Is there wheat oil? Wheat germ oil for face against acne. Wheat germ oil and its beneficial properties

In all countries of the world, wheat germ oil has long been valued as unique remedy, used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Natural vegetable oil is pressed from small wheat grains, which has unsurpassed antioxidant and rejuvenating properties. The gift of nature, containing a huge amount of macroelements, vitamins and beneficial substances, has been used since ancient times until today.

The biochemical composition of the oil is unique, so it is actively used in medicine, cosmetology and food industry. Three active components: tocopherols, antioxidants and carotenoids determine the uniqueness of its biochemical composition and storehouse useful qualities. Wheat germ oil is recognized as a record holder for vitamin E content, which gives immortal beauty and youth. Therefore, those girls and women who strive to remain young, beautiful and healthy should turn their gaze to wheat germ oil.

Wheat germ oil and its beneficial properties

Conventionally, the properties of oil can be divided into medicinal and cosmetic. Let's start with the first ones:

1. Stimulation metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to the oil, the metabolic process is accelerated, thereby prolonging female youth, beauty, fit and “blooming” appearance;

2. Slowing down the aging process (the main secret is the abundance of vitamin E in the biochemical composition of wheat germ oil);

3. Body cleansing function (the chemical composition of the oil promotes the active removal of toxins and harmful substances)

4. Anti-inflammatory function (soothes the skin, effectively relieving inflammatory processes);

5. Fights with various skin diseases and problems: treats acne, acne and other skin rashes;

6. Effectively heals abrasions, burns and wounds on the skin;

7. Optimizes blood circulation processes in the body;

8. Preventive fight against cardiovascular diseases and central nervous system diseases;

9. Normalizes reproductive function(treats prostatitis, infertility, increases potency, etc.);

10. Acts as an antioxidant, reversing the aging process cell membranes;

11. Activates the human immune system, increasing general level body resistance;

12. Normalizes cholesterol levels in the liver and blood;

13. Has a calming effect on the central and peripheral nervous system of humans;

14. Eliminates hormonal imbalances in the body;

15. Prevents the development of varicose veins, thanks to its strengthening effect on the walls of capillaries.

Cosmetic properties of wheat germ oil

1. Has an anti-cellulite effect (it is recommended to do a special anti-cellulite massage using this oil);

2. Strengthens and nourishes hair;

3. Smoothes out wrinkles (thanks to active influence phytosterol, vitamin E and polyunsaturated acids);

4. Gently cares for the skin, making it velvety, beautiful and healthy (due to the content of vitamin B, vitamin E, linoleic acid, an optimal water-lipid balance is established);

5. Allantoin softens the skin, transforming and toning it, making it soft and moisturized;

7. Evens out skin tone, eliminates pigmentation;

8. With regular use, it has a slight whitening effect;

9. Eliminates stretch marks and deep wrinkles, increasing the coefficient of skin elasticity (thanks to zinc, vitamin A, copper and sulfur, the processes of synthesis of fibrillar proteins collagen and elastin are accelerated);

10. Soothes skin sensitivity;

11. Has an exfoliating effect;

12. Stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands (narrowing of pores).

Vitamin E, main secret The success of the oil provides a huge service to women's health and beauty. The antioxidant effect prolongs girls' youth and freshness, so for us this oil is a unique treasure and a valuable treasure.

Contraindications to the use of wheat germ oil

The only contraindication for the use of this oil may be individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to the oil, but this is extremely rare. Also, this oil should not be used by those who have urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Methods of using wheat germ

There are internal and external uses of wheat germ oil. Inside this oil used as food additives for diseases of the PNS and central nervous system, for anemia, for problems with excess weight, for disorders hormonal levels, at cardiovascular diseases, a number of other ailments. The oil is also useful for people who have had serious illnesses and are in rehabilitation period. Wheat germ oil is also prescribed for people who are subject to constant stress and who suffer from insomnia.

The oil dosage is usually 1 ml per day for 30-60 days. This dose and duration of administration of the drug can normalize cholesterol levels in the liver and increase the coefficient of the body’s overall resistance.

Important! Be sure to consult your doctor before taking the oil! Self-medication can harm your body and well-being.

Using oil for cosmetic purposes will have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin, nails, even eyelashes and eyebrows. It will also help cope with wounds and burns, acne. It is usually diluted with other, less heavy vegetable oils (for example, olive, avocado or almond), because it is relatively denser in structure. Observe correct proportion- 1:4. Use this oil undiluted only on certain areas of the skin (wrinkles, wounds, rashes, inflammation, rough areas on the skin).

Wheat germ oil for face

Do not use pure oil (especially on the area around the eyes), be sure to dilute it. This oil is not suitable for daily use undiluted on the entire face (it clogs small pores).

Wheat germ oil for dry skin

It is necessary to mix the oil with rosehip, olive or almond oil (proportion 1 to 3). Use the mixture before bed.

Wheat germ oil for oily skin faces

You need to mix the oil with grape seed oil (1 to 4) and apply the mixture daily before bed.

Care for aging and sagging skin

For three teaspoons of oil, use one drop each of orange, mint and sandalwood oil. Soak a cotton towel in the mixture and apply it to your face. You need to keep this application for 25 minutes to half an hour.

Care for problem skin prone to inflammation

For three teaspoons of oil, use two drops of cedar and lavender oil. The mixture is applied to a cotton towel and then applied to the entire face. You need to keep this towel on your face for 25 minutes. Try to relax, relax during this beauty session, then the result will impress you and exceed all your hopes, dreams and expectations!

To whiten and even out skin tone

For three teaspoons of oil, use one drop of orange or lemon oil. Apply the resulting mixture for twenty minutes; there is no need to rinse it off. For a noticeable effect, it is recommended to do this mask twice a day (course duration is 25 days).

Getting rid of wrinkles in the area around the eyes

For three teaspoons of oil, use one drop each of sandalwood oil and neroli oil. Using gentle and careful patting movements, apply the resulting liquid to the skin around the eyes. It will be absorbed by itself and does not need to be washed off.

Facial care with undiluted oil

For problem skin

You can lubricate problem areas on the skin (burns, acne, ulcers) with a small amount of undiluted oil. The oil will also effectively and quickly moisturize rough areas on the skin.

To fight wrinkles

Undiluted oil is also applied to certain areas prone to the formation of wrinkles: forehead, area between the eyebrows, nasolabial folds, corners of the eyes.

To get unsurpassed results you just need to use natural recipes.

Wheat germ oil for hair

Increase elasticity, shine and natural beauty hair will benefit from regular use of masks based on wheat germ oil. This oil also effectively fights problems: hair loss, weakness and fragility, dullness and lifelessness of curls.

Strengthening mask with wheat germ oil for hair

Apply undiluted oil to the scalp for half an hour to an hour. This mask should be used twice a week (two months). Then slightly modify the mask recipe. It is necessary to mix the oil with jojoba oil (in equal proportions). The resulting liquid is rubbed into the scalp and distributed evenly along the length of the curls. Keep the mask on for 20-30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Using wheat germ oil with hair shampoo

It's very easy to improve the formulation of your daily shampoo, conditioner or hair lotion. To do this, you need to add just one teaspoon of oil to the above care products. Your hair will become gorgeous and incredibly beautiful.

One of amazing remedies, given to man by nature itself, is considered to be wheat germ oil for hair and skin. Indeed, it is difficult to find a more universal product suitable for caring for almost any part of the body. What are the reasons for the remarkable properties of the product? And how can it be used?

Miracle composition and miracle vitamins of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil has unique composition. In addition, the product has high energy and nutritional value. The vitamins and microelements in wheat germ oil give it multiple healing properties.
This natural remedy contains the following components:

  • Vitamins. In terms of their content, oil occupies one of the leading places. So, in the healing liquid there are fat soluble vitamins K, F, E, D, A. They have a strong antioxidant effect, help smooth the skin and increase its elasticity. Wheat also contains super-healthy vitamin B, an essential ingredient in cellular processes. This substance is considered water-soluble, therefore, without it the human body will not be able to fully function.
  • Selenium. Considered a natural aphrodisiac, which stimulates and increases libido
  • Svkalen. Strong wound healing agent, increases the body's immunity
  • Zinc. An important participant in the process of formation of red blood cells. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, especially popular in the fight against acne and other skin imperfections
  • Octacosanol. A biologically active substance that increases the ability of the dermis to absorb oxygen, as a result of which it becomes elastic and well-groomed

Use of wheat germ oil for cosmetic purposes

Natural cosmetic wheat germ oil has found wide application in cosmetology. Without exaggeration, the product can be called universal, because it has an equally positive effect on different areas human body.

For hair

Useful composition of cosmetic wheat product perfect for treating hair, improving it appearance and prevention of unwanted processes (hair loss, dandruff, etc.) Wheat germ oil for hair is most conveniently used as masks. The classic version of a wheat mask is considered to be applied to the roots of the hair in its pure form. This should be done 30 minutes before washing your hair. For stronger absorption, the product should be distributed over the scalp with massaging movements. After this, you need to wash your hair with a shampoo suitable for your hair type. The procedure is effectively done in a course - every 1 day for 2-3 weeks in a row.
Advice. It is permissible to drip essential oils into the mask. For 1 tbsp. l. Liquid wheat sprouts take 2-3 drops of thyme, pine, cedar, eucalyptus, orange or ginger oil.

For stretch marks

Wheat germ oil has proven itself very well for stretch marks. This product is a favorite remedy for expectant mothers who apply the product to their growing bellies to prevent microcracks in the skin. If striae have already appeared, do not despair - you need to fight them using wheat weapons. The main military action will be massage of problem areas using liquid wheat sprouts. The product is applied to the area with stretch marks, after which it is rubbed into the skin with gentle massage movements. The product has a nourishing and regenerating effect, making stretch marks lighter and less noticeable.
Advice. For more cosmetic effect, treatment of stretch marks with wheat germ oil begins immediately after the appearance of microcracks.

For skin beauty

Wheat germ oil is also invaluable for the skin of the face. Moreover, the product is suitable for almost any type of dermis.
Advice. Wheat germ oil has a dense consistency, and therefore it can be used in its pure form only pointwise and only on those areas of the skin where it is necessary. In other cases, it must be mixed with other types of oils.

For problem skin

The undiluted product can be applied to pimples, acne, and burns. The product perfectly eliminates inflammation and accelerates the healing process.

For dry skin

Mix wheat germ oil with olive or almond oil in a ratio of 1:3. It is recommended to apply the mixture to areas of dry skin using a cotton pad before going to bed.

For oily skin

A mixture of wheat germ and grape oils (in a ratio of 1:4) will help eliminate oily skin. The product is applied to problem areas faces before bed.

To strengthen eyelashes

Multifaceted wheat germ oil is also important for restoring the beauty of eyelashes. The product helps to strengthen and restore hair in a short time. Oil should be lubricated along the entire length of the eyelashes. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every few days. The full course of therapy lasts 2-3 months.

Can the oil be used internally?

Wheat germ oil is useful for both external use and oral administration. Such a remedy will a good helper in matters of disease prevention and immunity enhancement. Wheat germ product is taken once a day, 1 tbsp. l.
Recommended time of use is in the morning before meals or directly during meals. The product is especially recommended for people facing the problem of constipation. It is permissible to add oil to culinary dishes without first subjecting it to heat treatment.
Attention! A contraindication to oral consumption of wheat germ oil is considered to be intolerance by a particular organism to its components. Because this product very high in calories, it is not recommended to consume it large quantities. The oil contains vitamin E, an excess of which may not in the best possible way affect the condition of the body.

Germ oil in capsules: instructions for use

For people who for some reason do not accept liquid wheat germ oil, you can pay attention to this remedy in capsules - such use will also be very useful. The product will help increase protective forces body, slow down the aging process and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
Wheat germ oil: instructions for use
Children over 14 years old and adults.
  • Capsules 300 mg - 4 pcs. three times a day
  • Capsules 750 mg - 2 pcs. three times a day
  • Capsules 1350 mg - 1 pc. three times a day
Advice. It is recommended to take capsules with meals. The approximate duration of treatment is 1 month. The course of treatment must be repeated if necessary.

Wheat germ oil for wrinkles around the eyes: video

The liquid gift of wheat fields is a real salvation for both external and internal reserves human body. Taken orally or applied to the skin, young wheat germ oil provides many nutrients and improves health. But, despite all the benefits of the product, you should not abuse it. Moderation and caution in the use of oil will help good service body without causing side effects.

Wheat is the most common cereal plant. It contains many useful substances, thanks to which I found beneficial properties. Wheat germ oil is used to rejuvenate and maintain body tone. The use of this product in cosmetology and medicine allows you to support and treat the body.

Useful qualities

Wheat germ oil helps maintain beauty and allows women to look well-groomed.

It also has the following properties:

  • cleanses the skin;
  • removes toxins;
  • normalizes and tightens the skin;
  • reduces the number of pimples, blackheads;
  • fights skin inflammation;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • improves the color of the epidermis;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the lips;
  • heals small cracks and jams;
  • prevents the appearance of cellulite.

Wheat germ cosmetics are suitable for all skin types. Its use is permitted even when the skin type on the face in different areas is different. The oil moisturizes, nourishes dry skin, reduces, and prevents the appearance of acne and inflammation on oily skin.

Toning properties prevent the appearance of fine lines or premature age wrinkles.

Composition of wheat oil

Wheat germ oil contains many vitamins - E, PP, A, B and F. They can improve the condition of the epidermis and preserve beauty, as well as prevent aging. Using the product for cosmetic purposes can reduce the risk of developing certain diseases of the epidermis, tighten and smooth it, and also improve the condition of the hair. It also contains triglycerides, phospholipids, zinc, iron and selenium. They enhance properties and are natural antioxidants.

Application of oil

In its pure form, wheat germ oil is rarely used in cosmetology. For skin care, it is combined with other oils of lighter forms.


Rejuvenating mask. Anti-aging properties are achieved by mixing several oils:

  • for a dry type of epidermis, add extracts from peach and apricot kernels;
  • for normal and combined types of epidermis - olive oil;
  • at fat type epidermis, grape seed extract is added.
  • The oils are mixed in a 3:1 ratio, where 1 part is wheat germ oil. It should be applied to dry, clean skin and left on for about 40 minutes. Afterwards, the mixture is removed from the body or face with warm water.

Nourishing mask

Its moisturizing properties and are most effective in winter time. You can add an extract of orange wood and sandalwood to it. Wheat germ oil for the face will moisturize the skin around the eyes and also remove fine wrinkles.

Cleansing mask

To cleanse the epidermis and fight pimples or acne, a mask with the addition of cedar extract and oils from lavender and clove is suitable. To a tablespoon of the main component, add a couple of drops of the remaining components. Apply it for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Such cosmetic mask will help cleanse the epidermis.

Moisturizing mask

If your face and neck have a dry type of epidermis, then you should apply it daily. thin layer wheat germ oil. If desired, you can add extracts of roses and lemon balm to it. There is no need to wash it off. Wheat germ oil for face is an indispensable tool to care for him.


If you carry out massage sessions for two or three weeks and use this remedy from wheat germ, this will be an excellent prevention of cellulite and will reduce the defect that has already appeared. Massage is carried out daily for 10–15 minutes.

The use of such a recipe helps not only prevent cellulite, but can also make stretch marks (stretch marks) less noticeable or even prevent their formation. This mixture is especially recommended for women during pregnancy or sudden weight gain.

Wheat germ oil can help moisturize your skin. Nutritional properties will help saturate it with vitamins and minerals that are part of this product.

Nails and hands

Using a mixture of oils will help strengthen the nail plate after daily rubbing. The course lasts 8 days. Also, when adding extracts from lavender and bergamot to wheat germ oil, you will get the effect of soft and well-groomed skin around the nails. Before the procedure, do not forget to remove the polish and clean your nails.

To care for the skin of your hands, lubricate them with the mixture described above and massage until completely absorbed. Before applying, wash your hands with soap and then wipe dry. After the procedure, avoid contact with water for 60 minutes.

Eyelashes and lips

The only purpose for which pure wheat germ oil can be used in cosmetology is to care for eyelashes and lip skin. They can be used to remove makeup or apply after cleansing. After about a month of use, the eyelashes become fuller and noticeably lengthen. Lips can be protected or treated with oil. When you apply the product a couple of times in 24 hours, they will become soft, moisturized, and small cracks will heal.


Using a wheat germ mask for a month before washing your hair will help make your hair healthy. Apply it to your hair and rub in with soft circular movements, and also massage your scalp, so you distribute it evenly throughout the entire length of your hair.

After this procedure, after 30 - 40 minutes, rinse your hair with simple shampoo and warm water. These steps should be repeated 2 or 3 times a week. After this, they will have a healthy appearance and natural shine. You can add extracts and extracts of ginger, pine, eucalyptus, orange or thyme to the oil, 2 drops each.

To accelerate growth and prevent fragility, cosmetologists recommend making a mask of wheat oil and hair balm in a 1 to 1 ratio.

It should be used 45 minutes before washing your hair, and then rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo. To eliminate fragility and hair loss, repeat the procedure 2 times a week, and for prevention 1 time. By adding 4 drops of rosemary, you can enhance the properties of this mask.

To moisturize and nourish the lower part of the hair, you can make a mask that has wonderful properties. To do this, you need to take wheat germ oil and mix it with peach and almond oil. The mixture should be warmed up a little, and then applied to the roots of the hair and distributed evenly over the entire length. The ends should be lubricated more generously.

Regular use of masks will make your hair beautiful, healthy and protect its structure.

Medical properties

Wheat germ oil is not medication, however, it has some properties that help maintain human health.

  • It helps mitigate hormonal imbalances in women, especially with cervical diseases and mastopathy.
  • Biologically active substances contained in this product have a beneficial effect on vascular system, and help normalize the blood count when cholesterol increases.
  • Possesses preventive properties, helps prevent heart and vascular diseases.
  • Helps strengthen the nervous system and improves memory in people, especially in old age.
  • Vitamin E, which is part of the oil, when used, allows men to increase potency and the entire functioning of the reproductive system as a whole.
  • With high sugar levels (diabetes mellitus), it helps slow down the development of complications that affect vision.
  • It is able to remove toxins and waste from the body, thereby cleansing it and improving the condition of the body.

For prevention, use 1 teaspoon (teaspoon) of oil per 24 hours. To treat inflammatory processes and small, shallow burns, it is necessary to lubricate the affected area with a heated product several times in 24 hours. The use of the remedy for the treatment of bruises should be followed by massage courses using wheat germ oil.


It is not recommended to use wheat germ oil on the face and body when a person has an individual intolerance. And also for diseases urinary system and with a tendency to form kidney stones or if they are present in the body.

Pregnancy and period breastfeeding are not a contraindication for the use of this product.

Oil storage

Video: Beneficial properties of wheat sprouts

Wheat grows almost everywhere and is popular product both in cooking and cosmetology. Young shoots are placed under pressure, then primary raw materials rich in antioxidants and vitamins are obtained. Wheat germ has long been credited with anti-aging properties. Even modern medicine uses the oil of this plant to prepare medicines.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of wheat germ oil

Of all types of vegetable oils, this is the most used in medicine, cosmetology and the food industry. It is loved for its antioxidant properties and record vitamin E content. Let’s take a closer look at the beneficial properties of the oil:

  • improves metabolism in the body;
  • qualitatively and thoroughly cleanses the human skin;
  • removes waste, toxins and harmful substances from food system;
  • perfectly eliminates acne and pimples, makes the skin matte and clean;
  • relieves redness and treats inflamed areas of the skin;
  • heals small wounds, 1st degree burns;
  • pleasantly tones the skin and effectively evens out the complexion;
  • activates the process of blood circulation in tissues;
  • an excellent anti-cellulite product;
  • smoothes wrinkles and folds of the face;
  • strengthens hair roots and structure;
  • fights cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • delivers oxygen to muscles;
  • copes successfully with depressive states And nervous disorders;
  • due to the presence of magnesium, it reduces high blood sugar;
  • promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium with the help of vitamin D, which is contained in it;
  • B vitamins activate neural processes in the cerebral cortex, which is useful for excessive mental work;
  • zinc and selenium produce testosterone, which improves the sexual health of men.

In addition, wheat germ oil is not an allergen. It can be recommended to both adults and children. Not a single tablet from a pharmacy can replace the large list of beneficial properties of this product.

So what makes this oil so beneficial? It includes:

  • vitamins A, groups B, E, D, PP;
  • microelements such as phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iodine, iron and potassium;
  • lecithin, which strengthens the liver;
  • the amino acid methionine, which produces immune cells;
  • beta-carotene and protein;
  • squalene, which saturates human organs and tissues with oxygen;
  • folic, pantothenic, palmitic acid. They are playing important role in metabolism.
  • zinc, which slows down active cell aging.

Thus, using wheat oil as a dietary supplement, you will receive a balanced set of nutrients. Its systematic use will improve your health and reduce the likelihood of contracting any disease.

The use of wheat germ oil in cosmetology and its benefits for the skin

From the archives ancient China it became known about the use of this oil for facial skin care, intimate hygiene And general strengthening health.

Since wheat oil smooths out wrinkles, strengthens the hair structure, and makes the skin clean and healthy, cosmetologists recommend using it in various creams, masks, and baths.

Modern look life wears out our body at an accelerated pace. IN major cities The environment with its exhaust fumes, dirt, dust, noise and constant stress negatively affects the condition of the skin.

To replenish nutrients and enrich our body shell with healthy elements, cosmetologists recommend using wheat germ oil as follows:

Hair masks

  • Prepare a simple mixture of butter and honey in a 2:3 ratio. Apply the nutrient solution to your hair, hold for a while and rinse warm water. This procedure will strengthen your hair along its entire length and eliminate split ends.
  • Another recipe for stimulating growth is to prepare a mixture of olive, castor and wheat oil in a 2:2:2 ratio. Heat this mix in a steam bath and add one egg yolk, a spoonful of honey and a pinch of mustard. Then leave it on your hair for half an hour and wash it off with shampoo. By repeating this procedure 2 times a week, you will be surprised at the result - your hair will become stronger and healthier.
  • A coconut-wheat mask will add shine and strength to your hair. To prepare it you will need coconut pulp, egg yolk, 4 tablespoons of our famous oil. The product must be kept on the hair for 60 minutes.

Lotion to eliminate dark spots around the eyes

Add 5-10 drops to a small amount of wheat oil essential oil roses, mix thoroughly, then apply the finished mixture to desired area massaging movements. Do this procedure every day before going to bed for one week. The result should surprise you.

Medicine for eyelashes

If your eyelashes are weak after wearing makeup, strengthen them and add volume with wheat germ oil. Just take a few drops and rub them directly into your eyelashes. After a few days you will notice an improvement.

Anti-cellulite product

Add 2 tablespoons of oil to 50 grams of ground coffee. Apply the resulting scrub to problem areas using circular movements.

Wheat germ oil for nails and cuticles

The beneficial substances contained in the product have a complex effect on the cuticle. Continuous care using wheat oil will moisturize, nourish, and also disinfect the area around the nail plate. A few drops are enough to heal wounds and hangnails. Vitamin E in its composition makes the skin elastic.

Let's prepare a health cocktail for cuticles based on wheat oil. So, we will need a small disposable syringe, a cup and a glass storage bottle. Measure it using a syringe (10 ml) and pour it into the bowl. Then add 5 drops of essential oil (lemon, eucalyptus, ) according to your taste. Mix the ingredients and use a syringe to pour the finished mixture into a storage container. The shelf life of cuticle oil is 4-5 months.

For the body

Wheatgerm Oil can be used to moisturize the entire skin, for example in winter when additional nutrition is required. If in your region of residence the water passes through limestone and after a shower “tightens” the skin, additional moisturizing will also be needed. In this case, simply massage using this oil. Some people do not use it in its pure form and dilute it.

For the chest

What woman does not dream of having lush and firm breasts? Of course, in most cases, nature takes its toll and mammary glands can only be enlarged surgically. But here is a regular manual massage using vegetable oil wheat will help tighten delicate skin and, which is very important after long period lactation.

For hands

Wheat germ oil copes well with dry hand skin in winter, and is also an indispensable remedy for restoring nails after extensions. It is enough to apply the heated product to your hands and nail plate 2-3 times a week and put on warm gloves for 30-60 minutes. After just a few procedures, the skin will look younger and perfectly moisturized.

For children

Due to its oily consistency, wheat germ oil can be used to rub and moisturize children's skin during diathesis, starting from 6 months, if there are no allergies or serious contraindications to the product. For oral administration as a general tonic, you can use the product from 5 years old, half a teaspoon 2 times a day. However, do not rush to self-medicate your child and consult with your doctor.

Bodybuilding athletes also often use this unique remedy. Just one tablespoon of pure oil per day for a month will help increase the body's endurance to big physical activity and gets rid of toxins.

Contraindications and features of use

IN in kind As a rule, it has practically no contraindications. However, with great caution, it is necessary to prescribe the drug orally to people with a predisposition to the formation of kidney stones, gallstones and bladder. In addition, before use, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the product.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult a physician before using wheat germ oil, even for cosmetic purposes. The same applies to children under 5 years of age.

Truly versatile herbal product is a treasure trove of useful substances. Possessing both therapeutic and preventive properties, this remedy will help rejuvenate and tone our body. Wheat germ oil certainly deserves attention and should be in every family medicine cabinet.

Many have heard about the beneficial properties of sprouted wheat grains. However, not everyone knows about unique product made from them - oil. Let's figure out in what cases it can be used and how to properly make sure that the product brings maximum benefit for the body.

Recently, we are increasingly giving preference to natural products, the beneficial properties of which are beyond doubt. The benefits of such products are obvious, and wheat germ oil is one of them. What are its features and how exactly will this or that component in the product be useful?

All the beneficial properties of wheat germ are preserved in properly prepared oil, which can be used to maintain your own beauty and health. The product is most often obtained by cold pressing and squeezing. Sometimes the method of extraction with liquid carbon dioxide or organic solvents is used. The output is a fairly viscous liquid of golden color with a dense structure.

The value of wheat germ oil is due to the presence in its composition of components that are extremely necessary for the human body, but are not produced by it independently.

For men

The oil has pronounced antioxidant properties and significantly slows down inflammatory processes. Zinc and selenium contained in wheat germ are involved in the production of testosterone, which increases erection and normalizes sperm production, and increases libido.

The product is useful for men because it:

  • has a beneficial effect on the condition prostate gland, renews cells, helps restore organ functions;
  • applied as biological additive for adenoma and prostatitis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • helps with sexual disorders, increases potency;
  • eliminates depression.

To strengthen men's health, it is useful to drink 1 tsp. wheat germ oil on an empty stomach for 2 months.

For women

Wheat germ oil helps solve a number of problems related to women's health:

  • excellently increases libido;
  • helps normalize menstrual cycles;
  • increases lactation;
  • promotes the overall health of pregnant women;
  • counteracts the pathological proliferation of benign tissues in mastopathy;
  • relieves unpleasant syndromes during menopause;
  • reduces dryness of the vaginal mucous membranes.


  • For general strengthening women's health. It is necessary to take 2 weeks, 1 tsp. 2 oils once a day 40–50 minutes before meals. Then you need to take a 1 week break and repeat the course if necessary.
  • In case of violations menstrual cycle. The drug should be taken orally a week before the onset of critical days.
  • For mastopathy. It is necessary to use the product daily internally and externally in the form of oil compresses on the mammary glands.

For the child's body

The valuable composition of the oil has not gone unnoticed by manufacturers of cosmetic products for children. After World Organization The health authorities included this product in the list of permitted ingredients; many companies began to produce products for children with its addition. After all, wheat germ oilperfectly moisturizes and provides gentle care for delicate baby skin.

To maintain children's health The product is used as follows:

  • you can add 5–10% wheat to another base oil;
  • Use orally (0.5 tsp of the product 1-2 times daily for two weeks) is allowed for children from 5 years of age;
  • You can add 1-2 drops of oil per 1 serving of cosmetics to ready-made creams and milks.

Table: fatty acid content in wheat germ oil

Name Content, % Properties
Alpha-linoleic (Omega-3) until 11
  • provides strengthening of the immune system;
  • promotes healthy development of the body (normalizes blood pressure, strengthens vision);
  • widely used in cosmetology for skin care.
Gamma-linoleic (Omega-6) 45–60
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduces pain and itching;
  • eliminates dry skin.
Oleic (Omega-9) 12–30
  • increases immunity at the cellular level;
  • helps improve metabolism;
  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
Palmitic 14–17
  • maintains optimal hormonal balance;
  • promotes the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.
Stearic 0,5–2,3
  • improves protective functions body;
  • has an emulsifying and binding effect in the manufacture of creams, balms, emulsions;
  • is a stabilizer.
Myristic up to 0.2
Arachinova up to 0.4
  • has antiseptic properties;
  • strengthens the immune system.
Lignoceric up to 0.2
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • normalizes acid-base balance.

The most important amino acids contained in wheat germ oil are:

  • Leucine. Plays an important role in protein synthesis, helps increase muscle mass, being, as it were, an activator of its growth.
  • Valin. It has glucogenic properties, that is, it is able to transform into glucose. Very important for muscle tissue as a source of additional energy. This amino acid is also a source for the synthesis of vitamin B3 and penicillin, stimulates the activity of the body, forming and maintaining its structural and functional integrity.
  • Isoleucine. Participates in the production of hemoglobin, affects blood sugar and cholesterol levels, regenerates muscle tissue and provides the body with energy, increasing endurance under high physical and emotional stress. This amino acid also stimulates the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems, and also improves immunity.
  • Methionine. It has antioxidant properties, cleanses the body of free radicals and toxins, helps remove excess moisture from tissues and reduce swelling. In addition, the substance has a beneficial effect on the functions of the urinary tract, ensuring the prevention of various infections. For cystitis (in combination with B vitamins) it has a positive effect on cartilage tissue, anesthetizing and relieving inflammatory processes, and also strengthens the structure of nails and hair, slows down the accumulation of excess fat by the body and improves immunity.
  • Tryptophan. Affects the production of hormones that create an emotional background, for example, serotonin. Improves the following abilities: perceive information, transfer stressful situations, reducing the level of irritability, nervousness, and aggressiveness. In addition, the substance increases performance and has a beneficial effect on sleep by producing the hormone melatonin.

The product components also include:

  • Allantoin. It has anti-inflammatory properties, affects cell elasticity and firmness, and improves complexion.
  • Squalene. Stimulates immune system, has antibactericidal properties.
  • Octacosanol. Affects fat metabolism and platelet stickiness in the blood, has antioxidant properties.

Table: amount of vitamins and carotenoids in 100 grams of product

Name Content, mg Properties
Carotenoids 11,1–18,6 Powerful antioxidants. Supports the cardiovascular system, protects the body from harmful effects free radicals. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Normalize intestinal microflora. Helps strengthen vision.
Pantothenic acid 11,2–15,8 Slimness vitamin. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, neutralizes pathogenic organisms, helps in the fight against stress, promotes fat burning and maintaining a slim figure.
Tocopherol 160,0–600,0 Vitamin of youth. Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and generally has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Maintains muscle tissue tone. Promotes stable functioning reproductive system. Cleanses the body of harmful substances.
Ergosterol 1,2–1,6 Promotes calcium absorption, prevents cancer.
Folic acid 2,3–3,1 Promotes amino acid metabolism and nucleic acid synthesis. Normalizes the emotional background. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Wheat germ oil contains more than 20 micro- and macroelements: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, selenium, manganese, zinc, iron, iodine and others.

You can purchase the product at the pharmacy. It is available in the form of capsules or liquid. For external use, you can buy cosmetic oil. It has a lower degree of purification than medical one. Sometimes manufacturers produce compositions with different additives. For internal use, only a capsule version or a liquid product without additives is suitable.

Application of wheat germ oil in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the components of wheat germ oil contribute to the fact that diseases recede, the body becomes healthier and younger, lightness appears in the body, and mood improves. But the most obvious effect of the product can be seen when used in cosmetology. Regular use of the product helps:

  • improve color and general condition skin, while maintaining its elasticity;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • add shine to hair;
  • strengthen your nails.

In order for the results of cosmetic procedures to meet your expectations, you must follow simple recommendations:

  • Wheat germ oil should be used systematically and regularly. A single use will not give a noticeable effect, although it will undoubtedly benefit the body.
  • Oil formulations and creams can be used every day. Masks are made 1-2 times a week.
  • The first use of any product should be carried out especially carefully: carefully monitor the skin reaction during and after the procedure. The natural composition of the oil and other components in the formulation may cause allergies associated with individual intolerance substances and manifested in redness of the epidermis or the appearance of a rash.
  • Before using any recipe, you must cleanse your skin. During the day, dust and microparticles settle on it, which, combining with secretions sebaceous glands, form a layer that clogs the pores. Without this procedure, the products will not bring the desired benefit.
  • To cleanse the skin of the product, it is better to use liquid soap. It dissolves the fat layer well and contains fewer microbes than the surface of a hard piece. There is no need to wipe your face thoroughly. It is enough to blot the skin with a disposable towel so that it remains slightly damp.
  • You can distribute the compositions with your fingers or using a brush or cotton pad, without stretching or pressing on the skin. Apply products especially carefully to the area around the eyes. Make sure that the drug does not get on the mucous membrane, otherwise it will cause irritation.
  • There is no need to wash your face after applying the oil composition or cream. Let your skin nourish useful components, and blot the excess product with a paper napkin.
  • It is more convenient to make masks while lying down. They are kept on the face for 10–20 minutes. Then wash off with clean warm water without soap. You can first remove most of the mixture with a paper towel and then wash your face. If the product has hardened and a film or crust has formed, first soak it by applying a wet sponge to your face, and then carefully remove it. After removing the mask, you can wipe the skin with infusion medicinal herbs or green tea and apply nourishing cream. This will relieve the feeling of tightness.
  • Carry out procedures in good mood. You should not engage in health improvement in a hurry, it will not bring the desired benefits. Take at least 30 minutes, turn on some calm music and relax, enjoying the process.

For skin

Wheat germ oil - effective natural remedy, carefully caring for facial skin. It is perfectly absorbed, improves metabolism in cells and helps get rid of fine wrinkles.

A skin nourishing mask can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • oatmeal (2 tbsp);
  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • lemon juice (1 tsp);
  • banana (1 pc.);
  • egg (1 pc.).

Oatmeal must be ground. This can be done in a coffee grinder. Berries and fruits, if they are not ripe enough, can be chopped in a blender. But it is better to choose fully ripe and soft fruits that can be mashed quite easily with a fork.

The oil composition for oily skin gives it a beautiful matte shade and helps get rid of greasy shine. The ingredients for preparing this product are as follows:

  • lemon juice (1 tsp);
  • essential oils of bergamot, cedar (1 drop each).

The juice for a cosmetic product should be squeezed out from fresh vegetables and fruits. It, unlike a purchased product, contains many useful vitamins and microelements.

The mask for enlarged pores is prepared from the following components:

  • oatmeal (1 tbsp);
  • egg white (1 pc.);
  • honey (1 tsp);
  • wheat germ oil (1 tsp);
  • castor oil (1 tsp).

A mask for dry skin gives a good moisturizing effect. It consists of the following ingredients:

  • oatmeal (1 tbsp);
  • coconut oil (2 tsp).

If the skin is very flaky, the following composition will be useful:

  • wheat flour (2 tbsp);
  • wheat germ oil (2 tsp);
  • grape seed oil (2 tsp).

The oil composition for lifting the face, neck and décolleté is prepared from the following components:

  • wheat germ oil (1 tbsp);
  • peach oil (1 tbsp);
  • jojoba oil (1 tbsp);
  • essential oils of mint, grapefruit and sandalwood (1 drop each).

To prepare a mask with a lifting effect you will need:

  • rice (1 tbsp);
  • wheat germ oil (1 tbsp);
  • palm oil (1 tbsp);
  • green tea (40 ml).

Brew green tea at the rate of 1–2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 5 minutes, then strain.

The anti-wrinkle mask is prepared based on the following ingredients:

  • oatmeal (4 tbsp);
  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • strawberries (4–5 berries).

An oil composition for the skin around the eyes helps smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. To prepare it you will need:

  • wheat germ oil (1 tsp);
  • olive oil (1 tsp);
  • esters of rose and sandalwood (1 drop each).

Another mask recipe will help get rid of bags under the eyes and give a beautiful shade to the skin. To prepare it you will need:

  • oatmeal (1 tbsp);
  • tomato juice (2 tbsp);
  • olive oil (1 tbsp);
  • wheat germ oil (1 tbsp).

The oil composition against irritations on the face slows down inflammatory processes on the skin, eliminating redness and pimples. To prepare it you will need:

  • wheat germ oil (1 tbsp);
  • grape seed oil (3 tbsp);
  • esters of juniper, bergamot, lemon (1 drop each).

Acne mask and acne prepared from the following ingredients:

  • yellow clay (1 tbsp);
  • wheat oil (1 tsp);
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil (1 tsp).


  1. Add a little water to the clay and stir. The consistency of the mixture should resemble cream.
  2. Add oil and beat well.
  3. Apply the resulting mask to problem areas of the skin.

The oil composition against skin pigmentation effectively lightens the skin, making freckles and various age spots less noticeable. To prepare it you need the following components:

  • wheat germ oil (1 tbsp);
  • esters of lemon, bergamot and juniper (1 drop each).

To prepare an oil composition for lips you will need:

  • wheat germ oil (2 tbsp);
  • rose oil (2-3 drops).

Video: wheat germ oil for wrinkles

For hair

Wheat germ oil will help weak and dull hair regain strength and beautiful natural shine.

For weakened strands, it is best to use pure oil without any additives. To do this you should:

  1. Rub the product into the scalp only, being careful not to touch the hair.
  2. Put on a plastic cap and wrap with a towel.
  3. Keep for 1 hour.
  4. Wash your hair with shampoo.

A mask made from a mixture of wheat germ oil and jojoba in a 1:1 ratio will help you cope with the problem of hair loss. The method of using this product is the same as the composition for weakened strands.

For dry and thin hair, a mask containing the following components is suitable:

  • banana (0.5 pcs.);
  • kefir (2 tbsp);
  • wheat germ oil (4 tbsp).

Application: Apply the product to the hair roots and leave for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

For cooking cosmetics Fresh cow's or goat's milk is best, as well as fermented milk products based on them. When purchasing a product in a supermarket, pay attention to the expiration date. It should be no more than 4–5 days. Products with long term storage does not provide benefits for skin health.

Mask for oily hair consists of the following ingredients:

  • kefir (4 tbsp);
  • lemon juice (1 tbsp);
  • butter (1 tbsp).

A mask for damaged hair is made from wheat germ oil mixed with honey in a 2:1 ratio.

For eyebrows and eyelashes


  • wheat germ oil (1 tbsp);
  • castor oil (1 tsp).

For hands and nails

To keep your hand skin beautiful and velvety, and your nails healthy and well-groomed, daily care is required. Active substances Wheat germ oils can provide the necessary nutrition.

To prepare a nourishing hand cream you will need the following ingredients:

  • wheat germ oil (2 tbsp);
  • glycerin (130 ml);
  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • lemon juice (2 tbsp);
  • onion juice (2 tbsp).

The unused portion of the mixture should be transferred to a glass container and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Moisturizing cream for dry hand skin can be made using the following ingredients:

  • wheat germ oil (2 tsp);
  • chamomile, dried flowers (2 tbsp);
  • butter (50 g);
  • honey (1 tsp).


  1. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over chamomile. Cover the container with a lid or saucer and leave for 20 minutes, then strain.
  2. Combine all ingredients and mix well.
  3. Apply to the skin of the hands and nails. Store the unused portion of the product in the refrigerator.


Whatever remarkable properties Regardless of wheat germ oil, its use is not always justified. When purchasing a product at a pharmacy, carefully read the instructions and consult a pharmacist. If you still have doubts, contact your doctor for clarification. After all, even the external use of the drug has a number of limitations.

The oil stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes. It should be used with extreme caution for varicose veins or a special case of this disease - rosacea. On initial stage pathological process expansion of capillaries can be recognized by the appearance on the skin of small spider veins, sometimes very small red dots with barely noticeable rays extending from them. In more late period As the disease progresses, dilated veins are clearly visible; they protrude as tubercles on the surface of the skin.

Wheat germ oil should also not be used on deep or bleeding cuts. various injuries skin. The product applied to the skin forms a kind of film, which can slow down the wound healing process. Sometimes observed increased sensitivity to the product, associated with individual intolerance and manifested in various allergic reactions: skin rashes, itching.

Contraindications to internal use the following: