Table of comparison of drugs and analogues. Cheap analogues of expensive drugs: learning to save money

The modern pharmaceutical industry is based on the competitiveness of hundreds of manufacturers. There are thousands of different types of drugs on the market, which are often difficult to understand: dozens of drugs consist of one similar active ingredient. And if the components are similar, then regarding the pricing policy, each company does what it wants, often putting absolutely unrealistic numbers on the price tags!

In view of this, we decided to select analogues expensive medicines, which are available to everyone! Don't overpay for packaging design and enticing slogans!

Prices are given in Russian rubles and Ukrainian hryvnias, based on data as of December 2015, and may change depending on inflation and dollar exchange rate fluctuations.

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory gels

1. Nurofen (120 rubles, 40 UAH) = Ibuprofen (10 rubles, 3-4 UAH).
2. Panadol (50 rubles, 17 UAH) = Paracetamol (5 rubles, 2 UAH).
3. Belosalik (380 rubles, 127 UAH) = Akriderm SK (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
4. Voltaren (300 rubles, 100 UAH) = Diclofenac (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
5. Movalis (410 rubles, 130 UAH) = Meloxicam (80 rubles, 26 UAH).
6. Fastum-gel (250 rubles, 83 UAH) = Ketoprofen (70 rubles, 23 UAH).
7. Bystrumgel (180 rubles, 60 UAH) = Ketoprofen (60 rubles, 20 UAH).

These tablets and gels are actively used for pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects, and the affordable price of analogues will allow you to always have the necessary drugs at hand. When purchasing the next “revolutionary development,” be sure to pay attention to its composition: it often contains good old paracetamol and a couple of additives.

Drugs for the central nervous system and PNS

To combat degenerative and functional diseases(disorders) of the central and peripheral nervous system Multi-component expensive medications are often used. The doctor prescribed them for a “tidy” amount? Look for cheap analogue and save more than 100% of the markup that is put on expensive products:

1. Betaserc (600 rubles, 200 UAH) = Betahistine (250 rubles, 83 UAH).
2. Claritin (180 rubles, 60 UAH) = Loragexal (60 rubles, 20 UAH).
3. Lomilan (150 rubles, 50 UAH) = Loragexal (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
4. Finlepsin (280 rubles, 93 UAH) = Carbamazepine (50 rubles, 17 UAH).

Cardiovascular group

1. Normodipine (620 rubles, 206 UAH) = Amlodipine (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
2. Trental (200 rubles, 67 UAH) = Pentoxifylline (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
3. Troxevasin (220 rubles, 73 UAH) = Troxerutin (110 rubles, 38 UAH).
4. Enap (150 rubles, 50 UAH) = Enalapril (70 rubles, 23 UAH).

These are the four most common drugs, the prices of which are unreasonably inflated due to good demand. After all, it is known that you cannot live without good “heart” medications. However, “good” does not always mean “expensive”!

Analogs of drugs for the gastrointestinal tract

The human gastrointestinal tract consists of many sections, and they often require the use of high-quality and effective pharmaceuticals. The main drugs that differ in focus, but are in constant demand:

1. Gastrozole (120 rubles, 40 UAH) = Omeprazole (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
2. Detralex (580 rubles, 193 UAH) = Venarus (300 rubles, 100 UAH).
3. Ersefuril (400 rubles, 133 UAH) = Furazolidone (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
4. Ultop (270 rubles, 90 UAH) = Omeprazole (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
5. Mezim (300 rubles, 100 UAH) = Pancreatin (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
6. Imodium (300 rubles, 100 UAH) = Loperamide (20 rubles, 7 UAH).
7. Omez (180 rubles, 60 UAH) = Omeprazole (50 rubles, 17 UAH).
8. Zantac (280 rubles, 93 UAH) = Ranitidine (30 rubles, 10 UAH).

Analogues of drugs from other medicinal groups

It is also worth noting products with a similar composition from the antifungal category:

1. Diflucan (400 rubles, 133 UAH) = Fluconazole (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
2. Lamisil (400 rubles, 133 UAH) = Terbinafine (100 rubles, 33 UAH).
3. Flucostat (200 rubles, 66 UAH) = Fluconazole (20 rubles, 7 UAH).

To strengthen the immune system, Immunal (200 rubles) is often used. Its analogue is natural Echinacea tincture (50 rubles), much more useful and created without chemical impurities.

For the bronchi and lungs, unjustifiably expensive drugs and their analogues are represented by the following drugs:

1. For nose (100 rubles, 33 UAH) = Rhinostop (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
2. Rinonorm (50 rubles, 17 UAH) = Rinostop (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
3. Lazolvan (320 rubles, 107 UAH) = Ambroxol (20 rubles, 7 UAH).

Medicines that primarily affect tissue metabolism include a variety of stimulants, metabolites, vitamins and other compounds involved in normal development and vital functions of the body. Among them:

1. Panangin (140 rubles, 47 UAH) = Asparkam (10 rubles, 3 UAH).
2. Bepanthen (250 rubles, 83 UAH) = Dexpanthenol (100 rubles, 33 UAH).
3. Iodomarin (220 rubles, 73 UAH) = Potassium iodide (100 rubles, 33 UAH).
4. Lyoton-1000 (350 rubles, 117 UAH) = Heparin-acrigel 1000 (120 rubles, 40 UAH).
5. Neuromultivit (250 rubles, 83 UAH) = Pentovit (50 rubles, 17 UAH).

1. Trichopolum (90 rubles, 30 UAH) = Metronidazole (10 rubles, 3 UAH).
2. Furamag (380 rubles, 127 UAH) = Furagin (40 rubles, 13 UAH).

And also antibiotics:

1. Klacid (600 rubles, 200 UAH) = Clarithromycin (180 rubles, 60 UAH)
2. Sumamed (450 rubles, 150 UAH) = Azithromycin (90 rubles, 30 UAH)
3. Hemomycin (300 rubles, 100 UAH) = Azithromycin (100 rubles, 33 UAH)

And funds from other groups:

1. Hormones and analogues: Maxidex (120 rubles, 40 UAH) = Dexamethasone (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
2. Ophthalmology: Midriacil (360 rubles, 120 UAH) = Tropicamide (120 rubles, 40 UAH).
3. Antiseptics: Miramistin (200 rubles, 66 UAH) = Chlorhexidine (10 rubles, 3 UAH).
4. Antispasmodics: No-spa (150 rubles, 50 UAH) = Drotaverine hydrochloride (30 rubles, 10 UAH).
5. Anti-allergy: Zyrtec (220 rubles, 73 UAH) = Cetirinax (80 rubles, 26 UAH).
6. Antiviral: Zovirax (240 rubles, 80 UAH) = Acyclovir (40 rubles, 13 UAH).
7. To improve blood circulation: Cavinton (580 rubles, 193 UAH) = Vinpocetine (200 rubles, 66 UAH).

You can also see a comparison of these and other drugs in terms of cost in this video from YouTube.

Contrary to popular belief, when choosing cheap analogues of drugs, you do not settle on low quality, but on the rational use of your own funds. A budget drug is no less effective and often even more useful (due to the lack of pretty dyes, flavorings, etc.). Do you know others more available analogues advertised funds? Write in the comments! Leave your ratings, like and share this useful information between your friends! You can read everything in our special section.

Sometimes patients do not know that there are cheaper analogues of expensive drugs, and the full list of them in 2017 is quite large. During illness, a person does not care what medicines to buy, the main thing is that they help. Despite the fact that they are advised by a doctor, a person humbly goes to the pharmacy and buys expensive drugs.

Many medicines are quite expensive, however, this does not mean the quality of the drugs. The price of many drugs includes additional markups associated with marketing. How to do it right choice, and at the same time save money.

Complete list of drug analogues 2017

1. Drugs that help fight psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen simplex chronicus, and eczema.

Belosalik - the price of the drug is 350 rubles.
Akriderm SK - price 180 rubles.

2. Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the mucous membrane.

Bepanten - cost of a tube is 230 rubles.
Dexpanthenol - price 83 rub.

3. Medicines to get rid of dizziness, nausea, headaches, and hearing impairment.

Betaserk - 520 rub.
Cheap analogue in 2017: Betagistine - 220 rubles.

4. Agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect for sprains, tears, and bruises.

Bystrumgel - 150 rub.
Ketoprofen - 60 rub.

5. Drugs intended for the treatment of rheumatism, reduction of edema, and chronic polyarthritis.

Voltaren - 284 rub.
Diclofenac - 28 rub.

6. Medicines prescribed for ulcers.

Gastrozol - 100 rub.
Omeprazole - 44 rub.

7. For convulsions, venous insufficiency The following medicines are intended:

Detralex - 600 rub.
Venarus - 360 rub.

8. For psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and urticaria, doctors prescribe the following medications:

Diprosalik - 280 rub.
Akriderm - 180 rub.

Diflucan - 400 rub.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.
The complete list of drug analogues 2017 shows a significant difference between cheap analogues and expensive drugs.

10. When acute rhinitis, to cleanse the nose, you should use the following drugs:

For nose - 80 rub.
Rinostop - 20 rub.

11. For treatment and for preventive purposes For heartburn and ulcers, experts recommend paying attention to the following medications:

Zantac - 250 rub.
Ranitidine - 22 rubles.

12. For conjunctivitis, rhinitis, skin itching you should turn to medications:

Zyrtec - 240 rub.
Cetirinax - 70 rub.

13. Drugs intended for the treatment of herpes.

Zovirax - 250 rub.
Acyclovir - 30 rub.

14. To treat diseases during colds and fatigue, specialists prescribe medications:

Immunal - 210 rub.
Echinacea - 50 rub.

Imodium - 300 rubles.
Loperamide - 15 rubles.

16. For preventive purposes in case of iodine deficiency, pregnant women are recommended to take the following vitamins:

Iodomarin - 200 rub.
Potassium iodide - 90 rub.

17. When mental disorders, headache, full list drug analogues 2017 offers cheap analogues of expensive drugs

Cavinton - 600 rub.
Vinpocetine - 225 rubles.

18. For rhinitis, edema, conjunctivitis, allergies after insect bites, the following drugs will be an excellent help:

Claritin - 160 rub.
Loragexal - 50 rub.

19. The following drugs are antibiotics, they are prescribed for bacterial infections, otitis, and ulcers.

Klacid - 615 rubles.
Clarithromycin - 175 rubles.

20. For colds, experts recommend paying attention to the following medications:

Lazolvan - 320 rubles.
Ambroxol - 15 rubles.

21. In case of defeat skin And nail plates For fungal infections, doctors prescribe the following medications:

Lamisil - 380 rubles.
Terbinafine - 100 rubles.

22. For preventive purposes and for the treatment of hemorrhoids, swelling, various types of bruises, hematomas, injuries, it is recommended to use the following medications:

Lyoton-1000 - 320 rubles.
Analog: Heparin-acri gel - 90 rubles.

23. For rhinitis, swelling, conjunctivitis, manifestations allergic reactions If you are bitten by an insect, you should choose the following medications:

Lomilan - 140 rubles.
Loragexal - 48 rubles.

24. For conjunctivitis, retinitis, after surgical intervention, for otitis, you can choose the following drugs:

Maxidex - 110 rubles.
Dexamethasone - 40 rubles.

25. For diarrhea, indigestion, and leading a passive lifestyle, you should pay attention to the following medications:

Mezim - 275 rubles.
Pancreatin - 27 rubles.

26. For inflammation, ophthalmologists use the following tools for diagnosis; in the complete list of drug analogues 2017, expensive drugs can be replaced with cheap analogues.

Midriacil - 350 rubles.
Analog: Tropicamide - 100 rubles.

27. As antiseptic To treat wounds you should choose the following medications:

Miramistin - 225 rubles.
Chlorhexidine - 12 rubles.

What other analogues of expensive drugs exist?

28. For arthritis, inflammation of the joints, which is accompanied by unbearable pain, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Movalis - 400 rubles.
Meloxicam - 120 rubles.

29. A neurologist often prescribes the following vitamins to his patients:

Neuromultivitis - 100 rubles.
Cheap analogue: Pentovit - 40 rubles.

30. When severe pain lower abdomen, colic, ulcer, if there is a threat premature birth, after labor pains, experts advise paying attention to the following medications:

No-shpa - 180 rubles.
Drotaverine - 30 rubles.

31. For angina pectoris, these drugs are among the best:

Normodipine - 650 rubles.
Amlodipine - 40 rubles.

32. Painkillers that help you cope with various ailments: radiculitis, migraine, toothache, after operations. The best medicines are the following:

Nurofen - 100 rubles.
Ibuprofen - 12 rubles.

Omez - 165 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

34. For infectious diseases, as an anesthetic for migraines and toothaches.

Panadol - 40 rubles.
Paracetamol - 4 rubles.

35. In cases of brain damage in humans old age You should pay attention to the following drugs:

Pantogam - 320 rub.
Pantocalcin - 250 rub.

36. For acute rhinitis, otitis media, the following medications can be found in the pharmacy to cleanse the nasal passages:

Rhinonorm - 45 rub.
Rinostop - 20 rub.

37. Antibiotics to fight infectious diseases respiratory tract:

Summed - 430 rub.
Cheap analogue: Azithromycin - 100 rubles.

38. In cases that arise from circulatory disorders in the brain, after a heart attack, or with asthma, experts recommend replacing expensive drugs with analogues of cheap drugs in the full list of analogues 2017.

Trental - 220 rub.
Pentoxifylline - 50 rub.

39. Antibiotics to fight pneumonia, sepsis, diseases abdominal cavity, the following drugs are used for meningitis:

Trichopolum - 80 rub.
Metronidazole - 10 rub.

40. For patients with varicose veins veins, skin lesions, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, diathesis, the following remedies are intended:

Troxevasin - 210 rub.
Troxerutin - 120 rub.

41. For ulcers, specialists prescribe the following medications:

Ultop - 250 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

42. If there are difficulties during movements, sprains, swelling, ruptures, bruises, doctors recommend turning to the following medications:

Fastum-gel - 240 rubles.
Cheap analogue of the drug: Ketoprofen - 60 rubles.

43. For epilepsy, attacks accompanied by convulsions, during anxiety, to improve sleep, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Finlepsin - 250 rubles.
Carbamazepine - 40 rubles.

44. For meningitis, skin infections, for the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to choose the following drugs:

Flucostat - 150 rubles.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.

45. When purulent wounds, infections affecting female organs, the following medications are used for preventive purposes after surgery:

Furamag - 350 rub.
Analog: Furagin - 40 rub.

The complete list of drug analogues 2017 allows you to replace expensive drugs with cheap analogues. This will help not only carry out effective treatment, but also save money family budget. The most important thing is to study in advance which medications will be an excellent replacement expensive medications. After which you can safely begin treatment and expect a positive result.

Very often, prescribed drugs from well-promoted imported pharmaceutical companies are expensive, so patients, in search of a more economical option, look for analogues of the drugs prescribed to them, quite often these are medicines for colds and flu, probiotics or vitamins and microelements. They also often look for analogues of medications widely advertised on TV, antihistamines, nootropics and what advertising calls “cure for VSD.”

In this case, it is better to choose complete analogues or generics, that is, drugs that also contain active substance in the same quantity. For example, we are looking for analogues and find a product such as Aspartame, the price of which is an order of magnitude lower than Panangin. If such a remedy cannot be found, with the consent of the attending physician, you can pay attention to substances that are similar in their effect, but contain a different active substance.

Since they are usually looking for not just analogs of drugs - cheap analogues of expensive drugs, it is unlikely that it would be beneficial for pharmacy workers to recommend such a replacement. Therefore, those who need such a replacement should refer to our article, and also expand their knowledge by reading Medical reference medicinal product ov and their analogues. We will not be able to talk about all medications and their analogues within the framework of this article - the full list is a multi-volume work. Therefore, let us dwell on those that today often appear in commercials and those that patients are interested in most often.

Scene in a pharmacy (cheap analogues of expensive drugs)

Examples of analogues of drugs from different groups

Most often, when receiving a doctor's prescription, we buy the wrong thing at the pharmacy. cheap drug. It is not the topic of the article to analyze the reasons for this situation; let’s just say that analogues of drugs in the Russian Federation cost two times, and sometimes an order of magnitude less, than imported analogues. Most often, the effect is satisfactory, and the cost savings are obvious.

However, when buying a cheap analogue, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. That is, by buying a more expensive product, we get the result promised by the instructions. And when purchasing a cheap option, we get a much weaker effect, although the active substance and its concentration are identical expensive product. At least this follows from patient reviews.

The reason for this phenomenon can only be explained by conducting appropriate research. Perhaps in some cases the situation can be explained psychological factor(trust in foreign pharmacological companies is higher), in others the drug is counterfeit. Perhaps there are other reasons.


Considering the frequency of use of antibiotics to treat certain bacterial infections in humans, animals, and their treatment of plants, it can be argued that the intestinal microflora is exposed to substances that are harmful to it quite intensively. It’s not surprising that you have to take probiotics Linex, Symbiolact or eubiotics Enterol and Bioflor.

These are high-quality probiotics that contain not only bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but also enterococci (Symbiolact). Eubiotics may contain either Saccharomycetes (Enterol), Escherichia coli (Bioflor) and other preparations that contain certain, needed by the intestines, microorganisms.

Accordingly, the price of these drugs is not the lowest. Linex costs from 250 rubles. It is not surprising that patients are looking for analogues for the drug Linex with a more reasonable price. Unfortunately, there are no cheap complete analogues for this product. The most acceptable analogues of tablets are:

  • Lactobacterin - from 113 rubles;
  • Gastrofarm from 75 rubles.

Other drugs are comparable in price to Linex or more expensive.


They are usually called allergy medications. Today, there are first-generation antihistamines (Diazodin, Diphenhydramine) and second-third generation (Claridon, Rupafin, Trexil, Telfast).

First generation antihistamines has serious side effects, the main of which is increased drowsiness. This significantly reduces the performance of an allergic person; it is especially difficult to take them for those whose work is associated with risk (drivers, operators construction equipment and others), and Diphenhydramine is also addictive.

Representatives of the next two generations are deprived of this disadvantage. But the cost leaves much to be desired. It is difficult to find complete analogues of cheap drugs for this group of drugs - analogues of expensive drugs, as a rule, are not complete and belong to the first generation drugs.

For those who are looking for cheap analogues of medicine, we can recommend looking at the price table for analogues of expensive drugs:

You can also find analogues at a cheaper price. For example, Chloropyramine tablets cost about 64 rubles. Second- and third-generation drugs cost from 200 rubles, for example Claritin costs about 204 rubles.

"Anti-cold" remedies

Most often, when a pharmacy asks for a medicine for flu and colds, they mean drugs that reduce the symptoms of a viral infection (cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever). That is, medications that contain antipyretic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, and sometimes vitamin C and an antihistamine. But this category also includes antivirals, as well as immunomodulators and immunostimulants.

A striking and advertised example of such a “cold medicine” is Theraflu. This product is worth it quick help for colds and flu - about 338 rubles. Is it possible to find something cheaper? Of course, look at the drug analogues table of “anti-cold powders”:

You can replace this drug with such incomplete analogues of drugs as Antiflu at a price of 113 rubles or Coldrex at 116 rubles. They differ slightly in composition from Theraflu, but give approximately the same effect. Choosing cheap analogues of drugs, in case colds, you should know that in most cases it is enough to take banal at a price of 16 rubles and ascorbic acid at 15 rubles per package.

If the disease is viral nature, you cannot rely on antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs; they only eliminate the symptoms, but do not prevent the virus from developing. This role is performed antiviral drugs, for example Rimantadine, Kagocel and others. Kagocel costs about 220 rubles and has no analogues. One of the cheapest is Rimantadine. Rimantadine is an analogue for Kagocel and costs 50 rubles. But we classified it as analogues only conditionally.

Vitamin preparations and microelements

This large group of funds that pharmaceutical companies they are packaged in beautiful boxes and given intriguing names, and all this at a fairly high price. Although there are products that have the same effect at a much lower price. Most often, for such drugs, patients look for cheap analogues of drugs:

  • Neurobion;
  • Aginovit and others.

The list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs will be as follows: for Multigamma there is Russian analogue. An analogue of Iodomarin (124 rubles) is Potassium Iodide (94 rubles). Neurobion, which costs about 340 rubles, can be successfully replaced at a price of 230 rubles.

Antihypertensives and drugs that improve heart function

If in our young years we do not notice how our “engine” works. With age, the heart, an organ that does not know sleep and rest, begins to malfunction, tachycardia and arrhythmia appear, and blood pressure rises. There are many means to help this important organ. For example, we provide a table with prices for medications and their analogues:

Drug name Price/rubles Analog/Substitute Price/rubles
Panangin 122 Asparkam 33
Eltacin 170 No
Nebilet 500 Nebivolol 157
115 (not analogue) 5

Panangin is an original drug from the Gideon Richter company, produced in the form of dragees, the shell of which makes it easy to swallow. For Panagin, the analogue is . It is in tablet form and is less comfortable to swallow. In addition, the drugs differ only in manufacturer and price.

Advertising positions Eltacin as a remedy for VSD, almost the only and absolute one. This is not entirely true. This is a metabolite drug. It is designed to normalize metabolic processes in the heart muscle and reduce tissue hypoxia. This is an antioxidant. Its main purpose is to help the myocardium in chronic heart failure; to combat the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dysfunction it is prescribed to children aged 12 to 18 years as part of complex therapy. It contains amino acids:

  • Glycine;
  • Cystine;
  • Glutamic acid.

For Eltacin, many sites call the analogue of this medicine Glycine (46 rubles). As can be seen from the composition of the drug, Glycine is only its constituent component. Eltacin costs about 170 rubles. There is no complete analogue to this remedy.

Nibilet is cardioselective beta blocker third generation with vasodilator properties. This means that the drug reduces the need for oxygen in the heart muscle and has antiarrhythmic effect and with its help you can achieve a lasting hypotensive effect. It costs about 500 rubles. Replacing the medicine with cheaper analogues is possible.

For the drug Nebilet, analogues of this medicine are produced in Crovania (Binelol at 382 rubles for 14 tablets), and India (Nebivator for 370 rubles for 14 tablets), and Russia (Nevibol, Kanofarm for 286 rubles for 24 tablets).

Cheap analogues and generics of popular drugs

Presenting cheap analogues of expensive drugs with a complete list for 2016 is difficult, but sufficient wide list We finally picked it.

It’s easier to look at cheap drug analogues in tables. They are recorded in tables using the most different principles. Sometimes they are grouped according to the pathologies for which they are used. Sometimes by drug groups, in some cases by the frequency of requests. In some cases, identifying a classification criterion is very difficult. We offer several table options that can be used when selecting drug analogues.

Video: Expensive drugs and their cheaper analogues

Analogs and substitutes for expensive, very expensive drugs. Doctors often prescribe expensive drugs However, there are more inexpensive “generic” drugs. The difference between expensive drugs and their inexpensive analogues. Replacement of expensive drugs with analogues (generics). A list of tested analogue drugs that are allowed to be purchased at a pharmacy instead of expensive brand-name drugs.

Generics (from the English Generic) are unpatented medicines that are a reproduction of the original drug, the active substance of which has expired patent protection. May differ from the original drug in composition excipients, as a rule, the properties and effects of generics are retained.

Generics are much more expensive than expensive original drugs, but the therapeutic results of these drugs are sometimes quite the same. Therefore, in principle, when it is impossible to purchase an original expensive drug for yourself, or you do not agree to give money for a brand, even if its quality is impeccable, you can absolutely stop your respects at inexpensive substitutes expensive medications. Let’s say the drug “No-shpa”, you can safely replace it with the inexpensive domestic “Drotaverine”, saving a lot on the purchase of this medicine.

Produced in Russia huge number generics and other analogues of imported drugs. Moreover, Russian analogues of imported drugs, due to the lack of various costs for duties and taxes, with sufficient high quality, will be much cheaper than the same generic drugs imported from abroad. The assessment of the quality and safety of these drugs is underway. high level, Russian drugs higher quality and purer than, for example, Vietnamese or Chinese drugs.

Why buy expensive medicine when you're counting on the real one healing effect. Suppose the imported “Fervex” is a complex medicine for the treatment of colds, including paracetamol as active substances, which lowers body temperature, ascorbic acid, strengthening the walls blood vessels and strengthens the immune system, and pheniramine maleate, which eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and respiratory tract. There is no need to overpay a lot of money just for antipyretic results, when you can absolutely cope with them domestic drug"Paracetamol". It should be noted that imported medicines often have complex composition. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, because... active substances in a complex, provide rapid decline cold symptoms and recovery, however, the cost of the medicine increases in proportion to the increase in the number of components in the composition. In any case, even when your doctor recommends a certain drug, you have the right to ask for justification for prescribing an expensive drug for you. imported product, but also ask for a more affordable analogue.

Remember, one thing is that you don’t need to blindly choose the best one at the pharmacy. cheap substitute expensive medicine!

Some original drugs, are cheaper than generics (verified fact). Sometimes you come across high-quality generics, and there are many of them.
The most important thing is not to fall for a fake medicine (counterfeit, surrogate).
Below is a table of drug analogues

Remember the rule: to find an analogue, look for international name, the drug prescribed to you, for example, the drug Zantac - international name (INN) - Ranitidine, therefore you can replace it with an analogue.

List of substitute drugs and analogues of the original ones that you can buy in Russian pharmacies

Cheap analogues of expensive drugs - table

Expensive medicine Cheap analogue
Belosalik Akriderm SK
Bepanten Dexpanthenol
Betaserk Betagistine
Bystrumgel Ketoprofen
Viagra Dynamics
Voltaren Diclofenac
Gastrozol Omeprazole
G eptral Heptor
De -nol Gastronorm
Detralex Venarus
Di prosalik Akriderm SK
Diflucan Fluconazole
For the nose Rhinostop
Zantac Ranitidine
Zyrtec Cetirinax
Zovirax Acyclovir
Immunal Echinacea extract
Imodium Loperamide
Iodomarin Potassium iodide
Cavinton Vinpocetine
Claritin Loragexal
Klacid Clarithromycin
TO senical Orthosen
Lazolvan Ambroxol
Lamisil Terbinafine
Lyoton-1000 Heparin-acrigel 1000 , heparin ointment
Lomilan Loragexal
Maxidex Dexamethasone
Mezim Pancreatin
Midriacil Tropicamide
Miramistin Chlorhexidine
Movalis Meloxicam
Nise Nimesulide, nimesil
Neuromultivitis Pentovit
No-shpa Drotaverine hydrochloride
Normodipine Amlodipine
Nurofen Ibuprofen
Omez Omeprazole
Panadol Paracetamol
Panangin Asparkam
Pantogam Pantocalcin
P reductal MV Trimetazidine MV
Rhinonorm Rhinostop
Sumamed Azithromycin
T aufon Taurine
Trental Pentoxifylline
Tr iderm Akriderm GK
Trichopolum Metronidazole
Troxevasin Troxerutin
Ultop Omeprazole
U rsofalk Ursosan
Fastum-gel Ketoprofen
Finlepsin Carbamazepine
Flucostat Fluconazole
Furamag Furagin
Hemomycin Azithromycin
Enap Enalapril
Ersefuril Furazolidone
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The price of a drug does not always determine its quality; it is not always possible to understand why the consumer should overpay a large amount when active ingredient A medicine prescribed by a doctor can be found under a less popular name. Almost every expensive drug has a generic version: its analogue according to the principle of action and chemical composition. You should always have a list of such tools at hand.

It should be noted that a 100% guarantee of the correctness of such a replacement cannot be given. Same active and auxiliary components may be present in different proportions, have varying degrees cleaning, etc. A number of expensive medications may be safer due to certain softening ingredients side effects, while the budget generic does not have any. In particular, this applies to antibiotics that have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, experts warn that any replacement, even with a generic and not an analogue, is carried out at the patient’s own risk, unless it has been discussed with the attending physician.

We bring to your attention a table of cheap analogues of expensive drugs with prices current for 2016. It should be said that only budget drugs whose cost does not exceed 150 rubles are included here, i.e. when the price difference really matters. Figures may vary depending on point of sale.

Main drug

Budget generic

Indications for use

Ambroxegal (110 rub.)

Ambroxol (50 rub.)

A drug that promotes the removal of sputum. Used for treatment wet cough, bronchitis in any form, pneumonia.

Aspirin-cardio (RUB 125)

CardiASK (35 rub.)

An analgesic that relieves fever and stops the inflammatory process. Used for angina pectoris, for the prevention of stroke and heart attack, circulatory disorders in the brain, thromboembolism.

Bepanten (280 rub.)

Dexpanthenol (140 rub.)

An ointment that triggers regenerative processes. It is used to restore the skin due to burns and wounds, to treat boils, dermatitis, and trophic ulcers.

Voltaren (400 rub.)

Bystrumgel, Fastum-gel (200 rub.)

Ketoprofen (60 rub.)

NSAIDs, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. Relieves fever. Used externally as an ointment for injuries and joint damage.

Diflucan (800 rub.)

Fluconazole (40 rub.)

An antifungal drug used in therapy against thrush, mycosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis.

For nose (100 rub.)

Rinostop (30 rub.)

Zyrtec (350 rub.)

Ranitidine (50 rub.)

Antiulcer agent.

Zovirax (240 rub.)

Acyclovir (40 rub.)

An antiviral drug that helps eliminate herpes, smallpox and lichen.

Immunal (200 rub.)

Echinacea extract (50 RUR)

Immunostimulating agent used for prevention viral infections, in complex therapy with antibiotics to support the body.

Kapoten (120 rub.)

Captopril (15 rub.)

Antihypertensive drug ACE inhibitor. Used in the combined treatment of heart failure, hypertension of any etiology, after suffered a heart attack myocardium and diabetes mellitus with kidney damage.

Mezim (300 rub.)

Pancreatin (30 rub.)

Replenishes enzyme deficiency, helping the pancreas digest heavy foods more easily.

Maxidex (120 rub.)

Dixamethasone (40 rub.)

Glucocortecosteroid, used for endocrine diseases, cerebral edema, bronchial spasms, blood diseases, anaphylactic shock, rheumatism.

Midriacil (360 rub.)

Tropicamide (120 rub.)

Used for inflammatory processes of an ophthalmological nature, for examining the fundus, in therapy after operations.

Movalis (410 rub.)

Meloxicam (80 rub.)

NSAIDs, which relieve inflammation, fever and pain, can also be used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Normodipine (620 rub.)

Amlodipine (40 rub.)

Reduces blood pressure, used for vasospastic angina.

No-Shpa (150 rub.)

Drotaverine (30 rub.)

Antispasmodic, indicated for spasms digestive tract, brain, uterus, headaches, urolithiasis.

Nurofen (120 rub.)

Ibuprofen (20 rub.)

NSAIDs that relieve fever and pain syndrome. It is on the list of essential drugs.

Omez (180 rub.)

Omeprazole (50 rub.)

It is used in antiulcer therapy, as well as for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Panangin (170 rub.)

Perineva (310 rub.)

Perindopril (RUB 120)

ACE inhibitor used for ischemia, hypertension, heart failure, after stroke.

Sanorin (140 rub.)

Naphthyzin (15 rub.)

Nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect. Used to treat sinusitis, rhinitis, and during operations of the nasal cavity.

Sumamed (450 rub.)

Azithromycin (90 rub.)

An antibiotic of semi-synthetic origin, used for infections of the respiratory tract, skin, soft tissues, and digestive tract.

Troxevasin (220 rub.)

Troxerutin (100 rub.)

Flucostat (200 rub.)

Fluconazole (30 rub.)

An antifungal drug used in the fight against candidiasis of any type, mycosis of the skin, cryptococcosis.

Finalgon (320 rub.)

Capsicam (140 rub.)

An ointment with a local irritant effect, used for pain in muscles and joints caused by injuries or rheumatism.

Enap (110 rub.)

Enalapril (55 rub.)

Necessary for the treatment of hypertension of any ethnology and heart failure.

Even if you do not know the exact name of the generic of an expensive medicine prescribed to you, you can look at its active ingredient - there is a high probability that the budget analogue will have exactly the same name. For example, this scheme shows its effectiveness with acyclovir, potassium iodide, panthenol, fluconazole, etc.