How to cook thick oatmeal jelly. How to prepare isotov oatmeal jelly. How to make jelly from oat flakes according to Momotov

How to cook healthy jelly from oatmeal

Oatmeal jelly is one of the old-timers of traditional Russian cuisine. In ancient times, various legends and legends were associated with this drink. It is very likely that it was prepared in ancient times, but there is no official evidence of this.

The benefits of oatmeal jelly from flakes

No one doubts the usefulness of oatmeal. Kissel prepared using them has no less beneficial effects on the body. Some, thanks to him medicinal properties, they call it Russian balsam.

It is worth noting the fact that this drink nourishes the body well, and also contains a huge variety of useful to the body elements, including vitamins and microelements.

In addition, the beneficial properties of oatmeal jelly include the following:

  1. Since it contains probiotic bacteria, its use leads to the normalization of intestinal flora, which is especially useful for those people who suffer from various ailments Gastrointestinal tract, as well as for those who have recently undergone courses of antibiotic treatment;
  2. For those who have been diagnosed with one of such ailments as ulcers, erosion, acid reflux or gastritis, jelly will be useful for its enveloping and antiseptic properties;
  3. Has a cleansing effect on the liver and other organs;
  4. Has a beneficial effect on blood composition, leading to normalization hormonal balance;
  5. Reduces the possibility of formation of kidney stones and other deposits;
  6. Helps improve performance protective system, and also activates its functions.

Traditional oatmeal jelly

old traditional recipe was prepared by our ancestors from the following components:

  • Flakes - approximately 0.2-0.3 kg;
  • Half a liter warm water;
  • A small piece of black bread (you can take a small piece);
  • Salt (to taste).

First of all, fill the flakes with water. Glass containers can be used as a container. Throw in a piece of bread and stir. We put it away for a couple of days in a warm place. Sometimes, the mass can be taken out and mixed.

After 48 hours, pour the mixture into a colander to drain the liquid. We don’t use the grounds; they can be removed immediately. The expressed liquid must be placed on the stove and brought to a boil until bubbles appear, then add salt.

How to cook oatmeal jelly from cereal for weight loss

For the simplest recipe for making jelly for those who are trying to lose extra pounds, the following components are required:

  • Half a pack of oatmeal;
  • Water.

Pour the prepared flakes into a suitable container (traditionally a saucepan);

After that, add water. Use the liquid by eye: it should cover the flakes by about 2-3 cm. Close the pan with a lid and set it aside for 48 hours.

After the allotted time for souring, we take out the container and strain. The grounds that remain in the colander are not used. You can throw it away.

Pour the rest into a saucepan and place on the stove, stirring constantly. When thickness and small bubbles from boiling appear, remove the pan from the heat;

Pour the resulting liquid into portioned dishes. We put the jelly in the refrigerator.

You can add milk before use. Per 100 g of such a product there are about 45-55 kcal.

  • A more complex recipe involves using following products:
  • 0.1 kg of flakes;
  • 0.2 kg oats;
  • 0.2 liters of low-fat kefir;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

100 g of jelly made according to this recipe contains no more than 60 kcal.

Place oats and cereal in a jar. Pour kefir into it and mix thoroughly. Close the jar and set it aside for 24 hours in a warm place.

After a day, filter the resulting mass. Add water to the resulting liquid mass and put it on fire. As soon as it thickens, you can drain it from the heat and cool.

Medicinal oatmeal jelly

The first recipe for “Russian balsam” was proposed by microbiologist Izotov. It was his instructions that were the first to be used for medicinal purposes.

To create this medicinal jelly you need:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg oatmeal;
  • ½ cup kefir;
  • Salt, sugar to taste.

Stage 1: fermentation. Take 3.5 liters of water, put it on the stove, and bring to a boil. After a couple of minutes, remove it and wait until it cools down to a temperature of 20 degrees. Pour 0.5 kg of flakes into a separate container and fill them with water. Stir, then add another half glass of kefir. If there is no kefir, you can use bifidok. Next, close the container well and leave it in a dark place (or you can cover it with cloth or paper) for a couple of days. Do not place it near radiators or heaters, as excess heat can aggravate the fermentation process.

Stage 2: after two days, take the resulting liquid and filter it twice. The first time, we simply turn it over into a colander and let it drain. Set aside the liquid that has glassed. We rinse what remains in the colander with water, but slowly: you will need about 2 liters of water. It is necessary to make several passes and with each one you need to squeeze out the pulp a little.

Stage 3: mix the masses obtained from the first and second filtration. Leave in a transparent container (you can use a glass jar) for 10-12 hours. During this time, sediment will gradually form at the bottom, which must be removed using a siphon tube. As a result, liquid should remain, which will serve as the basis for preparing the jelly.

Stage 4: cook jelly. Place the saucepan with the resulting liquid on the fire. We do not stop stirring it until it becomes thick. You can add sugar or salt for taste. It must be cooled before consuming.

As with any other dish, there are some nuances in preparing jelly that you need to know:

  1. The currently popular cereals are not suitable for preparing this drink. instant cooking. You need to choose only regular, natural cereal flakes;
  2. The fermentation period is essentially the most important. You need to ensure that the process is carried out moderately, because the drink should have a light and pleasant sourness;
  3. Do not forget to constantly stir the jelly while cooking, otherwise it will burn;
  4. To make the dish more appetizing (especially if you are giving it to a child), you can add chopped nuts, berries or fruits.

You also need to remember that if you are planning to lose weight, this product must be taken correctly. By and large, they can even replace one of the meals (for example, an afternoon snack or dinner). If you decide to replace a full meal with jelly, then it would be a good idea to add some berries and chopped fruit to it.

Another option is to drink jelly before each meal (20-30 minutes before), about a third of a glass. This will prepare your body for food intake and also reduce the amount you eat.

If combined correctly with dietary nutrition, jelly will not only help get rid of extra centimeters on the waist, but will also cleanse the body of deposited toxins and other harmful substances.

The word “jelly” conjures up a thick drink made from berries or fruits with added sugar. Potato starch, which is another ingredient in this drink, gives it thickness. But oatmeal already contains starch, which makes it possible to prepare thick and healthy drink oatmeal jelly.

In Russian times, oatmeal jelly was served as a separate dish. These days, oatmeal jelly is still popular due to its beneficial properties and extraordinary taste.

Oatmeal is rich in the following vitamins:

  • vitamin A- has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails, teeth, skin, as well as vision, prevents diseases of the respiratory system, digestion and urinary tract;
  • B vitamins— improve the functioning of the adrenal glands, the circulatory system, prevent the formation of blood clots, improve memory, vision, and brain activity;
  • vitamin F- has an antiallergic effect;
  • vitamin E- an excellent antioxidant that preserves youth and stops the aging process, eliminates estrogen deficiency.

Oats are rich in minerals:

  • calcium– strengthens bone tissue, relieves stress, removes allergy symptoms, improves blood clotting;
  • iron– participates in oxygen saturation of the blood, increases the amount of hemoglobin, has a positive effect on the thyroid gland;
  • magnesium– normalizes the functioning of the digestive and intestinal systems, bladder, prostate gland, heart, central nervous system;
  • fluorine- prevents the development of caries and osteoporosis;
  • potassium- prevents swelling by removing excess fluid from the body, has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, heart, liver, and brain.

Useful properties

It is not surprising that thanks to such a rich useful composition oat jelly affects the human body positive impact:

  1. Prevents dysbacteriosis.
  2. Useful for increased acidity gastric juice.
  3. Increases immunity.
  4. Removes harmful substances from the body.
  5. Thanks to the presence of fiber, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys is normalized.
  6. It is used as a restorative diet for gastritis, hepatitis, ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and cirrhosis.
  7. At food poisoning It is recommended to use oatmeal jelly.
  8. Drinking the drink is recommended for diseases of the pancreas.
  9. It has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart, reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.

Oatmeal jelly is especially useful for men. The drink energizes and invigorates. People old age The drink is classified as a rejuvenating product and an aphrodisiac. Oatmeal jelly has a positive effect on genitourinary system, prevents prostate diseases.

Medicinal properties

It was said above that oatmeal jelly is used for dysbacteriosis. The fact is that oats contain fiber, which helps normalize digestion. Thanks to this, metabolism is stabilized and toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body faster. On this medicinal properties We don't run out of this delicious drink. Let's figure out when else you need to eat oatmeal jelly:

  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • depression, insomnia;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hepatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • prevention of thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • bloating, dysbacteriosis, flatulence;
  • pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • memory problems.

How to properly prepare oatmeal jelly

Preparing jelly from oats will not cause difficulties and does not require any skills. This drink can be prepared at home using either water, kefir or milk.

Recipe on water

Take 1 glass of oatmeal and pour one and a half glasses of water, leave for 12 hours at room temperature. Then strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth and put the liquid on the fire. Add salt to taste and cook for approximately 10 minutes, stirring constantly. When the jelly is cooked, pour into cups, let cool and put in the refrigerator. Before eating, you can add sugar, nuts, and raisins to the jelly.

Recipe with milk

Oat jelly is also cooked with milk. To do this you will need Hercules flakes and milk in a ratio of 1:2. After the flakes soaked for 2 - 3 hours have increased in volume, they should be placed on cheesecloth and squeezed out. Put the liquid on the fire, add a little starch, salt and cook until the jelly thickens.

If you don’t have time to prepare jelly, you can buy organic oat jelly in the store.

Izotov's recipe

Dr. Izotov was seriously ill, having suffered an encephalitis tick bite, and tested the properties of oatmeal jelly on himself. He was able to overcome the disease and patented it in 1992 own recipe jelly. Let's get to know him.

  1. Crush the oatmeal and fill it halfway into a three-liter jar. Pour in half a glass of kefir, and fill the rest of the volume with boiled warm water.
  2. Leave for 1 - 2 days for fermentation. If the room is cold, the process may take 3 days. When bubbles and a sour smell appear, the liquid is ready. However, you should not allow the mixture to ferment, as then the jelly will be sour.
  3. When fermentation is complete, strain the mixture using a colander. Rinse the remaining cereal in it with a small amount of water and squeeze out. Leave the resulting liquid to settle. After a while, sediment will appear at the bottom, which will be needed for the next ferment. Drain the liquid, and transfer the solid thick sediment into a glass jar and put it in the refrigerator. This concentrate is used to prepare jelly. To do this, pour 5 - 7 tablespoons of starter into 2 glasses of water, stir and put on fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil and cook for 3 to 5 minutes.

How much drink can you drink per day without harm to your health?

IN medicinal purposes Oatmeal jelly should be consumed warm and on an empty stomach, 200 ml per day. You can drink it long time until the patient's condition improves. It is not recommended to consume jelly in the evening, so as not to provoke insomnia.

If oatmeal jelly is included in a weight loss program, then you should take 100 ml of it before meals or drink it instead of snacks. You can replace breakfasts and afternoon snacks with the drink to achieve quick results, but you can use this regimen for no longer than a month.

Oatmeal jelly in cosmetology

Oat extracts and infusions are also used to solve cosmetic problems: they provide excellent care for problematic teenage skin which is prone to rashes. An oatmeal mask will replace a scrub for both the face and the whole body. And infusions will relieve pain, irritation and tighten the skin.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Oatmeal jelly helps expectant mothers with heartburn (very common problem pregnant women), and also reduces blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, oatmeal-based jelly restores the functioning of the digestive system and relieves diarrhea and hemorrhoids. This drink is recommended for insomnia, irritability and fatigue.

Oatmeal jelly helps improve lactation. In addition, oatmeal is hypoallergenic, which makes jelly safe to consume while breastfeeding.

Oatmeal jelly for children

Kissel in the form of complementary foods is introduced to babies from the age of six months. The drink should not be thick; only after 10 months can the jelly be prepared thicker.

Children up to one year old are allowed to give the drink 2 to 3 times a week. After a year, you can do it daily, but no more than once a day. As for portions, for children from one to 3 years old it is 100 - 150 ml, for children over 3 years old - 150 - 200 ml. It is best to offer children oatmeal jelly for lunch or an afternoon snack.

Contraindications and harm

Can oatmeal jelly be harmful to the body? The drink has an amazing feature - it is harmless. But there is no need to abuse it, so as not to provoke constipation and accumulation of mucus in the stomach. A contraindication would be individual immunity to cereals. Caution when consuming oatmeal jelly should be exercised in case of severe diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Follow moderation, and this is not only healing, but also delicious drink, will only bring benefits to you and your loved ones.

Whatever problems a person has with the body (bad skin, weight problems, or some kind of disease), doctors always recommend reconsidering nutrition. Our health, appearance and well-being largely depend on what we eat. Eating unhealthy food (fast food, sugar, fatty foods), but there is a useful one. Junk food rich in fats, which the body is accustomed to storing for future use, which is why it is so attractive to us. Moreover, manufacturers usually abundantly improve it with various flavoring additives.

Healthy food is rich in vitamins, fiber, proteins and other substances beneficial to the body. Such healthy foods include natural products: fruits, vegetables, cereals, lean meats and more. For example, oatmeal is very beneficial for the body.

What are oats good for the body?

Oats are good not only because they contain a lot of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, amino acids and vitamins. The benefit of oats lies in the fact that all the beneficial substances in its composition are contained in the quantities required by the human body.

It contains sulfur, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and other substances. In terms of the amount of protein, of all the cereals known to us, it is second only to buckwheat.

History of oatmeal jelly

Oat jelly has been known to the Slavs since ancient times. Recommendations for preparing this drink can be found in Domostroy. But for a long time the product was swept off store shelves by new products. The townspeople were only able to taste oatmeal jelly when visiting their grandmother in the village. On new level The popularity of this product came out relatively recently.

This is connected with such a person as Doctor Izotov. This Russian doctor restored old traditions and slightly improved the product. It would seem, why would a certified specialist, a serious doctor, engage in traditional medicine? The reason lies in personal tragedy.

The doctor was bitten encephalitis tick. The bite itself and long treatment completely destroyed his immunity. He began to have problems with his metabolism and heart, his hearing deteriorated, and many other diseases appeared.

His life turned into an endless circle of medications that helped less and less, and often only caused allergies. Out of despair, Izotov began to look for other ways. In his research he came across old recipe oat jelly. For 8 long years, the doctor took this remedy every day. During this time, he was able to increase his immunity and the diseases receded.

You can have different attitudes towards traditional medicine. It’s not worth it to fanatically take any of your grandmother’s remedies and hope that they will cure you. But oatmeal jelly is not inherently a medicine. It's just one of the options healthy food, which fits perfectly into the diet of any person.

A miracle is unlikely to happen, but you will improve your immunity, which means your body will be better able to fight disease. People who started drinking oatmeal jelly note that they have improved better health, improved mood and performance.

Oatmeal jelly - how to cook using the Izotov method

First of all, in order to get a truly healthy product, you need to purchase the simplest and most natural flakes without any additives.

You need to find oats that have retained their properties as much as possible. beneficial properties. How to cook oatmeal jelly from rolled oatmeal? Its preparation will take several days and includes several stages. In fact, the recipe for oat jelly is quite simple, but you need to be patient to wait through the longest fermentation stage.


  • oatmeal - 300 grams;
  • coarse oats - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • clean water - 2 liters;
  • kefir - 100 grams.

Preparing sourdough

Take a large jar (preferably 5 liters) and pour 300 grams of cereal into it. You can take a smaller jar, but remember that during fermentation the mass will rise up. Fill the oats with water to fill about half the jar. To improve the fermentation process, add 8 tablespoons of natural oats and 100 grams of kefir to the flakes.


Tip: instead of kefir it is better to take 100 ml sour milk. It will be much healthier than store-bought kefir.

The jar must be covered with a lid to ensure a tight seal. Just remember, the carbon dioxide will need a way out, so you can put a rubber glove on the jar, like when making wine.

We place the jar correctly

For fermentation to proceed correctly, the influence of two factors is necessary: ​​heat and the absence of direct sun rays. It is best to completely close the jar with a cover made of thick fabric, or paper. Then the light will not destroy the beneficial substances in the leaven.

Warm - prerequisite for the fermentation process, therefore the jar should not be stored in a cellar or other cool place. If the apartment is not very warm, then it is best to place the jar near the stove or radiator.

Signs that the fermentation process has begun are the stratification of the mass and the appearance of bubbles.

Liquid filtration

Two days after the start of fermentation, you can begin to filter the mixture. To do this, you can use a regular sieve or colander. Drain the liquid into one container and wash the oats. To wash the oats, pour small portions of cold boiled water over them and mix thoroughly.

We also collect the drained water in a separate container. Or you can act differently. Transfer the starter from a colander to a jar, fill with cold boiled water and shake well. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve. Don't overdo the rinsing; you should use about two liters of water in total.
Now you have two jars of oat concentrate and used oatmeal.


Advice: do not rush to throw away used oats. It is recommended for use in face masks. Oats help especially well with problem skin. Mix it with water and almond oil in equal proportions and apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water and apply moisturizer.

You now have two containers filled with filtrate. Cover them with a lid and leave for 16 hours. During this time, liquid separation will occur. Upper part must be drained carefully. This is oat kvass, you can also drink it just like that. But the lower concentrate is what we need in the recipe to prepare Izotov oatmeal jelly.

It is believed that these two different concentrates from different jars (one saturated, and the second after washing) should not be mixed. The first should help well with gastritis and pancreatitis, and the second should help with hypertension and dysbacteriosis. But even if you are cooking just to maintain immunity, it is better not to mix the contents of the jars. They must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three weeks.

Recipe: Oatmeal jelly

When preparing jelly, fermentation and filtration take a lot of time. And the jelly itself is prepared very quickly.


  • oat concentrate – 5-7 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 2 glasses.
  • If desired, you can add honey or oil.


Take a small saucepan, put a few 5-7 tablespoons of oatmeal in there and fill it with two glasses of boiled but cooled water. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. After this, cook, stirring, until the liquid thickens.

Jelly must be eaten warm. Since oatmeal jelly itself is almost tasteless, you can diversify it with fruits, berries, honey, or a piece butter. If you constantly change additional ingredients, you won’t get bored with the jelly.


Tip: It is best to eat jelly in the morning. Firstly, it is quick to prepare. Secondly, it is very useful option breakfast, which immediately saturates the body for the whole day. Thirdly, after taking jelly, the body receives a boost of energy, which can prevent you from falling asleep at night.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

There are many rumors that oatmeal jelly helps to shed extra pounds. Therefore, it is actively recommended to everyone who wants to lose weight. But in fact, jelly does not have magical fat-burning properties.

And at the same time, people who use it usually begin to lose weight. What's the secret? In fact, there are several factors at play here.

Firstly, oatmeal jelly helps improve digestion and removes toxins from the body. This alone helps to improve your well-being and get rid of a few extra pounds.

Secondly, people who start drinking oatmeal jelly eat it instead of their usual breakfast. This means they reduce daily consumption calories. So it turns out that people are losing a little weight.

It is advisable for girls who are on a strict diet to introduce oatmeal jelly into their diet. Even if it is nutritious, all the substances in it will benefit the body and will not remain on the sides.

The benefits and harms of this dish

The healing properties of oat jelly are that it helps the body work better. What are the benefits and harms of this remedy? The benefit is that the body receives many useful vitamins and substances in a form that is easy for him to process. And due to such “reinforcement”, human health becomes stronger in an absolutely natural way.

As for contraindications, there are basically none. Usually any, even the most healthy dish can be harmful people with any diseases, or individual allergies. But doctors have not yet found any contraindications for use with oatmeal jelly.

As you can see, making oatmeal jelly is not at all difficult. Even if any difficulties arise, a recipe with a photo will quickly solve these problems. If you are planning to switch to proper nutrition, then be sure to prepare your own jelly according to this recipe. In addition to being useful, it is very convenient.

You don't have to wake up an hour earlier every day before work to prepare yourself a healthy and balanced breakfast. By taking care of the starter in advance, you will solve your breakfast problem for many days.

Oats are a spring cereal that originally served as food for household, however, later it was noticed what benefits it brings and people began to get carried away with its use. Flour, oatmeal and oatmeal are made from this cereal, and in addition nutritional value its application has been found in the area traditional medicine. The product contains a huge amount useful substances, the most common remedy containing it is oatmeal jelly.

Beneficial properties of oatmeal jelly for the body

Oats have gained such popularity due to the fact that this cereal contains nutrients in the optimal proportion for humans: proteins – 18%, fats – 7%, starch – up to 40%. To the number beneficial effects effects on the human body include:

  • high concentration of nutrients, such jelly contains vitamins A, F, E, B-groups, due to which it supports the immune system well;
  • the dish is very easily and quickly absorbed by the body without any residue;
  • reduces negative consequences with increased acidity in the stomach;
  • is prophylactic relatively common problem today - dysbiosis, restores normal microflora intestines in people who suffer from long-term illnesses
  • digestive system and those who have undergone antibiotic treatment;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • jelly also has a cleansing effect - it helps normalize the functioning of the excretory organs, helps rid the body of lead compounds;
  • helps with food poisoning, normalizing work digestive tract, for hemorrhoids;
  • renders beneficial influence on cardiovascular system, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the pancreas;
  • brings it back to normal natural exchange substances in the body.

As you can see, oatmeal jelly is really excellent remedy, which is suitable both for eliminating health problems and for their effective prevention.

List of diseases for which jelly is useful

This product will be useful for the following problems:

  • kidney diseases and urinary system generally;
  • disturbances in normal metabolism;
  • decreased level of immunity;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • problems with the liver and pancreas.

How to make a remedy according to Izotov

V.K. Izotov is a microbiologist who patented his recipe for oat medicine and conducted a lot of scientific research confirming its benefits. The main condition for the maximum usefulness of such a composition is mixing oats with a kefir stick. The main purpose of the finished product is to treat the pancreas and other problems with digestive system. To prepare the Izotov composition at home, you must take the following steps:

  1. fermentation of the mixture. Add half a kilogram of oatmeal flakes (exclusively natural, not “fast”) to 3.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature. Only 100 ml of kefir is added to the resulting composition to activate the fermentation process. The container is closed and protected from sunlight and leave for two days in a warm place;
  2. the resulting mixture is filtered and washed with two liters clean water. The first composition, which was obtained through the natural drainage of liquid from the mixture, is endowed with more active properties, the second (remaining after washing) has a milder effect;
  3. the liquid is allowed to settle until a cloudy precipitate is obtained, which is separated using a tube. This is the basis for the jelly - it needs to be simmered over low heat until thickened.

Kissel is usually eaten with sweetener additives (honey, sugar, etc.) for breakfast.

How to make jelly from oat flakes according to Momotov

The recipe for making jelly, proposed by doctor Momotov, is somewhat different from that described above in the proportions and complexity of preparation. Regarding the benefits of the finished composition, no difference is usually noted; patients choose the one that is easier for them to prepare and more pleasant to use. Let's consider the intricacies of creating a composition.

Recipe for patients with pancreatitis or stomach ulcers

A three-liter jar is filled one third with small flakes, and 3-4 tablespoons of large oat flakes are added to them. Next, pour in 70 ml of kefir, and add water to the remaining free volume in the jar. The mixture should stand covered in a dark place for 48 hours.

Afterwards, the fermented composition is mixed with a spoon or wooden spatula and filtered through a sieve. The resulting mixture is highly acidic. The “cake” from the flakes can be washed clean water to obtain a less concentrated composition. The selected mixture does not need to be left to stand; it is simply boiled until thickened.

To treat pancreatitis or stomach ulcers, it is recommended to mix both liquids to obtain a neutral acidity level and take small sips several times a day.

For the treatment of stomach gastritis and ulcers

The recipe for making jelly according to Momotov to combat gastritis is no different from that described above, the difference lies in what kind of liquid to choose for consumption. Yes, when low acidity The primary mixture is perfect as it is the most active, and if it is more active, a secondary, less concentrated mixture is ideal.

Other recipes for making rolled oatmeal jelly

When deciding to test the beneficial properties of oatmeal jelly, you can resort to more simple recipes based on Hercules flakes.

Step-by-step recipe for oatmeal with water

The simplest option healthy dish- jelly on water. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass cold water 250 grams of Hercules, and add a piece of black bread to the composition. They all leave together overnight, and in the morning they take out the bread and rub it through a sieve, then put it on the fire. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, it must be turned off. You can eat it immediately after cooling.
You can prepare this composition with milk, in which case it will taste more suitable for children.

How to cook whole grain oats with kefir

To prepare this type of jelly, Izotov’s recipe is used as a basis. The main ingredient will be grain, which must first be crushed. The composition is also infused for two days, after filtering the mixture is left to settle. Used for cooking bottom part– concentrated sediment.

How to quickly cook with oatmeal

You can make jelly from oatmeal the fastest way. The first thing to do is pour warm water into a glass of flour, gradually so that it does not form a lump. The composition will swell quickly - in just a few hours, after which it can be strained and started cooking until thickened. The resulting jelly can be seasoned to taste - salt, add sugar, honey, jam, dried fruits.

How to make oatmeal in a slow cooker

150 grams of cereal are placed in a multicooker bowl, then filled with 2.5 liters of clean water. At the first stage, you need to turn on the device in the “quenching” mode for half an hour. Ready composition grind through a sieve, and the liquid is again sent to the multicooker - for 25 minutes in a similar mode. All you have to do is bring the mixture to taste and cool; you can drink it either warm or cold.

What is useful for weight loss and how to take it

The effectiveness of jelly is explained by its ability to minimize appetite - it actively saturates, eliminating the feeling of hunger, and in itself is easily digested and absorbed. In addition, the product improves intestinal function, normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates exit excess liquid, which also helps you lose weight. You can prepare the composition according to any of the recipes described above. It is worth noting that the calorie content of ordinary rolled oats jelly does not exceed 100 kcal per glass; if it is necessary to further reduce it, kefir and more water are used in preparation.

The product is also taken in different ways:

  • 100 ml before each meal;
  • instead of a snack, take half a glass during the day;
  • instead of morning or evening reception food 1 glass.

Health Harm and Side Effects

There is still a lot of talk about the dangers of oatmeal jelly, and all because it could not be established. The product is extremely beneficial for the body and never provokes any side effects, even for a baby or during pregnancy. Some experts note only one aspect - a feeling of heaviness and slight pain in the stomach when overeating, but in order to eat too much of such a product you will have to try - it quickly fills you up, and no one wants to forcefully swallow another spoonful.

Separately, it is worth noting that when purchasing compositions for making jelly in a store, you cannot reliably declare complete absence harm the greatest benefit It has only a self-prepared composition of high-quality ingredients - without dyes, preservatives or other additives.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for use of this product exist, but they are quite limited and it would be more correct to call them limitations. So, this jelly contains a lot of mucus, which, if consumed excessively, can lead to weight gain. excess weight, so people who don’t want to gain weight should not get carried away with the dish.

The main contraindication to the use of the product is food allergy, intolerance to oats. Restrictions may not apply to the jelly itself, but to additives to it, for example, honey.

According to doctors, one of the causes of some ailments is feeling unwell, deterioration in the appearance of skin and hair is a lack of vitamins. You can replenish your reserves of useful substances by taking, but this method has a big drawback: the body poorly absorbs vitamins that do not come from foods. Nutritionists believe that the body absorbs vitamins contained in foods and drinks much better. Oatmeal jelly contains many substances and trace elements necessary for human health. Want to know how this drink is prepared?

The benefits of oatmeal jelly for human health

Oatmeal jelly in its composition and preparation principle is very different from the usual sweet drink containing berries and fruits. To prepare jelly, crushed oat grains are used, and the oats must be fermented. The fat content in an oat drink does not exceed 7%, but it contains much more protein - up to 20%, so the drink is successfully used for weight loss. Oatmeal jelly also has the following beneficial properties:

  • The drink contains a high content of substances beneficial to the body - vitamins and microelements that improve appearance hair, skin. The vitamins contained in oatmeal jelly will have a strengthening effect on the body, which helps cure diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Regular consumption of oatmeal-based jelly improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This drink is recommended for people suffering from ulcers, gastritis, and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Oat-based jelly helps normalize blood composition, eliminates hormonal imbalance.
  • Oatmeal jelly is recommended for people who want to consume it.
  • It has been proven that oatmeal drink helps cleanse the body.

How to cook oatmeal jelly correctly - recipes with photos

To prevent oat-based jelly from losing its healing properties, it should be prepared correctly. To prepare the drink according to classic recipe it takes some time: it is necessary for the liquid to ferment. With cooking healing drink Even a novice cook can do it, you just need to follow all the instructions original recipes.

From oatmeal with milk

We will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) – 100 g;
  • milk – 0.4 liters;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • starch – 20 g;
  • vanillin.


  1. Heat the milk to 40 degrees, pour the milk over the cereal, leave for a quarter of an hour to swell.
  2. Strain the oats using cheesecloth so that there is no liquid left in the cereal.
  3. Divide the liquid into two parts, dilute the starch in one of them.
  4. Put the second part of the milk on the fire, add sugar and vanillin.
  5. After boiling, add milk and starch and stir.
  6. Bring the drink to a boil, reduce heat, and cook until jelly.

An old recipe for jelly on water

We will need:

  • water – 1 l;
  • dry black bread – 50 g;
  • salt.


  1. Pour water over the cereal and bread and leave for 2-3 days to swell. The oat mass must be stirred every 5-6 hours.
  2. Strain, squeeze out the liquid mass through a double layer of gauze.
  3. Boil and salt the jelly.
  4. Cook over low heat until the jelly becomes thick.

How to cook it in a slow cooker?

We will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) – 0.3 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • zest of one lemon.


  1. Pour water over oats and leave for 10 hours.
  2. Squeeze the oat mixture through a double layer of gauze and pour the liquid into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Turn on the “Baking” mode and cook until the jelly becomes thick.
  4. The drink is served hot or cold: whichever you prefer.

Video recipe for making jelly with kefir

The drink based on oats and kefir has excellent taste and health benefits. It’s quite simple to prepare, but some housewives find it more convenient to master new recipe, focusing on the video instructions, which describe in detail all the intricacies of preparing a dish or drink. After watching the video, even a novice cook will gain the skill of preparing oatmeal jelly with kefir, and will be able to prepare the drink on his own.

How to prepare medicinal jelly

To treat some ailments, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy and buy expensive medicines: a drink made from oats, prepared according to the recipes of Momotov, Bolotov, Izotov, can improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, normalize the functioning of the heart, etc. The drink is especially useful for the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

For pancreatitis - Momotov’s recipe

We will need:

  • kefir – 0.1 l;
  • boiled chilled water – 4.5 l;

Preparation (prepare within three days):

Day one

  1. Pour the cereal into a 3-liter jar, fill it with water (2.5 l) and kefir.

Day two

  1. Strain the liquid through a double layer of gauze. You will not need fluid to treat pancreatitis.
  2. Rinse the flakes in two liters of water, drain the liquid into a 2-liter jar.
  3. Place the jar in a warm place for 20-40 hours.

Day three

  1. The contents of a two-liter jar will be sediment (concentrate) and liquid, which must be carefully drained.
  2. Carefully collect the concentrate and pour it into a separate container.
  3. Boil 0.2 liters of water.
  4. Dilute 50 grams of concentrate in a small amount of water, add this liquid to boiling water.
  5. Stir and bring to a boil.

For stomach ulcers - Izotov’s recipe

We will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) – 0.5 kg;
  • kefir – 0.1 l;
  • rye bread – 50 g;
  • boiled chilled water – 6 l;


  1. Pour cereal and bread into a 3-liter jar, pour these ingredients with water (3 liters) and kefir.
  2. Mix the ingredients, close the jar with a lid or a rubber glove (whichever is preferable).
  3. Place the jar in a warm place for 20-40 hours.
  4. Strain the liquid into a saucepan with a capacity of at least 6 liters.
  5. Rinse the flakes with water (3 liters).
  6. Leave the resulting mixture (2 three-liter jars) for 12-16 hours.
  7. After this period, drain the liquid (kvass) so as not to stir up the sediment (concentrate). These ingredients must be stored in the refrigerator or cool place, and jelly should be prepared from them. required quantities.
  8. Next you need to prepare the jelly. Two tablespoons of concentrate should be mixed with 0.25 liters of kvass.
  9. Bring this mixture to a boil.
  10. After boiling, reduce heat and cook until thickened.
  11. Drink several sips throughout the day.

How is rolled oatmeal jelly useful for weight loss?

For two main reasons: it does not contain large number fats, but it is rich in proteins, vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. The calorie content of jelly is low; it goes well with many diets. The benefit of a thick drink made from oatmeal also lies in the fact that the flakes are rich in fiber, which promotes rapid loss of extra pounds.

Harm and contraindications

A drink based on oat grains (flakes) does not contain any harmful substances that can harm health, even if consumed in large quantities. On the contrary, oatmeal, kefir and water are substances and products necessary for the functioning of the body. The only thing to be wary of is overuse oat jelly: if you overeat, there is a chance that you will have a stomach ache for several hours.