Fukortsin is a colorless remedy for chickenpox. Fukortsin colorless - always in your first aid kit

Fukortsin is a disinfectant and antiseptic for external use, which is used to treat various wounds, erosions, cracks, abrasions, as well as pustular and fungal diseases of the skin.

Release forms and composition

Fukortsin is also called red brilliant green or Castellani liquid.

Currently, Fukortsin is produced in the only dosage form- This solution for external use. Fukortsin does not exist in ointment form.

Fukortsin solution is a liquid, dark red in color, and has a specific smell of phenol. The solution is poured into orange glass bottles of 10 ml, 15 ml and 25 ml. Some bottles are equipped with dropper stoppers or stoppers with swabs for easy application of the solution to the skin.

The composition of the Fukortsin solution as active substances includes the following components:

  • Boric acid – 0.8 g;
  • Resorcinol – 7.8 g;
  • Phenol – 3.9 g;
  • Basic fuchsin (dye) – 0.4 g.
As excipients Fukortsin solution contains acetone (4.9 g), 95% ethyl alcohol (9.6 ml) and distilled water. After placing all components in required quantity Add distilled water to a volumetric flask to the 100 ml mark. Accordingly, the dosage of active and auxiliary components given per 100 ml of ready solution.

Fukortsin solution must be stored in orange glass bottles in which it is sold in pharmacies, without pouring into another container, since the product is sensitive to light. Accordingly, Fukortsin should be stored in a dark place, at a temperature environment no higher than 25 o C.

Therapeutic effect

Fukortsin solution has antiseptic, disinfectant and antifungal effect, which is provided by the effects of the active components included in its composition.

Boric acid, phenol and resorcinol disrupt the integrity cell wall pathogenic microorganisms, thereby causing their death and stopping infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin. Since the components of Fukortsin have antiseptic properties, they have a detrimental effect on a wide range of microorganisms, including fungi.

Accordingly, Fukortsin is used for two main purposes. Firstly, for the external treatment of various wounds of the skin in order to disinfect them, prevent suppuration and infection, as well as to relieve already developed infectious process. And secondly, for the treatment of pustular and fungal diseases of the skin.

Indications for use

Fukortsin solution is indicated for use for the following conditions or diseases:
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin (superficial wounds, erosions, cracks, abrasions);
  • Pustular skin diseases (for example, impetigo, acne, etc.);
  • Fungal skin diseases.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use of Fukortsin solution

Fukortsin solution can be used to treat any damage to the skin, such as wounds, abrasions, erosions, cracks, etc. In this case, Fukortsin is used, firstly, for the antiseptic treatment of wounds in order to prevent their infection and the addition of an infectious process with suppuration, weeping and prolonged non-healing. Secondly, Fukortsin is used to treat already infected skin wounds for the purpose of stopping inflammatory process, eliminating suppuration and weeping with subsequent acceleration of healing. This means that Fukortsin can and should be used to lubricate any wounds formed on the skin due to various causal factors. Thus, it is possible to treat abrasions received by children during falls, and opened calluses, and squeezed out ulcers, and non-healing, weeping umbilical wounds in infants, and inflamed elements of rashes (for example, with dermatitis, eczema, allergies, prickly heat), etc. Fukortsin cannot be treated only open wounds, since it contains acetone and fuchsin dye. Lubricating any wounds on the skin with Fukortsin is necessary to prevent infection, drying and stopping the inflammatory process.

In addition, Fukortsin solution can be used for local treatment fungal and pustular (pyoderma, impetigo, etc.) diseases of the skin.

Fukortsin must be applied pointwise to areas of damaged skin (wounds, abrasions, scratches, cracks, etc.), to foci of pustular rashes or locally to areas fungal infection. The solution should be applied with a glass or cotton swab, cosmetic disc or cotton swab. Skin lesions should be treated 2–4 times a day. It is allowed to treat the skin with Fukortsin a maximum of 5 times a day. After Fukortsin applied to the skin has dried, any other external products can be applied on top of it, such as ointments, pastes, liniments, lotions, foams, etc. The duration of use of Fukortsin is determined by the rate of disappearance of symptoms of the inflammatory process on the skin. In general, Fukortsin can be used for a long time.

In order not to contaminate all the liquid in the bottle, it is necessary to pour a little solution into a small container (for example, a glass, a measuring plug from another medicine). Next, to treat damaged areas of the skin, you should take the Fukortsin solution onto a stick, cotton swab or cosmetic disc from a small container into which the product was poured from the bottle. After all affected areas of the skin have been treated, the remainder of the poured Fukortsin should be poured out of the small container, and the container itself should be washed with water and detergent. For each subsequent treatment, it is necessary to re-pour a little liquid and use it, and not the solution from the bottle.

When applied to wounds, Fukortsin can cause short-term burning and itching, but these phenomena normally subside within 1 to 3 minutes. If the itching and burning after applying Fukortsin did not go away within 5 minutes or began to intensify, then this is no longer considered normal reaction, but is considered a manifestation of an allergy. In such cases, you should immediately stop using Fukortsin, wash it off the skin (see methods below, in the section “How to wash off Fukortsin?”) and take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Telfast, Claritin, etc.).

Fukortsin should be applied pointwise or locally to areas of damaged skin, and not to lubricate the skin over a continuous field. This requirement is due to the fact that when Fukortsin is applied to large areas of the skin, phenol, which is part of the solution, can be absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause toxic effects (dizziness, weakness, breathing problems).

Fukortsin has a specific odor and can stain linen, clothing and any surfaces it comes into contact with. At the same time, Fukortsin is difficult to wipe off from various surfaces and does not wash well from fabrics, so the solution should be used carefully so as not to stain linen, clothing and household items (furniture, carpets, etc.).


Overdose is possible with long-term use or when treating large areas of the skin with Fukortsin. In such cases, symptoms of overdose include signs of phenol poisoning (which is absorbed into the bloodstream), such as dizziness, weakness, and breathing problems. If signs of overdose appear, you should immediately stop using Fukortsin, go to fresh air and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment aimed at maintaining normal functioning vital organs.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Fukortsin usually does not affect a person’s ability to control machinery, therefore, while using the solution, you can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring high speed reactions and concentration. However, if large surfaces of the skin are treated with Fukortsin, phenol may be absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause dizziness, weakness and breathing problems, and in such situations you should refrain from various types activities that require high reaction speed or concentration.

Interaction with other drugs

Fukortsin does not significantly interact with other drugs, so the solution can be used together with other drugs for both external use and oral administration.

How to wash Fukortsin (how to wash the solution from skin, clothes, furniture)?

You can wash Fukortsin solution from the skin in the following ways:

1. Prepare the following solution: mix 2 tablespoons ammonia and 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide 3%. You need to wipe the stained skin with this composition, and the burgundy color will disappear from the skin without a trace. After treating the skin with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, you need to wash off the remaining product from the skin with running water.

2. Prepare grated mixture laundry soap with hydrogen peroxide or ammonia. Hydrogen peroxide or ammonia should be added to the soap until a paste forms. This paste is applied to Fukortsin spots on the skin, left for a few minutes, and then washed off with water.

3. Soak a cotton swab or cosmetic pad in alcohol or vodka and wipe the skin stained with Fukortsin. Then wash the treated leather with water and laundry soap, and the burgundy color will come off without a trace.

To remove Fukortsin stains from teeth you need to mix a tablespoon baking soda with the juice of half a lemon. This solution should be applied to toothbrush and brush your teeth thoroughly. Fukortsin stains will disappear completely after the procedure.

You can remove Fukortsin stains from clothes made of synthetic fabrics by simply washing them with laundry soap. warm water. A for removing Fukortsin stains from natural fabrics(clothes, linen, carpets) you can use the following recipes:

  • Lubricate the stains with a universal stain remover pencil from Faberlic. The stains should be rubbed with a pencil until the burgundy color is completely gone. After using the stain remover, you need to wash your laundry or clothes as usual.
  • Lubricate Fukortsin stains with toothpaste and leave it on the fabric for 10 - 15 minutes. After this, you should wash the stains in warm water and laundry soap. After treating with toothpaste followed by washing with laundry soap, Fukortsin stains will completely come off the fabric.
  • Do strong solution laundry soap and add ammonia to it. Apply the soap-alcohol mixture to the stains, leave for 10 - 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
To remove Fukortsin stains from floors and furniture surfaces you can use sodium sulfite, salicylic acid, Aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid) or chlorine-containing laundry bleaches (Belizna, BOS, Ac, etc.). It is very easy to use sodium sulfite and salicylic acid to remove stains - you need to buy the drug at the pharmacy, apply Fukortsin to the stains and quickly rinse with water. Aspirin in the amount of 10 tablets should be dissolved in a glass of water, and with this solution wash the floor or furniture surfaces. To remove Fukortsin, chlorine-containing bleaches must be dissolved in water, and the floor or furniture surfaces must be thoroughly washed with this solution.

Fukortsin for children

General provisions

IN official instructions, adopted Russian Ministry healthcare, there is no indication that Fukortsin should not be used to treat skin diseases in children. However, in many countries, a restriction has been adopted on the use of Fukortsin in children under 5 years of age, which consists in the fact that in children from birth to 5 years of age, only small areas of skin (for example, the umbilical wound) can be treated with the solution, and it cannot be applied to a large area . This limitation is due to the presence of phenol in the solution, which can be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause toxic effects (dizziness, fatigue, breathing problems) if Fukortsin is applied to a large surface area of ​​the skin.

However, despite the danger of phenol being absorbed into the bloodstream, pediatricians in countries former USSR Fukortsin is readily and often prescribed for children from birth. This practice is due to the fact that the drug has been used for quite a long time, and according to observational experience, it rarely causes any undesirable effects. That is, the potential danger of using Fukortsin in children under 5 years of age is low, but the effectiveness of the solution is very high and undoubted.

When using Fukortsin in children, it is necessary to remember that the solution dries the skin, and when treating large surfaces, phenol can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, the solution should be used in children under 5 years of age only to treat small areas of the skin surface, and for the shortest possible time.

Instructions for use of Fukortsin for children

For children under one year of age, Fukortsin solution is recommended to be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and used in a diluted form to minimize the risk of potential negative effects. For children aged 1 - 5 years, Fukortsin solution can be used in pure form or diluted with water, using caution. By being careful, doctors mean the need to apply Fukortsin to as small an area of ​​skin as possible and for as long as possible. short term. That is, it is optimal to apply the solution pointwise, and stop using it as soon as there is no longer a need for it and it is possible to leave wounds, inflammations, ulcers, cracks or rashes without treatment, since the obvious healing process has already begun (for example, the rashes have dried up, the wounds have become covered crust, etc.).

It is necessary to treat the child’s skin with Fukortsin 2–4 times a day, maximum up to 5 times a day. The solution should not be applied to the skin more than 5 times a day, since in this case phenol may be absorbed into the bloodstream with the development of toxic reactions (dizziness, fatigue and breathing problems).

Fukortsin should be applied to the skin with a cotton or glass swab, cotton swab or cosmetic disc. To do this, dip the stick into the solution, lift it, wait for the drops to drain from it, and then gently touch the damaged area of ​​the skin. If a cotton swab or cosmetic disc is used, then the solution is applied to them, pressing them to the neck of the bottle and turning it upside down. When Fukortsin is on the disc or tampon, it is quickly applied to the skin.

After applying Fukortsin to the skin, you should wait a few minutes until the solution dries so that it does not stain your clothes so much, and then get dressed. If necessary, after Fukortsin dries on the skin, pastes and ointments can be applied on top of it.

In order not to stain your hands and pieces of furniture, it is recommended to open the bottle of Fukortsin with a cosmetic disc or any soft cloth so that traces of the solution remain on it, and not on the skin and furniture.

Treatment of various diseases with Fukortsin

Fukortsin for chickenpox

Chickenpox rashes can be treated with Fukortsin, since the solution reduces itching and inflammation, and also promotes the rapid formation of crusts and, accordingly, recovery. In addition, when treating chickenpox rashes large size With Fukortsin they heal without scarring or marks on the skin.

For chickenpox, rashes are treated by applying Fukortsin pointwise to the elements of the rash with a cotton swab or glass swab. Fukortsin must be applied to the elements of the rash 2-3 times a day so that they are constantly covered with a layer of solution. The drug should be used until the crusts fall off at the site of the rash. After stopping the use of Fukortsin, the stains on the skin from it should be left and not washed off specifically for 10 - 14 days after the crusts fall off.

Fukortsin for treating wounds in the mouth

Fukortsin can be used to treat wounds in the mouth only in short courses lasting less than seven days, and only treat small ulcers. This means that the solution can be applied to wounds for a maximum of 7 days, after which the use of Fukortsin should be stopped, regardless of how successful the therapy was. It is also necessary to remember that only a small area of ​​the mucous membrane can be treated with the solution, that is, the drug can be applied pointwise, exclusively to the ulcers.

For spot treatment of ulcers, it is necessary to touch a cotton swab moistened with Fukortsin directly to the defect on the mucous membrane. Treatment of wounds in the mouth should be done 2–4 times a day, but no more than 5 times. After treating the wounds, you must refrain from drinking and eating for 20–30 minutes.

Fukortsin for wounds

If the wound surface is large (more than 2x2 cm) or the wound is open ("meat" is visible from the defect on the skin), then Fukortsin cannot be used for their treatment, since in such situations phenol will be absorbed into the skin. systemic blood flow with the development of toxic reactions (dizziness, fatigue, breathing problems).

But if the wounds are small and not open, then Fukortsin can be used to treat them. In such cases, the solution can be used to prevent wound infection and accelerate their healing, or to treat an existing inflammatory process in the wound. In both cases, Fukortsin is applied to the wound 2-4 times a day until the resulting crusts fall off. In principle, you can stop using Fukortsin when the wounds become covered with crusts. But if you use the solution during the healing period of the wound under the crust, then restoration of the integrity of the skin will occur faster and with minimal risk of scar formation. If you stop using Fukortsin after crusts form, healing will proceed more slowly, and the risk of scar formation will be higher.

Fukortsin for nails

Fukortsin solution is indicated for use for the prevention of fungal infections, as well as for the treatment various damages traumatic nail plate.

To prevent fungal infections, it is recommended to treat nail plates with Fukortsin 1 – 2 times a week. In this case, the solution must be applied to the entire nail, like nail polish. Fukortsin is not suitable for the treatment of an existing fungal nail infection, since it does not penetrate deep into the tissue of the nail plate and, accordingly, does not destroy the spores of the pathogenic fungus. And if the fungal spores are not destroyed, the disease will recur again after a while.

To treat various traumatic injuries to the nail plate (for example, nail fractures in the area of ​​its attachment to the nail bed, nail deformation, cutting too short, etc.), Fukortsin is applied to the wound area 2-4 times a day. In this case, you should try to treat not only the damaged area, but also the skin around it. Thanks to the use of Fukortsin, areas of nail damage do not become inflamed or infected, and the nail itself grows, acquiring normal shape and sizes.

In addition, it should be separately noted that Fukortsin is able to cure felon if you start using the solution on initial stages its development. In other words, if you start applying Fukortsin when the panaritium has just begun to form, then this pathological process can be stopped. If you suspect the formation of panaritium, it is recommended to apply a few drops of Fukortsin directly to the area where the nail has grown into the skin, 1-2 times a day for a week. During this time, the solution will stop inflammation of the skin and soft tissues around the nail plate and stop the nail from growing into the skin, as a result of which the panaritium will be cured at an early stage.

Fukortsin for fungus

Fukortsin solution is effective drug for the treatment of superficial skin fungal infections, but is not suitable for the treatment of fungal infections of the nails. This means that the solution can treat fungal skin lesions if they are superficial (there is hair on the skin in the area of ​​the fungal lesion and there are no ulcers, crusts, scabs, suppurations, etc.), but it cannot treat nail fungus.

To treat skin fungal infections, Fukortsin should be applied to the affected areas 2 to 4 times a day until the skin cleanses and acquires a normal appearance and structure. In this case, it is necessary to throw away the cotton swabs or cosmetic discs that are used to apply the solution to the skin after each use, and do not allow other people to touch them so that they do not become infected.

Fukortsin on the face

Fukortsin solution can be used for spot treatment of inflammatory rashes on the face, such as pimples, blackheads, elements of streptoderma, etc. In this case, the drug should be applied pointwise, exclusively to the rashes, and not to lubricate the entire skin of the face.

Fukortsin is applied to the elements of rashes on the face with a cotton swab 2-4 times a day until they heal or a crust forms on them. As a rule, pimples become small, unnoticeable, not swollen and not inflamed after treating them once or twice with Fukortsin. If you apply Fukortsin to pimples a few more times, they will either go away completely or transform into small and dense pustules that are easily squeezed out without leaving scars or marks (post-acne).

Fukortsin - analogues

Fukortsin solution has no analogues in terms of active substance, but has analogues in therapeutic action. This means that analogues of Fukortsin in the domestic market pharmaceutical market are medicines containing others active substances, but having the same spectrum therapeutic action.

Fukortsin analogues include the following drugs:

  • Acerbine ointment and solution for external use;
  • Diamond green (zelenka) solution for external use;
  • Octenisept solution for external and local use;
  • Saledez alcohol solution for external use;
  • Salicylic-zinc paste with Levomycetin for external use;
  • Sangviritrin liniment for external and local use;
  • Teimur paste for external use;
  • Fucaseptol solution for external use.

Use of the drug "Fukortsin" in dermatology

There are many different skin diseases. The etiology and pathogenesis of most of them has not yet been identified. Eat scientific hypothesis that all these diseases are caused by a violation metabolic processes in the epidermis. With many skin diseases The drug “Fukortsin”, colorless, has been successfully used. It contains phenol, fuchsin, resorcinol, boric acid, ethyl alcohol, acetone and distilled water.

The traditional medicine “Fukortsin” has a bright crimson color and is too noticeable on the skin. In addition, it is almost impossible to wash it or remove it from clothes with ordinary detergents. The drug "Fukortsin" colorless is used for skin rashes, eczema, ulcers, chickenpox papules and even insect bites with a severe allergic reaction. It perfectly relieves itching, swelling and inflammation, due to this the pain subsides and the swelling subsides.

The drug "Fukortsin": chickenpox recedes

The drug is most often used for chickenpox. Smallpox papules cause unbearable itching, and scratching them can open the entrance gates of infection (which happens quite often). Therefore, smallpox rashes are treated with antiseptics, which is fucorcin. Colorless, it is not noticeable on the skin, therefore it is very popular and in demand. Its composition is somewhat different from the standard antiseptic, but the effectiveness of treatment does not suffer from this. Unbearable itching with chickenpox, burning with eczema, swelling with insect bites - everything is relieved after using this universal antiseptic, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drug.

How to wash fucorcin?

This problem is no longer relevant, since there is an alternative - colorless - analogue of the drug. But if the doctor recommends using a traditional drug with a bright, corrosive color, then to wash it you should use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of one to two. You can also use sodium sulfite solution. These mixtures perfectly neutralize the coloring elements of the drug and quickly wash it off. But the easiest way to use the colorless drug “Fukortsin” for treatment. This dermatological product does not cause allergic reactions, ideally dries the wound surface, prevents pathogens from entering the wound and relieves swelling by improving blood circulation caused by ethyl alcohol, which dilates the capillaries and pores of the skin.

The drug "Fukortsin" - for the treatment of eczema

For the treatment of eczematous skin lesions, the antiseptic fucorcin is simply irreplaceable. It fights eczematous infection of the surface, at the same time drying it, relieving swelling and, therefore, soreness, and for some psoriasis patients it helps relieve or significantly reduce rashes, causing them long-term remission and a significant reduction in flaky surface area. The drug is also used to treat minor wounds and abrasions. Unlike iodine, there are no allergies or burns to it. It is recommended for people with sensitive skin.

Perhaps 50 years ago, brilliant green was considered the best way in the treatment of chickenpox. Therefore, today, everyone knows this “magic” remedy, which seems to do the job well. However modern world has many various drugs with a similar effect and some of them are colorless and leave no traces. Zelenka, as we all know, leaves green specks that are then difficult to wash off. Is there a colorless green patch with chickenpox? Yes, and we will talk about it in this information article.

Why use brilliant green for chickenpox

An alcohol solution of brilliant green is used to treat exanthema with chickenpox. This is done with the aim of disinfecting areas of the epidermis affected by the rash, which helps reduce the spread of infection, and also reduces the risk of developing secondary bacterial infections, which can significantly complicate the course of the disease itself and subsequently lead to the formation of deep skin disorders in the form of scars.

Representatives modern medicine note that brilliant green does not have a therapeutic effect as such, since it does not penetrate the skin layers. Its use in chickenpox can be reduced to a way of marking new foci of exanthema that form every day or two.

Colorless antiseptics

To date, pharmaceutical companies offer several antiseptic drugs that have a greater effect in the treatment of chickenpox rash. Here are some of them:

Cost of colorless and effective products

All of the above products can be purchased in city pharmacies or from online sources. The price of a colorless green solution for chickenpox, Castellani Gefe-B solution, varies from 150 rubles to 250 rubles per bottle, depending on the place of purchase.

Alcohol solution salicylic acid 1% costs pennies, within 20-30 rubles per bottle.

It is almost impossible to buy medical alcohol 60% in a pharmacy today.

The most expensive product is essential oil tea tree. Price 100% essential oil ranges from 900 to 2000 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle and quality, as well as the place of sale.


All the drugs and remedies proposed above have a fairly narrow effect. The use of any product must be approved by a qualified specialist. If we really talk about worthwhile means for the treatment of chickenpox, you should pay attention to Calamine lotion and PoxClean hydrogel. They have wide range actions and really contribute to the speedy healing of rashes when chicken pox. In addition, if you decide to use lotion or hydrogel, treatment with antiseptic solutions will not make sense. Don't get sick.

Fucorcin is a combined disinfectant and antiseptic, the substances in which have a comprehensive effect on infectious agents, inhibiting the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and completely destroying them. Due to the content of resorcinol, the drug promotes the restoration of damaged tissue during the treatment process.

The product is used for treatment infectious pathologies mucous membranes and skin. The drug is prescribed only if the pathogen is sensitive to the active components of the drug, which is determined by laboratory tests.

Fukortsin disinfectant solution eliminates infectious focus, preventing its spread. The medicine simultaneously has antimicrobial, fungicidal and antiseptic effects. But, like all strong antiseptics, Fukortsin has contraindications and risks side effects, which you must familiarize yourself with before starting treatment.

Important! The drug is used for local application to damaged areas of the skin and mucous membrane. At extensive wounds ah and burns will be ineffective.

Release form, composition and manufacturers

The antiseptic contains the following components:

  • acetone – has a disinfecting and drying effect;
  • resorcinol – promotes regeneration, limits the spread of fungus;
  • fuchsin is a red dye of the rosaniline group;
  • phenol - an organic compound with an antiseptic effect;
  • boric acid is a strong antiseptic that eliminates various types of fungus.

Fukortsin is produced by the following pharmaceutical companies:

  • "Samaramedprom";
  • "Tula Pharmaceutical Factory";
  • "Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory";
  • "Yaroslavl pharmaceutical factory".

Indications for use

The main indication for use of the drug Fukortsin is treatment superficial wounds on the skin. But due to the combined composition, the product has proven itself well against nail fungus. An antiseptic not only destroys pathogenic organisms, but also prevents the addition of a secondary infection, which often occurs with prolonged activity of a fungal infection in the body.

Other indications for use of Fukortsin solution:

  • ulcers due to bacterial skin lesions;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • chickenpox (chickenpox);
  • streptoderma;
  • the need for skin treatment after medical procedures;
  • boils and carbuncles;
  • erosive damage to mucous membranes;
  • abrasions, cracks, shallow cuts.

Contraindications and side effects

The medicine should be used with caution, especially if the skin is hypersensitive. Absolute contraindication Fukortsin will be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding without a doctor’s permission.

Fukortsin has the following contraindications:

  • allergies and increased sensitivity to individual components;
  • chronic dermatosis and other recurrent skin pathologies;
  • children's age (use from 12 years of age is permissible only as prescribed by a doctor).

The drug contains substances that can become a health hazard if the instructions for use are not followed. These components must not be applied to the mucous membrane or taken orally, as this will lead to burns and poisoning of the body.

The product can only be used externally, then it remains safe and with minimal risk adverse reactions. But neglecting the instructions and self-medication without examination by a doctor can result in a number of complications that Fukortsin and other strong medicine cannot cope with. antifungal agents. Before treatment you must pass everything necessary tests and be examined by a dermatologist.

Possible unwanted reactions for the use of Fukortsin:

  • burn of the skin and mucous membrane;
  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • allergic reaction and dermatitis.

Important! Do not vigorously rub the product into the skin. This will lead to a chemical burn, and the wound can become a factor in the spread of infection.

Pros and cons

The advantages of using the antiseptic Fukortsin will be:

  • low cost and availability in any pharmacy;
  • effectiveness of application, which has an evidence base;
  • ability to treat skin for most skin infections;
  • low risk of adverse reactions and drug overdose.

Flaws combination drug Fukortsin:

  • dyeing of skin and clothes;
  • risk of burns;
  • resistance (resistance) to the drug of many microorganisms;
  • risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Instructions for use and dosage

Fukortsin solution is used exclusively externally. A cotton pad or swab is moistened in the product and used to treat the damaged area. An antiseptic is applied to the skin up to 4 times a day, to the mucous membrane - 2-3 times.

The drug is not used to treat large wounds due to the phenol content, which can cause burns. In addition, the substance can penetrate into the blood, which negatively affects the functioning of organs, in particular the heart, kidneys, nervous system and liver.

For nail fungus

Fukortsin is effectively used for fungus, which is accompanied by skin damage, inflammation, irritation, and the addition of a purulent infection.

The drug should be applied after preparing the nail plate:

  • a hot bath is carried out, the nails are steamed and cleaned with a nail file;
  • the feet are steamed for a few more minutes, then wiped dry;
  • apply the preparation with a cotton swab until the nail is painted bright pink;
  • put on socks (preferably those that you won’t mind throwing away, the product gets very dirty).

For herpes on the lips

It is not recommended to treat lips with strong solutions. Delicate skin will become very dry and flaky. If the dermatologist prescribed Fukortsin, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and apply the product according to the doctor’s instructions.

For the navel of newborns

It is necessary to treat the umbilical wound after cutting the umbilical cord to prevent infection and to speed up healing. Treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day. A cotton pad is moistened in the solution and applied to the navel for a few seconds.

For a burn

Treatment of thermal and chemical burns Fukortsin is permissible only for a small area of ​​damage. It is better to apply the product with a soft cotton swab, lightly pressing it onto the damaged area.

For stomatitis

In case of inflammation of the oral mucosa, the product can be used for rinsing and spot application on ulcers and areas of inflammation. To prepare the solution, dilute 3-4 drops of antiseptic in a glass of water. Rinse 2-3 times a day after meals.

Treatment of ulcers with stomatitis is performed with a cotton swab dipped in Fukortsin solution. This can be done daily for 7-14 days.

Important! When rinsing your mouth, you should avoid accidentally swallowing the product, which is especially true for children. If the drug enters the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause burns to the mucous membrane and poisoning of the body.

After removing warts

Treating the skin with an antiseptic after removing warts is necessary to heal the wound and prevent infection. For this purpose, Fukortsin can be applied pointwise using a cotton swab. Skin treatment is carried out once a day for a week.

Special instructions

For children, Fukortsin is prescribed according to indications and only by the attending physician. Remedy in high concentration leads to irritation and burns sensitive skin child, therefore, if possible, another, more gentle means is selected.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding It is highly undesirable to use Fukortsin. The product can be prescribed by a doctor, provided all precautions are taken.

There are no contraindications for use in the elderly, with the exception of general restrictions. But when using the product after 60 years, you should understand that aggressive substances aggravate dry skin, disrupting regeneration processes.


The following antiseptic solutions have a similar effect:

  • Antisept - external antiseptic for hand treatment;
  • Antiseptol - indicated for hand disinfection;
  • Askosept - has an antiseptic and irritating effect;
  • Aseptaviol is a local irritant for skin disinfection;
  • Bioantisept - for surgical antiseptics and medical procedures;
  • Bonaderm - for hygienic treatment of hands and disinfection of the surgical field.

Diamond green and hydrogen peroxide are also analogues of Fukortsin solution according to the mechanism of action, and are indicated for application to the skin. For the treatment of mucous membranes, preference is given to hydroperide, potassium permanganate, balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky.

Combined antiseptic agent for external use - the drug "Fukortsin". What does the medicine help with? Active components pharmaceutical products also have an antifungal effect, which is widely used in the practice of dermatologists. The instructions for use of the Fukortsin solution suggest using it for various skin pathologies: pustular lesions, fungal infections, wounds. Preventive goals are also possible.

Active components in the composition and release form

According to the instructions, the manufacturer of the drug "Fukortsin", the instructions for use informs about this, is produced in liquid form– raspberry colored solution. Intended for external use only.

Active components per 10 ml volume:

  • basic fuchsin - 0.04;
  • resorcinol – 0.78 g;
  • boric acid 0.08 g;
  • phenol – 0.39 g.

When applied externally, they provide excellent antifungal and antiseptic effects on tissues.

From additional components indicated - purified, distilled water, as well as ethanol 96%. Their purpose is to help the basic substances.

The pharmacy chain sells the medicine in dark glass bottles of 10 ml or 25 ml. Each is placed in a cardboard package with attached instructions. Another name is “Castellani paint”.

Pharmacological action

Liquid "Fukortsin" is a solution with a specific smell of phenol, like a jar of gouache. Thanks to complex composition the medicine dries perfectly surface layer epidermis. These beneficial properties allow you to cope with pustular rashes and baby diaper rash.

Widely used antimicrobial effect drug. Especially in the treatment of various infectious pathologies. In addition, the Fukortsin solution, which helps with ulcers, also has a fungicidal effect - its use suppresses the growth and activity of fungal flora, like it.

Modified form medicinal solution– colorless Castellani paint. She has all of the above pharmacological properties, however. Does not stain fabrics pink. After contact with the epidermis, a short-term burning sensation may be observed, which is quite explainable by the antiseptic antifungal effect.

Medicine "Fukortsin": what helps

According to the instructions, the use of the drug "Fukortsin" is advisable when carrying out therapeutic and preventive procedures for various injuries and lesions of surface tissues. Experts include the following indications for the medication:

  • identified foci of fungal colonies;
  • abrasions, microcracks in the skin;
  • superficial wound defects;
  • pustular dermatolesions;
  • erosive areas;
  • pyoderma.

Timely initiation of therapy for streptoderma allows you to quickly localize an infectious attack and prevent further spread of the infectious agent. In case of herpetic nature of dermal rashes, the Fukortsin solution has a pronounced disinfecting and drying effect. This allows you to prevent the movement of defects to nearby areas and promotes their rapid regeneration.

After drying medicinal solution, it is permissible to apply moisturizing creams and gels to the surface of the skin to eliminate unpleasant sensation tightening, preventing excessive drying of the epidermis. IN pediatric practice It is recommended to consult a specialist before starting to use the medication.


According to reviews from medical staff and based on the instructions attached to the drug “Fukortsin”, it follows that its use is contraindicated in the following cases:

The medication should be used with caution in patients with existing damage to mucous tissues, since the cauterizing properties of the solution can cause excessive irritation, as well as chemical burns.

The instructions also state that pharmaceutical product"Fukortsin" is not advisable to use in children's practice - children under 10-12 years old.

The drug "Fukortsin": instructions for use

Frequency of application of Fukortsin liquid to the skin surface and duration treatment course determined only by a specialist - taking into account the identified pathology, age category patient and his susceptibility to treatment. The application procedure is performed with a glass rod or a hygienic disc, usually 2–4 times per day.

The instructions emphasize that the medication has the ability to color the surface layer of the epidermis in a specific pink color, which is then washed off with great difficulty.

For chickenpox, the Fukortsin solution allows you to effectively combat existing pustules, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones. Daily external treatment is recommended, which promotes rapid regeneration of skin defects. A solution of brilliant green has a similar property.

Such antiseptic treatments help prevent further microbial contamination of wound surfaces, as well as prevent the formation of scar defects.

Hydrogen peroxide or a solution of salicylic acid helps to further speed up the washing of pink-colored skin. It is enough to wet the hygiene disc and wipe the painted area with it 2-3 times a day.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug "Fukortsin", instructions for use and reviews confirm this, is well tolerated by patients. IN in rare cases the following are possible negative manifestations listed in the instructions for the medicine:

  • dermatitis of varying severity;
  • allergic conditions;
  • decreased vision parameters;
  • An unpleasant burning sensation in the area of ​​application of the product is less common - the epidermis becomes accustomed to the antiseptic, and there is no therapeutic effect due to its use.

The instructions also emphasize that for large areas antiseptic solution is not applied, because after drying it enters the bloodstream and the formation of a phenol overdose is possible. This will be indicated by: fluctuations blood pressure and dizziness that was previously uncharacteristic for the patient, as well as severe general weakness.

Fukartzin: special instructions

Analogs of the drug "Fukortsin"

  1. "Saledez."
  2. "Drapolin."
  3. "Soapy alcohol."
  4. "Iodonate".
  5. "Sangviritrin liniment 0.5%."
  6. "Lidochlor".
  7. "Lugol's solution with glycerin."
  8. Linkas Balm.
  9. "Iodinol."
  10. "Baliz-2".
  11. "Galmanin".
  12. "Iodine".
  13. "Dermatolotar liniment."
  14. "Iodopirone".
  15. "Levomenthol."
  16. "Maraslavin."
  17. "Gorpils."
  18. "Antiseptic sponge with kanamycin."
  19. "Metrohex."
  20. "Ottoslavin."
  21. "Kameton."
  22. "Yox."
  23. "Catacel."
  24. "Bemilon".
  25. "Baktoderm".
  26. “Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky).”
  27. "Glue BF-6".
  28. "Teymur's paste"
  29. "Octenisept."
  30. “Bactericidal adhesive plaster.”
  31. "Lugol".
  32. "Dentamet."
  33. "Sulfur-tar ointment."
  34. "Novocindol".
  35. "Yoduxun."
  36. "Salicylic-zinc paste."
  37. "Instillagel".
  38. "Novosept Forte".
  39. "Lead water"
  40. "Acerbine".
  41. "Proctosan."
  42. "Boromenthol".