Terminal states. Stages of cancer: survival prognosis, how tumors develop, localization

What are the symptoms of stage 4 stomach cancer, how long do they live with this disease?

Any malignancy develops in four stages. In the initial stages the disease does not differ in any way typical signs, so the patient often consults a doctor when the tumor metastasizes.

At stage 4, stomach cancer spreads uncontrollably malignant tumor and the appearance of atypical cells in all organs.

Clinical picture of the disease

All previously existing signs become more pronounced: persistent indigestion occurs, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heartburn. Constipation and intestinal obstructionfrequent symptoms late stages cancer. Saturation occurs after eating a small amount of food, which is why there is a sharp weight loss.

Stage 4 stomach cancer is characterized by damage to the entire lymphatic system, with the lymph nodes enlarging and becoming painful. Secondary tumors they grow in nearby tissues and metastases appear in the lungs, brain, uterus, and intestines.

The size of the primary tumor depends on the type of cancer. The most dangerous is considered to be an infiltrative neoplasm. With this disease, a person experiences severe pain, the cancer develops rapidly, and the terminal stage occurs in a few months.

If the processes of food movement are disrupted, the patient vomits after eating. Upon admission insufficient quantity nutrients the body quickly becomes exhausted.

The fourth stage of stomach cancer is characterized by severe exhaustion. Often, against the background of this disease, anemia develops, the patient becomes weak, lethargic and apathetic.

Has the last stage of stomach cancer and specific signs– dark loose stool, bloody vomiting. These symptoms indicate the development of gastric bleeding. Treatment is carried out surgically, since bleeding develops when the integrity of the stomach wall is violated.

Another sign of the spread of a malignant tumor is duodenal obstruction, which makes it difficult to take not only food, but also liquid. Such clinical picture also typical for tumors upper section, contributing to the closure of the lower parts of the esophagus. The tumor may close bottom part stomach and an area called the pylorus.

Stage 4 gastric cancer that metastasizes to the liver is characterized by an increase in abdominal circumference. The same symptom is observed upon penetration cancer cells to the front abdominal wall, therefore such neoplasms are easily detected by palpation. Metastases in the liver block the bile ducts, contributing to the development of obstructive jaundice. Waste products and tumor destruction at stage 4 of stomach cancer poison the body. Sometimes intoxication is so severe that the patient is treated in the intensive care unit.

How is end-stage gastric cancer treated?

Advanced forms of the disease are diagnosed in approximately 30% of cases, so palliative therapy is actual problem modern oncology. Compared with damage to other organs, stomach cancer has a more favorable prognosis. The fourth degree is assigned to it in the presence of metastases in internal organs and distant lymph nodes.

Surgical intervention at this stage is prescribed extremely rarely; it is of a supportive nature. Full recovery impossible, but improving the patient’s quality of life and increasing its duration is quite possible. During the operation, intestinal obstruction is eliminated.

For this purpose, laser ablation can be used - removal of the tumor using a directed laser beam.

It is possible to create a bypass path along which food will move from the stomach to small intestine. In severe cases, a metal tube is installed through which the food mass will move. Gastric resection allows partial removal of the tumor, which does not cure cancer that has spread throughout the body, but helps prolong the patient’s life. Such operations are not performed for peritoneal carcinomatosis and severe general condition of the body. Otherwise, the patient may simply not survive the surgical intervention.

The formation of a gastrostomy is also practiced - an opening for the introduction of nutritional mixtures. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, because general anesthesia A body weakened by cancer may not be able to withstand it. A small incision is made in the wall of the peritoneum, through which the anterior part of the stomach is brought out. A gastric fistula is formed in the area of ​​the pylorus, into which a flexible tube is inserted. Suture material is applied to the wound. The gastrostomy tube must be carefully cared for.

Chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer allows the patient long time live without pain. The use of cytostatics is most effective for localized malignant neoplasms. Most often, the drug 5-fluorouracil is used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs to treat stomach cancer. More modern cytostatics are being developed that have a minimal amount side effects. Chemotherapy is recommended to be combined with radiation, which is not used in cases of severe depletion of the body.

At the terminal stage of stomach cancer after surgery, it is prescribed symptomatic treatment narcotic and non-narcotic painkillers.

To eliminate inflammatory processes Antibiotics are administered intramuscularly. To reduce the intensity of decay processes in a collapsing tumor, 10% is used hydrochloric acid and a solution of potassium permanganate. Auxiliary therapeutic method is the treatment hormonal agents and immunostimulants.

Immunotherapy is not used in all clinics, but new method cancer treatment, different high cost. People over 40 years of age who have genetic predisposition and chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Life expectancy for stomach cancer

How long do people live with this disease? This question interests every person faced with a similar problem. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this, because the life expectancy of the patient depends on many factors - the type of cancer, the age of the patient, general condition body.

The average 5-year survival rate is higher when studying groups of young patients with normal condition immune system. Most dangerous type The cancer that kills a person in less than a year is infiltrative ulcerative malignancy. It quickly grows into the muscle layer of the gastric wall. Exophytic cancer, which fills the organ cavity, is considered less dangerous.

The presence of metastases and the treatment methods used also affect life expectancy. Psychotherapeutic techniques allow the patient to tune in to treatment and get good results from it. In case of defeat internal organs, especially the brain, recovery is impossible.

The average 5-year survival rate for stage 4 gastric cancer does not exceed 20%. When treated in foreign clinics using the latest regimens, the chances of living more than 5 years from the date of diagnosis increase. Modern treatment methods offer hope for recovery even in the most severe cases.

Much has been said and written about cancer and its stages, so any patient and his family understand that there is a first stage and it is the initial stage, or a fourth stage, which is the last stage, but when they hear from a doctor that this is the terminal stage of cancer, they are completely bewildered . What does this mean, how serious is it, can it be treated, and what is the prognosis? These are all the most pressing questions that require answers.

Terminal stage - what is it like?

The terminal stage of cancer is the last, most complex, severe and advanced degree of development of pathology, characterized by irreversible and uncontrolled distribution of tumor cells throughout the body. Here we're talking about It is no longer about the defeat of one organ and the disruption of its functioning, but about the infection of all neighboring ones and their failure, significant problems in their functioning and ensuring the normal functioning of the body. In addition to the main organs, the development of the disease leads to damage by metastases to the lymphatic system, bone tissue, and brain structures.

Just a few years ago, patients who were diagnosed with terminal stage cancer of the pancreas, liver, kidney or any other organ were doomed, but today medicine has made a huge step forward, and modern treatment methods make it possible to stop the oncological process, no matter what stage of development it is at. was.

Features of the manifestation of symptoms of the disease

If the cancer has reached the terminal stage, it means that its symptoms manifest themselves especially clearly, with all possible intensity, including not only signs of damage to a specific organ, but also general ones characteristic of oncology. All patients complain of:

  • severe pain that cannot be relieved with conventional painkillers;
  • increased weakness;
  • too much fatigue(sometimes it is enough to make just a few movements to feel tired);
  • almost constant malaise and poor health;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss.

All types of cancer are accompanied by the development of anemia in the final stages.

Attention! The progression of a terminal form of cancer does not mean that the patient does not experience relief. It happens that in the morning he cannot get out of bed, but by lunchtime he feels better and goes out to get some fresh air.

Despite the fact that we are talking about extensive damage to the body, the clinical picture retains symptoms, depending on the localization of the oncological process. For example, the terminal stage of lung cancer is characterized by the appearance of a severe cough, shortness of breath, and the presence of blood in the sputum.

Lack of appetite is one of the obvious signs dysfunction of the body

With breast cancer, there is a significant increase in the size of the seals that appear in it. These can be single nodes that have reached enormous sizes and taken different shapes, or multiple painful neoplasms that have enlarged and changed the appearance of the breast. At the same time they swell to large sizes And axillary lymph nodes.

Terminal stage stomach cancer is characterized by severe pain in the area of ​​the organ and serious problems with digestion. The condition is characterized constant nausea And frequent vomiting, developing even after a small meal of a light meal. Often vomit contains blood. The patient loses weight too quickly and becomes weak, the skin becomes grayish in color.

If the liver has undergone a destructive process, then this is accompanied by an increase in the organ’s size; it clearly protrudes from under the right rib, and upon palpation its uneven, ribbed surface is felt. The progression of the disease leads to the development of jaundice; attacks of fever and a seemingly causeless increase in temperature become common.

The transition of intestinal cancer to the terminal stage is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by constant disorders. Patients are concerned about diarrhea and constipation, and darkening of the stool is observed; it can become tar-black, which indicates penetration into feces blood, and also include mucus and pus. The pathology is characterized by bloating, accumulation of fluid and gases, and an unpleasant feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

Is treatment possible, and what kind?

Doctors always warn that the sooner you start treatment, the easier it is to overcome any disease, including cancer. Often, patients who learn about their diagnosis fall into depression and apathy, without taking any action to combat the disease, which in itself is an unacceptable mistake, because During the terminal period, every day is important.

Advanced pathology requires complex and lengthy treatment; it is not limited to one method, but involves a complex of different measures that have proven effective in palliative therapy. Of course, with terminal cancer it is simply surgical removal tumor formation will not solve the problem, and it is not always possible, because the tumor has already reached enormous sizes, and distant metastases are detected in many organs. Typically, the treatment program includes:

Important! After the main treatment, patients urgently need psychological assistance and a properly selected rehabilitation program.

What doctors say about prognosis and chances of recovery

Every patient who learns about terrible diagnosis, and especially his close people, first of all want to hear the answer to the question: is this a death sentence or are there chances?

No doctor can tell you definitively how long the terminal stage of cancer will last; it is absolutely unpredictable. Without treatment, it will take months and even days. As for recovery, there are too many decisive factors here too:

  • patient's age;
  • type of cancer and degree of cell aggressiveness;
  • localization of the cancerous tumor;
  • the reactivity of the body, its tendency to be subject to external influences;
  • adequacy of the selected treatment package;
  • the body's immune system's ability to resist relapse;
  • the presence of other concomitant diseases.

There is another very important factor– the psychological attitude of the patient himself, his courage and willingness to fight for life. As practice shows, in most cases of oncology it was the desire to live that helped stop fatal disease. As an example, we can consider the situation with a known Hollywood actor Michael Douglas, whom doctors diagnosed with terminal stage throat cancer several years ago. But the body, despite its venerable age, having crossed the 70-year mark, coped with the disease and was able to achieve long-term remission.

Carefully! Scientists note the fact that for many types of cancer, achieving complete remission, even despite the terminal stage, is easier if we are talking about primary pathology with a properly selected program of therapy and rehabilitation than with relapses.

Cancer, no matter what localization we are talking about, - dangerous disease, which requires adequate treatment using modern methods. In no case should you put it off “for later”, trying to cure it with herbs and folk remedies, none of them is able to resist the malignant process, and in the terminal stage there is simply no time for experiments.

The last stage of the tumor process is quite difficult for patients to tolerate. In most cases, the diagnosis is followed by death. Terminal stage cancer applies to neighboring organs and systems, which aggravates general position sick. The likelihood of a positive outcome remains, but the victim and doctors must make considerable efforts.

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General Features

The terminal form is a complicated course of the disease. At this stage, irreversible processes occur in the human body. The patient feels a significant deterioration in health, organs and systems gradually “die”. Diagnosis latest form The disease is based on the identification of lungs and bones. The most susceptible organs are the gastrointestinal tract and the brain.

It is impossible to carry out treatment in the presence of complications. The only thing that can be done is to prolong life with the help of medications. Surgery and courses of chemical therapy do not bring the desired effect. You can make yourself feel better with painkillers and other symptomatic drugs. Life expectancy can be increased by no more than five years. The presence of concomitant diseases plays a huge role in this matter.

How does the terminal stage of cancer manifest (depending on the type)?

Complications are accompanied by the most pronounced clinical picture. The patient’s well-being directly depends on the size of the formation and its spread. Severe metastasis and involvement of surrounding organs are usually detected. The gradual spread of malignant cells leads to death.

The last form of the tumor process is characterized by unbearable pain. The victim has no appetite, general health oppressed and weakened. Maintaining vitality is difficult, but much depends on the patient’s self-control and self-hypnosis.

The average life expectancy is no more than 5 years. Much depends on the location of the tumor. People with rapidly progressing forms of cancer are at a disadvantage.

Terminal stage breast cancer

The tumor is characterized by the formation of dense nodules in the mammary gland. The lumps are painful, they can be either single or numerous. At the final stage of the disease, metastasis occurs to the axillary lymph nodes. Circulatory system can “transport” malignant cells throughout the body. The lungs, liver and brain are most often affected.

Lung cancer

Clinical manifestations pronounced. The malignant tumor penetrates into the deep layers of the lungs. This process is complemented severe cough, shortness of breath and the presence of sputum. IN chest There is always pain that is practically not relieved. The person feels unsatisfactory. When metastasizing to the brain, the condition becomes more complicated severe pain and clouding of consciousness.

Prostate cancer

Main symptoms last stage prostate lesions include frequent urination, sudden urge and urinary incontinence. The symptoms are complemented by pain localized in the lumbar region and the presence of kidney stones.

Metastasis to the bones of the spine leads to compression spinal cord and paralysis. Clinical manifestations directly depend on the spread of metastases.

Stomach cancer

It is characterized by severe pain in the abdominal area that is difficult to relieve. There is a sudden onset of vomiting mixed with blood. The person is exhausted, he is rapidly losing weight. No appetite due to pain syndrome. Skin take on an earthy hue.

Brain cancer

The complicated form is characterized by the presence of constant headaches of varying intensity. The symptom is complemented by dizziness, confusion and loss of coordination of movements.

The general clinical picture is complemented by changes in heart rate, nausea, vomiting and hypersensitivity to external stimuli. Symptoms depend entirely on the size of the tumor and its location.

Death is an inevitable phenomenon, even the most healthy people someday they die. Of course, there is no such diagnosis as old age, but very often it is difficult to determine what caused the death of a person aged 80-90 years. And then pathologists write in their conclusion that death was due to cardiac or respiratory failure.

The diseases can also be fatal. The terminal stage of the disease is the last stage, the prognosis of which is unfavorable. Let's consider what it is and what terminal care the patient needs?

What is a terminal state?

Borderline state between life and death is called terminal. It is characterized by a triad of symptoms, disturbances of consciousness, breathing and cardiac activity. Lethal outcome can occur very quickly, for example, when anaphylactic shock, collapse.

There are several stages:

  • preagonia,
  • agony,
  • clinical death.

Stopping blood circulation and breathing gradually leads to disruption of cell nutrition and hypoxia. The cells of the cerebral cortex are the most sensitive to hypoxia; they die first, so if resuscitation measures are late, you can try to restore breathing and heart function, but consciousness will not be restored.

If you do not provide assistance in a terminal condition (cardiac or respiratory arrest), then the brain cells die in 5-7 minutes. Cardiotherapy can prolong the life of brain cells pulmonary resuscitation. If it is not effective within 15 minutes, it is fixed biological death.

Of course, if the patient has a terminal stage of the disease, then it makes no sense to carry out resuscitation measures, since this will only prolong the agony and bring additional suffering to the patient. Damage to brain structures and mental retardation are also contraindications to resuscitation measures. But helping to die, even if a terminal patient asks for it, is under no circumstances allowed. This is unethical both on the part of relatives and on the part of medical personnel.


Injuries, chronic diseases, and infections can lead to a terminal condition. Each pathological process affects the body in its own way. So, with cirrhosis, which is accompanied by many somatic diseases, poisoning, alcoholism and others, liver function is impaired and liver failure develops. The terminal stage of the disease is characterized by impaired protein production, decreased plasma albumin, and prothrombin index. The patient may experience bleeding, thrombosis, and decreased resistance to infections (pneumonia, sepsis).

Chronic renal failure may occur not only in patients with kidney damage, but also in diseases of the cardiovascular system, brain, motor functions. Bedridden patients are at risk because, with insufficient care, they most often die from urogenital sepsis. Impaired kidney function, renal failure leads to retention of metabolic products in the body, intoxication, which leads to death.

Terminal lesions with oncological processes irreversible and characterized by cell death and cancer intoxication. First of all, it affects brain cells, which causes a gradual decline in all functions. Therefore, an important component most often initially, cancer patients lose consciousness, then the heart rate and breathing rate drops. A terminal patient may be in a coma for a long time; the task of medical staff is to provide proper terminal care. Every person has the right to die, to die with dignity.

Infectious processes can also lead to death, the main cause of death is intoxication of the body, causing damage to all cells. Possible renal symptoms liver failure, disturbances in the functioning of the heart and brain. Thus, one of the deadly infections is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In addition to intoxication, cachexia, severe encephalopathy, fever, a banal infection and tumor development are possible. Patients die from complications.

Cordially vascular diseases very dangerous and the mortality rate is very high. With development modern methods treatment managed to reduce it, but still overweight, poor nutrition, elevated cholesterol, physical and mental stress can lead to a heart attack at any time. Timely detection and treatment help in many cases to delay this. If the patient takes care of himself, take it on time medicines, then even with serious rhythm disturbances, after heart surgery, or severe hypertension, patients can live for years until heart failure causes damage to all organs and systems.

Chronic diseases that lead to disability special group pathologies when the patient is inexorably approaching death. These include age-related diseases such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, strokes and much more. Although the changes themselves in such pathologies do not always cause death, for example, as with a stroke, when a person can die in just a few hours, but in the absence of proper care for the patient, his life expectancy is reduced.

End-of-life care

The terminal stages of the disease are characterized by impairment of basic functions. Cardiac or respiratory arrest quickly leads to death, but in some cases, damage to brain cells comes to the fore. The patient loses consciousness and develops a coma. He may remain in a coma from several hours to several days. If this acute condition carried out specialized treatment V intensive care unit, in the case where the cause is incurable disease, resuscitation measures are not carried out. Patient care includes activities that are indicated for a bedridden person.

Respiratory cancer is one of the most common diseases. They suffer from it more often smoking men over 55 years of age, but the disease often occurs in women. In terms of mortality, it ranks one of the first places. The chances of survival increase if there is a general positive attitude, competent therapy, and high body resistance. With a combination of these factors, even if stage 4 lung cancer is diagnosed, death can be avoided.

Causes of the disease

For development malignant tumors the following factors influence:
  • Smoking. IN tobacco products contained large number carcinogens.
  • Poor environmental conditions, lack good nutrition. The incidence rate is especially high among residents of megacities.
  • Availability chronic pathologies infectious or bacterial (bronchitis, tuberculosis).
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Weakening of the immune system associated with HIV and chemotherapy.

The risk group includes people working in hazardous industries where there are chemical fumes hazardous to health.

Under the influence of these factors, pathological changes in DNA occur in women and men, as a result of which bronchial epithelial cells begin to mutate, forming a tumor. With a certain degree of organ damage leading to loss of ability to work, a person is issued a disability. It is important to know how to consult a doctor at the first sign.

Types and stages of disease development

Histological classification distinguishes small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. The latter is especially common and accounts for approximately 80% of all cases. These are neoplasms that form from epithelial tissues.

Depending on clinical features classification of lung cancer distinguishes several types of non-small cell form:

  • Adenocarcinoma – forms in the peripheral part. The tumor is formed on the basis of mucous and glandular tissue.
  • Flat cell carcinoma. The neoplasm in this case consists of flat epithelial cells. Often diagnosed central cancer right lung when large bronchi are affected.
  • Large cell – the tumor consists of large cells and spreads very quickly.
  • Mixed, combining several types.

The mediastinal form of lung cancer, miliary carcinomatosis, is rare. In the first case, a tumor is diagnosed in the mediastinal areas. Miliary carcinomatosis is a lesion of metastases in the form of nodes that differ average degree intensity.

There are 4 stages of lung cancer:

  1. The tumor on one of the bronchi measures no more than 3 cm. In stage 1 lung cancer, metastases are usually absent, the lymph nodes and bronchi are not damaged.
  2. The tumor grows and takes on dimensions from 3 to 6 cm. Stage 2 lung cancer is characterized by the appearance of single metastases.
  3. The tumor becomes more than 6 cm and may occupy the adjacent lobe. Stage 3 lung cancer is identified by metastases detected during diagnosis that appear in the bifurcation lymph nodes.
  4. Terminal stage – the tumor grows into nearby organs and tissues. At the last stage of the disease, pericarditis and pleurisy are added, which further worsens the patient’s condition.

On different stages treatment has its own characteristics.

Small cell lung cancer develops in a short period of time, going through only 2 stages:

  • Limited. Pathological cells are localized in one organ and nearby tissues.
  • Extensive, when metastases are sent to more distant organs.

The fourth stage is not always treatable, therefore it is considered the most dangerous.

Symptoms and signs of stage 4 cancer before death

The disease is often discovered completely by accident. The first symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage, which are just beginning to appear, usually go unnoticed. Postponing a visit to the doctor for minor pain that occurs leads to the disease actively progressing. Usually at an early stage the patient does not focus attention on them. On initial stages This disease is often confused with the common cold. The first signs appear in the form of a slight malaise, a dry cough.

Stage 3 lung cancer, which has gone unnoticed, reveals itself at the next stage with more pronounced symptoms. The patient begins to complain of pain in the chest that occurs when breathing, lack of appetite, coughing attacks with the release of purulent and bloody sputum.

Characteristic symptoms of stage 4 lung cancer before death:

  • Shortness of breath that occurs even at rest is the first symptom that you need to pay attention to. Due to the accumulation of exudate and tumor growth, the patient’s breathing becomes intermittent.

  • Speech difficulty caused by the lesion cervical lymph nodes. Metastasis results in paralysis vocal cords, the voice becomes hoarse.
  • Decrease or complete absence appetite.
  • Drowsiness. Due to dehydration and slow metabolism, fatigue occurs, the patient sleeps a lot.
  • Apathy. A person loses interest in life.
  • Disorientation and hallucinations are typical before death. Memory lapses are possible, speech becomes incoherent. From oxygen starvation, which causes lung cancer, affects the brain.
  • Edema. As a result of kidney failure, they form on lower limbs. In case of stage 4 lung cancer with metastases, the latter typically penetrate into the mediastinum, which leads to compression of the veins and the occurrence of edema on the face and neck.
  • Unbearable pain is another dying symptom. They arise as a result of damage to other organs by metastases. Often the only way to cope with pain is with the help of narcotic drugs.

The spread of metastases leads to the appearance of diseases unrelated to oncology. This may be pyelonephritis, jaundice, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, peristalsis disorders. Metastasis affects the bones, causing their deformation and severe pain. When stage 4 lung cancer in women and men manifests itself with similar symptoms, treatment usually comes down to providing relief to the patient with analgesics and narcotic drugs. last days life.

Symptoms of lung cancer in men and women are the same, without specific manifestations. A timely visit to a doctor will prevent the development of the disease, which can result not only in disability, but also death.

The patient's chances of recovery

Even if the first and second stages of lung cancer are missed, the disease can still be overcome. It is strictly forbidden to let it go to such a state when damage to the brain, bones and those symptoms of the disease occur, which are inevitably followed by death. Competent, timely actions help stop the spread of metastases, and treatment of stage 4 lung cancer bears fruit.

Regardless of whether stage 2 or stage 4 lung cancer is treated, different types of the disease have their own prognosis for recovery.

Peripheral damage is said to occur when a pathogenic focus forms in the bronchioles and small bronchi. The neoplasm occurs in areas that are not vital. Helps reverse the disease process surgery and chemotherapy for lung cancer.

Central lung damage is a more severe type of the disease. A pathogenic focus is formed where the main blood vessels. During the process of growth, the tumor destroys them and moves along lymphatic system, triggering metastases to other organs. The duration of treatment is much longer than that for peripheral tumors. Even if a person receives a disability, he can remain alive.


Video - how to reduce stage 4 cancer?

Diagnostic methods

Diagnose lung cancer early stages instrumental and laboratory methods. Special attention for tumors, radiography, MRI, ultrasound, CT are performed.

An important diagnostic step that helps identify pathology is the following laboratory tests:

  • A blood test that determines hemoglobin levels.
  • Biopsy and histology methods are two procedures during which the tissue taken is examined.

Screening diagnosis of lung cancer is performed using high-frequency equipment. They provide a more complete picture of the disease, which increases the chances of recovery.

How is stage 4 lung cancer treated?

Regular examinations reveal initial stage cancer when metastases have not yet formed. In this case, surgery is performed to remove the affected part of the lung.

When metastases have already spread throughout the body, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely cure a person, even if they are removed primary focus. Therefore, treatment of stage 4 lung cancer aims to relieve pain and prolong a person’s life as much as possible.

Although an absolute cure is not possible, surgery can improve the patient's condition. But it’s not always possible to do it. At the last stage of the disease, the tumor reaches too large a size, so surgery becomes unsafe. If fluid accumulates in the lungs, a drainage tube is placed.

Chemotherapy, hormonal, and immunomodulatory drugs are usually prescribed. Painkillers for lung cancer help improve the patient's well-being for a short period of time. Quite a lot positive feedback has such a method of treating cancer as ASD fraction 2, which according to a certain scheme is taken with a small amount of milk or tea. When using ASD medicine with fraction 2 according to a certain scheme, the dosage must be observed. It is prescribed individually by the attending physician. Treatment of ASD 2 fraction gives good results in complex therapy along with other medications.

The third stage and even the fourth are not a death sentence. Modern techniques, folk remedies, diet for lung cancer, combined with the desire of the patient himself to recover, can work wonders. A new method of treating cancer is being developed - targeted therapy, which ensures the rapid destruction of pathogenic cells.


Treatment with folk remedies also produces results. Celandine can stop the growth of a malignant tumor. It is used both in complex collections and in the form independent means. To obtain the result, direct contact of the plant with the new growth is required.. With lung cancer, this cannot be achieved, so celandine must be given to the patient in the form of a tincture. Its effectiveness is much higher if taken for lung cancer whose symptoms have just been discovered.

The tincture is prepared from the juice of the plant. The celandine needs to be dug up by the roots, washed, dried a little and ground in a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and mix it with alcohol. For 1 liter of juice – 250 ml of alcohol. You should take celandine in the form of this tincture before meals four times a day. One dose is a tablespoon.

You can also use celandine as a compress. It helps to remove painful sensations, especially when metastases have reached the spine. The grass passed through a meat grinder is poured with alcohol. After moistening a piece of cloth in the resulting product, apply it to the sore spot.

Burdock juice helps cure lung cancer. This is a plant traditional medicine also recommends using it to alleviate the patient’s condition. Of course, the question of whether lung cancer can be treated only with folk remedies cannot be answered in the affirmative. This is only an addition to treatment.


A positive result depends on the stage at which treatment is started. The patient’s age, lifestyle, tumor size, and general condition of the body also matter. Can't be ignored dietary food, recommended for oncology.

According to statistics, 40% of patients have a survival rate of 5 years. This is if treatment is started in a timely manner and disability is registered. With a local form of the disease and the absence of measures to combat carcinoma, patients live no more than 2 years.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of whether stage 3 lung cancer is curable. A significant role belongs timely diagnosis. The chances of stopping a disease detected at this stage are much greater than when a tumor is detected that affects other organs and lymph nodes. Life expectancy of up to 5 years can be maintained in 24% of patients with large cell neoplasms. At small cell cancer the percentage is two times lower.

Many people are interested in the question of how long patients with stage 4 lung cancer live. The most progressive form is considered to be cellular cancer. Sudden death may occur 3–4 months after detection of the disease. However, if you treat a patient, taking into account all the nuances pathological process, may be quite optimistic.

It is important to comply with all requirements for caring for cancer patients. Late-stage lung cancer is not curable, but allows you to live for another 5-10 years.

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