Brown fluid is running from the nose. Snot flows from the nose like water - how to treat it

Yellow colored water coming from the nose is not normal. This condition subject to compulsory treatment, which is accompanied by a search for the cause and its elimination.

Interesting! Liquid of any color discharged from the nose is a symptom that signals the presence of a disease that can manifest itself at any time!


Nasal discharge clear water may well be a physiological norm for the body if a person long time was under the influence low temperatures or actively engaged in physical exercise.

Also transparent discharge from the nose can be observed during development allergic reaction, accompanied by lacrimation, and when infected with ARVI. In the first case, you need to contact an allergist who will help identify the allergen and give recommendations regarding the prevention of allergies. In the second case, when proper treatment Nasal discharge goes away on its own.

It’s another matter if the discharge of yellow liquid from the nose is accompanied by headaches, especially when tilting the head or turning it in a direction. different sides. This is already a symptom of more serious diseases and a reason to seek advice from a specialist.

The reasons why yellow water flows from the nasal passages may be as follows:

  • Development of sinusitis;
  • Development of sinusitis;
  • Cyst development maxillary sinuses.

All of the diseases listed above are not so terrible, but they become dangerous in the form of complications. This is why it is important to get treatment promptly.


If yellow discharge flows from the nasal passages, then the most obvious reason is similar phenomenon– development of sinusitis.

Sinusitis is a process called inflammatory in nature which affects paranasal sinuses nose Sinusitis can develop in acute or chronic form, and symptoms will vary depending on the form, which makes diagnosis easier.

Acute sinusitis is accompanied by:

  • Paroxysmal changes in temperature;
  • The appearance of headaches in response to head movements, especially bending;
  • The appearance of pain in response to pressure on the infraorbital areas;
  • The appearance of copious mucous discharge and yellow color.

Chronic sinusitis has slightly different symptoms:

  • Difficulty with nasal breathing;
  • The development of rhinitis, which is permanent or worsening;

Main difference acute sinusitis from chronic is that the pain in the orbital area in the second case is not so pronounced. However, both in acute and in chronic sinusitis fluid flows from the nasal passages yellowish color.


Sinusitis is another reason why yellow water may be leaking from the nose. Sinusitis develops in response to bacterial, fungal or viral infection. The fluid released from the nasal passages is not only yellow in color, but also has an unpleasant odor.

There are a number of symptoms that help suspect the development of sinusitis:

  • Development pain both at rest and if the sinus area is pressed or the head is tilted - this is explained by the movement of pus inside the sinuses;
  • Increasing pain in the head;
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing mainly on one side only;
  • Complaints of loss of smell or decreased ability to distinguish odors;
  • The water that flows from the nasal passages is not only yellow, but also purulent in nature;
  • The cough is dry at night and usually less pronounced during the day;
  • Redness skin from the side of the affected sinus;
  • Temperature surges.

Maxillary sinus cyst

A common reason why yellow water flows from the nasal passages is a sinus cyst. A cyst is a neoplasm that is benign and filled with fluid. Most often, the cyst is not accompanied by any complaints from patients, but is discovered completely by accident. Sometimes people may complain about:

  • difficult nasal breathing associated with congestion; this phenomenon is temporary, but relapses are frequent;
  • when tilting the head, yellowish discharge flows from the nose on one side;
  • headaches or pain when pressing on the sinus area.

Maxillary sinus cyst

In the case of a maxillary sinus cyst, the yellowish fluid that flows from the nose is a secretion that accumulates in the cyst.

It is worth keeping in mind that a change in the color of the fluid from yellow to brown indicates some kind of injury that led to a violation of the integrity of the cyst. If the injury is serious, then the secretion may be mixed with blood clots or veins. Rupture of a maxillary sinus cyst is a direct indication for hospitalization of a person in a hospital and treatment there.

Important! If you can remember and tell at a doctor’s appointment what diseases you have recently had, whether your face was injured in lately, and also describe in detail the nature of nasal discharge, then this information will greatly facilitate the diagnosis and allow you to select the most effective therapy and start treatment faster.

If liquid with a yellow tint flows from the nasal passages, this indicates the development of diseases that neglected form dangerous due to their consequences.

Since it is impossible to independently determine the cause at home, if you have nasal discharge of any nature, you are advised to seek help from a doctor.

The flow of liquid snot from the nose is called rhinorrhea. If clear mucus constantly flows from the nose, this indicates that the body has turned on defensive reaction and actively fights harmful bacteria and viruses. Thus, when snot flows, it should be regarded as a signal of disruption of the natural processes occurring in the nasal cavity. This kind of problem has an adverse effect on the organs of the respiratory system: trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Even if it seems to you that they are liquid transparent snot- quite harmless symptom, it cannot be ignored. Treatment should begin immediately. After all, such a runny nose can provoke the appearance of many very serious diseases. First of all, let’s determine the reasons that caused the nasal waterfall.

Why is snot flowing?

Liquid snot, like water, causes more discomfort than a thick runny nose. They appear due to the fact that the mucous membrane in the nose gets infected, causing its swelling and development inflammatory process.

“Why do snot flow like a stream?” - this question probably came to the mind of everyone who has experienced all the delights of colds. First of all, you need to take into account the color of the discharge, since it is a reflection of the processes occurring in the body and can additionally inform about the stage of the ongoing disease. Transparent liquid snot in an adult occurs when:

  • infectious-inflammatory process;
  • rhinitis and its varieties;
  • sinusitis in its various forms;
  • sinusitis;
  • allergies.

Let's take a closer look at several options.

What symptoms are accompanied by liquid discharge?

In addition to the fact that a sick person is bothered by a runny nose and snot like water, he may also suffer from general deterioration health, headache, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing. In some cases, the temperature rises, sneezing becomes more frequent, and tears are released involuntarily.

If an adult constantly has snot, of course, there can be no question of a normal sense of smell. Burning and scratching sensations cause significant discomfort. The nasal mucosa swells significantly. This swelling interferes with natural drainage - secretions begin to accumulate inside the nasal cavity, creating ideal conditions for the development of harmful microorganisms.

What to do if your runny nose is like water

If you have a cold, have a profuse runny nose, or a runny nose, you can deal with the discharge if you don’t wait for it to dry up on its own, but help it drain out faster. To do this, you will need to eliminate the infection that has affected the nasal cavity. For this purpose, it is recommended to carry out basic procedures with a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • steam inhalation;
  • rinsing the nasal passages;
  • increasing the volume of warm liquid you drink per day;
  • taking extra vitamin C.

If snot, like water, appears in adults or children due to exposure to an allergen, then it is imperative to get rid of it. First of all, we eliminate all kinds of particles that provoke allergies. In other words, we use exclusively hypoallergenic bed linen, we do daily wet cleaning in the house, avoid places where plants that cause allergic reactions bloom, and so on.

When contact with the allergen is interrupted, profuse nasal discharge will stop.

If it is not possible to protect yourself from all allergens, the doctor will prescribe special medications:

  • antihistamines (for example, Suprastin, Zirtek, Tavegil);
  • vasoconstrictors (for example, Rinazolin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin).

After the fact

You should always remember that an ignored runny nose can cause a serious blow to your health. You don't have to worry too much unless:

  • your nose runs after you have been physically active;
  • nasal discharge is just allergic rhinitis.

Any other case when you don’t know why an adult’s snot constantly flows requires immediate consultation and examination by an experienced specialist who will determine correct diagnosis, will prescribe adequate and, most importantly, timely treatment.

Of course, the method of treatment directly depends on the diagnosis made by the doctor. After all, snot is only a symptom developing disease, so putting special drops in your nose alone will not work. It is impossible to cure the disease by treating the runny nose alone. Therefore, therapy must be comprehensive.

Transparent snot in an adult

Snot is like water on a child

How to treat snot in a child if it flows like water?

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Often the patient begins to worry and consult a doctor for medical care when snot constantly flows in a stream and at the same time the nose is very stuffy.

Liquid snot is enough common occurrence among adults, which is very difficult to control. Such symptoms cause discomfort and disrupt general condition body.

Why do I sneeze and can't stop my runny nose? This question is often asked to the doctor, wanting to know what causes the symptoms, what to do to eliminate a runny nose and how to treat a stuffy nose.

But before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the reasons why clear snot flows like a stream, since there are a large number of factors that cause a profuse runny nose.

To find out the main reason why the nose is stuffy and clear snot flows like a stream, the first step is to study the color of the mucus secreted. By the presence of one shade or another, one can identify the course of the disease and its stage.

Constantly flowing water in the nose in an adult usually forms if the patient has the following types diseases:

  • An infectious-inflammatory disease;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Allergic reaction.

If the patient understands that the nasal discharge began unexpectedly, and an unpleasant burning sensation is felt in the nasal cavity, most likely the reasons lie in the development colds.

Most often, after a few days, the clear discharge thickens and the nose becomes stuffy. In this case, it is necessary to begin treating the disease in order to prevent complications from occurring. Used as therapy modern drugs for the common cold, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

There are times when snot flows like a stream and the nose is very stuffy, even if the person is not sick. A similar condition may appear after a long stay in the cold or after active physical activity. Then there is no need to worry, this is simply the result of activation protective system body to external stimuli. In this case, it is not necessary to treat clear snot in adults.

It is not uncommon for clear snot to stream out of the nose while bending over. This is very alarming symptom, and there is no time to hesitate here. Water leaking from the nose may indicate the development of maxillary cyst. It is important to see a doctor immediately to begin treating the disease, otherwise serious complications may develop.

If water comes out of your nose only in certain situations or at certain times of the year, your doctor will diagnose an allergic reaction. Allergies should be treated by removing the irritant. To stop a profuse runny nose, use a special spray and rinse your nose with sea ​​water. An accurate diagnosis is usually made after passing full examination and passing the necessary tests.

Before treating a severe runny nose, you need to special attention on the color of the discharge. Yellowish mucus from the nose indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Bright yellow may indicate sinusitis or another form of sinusitis. Brown discharge is very dangerous, as it indicates the development of a severe form of sinusitis. The dark shade is formed when pus and bloody discharge burst capillaries. The patient requires urgent treatment.

It must be taken into account that water brown or brown snot, can leak from the nose not only with sinusitis, but also in case of deformation of the bridge of the nose due to injury. Similar symptoms are observed after unsuccessful surgery.

If an adult has a stuffy nose and clear snot running for a long time, everything must be done to stop the heavy discharge. Any manipulations should be carried out only after approval from the attending physician and examination.

If the cause of a profuse runny nose is associated with a cold, clear snot usually disappears on its own after a few days. But, if the patient has a severely weakened immune system, heavy discharge can continue for quite a long time. To stop snot caused by an infectious disease, rinsing is usually recommended.

  1. To do this you will need sea salt, medicinal bulb and clean water.
  2. Take half a teaspoon of sea salt for half a glass of water and stir thoroughly.
  3. The saline solution is drawn into the medicinal bulb.
  4. The patient leans over the sink and releases a stream into the right nasal sinus.
  5. After this, the procedure is repeated with the left nasal sinus.
  6. After the solution has flowed down the nasal passages, after a few minutes the patient carefully blows his nose.

In addition to sea salt, you can make herbal infusions from chamomile and sage flowers. Also, for colds, warming the bridge of the nose and sinuses is effective.

If the nose is stuffy for a long time, use transparent nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect, for example - Aqualor for nasal congestion. But it is not recommended to put medications in your nose too often, as they can be addictive. In particular, the drops should not be used more than four times a day.

Medicines sold in pharmacies can be safely replaced with more useful ones natural means. Drops are usually replaced with juice from beets, carrots, parsley, and potatoes. It is especially useful to instill with aloe or Kalanchoe juice.

It is necessary not only to receive proper treatment, but also to be able to blow your nose correctly in order to clear the airways of accumulated mucus. This is also done to prevent mucus from getting into the paranasal sinuses and ear cavity.

  • Blowing the nose is done with the mouth half open.
  • Using pushing movements with the nose, you need to clean each half of the nose.
  • To increase pressure in the nasal canal, the wing of the nose is pressed against the nasal septum.
  • In this case, the movements should be sharp, strong, but not painful.

If the patient does not have elevated temperature, but the nose is very stuffy, to stop a profuse runny nose, warming agents are used. Such drugs include Doctor Mom ointment or Zvezdochka balm. The product is lubricated in the sinuses before bedtime in order to speed up the healing process.

It is important to strengthen the immune system with vitamin complex. Especially quick recovery promotes vitamin C, which is found in currants, citrus fruits, and sauerkraut.

If the reason for the appearance severe runny nose If you have an allergic reaction, you need to ventilate the room and do wet cleaning as often as possible. If all measures have been taken, but allergic runny nose still continues, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Antihistamines, which include Suprastin, Zyrtek, Tavegil;
  2. Vasoconstrictor drugs with severe nasal congestion;
  3. Allergen-specific medications that reduce the body's sensitivity to a specific type of allergen;
  4. A mandatory means of therapy is regular rinsing of the nasopharynx to cleanse the mucous membrane of allergic substances.

In the event that a patient has brown discharge their nose, while a cold is to blame for this, and not an injury to the bridge of the nose, it is recommended to do hot foot baths to steam your legs.

To enhance therapeutic effect add mustard powder to the water, sea ​​salt or herbal infusions. If your nose is very congested, you need to clear your nose more often by blowing your nose and rinsing the nasopharynx with saline solution.

A normal runny nose, in the absence of complications, goes away quite quickly. But in order for the symptoms to no longer bother the patient, it is necessary to follow certain preventive measures. This in turn strengthens the work immune system and normalizes the position of the nasopharynx.

To the main preventive measures include:

  • Regular intake of a complex of vitamins;
  • Maintaining a sleep schedule;
  • Proper and regular nutrition;
  • Frequent walks on fresh air;
  • Frequently ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

Vitamins and management the right image life strengthens the immune system, but in the spring and autumn it is important not to forget to use oxaline ointment to prevent colds during the flu epidemic. If there is a person nearby with cold symptoms, it is recommended to regularly take Arbidol, Kagocel or Cycloprofen.

The interesting video in this article will tell you many interesting things about the cause of snot.

Copious discharge of clear fluid from the nose (rhinorrhea) is a companion for most respiratory diseases. If water flows from the nose when tilted, the cause is hyperactivity of the glands (goblet cells) in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs. provoke pathological processes can neuro autonomic disorders, infectious or allergic agents.

The activity of goblet cells in the nasopharynx is controlled by receptors. Exposure to chemicals and physical factors on nerve endings leads to an increase or decrease secretory function unicellular glands. The article will discuss the main reasons for the evacuation of mucus from the nose when tilting the head, as well as the most effective methods treatment of pathology.


Nasal mucus (muconasal secretion) is a clear, watery liquid that is produced by the glands of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, i.e. goblet cells. It consists of mucoproteins, neutrophils, salt, water and epithelial cells. Mucus performs in the body protective function- brings out respiratory tract foreign objects (dust, allergens) and prevents the development of pathogenic flora in the nasal cavity.

Rhinorrhea (hypersecretion of muconasal secretions) - a clear sign inflammation upper sections respiratory tract. Call unwanted reactions in tissues can:


Allergy - no infectious disease, the development of which is caused by failures in the mechanisms of immune responses to the action of allergens. In other words, an allergy is an inadequate reaction of the immune system to the influence of irritating agents: dust, medicines, food, animal hair, etc. If clear liquid begins to drip from the nasal passages when you tilt your head, most likely the cause is allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever).

In addition to rhinorrhea, hay fever is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • periodic lacrimation;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • constant sneezing.

Delayed treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is fraught with the development of sinusitis and purulent inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Few people know that mucus contains polysaccharides, which literally words are food for pathogenic microbes and fungi. If hypersecretion and stagnation of mucus in the nose is not eliminated in time, this can subsequently provoke the proliferation of conditioned pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal cavity.

Viral diseases

If water begins to drip from the nose, the cause may be catarrhal (non-purulent) inflammation in the respiratory tract. By multiplying in the mucous membranes, viruses provoke irritation of the nerve endings in soft tissues. As a consequence, this leads to increased secretory function of goblet cells and the formation of an excess amount of clear fluid in the nose.

Hypersecretion of nasal secretions is most often associated with the development of the following respiratory diseases:

  • sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses, which is often preceded by colds;
  • frontal sinusitis - unilateral or bilateral inflammation frontal paranasal sinuses, accompanied by pain in the eyebrow area;
  • ARVI is a group of respiratory diseases characterized by viral inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

In 7 out of 10 cases, the release of nasal fluid when bending over indicates the development of sinusitis.

Increased production of clear mucus often occurs during initial stage development of viral infections. An increase in the amount of liquid exudate in the nasopharynx helps flush out pathogenic agents from the respiratory tract. As it progresses infectious process The consistency and color of nasal secretions may vary. The presence of an unpleasant putrid smell And yellow discharge may signal the formation of purulent foci of inflammation in the nasal cavity.

Autonomic disorders

Vasomotor rhinitis - non-communicable disease, characterized by thickening of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. Tissue swelling is associated with impaired tone blood vessels and their excessive blood supply. Autonomic disorders can be provoked by:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • benign tumors (nasal polyps);
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • allergic reactions;
  • abuse of vasoconstrictors;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Stressful situations, polluted air, hypotension and abuse oral contraceptives increase the likelihood of developing vasomotor rhinitis by 3 times.

Water from the nose appears due to pathological changes in the structure of the tissues of the nasopharynx. Thickening of the mucous membranes leads to an increase in the number of goblet cells in the nasal cavity, which begin to produce more more muconasal secretion.

Principles of therapy

Treatment methods for rhinorrhea are determined by the reasons for the increased secretory activity of single-celled glands in the nasopharynx. Viral diseases can be eliminated by taking antiviral and vasoconstrictor medications, allergic rhinitis with antihistamines, and autonomic disorders with sympathomimetic medications that promote vasoconstriction in the nasal cavity.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Allergic diseases are treated with antihistamines and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Antiallergic medications contain substances that prevent the production of inflammatory mediators, which include serotonin and histamine. As a rule, the treatment regimen for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis includes:

  • topical glucocorticosteroids - “Acortin”, “Beclat”, “Prednisolone”;
  • antiallergic nasal agents - “Nasonex”, “Allergodil”, “Fenistil”;
  • antihistamine capsules and tablets - “Zirtek”, “Rivtagil”, “Diprazine”.

During periods of flowering of wind-pollinated plants, people suffering from hay fever are recommended to bury Nazaval in their nose.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis in most cases can only be treated symptomatically. If there is no effect from the use of medications, patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures - phonophoresis with corticosteroids, laser therapy and electrophoresis with preparations based on calcium chloride.

The following medications are used to relieve the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • sympathomimetic drugs - “Nazol”, “Ephedrine”, “Sanorin”;
  • alpha-blockers - “Xymelin”, “Naphthyzin”, “Nazivin”;
  • antihistamines - “Supramin”, “Bravegil”, “Clemastin”;

With severe hypertrophy (thickening) of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, destruction of vascular structures in soft tissues occurs, which reduces swelling in the nasal canals.

Treatment of respiratory infections

It happens that when the head is tilted, liquid pours out of the nose only for 3-4 days, after which the symptomatic picture is supplemented by myalgia (muscle pain), weakness, fever, etc. As a rule, this indicates the development of a viral infection in the respiratory system. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms and pathogenic flora in areas of inflammation are used:

  • antiviral tablets and capsules - “Tamiflu”, “Amizon”, “Remantadine”;
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops - “Otrivin”, “Noxprey”, “Galazolin”;
  • local antiviral ointments - “Viferon”, “Pinosol”, “Oxolinic ointment”;
  • solutions for rinsing the nose - “Chlorhexidine”, “Sodium Chloride”, “Miramistin”.

Important! Antiviral drugs do not help in the treatment of bacterial and purulent inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Antiviral drugs help destroy only viral pathogens - adenoviruses, coronaviruses, picornaviruses, etc. If the nasal secretion is yellow and unpleasant pungent odor, in 93% of cases this indicates the development of bacterial or fungal flora in the respiratory organs.

Why is water flowing from the nose? What to do if the pathology does not go away? Many people faced with this problem ask these questions. Many people simply don't pay attention to watery discharge from the nose and don’t even think about the fact that this could be the beginning of some serious disease.

ENT diseases are the cause of pathology

The causes of watery nasal discharge directly depend on the color of the secreted fluid. Fluid from the nose may appear due to the following diseases: rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.

If a clear liquid constantly flows from the nose, while a burning and itching sensation is felt inside, then the reason for all this is the initial stage of an acute respiratory disease.

Transparent discharge after some time will be replaced by ordinary snot, which can be easily gotten rid of with the help of modern medicines. This is one of the most harmless reasons occurrence of water from the nose.

An incompletely cured cold can also be the cause of such discharge. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of the cold as quickly as possible, since prolongation of the disease can lead to such a serious complication as sinusitis.

If water begins to appear when going out into the cold or after physical activity and exercises, then there is absolutely no need to worry in this case, water from the nose is quite natural reaction the body to stress and weather conditions.

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Received head injuries

A cause for concern may be the formation of water when the head is tilted. In this case, you should urgently consult a specialist, since the discharge of clear liquid from the nose in this case may mean initial stage development of sinusitis cyst.

Water may also leak from the nasal cavity in the event of a traumatic brain injury. Specifically in this situation, it is worth noting that nasal discharge is cerebrospinal fluid. It can flow not only from the nose, but also from the ears; the cause can be either a blow to the head or an incorrectly performed operation, in particular suturing.

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Allergic reaction

In addition, the reason for this reaction of the body may be an allergy to cold. In this case, in addition to copious clear nasal discharge, a person may experience other symptoms: tingling inside the cavity, redness and burning in the cheeks, irritation on the skin.

If water constantly flows from the nose, and over time it is accompanied by profuse tear discharge from the eyes, sneezing, but there is no increase in temperature or other symptoms of a cold, you need to contact an allergist. The most important thing in this situation is to find out exactly what irritant an allergic reaction occurs to, and only then get rid of both this irritant and the symptoms.

Clear nasal discharge can often be observed in children. In a child, in addition to an allergy to cold, such a reaction of the body may be the result of an allergy to pet hair, pollen, and a reaction to medications.

Alder pollen, which begins to bloom in March, is very strong allergen and can often cause the discharge of clear fluid.

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Other reasons

Often the reason for a constantly running nose is overdrying of the nasal mucosa. This can happen during cold periods, when heaters are turned on in homes. As a rule, all heaters dry out the air greatly, and the dry air dries out the mucous membrane. Constant overdrying has a very adverse effect on the condition of the bronchi, as a result of which the nasal mucosa weakens and becomes very vulnerable to various infections, hence the runny nose.

Solving this problem will not be difficult: you need to place a vessel with water in the room where the heater is located, preferably near the patient’s bed.

Often the cause of water leakage from the nasal cavity can be vasomotor rhinitis. In another way, this disease is characterized as a disruption of the functioning of blood vessels in the nasal cavity. Water begins to flow even if the patient has eaten too hot food. With this disease, it is very difficult to sleep on your side - one nostril begins to become blocked, as soon as you turn over to the other side, the other nostril immediately becomes blocked. Often vasomotor rhinitis is accompanied not only by water from the nose, but also by frequent sneezing, while there is constant swelling inside the cavity, and, as a rule, a violation of the sense of smell. You should not delay the treatment of this disease, since prolonged vasomotor rhinitis can be fraught with the most severe consequences.

It is very rare, but it still happens that clear discharge can be observed in those people who have a congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum. In this case, more than thorough examination and, if necessary, surgery to correct the defect in the nasal cavity.

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Treatment of the disease

Basically, clear fluid may be discharged from the nose for only a few days, and then the discharge stops. But in in rare cases such discharge may continue for a long time- from several weeks to several months, which causes a lot of inconvenience to those who suffer from this discharge. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, identify the cause of the discharge and urgently take a medicinal solution to the problem.

An accurate diagnosis in this case is a guarantee that the patient can quickly and without complications recover from both the discharge and the disease, possibly very serious, that is the cause of this discharge.

If clear nasal discharge appears due to a cold or viral disease nasal cavity, it is recommended to carry out the following activities: instill in the nose vasoconstrictor drops, nasal rinsing, warming up.

Nasal rinsing can be done using saline solution(one tablespoon of salt per glass of warm boiled water), and also herbal infusions(pour one tablespoon of crushed chamomile or sage leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour, strain and rinse your nose with this infusion). Warming your nose and sinuses is only possible if you have a cold.

All these procedures will not have the desired effect if clear fluid is released from the nose due to an allergy. IN spring period, during the flowering of plants, it is recommended to wash your hair frequently, since all odors first settle on the hair. It is recommended to ventilate the room several times a day and carry out wet cleaning as often as possible.

In combination with these measures, for greater effectiveness, it is necessary to take medications that can relieve the effects of all irritants that affect the body. For children with allergic reactions of the body, treatment should begin as early as possible and be carried out more carefully, since an incompletely cured allergy in a child can develop into Quincke's edema or cause anaphylactic shock.

If you are allergic to cold, you should take antiallergic medications, and also lubricate your face and hands with protective creams every time you go outside.

In no case should you forget that only a competent specialist will be able to accurately name the reason why water is flowing from the nose.

And only he will be able to prescribe exactly the treatment that is required in specific situation, so without knowing accurate diagnosis, you should not self-medicate.

Liquid and clear nasal discharge is a common occurrence in people of all ages. This unpleasant and painful ailment can be a symptom of various mild and severe diseases.

Watery snot appears in adults and children both due to excessive dryness of the air in the living room and due to serious illnesses respiratory system. If fluid from the nose flows for too long, accompanied by suspicious symptoms, then you should urgently go to the doctor.

Causes of watery nasal discharge

Clear discharge from the nose may appear plain water. But in reality this is not the case. Liquid snot does not appear without a reason; it always indicates some harmless or dangerous changes in the body. Nasal fluid has different colors, the degree of thickness and viscosity, is released in large and small quantities, passes quickly or does not disappear for a long time. Transparent and watery discharge is usually a sign of a harmless pathology, but if it changes color and consistency, the disease becomes more complicated. Water flowing from the nose most often warns of the onset of the diseases listed below.


Liquid nasal discharge is usually observed with seasonal allergies caused by inhalation of pollen from flowering plants. An allergic reaction is accompanied not only by the discharge of snot, but also by a persistent cough, difficulty breathing, hives or the formation of small blisters on the skin, redness and irritation of the eyes. A sick person should summer time Avoid visiting places overgrown with grass and flowering plants: meadows, front gardens, lawns, clearings.


When the body is infected with a virus, thin snot initially flows from the nose, but gradually it thickens and becomes greenish-yellow in color. Watery nasal discharge indicates that the infectious disease is just beginning, that is, treatment must be started immediately. Viral infection irritates the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, provokes inflammation and swelling of the tissues. The irritated mucous membrane, protecting itself from pathogenic microorganisms, produces mucus.


Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, also called paranasal sinuses, is accompanied by constant migraines and profuse nasal discharge. At first, clear snot flows, but gradually it acquires a brownish-green color. Sinusitis is caused by pathogenic viruses or bacteria.


A runny nose can occur completely various reasons. Fluid in the nose appears due to exposure to allergens, pathogens, unfavorable air conditions. Rhinitis is especially common in adults and children during the winter season, when the air in heated rooms becomes too dry. Quite often, pregnant women suffer from a runny nose; during pregnancy, the mucous surface of the nasal cavity swells, and fluid comes out of the nose profusely.

Climatic conditions

The vast majority of people experience water running from the nose during severe frost, cold and gusty winds. This normal reaction body to uncomfortable temperature conditions. There is no need to treat such a runny nose. Liquid snot sometimes appears when eating hot and spicy foods or physical activity.

Dangerous nasal discharge

Usually, water flowing from the nose is a sign of the presence of pathogenic viruses or bacteria in the body. In most cases, dealing with these pathogens is not difficult if you start in a timely manner. effective treatment. But there are nasal discharges that are symptoms of complex and even dangerous diseases.

  • Liquid unusual color . Yellow or brownish mucus is a sure sign of sinusitis. If the paranasal sinuses become too inflamed, the capillaries in them rupture. Blood flows into the nasal cavity and merges with mucus. As a result, a yellowish color comes out of the nose. brown liquid. But deep green discharge often indicates sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection. In this case, antibiotic therapy is required.
  • Severe migraine. Unbearable headache in combination with a runny nose, it can warn of the development of sinusitis or meningitis. TO this symptom cannot be treated with indifference. A sick person should immediately go to the doctor.
  • Heat. If high temperature body lasts for several days, then it rages in the body bacterial infection. Common cold rarely accompanied by fever, but with influenza and pneumonia the temperature can rise to high levels.

Treatment of a runny nose

Most often, clear liquid flows from the nose for several days and then disappears without medical intervention. Watery snot comes out intensely when the head is tilted, causing inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

A sick person feels itchy in the nose and constantly wants to sneeze. If the secretion of nasal fluid does not stop after a week, then you need to start treatment. To choose the right and effective therapy, you need to know exactly why the runny nose appeared.

Viral infection

If liquid snot flows due to the proliferation of viruses in the body, then the following treatment is required:

  • warming up the nose;
  • rinsing the nasal cavity medicinal solutions and herbal decoctions;
  • taking antiviral medications;
  • use of antimicrobial nasal ointments.

Bacterial infection

For sinusitis caused by pathogenic bacteria, the following therapy is prescribed:

  • taking antibiotics from the penicillin group, cephalosporins, macrolides;
  • use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops and sprays for adults and children;
  • the use of drugs to thin thick and viscous mucus;
  • nasal instillation with antibiotic drops;
  • rinsing the nasal cavity with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions.

Allergic reaction

If fluid flows from the nose as a result of an allergic reaction, then using the above medications is useless. The only way To get rid of an annoying runny nose - try not to come into contact with allergens. A sick person sneezes, his eyes are watery, his nose is stuffy, his throat is sore, and watery snot flows profusely. To eliminate or at least minimize contact with allergens, you need to regularly wash your hair, clean clothes and shoes after walking, ventilate rooms, and wet clean living areas. If you still cannot protect yourself from allergies, despite the preventive measures taken, then the following antihistamines are taken:

  • tablets Cetrin, Desloratadine, Zodak, Loratadine;
  • antiallergic drops and sprays Mometasone, Flixonase;
  • hormonal nasal drops Avamis, Nazarel.

Unfavorable climatic conditions

If the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is too sensitive to cold, reacts to temperature changes copious discharge mucus, then carried out symptomatic treatment. Common antihistamine medications are usually used. During the cold season of the year, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with a protective cream before going outside.

Traditional medicine against runny nose

Surprisingly folk remedies Liquid snot can be eliminated quite quickly and effectively. However, not all people are allowed to use home-prepared medications. Great care should be taken when treating small children with homemade medications. Pregnant women are allowed to use the products traditional medicine only after consulting a doctor. It is important for expectant mothers to choose medicinal substances, not capable of harming a child developing in the womb. The best and most effective folk recipes for a runny nose are given below.

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