. In the middle you can notice peeling of the skin. Sometimes patients feel itching at the site of the lesion.

In children, ringworm is the most common skin disease. This is due to the fact that children often play with animals. Children's skin is very delicate, and their hair is thinner and is not protected by organic acids. Largest quantity Cases of ringworm occur in late summer and early autumn. Often outbreaks of this disease occur during the summer school holidays.

Adults are also susceptible to the fungus. Ringworm is second only to fungal foot infections. But with age, a lot of organic acids are formed in the hair, which inhibit the proliferation of the fungus. Women, especially young ones, get sick more often. Interestingly, people with red hair practically do not get ringworm.

Causes of ringworm

Ringworm is caused by a fungus of the genus Microsporum, hence the second name of the disease - microsporia. The mushroom got its name due to its ability to form a huge number of microscopic spores. The most common types of pathogen in Russia are Microsporum canis and Trichophyton tonsurans.

There are zoonotic species of fungi that live primarily on animals. But they can also cause ringworm in humans. In this case, the disease is easier and less likely to become chronic. Other fungi are considered only “human” - anthroponotic and cause more severe cases.

From whom can you get infected?

Infection can occur from sick people and animals. Most often, stray cats and dogs are carriers of ringworm. Puppies and kittens are especially often affected. In them, the disease passes more easily than in people and areas of lichen may not be noticeable.

The source of infection can be a sick person. You can become infected by communicating with him or by sharing towels, combs, nail scissors, hats, bed linen and washcloths. The likelihood of getting sick increases sharply if the skin has abrasions, scratches, or the person has a weakened immune system.

How does infection occur?

Infection occurs when skin particles, hair or fur elements infected with a fungus come into contact with the skin of a healthy person. If fungal spores fall to the ground, they can live there for up to three months. However, they remain active and can cause disease.

You should avoid spicy foods and rich foods food additives, flavorings and dyes.

How to treat ringworm in children?

Small lesions of ringworm on the body can be treated at home. For this they use antifungal creams: Lamisil, Nizoral, Travocort, Clotrimazole. These products are applied to the baby's skin twice a day. Once a day, the affected area is lubricated with iodine tincture.

If the fungus has grown in the vellus hair, then before treatment it is necessary to get rid of it. For this purpose, collodion film is used. It contains resorcinol, collodion, salicylic and lactic acid. The product is applied for 3 days. After this, the hairs are painlessly removed.

If ringworm occurs on a child's head - local means can't get by. You will have to take antifungal drugs orally. The most commonly used is Griseofulvin, an antifungal antibiotic. For children under 3 years of age it is prescribed in the form of a suspension. For older children, the drug is given in tablet form. They are taken 4 times a day with a teaspoon vegetable oil. Liver protection agents are often prescribed in parallel: Karsil, Geparsil, Galstena.

If the child has problems with the liver, kidneys, peripheral nerves or peptic ulcer, then Griseofulvin should not be taken! In this case, it is replaced with Lamisil tablets. It has few contraindications and rarely causes side effects. Dosage for children depends on body weight.

Antifungal shampoos are used to wash your hair: Nizoral, Sebozol, Dermazol. To eliminate itching, antiallergic drugs are prescribed: Claritin, Zyrtec.

To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to take vitamins B and C.

How to treat ringworm on the head?

If ringworm occurs on the head, then ointments will not be enough - you will have to take pills. Otherwise fungal infection from hair follicles don't kick out. The most commonly prescribed antifungal antibiotic is Griseofulvin. If more gentle treatment is needed, the doctor prescribes Lamisil. It acts more softly.

Microsporum fungus is very difficult to remove from hair, so the affected area is shaved at least once a week. Sometimes a 5% griseofulvin patch or a 4% epilin patch is used to remove hair along with the hair follicles. It is applied for 10-20 days, and then the hair is easily removed from the follicles. After treatment, new ones grow in their place.

Local treatment scheme:

  • Wash your hair every day with antifungal shampoo: Nizoral, Friederm-tar, Betadine.

  • The area of ​​deprivation is lubricated with iodine once a day, after washing.

  • Apply to the lichen twice a day (morning and evening) antifungal ointments or cream: Mikoseptin, Clotrimazole, Lamisil, Fungur, Mycogel.

  • Sometimes, instead of ointment, the doctor prescribes solutions that kill fungi: Nitrofungin.

What are the traditional methods of treating ringworm?

Traditional medicine offers us alternative methods combating microsporia. Let's look at the most effective recipes treatment of ringworm. Apply the ointment to the ringworm three times a day for a week. Relieves itching and refreshes the skin. The effect of the action becomes noticeable after 2-3 days. This method is recommended for areas of the skin affected by lichen. Pumpkin compress Take the pumpkin pulp and grate it on a medium grater. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Gauze compresses are made from the remaining pulp. The prepared compress is applied to the affected areas and secured with a bandage. The compress is changed every 10-12 hours.
Duration of the course is until complete recovery. The medicinal components of pumpkin help get rid of itching and have a tonic effect on the skin.
The first results are noticeable after 24-30 hours.
It's worth remembering that traditional methods Treatment of ringworm should in no case be perceived as a panacea. Before the course of treatment natural means Don't forget to consult a professional dermatologist.

What ointments can be used to treat ringworm?

Means Operating principle Directions for use Efficacy of the drug
Sulfur-salicylic ointment A mixture of sulfur and salicylic acid.
Sulfur has a powerful antibacterial effect.
Salicylic acid stops inflammatory processes and has a healing effect.
A pea-sized portion of the ointment is rubbed into each affected area 2-3 times a day.
When treating lesions on the head, apply the ointment 4 hours before washing.
The first improvements will be noticeable in 2-3 days.
It is recommended to use in the initial stages of microsporia.
Cannot be used to treat lichen on the face.
Sulfur-tar ointment Birch tar has a disinfectant effect, reduces itching and has a beneficial effect on the regenerative processes of the skin and hair. The ointment is applied to the affected areas three times a day for two weeks.
To enhance the effect, it is recommended to treat the skin around the wounds with iodine solution 2-3 hours before applying the ointment.
Recommended for use on all areas of the body except the face.
This ointment is especially effective for the scalp.
Mycoseptin Three-phase ointment containing undecylenic acid and zinc.
Undecylenic acid - blocks the growth of fungi and other microorganisms.
Zinc reduces irritation and itching, accelerates skin healing processes.
Apply to inflamed skin and wounds 1-2 times a day for 5-7 weeks.
To avoid relapses, it is recommended to use the ointment once every other day for 2 weeks after the lesions disappear.
Positive result noticeable after 5 days.
It has excellent restorative properties and helps avoid relapses.
The basis of this ointment is ketoconazole. This substance is of synthetic origin and has a highly effective restorative effect. Blocks the growth of fungi by changing the fats in the shell of microorganisms. The source of inflammation and the areas of skin around it are treated once a day (preferably before bedtime).
Course duration is 14-20 days.
Has a fast healing effect. Improvement in well-being occurs after 2-5 days, even in the obvious absence of external signs.
Practically does not cause allergic reactions.
Wilkinson's ointment Complex action ointment. It contains natural substances: green soap, birch tar, Naftalan oil and sulfur.
It has unique antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Effectively stops the proliferation of fungi. Stimulates the regenerative processes of the skin, improves blood circulation.
Apply 2-3 times a day to areas of lichen. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. Considered a remedy with high effect impact.
The itching goes away after 2-3 days of use.
The skin begins to recover after 5-7 days.
Full recovery occurs at the end of the course of treatment.
Clotrimazole Ointment wide range applications based on imidazole derivatives. Has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.
Used when various kinds fungal skin diseases. Penetrates well into the upper layers of the skin.
Quickly and effectively fights bacteria and fungi.
Rubbed in thin layer We deprive the affected areas twice a day.
The course of treatment should not exceed 30 days.
Preparation fast acting. The effect is noticeable after 3 days. But for final recovery, it is necessary to use the ointment for at least 10 days, but no more than 30. If after this period the effect does not occur, it is necessary to change the method of treatment.

For a quick and final recovery, the use of ointments for ringworm will not always be enough. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo comprehensive treatment.

Ringworm – infectious disease which requires long-term treatment. The development of the disease can be prevented by carefully observing hygiene rules and avoiding contact with sick people and animals.

Ringworm in humans occurs quite often due to its high contagiousness and photos of this disease often frighten unprepared people. This fungal disease can be transmitted not only from person to person, but also from animals.

The main difficulty in treatment is the high survivability of the fungus - it can persist on clothing or surfaces for up to several months.

Description of the disease

Ringworm (trichophytia, dermatophytosis, dermatophytosis, dermatomycosis, microsporia) is a contagious fungal infection of the skin and skin derivatives. Dermatomycosis occurs as a result of the activity of the fungi Microsporum canis and Trichophyton tonsurans.

When infected, the lesions can reach 10 cm in diameter. Externally, such lesions resemble peculiar circles that have a clear boundary and can rise above the surface of the skin. To the touch, the skin at the site of the lesion is dry, crusts are easily separated from it.

When the scalp is affected, the hair breaks off at a height of 5-7 mm. Outwardly, it looks as if the patient had a clump of hair cut off.

It is for this property that lichen received the epithet “ringworm”.

Routes of transmission and causes

The fungus is transmitted through contact and everyday life. Distinctive feature is its high survivability, and therefore infection can happen in several ways:

Even contact with the fungus on the surface of the skin does not guarantee the development of the disease. Mycosis develops only if a person has a decrease in the level of immunity and neglects hygiene standards.

There are a number of provoking factors that facilitate the development of trichophytosis:

  • softening of the surface of the dermis resulting from prolonged contact with water;
  • traumatic lesions: scratches, abrasions, wounds;
  • reduced level general immunity;
  • presence of dermatitis.

Important! The first signs may appear within several weeks of infection.

Characteristic symptoms

Initial stage the disease is already different characteristic symptoms. It can be located both in areas with hair and on smooth skin. Depending on this, as well as on the form of the disease, the symptoms themselves differ.

TO characteristic symptoms ringworm in humans can be attributed to the following::

When vellus hair grows, a colloidal film is used - it is applied for 3 days, after which the hairs are easily removed.

For lesions on the head the use of Griseofulvin or Lamisil tablets is required. If a child has liver dysfunction, it is prohibited to give him Griseofulvin for ringworm. In parallel with the tablets, hepatoprotectors are used: Karsil, Galstena, etc.

There is no clear answer to the question of how long ringworm is treated.

The healing period depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • type of pathogen;
  • fungal virulence;
  • state of reactivity of the body;
  • affected area.

The duration of treatment for ringworm depends on the timing of visiting a doctor, the form of the disease and proper sanitary and hygienic prevention at the source of infection.

On average, treatment takes from one to three months. A quick cure can only be achieved if early start therapy.

Trichophytosis is caused by fungi:

  1. Trichophyton violet (Trichophyton violaceum).
  2. Microsporum ferrugineum.
  3. Microsporum fluffy (Microsporum canis/lanosum).

The first two pathogens are transmitted from person to person, the second infection occurs through animals.

The fungi that cause ringworm are very resistant to high temperature And sunlight. Also, some disinfectants cannot cope with them.

The peak incidence occurs at the end of summer - beginning of autumn.

The first signs of ringworm appear a week after contact with a sick animal and 4 to 6 weeks after contact with a sick person.

Mostly children get sick. The disease is transmitted from a sick person through the use of his personal items (hats, combs, etc.).

Isolated lesions up to 1.5 cm in diameter appear in the hair on the head. Affected areas - spots irregular shape and with blurred boundaries. The reddened skin is slightly swollen and covered with scales.

Hair in the lesions breaks off either immediately above the skin, or at a level of 2 - 3 mm above the skin, forming characteristic “stumps”. The surviving hair appears healthy or like thin, curled threads.

When smooth skin is affected, swollen round spots with a clear border are formed. The sunken center of the lesion is pale yellow with pronounced peeling, and the raised ridge along the periphery is pink-red. Bubbles, nodules and crusts form on the roller.

The spots often merge. Itching is rare.

Infiltrative-suppurative trichophytosis

Infection occurs from animals, less often from a sick person. Even getting animal hair and dander on upholstered furniture, carpets, and beds is enough to cause infection. People of all ages can get this form.

Localized in the hair on the head, facial hair in men, open places skin. Initially, the disease occurs as superficial trichophytosis. Then the infiltration of foci increases. Juicy plaques and nodes with a sharply defined border are formed. Then suppurative processes occur and deep follicular abscesses form.


After the necessary diagnostic procedures(examination under Wood's lamp, laboratory test scrapings from the lesions) a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist selects therapy.

Self-treatment can lead to the disease becoming chronic!

Depending on the type of pathogen, the level of skin damage, the form of the disease and general condition The patient's treatment takes from four to six or more weeks.

Therapy is carried out at home. Persons who are difficult to isolate from healthy people are subject to hospitalization.

Treatment is carried out both local (direct impact on the lesions) and general, i.e. the whole body.

Local treatment is carried out as follows.

If the scalp is affected, the hair is shaved once a week, after which the head is thoroughly washed with antifungal shampoo.

Used to treat affected areas the following drugs:

  1. Mikospor. Available in the form of ointment, cream and solution for external use. When using this drug, fungal cells are destroyed. The course of treatment takes 4 – 6 weeks.
  2. Lamisil. The cream completely destroys fungi on the skin within two weeks, and on the scalp in 5–6 weeks.
  3. Sulfur-tar ointment. Actively destroys pathogenic fungi. Appointed in case severe swelling.
  4. Salicylic ointment. In addition to destroying fungi, it removes inflammatory process.
  5. Exifin and Mycogel gels and Vocadine ointment are used for lesions of the skin of the body and nails. The course of treatment takes from one to six weeks, depending on the severity of the process.
  6. Nitrofungin. A highly effective drug for combating ringworm and in the case of combined fungal-bacterial infection.
  7. Ciclopirox, Oxiconazole, and Ketoconazole ointments are also used.

At general treatment medications are prescribed.

In order to speed up the recovery process and prevent generalization of the disease, tablets are prescribed:

  1. Griseofulvin. Stops the proliferation of fungi.
  2. Orungal. Destroys the shell of fungi, which leads to their death.
  3. Fluconazole. Destroys mushrooms by suppressing their enzymatic activity.


The risk of infection depends on how quickly they are taken preventive measures after contact with a source of infection or detection of a disease.

When ringworm is detected, the following measures are urgently taken:

  • the source of infection is identified;
  • the patient is isolated in a separate room, which is wet cleaned every day;
  • a sick family member is given separate dishes and household items, which are processed every day boric alcohol;
  • everything is thoroughly examined contact persons;
  • thorough disinfection of the premises, clothing, bedding, soft toys, personal items, upholstered furniture;
  • If necessary, a veterinary service is involved.

It should be remembered that fungi multiply quickly in a warm, humid environment.

That's why personal prevention includes the following items:

  1. Avoiding prolonged skin wetting. You should always dry your body thoroughly after hygiene procedures and swimming in ponds.
  2. Wearing clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. Daily shower and change of underwear.
  4. On the beach and in public baths and showers, wear special rubber shoes.
  5. Use only individual funds skin, nails and hair care.
  6. If you have pets, you must carefully monitor the condition of their fur.
  7. Prohibit children from contact with stray animals. If such contact occurs, you should not touch your body, clothes, etc. with your hands. You should wash your hands thoroughly with soap as soon as possible, and then treat them with antiseptic bactericidal hand gel Sanitelle or alcohol.