Hazelnuts (hazelnuts): beneficial properties, applications, composition and calorie content. Walnuts for men

When we start to think – is it time to lose weight? That's right: when we look at ourselves in the mirror, or our favorite jeans suddenly stop fastening. At such a moment, many will buy a gym membership, and some will go on a diet, eliminating everything harmful, high-calorie and fatty from the diet. However, you should not give up vegetable fat, of which there is so much olive oil and everyone’s favorite nuts. The last product will be discussed further. Let's figure out what nuts you can eat when losing weight, and how they affect our body.

Is it possible to eat nuts on a diet?

A handful of nuts is an ideal substitute for sweets. Despite their high calorie content, you won't gain as much excess weight as if eating candy. However, this does not mean that you don’t have to limit yourself to nuts: an unhealthy passion for this product can increase body weight.

It is very important to understand how many walnuts and other nuts you can eat per day without harm to your health. About 30 grams of this natural product will not affect your weight in any way, and at the same time will benefit the body. From this we can conclude that if used correctly, a handful of natural product will not end up adding extra pounds to your waist.

Useful properties of nuts

Many people blame them for their high calorie content and excessive fat content. However, informed people know that nuts are important source fatty acids, vitamins and other elements that are vital for our body.

Let's consider beneficial properties in more detail:

  1. Gretsky– record holder among others in terms of calorie content. But at the same time it is considered one of the most useful for losing weight. What does a walnut contain? It is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are not produced independently in the body. The lack of these substances adversely affects our health. Walnuts also contain a lot, which makes them indispensable in the fight for the beauty of skin, hair and nails. A small handful a day can combat fatigue and drowsiness.
  2. Almond recognized best assistant when losing weight. Contains substances that prevent the formation of blood clots and lower cholesterol levels. Almonds help maintain the youth of the body thanks to vitamin B. It is recommended to be consumed to prevent diabetes. It has been shown to help lower blood glucose levels.
  3. Cashew especially recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. The high content of zinc and phosphorus promotes weight loss, and the presence various vitamins and amino acids in the composition help maintain the beauty of hair and skin.
  4. Hazelnut. Due to the high fat content, it is not entirely suitable for weight loss, however, this does not make it any less useful. Oleic acid in hazelnuts has a beneficial effect on health vascular system and hearts. Improves mood and helps eliminate toxins. High iron content makes it great natural product in the fight against anemia.
  5. Peanut It’s not just that it has gained great popularity in North America: nut butter for breakfast can satiate a person for a long time without harming the figure. Peanuts are well absorbed by the body, and recent studies have shown that they are rich a large number antioxidants and prevents the formation cancerous tumors.
  6. Pistachios They are not very high in calories, so they will not harm your figure. These tasty nuts help eliminate puffiness that is a constant companion to the “orange peel” on the thighs and buttocks. However, this does not apply to salted pistachios.
  7. Pine nuts should be in the diet of everyone losing weight: they suppress hunger, and as a result you consume fewer calories per day.


Nuts are an unrivaled source of fats, vitamins and microelements, but do not forget that almost every product, no matter how healthy it may be, has its own contraindications.

For example, it is not recommended to eat walnuts if you are sick internal organs and gastrointestinal ulcers. People with arrhythmia should avoid eating almonds. Cashew is contraindicated for individual intolerance, and hazelnuts are not recommended for diabetics. People with cardiovascular diseases should avoid peanuts. Peanuts, like pistachios, are very strong allergen. Small pine nut kernels may cause blockage respiratory tract in young children.

What is the best time to eat nuts?

All doctors agree that it is advisable to consume this natural delicacy separately from other foods, but they give different answers to the question of when is the best time to eat nuts. On the one hand, high-calorie and fatty foods It’s better to eat it for breakfast, but on the other hand, it will be more useful to satisfy your hunger before bed with a couple of nuts than with a chocolate bar.

It is worth remembering that in the evening a person expends little energy, and the nuts eaten are most likely “deposited” in problem areas. Therefore, we can conclude that it is better to eat nuts in the morning.

Composition and calorie content

Carbohydrates, g



How much can you eat per day

To lose weight, it is wise to consume this natural gift in salads or as a snack. 30 grams of nuts eaten in the first half of the day will not interfere with your weight loss process.

Don't have scales? Count the quantity and understand how many walnuts, pine and other nuts you can eat per day:

  • walnut – 15 pcs;
  • almonds – 25 pcs;
  • cashews – 18 pcs;
  • hazelnuts – 12 pcs;
  • peanuts – 20 pcs;
  • pistachios – 40 pcs;
  • cedar - 3 tbsp. l.

It is important to understand that chocolate-covered nuts are taboo for those trying to lose weight. It makes no sense to say that such a combination leads to extra pounds. You should not eat salty treats either: salt retains liquid.

Effect on metabolism

Many people wonder if eating nuts can make you fat. To answer this question, it is important to understand how our body works.

Nutrition is the basis of all metabolism. You cannot cut the number of calories you are given. For example, men weighing 80 kg require 1800 kcal per day to maintain normal functioning, and women – 1630 kcal. That is, with a calorie deficit, metabolism slows down, and weight may “rise.” However, for normal life functions, food must supply a large amount of elements, amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, etc. It is not for nothing that the people say: “We are what we eat.”

Nuts have low glycemic index and perfectly saturate, thereby helping to speed up metabolism. They are also capable of producing pancreatic polypeptide, which dulls the desire to eat sweets and fatty foods. By eating a couple of nuts, you help your body speed up the process of burning fat deposits. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to gain weight from nuts, the answer is negative. But if you eat them above the norm or like to enjoy them before bed, then the arrow on the scale will not make you happy any time soon.

Walnut: benefits for weight loss

Walnuts have long been famous for their beneficial and even medicinal properties. It is especially valued for its “rich” composition.

Is it possible to eat walnuts while losing weight? The facts below will help you answer this question:

  1. Losing weight is stressful for the body. Walnuts promote recovery nervous system.
  2. Correct usage This product speeds up metabolism, which makes the weight loss process more effective.
  3. This gift of nature normalizes hormone levels.
  4. The daily intake helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, improve blood formation and absorb vitamins.

Yes, undoubtedly, this product is a storehouse of vitamins, but this does not mean that you can overeat on it. There must be a measure for everything. It's important to remember how much to eat walnuts per day. It is recommended to consume about 30 grams of this product in its purified form for breakfast or as a snack. This amount can keep the body in good shape and prevent a person from overeating during the day.

If you eat more than you should, you risk gaining weight. But that's not the worst. Excessive use may adversely affect the liver. In addition, excessive consumption can cause allergies, headache and even exacerbation of certain diseases. This is why you shouldn't eat a lot of walnuts.

Recipes with nuts

Oatmeal breakfast



  1. Pour low-fat milk over oatmeal or hot water and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Add nuts and grated apple to the cereal.
  3. Season with a teaspoon of honey.



  1. Chop the tomatoes and sprinkle nuts on top.
  2. Chop the onion and place on the tomatoes.
  3. Drizzle with a little oil and garnish with herbs on top.

Dessert with prunes


  • chopped nuts;
  • prunes;
  • low-fat yogurt.


  1. Cut the prunes into strips and combine with chopped nuts.
  2. Pour in low-fat yoghurt and let steep for 10 minutes.


A nutritionist will tell you about the benefits and harms of nuts in this video.

Every person who cares about their health tries to make their diet only from healthy and nutritious foods.

Nuts are also considered as such: they supply the body with many important substances, but it is very important to know how much you can eat per day, because... they are quite high in calories.

How many nuts can you eat per day: are there standards ^

On store shelves you can find a wide variety of different types nuts, but the most common are the following:

  • Peanuts: contain antioxidants, vitamins B and E, poly unsaturated acids. One of important properties– increased blood clotting;
  • Brazil nuts: 50% fat. They also contain vitamins A and B and microelements. Recommended for reducing levels bad cholesterol and glucose, as well as for diseases of the nervous system;
  • Walnuts: rich in fatty acids, vitamins A, B, E and C, and microelements. Help with anemia and hypertension, strengthen the immune system;

  • Hazelnuts: One of the highest calorie nuts, it's best to eat them separately at snack times. They are saturated with fatty acids and vitamins B, C and E. They help to recover faster after operations and serious illnesses, fight anemia, cleanse the liver and reduce the likelihood of varicose veins;
  • Pine nuts: rich in easily digestible fats, proteins and amino acids. Useful for pregnant women, teenagers and children;
  • Cashews: low in fat and high content fiber compared to other types. They contain vitamins B, E and P, as well as microelements and amino acids, which help maintain youth and improve the condition of hair and nails. Suitable for use when losing weight;
  • Pecans: Made up of mostly plant proteins, they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Has a beneficial effect on hair, nails and skin, helps stop the growth of cancer cells;
  • Pistachios: the composition contains unsaturated acids, vitamins A, B, E and P, proteins, starch and carbohydrates. Useful for syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • Macadamia: one of the most useful and expensive varieties. Effective in the treatment of headaches, vascular diseases, high cholesterol.

Pecans and walnuts: the difference

Many people confuse walnuts and pecans because... outwardly they are very similar: they have the same shape, reminiscent of the structure of the brain.

  • This is the only thing they have in common; they taste completely different.
  • Pecan is much more tender and sweeter, it lacks bitterness, moreover, it has a different composition and is stored longer.

How many nuts do you need for health?

How many nuts to eat per day

It's no secret that to lose weight you need to use not strict diets, but... balanced diet, whose diet must include nuts. Many people do not eat them because of their high calorie content, which can reach 800-900 Kcal per 100, but if you follow the measure, weight will not increase.

The greatest importance is how many grams of nuts are consumed per day: 30 g (approximately 200 Kcal) is considered the norm. In quantitative terms, it looks something like this:

  • 20 pcs. almonds;
  • 18 pcs. cashew;
  • 150 pcs. pine nuts;
  • 18 pcs. pecan;
  • 40 pcs. peeled pistachios;
  • 8 pcs. Brazil nuts;
  • 10 pcs. walnuts.

Thus, you can eat any nuts on a diet, the main thing is not to overuse them, because... they must fit into the total calorie intake for the day.

Do I need to soak nuts before eating?

It is recommended to soak nuts to improve absorption. The fact is that they are, as it were, “preserved” by nature (this happens when the nut is separated from the source of moisture, i.e. from the tree). The nut is “waiting for spring” when moisture appears for germination; for this, it contains enzyme inhibitors that add bitterness and complicate the nut’s absorption by the body. There are two ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors: cooking the nut as part of some food or soaking it in water.

Bay drinking water Before complete immersion, you need to leave them for several hours (from 2 to 12) at room temperature, and then rinse well. Soaking activates the “dormant potential” of nuts, revitalizes them and neutralizes harmful inhibitors.

Nut soaking time

The main part of the inhibitors is contained in the skin, so you need to peel the nuts before soaking. Please note that peanuts are often contaminated with toxic mold, so be sure to carefully inspect and discard contaminated fruit.

Soaking is especially recommended for purchased nuts, which are processed before sale for better storage. It is best to buy unshelled nuts and peel them yourself. Note that only fresh, not roasted nuts are subject to “reanimation”.

Nuts while breastfeeding

Every nursing mother should also include in her daily diet nuts, because they are rich in amino acids, proteins and other useful elements, which have a positive effect on the quality of milk and the child’s body.

  • However, other rules apply here: you should not consume more than 15 g of nuts per day, even if they do not cause negative reactions.

Nuts for children

It is very important for a growing child, as well as a nursing woman, to enrich their diet with nuts, but it is not recommended to give this product to children under the age of 3 years.

  • A full introduction of nuts into the diet is possible only after reaching 5 years of age; before that, they should be fed only in small portions of 1-2 pieces. in a few days.
  • If the baby is healthy and not obese, after 5 years he can be given up to 30 g of nuts per week.

Special benefits of nuts for men

Separately, it is worth highlighting the beneficial properties of nuts for men: they restore male reproductive functions, and generally have a beneficial effect on reproductive system. What types should you pay attention to for potency:

  • Walnuts: improve sperm quality;
  • Brazilian: increases testosterone;
  • Cashews: stimulate the production of male sex hormones and fertility;
  • Almonds: improves sexual functions;
  • Pecan: helps fight prostate diseases.

Is it possible to eat nuts at night?

The best time to eat nuts is the first half of the day.

  • It is not recommended to eat them at night, because... Most of the food eaten before bed will be stored as fat, and after a while you may notice weight gain.
  • It is advisable to eat nuts between meals, instead of snacks.

It is important to choose the right nuts so that they do not harm, but benefit the body.

  • The most best nuts- in a shell. Before buying, you need to shake them: if rattling and knocking are clearly heard under the shell, it means they have been lying around for a long time and have had time to dry. Such a product is already stale - you don’t need it.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the shell - it must be intact, without cracks, chips or holes.
  • If you want to buy shelled nuts, it is better to choose them in individual packaging, rather than from a tray where they lie in bulk. Give preference to whole fruits rather than crushed and split into halves. The more the nuts are crushed, the faster they go rancid.
  • The color should be uniform. If there are yellow spots, then they are already spoiled.

  • You should absolutely not buy nuts with dark spots, rancid taste or traces of mold. In the process of molding in such useful fruits are formed toxic substances- aflatoxins, which cause severe allergic reaction, harm the liver and can lead to serious poisoning. No amount of manipulation (neither soaking, nor heat treatment, nor salting out) will help you get rid of aflatoxins. Moldy fruits must be disposed of.
  • Ask the seller for a few pieces of nuts to try (it’s usually free at the market) - the taste should be fresh, without foreign impurities or smell. If even one fruit seems rancid, you should not take the whole batch.
  • Nuts ripen in late summer - autumn. For example, hazelnuts - in August, walnuts - depending on the variety in September or October, almonds - in July-August, pistachios - from September to November. Therefore, you should understand that in the first half of the year (winter-summer) you are unlikely to be able to find fresh nuts.

How to properly store nuts

After purchasing a quality useful product It should be remembered that due to the presence of a large amount of oils in nuts, they have a short shelf life, so it is recommended to pack them in an airtight container, preferably glass, and put them in the refrigerator.

It often happens that when we eat nuts, we come across one that is rancid or, even worse, tastes moldy - under no circumstances should we eat it. A rancid nut is already spoiled, and a moldy-tasting nut is hazardous to health.

Moreover, all the nuts in the total mass are already infected with mold spores, so you will have to part with them and throw away all that were stored in the container. You should not eat moldy or spoiled nuts if you care about your health and the health of your loved ones.

Storing nuts in the refrigerator will also protect you from another scourge - food moths. Often, when buying groceries (cereals, nuts, dried fruits), we get a not-at-all nice pet. Please note that the risk of bringing moth larvae into your home increases if you buy nuts in bulk at a store or market. If moths do appear in the nuts, they should be thrown away.


Diets and healthy eating 07.09.2012

On my blog I want to write a series of articles about nuts. We all love them, often buy and use them. I have many recipes on how you can support your health with the help of nuts. I hope they will be useful to you too. Today we will talk about walnuts.

From the ancient Greeks, along with important mathematical discoveries, the alphabet and theatrical art, walnuts came to us. Hence the name, although in fact their homeland is Asia Minor and Central Asia. At first, the Greeks themselves did not appreciate the beneficial properties of nuts and used them to dye fabrics. Well, now walnuts are an integral ingredient in many dishes. In addition, this delicacy has a beneficial effect on our body.

The walnut is probably the most wonderful thing that nature has created. IN flora in terms of the totality of everything useful, it has no equal.

Walnut. Useful properties:

  • Contains a large number of microelements, such as cobalt, iron, copper, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc and others.
  • Contains a large amount of antioxidants. They prevent our healthy cells from degenerating into cancer cells.
  • Contains more than 20 amino acids.
  • Walnuts contain vitamins groups B,P, PP,S. You know that walnuts are higher in vitamin C content than black currants and even citrus fruits, so they are indispensable during the cold season and for people with low immunity.
  • Despite the fact that walnuts are very high-calorie product, it does not affect blood cholesterol levels.
  • Positively affects mental activity person. In ancient times it was called “food for the mind.” And the shape of a walnut is very similar to the brain.
  • Improves vision.
  • Restores strength, so it is very good to eat walnuts after serious illnesses.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It completely replaces animal protein, therefore it is ideal for feeding vegetarians, raw foodists and people who practice yoga.
  • Normalizes gastric secretion, regardless of whether it is low or high.
  • Increases the body's energy.
  • Perfectly strengthens the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Due to their high magnesium content, walnuts support the nervous system well.
  • Used for treatment thyroid gland.
  • Has bactericidal properties.
  • Helps in the treatment of infertility and impotence. Men, remember that by eating walnuts, you will forget about irritability and hot temper. And I would like to remind women: just don’t forget to give these nuts to our men.
  • Used for treatment in gynecology.
  • Walnuts are useful for anemia.
  • Used to treat hypertension.
  • Protect from harmful effects radiation.
  • Prevents the development of caries.
  • Not only the nuts themselves are useful, but also the leaves of the walnut tree. They are used in the treatment of foot fungus. Ointments and alcohol extracts are prepared from them.

How many walnuts should you eat every day? with health benefits?

Don’t forget about the norm and eat them in unlimited quantities. Eat up to 5 walnuts per day. And your body will receive enough useful substances, you will improve your health.

It is believed that it is undesirable for children under 3 years of age to include walnuts in their diet - this is the recommendation of doctors. Also for people with problems gastrointestinal tract (enteritis, colic) you should treat walnuts with caution.

Walnut. Contraindications.

Eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, urticaria, diathesis. In people suffering from these diseases, even a minimal amount of walnuts eaten can cause an exacerbation. Also, walnuts are contraindicated for people with increased coagulability blood, in acute intestinal diseases, pancreatitis.

Walnut. Calorie content.

100 grams of peeled walnuts contain 650 kcal. That's more than a bar of chocolate.

How to select and store walnuts?

Buy walnuts only in shells. Can you imagine what kind of hands everything went through before they reached the market or store counter? It is recommended to shake the walnut a little to check what is inside. It is clear that this is possible when you buy a few of these nuts at the market. Just do this random quality test. You can ask the seller to simply crack a couple of nuts to choose from and see what’s inside and see if there’s any mold.

Until the end of winter, you can store walnuts in boxes or bags, with more long-term storage We recommend glass and clay containers, which must be tightly closed.

Walnut. Treatment. Application.

To improve memory, maintain vision, to reduce the harmful effects of radiation — eat 2-4 nuts per day.

Walnuts with honey - to restore strength after a serious illness, when underweight, dystrophy:

Mix chopped walnuts in equal parts with honey. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day between meals.

From nervous overexcitation.

Take a few walnuts in your palms (a couple is enough) and simply roll them in the palms of your hands. Simple and effective. This is all due to the fact that our nerve endings in our fingertips are directly connected to the functioning of our brain.

For home comfort.

Place walnuts in a vase. Moths, mosquitoes and flies cannot stand this smell.

General strengthening recipe. To cleanse blood vessels.

Take a glass of all the ingredients: crushed walnuts, honey, raisins. Add juice of 1 lemon. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Walnut partitions. Treatment. Application.

For cleaning vessels . Walnut tincture. Walnut partitions.

Take 14 nuts and peel them. Pour 0.5 liter of vodka over the crushed shells and leave in a dark place for a week, shaking the contents periodically. Strain. Take this tincture 1 tablespoon twice a day 15 minutes before meals.

For uterine fibroids:

Peel 1 kg of walnuts. Grind the shells. Add walnut partitions there. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka over everything and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. Then take a break. Then repeat the course.

For mastopathy:

Peel 25 nuts. Fill the internal partitions with 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 10 days. Take 1 tsp. Tinctures, diluted a little with water 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. Then take a break. Repeat if necessary.

For diabetes, inflammation of the thyroid gland and pain in the joints:

Fill a half-liter bottle one-third full with walnut partitions. Pour vodka on top. Leave for 2 weeks, strain. Take 1 tablespoon of tincture 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Medicinal infusions of walnuts and black walnuts.

I suggest watching a video about treatment with walnut tinctures.

My heartfelt gift Grieg. Concerto in A minor, 1st movement. Performed by Evgeny Kisin . I have been preparing for such a gift for a long time. I don’t know how everything will be accepted, but I made up my mind. This is one of my favorite concerts.

The themes in the concert are simply pure pleasure. I always remember with nostalgia a little the time when I played this concert myself. And then my friend and I played it at a competition on two pianos. “Grieg’s” themes are always special for me. Romance here is combined with national identity. Dreaminess, elegance, warmth and passion are combined with masculinity. For those who want to listen amazing music, I invite:

I wish everyone health and pleasant moments of rest. Remember that by filling our soul, we take care of what is most important for our health.

In the season itself, I can’t ignore the fluffy and green dill that we all love. What dacha is he not at? And he is very unpretentious, and...

Turmeric is one of my favorite spices. So cozy, yellow, sunny, just wonderful. I always add it to almost all dishes. Very nice color...

We went outside. Can't figure out where this scent comes from? So the linden blossomed. And it blooms only once a year and for a fairly short time...

A panacea for many diseases, propolis tincture is used for both internal and external use. How to take propolis tincture correctly to achieve the desired result?

Indications for the use of propolis ointment include eczema, various dermatoses, cough, hemorrhoids, burns. Propolis relieves irritation, relieves tissue swelling, and has an analgesic effect.

See also



    02 Mar 2013 at 16:20







    21 Sep 2012 at 14:53


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    15 Sep 2012 at 7:48


    Elena Rolheiser
    13 Sep 2012 at 15:04


    Natalya Yarskaya
    13 Sep 2012 at 13:19


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    09 Sep 2012 at 7:04


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    09 Sep 2012 at 2:12


    09 Sep 2012 at 0:03


    Elena Meteleva
    08 Sep 2012 at 23:47

    Probably each of us knows about the benefits of nuts. But few people know what the norm of nuts per day is. Scientists have found that it is nuts that contribute to a significant increase in the level of the hormone serotonin. This hormone is also called the happiness hormone. Under its influence, mood improves, stress is relieved, and functioning improves cardiovascular system. It is worth noting that you can eat absolutely any type of nut. Most the best option both in properties and composition it is . And so that it is observed in the body maximum benefit, it is important to eat nuts daily. But in what quantity?

    Types of nuts

    To understand how many nuts you can consume during the day, it’s worth understanding their composition and varieties. After all, the daily norm is calculated based on the benefits of a particular product. So, first of all, it is worth mentioning the well-known walnut. It is quite common in our latitudes, so it is often used in cooking various dishes. It has a large number of useful properties, which are explained by its rich composition.


    So, speaking about the composition of walnuts, it is important to note the large amount of fats (74%) and protein components. Also, walnuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and oils. Fat essential oils may consist of the following acids:

    • Linolenic;
    • Linoleic;
    • Palmitic;
    • Oleic.

    Any type of nut is famous for its high content of vitamins and microelements. Walnut is no exception: vitamins B, A, C, PP, E, zinc, iodine, iron, cobalt, magnesium, copper, essential oils, tannins. It is important to note that young unripe fruits of this type of nut contain much more vitamin C than rose hips.

    Speaking about other types, it is important to note such useful and common fruits as peanuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews, pine nut, pecan, Brazil nut. The last of them surprises with its uniqueness and benefits. Among the many unique components brazil nut, the following can be distinguished:

    • Flavonoids;
    • Fats;
    • Proteins;
    • Fiber;
    • 18 amino acids;
    • Vitamins B, PP, E, C, A, K;
    • Zinc;
    • Selenium;
    • Potassium;
    • Calcium;
    • Sodium;
    • Iron;
    • Magnesium.

    And this is not the entire list of trace elements, minerals and vitamins that are part of Brazil nuts. Speaking of peanuts, this type nut is very easily and fully absorbed by the human body. This product should be consumed every day, because the nut holds the record for the content of unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, the taste of the product is not specific and suits everyone.

    High concentration of calcium and vitamin E, quality fatty oils. When talking about the composition of hazelnuts, first of all, it is important to mention potassium, natural sugars and carbohydrates. As you can see, different types of fruits differ slightly in their composition. Therefore, the daily rate of their consumption may vary. This is also influenced current state human health, and the goals pursued.

    Daily intake of nuts

    How many nuts can you eat per day? This question is often asked by lovers of this delicacy. Since nuts have been proven to increase serotonin levels, it is recommended to eat nuts every day. Under the influence of serotonin, the full functioning of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system is established. So, to remove nervous tension, improve the mood necessary daily norm is 30 grams of nuts per day. You can eat any kind: walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, peanuts.

    This norm is sufficient to strengthen the heart muscle, the walls of blood vessels, and increase their elasticity. Once an experiment was conducted that clearly shows the need for this norm. So, two groups of people took part in the experiment: experimental and control. Both groups included patients with diabetes mellitus, violation metabolic processes, obesity, high level cholesterol, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

    The first experimental group consumed 30 grams of nuts daily along with their diet for three months. The control group of subjects did not violate their usual menu and did not eat nuts. After this time, all study participants completed full diagnostics. It was found that a group of people who consumed the required amount of nuts every day had significantly improved heart function and lower cholesterol levels. As a result of this, all subjects in the first group lost a certain amount of weight. This is caused by an increase in the level of serotonin in the blood.

    What is 30 grams of nuts? Speaking of walnuts, these are 5 fruits. This norm may vary. But, do not exceed the dosage over 100 grams. Hazelnuts are allowed daily in the amount of 50 grams. Hazelnut fruits have the following beneficial properties:

    • Improves heart function;
    • Normalize blood pressure;
    • Improves overall blood flow;
    • Relieves anemia;
    • They have vasodilating and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Hazelnuts are very useful for varicose veins. After just a month of following this norm, the patient will notice improvements. Pistachios help eliminate symptoms of chronic fatigue, relieve stress and depression, and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol. This product should also not exceed 80-100 grams per day. Pistachios are particularly beneficial for men's health. Large quantity Selenium, zinc and calcium in the product increase potency and libido levels.

    Mixed nuts

    For the female body, pecans and almonds can be considered the most beneficial. These types are rich in antioxidants and vitamin E. These components help maintain youth, reduce body weight, and improve the condition of skin, nails and hair. Also, I advise those people who suffer from asthma, insomnia, headaches, and seizures to eat almonds. Simply make it a rule to eat no more than five nuts per day.

    Why should you not exceed your daily allowance for nuts?

    Knowing all the beneficial properties of nuts, you should not abuse them. The effect can be completely opposite. Nuts are a very high-calorie product. So, one hundred grams of fruit contains over 650 kcal. It follows from this that I regularly exceed permissible norm You can gain significant weight. You may even develop obesity.

    In addition, everyone knows that the nut is on the list allergenic products. At excessive consumption Histamine may be released into the blood, which can provoke the following allergic reactions:

    • Swelling of the mucous membranes;
    • Allergic rhinitis;
    • Cough, choking;
    • Hives;
    • Quincke's edema;
    • Nausea, vomiting;
    • Anaphylactic shock.

    There are also a number of contraindications that prohibit consuming even the minimum amount of the product per day. This could include any skin diseases, poor clotting blood, diseases of the pancreas and intestines in the acute stage. The 30 gram limit applies only to adults. For children, the norm is slightly different.

    Today, experts still have not come to a consensus on when to start giving nuts to children. Some argue that optimal age is two years old. Others do not advise giving fruits to eat until the age of five. Most doctors allow you to start including nuts in your diet from the age of three. As for the norm, it should not exceed 2-3 fruits per day. If strict contraindications for use no, compliance daily value will only benefit the body of every person.

    Huge. It has been noticed that most men are very fond of this particular type of nut, in contrast to women who prefer hazelnuts, etc. Why are men so drawn to walnuts? The answer is obvious: nuts give strength to men's health.

    The benefits of walnuts for men

    Nutritional value

    Walnuts are unique; they contain many beneficial substances. 100 g of nuts contain: carbohydrates 13.71 g; starch 0.06 g; sugar 2.61 g; fats 65.21 g; saturated fats 6.126 g; monounsaturated fat 8.933 g; polyunsaturated fats 47.174 g; water 4.07 g; proteins 15.23 g; dietary fiber 6.7 g; vitamins; minerals; phyto- nutrients; energy: 654 kcal.

    How many walnuts should you eat per day?

    The optimal norm is 40 g of nuts per day (about 5 pieces). They can also be added to desserts, yogurt, salads, and baked goods.
    If you have an allergy and intolerance to walnuts, the following symptoms occur: abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, inflammation of the mouth, throat, lips, etc. If such symptoms appear, you must completely avoid walnuts and undergo an examination.


    Walnuts are stored at temperatures from -3 to 0 degrees C.
    At temperatures above 30 degrees and a humidity of 70%, nuts spoil very quickly.
    Shelled walnuts should be stored in airtight containers in the refrigerator or, better yet, in the freezer, where they will not spoil for up to 12 months.

    Walnut oil

    Walnut oil contains all the nutrients that are found in the nut. The only difference is that it is a more concentrated source of all these substances. Daily requirement of this oil is 1.6 g for men and 1.1 for women. This oil is usually added to salads, sauces, and pizza. This oil is very beneficial for the human body.
    Now you know about the benefits of walnuts and it’s up to you to decide in what form to consume them, the main thing is to follow daily norm and don't overdo it.