How to get a good night's sleep. Ways to normalize sleep

  • Take a walk for half an hour before bed, or better yet, take a brisk walk.
  • Train your inner biological clock"to order: go to bed and get up at the same time, duplicate this by reference to time and such meaningful action as main meals, physical exercise, shower.
  • Create a simple ritual before going to bed - not long warm bath, 10-15 minutes of reading “indifferent” literature, you can eat a “traditional evening” apple or drink a “special” glass of juice.
  • Try to keep the bedroom more low temperature than in other rooms. People who sleep poorly often feel cold during the day and hot at night.
  • Do not go to bed in an agitated state: going to bed is almost always effective when a person begins to feel slightly drowsy.
  • Don't turn off the lights unless you really want to sleep. Don't lie down until you feel ready to sleep.
  • Try not to discuss “at night” difficult situations, remember that “the morning is wiser than the evening” - a rested brain will cope better with this problem tomorrow.
  • Do not drink anything at least two hours before bedtime (except for a “special” glass of juice or kefir). This is especially important for hypertrophy prostate gland. But if this is not a problem for you, drink a glass before bed warm milk with a spoon of honey (this recipe is not for diabetics). Sweets promote the production of serotonin, and milk contains tryptophan - both substances promote sleep. However, you should not eat before bed protein food, which has a stimulating effect, and spicy, fatty foods, which cause heartburn.
  • Try not to overeat - a busy intestine does not contribute to better sleep.
  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same time, avoid sleeping in the afternoon.
  • If you are in the habit of physically exercising, then try to complete the training at least four hours before bedtime - otherwise you may have problems falling asleep (especially in old age). If you are inclined to do auto-training, then cassettes with recordings of soothing music and “soporific” sounds of waves and rain are sold.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, or other caffeine-containing products before bed.
  • You should not use sleeping pills and sedatives without a doctor’s prescription. Don't assume that over-the-counter medications are safer than those prescribed by doctors. Most of these drugs are antihistamines, they can cause dry mouth and lethargy, and in older men with an enlarged prostate, urinary problems. Some of them cannot be taken by patients with glaucoma. Sleeping pills, even herbs, should not be taken during pregnancy. If a doctor prescribes sleeping pills, try to have him choose a drug that helps you fall asleep quickly, but not drowsiness and lethargy the next day. But this remedy should not be taken for more than three weeks in a row.
    Sleep specialists recommend first taking half the tested dose of a sleeping pill and, if it does not work within half an hour, the second half. This allows you to maintain minimal doses, and is more effective than a full dose taken at one time.

If you constantly wake up at night or can't fall asleep in the evening, there is a strong temptation to solve the problem with the help of sleeping pills. However, sleeping pills cannot restore your body's ability to normal sleep In addition, many people complain that after taking sleeping pills they do not feel rested. In addition, if you take sleeping pills too often or for a long time, you may become dependent on this drug. Moreover, sleeping pills only mask the problem, and we don’t even think that in reality, to normalize sleep, we need to change our diet, and our diet leads to serious problems with health.

So, you can't sleep without taking sleeping pills? This problem can be solved by changing your diet so that healthy foods and drinks help improve your sleep. Here you'll learn how to be smart about your diet so your stomach doesn't bother you when it's time to go to bed.


    Find out what foods and drinks may interfere with your sleep. Before you move on to choosing foods and drinks that can help you fall asleep, you need to eliminate foods and drinks from your diet that may prevent you from falling asleep and disrupting normal sleep. The main culprits for this are caffeine, alcohol and sugar. You should reconsider your intake of these three foods to ensure they don't interfere with healthy sleep:

    Avoid foods that upset your digestion. Products that cause indigestion in one person may be completely safe for another person, so it is impossible to write a general list of products here. Pay attention to which foods cause indigestion for you, and try to limit their consumption. Here are examples of some foods that are often the cause of indigestion:

    Choose foods that normalize your energy levels. There are foods that don't cause sudden energy spikes and crashes, but can keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. If you have a stable level of energy in your body, it reduces irritability, fatigue, stress and keeps your body strong. Your mood improves, which allows you to fall asleep faster because you feel calmer, less tired, and more balanced. Here are some foods that provide stable energy levels in the body:

    • Food, rich in protein : Lean meat, cheese, natural yogurt, eggs, fish, whole grain bread, beans, legumes, nuts - that's far from full list products that are good source energy.
    • Chromium-Rich Foods: Chromium helps your body overcome low level blood sugar. It can be found in foods such as shellfish, beans and cheese.
    • Fresh fruit: Snack on sweet fruits. They are very useful for the body because they contain fiber, in addition, energy from fresh fruit is absorbed slowly. Try not to replace fresh fruit with fruit juices, dried fruits, and fruit-filled baked goods. Apples and pears are known as foods that normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
  1. Drink more water. Water is the source of life and it does not affect your body's energy levels. In addition, water promotes normal digestion. Try to drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) of water daily.

    Increase your intake of foods rich in tryptophan. As an amino acid and necessary for the body chemical substance, tryptophan promotes protein synthesis in your body. Tryptophan has been found in foods such as meat, fish, greens and eggs. Eating tryptophan-rich foods in the afternoon helps your body produce melatonin and serotonin, which help improve sleep. These substances help you fall asleep faster and wake up less often in the middle of the night, in addition, they increase the duration of the sleep phase, during which the body rests and gains strength.

    Choose foods that have a calming effect. Calcium and magnesium have a calming effect, so eating foods rich in these elements will help you fall asleep faster. Additionally, there are foods that are known to help improve sleep:

    Check the glycemic index of foods. The glycemic index is an indicator for foods that shows how quickly the product is absorbed in the body. Foods that are digested slowly allow us to feel full longer, and are generally healthier for the body and have a low glycemic index. Foods with low glycemic index better maintains stable blood sugar levels, helping us feel better, calmer and less tired throughout the day. If you eat such food during the day, then by the evening you will feel slightly tired and you can easily fall asleep. Here are the low glycemic index foods:

  2. Try drinking tea before bed made from herbs that have hypnotic effect. There is a huge selection of plants that normalize sleep. If you prepare a decoction or tincture of such a plant and drink it instead of your evening tea, it will help you fall asleep faster:

    • Chamomile: Buy ready chamomile tea or grow chamomile in your own garden and dry it. If you add a little honey and ginger to your cup, your tea will taste much better.
    • Verbena: Also known as Lemon Verbena, this herb helps with sleep.
    • Melissa officinalis: Melissa is a relative of mint that is essential if you care about your sleep.
    • Passionflower: This plant has a sedative effect. It may be useful when increased anxiety and insomnia. Brew passionflower according to the instructions on the package. If you experience stomach problems when you're nervous, try drinking passionflower tea three times a day regularly.
    • Linden blossom: Buy dried linden flowers and brew tea from them.
  3. Increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet. If your diet is not balanced, you may be deficient. necessary substances in the body. To get good, healthy sleep, your body needs many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and chromium.

    • If you need to wake up at night, pay attention to the concept of the "sleep cycle." One complete sleep cycle lasts four hours. If you slept for four hours, woke up, went back to sleep, and slept for another four hours, then you have slept a full two cycles and will feel rested in the morning. If you slept for two hours, woke up, and then slept for another 6 hours, then you actually slept for only one full cycle. If you need to take medicine every four hours and you wake up in pain, take the medicine and try to go back to sleep. Ask your doctor to find medications that are spaced out to allow you to sleep through the night without waking up, because waking up at night to take medications is very harmful to your natural sleep cycle.
    • There are no drinks that will keep you alert without sleep. Only healthy sleep will help you cope with fatigue and loss of strength.
    • Try not to eat whole grain cereals, foods containing sugar or caffeine at least 5 hours before going to bed.
    • Find out the products you have access to increased sensitivity or allergies. If foods that usually help people sleep are causing you indigestion and keeping you awake, then you might want to consider what you have. individual intolerance such food. People with fibromyalgia need to be especially aware of food intolerances because lack of sleep can make them feel worse and increase their pain, which in turn can further impair their quality of sleep. Stress can make the disease worse, and lack of sleep will make you even more vulnerable to the disease.
    • Always talk to your doctor before making any major diet changes and about any concerns you have regarding sleep and sleep disorders.

The long process of falling asleep ends bad mood and drowsiness throughout the day. People are forced to resort to sleeping pills to get enough sleep. The pharmaceutical industry produces various drugs against insomnia. Some of them not only normalize sleep, but have many side effects that cause harm to the body - addiction, impaired attention, severe psycho-emotional disorders. Therefore, if you have symptoms of insomnia, do not rush to the pharmacy for a sleeping pill. Consult a specialist who can help you choose a medicine that will promote normal sleep in each specific situation. The fight against insomnia will be effective if you establish the causes of its occurrence and choose the right therapy.

Medicines for insomnia vary in therapeutic activity, but they work on the same principle - they inhibit brain activity and relieve nervous and muscle tension. The duration of action of drugs depends on the rate of their elimination and the degree of influence on the functions of the central nervous system. nervous system.

Sleeping pills short acting eliminate difficulties in falling asleep, do not disturb the duration and relationship of sleep phases. Means average duration actions relieve excitation and increase inhibition. The effect lasts longer, which improves falling asleep and sleep quality. Drugs long acting help with difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep, and frequent awakenings at night.

All sleeping pills differ in chemical composition and have different effects on the central nervous system.

Types of medications to treat sleep disorders

Barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Reladorm) are effective for severe insomnia, but cause drowsiness, lethargy, irritation after sleep, headache and muscle pain. At long-term use mental and physical dependence develops. Barbiturates shorten REM sleep cycles, which are important for nervous system recovery. Barbituric acid derivatives are available by prescription only.

Anti-insomnia drugs from the group of tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Nitrazepam, Sibazon, Midazolam) are low-toxic, do not give pronounced aftereffects, and are less likely to cause addiction. Particularly effective for insomnia caused by anxiety and emotional stress.

Insomnia medications containing melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin, Melarena) do not disrupt the physiological structure of sleep, speed up falling asleep, and reduce the number of night awakenings. In the morning they do not cause feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, and have a positive effect on the emotional sphere.

Group Z medications for insomnia have virtually no side effects and do not cause post-somnia disorders. After waking up, a person does not feel discomfort. The drugs differ in their duration of action. If you have difficulty falling asleep, Adante is prescribed. Ivadal, Zolpidem works for 5-6 hours. Long-acting sleeping pill Zopiclone supports sleep throughout the night without changing its structure. In patients with nocturnal manifestations bronchial asthma the duration of attacks decreases. After long-term use of group Z drugs, addiction may occur.

Antihistamines first generation (Diphenhydramine, Diprazine) have a mild sedative effect and are quickly eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract.

A doctor should choose a drug to treat insomnia. Uncontrolled use sleeping pills can form dependence, increase excitability instead of the expected hypnotic effect, cause muscle weakness, withdrawal syndrome, impair attention and memory.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Depending on the composition, medications are divided into three groups.

  • Plants (Persen, Motherwort Forte).
    Substances contained in plants normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen the psyche, relieve anxiety, and calm the nervous system. Herbal preparations against insomnia are not toxic, have a gentle effect, can be taken long time, have a minimal number of contraindications. Means plant origin effective for mild disorders physiological process, for the prevention of insomnia due to stress of various nature. In cases of severe insomnia, they are used only as additional therapy.
  • Synthetic (Melaxen, Reslip, Phenibut).
    Medicines help improve sleep, suitable for everyone age groups, do not affect psychomotor functions, have minor side effects.
  • Combined (Barboval, Corvalol).
    The products contain plant extracts and active medicinal components. All substances enhance each other's actions. Due to this, a quick hypnotic effect is achieved. Medicines in this group are indicated for minor violations sleep and neurotic disorders, relieve irritability and make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Homeopathic (Hypnosed, Nota, Passidorm).
    Harmless not addictive the drugs contain a balanced set of components that eliminate fear, anxiety, and problems falling asleep. Homeomedicines do not disrupt biochemical processes in the body, direct reserve forces to combat the causes of insomnia, and are not accompanied by aftereffect symptoms. For a stable and long-lasting effect, long-term use of homeopathic remedies is recommended.

Which sleeping pill to choose

Without a doctor's prescription, you can purchase drugs that have a moderate effect on the nervous system. They normalize sleep heart rate, reduce nervous excitement. An effective remedy for insomnia does not have to be potent. With the right selection, even a mild sleeping pill will give a positive result.

List of the most popular drugs for insomnia.

  • Melaxen.
    Synthesized hormone analogue pineal gland(melatonin) is suitable for self-use for insomnia in people of various age groups. The tablets normalize the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, make it easier to fall asleep, and do not cause a feeling of lethargy upon awakening. The drug helps the body adapt when working at night and. IN in rare cases swelling occurs, headache, nausea. Melaxen is used to normalize biological rhythm, promotes rapid falling asleep and easy morning awakening.
  • Persen.
    Relieves irritability, anxiety, eliminates depression, promotes concentration. The composition of the sedative for insomnia includes extracts of lemon balm, mint and valerian roots. The components make it easier to fall asleep by enhancing inhibitory processes in the central nervous system. Persen is recommended for prolonged periods of falling asleep and frequent awakenings caused by stressful situations and overwork.
  • Donormil.
    Effervescent tablets have a pronounced sedative effect, make it possible to quickly fall asleep, and increase the duration of night rest. May cause palpitations, daytime sleepiness, and dry mouth. Donormil does not affect brain activity.
  • Glycine.
    Sublingual tablets reduce central nervous system excitation, improve metabolism in brain tissues, increase mental performance, normalize sleep. Glycine is recommended for people with emotional instability and high excitability.
  • Valoserdin.
    Due to the phenobarbital content, it reduces the excitation of the central nervous system. Drops for insomnia provide a mild hypnotic effect and are prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, neurosis-like conditions, disorders cerebral circulation. At long-term use may arise drug addiction, depression.
  • Atarax.
    Relieves anxiety psychomotor agitation, relaxes smooth muscles, increases the duration and depth of sleep. At the beginning of treatment, drowsiness and general weakness may occur.
  • Phenibut.
    It has a positive effect on brain activity, reduces the severity of complications after traumatic brain injury, and increases the brain’s resistance to high stress. Phenibut relieves anxiety, reduces emotional stress, improves the quality of night's rest. Prescribed for insomnia of neurotic origin.
  • Corvalol.
    Renders sedative effect, relieves spasms in the intestines, dilates blood vessels, makes it easier to fall asleep. It is well tolerated, but with prolonged use or overdose it causes CNS depression. Experts recommend taking drops for irritability and mild insomnia.
  • Valerian.
    A herbal remedy with a sedative effect is used for nervous excitability, difficulty falling asleep caused by overexcitation, stress. In rare cases, it provokes a depressed state.

New items

New generation drugs help cope with stress, improve sleep quality, and eliminate the causes of insomnia. They are quickly eliminated from the body, so there are no aftereffect symptoms in the morning. New medications for insomnia are safer because they act only on the brain receptors responsible for sleep.

  • Sonilyuks.
    The drops contain natural ingredients of plant origin, which quickly enter the bloodstream and improve the psycho-emotional state. The insomnia remedy Sonilux normalizes sleep and eliminates the causes of sleep disturbance, restores heart rhythm and the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Somnol.
    The action of the drug is aimed at improving the quality and duration of night rest. At long-term treatment the risk of addiction cannot be ruled out. Prescribed to patients with situational, transient, chronic forms insomnia.
  • Roserem.
    Recommended for insomnia associated with prolonged falling asleep, helps sleep soundly. The medicine for insomnia Rozerm does not cause side effects or dependence.
  • Sonnat.
    Prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, transient persistence, etc. The drug does not change the ratio of fast and slow sleep. Does not affect daytime well-being and performance.

Vitamin complexes for insomnia

When a person gets into stressful situation, the need for B vitamins increases many times over. Deficiency occurs with gastritis, taking certain hormonal drugs, pregnancy, physical activity, malnutrition. Insomnia can be provoked by a lack of serotonin, the synthesis of which involves pyridoxine (B6).

Fatigue, drowsiness, depression, irritability, and sleep problems appear. Vitamins B, A, E and microelements potassium, magnesium, calcium will help get rid of insomnia.

  • Mega B Complex, consisting of 10 vitamins and 7 minerals;
  • Sleep Optimizer, a complex of amino acids, plant extracts, melatonin, tryptophan;
  • ALPHABET biorhythm containing folic acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, A, B, extracts of lemon balm, motherwort;
  • Yantifan, which contains L-tryptophan, succinic acid, vitamin B6.

Vitamin preparations reduce the excitability of the nervous system and promote a good night's rest.

Many medicines and vitamins leads to confusion: “How to choose from all the variety the best remedy from insomnia? For an answer, contact specialists at your local clinics or specialized centers. Uncontrolled use of sleeping pills can complicate the situation. The sleep department will tell you how to get rid of insomnia without medications with the help of,. Special clinics use drug-free methods for eliminating insomnia (electric sleep, relaxation therapy).

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects therapy for insomnia // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

Better sleep, better dreams - better life

Every night, millions of people toss and turn restlessly in bed. Every morning, many sleep-deprived people start the new day out of shape. Insomnia is a real “thief” that steals your strength. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to extreme negative consequences: serious disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems, the risk of diabetes increases, the risk of heart attack doubles, brain function deteriorates, immunity decreases, opening the way inflammatory processes, and this is not a complete list.

How to improve your sleep?

Before resorting to synthetic drugs, try to improve your sleep using natural, non-drug-free herbal remedies. side effects. Sometimes plant-based preparations are very effective. You just need to try different combinations of relevant herbs and choose what suits you.
Here are six combinations of natural preparations from the Evalar company to normalize sleep. Choose the ones that suit you best.

  1. Foreign clinical trials showed that it is very good influence A combination of hawthorn flower extract and valerian has a beneficial effect on sleep. To feel this effect, you just need to take 2 tablets of the herbal remedy “CardioActive” (“Hawthorn Forte Evalar”) and 2 tablets of the natural drug “Relaxozan” (“Valerian Forte”) an hour before bedtime.
  2. Sometimes tension and anxious thoughts prevent you from falling asleep. Use Glycine Forte Evalar sublingual tablets. "Glycine Forte Evalar" contains 300 mg of glycine in each tablet, which is enhanced with B vitamins. "Glycine Forte Evalar" will help reduce nervous tension, which in turn will free you from obsessive thoughts and let you sleep peacefully.
  3. When you have a busy day, take Motherwort Forte from Evalar during the day, and Sleep Formula in the evening. "Motherwort Forte" has high content active substances, and for the first time the effect of motherwort is enhanced by the “elements of calm” - magnesium and vitamin B6. Magnesium reduces the excitability of the nervous system, vitamin B6 controls emotions. Daytime calming “Motherwort Forte” will make you the master of your emotions.
    And at night? Ideal sleep also depends on magnesium and B6. You can take sleeping pills as much as you like, but due to a lack of magnesium, they will only have a temporary effect. Therefore, take the “Sleep Formula” in the evening; it contains sleepy herbs that are also enhanced with the “elements of calm” - magnesium and vitamin B6. And when you close the “magnesium hole” in your health with the help of Motherwort Forte and the Sleep Formula, you will become the master of your emotions and will be able to normalize your sleep.
    And especially for children there is a “Sleep Formula” in the form of syrup.
  4. If your life is associated with constant stress, try Biorhythm Antistress. His active substances divided into 2 tablets - morning and evening. This innovative solution, because in essence it is protection from stress 24 hours a day. The daily pill helps protect against stress and psycho-emotional stress during the day. A night tablet helps you fall asleep quickly and restore your nervous system at night.
  5. It happens that at night I am bothered by frequent awakenings. Use Phytohypnosis lozenges. Perhaps this is the first herbal remedy, solving the problem interrupted sleep. Phytohypnosis lozenges are easy to use: they do not require drinking and can be taken without getting out of bed. The herbs in “Phytohypnosis” have a hypnotic effect, and you can easily be carried away into the world of dreams.
  6. Sleep problems often occur in women during menopause due to changes in the body and decreased production. female hormone estrogen. You can compensate for the lack of your own estrogens by regularly taking Qi-Klim tablets with black cohosh phytoestrogens - a plant analogue of female sex hormones. They help normalize the condition of women during menopause and reduce the manifestations of postmenopausal disorders.
All natural preparations It should be used for a long time, at least a month, to consolidate the effect that you will feel from the first days of use. Herbal preparations, as a rule, do not have side effects; the main contraindication is individual intolerance, in other words, an allergy to any components.

Every person knows that proper sleep is necessary to restore strength. It is very important for the nervous and other systems and organs of the body. Duration good sleep in a healthy adult it ranges from 6 to 8 hours. Older people sleep a little less. Im for good rest it takes 7 hours.

Unfortunately, not many people can boast of a sound, restful sleep during a night's rest. Large quantity people suffer from various violations sleep, insomnia. They have difficulty falling asleep, sleep poorly, and often wake up. Due to constant lack of sleep, a person feels tired and overwhelmed. In addition, this condition is often the cause of many pathological conditions.

If a person suffers from insomnia, frequent awakenings at night, his body is harmed serious harm. How do such disorders affect the body, how to normalize sleep in an adult using folk remedies? I'll tell you about this today:

Consequences of sleep disturbance

At first, especially when a person is young and healthy, problems with night rest do not greatly affect well-being. However, with prolonged sleep disturbances, the consequences will not be long in coming.

A person feels physical and mental fatigue. Performance decreases significantly, memory and attention suffer, pain and dizziness occur. Arises excessive irritability, depression develops.

People suffering from insomnia are at risk for developing cardiovascular diseases, they are more likely to have heart attacks. There is information that chronic lack of sleep provokes the development of obesity.

How to normalize sleep using folk remedies?

Folk recipes

To normalize sleep in an adult, it is useful to use lavender oil. Before going to bed, drop a couple of drops on a piece of refined sugar, then suck the sugar until completely dissolved (then don’t forget to brush your teeth).

Mix together 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed valerian roots, 2 tbsp. oregano herbs. Pour 1 tbsp into a bowl. l., pour a glass of boiling water. Boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. When it cools down, pour the broth through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. Drink half a glass before bed.

Make a small bag from thick linen or flannel fabric. Put a little bit of different things in it medicinal herbs, improving sleep. For example, oregano, thyme, pieces of valerian root, St. John's wort, motherwort, lavender, etc. Keep your bag at the head of the head or place it under the pillow. The smell of plants will help you sleep well and soundly.

A good remedy For falling asleep quickly at night there is a warm bath with sea ​​water. Before going to bed, fill the bath with water (37-38 degrees). Put half a kilo there sea ​​salt, wait until its crystals dissolve completely. Salt can be bought at a pharmacy or regular store. Lie down, relaxing your muscles, in salt water for 15-20 minutes. This procedure will definitely help. In case of persistent sleep disturbance, carry out procedures every other day until sleep is restored.

If it is not possible to take salt baths, you can use salt in a different way: pour 3 tbsp into a linen bag. l. fine salt. Place it on your pillow. Lie your head directly on the bag of salt. Insomnia usually disappears after a few nights.

Fresh food will help you sleep well onions. Eat a little of it for dinner and gradually the problems will go away. Is it true onion smell stays in the mouth for a long time.

There is another very effective remedy for restoring sleep in an adult - honey with Borjomi. Place 1 tbsp in a cup. l. natural honey. Add 1-2 tbsp. l. mineral water“Borjomi”, 1 tsp. lemon pulp (seedless). Mix everything well. Eat the mixture once after meals, better in the morning.

Insomnia is often associated with a rush of blood to the head. To restore blood circulation, apply calf muscles mustard plaster. Through short time you'll fall asleep.

You can use a well-known plant - hops. Prepare an infusion from its cones, which you drink before bed. To do this, remember to crush the cones, 1 tbsp. l. pour into a mug. Pour a glass of boiling water. Insulate the dishes well with a towel and wait half an hour. Drink the strained, warm infusion in small sips.

Remember that to restore, normalize sleep, and get rid of insomnia, only folk recipes not enough. It is necessary to restore the damaged biological rhythm body. To do this, you need to follow a certain regime, in particular, go to bed and get up in the morning at the same time.

It is important to understand that these problems are not an independent illness. These are usually manifestations of neurosis, nervous, mental disorder or some other disease. Therefore, if simple folk remedies don't help fix night sleep, do not delay visiting your doctor. Be healthy!