The effect of alcohol on the human body. Dangerous diseases from alcohol

What associations do the words “beer, wine, champagne” evoke? Holiday, fun, friendly party, laughter. But for doctors and those who suffered from alcoholism, these names of alcoholic drinks evoke completely different associations - pain, illness, addiction, binge drinking, hangover. Let's see if the diseases caused by alcohol are really so diverse, because it seems to only harm the liver... or not?

In fact, quite the opposite - it is difficult to imagine illnesses from alcohol that an avid drinker of strong drinks would not encounter.

Liver diseases

The first and most powerful blow from alcohol is taken by the liver - the holy of holies of our body, which is responsible for neutralizing any alcoholic beverages, as well as food and medicinal toxins and poisons. It is here that ethanol is processed into poisonous acetaldehyde, and then into harmless compounds (water and carbon dioxide), which are excreted from the body.

The liver is also unique in that it has the resources for self-healing, but only to a certain limit and in the absence toxic substances. If a person drinks again and again alcoholic drinks, the liver has no resources left to regenerate its cells, it is depleted, the cells die and fatty degeneration of the organ occurs. As a result, the same cirrhosis of the liver develops, which is usually used to scare lovers of little white dogs and others. At the same time, gallstone disease develops, which leads to even greater intoxication of the organs.

Heart disease

The alcohol molecule can be called ubiquitous, since due to its very small size it penetrates through many membranes and barriers and poisons the cells and tissues of the body with its toxic metabolites. Thus, if we consider that 100 grams of pure vodka are broken down and excreted in 6 hours, all this time blood poisoned by acetaldehyde passes through the heart, which is also experiencing overload:

  • Pulse increases to 110 beats per minute,
  • Blockage of capillaries by blood clots leads to oxygen starvation heart muscle,
  • Because of this, it becomes more sluggish, fat and waste accumulate in the heart, which leads to hypertension and atherosclerosis.

One of the common diseases associated with alcoholism is cardiomyopathy, as well as arrhythmia, which lead to sudden cardiac arrest.

Pancreatic diseases

The pancreas also suffers. Although it is not directly involved in the processing of alcoholic beverages, alcohol causes spasms of its ducts, resulting in impaired production and evacuation digestive enzymes, which begin to digest the gland itself.

As a result, the pancreas swells, stones and protein plugs appear in it, and the organ becomes inflamed, which leads to alcoholic pancreatitis. Against this background, diabetes often develops.

Stomach diseases

A common disease caused by alcohol, as well as digestive disorders, since 20% of ethanol is absorbed by the walls of the stomach, which leads to their inflammation, ulcers and erosions. Digestion is also impaired, since the production of the enzymes necessary for this, primarily pepsin, slows down.

Nervous system diseases

More than 20 pathologies of the peripheral nervous system are associated with. Most often they occur in the second and in persons aged 35 to 50 years - we're talking about about alcoholic encephalopathy.

Hypoesthesia and paresis are also common - these are symptoms of loss of function, as well as convulsions. The causes of alcoholic encephalopathy are chronic carbohydrate and vitamin deficiency, and one of initial signs disease is neurasthenic syndrome– absent-mindedness, low performance, fatigue, depression, light sleep. Against this background, anger and aggression develop, after which memory weakens, interest in life is lost, and obvious personality degradation occurs.

Diseases of the genital area

Time and again, narcologists listen to the complaints of alcoholics that they seem to want something, but have not been able to do anything for a long time. And sex therapists also shrug their shoulders here - what can you do, it’s your own fault.

But at first it seems quite the opposite - alcohol invigorates, cheers, liberates, leads to strong sexual arousal, and sexual intercourse itself is somewhat prolonged because the sensitivity of the genital organs decreases. But embarrassment can already happen - at the most crucial moment, strength runs out and potency drops - this is due to disorders of sexual perception.

Further - more. The desire gradually fades away; more precisely, the love for sex is replaced by the love for the bottle, and the previously experienced strong arousal no longer stimulates potency. In the end sexual function fades away, and the man may not even be forty years old.

Blood disorders due to alcohol

Ethanol molecules - the basis of all alcoholic drinks - tend to disrupt the electronic potential of red blood cells, which ensures their mobility. As a result, red blood cells begin to stick together and form entire clusters. They clog the capillaries, and this, in turn, leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to many parts of the body, organs and systems.

This is why alcoholics have red or bluish noses, but the deterioration of blood supply leads to the death of areas internal organs.

Changes in skin condition caused by alcohol

With regular drinking of alcohol, a persistent disruption of the blood supply to all organs and systems occurs, which also affects the condition of the skin. It becomes gray, dull, and after drinking, a purple tint and swelling appear.

Microbleeds in surface layers epidermis lead to a persistent “alcoholic” blush, with flaking, dryness, sagging and pasty skin.

But alcohol also destroys the brain - due to thickening of the blood and blockage of its vessels, entire areas of this unique organ die.

And do you need all this “wealth”?

Alcohol dependence is considered a person’s pathological addiction to alcohol abuse. The appearance of this syndrome is caused by frequent drinking of alcohol, which provokes various diseases.
In most cases, indulgence, or dependence on alcohol, leads to disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, heart disease, and chronic malaise. To cope with similar problems, it is very important to stop drinking alcohol and consult a doctor to restore the body’s functioning. So, what diseases can arise from alcohol?

The effects of alcohol on the digestive organs

With excessive consumption of alcohol, irreversible processes occur in the human body that lead to a deterioration in the functioning of internal organs. Quite often the digestive organs are affected.
First of all overconsumption alcohol causes development peptic ulcer. On initial stages a person develops gastritis, which leads to a decrease in the production of gastric juice and disruption of the digestion process.
Without adequate therapy, the risk of ulcerative dyspepsia increases significantly. One of the manifestations of this state is spicy pain syndrome in the abdomen and the occurrence of ulcerative colic.
After drinking alcohol, decay products enter the intestinal walls, which leads to irritation of the mucous membranes. This causes disturbances in its functioning, constant spasms, and ulcerative dyspepsia. Ultimately, this is fraught with the appearance of malignant tumors.

May develop against the background of alcoholism ulcerative lesion duodenum, which is characterized by severe symptoms. The appearance of this disease usually requires surgical intervention and dieting.

After restoring the functioning of the body, a person needs to completely eliminate alcoholic drinks, since they can seriously harm a weakened body.

The effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system

After drinking alcohol, its breakdown products long time present in the blood. The heart that pumps it is also poisoned by toxins. In most cases, the heart rate increases, amounting to about 100 beats per minute.
The entry of ethanol into the blood provokes the clumping of red blood cells. Such accumulations cannot pass through the capillaries, which leads to their blockage. As a result, tissues and organs experience a lack of oxygen, and the heart muscle is no exception.
As a consequence, alcoholism causes early sclerosis and hypertension. If a person manages to completely give up alcohol, the functioning of the heart muscle is almost completely restored.
Excessive alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of developing cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias. Such diseases can lead to sudden death due to cardiac arrest or heart attack.
The syndrome may also develop alcoholic heart. It is characterized by organ poisoning with alcohol and its metabolites. As a result, coronary artery disease often develops.
Drinking alcohol leads to insufficient production of proteins in the liver, which leads to rapid functional wear and tear of the heart. The absorption of B vitamins, which are required for normal operation of this body.
As a result of examining alcoholics, it can be established that almost all of them have dilation of the cavities of the heart and a disturbance in its rhythm. The fact is that ethyl alcohol disrupts the distribution of potassium and magnesium ions in the muscle, which causes myocardial dystrophy and disrupts the rhythm.

The effects of alcohol on the pancreas

Alcoholics often suffer from pancreatic diseases. This organ is responsible for the synthesis important hormone– insulin, which regulates sugar metabolism in the human body. If insulin supply decreases, a person's glucose tolerance changes, causing premature development diabetes mellitus.
Alcohol is strong poison, which leads to spasms of the pancreatic ducts. This prevents normal excretion and evacuation of enzymes. As a result, the iron begins to digest its tissues.

This is why stones and plugs form, the organ increases in size, and inflammation begins. This is fraught with the development of a disease such as acute alcoholic pancreatitis. It is a consequence of poisoning by the breakdown product of ethanol - acetaldehyde.

Problems with the liver and kidneys

However, the main impact after drinking alcohol falls on the liver. It is in this organ that the breakdown of alcohol occurs. Its products leave the body through the organs respiratory system, intestines and kidneys.
Systematic consumption of alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the liver and its ability to remove toxic substances from the blood. As a result, the organ becomes defenseless and loses the ability to restore its cells.
This provokes fat degradation and serious illnesses. Dead cells are replaced connective tissue, which is fraught with cirrhosis of the liver.
If a person has cholelithiasis, drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated for him, since this leads to additional poisoning of the liver.
Quite often, kidney disease develops against the background of alcoholism. The point is that part toxic substances after the breakdown of ethanol products, it is excreted by this organ. After prolonged drinking, there is a risk of developing kidney dystrophy, which leads to acute failure of this body.
The list of pathologies also includes chronic disorders that provoke severe symptoms. In some cases, even kidney failure is observed. In addition, alcoholics often develop urolithiasis, which is characterized by acute pain.
People with kidney pathologies are strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol. In particular, this ban applies to beer, which negatively affects the organs of even healthy people.

Take a quick test and receive a free brochure “Binge Alcoholism and How to Cope with It.”

Did you have any relatives in your family who went on long-term “binges”?

Do you get a hangover the day after drinking a large dose of alcohol?

Does it become “easier” for you if you “hangover” (drink) the morning after a stormy feast?

What is your normal blood pressure?

Do you have an “acute” desire to “drink” after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you feel more confident and relaxed after drinking alcohol?

The effect of alcohol on immunity

Various lesions often develop against the background of alcoholism immune system. The reason for this condition is a decrease in the strength of defense mechanisms. Also in this state there is depression protective function protein components of blood.
Impaired functioning of the immune system in people who drink regularly is caused by a decrease in lysozyme content. This protein is part of most human secretions - saliva, tears, etc. It is lysozyme that ensures the body’s ability to cope with the action of microbes by breaking down their shell.

With direct exposure to ethanol bone marrow, which is responsible for the synthesis of lymphocytes, there is a significant decrease in their number. In addition, liver dysfunction develops. As a result of weakened immunity, stable foci of infectious diseases form in the human body. Over time, they become chronic.
This is why people suffering from alcoholism are much more likely to become infected infectious diseases– for example, pneumonia. Under the influence of alcohol, the body synthesizes autoantibodies, which are the opposite of healthy cells. Such antibodies are produced in the liver, brain tissue, and spleen. As a result, complete damage to the nervous system occurs.

Development of neurological complications

One of the common disorders that develops as a result of alcohol consumption is polyneuritis. It is typical for him inflammatory lesion nerve limbs.
The main symptom of this condition is impaired sensitivity to pain and temperature. This may cause your legs to become numb or weak. Sometimes people feel a burning sensation in their lower limbs. This condition is characterized by skin lesions, swelling, excessive sweating arms and legs.
Alcohol addiction provokes severe mental disorders and syndromes. It may even cause fatal outcome, since it leads to severe mental and neurological disorders in the body. Men who have been drinking alcohol regularly for 5 years, and women who have been drinking alcohol for 3 years, gradually develop encephalopathy.

Now you know what pathologies can be caused by alcohol addiction. Diseases caused by long-term alcohol consumption usually have a complex course and require complete abstinence from drinking alcohol. To cope with a bad habit, it is best to contact a specialized specialist.


Alcohol consumption can currently be called one of the most common problems. Every year a huge number of people die from alcohol addiction, and even more suffer from various diseases, which are quite difficult to live with. Therefore, today we will talk about what diseases appear from alcohol.

Common diseases

Most people are aware of the destructive effects of alcohol on the body. Despite this, statistics on alcohol consumption are not encouraging. People still continue to use it, ruining their bodies.

What diseases does alcohol cause?

  • Heart diseases.
  • Problems with digestion and blood pressure.
  • Serious disturbances in liver function.
  • Problems with the nervous system, brain and many others.

Ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on many vital organs and systems. Therefore, next we will consider in more detail the list of diseases that develop with alcoholism.

Heart problems

Drinking alcohol can cause your heart rate to increase to 120 beats per minute. At the same time, ethyl alcohol, entering the body, has a destructive effect on the charge of red blood cells. As a result, they stick together, which can lead to blockage of the capillaries. This leads to the fact that the heart, like many other organs, does not receive oxygen in the required quantity.

Lack of oxygen is the cause of heart disease. After all, fat and toxins accumulate in the tissues of the heart, interfering with its coordinated work. People who regularly drink alcohol often develop heart diseases such as:

  • Hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Cardiomyopathy.

If you don't stop in time and get rid of addiction, this can lead to heart attack and even death.


Job blood vessels depends on the sympathetic nervous system, which, under the influence of ethanol, begins to function incorrectly. The nervous system begins to lose control over the reaction of blood vessels to external stimuli.

Alcohol contributes to the development of hypertension, which can become chronic. Against the background of this disease, problems with the heart and kidneys arise.


Ethanol quickly penetrates the blood and can negatively affect its composition. The number of red blood cells present in the blood decreases. And this happens for the same reason as in the case of the heart - lack of oxygen.

These changes contribute to the development of anemia, in which:

  • The person experiences shortness of breath.
  • He gets tired quite quickly.
  • Throughout the day he feels overwhelmed and depressed, wants to sleep all the time.
  • He gets dizzy from time to time.


Diseases caused by alcoholism often take on a frightening character. They can make the life of a drinker limited and significantly shorten its duration. A serious consequence alcoholism are malignant tumors.

Their development is due to the fact that formaldehyde accumulates in the body of a person who loves alcoholic beverages and drinks them systematically. This substance is a carcinogen and promotes the development of malignant tumors.


This is another problem that you may encounter drinking man. Track the dynamics of development of this disease difficult. In the same way, it is difficult to say how long a person should drink and in what quantity for the development of this problem. Representatives of the fair sex most often encounter it.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on liver function. It is she who is entrusted with the work of cleansing the blood of toxins. Ethanol modifies and destroys its tissues. In the future, this leads to the fact that the liver cannot fully function.


Another name for this disease is “acquired dementia.” As a person ages, their brain tends to shrink. This happens with a certain tendency. In people dependent on alcohol, this process occurs somewhat faster.

Penetrating into the body, ethanol affects the functioning of the brain. Its cells begin to die, which leads to disruption of the functioning of its important departments. A person has the following symptoms:

  • Memory deteriorates.
  • Reasonability is lost.
  • Solving problems is not as easy as planning anything.


Alcohol addiction and depression are closely intertwined. Scientists have not been able to fully study this relationship. But when a person is in depressed state, he drinks alcohol, which lifts his spirits and makes him forget about his problems.

While on a binge, a person often feels depressed, overwhelmed and apathetic - symptoms similar to depression. And as practice shows, having recovered from alcoholism, a person manages to get out of a state of depression.

Epilepsy, seizure syndrome

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages causes poisoning of the body with ethyl alcohol and toxic additives. Against this background, brain damage occurs, which causes convulsive syndrome. And if it appeared once, it will definitely repeat itself and may even turn into chronic form.

For epilepsy, medications are prescribed that must be taken periodically. If they were consumed together with drinks containing ethyl alcohol, their effect will be minimized.

That is, the body will not receive a certain substance, and one can predict its reaction to this situation difficult. For a person, this can turn out disastrously.

The disease develops against the background of crystal deposition uric acid under the skin and in the joints. This problem can cause severe discomfort and pain. Although it is hereditary, there are some factors that can accelerate its development:

  • Alcohol.
  • Failure to comply with a special diet.

Often people suffering from gout and alcoholism have expressed their opinions regarding the effect of alcohol on their gout condition. After they managed to get rid of alcohol addiction, their health improved, and the symptoms that cause discomfort with this disease decreased.

Alcohol is often the cause of gout.


The effect of ethanol has a negative effect on the nerves. It damages nerve trunks and endings. Since in alcoholism, nutrition is usually poor and unbalanced, this only aggravates the toxic effects of ethanol.


Ethyl alcohol overloads the pancreas, in which inflammatory processes begin to occur. If the disease becomes chronic, the person experiences significant discomfort:


Alcohol changes the stomach lining. The following changes occur:

  • Digestive function is impaired.
  • Appetite disappears.
  • Pain occurs.

Many people attribute these symptoms to hangover syndrome. But this is the body making it clear that not everything is okay with it.

Intestinal necrosis

Intestinal necrosis develops from alcohol abuse. This disease is vascular. The body is poisoned by decay products. Moreover, all these changes are carried out quite quickly, and if this does not follow proper treatment the situation may turn out to be dire.


When ethanol enters the human body, vasodilation occurs and blood flow increases. Moving through the vessels, the blood encounters hemorrhoids, it stagnates, and the pressure on the walls of the vessels increases. In addition, alcohol negatively affects liver function, which also affects blood flow.

Delirium delirium or hallucinosis

Alcohol has a devastating effect on the brain. It gradually destroys it, triggers a mechanism in it that leads to the fact that a person:

  • Hears strange voices.
  • He's delusional.
  • Begins to be unreasonably jealous.
  • Faces excessive sweating, trembling.
  • Suffering from high blood pressure.

All these are signs of alcoholic delirium or hallucinosis.

These are common diseases of alcoholics. The number of deaths from these diseases increases every year.

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29.10.2017 Doctor Evgenia Aleksandrovna Miroshnikova 3

What diseases does alcohol abuse lead to?

Ethyl alcohol is a nerve poison for human body. The list of diseases caused by alcohol is extremely long; this toxic substance affects literally all organs and systems. By drinking alcohol occasionally and in moderation, it is quite possible to avoid dangerous consequences. But abuse leads to the development of alcoholism, which is extremely difficult to cure. In addition, alcoholism causes serious physiological, neurological and mental disorders.

Alcohol abuse is a risk factor for the development of diseases of the brain, heart, kidneys, respiratory system and reproduction, disorders hormonal levels. The liver, blood vessels, heart and gastrointestinal organs are primarily affected.

The heart is the most important organ, communicating with all the others through an extensive network of blood vessels. When work is disrupted under the permanent influence of ethyl alcohol vascular system, absolutely all organs suffer.

Excessive drinking is dangerous not only because medical reasons. This phenomenon is of an acute social nature. Alcoholics often become the perpetrators of murders, attacks, and robberies. In addition, alcohol dependence leads to the development of mental disorders, which also leads to dangerous consequences. Inappropriate people also commit crimes, and can harm themselves and others, causing injuries incompatible with life.

Diseases from alcohol can be very serious and lead to disability and death of alcoholics. In some cases, excessive drinking, usually as a result of prolonged drinking, leads to depression of vital important functions body. This condition is called alcoholic coma and in 85% of cases it ends in death.

The effects of alcohol on the gastrointestinal tract

Alcoholic drinks enter the body through digestive tract exerting pressure on him negative influence. The esophagus and stomach are the first to take on the toxic impact of alcohol; this is where absorption into the blood and the first stages of processing of ethyl alcohol occur. Stomach diseases from alcohol are due to the fact that ethyl alcohol has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane and blood vessels of the organ.

In addition, ethyl alcohol aggravates the acidity of the gastric environment. This is why people who drink alcohol immoderately often suffer from heartburn. High acidity is a negative factor that leads to damage to the gastric mucosa and its inflammation (gastritis), as well as the formation of peptic ulcers. For the same reason, the risk of developing malignant neoplasms increases.

The stomach is all entangled with a huge number of blood vessels necessary for rapid absorption nutrients and spreading it throughout the body. As already noted, under the influence of alcohol vascular walls become more brittle, which significantly increases the likelihood of gastric bleeding.

Not all of the alcohol consumed is absorbed in the stomach; some of it enters the intestines. Some of the ethanol breakdown products are also sent there. Therefore, all alcoholics suffer from defecation disorders, most often diarrhea, sometimes long-term constipation. In addition, if you take alcohol constantly, the balance intestinal microflora undergoes significant negative changes.

The effect of alcohol on the brain and nervous system

If you abuse alcohol over a long period of time, various mental disorders, most often manifested as delirium delirium, Korsakoff's psychosis, Wernicke's encephalopathy.

Ethanol has a detrimental effect on brain cells. As a result of toxic effects, the metabolic processes. Some cells die, others change pathologically and begin to function incorrectly.

In addition, under the influence of alcohol, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, it is exposed to hypoxia, and experiences a deficiency of nutrients, which also contributes to the development of pathologies. The functions of some brain centers are significantly reduced, and over time, these areas may stop functioning altogether.

As a result of alcohol abuse, the functioning of areas responsible for coordination of movements and speech is disrupted, and the visual analyzer suffers.

Long-term alcohol consumption depresses cognitive functions of the brain:

  • attention;
  • thinking;
  • memory;
  • concentration.

Many alcohol addicts experience intellectual degradation, inability to concentrate, and short memory.

Alcohol addiction makes a person anxious and restless. All alcoholics have sleep disorders: they suffer from insomnia, and when they manage to fall asleep, the sleep is shallow and superficial.

The role of alcohol in diseases of the cardiovascular system

Ethyl alcohol acts on blood vessels in such a way that their smooth muscles relax. After some time, the vessels, on the contrary, narrow. Such pressure changes are very harmful to the condition of the vascular system. The walls of blood vessels become weaker, their permeability increases.

The most common heart diseases caused by alcohol include: hypertension and atherosclerosis. The myocardium itself is also subject to the destructive effects of ethanol. Muscle fibers the hearts become flabby, quickly wear out, and are interspersed with fatty tissue due to improper metabolic processes.

During the period when an alcoholic stops drinking alcohol for some reason, the so-called withdrawal syndrome occurs. At this time, the heart works in emergency mode, the patient experiences:

  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • uneven pulse;
  • instability of blood pressure.

Under the influence of ethanol, the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity and become more permeable, which can eventually lead to internal bleeding. As a result of insufficient functionality of the blood vessels, circulatory disorders occur, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to all organs is disrupted, as a result of which they begin to function ineffectively.

Insufficient blood supply leads to the development of ischemia. This process can affect not only the heart muscle, but also other organs. Alcoholics with the second or third stage of addiction have an increased risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis, heart failure, cardiomyalgia, and hypertension.

Action on the pancreas

The pancreas is not directly involved in ethanol processing. It only produces certain enzymes. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, spasms may occur in the pancreas, preventing the release of these enzymes into the stomach. As a result, a process develops that can be described as self-digestion.

Alcohol also slows down the production of insulin, which puts you at risk of developing diabetes. Ethanol and its metabolites have negative impact on functional cells pancreas, which leads to their necrosis, development inflammatory process(pancreatitis).

The effect of alcohol on the liver

The liver is the body's natural filter. Its task is to cleanse the blood of any toxic substances that enter the body. By processing the bulk of ethyl alcohol, liver cells are exposed to its destructive effects. This organ is unique; it has several self-healing mechanisms. Nature intended it this way because otherwise constant exposure to toxic substances would destroy it very quickly. However healthy liver capable of cleaning itself. To do this, she needs a period of relative rest.

An alcoholic who drinks constantly overloads the liver and does not give it rest, which leads to the development of various diseases.

The most common and well-known liver disease caused by alcohol is cirrhosis. But even in chronic alcoholics who drink daily, it takes years to develop. It is preceded by the so-called alcoholic hepatitis. This disease is clinically similar to viral inflammation of the liver. In addition to hepatitis, drinkers also begin to develop hepatosis. During the cirrhotic process, functional liver cells die, and the lack of tissue is filled with non-functional, rough connective tissue. With hepatosis, fatty deposits begin to appear in the liver tissues. This process is associated with metabolic disorders.

Under the influence of ethanol and acetaldehyde, liver cells die. The survivors begin to expand so that the organ maintains normal size. This is one of the liver's protective mechanisms. As a result of this mechanism, the functionality of the liver is significantly reduced, since the number and structure of functioning cells is insufficient for normal functioning. The liver does not have time to restore cellular structures.

The effect of alcohol on the gallbladder

Also negative influence alcohol also affects the functioning gallbladder. Quite often alcoholics are diagnosed cholelithiasis(ZhKB). This, in turn, provokes the development of cholecystitis. This dangerous disease, in the absence of proper treatment, it takes a purulent, phlegmonous or gangrenous course. These diseases very often lead to sepsis and death.

Kidney disorders

Most common kidney diseases caused by alcohol:

  • urolithiasis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • degenerative processes in the kidneys.

Under the influence of alcohol, the kidneys quickly lose their ability to fully perform their functions. Their main job is to filter, form urine and remove filtered substances from the body.

Due to disturbances in the outflow of urine, excessive swelling develops. This is why alcoholics often look bloated.

Ethanol poisoning that continues over a long period of time leads to the development of pyelonephritis and metabolic disorders in the cellular structures of the kidneys. One of the most severe consequences alcoholism is the formation of stones in the ducts of organs and the development of degenerative processes.

Renal tissue dystrophy is an irreversible process that develops against the background of metabolic disorders and leads to damage to cellular structures and intercellular space. As degeneration progresses, the kidneys lose their ability to filter and produce urine. This leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body and worsening intoxication.

The effect of alcohol on the immune system

The body spends a lot of nutrients and vitamins on the processing and elimination of ethanol and its metabolites.

Drinking a glass or two occasionally, a person may not notice the losses. However, with constant alcohol consumption, a deficiency of many useful compounds which cause vitamin deficiency and anemia.

Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the activity of lymphocytes - elements of the immune system, and the synthesis of the lysozyme protein, necessary for sufficient secretion of saliva and tear fluid, decreases. Being part of these secretions, lysozyme has a destructive effect on the membranes of pathogenic microorganisms.

The body's ability to fight infectious diseases. He becomes less protected from exposure negative factors external environment and infectious agents. Not good dangerous viruses, leading to the development colds, called when reduced level more immunity severe course simple diseases. Becomes possible development dangerous consequences.

For example, not very dangerous flu can lead to complications such as:

  1. pneumonia;
  2. cardiac and respiratory failure.

In addition, the body becomes vulnerable to dangerous infections, such as human immunodeficiency virus, tuberculosis and others.

Schizophrenia and delirium tremens as consequences of alcohol dependence

The progression of alcoholism leads to the development of various mental disorders. The most common mental disorder Diagnosed in alcoholics is delirium tremens or delirium tremens. This is an acute alcoholic psychosis that develops as a result of cessation of alcohol consumption. This condition is characterized by:

  • inappropriate behavior;
  • hallucination of the patient;
  • the development of delusional ideas;
  • loss of the ability to navigate in space and assess what is happening around.

There are frequent cases of development alcoholic schizophrenia. Unlike delirium, which is a transient condition, schizophrenia is virtually incurable. She becomes the result pathological processes, occurring in the nerve fibers of the central nervous system. Schizophrenia is characterized by a personality disorder and requires constant medical monitoring. Schizophrenics have periods of remission when they do not pose a danger to others or themselves. In case of relapse, such patients must be isolated.

Not all alcoholics develop this disease. In order for this disease to begin to progress, a combination of several factors is necessary. Alcoholism becomes one of the provocateurs.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

With prolonged abuse, alcohol has a negative effect on the functionality of the musculoskeletal system.

By affecting the joints, alcohol addiction leads to the development of gout. This disease is characterized by severe:

  • joint pain;
  • swelling;
  • hyperemia of the affected joint.

Signs of gout begin to appear when there is a high concentration of uric acid, due to constant intoxication, which begins to linger in the body and be deposited in the joints.

Neurological disorders

Alcohol has a very strong effect nervous system, having a pronounced negative effect on the functioning of neurons and the conductivity of nerve fibers. As a result of disruption of interaction between cells, polyneuropathy develops. Signs of this neurological disorder are:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • muscle fiber atrophy;
  • impaired response to external influences;
  • pain in the affected areas.

Polyneuropathy affects the peripheral nervous system, which has an extensive network of neurons in all parts of the body. Therefore, the manifestations of this disease are extremely varied.

Regular alcohol consumption leads to death nerve cells. The result of this process is degeneration of all parts of the nervous system.

Nervous systems

Defeat central department leads to the development of various persistent mental disorders. Such disorders include:

  • epilepsy;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

These pathologies, if there is a predisposition, develop, as a rule, in old age. However, due to disturbances in the conduction of nerve fibers under the influence of ethanol, such disorders can be diagnosed in alcoholics at a relatively young age.

Drinking alcohol, especially regularly, leads to disruption of the functioning of absolutely all organs and systems of the body. It's not noticeable at first. However, when the manifestations become severe, it is extremely difficult to treat such diseases. It is easier to prevent them by refusing to drink alcohol.

The effect of alcohol on the stomach

We all know that alcohol destroys our body - all organs suffer, including the stomach. The stomach produces a substance (mucin) that protects its walls. Alcohol blocks this function and makes the stomach practically defenseless against everything a person consumes. This is very bad, because modern man, I’m used to eating a lot of non-natural food.

The lack of mucin production has a bad effect especially on a young body - the stomach ages and can no longer work as it should, as a result: cardiovascular - vascular diseases, skin problems, angina pectoris...

Systematic alcohol consumption leads to almost complete absence mucin - vomiting occurs when eating food, lethargy, drowsiness, loss of orientation, slow and illogical speech. In addition, it is difficult for the body to cope with fatty foods, a person has to give up many necessary vitamins and microelements, a stomach ulcer or gastritis gradually develops. In addition, the stomach can become favorable environment for the development of cancer.

The degree of damage to the stomach walls by alcohol primarily depends on the strength of the drink - strong drinks burn the walls of the stomach and esophagus, which will take a long time to recover. Alcohol reduces enzyme activity, which makes the digestion process much worse. The body suffers from salt deficiency folic acid, which leads to changes in cell structure small intestine, which are responsible for the absorption of many nutrients into the body, such as glucose and sodium.

Regular drunkenness leads to disruption of the secretion of gastric glands, which secrete gastric juice. Mucus appears in the stomach, which is unable to digest food, as a result of which the metabolism gradually deteriorates.


The stomach is a very important organ, the work of which affects the condition of the body as a whole. IN modern world we already expose our body to a lot severe trials. Is it worth drinking alcohol for the sake of false pleasure, while killing your body? Definitely NO!