What to do after tooth extraction? What to do after wisdom tooth removal? What is recommended to do after wisdom tooth removal

Removing a wisdom tooth is a difficult mini-surgical operation that requires certain dental skills. Wisdom teeth have their own specifics, so their removal is accompanied by some special features. They will be discussed in the article.

In what cases should wisdom teeth be removed?

Eights do not carry any functional load in the human mouth. They have long lost their intended purpose (chewing rough, non-thermally processed food). Due to this, patients prefer to have them removed to avoid further problems with them. But there are situations in which removing a wisdom tooth is not a whim, but a necessary measure:

  1. Development of pericoronitis. Pericoronitis is inflammatory disease soft tissues surrounding the crown. Characterized by the formation of a “hood” over the surface of the tooth. The hood is an inflamed gum mucosa. Microorganisms and food particles accumulate under it, which leads to stagnation of infection and development of the inflammatory process;
  2. Dystopia of the third molars. There are cases when the tooth in the gum is located at an angle or even horizontally. When erupting, it can have a destructive effect on the roots of adjacent molars or injure the buccal mucosa.
  3. Severe crowding in the dentition. Sometimes there is simply no room for a wisdom tooth to erupt. Arises severe pain and inflammation;
  4. Carious wisdom tooth. It is possible for a tooth to erupt while still in the gum affected by caries. Such a tooth must be removed so as not to spread the disease to neighboring teeth;
  5. Absence of an antagonist tooth on the opposite jaw. In this case, the pressure exerted on the tooth will be distributed unevenly. It is possible for a wisdom tooth to move out of the general row, which entails a number of inconveniences.

How many days does it take for gums to heal after removal?

When a tooth is removed, a hole is formed in its place. After the bleeding stops, it is filled with a blood clot, which closes the wound from the entry of various microorganisms. The length of time it takes for a wound to heal varies.

Depending on how long the tooth was removed, whether an incision was made in the gums, whether the tooth was crumbled, whether stitches were applied or not, the duration of treatment also varies. If the tooth was removed with the first tugging movement, the wound will heal quickly, within 3-5 days.

If, during removal, incisions were made and sutures were placed, then healing will take more long time. Sometimes pathogenic microflora gets into the wound and pus forms.

In this case, the healing of the hole should not be allowed, but the maximum outflow of purulent contents should be ensured in order to prevent a terrible complication - osteomyelitis. If you do not follow the recommendations of a specialist after removing a wisdom tooth, you can destroy the blood clot located in the socket.

A socket without a blood clot is called dry. In a dry socket, the gums heal much more slowly. The healing process, expected to take several days, can take up to a week.

When can you eat and drink?

  • Do not eat rough, hot, salty or smoked food first 3 days. Foods and dishes from these categories slow down wound healing;
  • Limit your tea consumption to a minimum and eliminate coffee altogether;
  • Drinking alcohol is not allowed during the healing process. Alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels and can cause bleeding;
  • It is allowed to eat vegetable and fruit purees, fermented milk products, light soups;
  • The food should be slightly warm. Excessively hot and cold foods provoke bleeding and slow down tissue healing.

Physical activity and bath procedures

In the first days after the “wise” tooth has been removed, you should not engage in physical activity. Limit heavy lifting and going to the gym. Physical activity perfectly stimulates blood circulation, thereby causing the risk of bleeding.

You should also avoid hot baths, saunas and steam baths. High temperatures increase blood pressure and cause increased blood flow. As is the case with physical exercise, this increases the risk of bleeding in the socket of the extracted molar.

How to rinse your mouth and how to brush your teeth properly

Besides successful operation After wisdom tooth removal, follow-up care and compliance with medical recommendations play an important role. Most often, the onset of complications after removal is associated with improper care.

Excessively thorough brushing of teeth and intensive rinsing can cause the development of alveolitis, bleeding from the tooth socket and increased pain. There is no need to rinse your mouth for 1-2 days. Replace rinse therapeutic baths. Baths are performed as follows:

  1. Prepare a solution at room temperature;
  2. You need to take 50 ml of solution into your mouth and hold it for several minutes;
  3. Spit out the used liquid and draw in new liquid.

Baths are performed in the morning and evening. The following solutions can be used:

  • Chamomile infusion or decoction. It is prepared as follows: pour a teaspoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water and infuse under the lid. When cool, use as directed. Before use, be sure to strain through thick gauze so that plant particles do not get into the wound. Chamomile has excellent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and calming effects. Therefore, it will come in handy if you cannot sleep due to pain;
  • A solution of salt and soda. To prepare, mix a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda and pour warm water. Mix thoroughly so that the substances are well dissolved in water. You can add a drop of iodine. This solution will perfectly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • Sage decoction. Prepare at the rate of a teaspoon of sage per glass of water. Place over medium heat and boil for 10 minutes. Sage relieves pain and relieves swelling;
  • Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine bigluconate is an antiseptic widely used in medicine. Has the widest spectrum of antimicrobial action. For baths, dissolve 20 ml of antiseptic in 100 ml boiled water, cooled to approximately room temperature;
  • Mountain mumiyo solution. with their own healing properties mumiyo is famous all over the world. In addition to anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, it has a general strengthening, immunomodulatory and analgesic effect. Use a 10% solution. 1 g of the substance is diluted in 150 ml of boiled water.

After a couple of days you can start rinsing. But they should not be carried out too diligently, without excessive fanaticism. There is still a risk of destroying the blood clot in the socket during intensive rinsing. How to rinse your mouth? For rinsing use:

  1. Antiseptic solutions. For example, Miramistin has proven itself well. Pharmacies have special bottles designed for rinsing;
  2. Soda and salt solution;
  3. "Chlorophyllipt". This medicine is available in the form of tablets and solutions. Has proven itself well in treatment purulent processes in the mouth. Thanks to the chlorophyll contained in eucalyptus leaves, it has a powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Regarding brushing your teeth, dentists advise refraining on the first day. Wisdom tooth removal is a thing of its own minor surgery, and brushing your teeth can seriously injure unhealed tissue. In addition to brushing your teeth, refrain from rinsing with special rinses and cleaning with dental floss.

The next day you can brush your teeth, but very carefully. Use only a brush with soft bristles. Avoid the place where the tooth was removed.

What painkillers and antibiotics can be used

Painkillers are necessary to quickly relieve pain after parting with a “wise” tooth. Despite the fact that this procedure is carried out under anesthesia, after its completion there is a It's a dull pain.

Its intensity varies depending on each person's pain threshold. That is, it is impossible to predict how strong the pain reaction will be. This is where various painkillers, injections or solutions come to the rescue. What not to do for pain relief:

  • Do not apply painkillers and drops to the sore gum. This method of using medications can lead to burns of the mucous membrane. And the burn surface is an additional gateway for infection;
  • Do not rinse your mouth with antiseptics and analgesic solutions in the hope of relieving the pain. You will wash the blood clot out of the socket, thereby increasing the pain;
  • Do not heat your gums under any circumstances. This can lead to the development of severe purulent inflammation. Even if you feel more comfortable sleeping on the side of the pulled out tooth, turn over to the other side;
  • Use cold for pain relief with caution. Don't over-cool your cheek. Enough to hold cold compress 10 minutes. Repeat every half hour.

It is advisable to use Metrogildenta and Cholisal gels. They relieve swelling, relieve pain and prevent the development of microbial infection. It is enough to treat the gums with gel several times a day. Metronidazole, contained in Metrogildenta, kills quite large number microorganisms.

Use antibiotics before and after removal only as prescribed by a doctor. Take them in a course as prescribed by your dentist. For example, "Amoxiclav" is quite an antibiotic wide range actions. Has a detrimental effect on various types pathogens.

Complications and consequences

Removing a wisdom tooth entails possible complications and consequences, like any operation. Possible consequences:

  1. My head hurts, my temperature has risen, my throat hurts and it hurts to swallow. Most likely, an inflammatory process has developed in the throat. It is treated in the same way as tonsillitis - with rinses, warm drinks, fresh air and antipyretic;
  2. Neighboring teeth hurt. When removing, the dentist puts strong pressure on the jaw, which causes pain in the teeth. Goes away in about a few hours;
  3. The bleeding doesn't stop. Perhaps a blood clot was broken through carelessness. Or it was not formed at all. Contact your dentist, he will advise you on a solution to the problem;
  4. The gums are swollen and painful. Swelling of the gums is natural reaction after removal of “wise” teeth. There is no need to fight it, everything will go away on its own. But if after a few days the swelling does not go away and your gums hurt, then consult your doctor;
  5. Numbness of the tongue. Occurs as a consequence of anesthesia. Disappears after the freezing effect ends.

Complications after wisdom tooth removal:

  • An unpleasant one appears putrid smell from the mouth. This symptom indicates purulent inflammation in the oral cavity. Apparently, microorganisms or food particles entered the wound and caused a purulent process;
  • Hematoma. The inaccessibility of third molars is the reason that hematomas are formed during the removal process;
  • Paresthesia. During anesthesia, the dentist may touch the needle facial nerve, causing a lack of conduction of nerve impulses. If the condition does not improve after a day, consult a neurologist;
  • Flux (periostitis). Inflammation of the periosteum occurs due to infection in the wound. First appears on the gum painful lump, then the cheek swells and aches a lot. An immediate visit to the dentist is required;
  • Stomatitis. This is defeat oral cavity, characterized by the appearance of ulcers. Occurs due to poor oral hygiene or insufficiently well-treated dental instruments. At candidal stomatitis there is a plaque, as evidenced by white gum. The plaque is easily removed. Treatment is prescribed by the treating dentist.

Tooth extraction - for some it is an inevitable and extremely undesirable last resort, for others it is a procedure that is perceived much more favorably than a long-term painful treatment. An injection, movement of the surgeon’s hand with the instrument - and the pain disappeared. But with the removal of the source of infection, the rotting, decaying dental skeleton that brings pain and suffering, relief lasts only as long as the anesthetic injection is in effect. When the gums move away from the frost and its insensitive numbness stops, it begins to hurt.

Why does a pulled out tooth hurt?

Toothache from removing the “subject of pain” - a damaged tooth - is not supernatural. According to all medical standards, tooth extraction is considered surgery. Damaged living tissue gums and oral cavity can cause pain even stronger than what the patient experienced from inflammation or decay of a diseased tooth.

Soft tissues are known to have many nerve endings. The gums and mucous membranes are literally riddled with nerves, which, when acted upon, transmit pain impulses to the brain. When the patient receives local anesthesia, the nerve endings temporarily atrophy and cease to fulfill their duties - to carry pain to the body cells. But then the anesthesia ends, and the nerve endings begin to work. Aching, dull, disturbing normal life the pain continues like normal reaction for surgical intervention.

How normal is this, and how “according to the rules” should a tooth hurt after extraction? Weak. Not too intense. As it fades away. No more than three days. Patients who are particularly sensitive to injury and have a low pain threshold are given four days.

Important! If on the fifth day after tooth extraction the pain in the gums continues and its intensity does not decrease, on the contrary, it increases, you should consult a doctor.

How pain goes beyond the norm

The pain is intense, does not subside, increases or maintains amplitude, lasts more than 3-4 days, this ceases to fit into the framework of the body’s natural pain reaction, which must be endured. There are very specific causes of pathological pain after tooth extraction.

Poor quality treatment. Dental practices are also susceptible to human factor, like any type of activity involving humans. Often the surgeon does not completely remove the root, leaving part of the dental tissue, cyst fragments, a piece of cotton wool, or a fragment of dental bone in the wound. All this becomes a source of inflammation. And after a few days the inflammatory process begins to actively develop.

Alveolitis. The cause of pain is the absence of a blood clot. Any wound, especially in the gum, needs a blood clot to close it to heal the tissue and block the path of infection. After a tooth is removed, this clot forms in the socket. But according to various reasons it appears to be broken or shifted. Patients also often wash out this clot, for example, when they begin to rinse the wound. As a result, the root hole remains open, infection gets into it, inflammation and swelling of the gums begin. All this is accompanied by pain, which normally should not be present.

By the way. If a patient is about to have a simple (single-rooted) tooth removed, according to statistics, alveolitis occurs in 3% of 100. During removal complex tooth this figure rises to 20%.

Dry socket. This is the most common complication, also associated with the absence of a formed blood clot, but with it the hole from the root, upon careful examination, remains dry, despite the moist environment in the mouth, and the bone is visible at the bottom of the hole. This problem It is more likely to occur in smokers, older people, and those who have hormonal problems. The pain in this case will be quite severe. And you shouldn’t wait until it goes away; the doctor will help by putting a tampon with medicine in the wound that will moisturize and disinfect it.

Neuritis trigeminal nerve . This cause of ongoing and unrelenting pain is familiar to patients who have had a lower row tooth removed. Lower jaw serves as a receptacle for the branched trigeminal nerve. A dentist, diligently pulling out a deep-seated tooth root, can damage this nerve. The probability is low - only about 10%. But if you fall into this number, the pain after removal and the end of the freezing effect will be “shooting”, paroxysmal, not only in the gums and jaw, but also in the temples, around the eyes, even in the neck. Externally, the gums do not swell and do not look damaged, even redness is not observed. It is possible to identify neuritis only by the nature of the pain.

Gum tumor

Often pain from extracted tooth accompanied by gum swelling. The phenomenon is not only not aesthetic, but, at times, dangerous.

In approximately half of cases of removal of swelling after surgery - normal phenomenon. It is associated with soft tissue injury. And if the swelling is temporary and transient. There is nothing to worry about, you just need to “get over it.”

But if the phenomenon is accompanied by atypical pain that lasts longer than expected. Perhaps this is a pathology that a repeat visit to the surgeon will help normalize.

There is nothing to worry about if the swelling is expressed as follows:

  • the swelling is not pronounced and decreases over time;
  • the temperature is not elevated;
  • moderate pain;
  • there is no unpleasant odor from the mouth.

By the way. There are exceptional cases when there is no severe pain from the extracted tooth, but there is a swelling of the cheek, and it is growing. Doesn’t happen often, mainly after extraction of a tooth with pulpitis, if not very thoroughly cleaned root canals. In this case, you need a second visit to the surgeon to prevent the formation of a cyst.

If the condition does not improve, but worsens at least slightly or the pain remains stable. If new aggravating symptoms appear that were not present immediately after removal. You shouldn’t delay visiting a doctor; it’s better to play it safe and make an appointment for an examination.

It's time to go to the doctor

If you observe the following symptoms in yourself or your loved ones for several days after tooth extraction surgery (more than three days):

  • pain intensifies;
  • the pain changes in character or is specific;
  • gums become red;
  • gums have acquired a bluish tint;
  • swollen gums;
  • from the mouth going bad smell;
  • cheek swollen;
  • body temperature increased;
  • from the root hole the tooth is coming pus.

Important! The area in the gum begins to hurt after tooth extraction three hours later. Normally, pain can be intermittent or constant, subsiding or recurring. Starting from the third day, the pain decreases and completely disappears.

Difficult case

All previous characteristics concern the usual extraction of a tooth, with one or more roots. But there are times when the operation goes beyond the standard surgical procedure. These include the removal of a dystopic wisdom tooth. During this operation, which takes longer, all tissues are injured much more than during standard removal. Here, pain is allowed in the postoperative period for up to one and a half weeks. The pain may also be accompanied by swelling of the gums, a swollen cheek, headaches, and neck pain. All these symptoms are considered not dangerous and go away without medical or other intervention.

Help yourself

Typically, surgeons do not recommend doing anything with the wound that remains after tooth extraction. But the pain does not have to be endured, especially for people who have low pain threshold. There is a whole arsenal of means, from official medicines to folk remedies, which can reduce pain and alleviate the plight of a patient who has lost a tooth.

Table. Medicines to relieve pain after tooth extraction


The drug is potent. The pain is relieved within 20 minutes. Moreover, it copes even with severe pain. Lasts effect for 6 hours. Can be taken up to 4 times a day.

Refers to super potent drugs. The pain goes away within a quarter of an hour. This drug should not be abused.

It is not considered a serious anabolic steroid that helps with toothache, but pain syndrome weak and medium degree removes expression successfully.

Even softer and weaker in action than analgin. Effective only for mild and non-intense pain.

The anabolic properties are rather weak, but at the same time it has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is preferred for moderate and mild pain analgin and baralgin.

Each person is used to dealing with pain using their own methods. For some, only a group of ketorolac helps, while others are completely satisfied with baralgin. And for some people it is not necessary to take potent drugs with a lot of side effects - simple folk remedies are enough.

People's Arsenal

The simplest, most harmless and effective remedy, it can be used by everyone without exception to relieve post-operative toothache – cold compress. Effective in the first day after removal. In many private clinics, the patient is sent home after surgery with an ice bag applied to the cheek. At home, it’s good to use ice in which just water or broth is frozen. medicinal herbs. Any item from the freezer will do, such as a piece of frozen meat. Just wet it cold water towels, apply them and change them as soon as they reach body temperature. There is a cooling patch in the pharmacy that has the same effect as a compress - it freezes the nerve endings and relieves pain.

Important! Rinses during tooth extraction can be used only after three days after the operation. And then these should not be rinses, but rather baths. Put it in your mouth herbal decoction or saline solution, hold it without unnecessary movements of the liquid, and spit it out. All this is to quickly relieve inflammation, but not to move or wash away the blood clot.

A remedy that will not cause harm, but only benefit, is propolis. It has strong antibacterial properties, therefore, to normalize and disinfect the microflora in the mouth, it is recommended to hold a piece of propolis in the socket of an extracted tooth.

How to reduce pain after tooth extraction without drugs or other remedies

Severe pain that occurs after surgery can be partly avoided by taking certain actions that do not involve taking medications or using folk remedies.

  1. After the operation and the end of the anesthesia, it is better not to eat for as long as possible. Drink a cocktail, gazpacho, smoothie, liquid semolina porridge, kefir, eat cream soup, preferably through a cocktail straw.

  2. When you start eating, don't eat it too cold or hot.
  3. Until the hole heals, do not eat sour, salty, spicy, sweet and bitter foods that irritate the mucous membrane.

  4. For the first three days, do not disturb the wound. Do not touch it with your tongue, and especially do not pick it with a toothpick, in a paranoid search for a fragment of a tooth that a careless doctor left there.
  5. Do not rinse your mouth, even with clean water.
  6. Don't breathe open mouth, especially the day after surgery. Along with the cold air, which will irritate the wound, germs can also enter the mouth.

  7. Try to refrain from smoking and alcohol, especially do not rinse the wound with alcohol “for disinfection.”
  8. Do not be in a room with high temperature, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, or take a hot bath.

  9. Do not apply warm compresses to the gums.
  10. Sleep on a high pillow.

    A high pillow is what you need after tooth extraction

Any surgical intervention leads to pain. Pain is a natural reaction healthy body to irritants of nerve endings. Listen to your body. Pain can either be a signal that everything is fine and the healing process is proceeding normally, or it can signal that something is wrong and you need help to prevent destructive consequences for the body.

Video - Tooth extraction

Video - What to do after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a fairly serious dental procedure, which can sometimes cause long-term intense pain and complications. The removal of a wisdom tooth, or “eight”, is especially dangerous, which is associated with its anatomical features. They largely determine the choice of surgical intervention technique, the course postoperative period, duration and severity of pain in the patient.

What are the features of wisdom teeth

Like all molars (premolars and molars), the “eight” is designed for chewing food, and therefore has a wide surface with protruding cusps. But the wisdom tooth also has several features that are unique to it:

  • most late date teething. This usually happens after 17-20 years, although the rudiments of “eights” appear even in adolescence. For some people, teething begins after 30 or even 40 years of age.
  • the absence of predecessors in the form of milk teeth, which would have previously “blazed a path” in the bone and soft tissues of the gums for eruption.
  • availability more root processes than other molars (from 2 to 5), their considerable length and branching.
  • tendency to insufficient eruption, resulting in impacted tooth, partially protruding above the gum;
  • tendency to change the normal direction of growth to pathological: towards the seventh tooth, posteriorly, towards the tongue or cheek. Such situations are always accompanied by the emergence of a whole complex negative symptoms and definitely require surgical intervention.

In many cases, the need for removal is explained precisely by the incorrect growth of “wise” teeth, causing inflammation tissues of the gums or cheeks, leading to injury to the tongue or adjacent tooth. In addition, due to their distant location and, therefore, difficulties encountered with cleaning with a toothbrush, “eights” are especially susceptible to carious destruction, which also entails their removal.

And this operation, as is known, inspires many patients strong fear, which is caused by the expected sensation of severe pain. But the removal process may not always be so painful, which is determined by many individual and technical factors. The period after wisdom tooth removal also occurs with varying intensity of pain.

What determines the severity of pain during surgery?

IN dental practice manipulations with tooth extraction are divided into simple and complex. In cases with “eights” they are almost always complex, which is explained by the above characteristic features these teeth. In addition, they also determine a longer list of indications for removal (not only, for example, deep caries or suppuration of a cyst on the roots, but also a non-standard location).

Of course, the operation is performed only with anesthesia, in most cases local. But there are also patients who have to have their wisdom teeth removed under general anesthesia. inpatient conditions(for complications such as abscess, phlegmon). At local anesthesia Lidocaine is used (rarely now) and more modern, high-quality and gentle drugs: Ubistezin, Ultracaine, Septanest, Scandonest. Their effectiveness is also influenced by the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, for example, the level of pain threshold.

Under the influence anesthetics the patient does not feel pain during the removal process, but when the operation is very complex and lasts 2-3 hours, he may still experience minor pain. Such moments happen if forceps or an elevator are not enough to remove a wisdom tooth, but it is necessary to make an extensive incision in the gum, widen the bone hole, separate the roots and pull them out from the depths of the jaw.

The more complex the operation, the more painful the patient feels, the more critical the postoperative period and the longer the healing. In addition, this is mainly associated with the development of pain after removal of the “eights”.

How long does pain last after wisdom tooth removal?

Immediately after the procedure, patients do not feel pain, as local anesthesia continues to act for several hours. As soon as its influence ends, in most cases a fairly pronounced pain syndrome develops. It can be relieved with the help of painkillers in tablet form (Ketorol, Spazgan, Analgin).

The intensity and duration of pain depends on several factors:

  • human pain threshold;
  • quality characteristics local anesthesia during removal;
  • instruments used by the dentist;
  • breadth and depth surgical field, degree of trauma to soft tissues and jaw bone.

If the postoperative period proceeds normally, then the most severe pain is observed in the first 2-3 days. They are localized in the area of ​​the wound itself, adjacent teeth, cheeks, or even the entire jaw, and are sometimes combined with the formation of swelling of the gums. In addition, the patient may experience headaches, discomfort when swallowing, and soreness in the throat or ear. All these symptoms are considered normal manifestations of the postoperative period and are temporary.
The most important thing during this period is to observe necessary rules oral hygiene and follow the dentist’s prescriptions. Then the pain gradually subsides, the swelling disappears, the wound stops bleeding and is covered with new gum tissue. Typically this happens within 1-2 weeks.

A more dangerous situation is when, against the background of already subsiding pain (usually on the 3-4th day), it suddenly intensifies and new undesirable signs appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • malaise or severe weakness;
  • sharp pain begins to radiate (give) to the temple, ear or jaw;
  • it becomes difficult for the patient to open his mouth and swallow;
  • facial deformation occurs due to severe swelling;
  • there is a putrid odor from the mouth;
  • bleeding from the wound increases.

All these symptoms clearly indicate that the wound has become infected (alveolitis) and possible spread infections throughout the body. In such cases, the patient urgently needs to see a dentist, which often entails hospitalization and repeated surgery.

It consists of opening an already partially healed socket, clearing it of inflamed areas of soft tissue, blood and pus, thoroughly inspecting it and removing possible bone fragments. Then the wound is treated with antiseptics and sutured. To cope with the infection, the patient must be prescribed a course antibacterial drugs, antipyretics, enhanced drinking regime and recommendations are given for further oral care.

Naturally, in such cases, the patient experiences pain after wisdom tooth removal for a longer period of time than in uncomplicated situations. Sometimes treatment of infected wounds takes up to 1-2 months.

What to do if you experience severe pain after removal

Dentists advise taking the first dose of painkillers without waiting for the anesthetic to wear off: usually by the end of the first 3-4 hours. “Nise”, “Spazgan”, “Ketanov”, “Ketorol” are quite effective. They must be taken at a frequency determined by medical recommendations, usually within 2-3 days after wisdom tooth removal.

On the first day, to reduce pain and prevent bleeding from the socket, you should refrain from smoking and alcohol, and do not eat hot or spicy foods. If the patient suffers from increased blood pressure, then intense physical activity and general thermal procedures (bath, sauna, hot shower) are prohibited for a few more days.

To reduce the severity of future pain after removal, it is necessary to follow the dentist’s instructions immediately after the operation:

  • press a sterile tampon to the hole for 20 minutes to stop bleeding;
  • do not eat or drink for the first 2-3 hours;
  • regularly rinse your mouth with decoctions of string, sage or chamomile;
  • if necessary, use anti-inflammatory gels;
  • start taking antibiotics as indicated.

Most patients manage to quickly cope with the pain and begin to lead a normal lifestyle. And further compliance with all the doctor’s recommendations helps to fully recover after wisdom tooth removal.

Anyone who has had a figure eight pulled out knows how unpleasant it can be after the procedure is completed. What to do after wisdom tooth removal to make the wound heal faster? And what if there are still complications? Wisdom tooth in photo

General recommendations on what to do after wisdom tooth removal

The main thing is to carefully monitor your well-being and strictly follow everything that the doctor prescribed. Usually, when the third molar is pulled out, the gums hurt, the cheek swells, the fever bothers you, and the lip goes numb. What symptoms are inevitable after wisdom tooth removal, and what should alert the patient?

REFERENCE: There are consequences of the removal of the third molar varying degrees gravity. This depends on the complexity of the operation, on the condition of the tooth at the time of removal, and on the characteristics of its structure.

When can you eat after wisdom tooth removal?

It is unlikely that the desire to eat will arise immediately as soon as such a problematic tooth is pulled out. But hunger will still make itself felt. It is quite possible to wait 2-3 hours after surgery. And if you fast longer, it’s even better.

Avoid cold and hot foods, do not eat spicy, rough and sticky foods. Chew your food slowly, carefully, on the opposite side of the “eight” you pulled out.

When does the pain go away if the jaw hurts after wisdom tooth removal?

The degree of pain depends on various factors:

  • from sensitivity – everyone’s pain threshold is different;
  • from complexity dental procedure– it is more difficult to pull out the lower “eights”;
  • on the body’s personal ability to recover.

If your mouth hurts for several days, but little by little discomfort subside, there is no reason to worry. But when the pain intensifies after the removal of a wisdom tooth, the swelling increases, the socket bleeds, a visit to the dentist is inevitable.

Pain after removal

How long to keep a tampon after wisdom tooth removal?

The wound is closed with a sterile gauze swab after the doctor has pulled out the “eight”. This is done so that the wound stops bleeding and the blood begins to clot. It is not pleasant to feel the tampon in your mouth, but you will have to wait for about 20 minutes.

There is no need to keep it on for too long; blood-soaked gauze can become a source of infection, and this will prevent the damaged area from healing. To prevent inflammation in the socket, the tampon is removed. This is done carefully, you need to pull a little to the side so as not to pull out the clot that has formed after the removal of the wisdom tooth.

To stop the bleeding, you need to put ice in a bag on the cheek from the side of the pulled out molar. Cold also prevents swelling from developing.

IMPORTANT: Cooled ice compresses are applied immediately after the tooth is removed for 5 minutes, then take a 10-minute break and apply cold again. In total, you can do from 4 to 5 such procedures.

What not to do after wisdom tooth removal

On the day when the “eight” is removed, the patient must control the pressure - its rise can provoke bleeding from the wound of the extracted tooth. To minimize this risk, you should not expose yourself physical activity, bathe in the sauna and hot tub.

When a wisdom tooth is pulled out, you cannot:

  • warm the cheek - otherwise swelling will appear and an infection may develop;
  • rinse the mouth - it’s so easy to wash a blood clot out of the hole. It helps form tissue in the area of ​​the avulsed molar;
  • on the day when the patient underwent surgery, you should not brush your teeth, otherwise it is easy to injure the wound;
    touch the damaged hole with your tongue.

Medicines after wisdom tooth removal

When removing the "eight" it is usually necessary to use medicines– antihistamines, antibiotics, painkillers.

What to take after wisdom tooth removal is up to the dentist to decide. The patient cannot self-prescribe medications, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

Healing for gums

Do your gums hurt after wisdom tooth removal? This process is natural; damaged tissues need time to recover. And healing ointments and gels will help, which:

  • disinfect the wound;
  • have an analgesic effect;
  • promote the regeneration of gum tissue.

ATTENTION! The socket after wisdom tooth removal is too vulnerable - inflammation can begin due to contact with food, dirty hands, or a toothbrush. Infection often occurs under the influence of neighboring teeth affected by caries or other diseases.

The dentist must select a restorative agent suitable for the patient:

  • Cholisal gum ointment - in addition to relieving pain, the drug eliminates bleeding and swelling, fights germs and inflammation.
  • Metrogyl Denta gel acts as an antiseptic on the surface of the gums; the antibiotic it contains helps fight inflammation.
  • Kamistad ointment - has an anti-inflammatory effect thanks to chamomile, and the lidocaine content in it anesthetizes the gums.
  • Asepta gel with propolis relieves inflammation and prevents the proliferation of microbes.
  • Dental ointment forms a protective film on the gums due to the presence of corn oil. It relieves pain well and fights inflammation.
  • Solcoseryl ointment not only reduces pain, but also heals damaged tissue gums.
  • Gum healing is helped by rinsing with antiseptic solutions - based on chlorhexidine, miramistin, stomatophyte, furatsilin, decoctions medicinal herbsoak bark, pharmaceutical chamomile and sage.


Everyone experiences pain after wisdom tooth removal. You cannot do without painkillers, especially on the day of surgery. What medications are taken to relieve pain:

  • Ibuprofen – relieves pain quickly, works for a long time, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Movalis is an effective and long-lasting painkiller.
  • Nimesil – has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves pain.
  • Ketanov – quick pain relief is not long acting plus anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Bol-ran – effective remedy combined action.
  • Pain relief after wisdom tooth removal is carried out using many drugs, some have side effects. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe a specific painkiller.

IMPORTANT: The drug that should not be taken to relieve pain is the well-known aspirin. It has the property of reducing blood clotting, so there is a high risk of bleeding or hematoma.

Other drugs

Treatment after wisdom tooth removal may include antihistamines and antibiotics.

Antiallergic (antihistamine) drugs are often prescribed Suprastin, especially when the operation was labor-intensive. Such medications reduce the inevitable swelling of soft tissues.

If the oral cavity is affected by caries, infections, inflammations, then antibiotics are required. You can drink:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Unidox-solutaba;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Trichopolum;
  • Flemoxin.

Complications and pain after wisdom tooth removal

When the “eight” at the top or bottom causes trouble for its owner, one has to part with it. If after the removal of a wisdom tooth everything hurts, the discomfort only intensifies over time, which means that certain complications have arisen.

Severe, long-lasting pain

Painful sensations after a tissue-traumatic procedure are inevitable. How long does the aching pain last after wisdom tooth removal?

When pain is felt for a couple of days, this is normal. Complicated intervention is fraught with pain from 4 to 5 days. Painkillers will help the patient.

It is dangerous when the pain intensifies every day, accompanied by swelling, suppuration, high temperature - visit your dentist immediately!

Hole after wisdom tooth removal

Inflamed and sore gums

Why do my gums hurt after wisdom tooth removal? In fact, she cannot avoid getting sick at all - the tissues were injured by the dentist’s intervention. If the gums are slightly swollen and reddened, this is a natural process.

But severe inflammation the socket of the extracted third molar requires urgent intervention. Alveolitis appears due to the unqualified actions of the doctor, the patient’s failure to comply with oral hygiene after surgery, and the characteristics of his body.

When to rush to see a doctor for help:

  • if a blood clot falls out of the socket, it becomes unprotected from food and possible infection;
  • there is a stench from the hole;
  • it hurts when cold or hot liquid gets into the wound;
  • swelling of the gums increases.

Pus after tooth extraction

What actions are taken after wisdom tooth removal if pus is found in the socket?

Definitely - no self-medication! Hoping that it will go away on its own, being patient and taking painkillers is not the answer. The appearance of pus means infection. Why does it occur:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • as a consequence complex operation on extracting the "eight";
  • there was a fragment of a tooth left that was not removed during surgery;
  • carious process in other teeth;
  • The operation was performed in the presence of inflammation in the oral cavity.

If suppuration is not treated, adjacent gum tissue, periosteum and bone may become infected.

Blood clot on the gum

Wisdom teeth after removal - what other consequences are there? A blood clot should form in the socket to protect the cavity. The clot creates a barrier on the wound so that food that irritates the mucous membrane does not get there.

The clot forms for about a day, it is important during this time not to allow it to be washed out while rinsing or touching with the tongue. It may also be displaced, then a blood clot on the gum will cause painful sensations, not to mention the unsightly appearance.

Displacement can also occur if you include hard foods in your diet. It is important to exclude all provoking factors so as not to interfere with the clot remaining in the hole. Then it will be able to grow normally.

Temple hurts

Why does my temple hurt after wisdom tooth removal? This is due to the special structure of the third molar and its location in the oral cavity. During dental surgery, tissue and nerve damage occurs, which causes pain in the temple. They can be sharp and shooting. Once the nerve endings are restored, the pain will go away.

Pain in temples

The temple may hurt as a result of alveolitis - inflammation of the socket. If the pain increases every day, is acute, pulsating in nature, you need immediate help specialist

The temperature has risen

The body reacts quite naturally to surgery. elevated temperature. If during the day it is slightly higher than normal, by the evening it does not exceed 38°, and this condition lasts 2–3 days and then returns to normal, there is no reason to worry.

But when the temperature rise is accompanied by other symptoms - swelling, pus discharge, weakness, severe pain, antipyretics alone are no longer sufficient. A visit to the dentist is necessary to find out the cause of your deterioration in health.

Bleeding wound

What to do when a wisdom tooth is pulled out and the wound is bleeding? Immediately, as soon as a molar is removed, blood discharge from the socket is natural - blood vessels were damaged during the procedure. In this case, applying a gauze pad helps.

If bleeding occurs several hours after tooth extraction, you must again apply a sterile swab to the hole and bite it. It is not possible to stop the bleeding in this way - you need the help of a doctor.

IMPORTANT: The wound may bleed slightly for some time - up to several days. If the discharge is not abundant, you just feel a salty taste and the saliva is slightly pinkish, then there is no reason to worry. These phenomena should soon pass.

Hygiene after wisdom tooth removal

The speed of healing will depend on compliance with hygiene rules:

  • the day the third molar was removed, better teeth do not clean. Postpone the procedure until the next day by purchasing a new soft toothbrush;
  • you need to very carefully clean the area around the extracted tooth;
  • It is better to replace mouth rinses with baths with herbal and antiseptic solutions (they are taken into the mouth, held for a minute and spat);
  • You need to rinse your mouth very carefully (a few days after removal) to prevent the blood clot from being washed out of the socket. Alcohol tinctures better to exclude.

Care after wisdom tooth removal should be gentle and regular. It is on the patient’s efforts and discipline that his recovery depends.

Prevention after removal

To prevent complications, it is enough to follow the basic rules of prevention:

  • strictly adhere to the dentist’s recommendations regarding taking medications, avoid self-medication; refuse bad habits(at least for the period of recovery). You should not smoke for at least 24 hours after tooth extraction - smoking makes it difficult for blood to clot in the wound;
  • alcohol is contraindicated at the postoperative stage, especially when the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Alcohol thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clot in the hole;
  • Hypothermia and overheating are harmful - temperature changes should be avoided. It is worth protecting yourself from severe physical work, sports activities, sudden movements;
  • If your health worsens, you should definitely visit your doctor.

When an upper or lower wisdom tooth has been pulled out, quality oral care is no less important than the removal procedure itself. Healing usually takes a long time, it will be both painful and uncomfortable. But only by following all the doctor’s recommendations can you really avoid complications and alleviate this difficult period recovery.

Any dental defects V modern medicine are resolved almost painlessly. However, if your gums hurt after tooth extraction, what should you do at home?

When it talks about serious inflammation, and when is pain considered normal?

Why do my gums hurt after a tooth is pulled out?

Any surgical intervention is accompanied by pain after the anesthesia wears off. After removal, a wound remains in the gum and it takes up to 10 days to heal, so the appearance of discomfort and pain in the first days is normal.

Pathological pain is a syndrome indicating an active inflammatory process. There are enough reasons for this, but all complications have almost the same beginning - this is the washing out of the formed clot. Due to ingested food infectious process develops very quickly.

The causes of pain can be:

  • a fragment of a tooth in the wound cavity - pus begins to accumulate if the tooth is not completely removed; this often happens when removing “complex” teeth with curved roots;
  • the formation of a hematoma can be accompanied by both pain and fever. There is a danger of suppuration of accumulated blood in the soft tissues. People with diabetes and heart disease are most susceptible to complications;
  • alveolitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue - infection is provoked by food, poor hygiene, and especially the presence of carious teeth;
  • osteomyelitis is considered the most dangerous complication, since infection affects not only soft fabrics, but also the jaw bone. Penetration of pathological bacteria into it occurs with weak immune status or as a result of prolonged delay in treatment. The danger of the disease lies in the risk of brain infection.
  • cyst – develops on the root of a tooth when an infection occurs. Sometimes it is not removed with the tooth and therefore provokes a strong pathological process;
  • “dry socket” is difficult to notice to an ordinary person, as a result of careless hygiene, the clot is washed out, opening the wound and making it accessible to bacteria;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve can even lead to paresis and hearing impairment, so it is dangerous to treat such a complication at home;
  • bleeding occurs in 90% of cases and is considered a normal process. Prolonged bleeding requires immediate treatment of the wound by a dentist and determination of its cause.

How long does your gum hurt after tooth extraction?

How long can the pain last? If there is moderate pain in the first 2-4 days, then this is normal. The discomfort lasts longer if there was inflammation or a wisdom tooth was pulled out. This phenomenon is explained common injury gum disease, which occurs even with uncomplicated tooth extraction.

The pain cannot continue for a month, so if you continue to have a similar symptom, it is better to consult a doctor to rule it out. pathological process. Epithelization should begin already on day 4, and if healing does not occur, it is better to consult a dentist. It is quite easy for an unprepared person to miss the onset of the inflammatory process.

What to do if your gums hurt after tooth extraction?

The situation when a tooth is pulled out, but the gums ache and the pain interferes with normal activities is familiar to almost everyone. All negative sensations should be treated at home carefully so as not to provoke infection and wash out the formed clot from the wound. The following measures help best:

  1. Apply a cool compress to the cheek at the surgical site. This measure significantly helps relieve swelling and pain, and the formation of a hematoma is less active.
  2. When the hole periodically bleeds, it is better to apply an application of sterile bandage, previously soaked in antiseptic. If you have frequent bouts of bleeding, you should not constantly apply compresses; you should immediately go to the dentist!
  3. Painkiller for a short period of time, but still helps relieve pain. The main thing is not to use such medications too often.

It is better to use folk remedies after a few hours, when the blood has thickened in the tooth wound and there is no danger of washing it out. Decoctions of calamus, oak root, aloe, sage and chamomile help not only relieve pain, but also generally disinfect the oral cavity. Regular rinsing helps prevent inflammation. For the same purposes, it is useful to use solutions with salt or soda.

When should you see a doctor?

Pain is normal after a tooth has been pulled out. However, a person needs to monitor his condition in order to determine in time when this symptom becomes a sign of a pathological process. The following factors indicate inflammation:

  • swelling;
  • pus in the wound;
  • weakness;
  • spread of pain to other parts of the face;
  • pulsation in the hole.

What to do in case of complications

For any of the complications, you should not try to treat yourself or simply relieve symptoms that bother you. The intervention of a dentist is always required, who must carry out measures to clean and disinfect the hole in order to prevent the spread of necrosis.


The resulting hole is washed out with Chlorhexidine or furatsilin solution. The area is first numbed. If the inflammation is small, then these antiseptic solutions replaced with hydrogen peroxide. The treatment procedure for alveolitis involves the extraction of all dead particles.

When the hole is cleaned and dried, special antibacterial compounds are injected into the wound to prevent the infection from worsening. A small bandage soaked in an anesthetic is applied to the gum itself. Active healing begins on the second day.

When alveolitis is advanced, physiotherapy is additionally required. Its measures have a general strengthening effect on the body. At the same time, the patient takes vitamins and antibiotics.


Severe pain that occurs with the disease is treated through broad anti-inflammatory therapy. At clear symptoms They make blockades with novocaine. They are repeated if necessary until the signs disappear. As in the previous case, vitamin therapy and physiotherapy are required.


The nature of treatment for a cyst is determined by its characteristics and degree of spread. Sometimes it can be quite complex antibacterial therapy, but if the cyst is large, then it needs to be removed surgically. The operation can go almost unnoticed by the patient if it does not have time to affect nearby teeth.

Laser treatment is used to treat damage to adjacent teeth. This technique simultaneously relieves inflammation and stops the growth of the cyst. Laser dialysis is supplemented with conventional surgical intervention to remove tooth fragments. In the future, the patient is selected drugs for conservative therapy.


Bruising is not dangerous to humans, severe symptoms does not provoke, but does cause other inconveniences. For quick disposal for a hematoma, it is better to regularly apply medicine to the injury to speed up its resorption and remove swelling.

Sometimes similar sign speaks of an infection, so for prevention they regularly rinse with antiseptics, and even use antibiotics. A pressure bandage can prevent the hematoma from spreading.

Video: Pain after tooth extraction causes, duration, numbness.