A spot floating before the eyes: types, causes and treatment. Dark spot in the eye: why it appears, how to prevent serious problems

What causes flicker in the eyes? The reasons may vary. This has happened to every person at least once in their life, for example, when they suddenly get up from the couch. But sometimes glare appears in front of the eyes too often. They most often appear after a change in lighting or body position and only in some cases are a manifestation of health problems. Especially if the outbreaks are accompanied by a headache.

Special attention should attract flashes in the eyes that are repeated many times. Especially if this causes tinnitus, headache or dizziness, as well as disorientation in space. In this case, glare indicates the presence of pathologies.

There are a huge number of reasons why glare appears before the eyes. All of them indicate a disruption of the central nervous system (central nervous system), resulting in deterioration of blood circulation in the vessels and, accordingly, impaired blood circulation to the brain. And this leads to problems with blood pressure and the functioning of some body systems.

The most common reasons flicker:

  • Most often, the cause of glare is a change in intracranial pressure and impaired blood circulation to the brain. In this case, white highlights or black spots may appear before the eyes in the sun.
  • Due to changes in intracranial pressure, the blood vessels of the eyes become congested and floaters appear. Often bunnies and glare in the sun appear when blood pressure increases or decreases.

In addition to the above, there are others serious reasons the appearance of spots before the eyes, namely:

  • Bleeding in the brain. In this case, flies and bright flashes appear, which foreshadow loss of consciousness.
  • Problems with the spine. Black and white flies often indicate pathologies of the spine, because in this case, nerves and blood vessels are pinched, and blood flow worsens, especially with cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, both the brain and the eyes suffer.
  • Vitamin deficiency, unbalanced diet, grueling diets and exhaustion.
  • Traumatic brain injury or eye injury.
  • Hypotension or hypertension. With hypotension, flickering dots, darkening, glare or floating spots appear before the eyes.
  • Mental and emotional stress, stress and nervous breakdowns. In this state it changes dramatically blood pressure, that's why flickering appears in the eyes.

  • Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Severe poisoning. Flashes in the eyes can appear due to toxic exposure, which leads to disruption of the functions of the visual organs.
  • Diabetes mellitus in a severe stage. This disease leads to vascular damage.
  • Anemia. With this disease, flickering in the eyes occurs regularly.
  • Internal bleeding.

Flashes in the eyes can occur in pregnant women. This dangerous condition, so you should consult your doctor immediately.

Often, glare and bunnies appear after overheating in the sun and may portend sunstroke. Even bright sunlight, if you look at the sun without glasses, can cause white and black spots to appear in front of your eyes.

Eye problems

Flickering in the eyes can occur directly due to eye diseases. How dangerous can glare and bunnies be?

If flies appear not at the moment of physical or emotional stress, but regularly, then the person’s condition may be critical. Problems may be an impending hemorrhage or retinal tear. In this case, outbreaks appear constantly and become familiar to a person. You need to go to the hospital immediately to prevent your vision from deteriorating.

Another quite serious cause of glare is retinal detachment. In addition to the flies, the image is blurred.

Flashes in the eyes, as if from sunlight, can appear with the following visual impairments:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the eyes, inflammation of the vessels that supply the retina nutrients.
  2. Tumor diseases which can damage the retina of the eye.
  3. Impaired blood circulation in the organs of vision.
  4. Injuries to the lens that lead to retinal detachment.
  5. Clouding of the lens and development of cataracts.
  6. Vitreous detachment.

Retinal detachment or tension occurs as a result of irritation visual analyzer. The important thing is that the flicker in the eyes can become different shape. Highlights can be in the form of black and white spots, bright flashes (bunnies), lines, zigzags and rings. As a rule, they appear for a split second. Normally, flashes or spots may appear after sleep or bright light.

What should you do about floaters?

With constant floaters in the eyes without medical care cannot be avoided, because you need to find out the cause of this condition. In addition to the organs of vision, all systems of the body are examined and possible serious illnesses.

Usually it is enough to perform an ophthalmoscopy, take blood tests and undergo an ultrasound (ultrasound) or CT (computed tomography) examination. Based on the results, treatment is prescribed.

Preventing flicker:

  • When floaters appear in the eyes, it is necessary to exclude the fact that the body is severely depleted. You need to adhere to a rest regime, sleep at least 8 hours and avoid stress.
  • It is also necessary to exclude the possibility of low high pressure or anemia. If the cause of glare is due to these disturbances, then it is enough to adjust the diet.
  • If you have anemia, you need to eat more meat (especially veal), liver and apples. If necessary, you can undergo a course of treatment with drugs containing iron.
  • To prevent flies, it is important to maintain levels of sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and hemoglobin within normal limits.
  • To improve blood circulation and saturate the blood with oxygen, you need to do hiking. You need to walk for at least half an hour.
  • Carrots, greens, nuts, fruits, blueberries and dried apricots will be very useful for the visual organs.
  • To prevent eye diseases, you need to take a break after every hour of working at the computer.
  • When bright sun rays It is best to wear sunglasses.

Glare and spots in front of the eyes very often appear when there is a sudden change in body position, especially after sleep. They may also indicate physical or emotional exhaustion. In this case, floaters are accompanied by headache or dizziness.

If flashes in the eyes appear regularly, then you need to visit a doctor; they may indicate anemia, changes in blood pressure, or much more serious health problems.

If your vision suddenly decreases due to the appearance of a spot in the eye, then you need to find out the cause of this event. The spot may be a site of inflammation and be red in color, sometimes appearing as floaters. In some cases, there is no cause for concern and the appearance of spots is associated with ordinary overstrain and fatigue, in which it is useful to give the eyes a rest and support them with a course of vitamins. But in other cases serious medical intervention, up to surgical treatment.

Red spot in the eye

The appearance of a red spot on the eye is usually associated with damage to the capillaries. These small vessels are located in large quantities inside the eye and can expand under the influence various factors. As a result, the whites of the eyes acquire a red tint.

The appearance of red spots on the eyes is not always accompanied by pain, but outwardly they are always very noticeable. Not everyone will like the fact that their eyes are sore and tired look due to the peculiar coloring of proteins. Most typical cause such changes are eye fatigue due to lack of sleep, long work at the computer or watching TV.

To quickly eliminate the symptoms of fatigue, you can use vasoconstrictors, which include Visin, Sofradex, Murin. It is worth noting that these drops are not suitable for long-term use, since this causes excessive dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye. Such changes themselves can cause redness and irritation of the eyes.

In addition to fatigue, red eyes can be caused by inflammatory and infectious processes. Usually, along with a change in eye color, itching, purulent discharge, and decreased visual acuity occur. Only a doctor can correctly determine the treatment tactics in this case, so you should not start an infection; it is better to seek help from an ophthalmologist.

Sometimes a red spot on the sclera of the eye appears when there is a rupture blood vessel. A feature of this condition is that it is one-sided. Usually the surface capillary is damaged as a result physical stress, for example, when coughing or lifting heavy objects, or when exposed to external factors(bruise, temperature change, strong wind). Sometimes the capillary becomes more fragile after taking certain medications. At sharp increase systemic pressure may develop subconjunctival hemorrhage, which also leads to the appearance of red spots on the whites of the eyes. Among the reasons for the appearance of such spots are blood diseases and systemic infections.

Dark spot in the eye

When a floating dark spot appears before the eyes, we can talk about damage to the vitreous substance, which is accompanied by destruction of the gel-like structure. Most often, these spots can be noticed when looking at a light background, such as a ceiling, a sheet of paper, or the sky. As the eye moves, the floaters also move, giving the appearance that they are floating inside. This often causes discomfort.

Typically, such floaters bother elderly patients or people suffering from myopia.

If you have such symptoms, then it is highly advisable to see a doctor, as quite serious pathologies may be present, including retinal detachment. If a retinal tear is diagnosed, then the situation can be corrected by laser coagulation of the changed area.

Some signs are a poor prognostic factor, so if they appear, you should not postpone a visit to the ophthalmologist:

  • A sudden decrease in visual acuity, which is accompanied by the appearance of lightning and flashes while fixing the gaze on a plain background.
  • Significant increase in the number of floating spots.
  • The emergence of the so-called curtain. In this case, the entire field of view (or a significant part of it) is influenced by this phenomenon.

If the patient complains of the appearance of dark spots before the eyes, then most often they use resorption therapy. These drugs stimulate metabolism in the vitreous substance and also help restore the lack of essential substances. Such medications include Wobenzym in tablets, Emoxipin in drops, as well as a number vitamin complexes for the eyes. Add drug treatment possible with the help of physiotherapy. In severe cases, eye surgery is required.

Blind spot of the eye

A blind spot is an area of ​​physiological absence of vision, that is, it is present in everyone, even an absolutely healthy patient. This area of ​​the retina completely lacks light-perceiving receptors, however, due to the presence of two eyes, the blind spot area remains unnoticed. This occurs due to the fact that the image is completed by the opposite eyeball.

The structure of the retina is not uniform. Thus, the highest concentration of receptors is in the area of ​​the central fovea, which is responsible for clear central vision. Around the fossa there is a yellow spot, which also has high concentration receptors, especially cones (responsible for color perception). In the peripheral zone, the number of cones decreases, but at the same time the number of rods increases. This allows a person to navigate in the twilight and perceive the shape of objects.

In the blind spot area, these receptors are absent, so no information is perceived by this area of ​​the retina, and the rays that fall on this part are not transmitted to higher structures. The blind spot is located near the macula and its localization is symmetrical on both sides. This phenomenon allowed King Louis XIV, due to a certain focus of his gaze, to see people in front of him without heads.

Floaters before the eyes: causes, treatment, what to do, connection with diseases

Each of us has at one time or another seen spots before our eyes. Their appearance in a healthy person, as a rule, it is associated with a sharp change in body position, rapid throwing back of the head, and then returning it to its original state, strong tension when coughing, sneezing, vomiting. In such cases, everything is restored quickly - a few seconds and the flies disappear. It’s another matter if the appearance of various objects or a veil before the eyes is difficult to explain, since it was not noticed no provoking circumstances: no squats, no throwing back, no sharp turns to the side, no somersaults on the horizontal bar, no tension for any other reason. In addition, e If these symptoms persistently do not go away, then most likely there is only one way out - visiting a doctor.

Usually, people with such problems first go to an ophthalmologist, assuming pathological changes in the organ of vision. However, in other cases, visual disturbances are caused by reasons that have no direct relationship to eye diseases, simply, as ophthalmologists say: “the eye is the same brain, only brought to the periphery, so it is the first to begin to see what is going on in the head.”

First - see an ophthalmologist

The appearance of black dots before the eyes or other unidentified objects often has a cause arising from disturbances in the organ of vision. Most often similar clinical manifestations gives a pathology called destruction of the vitreous body of the eye, which represents the destruction of gel-like proteins that, together with water, make up the structure of this vitreous body. The destroyed proteins do not disappear anywhere, but continue to exist in the form of clumps, freely floating in the liquid medium of the eye and creating an obstacle to the passage of light to the retina. If this really happens, then it is not at all necessary that the objects appearing before the eyes be black flies; they can be white with a dark-colored rim or floating in the form of ribbons and strings. And, moreover, it is not necessary to see them with both eyes; pathological changes in the vitreous body can occur only in one eye.

The reason is in the eye itself

The cause of floaters before the eyes may be the destruction of the proteins of the vitreous body or the adverse effects of some factors directly on the organ of vision:

  • Age– everything ages and wears out during use. People having good eyesight and those who do not know problems with it, usually tend to believe that it will always be like this, however, the years take their toll and the eyes begin to feel it, sometimes much earlier than other organs, however, destruction of the vitreous body does not apply to early symptoms visual impairment resulting from age-related changes.
  • Damage to the walls of a blood vessel that is microscopic for the entire body, but significant for the eye, hemorrhage.
  • Mechanical damage directly affecting the organ of vision.
  • Everything floats before your eyes in equal measure and in farsighted people, And nearsighted people, if they try to look at the world without the help of optics, and if they suddenly accidentally change glasses, then headaches and dizziness are added to the visual disturbances. This suggests that glasses should be selected individually in an ophthalmology office, and not purchased somewhere on the market or rented.
  • Floaters that create a solid black veil before the eyes may be a sign retinal detachment.

On visual acuity and the patient’s condition in general, age-related disorders somehow they don’t have much of an impact, people get used to it, resign themselves and don’t bother the doctor with such questions. Other reasons not related to age, on the contrary, require the intervention of a specialist. And the sooner the better. People who have depended on optics for many years know what to do. As a rule, they have long been included in the group of regular visitors to the ophthalmologist. In case of injuries and retinal detachment, you need to be treated by an ophthalmologist, and with a burst vessel, if this happens for no apparent reason, you need to go to another doctor. In this case, the appearance of flying objects before the eyes is most likely not associated with pathology of the visual organs, and therefore falls within the competence of a completely different doctor, for example, a therapist or neurologist.

Video: about floaters in front of those provoked by the eye itself

Where else could the reason be hidden?

It often happens that black spots, flickering zigzags or a veil before the eyes appear in people who do not notice any visual impairment, but suspect another pathology. As a rule, in such cases there are complaints not only about constantly or periodically interfering with any activity, non-existent real life objects, but also for other signs of trouble, also temporary or permanent. This may include a feeling of nausea, speech impairment, or general discomfort.

These conditions can cause various pathological changes in the body that have already been established as a diagnosis, or for the time being are hidden and therefore often unknown to the patient:

  1. (, neurocirculatory asthenia, etc.). As a result of the imbalance between parts of the autonomic nervous system present in NCD, the body's response to various stimuli(stress, emotions, overwork, weather changes, adaptation to a different climate zone) are not always adequate, therefore, along with numerous symptoms autonomic dysfunction, flickering zigzags and small spots may appear before the eyes.
  2. (migraine aura). In the classic variant of the disease, photopsia (flashes, flickering zigzags, glare) are often present among other manifestations of the aura. In other cases (basal migraine), the aura is accompanied by quite noticeable visual disturbances, for example, patients note a haze before the eyes, almost completely covering the field of vision.
  3. cervical spine spine with the ensuing consequences (,), complicating the blood supply to the brain, and at the same time to the organs of vision, leads to the fact that people suffering from this pathology periodically have noise in their heads, everything floats, a veil appears before the eyes, flickering zigzags , flies and other “flying objects”. Patients usually feel that the problem comes from the neck and point to it in their complaints.
  4. A symptom such as flying black dots in front of the eyes, similar to small insects, is a fairly characteristic sign in young people .
  5. . Low blood pressure is often accompanied by this kind of visual disturbance. Patients know: if circles float before their eyes and spots fly, it means their blood pressure is low.
  6. A state when everything floats, you feel dizzy and hurt when you are tense, strings float before your eyes, zigzags and glare sparkle, often occurs when . This usually happens if a person’s blood pressure has increased, which is understandable - the vessels affected by the pathological process cannot adapt and respond correctly to the change external conditions, therefore, they experience difficulties in performing their functional tasks (brain nutrition). Sometimes patients note the appearance of a flickering zigzag on one side (it is visible only with one eye), which does not disappear for several hours or even days.
  7. Pregnancy in any case (whether it occurs physiologically or with toxicosis) it gives the body an additional load: all systems rearrange their work to ensure normal development fetus, need for vitamins, microelements, proteins and other useful substances, necessary not only for a woman, but also for an unborn child, is increasing. During pregnancy, more often than in the normal state, blood pressure changes in one direction or another, hemoglobin levels drop, the body becomes more sensitive to overwork or lack of oxygen, so the appearance of floaters before the eyes is by no means considered uncommon. However, we must not forget that visual disturbances that persistently do not leave a woman in the second half of pregnancy may be a manifestation of pregestosis, which cannot be allowed to develop into gestosis, which threatens such severe complication like eclampsia.

The appearance of black spots, flickering zigzags, and haze before the eyes in the listed conditions in most cases does not cause much concern, but requires the patient’s reaction. A person with his complaints will have to go to the doctor to try to identify the cause, get a doctor’s prescription, begin treatment and try to maintain the body (and, especially, the blood vessels of the brain) in a stable condition.

Veil, black flies, snow storm - call “103”

  • Everything floats before your eyes, and nausea creeps up your throat, usually in a pre-conscious state, which does not last long and ends, as a rule, with loss of consciousness. can happen in many circumstances, especially in people prone to such conditions - decreased blood pressure, stuffy room, the sight of blood, hunger. Such a nuisance may be unknown to a person who has lived long life, can happen once in a lifetime, or it can appear from time to time - here you shouldn’t get used to similar phenomena. You just need to visit a doctor, find out the cause and try to fight.
  • Gap internal organs. The blurred vision that appears immediately after a blow (bruise) is often the first and last sign of impending loss of consciousness. Suspicion does not require an emergency call for an ambulance and hospitalization.
  • Visual disorders, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness after a head injury - dangerous symptoms, they most likely indicate severe .
  • Poisoning. As an example of intoxication accompanied by visual impairment, it is perhaps best to cite poisoning with alcohols: methanol and ethanol, which differ very little from each other in external characteristics(color, taste, smell), so it is very difficult to determine them “by eye” - people sometimes confuse these substances. Methanol (methyl or wood alcohol - CH 3 OH), standing in the homologous series of saturated monohydric alcohols at No. 1, is a powerful poison. Among the main symptoms indicating poisoning by this toxic substance, costs serious disorder vision (photophobia, blurred objects, “snow storm” before the eyes). After consuming this deadly poison, miraculously the surviving person remains blind for the rest of his life. The second in the homologous series of alcohols is ethanol (ethyl, drinking, alcohol - C 2 H 5 OH), which is used for the production alcoholic drinks, widely used by the people, therefore it is not considered a deadly poison. Intoxication caused by many days of drinking alcohol based on ethyl alcohol, among other signs of binge drinking, also has visual disturbances. Patients report that strings are floating before their eyes, hair has gotten into a cup of water, cats are sitting in the corner, insects are flickering on the ceiling, every now and then different places different images appear in the room...

The listed visual disorders in some cases are provoked by the person himself, but almost all of these episodes require immediate medical attention (bleeding, traumatic brain injury, poisoning and even fainting, which sometimes acts as the debut of a serious pathology).

Flies can warn of danger long before

Various visual hallucinations: stars, ribbons, flashes, fog and a veil before the eyes are seen by patients at an early stage , localized in occipital region. As the process develops, visual impairments worsen: visual fields are lost, color perception is disrupted, and sometimes complete optical agnosia is formed (impaired visual-spatial analysis and synthesis). Visual disturbances can occur with neoplasms localized in other parts of the brain, as well as with other pathologies of the brain, more typical of old age (when collecting various diseases and complicate each other’s flow).

In some cases, a veil before the eyes, floating threads and flying flies (if there are other signs pathological changes) may be harbingers of serious vascular disorders. This, for example, happens when , which is known to have a very negative effect on vascular walls. Diabetic retinopathy in the first stages of its development, it occurs without any special symptoms or pain, but a veil before the eyes, floating threads and circles should very much alert a diabetic. Appearance visual impairment with this disease, endocrinologists refer to bad signs, because they indicate a significant spread pathological process throughout the body. The patient should not ignore such symptoms; he should go and tell the doctor about them.

Many patients suffering with a history hypertensive crises or even transient ischemic attacks, they know firsthand that among the symptoms of the disorder cerebral circulation Flickering zigzags or black dots may appear before the eyes, strings, circles or other objects may float. In most cases, for patients, their condition is not out of the ordinary, they rarely feel well, a veil appears before their eyes every now and then and then disappears, there is periodic noise in their heads, so patients simply get used to it and often do not even attach much importance to these symptoms .

The assumption that something bad has happened comes when everything is floating so much that a person cannot maintain his balance and falls. Of course, it’s good if at such a moment someone is nearby and can provide help. However, to do this you need to know the basic signs vascular disorders so as not to confuse a sick person with someone who has gained a fair amount of weight (unfortunately, this often happens). If may be limited to the flickering of spots, headache and dizziness, then is unlikely to go unnoticed, since the symptoms are very similar to clinical picture stroke:

How to drive away annoying flies?

Most likely, nothing will work if you just try to get rid of floaters in front of your eyes; there is no cure for them themselves. The reader may be disappointed, but the treatment folk remedies will not give much effect, it can only be used in combination with therapy prescribed by a specialist. So you will have to go to the doctor, find out the cause and use specific means to influence it:

  • Treat the organs of vision by an ophthalmologist if their pathological condition has caused the movement of non-existent objects in front of the eyes;
  • Take a closer look at the lifestyle and daily routine with NDC, without ignoring general strengthening procedures, walks around fresh air and physical education classes;
  • Monitor your diet, work and rest schedule, consume a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, walk in the fresh air, do not be nervous or overworked during pregnancy, and at the slightest sign of the development of preeclampsia, do not try to hide your “visions” from the doctor;
  • Take migraine medications prescribed by your doctor that can prevent attacks;
  • Carry out vitamin and ferrotherapy in case of iron deficiency anemia;
  • Strictly follow all doctor's instructions for diabetes;
  • Prevent exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis (special gymnastics, massage, Shants collar, visiting the pool, physiotherapeutic procedures, remedies recommended by traditional medicine);
  • Fight factors that provoke development vascular pathology, and if it already occurs, take medications that “clear your head.”

The last piece of advice may be useful to everyone: both patients who see floaters before their eyes and young healthy people, while smiling ironically on this score.

Bad habits, nutrition that predisposes to the development of the atherosclerotic process, physical inactivity, hypoxia, vitamin deficiency - all this may not be very noticeable at a young age, when the body is able to withstand various unfavorable factors and quickly restore your strength. However, years pass in this mode, and at a certain age a person already notices more frequent headaches, dizziness, veils, black spots, and much more that begins to irritate and hinder normal life And labor activity. So, maybe it’s worth thinking about while the flickering zigzags only make you smile?

Video: spots before the eyes - “Live Healthy” program

Sometimes people get white spots in front of their eyes. Why is this happening? Throughout life, a person’s health suffers due to many factors and reasons. IN modern world the organs of vision began to receive more load. There are many diseases associated with vision, and any of them should not be left to chance. Even minor formations in the form of white spots before the eyes can be a prerequisite for serious consequences for the organs of vision.

Formations in the eyes may vary in color. They manifest as single symptoms and are rarely combined with others. TO primary symptoms The following prerequisites can be included:

  • light flashes;
  • pain in the frontal region or back of the head;
  • dizziness;

Many signs may indicate transient diseases that become dangerous to vision. Inflammatory processes negatively affect the acuity of perception. A person sees blurry objects for some time or experiences the effect of double objects.

There is a sharp darkening or difficulty adapting to the dark after exposure to the sun. Both black and light ones appear. Formations in the eyes have different shapes, be it circles, ovals or even fancy stars. They are potentially dangerous manifestations diseases of the eyeball that can lead to vision loss.

It happens that a person experiences redness of the cornea. This is also related to various factors diseases of the eyeball that overlap with infections or overstrain of blood vessels.

Types of spots before the eyes:

  1. If red spots appear before the eyes, this is normal damage to the capillaries. They are the smallest vessels that deliver blood with oxygen and necessary substances to the eyeball. Capillaries have the feature of “self-defense” and at the slightest negative impact expand, which leads to unpleasant redness of the eyes.
  2. White spots have different features manifestations. They can appear as a clear formation (large or small, which may not be noticed) or a slight cloudiness. These signs are the first signal about the presence of diseases of the lens, cornea or retina. White spots - dangerous formation on the eyeball.
  3. Appearance yellow spots in the eyes may be accompanied by various ailments in the body. They can float, blink, and appear in bright flashes. The formation can appear after head injuries or with age (usually after 60 years).

White spots before the eyes

The cause of white spots may be:

  1. Changes in the lens, its pathology. In this case, cataracts develop. It manifests itself in dense or “light” clouding of the lens itself. The disease can be either congenital or acquired. Cataracts develop due to degenerative changes in the substance of the lens. This pathology usually affects older people.
  2. Changes in the cornea of ​​the eye. First appears as small speck, which then takes over part of the cornea or becomes a significant clouding of the eye. In science this disease called leukoma or cataract. After some time, you may find that the leukoma has begun to take on a yellowish tint. can be either passive or active (disease progression).

Various factors encourage the development of symptoms:

  1. After infectious pathologies Scars may remain in the cornea of ​​the eye, which may develop into an eye disease.
  2. If ethyl alcohol, chemicals or toxic substances get into your eyes.
  3. After the injury.

The main causes of blurred vision are: inflammatory process or visual irritation. For example, a red formation may appear due to infectious diseases. In this case it will be accompanied purulent discharge, itching and even blurred vision.

A red spot on the white of the eye may be a ruptured capillary or blood vessel. This happens due to tension optic nerve or physical activity.

Weather conditions also cause this symptom- temperature changes, gusts of wind, dust or foreign bodies entering under the eyelid. Such manifestations indicate not only eye diseases, but also blood diseases.

What is the danger of such symptoms?

Any formation on the eyeballs is potentially dangerous. For example, if it appears along with headaches and nausea, then it is likely a precursor to a migraine.

Stains yellow become side symptom underlying disease. It happens that they can change size depending on the lighting. Characteristic feature is that when you look into the distance, you see a floating formation in front of your eyes.

Such signs relate to diseases of the vitreous body, namely its destruction. If a person sees bright flashes, this may mean that the posterior part of the vitreous has detached. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Yellow spots before the eyes can be accompanied by significant vision impairment. In this case, the person sees objects poorly even at close range. This is often caused by swelling of the retina. IN this process fluid accumulates in the central part, or macula.

The tissue in the eye begins to swell. This happens if a person suffers from diabetes, diseases cardiovascular system. This manifestation also develops as a result of an allergy to the drugs taken. medicines.

Bleeding inside the eye may also occur. Outwardly, it will not appear in the form of red spots, but yellow, brown and even black formations will be visible.

There is also degeneration of the macula, the center of the retina where the light beam is focused. This is an age-related disease. It affects older people. At first, dots may appear before the eyes and the patient’s vision deteriorates.

The disease progresses quickly, and the person is at risk of completely losing his vision. The patient has damage to the retina in the central part.

Exists hereditary disease Stargardt. It is associated with genetic abnormalities. The disease manifests itself at a young age of 6 years. Clear signs are:

  1. Yellow spots before the eyes.
  2. Colorblindness.
  3. The child sees poorly in the dark.

What to do if spots appear before your eyes?

Whatever formation appears on the eyeball, red or white, it can occur from overstrain of the visual organs. If you give them a rest for a while, then most likely the illness will go away. The intensity of the symptoms will become less and less and they will disappear. The most dangerous - yellow formations. They can be harbingers of serious eye diseases.

In some cases, spots before the eyes can be caused by systemic diseases body. There may have been a hemorrhage in the macula. In this case, medications are prescribed so that the blood resolves and does not accumulate in the macula.

When retinal degeneration occurs, it is usually caused by poor circulation. Therefore, in order to cure the patient, it is necessary to slow down the damage to the macula.

Spots of any kind on the eyeballs are a dangerous problem. You should not resort to self-medication. It can only do harm. You should immediately consult a doctor to find out accurate diagnosis and get qualified help.


Naturally, with age, the risk of various diseases increases. Eyes are no exception: age-related cataracts, retinal dystrophy... Only regular examination by an ophthalmologist allows for early stages identify serious eye diseases and prevent possible vision loss.

In some cases, for example, during an acute attack of glaucoma, the count is not in days, but in hours: the earlier treatment is started, the higher the chances of restoring vision. Knowing some of the signs of eye diseases will help you promptly seek help from a specialist.

Sudden deterioration of vision in one eye

If you are over 60 years old, and especially if you are nearsighted, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, systemic diseases, there is a risk that vision loss is caused by vascular disorders - occlusion of the central retinal artery or thrombosis of the central retinal vein.

In such cases, time is counted by the clock, and only timely assistance specialized assistance will help restore vision, otherwise irreversible blindness will occur in the affected eye.

The sensation of a black curtain in front of the eyes that obscures part of the field of vision

Sensation of a black or translucent curtain in front of the eyes from the periphery. This symptom is often observed with retinal detachment. The condition requires immediate hospitalization. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of vision restoration.

Sharp pain in the eye, redness, blurred vision, possibly nausea, vomiting

These may be signs acute attack angle-closure glaucoma. Intraocular pressure rises sharply, which can damage the optic nerve. Immediate reduction shown intraocular pressure– up to surgical treatment. Don't wait until the pain will go away. See your doctor immediately.

Gradual or sudden narrowing of the field of view

Gradual or sharp narrowing visual field, resulting in the ability to see only what is directly in front of you - the so-called “tubular” vision. You may have glaucoma, one of the main symptoms of which is a narrowing of the field of vision as a result of damage to the optic nerve.

Without appropriate conservative or surgical treatment, vision will deteriorate. Terminal stage glaucoma is total loss vision. Severe pain may occur that continues even after surgery and ultimately requires removal of the eye.

Gradual deterioration of central vision, blurred, distorted images (straight lines appear wavy, curved)

These may be symptoms of macular degeneration - a dystrophic disease of the central region of the retina - the macula, which plays the most important role in providing vision. The incidence increases sharply with age.

Without supportive treatment, vision gradually deteriorates; glasses do not help. Currently there are various options treatments that are used depending on the form of macular degeneration.

Also, a sudden decrease in vision may be caused by a macular hole in the retina, i.e. retinal tear in the central zone. It is necessary to immediately contact an ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis, since a retinal tear in the macular area, if treatment is not started in time, leads to irreversible loss of vision.

Fog before the eyes, decreased brightness and contrast

These symptoms may be caused by developing cataracts - clouding of the lens. Vision deteriorates gradually, eventually reducing to the ability to distinguish only light. In most cases, urgent medical care is not required; at a certain stage, planned surgical treatment is carried out - cataract removal with implantation of an artificial lens.

However, periodic observation by an ophthalmologist is recommended, since in some cases cataracts may be accompanied by increased intraocular pressure, which requires urgent surgical treatment. In addition, as cataracts develop, the lens becomes harder and larger in size, which can complicate the operation to remove it, so you need to visit a specialist regularly to determine optimal time for surgical treatment.

Dark spots, floaters, fog or blurred vision

If you have diabetes, these may be signs of diabetic retinopathy - damage to the retina caused by diabetes. As diabetes progresses or becomes decompensated, the risk of eye complications increases dramatically.

It is necessary to regularly visit an ophthalmologist to examine the fundus, as changes in the blood vessels and the retina itself, hemorrhages in the retina and vitreous may cause irreversible vision loss.

The ophthalmologist will prescribe you the therapy necessary specifically for your eyes, which may consist not only of taking certain medications, but is often required laser treatment, other treatment methods may also be used. Conducted on time laser coagulation retina is the only way preservation of vision in diabetes mellitus.

A burning sensation, sand in the eyes, a sensation of a foreign body, lacrimation or, conversely, a feeling of dryness

Such complaints occur with dry eye syndrome, the frequency and severity of which increases with age. Usually we're talking about primarily about discomfort and deterioration in quality of life, rather than about any danger to the eyes.

However, severe dry eye syndrome can cause some serious pathological conditions. Your ophthalmologist will tell you more about dry eye syndrome, conduct the necessary examination, and recommend which moisturizing drops are best for you to use.


Double vision when looking with one or both eyes can be caused by many reasons, both from the eyes and other organs: intoxication, vascular disorders, diseases of the nervous system, endocrine pathology. If double vision suddenly appears, immediately contact a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist and endocrinologist.

Floaters before the eyes

Usually floating spots, threads, “spiders” before the eyes are explained by the destruction of the vitreous body. This is a harmless condition associated with age-related changes structure of the vitreous body - a transparent gel-like content that fills eyeball. With age, the vitreous body becomes less dense, liquefies, and is not as tightly adjacent to the retina as before; its fibers stick together, lose transparency, casting a shadow on the retina and are perceived as defects in our field of vision.

Such floating opacities are clearly visible on a white background: snow, a sheet of paper. The destruction of the vitreous body can lead to: arterial hypertension, cervical osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, head injuries, eye and nose injuries, etc.

However, an unexpected spot in front of the eyes, a “curtain”, can be caused by a serious pathology that requires urgent treatment - for example, hemorrhages in the retina or vitreous body. If symptoms occur suddenly, on one day, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

If you have any previously absent visual symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a specialist. If your vision has deteriorated sharply over several hours or days, or pain bothers you, do not waste time. Even if it is not possible to consult with your ophthalmologist, you can go to the emergency eye care office, which is available in every city in multidisciplinary hospitals or eye hospitals.

As a last resort, in many optics they receive experienced ophthalmologists who will conduct the minimum necessary examination and give recommendations for further actions.