The health risks of smoking: myth or bitter truth? What are the social and psychological reasons for smoking? Smoking and psyche

The use of any substance or product can lead to satiety, when the body is no longer able to process the harmful substances entering it. The scary thing is that an overdose of nicotine can occur both in a person who has smoked most of his life, and in someone who has picked up a cigarette for the first time. Let's look at how it affects, and briefly go through the symptoms of overdose and treatment methods.

Causes of acute nicotine poisoning

The principle of poisoning is quite simple to understand. Reason this state is the harmful effect of a cigarette. After the first puff for 10 seconds, nicotine enters the brain through the bloodstream, where it begins its harmful influence on the functions of all human organs and systems. It is difficult to say how the body will behave in response to the arrival of a given stimulus. What remains important is individual intolerance, the dose consumed can be so strong that it will cause symptoms of the acute phase of poisoning.

Even a small dose of nicotine, equal to a few puffs, can lead to a condition such as acute poisoning. This type of poisoning often occurs in people who take up a cigarette for the first time. Poisoning in large doses often affects experienced smokers who would prefer a cigarette to a hearty snack. The bulk of acute intoxication (poisoning) occurs due to smoking on an empty stomach.

Forms of overdose

Let's consider the forms, as well as symptoms on early stage and the overall impact of tobacco smoking on men and women. Depending on the severity, as well as damage to the body, there are two various shapes acute poisoning - mild and severe.

And if the second is characteristic mainly for heavy smokers, then the first, mild form most often occurs in people who inhale cigarette smoke for the first time. Early stage symptoms light form will large selection saliva (hypersalivation), pain or tingling in the abdomen, nausea ending with profuse vomiting, dizziness, lethargy, intestinal disorders. Basically, all these symptoms disappear within one to two days, but cases of more severe consequences may develop.

Symptoms of a severe form of nicotine overdose, which mainly affects long-term smokers, as well as people who have lost control over the number of cigarettes smoked due to various reasons. This form of poisoning is characterized by:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • disorders of the visual and auditory systems;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pupils are dilated, often irregular shape, there is pallor skin, decrease in body temperature.

In some cases, shortness of breath occurs, with heavy exhalation, the person loses consciousness, becomes delirious, and with a severe reaction falls into a coma. Epileptic seizures are often observed. If the outcome is unfavorable, due to damage respiratory center or heart, the person dies.

Carrot: beneficial properties to restore your health, read how it will help you.

Symptoms of e-cigarette poisoning

Also modern society increasingly interested in smoking electronic cigarettes and various mixtures. When taking a puff from an electronic cigarette, a person feels good taste and flavor, unlike the traditional throat hit of regular cigarettes. The effect of smoking comes a little later - for this reason, a novice vaper (amateur electronic smoke), he puffs on his device for a long time, which ultimately causes an overdose.

While this method of nicotine consumption is considered much safer than traditional smoking, it also has enormous harmful effects. The reason for this is the liquid for refilling electronic cigarettes, which consists of a variety of chemical elements that are incompatible with the human body. The harm of smoking on the human body and from electronic cigarettes is very noticeable.

The symptom complex of poisoning from an electronic cigarette is identical to traditional cigarettes. Namely:

  • tachycardia;
  • chills with cold sweat;
  • inhibition of the central nervous system;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • stopping breathing.

What to do

Symptoms can occur individually or all together. Nicotine is removed from the body in approximately one to two hours. A mild overdose may go away on its own during this time. If you are faced with a more serious problem, you need to take the following steps:

1. Call a doctor or an ambulance.

2. Before the doctor arrives, drink as much fluid as possible.

3. Free access to fresh air.

4. Breathe vapors of ammonia or essential oils.

Harmful effects of smoking

When tobacco smoke enters the body, the smoker damages not only his lungs. In case of long-term dependence on cigarettes, all organs and systems suffer.

  • liver: the main filter of the body, all harmful substances pass through its gates, if their quantity is exceeded, dysfunction of its work occurs;
  • due to the constant effect of nicotine on the muscles of the heart, their strength and strength are lost, which leads to heart attacks, strokes and thrombus formation in various parts of the circulatory system;

  • half of the harmful substances from cigarette smoke settle on the surface of the lungs. Long-term smokers often develop chronic smoker's bronchitis, which can transform into asthma or lung cancer;
  • reproductive function suffers;
  • overreacts visual function, visual acuity noticeably deteriorates, which then leads to all kinds of cataracts and glaucoma;
  • nicotine has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • as a consequence: frequent arterial hypertension;
  • nicotine irritates vocal cords, causing the voice to become rougher.

Harm of nicotine for pregnant women

The consequence of long-term exposure to nicotine for both sexes is infertility. Women experience sexual passivity. Pregnant women who smoke are of particular concern. At the early stage of pregnancy, when the embryo is being formed, pathologies are formed under the influence of harmful cigarette substances. These can be cancerous pathological formations, as well as all kinds of chronic diseases: bronchial asthma, congenital heart defects, etc. There is also a constant risk of sudden fetal death.

First aid

In an overdose of nicotine, there are two phases that transform into each other: excitation and inhibition.

  1. In the excitation phase, spasm of blood vessels and peripheral muscles and an increase in blood pressure occur.
  2. In the second phase, the consequences are more serious; the patient’s gastric mucosa is damaged by nicotine, which in turn causes nausea and vomiting, general weakness, fainting, exacerbation of chronic pathological processes in the body.
  3. Experienced smokers reject the idea of ​​intoxication with an electronic cigarette, ignoring medical data on poisoning. This category of people has developed a certain weak block against acute nicotine poisoning, their defense is relatively weak, and some of the consequences that occur during the day simply pass by.
  4. Severe intoxication can even lead to death. A passerby who inhales steam from an electric hookah will do nothing, but someone who inhales this vaporous substance should think about its chemical component. You need to watch teenagers especially carefully, otherwise this is not regulated by law at all now. at the moment. No fines or other control methods are prescribed anywhere.

First aid is only necessary when acute form overdose of nicotine, because upon admission there is no large quantity poisonous substances daily, complete smoking cessation will be an effective help. If you quit smoking, life will not lose color. An imaginary feeling of dependence on a cigarette is nothing more than a self-instilled attitude towards self-destruction. For a person who has a mild phase of acute poisoning, to combat it, it will be effective to follow the following points:

  • ensuring a constant flow of fresh air;
  • if a person has lost consciousness, let them inhale ammonia and rub it on their temples;
  • rinse the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), or with plain digested water;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • turn the victim on his side so that in case of aspiration, he does not choke on vomit;
  • If breathing stops, it is necessary to carry out artificial ventilation until the ambulance arrives.

Treatment, drugs

A person who has undergone an overdose of nicotine should first rinse his stomach, then proceed to drug therapy. Drugs used for treatment: activated carbon, various laxatives, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). For parenteral administration - atropine, to monitor the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic.

You should also very carefully monitor respiratory and circulatory function (cardiovascular). At any moment, the patient may stop breathing and will need to be urgently ventilated with oxygen, which mandatory must be moisturized. To prevent cardiovascular disorders, catecholamine drugs are used. If the patient’s liver is healthy, then the consequences of an overdose will quickly pass.

Also include running in the morning, which will help restore your health.

Consequences of nicotine overdose

Very often, after prolonged exposure to nicotine, visual function suffers: the cornea loses its sensitivity, and inflammatory reactions develop. The upper respiratory tract is constantly under attack, as a result of which they begin to atrophy. IN oral cavity Ulcers and all kinds of stomatitis form.

  • Cardiovascular system, with long-term exposure nicotine also begins to malfunction. This manifests itself in rhythm disturbances, spasm of coronary vessels, leading to myocardial infarction.
  • Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, presented in the form of heartburn, nausea, and decreased appetite. Hypersecretion of gastric juice begins, which is externally represented by increased hypersalivation (increased amount of salivation), as well as increased sweating.

The central nervous system suffers greatly from the effects of nicotine, the result is: all kinds of inflammation of the nerves, impaired speech. When analyzing the blood of a smoker, a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen molecules throughout the body, correspondingly, a lack of oxygen in all human tissues and organs.

The main symptoms that occur after an overdose:

  • frequent and severe headaches;
  • constant malaise;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • increased degree of fatigue;
  • memory loss;
  • insomnia, or sleep that does not bring rest;
  • hypertension;
  • disorders of the side of digestive function.

Recovery from nicotine overdose

The recovery process after completely quitting smoking is a very long and painstaking work. Organs that have been exposed to the harmful effects of nicotine for a long time slowly return to normal functioning.

  1. The first to begin the cleansing process are the lungs, which already on the third day begin to gradually get rid of harmful substances. You can check the effectiveness of the recovery and functioning of the respiratory system after six months, using a special study that shows the functional volume of the lungs. Much to our chagrin, they are like that. Your lungs will no longer be like they were before you met a cigarette. Lung recovery is the most difficult and lengthy stage among the rest of the recovery process.
  2. The central nervous system is susceptible to withdrawal after quitting cigarettes. Nervous processes will fully recover within the first month, the main thing is to hold out for this period and not give in to desire.

  3. The cardiovascular system strives for normal functioning within two to three hours after the last cigarette is thrown away. In fact, after a month, the heart is already working as before, and the contractile function of blood vessels increases.
  4. It will take about six months for the body to restore the liver to get rid of the effects of nicotine use. The liver, one of the few organs of the human body, is capable of self-regeneration. For a complete return to the period when the body did not enter the harmful substances of tobacco smoking, liver, subject to healthy image life, it will take about a year.
  5. Due to disturbances in the production of gastric juice, a smoker suffers from all kinds of dyspeptic symptoms - gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers. When quitting smoking, it takes five to six months to restore the full functioning of the digestive system.

To assess the degree of damage that smoking has caused to the body, as well as to check how the recovery process is going, it is necessary to undergo a high-quality medical examination, with a diagnosis of all organs and systems.

External improvements after quitting smoking

A person who exposes himself to the harmful effects of tobacco has an unpleasant appearance of his teeth and skin. Fingers, besides characteristic yellowness, have bad smell. It is very easy to get rid of all these problems; just quit smoking. After a couple of months, the skin will again become soft and pleasant in appearance, and not yellow and dry, as during smoking. The unpleasant odor from the oral cavity will disappear, and your teeth will return to their former whiteness.

For women, the topic of cellulite, which is aggravated by smoking, is especially relevant; after quitting cigarettes, you will see noticeable positive changes on the skin previously exposed to this problem. Facial features will become much more pleasant, and not pointed and painful, as during the constant intake of nicotine in the body.

Rules for smokers

If a person nevertheless decides to take the slippery path of smoking and let his health take its course, one must adhere to basic rules. This will help avoid overdose:

1. Do not try to smoke half a pack at a time; let the interval between cigarettes be three to four hours.

2. Do not smoke on an empty stomach. The most common cause of mild overdose is smoking on an empty stomach.

3. Quality of tobacco. This does not mean that counterfeit products will not be found in packs that cost twice as much as usual, but still. How better quality tobacco, the less likely you are to end up in the hospital.

4. And most importantly, you will not overdose on nicotine-containing substances if you simply refuse them. After all, life is beautiful without a cigarette.

We have discussed with you the harm to human health from smoking regular and electronic cigarettes, how an overdose of nicotine can affect health, how to treat it, and what preventative measures smokers should take. We hope this leads you to the right conclusions. Be healthy, enjoy life!

The effect of smoking on the human body or how cigarettes take away our health

The consequences of smoking were no longer accepted so cordially: in 1809, the doctor Vauquelin isolated nicotine from the leaves, to whom he gave detailed description as a sharp, burning liquid that enters into alkaline reactions, which in its characteristics is similar to the action of previously known poisons.

Substance plant origin found in many vegetable crops. Nicotine is present in eggplants, green peppers, and tomatoes, but in an extremely small dose.

The harm of smoking to the human body

An addiction to a cigarette can not only cost a smoker his health, but also his life.

Smoking is harmful to all life-supporting systems of the human body, and primarily to the respiratory system. Chemicals, which are contained in a cigarette (more than 400 of them are dangerous to health), settling on the mucous membrane, causing its irritation. Thus, it becomes 4-5 times thicker, thereby preventing air from entering the lungs and making breathing difficult.

The harm of smoking on human health

And now all this “compote” ends up in the human body. Everything that the body cannot process and remove from itself ultimately settles in the skin and hair. Naturally, all this begins to smell unpleasant. Let's not talk about all the well-known things, such as caries, gum destruction and burns of the mouth and larynx. All these are just provable and well-known consequences of smoking.

Smoking reduces the volume of the lungs and reduces their performance.

The harm of smoking on the human body

Quick addiction, severe dependence and enormous damage to health are the features of this bad habit. And this makes it the main problem modern system healthcare. This is especially relevant for our country: according to statistics, 40% of Russians smoke.

After analyzing many years of observations, doctors say that tobacco affects almost all organs and systems. And its impact is extremely negative.

This is not a complete list of the consequences of smoking and its negative impact on the human body.

Harm of smoking

Let's figure out why smoking is harmful?

Smoking is the inhalation of tobacco smoke deeply into the lungs, the composition of which resembles a list of the most harmful and hazardous substances to health. Of more than 4000 chemical compounds, which are contained in tobacco smoke, about 40 are among the most dangerous carcinogens that cause cancer. Several hundred components are poisons, among them: nicotine, benzopyrene, formaldehyde, arsenic, cyanide, hydrocyanic acid, as well as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc.

The harm of passive smoking

And parents are sometimes unaware that they are predetermining the fate of their child by depriving him of health in early childhood.

Young children who inhale cigarette smoke are susceptible to a phenomenon called sudden infant death. Statistics confirm that the mortality rate of children of parents who smoke at home is higher than that of non-smokers. At autopsy it was always confirmed increased content nicotine in the blood of a deceased child.

How smoking affects human health

Smoking causes mental changes and physical condition. Depending on the situation, it can be calming or invigorating. The body develops a craving to maintain a constant level of nicotine in the blood, so people who smoke regularly have the desire to take a cigarette.

The consequences of smoking are well known thanks to medical research. It has a negative effect on the entire body, all organs suffer.

What harm does smoking cause to the human body - Consequences of smoking

There is no doubt that it is directly related to cardiovascular diseases: smokers are 3-4 times more likely to die from coronary heart disease, which supposedly occurs suddenly, against the background of normal health.

Smokers explain their addiction by the fact that a cigarette helps relieve stress, relax or, conversely, concentrate and improve performance. To find out what is actually happening in the body, do this simple manipulation: count your pulse rate before and after smoking, without changing your body position, that is, without adding any other load.

Smoking and its effects

In relation to our country, this problem is especially relevant and its roots go deep into the history of our people, and its spread is also associated with the low culture of society. Not only society must fight this problem, but also every person must realize for himself great harm smoking and try to fight it.

More and more of my friends and acquaintances are becoming addicted to this habit.

The harm of smoking on the human body

Even a child knows that a drop of nicotine kills a horse. However, this fact does not make much of an impression on smokers: reassuring themselves that you can’t smoke so many cigarettes at once anyway, they continue to slowly kill themselves, taking puff after puff. At the same time, the harm of tobacco smoke is caused not only by nicotine - it only causes attachment, and everything else destroys the body.

Along with cigarette smoke, the smoker inhales:

  1. Arsenic. This poison causes persistent heart problems, provokes oncological diseases and is extremely difficult to remove from the body. If you really want to taste this substance, why bother with middlemen? But no: for some reason no one drinks arsenic in pure form, but as part of cigarettes - they inhale as much as they want!
  2. Formaldehyde. This toxic chemical compound primarily affects respiratory system. It is noteworthy that formaldehyde is used to prepare formalin, a substance that is used by pathologists to embalm dead bodies. Indeed, why wait - you can start during your lifetime!
  3. Polonium. Background radiation has become the scourge of our time. Pollution radioactive substances scares people almost to the point of trembling, but 40% of the population, classified as “experienced” smokers, regularly inhale particles of polonium, which “illuminates” them from the inside.
  4. Benzene. This organic matter– the first cause of leukemia and other forms of oncology.
  5. Resins. The viscous cigarette smoke that a smoker breathes is not just a suspension of particles that enters the lungs and is just as easily removed from there. Most of the tars that make up cigarettes include solid particles that settle on the lungs as a black coating. Over and over again, this “dust” clogs the bronchi, reduces the volume of the lungs and, as a result, depletes the entire body of oxygen.

These substances are far from the only poison that makes up tobacco smoke. Standard chemical analysis of classic cigarettes has confirmed that each puff is a cocktail of many toxic components, including:

  • ammonia,
  • butane,
  • methane,
  • methanol,
  • nitrogen,
  • hydrogen sulfide,
  • carbon monoxide,
  • acetone,
  • hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide),
  • lead,
  • radium,
  • cesium,
  • phenol,
  • indole,
  • carbazole,
  • zinc,
  • antimony,
  • aluminum,
  • cadmium,
  • chromium.

None of these components is safe - each of them in one way or another destroys the body, corrodes the immune system and ruins the lungs, enters the bloodstream and depresses the heart, brain and other organs, causes cell mutations and leads to the development of oncology.

What harm does smoking cause? Medical statistics

There can be a great many consequences of smoking - cigarette smoke affects almost all internal organs. However, the most common complications of this addiction are:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory system (trachea, larynx, lungs);
  • cardiovascular pathologies (coronary artery disease, arterial hypertension, vascular thrombosis, etc.).

It has long been statistically confirmed that in 90% of cases of lung cancer the patient has a history of smoking. In addition, mortality from bronchitis and emphysema in 75% of cases is somehow related to this addiction. And heart disease in 25% of cases in smokers is much more severe and leads to early death.

Those who have never smoked suffer from angina pectoris 13 times less often, 12 times less likely to experience a heart attack, and 10 times less likely to have a complicated stomach ulcer. There is no organ that does not suffer from cigarette smoke: on average, a smoker’s heart rate is 650 beats per hour higher than that of a non-smoker, and even with such a load, the heart still cannot cope with providing the body with oxygen through the blood. Firstly, it enters the lungs in a much smaller volume, and secondly, carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke combines much more easily with hemoglobin, taking the place of oxygen in the body. As a result, the brain, liver, kidneys, excretory and reproductive system, and morbidity and, accordingly, mortality are growing significantly.

Scientists' opinion: articles and books about the dangers of smoking

Doctors and biologists are already tired of ringing bells: films and numerous videos have been made about the dangers of smoking, books and brochures have been published, and the number of studies exceeds all imaginable norms. One of the most popular works was Alan Carr’s book “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.” While reading, the smoker should develop an aversion to nicotine, because the book reveals the whole ugly truth about tobacco. However, this method does not help everyone - although it has shown good results, a universal way to quit smoking, except, perhaps, willpower and the desire to prolong your life, has not yet been invented.

However, many quotes make smokers look at cigarettes differently:

  • “The only reason any smoker lights a cigarette is to try to end the feeling of emptiness and uncertainty created by the previous cigarette.”.
  • “The only thing that leads us to smoking is people who already smoke. We feel like we're missing out on something. We are willing to work hard to become addicted to smoking, but no one has ever tried to understand what exactly they were missing.”
  • “This is the only trap in nature that does not contain any bait, not even a tiny piece of cheese. The trap is slammed not because cigarettes taste delicious, but because they taste disgusting.”

If cigarettes are still a part of your life, try reading Alan Carr's book - perhaps this is exactly the way that will help you take a step towards a healthy lifestyle. However, for this, banal willpower is enough - everything else is just self-hypnosis and self-deception.

The harm of smoking on a woman's body

The female body reacts to tobacco much more pronouncedly than the male body. In addition to the main diseases familiar to almost every smoker, a representative of the fair sex with a cigarette risks sacrificing her youth, freshness and beauty in the name of a bad habit, but most importantly, the opportunity to become a mother.

As a result of smoking, nails and hair suffer from oxygen starvation, become dull and brittle, practically stop growing and look gray and faded. Teeth are gradually destroyed by tobacco smoke, and foul odor No chewing gum can be removed from your mouth. And the skin looks 10-15 years older, not receiving enough oxygen and adequate nutrition from the blood. As a result, the passport age, which promises young and attractive appearance, is far from the biological one, in which a smoking woman looks like a tired, frazzled middle-aged lady.

However, all this seems small and insignificant compared to the fact that women who smoke cannot become mothers. Among them, infertility occurs in 42%, while representatives of the fair sex who are not familiar with cigarettes cannot become pregnant for medical reasons in only 4% of cases.

The dangers of smoking during pregnancy: if one smokes, both suffer

It is not clear what could motivate a pregnant woman to take at least one puff, knowing that not only she could suffer from this, but also the child, who cannot run anywhere so as not to breathe this poison, because he is in the womb of a smoker. The blood-brain barrier is not an obstacle to most poisons contained in tobacco smoke, which means that the unborn baby suffers from a peculiar form of “passive” smoking before it is even born.

In addition, the reproductive system, turning from a cozy “nest” into a dangerous and uncomfortable “haven” for the baby. The uterus, under the influence of nicotine, contracts and relaxes uncontrollably, and the amount of oxygen becomes lower every day. As a result, the baby constantly seems to be suffocating, grabs water with its small mouth, but instead of oxygen, it receives only carbon monoxide from the mother’s blood. This leads to all sorts of fetal pathologies, low birth weight, weakness and nervous excitability of the baby. Moreover, not every “sore” will appear immediately - many of them make themselves felt only when the baby begins to grow up.

The harm of smoking for pregnant women: let's summarize

So, what do the statistics say about this:

  • 96% of miscarriages are somehow related to cigarettes;
  • mothers who smoke during pregnancy have a 1.3 times higher risk of stillbirth;
  • premature babies with low body weight are born to smokers 8 times more often;
  • defects of the facial part (“cleft lip”, “cleft palate”, etc.) appear 2 times more often in newborns exposed to tobacco smoke in the womb;
  • maternal smoking directly affects hyperactivity, nervous excitability and mental retardation children.

However, even women who smoke can give birth to children who seem quite healthy at first glance, but over time this habit, which the mother did not think of giving up at least during pregnancy, will still affect the baby. Such children have weaker immunity, get sick more often and suffer more severe illness. colds, and their intellectual development inferior to peers whose mothers did not smoke.

The harm of smoking on a teenager's body

Unfortunately, teenage smoking is now far from uncommon. The sale of tobacco to minors is prohibited in stores, and schoolchildren seen with cigarettes risk getting serious problems, however, this does not in any way affect the statistics: every third teenager is introduced to a cigarette before the age of 15. Moreover, for half of them, this seemingly harmless “prank” develops into a harmful habit that persists into adulthood.

Another interesting observation is the fact that most adults who smoke started in adolescence. According to statistics, only 10% of the total number of smokers became acquainted with cigarettes after 18 years of age - the remaining 90% started significantly earlier. And if an adult, when starting to smoke, already understands the risks he is taking, then young people, unfortunately, just pay tribute to fashion, want to look stylish and attract attention, show rebellious impulses and try to emphasize their independence.

Teenagers and addictions: the harm of smoking on the body

A teenager's body reacts to tobacco smoke very violently. First of all it suffers:

  1. Brain. Teenagers who smoke have poor memory because their brain cells are starved of oxygen.
  2. Vision. From tobacco smoke, pathology of the visual cortex develops; colors become duller, faded and gray. Over time, such a defect can cause complete color blindness.
  3. Reproductive system. Even those teenagers who were able to quit this habit by the age of 20-25 are more likely than their non-smoking peers to experience infertility (both male and female). In addition, women with a history of smoking are more likely to suffer from inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, and men are 1.5 times more likely to experience impotence.

However, other manifestations - respiratory diseases, cardiac pathologies and oncological tumors - do not bypass teenagers who smoke. It is a pity that few of them realize the full extent of responsibility for this habit. Therefore, the task of adults is to explain to children in as much detail as possible what awaits them in the future, and also to show by example that life without smoking is much better.

The harm of passive smoking: nicotine without a cigarette

Inhalation of tobacco smoke by others is no less safe than classic smoking. Passive smokers are exposed to harmful tars, poisons and carcinogens from cigarettes in exactly the same way, with one difference - they did not choose this path. Everything has already been decided for them by those who lit a cigarette: parents, friends, colleagues, just fellow travelers at the bus stop - in a word, everyone who is nearby.

The nicotine cloud is not just an unpleasant odor that can be ventilated. Smoking in an apartment will forever affect everyone who lives there. Children whose parents smoke in their rooms perceive the school curriculum worse than their peers, find it more difficult to find a common language with others, and suffer any cold more painfully. Therefore, you should not be fooled when going to the toilet or onto the balcony - tobacco smoke still penetrates into the apartment and ruins the lives of your loved ones!

The harm of smoking on the human body: briefly about the sore point

It is difficult to put the harm of smoking into any verbal form - experiments show it much more clearly. In chemistry and biology lessons, every schoolchild saw how tobacco smoke settles on cotton wool from a bottle if you insert a cigarette into the hole and set it on fire. In addition, there are many online scientific videos, clearly demonstrating the ugly truth about smoking. However, there are no fewer smokers in the world - tobacco corporations have done everything to avoid losing their extremely profitable business.

Many of the smokers could live much longer, be happy for their grown and independent children, babysit their grandchildren, teach them to read and take them to first grade... But it won’t work: according to statistics, regular smoking takes on average 10-15 years of life. Is the cigarette craving worth such sacrifices?..

Main components of cigarette smoke

Tobacco smoke contains more than 3,000 harmful synthetic phenylones. With the average daily intake of 20 cigarettes for a heavy smoker, about 120-180 mg of nicotine enters the human organs in its pure form. However, along with inhaled smoke, hundreds of poisons penetrate into the bronchopulmonary system:

      • hydrocyanic acid;
      • cyanide;
      • carbon monoxide;
      • arsenic, etc.

Also, when smoking, more than 50 types of carcinogens enter the human body. These include chrysene, benzopyrene and many others. Nitrosamines, which can destroy the brain, and radioactive heavy substances such as lead, polonium, and bismuth also enter the lungs. All these are components of tobacco tar, which passes through the internal human system. In a year, the lungs process more than 80 kg of such resin, some of which remains in them forever.

What harm does smoking a cigarette cause?

Damage from smoking to the human body consists of stimulating the development of severe chronic diseases. The toxic compounds that make up every cigarette negatively affect a person’s appearance. According to the latest data, one pack of smoked per day triggers the process of accelerated biological aging of the entire organism as a whole.

Tobacco addiction weakens the nervous system, worsens brain activity, resulting in a significant decrease in intelligence. Also, all the chemistry of tobacco smoke reduces the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby disrupting its motility and secretory activity, leading to the occurrence of different degrees of gastritis, ulcers and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Scientists have confirmed the threat from smoking. They discovered a connection between weakness to tobacco and blindness. Malignant carcinogens cause retinal dystrophy and also negatively affect the visual nerve endings. Hearing disorders are also associated with the use of vakshtaf. Nicotine has a destructive effect on the innervation of the internal components of the ear, which can result in sleep disturbances and a dull sense of smell and taste buds.
After each cigarette smoked, the risk of diseases of the circulatory system and heart increases. Constricted blood vessels cause tissue hypoxia, the number of heart contractions increases, and blood clots can form.

All these seemingly not so big problems subsequently lead to serious diseases that often cannot be treated. These include cancerous tumors, which are 10 times more common in smokers. This could be cancer of the oral cavity, stomach, lungs - those places where a large amount of nicotine tar settles and accumulates. Such diseases often end in death.

Smoking can be equated to drug addiction. The regression that arises often becomes part of the personality, one’s own “I,” and such internal perception is very difficult to correct. The inability to refuse an offered cigarette is to blame for the already emerging tendency to puff. The body requires a dose of nicotine, it “needs” it, like ordinary nutrients.

The evil of smoking on a man’s body is simply enormous. According to the documentation, men smoke more often than women, thus trying to get rid of stressful situations. Since the muscle mass in the female body is approximately 20% less, then in terms of a kilogram of total weight, nicotine-dependent men require a larger dose. The cells of the male body are renewed much less frequently, so the harm from nicotine is limited. male system much more.

The most famous male diseases associated with exposure to tobacco:

The harm of smoking for teenagers

Tobacco is very harmful to a young body that is still growing. The developing organs and systems of young people have increased demands and need more energy. The toxic substances and preservatives contained in cigarettes literally poison young people, contribute to decreased performance, and inhibit mental development.

Smoking poses a huge threat to young girls. Every cigarette smoked has a negative impact on appearance. The habit of smoking during puberty provokes problems with women's health, which can subsequently lead to infertility.

Harm from passive smoking

Unfortunately, not only smokers suffer from nicotine addiction, but also the people around them. Inhaling toxic smoke from cigarettes is called passive smoking and is no less harmful. A non-smoking person, being in the same room with smokers, inhales much more nicotine, tar and all compounds of tobacco smoke, because he inhales them without a filter. The consequences of passive smoking will be visible quite quickly, literally in half an hour they will develop:

  • depression;
  • decreased performance;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • dry throat;
  • cough.

Video: Visual demonstration of the accelerated smoking process

In a short period of time, the level of antioxidants and vitamin C in the body of a passive smoker decreases, which leads to a significant deterioration of immunity and can provoke hypertension, hypotension, arrhythmia and other equally dangerous diseases.

Summarizing information about the dangers of smoking, we can say that a predisposition to tobacco is a slow-acting poison that has a destructive effect on internal system person for many years. All smokers need to realize that this slavery significantly undermines their health. Remember, it’s never too late to change something and forget this harmful thing.

Cardiovascular system

One cigarette smoked increases your heart rate by 20 beats and increases your blood pressure. Substances contained in tobacco smoke, when released into the blood, cause vasoconstriction and increased stress on the heart muscle.

Nicotine has an stimulating effect and causes spasms of smooth muscles. The walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity, resulting in increased blood pressure and the development of hypertension and ischemia. Smokers are more likely to have strokes.

Digestive system

When entering the stomach, tobacco smoke substances irritate its mucous membranes and disrupt secretory function. Gastritis or ulcers, heartburn may appear.

Harmful effects of smoking

  1. As a result of smoking, the blood is saturated with carbon dioxide instead of oxygen. Entering the brain, it can cause spasm of its blood vessels. Carbon monoxide forms an inextricable bond with hemoglobin and reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen. Oxygen starvation of the brain and cells also does not remain without consequences.
  2. During pregnancy, all the harmful substances from tobacco smoke are transferred to the baby. The consequences can be very different - miscarriage, abnormal fetal development.
  3. Smokers are more likely to break their limbs because their bones are more fragile. The regenerative function is also impaired, so the healing process takes longer.
  4. Smokers are more likely to experience complications from influenza, acute respiratory infections and tonsillitis. This is due to the fact that the body is weakened, it does not have enough strength to resist diseases, and it takes longer to recover.

Myths about smoking

  1. It is believed that quitting smoking can cause obesity. But weight problems are most often caused by excessive eating and an inactive lifestyle.
  2. Many people think that light cigarettes contain fewer harmful substances. Smokers who switch to such cigarettes usually try to take deep puffs and retain the smoke in their lungs longer. As a result of such smoking, carcinogens are “even better absorbed” by the body.
  3. Some people believe that smoking only harms smokers themselves, but those who simply inhale cigarette smoke also suffer. Along with it, all the harmful substances contained in tobacco end up in the body of non-smokers. The health consequences are the same as for active smokers.

Quitting a bad habit will allow you to live longer and reduce the likelihood of deadly diseases. Statistics show that people who smoke live 13 years less. Studies have revealed that more than half of smokers have repeatedly tried to quit the habit. But only those who have strong will or motivation. Modern means They have helped so many people give up their destructive addiction forever. You can learn more about these methods on the website Regardless.

Why does a person smoke

While knowing full well about the harm? This antisocial habit has long become a global disaster. The cigarette has firmly tamed a huge number of people. But the worst thing is that this dependence is formed in two directions at once: physical and psychological. We can say that a person actually becomes captive of tobacco smoke.

It has been proven that the presence of psychological dependence directly affects the impossibility of quickly parting with addiction. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person is a slave to his habits.

Considering the physiological aspect of smoking, we will understand that with complete oblivion of cigarettes, extremely beneficial changes occur in the body:

  • vasodilation;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • stabilization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of the respiratory system.

It is in the physical plane that after quitting smoking a person experiences beneficial changes. What can not be said about the psychological mood. Moreover, additional difficulties are added by the fact that the individual adjusts himself to the fact that parting with a cigarette will be very painful. After all, what will then help fight depression, stress and anxiety?

These are echoes of that same psychological dependence. And it appears immediately after the decision to quit smoking. But the most dangerous thing is that smoking is a habit acquired purposefully. The human body is absolutely not designed to be exposed to additional artificial doping.

Remember, smokers, your first attempts to take a drag. Cough, disgust and desire to throw away the cigarette. But the man stubbornly studies the basics of smoking and equips himself cigarette pack. Why and why? Maybe it’s just that not everyone knows how this will turn out?

The harm of smoking on the human body briefly

People who start their day with a cigarette and continue to actively smoke throughout the day do not even realize what a huge amount of carcinogens they are “launching” into their own body. Doctors have established and proven that by smoking about 15-20 cigarettes a smoker “replenishes” the reserves of his physical potential by:

  • 40-45 mg of ammonia;
  • 120-130 mg nicotine;
  • 0.5-0.6 l of carbon monoxide;
  • 0.5-2 mg of hydrocyanic acid.

Add here a huge list of more than 400 names of carcinogenic substances, and you can independently assess the harm of tobacco on the human body. Considering that carcinogenic compounds have a powerful ability to be deposited in the depths of the human body. Where they constantly and purposefully destroy the functioning of internal organs, mercilessly ruining health.

It is a known fact that the life of active smokers with a long smoking history is reduced compared to non-smoking people for 6-12 years.

Thanks to numerous and long-term studies, doctors have found that smoking:

  1. It has a detrimental effect on the immune system.
  2. Consistently reduces overall health.
  3. Increases the risk of developing oncological processes.
  4. Seriously disrupts the functioning of the reproductive system. This applies to both men and women.
  5. Significantly narrows blood vessels, which leads to the development of oxygen starvation and problems of the cardiovascular system.

Cigarettes and the nervous system

Poisonous carcinogens that every tobacco product, have a destructive effect on the human central nervous system. The tasks of the nervous system include control over all processes occurring in the body. The central nervous system reacts to tobacco intoxication as follows:

  1. Decreased attention level, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness.
  2. Dizziness caused by sharp narrowing lumen of blood vessels.
  3. Feeling of loss of consciousness. The person seems to fall into short-term prostration.

Heavy smokers with a long history of cigarette addiction in most cases experience persistent memory impairment, depressive symptoms, severe migraines. Neurotic signs also develop; smokers are often plagued by chronic fatigue. Carcinogenic smoke has an extremely negative effect on a person’s ability to sense tastes and smells..

Doctors have proven that long-term smoking significantly reduces a person’s ability to perceive colors. Smokers have impaired color perception. The same applies to the work of olfactory receptors.

Smoke lovers also complain of hearing and vision problems. Toxic compounds are harmful to the visual and auditory nerves. If there are existing problems (diseases) in the central nervous system, the smoker may eventually experience disability.

Smoking and the respiratory system

The main and destructive impact of tobacco smoke is on the bronchopulmonary organs. Heavy, sticky particles of soot and soot settle in large quantities in the bronchi, disrupting the normal breathing process. Bronchial alveoli are gradually destroyed, subsequently provoking inflammatory processes.

Remember the famous smoker's cough, which begins in the morning and continues all day. This cough syndrome is accompanied by expectoration of viscous grayish sputum. This is coughing up particles of soot that interfere normal breathing. The voice of the smoker also changes, it becomes rough and hoarse.

During a year of smoking, about 1-1.5 kg of tobacco tar passes through a person’s lungs, and over time the lungs darken. This is clearly visible during the autopsy of a deceased smoker. Such photos are often used in visual anti-smoking posters.

Constant painful cough gradually stretches the alveoli, which impairs their tone and elasticity. All smokers, without exception, experience various disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system. Doctors regret to note the fact that the number of tuberculosis cases is growing among people who smoke. Smoking – main reason various oncological processes occurring in the pulmonary system.

Carcinogenic tobacco smoke contains large quantities of amines. These compounds, when interacting with salivary fluid, form toxic toxins - nitrosamines. Once in the stomach, nitrosamines can trigger the growth of malignant cells. Not to mention that tobacco also contains a number of radioactive elements, which only add to the risk of cancer.

Tobacco and the heart system

Smoking significantly increases heart rate, causing the myocardium to work harder. This significantly increases the load on the heart. Nicotine compounds, along with the bloodstream, end up in the adrenal glands, provoking the latter to actively produce hormones that contribute to increased blood pressure.

The heart requires more and more effort to pump blood, given that the lumens of blood vessels are significantly narrowed due to smoking. Carboxyhemoglobin, which is part of carbon monoxide, also worsens the blood supply to the myocardium. It is inhaled in large quantities by smokers while smoking a cigarette.

A fan of tobacco smoke inhales a lot of catecholamines, which, penetrating into the blood, become the causes of increased deposition of fatty plaques. This situation becomes the direct culprit of atherosclerotic deposits and the development of atherosclerosis. The sad result is obesity of the heart and its various pathologies.

Cigarettes and the digestive system

Carcinogenic smoke has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Smoke begins its harmful effects even during the first puff. By irritating the teeth, mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, tobacco smoke can lead to numerous infectious diseases, not to mention cancer.

A smoker's teeth gradually turn yellow and decay. And what about the unpleasant smell that accompanies a lover of nicotine products? Once in the stomach, carcinogens from tobacco smoke greatly increase the risk of developing ulcerative pathologies, gastritis and pancreatitis.

Nicotine also greatly aggravates intestinal motility. It is this fact that influences the fact that smokers often complain of lack of appetite and various problems with stool (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence).

Smoking and the reproductive system

How can tobacco smoke affect a person’s reproductive functions? Poisonous toxins and carcinogens have a direct and very powerful destructive effect on the germ cells of the human body. The harm of smoking on a man's body is the development of erectile dysfunction and a decrease in libido. Women suffer from various menstrual cycle disorders.

Much has been said about the dangers of smoking during pregnancy. Carcinogens and a huge list of toxic substances from tobacco smoke lead to the formation of painful toxicosis, problems with normal pregnancy and the birth of babies with numerous congenital pathologies.

This is only a tiny part of the destruction that smoking brings with it. The health effects of nicotine are wide-ranging and complex. Almost all internal organs and systems suffer, collapse and die. What can be concluded? How formerly man forgets about his addiction, the more likely he is to live a full, healthy and long life.

Composition of cigarette smoke

The whole truth about the dangers of smoking is convincingly demonstrated by the fact that tobacco smoke contains 3,000 different chemical compounds. 20 cigarettes (the average daily intake of a smoker) contain 130 mg of nicotine.

In addition, it includes hundreds of poisons, including:

  • cyanide;
  • arsenic;
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • carbon monoxide, etc.

Tobacco smoke contains 60 strong carcinogens: benzopyrene, chrysene, dibenzpyrene and others, as well as nitrosamines, which have a destructive effect on the brain.

In addition to them, it contains radioactive substances:

  • polonium;
  • lead;
  • bismuth, etc.

In one year, 81 kg of tobacco tar passes through a smoker’s respiratory tract, some of which settles in the lungs.

The effect of nicotine on the human body

The harm of smoking to the human body lies in its ability to stimulate the development of severe systemic diseases. Many of them are fatal. Briefly and eloquently about the harm that smoking causes to the body is evidenced by medical statistics.

Every year, tobacco kills approximately 5 million people worldwide. Every day in Russia alone, nicotine claims about 1 thousand lives. Approximately 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by tobacco use. It has been proven that the life of a person with nicotine addiction is 9 years shorter than that of his non-smoking peer.

Lung cancer is 10 times more common in people who use tobacco. Regular ingestion of saliva containing nicotine breakdown products contributes to the development of cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and duodenum. In the lungs of a person with nicotine addiction, tars settle and accumulate, contributing to the development of diseases of the respiratory system, including fatal ones.

Smoking causes enormous harm to the heart and blood vessels. After one cigarette, blood pressure increases, increasing the risk of blood clots and blockage of the arteries. The pulse of a person who uses tobacco is 15,000 heartbeats per day faster than that of a non-smoker. Thus, the load on his heart is approximately 20% higher than normal. Vasoconstriction causes oxygen starvation of tissues - hypoxia.

An increase in catecholamines in the blood of a smoker contributes to an increase in the concentration of lipids and the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension and fatty degeneration of the heart. Various violations genital area, caused by narrowing of the pelvic vessels, occur 3 times more often in smokers than in non-smokers. Every year 20,000 amputations are performed in Russia lower limbs due to obliterating endarteritis. The disease develops as a result of a violation of tissue trophism due to insufficient blood supply caused by tobacco use.

Recent research data shows a link between nicotine addiction and blindness. The harm of smoking to the visual apparatus is due to dystrophy of the retina and choroid of the eye due to insufficient blood supply, as well as the destructive effect of poisons on the optic nerve.

Along with this, nicotine has a negative effect on hearing aid. The released toxic substances have a destructive effect on the innervation of the internal structures of the ear. Due to the death of sensory receptors, problems with sleep arise, and the sense of smell and taste is dulled.

Nicotine addiction depletes the nervous system and inhibits brain activity. A smoker's reactions slow down and intelligence decreases.

Tobacco use reduces the motor function of the stomach and intestines and negatively affects the condition and functional activity of the liver. Mortality from diseases of the digestive system - stomach and duodenal ulcers - among smokers is 3.5 times higher than among non-smokers.

Nicotine negatively affects appearance, causing deterioration of the skin, darkening of teeth and an unpleasant odor. It has been proven that tobacco use contributes to accelerated biological aging - the functional indicators of the body do not correspond to age.

Smoking causes great harm to the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. Chronic hypoxia causes delays in its development and creates a threat of miscarriage. Children of mothers who smoke during pregnancy are often born ahead of schedule. They often have signs of malnutrition and immaturity, often get sick and lag behind their peers in development.

In addition to the fact that smoking is harmful to health, it causes many fires, often leading to disability or death.

Diseases from smoking

Smoking harms not only the health of the smoker, but also his family and employees. People who are constantly nearby regularly inhale smoke. Its excess indoors can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting, coughing, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat, and allergy attacks. In non-smokers, tobacco smoke contributes to the development of the same diseases as in smokers.

The destructive effect of smoking on the body of any person lies in its ability to cause:

  • various types of cancer;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • impotence and frigidity;
  • infertility;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • congenital deformities;
  • developmental delay;
  • early mortality.

The harm of smoking to the body passive smokers is confirmed by medical statistics: approximately 600 thousand people die every year in the world, 300 thousand of whom are children. These and other scientific data became the basis for the adoption of a law banning smoking in public places.

There are many modern effective techniques and articles about the dangers of smoking that help you get rid of nicotine addiction on your own without the help of a narcologist. One of them is Allen Carr's video course, which is available online for free 24 hours a day on our website. The resource contains a large amount of various information about the dangers of smoking. With its help, thousands of people were able to get rid of addiction forever.

For free! Information about the dangers of smoking

If you are interested in the pros and cons of various methods of combating nicotine addiction, as well as the advantages of the Allen Carr method, you can read the articles online on our website. They contain comprehensive information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Many smokers explain their reluctance to quit smoking by the fact that cigarettes supposedly “calm the nerves.” And, indeed, chemists classify nicotine, of which there is 6–8 mg in the smoke of one average cigarette, as a nerve-paralytic plant poison.
But, in addition to depression of the nervous system with large doses, nicotine acts on the adrenal glands, which respond by producing the hormone adrenalin. And he calls vasospasm, increased blood pressure And increase in heart rate. That is, as a result, the cigarette does not calm down, but quite the opposite. In addition, nicotine can disrupt the process of blood clotting, resulting in the formation of blood clots.
Experienced smokers often complain of nagging pain in the heart area. This pain signals a spasm of the coronary vessels. Exposure to nicotine gradually leads to the development angina pectoris - acute failure blood supply to the heart muscle due to spasms of these vessels. The next stage in the life of smokers is myocardial infarction, which happens to them three times more often than to non-smokers.
To top it off, the vessels “on the periphery,” for example, in the legs, gradually lose their elasticity and become clogged with blood clots. Developing atherosclerosis and in the limbs. The blood supply is gradually disrupted, which can ultimately even lead to amputation.
True, nicotine is not the only harmful substance that a person receives by inhaling cigarette smoke. For example, there is 100 times more carbon dioxide in the smoke of one cigarette than in the same volume of air in the atmosphere around us.
Smoke also contains deadly carbon monoxide, better known as carbon monoxide. It is from poisoning that people most often die in fires. Carbon monoxide has a unique property. It combines with hemoglobin in the blood, just like oxygen, but 200–300 times faster and much stronger. Thus, the body's cells are deprived of oxygen - because the transport for its delivery is already occupied. Therefore, constant smoking leads to chronic oxygen starvation of the entire body and greatly increases the load on the heart.
Tobacco smoke contains about 30 more substances that are harmful to the body: hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, resins, and various organic acids. Tobacco smoke lovers do not die on the spot just because they receive their dose of poisons gradually. After all, for a quick departure to another world, the substances contained in about one and a half packs of cigarettes are sufficient.
Cigarette smoking is the cause of heart disease in 25% of cases, bronchitis in 75% of cases, and death from lung cancer in 90% of cases.
Currently, 30% of women and 65% of men in Russia smoke.
And this is the most common bad habit. According to statistics, 25% of smokers in Russia will die prematurely due to smoking.
On average they will lose 10-15 years of life. Although we could live longer...
Take care of your health, quit smoking!

Hello, dear friends, I won’t rush into weight loss techniques right away, perhaps I’ll start with something completely different. If you are about to turn the page of your old life and start a new one, I ask you only one thing: please read to the end..

Why is smoking dangerous?

The effect of smoking on the human body is deplorable. To begin with, I would like to discuss smoking and sports with you, no matter how strange it may sound. Smoking and sports are two incompatible things. You simply must eradicate this bad habit if you decide to radically change your life for the better and go in for sports. One evening, while relaxing in the park, I noticed a platform with parallel bars and noticed an amazing picture:

The guy, having finished smoking a cigarette, begins to perform the exercise with great persistence.. It seems that he has a normal urge in life - to play sports, to make himself better, more resilient, etc. Looking at all this, I thought - he is wasting his time and such activities will not bring him any benefit. I don’t know whether such visitors will be on my site, but since I have seen such examples in life, I want to try to convince people to ruin their health.

So, if you hear from someone that sport compensates for the harm from cigarettes, do not create illusions, this is an absolute lie. An athlete experiences additional stress on all body systems, and when smoking, the circulatory system suffers greatly, by the way, and therefore smoking and training are things absolutely incompatible.

Risks facing a smoker:

  • All kinds of cancer
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Lung diseases
  • Oncology
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Sudden death
  • Ulcers
  • Impotence
  • Infertility in women
  • Tooth decay
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Various tumors

The well-known disease “Cancer” occurs more often in those who smoke. This is most often lung cancer, which develops against the background of the accumulation of a large number of dangerous tars in the lungs. In second place is cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and tongue. When a person smokes, he swallows saliva, which contains heavy, harmful elements.

Smoking causes destruction of tooth enamel, general deterioration condition of hair, nails, skin. A person begins to look older than he actually is.

Smoking causes special, irreparable harm to the heart. vascular system. Regularly smoking a certain amount of cigarettes increases blood pressure, causing the heart to beat faster. On average, the load on the heart increases by 25%. The number of heart beats is increased, on average by 700 per hour, and per day? almost 17,000 beats more than a non-smoker. Just think about these numbers, dear people...

The picture shows the lungs of a real smoking champion:

Vasoconstriction and decreased blood flow to many organs provoke diseases and problems. For example, vision deteriorates due to the fact that the blood does not supply enough choroid eye. For the same reason, the organs of hearing and sense of smell also suffer. Loss occurs taste sensations. Impotence occurs due to narrowing of the blood vessels in the pelvis.

Well, perhaps the worst thing is women’s smoking, and even worse is smoking during pregnancy.. It’s so terrible that it’s simply impossible to express it all in words. Smoking causes miscarriages and premature births. The child does not receive enough normal level oxygen, due to vasoconstriction. His respiratory and circulatory systems are affected the most dangerous substances. The child suffers, then this can affect him mental activity, he may also be more susceptible to illness. Moms, think about it, if you smoke, you are committing a crime.

Look what the enemies say about our state:

It is very sad to watch how all sorts of idiots insult our Motherland so much. I don’t even know what to say, but now the trend with bad habits in Russia is only getting worse.

You need to understand that in time is fleeting, years pass as if in a moment, day after day, smoking another batch of cigarettes, the moment is approaching when the body cannot stand it and breaks down, revealing in itself new disease which people begin to fight with medication or surgery. Smoking is harmful to your health.

Passive smoking:

Cigarette smoke is so dangerous that it even affects those around you! Doctors insist that passive smoking, in terms of danger, is no lower than regular smoking. The harm is almost equal. Today there are more and more smokers, you can’t hide anywhere. If you go outside, you are guaranteed to catch smoke and get your dose of nastiness. Smoking in public places is where people are most often exposed to danger. At least put on a respirator and walk...

Disadvantages associated with smoking:

Just imagine, there is a situation when you are in a hurry, you run into the store, and you urgently need to buy something and run on. Time is running out, you are late, and there is no salesman behind the counter. And so, he appears, after 5 - 6 minutes, with a clear tobacco smell. You know, well, this is all very annoying, to be honest. Smoking is a modern scourge!

It happens when ash falls on clothes, scorching them, or falls on a car seat, making a hole or a burnt imprint in it. There is also a situation when you are going somewhere on business with a person, and he periodically asks you to stop and have a smoke, without rushing anywhere, although you want to finish things quickly and return home.

There are a lot of different stories, but they all come down to a common denominator: “Smoking is a problem, and not only for health.”

How to quit smoking:

Today, there are many ways to quickly quit smoking. They are all different, may not suit everyone, and not everyone can withstand them. Many people recommend reading Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking." It is considered a global bestseller, which has helped many people get rid of their addiction.

  • Work with psychological factor smoking
  • Play some sports
  • Avoid alcohol, it makes you want to smoke
  • Finally understand the essence of the problem and make a strong-willed decision
  • Eat seeds or candy when you want to smoke
  • Find yourself a regular hobby that will distract you
  • Get rid of all the trappings of smoking and cigarettes
  • Tell your friends and family about your decision so that they will support you and you will be ashamed of your possible failure

Video on how to quit smoking:

I advise you to think about it if you smoke. Many of us live one day at a time, but we can’t live like that. You need to find banal joys in every new day, make plans for the future, love your children, invest the best moments in their upbringing, and show them the best example. There are a lot of good things in life, look around and try to set your priorities correctly.

The funny thing is that so far no one has been able to either 100% confirm that smoking is dangerous or refute this idea. Neither scientifically nor statistically.*

*- Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« Well, why, why are you writing this? Well, who is pulling your hand? They would write that smoking is harmful, people die from it - who cares... It’s good for you, sit there under guard in your editorial office. I don’t care if there are crowds of angry anti-smoking activists in front of my enclosure at the zoo? They are wild people - and they can devour»

It is reliably known that in heavy smokers the working volume of the lungs decreases, during exercise the pulse increases more strongly, and shortness of breath appears faster than in non-smokers. It is clear that smokers have an increased metabolism, so they gain weight less quickly and lose it faster. It is not yet possible to judge how life-threatening these changes are. Because as soon as the matter begins to concern nicotine addiction, both scientists and statisticians give up. Yes, up to 70% of those who die from lung cancer are smokers or have quit smoking. But if we take the main age-social-gender cross-section of such deceased people, it turns out that 70% of them consist of former or current smokers.

Yes, shortness of breath when climbing to the fifth floor is not good. But smokers solve IQ test problems 15% faster. And they are twice as likely to die from diabetes mellitus. Yes, pregnant women who smoke are more likely to have underweight babies. But smokers are 50% less likely to experience dangerous prenatal preeclampsia, and the number of cases of toxicosis is reduced by a third. Emphysema is twice as common in smokers, but Alzheimer's is three times less common, as is Parkinson's disease.

Here - official medicine hits the victory gong - that's it! It is absolutely clear that smokers are at greater risk of becoming victims of frostbite - their tissues are less resistant to cold. Proven, verified, safe! Let's fight this bad habit! But then a report from the British medical academy O sharp decline numbers ulcerative colitis among smokers compared to non-smokers - no, what kind of meanness is this... Summary data in once again show: statistics is a false, inaccurate and crazy science. But it turns out much worse when these statistics are suddenly put in order. The appearance of a medical report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics on the health status of the continent's population in 1989-1990 ended in a wild scandal in 1993. Here you also need to take into account that in Australia, with its centralized system treatment centers and any medical insurance statistical research look much more convincing and larger-scale than the data from European and American centers.

“How to live long? My recipe is this: 5-6 cigars a day. 3-4 servings of whiskey. And no physical education!”
Winston Churchill

So, according to this report, the health of Australian smokers was generally better than the health of non-smokers or quitters. Atherosclerotic diseases and oncology - the two main bugbears in the fight against smoking - have shown very modest results among those who, according to their indications, do not let smoking sticks out of their mouths, compared with their non-smoking fellow citizens. If we consider how much money the anti-nicotine lobbyists managed to siphon from government pockets to their own at that time great struggle, then for such reports their compilers would be worth feeding to the sharks frolicking in the coastal waters of Sydney...

Compared to this bomb, one could not even pay attention to the traditionally disgusting results of Greece (the highest percentage of smokers in Europe and at the same time the most low level oncology and diseases of the circulatory system). What is this Greece - after all, they have sun, wine, mountain air, folk dancing.

Tobacco contains the alkaloid nicotine. When tobacco is burned, some of the nicotine enters the body along with the smoke through the lungs and mucous membranes. After which, along with the blood, nicotine is carried to all organs and begins to penetrate tissue cells. In fact, getting into our cage is not so easy - face control at the entrance will be more serious than in the most elite club, and guests outside the list have nothing special to catch there. But nicotine is lucky. Part of a cell's receptors designed to provide unhindered access inside the natural enzyme of our body - acetylcholine, perceives nicotine as one of the forms of this enzyme. And opens the doors wide. There are many effects that nicotine has on the body.

It increases heart rate, constricts blood vessels (and at the same time promotes their growth), enters into close interaction with brain neurons, stimulates the production of the pleasure enzyme dopamine - there is practically no area left inside us where nicotine does not stick its nose. But at the same time, no too rapid changes occur in us. Unlike alcohol, for example, nicotine behaves quite modestly, very quickly integrates into the general metabolic process and is so to the liking of our body that it, having quickly recovered from the first vomiting and dizziness, begins to demand more and more portions of it. substances, considering it from now on to be a legitimate part of their own system.

Now heads are not being cut off yet, but, apparently, everything is going that way. Sixteen years ago, the largest US tobacco companies already admitted their obligation to pay 46 states $206,000,000 to cover the cost of health insurance for smokers. Insurance companies They danced victory dances for a long time. Of course, most existing diseases were included in the “nicotine amnesty” - it was enough for the patient to indicate that he was a smoker, and bills for his treatment were sent to centers for the distribution of tobacco subsidies. Considering that tobacco products are already subject to enormous taxes, and the companies themselves regularly pay multimillion-dollar sums in claims of private “victims,” it would seem that one can be satisfied with such an indemnity. Not so.

In January 2014, the US Department of Justice and the five largest tobacco companies Philip Morris USA, Reynolds American, British American Tobacco, Liggett Group and Lorillard Tobacco have reached an agreement after 15 years of litigation. The Justice Department initially sought $280 billion from cigarette makers on charges that they engaged in a criminal conspiracy fifty years ago to hide from the public that smoking was addictive and that inhaled smoke was dangerous and claimed that “light” cigarettes were less harmful. As a result, the tobacco companies were found guilty of deceiving consumers, but they were forgiven a tidy sum of fines, forcing them only to publicly admit what they had done. If the Ministry of Justice had insisted on payment, these industrial giants would simply have gone bankrupt.

Why is tobacco so feared?

Persecution of the potion

The mayor of New York is a pink helpless baby compared to the real anti-smoking people.

The Inquisition of Spain declares war on “the demonic potion of the pagans, which emits smoke from the mouth and makes people look like devils.” The export of tobacco to Spain and Portugal is prohibited, and those who violate this ban are subject to flogging.

In Portugal, smokers are excommunicated from the church.

In England, the death penalty is introduced for smoking. The law, however, lasted less than a year.

In Russia, people who smoke damn weed have their nostrils ripped out. An exception is made only for foreigners, and then they are allowed to indulge in vice only in places designated for their residence.

In China, the penalty for using or possessing tobacco is death by beheading.

The money spent on the fight against smoking, which is snatched from tobacco companies and milked from state budgets, is the amount of a large number zeros. It is not surprising that such golden shine attracts so many fiery fighters, angry speakers and passionate guardians for the happiness of mankind. People will always pay two types of citizens, it was the royal philosopher Marcus Aurelius who said: “Those who entertain them, and those who frighten them.”

Of course, the scale of entertainment show business is still larger, but the business of “scaremongers” is also quite flourishing.

Hundreds of foundations safely pocket tobacco millions, feeding doctors and journalists, politicians and public figures. Of course, you can still fight with abortion, with power plants, with genetically modified products, with bad ecology, with the crisis of overproduction, with the automobile industry... But in most of these cases, on the side of “vice” there are usually too powerful forces that are not yet quite successfully resist such attacks. Try the same genetically modified products again and half of all US farmers will rebel against you; no one is foolish to butt heads with such bulls. And the tobacco companies turned out to be quite fat and appetizing, but at the same time too weak. Atu them, atu!

The successes in the fight against the demonic potion are amazing - bastions fall after bastions. Smokers were hung with red flags on all sides, non-smokers were told that those with smoking things in their mouths were encroaching on your life and freedom. They smoke your children and they will grow up to be stupid freaks, they deprive men of their sexual strength, they jinxed your cows and dance naked on Bald Mountain!.. In general, the old recipes still work well.

Convincing a modern non-smoker that a person with a cigarette at the other end of a restaurant is not causing him any harm at all is the same as trying to tell a pious man in Cologne five hundred years ago that witches do not actually ferment milk and do not spoil children in mother's womb.

Nicotine boils at a temperature of 140-145°C, dissolves in water, ether and alcohol, is very strong poison. A few centigrams of nicotine will kill a horse. This is the honest truth. But a dog already needs two or three drops, and if you take a goat or sheep, then these animals will calmly drink ten drops without even hesitating. Amoebas can generally exist perfectly well, frolicking in a one percent solution of nicotine, but for some reason the tuberculosis bacillus instantly casts off its hooves (or whatever else it has) even in the presence of an insignificant amount of this alkaloid in the environment (which is why experienced doctors at tuberculosis sanatoriums secretly suggest to your patients not to rush to quit smoking, but to get cured first).

“Quitting smoking is as easy as shelling pears, I’ve done it myself a hundred times”
Mark Twain

If a non-smoking person eats twenty cigarettes, he will either die or be forever damaged in his mind, but for schizophrenics, smoking helps block attacks of insanity - nicotine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of their neurons. The leech, which was used to suck the blood of a smoker, lives on average 20% longer than its “non-smoking” peers, but if the person with the leech was planted smokes at this time, the little animal will very quickly die in terrible convulsions.

Don't smoke on an empty stomach

Even if you belong to those creative individuals who, having opened their eyes in the morning, immediately begin to fumble around for smoking accessories on the nightstand with a weak hand, prepare the nightstand in the evening so that the first thing your hand comes across is some yogurt or fruit. Rape yourself - eat them. Now you can smoke with a sense of accomplishment.


eat apples

If you could compensate for every cigarette you smoked by eating half an apple that same day, then the harm from smoking in your case would be minimized - the substances contained in the apple would help your body restore the balance of microelements and reduce the risk of exposure to carcinogens. But, of course, you can’t cram so many apples into yourself. So just eat as much as you can.


Don't put a cigarette in your mouth

The smoke will be inhaled even if you simply press the filter to your almost closed lips. There will just be less of it. At first it will be unusual to smoke this way, but the good thing about being a smoker is that you get used to everything very quickly.


Breathe more fresh air and move

It’s better to smoke twenty cigarettes and take an hour-long run through the park than not to smoke a single one and sit in a stuffy room all day. If your guilty conscience makes you spend twenty minutes longer at the gym and sleep with... open window- this means that your smoking is not so harmful in general.


Don't bite yourself, don't torment yourself, don't scare yourself about cancer and emphysema

If you smoke, do it with pleasure and a pure heart. Fears, nervousness and hypochondria themselves often become the causes of serious diseases, and not only nervous ones. Many experts are confident that always expecting the worst and being tormented by anxiety can provoke the development of cancer.

To cigarettes. The reason for this is the fact that the body can produce this substance on its own and in small quantities. If a person starts taking it regularly, nicotine also regularly enters the body in excess. To avoid oversaturation, the production of this substance stops. When a person stops smoking, the nicotine previously taken is processed. Over time, the body requires a small dose of this substance for normal functioning. Since he can no longer produce it on his own, the brain goes a signal about a lack of nicotine, and the person has to go smoke.

Tobacco smoke and the substances it contains have a negative effect on the respiratory system. The mucous membrane of the bronchi, lungs and respiratory tract is exposed to severe irritation, which causes coughing and becomes a predisposition to respiratory diseases. In the process of smoking, all tissues of the respiratory organs become coarsened, and the process of inhaling and exhaling air becomes more complicated. The main danger for a smoker is cancer: cigarette smoke contains about fifty chemical compounds that promote the development of cancer cells.

Substances contained in tobacco smoke cause an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, which causes stomach ulcers. This process occurs especially intensely when a person simultaneously eats or drinks. Carbon monoxide is also harmful; when it enters the bloodstream and then into the brain, it causes dizziness and death of brain cells. As a result, the person functions worse.

Negative effects of smoking on the body

Smoking negatively affects cardiovascular system: Nicotine promotes release, affecting the heart, affecting pressure in the arteries. As a result, the body experiences an increased need for oxygen. Smoking causes blood to thicken and form blood clots, which in turn puts strain on the heart. Smoking man very vulnerable to stroke and paralysis because his brain receives carbon dioxide rather than oxygen. Damage is promoted by the formation of blood clots and increased blood density.

When smoking, the reproductive system suffers, especially. Smoking women risk reaching menopause several years faster than non-smokers. Smoking and taking oral contraceptives together are dangerous. At the same time, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases significantly. Smoking by a woman during this period threatens fetal development and miscarriages.

Cadmium, contained in small quantities in tobacco smoke, has a negative effect on bones. Over time, smokers develop osteoporosis, which is associated with a lack of calcium in the body. Cadmium causes calcium deficiency, which causes human bones to become brittle. Osteoporosis develops especially often in women, since smoking inhibits the functioning of estrogen, which is responsible for normal processes in the bones. The result of this is frequent bone pain.