What does a pediatric gastroenterologist treat?

What it treats and what diseases it eliminates, how it performs techniques and what it uses to combat problems - we will look at all this here.


Medicine is a multi-component science that has large number branches, including gastroenterology. What does a gastroenterologist treat? Specialists in this part of medicine undergo training that allows them to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

The primary stage of diagnosis is carried out by therapists and pediatricians. In the majority of cases, gastrointestinal diseases are determined by the patient’s visit to hospitals or clinics due to abdominal pain or digestive disorders.


When answering the question of what a gastroenterologist treats and what symptoms to treat, you need to analyze the specifics of this doctor’s activities. We can say that his area of ​​research is the processes of digestion and absorption of substances. In the world of today, this profession is in great demand, and this is due to problems arising in the gastrointestinal tract departments.

Some of the main diseases that lead to a visit to the doctor are the following:

  • polyps;
  • ulcers;
  • presence of gastritis;
  • diseases of oncological nature;
  • gall bladder problems, dyskinesia;
  • disruption of the digestive process;
  • development of cholecystitis.

IN this list health problems, dyskinesia must be accepted as a somatic type phenomenon, and not inflammation. The presence of problems causes difficulty or shutdown of digestion processes, which subsequently leads to a deterioration in the condition of the entire body and affects the well-being of a person and the gland located under the stomach.

Based on this, we can determine that a gastroenterologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to remember that avoiding visits to these specialists can in the future lead to a serious number of health problems that can develop, even become chronic. In many cases, the formation of polyps or the development of formations of an oncological nature cannot be ruled out.


What diseases does a gastroenterologist treat and what means does he use to combat them? These questions are most often asked by potential patients about to see a doctor.

First of all, the specialist is obliged to establish the most accurate diagnostic data. To do this, he needs to examine the patient and conduct comprehensive examination, accompanied by the collection of analyses. Thanks to the comprehensive collection of results and their analysis, the doctor can determine the form of treatment needed by the patient.

It is difficult to give a clear definition regarding what a gastroenterologist treats and what specific methods he uses to eliminate problems. This is due to the lack of a clear description of the methods themselves, due to the many various types diseases that can have absolutely different ways their healing. Direct methods include prescribing medications, phytotherapeutic sessions, analysis of diet for a certain period of time, etc. Operational measures may be applied in case of emergency. After this, the person is helped to undergo a recovery course.

Doctor's appointment

Continuing the topic of what diseases a gastroenterologist treats, we can point out that diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract are his main specialization. Nowadays, people are increasingly having problems of this kind, and therefore the demand for specialists in this field is increasing. This doctor can work in any age categories, which is very remarkable for him.

What does a gastroenterologist treat for women, children, men? Problems in most cases are of the same nature and are only sometimes determined by the developmental characteristics of the patient’s body at a specific stage of ontogenesis.

It is better not to delay the moment at which it is better for you to contact a specialist in this field of medicine. Much is determined by the body's individual ability to withstand certain symptoms that cause diseases, especially those that can seriously complicate life and worsen well-being. Precisely due to the fact that people often procrastinate going to the doctor, in his office there are most often patients with already bright severe symptoms. Any problem occurring in the gastrointestinal tract should be given attention.

What does a gastroenterologist treat and what symptoms should you contact him for? Here it is worth noting the most widely known:

  • feeling of heaviness and pain in the stomach;
  • the presence of discomfort and systematic cases of bloating;
  • painful sensations in the intestines.

Among a number of reasons that determine the importance of a consultation, it is necessary to pay attention to the feeling of heartburn, the presence of bitterness in the mouth, belching, which has a specific odor, which is also felt from the mouth when breathing. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the presence of pain in the areas under the ribs, problems with stool, nausea, and atypical color of stool. People who have taken medicines for long period who have undergone radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Areas of activity

Among the list of what a gastroenterologist treats, his area of ​​expertise includes various types hepatitis, the presence of toxoplasmosis and dyspancreatism, mononucleosis of an infectious nature, gastritis, as well as cases in which symptoms of pyelonephritis, nephropathy and glomerulonephritis are observed. Gallstones and urolithiasis also treated by a gastroenterologist.

Thanks to the above information, we can summarize that the main organs treated by a doctor in this field of medicine include the sections of the small and large intestines, gallbladder and its excretory tract, the stomach, the entire structure of the esophagus, the liver and the pancreas.

Diagnostic measures used in the study of gastroenterological problems include ultrasound of the abdomen, gastroscopy, as well as urography and general diagnostics.

Procrastination of reception

In case of disruption of the functioning of the tract responsible for digestion, the phenomenon of incomplete absorption of food consumed by a person may occur. However, over time, an incorrectly performed process of breaking down food particles leads to the fact that nutrients form toxic compounds organic nature. This process leads to the creation of a situation in which the body poisons itself, and against the background of this, somatic disorders begin to develop.

This occurs simultaneously with a deterioration in the person's general health, and can affect their ability to perform work and cause changes in appearance. Immune system the body of a sick person also undergoes a series of transformations, during which it weakens and worse protects the body from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Gastroenterological examinations also need to be done regularly for children. This will make it possible in the future to prevent a number of consequences caused by the lack or complete absence of treatment for gastrointestinal diseases, since this kind of problem can affect the process of formation of a child who has not yet matured physiologically. There are many other diseases that can affect a child; it should not be filled with these kinds of problems.

One of the main advice of gastroenterologists is to convey to people the information that not only low quality food can cause diseases of the organs that make up the human gastrointestinal tract. If the cause is specifically food, then you need to find good specialist for consultation regarding correct mode nutrition and selection of food consumed during the day. The doctor will help the patient create a balanced diet.

Some methods of gastroenterology

We have looked at what a gastroenterologist treats and what symptoms you should contact him for advice or examination. Now we will learn about some of the methods of their activities.

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is a procedure performed using special mechanisms - endoscopes. They are inserted into the patient's esophagus or opening. anus. Endoscopes transmit image information to a screen or eyepiece directly from the organs being examined. Modern practical measures include the use of two types of flexible endoscopic devices: fiber-optic video and fiber endoscopes. With their help, specialists are engaged in the process of digitizing visible objects to convert information into an image.

Having determined what a gastroenterologist treats, one of his methodological techniques can include the study of acidity in the upper areas of the gastrointestinal tract.

pH-metry is carried out inside the stomach cavity, which plays one of the most significant roles in the diagnostic process and the procedure for curing an illness that is an acid-dependent disease. This is also important in determining the presence of reflux of a gastroesophageal, duodenogastric and pharyngolaryngeal nature. Among practical methods Several methods have become most widely known:

  • endoscopic type (takes up to five minutes of measurements);
  • express pH-metry (lasting up to thirty minutes);
  • stimulation with short-term exposure (up to three hours);
  • long-term effect (from twenty-four hours).

pH data can be used to create an assessment of the activity of drugs aimed at suppressing acidity or acid production. The measurement can be performed using a special probe inserted orally or transnasally, as well as through instrumental endoscopes and pH-metric capsules attached to the tissue of the esophageal wall.

A little history

Who is a gastroenterologist? What does it treat and what problems does it solve? These issues must also be considered from a historical point of view, because the process of formation of this discipline in the field of medicine was largely determined by historical development society and scientific progress. As a separate branch of medicine, gastroenterology was formed at the beginning of the twentieth century, but its issues were considered in ancient times by people of various nations. Questions about what a gastroenterologist treats in men or women and how diseases of the two sexes may differ began to interest society already at the stages when this science became quite developed and had a huge store of knowledge about the human body.

Historical research has made it possible to establish that Assyrian and Babylonian works on medicine, created in cuneiform on special tiles, contain information about abdominal pain, the presence of jaundice, flatulence, diarrhea, lack of desire to eat, etc.

Third century BC e. became a period of historical epoch during which Erasistratus explored various quality characteristics and the functioning of the organs dedicated to digestion, using animals for this purpose, was able to observe gastric peristalsis on a living creature. I was inclined to believe that food inside a person is digested through a series of mechanical grindings performed by the stomach. A human autopsy allowed him to create a description of the liver and bile ducts.

During the first century, C. Galen tried to describe stomach ulcers, and recommended various diets as methods of combating them.

May 29 is the main day for healthy digestion

In global society, there is a period of time designated by a global holiday, Healthy Digestion Day, May 29. As a rule, such events are thematic in nature. For example, the basis for the holiday was the question of what heals pediatric gastroenterologist. In this case, the form of events and promotions related to gastroenterology will, as a rule, address issues related to the specifics of treating children.


What does a gastroenterologist treat for women or men, children, adults and pensioners? Having the information written above, we can conclude that the main area of ​​activity of specialists in this medical discipline extends to most problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Gastroenterologist about childhood diseases: GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), causes, signs, manifestations, treatment - video
  • Gastroenterologist on the treatment of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease): lifestyle, nutrition, medications - video
  • Pediatric gastroenterologist: abdominal pain in a child, infant colic, gas, feeding, constipation and diarrhea, etc. - video
  • Three products that are hazardous to health from the point of view of a gastroenterologist: sausage, milk, soda
  • Gastroenterologist and dentist: the connection between infections in the mouth (caries, periodontitis) and the development of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases - video
  • Gastroenterologist about dysphagia (problem with swallowing): types, causes, diagnosis - video
  • Gastroenterologist: causes and treatment of diseases (acidity, stomach ulcers, pancreatic problems, etc.), doctor’s advice on choosing medications, diet – video

  • Make an appointment with a Gastroenterologist

    Who is a gastroenterologist?

    Gastroenterologist is a medical specialist involved in prevention, diagnosis and treatment various diseases organs gastrointestinal tract and a number of other organs involved in the digestion process. That is, any problems with the digestive tract are the scope professional activities gastroenterologist.

    To qualify as a gastroenterologist, a doctor must complete an internship or residency in the specialty of gastroenterology. Graduates of medical universities who have graduated from the faculties of general medicine are accepted for internship or residency in this specialty. In addition, general practitioners can obtain the qualification of a gastroenterologist, but also after completing an internship or residency in the specialty "gastroenterology" or after special thematic advanced training courses.

    Gastroenterologists are specialists therapeutic profile because they treat various diseases digestive tract conservative methods(medication, physiotherapy, non-traditional, etc.). If, to treat any disease of the digestive tract, it is necessary to perform surgery, then gastroenterologists refer such a patient to surgical department multidisciplinary hospital, in which the necessary operations are carried out.

    In other words, any conservative treatment Diseases of the digestive tract are carried out by a gastroenterologist, and surgical treatment is carried out by a surgeon.

    Gastroenterologists work in specialized departments of hospitals (gastroenterology departments) or conduct consultations in clinics. Specialists working in both hospitals and clinics diagnose and treat the same diseases. But gastroenterologists at clinics treat diseases of the digestive tract that do not require hospitalization. That is, if general condition If the person and the severity of the disease allow treatment on an outpatient basis, it is managed by a gastroenterologist at the clinic. If the disease is severe, then such a patient is sent to a specialized department of the hospital, where treatment is also carried out by a gastroenterologist, but under constant supervision medical personnel.

    In some cases, patients in non-serious condition are hospitalized in the gastroenterology departments of the hospital for the purpose of accurate diagnosis when it is not possible to identify the disease at the clinic level, or it is associated with difficulties and for a long time waiting for necessary examinations.

    Pediatric gastroenterologist

    A pediatric gastroenterologist is a specialist involved in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the digestive tract in children under 18 years of age. A pediatric gastroenterologist does the same work as an “adult” doctor, but only for children. Pediatric gastroenterologists are usually doctors who have graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics medical university, since for their professional activities they require knowledge of the features child's body, work and size of organs, as well as their location in abdominal cavity, which differ from those in adults.

    What does a gastroenterologist treat?

    General information. Gastroenterologist diagnoses and treats various pathologies stomach, esophagus, all parts of the intestine (duodenum, small and large intestine), gall bladder, biliary tract, pancreas and liver. In other words, any disease that can disrupt the digestion process is identified and treated by a gastroenterologist.

    Diseases treated by a gastroenterologist. A gastroenterologist deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases of the digestive tract:

    1. Diseases of the esophagus:

    • Dysphagia (impaired swallowing);
    • Peptic ulcers of the esophagus;
    • Obstruction (narrowing of the lumen) of the esophagus;
    • Esophageal dyskinesia;
    • Esophageal diverticulum;
    2. Diseases of the stomach and duodenum:
    • Peptic ulcer;
    • Duodenal ulcer;
    • Peptic ulcers;
    • Ulcer perforation (perforation);
    • Bleeding from a gastric or duodenal ulcer;
    • Stenosis (narrowing) of the pylorus of the stomach;
    • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
    • Acute and chronic gastritis (including chronic hypertrophic, granulosa, alcoholic, acute hemorrhagic gastritis etc.);
    • Acute and chronic duodenitis;
    • Acute and chronic gastroduodenitis;
    • Menetrier's disease;
    • Gastric diverticulosis;
    • Duodenal diverticulosis;
    • Post-gastroresection disorders (digestive disorders after removal of all or part of the stomach, for example, dumping syndrome, afferent loop syndrome, etc.).
    3. Pancreatic diseases:
    • Acute and chronic pancreatitis;
    • Pancreatic steatorrhea.
    4. Liver diseases:
    • Acute and chronic viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and delta;
    • Toxic liver disease;
    • Alcoholic liver disease;
    • Sclerosing cholangitis;
    • Hepatolenticular degeneration;
    • Porphyria;
    • Amyloidosis of the liver;
    • Liver vascular diseases.
    5. Diseases of the biliary system:
    • Biliary dyskinesia;
    • Acute calculous (stone) and non-calculous (stoneless) cholecystitis;
    • Chronic cholecystitis;
    • Cholangolithiasis (blockage of the bile ducts with stones);
    • Stenosing duodenal papillitis;
    • Postcholecystectomy syndrome (digestive disorders that occur after removal of the gallbladder);
    • Gallbladder cholesterosis;
    • Tumors of the biliary system;
    • Obstruction (narrowing) of the bile ducts;
    • Spasm of the sphincter of Oddi.
    6. Diseases of the small intestine:
    • Malabsorption syndrome;
    • Acute and chronic vascular diseases small intestine;
    • Paralytic ileus;
    • Intestinal diverticulosis;
    • Intestinal abscess;
    • Enteroptosis;
    • Carbohydrate intolerance (malabsorption, etc.);
    • Whipple's disease;
    7. Diseases of the colon that do not require surgical treatment:
    • Chronic colitis;
    • Ulcerative colitis;
    • Radiation, allergic and toxic colitis;
    • Crohn's disease, which affects the large intestine;
    • Proctosigmoiditis;
    • Flatulence;
    • Dyskinesia of the colon;
    • Diverticulosis of the colon;
    • Dysbacteriosis;
    • Polyps in the colon;
    • Functional diarrhea (non-infectious);
    • Fissure of the rectum or anus;
    • Fistula of the anus or rectum;
    • Abscess of the anal or rectal area;
    • Anal polyp;
    • Rectal polyp;
    • Anal or rectal bleeding;
    • Ulcer of the anus or rectum;
    • Dolichosigma;
    • External and internal hemorrhoids.

    8. Infectious diseases organs of the digestive tract:

    • Chronic infections of the gastrointestinal tract (toxoplasmosis, opisthorchiasis, giardiasis and other helminthiases);
    • Infectious mononucleosis.
    9. Acute diseases organs of the digestive tract:
    • Gastrointestinal bleeding;
    • Acute pancreatitis;
    • Perforated ulcer;
    • Acute intestinal obstruction;
    • Acute appendicitis;
    • Acute diarrhea.
    All of the above diseases in both children and adults are included in the scope of professional competence gastroenterologist. A gastroenterologist can treat some diseases together with doctors of other specialties.

    When should you contact a gastroenterologist?

    A gastroenterologist should be contacted if an adult or child has any of the following symptoms:
    • Abdominal pain of varying localization, intensity, duration, nature and period of occurrence;
    • Unreasonable increase or loss of body weight;
    • Unreasonable loss of appetite;
    • Attacks of nausea or vomiting that occur at any time;
    • Changes in the frequency and nature of stool (for example, the appearance of constipation or diarrhea, alternating diarrhea with constipation, etc.);
    • Heartburn after eating or drinking;
    • Belching with an unpleasant aftertaste;
    • Bad breath (halitosis);
    • A feeling of heaviness in the stomach that occurs after eating;
    • Unusual color of stool (black, discolored, etc.);
    • Blood in stool or on the skin of the anus;
    • Difficulty in defecation;
    • Flatulence;
    • Feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;
    • The appearance of rashes, peeling, eczema on the skin that are not caused by infectious skin diseases;
    • Unreasonable deterioration in the condition of nails, hair and skin;
    • Taking medications that have negative influence on the condition of the digestive tract (for example, Aspirin, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen).

    Gastroenterologist appointment

    Before an appointment with a gastroenterologist, it is recommended to remember and briefly record on paper all the existing symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract in a quiet home environment (heartburn, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, changes in the color, quantity and nature of stool, etc.). You also need to remember at what point in time the complaints appeared, how they changed over time, after which they intensified or decreased, etc. It is recommended to write down all information about the symptoms in the form of a note, so that later at a doctor’s appointment you can tell everything in detail, without missing out on any details and without wasting time on remembering what symptoms, when and how they appeared. There is no need to be ashamed of the fact that at the reception, while talking about complaints, you will have to look at your own notes, because your notes will help you not to forget anything and not to miss out on the excitement that often arises in people when they see a doctor.

    In addition, you must take with you to your appointment with a gastroenterologist the results of all available tests and examinations that were previously done regarding the symptoms that are bothering the person. Before your appointment, you can take the following tests in advance and come to the doctor with ready-made results:

    • Activity of liver transaminases (AST, ALT), alkaline phosphatase, lipase and alpha-amylase;
    • Concentration of total protein, bilirubin in the blood;
    • Coagulogram (fibrinogen, APTT, PTI, TV);
    • Markers of viral hepatitis B and C;
    • Feces for dysbacteriosis and coprogram.
    The results of these tests will help the doctor quickly navigate and make a diagnosis, and the patient will not need to donate blood after the appointment and go back for a second consultation. You do not need to take other tests to see a gastroenterologist, since they are quite expensive and may not be necessary. If the gastroenterologist needs the results of any other tests, the doctor himself will write out a referral only for the studies that are needed.

    Where does a gastroenterologist see?

    General information

    Gastroenterologists receive patients at regular district clinics, large diagnostic centers, private medical centers, and also in Research Institutes of the relevant profile (for example, Research Institute of Gastroenterology, Research Institute of Coloproctology, etc.). Doctors working in government institutions health care, can conduct both paid and demon paid reception. Demon paid consultations gastroenterologists of public health institutions carry out referrals from general practitioners and on a first-come, first-served basis. And paid consultations with gastroenterologists working in public clinics, are provided to patients without referrals and those wishing to come for an appointment urgently, without waiting in line. Gastroenterologists working in private clinics provide only paid appointments.

    Gastroenterologist in hospital

    Gastroenterologists work in hospitals in departments of the relevant profile. Accordingly, doctors with this qualification diagnose and treat various diseases of the digestive tract in cases where the patient requires round-the-clock supervision by medical personnel and complex methods of therapy (for example, “drips”). Gastroenterologists working in hospitals do not usually practice on an outpatient basis, but in some large medical institutions They can also conduct consultations at the same time.

    Gastroenterologist at the clinic

    Gastroenterologists at the clinics see patients on an outpatient basis. As a rule, there is a gastroenterologist in every district clinic, so getting an appointment with to this specialist you can simply visit a regular municipal clinic to which a person is assigned at his place of residence or work. In addition, gastroenterologists provide consultations not only in clinics, but also in large diagnostic centers or at various specialized research institutes.

    To get a free appointment with a gastroenterologist at a district clinic, you just need to get a consultation coupon at the reception, but to see a specialist at a large diagnostic center, you should take a referral from a gastroenterologist at the clinic.

    Consultation with a gastroenterologist

    Paid gastroenterologist

    You can come for a paid consultation with a gastroenterologist either to a public health care institution or to private clinic. In government institutions, doctors provide paid consultations for patients who do not have a referral from a therapist or other specialist, or for those who want to get an appointment without a queue. This means that if the patient does not have a referral to a gastroenterologist or the queue for a free appointment is too long, then you can get a consultation for a fee without a queue. In addition, gastroenterologists provide paid appointments in private clinics.

    Free consultation with a gastroenterologist

    Gastroenterologists provide free consultations only in public health care institutions. To receive free

    Dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system gastroenterologist. Based on the results of drug studies, he establishes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment.

    Timely consultation with a doctor for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is very important. It allows you to solve problems that bother you as quickly and effectively as possible.

    By turning to a specialist for help, a person gets the opportunity to avoid many serious complications. It not only increases the chances of recovery, but also prevents the development of diseases of other organs and systems that affect the condition of the entire body.

    What does a gastroenterologist do?

    Sometimes a gastroenterologist is abbreviated as a gastrologist, which is not entirely correct, because he treats not only stomach diseases - gastritis and other pathologies. This is just a part of the many tasks that fall within the competence of a gastroenterologist.

    What does a gastroenterologist do? The answer is both simple and complex - all diseases related to digestion. Digestion is complex, interconnected processes, which process food entering the body to produce such necessary for a person energy. All food goes through a multi-stage processing process, under the influence of enzymes it is broken down into necessary and unnecessary categories, then absorbed into the blood and lymph.

    Almost all human health depends on the condition of the esophagus, the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum, gallbladder and biliary tract, and the functioning of the pancreas. In addition, the function of the liver is also important, which cleanses the blood of intoxication products and is involved in many other functions. metabolic processes. Therefore, it is quite difficult to answer specifically what a gastroenterologist does; it all depends on in which organ or system the failure occurred.

    Modern gastroenterology has passed long haul development, starting from the times of Hippocrates and Galen, it continues to develop intensively, therefore the scope of activity of a gastroenterologist is very wide. In this regard, the division of specialization into narrower areas that specify the work of a doctor has become extremely relevant and timely.

    When should you contact a gastroenterologist?

    Problems with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system have the same ancient history, like the first food taken by our ancestors. Unfortunately, today pathologies of the digestive system occupy the second place in number among all diseases of mankind.

    Therefore, the question of when to contact a gastroenterologist is extremely important and relevant. Any discomfort or pain, be it heartburn, colic, constipation, cramps or flatulence, should be the reason to get advice or undergo an examination.

    Within the framework of the issue of diseases of the digestive organs, the most important task, directly affecting the patient himself, is to prevent the pathological process from becoming chronic.

    Many doctors are convinced that most gastrointestinal diseases can be treated fairly quickly and successfully if they are detected at the earliest stages. A chronic pathologies are extremely difficult to manage and often lead to exacerbations, even to those that require surgery.

    For what symptoms should you contact a gastroenterologist:

    What diseases does a gastroenterologist treat:

    What tests should you take when visiting a gastroenterologist?

    The first visit to the doctor may be accompanied by certain rules and requirements. Most often, a patient comes to a gastroenterologist on the referral of a therapist, who provides a list of the most necessary laboratory research, further diagnostic measures determined by a specialist. You need to go to an appointment with a specialist with a card and the results of previous studies, if any.

    Before the consultation, it will be necessary to “refresh” biochemical analysis blood (ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, lipase, pancreatic amylase, GGTP), a coprogram and stool analysis for dysbacteriosis would also not be superfluous. Often, the therapist pre-prescribes an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, as well as an FGDS

    Questions and answers on the topic "Gastroenterologist"

    Question:What's happened diffuse changes pancreatic parenchyma. I am 55 years old, there are signs of an increase in the volume of the gallbladder, induration, thickening of the walls of the gallbladder.

    Answer: The parenchyma in the pancreas is the main tissue. This entire internal organ consists of it. The parenchyma is divided into lobules connective tissue. It is the parenchyma that secretes enzymes and hormones, that is, it performs the main function of this internal organ. As a result of various phenomena, changes occur in the parenchyma. They can be focal, that is, they occur only in a few places, or they can be diffuse. This means that pathological process affects the entire organ; there are no areas with normal parenchyma. Due to such diffuse mutations glandular tissue swelling, inflamed. In some metabolic diseases, pancreatic cells can be replaced by fatty or connective cells. Such changes lead to a decrease normal operation organ, this negatively affects the digestion process.

    Question:Hello! A year ago I was treated for Helicobacter with antibiotics. After treatment, the result for Helicobacter was less, they told me to take another test in six months. I took an LgG blood test a year later, it showed the presence, but much less - 12.86. Reference values: Detected: more than 10 - for pediatric samples, more than 15 - for adult patients, Indeterminate result: in the range between these values. It turns out that I have an indeterminate result. What does this mean, does the bacteria gradually disappear or does it need to be treated again? Is there a chance for my loved ones to get infected from me with such an uncertain test result?

    Answer: Hello. In this case, it is recommended to conduct a repeat examination after a few weeks to determine the dynamics of the growth or decline of antibodies. Most likely there is a cure and the level of antibodies gradually decreases. When antibodies decrease, the risk of infecting family and friends is minimal.

    Question:Hello! Recently, pains of varying strength began to appear in the stomach area, which were felt in the back. Pain does not always occur immediately after eating: it may take 10-12 hours after eating, sometimes during sleep. The pain lasts in different ways, sometimes for a very long time. I have limited my diet; I eat porridge, yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir. I took Bellalgin and painkillers, but they didn’t help much. Please tell me what this is and what to do?

    Answer: In this case, it is recommended to re-consult with a gastroenterologist for a personal examination and examination: FGDS, ultrasound of internal organs, coprogram, biochemical blood test, blood test for antibodies to Helicobacter pylori. Only after receiving the examination results will the specialist make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. It is necessary to exclude exacerbation of gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer and acute pancreatitis.

    Question:Hello! For several days I have been tormented by a feeling of hunger that does not go away after eating. Also belching, and discomfort in the chest area during meals. Today I made the condition. Everything is normal except for the gall bladder. The doctor diagnosed "Cholecystitis". How accurate is this diagnosis? And is it possible for it to cause pain while eating?

    Answer: Hello! Not quite typical complaints for cholecystitis. More likely based on these symptoms is the presence of esophagitis, as well as a hernia hiatus diaphragm (HHP). HH is a condition where, as a result of weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter, acidic stomach contents can enter the esophagus. Even sometimes the stomach can protrude through this opening into the chest cavity. Only the hiatal hernia cannot be diagnosed during FGDS; for this you need to do a fluoroscopy of the stomach with contrast. Treatment of hiatal hernia is surgical; plastic surgery of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm is performed. To relieve symptoms, use antacids (Almagel, Maalox). inhibitors proton pump(omez, pariet). But first you need to conduct an examination.

    Question:Hello! I have the following symptoms: constant sore throat, constant belching(more after eating), pain in the scapula area. Passed many examinations, suspicion of diaphragmatic hernia. I am 57 years old. Which doctors should I contact? What tests need to be taken? What examinations need to be completed?

    Answer: Hello! To diagnose a hiatal hernia, it is necessary to X-ray examination esophagus and stomach, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS). Both studies are better, since only endoscopy allows you to assess the condition of the esophageal mucosa and exclude reflux esophagitis, which can lead to the symptoms you described. For consultation, you should contact a gastroenterologist. Clinical or biochemical blood tests in similar situation not informative.

    Question:Hello! I can’t eat vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) raw. Arises sharp pain in the right hypochondrium immediately after eating, and any rotation of the body causes cutting pain. The gallbladder was removed four years ago. An ultrasound shows the liver is normal, the blood test is good. What to do?

    Answer: Hello! Raw vegetables and fruits can indeed cause certain unpleasant sensations (discomfort, pain, flatulence, bowel movements, etc.) in patients after cholecystectomy. First of all, you need to give up those foods that cause unpleasant symptoms, then accompany each meal enzyme preparations, taking antispasmodics is also indicated (drugs are prescribed by a doctor after consultation).

    Question:Good afternoon Grandmother (73 years old), lately My left side hurt a lot and radiated to my back, I lost weight and felt weak. X-ray examination showed traction diverticulitis of the esophagus. Tests showed: anemia, hemoglobin-103, ESR-31. They are now sending me to FGDS. As far as I know, this procedure will reveal whether there is cancer cells. I would like to know whether the diagnosis is dangerous and how often in such cases they resort to surgery. I'm afraid that the operation will be difficult for her to endure, because... has long suffered from hypertension and has chronic pancreatitis. Thank you!

    Answer: Hello! Esophageal diverticulitis is not a very dangerous disease that rarely requires surgical treatment. But still, after FGDS, the grandmother will definitely need to consult with an abdominal surgeon.

    - chapter traditional medicine, who diagnoses and studies diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and treats the digestive system. The name of the science is derived from the Greek “intestines” and “stomach”.

    A gastroenterologist is a specialist doctor, who diagnoses and treats the digestive system. Such a specialist can see patients both in hospitals and clinics, as well as multidisciplinary and specialized clinics.

    What is the competence of a Gastroenterologist?

    A gastroenterologist is competent to treat all kinds of inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.

    Diseases treated by a Gastroenterologist?

    The area of ​​work of a gastroenterologist includes diseases such as:

    • all types of hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E);
    • dysbacteriosis;
    • toxoplasmosis;
    • peptic ulcers;
    • infectious mononucleosis;
    • dysmetabolic metabolic nephropathies;
    • reactive pancreatitis;
    • gastritis;
    • crystalluria;
    • outbreaks chronic infections in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • appendicitis;
    • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
    • peritonitis;
    • adnexitis;
    • acute pancreatitis;
    • perforated ulcers;
    • glomerulonephritis.

    What organs does a Gastroenterologist examine and treat?

    A gastroenterologist examines and treats such organs of the digestive system as the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, esophagus, liver, bile ducts, duodenum, small and large intestines.

    When should you contact a Gastroenterologist?

    If, when answering the questions below, you give at least one answer “yes,” then it’s time for you to consult and possibly be treated by a gastroenterologist:

    • Do you have constant painful manifestations in the stomach and abdomen?
    • Is the pain accompanied by a feeling of nausea or vomiting?
    • Are you seeing decreased appetite and unplanned weight loss?
    • Does pain interfere with work and your activities outside of work hours?
    • Have your intestinal symptoms changed?
    • Have you previously had problems such as inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis and ulcers, or have you undergone surgery?
    • Have you ever woken up from painful manifestations in the abdominal area?
    • Are there any of those you use? medical supplies the kind that cause side effects in the gastrointestinal tract?

    What tests need to be taken?

    Diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas and liver includes tests for:

    • alanine aminotransferase;
    • alpha-1 antitrypsin;
    • alpha 1-acid glycoprotein;
    • aspartate aminotransferase;
    • gamma-glutamyltransferase;
    • lipase;
    • alkaline photosphase;
    • total bilirubin;
    • gamma-glutamyltransferase;
    • amylase;
    • direct bilirubin;
    • proteinogram (protein infections);
    • prothrombin time;
    • total protein;
    • cholinesterase;
    • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis.

    In addition, tests will be needed for:

    • Yersinia, chlamydia, trichomonas, carriage of salmonella and shigella, helminthic infections, protozoa (amoeba, lamblia);
    • hepatitis markers (AT and AG), (total and direct bilirubin, total protein, albumin, ALaT, ASaT, LDH, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, thymol test).

    Main types of diagnostics performed by a Gastroenterologist

    A gastroenterologist performs gastroscopy, DNA diagnostics, abdominal ultrasound, and urography.


    There is a common misconception that food and eating habits can primarily affect the stomach and intestines. But that's not true. The first to be targeted are the gallbladder and liver. If your regular diet contains a lot of high-calorie foods, animal fats, sugar and sweets, then this will be the first reason for the development of “fatty liver”, that is, steatohepatitis. The first thing that can help get rid of such a disease is refusal or limitation in the consumption of the above types of foods and weight loss. Such actions will help not only get rid of the disease, but also prevent its occurrence and development in time.

    You need to remember that the human digestive system can, in principle, digest almost anything. But there are some foods that can make you digestive system constantly be in “emergency work” mode. These products include: fried and fatty foods, chocolate, spices, coffee, carbonated drinks and citrus fruits.

    When it comes to eating fast food, the attitude towards it has never been easy. This is due to the fact that fast food is high in calories and very heavy. Of course, she won't be able to kill you, and healthy person sometimes he can afford such food. In any case, it is better to eat fast food than to eat nothing, since large gaps between meals are much more harmful. They can provoke the formation of sand sediment in the gallbladder and lead to stagnation of bile, which is already quite a serious problem.

    What foods are the main enemies of the digestive system?

    Any alcoholic drinks, including beer.

    Reception alcoholic drinks is the cause of pancreatic and liver diseases by 80%. This is not at all amazing fact, since 50 grams of ethanol per day is enough to damage the liver. Interestingly, in the USA the minimum amount is even less - 7 drinks in one week, which is equivalent to 140 grams of ethanol. That is, 20 grams per day.

    The most dangerous is considered to be drinking large portions of alcohol along with fried and fatty foods. Such a mixture often leads to chronic exacerbations, acute alcoholic hepatitis and acute pancreatitis. In practice, this is proven by the increased influx of patients to the gastroenterologist after heavy holiday libations.


    Almost everyone knows that constantly taking anti-inflammatory medications such as analgin and aspirin can lead to irritation and damage to the mucous membranes of the duodenum and stomach. If there are instructions attached to the medicine, then such a side effect must be indicated in it. If there are no instructions, then you should consult a doctor before taking such an unknown drug.

    Never take dietary supplements that do not list side effects, otherwise you are guaranteed to have stomach problems. Treatment must be treated with equal caution traditional methods. For example, hemlock is often used for variety of recipes traditional medicine, but it can cause toxic hepatitis.

    As already mentioned, long-term fasting can lead to very serious consequences in the gastrointestinal tract.


    Eating unfamiliar foods can cause foodborne illnesses. There is even a definition coined by gastroentorologists for such cases - “traveler's diarrhea,” so it would be a good idea to take it with you on your trip. intestinal antiseptic and enzyme preparations.

    Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine that studies diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include the stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and intestines. A gastroenterologist is a highly specialized specialist involved in the treatment of pathologies of the above organs.

    What does a gastroenterologist treat?

    All diseases of the digestive tract are what a gastroenterologist treats.

    These include the following pathologies:

    1. From the stomach - gastritis of various etiologies, inflammation of the esophagus, reflux, hiatal hernia and protrusion of its wall, the presence of ulcers varying degrees heaviness, polyps and neoplasms in the organ. All of the above diseases lead to the organ not being able to function normally. As a result, food is not digested properly and enters the intestines in this form, causing problems in this organ.
    2. On the liver side, these are hepatitis and cirrhosis resulting from infection or alcohol abuse.
    3. On the part of the gallbladder - the formation of stones in the organ, inflammation of its walls, dyskinesia (uneven flow of bile into the duodenum during the digestion of food).
    4. From the intestines - any inflammatory diseases both the entire body and its departments.

    Since the science of gastroenterology does not stand still, at present, for the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should contact specialized doctors whose specialization is individual organs of the digestive tract:

    1. Proctologist – treats any diseases of the rectum and anus.
    2. Coloproctologist – diagnoses and treats pathologies of the small intestine.
    3. Hepatologist is a specialist in the diagnosis and pathology of the liver and gallbladder.

    In case of complaints about the digestive organs, an initial consultation is carried out by a gastroenterologist; later, consultations with specialized specialists may be recommended.

    Organs observed by the doctor

    Currently, the main specialization of a gastroenterologist is the diagnosis and treatment of the stomach, esophagus and pancreas. He can also advise patients with pathologies of other gastrointestinal organs, but will subsequently recommend treatment from specialized doctors.

    In what cases should you consult a doctor?

    You should not postpone visiting a gastroenterologist if you have at least one of the following pathologies:

    1. Poor appetite, weight loss, bad smell from the mouth and a bitter taste, constant heartburn and belching.
    2. Regularly recurring pain in the stomach and esophagus, which can be so severe that it is difficult for a person to maintain an upright position.
    3. Any long-term bowel dysfunction. Constipation leads to intoxication of the body, and prolonged diarrhea– to leaching of useful substances and dehydration.
    4. Regularly recurring vomiting, especially if there are traces of blood or bile in it.
    5. Pain in the intestines, excessive mucous or purulent discharge from the anus, feces unusual color and consistency.
    6. Persistent feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

    The signs described above may indicate a large number of diseases, many of which should be treated as soon as possible, preventing them from becoming chronic.

    How does a medical consultation take place?

    First, the gastroenterologist listens to the patient’s complaints and collects anamnesis: the patient’s lifestyle, type of work, presence bad habits, and also finds out whether a person has congenital or acquired diseases, and at what stage they are.

    After this, the specialist performs a visual examination of the abdominal area and palpation to identify enlarged gastrointestinal organs. Then clinical and endoscopic studies, including delivery laboratory tests and gastroscopy.

    It makes sense to go to an appointment with a specialist, especially if it takes place in the morning, on an empty stomach. Then you can try to complete all the studies in one day, thereby significantly reducing the time for obtaining results and making a diagnosis.

    After the doctor has all the results necessary research, he will be able to prescribe adequate therapeutic treatment.

    Diagnostic measures

    After the initial examination, the doctor prescribes tests for patients such as:

    1. General and biochemical blood test. Gives an idea of ​​the state of the body. Allows for early stage identify inflammatory processes in organs.
    2. General clinical trial urine, sugar test. With the help of these examinations, it is possible to identify pathologies of the liver and pancreas.
    3. Gastroscopy allows you to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa; it can be used to confirm the presence of diseases such as gastritis and peptic ulcers.
    4. X-rays of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach, are performed if it is impossible to perform gastroscopy due to the patient’s strong gag reflex.
    5. An ultrasound of organs will help identify changes in their structure and size.
    6. Computed tomography and endoscopy are prescribed to patients if there are suspicions of tumors of internal organs.

    You should consult a doctor immediately if you have at least one of the following symptoms:

    1. The child began to lose weight and his appetite noticeably worsened.
    2. There are problems with stool. It can be either constipation or diarrhea.
    3. The baby suffers from regular nausea and vomiting. There are often complaints of heartburn, and belching occurs before and after meals.
    4. The child regularly complains of pain not only in the abdomen, but also in the epigastric region.
    5. Subject to availability healthy teeth There is a distinctly unpleasant odor coming from the mouth.
    6. The baby has indirect signs indicating internal bleeding in the digestive organs: severe pain in the stomach, pale skin, weakness, black stool.

    During the consultation, the doctor will examine the patient and ask him about his well-being and listen carefully to his complaints. The child’s parents will also be asked questions about diet, how long the baby has been suffering from pain, and whether he has acquired or inherited pathologies.

    After this, some examinations may be prescribed to determine accurate diagnosis. This is usually a stool, blood, ultrasound examination abdominal organs. If gastritis is suspected, a gastroscopy, often called a “gut swallow,” will be required. With its help, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa and diagnose gastritis at an early stage.

    In some cases, consultation with other relevant specialists may be required.

    A gastroenterologist is a highly specialized doctor who diagnoses and treats pathologies of the stomach, pancreas and esophagus. At the initial stage, he also consults patients with liver and intestinal diseases, but then their treatment is carried out by specialized doctors.