Geranium essential oil and its benefits for beauty and health. Psycho-emotional effect of geranium oil. Geranium oil for headaches

Stems, leaves and flowers of geranium. From kg of raw materials you can get only 1 ml of oil.

The output oil is light, fluid, mobile, yellow-green or yellow with a specific smell with light notes of mint, lemon and rose.

Composition of geranium oil

Chemical composition The product may vary depending on the types of raw materials used and may include geraniol, linalool, citronellol, menthone, nerol, limonene, isomenthone, a-terpineol, pinene, methyl eugenol, geranyl butyrate, beta-caryophyllene, citronellyl formate, as well as tannins, alkaloids, coumarins, phenols and flavonoids.

This oil belong to the class of aromatic adaptogens.

Geranium oil: uses and beneficial properties

Geranium oil, affecting emotional sphere, can get rid of prolonged depression, eliminate anxiety, restore psychological harmony, improve sleep and lift your mood. It perfectly stimulates the mental and nervous activity, increasing performance, relieving fatigue, causing a feeling of vigor and concentrating attention. Geranium oil will help get rid of feelings of fear and relieve tension when nervous exhaustion or overwork, i.e. it can be used as an antidepressant.

This remedy will also help get rid of unnecessary inferiority complexes and increased susceptibility to outside opinions.

In addition, geranium essential oil is a well-known remedy for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs: it eliminates inflammation and pain in the middle ear, sinuses, tonsils and pharynx, and relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.

This good remedy to reduce blood sugar levels, so it will be valuable for patients various forms diabetes

The anti-carcinogenic properties of the oil are very important - it actively prevents tumor cells from dividing and growing.

For headaches and migraines, geranium oil helps relieve vascular spasms, eliminate heart rhythm disturbances - tachycardia, and improve the activity of the heart muscle and reduce the manifestations of ischemia. And with regular use, it can lead to increased blood pressure back to normal.

The anti-edematous and analgesic properties of geranium oil allow it to be used for neuritis and neuralgia.

Those who want to lose weight will benefit from the anti-cellulite effect of the oil. It also has a significant impact on menstrual cycle, normalizing its course and helping to cope with unpleasant manifestations

In addition to the above properties and applications, geranium oil reduces blood clotting, thereby preventing blood clots, but at the same time it also has a hemostatic property, effectively healing fresh wounds; prevents cell oxidation and slows down aging; has an astringent effect, stimulates the functioning of the liver and kidneys; sharpens sexual perception; promotes the production essential hormones; improves activity immune system; tones; has a regenerating effect on tissues and cells; repels insects and ticks.

This wonderful product is often used in cosmetology for skin care because of its antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and healing properties on the skin. As a soothing, softening and moisturizing agent, it is ideal for dry, sensitive, rough or damaged skin; it will help eliminate inflammation, rashes and peeling. No less beneficial is the effect of essential oil on problematic, oily skin, since it helps reduce the production of sebum, normalize the functioning of the sweat glands of the face, and eliminate inflammatory processes skin, thereby helping to get rid of acne and acne.

It will become irreplaceable for dry eczema. It is also recommended for frostbite, burns, cuts, wounds, cracks, insect bites and other injuries to the skin as a regenerative and wound healing agent.

Geranium oil is also effective for herpes, pediculosis, dermatitis, scabies, neurodermatitis and fungal skin infections.

The oil is also good for aging skin that has begun to lose tone. This is due to its smoothing, restoring, rejuvenating and toning properties. It will not only improve the overall tone of mature and tired skin, but also restore its elasticity and firmness, and smooth out shallow wrinkles.

It should be remembered that the oil should not be applied to the face during pure form, as this may cause irritation. The only exception is the precise, precise application of oil to a wound, pimple, acne, burn, frostbite, herpes... That is, only the wounds themselves and affected areas are lubricated with oil, without affecting the surrounding skin.

Contraindications for use

Before use, be sure to check the oil for individual tolerance. If used internally, do not take on an empty stomach or drink more than three drops of oil per day. Be sure to mix it with honey or oil and drink it with acidified water to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa. If you have heartburn, you can drink the oil with yogurt or kefir.

Geranium oil should not be used for more than 3 weeks because it has the ability to lower blood sugar.

Geranium - perennial herbaceous plant, whose homeland is South Africa. Many gardeners grow it at home. Very often among people this plant is called pelargonium. In addition to its attractive appearance and special aroma, this plant is valued for its medicinal qualities. Today at various fields people use extract or oil in their lives. For medicinal purposes, both the rhizome and the entire ground part of the flower are used. Special attention worth your time geranium essential oil. It has an interesting aroma. It is rightfully considered women's oil geraniums The properties and uses of this oil have a lot of positive properties:

IN for cosmetic purposes received geranium wide application, especially when caring for facial skin. Thanks to her unique composition, the plant is suitable for use on any skin. The plant is added to a large number of products as an extract or essential oil.

Since geranium is an excellent antiseptic and antioxidant by nature, it has the following effects on the skin:

  • Rejuvenation;
  • Calming effect;
  • Revival.

Today, geranium oil is constantly used in perfumery. Thanks to your magical properties creams containing this component will help cope with many problems various types skin. Dry skin geranium will satiate life-giving moisture, thanks to which she will gain healthy color. Oily skin geranium-based cream will help you forget about acne and pimples, because the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

You can buy a skin care product based on the oil of this plant, or you can prepare a mask yourself.

But geranium oil is in demand not only in cosmetology; it has also found its application in medicine, in particular gynecology. Oil has a positive effect on the condition female body generally. During menstruation possible thanks to him reduce headaches, normalize mood and reduce swelling of the mammary glands.

But this is not the only purpose of this substance. The product can be used in gynecology to solve the following problems.

  1. Menstrual irregularities.
  2. Frigidity.
  3. Infertility.
  4. Prevention and treatment of tumor formation of various nature, especially benign ones.
  5. Premenstrual syndrome.
  6. Sexual dysfunction.

But even with such medicinal properties geranium oil is contraindicated during pregnancy, especially the first two trimesters, as well as during breastfeeding. Also, experts do not recommend using it in therapy (most often geranium oil is used as part of complex treatment) more than four months. It should not be used while taking contraceptives.

As already noted, geranium oil has good antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and also copes well with pain, swelling and viruses.

This essential oil can be successfully used:

  • In the treatment of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the middle node and nasopharynx.
  • Regular use of the product will help improve blood and lymph circulation, as well as the conductivity of the heart muscles.
  • Geranium oil can also help lower blood pressure and blood sugar.
  • For older people, this oil can help improve physical and mental performance.

By inhaling the aromas of geranium oil, you can also get rid of:

  1. From many psychological complexes.
  2. The feeling of unfulfillment, inferiority, and dependence on the opinions of others disappears.

It is worth noting that such oil is rarely used as an independent medicine. In most cases, it is used as part of a comprehensive treatment of such diseases like urolithiasis, wounds and cuts, stomatitis, overexertion, loss of strength, headaches.

In a word, geranium essential oil is an excellent remedy for a large number of problems. And if a woman loves these flowers, then she should definitely have a couple of pots, and also have in her medicine cabinet a bottle with a magical substance that will help, if necessary, cope with many things.

Do you use geranium oil? Properties and use at home useful? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum

Properly selected essential oils help to easily cope with various cosmetic problems. Find out how to use geranium oil, its beneficial properties and application features.

Essential oil obtained through the use of above-ground parts of a fresh plant, which should be collected strictly in mid-summer - flowers, leaves, stems. A steam distillation procedure is carried out, then a highly volatile product is obtained. clear liquid, which can be light yellow in color, with a small admixture of green. If you look at the light, the raw material appears to glow. Geranium essential oil contains: additional components- nerol, citronellol, resonoxide, geraniol.

Beneficial properties of geranium oil

Today, this product is used for a variety of purposes - for example, it can become a fragrance for cosmetics, perfumes, soaps, drinks and foods. It is recommended to spray this oil in small quantities indoors, thereby repelling various insects (moths, mosquitoes, etc.).

Geranium oil has the following effects:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent;
  • antiseptic;
  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • the healing process of microdamages and cracks in the skin is significantly accelerated;
  • there is a strong rejuvenating effect, as cell regeneration is stimulated;
  • the amount of sugar in the blood decreases;
  • has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect, improves vascular tone;
  • work is stimulated lymphatic system, toxins are removed from the body faster, strengthen protective functions body;
  • hormonal levels are restored to normal, the menstrual cycle improves;
  • women tolerate menopause and premenstrual syndrome much easier;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system, pancreas, and liver improves.
Can be used not only externally, but internally. Geranium essential oil is effective in the treatment of various ENT diseases, as it helps to quickly relieve inflammation in the middle ear, tonsils, vocal cords, sinuses.

This remedy helps lower blood pressure and is therefore recommended for people suffering from hypertension. Its regular use normalizes heart rate and the circulatory process.

Geranium essential oil has an anthelmintic effect, so it will help quickly remove lice. It is effective for severe headaches, relieves migraine attacks, and eliminates vascular spasms. It is recommended to be used when facial neuralgia, neuritis, arthritis, rheumatism.

This oil has a strong healing and astringent action, therefore it is recommended for use when treating wounds and skin scratches. It can be used to remove kidney stones, including during the treatment of various diseases associated with the functioning of the urinary tract.

The composition of geranium ester includes phytoestrogens, thanks to which it preserves female beauty and youth, the condition is restored to normal hormonal levels, it becomes possible to postpone the onset of menopause, and the transfer of this period is greatly facilitated.

Internal use of geranium oil

Geranium essential oil is taken orally to:
  • remove kidney stones;
  • as an effective antiseptic and tonic;
  • to reduce blood sugar levels (useful for diabetes mellitus, but only after the doctor’s permission);
  • helps with intestinal problems (diarrhea);
  • can be used as a natural and effective anthelmintic;
  • helps during treatment peptic ulcer stomach.
Regardless of the purpose for which geranium essential oil will be taken orally, before using it, mandatory, you need to consult a doctor, as it has certain contraindications and can cause serious harm to the body.

External use of geranium oil

Geranium essential oil is recommended for use during treatment various damages skin, joint pain, frostbite and wounds. It helps to quickly get rid of a variety of dermatological diseases- for example, herpes, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, scabies, eczema, etc.

This product can be used at home as follows:

  1. For aromatizing the room. You need to take a few drops of geranium oil and place it in an aroma lamp.
  2. For massage. As a base, take 15 ml of any vegetable oil and add 3-4 drops of geranium ether. If it is fulfilled acupressure, then the base and geranium oil should be mixed in equal proportions.
  3. For inhalation. Such procedures are very useful and help get rid of various ailments- for 500 g hot water take a couple of drops of geranium extract.
  4. For headaches. To relieve a migraine attack, take geranium oil and base oil in a 3:1 ratio. Apply the resulting composition with your fingers in the area of ​​the temples, back of the head and forehead, lubricate bottom part feet and back side palms.
  5. For a compress. A few drops of ether dissolve in warm water. A cotton cloth is soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the problem area.
  6. For otitis. To relieve inflammation that occurs with otitis media, you need to take a clean cotton swab and moisten it in a mixture of geranium and base oils (1:2). Then the tampon is inserted into the ear canal and left for a while.
  7. For inflammation in the oral cavity. A cotton pad is soaked in geranium oil and applied to the problem part, but only from the outside.
  8. For the treatment of wounds, herpes, burns, frostbite. The affected areas are lubricated with geranium oil, which should not be diluted.
  9. For gargling. A few drops of ether are dissolved in 150 g of warm water.
Geranium essential oil can be taken orally - 1 drop of this product is mixed with a small amount of jam or honey, and can be applied to the crumb of bread. This procedure should be carried out after a meal and washed down with a glass of water, tea or kefir.

How to use geranium oil in cosmetology?

If you add a couple of drops of this product to lotions, creams and oils, you can significantly enrich their composition (take 1-2 drops of ether per 10 g of base mask or cream).

This product can be used during skin care different types skin:

  • If the epidermis is very dry or combination skin or fatty type, regular use of geranium essential oil will help normalize the process of sebum production, softening the skin, and at the same time it restores firmness and elasticity.
  • Geranium essential oil is also useful for mature skin, because it helps accelerate rejuvenation and recovery, helps smooth out skin, small expression wrinkles are quickly eliminated.
  • This product has an antiseptic effect, thanks to which it helps to cure acne, relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin. Provided that geranium oil is used regularly, it helps strengthen the immune system of the skin, which has hypersensitivity and if there is a tendency to inflammation.
  • Geranium essential oil has a stimulating effect on the process of regeneration of injured skin cells after a burn or frostbite.
To normalize the condition of problem skin that is prone to acne, it is recommended to take a steam bath and add just a few drops of geranium ether to the water; you can simultaneously use lavender and cedar oil.

If geranium oil is applied directly to the affected areas, you can get rid of rosacea, and quickly remove different types rashes, including fungal infections and herpes.

This remedy helps remove toxins accumulated in the body and restore the natural protective functions of the epidermis. Geranium essential oil has the ability to remove from the body excess liquid, due to which swelling is relieved and the relief of the skin is leveled. Therefore, geranium oil is widely used as an effective anti-cellulite remedy.

Geranium essential oil can be used for hair care. For this purpose, it is enough to add a few drops of the product to any balm or shampoo before washing your hair. One of the advantages of this procedure is that it can be performed every day. As a result, there is a strengthening hair follicles, the problem of dandruff is solved.

Contraindications and restrictions on the use of geranium oil

Geranium essential oil is so popular due to the fact that it is a non-toxic product and cannot cause irritation. But despite this, there are certain limitations to its use that you must know before using it.

It is strictly forbidden to take geranium essential oil internally on an empty stomach. This remedy stimulates increased activity and a surge of energy and strength. That is why its use in the evening, before bed, is contraindicated, as there is a risk of causing insomnia. To prevent this from happening, all medical and cosmetic procedures must be carried out no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

The use of geranium essential oil has the following contraindications:

  • Under the age of 6 years, as unwanted health complications may be provoked. Treatment with geranium ether can only be carried out after a doctor’s permission and under the strict supervision of a specialist; independent use is strictly prohibited.
  • Subject to availability individual intolerance this tool. Despite the fact that geranium oil is considered non-allergenic, in some cases it can cause irritation, redness and severe itching. Therefore, before using this product, a sensitivity test is required.
  • Pregnant women. Most dangerous period the first 5 months, when the formation and development of the fetus occurs. In some cases, you should refrain from using geranium ether during breastfeeding.
  • If you take some hormonal contraceptives. Geranium oil can only be used after permission from a specialist.
With proper and regular use, geranium essential oil will help conduct an effective healing course for the whole body. And also maintain youth and beauty if you use this product in cosmetology.

Read more about the miraculous effect of geranium oil here:

Geranium aroma oil is truly a precious remedy. We invite you to talk about how you can use its beneficial properties.

Geranium is an amazing plant that has not only excellent decorative qualities, but also a huge list of useful properties, successfully used in everyday life, cosmetology, medicine, aromatherapy. The historical homeland of the flower is Morocco; it first appeared in Europe in the 17th century, since then it has quickly spread throughout the world, and today it is grown almost everywhere. Geranium oil obtained from this plant has long been considered one of the most valuable discoveries of mankind.

Composition of geranium oil

Natural oil is obtained by steam distillation from the leafy or flowering parts of the plant. The product is characterized by a yellow-green or yellow tint. Its aroma is somewhat similar to that of a rose with subtle minty notes and a bitter herbaceous taste.

The composition of geranium oil may vary slightly depending on the variety and type of raw material used. It has approximately one hundred components, including:

  • geraniol;
  • linalool;
  • nerol;
  • citronellol;
  • a-terpineol, etc.

Geranium goes well with bergamot, lemon, basil, orange, jasmine, grapefruit, cedar, patchouli and clove oils.

Benefits and Applications

As you know, geranium oil has numerous beneficial properties. Here are the main ones:

  • tonic;
  • astringents;
  • anthelmintics;
  • antiseptic;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antiviral;
  • painkillers, etc.

This product is genuine healing agent for the human body.

Since ancient times, geranium oil has been used to treat diseases of the mouth, throat, and ears, and was used to relieve pain and inflammation in these areas.

Also, the product has a very positive influence on the work of the heart, normalizes blood circulation, blood pressure, heart rate.

Geranium is one of the most best oils, which are used for women's health. It reduces pain during menstruation, makes it easier to endure climatic periods, relieves inflammation, and helps balance hormonal levels.

Oil can also have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person. It is an excellent antidepressant and can help improve mood, relieve feelings of fear, enhance physical and mental abilities in older people. Thanks to its calming effect, it relieves stress of various kinds.

Geranium oil can heal fungal diseases, herpes rashes, eczema. The product is used for pain relief and healing of burns.

Important properties of geranium are lowering blood sugar levels and the ability to prevent the division and growth of tumor cells in the body. The oil is used for neuritis and neuralgia, as it relieves pain and relieves swelling.

In addition, the product can destroy viruses of various origins, prevent cell oxidation, slow down aging, prevent blood clots, and improve the functioning of protective systems body.

Domestic use

Geranium is an excellent insect repellent. With its help you can get rid of moths, flies and mosquitoes.

In addition, the oil is used in cooking. They are flavored various dishes and drinks, giving a unique aroma and exquisite taste notes.

Aromatherapy with geranium oil

Geranium essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy. The product can be used using in various ways depending on the required purposes of application.

  1. Aroma lamp (10 drops per 15 ml of warm water) - to soften the course of menopause and aromatize the room.
  2. Aroma pendant (a few drops) – for good mood and increasing vigor during periods of critical days.
  3. Spraying (4 drops + spoon of alcohol + 100 g of water) – to improve immunity and purify the air.
  4. Inhalations (500 g of boiling water + a few drops of oil) - to treat colds.
  5. Aroma bath (12 drops + 20 g of cream or honey) – for hormonal therapy.
  6. Massages (12 drops + base) – to enhance female sexuality during menopause.
  7. Wraps (20 drops + base) – for the treatment of varicose veins;
  8. Internal use (1 drop + spoon of honey) – to increase estrogen.
  9. Enrichment of cosmetics (a few drops each).

Geranium - the guardian of beauty

Geranium oil is ideal for critically dry or excessively oily skin. Its use will help eliminate inflammation and rashes, and has a beneficial effect on swollen and aging skin. The product can activate blood flow, giving the face a healthy and even tone. If you add a little oil to the shower gel, then after bathing your skin will acquire a light, pleasant aroma.

Geranium oil also helps with skin diseases, heals small wounds and cracks, and has a emergency assistance for frostbite and burns. Magic remedy restores the epidermis, deeply smoothes and rejuvenates the skin, regulates fat balance. The oil is perfect for teenage, mature and problem skin.

Regarding hair health and beauty, the product helps cope with dandruff and itchy scalp. With its help you can quickly and easily get rid of lice.

At home, it is enough to simply enrich ordinary geraniums. cosmetics. To do this, you need to add a little oil to lotion, cream, tonic, shampoo. Good for hair special masks with a combination of geranium, juniper, lemon and olive oils.

With the help of the beneficial properties of geranium, obesity and cellulite can be treated. For these purposes, you should do special wraps, massages or take oil internally (a drop per teaspoon of honey).


In some cases, geranium oil can be not only beneficial, but also harmful effects on the body. In order to avoid this, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications in advance and not use it if there are any.

The oil should not be taken in the following cases:

  • on early stages pregnancy, as well as children under six years of age;
  • while using contraceptives;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

- real home doctor, which must be present in every housewife's first aid kit. It will become an excellent assistant in caring for your skin, hair, restoring health and in everyday life.

Geranium, or pelargonium, often decorates the window sills of our apartments or summer cottages. The aroma of this plant leaves no one indifferent: they either fall in love with it or hate it. Indeed, the smell of this flower is quite strong, but not everyone knows that this plant is also very useful. IN folk medicine Decoctions and infusions of geranium leaves have long been used, which help cope with various inflammations, intestinal disorders, and are also used in everyday life. Nowadays, geranium essential oil is more often used, the application of which is also very extensive.

Geranium ether is obtained by distilling the above-ground part of the plant with water vapor. Most often, either rose or lemon geranium is used in essential oil production.

Characteristics geranium essential oil

Geranium ether has properties such as lightness, fluidity and transparency. It has a yellow or yellow-green, light green color. The aroma of this oil is conveyed by the smell of the leaves of the plant; it is slightly tart, sweet, with notes of rose and mint.

Geranium essential oil dissolves well in carrier oils and also goes well with other essential oils such as eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, verbena, tea tree and others.

Medicinal properties

Geranium oil is used in the treatment skin diseases: It is used to treat herpes, acne and post-acne, burns and frostbite. Rubbing the oil in is a great way to relieve headaches. In cosmetology, the use of geranium oil is most often associated with hair care: it helps strengthen hair roots, get rid of dandruff, and also add shine to hair. Geranium will also be an excellent assistant in the fight against cellulite. Geranium essential oil can help with other women's problems: it normalizes the menstrual cycle and menopause. And the best part is that it lifts your mood and even fights depression!

Uses of geranium oil

To experience all the properties of the essential oil to the fullest, use proven recipes, and also do not forget to read the contraindications for using geranium essential oil, which you will find at the end of the article.

Hair care

Aroma combing

For aroma combing, you need to apply a mixture of geranium ether and base oil to a special wooden comb (choose the base based on the condition of your hair and the effect you want to achieve). Comb your hair with a comb for 5-7 minutes. This procedure will give your hair a healthy shine. With this aroma combing, sebum regulation is normalized, so the hair will stay clean longer.

Mask for hair loss

Geranium will also help you in the fight for lush hair. This recipe uses it in combination with other oils. You will need:

  • Burdock oil – 10 ml.
  • EM geranium – 5 drops;
  • Rosemary EO – 5 drops;
  • EM – 5 drops;

Prepare the mixture, heat it in your palms and apply to the roots of your hair. Gradually distribute the mixture throughout your head. Place a shower cap or plastic wrap over your head. After half an hour, remove the film and rinse your hair.

Hair mask with geranium ether for lice

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • Your shampoo and mask
  • Geranium ether

Pour shampoo into your palm and pour a couple of drops of geranium oil into it, rinse your hair well for 5 minutes. Rinse off the shampoo. Also add oil to other products. Mix five drops of ether with a hair mask, thoroughly cover your hair with the prepared mask, wrap your head with film, put a towel on top, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Geranium oil can also be used for hair growth. How? Be sure to read.

Facial skin care

The use of geranium oil in cosmetology is not at all limited to hair care. Geranium will help you make your skin healthier and more beautiful. Geranium EO reduces skin oiliness, tightens pores, but does not dry the skin, but on the contrary, moisturizes it, therefore it is also suitable for dry skin. Try the following beauty recipes.

Mask for problem skin

Geranium oil effectively fights acne, reducing redness and the number of breakouts, cleansing and reducing pores. To prepare an acne mask you will need:

  • Geranium essential oil – 15 drops.
  • Green clay – 20 g.
  • Calendula tincture – 20 drops.

Mix the ingredients. Steam your face and apply a mask thin layer. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water.

Anti-aging mask

The use of geranium oil is also beneficial for aging skin. Products with its addition will make the skin more elastic and improve complexion.

You will need:

  • EM geranium – 20 drops.
  • Peach
  • Cream – 25 ml.

Grind the peach in a blender to a puree consistency, pour in the cream and beat again, add geranium essential oil. Keep the mask on for half an hour.

Mask for sensitive skin

Geranium essential oil is also suitable for preparing a mask for sensitive and thin skin. For it you will need:

Geranium ether – 25 drops

Rice flour – 15 g.

Sour cream – 30 g.

Mix rice flour, sour cream and ether well. Clean your skin well and apply the mixture to clean, dry face. Keep the product on your face for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water.

Ice for wiping your face

Rubbing your face with ice cubes perfectly tones and also helps fight skin imperfections. To make ice you will need:

  • Milk or cream – 5 ml.
  • Geranium essential oil – 3-5 drops
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Mineral water – 200 ml.

Mix all ingredients. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer. Rub your face with an ice cube in the morning for 20-50 seconds.

Body care

Using geranium essential oils as a body care product will help make your skin more toned and youthful.

Anti-cellulite effect

Massage oil

Use geranium EO as a massage oil, diluting it with base oil in the following proportions: 5 drops of ether per 10-15 ml of base. Avocado, peach or other oils are used as a base. You can apply the mixture to special wooden anti-cellulite massagers, which will speed up the appearance of the desired result.

We also have a review article about. Find out how to use them correctly!

Aroma baths

Mix 10-15 drops with bath salts and add to warm water. This bath will perfectly relax you, calm you down and improve your emotional state. The ether will also help cope with cellulite and varicose veins. A bath with geranium oil can be taken for about 20 minutes. And we also have .


Use your favorite carrier oil that suits your skin or clay (whatever you like best!) as a base for the wrap. Mix the base with 5-7 drops of EM and apply the mask to problem areas. Wrap yourself in film and wait half an hour. Afterwards, wash off the mask with warm water.

Use of oil in folk medicine

The use of geranium oil in cosmetology is better known than its use in folk medicine, although the medicinal properties of geranium have been known for a very long time.

Geranium oil for headaches

Geranium ether will help cope with headaches. Mix the ether with the base in a ratio of 1:3. Massage the mixture onto your temples, forehead and back of your head.

Geranium oil for burns, scars and herpes

Combine 10 ml. transport oil with 5 drops of geranium and apply to the affected skin using a cotton swab. Apply several times a day. Geranium has antiseptic and wound-healing properties.

Geranium oil against ticks

Ticks (like many other insects) cannot stand the smell of geranium! You can make your own anti-tick remedy with geranium oil. To do this, mix 2 tsp. EM with 200 ml. water, pour into a spray bottle and use as a spray. The spray is easy to use: you can spray clothes, hair and various objects with it. Use this remedy in spring and summer, when the risk of contracting encephalitis is very high. This way you will protect yourself and your family. In addition to the spray, you can prepare a mixture of transport oil and essential oil and wipe the skin with it, avoiding the eyes.


  • intolerance to EO components
  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • use by children under 6 years of age
  • parallel use of homeopathic medicines

So, the use of geranium oil has no limits; it is a lifesaver that simply must be in the house. The ether is used against ticks, against headaches, against pediculosis, and also as a cosmetic procedure to preserve beauty and health.