Strengthening children's immunity with echinacea. Giving echinacea to children and boosting immunity

Most preschoolers get colds up to several times a year. Immunomodulators help increase the body's resistance. IN pediatric practice preference is given to herbal remedies. One of them is Echinacea - medicinal herb, on the basis of which syrups, tinctures, tablets and decoctions are made. Echinacea for children is used according to certain rules, compliance with which increases the effectiveness of the natural immunomodulator and helps strengthen the child’s immunity.

Echinacea – perennial herbaceous plant of the Astrov family, grows wild in the territory North America. In Russia it is cultivated specifically to obtain valuable medicinal raw materials.

All parts have healing properties.

  • Polysaccharides have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Polyunsaturated acids of echinacea prevent negative impact on cells by free radicals.
  • Glycosides and chicoric acid have an antimicrobial and immunostimulating effect on the body.
  • Carvacrol (one of the components essential oil) slows down the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Echinacea stops the proliferation of viruses and reduces the severity of allergic reactions. The plant helps in the treatment of boils.

Echinacea has a gentle effect on the body, without leading to addiction. Taking a herbal immunomodulator correlates with the use of almost any traditional medicine.

Echinacea preparations simultaneously with antibacterial and antiviral agents, increase their severity therapeutic action by 20–30 percent.

Effect on the immune system

Immunostimulating effect on the body:

  • The number of macrophages, neutrophils and activity increases by 20–40%. These cells are responsible for neutralizing pathogenic microflora.
  • The production of your own interferon is activated.
  • The functional properties of T-lymphocytes improve.
  • B lymphocytes are converted into plasma cells, which enhances the production of antibodies to antigens (pathogens).
  • The growth of herpes and influenza viruses is suppressed.

A course of taking echinacea allows you to quickly cope with existing diseases and strengthens the body, reducing the likelihood of developing respiratory infections.

Indications for the use of herbal medicines

The dietary supplement is prescribed for children:

  • To prevent ARVI, it is better to start the course of the drug in the fall.
  • For the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases respiratory system. Taking echinacea speeds up recovery and relieves symptoms of the disease.
  • During the recovery period after antibacterial and hormonal treatment.

Natural immunostimulants are useful for a child to minimize the impact of negative stimuli. Echinacea is used during the child’s adaptation period in kindergarten and in the lower grades of school. A course of herbal medicine will improve the child’s psychological stability.

Echinacea is indicated for the following problems:

  • Inflammatory processes in the ENT organs.
  • Diseases urinary tract– cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Recurrent pathologies of an infectious-inflammatory nature respiratory tract.
  • Skin diseases.

Preparations based on echinacea are recognized official medicine, this indicates that the herbal immunomodulator actually causes positive changes in the body.

Rules for use in the treatment of children

You can buy echinacea at any pharmacy. The herbal medicine is sold in the form of dried raw materials. Parents should know how to give echinacea to children, what contraindications to consider, and the duration of the course. Rules for taking a natural immunomodulator:

  • Official medicine allows treatment with echinacea from 5 years of age. But dosage forms of herbal medicine are prescribed from 2 years of age, so you need to carefully study the instructions.
  • Alcohol tinctures Do not give echinacea until the child is 12 years old.
  • The duration of taking the immunostimulating agent is 8 weeks. A long course of treatment increases the likelihood of a side effect, that is, the immune system begins to be suppressed.
  • You cannot combine drug treatment with taking other immunomodulators.
  • Herbal medicines are given before meals 2-3 times a day.
  • Children who regularly take a series medicines for the treatment of chronic pathologies.

For development adverse reactions indicates a rash on the body, a rush of blood to the face, increased sweating, in severe cases, bronchospasm and anaphylactic shock. An overdose is expressed by insomnia, tachycardia, and increased excitability. If such symptoms are detected, treatment is canceled.


Instructions for use of echinacea for children indicate general contraindications to use the medicine:

  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Idiosyncrasy is the reaction of the body in response to the action of specific stimuli.
  • Leukemia.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Systemic pathologies of connective tissues.
  • Recovery period after surgery anaphylactic shock.

The likelihood of developing an allergy to herbal remedies with Echinacea prevails in those children who suffer from hypersensitivity to chamomile, ragweed (wormwood), and marigolds.

Echinacea should not be used simultaneously with corticosteroids, Cyclosporine, Methotrexate, Ketoconazole, or cephalosporin antibiotics.

Features of the use of herbal remedies from Echinacea depending on the age of the child

Each dosage form has application features.


In addition to the extract, the syrup contains chokeberry juice. Used as an antiviral and antibacterial agent.


  1. Children under three years of age are recommended to be given 3-4 drops of the drug twice a day, diluted with water.
  2. After three years and up to 12, you can give a teaspoon of syrup twice a day.
  3. Children over 12 years old are given a tablespoon 2 times a day.

When taking syrup, be aware that it contains sugar, so exacerbation of dermatitis in children with atopy cannot be ruled out.

Children's Echinacea drops additionally include herbs; such preparations are taken taking into account general indications and restrictions on use.

It is easy to prepare a decoction from the dried leaves and flowers of the plant. There are options for preparing herbal medicine:

  • Two tablespoons are poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in a thermos for 2 hours. The strained broth is given to the baby to drink throughout the day.
  • A tablespoon of echinacea flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in a steam bath for 30 minutes, filtered, and given to the child 30–50 ml in the morning and evening.

Herbal decoctions are given fresh every day; for the prevention of colds, the course is 10–14 days in spring and autumn. Echinacea decoction is suitable for children from two years old, although the dosage is reduced to 1-2 spoons per day.


Echinacea tincture with alcohol is the most popular herbal immunomodulator in the pharmacy. It is actively used by adults, but children should use it after 12 years. Before taking it, you need to mix 5-10 drops of the drug with 40-50 ml of water and drink it, do this twice a day.

Alcohol tincture is actively used to rinse the throat for pharyngitis, oral cavity for stomatitis, for applying compresses to ulcers and wounds on the skin. It is necessary to dilute the base - take 40 drops of echinacea tincture per 100 ml of saline solution. The drug is prepared fresh before each use.

Echinacea tablets

When strengthening your child's immune system:

  • Echinacea extract in tablets.
  • Echinacea P. In addition to echinacea extract, it contains ascorbic acid. B vitamins, which increase the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant immunomodulator.
  • Immunal. The use of the drug increases the number of leukocytes in the blood, thereby stopping reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to take Immunal in a course before seasonal flu epidemics.
  • Echinacea extract in lozenges. Used for pharyngitis, tonsillitis.

In addition to the listed herbal remedies, pharmacies offer children’s tea based on echinacea, chewable tablets, multi-component fees. All of them have a positive effect on the immune system.

Most often, children are exposed to colds, flu, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. In this case, taking echinacea will increase the body's resistance, not only to these, but also to others. viral diseases. In addition, it will strengthen the immune system and help in the fight against chronic illnesses, inflammation, urological and autoimmune diseases, will support the body during the rehabilitation period after powerful therapeutic effects such as antibacterial or radiation treatment.

In general, the effect of echinacea can be defined as restorative. It will also help for stimulation. nervous system, for external use for a long time non-healing wounds. This plant contains large number vitamins, thanks to which, in combination, for example, with a decoction of rosehip infusion, it will enrich the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Echinacea for children: instructions for parents

Echinacea is available in the most various forms, among them there are specially designed for children. It is produced in the form of tincture, dried and granules.

Echinacea tincture is made with alcohol, so it is suitable only for children over twelve years of age, and even then it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 before use. At one time, you can give the child several drops of tincture diluted with water. Take the medicine before meals, three times a day.

For preventive purposes, to strengthen the body, it is enough to drink the tincture for two weeks. If the remedy is intended to aid in treatment certain disease, then its reception lasts from three to eight weeks as prescribed by the doctor. The side effects of this remedy are minimal. Mainly in in rare cases an allergic reaction is possible. The most important thing is to follow the dosage and not exceed the maximum permissible duration of the treatment course.

For children from four years of age, safe echinacea is suitable - this modern drug"Immunal". One course preventive treatment according to the instructions, it will be enough to protect the child from illness for several months, or at least to ease the course of the disease and speed up recovery. The Immunal solution can also be given to children over one year old, 20 drops maximum three times a day.

In general, for children over one year old, tea leaves made from dried flowers, leaves and roots of the plant are most often used. However, it should be borne in mind that an allergic reaction may occur, so you can start taking it only after consulting a pediatrician. As an alternative, we should not forget about the benefits of moderate physical activity, hardening and other herbal remedies strengthening the immune system such as rose hips, blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries.

Foreign studies have shown that echinacea is ineffective in the treatment of ARVI in children up to 12 years old.

Her medications should be given with preventive purpose, observing the indicated dosage.

Echinacea has a powerful immune-stimulating effect on the body, purifying the blood and stimulating the growth of healthy cells.

Due to this, the proliferation of pathogenic microbes is inhibited and the body more easily copes with attacks from viruses and bacteria.

Duration of admission – no more than 8 weeks, after the course a break is required. Children under one year old should not be given echinacea preparations.

How to prepare an infusion yourself?

The herb Echinacea used for immunity should be at least two years old, otherwise there will be insufficient quantity useful substances.

The petals, stems, leaves and roots of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

During cultivation, Echinacea should not be treated with chemicals.

The above-ground part of the plant must be collected in July or August, and the roots must be dug in early autumn or late spring. The collected raw materials are washed and dried in a well-ventilated, shaded place.

It is important to know how to prepare echinacea for immunity. To do this, the child can brew healthy tea. 2 teaspoons with a heap of dry raw materials are poured 2 glasses boiling water, infuse for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, then the tea is filtered and cooled.

You should drink it half a glass up to 3 times per day. They drink tea an hour before meals. If the child does not have allergies, you can add a couple of drops to a cup of tea lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.

The course of admission is one and a half months. This tea can be drunk by one-year-old children.

At the first signs of ARVI, you need to prepare another infusion. 50 g pour cinnamon rosehip 4 glasses hot water, pour into a thermos and leave 6 hours.

Need to take 20 g echinacea herbs and 10 g pour black elderberry flowers 300 ml boiling water, place for 10 minutes water bath and combine with rosehip decoction.

Give your child half a glass each every 2-3 hours, adding honey to taste. This will help cope with the disease at an early stage.

Forms of release of preparations from Echinacea

Echinacea can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of herbal preparations, tinctures or tablets.

Alcohol tincture of echinacea for immunity is allowed for older children (from 12 years old).

It is used only in diluted form: on Part 1 tincture is added 3 parts drinking water.

The child is given 3-5 drops three times a day before meals before meals for 1-2 weeks.

Duration of administration can be increased if necessary up to 3-8 weeks, but only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Echinacea tablets are sold as known drug. If the child cannot swallow the tablet, it must first be crushed into powder and added water.

The dosage of “Immunal” depends on the age of the child, the maximum number of tablets per day is no more than 4. You need to take the drug for at least a week.

Contraindications for use

The use of echinacea preparations is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • blood cancer;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • AIDS;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Regardless of how you take echinacea for immunity, you should strictly follow the prescribed dosage.

Echinacea preparations can become a reliable assistant for parents in strengthening their child’s immunity, along with walks on fresh air, physical activity and hardening.

Echinacea can be given to one-year-old children in the form of tea, from 4 years old– in the form of tablets, from 12 years old– in the form of a diluted tincture. The drug should be taken after consultation with a pediatrician.

IN childhood The body’s immunity or protective barrier is not fully formed. Only by the age of 16, when it returns to normal hormonal background, immune defense unfolds in full force. To maintain the health of a child’s body, natural remedies are used, since they support a fragile body without side effects. Echinacea will come in handy for children's immunity.

The eye-pleasing echinacea flower (Echinacea purpurea) looks like chamomile and contains a lot of useful substances in its composition. This mineral complex, which includes a good half of the periodic table, which is why the flower is called metallic.

And if you add phytosteroids (plant hormones), flavonoids, lipids, vitamins A, C, E, organic acids and derivatives to the list fatty acids, then such a “cocktail” can saturate the body with vitamins and create an impenetrable barrier to infection. This is possible by strengthening the natural defenses in the child’s body.

Note: The mechanism of the immunostimulating effect is associated with the production of leukocytes ( immune cells blood) that resist bacteria and viruses.

Echinacea preparations are prescribed as a remedy:

  • prevention of colds during the off-season;
  • in the treatment of infectious diseases in the form of additional protection;
  • alleviating symptoms of the disease and speeding up recovery;
  • restoring immunity after treatment with antibiotics or hormones.

Fits natural stimulant and how remedy for ENT diseases and infectious diseases, fungal infections skin and mucous membranes.

Note: Echinacea purpurea is effective for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, relief from acute respiratory viral infections, skin diseases and genitourinary inflammation.

The use of echinacea preparations in childhood

Children get sick a lot and often due to a weakened and unformed immune system. Children's body needs to take the herb echinacea to support immunity, which:

  • activates phagocyte cells capable of absorbing and destroying foreign bodies;
  • increase the production of interferon - proteins formed during the invasion of the virus;
  • activates the functions of T-lymphocytes;
  • suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Increasing immunity and preventing disease is associated with an anti-inflammatory effect, which alleviates symptoms and reduces intoxication of the body.
For five age categories of children, Echinacea purpurea is used in various forms and dosages, as shown in the table:

Pediatricians prescribe this for children aged 1-6 years. natural remedy, if treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor prescribing the dosage. The duration of treatment is 8 weeks. One-year-old children are prescribed an immunostimulating course. But at this age it is rarely used.

The immune reaction of three-year-old children to syrup is ambiguous, since it contains auxiliary components, capable of causing allergic reaction or diathesis due to sugars in the composition. Children should not use Echinacea in the form of a tincture.

The benefits of echinacea for the body of children

For a child, the herb Echinacea purpurea correct intake becomes a “panacea for many ills.” The plant helps in the following cases:

  • depression and chronic fatigue;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • lesions on the skin: purulent infections, ulcers, wounds, burns;
  • some pathologies of internal organs;
  • inflammation of the ear or nose: use nasal drops and prepare ear drops.

Important: If the disease is advanced or severe, then complex treatment is required using medications and physiotherapy. When recovering, use only medicinal plants.

Echinacea tea or decoction

The herb is either bought at the pharmacy, or the raw materials are dried at home. Two options for preparing the decoction:

Recipe 1. Pour 1 tsp. dried herb 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew and take it warm, straining it in advance.

Recipe 2. For 0.5 liters of water, take 10 g of dry raw materials and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for 2-3 hours and strain.

Apply as prophylactic at colds. How to take decoction extract for immunity? Freshly prepared warm decoction is used three times a day before meals. It is prescribed in the amount of 25 ml for children from 1 to two years old, 25-50 ml up to 7 years old, 50-100 ml from 7 to 14 years old. Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks.

Dry raw materials are packaged in bags for making tea. This kit can be purchased at a pharmacy. If we use a dried product ourselves, then 1 tsp. Pour boiling water (1 cup) of dry collection and leave for 15 minutes. To ensure that the raw materials are brewed firmly, prepare the tea in a thermos. For this, 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water for 30 minutes. Tea drink from the year and older child Prescribe 25-50 ml three times a day before meals. The duration of the course is up to one and a half months.

A decoction prepared at home is used as a compress by applying a cloth soaked in the decoction to the back or chest of a child in case of respiratory pathologies. The product heals scratches, abrasions and other defects that occur on the skin.

Echinacea syrup

The syrup has the properties of other preparations with Echinacea purpurea. But the syrup contains glucose, so if a red rash appears on the baby’s cheeks, this indicates an allergy to sugars (diathesis). In this case, you will have to refuse the syrup and inform your pediatrician.

The drug contains a group of vitamins B and PP, which enhances healing effect. Recommendations for admission are as follows:

  • children over 12 years old – 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day after meals;
  • from 3 to 12 years – 1 tsp. 2 times a day;
  • up to 3 years – 2-4 drops twice before meals.

The release form and volume of the bottle with syrup differs, since the syrup is produced by different pharmaceutical companies.

Echinacea purpurea tincture will help cope with intestinal dysbiosis. Violation normal microflora may be a consequence of taking antibiotics for colds, so use 1 tsp of tincture. three times a day for 1-2 weeks will come in handy.

Since alcohol tincture cannot be used in childhood, the drug Primadophilus will help overcome dysbiosis. This is a source of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that populate the intestinal mucosa. Beneficial microorganisms needed to digest food.

How to take children's Primadophilus? For children from birth to 5 years old, 1 tsp is recommended. powder 1 time per day during meals. On the eve of use, the powder is diluted in boiled water or milk. Reception continues from 2 to 4 weeks until the intestinal microflora is restored.

From 4 years of age, children are allowed Echinacea purpurea in tablets. Contains dried plant extract. For ease of absorption, it is advisable to crush the tablet. As a means of preventing colds in the off-season, the drug is prescribed according to the instructions 3 times a day: at 4 years old - 1 pc., from 12 years old - 2 pcs. A 5-time dose is allowed if the child has an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection.

Important: A substitute for echinacea is fish oil, which, due to vitamin D, strengthens bones, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, and maintains the body’s protective barrier. Children are prescribed fish oil to strengthen their immune system. winter time with a lack of vitamin D.


When taking Echinacea purpurea, the age of the child is taken into account. Thus, alcohol tincture is prohibited up to 12 years of age, and tablets are allowed only from 4 years of age. In the first year of a baby’s life, treatment with this medicinal plant is undesirable and is prescribed in rare cases.

Contraindications for use:

  • autoimmune diseases, HIV infection, AIDS, leukemia;
  • tuberculosis at any stage;
  • organ transplantation with the prescription of immunosuppressants;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • individual intolerance to substances from plants of the Asteraceae family.

When treated with antibiotics (cephalosporins), do not prescribe medications with echinacea at the same time. Extract medicinal plant incompatible with taking immunosuppressants, as they weaken the effect of each other.

TO side effects Allergic reactions may occur when taken local character which are expressed in the form of itching or skin rashes, manifested in the form of Quincke's edema, bronchospasms or anaphylactic shock. Side effects are extremely rare.

Taking medicinal raw materials (syrups, decoctions, tablets) does not last more than 2 months. After the second month of use, the reverse process begins, when the number of leukocytes (protective blood cells) does not increase, but decreases. This condition is called leukopenia.

During treatment of children, you must adhere to the prescribed dosage. An overdose is dangerous and leads to undesirable symptoms: insomnia associated with increased excitability and irritability. Possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes.

Preparations containing echinacea

Echinacea purpurea is included in a large number of medicines. Decoctions and teas are prepared from raw materials (dry parts of the plant). The drugs Immunal, Estifan, Immunorm, produced in different countries. Alcohol tinctures are varied and are produced with various additives.

The medicinal plant is part of the combination products:

  • “BabyProp with Echinacea” (Italy) with the addition of propolis and honey;
  • “Echinacea Plus” (USA) with “ascorbic acid”;
  • "Sana-sol Echinacea" (Italy), which additionally contains ascorbic acid, elderberry flowers and rose hips;
  • "Dr. Vistong. Echinacea syrup with vitamins" (Russia) is prescribed to children over 14 years of age.

Note: For ten years medicines with echinacea in its composition have become in demand. Echinacea purpurea is one of the top ten popular plants. Based on it, 250 drugs have been created in various dosage forms.

To prevent the child from getting sick during the off-season and the “rampant” colds, parents, as a preventive measure, need to give him syrup, decoction or tea with echinacea to immune system resisted virus attacks. Then the baby will be vigorous, cheerful and healthy.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers us many drugs, but people are in no hurry to refuse prescriptions traditional medicine, and are often used for treatment and prevention herbal mixtures. Among other herbs that help boost immunity, Echinacea is known. Let's figure out what this one is beautiful flower could it be useful for children?

Echinacea for immunity:

Echinacea contains benefits in every part of it - from the petals to the rhizomes. The immunomodulatory properties of this herb are due to the content of useful biologically active substances.

The leaves, stems, and flowers of Echinacea are rich in the following substances:

Echinosides– relieve inflammation and promote the elimination of free radicals, which is very important for our immunity, given the surrounding environmental conditions. Maximum quantity echinocides are contained in flowers.

Flavonoids– strengthens vascular walls.

Polysaccharides- take part in defense cell walls from viruses and bacteria.

Essential oils.

Echinacea roots have a different composition:

Alkylamides- so-called natural anesthetics. They have analgesic properties. Due to the content of alkylamides, decoctions from Echinacea roots have an effect on toothache and headaches.

Inulin– stimulates the mobility of white blood cells, thereby providing more quick response immunity to foreign agents.

Echinosides– present in small quantities in the roots of the plant. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

When should you take Echinacea?:

Everyone knows the benefits of echinacea for the immune system, but there are a number of other indications for its use:

The plant successfully copes with inflammation of the skin, and also promotes the healing of wounds and scratches. When rubbing the skin with the decoction, itching and swelling quickly go away.

The antiseptic, antifungal and antimicrobial properties of echinacea make it popular for treating teenage skin problems.

When treating infections urinary system(cystitis, pyelonephritis) in plan complex therapy Echinacea is included.

The beneficial qualities of the plant are useful in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.

fight with increased fatigue, as well as drowsiness can be achieved with the help of echinacea.

The plant extract has mild anti-allergic properties, can stimulate the production of hormones, and accelerates the process of blood clotting.

How to give echinacea to a child?:

Herbal preparations Echinacea is easy to use, has virtually no side effects and is available in a variety of forms - tea, tincture, syrup, tablets, lozenges, lozenges. The choice depends on the age of the child.

Echinacea-based preparations can be given to children from 1 year of age.

Syrups are highly allergenic and are therefore not recommended for small allergy sufferers. A side effect of their use may be diathesis.

Echinacea tincture is an alcoholic product, so the minimum legal age for its use is 12 years.

Echinacea syrup for immunity:

Echinacea syrup is a popular method of strengthening the immune system in children. Syrups are rational to use and taste good; they often include glucose (sugar), and children willingly drink this medicine. Another advantage of the syrup is the absence of alcohol, which makes it possible for children to take the drug safely.

Echinacea syrups should be taken in accordance with the instructions, however, most of them are recommended for children over 1 year of age. It is worth noting that syrups can cause allergies and rashes, so parents should carefully monitor side effects and, if necessary, inform your doctor about their presence.

Dosage of Echinacea syrup for children:

Up to 3 years – 2-4 drops (take before meals twice a day).

From 3 to 12 years, syrup is given in a dosage of 1 teaspoon twice a day. It is advisable to dilute the syrup with water.

After 12 years, the dosage is doubled - up to 2 teaspoons twice a day.

Some syrups contain echinacea additional components, such as vitamins. An example of a complex syrup is Echinacea syrup with vitamins Dr.Vistong . In addition to the healing plant extract, it contains vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6.

Echinacea syrup is used very widely to prevent colds. Usually the course lasts up to 1 month, after which it is recommended to take a break.

Echinacea tincture:

In pediatric practice, Echinacea tincture is used to a limited extent due to its alcohol content. Doctors allow taking the tincture only after 12 years, in limited doses.
Echinacea tincture supports the immune system, stimulates protective forces body, and will also be useful for the respiratory and digestive organs.
Echinacea tincture should be taken 5-6 drops twice a day. It is suitable both for the prevention of colds and for their treatment. To protect the child, the drug is dripped into warm water and wait a few minutes to eliminate the alcohol.

Echinacea tea or decoction:

Healing decoction or echinacea herb tea is a safe form of use even for young children. You can buy raw materials for brewing at a pharmacy or use your own grown plants.

To prepare a decoction, combine 2 cups of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of herbs. The broth is infused in a thermos overnight, after which it is filtered. You can buy it at the pharmacy herbal tea with echinacea in the form of filter bags for brewing. The tea collection will be useful for children during periods of flu and colds, as well as for their prevention.

Preparations based on echinacea:

Immunal is an immunostimulant drug that is made from natural raw materials – Echinacea purpurea. The drug is produced by Lek in Slovenia, and is available in two forms - tablets (from 12 years) and syrup (from 1 year).

The German company "Doctor Theis" produces a line of preparations based on echinacea in the form of tinctures, tablets and lozenges.

Preparation "Immunorm" (manufactured by Teva, Ratiopharm) contains pressed juice from fresh Echinacea purpurea herb. Available in the form of solution and tablets.

Other medicines containing Echinacea – “Herbion Echinacea”, “Stimmunal”, “Estifan”, “Immunex”.

Contraindications to Echinacea:

There are few contraindications to taking Echinacea extract, but they cannot be ignored.

Allergy. As with taking others natural preparations, treatment with the extract can cause an allergic reaction. Intolerance to the substance is manifested by a rash, itching, and hyperemia of the skin.

Children under 1 year of age - when taking syrup.

Children under 12 years of age - when taking tinctures and tablets.

Leukemia, tuberculosis, HIV infection, collagenosis.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated, but sometimes Echinacea can provoke excessive excitability. This medicine should be taken in the first half of the day so as not to disturb sleep.

Many parents who want to boost their child’s immunity ask themselves: How long should you take Echinacea? The answer is ambiguous, but doctors advise limiting it to a 2-month course. According to some observations, more long-term use Echinacea extract may cause suppression of immune responses.

Strengthening the immune system - best prevention! Don't get sick!