Bruise of the sacrococcygeal joint. Main causes of injury. Consequences associated with a bruised tailbone

A tailbone bruise is a rather unpleasant incident. Unlike a sprained limb, the tailbone is an extension axial skeleton a person, and in the event of a traumatic injury, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude the possibility of a transverse fracture, and even a complete separation.

But, unfortunately, many have no idea where this part of the skeleton is located and what it is needed for.

Injuries to the coccyx, like any injury, are coded according to ICD-10, and belong to section S ( traumatic injuries). There is no separate article for its lesion (bruise), and this is no coincidence: it is too small and rudimentary formation, therefore, according to the ICD, a bruise of the coccyx belongs to article S 33.7 - sprain and capsular strain - ligamentous apparatus another and unspecified part of the lumbar - sacral region spine and pelvis.

Coccyx - where is it?

What is the coccyx, and where is it located? As you know, all (or almost all) mammals have a tail. Humans also have a rudimentary “tail,” and in the anthropological museum in Moscow you can see a “tailed” boy, along with the multi-nipple and fully haired peasant Adrian Evtikhiev.

This is all a manifestation of rudiments that sometimes “come out” to the surface. The tailbone is just such a “tail”. It is located inside the pelvic ring, and is located below the sacrum bone, into which the sacral vertebrae are fused.

Usually, by the average age of 40 years, this part of the spine fuses into a separate bone. Therefore, if a child bruises his tailbone in a fall, he has a high risk of breaking individual small vertebrae, which in the future will form this bone.

Why is the tailbone needed?

By and large, this rudiment does not perform any function other than a supporting one: some ligaments are attached to it, and between the lower sacral vertebra and the coccyx there is a joint - the sacrococcygeal joint. Due to the weak structure of the vertebrae, a transverse fracture of the coccyx is possible in the area of ​​this joint.

  • The long-term results of such a healed fracture in women can be a problem during childbirth: an incorrectly healed fracture site will not allow the tailbone to deviate backward, which can narrow the natural birth canal.

Experienced obstetricians always ask if there were any fractures. If they occurred, this may be an additional argument in favor of a cesarean section.

The main cause of bruises and fractures

Since coccyx injuries are considered marginal injuries of the pelvic ring, a bruise is the easiest thing you can imagine: even with complete fractures, patients independently, despite the pain, come to the traumatologist, since the integrity of the pelvic ring, and, consequently, the supporting function this is not violated.

Most often, the mechanism of fracture and bruise is a fall from above on the buttocks. Sometimes a fracture can occur in a rear impact, for example a bumper fracture. But in this case, an isolated injury is very rare, since the pelvic ring bears the main load during an impact.

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Symptoms of a bruised tailbone in a person

The symptoms of a bruised tailbone are the same as the symptoms of a fracture, so you should definitely see a doctor. As a rule, they are concerned about:

  • different severity of pain in sacral region, when fractured, extending into the perineum;
  • difficulty during defecation and severe pain during its process (with tension in the pelvic floor muscles);
  • increased pain occurs when trying to sit up from a supine position;
  • When examining the sacral region and intergluteal fold, swelling and pain on palpation may be noticeable.

If there is a fracture of not only the coccyx, but also the sacrum, then its fragment, moving anteriorly, sometimes damages the sacral nerves. This can lead to urinary incontinence, as well as decreased sensitivity (anesthesia) of the skin of the buttocks.

An experienced traumatologist will not be lazy and will perform a digital examination of the rectum. When you try to click on it back wall, there is a sharp increase in pain.

As a rule, this occurs with fractures, and bruises of the tailbone do not cause such intense pain during rectal examination.

First aid - what to do if your tailbone is bruised by a fall?

After a bruise, we don’t know whether the tailbone hurts after a bruise or whether a fracture has occurred. Therefore, the only thing that can be done is to put cold on the sacral area, but you cannot keep it for too long, especially for women with chronic diseases genitals, as you may catch a cold.

Secondly, you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain, for example, Ketanov.

Third, lie down on a hard bed, placing a cushion under the sacrum so that lower section the sacrum hung without touching the bed.

If there is a fracture, then gradually, under the influence of weight and intra-abdominal pressure, its reposition will occur and the pain will disappear, but in the case of a bruise, nothing will change.

Risk of injury

Some articles on the Internet claim that since the coccyx is part of the spine, and the spinal cord “passes through the spine,” bruises of the rudiment can lead to injury to the spinal cord and even the brain(!).

But any specialist will tell you that already at the height of the 2nd lumbar vertebra the spinal cord ends, passing into the “cauda equina”, from which the nerves emerge on the sides, without passing by the sacrococcygeal joint. The filum terminale is attached to the 3rd coccygeal vertebra spinal cord, which is a rudimentary ligament, and nothing more.

Therefore, if doctors perform lumbar puncture, inserting the needle already into lumbar region, without any harm to the patient, then a coccyx injury is safe for the spinal cord, but a fracture can cause injury to the sacral nerves, as described above.

When should you see a doctor?

In the event that it happened severe bruise coccyx, then a fracture is possible. Therefore, as soon as the pain has subsided a little, the patient must come to the emergency room to have an image of the pelvic bones taken in two projections and subsequently examined by a traumatologist.

Only after confirming the integrity of the coccyx can the patient be activated, physical therapy prescribed, and anti-inflammatory drugs administered rectally.

If there is a suspicion of the presence of sharp fragments, then a rectal examination is prohibited (to avoid injury to the rectum with a bone fragment). Then the doctor performs an anesthetic presacral blockade, which reduces pain during bowel movements.

  • With pronounced signs of a fracture, especially a comminuted or displaced one, surgical treatment is possible.

Treatment of a bruised tailbone, what can be done at home?

Treatment of a bruised tailbone at home can begin only after eliminating the threat of a fracture, which is especially fraught with disruption of the biomechanics of childbirth in women and young girls.

  • Let us recall that the coccyx is the posterior central axis, limiting the volume of the small pelvis in women.

Therefore, treatment of a tailbone bruise due to a fall requires the following home measures:

  • Prescribing laxatives and introducing easily digestible food (to eliminate straining and pain during bowel movements);
  • You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs rectally. Suppositories with novocaine and belladonna are prescribed;
  • Cold compresses are continued on the sacral area, warming measures are excluded;
  • Ointments that cause a cooling effect can be applied to the sacral area, essential oils(mint). Ointments with a pronounced “burning” effect are not recommended: Finalgon, Capsicam. They cause increased blood circulation in the pelvis, which will lead to swelling of the bruise and increased pain.

However, the main remedy is therapeutic immobilization. The patient is prohibited from sitting; he can either lie down or stand. You need to lie down for several days for the swelling to go away. It is recommended to lie on your side or back.

In conclusion it must be said that in old age, with osteoporosis and increased fragility bone tissue, a spontaneous fracture may occur, which will not be accompanied by severe pain.

Therefore you need to accept prophylactic drugs, reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis, and also observe safety rules on the street, especially in slippery conditions winter time.

A bruised tailbone is quite common. It mainly occurs when falling on your back or from minor but often repeated injuries that occur when sledding, cycling, etc. A blow to this area is very painful because there are many nerve plexuses and muscles that attach the perineum and pelvis.

A bruised tailbone is more common in women because their hip bones are slightly wider. Any injury in this area, as well as heavy physical activity, and in some cases pregnancy, can cause damage to this underdeveloped part of the spine.

A bruised tailbone often leads to the formation of a hematoma. Most a clear symptom with such an injury there is pain in the affected area or lower back. The victim has difficulty moving, standing and sitting. With such bruises, pain may occur after defecation and during sexual intercourse.

To alleviate the patient's condition, ice is applied to the affected area, but this must be done carefully so as not to chill the pelvic organs. For children, it is better to use a napkin soaked in cold water, which will need to be changed as it warms up. To relieve pain, take painkillers that are commercially available. Experts recommend doing and taking relaxing warm baths. If you have an injury such as a bruised tailbone, you should not sleep on soft bed, wear high-heeled shoes, sit in a chair for a long time.

The above treatment methods can improve the victim’s condition without hospitalization, but this is only possible if the injury received is of mild or moderate severity.

If a severe injury to the coccyx occurs, you should immediately seek help from a traumatologist or surgeon and carry out X-ray examination. In some cases, the doctor prescribes magnetic resonance therapy. If a fracture occurs, then for a period of severe pain, which usually lasts no more than a week, the victim is prescribed a pastel regime. The doctor prescribes adequate conservative treatment.

In case of dislocation, the deformity is corrected under local anesthesia. Such manipulations should be carried out by an experienced specialist to avoid damage to the rectum. The patient is prescribed bed rest, which can last up to 10 days, and an appropriate diet. Conducted necessary therapy.

If conservative treatment does not produce results, and the fracture does not heal or the dislocation was not reduced in time, and there is severe pain, then they resort to removing the coccyx.

A bruised tailbone can have very serious consequences. They occur at almost any age, and can appear later for a long time after being injured. Diseases often develop various organs and chronic headaches occur. This is due to the structure of the spinal cord: its lower edge is attached to the coccyx, and the upper edge surrounds the cerebral hemispheres. Due to the impact, a displacement occurs, and the blood vessels of the brain are somewhat compressed, which is the cause of the headache. There is also damage to the nerve connections leading to the internal organs. Quite rarely, a bruised tailbone causes complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

The most dangerous consequence bruise of the coccyx - this is damage, the possibility of it being wedged into the back of the head, numerous fractures of the vertebrae. If this area is severely damaged, a chronic bruise may occur. In this case, pain syndrome will constantly haunt the person, which can affect his mental health.

Women and men fall differently. Due to the fact that the center of gravity of men is closer to the chest, the strong floor falls on the shoulder blades and the back of the head. In women, the center of gravity is located closer to the pelvis, and therefore women fall on their buttocks, injuring the tailbone. According to statistics, women injure the final part of the spine several times more often than men.

In addition to a fall, the causes of bruising and displacement of the tailbone can be strong blows to the sacrum and upper buttocks. The final section of the spine received its name due to its curved semicircular shape in the form of a beak. This feature leads to both direct damage to the pelvic organs and long-term effects when innervation is disrupted. pelvic muscles after a bruise.

More information about anatomy. Danger awaits the victim at every stage of recovery - from the injury itself to rehabilitation. Like any other injury, a severe bruise of the tailbone can lead to the following consequences:

  • pain shock;
  • , higher parts of the spine;
  • violation normal function pelvic organs;
  • damage to pelvic organs and muscles;
  • bleeding;
  • edema, in which the outflow and inflow of blood is disrupted, with the subsequent development of pelvic ischemia;
  • if there was a fracture or displacement, this may lead to a violation labor activity in women;
  • arthrosis of the joint that connects the coccyx to the sacrum;
  • formation of hematomas, cysts;
  • at strong impact there is a possibility of damage to the spinal cord or brain;
  • formation of fistulas and abscesses.

The coccyx is sometimes called the vestigial tail. Its function is great value to maintain body homeostasis. Some time after the injury, pain may develop. There are two variants of this syndrome. In the first option, the pain is constant in the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx; in the second, the pain is localized in the internal organs of the pelvis. In practical medicine, pain in the coccyx is called coxalgia or.

Symptoms of a tailbone injury

The first and leading symptom of a tailbone injury is pain. It can be different, depending on which part of the tailbone is damaged. If, for example, it is damaged sciatic nerve, the pain will be paroxysmal and burning. Constant aching pain indicates that there is inflammatory process with tissue swelling and pressure on nearby nerves.
Pain accompanies:

  • the act of defecation or urination;
  • sexual intercourse (more often pain in women);
  • work in a sitting position;
  • palpation of the injury site.

If long time The tailbone hurts a lot, even after a minor fall, you need to see a doctor to rule out a fracture and complications.

The next symptom is dysfunction of the pelvic organs:

  • decreased scrotal tone;
  • decreased tone of the perineum;
  • in some cases, rectal descent.

If there is damage to the upper parts of the spine and compression of the spinal roots, the patient may complain of severe pain in the sacrum and coccyx.

First aid

First medical aid for a bruised tailbone is carried out immediately, in compliance with all safety rules for both the victim and the person providing assistance.

The first thing to do when you bruise your tailbone is to:

  • apply cold to the bruised site;
  • take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, ibuprofen (only in cases where severe pain is observed);
  • if there is significant damage to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and nearby tissues, it is necessary to wash the wound and bandage it to prevent secondary infection;
  • all movements of the patient should occur in a prone position;
  • limit sudden movements of the victim;
  • call an ambulance.


After transporting the patient to the hospital, the attending physician clarifies the causes of the injury - whether it was a bruise of the tailbone during a fall or after an impact, from what height he fell, or what caused the impact. It is also necessary to do an x-ray examination. It is very important to carry out differential diagnosis between a fracture and a bruise of the coccyx. Treatment tactics will depend on the diagnosis.

The first step in treating a bruised tailbone is to limit the patient’s sudden movements. Ward mode, you can only sleep on your side or stomach. Painkillers are prescribed to relieve pain and reduce the area of ​​inflammation. At severe swelling glucocorticoid drugs can be used, making sure there are no lesions bacterial infection.
If there are skin lesions with a large defect, they need to be sutured. If the damage is small, it is enough to wash it antiseptic solutions, apply an aseptic gauze bandage.

If the coccyx and sacrum are bruised, it is necessary to more closely monitor the patient’s condition, function internal organs pelvis To relieve pain, you can use novocaine blockades, for example, according to Brown or Shkolnikov-Silivanov.

IN in rare cases when conservative treatment does not bring the desired effect, the coccyx is severely damaged, surgeons perform surgery and the tailbone is completely removed.

Unfortunately, in many cases, patients simply do not seek help, but are treated at home. It is important to know that self-medication can only be carried out after comprehensive examination in the hospital, which necessarily includes a pelvic x-ray. At home you can smear it on the damaged area folk remedies prepared at home from medicinal herbs or their components.

Folk remedies

Treating a bruised tailbone at home is a labor-intensive process. Requires a lot of patience and knowledge. The most popular home treatment methods:

  • Vishnevsky ointment. You need to apply it 3-4 times a week for two to three months.
  • Alcohol compress with honey, cottage cheese and kefir. You need to mix all the ingredients in equal quantities, then apply to the bruise and cover with cellophane overnight.
  • Lotions made from onion juice and plantain. You need to mash a plantain leaf, mix it with onion juice and apply it as a compress.
  • Valerian tincture. You should soak gauze in the tincture and apply it to the bruise for 12 hours.
  • Tincture with analgin, iodine and camphor alcohol. You need to take 5 analgin tablets, 5 ml camphor alcohol, 150 ml of medical alcohol and 5 ml of iodine, combine. The resulting mixture is infused for 21 days. Used to treat severe bruises of the tailbone (shake well before use).
  • Tincture of birch tar, oil and propolis. You need to mix 2 tablespoons of oil and 1 spoon of tar. It accelerates skin regeneration well and has antibacterial properties.
  • Starch compress. You can take ready-made starch or grate the potatoes and then apply them to the injury area.
  • Arnica tincture. Can be purchased at pharmacies. Take 25-30 drops three times a day.

Rehabilitation after injury

A bruise on the coccyx from a fall may still remind you of itself for many years after injury. To avoid complications, special rehabilitation procedures must be carried out.

For the first few days, you should limit the time spent sitting. If necessary, use a special circle against bedsores. It is better to sleep on your side or stomach. It is not advisable to take hot baths. Therapeutic gymnastics accelerates recovery processes and reduces pain.

They use compresses and lotions, UHF, and ultrasound therapy. You can use special enemas and suppositories. Rehabilitation should help restore proper connection to the sacrum.

Exercise therapy

After a few days, they begin to perform simple tasks:

  • lying on your back, raise your pelvis without using your gluteal muscles;
  • bend your knees, place a ball or a special rubber ball between your legs, and then strain your torso for a few seconds;
  • bring and abduct your knees to your torso 5-10 times.

If pain occurs when performing any of the exercises, therapeutic exercises must be delayed.


Don't ignore signs of injury. If unpleasant manifestations are detected, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. A banal bruise can turn from an acute process into a chronic one, with constant aching pain.

If there is a wound, there is a risk of abscesses and fistulas. This risks spreading the infection to neighboring organs pelvis, development of pelvioperetonitis. Cysts often form in the damaged area, which can cause discomfort. They lead to the development of compression of the coccyx nerves.

The consequences of a bruised tailbone depend on the degree of injury, medical care and rehabilitation measures that were taken. Incorrect treatment may cause unpleasant consequences for women. During childbirth, the fetus, passing through the birth canal, moves the tailbone back. If there is an injury, this process will be difficult, as a result of which the fetus will remain in the birth canal. This threatens the development of hypoxia in the child’s brain.

A coccyx bruise is usually called an injury to the lower spine and soft tissues located in this area. In most cases, such damage is diagnosed in women and children, since the former prefer to wear high-heeled shoes, which are not always stable, and the latter are extremely mobile. Athletes and people leading can get a bruise on their tailbone when falling. active image life.

A bruised tailbone is most often diagnosed after a fall. However, this is not the only reason for injury. Damage can be received:

  • when riding a bicycle for a long time on uneven terrain with a hard saddle;
  • when playing certain sports (gymnastics, snowboarding, roller skating);

  • when hit with a blunt object in the lower back;
  • The child may be injured if the jump goes wrong.

The risk of injury increases in the winter season during icy conditions.


When a coccyx is bruised due to a fall, characteristic symptoms occur:

  1. Painful sensations at the site of injury, which intensify when the victim sits or lies on his back. They can also extend to top part legs and lower back.
  2. Pain when walking.
  3. Redness at the site of injury.
  4. Hematoma.

Often people who have hit their tailbone prefer not to seek treatment. medical care. If the injury has mild degree gravity, then this is justified. But, when there is a severe bruise and the damaged area hurts for a long time, then treatment should be mandatory. In its absence, the victim may experience unpleasant consequences and complications.

Elena Malysheva and neurologist Dmitry Shubin will tell you more about the causes and symptoms of the disease:

A mild bruise can be recognized by the following signs:

  • not significant, but can intensify when a person lies down, and it also hurts to sit down;
  • the nature of the pain can be different (pulsating, aching, sharp, increasing);
  • the pain goes away on its own within 7-10 days.

Often a bruise of the coccyx is accompanied by the formation of a hematoma. If the bruises are swollen, increase in size and severe pain is felt when you press on this area, you need to show the injured area to a doctor, as there may be an accumulation of fluid in the tissues. To prevent suppuration, the doctor will open the hematoma.

If the pain spreads to other areas (leg muscles), this may indicate a pinched nerve. If pain in the tailbone occurs while walking, this may indicate bone damage. In this case, medical attention is needed.

First aid

In most cases, after a person falls on his tailbone, the pain can be so severe that the victim goes into painful shock and is simply unable to move independently. To alleviate the condition, the patient needs to provide first aid:

  1. Apply cold to the tailbone. This procedure for any bruises is standard, but not many people know how to do it correctly. The main thing is to keep cold compress It is impossible to constantly stay at the site of injury, as this can lead to hypothermia of the injured area. From time to time you need to remove the cold for about 1 minute. It is advisable to cool the tailbone only in the first 10 minutes after the impact. Further, this procedure will no longer be effective and will only lead to hypothermia of the soft tissues.

How cold treatment works: When a cooling substance is applied to the skin, blood vessels narrow, blood flow slows down, which reduces swelling and inflammation

  1. The victim should take a position in which there is no pressure on the tailbone. The optimal position is lying on your side.
  2. If, after receiving an injury, the victim is unable to move independently, he should be immediately taken to the hospital. At this time the person must be in supine position. You cannot sit if your tailbone is seriously damaged.

To relieve pain in the first minutes after injury, the victim can take a painkiller (Analgin). In this case, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

Correctly provided first aid for a damaged tailbone will help speed up the healing process and avoid serious consequences.

Consequences of injury

At first glance, a bruised tailbone seems like a minor injury, however, sometimes it can lead to a number of negative consequences:

  1. Damage to the vertebrae or spinal column due to compression. In this case, the victim experiences unbearable pain.
  2. Brain contusion (spinal or even brain). In rare cases, wedging of the spinal cord into the back of the head is possible.

Damage to the vertebrae causes pain

  1. Damage to internal organs, which can provoke an inflammatory process, suppuration in the rectal area or cause fistulas on the tailbone.
  2. The appearance of a bruise that can lead to the development of a fibrotic hematoma.
  3. Development of chronic bruise. In this case, the person will constantly experience pain while moving.

What to do if you have a bruised tailbone

Before prescribing treatment for a bruised tailbone, the doctor will order an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis. If the image does not reveal cracks or fractures of the bone, then further therapy will consist of the following actions:

  1. Compliance with bed rest and complete exclusion of any physical activity for at least several days after the injury.
  2. Do not sit down in the first days after an injury or use a special orthopedic pillow for this.
  3. You can only lie or sleep on your side, as lying on your back can put a lot of stress on your tailbone.
  4. To relieve pain at the site of the bruise, the doctor will prescribe topical medications to the patient or rectal suppositories with an analgesic effect (Ketonal, Diclofenac). It is possible to use microenemas.

If, after surgery, a dislocation or fracture of the coccyx, an orthopedic seat cushion is used, the coccyx will be at rest and the spine will be in the correct anatomical position when sitting

  1. To reduce tissue swelling, a cold compress should be applied to the site of the bruise during the first days after receiving it.
  2. If a bruise appears at the site of the injury, apply to it warm compresses. They can be done starting from the third day after injury. This will help relax the tissue and lead to the resorption of the hematoma.
  3. After 7-10 days, the patient can begin to exercise therapeutic exercises. To do this, doctors recommend performing the following set of exercises:
  • Lie on your back with your legs straight. Squeeze a small rubber ball between your feet and hold it for 5 seconds. After this, take a short break (about 10-15 seconds). Next, repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Slowly lift your pelvis up, trying to squeeze your buttocks as tightly as possible. Linger in the most high point for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Squeeze a small ball between your knees. Alternately squeeze and unclench it so that you feel the tension in your abdominal muscles.

Dear readers, we have prepared a video for you that shows exercises for back and tailbone pain:

For severe bruises, the victim is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • UHF is the effect of heat on a damaged area, which is obtained due to the action of an electromagnetic field high frequency. The procedure has an analgesic effect and helps relieve swelling at the site of the bruise.
  • SMT therapy involves influencing the damaged area with a sinusoidal modulated current. As a result of this action, an irritating effect is achieved. SMT therapy helps eliminate swelling and relieve pain symptoms.
  • Effect on bruises by infrared rays. The procedure has a resolving and analgesic effect. It is indicated for neuralgic pain or chronic inflammation.

How to treat a bruised tailbone at home

After diagnosing a tailbone bruise, the doctor will prescribe medication to the patient, which can be carried out at home. For this use:

  1. Ointments that promote the resorption of hematomas (“Troxevasin”, “Heparin ointment”). Such drugs relieve tissue swelling, eliminate inflammation and have an anticoagulant effect.
  2. When, after a fall, combination drugs are prescribed local action based on dexpanthenol.
  3. Ointments that can resolve hematomas (Indovazin) are applied to the site of the bruise.
  4. Warming ointments (Espol, Finalgon) can improve blood circulation.

Finalgon - combination drug with local irritant and analgesic effects. Price in pharmacies from 240 rubles.

  1. Preparations based on medicinal herbs badyagi or comfrey. Such ointments have practically no contraindications, so they are suitable for everyone.
  2. To quickly relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process, they are used (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen).
  3. According to reviews, arnica ointment will be effective for bruises. This product has antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.
  4. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the use rectal suppositories with novocaine, ichthyol or belladonna.

In addition to medications, bruises can be treated using folk remedies. Regardless of whether a person fell from the stairs or was injured in another way, he can use the following methods:

  1. Rubbing a solution made from vinegar and honey, taken in a ratio of 2 to 1, into the tailbone. In the first days, while the pain is very severe, you can rub this remedy every hour. Later, 1-2 rubs per day are enough.
  2. Applying a compress prepared on the basis of kefir, cottage cheese and natural honey, taken in equal proportions. Cover the mixture with film on top and wrap it in a warm scarf. This compress should be applied at night.
  3. Lubricate the tailbone with tincture, for the preparation of which you need to mix 10 crushed aspirin tablets, 10 ml of iodine and 300 ml of camphor alcohol. Mix everything well and infuse for 3 weeks, after which the tincture can be used, shaking each time before use.

Preparing a compress from raw potatoes

  1. Take 30 drops of arnica tincture every day, 3 times a day.
  2. Apply a bandage with valerian infusion to the sore spot.
  3. An oil compress with birch tar has a good effect. To make it, you need 2 tablespoons of softened butter stir well with 1 tablespoon of tar. Apply the resulting mixture to the area where the bruise occurred. Place film on top and wrap with a warm scarf. This compress should be kept on the tailbone all night. Due to the antibacterial properties of tar, this product will accelerate the healing of damaged tissues.
  4. Compress based on raw potatoes. Grate several raw potatoes on a medium grater and place in cheesecloth. After squeezing out the juice, apply a compress to the bruised area. This procedure helps eliminate pain and speed up recovery.

How long can a damaged area hurt? It all depends on the degree of injury. Sometimes, the pain goes away within a few days, but there are situations where pain is felt for several months after the injury. If the damaged area hurts for a long time, you should consult a doctor. It may be necessary to change therapy.

If a bruise of the coccyx due to a fall was quickly diagnosed and started competent treatment, then the patient recovers quickly. In the absence of therapy, complications may develop and the patient’s quality of life may be impaired.

From the point of view normal anatomy and human physiology there is no semantic load on the coccyx. But he has something important functional value, although it is a rudiment. The coccygeal plexus is located on the anterior surface of the tendon of the coccygeus muscle and the sacrospinous ligament. Its branches innervate the rectal area, anus, perineum, genitals. In this connection, when the tailbone is bruised, many problems arise.

Where is the coccyx located and what function does it perform?

The coccyx is the part of the spinal column in the lower back. Up to five coccygeal vertebrae are involved in its formation, which are connected to each other by synostosis - bony fusion. It has a shape isosceles triangle, with the base facing upward. It looks like a chain of bone fragments continuing the curve of the sacrum. Connected by a cartilaginous disc to the latter.


  • distribution of gravitational load on the pelvic ring system;
  • innervation of the pelvic organs;
  • participation in the process of physiological childbirth.

The pubococcygeus, coccygeus, and iliococcygeus muscles are attached to the lower spine. They form the muscle that is responsible for raising the anus. Part of the muscle bundles of the gluteus maximus muscle, a powerful hip extensor, is attached here.

Anatomically, the sacrum and coccyx in women are tilted back. During labor, under the influence of the hormone relaxin, it deviates even more in the anteroposterior direction and thereby increases the exit from the pelvis. Its location in women is more superficial than in men. Therefore, injuries to the coccyx in females are more common.

Pathology of the coccyx is a problem of childbirth. A woman who has ever fallen on her tailbone or hit her tailbone is advised to get tested before planning a pregnancy.

What to do if your tailbone is bruised - first aid for someone who has fallen

Usually this part of the spine is injured when falling on the buttocks. Fractures occur in mature and old age. In children, bruises of the tailbone and sprained ligaments are rarely diagnosed. Injury to the coccyx with the appearance big bruise requires the exclusion of damage to bones and internal organs.

Post-traumatic disorders include contusion of the nerve plexus, rupture of the sacrococcygeal ligaments, bone dislocation, and hematoma formation. In the absence serious damage The patient is treated as for ordinary bruises.

The degree of impairment is determined by a traumatologist. Rectal examination, x-ray will help determine whether there is a deformation of the bone or whether it is simply a bruise of the tailbone due to a fall. If after examination the fracture is not detected, hospitalization is not indicated. The basis of diagnosis is anamnesis and local pain. What to do if your tailbone hurts after a fall?

A person who has hit their tailbone needs bed rest and painkillers for several days.

First aid for a fallen person

First aid tactics for a bruised tailbone:

  • cooling the injured area;
  • maximum withdrawal pain;
  • limiting the load on the buttocks;
  • sleeping or resting on your stomach;
  • using an orthopedic pillow to reduce contact with the surface.

In young children bottom part The spine is easily broken upon impact. If a child hits his tailbone, painful bowel movements may occur for several days. Especially if you are prone to constipation. In this case, it is advisable to use laxatives.

In the fiber that surrounds the coccyx, after suffered trauma hemorrhage may occur, followed by scar formation and the development of myositis. A persistent pain syndrome appears. Its duration varies from 3 days to 6 months.

Improper treatment for a bruised tailbone after a fall without medical supervision leads to chronic pain.

In children, such damage serves as a trigger for deformation of the entire spine. After all, the coccygeal, sacral vertebrae, sciatic, iliac, pubic bones grow together only by the age of 16. Treatment for a bruised tailbone must be adequate and mandatory.

Symptoms and signs of bruise

In the event of a serious injury, the tailbone instantly deviates in the direction opposite to the direction of influence of the damaging factor. If this is a bruise, the vertebrae immediately return to their normal position and the integrity of the sacrococcygeal ligaments is preserved. Symptoms of a tailbone injury usually go away quickly.

For several days after the fall, I experience aching pain radiating to the gluteal region, perineum, and back of the thighs. After being hit by the tailbone, it hurts to get up, sit, or lie on your back. Movement is difficult. An attempt to stand up is accompanied by a sharp increase in pain. But it often decreases with the patient standing. Symptoms of a coccyx injury include swelling and hyperemia of the coccygeal area.

If the victim has to sit on a hard chair for a long time, signs of a bruised tailbone may persist after the injury. The pain intensifies when the body bends forward, during defecation, and sometimes during coughing. A couple of days after the hit to the tailbone, it no longer hurts so much, it becomes possible to sit down normally.

A hematoma after an injury is a sign of a severe bruise. They tear due to impact blood vessels. Internal bruises, bruises and abrasions form. What to do if a bruise appears when the tailbone is bruised? You should consult a doctor, as this may indicate a fracture or broken bone tissue. The consequences of injuries make themselves felt many years after the incident.


Video - tailbone bruise

Types of coccyx injuries

Isolated injuries predominate, but they often occur with pelvic fractures. The result of direct trauma to the rudimentary bone is fractures, fracture-dislocations and dislocations. The latter occur more often in children. The characteristics of the damage are determined by radiography.

Classification of injuries:

  1. . They are open and closed. They are accompanied by displacement of the coccygeal vertebrae and depend on the vector of application of the traumatic force to the axis of the coccyx. Damage to the coccyx is accompanied by severe pain. Subsequently, the vertebrae grow together, but a hematoma and scarring develop at the fracture site.

For women, such an injury to the coccyx is fraught with consequences and problems during childbirth. When the pelvic ring expands during labor, the pain is intense due to the scar.

  1. Subluxation and dislocation are a consequence of rupture of the sacrococcygeal ligaments. The dislocated fragment moves anteriorly under the action of the traction of muscle fibers attached to it. A severe bruise of the tailbone occurs. Posterior dislocation is possible when the traumatic agent is directed towards the perineum or perpendicular to the top of the coccygeal bone.
  2. There are two types of fracture-dislocation: obvious and hidden. With an obvious fracture, the pain is sharp and debilitating. Latent fracture-dislocation is characterized by a gradual, increasing increase in discomfort in the pelvis, aching pain. How long can such a bruised tailbone hurt? Sometimes many years pass after an injury goes undetected. A patient whose tailbone hurts has to remember for a long time when he fell on it.

The bruise causes a sensation severe pain without traumatic shock. It is considered not the most severe compared to other pelvic injuries. But a person who has “knocked off” his coccyx bone needs help. Especially if a child fell on his tailbone.

How to treat a bruised tailbone

Treatment of a bruised tailbone occurs conservatively after X-rays.

Therapy includes:

  • restriction of motor mode;
  • drug treatment;
  • blockade of the sacrococcygeal region;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet to prevent constipation.

For a slight bruise of the tailbone after a fall, treatment at home is indicated. It is recommended not to sit down for 7 days. The duration of the restriction of motor activity depends on the rate at which the pain syndrome subsides and is determined in each specific case.

What to do if you hit your tailbone and acute period already passed? After an injury, soft seat cushions should be used for 2-3 months. This creates the prerequisites for relative immobilization and eliminates mechanical pressure to the lower spine.


How to treat a bruised tailbone at home? For a bruised tailbone, creams and ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used. Their goal is to improve vascular permeability, relieve musculoskeletal pain, swelling and inflammation.

All means for local application divided into groups according to the main active drug substance. Use ointments based on diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen. The bruise in the tailbone area should be smeared for 10 days.

What folk remedies will help?

You can treat your tailbone at home, but you should know how to do it correctly. Traditional methods suitable as adjuvant therapy.

A preliminary consultation with your doctor is required. For treatment, compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs and juice are used. onions, radishes, wormwood or plantain grass ground into pulp.

Drug treatment

A bruised tailbone can be cured with a comprehensive drug treatment. With pronounced pain syndrome blockade of the sacrococcygeal region with lidocaine solution with the addition of Traumeel S is shown.

Drug therapy includes:

  1. Oral administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablet form for a course of 7-10 days.
  2. The use of rectal suppositories with local anesthetics, shark liver oil.
  3. Taking chondroprotectors.
  4. Prescribing medications to relieve anxiety, internal emotional stress and irritability.

Possible consequences

The consequences and symptoms of a bruised tailbone are varied. Often in middle-aged women, trauma is complicated by coccydynia. Occurs when the nerves in the sacrum and coccyx area are damaged. Pathology is difficult to treat therapeutic effects, worries about the consequences several years after the coccyx injury. The pain is excruciating and recurrent.