How and with what to treat mastitis: basic pharmaceuticals and drugs, traditional medicine methods. Mastitis: treatment with folk remedies

Postpartum mastitis (inflammation of the breast) is a very common disease. It develops in women who breastfeed, and is very rarely observed in mothers who keep their baby bottle-fed. At the same time, there are cases of mastitis in older women (50 years and above) - in this case, the disease is not associated with feeding and childbirth. Be that as it may, inflammation in any case needs to be treated in order to prevent serious complications.

For what reasons does mastitis develop? The most common culprit of the disease is pathogenic. These microorganisms are usually transmitted from the nasopharynx of newborns during breastfeeding. Immediately after the end of the feeding process, in 90 percent of cases, staphylococci remain on the nipples of women (especially if the young mother neglects the rules of hygiene). This infection can spread to the connective tissue of the breast - interstitial mastitis develops, which leads to minor damage to the nipple (cracks, ulcers). If the bacteria begin to spread into deeper tissues, purulent inflammation of the mammary gland develops (this mechanism is most often responsible for the occurrence of postpartum mastitis). Moreover, the infection can spread through open milk ducts (inflammation of the milk parenchyma is then observed). Milk is a good environment for the development of bacteria, so untimely emptying of the mammary glands often leads to mastitis.

    1. Tear off a large leaf from the cabbage and cut it so that it becomes shaped like a rectangle.
    2. Using a wooden kitchen hammer, beat the sheet with inside(that is, from the concave side of the cabbage leaf). This is done so that the cabbage releases juice.
    3. Apply the leaf obtained in this way to the sore breast - but so that the inner part, where the juice is released, touches the skin (see photo). It is he who helps get rid of inflammation of the mammary gland in women.
    4. After you apply the sheet to your skin, secure it with a bandage or other dressing. Avoid squeezing your breasts too tightly to prevent blood flow.
    5. This procedure should be done in the evening, and the compress should be kept until the morning. Repeat cabbage wraps every day and soon you will notice that mastitis has completely disappeared. This treatment is suitable for both young women whose mastitis is associated with lactation, and for mature women whose disease is associated with age-related changes.

    Salt compresses

    As soon as you notice the first signs of mastitis, begin immediate treatment with salt compresses. Fortunately, this is easy to do at home. Heat the water to a temperature of 45-50C, add 1 tablespoon of sea or regular salt to 1 glass of such water, thoroughly dissolve the product. Now take a cotton cloth, make slits for the nipples (since salt irritates the tender nipples of women), wet it in saline solution, and apply it to your chest. Wrap the chest with oilcloth and an insulating bandage on top. You need to keep the compress until it cools down. Salt draws out excess fluid well and normalizes blood circulation, so in just a few procedures you can completely get rid of mastitis. If your skin is too delicate, then before applying the compress, lubricate it with a rich cream or oil.

    Water massage

    Good results When treating mastitis at home, you can take a hot shower, during which you will lightly massage your breasts with a stream of water. This helps to expand the milk ducts, remove infected secretions and restore milk secretion in nursing women.

    Rubbing with alcohol

    In some cases, this simple technique helps get rid of mastitis: lubricate the breasts with alcohol, avoiding the nipple area, and after 15 minutes feed the baby.


    When treating mastitis, physical exercise will be very useful, as it improves blood circulation in the chest and relieves congestion.

    For example, take a small ball, place your hands in a prayer position - the ball should be squeezed between your palms. Press the ball with your hands, feeling the tension in the chest muscles.

    Ordinary push-ups also help well against mastitis: if you find it difficult to push up from the floor, then do push-ups from your knees. The main thing is to work the muscles in the chest area.


    If you have postpartum mastitis, start taking sage infusion, as this plant reduces milk production in women. Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the dried plant, leave for a few minutes, and drink hot. Continue treatment until mastitis disappears completely.
    In the program “Live Healthy” they talked about safety precautions for nursing mothers:

    Healing mixture

    We will share with you a very effective recipe for treating mastitis. folk remedies. Take Kalanchoe and aloe in equal parts, rinse under running water and squeeze the juice from the plants. The resulting liquid must be mixed, add the same amount corn oil(in extreme cases, regular sunflower will do), and leave in a glass container in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Next, add natural honey to this potion, soak in the resulting mixture gauze pad, and apply it to your chest. When the compress warms up, wet it again in cool liquid and apply it to your chest again. This treatment should be continued until the pain from mastitis subsides.


    Ice is also useful when applied to the breasts to relieve symptoms of mastitis in women. This is good aid, which helps reduce pain and relieve swelling. Ice also reduces lactation, which is very important in the treatment of mastitis.

    Alder ointment

    Walking through the park, we rarely think about healing properties plants. Meanwhile, an inconspicuous tree called alder can help out all women suffering from mastitis. You just have to prepare a healing ointment according to this recipe.

    1. Remove the sticky young leaves from the black alder. It is important that the leaves do not come from trees that grow along the road.
    2. Place the leaves in a small glass jar (old jars work best). baby food).
    3. There should be enough leaves so that they reach the neck of the jar.
    4. Then fill the plants with melted Vaseline until it covers all the leaves.
    5. Twist the jar and place it in a pan of water. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat.
    6. Remove the jar from the water and cool. The resulting mastitis remedy should be stored in the refrigerator.

    Application: this ointment should be lubricated on sore breasts 2-3 times a day. Continue treatment until mastitis completely disappears.

    Alder infusion

    If you don't have Vaseline on hand to make an ointment to treat mastitis, you can make an alder infusion. Pour 1 teaspoon of fresh crushed leaves of this plant into 1 glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. The resulting infusion is moistened with a cotton or gauze bandage and applied to the chest. After several such procedures, mastitis will go away.

    Peppermint essential oil

    Often used to treat mastitis in elderly patients peppermint oil. It improves blood circulation in the chest and relieves swelling. A few drops of essential oil should be dissolved in 1 tablespoon of any base oil - vegetable or olive. The resulting product must be lubricated chest lungs massage in circular movements. Carry out this procedure every evening before going to bed, and mastitis will no longer bother you.

    Mint or lemon balm tea

    This tea will not replace the full treatment of mastitis, but will help the young mother calm down and relax. But it is precisely because of excess nerves that problems with lactation begin, which leads to inflammation of the mammary glands.

  • Mastitis is a problem for many breastfeeding mothers. The causes of this disease are streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens that cause processes inflammatory in nature. Acute illness Mastitis can occur when these pathogens enter the breast through the milk ducts or during lactation. By the way, this disease can develop not only in nursing mothers. In medicine, there are cases when this disease affected women during pregnancy.

    The process of mastitis

    When pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through the wound surface of cracks in lymphatic vessels, located in the thickness of the nipple tissue, spread further throughout the mammary gland. It should be noted that infection can get into the chest not only in this way. Mastitis can also be caused by chronic pathologies infectious nature, present in the body of a young mother. These include inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), soft tissues of the tooth (pulpitis), and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis).

    Mastitis or lactostasis?

    You can never rule out the possibility that mastitis will develop in a nursing mother. Treating it can be quite difficult. But numerous traditional methods Treatments based on many years of experience in use contribute to the rapid relief of patients’ conditions.

    Mastitis is quite often confused with a disease similar in symptoms to lactostasis. That's two various diseases. Lactostasis is observed in the form of which is preceded by an incorrect or insufficient process of emptying the breast. Moreover, in case of running similar situation Non-infectious mastitis may develop. In that case general health women immediately deteriorates to such a state that it may be necessary urgent Care doctors

    How to treat mastitis with folk remedies: warnings

    Today, traditional medicine is quite popular. In many cases, remedies prepared at home provide positive result in the fight against many ailments.

    But there is often a risk of worsening the patient’s condition with the thoughtless use of questionable prescriptions. For this reason, prior consultation with a doctor is required before starting self-medication in order to avoid unforeseen negative consequences. It may turn out that the help of exclusively official medicine is needed.

    As for a disease such as mastitis, treatment with folk remedies in some cases actually speeds up the healing process. They can also help prevent illness. However, it should be remembered that it is also not worth excluding the possibility of causing harm when using this method of treating mastitis.

    Prohibited method of treating mastitis

    Under no circumstances is it permissible to use warming of the mammary glands for this disease. This can only make mastitis worse. Treatment with folk remedies in the form of compresses or hot lotions will create favorable conditions for accelerated reproduction pathogenic bacteria. This will cause the disease to begin to progress. The heating method is sometimes recommended experienced mothers and grandmothers, not realizing that he can only improve his condition with lactostasis. Applying hot herbal decoctions and other mixtures will help relieve the symptoms of mastitis on the outside of the breast. This can be taken as a positive effect of treatment, but the procedure will affect the source of infection in the manner indicated above.

    At the slightest suspicion of mastitis, heating the mammary glands should be categorically avoided.

    Effective folk remedies for mastitis

    To improve the condition of a sick woman feeding a child with milk, the following folk remedies for mastitis are used.

    Rice lotions

    To significantly alleviate the patient’s condition, the patient should apply diluted water to her chest (until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained). The improvement becomes clearly noticeable a couple of hours after the procedure.

    Fresh vegetables

    In order to reduce lumps in the breast during mastitis, it is recommended to apply leaves of fresh coltsfoot or cabbage to it. You can also use grated carrots. You can secure the products with a bandage or bra (if this does not cause discomfort and pain). These products are capable of stopping inflammatory processes.

    Healing mixtures

    How else can you get rid of such a disease as mastitis? Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of a variety of mixtures prepared from herbs, oils and other products. Here are the recipes for the most popular ones:

    • It is necessary to thoroughly mix one chopped narcissus bulb with rice porridge cooked in water or rye flour. The product must be spread on the surface of the breast affected by mastitis.
    • For relief general condition for a nursing mother with mastitis and to relieve the inflammatory process, it is recommended to apply a cake made from rye flour, fresh milk and butter. The product must be applied at night. To achieve the desired result, you need to repeat the procedure several times.
    • You should combine raw beets, crushed using a fine grater or blender, with honey in a ratio of 3: 1. Apply the resulting product to the breast affected by mastitis. To completely get rid of the disease, at least 20 such procedures are required.

    Herbal infusions and decoctions

    What other ways can you cure mastitis in a nursing mother? Treatment is also recommended using herbal remedies. Recipes for some of them are given below.


    To prevent the occurrence of a purulent inflammatory process in the tissues of the mammary glands, traditional medicine recommends first wiping the breasts with vodka (can be replaced with medical alcohol). Then you need to express all the milk. After this, you need to apply it to the entire surface of the chest.

    Other folk remedies

    In addition to the methods described above, there are other traditional methods for treating mastitis. Pieces can be applied to sore areas of the chest kombucha and, securing them with a bandage, keep them in this state for several hours. It is also recommended to use a mixture of vodka. These components should be combined in a 1:2 ratio and left for three days. It is necessary to strain the resulting product, and then wipe the mastitis-affected breasts with it several times a day.

    When using all traditional methods It is especially useful to take a complex of vitamins to obtain greater effect. A substitute can be tea made from sage, mint, rose hips or viburnum. All components must be combined in equal parts, pour boiling water (200 ml of water per collection spoon) and leave for two hours. The strained infusion is recommended to be consumed orally with lemon juice twice every day.

    Compresses for mastitis: rules of use

    Compresses are the main way traditional medicine to get rid of this disease. They are able to relieve a woman of nagging pain and a feeling of “bloating” in her breasts. The basic principle of using compresses in this case is exclusion from the list of components used hazardous substances, which can be applied both unknowingly and consciously.

    As mentioned above, it is strictly forbidden to warm the breasts during mastitis. That is, compresses for mastitis should be applied warm or cool, but not hot. You should be aware that there is an inflammatory process in the mammary glands, and heating will only worsen the situation.

    Compress made from starch and oil

    Needs to be combined with oil plant origin(sunflower) and mix thoroughly until a mass of homogeneous consistency is obtained, reminiscent of thick sour cream. The resulting product should be applied in the form of a compress, slightly heated, to the hardened areas of the chest.

    Compress of honey and cottage cheese

    What other foods can stop mastitis? Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out using cottage cheese and honey. A compress with these components should be applied to the chest overnight. It is required to apply a layer of honey onto a gauze or sterile fabric napkin, followed by cottage cheese. To prevent the product from leaking, you can place a piece of waxed material under the material or the compress should be applied to the sore chest (a layer of cottage cheese to the skin). To be secure, it should be secured with a bandage. After removing the compress, the breasts should be rinsed with water at room temperature.

    Onion compress

    This compress is recommended for use in daytime days. First you need to bake the onions. It is recommended to do this using an oven and a dry, clean frying pan with a lid. There is no need to peel the onions before baking. Then you need to cut the head crosswise and, after cooling, apply inside to areas of the chest affected by mastitis. For some time it is necessary to fix the compress with a bandage.

    Compress made from plantain seeds

    To prepare a healing remedy, you need to thoroughly crush the plantain seeds and combine them with water at room temperature. It is recommended to apply the resulting paste to the sore breast for mastitis. Much more effective remedy It works if you prepare it on the basis of potato or rice starch, which must first be diluted with water to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream.

    Herbal ointment for treating mastitis

    To prepare the ointment, you need to combine Japanese sophora and eucalyptus globulus (in equal parts). The resulting mixture in the amount of three tablespoons should be mixed with boiling water (200 ml is enough) and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the product needs to be cooled and strained. Add 100 grams of butter to the resulting broth. The prepared ointment for mastitis is applied using tissue napkins to the chest (both on the affected areas and on healthy ones).

    to get rid of seals

    With the help of a special massage for mastitis, you can soften already formed nodes in the chest. Also, these actions will contribute to the evacuation of milk from clogged glands. It is necessary to carry out massage during mastitis, making movements in the direction from the peripheral zone to the nipple.

    Before starting the massage, it is recommended to slightly relax the formed knots. They must be smoothed with spiral movements made clockwise. This preliminary effect on areas of stagnation in the breast tissue must be carried out for 40 seconds.

    This is followed by the main massage. If during the procedure the pain intensifies and becomes unbearable, then the procedure is recommended to be carried out in water of medium temperature, under the shower.

    Prevention of mastitis

    Such an unpleasant disease as mastitis of the mammary gland can be completely avoided if you follow some simple rules, namely:

    1. After feeding the baby, milk must be expressed carefully.
    2. Before giving your baby the second breast, you need to completely empty the first one. This prerequisite to prevent the development of mastitis.
    3. If the baby has enough milk from one breast, the next feeding should be done with the other.
    4. The process should be controlled. The baby should not just suckle at the breast, but receive milk from it.

    Mastitis is an infectious inflammation of the mammary gland. This disease most often occurs in breastfeeding women, but can also occur without breastfeeding. Traditional medicine treats breast inflammation with antibiotics and surgery. In this case, breastfeeding is temporarily stopped. Traditional medicine uses natural remedies that do not have side effects and in which there is no need to stop feeding. Let's look at the symptoms and treatment of the disease, what is the treatment for mastitis at home and how to do without surgery?

    Symptoms of breast inflammation

    The signs of mastitis are similar to those of other inflammations. Typically, catarrhal (inflammatory) processes are accompanied by swelling, redness, fever and pain. With mastitis, signs of inflammation are localized in the area of ​​the sore breast. This creates:

    • Breast tenderness - persists at rest and intensifies when touched. Shaking during sudden movements, walking, and turning is also painful.
    • Obvious lumps in the mammary gland (palpable with fingers).
    • Redness of the skin over the lumps.
    • Swelling (enlargement) of the breast.
    • A rise in temperature to 38-39º and a deterioration in general condition (weakness, chills, headache, body aches).
    • Pulsation is a sign of an abscess, the formation of a purulent stage.

    Mastitis is different rapid development. First, lactostasis occurs, and if no effort is made to treat it, after 2-3 days the temperature rises and mastitis occurs. If you miss time at this stage, purulent formations form.

    How to treat mastitis?

    Treatment of infectious mastitis is aimed at the following:

    • Limit the spread of infection and neutralize (remove) existing microbes. IN traditional medicine this function is performed antibacterial drugs(antibiotics). In folklore - natural antiseptics.
    • Relieve inflammation (as a result of which swelling and redness will go away, pain and temperature will decrease).

    The main requirement for treating mastitis is timeliness. Since the disease quickly passes into the purulent stage, but what started earlier treating mastitis at home, the easier it will be to overcome the infection.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment of mastitis at home with folk remedies uses external compresses. Additionally, herbal teas are consumed to boost immunity. Integrated approach to solving the problem (treatment from the outside and from the inside) helps to effectively treat inflammatory processes and infection.

    Treatment at home: compresses

    Compresses are effective external remedies for treating inflammation. They are placed on the reddened area of ​​the skin. The action of compresses is carried out through the skin. Thanks to the presence of pores, medicinal substances penetrate to the site of infection.

    The time for applying the compress should not exceed 3 hours. When treated with compresses, toxins actively come out. If you leave the bandage on for more than for a long time, toxic components will be absorbed back. Therefore, after 3 hours the compress must be removed and, if necessary, a new one must be applied.

    The effectiveness of the compress depends on what component it was made with. Common cottage cheese, cabbage leaves, raw beet pulp, aloe leaves and clay are used as natural antiseptics.

    1. Cottage cheese

    Cottage cheese compresses are widely used to treat various inflammations. They are effective when chest cough, pulmonary inflammation, joint pain and others infectious processes. Their effect is due to the ability of cottage cheese to draw out pus and toxins. In case of severe inflammatory processes, the cottage cheese acquires a yellow tint after compresses. You cannot eat it after compresses.

    How are compresses made? Fresh cottage cheese is heated in a water bath to a temperature of +40 +50ºC. After heating, it is wrung out and placed on cotton cloth or gauze. Apply to the sore chest, cover with a rolled-up diaper on top and secure with a scarf or (not tight) elastic bandage.

    2. Beetroot

    Beetroot compresses are also a popular remedy for treating inflammation. Raw beet pulp is used to treat mastopathy, radiculitis, and skin inflammation.

    Beetroot compresses should be used if there are cracks in the nipples. Beet pulp heals wounds, promotes tissue regeneration, and prevents new infections of the mammary gland.

    In addition, you can add honey to the beet pulp (in the ratio of 3 parts beets + 1 part honey). This will enhance healing effect compress.

    3. Cabbage leaf for mastitis

    Cabbage leaf - the most famous, but not the most effective way treatment. To apply to the chest, the leaf is crushed well to release the juice.

    More effective are compresses made from crushed cabbage leaves. They are passed through a meat grinder, laid out on gauze and applied to the chest.

    How to treat purulent mastitis at home

    At purulent mastitis treatment with folk remedies uses more effective drugs. These are salt compresses and clay applications. You can combine these products, mix salt water and clay and often make compresses from them (apply applications every 2-3 hours).

    Purulent mastitis requires timely removal of pus. Salt and clay effectively draw out purulent formations, which significantly improves the condition and reduces the area of ​​infection.

    In addition, aloe helps in the treatment of abscesses and inflammation. This natural remedy has an antibacterial effect. Its components penetrate through the skin to the mammary gland and disinfect the infection. To apply to the breast, aloe is crushed in a meat grinder or grater and a compress is made.

    How to bring down the temperature

    Doctors recommend lowering the temperature with medications that are acceptable for infants (ibuprofen and paracetamol). They must be given in adult dosage. Among the folk remedies, douches can be used to reduce the temperature. They are done on the entire torso, or body (from head to toe), or at least poured over the inflamed chest. The procedure must be done every 2 hours. This cools the body and stimulates the immune system, causing the body to fight inflammation.

    Infectious mastitis is the result of advanced lactostasis. You can treat breast inflammation at home. To do this, you need to often apply compresses from cottage cheese, clay, cabbage and raw beets. Timely treatment will help prevent surgery and continue feeding the baby with breast milk.

    Mastitis is one of the most common breast diseases, which is characterized by infectious and inflammatory processes in the breast tissue. This inflammation has high speed distribution. The effect of inflammation is expressed in purulent destruction of the glands and breast tissue, which can lead to blood poisoning. First of all, girls who are just preparing to become a mother should become familiar with the symptoms and types of mastitis.

    Inflammation is caused by an infection, which in the vast majority of cases is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium causes non-critical skin lesions in the form of acne, etc. But it can also lead to hazardous phenomena(meningitis, pneumonia, mastitis, etc.). It is the penetration of staphylococcus into the breast tissue that causes breastfeeding (the old name for mastitis).

    Nowadays, doctors are increasingly faced with cases of mastitis, which are caused by a whole complex of bacteria that have entered the mammary gland and causing infectious inflammation with suppuration. Most often, these are gram-positive staphylococci and gram-negative Escherichia coli.

    Mastitis in women can be lactation or non-lactation. Lactation mastitis occurs during lactation (especially in girls giving birth for the first time). Non-lactation mastitis appears even in non-lactating people aged 15 to 60 years. It is logical to assume that the causes of mastitis for each form are different, but there are also common factors among them:

    • Decreased immune capabilities of the body, which cannot suppress inflammation.
    • Stagnation of milk in the breast (lactostasis) is a common cause of mastitis.
    • The presence of direct pathways for bacteria to penetrate into the mammary gland (wounds, nipple cracks).
    • Mastopathy and other breast diseases. Their complications lead to infectious inflammations(mastitis).

    Risk factors for developing mastitis

    The entry of Staphylococcus aureus and other pathogens into human breast tissue will not necessarily lead to inflammation and suppuration. Inflammation of the mammary gland in women is caused by anatomical and systemic factors that reduce the body’s ability to suppress infection in the mammary glands, or make it easier for bacteria to work:

    • Violations hormonal balance leading to mastopathy.
    • Microcracks and other damage to the nipple and areola (especially during feeding).
    • Surgical interventions, scar formations in the mammary glands.
    • Anomalies in the shape of the nipples - flat, lobed and others.
    • Difficult pregnancy, late toxicosis.
    • Low patency of the mammary gland ducts, too much milk produced.
    • Diseases that reduce immunity.
    • Stressful conditions, insomnia and other psychological complications.

    The disease “mastitis” manifests itself due to imperfections of the milk ducts, insufficient development of the nipple, impaired feeding technique and expressing milk.

    Symptoms of mastitis

    The symptoms of mastitis vary depending on the form of inflammation, as well as the current stage of mastitis. In general, we can highlight general signs mastitis, which are observed in patients:

    • The appearance of discomfort in the chest area. With the development of mastitis and the growth of inflammation, discomfort develops into pain.
    • The breasts increase in size, swelling of the mammary gland is observed. With bilateral infection, both mammary glands are susceptible to these changes.
    • Redness of the skin over the site of inflammatory processes is observed, which is accompanied by local swelling of the chest tissue. When touched and palpated, pain is felt.
    • An increase and occurrence of pain in lymph nodes. In particular - in the armpits.
    • Weakness of the body as a whole. The patient feels unwell and constantly lethargic, and loses his appetite.
    • Body temperature rises. On initial stages illnesses up to 37-38°C. At the finals, up to 39-40°C.
    • Stage of abscess development ( later forms mastitis) is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, headache. All this develops into convulsions and loss of consciousness, the patient is often in infectious-toxic shock. At timely treatment, this group of symptoms can be avoided.

    Clinical forms of mastitis

    Under clinical picture Mastitis refers to the development of inflammation in a woman 1-4 weeks after the birth of a child (the most common cases of mastitis). The classification of mastitis allows us to identify two main forms of inflammation: chronic and acute. Chronic mastitis does not cause significant harm to human health; the disease occurs locally and does not spread throughout the tissues.

    There are two ambiguous forms of mastitis:

    • Plasmacytic mastitis, also called periductal mastitis. It is not inflammation in the truest sense of the word. There is an expansion of the mammary gland ducts, which contain creamy contents (plasma, lymphocytes, histiocytes). At times, purulent discharge occurs from the mammary gland through the nipple. Often confused with mastopathy or cancer. Mostly occurs in older women.
    • Fibrocystic mastitis, its development is associated with disturbances in hormone levels and pathologies thyroid gland. Presents as painful lumps inside the mammary glands. It most often manifests itself in girls during puberty and in women during menopause.

    The types of mastitis are associated with the stage of development of the disease.


    The initial stage of mastitis development. It is very easy to confuse it with banal lactostasis. Mastitis begins to develop on days 2-5 of breast milk stagnation. In the section of the mammary gland, where stable lactostasis is observed, the tissues are saturated with serum (serum). Local inflammation of the breast tissue occurs, even without exposure to harmful microorganisms. A timely visit to a doctor (mammologist, gynecologist, therapist) will prevent the development of inflammation and quickly recover from mastitis.

    There is a thickening of the chest area at the site of stagnation, the temperature of the affected area increases locally, swelling and pain are observed (typical accompaniments of inflammation). Expressing milk causes pain and does not bring relief. If the disease is ignored, mastitis develops into more severe purulent inflammation.


    Infiltrative mastitis is characterized by the accumulation in the breast tissue of a mixture of lymph, blood and cellular particles (which is called infiltrate), and can occur in chronic form. The reason for the development of the infiltrative form of the disease is damage by pathogenic bacteria. The duration of the stage is influenced by the body’s immune reserves and the aggressiveness (quantity) of staphylococcus, or its alliance with other bacteria. This type of mastitis can quickly move to the next stage of the disease. At acute form, or relapse of chronic mastitis, patients experience leukocytosis.


    This type is associated with the formation of abscesses. Purulent mastitis begins 4-6 days after the appearance of infiltration in the chest tissues. The painful sensations intensify, the breast tissue looks like a spongy material soaked in pus. On palpation, there is a sensation of fluid movement. Persistent intoxication is observed (weakness, headaches, etc.). If there is no surgical intervention at this stage, mastitis goes into terminal (destructive) stages.


    Further development of purulent inflammation. An abscess causes complete swelling of the affected part of the body, redness of the chest adjacent to the bluish color of the surface tissues. Touching the chest causes sharp pain. The nipple is pulled inward. Body temperature ranges from 38-39°C (febrile). Purulent mastitis in some cases is accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness. Hospitalization for phlegmonous mastitis is strictly required.


    The last type of mastitis is gangrenous mastitis. The affected breast is much larger than the healthy one. Areas affected by necrosis are visible. Necrosis of breast tissue causes infectious-toxic shock. The destructive stage of mastitis leads to fatal outcome. But there is a chance of a cure for gangrenous mastitis.

    Forms, depending on location

    Mastitis is also classified according to the place of occurrence:

    • Intramammary localization of mastitis - inflammation occurs deep in the mammary glands and affects glandular tissue. Occurs most often.
    • Subcutaneous and subareolar mastitis is a superficial area of ​​suppuration of the breast tissue. With subcutaneous localization, inflammation is located in any area under skin breasts With subareolar localization, the breast tissue under the areola of the nipple is affected. The cause is small ulcers, infected wounds and other injuries to the breasts and nipples.
    • Retromammary mastitis is a breakthrough of purulent inflammation that occurs inside the breast tissue (retromammary area).

    Manifestation of the disease in children and men

    In the vast majority of cases, mastitis in newborns is confused with physiological mastopathy, which is also characterized by inflammation. Mastopathy is one of the symptoms normal adaptation infant to life outside the womb. It is associated with excess estrogen, which came from the mother during pregnancy. Ridding the baby's body of excess hormones causes engorgement of the breast tissue in children. Inflammation is observed in children of both sexes, but more often in girls.

    Purulent mastitis appears very rarely in newborns. It is associated with improper baby hygiene, ignoring prickly heat and microdamage to the nipples. Often, parents’ attempts to cure “mastitis” in a newborn (which is actually mastopathy) lead to infection with the real disease.

    Mastitis in men is also extremely rare. Reasons include diabetes, gynecomastia, tumors in the genital area, consumption of anabolic steroids and low-quality beer (estrogens). Exactly hormonal reasons in most cases they are the causative agents of male mastitis. Treatment is similar to that for women.


    If pain and inflammation occur in the chest area, a person should immediately consult a doctor: mammologist, pediatrician or gynecologist. The surgeon also treats mastitis.

    The process of diagnosing mastitis does not cause any difficulties. The basis is the patient’s complaints, the results of palpation and laboratory tests.

    The following tests are carried out:

    • Urine and blood analysis (general).
    • Study of breast milk for bacteriological composition. The indicators of both mammary glands are compared. 1 ml of liquid is enough.
    • Study of the number of red blood cells in milk. They play the role of markers of inflammation.
    • Calculated acid-base balance and reductase.

    In severe forms of mastitis (abscess, phlegmonous mastitis), the patient undergoes a breast examination using ultrasound. The infiltrate of the affected mammary gland is also examined (puncture).

    If diagnosis is difficult (usually in chronic mastitis), mammography is prescribed. Chronic mastitis requires a biopsy to diagnose cancer.

    Conservative treatment

    Treatment of mastitis with medications is allowed in the initial stages. In this case, the patient should feel satisfactory: the temperature does not exceed 38°C, there is no purulent inflammation. Blood tests should show no changes.

    If drug therapy does not show effectiveness, preparations for surgery begin.


    Antibiotics and antibacterial medications for mastitis are taken for 10-14 days. Infectious cause mastitis is eliminated with drugs that contain amoxicillin. He suppresses Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus and other infections that cause purulent inflammation.

    On initial stages Inflammation of the mammary glands can be treated with penicillin antibiotics.


    Analgesics are designed to reduce the level of inflammation and swelling, as well as relieve pain syndrome mastitis. Medicines can be supplemented with antispasmodics. Prescribed Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, No-shpu, etc. The type of medication depends largely on whether the woman is breastfeeding.


    Blockade of histamine receptors is important for large swelling of the mammary glands. This is especially true for people with low pressure, as well as patients predisposed to septic shock. Subject to availability purulent discharge in milk, lactation is suppressed by drugs.


    One of the reasons for the penetration of infections is a decrease in immunity. Drugs such as Polyglobulin, Methyluracil, Antistaphylococcal gamma globulin and other immune modulators are prescribed taking into account tests and medical history.

    Vitamin complexes

    Vitamins have beneficial effect throughout the body, also increase a person’s ability to resist pathogens. In addition to fruits and vegetables, useful elements get from vitamin complexes, such as Complivit, Undevit, etc.

    Creams and ointments

    Drugs with a local anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect for the mammary glands are prescribed in conjunction with the above-mentioned drugs against mastitis. The ointment heals damaged breast tissue and eliminates the feeling of discomfort in the affected breast. Traumgel, Heliomycin, Progestogel and others are prescribed.

    Under no circumstances should you self-prescribe medications. This may cause allergic reactions and complications of mastitis.

    Surgical treatment

    Starting with abscess mastitis, effective treatment consists of surgical intervention. A small focus of purulent inflammation is treated by inserting a needle into mammary glands and pumping out pus. Antibiotics are then pumped into the devastated area to eliminate the inflammation.

    A large abscess and multiple foci of inflammation imply mastitis. During the operation, the source of inflammation is opened, and the pus is removed along with the affected tissue. A drainage is installed into the resulting cavity to pump out pus. After 3-4 days, the drainage is removed and a suture is made (if mastitis does not recur).

    After surgical measures to eliminate mastitis, the patient undergoes therapy with infusion solutions. This is followed by antibiotics, non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory and immunomodulators.

    Traditional treatment at home

    Treatment at home is allowed only if serous mastitis or lactostasis. The doctor must agree to home therapy.


    It is allowed to use cold compresses on the chest:

    • Pumpkin pulp boiled in milk.
    • Honey cakes (flower honey and wheat flour).
    • Kombucha.
    • Grated carrots.

    Cabbage wraps

    Cabbage leaf is used for redness of the mammary glands. The cabbage is cooled and applied to the chest for an hour or two. The procedure must be repeated at least 6 times a day.

    Water massage

    Rubbing with alcohol

    Treatment of mastitis with folk remedies should not include exposure to high temperatures. Alcohol compress and rubbing have a warming effect. Bacteria multiply quickly in warm conditions. This will speed up the transition of mastitis to the abscess stage.


    When mastitis begins, applying ice will slow the spread of infection and reduce discomfort. The ice pack should be wrapped in a towel to prevent frostbite. The duration of sessions is no more than 3 minutes.


    Honey has a disinfectant and antibacterial effect. Promotes wound healing. You can apply cold honey compresses to your chest no more than 2 times a day.

    Essential oils

    Essential oils added to compresses on the chest. Mint helps reduce fever, fir kills bacteria and reduces inflammatory processes. Camphor oil acts as a pain reliever. Essential oils are prohibited during breastfeeding (lactostasis).

    Medicinal herbs

    Decoctions are made from herbs and used in compresses against mastitis. Oral administration is allowed with the consent of the doctor.

    • Sage - suppresses lactation function, weak antibiotic.
    • Alder reduces inflammatory processes.
    • Chamomile is a native antiseptic, the effect is noticeable in infectious mastitis.
    • Sweet clover works as an antispasmodic.

    Complications of mastitis

    Any infection accompanied by inflammation, especially with the participation of Staphylococcus aureus, can cause complications in the form of septic syndromes:

    • Pericarditis.
    • Meningitis.
    • Infectious-toxic shock condition.
    • The appearance of several purulent inflammations - pneumonia, osteomyelitis, etc.
    • DIC syndrome.

    When taking medications in a timely manner, complications of mastitis are not observed.

    Prevention of mastitis

    Prevention of mastitis is a set of measures that minimize the risk of occurrence and development of purulent inflammation:

    • Speedy elimination of milk stagnation in the mammary glands.
    • Breast hygiene, especially during feeding.
    • Timely healing of breast injuries.
    • Normalization of hormone levels.
    • Restoration of immune functions.
    • Regular examination of the mammary glands by a mammologist.

    Since the absence of damage to breast tissue helps to avoid mastitis, you should pay special attention to the choice of bra. He must be correct size, convenient form and made from natural fabrics.

    You shouldn’t start even minor breast inflammation and hope that it will go away on its own. If you suspect mastitis, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    Mastitis- inflammation of the mammary gland.

    Cause of the disease– penetration of infection through nipple cracks and any other damage to the skin of the mammary gland (abrasions, scratches, etc.) in nursing mothers. Penetrating into the lymphatic vessels and then into the connective tissue of the mammary gland, microbes cause inflammation.

    Manifestations of mastitis– bursting pain in the mammary gland, its swelling, thickening in any place, redness of the skin, increased temperature. If not accepted urgent measures, then an abscess appears at the site of the compaction, and then urgent surgery is necessary.

    Causes of mastitis.

    Most often occurs during breastfeeding child. The reasons may be stagnation of milk, cracks in the nipple and areola. The causative agent is usually Staphylococcus aureus, often in combination with other coccal flora.

    Symptoms of mastitis.

    As milk secretion decreases, severe pain in the mammary gland, increased body temperature, and chills appear. The gland becomes rough, becomes painful, and redness of the skin appears. Mastitis can be complicated by sepsis.

    Treatment of mastitis.

    Complete rest, elevated position of the gland, broad-spectrum antibiotics, inhibition of lactation and expressing milk are required. With the development of purulent inflammation, surgical intervention is indicated.


    Antibacterial drugs
    Vancomycin (Vankoled, Vancocin, Vanmiksan, Editsin)
    Cefazolin (Amzolin, Atralcef, Zolfin, Ifizol, Kefzol, Lysolin, Orizolin, Prozolin, Reflin, Oefazol, Tota-cef, Cezolin, Cefamezin, Cefaprim, Cefezol, Cefo-prid)
    Ciprofloxacin (Aquacipro, Arflox, Afenoxin, Ifi-cipro, Quintor, Quipro, Liproquin, Medociprin, Microflox, Proxacin, Procipro, Recipro, Tseprova, Ci-plox, Cyprinol)
    Drugs that suppress lactation
    Bromocriptine (Bromergon, Parlodel)

    Herbs and infusions for the treatment of mastitis

      Mix the gruel from the baked onion in a 2:1 ratio with honey or linseed oil and apply 2-3 times a day for 3-4 hours before full recovery with mastitis.

      If milk stagnates in the mammary gland, take 1 teaspoon of pure chalk powder 4 times a day, washed down with tea made from thyme, lemon balm or fresh carrot juice.

      For purulent mastitis, apply a compress of pumpkin pulp boiled in a small amount of milk to the chest. Cook the pumpkin until the mixture thickens. Before applying the poultice, sprinkle with granulated sugar - then it will draw out pus well. Grind flax seeds into flour, boil in a small amount of fresh natural milk, adding a little sugar. After this, cover the entire chest with a warm poultice of flaxseed flour- for cracked nipples of nursing mothers. Every morning and evening, change the poultice with a new one until recovery occurs. When the baby is weaned and she is full, apply a poultice of chopped boiled parsley. It is cooked until it softens. Apply the poultice several times a day until the swelling disappears. At night, you can use a towel soaked in vegetable oil as a compress.

      Apply a fresh cabbage leaf to your chest.

      Mix rye flour, ghee and fresh milk to form a soft dough, leave overnight and then apply to the sore spot. Treatment for mastitis is carried out several times.

      Apply fresh coltsfoot leaves and burdock leaves to your breasts during mastitis, after dousing them with boiling water.

      Apply a piece of kombucha to the sore spot, put cotton wool or gauze on it, and on top - parchment or any paper, you can use pharmacy paper. Cellophane, polyethylene are not allowed, because air must pass to the sore spot. Carry out the procedures for 5-7 days, before going to bed for mastitis.

      At the first signs of hardening or inflammation of the breast, apply steam compresses to it: 6-8 layers of cotton cloth soaked in a tolerably hot infusion of chamomile flowers. A bag of tolerably hot semi-cooked barley, which is kept for 20-30 minutes, can replace the chamomile infusion. Afterwards, you should suck out the stagnant milk using special devices sold in pharmacies.

      At acute mastitis When pus appears, make a hot local bath in a deep bowl (temperature 45°C) with a decoction of St. John's wort flowers, chamomile, yarrow - all ingredients are taken in equal parts by weight. Pour 15 tablespoons of the crushed mixture into 3 liters of boiling water, cook in a sealed container over low heat for 5 minutes, cool to 50°C, strain. When taking a bath, you need to refill it all the time warm water so that the temperature of the infusion does not drop. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. After the bath, a bag of thin material filled with the following poultice should be applied to the chest: 5-6 tablespoons of chopped parsley and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour, pour 100 ml of fresh milk. Cook until the mixture thickens, before applying to the breast, add 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

      To reduce the secretion of milk in a nursing mother, when the time comes to wean the baby from the breast, tea made from sage leaves is useful.

      Take 1 part of the sheet by weight walnut, 2 parts each of sage leaves and hop inflorescences. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and drink 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day 1 hour after meals to reduce lactation.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of mastitis:

    • Tie grated carrots, a mixture of bean flour with soapy water, or fresh cabbage leaves, fresh leaves of coltsfoot, or large burdock with the shiny side to the hardened area of ​​the chest.
    • Stir rice starch in water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. Apply to a bandage and apply to the sore spot. After 3 hours everything will resolve.
    • Prepare an ointment from potato starch and sunflower oil and lubricate the hardened areas of the breast with it.
    • Prepare a mixture from 50 g of tangerine peel and 10 g of licorice roots. Divide it into 2 servings and take it as a water decoction 2 times a day. The same decoction can be used as an external lotion on the hardened area of ​​the chest. Tangerine peel quickly suppresses the growth of staphylococci, which usually causes purulent mastitis.
    • Peel the narcissus bulb, chop it and mix it with thick rice porridge or rye flour, spread it on the sore chest and change it 2-3 times a day, rinsing it off warm water hardened crust.
    • Nursing mothers use Kalanchoe juice feathery for the treatment of cracked nipples. The sore spot is watered with juice or a gauze bandage soaked in juice is applied to it.
    • Prepare a mixture of sweet clover, eucalyptus globulus, and sophora japonica (4 tablespoons each). For 200 ml of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of the mixture. Boil, stand and strain. Then mix with 100 g of butter. Apply this ointment with a sterile napkin to the area where there is mastitis, covering a healthy area of ​​the mammary gland around it.
    • Wipe the sore breast with vodka, express the milk and pour it out, then put it vodka compress. This can prevent the formation of an abscess. If signs of an abscess appear, put not a vodka compress on this place, but a warming one made from a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
    • Knead and prepare a cake from rye flour, soft fresh butter and fresh milk, which should be applied to the sore spot overnight. Carry out the procedure several times until complete recovery.
    • Pour 1–2 tablespoons of crushed Sophora japonica fruits into 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse in a warm place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Use for abscesses, phlegmon, and cracked nipples.
    • Grind cumin seeds (30 g) and peppermint leaves (30 g) into powder. Add rye flour to this mixture, knead with water like a dough and heat. Spread the very warm dough onto your chest if an abscess has formed. Treatment lasts several days.
    • Grate the apple on a fine grater and mix with butter. This remedy helps heal abrasions and cracks on the nipples, as well as on the lips.
    • Pour 1/2 cup of dry melilot herb with flowers and leaves hot water, leave for 5–10 minutes. Moisten a towel with a thick infusion, wrap it around your chest, and cover with a light woolen scarf. After 2 hours, repeat the procedure. Mastitis can be cured completely in 1–2 days by continuously changing compresses every 2 hours and then lubricating all hardened areas with propolis ointment.
    • Use small-leaved linden flowers in the form of lotions and poultices for mastitis: pour 4–5 tablespoons of flowers with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.
    • Dilute a teaspoon of dry celandine leaves in 2 teaspoons of melted butter. Apply the resulting ointment to sore areas.
    • Generously lubricate the cracks on the nipples with celandine juice; give time to absorb the juice. Do this procedure several times at intervals of 2–3 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. The more celandine juice is absorbed into the cracks of the nipples, the faster the improvement will occur.
    • Grate raw beets and mix with honey in a ratio of 3:1. Apply the resulting mass to the mammary gland and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the mixture, put it in the refrigerator, and wash your breasts. The next night, repeat the procedure. Then take a break. Carry out 20 sessions in this way. Beetroot mass can be used twice.

    Vanga's recipes for Mastitis

      For stagnation of milk in lactating women and the threat of mastitis, Vanga used a white wax plaster. To prepare it, you need 30 g of wax, 60 g of olive oil, 120 g of spermaceti, melt over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon. When everything is loose and well combined, remove from heat and stir until cool. After applying the mixture to the canvas, apply it to the mammary glands, change once a day. The use of a patch prepared in this way should be combined with expressing milk, the process of which is greatly facilitated.

      Pour fresh Sophora fruits (beans) with 70% alcohol in a weight ratio of 1:1. Leave for 21 days in a dark place, strain, squeeze. Infuse dry fruits with vodka in a ratio of 1:2. Infuse and consume in the same way as when preparing fresh fruits. Store the tincture in a dry, dark and cool place. Use internally from 10 drops 4 - 5 times a day to 1 teaspoon 2 - 3 times a day.

      An aqueous solution of Sophora is used in the form of napkins and tampons for mastitis.

      Mix half a glass of red beet juice with the same amount of finely grated carrots, add one tablespoon of Rhodiola rosea root powder (golden root) and four tablespoons of sea buckthorn or St. John's wort oil(if you don’t have St. John’s wort oil, you can replace it with sunflower oil). Apply compresses to the sore area of ​​the chest and change them after 4 to 5 hours. The course of treatment is 14 days.

      Decoction of horse chestnut flowers: pour 6 - 8 full tablespoons of dried horse chestnut flowers into a liter saucepan, fill to the top with water, bring to a boil, leave overnight in a warm place. To treat mastitis, take one sip throughout the day. At the same time, the same decoction restores vascular system and blood formula.

      Black elderberry infusion: wash the black elderberry fruits, dry them and place them in a three-liter glass container in layers alternating with sugar (layer thickness 1 - 2 centimeters). Close the lid and place on open place for a day (but not in the sun), then place in the refrigerator for eight days. Squeeze, strain and place back in the refrigerator. Take a dessert spoon with water in the morning and evening. In the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before meals, and an hour before meals in the evening (the interval between morning and evening receptions should be 12 hours). Take as a folk remedy for mastitis until recovery.

      Infusion of potato flowers: pour one teaspoon of crushed potato flowers into a glass of boiling water. Take one quarter glass three times a day before meals.

      Onion infusion: chop the bitter blue onion and place in a liter jar (the chopped onion should contain about half a liter). Then fill it to the top with May honey, put it in a cool, dark place (you can put it in the refrigerator) and leave for two weeks. Strain and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. Keep refrigerated.

      If there are signs of stagnation or rotting of milk in the breast, Vanga advised using a dressing with the following composition: take beets and cook until they are completely boiled. Add bread crumb, horse bean flour, sesame oil to it.

      You can take bread with water and olive oil, add wine and honey and also use it as a dressing. It is better to do all dressings two to three times a day.

      Sesame with honey or sesame with honey and ghee has a similar effect. Wholemeal or fava bean flour can be added to this mixture.

      In this condition, it is useful to place compresses with hot water on the chest, as well as to hold the chest over steam, especially if it has previously been boiled in water. flax-seed, fenugreek, marshmallow, chamomile.

      You can use compresses of wine vinegar with hot water and a small amount of rose oil.

      A bandage helps next line-up: take crushed dry bread, barley flour, fava bean flour, fenugreek, marshmallow, egg yolk, saffron, myrrh and make a medicinal bandage from it.

      An ointment made from crushed flaxseed with vinegar also has a good effect.

      For a tumor in the nipple, Wang used plantain, which she applied to the protruding part of the tumor.

      When hardened female breast In the initial period of the disease, a medicinal bandage made from rice soaked in wine helps well.

      If the tumor has already become very hard, then you need to use a wax ointment with rose oil, tree resin and camphor. Sometimes ox bile is added to this composition.

      Knead and prepare a cake from rye flour, soft melted fresh butter and fresh milk, which should be applied to the sore spot overnight. Carry out the procedure several times until complete recovery.

      If there were knots on a woman’s breast, Vanga used fresh peach leaves and fresh rue leaves for treatment, which she crushed together and made a medicinal bandage out of them.