Why does Kou have a red eye? Why is one eye normal and the other red? How dangerous is this? One eye is red and the other is normal

Sometimes the whites of the eyes turn red as a result of heavy physical exertion or severe muscle tension during coughing, which is why small hemorrhages occur. If the redness of the eyes is not accompanied by pain, then there is no particular cause for concern; after one to two weeks, the redness usually goes away on its own.

In this article, we will not dwell in detail on eye infections, including infectious ones, since in such cases treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, whose instructions must be followed.

Causes of redness of the whites of the eyes

The most common cause of reddened whites is inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye. are divided into allergic, viral and bacterial. If the disease was caused by bacteria or viruses, remember that it is contagious, and a necessary condition for speedy recovery is strict adherence generally accepted rules of personal hygiene. Otherwise, the infection will develop and spread further.

Another fairly common eye disease accompanied by redness is eye disease, which can also be contagious. There are such types of blepharitis as allergic, ulcerative and seborrheic. All of them are very serious and must be treated by an ophthalmologist. Redness of the proteins in blepharitis may be associated with inflammation of the choroid or damage to the eyes by poisons, autoimmune diseases etc.

In addition to infections, redness of the whites of the eyes can be caused by burst blood vessels. This usually happens when there is serious illnesses, such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, various vascular pathologies, blood diseases, etc. However, red whites of the eyes can be a consequence of a head injury. Eyes with such hemorrhages look terrible, but the redness usually goes away without any serious consequences.

Vessels in the eye can also “burst” due to alcohol consumption or as a result of chronic lack of sleep, as they expand and become much more noticeable. Try to normalize your lifestyle, and the blood vessels will immediately return to normal.

It also happens that several red blood vessels are constantly visible on the white of the eye. Most often this is due to the structure of the eye, and there is no need to worry about this. Just make sure that the vessels do not become even more noticeable. And use vasoconstrictor eye drops less, in this case they are useless.

There are other eye diseases in which the whites of the eyes turn red. These include, often caused by vitamin deficiency, injuries, infections or serious illnesses; and also, in which the iris of the eye becomes inflamed. In both cases, the eyes not only turn red, but also water, hurt, and appear. These diseases are extremely dangerous, so you should not delay visiting an ophthalmologist.

Various allergic reactions, hypothermia, corneal injuries, foreign bodies, poor clotting bleeding (including those caused by taking medications) can also lead to redness of the proteins. In addition, red whites of the eyes can be caused by an acute attack, with increased intraocular pressure. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Self-medication of reddened whites of the eyes is possible only in cases where this is not caused by any diseases. This happens if you are in a poorly ventilated area, or in a room where there is a lot of smoking, air conditioning or other household appliances, which can cause dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye. To avoid all this, ventilate the room more often, spend more time in the fresh air and use eye drops.

The most common cause of reddened whites is conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the outer layer of the eye.

How to get rid of red whites of eyes

Try to narrow the blood vessels using simple and easily accessible means such as ice, compresses, massage or eye exercises. Be sure to pay attention to your diet, which must include required quantity vitamins and minerals.

Cooling the eyes causes blood vessels to constrict without harming them. For this purpose, you can arrange cold eye baths at home or apply ice to your eyelids. If you are not at home, but at work, a handkerchief applied to your eyes, previously moistened with clean water, helps a lot. cool water. Compresses made from tea or medicinal herbs. Periodically apply cotton pads soaked in infusions of herbs such as mint, chamomile, linden, parsley, mallow, and blue cornflower to your eyes. An even greater effect can be achieved by alternating warm and cold compresses. If you are making a tea compress, unflavored loose leaf tea is best. food additives, or tea bags.

Diversify your diet. This will ensure your eyes are healthy and resilient. Be sure to include it in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, especially yellow, orange, red and green (oranges, grapefruits, carrots, cabbage, parsley, etc.), seeds, nuts, fatty fish, eggs, dark berries (for example, blueberries). Take vitamin and mineral complexes for your eyes from time to time.

Be sure to do eye exercises at least once a day. You can do it not only at home, but also at work, because it only takes a few minutes. To do this, sit on a chair, relax, then sharply “throw” your gaze in this order: up, left, right, down; and then vice versa. Having completed this

Date: 02/23/2016

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  • Red eyes: main groups of possible causes
  • Treatment of eye diseases
  • Glaucoma - dangerous disease eye
  • Conjunctival disease
  • Xerophthalmia: highlights

Many people have encountered vision problems in their lives. For example, in red eyes, the reasons for this condition may be the following:

  • allergies to medications, cosmetics, animal fur, etc.;
  • diseases such as colds, conjunctivitis, etc.;
  • ingress of foreign objects (cilia, specks, etc.);
  • Very long work at the computer, insomnia, dust, unsuitable lenses;
  • arterial hypertension caused by vascular diseases.

Why do my eyes turn red? The cause of eye strain is working for a long time at the computer or reading a book. Then you need to perform simple exercises every 30 minutes:

  1. In elementary grades, such exercises are carried out with schoolchildren. Close your eyelids, rub your hands together and place them against your closed eyes.
  2. You can look out the window into the distance.
  3. Apply a compress (herbal decoction, strong tea moisten the cotton pad).
  4. Drops or tears can be used to moisten the eyelid if it is blown by the wind.
  5. Causes of redness eyeball may occur as a result of improper lens wear. In this case, special lubricating drops are effective.

Red eyes: main groups of possible causes

Pink sclera of the eyes, accompanied by pain, burning and unbearable itching, causeless lacrimation, “spots” or a veil before the eyes - why do these symptoms appear? A very common pathology that affects almost every person on Earth. So that the disease does not lead to serious consequences, you should not ignore its first symptoms. It doesn’t matter whether this phenomenon is temporary or the symptoms occur periodically.

The causes of redness of the whites of the eyes are divided into two main groups.

The first group occurs as a result of exposure to any factor on the eye (wind, sun, water, influence of chemicals), during crying, as a result of foreign bodies; at chronic fatigue associated with intense visual stress (watching TV for many hours, driving for long periods of time, accompanied by poor lighting and focusing the eyes at a short distance).

The second group appears due to various diseases, such as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma);
  • obstructed venous outflow from the head and increased intracranial pressure;
  • arterial hypertension due to damaged blood vessels;
  • incorrect selection and use contact lenses, capable of irritating the ocular mucous membrane;
  • patients with visual impairment due to intense visual load;
  • xerophthalmia - inflammation hair follicle- stye, blepharitis, corneal ulcer.

If the causes of red eyes belong to the first group, then a person suffering from this disease can independently alleviate and eliminate this symptom:

  • minimize climatic, chemical exposure and ingress of foreign bodies by using protective equipment(special glasses),
  • reduce visual tension by performing eye exercises recommended by ophthalmologists,
  • reduce the intensity of physical training
  • get a full eight hours of sleep
  • improve workplace lighting.

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Treatment of eye diseases

Often in such cases it will help traditional medicine. The use of cooled and contrasting compresses from ordinary water or a decoction of chamomile/oak herbs, using tea lotions, potato and cucumber eye masks for 20 minutes will eliminate the causes of red eyes and restore them healthy looking. You can also apply a cotton pad soaked in tea, pre-cooled, to reddened eyes.

A potato mask is made from raw or boiled potatoes, grated and wrapped in a bandage.

Warm mashed potatoes are wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelid. Helps quickly relieve eye redness. The cucumber mask is also wrapped in a bandage or gauze and applied to the eyes.

For all of the above diseases, treatment will most likely be medicinal with the use of drops that can constrict blood vessels; vitamin and mineral complexes containing lutein; antibiotic eye ointment.

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Glaucoma is a dangerous eye disease

Why are the eyes red? Some people ask this question when looking in the mirror in the morning. By contacting an ophthalmologist, the doctor can determine a serious pathology. Many people do not know that the vessels on the whites can become red from ordinary overwork, but this may also be the first sign of glaucoma. If you have this cause of red eyes, then you should not self-medicate under any circumstances. The fact is that the described disease can manifest itself due to a defect in connective tissues, therefore self-treatment may cause significant harm to your health.

Glaucoma appears as redness and painful sensations in the eyes due to increased eye pressure. Acute attacks Glaucoma must be treated correctly and immediately, as this disease can lead to necrosis optic nerve and subsequently to blindness.

Since the ocular symptoms of this disease are not very pronounced, sometimes correct diagnosis difficult. Glaucoma is characterized by symptoms such as headache, nausea and vomiting, which is typical and intestinal infection, And hypertensive crisis. Therefore, to establish or refute the diagnosis of glaucoma, it is necessary thorough examination eyeballs. The presence of glaucoma will be indicated by the above symptoms: a hard eyeball, the appearance of red spots on the whites.

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Conjunctival disease

IN medical practice enough a common occurrence considered to be a disease of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane covering the eyelids, which serves as a protective membrane for the eyeball due to the fact that it adjoins it all the way to the cornea. Since the conjunctiva is connected to both the eyelid and the iris, inflammatory process can occur in both directions. In the first case, inflammation of the eyelids can cause keratitis or blepharitis. In the second case, the conjunctiva itself may become inflamed, which can lead to additional complications. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the eye and the nasal cavity are connected by tear ducts, so eye inflammation and sinus problems may occur.

The causative agents of this disease are viruses, bacteria, and infections. There may be several reasons for eye redness: genetic predisposition or allergic form caused by external stimuli. As a rule, vision is not affected by this disease, but vision may become cloudy for a while. Fever, headache, and weakness are also possible.

There are two types of conjunctivitis: chronic and nonspecific. With nonspecific conjunctivitis, the whites of the eyes turn red due to irritating factors of gas or dust. The recovery process in this case is long; during the treatment process, both recessions and exacerbations of the disease may occur.

Diphtheria conjunctivitis is expressed in the form of swelling and thickening of the eyelids. In this case, the conjunctiva becomes inflamed, mucous and purulent discharge appears from the eyes. This disease requires immediate medical care as it may turn out creeping ulcer cornea.

Many people often have red eyes in the morning: what to do if this effect does not go away during the day, and sometimes gets worse? Find out how to remove this undesirable effect: we find out and eliminate possible reasons redness, select pharmaceutical product, we make homemade masks. Recipes are here.

When the eyes are clear, clean, bright, unclouded by anything, they give the face a special charm, well-groomed, beauty. However, to see such a look today is very rare. The white of the eye is distinguished by redness, which is expressed differently in everyone: in some more, in others to a lesser extent. Some have this cosmetic defect, appearing in the morning, goes away during the day, but most people have to put up with it for several days or even weeks. Suppose you constantly or very often find red eyes in your mirror: what to do with this misfortune - this problem needs to be solved as quickly as possible. This condition is not normal and requires cosmetic and sometimes medical intervention.

Causes of red eyes

Before deciding what to do if your eyes are red, you need to try to identify the reason that provoked this effect. Nothing can just happen in the body, so there must be some factor due to which blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the organ of vision is disrupted. The blood vessels in the white of the eye dilate and become visible, thereby creating a similar effect. Try to find out why you have red eyes: only after identifying and eliminating the root cause can you get rid of this scourge.

  • One-time, random factors environment : too bright sunlight, dry indoor air, strong wind outside, cigarette smoke, changes in weather conditions (most often, red eyes water and hurt). Usually this attack in this case goes away on its own, but if necessary, you should try to wear sunglasses and humidify the air in the room you are in.
  • Hit dust on the mucous membrane of the eyes: rinse them under running water.
  • Foreign body: requires urgent extraction, no matter how small it is.
  • Expired, dirty or poorly selected contact lenses : You need to be examined by an ophthalmologist and replace your lenses with glasses.
  • Red eyes are common for allergies: here the situation can only be corrected by treating the underlying disease and eliminating the source of the allergen.
  • Injury(blow, scratch): redness goes away after the wound heals.
  • Drinking a lot alcohol: the morning after parties, very often your eyes are red, swollen, with bags: you need to control yourself at such events.
  • Excessive physical activity on the eyes, fatigue, overstrain: many people have red eyes from the computer, TV or reading. It is necessary to reduce the time spent near screens, monitors and books, do special exercises for the eyes, give them rest.
  • Poor sleep- the most common cause of red eyes. Try to get enough sleep - and in the morning you will see clear, clean, beautiful eyes without red veins.
  • Diseases, which are accompanied by an increase in temperature (colds, flu), there are also red eyes with a runny nose. After recovery everything goes away.
  • Long cry: Everyone knows that tears quickly make your eyes red. If you don’t want this effect, but tears cannot be avoided for some reason, try not to rub your eyes, and after you calm down, provide a flow of fresh air to them.
  • Eye diseases: blepharitis(inflammation of the follicles at the base of the cilia caused by bacteria), conjunctivitis(inflammation of the mucous membrane of viral origin), corneal ulcer, glaucoma(during an attack of this disease), uveitis(inflammation of the choroid of the eye), astigmatism(impairment of the cornea, lens shape), asthenopia (fatigue eyes). In this case, only timely and complete treatment of these diseases will help.
  • Stress, constant nervous tension. Antidepressants and consultations with a psychologist or psychotherapist will help make your life calmer, which will entail eliminating the red eye effect.
  • Pressure: Red eyes can be one of the signs of hypertension. As soon as the pressure is restored to normal, the redness also goes away.

These are the most common causes of red whites of the eyes, although this is all too individual. There are some special factors, far from typical, that cause redness of the eyes.

Look for these circumstances, find out, try to get to the root of the problem and begin eliminating it immediately.

Of course, this will take more than one day, and it is not always possible to conduct perfect life. If the redness of the eyes is not a consequence of some serious disease and you need to get rid of this effect as quickly as possible, use various means- pharmacy and folk.

About the most effective masks to combat wrinkles near the eyes:

Use gives an amazing rejuvenating effect. You definitely need to meet him.

Drops to combat redness of the eyes

Nowadays pharmacies have a large selection of all kinds of eye drops, which are available without a prescription and promise instant relief from redness.

The right decision would still be to consult an ophthalmologist, who will be able to understand the essence of your situation and tell you about correct use medical supplies for the eyes and will prescribe a specific drug.

Yes, all these wonderful drops help eliminate red eyes, but if used incorrectly, the situation only gets worse in the future. When purchasing these products, you need to adhere to a number of rules that will help you avoid complications and undesirable consequences in the future.

  1. Go to an appointment with an ophthalmologist and purchase drops for red eyes in accordance with his recommendations.
  2. Carefully read the instructions for the purchased drug.
  3. Do not use the product more than three times a day.
  4. You can no longer use drops of this kind three days contract. You definitely need to take breaks: the more often, the better.
  5. Know one fact for yourself: Anti-red eye drops are not a treatment, but a one-time, one-time effect. They only temporarily narrow the expanded blood vessels. After the effect of the drug wears off, the red eye effect will return again if the root cause of this defect is not eliminated during this time. Moreover: when frequent use of such drops, the vessels get used to such a narrowing action from the outside and they themselves gradually lose the ability to do this, as if they are “lazy”. After regular use of such drugs, it will be very difficult for you to force the dilated capillaries to narrow on their own, without an external push.
  6. Place drops in your eyes only if there are no decorative cosmetics, because active substances the drug may come into contact with it and only increase the redness of the eyes.
  7. Be careful with contact lenses: of all the variety of drops against red eyes, only a few can be instilled without removing the lenses from the eyes. In other cases, you will simply ruin them.

So if you need to quickly eliminate the effect of red eyes (for example, in the morning, before work, a business meeting or a date), always have a bottle of magic drops on hand. Their selection in modern pharmacies is wide and varied:

  • "Murin";
  • "Tetrizolin";
  • "Khilozar";
  • "Oxymetazoline";
  • "Systane Ultra";
  • "Levomycetin Opti";
  • "Renu multiplus";
  • "Naphazoline";
  • "Ftogel";
  • "Hilokomod";
  • "Vitabact";
  • "Taufon";
  • "Betadrine";
  • "Sofradex";
  • "Oxial";
  • "Optiv";
  • "Visine."

All these drugs act very quickly and purposefully when correct use. Already 5–20 minutes after instillation, the red white of the eye will become white, clean, clear, and shining. Most of these drops also have a moisturizing and antibacterial effect. Therefore, they also eliminate the effect of dryness and prevent infection of the mucous membrane if it is accidentally contaminated.

If you have never suffered from this before, and then suddenly woke up in the morning and discovered such a misfortune, you should not panic. There's always folk recipes who come to the rescue in such unexpected moments.

Anti-red eye masks

Fast and quality treatment red eyes can be provided with homemade lotions and masks from the simplest, available products. Some of them are prepared very quickly and will be useful for those who have red eyes in the morning. We held the mask for 5–10 minutes and the redness disappeared. Those mask recipes that require a certain amount of time can be made immediately after work: this way you will allow your eyes to rest, relieve tension and fatigue from them. You can do them as often as you need: several times a day.

However, before using them, do not forget to check whether the prepared composition will not cause you an allergy.

Wash raw, young potatoes thoroughly, peel and grate. Wrap the resulting puree in gauze folded in several layers. Apply to red eyes for 5-15 minutes.

  • Herbal ice cubes

Pour a glass of boiling water over dried chamomile flowers or oak bark (one tablespoon). Leave covered for an hour, strain thoroughly, pour into ice cube trays, and refrigerate overnight. Apply cubes in the morning healing ice for centuries, as far as you can stand it.

  • Tea lotions

If you often wake up in the morning with red eyes, you should always have tea bags used from the evening on hand. Place them on your closed eyelids - and within 7-10 minutes your gaze will become clear and pure, like a tear. If you don’t have a bag, soak cotton pads in warm or cold tea leaves and use in the same way. Green tea can also be used, but it does a better job of removing wrinkles and bags under the eyes. But black varieties are good against red eyes.

  • Cucumber mask

Wash the fresh cucumber thoroughly, remove the peel, remove the seeds, and grate. Wrap the resulting puree in gauze folded in several layers. Apply to red eyes for 5-15 minutes.

  • Honey drops

Melt just a little fresh honey in a water bath, which has not had time to sugar, so that it becomes liquid and warm. After this, dissolve honey (1 drop) in boiled water at room temperature (one tablespoon). For red eyes, instill 1 drop of the resulting honey solution into each eyelid.

  • Olive compress

Heat unrefined olive oil in a water bath, soak cotton pads in it, and apply to eyes for 5–7 minutes.

  • Contrast compress

Pour hot and cold (cooled) into separate cups. boiled water. Alternately moisten pieces of gauze in bowls and apply to reddened eyes.

  • Mashed potatoes

Boil young potatoes without salt or other seasonings. Cool slightly, wrap in gauze folded in several layers. Apply to red eyes for 5-15 minutes.

  • Parsley mask

Chop fresh parsley and wrap in single-layer gauze. Apply to red eyes for 7-10 minutes. This mask perfectly relieves fatigue and eliminates the effect of red eyes.

  • Apple mask

Peel a fresh green apple, grate it, and wrap it in gauze folded in several layers. Apply to eyelids for 5 minutes.

Effectively eliminating red eyes at home is a completely solvable task, and by the most different methods. At your service are numerous medications in the form of drops, and various folk remedies in the form of lotions and masks. Having mastered their use at home, do not forget that without eliminating the main cause of red eye, it is impossible to get rid of them.

Red eyes: what to do to make your eyes clear and shining again? The best homemade masks

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When small blood vessels in the eyes dilate and the red veins of the vessels become very noticeable, this is attributed to ordinary fatigue or simply excessive strain on the visual organs. Sometimes the vessels are so dilated that the whites of the eyes become red, as if they are filled with blood. This is due to subconjunctival hemorrhage, which visually resembles a bloody spot in the eye.

The intensity of the color is usually alarming, although it is simply streaks of red, and severe redness is a symptom that should not be ignored. In any case, you need to pay attention to this problem and find out what is behind it.

Photo 1: Redness of the eyes itself can mean either simple fatigue and adverse environmental influences, or the presence of a serious illness. Source: flickr (charmedoneX).

Why are the eyes red

Eyes can react to external factors:

  • too dry air and wind, frost, too bright sun;
  • dust, smoke, any irritant or foreign body that gets into the eyes;
  • overvoltage eye muscles, for a long time in a state of concentrated attention and increased load(for example, fatigue when driving a car or working at a computer);
  • excessive physical activity (eg, heavy lifting);
  • allergic reaction to the pathogen;
  • eye injuries and their consequences;
  • using contact lenses that are not fitted correctly;
  • alcohol consumption.

Usually, as soon as it is eliminated external factor, causing redness of the whites, the eyes regain their normal appearance, the vessels narrow and cease to be noticeable.

It is much more difficult to get rid of redness that is caused by any disease:

  • conjunctivitis, when the expansion ocular vessels occurs under the influence of infection;
  • elevated eye pressure. Glaucoma - serious illness eye, which can lead to complete blindness;
  • hypertension, in which vasodilation is a fairly common occurrence;
  • blepharitis - disease inflammatory in nature, in which damage to the eyelash follicles occurs;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • respiratory infection.

Redness of one eye

Most often, both eyes become red. But in some cases severe redness can be in only one, while the second eye remains in in good condition.

If one eye is affected, redness occurs only in it, without affecting the second eye.

Injuries, hits foreign body- usually cause redness of only one affected organ of vision, while the second eye may remain healthy.

But we cannot exclude possible development infections - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, peptic ulcer cornea of ​​the eye. Glaucoma may also appear as redness in only one eye.

Sometimes redness starts in one eye and then moves to the other.

Attention! If your red eye hurts, tears flow from it, or the redness is accompanied by itching, purulent discharge, headache, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Red eyes in men

Men, busy a certain type activities - hard physical labor, welding work, hot shops, hazardous production associated with chemicals, long-term work under the radiation of monitors experience constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, and note redness of the sclera, which is associated with strong tension or exposure to irritants.

Redness of the eyes in women

The causes of red eyes in women most often differ little from the causes that affect men.

Injuries, ecology, allergens, exposure negative factors- all this can cause dilation of blood vessels in the eyes of both men and women. Excessive physical exertion that a woman experiences during childbirth very often leads to redness of the eyes. In this case, the redness usually goes away after one to two weeks without any consequences.

Women often complain of red eyes as a result allergic reaction on cosmetics which are used. And, of course, due to their emotionality, the weaker sex often notices reddened eyes after tears and long crying.

If your eyes are constantly red

If redness of the eyes is a constant phenomenon, you need to seek help from a doctor who, after examination, will prescribe treatment. You should not self-medicate or instill vasoconstrictor drugs without a doctor’s recommendation.

Photo 2: Long-term use vasoconstrictor drops leads to vascular weakness, the development of dry eye syndrome and drug dependence. Source: flickr (John Andersen)

Red eyes: diseases and symptoms

If the causes of eye redness are accompanied by additional symptoms, you need to immediately consult a doctor to rule out diseases that may cause redness of the sclera:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • glaucoma;
  • fungal infections of the eyes;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • helminth infection;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergies.

Computer Vision Syndrome

If the doctor does not find any diseases, the best remedy To treat red eyes - rest and lifestyle changes.

This is interesting! Approximately 70% of people on earth suffer from the syndrome computer vision. If you do not fight it, it can provoke the development of myopia, which will constantly progress.

To get rid of frequent redness of the whites of the eyes, you can turn to homeopathy, which stimulates protective forces body for healing.

Homeopathic remedies

Most eye diseases are treated with so-called constitutional remedies, which are not focused on treatment certain disease, but on a person with certain psychological and behavioral characteristics.

But some remedies have a special effect on eye diseases:

  1. (Aconite)- helps with eye fatigue, excessive tension caused by poor lighting, long work with small details, with computer vision syndrome. Aconite effectively eliminates dry eyes, relieves redness and normalizes the general condition.