What does a therapist treat in a clinic? Who is a general practitioner and what diseases does he treat?

About the therapist

A therapist deals with the treatment and study of internal diseases of the human body. It can be considered the oldest profession in medicine. TO internal medicine human pathologies internal organs, starting from organs digestive system and ending with the respiratory or circulatory system. A general practitioner works not only with the disease itself, but also with the causes of its occurrence or in their prevention.

Therapy studies diseases of all internal organs, diagnoses and treats them. Based on the symptoms and tests performed, the doctor draws up a single pathogenesis and makes a conclusion about the disease. Analyzes can be laboratory or instrumental.

In modern medical practice therapy is divided into narrower specializations. For example, cardiology, nephrology, gastroenterology, hepatology, endocrinology, geriatrics, hematology, rheumatology, pulmonology, infectious diseases, sports medicine. Some areas are distinguished as independent medical scientific knowledge.

Let's look at some therapeutic specialties:

  • Therapist is a very general doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of all organs of the human body using non-surgical methods;
  • A cardiologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Gastroenterologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, biliary tract, pancreas;
  • A rheumatologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the joints, muscles and their connective tissue;
  • A pulmonologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the lungs, bronchi, and pleura;
  • Hepatologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats liver diseases;
  • Sports medicine deals with all diseases that occur in athletes or people who actively engage in physical activity.

Correct diagnosis of your disease, which is usually based on the collection of complaints, tests performed, after examination, percussion, palpation - guarantees the identification of the disease and application effective way treatment.

What diseases does the therapist treat?

The therapist’s scope of activity is very wide, because of this the list of diseases that he treats is very large. Diseases that patients most often treat:

  • Diseases of the cardiac system;
  • Diseases of the stomach or intestinal tract;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Leukemia, anemia, diathesis (blood diseases);
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Diseases of joints, muscles and connective tissues;
  • Diseases of the lungs or bronchi;
  • Neurological diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Spinal diseases.

Consultation with a therapist

The general practitioner has a large number knowledge in the field of medicine and will help you with your problem. In adulthood, consultations with a therapist must be carried out systematically.

There are a number of reasons to see a general practitioner:

  • Your health has deteriorated sharply;
  • you lead sedentary lifestyle life;
  • Your age is over 40 years;
  • You have an increase in blood pressure;
  • You abuse alcohol or smoke;
  • you are overweight;
  • You have a genetic predisposition to diseases;
  • Have you noticed pain in the chest, in the heart area, or pain that goes into left hand or spatula;
  • Your legs swell;
  • You have shortness of breath after exercise;
  • You have shortness of breath in your sleep;
  • Have you noticed interruptions in your heartbeat;
  • You have a feeling of heaviness or chronic fatigue;
  • Your heart rate has become very fast (more than 100 beats per minute) or very slow (less than 50 beats per minute)

Consultation with a therapist in our clinic

If you have symptoms or complaints about your health, if you have reached adulthood, if you experience discomfort, then you need to contact our ENT-Asthma clinic.

Our clinic employs highly qualified therapists with extensive experience.. We use modern technologies for diagnosis and treatment various diseases. We have a personal approach to each patient and treatment that we select individually.

If you contact the ENT-Asthma clinic in a timely manner, our therapists will help you cope with your illness faster.

Diagnosis of the disease on early stages guarantees fast treatment and return to normal life. In many cases, it is enough to simply prevent the occurrence of diseases. In our clinic, doctors will conduct a qualified examination and make necessary research to make a correct diagnosis, and then prescribe individual treatment. In addition to the usual laboratory research(blood or urine test) we carry out such studies as:

  • Identification of atherosclerosis factors;
  • identification of factors of damage to the muscles and blood vessels of the heart;
  • Ultrasound; study of factors that influenced the anatomical changes in organs, etc.;

If you want to get a consultation with an experienced therapist, then our ENT-Asthma clinic is waiting for you.

Book a consultation about a therapist

Questions from users on our website about the therapist

Pregnancy 26 weeks, a month ago I caught a cold, there was green snot, then my nose got blocked, I took Sinupret, UFO, Pinosol, Quix, the snot went away,

but the congestion remains, now at night, but not each one has one nostril at a time, sometimes I drip vasoconstrictors. Today and during the day my nose is blocked, I have no strength, I don’t know where to turn, a young ENT specialist prescribed hormonal drops, the therapist said that they are not needed. Please help me with how to treat myself, I have no more strength.

Alexander Puryasev,
You will continue to suffer. You have developed, perhaps even against the background of sinusitis(?) vasomotor rhinitis. The pharmacy will not help you - this is guaranteed, neither hormones nor vasoconstrictors. And besides, it’s also harmful! Moreover, pregnancy itself already provokes vasomotor rhinitis, and a previous cold aggravates it. Now imagine: against the background of a stuffy nose, the body does not receive enough oxygen, even though you are forced to compensate for this pathological condition breathing through the mouth. But the main danger is that oxygen deficiency (hypoxia), first of all, affects the development (or rather underdevelopment) of the fetus! Even if I wanted to, I don’t know any medicines (they simply don’t exist) that could save you from this illness. But there is a way out. This is why we, in our clinic, deal with such cases. Come to us for treatment. If you complete a course of treatment of 10 sessions, we will cure you.

After a sore throat, I began to have a dry cough and the temperature has not gone away for the second month, no pain, no FG is normal, the therapist treats

But the cough is still more active in cold weather.

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician clinics:
A cough that gets worse in the cold indicates hyperreactivity of the bronchial mucosa. Take a chest x-ray and pulmonary function test, general analysis blood, see a pulmonologist

On February 1, I had my sinus pierced, purulent sinusitis, incorrect treatment helped, 2 months have passed, today pus is coming out of the same nostril, that’s all

like then... my therapist prescribed me the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, please tell me if I start treatment right away, I can be cured at home. Conditions, no puncture?

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
Sinusitis cannot be cured at home. From the very first days, sinusitis develops according to a chronic scenario and continues to torment the patient for many years or throughout his life. How can I help? Now you need to be treated very actively, like the last time, and then, perhaps, sinusitis will go away forever. But the treatment should not only be active (punctures, cuckoos - this is all “sports fun”), but also COMPETENT, and at the same time it can be comfortable and painless.)) I recommend that you contact our clinic before the disease becomes severely chronic. I treat sinusitis very well, 10-15 days outpatient treatment, come to the clinic for 1 hour. , you will feel the effect of treatment from the first days of treatment.

Now the whole family has been sick for four weeks. Daughter-husband-me. It started with a virus. It turned into posterior rhinitis. It turns into a sore throat, then

pseudo-wet cough - everyone’s lungs are clear. And one day one gets better, another gets sick... and I’m already tired of this endless circle. OAK was rented to my daughter - perfect. Each of us took an antibiotic penicillin series. Daughter twice, husband three times. I am alone, although I am breastfeeding my son. The question is this: in order to select a narrow antibiotic (do I understand correctly, you can’t do without it?), do you need to give a throat swab to all family members and each may have their own pathogen, or is it enough to give it to one family member? It’s just that my daughter’s immune system is weakened and any contact at the clinic or public place will end with another virus, we’re not going anywhere. I want to give it to myself. And also how to treat posterior rhinitis, tonsillitis and cough, which they cause when breastfeeding? Is it possible to do without an antibiotic? Should I relieve the swelling? It’s just that a therapist, an allergist (no allergies) prescribed Sinupret, hormonal nasal drops, Suprastin to bypass GV... But I’m afraid to take them. I’m ready to sacrifice something, to take risks, as long as the game is worth the candle. Otherwise, everything is already in the fifth circle and the antibiotic Augumentin did not help.

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
Hello. You definitely need to take a swab from the throat and nose, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach, do not drink or eat, and do not even brush your teeth with an antibitocogram. but remember the bioavailability of the antibiotic in inflamed tissue is only 6%, i.e. It (AB) penetrates poorly into the source of inflammation, which is why it does not cure you. For good result necessary local treatment, sanitation of the hearth.

Octor! I’m 50 years old, I’ve had shortness of breath for about 5 years now, it’s getting worse and worse, especially with exertion /even minor ones/

I have contacted a therapist many times and they brush me off as soon as I say that I run 3 km in the morning, but I really feel bad - I’m out of breath even when I run, so I take breaks. In my youth, I smoked like a locomotive, so I think maybe that’s why I feel bad, but it’s already been 24 years since I quit. Tell me doctor how to survive? maybe I shouldn't run? Thanks Kostya.

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
I'm waiting for your appointment.

(Greek: therapeutes, caring for the sick, treating) - a medical specialist who has received training in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs.

What is included in the competence of a therapist?

The therapist's specialization includes the treatment of an established set of diseases. These primarily include colds and respiratory viral infections (flu, acute respiratory infections, runny nose, and other diseases). The therapist also diagnoses vascular and cardiac diseases (VSD, arterial hypertension, ischemia, hypertension), some blood diseases (anemia), general disorders(metabolism disorder, diathesis). In addition, the therapist provides assistance in cases of dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, with intoxication syndrome.

What diseases does the Therapist treat?

The competence of a general practitioner includes the diagnosis and treatment of diseases:

Cardiovascular system,
- gastrointestinal tract,
- connective tissue,
- joints,
- kidneys and urinary tract,
- hematopoietic organs,
- associated with metabolic disorders,
- bronchopulmonary system;
- ARVI and various colds;
- fatigue, including chronic;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- connective tissue disorders;
- diseases of the back, joints and spine;
- neurological problems;
- metabolic diseases;
- bronchopulmonary diseases;
- kidney diseases;
- blood diseases (anemia, leukemia, hemorrhagic diathesis).

What organs does the therapist deal with?

Trachea, bronchi, lungs, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreas, blood, heart.

When to Contact a Therapist

The first symptoms are discomfort, a feeling of fatigue, inconvenience, a feeling that there is a tugging or pressure in some place. The cause of frequent and seemingly causeless headaches may be blocks in cervical vertebrae, which are closely associated with vascular spasms, causing disturbance outflow of blood from the head. All this leads to headaches, dizziness, and “spots” flashing before the eyes. And we are used to chalking it all up to age, fatigue, and lack of sleep. The reasons for weakening attention, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness - eighty percent are the result of problems in our cervical spine.

Below are 5 symptoms that should not be ignored.

1. You have unexpectedly lost weight. Your diet hasn't changed, but you've lost a lot of weight. Any woman can only dream about this. However, if you notice such changes, then do not rush to rejoice - they may be a harbinger of some forms of stomach cancer (or ovarian cancer in women).

2. Slurred speech, paralysis, weakness, ringing in the ears and stiffness of the limbs are all signs of an impending stroke. If you provide it on time necessary treatment, then stroke can be avoided and, as a result, prevented serious damage brain

3. Black chair. This symptom is one of the most serious. It can serve as a signal of such dangerous diseases, such as ulcers or cancer of the stomach or intestines. The stool becomes black as a result internal bleeding, which in itself can be very dangerous. The faster you can identify its cause and stop it, the greater your chances of extending your life.

4. Strong headache, extending to the neck, as well as high fever. These symptoms may be caused by: serious illness like meningitis. If you have a very high fever and severe pain prevents you from reaching your chin to your chest, you should consult a doctor immediately. You may have bacterial meningitis, which is treated with special antibiotics.

5. Sharp, painful headache. If you have never experienced a headache of this magnitude before, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Such pain can serve as a signal of a cerebral hemorrhage. Although aneurysm is quite rare, its possibility cannot be ruled out.

When and what tests should be done

- general blood test;
- general urine analysis;
- alanine aminotransferase;
- aspartate aminotransferase;
- total bilirubin;
- direct bilirubin;
- alkaline photosphase;
- gamma-glutamyltransferase;
- glucose;
- creatinine;
- urea;
- total cholesterol; HDL cholesterol;
- triglycerides;
- neopterin;
- brain sodium – uretic peptide;
- High sensitivity C-reactive protein;
- homocysteine;
- fibrinogen;
- international normalized ratio;
- apoliprotein A-I;
- apolipoprotein A-II;
- apolipoprotein B;
- lipoprotein (a);
- triglycerides;
- complete blood count with reticulocytes;
- percentage of saturation;
- ferritin;
- iron-binding capacity, total;
- alpha-1-acid glycoprotein;
- alpha-1-antitrypsin;
- amylase;
- lipase;
- total protein;
- proteinogram;
- cholinesterase;
- prothrombin time;
- osteocalcin;
- parathyroid hormone intact;
- calcium;
- inorganic phosphorus;
- calcitonin;
- deoxypyridinoline.

What are the main types of diagnostics usually carried out by the Therapist?

ECG, diagnosis of diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver and gallbladder, intestinal diseases, diagnostics colds, diagnostics pulmonary diseases, food allergy diagnostics, cardiac risk, osteoporosis diagnostics, atherosclerosis diagnostics, anemia diagnostics. First step. Play sports, and preferably several types at once. For example, running or swimming in the summer, and skiing or skating in the winter. Sports activities will make your body much stronger and more resilient. In addition, by engaging in winter sports, you will spend more time outdoors. fresh air, and this is also important.

Second step. Carry out hardening procedures. For example, after a bathhouse, run outside barefoot and wipe yourself off with snow. You can recommend dousing or bathing in ice water. Swimming in ice water is a great workout. But it is not recommended for everyone. If you decide to become a walrus, first consult with your doctor and knowledgeable people, or rather with those who have been swimming in winter for a long time. They will give you more detailed tips about how it is necessary to begin the hardening process so as not to immediately catch a cold or get sick.

Third step. Watch your diet. Proper nutrition- a guarantee of health! Therefore, watch your diet. Try to winter period your food was nutritious and varied. Eat more berries, fruits and greens. In the summer our body was saturated various vitamins, and with the arrival of winter, they appear less and less in our diet fresh vegetables and fruits, we switch to canned foods. Yes, in canned foods There are also vitamins, but not as many as in fresh ones.

Fourth step. Take vitamins. Today, the choice of vitamins is very wide and varied. By going to the nearest pharmacy, you can buy yourself the whole complex vitamins that will help you increase protective system body. In addition, today there are many advertisements food additives, which help fight colds and strengthen the immune system. I won’t say the names of these products now, but when you turn on the TV, you will be able to see more than one advertisement that says that by drinking (...), you will strengthen your immunity.

Fifth step. Watch your mood. Believe me, pessimism, lack of desire to rejoice and have fun already lowers your immunity, so smile more often. Get dressed, call your friends and make an appointment. If you have children, then take them with you too and play in the snow or go to the skating rink. Believe me: positive emotions They charge you with energy and help you fight troubles.

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Medical news


Stroke ranks second in Russia after myocardial infarction in the structure of mortality and remains one of its most common causes. According to the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Research Center Preventive Medicine, in our country up to 25% of men and 39% of women die from cerebrovascular diseases


At the MEDIS clinic you can undergo STI diagnostics to identify diseases on early stages

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Nitric oxide plays extremely important role in the human body. According to professor and doctor of sciences Ihor Huk, doctor of the Vienna Private Clinic, the more of this element in the body, the stronger the immune system and less likely heart attack.

No matter what they say about new cancer treatments, hearing this diagnosis is... scary. But fear only plays into the hands of the disease; in this case, it develops without any obstacles. Therefore, we change the scenario to a positive one and checkmate cancer with the help of highly qualified specialists.

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Cleansing with rice improves metabolism, the condition of the kidneys and liver, cleanses blood vessels and genitourinary system. In addition, the body's connective tissues, joints and spine are well cleansed.

A therapist is a multidisciplinary specialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of human internal organs. It is recommended for persons over 18 years of age to visit this doctor if symptoms indicate the presence of any pathology in the body.

Often a visit to a medical facility ends only with a visit to a therapist. If the specialist cannot deliver accurate diagnosis or diagnoses a disease the treatment of which is not within his competence, he gives the patient a referral to another doctor, for additional examination body, taking tests, etc.

What does a therapist treat?

The list of responsibilities of a therapist is unusually broad. This is primarily the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the following body systems:

  • respiratory;
  • digestive;
  • excretory;
  • circulatory

The therapist treats diseases of connective tissue (lupus erythematosus), blood (anemia), colds, diseases of the joints, back and spine, pathologies associated with metabolic disorders, treats chronic fatigue. Most frequent occasion To contact this specialist are infectious diseases of a viral and bacterial nature - influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis.

If your health worsens, it is quite difficult, and in many cases impossible, to diagnose yourself without resorting to help. official medicine. Make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment Only a qualified doctor can. If the patient does not know which specialist can help him, he should contact a therapist.

When to see a therapist

It is imperative to consult a doctor in the event of a sudden change in health for the worse, or if you suspect any pathology in the body. You should make an appointment with a therapist if the following symptoms occur:

  • chronic fatigue, which appears regardless of the type of activity and occupation;
  • discomfort and/or pain in the area of ​​internal organs. For example, heaviness in the stomach after eating food, nausea, constant feeling hunger, increased frequency heart rate without visible reasons etc. Pain is one of the main signs indicating the presence of diseases of the internal organs. The pain can be cutting, aching, stabbing, boring, and may intensify with physical activity, at rest and accompanied by increased body temperature, lack of appetite, dry mouth, feeling of thirst, frequent urges to the toilet. The appearance of such symptoms (one or several at once) is not the norm, and therefore is a reason to contact a specialist, primarily a therapist;
  • blurred vision, the appearance of a white veil before the eyes, frequent dizziness, fainting and other symptoms indicating a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • memory impairment, attention disorder, chronic insomnia, problems falling asleep, apathy, lack of interest in life;
  • general weakness of the body, loss of appetite, pallor skin, drowsiness.

Some symptoms may indicate life-threatening diseases; if they occur, you should contact your doctor immediately. Typically fatal pathologies are accompanied by:

  • loss of body weight, in other words, fast weight loss. Sudden weight loss - obvious symptom malignant neoplasms digestive system, ovaries, as well as anemia (anemia caused by iron deficiency in the body), anorexia. For example, such pathologies as do not manifest themselves at all until certain point time. The only symptom, which the patient manages to suspect in the first stages of the development of the disease, is losing weight without changing the diet and deteriorating health in general;
  • strong against the background high temperature bodies. Meningitis manifests itself in a similar way - inflammation meninges. Meningitis occurs as a result of independent disease, often as a complication past infection upper respiratory tract. Unbearable headache occurs with aneurysm and cerebral hemorrhage;
  • black stools, vomiting blood. These are symptoms of perforated stomach ulcers and stomach cancer;
  • speech impairment, weakness in the legs, loss of consciousness, dizziness, paralysis of the limbs. These manifestations indicate a stroke.

Women should definitely visit a therapist during pregnancy. The responsibilities of this doctor include, first of all, monitoring the health of the expectant mother (monitors the level of sugar, hemoglobin in the blood, blood pressure, monitors how the woman gains weight, etc.).

For the purpose of prevention, people who have genetic predisposition to the occurrence of certain diseases (for example, peptic ulcer stomach), suffering chronic pathologies(for example, hypertension, diabetes mellitus), people over 40 years of age.

What happens during an examination with a therapist

A therapist is one of those specialists whose meeting with most people usually does not cause any problems. negative emotions or fear. The first thing a doctor does at an appointment is listen to the patient’s health complaint and carefully question him about certain symptoms. The therapist may be interested in questions such as: have you had any health complaints in the past, how old are you, do you have chronic diseases, how long have you had unpleasant symptoms, etc.

Further, depending on the specific complaints from the patient, the specialist can measure it blood pressure, listen chest, examine the throat, and, if necessary, write out a referral for additional examination and testing.

Calling a therapist to your home

It is necessary to call a doctor when sharp deterioration well-being if visiting the clinic on your own is not possible. This primarily applies to people suffering chronic diseases sometimes requiring emergency care(eg hypertension and heart failure). Today, in addition to providing medical care A specialist at home can diagnose the disease, take tests for further research (blood and urine tests), and perform an ultrasound of internal organs. If necessary, the doctor decides to transport the patient to a medical facility.

Most people who are asked the question “Who is a general practitioner” answer – this is a doctor who treats influenza and ARVI. However, the scope of this specialist’s competence includes large number various diseases and disorders.

  • Urine and stool analysis
  • Cardiogram,

Sometimes patients come without specific complaints, but simply want to undergo routine inspection. In this case, the doctor recommends a body test, which includes basic tests, a cardiogram, plus an examination. Such a diagnosis takes only an hour and a half and helps prevent the development of many diseases.

If the therapist notices signs of a disease that requires a doctor of another specialization, the patient will be referred to a highly specialized doctor. Depending on the symptoms, the patient will need to undergo additional research. For example, a gastroenterologist can refer you for an ultrasound, an endocrinologist can refer you for an ultrasound thyroid gland, gynecologist - for a cytological smear.

Transferring the patient to the doctor narrow specialization does not mean that the therapist forgets about the patient. In any modern clinic, doctors work together, holding medical councils. As a rule, several doctors are present at them, including the therapist who received the patient.

How do you know if your doctor is a good therapist?

Here are a few signs that will make it clear to what extent your doctor is a true professional:

1. How closely does he listen?

A real doctor not only hears, but also listens to what the patient says. He gets to the heart of the problem, looks closely at medical card, asks a lot of questions.

2. How often does he look at his watch and get distracted?

If the doctor constantly interrupts you, wanting to finish the appointment quickly, you should think about it. He may be in a hurry, but this is not a reason to devote a few minutes of time to the patient. Like any other doctor, a good therapist will always devote as much time to the patient as necessary to solve his problem.

No professional doctor will impose the purchase of dietary supplements or little-known drugs, the effectiveness of which has not been proven by research. You should be especially wary if the doctor did not ask the patient in detail about his complaints and did not prescribe diagnostic procedures. A good therapist prescribes treatment only after a thorough diagnosis. Such a doctor will never recommend untested medications.

4. Does the doctor give reasons for his prescriptions and recommendations?

Good doctor in detail and on accessible language will explain why it is necessary to undergo a particular study. When the time comes to prescribe medications, the patient will receive detailed recommendations with argumentation why it is necessary to do it this way and not otherwise.

5. Does the therapist take into account concomitant diseases patient when prescribing medications

Many drugs have side effects that can harm an individual patient. The medicine may also contain a substance to which the patient is allergic. A professional doctor always takes these nuances into account and does not forget to ask the patient about allergic reactions for medicinal substances.

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Until the middle of the 20th century, the issue was resolved relatively simply - doctors and scientists proceeded from the results of empirical (trial) treatment and experiments on animals. Many experts independently experimented with various medicinal substances, tried to apply them according to own schemes treatments were based on personal experience. In a number of cases, recovery or improvement in a person’s condition was observed, which was attributed to successfully selected therapy, but most of these attempts to treat were not based on solid evidence base, ended for the patients, as a rule, in tears.

Discovery of pathogens infectious diseases, a detailed study of the basic pathological mechanisms in the human body, as well as advances in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries have radically changed approaches to treatment. Science, including medical science, has become so enriched with knowledge and observational results that there is a need to separate truth from false conclusions or erroneous results. The most famous pharmaceutical drama, the “thalidomide tragedy” that occurred in the mid-20th century, became another reason to formulate modern evidence-based approaches to the selection of drugs and tighten the requirements for licensed drugs.

In the mid-50s of the last century, German pharmaceutical company Chemie Grünenthal launched the drug thalidomide, which was registered as a sedative and sleeping pill. Since the introduction of thalidomide to the market, there has been an increase in the number of children born with birth defects. The situation in some countries has taken the form of a real epidemic. In total, from 1956 to 1962, according to various estimates, in a number of countries around the world, up to 12,000 children were born with congenital deformities caused by the fact that mothers took thalidomide drugs during pregnancy.

How is treatment chosen? modern medicine? In his daily practice, a doctor of any specialty is guided not only by his own knowledge and accumulated experience, but also relies on national standards And clinical guidelines, which are prepared and approved by the Ministry of Health and leading scientific centers countries. The task of treatment standards is to offer the specialist a reliable effective therapy specific disease, and clinical and local protocols - to describe the algorithm of the doctor’s activities in specific cases, under conditions medical institution, taking into account its profile, focus and support.

In simple words, a recommendation document clearly indicates to the doctor how to diagnose diseases and carry out their therapy in a specific setting. medical institution. The basis of such standards are many years of experience of domestic medical associations and foreign medical communities from various scientific centers.

Any pharmaceutical drug, which is included in national treatment standards and recommendations, must undergo a special type clinical trial- double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial. The gist of it is this. Randomly selected patients, with their consent, of course, are treated with a new drug, while half of the study participants receive a placebo - a dummy drug that, by definition, cannot cause the expected effects. therapeutic effects. For the purity of the experiment, neither the doctor nor, especially, the patient knows which group they belong to. After the experiment, the data obtained is analyzed statistically and based on the analysis, a conclusion is drawn about the effectiveness of the drug.

If the results of the treatment group of patients receiving the drug are not statistically different from the group receiving placebo, medicine is considered ineffective.

The basis of national standards and protocols is the inclusion in documents medicines, which are found effective with proven clinical effect in a large number of patients.

Thus, if a doctor prescribes you a drug that is included in national standards and clinical protocols, you can be sure that this medicine has passed all the necessary studies and has proven its effectiveness.