Using rosemary essential oil for hair. Miracle rosemary oil: treatment for skin, hair and body. Mask to enhance hair growth

Rosemary essential oil is a wonderful gift from nature to man. For a long time this magical ether was the secret property of magicians and alchemists, and to this day the aroma of rosemary is considered miraculous. Rosemary oil really can do a lot - both in the field of health and in the field of beauty.

The aroma composition of rosemary oil is no less rich than the formulas of precious perfumes. When opening, the “bouquet” of rosemary creates a special atmosphere and mood: the house becomes cozy, solemn and joyful. This is one of the brightest and most mysterious ethers, having wide application in aromatherapy and everyday life, in the areas of beauty and health.

Originally from the Middle Ages

The history of the creation of the wonderful ether is known for certain: back in the fourteenth century, it was synthesized by the outstanding Catalan philosopher and alchemist Raymond Lull, who was in search of the elixir of life. But long before that, since ancient times, people endowed the amazing plant rosemary with the most powerful magical properties, considering it sacred and using it in magical rituals.

The Greek name “rosemary” translates as “dew of the sea,” but in nature this shrub prefers to settle not near the surf, but on steep and rocky mountain slopes. Many thousands of years ago, the plant attracted the attention and respect of man - with its extraordinary vitality, fabulous aroma and, of course, powerful healing properties.

Raw material for steam distillation, by which we obtain essential oil, are the leaves and twigs of rosemary - an evergreen, abundantly flowering shrub. The plant itself has outstanding medicinal qualities, but the ether obtained from it becomes a real concentrate of benefits. Distill rosemary greens during its flowering or immediately after, and to obtain one liter aromatic oil approximately a hundredweight of plant material is required.

Fragrant bouquet of benefits

The composition of rosemary oil is rich in various valuable compounds and is unique in many ways. Determining for healing effect esters are the following, present in high concentrations of the substance:

  • pinenes - up to 30%;
  • camphene - about 20%;
  • borneol - 15%;
  • cineole - 10%;
  • camphor - 7%;
  • bornyl acetate - 2%.

In addition, rosemary ether contains a large and varied complex of other useful components:

  • vitamins (A, groups B, C, E, K, PP);
  • micro- and macroelements (sodium, zinc, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, selenium);
  • acids (lauric, caprylic, myristic, palmitic);
  • phytosterols;
  • tryptophan;
  • threonine;
  • lysine;
  • valine;
  • limonene;
  • myrcene;
  • dipentene;
  • verbenone

Such a unique treasure valuable substances and provides a set of beneficial properties of rosemary oil that can provide beneficial influence on human body in general, it debugs and adjusts the functioning of all its organs and systems to normal:

  • stabilizes digestion;
  • rehabilitates the condition of the liver and gall bladder;
  • normalizes blood pressure and cardiovascular activity;
  • improves blood circulation and brain function;
  • stimulates fast recovery nervous system;
  • regulates the sexual and reproductive spheres;
  • strengthens protective forces body;
  • relieves pain, spasms and inflammation.

Basic properties of rosemary oil - video

Features of application

The biological activity of rosemary ether is extremely high. Therefore, it is quite natural for the body to have special reactions to its use - for example, a slight burning sensation of the skin when used externally or dizziness at the beginning of a bath procedure. You should use this oil not in pure form, but in diluted form, dissolving a few drops of ether in a base oil or other suitable base (water, cream, shampoo, etc.).

For skin

Proper use of rosemary oil will ensure the beauty and freshness of the face at any age and for all skin types - it is only important to choose the right one additional components. To improve the formula of your favorite cream, simply add one or two drops of ether per 50 grams of cream base. Oil masks for oily skin with areas of inflammation can be done every other day, and for dry skin, procedures can be carried out no more than once a week.

For excessive greasiness of the dermis

Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, tightens enlarged pores.


  • oil grape seeds or jojoba - 1 tablespoon;
  • rosemary ether - 3-4 drops.


  1. Spread the mixture evenly over previously cleansed skin.
  2. After 30–40 minutes, pat your face dry with napkins and rinse with warm water.

For blackheads and pimples

Efficient medicinal mixture, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties; cleanses and quickly restores metabolic processes in tissues.


  • black cumin or peach oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • rosemary ether - 3 drops.


  1. Thoroughly clean and dry the skin.
  2. Shake the oil mixture and immediately apply it with a cotton swab - not all over the skin, but only on the acne areas.
  3. In this way, problem areas can be cauterized two to three times a day.

For age spots and freckles

Significantly lightens any skin pigmentation on the face, including freckles.


  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • rosemary ether - 4 drops.


  1. Apply when heated to areas of skin pigmentation.
  2. After half an hour, wash off with warm water without soap.


Strengthens blood supply and increases the turgor of aging skin, making it smooth and elastic.


  • flaxseed or olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • rosemary ether - 3-4 drops.


  1. Apply to well cleansed skin.
  2. During the procedure, it is advisable to lie down for half an hour in a relaxed state.
  3. Blot the oil and wash with heated mineral water.

For hydration and nutrition

Life-giving balm for dry and flabby skin aging skin- stimulates tissue renewal, rejuvenates and smoothes.



  1. The oil mixture can be applied to the entire face, including the areas around the eyes and lips, as well as to the neck and décolleté.
  2. For the best result, drive the composition with your fingertips along the massage lines of the face and neck; do not wash off.

IN winter time The mask can be used daily to protect the skin from hypothermia and chapping.

For hair

Rosemary essential oil heals and restores hair from the inside, and does not just give it external shine and gloss - like most cosmetic products. The drug also has a healing effect on the scalp, eliminating dandruff and improving nutrition. hair follicles. Therapeutic masks should be made no more than once a week.

For hair loss

A powerful remedy for awakening, enhancing nutrition and strengthening “sleeping” hair follicles.


  • liquid honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • castor oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • burdock oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • rosemary ether - 5 drops.


  1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and beat until smooth.
  2. Warming a little in your hands healing mixture, gradually apply it to your hair, from roots to ends.
  3. Wrap your head in film and a towel over it, keep the mask on for 40–50 minutes, then rinse.

For food

The mask perfectly nourishes, restores strength and shine to dull, weakened hair, giving it a well-groomed appearance.


  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • esters of sandalwood, mint, tea tree and rosemary - 1 teaspoon each.


  1. Prepare a mixture of oils and rub it thoroughly into the scalp.
  2. Without combing the product through your hair, wrap your head to enhance the effect.
  3. After an hour, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.

For hydration

The composition has a beneficial effect on hair damaged by frequent coloring and styling, and over-dried.


  • cocoa and burdock butter - 3 teaspoons each;
  • rosemary ether - 3 drops.


  1. Combine the ingredients of the mask and heat the oil mixture to about 40 degrees.
  2. Massage into the hair roots using circular movements and rub along their entire length.
  3. Cover with film and wrap in a terry towel.
  4. After three hours, wash off with regular shampoo.

To accelerate growth

The treatment formula is ideal for revitalizing dry hair and activating its follicles.


  • burdock oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • cedar and rosemary esters - 3 drops each.


  1. Beat the yolk of a fresh (preferably homemade) egg with the oil components of the mask.
  2. Rub the composition into the roots of the hair, then distribute along its entire length.
  3. After covering your hair with film and a towel, leave the mask to act for an hour, rinse thoroughly with warm water and mild shampoo.


Regular use gives good results to restore the weak oily hair and eliminating dandruff.


  • burdock oil - 3 teaspoons;
  • almond oil - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • rosemary ether - 3 drops.


  1. Combine all oil components and place the mixture in a water bath.
  2. Warmed up to warm state Rub the mask, massaging, into the scalp, comb along the length of the hair.
  3. After warming your head, keep the mask on for at least an hour, and then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Hair strengthener - video

For nails

Well-groomed hands, beautiful and healthy nails- this result can be achieved through the regular use of rosemary oil, which carefully cares for the nail plates, strengthens them and heals them. Rosemary oil - reliable assistant in growing long nails. You can use healing ether by combining it with other components in various procedures:

  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • masks.

With sea salt

An excellent preventative procedure - do it as often as possible and your hands will always look great.


  • sea ​​salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • hot water - 0.5 liters;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • esters of rosemary and geranium - 5 drops each.


  1. Treat your nails - file them, move the periungual ridge.
  2. Prepare strong saline solution, cool to a comfortable temperature and hold your hands in it for 10 minutes.
  3. Massage nail plates any soft brush - for example, a toothbrush.
  4. Dip your nails into the heated oil mixture for another 10 minutes, then dry your hands with paper towels.

With mashed potatoes

Therapeutic compresses with warm mashed potatoes help get rid of cracked and brittle nails.


  • medium size potato - 1 piece;
  • grape seed oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • rosemary ether - 5 drops.


  1. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, immediately peel and mash them.
  2. Add base and essential oils to the hot puree, mix well and cool the mixture slightly.
  3. Apply a layer of puree to the nail plates, put on rubber or silicone gloves on top.
  4. After 20 minutes, rinse your hands with warm water.

With whey

Quickly restore velvety, smooth skin hands and shiny strong nails You can use baths of regular serum.


  • whey - 0.5 liters;
  • lemon and rosemary esters - 3 drops each.


  1. Heat the whey to a temperature of 40 degrees and add ethers.
  2. Do the bath for 20 minutes, then pat your hands dry.

With honey

Homemade nail cream is easy to make and inexpensive - and the effectiveness of this simple remedy very high.


  • strong infusion of herbs (chamomile or sage) - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter (preferably homemade) - 2 tablespoons;
  • natural honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • jojoba or olive oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • esters of rosemary, lemon and geranium - 2-3 drops each.


  1. Melt butter in a water bath; when it cools down a little, mix with honey - honey cannot be heated above 40 degrees.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients, knead the cream until smooth and put it in the refrigerator.
  3. Rub the product into your nail plates little by little in the morning and evening - of course, there should be no nail polish on your nails.

In folk medicine

Rosemary officinalis fully lives up to its name - the essential oil from this plant has long been widely used in folk medicine as an analgesic, antiseptic, healing and stimulant.

Treatment regimens with rosemary oil - table

PurposeTreatment regimens
Intestinal colic and poisoning
  • add one drop of ether to warm tea;
  • drink twice a day an hour after meals.
  • inhalation with rosemary oil (2-3 drops of ether per liter of water);
  • Do the procedures before bed, and upon completion immediately go to bed in a warm bed.
Vegetovascular dystonia
  • every morning, deeply inhale the aroma of ether from the bottle for two to three minutes;
  • Constantly monitor the pressure level - if it increases, stop treatment.
  • rub one drop of ether into the ears, neck and temples;
  • at sensitive skin- dilute with any neutral base oil in a ratio of 1:10.
Joint inflammation
  • mix in equal parts with a carrier oil (olive or jojoba work well);
  • In the evening, rub into sore spots and, after warming, leave to act overnight.
Eczema and dermatitis
  • combine a tablespoon of rosehip oil with eucalyptus and rosemary esters (2 drops each);
  • Rub a small amount of the mixture 5-6 times a day into the affected areas of the skin.
  • prepare and slightly heat a mixture of a teaspoon of milk thistle oil and 4 drops of rosemary ether;
  • Gently rub the product into areas of vascular pathologies twice a day.
  • add 2 drops of rosemary ether to a teaspoon of rosehip oil or cocoa;
  • rub into the area two to three times daily problem areas skin.

Healing recipes with rosemary oil - video

A special use of rosemary ether is its beneficial effect on memory and brain activity. Research has proven that this essential oil significantly increases blood circulation and nutrition of brain cells, thereby improving its functioning by an average of 75 percent. These are unique indicators in the ranking of the benefits of essential oils.

With the constant use of a miraculous product, “dormant” areas of the brain are restored and new ones are actively involved, the number of neural connections- quality of life improves! This is true both for older people, brain functions which decrease with age, and for children for whom it is important to learn to concentrate in a dense flow of information.

Just inhale the aroma of rosemary ether for three minutes every morning - this will ensure high brain performance, vigor and excellent mood for the whole day.

Effect on memory and brain activity - video


The first and main rule of aromatherapy is: choose for yourself only the ether whose aroma you really like. There is hardly a person who would not like the wonderful aroma of rosemary.

The easiest way to use the properties of this essential oil is in an aroma lamp. Just 5–7 drops dissolved in water will create an invigorating and very pleasant atmosphere in your living or working space, allowing you to instantly reject all negativity and fully concentrate on constructive tasks. Efficiency will noticeably increase, depression and headaches will disappear, and sleep will normalize.

Wear a special pendant with rosemary oil on your chest - it will become a real amulet not only against bad mood, but also from all kinds of infections. the volatile ether of rosemary will create a protective cloud around you, into which illnesses and other unpleasant problems will not have access.

The magical aroma of rosemary - video


The components of rosemary essential oil are too active, and if used incorrectly, the product can cause harm, rather than benefit, to the body. Therefore, rosemary ether should be used with caution, after consulting a doctor and taking into account certain contraindications. It is better to refrain from any use of this essential oil in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under seven years of age;
  • for hypertension and epilepsy;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the product.

To avoid burns and irritation of the dermis, do not apply undiluted oil to dry or hypersensitive skin. Also, you should not use rosemary ether immediately before: going under direct sun rays- from the moment of applying it to the skin, at least one and a half hours should pass.

Rosemary essential oil has many unique and unparalleled beneficial properties. Thanks to this, it is used with equal success in cosmetology, medicine and in everyday life. The main thing is to know how to use its amazing properties.

A little history

Rosemary essential oil has been known and respected for a long time. Hippocrates considered it one of the most healing incense, recommending it for most diseases. Ancient Greek philosophers especially loved it, using wreaths from this plant to improve memory. Their Egyptian counterparts used rosemary oil as a natural flavoring.

Surprisingly, the Middle Ages did not forget him. There was a biblical legend that earlier the flowers of this plant were white, but after the Virgin Mary hung her blue cloak on it, they acquired a blue tint. Perhaps that is why it was used in medicine and religious activities. It was especially popular in rituals to drive out the devil and evil forces.

Modern research has shown that although it does not get rid of otherworldly spirits, it certainly has bactericidal properties, is a natural tonic and pain reliever, activates regeneration processes, relieves spasms... And this is only a small part of its beneficial properties.

Main properties of rosemary essential oil

Now this aromatic oil can be found in any pharmacy. It is used in both folk and classical medicine, recognizing and confirming its unique healing properties. Here are the main ones:

    This oil really improves memory, facilitates the process of memorization and assimilation new information, stimulates brain activity, increases concentration. The reason is its ability to significantly increase cerebral circulation.

    Rosemary is famous for its ability to relieve headaches and some other types of pain. And, unlike other natural analgesics, it does not cause drowsiness, but on the contrary, it tones, helps you concentrate and collect yourself.

    The fresh and bright scent of rosemary helps with depression, apathy, nervous exhaustion and many other psychological problems.

Rosemary oil can relieve depression

    Another proven property of this oil is bactericidal. The substances it contains prevent the proliferation of bacteria, relieve inflammation, and help the immune system fight infections.

    Rosemary on cellular level increases the natural ability of tissues to regenerate.

    This oil has a beneficial effect on digestive processes, normalizing peristalsis and inhibiting pathogenic flora.

    Rosemary essential oil is known for its ability to improve blood circulation, which is why it is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Rosemary is one of the most powerful natural aphrodisiacs.

It would take a long time to list the healing properties of this plant and the essential oil made from it, but these are the main qualities that determine the areas of its use. However, sometimes you still have to give it up.

Contraindications to the use of rosemary oil

Contraindications to the use of rosemary essential oil are a natural extension of its own benefits. In particular, it can be dangerous in the following situations:

    Expectant mothers should use it with caution.

    Rosemary essential oil may cause sunburn skin, so you should not apply formulations containing it several hours before going outside.

    It should not be used by people suffering from hypertension or prone to high blood pressure.

And, of course, do not forget about individual intolerance this aroma oil or its components. Therefore, before using it in any form, it is necessary to carry out a simple test: apply a drop to inner part wrist or elbow bend. At first there will be a slight burning sensation, but it will go away after a couple of minutes. If within 24 hours there is no redness or irritation in this area, then it can be used. Otherwise, you should look for other oils.

Before using essential oil, you must do an allergy test

Ways to use rosemary aroma oil

Like other aromatic oils, it can be used in a variety of ways:

    For aroma lamp. To aromatize the room, just add 3-4 drops of oil to the water.

    For an individual aroma pendant. 3 drops of oil are enough for it.

    For aromatization of liquid soap, cream, shampoo, massage oils. In this case, add 3 drops of rosemary oil to 5 milliliters of base.

    For inhalation. 2-3 drops are enough.

It should be remembered that rosemary oil is considered quite harsh and strong, so it should be used carefully, especially for the first time, when the reaction to this substance is not yet known.

Using rosemary oil for hair

This essential oil is found in many hair care products. Among the most effective and popular are the following:

    Scalp massage. But a spoonful of slightly warmed burdock oil add 3-4 drops of rosemary aroma oil. Then massage the mixture into the scalp. Afterwards, you need to cover your hair with film and wrap it with a towel. After half an hour, the mixture is washed off with shampoo.

    Onion mask. The juice of one onion is mixed with 3-4 drops of essential oil and applied to the hair roots and skin. Further, as in the first case.

    Egg mask. Egg yolk beat with a tablespoon vegetable oil(burdock, grape, peach, olive). Further, as in the first paragraph.

    Rinse aid. Per liter warm water or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, nettle), stir 10 drops of aroma oil and after washing your hair, rinse your hair with the mixture. There is no need to rinse off the mixture.

Similar simple and available methods will allow you to take care of your hair without extra costs and difficulties.

Rosemary essential oil is great for hair care

Rosemary oil for skin

Rosemary aromatic oil is as effective for the skin as it is for the hair. It is not surprising that it is part of many natural care products:

    For dry skin, a mixture of a teaspoon of softening base oils (peach or grape seed, avocado, pumpkin, flaxseed, castor) and 2-3 drops of rosemary oil is suitable. It is applied to cleansed skin with massage movements for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water or blotted with a paper napkin.

    For problem and oily skin, black cumin, grape seed, and milk thistle oils are suitable as a base oil.

    To lighten freckles and age spots Castor or sea buckthorn oil is suitable.

    To resolve scars, rosehip oil is used as a base oil.

    4-5 drops of rosemary oil dissolved in 100 milligrams of water will replace a facial tonic.

But that's only part possible options. Rosemary oil is unique substance, which can be added to any other familiar and favorite skin care products, this will only make them more useful.

Household tricks

In addition to complex medicines and masks that contain rosemary essential oil, there are a lot of simple little things that every housewife should know. Here are some of them:

    If you apply a drop of oil to a wooden comb before combing your hair, it will make it shinier, stronger and more manageable.

    After brushing your teeth or between meals, you can rinse your mouth with water with a couple of drops of this oil. This will freshen your breath and help get rid of bacteria in your mouth.

    Pregnant women can take a few breaths over a bottle of rosemary oil to relieve nausea.

    You can burn a pimple by dropping oil onto a cotton swab and pressing for half a minute.

    Headaches will subside if you rub your temples and forehead with this oil.

    You will get a better tan if you drink a glass of warm water with a drop of this oil an hour before going to the beach.

    It will be easier to wake up if you place a bottle of this oil next to your bed and immediately after waking up take a few breaths over it.

    Rosemary will replace synthetic aromatic blocks in the car. To do this, just drop 4-5 drops into the aroma pendant and hang it on the rearview mirror.

    When washing clothes in washing machine You can add 5-10 drops of oil to the conditioner. It will not only give clothes pleasant smell, but will also help fight bacteria.

    If before you start cleaning, moisten a piece of cotton wool with rosemary oil and let the vacuum cleaner suck it in, it will automatically scent the whole house.

Everything described above is just small part ways to use rosemary essential oil. And if you at least try a couple of options, you will also fall in love with its bright aroma for a long time.

Among the numerous esters, admirers of such remedies especially highlight rosemary oil. Numerous beneficial qualities of this plant in the air have high concentration, and therefore it is more effective than even a freshly cut rosemary branch.

Essential oil is made from the leaves, flowers and buds of shrubs growing in France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Tunisia. It has a rich aroma and a wide range of therapeutic effects on the body. It is obtained by steam-water distillation. But first, the raw materials are cleared of woody branches - these branches impart bitterness to the aroma. Qualitative rosemary oil- This is a rather liquid substance, either light yellow or colorless, with a spicy, pungent taste and a “massive” woody-camphor aroma.

The properties of rosemary essential oil are so numerous that today it is successfully used in several industries:

  • medicine;
  • cosmetology;
  • perfumery;
  • production of household chemicals.

Not only the properties of rosemary essential oil, but also its uses are very diverse. It is used internally, added to the bath, to creams, lotions and tonics, used in aromatic lamps and aromatic medallions, and also used in the preparation of compresses, to perform rubbing and massages.

Aromatic properties

Rosemary essential oil, thanks to its special, cozy-warm aroma, stimulates the intellectual functioning of the brain, improves memory and intelligence, and also helps to find inspiration. It encourages action and strengthens vital energy, helps to find harmony in emotions and feelings, gives self-confidence and helps overcome suspiciousness. There is an opinion that the properties of rosemary essential oil do not end there - it also improves intuition. More this remedy is a good aphrodisiac, it increases sensuality and has a positive effect on receptivity.

What does rosemary ether combine with?

For heart problems, it is recommended to combine rosemary oil with lavender extract (sedative effect) in a 3:1 ratio. This tandem improves the venous outflow of blood from the brain, relieves cerebral spasms and improves blood pressure.

Diseases respiratory system The treatment is not only simple, but also delicious: apply 2 drops of oil to a piece of refined sugar and dissolve the sugar 2 times a day.

If you need to strengthen your memory or concentrate your attention, you can combine 3 drops of lemon, rosemary and thyme esters in an aroma lamp. Or you can add 2 drops of ether to 125 ml of beer and drink this “cocktail” every day for 2 weeks.

If your muscles or joints hurt, it is enough to add a couple of drops of rosemary and mint ether to any warming cream. But you only need to add it to a single portion, and not to a tube!

Other uses

Rosemary ether is used to aromatize rooms, as mentioned above. It is used in perfumery to give the aroma persistent woody, warm motifs.

And also for caring for pets, because fleas cannot tolerate this smell, and therefore do not live on a pet that is sprayed with a solution of essential oil or when bathing which this ether is added to the shampoo.

Perhaps that is why, even before numerous studies and experiments were carried out, this ether was used in incense burners to aromatize the home and in aromatic medallions to aromatize their owners.

Application in medicine

Rosemary oil has antiseptic, antioxidant, analgesic, antiviral, stimulant and expectorant properties. Rosemary officinalis is used for the prevention and treatment of viral and colds respiratory system. It relieves sore throat, promotes the formation and removal of mucus, facilitates breathing and strengthens immune system generally.

It is also used for prevention cardiovascular diseases: strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses circulatory systems from toxins, waste and cholesterol, improves blood flow and saturates the blood with hemoglobin (oxygen). It is especially useful to take baths with rosemary ether for varicose veins and such sensitive issue like hemorrhoids.

IN genitourinary system Rosemary is used for numerous diseases, as it normalizes the secretion of bile, eliminates pain in the kidneys and ducts, promotes the removal of stones from the gallbladder and is an effective diuretic. The antiseptic properties of rosemary oil are successful in treating various purulent processes, as well as for burns, boils, bruises.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it helps to overcome heartburn and flatulence, bloating, and it also promotes a more active secretion of gastric juice.

In dermatology it is used to treat boils, purulent rashes, irritations, and acne.

Even for vision, rosemary ether is useful - it relieves fatigue and improves acuity, eliminates dizziness and helps with warning signs of fainting.

Use in cosmetology

It is difficult to say whether rosemary oil is more in demand in cosmetology or in medicine. Rosemary essential oil for hair, like rosemary essential oil for the face, has been used since time immemorial, and quite successfully.

Rosemary oil helps against acne, acne and boils, tightens enlarged pores, improves the elasticity and softness of the skin of the face and body.

To use it on the face, just mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with 6 drops of good olive oil and apply this mixture to the entire surface except the eyes. Then do not rinse off, but after leaving for 40-60 minutes, blot off the residue with a thick cosmetic napkin - this will be excess that has not been absorbed into the skin. This facial oil helps smooth out wrinkles, especially not deep expression lines.

You can also apply rosemary oil for acne - precisely with a brush or a cotton swab on the rashes in the morning and evening.

To improve the color and condition of the skin, you can make facial masks from rosemary and clay: the type of clay depends on the condition (oily or problem skin - white or blue, dry skin - red). The clay is diluted with water to a creamy consistency, then 5 drops of essential oil are added and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. After this, rinse off, apply lotion and moisturizer to the face (since the clay still dries). This also helps to even out the overall complexion. and some use rosemary oil for acne spots. This mask needs to be done daily, and after 10 days the effect will be very noticeable. The course should not last more than 30 days in a row.

Rosemary oil for the skin has another undeniable advantage - an anti-cellulite effect. Use rosemary oil for cellulite, adding 5-7 drops to the bath. It is advisable that there is no foam from the bathroom chemical agent, but it is quite acceptable to accept herbal bath with the addition of the ether of this plant. You can also prepare a mixture for anti-cellulite massage: 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 5 drops each of rosemary and lemon oils, 2 drops of patchouli oil.

Rosemary essential oil is also used in cosmetology to get rid of scars. To do this, make a concentrated product (1 tablespoon of olive oil, 10 drops of rosemary ether) and apply it pointwise, gently rubbing it into the skin at the site of scar formation.

To strengthen brittle and weak hair, you can add 5 drops of the product to your conditioner or hair balm. Or prepare a mixture: olive oil with rosemary (5 drops of rosemary for 20 drops of base), and apply it to your hair after washing, leave for 40 minutes, then rinse. To stimulate the growth of “dormant” bulbs and get rid of dandruff, you need to mix 30 ml of olive oil, 3 drops of lemon and lavender oil, 2 drops of thyme and rosemary oils - rub into the roots, leave for half an hour and rinse a large number water. It is better to apply rosemary oil to your hair no more than twice a week.

Rosemary is one of the most common spices in the world. But this plant is valued not only in cooking. It is successfully used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Rosemary essential oil is included in many face and hair masks, helping to cope with skin imperfections and improve well-being. It is used in masks, lotions, and also in aromatherapy.

Rosemary ether is extracted through simple hydrodistillation. The oil characteristics are as follows:

  1. Light, fluid consistency.
  2. Colorless or slightly yellowish liquid.
  3. Soft, bitter-spicy woody aroma with a hint of freshness.

The properties and uses of rosemary are varied. It is used as:

  • analgesic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory component;
  • stimulant and tonic;
  • rejuvenating component;
  • aphrodisiac.

Rosemary officinalis helps improve the condition of the skin, eliminating excess oiliness and acne. The ether tightens pores, normalizes functions sebaceous glands, activates cell regeneration processes. Thanks to this, traces of scars and scars disappear. Having wound-healing properties, rosemary oil heals cracks in the skin of the elbows and feet.

It is useful to use it as part of masks for hair and scalp. It accelerates hair growth and eliminates dandruff. Masks based on it improve the nutrition of hair root cells and activate metabolic processes in hair follicles, remove blockage of sebaceous canals and cleanse the skin of dead particles.

Weakened and damaged curls A daily massage with rosemary oil will be helpful. It will give them shine, strength, volume, elasticity and firmness. In this way you can speed up hair growth.

Regular use of rosemary oil helps cleanse the body. It stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. The ether helps stabilize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and the heart. It has a positive effect on hearing and smell, enhancing them. The oil is valued for its ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and serves as a reliable prevention of atherosclerosis.

Rosemary oil is used:

  • inside;
  • in composition for aroma baths;
  • in aroma makers;
  • in aromatic medallions;
  • in mixtures for compresses, rubbing and massage;
  • in cosmetics for face and hair.

The medicinal properties of rosemary have found their use in folk medicine in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • constipation;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • colitis;
  • flatulence;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • burns;
  • boils;
  • neuroses;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • insomnia;
  • cough;
  • headaches;
  • swelling;
  • ulcers;
  • insect bites – with itching, swelling and burning;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • muscle pain.

The benefits of rosemary are that it helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and eliminates bruises and bruises. Rosemary is used in complex therapy vegetative-vascular dystonia. It has a pronounced choleretic effect. Inhaling the essential vapors of this plant helps relieve stress and nervous tension, dizziness associated with pressure changes, fainting.

Pregnant women can use it as a remedy for nausea, and nursing women can use it to improve lactation.

For men, rosemary will be useful for sexual impotence, weak libido and decreased potency.

How to use rosemary for hair

Rosemary essential oil for hair is used mainly as part of masks, so you should know the rules for their use:

  1. When treating hair, masks are made twice a week. To prevent recurrence of the problem, it is enough to apply them once every 7 days.
  2. Do not apply rosemary ether to the scalp during pure form to avoid burns.
  3. Visible results are obtained on average after 15 procedures. Therefore, you should not expect an instant effect from masks.
  4. Before preparing the mixture, it is recommended to slightly heat the base oil in a steam bath.

Before you use new line-up on the scalp, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a few drops of the mixture to the elbow or behind the ear. This area is observed for 0.5 days. If there is no redness, then the composition can be used.

In order to improve the condition of your hair, you can add rosemary ether to your shampoo. Before washing you need to separate a little detergent and pour a few drops of oil into it. Wash your hair as usual and rinse your curls at the end warm water with 8-9 drops of rosemary oil.

There is another way to prepare an effective mouthwash. To do this, 10 drops of rosemary oil are mixed with a teaspoon of 70% alcohol and added to 1 liter of water. Rinse your hair with this mixture after each wash.

The composition for the mask is selected depending on the existing hair problem. For example, for dry and normal curls the following mixture is suitable:

  • calamus ether – 2 drops;
  • grape seed oil – 20 ml;
  • birch ether – 1 drop;
  • jojoba oil – 10 ml;
  • rosemary ether 2 drops;
  • Bey ether – 1 drop.

The composition is applied to the scalp and light massage for 5 minutes and leave to act for about an hour, wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. Next, wash your hair as usual. This mask helps strengthen your curls and gives them shine.

Dry and brittle hair You will enjoy a mask based on the following components:

  • macadamia oil – 10 ml;
  • essential oil of calamus, rosemary and ylang-ylang – 2 drops each;
  • avocado oil – 10 ml;
  • jojoba oil – 10 ml.
  • bey, chamomile and birch ether - 1 drop each.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the curls along the entire length. After the massage, leave it under the film for an hour. The mask strengthens the roots, restores damaged structure and prevents hair loss.

A mask will help solve the problem of excessive oily hair:

  • almond oil – 15 ml;
  • rosemary ether – 5 drops.

The mixture is applied to the skin, rubbing it into the roots. Wrap your head in a warm towel. After an hour, the composition is washed off.

The following recipe helps get rid of dandruff:

  • wheat germ oil – 10 ml;
  • esters of lavender, geranium, rosemary, tea tree and cedar – 3 drops each.

Instead of wheat germ oil, you can use any other base oil, such as almond or olive. After mixing the ingredients, the mask is applied to the scalp, wrapped and kept warm for about 40 minutes.

A mask of 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 drops of rosemary ether will help stop severe hair loss. A sprig of the rosemary plant itself is placed in a container with the mixture and left to infuse in a dark place for 20 days. Apply the composition along the entire length and keep it on the head for about half an hour.

How to use ether on the face

Rosemary essential oil for the face is used in masks, and also as a component for enriching store-bought cosmetics. For oily skin with acne and inflammation, use the following mixture:

  • grape seed oil or milk thistle – 15 ml;
  • rosemary ether – 2 drops.

The face is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities and the composition is applied to it for 40 minutes. Then remove the excess with a paper napkin.

If there is a lot of acne, then the mask can be used every day. As a preventive measure, apply it twice a week.

There is a variation of this mask. Add 5 ml of black cumin oil to the composition and use not 2, but 3 drops of rosemary ether.

If your facial skin has lost its tone, has become less firm and elastic, and wrinkles have appeared, then this mask will help:

  • rosemary ether – 2 drops;
  • rosehip oil, coconut oil, cocoa oil, cedar oil, walnut or avocado – 15 ml.

You can use either one base oil or a mixture of them. The mask is applied to the face along massage lines and left for half an hour. Remove it with a napkin. There is no need to rinse off the composition.

The following recipe is for oily skin:

  • rosemary oil – 2 drops;
  • lemon juice – 5 ml;
  • mineral water – 5 ml;
  • blue cosmetic clay– 5 g.

The mask is applied for 10 minutes and washed off. The procedure is repeated twice a week. The product will help dry oily skin, will get rid of acne.

In order to get rid of acne marks, you need to make mask-compresses from a mixture of tea tree ether and rosemary. A cotton pad is soaked in the composition, which is applied to the problem area and fixed with a band-aid for a couple of hours.

Rosemary essential oil for acne can be used in its pure form, applied to the spot. But it will be no less useful in combination with a basic one, for example, with a little black cumin. This composition destroys microbes, eliminates inflammation and accelerates the healing of the skin.

They will help improve the condition of facial skin, moisturize and eliminate most problems. clay masks with essential oils:

  • cosmetic clay – 10 g;
  • rosemary ether – 5 drops.

The clay is diluted with slightly warm water and oil is added. If your skin is oily with acne, then it is better to take white or blue clay, and if dry, then red. The composition is applied to the face, excluding the area around the eyes, for a quarter of an hour and washed off. Repeat the procedure daily.

Who shouldn't use rosemary?

Rosemary oil has its own contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • allergy to components;
  • sensitive skin.

Cosmetic compositions based on rosemary oil are an excellent alternative to expensive store-bought products. They eliminate most skin and hair problems. The beneficial properties of rosemary can help where medications are powerless or contraindicated.


Rosemary officinalis is a well-known spice that is used in cooking to improve taste qualities various dishes. Essential oil is also produced from this plant. It is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine, since it has numerous useful qualities. The uses and properties of rosemary oil have been known since ancient times. This knowledge will still be useful today.

How to get this product

Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the young leaves, stems and flowers of this plant. After collecting the raw materials, they are subjected to certain processing. The essential extract itself is obtained in several ways: extraction using a solvent, pressing, and steam distillation.

Product production occurs according to one of the following schemes:

  1. The prepared raw materials are poured with boiling water. It must be completely submerged to release all the beneficial substances.
  2. Rosemary prepared in a special way is laid out on grates, after which hot steam is passed through it.
  3. Combine two production methods. Both boiling water and steam are used at the same time.

After processing the plant high temperatures a gaseous mixture is formed. It contains particles of essential oils that have numerous beneficial properties. To collect them, steam is moved to a special tank, where it is maintained low temperature. As a result, it turns into a liquid state.

After special distillation of the resulting substance, two products are formed - aromatic water and essential oil. Each of them has a certain value.

Useful properties

The properties and uses of rosemary essential oil are varied. This is due to its rich composition. The main medicinal components are pinene, camphor, limonene, vitamins A, C, PP and many others.

The main properties of rosemary essential oil include the following:

  • Has a positive effect on emotional state person. Helps improve intellectual abilities and get rid of shyness.
  • Considering its analgesic properties, rosemary is effective for severe pain syndrome and spasms. At the same time, the plant does not have a sedative effect.
  • Helps with fatigue, muscle or joint pain. This is especially true after intense physical activity.
  • Useful for cholelithiasis.
  • Effective when available various diseases stomach, liver, cardiovascular system.
  • The beneficial properties of rosemary are also useful for women who suffer from irregular menstruation and other cycle disorders.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the nervous system. The main use of this plant is the treatment of local paralysis.
  • The characteristics of the plant extract imply that it is suitable for eliminating inflammatory processes of various localizations.
  • Antiseptic and restorative properties make it possible to use this cosmetic product from scars, burns and other dermatological problems.

Other beneficial properties- lowering cholesterol levels and increasing bile secretion.

Contraindications for use

The medicinal properties and contraindications of rosemary oil should be carefully studied before using it. This remedy is not always useful for humans. The main contraindications for use of this product include:

  • The period of gestation. During pregnancy there is a high risk of developing allergic reaction for the drug.
  • Children's age (under 6 years).
  • Epilepsy or other diseases with similar symptoms.
  • High blood pressure.
  • High skin sensitivity or tendency to allergies.

Directions for use

When using rosemary oil, you should not forget that this product will be beneficial if you follow simple rules:

  1. The essential extract is prohibited both during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. The product is intended for outdoor use. It is not advisable to use it internally.
  3. Rosemary extract is not recommended to be used undiluted. This may cause burns or lead to an allergic reaction.
  4. Avoid contact of oil with mucous membranes.
  5. The shelf life of this product is 1.5 years. After this period, its use is prohibited.
  6. Rosemary oil should be stored in a dark place at an air temperature of +2...+15 °C.
  7. It is best to buy plant extract at a pharmacy or certified store. This will allow you to avoid purchasing a fake.

Application for hair

The use of rosemary oil in cosmetology is very extensive. First of all, it is recommended to use it as a means for hair growth, combating hair loss and dandruff. It is very difficult to find a similar product that would have the same beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp. It strengthens hair follicles, eliminates increased fat content by regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result of using the oil, the appearance hair. They acquire a healthy shine and silkiness.

Rosemary essential oil for hair (dry or oily) is mainly used in the composition healing masks . The most popular of them:

  1. In a 2:1 ratio, you need to combine grape seed and jojoba oils. Essential extracts are added to the finished mixture. The hair mask with rosemary oil also contains birch, bay, and calamus oils. Given their high concentration, each ingredient is added in the amount of 1-2 drops. The resulting product is thoroughly rubbed into the hair and scalp. This mask is kept for an hour. It is recommended to wrap your head in a plastic bag or cling film to enhance the positive effect of the procedure.
  2. For those with dry hair, it is recommended to use a mask containing olive and rosemary oil (3:2). The resulting mixture should be distributed over the entire length of the hair. It needs to be kept for about an hour, after which you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo.
  3. If your hair is weak, you can use an egg-based mask. It will add shine, strengthen the roots and launch active growth. To prepare the mask, mix one egg, a teaspoon of honey and onion juice, and 5 drops of rosemary extract. She is kept on her head for an hour.

Application for skin

The uses of rosemary oil are varied. It is recommended to use it for the skin of the face and body, for acne and pimples, for stretch marks and cellulite. This is due to the fact that this product enhances local blood circulation and has restorative properties. If you regularly use rosemary essential oil on your face and body, you will notice that your skin will become pleasantly smooth and silky, and the number of wrinkles and other blemishes will be significantly reduced.

To achieve positive result It is recommended to use the following recipes:

Such simple recipes using rosemary oil will help in the fight against various cosmetic defects. It is also possible to use this product internally, but this can only happen under the supervision of a doctor and with strict indications.