Bee bread dosage. Useful properties of bee bread. Bee bread honey: recipes and daily dosages

Perga is “bee bread” valuable product beekeeping.
It is produced by bees from pollen, which is a treasure trove useful substances.

Bees mix pollen with their own enzymes, place it in honeycombs and cover it with a layer of honey.
In a confined space, in honeycombs, the fermentation process occurs, which leads to the formation of bee bread.

Beekeepers have long noticed that bee larvae feeding on beebread short term increase in size several times.

Scientists have confirmed that beebread is a rich source of vitamins and microelements that can have a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs.

The benefits of "bee bread"

The benefit of bee bread lies in its unique chemical composition. 1/3 of it consists of proteins, the rest is vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and microelements.

Composition of bee bread:

  • vitamins E, C, D, K, P, B1, B2;
  • 20 amino acids (glutamine, aspartic, alanine, glycine, tyrosine, lysine and others);
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • minerals: iron, iodine, cobalt, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, chromium;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • carotenoids;
  • hormone-like substances;
  • enzymes.

And this whole set useful elements 100% digestible by humans!

That's why even small portions of this product can bring great benefits to the body.

What effect does it have on the body:

  • destroys harmful bacteria,
  • relieves inflammation,
  • increases immunity;
  • speeds up metabolism,
  • restores energy balance,
  • tones and stimulates cerebral circulation,
  • normalizes functioning nervous system;
  • normalizes cholesterol and sugar levels;
  • normalizes hormonal background and balance of the endocrine system;
  • improves reproductive function men and women;
  • accelerates cell regeneration and anabolism,
  • slows down the aging process of the body;
  • prevents the formation of tumors;
  • has an antihistamine effect;
  • improves digestion.

Perga is a favorite product of athletes. This is a valuable source of protein, which is used to build muscle mass.

A glutamic acid, abundantly present in bee bread, helps build muscle at optimal speed.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve results by simply eating a spoonful of bee bread. It only helps to improve metabolism, which ultimately helps keep the body in shape.

An important advantage of bee bread is that it causes allergies much less often than other bee products.

Therefore, bee bread can be consumed by both adults and children.

Medicinal properties

Both folk and official medicine They agree that beebread can treat a lot of diseases.

Digestive system diseases.
Since beebread is a fermentation product, it turns out to be an excellent prebiotic.
It helps to get rid of:

Help with illnesses

Cardiovascular system.
Since beebread contains a lot of potassium, it can be used to prevent and treat heart diseases.
Potassium normalizes heart function and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
And, thanks to its diuretic properties, bee bread helps get rid of hypertension.

Blood diseases.
Thanks to great content Easily digestible iron, beebread will help get rid of anemia (anemia), and will also allow you to quickly recover after surgical operations.

Diseases of the genitourinary system.
Perga helps with gynecological problems, used to treat infertility.
Men are recommended to use this product in combination with honey for impotence and for the prevention of prostate diseases.

Skin diseases.
Taking bee bread in combination with the use of propolis tincture helps to effectively fight acne and other skin imperfections.

Bee bread has antihistamine properties, so it is used to relieve allergic reactions.

Nervous system disorders.
Magnesium contained in bee bread helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system, get rid of stress and improve memory function.

Eye diseases.
Bee bread contains many carotenoids.
There are 20 times more of them in this beekeeping product than in the known source carotene - carrots!
When absorbed by the human body, carotenoids are transformed into vitamin A, which improves vision.

Thanks to its immunomodulatory effect, beebread helps in the treatment of bronchitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia.

Perga does not directly promote weight loss.
But, thanks to its properties, it becomes possible to:

  • reduce bad cholesterol levels,
  • cleanse the body of toxins,
  • normalize metabolic and hormonal processes,
  • it makes an excellent addition to any diet.

To experience all these beneficial properties of bee bread, you need to know how to use correctly.

Bee bread should be taken in monthly courses. Between courses you need to take a break of 1-4 weeks.

Beebread will give the best results if you simply dissolve it.

Bee bread granules should be placed in your mouth and wait for them to dissolve.

Pour boiling water over the product, experienced beekeepers do not recommend drinking it with hot tea or swallowing bee bread like a bitter medicine.

The daily dose of granulated bee bread depends on age:

  • children under 6 years old Do not use more than 1/4 tsp;
  • children aged 7–9 years it is recommended to dissolve 1/3 tsp;
  • boys 10–11 years old can take 1/2 tsp.

Adults for disease prevention It is recommended to adhere to the daily norm of 1.5-2 tsp.

If beebread is used to treat existing diseases, the dose is selected individually after consultation with a doctor.

Folk recipes

Official medicine and traditional healers have developed many recipes for using bee bread.

It demonstrates its beneficial properties in in kind:

  • It is enough to eat a teaspoon of bee bread every day to be convinced of its benefits.

But there are different recipes for treating certain diseases.

To build muscle mass

To prepare a composition for effective training, you need to mix 1/2 tsp. beebread and honey.

These ingredients are intended for 1 serving of the composition.

They need to be taken three times a day.

To enhance the anabolic properties of the composition, you should add a couple of drops of lemongrass or leuzea extract to it.

If you are allergic to honey, Bee bread can be taken without it.

Athletes involved in strength sports take a daily dose of bee bread of 0.5 g per kilogram of their weight.

For anemia

To cook healing drink to increase hemoglobin levels, you need to combine:

  • 50 g bee bread;
  • 0.8 l of water;
  • 180 g honey.

The resulting solution should be infused for 2-3 days, and then taken half an hour before meals, a quarter glass.

For diseases of the pancreas

It is recommended to eat 1 tsp. bee bread in the morning and evening 15 minutes before meals.

To enhance the effect during meals, you need to drink a decoction of any pharmaceutical herbs recommended for pancreatitis.

For eye diseases

To restore vision, you can prepare a composition from the following components:

  • 100 g honey;
  • 50 g bee bread;
  • 100 g blueberries.

A mixture of these ingredients should be drunk twice a day, 1 tsp.

You can store the finished product in the refrigerator, but no longer than 1 week.

For diabetes

To lower blood sugar you can use the following recipe:

  • 1/2 tsp. beebread;
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock rhizomes;
  • 200 ml water.

You need to add grated burdock root hot water and leave the broth in a thermos for 1 day.

Every day you should dissolve 1/2 tsp. bee bread and wash it down with a decoction of burdock root.

You can also add honey to the decoction.

To boost immunity

1. Vitamin composition can be made from the following ingredients:

  • 1/4 tsp. beebread;
  • 1/4 lemon;
  • 1 tsp. honey

These products are enough for 1 dose.

Need to squeeze lemon juice and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. The mixture should be held in the mouth until dissolved and washed down with water.

2. Vitamin cocktail prepared from the following products:

  • 15 g bee bread;
  • 200 g honey;
  • 1 g royal jelly.

All ingredients need to be mixed and drunk 1 tsp. every morning for 1 month.

For face

The composition should be applied to the neck and face and washed off after half an hour. After this, the skin will become elastic, inflammation will decrease, and small wounds will heal.

If you add a few drops of propolis tincture and 1 yolk to this mask, the composition will also have a rejuvenating effect.

For hair

1. A mask will help restore the hair structure and give it shine:

  • 1 tbsp. l. beebread;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 100 ml milk.

You need to mix these components and apply to washed hair for 30 minutes. The mask is easily washed off with water.

2. You can make an anti-dandruff rinse from beebread. To do this you should take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. bee bread powder;
  • 250 ml water.

You need to mix these ingredients, rinse your newly washed hair with the resulting mixture, and then rinse it off.

This mixture can also be used in the absence of dandruff: it will make your hair silky, beautiful and well-groomed.

Side effects and contraindications

You should not take bee bread in only one case - when individual intolerance appears.

If, after taking several granules, bloating, diarrhea, belching, or nausea occur, use of bee bread should be stopped.

There are several diseases for which you should not take beebread without the advice of a doctor.

Poor blood clotting, tendency to bleed.
It is believed that vitamin K, which is contained in bee bread, increases blood clotting.

Tumor diseases.
Perga has anabolic effect– helps restore tissue and develop new cells.
In the presence of tumor formation of bee bread with high probability will increase the speed of its development.

Diabetes mellitus.
The composition of bee bread includes simple carbohydrates, so people with diabetes need to strictly adhere to its dosage.

Graves' disease.
Since beebread contains substances resembling hormones, with hyperactivity thyroid gland the patient's condition may worsen.


Useful properties beebread is difficult to exaggerate. It has a beneficial effect on all organs human body and at the same time has almost no contraindications. Daily use beebread – best way maintain health for many years.

We invite you to watch a current video about the benefits of bee bread and how to use bee products.

Bee bread is a healthy product, the taste of which is very similar to the taste of aromatic rye bread. Therefore, it’s easy for most people to get carried away with this product and lose track of the amount they eat, and this can be unsafe for the body.

How to take bee bread to get only the benefits from it and what to do if you still don’t like the taste of this product?

Features of taking bee bread

Most in a natural way Eating bee bread is chewing honeycombs in which it has ripened from pollen carefully packed by bees. While chewing the honeycomb, under the action of salivary enzymes, the bee bread dissolves and, accordingly, is swallowed. After the honeycombs lose the characteristic taste of rye bread, the empty wax remaining in the mouth must be spat out.

Attention! When purchasing bee bread in honeycombs, you need to make sure there is no mold or traces of vital activity. wax larvae, which indicates a violation of the storage conditions of the product and, therefore, its unsuitability for use.

Some people do not like to chew honeycombs, because in addition to wax and bee bread, they also contain merva, that is, cocoons. In such cases, the question of how to take bee bread can be solved by consuming its mixture with honey. You can buy it ready-made, or you can make it at home yourself. To do this, bee bread is ground in a meat grinder and about 30% of your favorite type of honey is added. In this form, the product not only becomes more palatable to those with a sweet tooth taste qualities, but it is also much better stored, that is, it does not mold.

Important: when taking beebread in honeycombs and in the form of a mixture with honey, it is impossible to accurately calculate the dose of the product, therefore, if you get carried away with the delicacy, you can easily exceed the dosage several times and get unpleasant side effects. To avoid this, you need to be careful about how to use beebread and not eat too much of it.

The third option for using bee bread is to take pure beebread extracted from the honeycomb. The finished granules can be thoroughly dissolved in the mouth, since thanks to salivary enzymes the nutritional components of the product are absorbed as completely as possible by the body, or they can be crushed using a coffee grinder or other device and consumed in this form. Whatever option you choose, you need to remember that it is not recommended to drink bee bread with water, so you should refrain from drinking any drinks for half an hour after taking it.

Before or after food?

Many people are concerned about the correct way to eat bee bread: before or after meals? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this, since both methods are considered correct. For example, before meals (about 30 minutes) it is worth taking bee bread for those who have gastrointestinal diseases and are prone to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is also recommended to consume bee bread a quarter of an hour before meals for those who want to use it to reduce high blood pressure. blood pressure. With equal success, the product can be consumed after meals, but it is better that at least half an hour passes after eating.

On strength therapeutic effect bee bread is in no way affected by its mixing with fermented milk products or porridge. Therefore, if the natural taste confuses a person, it can be consumed in this form.

Advice: do not take bee bread during pure form at night, as it has a strong invigorating effect, so drinking it a few hours before bedtime can give a person a long and sleepless night. At the same time, taking a mixture of bee bread and honey, on the contrary, calms and relaxes the body, therefore, significantly facilitating the process of going to bed.

Doses for children and adults

In general, the method of use and dose of bee bread depend on the purpose of its use. So, for adults for the prevention of diseases and general strengthening immunity, it is recommended to take only 5–10 g of this beekeeping product once daily. If the purpose of its use is to treat a particular disease, you should follow the recommendations of apitherapists and take bee bread in the form and quantity recommended by a specialist. Typically, the therapeutic daily dosage of bee bread is 2–3 tsp, which is consumed in 2–3 doses.

Sometimes it is recommended to increase the dosage by 2 times, for example, during an exacerbation infectious diseases. It must be remembered that consuming more than 60 g of bee bread per day for some time can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis, the consequences of which can be problems with the kidneys, liver, spleen, diabetes mellitus etc. But in some cases, experts recommend consuming no more than 1–2 g of bee bread per day, for example, pregnant women and women who have just given birth. Can pregnant women eat bee bread? It's definitely possible. In the first trimester, this beekeeping product will help cope with painful toxicosis, and in the future it will help the fetal body to properly form and develop.

Also not large doses Oh, it’s worth eating bee bread for men. How exactly to take bee bread for men depends on the purpose of its use, but if this product is necessary to combat impotence or diseases prostate gland, then it is dissolved in only 1 g up to 3 times a day. But the opinions of apitherapists differ on this matter, since other experts, on the contrary, advise using up to 16 g of bee bread twice a day in such cases.

How to take bee bread for children directly depends on their age:
  • up to 1 year permissible daily dose is 1/5 tsp;
  • 1–6 years – ¼ tsp;
  • 6–9 years – 1/3 tsp;
  • 9–12 years – ½ tsp;
  • after 12 years – 1 tsp.

Attention! Bee bread can be taken for a long time, but you must take short breaks. Most often, it is recommended to use it for a month, and then take a break for the same period of time.

At correct intake Bee bread can provide enormous assistance to the body in the fight against many diseases. Among them are pathologies of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as the genital area. This beekeeping product will cope with colds, including chronic ones. We talked about this in detail in an article about, which we recommend reading to anyone who is interested in this wonderful remedy.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

  • 1. Cautions
  • 2. Methods of administration
  • 3. Pathological processes of a hormonal nature
  • 4. Stimulation of immune processes
  • 5. Infertility
  • 6. Problems oral cavity and throat diseases
  • 7. How to calculate the dosage in granules

One of the most effective means apitherapy - bee bread, or bee bread. According to its vitamin and mineral composition it is superior to all bee products. In addition, it contains carbohydrates, enzymes and many other substances with powerful biological potential. The concentration of healing properties forces you to be careful about the dosage. The answer to the question of how to take bee bread to get the expected effect depends on the form in which bee bread goes on sale.

The correct dosage and method of administration depend on many factors, namely:

  • indications for use;
  • stage of treatment;
  • gender and age of the patient;
  • presence of contraindications;
  • environmental situation;
  • others.

The universal biological potential of bee bread opens up wide possibilities for its use: up to the treatment of hopeless traditional medicine sick.

It is believed that beebread is sterile and can be given even to children. However, this is not entirely true.

Before consuming bee bread, first of all, you need to make sure that its use will not cause irreparable damage to your health.


Despite the fact that apitherapists assure that the beneficial properties of beekeeping products are reliable, before taking them it is better to make sure that there are no allergies. First of all, this concerns bee bread. It consists of pollen grains that bees have enriched with enzymes and honey, and then stabilized with lactic acid bacteria. But this does not mean that the aggressive allergic component of pollen has disappeared.

In addition, pollen contains hormone-like substances, and in order not to upset the delicate balance in the child’s body, it is better to refrain from using it until the age of 5. This restriction applies to nursing and pregnant women.

If health problems arise, it is necessary to make a correct and timely diagnosis, consult a doctor about treatment options, including the possibility of using beekeeping products. Self-medication does not always lead to a positive result.

Taking bee bread or other bee products often turns out to be the the only way, which brings back the joy of health to life. But for this you need to know how to take beebread when various diseases.

Useful properties of bee bread. How to use bee bread.

Methods of administration

Balanced chemical composition makes bee bread one of the main means for strengthening the immune system, combating vitamin deficiencies, benign and non-benign processes, replenishing the balance of minerals, treating blood vessels and the heart, removing radionuclides and toxins, and cleansing the body.

The harmonious balance of enzymes, hormone-like substances, amino acids and other active compounds makes it good alternative means for hormonal disorders, disorders in digestive system, cleansing the liver and the body as a whole.

Pathological processes of a hormonal nature

In case of neoplasms, first of all, of course, you need to consult a doctor.

By observing the dosage, you can, if not cure the problem, then increase immunity and slow down the speed pathological processes at:

  • imbalance of thyroid hormones;
  • women's problems found on early stages, namely: fibroids, endometriotic formations, cysts, mastopathy and others.
  • problems of men associated with prostate adenoma, inflammation of the prostate gland, sexual dysfunctions.

To do this, on an empty stomach before the morning and evening reception before eating, you need to dissolve about a third of a teaspoon of bee bread ground into powder and wait about half an hour with food and drink until it is absorbed.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, even those associated with insulin deficiency, the dose is increased to a full teaspoon.

It should be understood that healing through means traditional medicine requires systematic approach and patience: the course of treatment lasts at least 3 months. To enhance the effect, apitherapy can be supplemented with appropriate herbs. However, under no circumstances should you neglect drug therapy.

Stimulation of immune processes

Strengthening the immune system, body tone, stress resistance, negative factors environment - here is a list of tasks that beebread can cope best with in combination with other biological active products beekeeping.

To do this, thoroughly mix 1 g of royal jelly, two-thirds of a glass of honey and up to 15 g of bee bread. The composition is stored in an airtight container in a dark, cool place and dissolved in the mouth on an empty stomach, one teaspoon or dessert spoon at a time for at least 30 days.

At serious problems with immunity, for example, during an exacerbation HIV organism can be supported by using large doses of bee bread until the situation stabilizes, namely: up to 60 g per day.

It can be mixed with honey or berry puree, and it does not matter how you take the entire volume: once or in fractions.

Weak immunity caused by vitamin deficiency or anemia can be corrected with an aqueous solution.

To do this, you need to boil 4 glasses of water, cool to room temperature and stir in two-thirds of a glass of honey and 50 g of bee bread powder. This composition requires infusion - several days in a dark, sealed container at room temperature. It can then be stored in the refrigerator.

Before use, shake it thoroughly and drink about a quarter glass on an empty stomach in the morning.


When trying to conceive a child for a long time does not bring results, it is worth trying an old remedy for stimulating all body functions, namely bee bread.

It must be remembered that the treatment will bring results if both partners take it: both the man and the woman.

To do this, a woman is recommended to build a reception based on monthly cycle, that is, take up to 2 grams (or 14 granules) three times a day during ovulation and on the remaining days of the cycle, 2 grams once in the morning (preferably on an empty stomach).

For men, it is enough to take 14-20 granules (2 g to 3 g) daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

The course of treatment is at least 3 months. During this time, it is necessary to completely eliminate the stressful component in life, and take a healthy diet as a rule.

Mouth and throat problems

Beebread is an excellent remedy for relieving inflammation of the mucous membranes. Especially if it was sold in honeycombs, but the shape of the bee bread is not of fundamental importance: the main thing is to follow the dosage and method of its use.

In order to relieve inflammation, relieve pain and accelerate tissue healing for stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and others, it is necessary:

  • thoroughly chew a piece of honeycomb with 5-7 beebread cells inside in your mouth at least 3 times a day on an empty stomach;
  • dissolve a third of a teaspoon of powder or 5-7 bee bread granules three times a day on an empty stomach.

At the same time, it is necessary to wait with the next meal or drink: at least 20 minutes must pass for the bee bread to take effect.
The course of treatment should last until complete recovery.

How to calculate the dosage in granules

Most recipes are for beebread, ground to a powder. However, often healing agent It is sold in its natural form, in which it was produced by bees, namely as hexagonal granules. How to take bee bread in granules without grinding it into powder? It is enough to know that one granule contains approximately 140 mg of bee bread. Accordingly, 7 granules will weigh approximately 1 g. This way you can convert recipes to the weight of medium-sized granules.

And you can use another way to improve health, restore protective functions and strengthening the immune system: eat up to 20 medium-sized granules during the day, preferably on an empty stomach. They can be divided and taken in parts or all at once, but be sure to do this for at least three weeks in a row. Then the effect will appear in general increase tone, improved digestion, uninterrupted operation nervous system and improving the blood supply to all tissues.

Bee products are excellent stimulants and adaptogens. They have an antioxidant effect and have wide range actions. Taking bee bread will complement therapy well bee venom, dead food or royal jelly. When combined with medicinal herbs you can forget about the exacerbation for a long time chronic diseases However, the use of bee bread should not replace the prescribed course of drug treatment.

Bee bread is a natural analogue of pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. But, unlike tablets, bee bread is not deposited in the liver or kidneys, does not cause any harm to the body and is absorbed almost completely, replenishing the deficiency biologically active substances, amino acids and other elements we need.

If taken correctly, beebread will give strength and energy, help athletes with training, schoolchildren with their studies, children with adaptation to kindergarten, and their parents with staying cheerful and optimistic in any situation. It is indispensable during the recovery period after past diseases, stress, as well as severe physical activity, activates the effect of jointly taken drugs (especially bee products).

How to take bee bread correctly - brief instructions

Bee bread shown people of any age, starting from 12 months .

The course of admission is considered a period of at least a month.

For prevention vitamin deficiency and necessary for the body elements, activation of performance, normalization of metabolism, maintenance of immunity, a course of administration is recommended 2 times a year for 2 months (autumn and spring).

IN medicinal purposes beebread is taken in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor (compatible with any medicines and bee products), enhances healing effect and significantly shortens the recovery period. Course of administration: from the first signs of the disease until complete recovery.

For better absorption The bee bread is slowly dissolved in the mouth or mixed with honey.

Perga: dosage and contraindications

Pediatric dosage: ½ tsp. per day
For small children, crushed bee bread can be mixed with honey, yogurt, and warm porridge.

Adult dosage: 1 tsp. per day

In the specialized literature you can often find a calculation of the dosage of bee bread strictly according to the number of granules (in pieces). We do not consider it necessary to adhere to such strict standards. Any beekeeper (and his family) eats plenty of beebread and honey. Of course, anyone, even the most useful product You can harm yourself if you use it excessively. But some deviation from the recommended dosage of bee bread will not cause harm, so we indicate the approximate, average amount of this product to take per day.


Individual intolerance to components, allergy to pollen.

It is worth noting that an allergic reaction to pollen cannot always be equated to an allergy to beebread. Firstly, intolerance is usually not caused by all pollen grains, but only by the pollen of a specific plant. Pollen bears in different times and differ radically in different regions, so May pollen, for example, may be completely contraindicated for you, but a month later from the same hive you can fully enjoy all healing properties beebread and pollen without harm to health. Plus, it has been proven that beebread is much less allergic than pollen, because bees, when processing, break down large pollen grains and the body no longer identifies them as a threat.

Best before date:
12 months.

Storage conditions: Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

At room temperature, bee bread will not lose its beneficial properties, because... normal temperature in the hive - above 30 degrees, but there are always many people willing to eat such nutritious food (bugs, worms, etc.). Therefore, if you store your bee bread in a warm place, someone may eat it before you :)

Perga has a cumulative healing effect, it gradually replenishes the lack of vitamins, amino acids and other active elements in the body, so positive changes when taken become noticeable after some time.

Don't underestimate bee bread! In some cases, bee bread is simply irreplaceable. Nowadays, antibiotics and other potent drugs can kill more than 90% of all known viruses and bacteria. But after such treatment comes recovery period, which is often more severely tolerated than the disease itself. Constant companions at this time are loss of weight and appetite, mood and immunity.

It’s not for nothing that bee bread is called bread. Bread is associated with vitality, this is a treasure trove of everyone necessary for a person elements. Perga is capable of short time restore a person’s energy, strength, health and desire to live.

Very often, in the fight against a disease, we use only “weapons” (antibiotics, antiviral drugs etc.), but we forget about support, balanced diet the body, which during the period of illness works for wear and tear. Subsequently, we get complications, loss of strength, and depression.

In complex treatment, bee bread helps to activate our protective mechanisms, preserves blood composition, immunity, saturates the body with vitamins, amino acids, easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates, accelerates metabolism and the removal of toxins, nourishes the brain, strengthens bones and much more. etc. This effect cannot be achieved with tablets and pills. Nature has endowed a tiny grain with enormous creative power, and hard-working bees help us take advantage of it.

We wish you health and longevity!

Best regards, Galina and Ruslan

Important information:

Bee bread (another name is bee bread) is unique product beekeeping, which is produced from flower pollen by the bees themselves using their salivary glands. Insect processes plant material (pollen) in a special way, after which he fills the honeycomb with beebread and, filling it with fresh honey, securely seals it inside. The resulting substance is used in bee family for feeding larvae. Therefore, it is sometimes called “bee bread.”

The composition of bee bread is truly unique. In the world, almost no product of natural origin can compare with it in terms of the amount of useful substances and microelements. By the way, it can be different - it depends on what period of the year the insects collected pollen and what types of flowers and trees they used.

However, bee bread always contains large number such substances:

  • various macroelements and microelements: iodine, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, etc.;
  • almost all types of vitamins of each group known to science;
  • beneficial enzymes;
  • a number of amino acids, including glycine, tyrosine, lysine, serine, etc.;
  • aspartic and glutamic acid;
  • lipid (or fatty) acids: linolenic, stearic, palmitic, etc.;
  • vitamins of all groups;
  • monosaccharides;
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

This rich set is vital essential vitamins, chemicals and compounds makes the use of bee bread a real panacea for many diseases.

The benefits of bee bread treatment huge for the human body:

Gallery: bee bread (25 photos)

Selecting a quality product

The effectiveness of prevention and treatment of beebread largely depends on the place of its extraction and the combinatorial nature of the existing chemical compounds. Before choosing bee bread, you need to decide on its type and type. In this case, the use of bee bread will be most effective.

Types of bee bread (commercial type)

NamePlace of extractionProduct Features
Honeycomb in natural honeyLocated in natural form- in bee brood combs
  • The most natural form of "bee bread"
  • To be consumed, you must chew it along with the honeycomb.
  • With high humidity it can become moldy or be eaten by moths.
  • 1/2 consists of wax and merva - the remainder of the cocoons
Ground or paste
  • It is made by extracting beebread from honeycombs and then grinding it into powder.
  • The resulting powder is mixed with honey in proportions 3:1
  • Approximately 40% of the dry matter is retained in the paste
  • Disadvantages: unattractive appearance and inability to determine mass fraction active substance
Extracted from the honeycombIt is extracted from black brood honeycombs and cleaned of foreign impurities - wax and dead stuff; has the shape of hexagonal small granules
  • After freezing the brood honeycomb, the amount of wax and mercury is reduced to zero.
  • The composition of nutrients does not change

In addition, it is important to pay attention to from which plants was bee bread collected?

When choosing bee bread, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  • You should buy bee bread only in trusted places, where the possibility of purchasing a fake or low-quality product is minimized.
  • The opportunity to buy a low-quality paste product is much higher than a honeycomb, ground, or granular one.
  • Always pay attention to the appearance of the product - the granule should have the shape of a regular hexagon, and its color should be uniform and attractive.
  • High-quality bee bread should have good taste without excess acid, or bitterness.

Rules of use

Before starting treatment with bee bread, you should take into account some nuances:

  • The daily dosage for an adult is no more than 30 grams.
  • The daily dosage for a child is calculated at 0.1 grams per 1 kg of live weight.
  • Take no more than 3 times a day, optimal time reception - an hour before meals.
  • For maximum absorption and assimilation of beneficial substances, the product should first be thoroughly dissolved under the tongue without washing down with water.
  • After taking it, to improve absorption, you can eat a teaspoon of fresh honey or drink a little milk.
  • It is better not to take the appointment after 18.00.
  • Course of use of bee bread: use no more than 1 month, after completion, take a break for 1-2 months; 1.5-3 months of use, after which a break of 3 weeks.

You need to start a course of use very carefully. If a person is noted to have even weak allergic reaction for any beekeeping products, it is better to cancel the intake.

The first few times the dose of the substance should be minimal and each subsequent time gradually increase (but not more than 30 grams per day). It is best to take bee bread in 2 approaches - on an empty stomach, an hour before breakfast and before lunch. Any temperature treatment can negatively affect medicinal properties, therefore it should be taken only in its pure form, without any changes.

How to use bee bread for vitamin deficiency - 1 teaspoon for 3 monthly courses, once a year. The same tactics of use are used to prevent various ARVI diseases.

During a relapse or exacerbation of the disease, daily norm The dose should be increased 2-3 times, but the course of treatment should be proportionally reduced.

The pediatric oral dose should be no more than 0.5 grams once a day for children from 1 to 6 years of age; for children over 6 years old - no more than 1.5 grams 2 times a day.

Product storage

Since bee bread is a very valuable biological product, it should be stored correctly, because failure to comply with storage rules reduces its beneficial properties. Storage rules are as follows:

Applications of bee bread

Balanced composition and positive influence Beebread allows you to use it in the process complex treatment various diseases.

For hypertension

You will need fresh natural honey and flower bee bread, preferably polyfloral. These ingredients should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio and taken in a course of 21 days, a teaspoon before meals.

For hypotension

You will need fresh natural honey and flower bee bread, preferably polyfloral. These ingredients should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio and taken in a course of 3 weeks, a teaspoon within 15 minutes after meals.

For gastrointestinal diseases

Bee bread is taken half a teaspoon on an empty stomach 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

For heartburn

Dilute fresh bee bread with water in a ratio of 1:2. Drink one hour before meals on an empty stomach.

In the treatment of mastopathy

It is necessary to dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of the product 3 times a day, always on an empty stomach. The course of application should be at least 3 months. This recipe is also good for treating diseases of the endocrine system.

For diabetes

Fresh granulated bee bread should be taken 2 times a day (after sleep and before bed). A single dosage rate for an adult is 1 teaspoon. In this case, you can wash down the bee bread with a small amount of water. Before use it is necessary to mandatory consult a specialized doctor.

For anemia

Prepare a solution of bee bread, fresh honey and water in a concentration of 1:2:5. Shake the resulting mixture thoroughly and leave to infuse for 5 days. The temperature should be room temperature. The resulting solution should be taken 150 grams once a day (best in the morning on an empty stomach).

To strengthen the immune system

This recipe is suitable for both children and adults. You need to mix 0.25 teaspoon of bee bread with a teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

The resulting mixture must be thoroughly dissolved until completely dissolved. For adults, the dose can be increased proportionally.

Treatment of colds

For effective treatment runny nose, throat congestion, elevated temperature and other cold symptoms, you can prepare a highly effective chamomile infusion. Soak 2 special filter bags of chamomile in 1 glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. After the resulting decoction has cooled, you need to add 20 grams of fresh honey to it. After resorption of 15 grams of “bee bread”, it must be washed down with the resulting decoction. This remedy should be taken every 6 hours until recovery.

For impotence

You need to take 20 grams of the product 2 times a day, morning and evening. Preferably on an empty stomach.

For different types of allergies

The treatment method is suitable even for children over 3 years old. To do this, you need to take 0.5 teaspoon of bee bread 1 time per day.

For obesity of all degrees

Bee bread perfectly stimulates metabolic processes in human body. Improving the metabolic process leads to the loss of excess fat mass and overall health.

You will need to mix 200 grams of fresh honey (preferably buckwheat or forest honey), 50 grams of the same bee bread and 1 liter of water. The resulting mixture must be infused for 3 days at room temperature. Take this medicine 1 glass a day before meals. The course of treatment should be no more than six months.

Treatment of heart diseases

Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of bee bread. Dissolve the resulting mixture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is no more than 2 months, after this period it is necessary to take a break for at least 2 weeks.

For cosmetic purposes

Bee bread - excellent remedy for prevention and treatment acne, facial wrinkles and simply to improve complexion. Based on this product, you can make a huge number of creams, face masks and even a special cosmetic lotion. For these purposes, it is best to use powdered bee bread, or grind the granulated one yourself.

Contraindications for use

Like any natural remedy, there are a number of contraindications for bee bread. Use should be under constant medical supervision. It is prohibited to arbitrarily prescribe daily dosage and duration of treatment. An overdose of beebread threatens the appearance of allergic reactions (including dermatitis) and other hypervitaminosis syndromes.