Vitamin B17 – which foods contain it and in what quantity. Let's find out everything about vitamin B17: which foods contain the highest concentration of it. Vitamin B17 is prohibited because it cures cancer and destroys any malignant tumor! Shocking fa

Amygdalin, otherwise called B17, has become popular through the efforts of supporters alternative ways health improvement, which classify the substance as an effective anti-cancer agent. Despite the fact that the scientific community does not recognize the medicinal power of amygdalin, patients who have not lost hope are trying to find out which foods contain vitamin B17 and how to properly use it for medicinal purposes.

Amygdalin was first isolated in the 19th century from almond kernels. According to scientists, there is no reason to call a substance a vitamin, since it biological role for the body has not been proven by scientific research. Supporters alternative methods Doctors do not agree with this, and call amygdalin vitamin B17. You can read about this on Wikipedia

Benefits and harms for the body. Where is vitamin 17b found?

Why does the body need vitamin B17 and what foods does it contain? To this question, adherents of traditional and alternative medicine answer differently.

What do doctors say...

Scientific evidence suggests that a person does not need additional amygdalin. Against, high doses substances are dangerous: B17 breaks down into a group of compounds, including hydrogen cyanide. This substance reacts with water to form hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous in large quantities.

...and healers

Contrary to the arguments of science, B17 supporters insist that it helps prevent the development of oncology, reduces the size cancerous tumor and prevents the spread of metastases to healthy tissue. In addition, the substance:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • relieves signs of fatigue;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • slows down the aging process.

The main argument in favor of the medicinal power of a substance is not scientific research data, but cases of successful cancer treatment with the help of this substance. True, the reliability of such information has not been confirmed in any way. As circumstantial evidence medicinal properties Vitamin B17 provides the following data:

  • successful practice of healers in Egypt and China- healers used bitter almonds for medicinal purposes, and this product is rich in amygdalin;
  • Cancer pathologies are not common among the Asian population- this is associated with a large number in their diet apricot kernels, accumulating a lot of B17 compound.

Based on this, alternative medicine makes two assumptions:

  • the substance destroys tumor cells;
  • its lack provokes the development of oncology.

Proponents of the use of this substance note that its toxicity is not so high as to harm health, but sufficient to destroy cancer cells.

Brief “biography” of the substance

In the early 20s of the twentieth century, a doctor from California, Ernst T. Krebs Sr., began using amygdalin to treat patients with oncology. After this, the doctor declared the substance toxic.

In the second half of the twentieth century, his son Ernst T. Krebs Jr. synthesized vitamin B laboratory conditions and named the chemically modified version "laetral" (letril). The biochemist made the assumption that a deficiency of the substance in the body provokes the appearance of cancer cells, and the use of laetral compensates for this deficiency, preventing the development of oncology. Since then, the drug has been actively used in anticancer therapy. Succumbing to the general hype, many pharmaceutical companies began to produce biologically active additives(dietary supplements) containing amygdalin.

Scientific research results

The unprecedented popularity of vitamin B17 has become the reason for scientific experiments aimed at studying the mechanism of action and medicinal properties of the substance. However, studies have not confirmed the importance of the vitamin for humans. Authoritative American organization FDA (Administration for quality control food products) banned drugs with this chemical agent due to their toxicity. In the United States, promotion of the substance is punishable by law.

Amygdalin supporters see this as further evidence in favor of vitamin B17: the effectiveness of the substance is hidden from the public in order to force patients to spend money on more expensive therapy.

What foods contain vitamin B17 and its use for health?

For medicinal purposes, the use of the substance is recommended exclusively by supporters of alternative treatment methods; official medicine warns against the use of amygdalin due to its toxicity. The main indication for the use of the vitamin is the prevention and treatment of oncology. Also, adherents of the substance recommend it to strengthen the body. For medicinal purposes, alternative medicine advises the use of food and dietary supplements. What does vitamin B17 contain?


  • apricot and peach pits, plums and cherries;
  • bitter almond kernels;
  • apple and pear seeds;
  • watermelon seeds and;
  • flax seeds.

In the body of mammals, amygdalin is not synthesized, therefore it is not found in food of animal origin. The list of foods containing vitamin B17 can be supplemented with beans, macadamia nuts, wheat, and buckwheat, which contain a small amount of the substance.

Pharmacological drugs

Although, following the FDA ruling, many pharmaceutical companies discontinued the production of products with vitamin B17, dietary supplements with amygdalin are still available to the modern buyer:

  • "Amygdalin Forte";
  • "Laetrile";
  • "Metamygdalin";
  • "Vitalmix Recnacon 17".

The composition of the products may differ, but they all contain vitamin B17 as an active ingredient. Instructions for using amygdalin are different for each drug.

Cancer therapy is recommended to be combined with diet. According to supporters of alternative medicine, starchy and sweet foods, meat, chemical additives, genetically modified foods, alcohol consumption and smoking interfere with the absorption of amygdalin.


You should avoid using the substance during pregnancy and breastfeeding; contraindications to the use of amygdalin are also:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.

For children, using the substance can also be dangerous.

Side effects

An overdose of amygdalin is dangerous to health, it is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • suffocation;
  • bluish skin;
  • headaches;
  • loss of consciousness.

If any of the above occur side effects You should consult a doctor immediately. In some patients who used dietary supplements with amygdalin simultaneously with ascorbic acid, there were signs of intoxication.

History knows of cases of recovery of patients with oncology, when official medicine was powerless. And reviews about the treatment of cancer with vitamin B17 also exist. Should you trust them? Everyone decides for themselves. But it is important to remember that therapy oncological diseases requires integrated approach: Amygdalin should not be considered a panacea, even based on reviews about it.

Search effective means for the treatment and prevention of cancer is one of the most pressing problems of modern medical science. And although there are confirmed empirically information about the existence of quite simple and available funds, helping in the fight against cancer, the open dissemination of information about them often encounters opposition from business and politics. And this is not surprising, since if people find out a simple way to defeat cancer, then medical corporations will lose huge amounts of money that they are allocated to conduct research and produce the latest “effective” anti-cancer drugs.

1. Vitamin B 17 – what is it?

This substance is known under such names as laetral, laetrile, amygdalin, nitriloside. In the book American writer Edward Griffin's "A World Without Cancer" describes the discovery process of vitamin B 17, which has unique property– destroy cells of malignant tumors, while having virtually no effect on healthy cells. Laetral is an effective preventive and remedy against cancer, and its great advantage is that it is contained in regular products, which are available to everyone.

Many years ago, a serious discovery was made in the fight against cancer, namely: scientists found that eating the kernels of certain fruits helps to cope with cancer. And in the tribes, where in daily diet includes almonds, virtually no cases of cancer have been identified.

2. Benefits of Vitamin B 17

Relatively useful action There are two opinions about this vitamin on the human body:

  • one of the causes of cancer is precisely the lack of B17, and to prevent cancer it is necessary to consume it regularly;
  • This substance destroys only diseased cells of the body, including cancerous ones, while no harm is caused to healthy ones.

Regarding vitamin deficiency, namely the lack of vitamin B 17, the American biochemist Ernst T. Krebs Jr. put forward a theory according to which cancer are not caused by viruses, bacteria or toxins, but simply by a lack of a certain substance in the diet that belongs to the nitrilocide family. Just a couple of centuries ago, humanity did not face such a problem as cancer, and all because the people’s diet was different. into him large quantities bread was made from millet, not wheat, and powder from the seeds of certain fruits (grapes, apricots, apples, plums) was added to many products. All of them contain large quantities of vitamin B 17. The transition to a Western-style diet led to the fact that people were faced with cancer diseases that they did not even know before.

Doctors, primarily from large medical corporations, warn about the dangers of amygdalin, emphasizing the fact that it contains hydrocyanic acid, that is, a dangerous poison, cyanide. There was even a rumor that one married couple suffered fatal poisoning as a result of eating almond kernels, but journalists were never able to identify these unfortunate people.

The reasons why mainstream medicine does not support naturopathic cancer treatments are clear. It's all about money, patents and politics. As a result, production and distribution were prohibited in the United States. this drug, so practically the only way to get it is to order it in tablet form in Mexico, where it is allowed, or to include food products containing it in your diet.

To avoid negative consequences For health, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage of this substance. For example, you can consume no more than 30 apricot kernels per day; this will be harmless and will give the desired preventive effect. The daily dose of vitamin B 17 is between a quarter and one gram. At the same time, you need to remember that you need to divide it throughout the whole day and under no circumstances take it at one time, so as not to get poisoned.

3. Vitamin B 17 against cancer: reviews

There is a well-known story of the recovery of Australian Paul Reid from lymphoma, who decided to consume apricot kernels daily. When he was given a fatal diagnosis, doctors predicted that he had about five years to live. But the man was able to defeat cancer, 13 years have passed since then, and he is still alive and feeling well. In addition to 30 pieces of nucleoli, Paul's diet included other organic natural products and completely eliminated sugar.

There is information that one Mexican clinic under the leadership of Dr. Francisco Contreras is successfully treating cancer with the help of vitamin b17. A similar treatment program is being conducted in the Philippines. And the results are amazing in their effectiveness. At the same time, the cost of treatment is significantly lower than other, less effective programs.

It's just small part stories about how vitamin B17 helped in the treatment of cancer. The reviews, as you can see, are positive; even more information can be found not only on Russian-language sites and forums, but also on foreign ones.

4. Natural Sources of Vitamin B 17

Amygdalin is found in foods such as:

  • fruit seeds and seeds (papaya, apricot, peach, orange, cherry, apple, nectarine, plum);
  • bitter almonds;
  • millet;
  • sorghum;
  • clover;
  • flax seed;
  • corn;
  • lima beans.

The consumption of these products is excellent prophylactic from cancer. It should also be kept in mind that for best result It is necessary to exclude sugar from the diet, as it improves the nutrition of cancer cells.

Be sure to watch an excellent video dedicated to vitamin B 17 and its capabilities in the fight against cancer.

The author cites scientific evidence that cancer prevention is very simple and wonders: why did orthodox medicine declare war on a medicine with which many clinics have successfully cured their patients?

The book "A World Without Cancer" by American Jewish documentary writer Edward Griffin is dedicated to the story of one discovery, the main character of which is Vitamin B17 or laetrile, or amygdalin* - a substance that rapidly destroys cancer cells. The author cites scientific evidence that cancer prevention is very simple and wonders: why did orthodox medicine declare war on a medicine with which many clinics have successfully cured their patients?

* Amygdalin (lat. amygdalus) is found in the seeds of bitter almonds, in the seeds of apricots, peaches, plums, cherries and other plants.

The author finds the answer not in science, but in cancer policy - and it is hidden in the economic motivation of those who dominate the medical establishment. If every year billions of dollars are spent on cancer research, and other billions come from sales of chemical compounds, then a very clear picture emerges before us: cancer lives more people than they die from it. And if the solution can be found in a simple vitamin, then overnight a gigantic industry collapses, which, of course, resists this with all its might. Pharmaceutical companies conduct research only on the chemical compounds they invent; thus, if a drug is approved, they have exclusive rights to sell it. And they will never agree to conduct research on simple food that cannot be patented by them and is sold in any supermarket. The cancer-killing substance has been found in most fruit seeds, particularly apricots. Apricot seed has been declared a cure for all famous crayfish 35 years ago. Scientists have stated that if these seeds are included in a person's daily diet, cancer cells will never develop in him, just as, for example, a person will never get scurvy if he eats at least one orange a day. Multinational pharmaceutical companies, together with the US medical establishment, forced the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to make the sale of “raw” apricot kernels illegal, as well as vitamin B17, along with information about their anti-carcinogenic effect.

Vitamin B17 is found in apple, peach, cherry, grape and apricot seeds. It is found in some legumes and many herbs, as well as bitter almonds. The hard kernel in the depths of the apricot is not there at all to be thrown away. In fact, this dense wooden shell protects one of the most wonderful foods on earth. Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., a biochemist from San Francisco, theorized that cancer, like scurvy* and pellagra*, is not caused by some mysterious bacterium, virus or toxin, but is a disease of vitamin deficiency caused by a lack of essential components in diet modern man. He identified this component as part of the nitrilocide family, which occurs naturally in more than 1,200 edible plants. This component is found in particularly large quantities in the seeds of fruits of the Prunus Rosacea family (bitter almond, apricot, blackthorn, cherry, peach and plum), but it is also found in grasses, corn, sorghum, millet, cassava (tapioca), flax seed, apple seeds, and many other foods that have been removed from the human diet modern civilization. The evidence Dr. Krebs provides to support his opinion is impressive. Several centuries ago we ate millet bread rich in vitamin B17, but now we prefer white bread, which does not contain it. Once upon a time, our grandmothers pounded the seeds of plums, raisins, green grapes, apples, apricots and others in a mortar, and added the crushed powder to their jams and canned food. Grandma didn't know why she was doing this, but the seeds of these fruits are the most powerful source of vitamin B17 in the world. Independent studies have shown that the Hanza tribe of the Himalayas never encountered cancer as long as their native diet was rich in millet and apricots. However, as soon as they were exposed to the Western diet, they began to get cancer. The implications of these findings are nothing short of stunning. But if we were able to defeat scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) many years ago, why are we powerless against cancer today? The answer is simple - Western governments are bending under pressure from pharmaceutical multinational corporations; Food and Drug Administration (FDA), American Medical Association. All of them very successfully carried out a joint campaign against vitamin B17 at one time, based on the fact that the vitamin contains “deadly” cyanide (salts of hydrocyanic acid). B12 also contains significant amounts of cyanide, however, no one has removed it from stores. Dr. Krebs Laetrile was obtained from apricot kernels and then synthesized into crystal form through its own unique processes. But suddenly the FDA bombarded the press with a story about an unhappy couple from San Francisco who were poisoned by eating raw apricot pits. Across America, this story was on the front pages. However, journalists working on this issue were unable to identify the unfortunate couple. But the job was done. Since then, the consumption of vitamin B17 or apricot kernels has become strongly associated with suicide.

According to the Nutrition Almanac, 5 to 30 apricot kernels, eaten throughout the day, but never at one time, can be a good preventive dose.

* Scurvy is avitaminosis accompanied by nervous disorders, loss muscle strength, tissue cyanosis, tooth loss and hemorrhages in the body organs.

** Pellagra is an endemic skin disease. It is expressed by redness of the skin, diarrhea and nervous disorders.

*** Anemia is anemia. Characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Back in the 50s, Krebs proved that B17 is completely harmless to people. After testing the vitamin on animals, he filled his syringe with a megadose and injected it into his vein. To this day he remains in good health. The vitamin is harmless to body tissue for the simple reason that each B17 molecule consists of one cyanide compound, one benzene dehyde and two glucose (sugar) compounds tightly packed together. For cyanide to become dangerous, the molecule must first be "cracked open" and released, which only an enzyme called beta-glucosidase can do. This enzyme is present in the body in minimal quantities, but is almost 100 times more abundant in cancerous tumors. Consequently, cyanide is released only in the cancerous areas of the body with amazing results that are destructive to the cancer cells because benzene dehyde is also released at the same time. It is a deadly poison in its properties, but when combined with cyanide it becomes 100 times stronger. The effect produced by these substances on cancer cells exceeds all expectations. Cancer cells die.

We present to you excerpts from a report by Dr. Krebs (Jr.), given in Los Angeles at the Annual Cancer Conference in 1989: “Cancer is a consequence of chronic metabolic disorder, which is now obvious. infectious disease which is caused by bacteria or viruses. It is a disease that is metabolic in nature. This is a metabolic disorder. Most metabolic disorders are based on an imbalance of vitamins and minerals. No metabolic disease in the history of man has ever been cured or prevented by anything other than factors having to do with the body's diet. In the past we have had many devastating deadly diseases that are now virtually unknown. They were prevented and neutralized. The source of these diseases was rooted in the nutritional deficiency of the body. For example, scurvy destroyed humanity by the thousands. A disease that could destroy an entire polar expedition or knock out 50 percent of the crusaders from the army. This disease is completely corrected by vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which introduced a complete factor into the human diet and extinguished scurvy epidemics. You are probably well acquainted with the fact that Great Britain again gained dominion over all the seas when it experimentally discovered that adding lemon or other citrus juice to the diet of sailors lifted the curse of scurvy from the entire fleet. Before vitamin C was included in the diet of sailors, it was not uncommon for three-quarters of the crew to become seriously ill by the end of a voyage, and then those who did not die would mystically recover upon arrival on shore: they would have access to fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. In the past we also had pernicious anemia, which had a mortality rate of up to 99%. And no medical technique I couldn't cope with her. So far, researchers Dr. Murphy, Shipple and Mino have not found the cause to be nutritional deficiency. They simply told the patients, "go to the butcher shop, buy fresh liver and cook it, lightly scorch the surface, eat in portions for three days." The patients who followed the advice were all cured without exception. But despite this, these doctors were censored by the Medical Establishments and accused of engaging in medical quackery. When the biochemistry of raw liver was studied, it was discovered that vitamin B12 and folic acid. So now vitamin B12 and folic acid have become part of our diet. The same medical institutions in 1974, were concerned that a simple dietary factor could prevent a disease whose mortality rate was almost as high as that of anemia. But it is a scientific truth that the seeds of all common fruits (except citrus fruits) contain vitamin B17, a key anti-cancer vitamin. If we consume adequate amounts of the vitamin, either in pure form or through foods containing nitrilocides, we are protected from developing this disease, just as we were able to prevent scurvy with vitamin C and anemia with vitamin B12. Another disease that is metabolic in nature is pellagra. At one time it spread in epidemic proportions in some parts of the world. Sir William Osler, in his book "The Principles and Practice of Medicine," spoke of pellagra: "I was in the hospital of Lenoir, North Carolina, where during one winter 75 per cent of the people died of this disease. It spread like an epidemic and convinced me that Without a doubt it is a virus." But soon came the brilliant work of Dr. Goldberger, a surgeon at the United States Health Service, who clearly proved that the cause of pellagra is a lack of fresh greens in the diet. So another deadly chronic disorder metabolism has found itself complete cure in simple nutritional factor, which consists in balanced diet. We have established that cancer is no exception to this rule. All medical science has not yet invented such a drug that could make us become healthier or wiser, or raise our vitality, if this medicine is not present in our regular food. And when we eat food that is inadequate for our body, the body gets sick. If you don't get vitamin B17 through foods, best way- use it in pure form in the form of injections. If cancer has occurred, then the most important thing is to supply the body with maximum dose vitamin B17. All related medical skills are secondary. In addition, there are many auxiliary measures to prevent cancer, namely drugs that improve blood, stabilize blood pressure and reducing pain. Previously, fruits contained vitamin B17 not only in their seeds, but also in their pulp. Today, only wild fruits contain B17. The fruit we eat today is the sad result of many years of cultivation for size and appearance, its pulp no longer contains B17. To meet the body's need for this vitamin, we must either eat the seeds of these fruits or supplement our diet with it in tablet form. Currently, unfortunately, it is prohibited by the government, but we hope that we will soon see this vitamin available and be able to prevent cancer in the same way that we prevent scurvy. We need the equivalent of about seven apricot seeds per day. This amount will prevent the possibility of cancer. In almost all cases of cancer when B17 is taken large doses, cancerous tumors shrink.

To prevent cancer, start with a small amount of seeds: 1-2 per day and work your way up to 7 - 10 pieces. Try not to consume refined sugar (sugar feeds cancer cells), caffeine (very bad for the liver and kidneys), and flour premium(easily converted to sugar in the body). Try to eat more unprocessed foods. E. J. Griffin's book contains detailed information about cancer research that was halted and major scientists who were arrested when they advocated the use of vitamin B17.

Translation from the website Vasily Solovyov-Spassky

I’ll add on my own behalf, I also remember that in childhood we simply loved the pits of plums and prunes, and our parents scared us with the hydrocyanic acid they contained. But I don’t remember a single case where there were any stomach or other disorders after consuming them. However, apparently, everything is good in moderation (we also ate wolf berries in secret). The author is definitely right that there is no industry that can compete with pharmacology in terms of profit percentage. Marx also said that there is no crime that a capitalist would not commit for the sake of 300% profit. And here it goes beyond 1000%. And who will tell a billionaire about this, when the biggest sum can be taken from his dear one? Moreover, he knows that everything can be bought for money. Well, if not for money, then for a lot of money, including health. Yes, they will live to devour any authority figure who confirms what was said above, or they will pay so much that he will shut up. The article makes you think. As children, many of us ate apricot pits and were frightened by the fact that they contained poison\70-80s of the 20th century\. But we ate little by little, and I still eat whole apples; only the root remains. I’ll start eating apricot seeds again, 3-5 a day, it’s not for nothing that they are sold in our store, but I wondered what they were for?

Vitamin B17, mygdalin (from the Greek almond), in pharmacology the gentibioside of mandelic acid nitrile, is an “unrecognized genius.” Traditional medicine denies it, and such a substance simply does not exist in official pharmacological formularies. Not traditional medicine, on the contrary, glorifies this element as a desperate fighter against cancer.

The controversy surrounding this vitamin, also called laetrile, continues to this day. At least there are no official statements about the dangers of the substance. Let's figure out why this element is useful, what it is needed for and what products it is contained in.

Laetrile is a nitrilocide, a compound of substances such as benzaldehyde and cyanide. White crystals are easily soluble in alcohol and water. Supporters of unofficial medicine claim that amygdalin is vital, as it promotes:

  • activation of the immune system and increased protective properties body;
  • eliminating painful sensations;
  • prevention of the development of musculoskeletal pathologies;
  • improving vision;
  • preventing the development of cancerous tumors;
  • cleansing the body of toxic substances and slags;
  • dermis;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • fight cancer cells;
  • losing weight.

List of foods rich in vitamin B17

Amygdalin is contained in products exclusively plant origin. In order to saturate the body with this substance, it is recommended to include it in the diet. following products: apples, prunes, blueberries, bitter almonds, peaches, plums, cranberries, pears, cherries, beans, apricot oil and seeds. These products contain laethrin in maximum concentration, see for yourself in the table below.

Table of laetrile content in food

Product, Content

vitamin B17,

Apricot kernels 500 and above
Apricot oil 500 and above
Beans 500 and above
Cherry pits 500 and above
Pear seeds 500 and above
Cranberry 500 and above
Mash 500 and above
Bitter almonds 500 and above
Peach pits 500 and above
Plum pits 500 and above
Blueberry 500 and above
Prunes with pits 500 and above
Apple seeds 500 and above
Quince from 100 to 500
Elder from 100 to 500
Cherry from 100 to 500
Buckwheat from 100 to 500
Gooseberry from 100 to 500
Flax-seed from 100 to 500
Raspberry from 100 to 500
Flaxseed oil from 100 to 500
Macadamia nuts from 100 to 500
Millet from 100 to 500
Pumpkin seeds from 100 to 500
Currant from 100 to 500
Lentils from 100 to 500
Apples from 100 to 500
Green peas less than 100
Blackberry less than 100
Raisin less than 100
Watercress less than 100
Dried apricots less than 100
Cashew nuts less than 100
Brown rice less than 100
Rowan (shoots) less than 100
Beet leaf less than 100
Jerusalem artichoke less than 100
Beans less than 100
Bird cherry berries less than 100
Spinach less than 100

Lentils contain slightly less substance pumpkin seeds and butter, millet, currants, raspberries, linseed oil, gooseberries, buckwheat, quince, elderberry and cherry.

Amygdalin is found in sufficient quantities in spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, beans, dried apricots, cashew nuts, blackberries, raisins, watercress, and green peas.

Most laetrile is found not in the pulp of fruits, but in their seeds. Therefore, in order to saturate the body with this compound, it is recommended to consume not only vegetables and fruits, but also fruit seeds.

Daily requirement

Since traditional medicine does not recognize laetrile as vitamin preparation, then the data regarding the recommended daily value she doesn't provide. Homeopathic experts believe that the optimal daily dosage– 3000 mg, which is equivalent to 300 g of bitter almonds or twenty apricot kernels.

You can consume no more than 1000 mg of vitamin at one time, which is due to increased risk intoxication with senile acid.

Higher doses are recommended for people suffering cancer pathologies, as well as obesity. In addition, more amygdalin should be consumed by people with a genetic predisposition to the development of cancer pathologies, as well as those who live in polluted environments. Severe neuropsychic and physical stress are also indications for increasing the dose of laetrile consumed.

Deficiency and excess

According to adherents unconventional ways therapy, and deficiency of the compound and excess can lead to unpleasant consequences. A lack of a substance in the body is fraught with the appearance of:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • ailments;
  • depressive disorders;
  • frequent and long-lasting headaches;
  • obesity;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • precancerous conditions: erosions and benign neoplasms;
  • cancerous tumors.

In order to prevent the occurrence of these symptoms, it is recommended to adjust the diet - enrich it with foods that are sources of amygdalin.

An excess of vitamin is also dangerous to health. An overdose of the substance is fraught with suffocation and a feeling of lack of air, turning blue skin, nausea, headache, malaise, lightheadedness and fainting states. An excess of the compound in the body is a rare phenomenon, but possible, and in order to prevent an overdose, the intake of vitamin B17 in the body should be controlled.

Laetrile in dietetics and weight loss

This substance has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and according to the statements of the adherents alternative medicine, consuming products rich in it will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, fast weight loss and improvement general condition and well-being.

However, in order to achieve maximum benefit from products containing laetrile and in order not to harm the body, you should follow several recommendations.

  1. When eating fruit seeds, in particular apricot ones, do not forget that an overdose of them can lead to serious poisoning. You can consume no more than ten kernels per day, and no more than two at a time.
  2. Women should eat the seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding not recommended. Kernels should not be given to small children.
  3. To prevent possible overdose amygdalin, drink more fluids and take ascorbic acid.
  4. Alcohol and nicotine minimize the beneficial effects of the compound.
  5. Before you start taking any homeopathic remedies, V mandatory consult your doctor.

Disputes regarding B17, its benefits, harms and significance for health continue to this day. It is difficult to say and guess what the conclusion will be. If you believe the statements of supporters of unofficial medicine, then this substance is necessary and important. How can this be? Just observe moderation in everything, in particular taking amygdalin.

Several centuries ago, the word “plague” made anyone tremble, because people knew well that this disease could not be cured by any medicine. The same thing happened with cholera. When cholera or plague came to the territory of any state, the only salvation from these diseases was fire. People burned the houses of the dead, their utensils, clothes and food. But time passed, and humanity got rid of the plague, cholera, and other contagious and dangerous diseases, such as smallpox, measles, etc. Currently, the words “plague”, “cholera” or “smallpox” do not particularly frighten anyone. But there is one word that makes you feel uneasy.

The word “cancer”, the name of a disease that one allegedly cannot cope with modern medicine. The question arises: when did this appear on Earth? terrible disease? It turns out that quite recently. The first mention of a malignant tumor was recorded in the 17th century, mainly in large European cities. At first, cancer was considered a purely urban disease, because rural residents almost did not suffer from it, but over time, in the territory Western Europe, the cancer began to move into the villages. In the 17-18 centuries, and even in the 19 century, this disease was not widespread and did not particularly frighten anyone. According to statistics, the heyday of the cancer epidemic occurred in the second half of the 20th century. It was then that humanity felt the full power of this terrible disease.

Not thousands, but millions of citizens began to die from cancer, not only in Europe and America, and not only in megacities, but also in villages.

After the Great Patriotic War the cancer epidemic has swept through Soviet Union. Currently, more than two million citizens in Russia fall ill with this disease every year. The question arises, what is the cause of this disease?

Why did malignant tumors appear in only a few centuries ago, but in our time this disease has become a widespread phenomenon? Naturally, both doctors and biologists began studying cancer formations. They began to look for ways to treat and prevent them. But, amazingly, no matter how hard science tries, nothing really works out. People got sick and continue to get sick.

But on the other hand, there is a group of people in the West that practically does not suffer from cancer. It's about about representatives of the “Committee of 300”, about the Rothschild, Warburg, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller families, etc. It involuntarily comes to mind that a cure for cancer was found a long time ago, but only a select few use it. Not only that, some people on Earth, we mean the secret laboratories of the special services, have learned to use cancer diseases against their political opponents.

Take, for example, General Petrov, who at one time headed the Russian Unity Party. It is clear that many in the West did not like the honest and thoughtful general, and they soon got rid of him. As we know, Petrov died of cancer. The Venezuelan leader, an implacable enemy of the Committee of 300, Hugo Chavez, also died of cancer. It seems that Chavez was specially infected with this disease, just like General Petrov.

If so, then it turns out that the causes of cancer are known to some, but not to everyone. They are trying to hide it from the masses. At the same time, huge number people, both in the West and in the East, are suffering from this disease. This leads one to wonder whether a huge mass of people in different countries? Against the backdrop of such an epidemic, any undesirable leader can be removed, and this can be attributed to the wave of a general disease.

At the same time, many nations have learned to treat cancer without resorting to official medicine. Sometimes, opportunities folk remedies surprise. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian healers treated cancer easily and simply, and did not consider it some kind of special, serious disease. Only later, with the Bolsheviks coming to power, when most of the traditional healers were shot, did cancer become “incurable.” From all of the above we can conclude: Russians traditional healers knew the nature of cancer and knew how to fight it.

Only recently has it become known to official science that cancer occurs for two reasons. The first reason is a reaction to a lack of vitamin B17 in the body. The second reason is that during a deficiency of this vitamin, the immune system in the human body is extremely weakened.

And the catalyst for the development of a cancerous tumor is the fungus Candida albicans, which lives in any human body and is the causative agent of candidiasis. Therefore, to infect any person with a malignant tumor, two factors are sufficient: the absence of vitamin B17 and a weakened immune system that cannot neutralize the action and proliferation of the fungus. Vitamin B17 is the main inhibitory factor in the body malignant tumor. If there is enough of this vitamin, then even a weakened immune system can cope with fungal disease.

Now let's see which vegetables and fruits contain vitamin B17. It turns out that it is not found in tomatoes, cucumbers, or any other cultivated plants in our garden. It is contained only in the seeds of ranetki, a cultivated apple tree, in the seeds of pears, apricots and plums, and in bitter almonds. That is why a number of corrupt scientists began to write dozens of articles about the dangers of plum and apricot kernels.

Allegedly, all these seeds contain too much poisonous cyanide, which “poisons the human body, destroys his liver, pancreas and hematopoietic organs" It is clear that this was an order in order to create a deficiency of vitamin B17 in people’s bodies.

Considering that modern man lives in constant stress, and stress, as we know, destroys immune system, in addition, the immune system is destroyed by GMOs and food chemistry, it is not difficult to guess where we have so many cancer patients. One detail is interesting: three centuries ago, this vitamin was present in vegetables, apples, and pears, in the pulp itself, but with the creation of new varieties, vitamin B17 remained only in the seeds of these plants.

That is why, back in the 17th century, cancer was common only to urban residents, and even then, quite rarely.

How did our Russian healers treat this disease? There were several ways to treat cancer, one of the most common we will describe. Traditional healers understood that the main thing in the treatment of any disease is the human immune system. Therefore, at the beginning of treatment, we tried to strengthen it as much as possible.

To do this, they took 1 kg of May or June honey, dissolved it in 1 liter of grape wine or vodka, rolled 1 kg of aloe vera (agave) into it, sometimes put 2 ficus leaves. Be sure to add 50g of dry forest or meadow horsetail and 20-50g of celandine to the composition. Sometimes celandine was replaced with raw meadow buttercup.

The poison of celandine and buttercup served as a killer for the cancerous fungus, and all other herbs strengthened the human immune system, and also served as an internal balm for healing wounds caused by the tumor.

When the composition was assembled, it was placed in a dark place and infused for 12 days. Then they drank this infusion 3 times a day, an hour before meals. Some traditional healers added dry or fresh to this composition. birch leaf, 50g, the same amount of St. John's wort or thyme was added. All this enhanced the effectiveness of the balm and helped the body quickly get rid of the disease. But this is only the first half of the treatment.

The second half consisted of eating 20-50 kernels of plum, apricot, almond or peach seeds 3 times a day. It is important to know that all these seeds are taken from fresh or dried fruits, not passed heat treatment. Traditional healers knew well that these bones contained a powerful poison, but they also knew something that modern science has only recently learned about.

The fact that this poison, cyanide, has absolutely no effect on the human body, since it is in connection with substances that neutralize it. This poison acts only on the pathogenic tumor, but not on the human body. It turns out that plum, apricot and peach seeds not only provide the body with vitamin B17, but also destroy cancer with their poison.

This therapy made it possible to completely cure a person of a malignant tumor within six months. In addition, the patient was recommended to take a steam bath and then douse himself ice water, ride in the snow. Sometimes he was forced to douse himself with water after sleeping, and then they rolled him up in a warm fur coat. All this was done to maximize the immune system.

There is another way to get rid of serious illness. It is even simpler, but requires the patient strong will. Pomors were usually treated this way. As you know, on the shore White Sea people did not raise bees, especially since they did not have southern plants such as aloe or ficus. Therefore, in those places, Russian people, having fallen ill with cancer, ate boyarka berries along with the seeds, which also contain vitamin B17, drank a decoction of chaga with milk, ate large quantities of wild apple fruits along with the seeds and practiced physical exercise, and for all muscle groups.

Instead of dumbbells and barbells, they used stones, sandbags, millstones and iron rods. What does this give? It turns out that during physical activity, human muscles lose a huge amount of protein, so much protein that a sick person cannot replenish it through food. Therefore, the body began to act in its own way.

It produced killer cells that ate the tumor protein, converting it into amino acids for muscle building. That is why modern fitnessists and bodybuilders almost never get cancer, although they do not eat foods containing vitamin B17.

Russian people also knew a lot of ways to treat cancer, but we will not describe these methods, since they involve the use of salts heavy metals(sublimate, mercuric chloride), although they are simple and reliable. That is why you cannot buy mercuric chloride in modern pharmacies, although other poisons are sold there. This is because it was not at all difficult for Russian folk healers to cure cancer with sublimate.

We wrote this short article so that our citizens understand that a cure for cancer was found a long time ago. But this means is used by a select few, the very ones who control our academic science and medicine. Therefore, our official science “cannot” cope with this disease of vitamin B17 deficiency, although traditional healers treated it without difficulty. The myth that cancer is incurable was created in order to keep society in fear of death.

And by creating an artificial deficiency of a vital vitamin, at the same time weakening the immune system of people, those who consider themselves masters of the planet are destroying millions. In addition, the myth of the incurability of cancer serves as a powerful weapon for them to manipulate the minds of unwanted political leaders, such as General Petrov, Hugo Chaves, Ibrahim Rugova, David Thompson, Eric Honnocker.

The article is reprinted from the VKontakte group,