Mild poisoning in a child. Emergency: food poisoning in a small child

Many fathers and mothers do not know what to do when there is acute poisoning- vomiting and diarrhea. Of course, in this case you need to call a doctor or an ambulance. But what if these options are in at the moment not available to you? So, your baby is sick: the body temperature has risen and vomiting has appeared. The stool became frequent, liquid, profuse, and watery. There were inclusions in it undigested food, sometimes an admixture of mucus, greenery, less often - veins or an admixture of blood. There is every reason to believe that this is an intestinal infection. Due to repeated vomiting and frequent loose stool in children early age within 6-8 hours, severe, life-threatening dehydration may occur. A high temperature, sometimes rising to 40-41°C, can cause convulsions. Your task is to immediately call a doctor and act energetically yourself, without missing a minute: in such a situation, you yourself must become an “emergency worker”! Now it doesn’t matter what specific infection it is (more than 40 pathogens are known intestinal infections) - they all initially manifest themselves very similarly, and the first aid for dehydration as a result of vomiting and frequent loose stools is the same.

What to do in case of poisoning

You should not try to induce vomiting if the child is less than a year old - he may choke. You should also not induce vomiting if the child is unconscious, this can also lead to blockage. respiratory tract. If a child is poisoned with gasoline, acid or alkali, vomiting may cause a burn to the esophagus. If it is impossible to cleanse the stomach, you should give the child to drink one or two glasses of water and call an ambulance; the doctor will rinse the child’s stomach using a special probe.

What not to do if poisoned

  • Do not give your child any pills or painkillers - this may blur the clinical picture and complicate further diagnosis.
  • You should also not allow your child to eat or drink until the stomach has been completely rinsed and a diagnosis has been made.
  • Do not use warming or cooling compresses on the abdomen.
  • You cannot try to neutralize one substance with another, for example, give acid in case of alkali poisoning and vice versa: it is very difficult to accurately calculate the amount of substance required for neutralization, and an excess of “neutralizer” can itself cause poisoning or chemical burn. Besides chemical reaction between such active substances may take place with strong discharge heat or toxic reaction products.

Types of poisoning in children

Food poisoning

occur when consuming low-quality food contaminated with pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Food toxicoinfection occurs quite often in pediatric practice. And then parents are faced with a serious question: what to do if a child is poisoned by food, and by what signs can one quickly understand the onset of nutritional poisoning?

In the first hours after consuming such products, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. pain and rumbling in the stomach;
  2. repeated vomiting;
  3. perhaps an increase in body temperature to febrile levels (over 38.5 degrees);
  4. repeated diarrhea (watery stools more than 10-12 times a day).

At food poisoning caused by Proteus (pathogenic bacteria), the stool is foul-smelling, pungent odor. In this case, some children may have a short-term decrease in vision. Staphylococcal lesion very often occurs without diarrhea. In this case, signs of gastritis predominate (repeated vomiting, pain in the epigastric region). In this case, the body temperature remains within normal limits. In severe cases, seizures, bradycardia (decreased heart rate), decreased blood pressure and fainting may occur. With profuse repeated vomiting, the child loses a large amount of fluid, which manifests itself in further symptoms dehydration (dry skin, bradycardia, lethargy, possibly impaired consciousness). The difference between food poisoning and other intoxications is a short incubation period(about 2-5 hours). Symptoms of the disease persist for two days. The short duration of such poisoning is explained by the fact that the pathogens - bacteria or viruses - circulate in the bloodstream for a short time.

First aid for food poisoning in a child

The prognosis for this type of poisoning is favorable. Fatalities are observed rarely and are possible only with the development of complications (hypovolemic shock, sepsis, acute heart failure).

In order for the effect on pathogenic bacteria and viruses to be effective, first aid to a child in case of poisoning should be provided in the first hours of the onset of symptoms.

  • First aid for food poisoning in a child is gastric lavage with a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution (tubeless or tube method). The purpose of this manipulation is to remove stagnant, fermented and decomposing food from the stomach, remove mucus and pathogenic microorganisms from the body;
  • Taking adsorbents (Polyphepan, activated carbon);
  • Relief of diarrhea syndrome (calcium gluconate, calcium carbonate);
  • Oral rehydration with saline solutions is carried out to prevent dehydration syndrome (Regidron, Citroglucosolan);
  • Restoring the mucous barrier gastrointestinal tract(Smecta, Polysorb).

Medicinal (medicinal)

Drug intoxication is one of the most dangerous, especially for child's body.

The most dangerous medications for children are:

  1. analgesics ( acetylsalicylic acid);
  2. antidepressants (Clomipramine);
  3. sedatives(Diazepam);
  4. antiarrhythmic drugs, cardiac glycosides, drugs that reduce blood pressure;
  5. drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma.

In order to prevent the development serious complications every parent should know the first symptoms and how to help their child in case of poisoning medicines. Even if you enter the room and see empty blisters or scattered medications, but the child’s behavior has not changed in any way, immediately call an ambulance. It should be remembered that the development of the effect of each drug is individual and the first clinical symptoms may appear either after half an hour or after two hours. Calling an ambulance medical care, you can always ask what to do if a child is poisoned.

First aid for child poisoning with drugs

  • If possible, determine which drug was eaten by the child.
  • Gastric lavage with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution or warm boiled water(probeless or probe method). This manipulation must be carried out immediately, since after an hour, rinsing will be ineffective.
  • Adsorbing agents (activated carbon, Polyphepan, Polysorb).
  • Cleansing enema (at a dosage of 30 milliliters per kilogram of body weight every 4 hours).

In case of drug poisoning of a child in mandatory hospitalized in intensive care unit, where doctors know how to relieve intoxication in a child and will take all necessary measures for his speedy recovery(be it infusion therapy, administration of antidotes or any other methods of highly qualified medical care).

Poisonous and chemical substances

The most reliable signs the fact that a child has tasted one of the chemicals results in redness or a burn in the mouth area, on the tongue, anxiety, increased salivation, abdominal pain, vomiting. Not every mother knows what to do if her child is poisoned with chemicals. Let's find out what to do in this case.

First aid for child poisoning with chemicals

  1. First of all, you need to call an ambulance as quickly as possible.
  2. Determine the cause of poisoning (what chemical agent was eaten or drunk by the child).
  3. Rinse the stomach (probeless or tube method). It should be remembered that you should not rinse your stomach if you are poisoned with acid, alkali or gasoline! Otherwise, a burn to the mucous membrane of the esophagus is possible during their reverse passage.

Further activities should be carried out in a hospital.

Periods of poisoning

All poisonings, regardless of their origin, go through three main periods:

  1. latent (hidden) period - lasts from the moment the toxin enters the body until the first symptoms of the disease appear;
  2. toxigenic period - the blood contains a huge amount of toxin, which penetrates through the hematogenous route into vital organs and damages them normal functioning;
  3. somatogenic period - defeat internal organs (possible complications- acute hepatic or renal failure, toxic encephalopathy, sepsis).

It should be remembered that poisoning in children is much more complicated than in adults. This is due to the characteristics of the morphofunctional immaturity of the child’s body. Intoxication, one of the most serious problems For children's health, the danger of which is that they are not always easy to identify and difficult to treat. However, having an idea about clinical manifestations and, knowing how to help a child in case of poisoning, parents will always be on alert and will not get confused in a difficult situation.

Unfortunately, even perfect summer holiday may be spoiled by food poisoning: this happens especially often with young children, so parents need to be prepared to provide first aid. What to do if a child is poisoned? - first of all, do not panic and act step by step.

Conventionally, poisoning is divided into two groups: it can be food poisoning from stale or poisonous products or chemicals. IN summer time The list of “unfavorable” foods for children looks like this:

  • Milk and dairy products;
  • Eggs;
  • Seafood and fish;
  • Meat dishes (canned food, pates);
  • Confectionery with cream;
  • Salads and dishes with mayonnaise, especially if you buy ready meals in the supermarket.

Nobody is asking you to give up goodies altogether, but you still need to pay the most attention to the quality of the products. close attention. Try to feed your child food that you have prepared yourself. unknown to the child Offer foods little by little so that they do not cause allergies, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly, and maintain hygiene.

Food poisoning: symptoms

Often, food poisoning appears suddenly: at first, the child may complain of abdominal pain, indigestion, and nausea. If the case of poisoning is severe, the temperature rises, profuse vomiting begins - the most dangerous thing in this case is dehydration, the baby becomes lethargic, skin pale, pulse quickens. An increase in these signs or sharp deterioration The child's condition is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

A child has been poisoned: what to do?

First aid can be provided by parents, first you need to do gastric lavage.

In simple cases, this can be done without the involvement of doctors, namely, by inducing vomiting. To do this, you need to give your child more boiled water to drink. warm water, then press on the root of the tongue, provoking gag reflex, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times until the wash water is clean.

Another myth is that in case of poisoning you need to give milk, it supposedly neutralizes toxins. In fact, the body, which fights hostile microorganisms, simply cannot digest anything, so it is better not to overload it again and give the child water, you can baking soda(1 tbsp per 1 liter of water) or add a few drops (not crystals) of potassium permanganate until the water turns pale pink. Small children under 3 years old cannot wash their stomach this way; it is better to go to the hospital. Before the doctors arrive, the baby is placed on his side so that vomit does not enter the respiratory tract.

After gastric lavage is completed, it is necessary to adsorb toxins from the intestines: children are given sorbents in the form of a suspension; tablets are difficult for them to swallow. Do not overdo it, the dosage should be appropriate for your age. It would be a good idea to ask the child what he ate and drank today - this will make it easier to determine what caused the poisoning. Activated carbon you need to crush it with a spoon and dilute it with water - in this form it will be easier for the child to swallow it. You can also give Enterosgel, Polysorb and other sorbents.

Since the child’s body is dehydrated, you need to make sure that the child receives a sufficient amount of fluid: every 15 minutes, give him a little non-carbonated mineral water, rice water, weak green or black tea, rosehip infusion.

An enema is a rather controversial method, since the bulk of toxins remain in the intestines, so a regular enema has little chance of reaching this area. If you have even slight doubts about the diagnosis, you should consult a doctor. The same appendicitis can also present with abdominal pain and vomiting.

If home treatment did not improve within 24 hours, call an ambulance. Under no circumstances should food poisoning be treated with antibiotics or uncontrolled use remedies against vomiting and diarrhea, because this is how the body removes toxins and harmful microbes - this is a natural defensive reaction. It is enough to follow a diet, give drinking plenty of fluids, sorbents and provide bed rest. If the degree of food poisoning is severe, hospitalization is required; the hospital also performs gastric lavage for children under 3 years of age.

Diet for poisoning

After removing toxins, the body is still weakened, so it needs to be supported special diet. It is better not to feed the child at all for 4-6 hours after the vomiting stops, just give him something to drink. After this, we temporarily switch to liquid or semi-liquid food, which is given 6-8 times a day in small portions. We exclude milk, fresh bread, sweets, spices, heavy meat and fish in any case, since the stomach is weakened, and it does not need unnecessary fermentation processes in the intestines.

The best option is pureed vegetable soups, boiled chicken, porridge with water, day-old bread, crackers, and fermented milk products. It would be good to steam food; you will have to give up raw vegetables and fruits for a while, as well as freshly squeezed juices. When the child’s digestion is restored, it will be possible to gradually return to the usual diet.

Prevention of poisoning

While on vacation, be sure to keep an eye on your child: kids love to try everything, both unfamiliar berries and delicious-smelling shampoo. Before eating, after walking, or after contact with animals, be sure to wash your hands. The same can be said about raw food: If you are not sure about the quality of the food, do not give it to your child. raw eggs, fish, thoroughly rinse vegetables and fruits, place greens in running water.

Meat should not be defrosted on the table - it is placed in the refrigerator from the freezer, otherwise in the heat it will quickly appear. pathogenic bacteria. Boil or fry meat and fish well, do not eat stale food - health is much more valuable than a can of canned food that is not fresh. When buying food in a supermarket, pay attention to the expiration date and follow storage rules.

If you go on vacation abroad, give your child only boiled or bottled water - drinking something unfamiliar to the body can cause poisoning, especially since not all countries monitor the quality of water. If you leave cookies or fruit on the table, cover them with a napkin or towel - flies are also carriers of infection.

Remember that your health and the health of your baby are in your hands; compliance with hygiene rules is not so difficult task, but you will protect your family, and your vacation will be cloudless and enjoyable!

Food poisoning(toxicoinfection) is an acute infectious or toxic disease that develops after eating poor quality food.

It is manifested by a number of symptoms - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intoxication. Food poisoning in children often occurs due to insufficient development of organs and systems at this age and periodic lack of hygiene in the absence of adult control.

Causes of food poisoning

The occurrence of food poisoning depends on the quality of the products consumed, which, due to the characteristics of the child’s body, lead to toxic infection.

Manufacturing and storage conditions

Under certain conditions, any food product can cause food poisoning in a child.

This happens:

When the expiration date has expired (the processes of rotting and decomposition begin with the accumulation of toxins);

In case of violation of technological standards (bacteria or toxins enter during the cooking process);

When pathogenic microorganisms enter the body with food consumed (dirty or poorly washed vegetables, fruits, egg shells).

Products that cause poisoning

Products that can lead to toxic infection include:




Pastries and cream pies;

Exotic fruits and vegetables;

The pith of peaches and apricots due to the hydrocyanic acid they contain.

Features of the development of the child’s body

High frequency toxic infections in children compared to adults is explained by the characteristics of the child’s body:

Enzyme system liver, which is not fully formed in childhood; it participates in the neutralization of food contaminants harmful substances and their removal;

Low acidity gastric juice: its barrier role is lost during the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;

Incompletely formed intestinal microflora leads to dysbacteriosis and reduces the protective function of the mucous membrane;

Low filtration function of the kidneys prevents the timely elimination of toxins in the urine.

Taking into account the listed factors, all toxic infections are much more severe in children than in adults under the same conditions. Contacting a specialist will help prevent the development of dehydration and other severe complications.

Treatment of child food poisoning at home

In case of food poisoning in a child under one year of age, treatment at home is prohibited.

All children under 3 years of age in case of poisoning of any severity should be hospitalized.

You cannot rinse the stomach or carry out other medical procedures on your own.

When the first signs of toxic infection appear in a child under 3 years of age, you should immediately call an ambulance.

This is due to the high probability of developing fulminant dehydration, which is impossible to cope with at home.

Providing emergency measures

Before the ambulance team arrives, the child must be given complete rest at home and take steps to the following measures:

Make sure that when vomiting, food does not enter the trachea; to do this, lay the patient on his side;

Do not feed the child until the vomiting stops;

Give me something to drink warm water with the addition of soda and salt (1 teaspoon of each ingredient per 1 liter of water) and try to rinse the stomach in this way, artificially inducing vomiting; for this purpose, gently press your finger on the root of the tongue (allowed for children over 5 years of age);

Give any sorbent (Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, activated carbon).

Some contraindications

In case of food poisoning in a child, treatment at home is possible only for mild intoxication over the age of 3 years. But even with one-time diarrhea, you should consult a doctor. Antiemetic drugs are prohibited: a large amount of toxins are removed with vomit, so vomiting is a kind of protective reaction.


First of all, it is necessary to restore the electrolyte composition. For this purpose, every 10 minutes you need to give 2 tablespoons of the prepared saline solution:






Any drug can be bought without a prescription in powder form.

If you do not have the required solution, you can prepare it yourself. Add soda, sugar and salt (1 teaspoon each) to 1 liter of water. Drinking should be frequent and small - this will help avoid dehydration and loss important microelements.


It is important to give the child a sorbent as early as possible. He ties toxic substances and quickly removes them from the body. The earlier the drug was given, the higher the likelihood that the toxin will not enter the bloodstream. large quantities. If the sorbent is used in the form of tablets (activated or white coal), it must be crushed, added to water and given to the child to drink. When using any medicinal product you must adhere to the instructions and do not exceed the frequency of administration and the specified age dosage. Effective: Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, Atoxil, activated carbon.


If you manage to stop vomiting, you can give medications that will restore the intestinal microflora, accelerate the removal of toxins, reduce the manifestations of the disease and significantly shorten the recovery time.

Effective and proven probiotics include:




In case of food poisoning in a child, treatment at home includes replenishing the volume of lost fluid. For this purpose, it is necessary to give a large amount of drink. Used:

Still water;

Weak sweet tea, optionally with honey;

Rice water or rose hips;

Pharmaceutical solutions (Regidron, Oralit).

Everything that is given to a child to drink should be warm - this way the liquid is absorbed faster into the body. digestive tract. The volume of liquid consumed is taken from the calculation: 200 ml of water per 1 kg of child’s weight.

Diet food

In case of food poisoning in a child, treatment at home includes mandatory adherence to a diet. Until the vomiting and diarrhea stop, you cannot feed the patient. Only after normalization of stool, after a few hours, is it recommended to switch to a gentle diet. It is important that the child eats often (up to 8 times a day), but in small quantities and on demand: food should be given as desired, but not overfed. Food is served in grated or liquid form. Fresh bread, milk or fats are prohibited for 2 weeks.

Fermented milk products;


Liquid porridge on water;

Mashed boiled meat;

Vegetable broths and soups - puree.

For 3 weeks you should not eat sweets, fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, fatty or fried foods.

Folk recipes

In addition to the above measures that should be taken in case of food poisoning in a child, treatment at home allows you to use remedies traditional medicine.

Cinnamon decoction:½ teaspoon is poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes, cooled, and given to the child throughout the day. It removes toxins well and relieves stomach pain.

1 teaspoon of seeds is poured into 1.5 glasses of water and boiled for several minutes. After cooling, add a spoonful of honey. During the day, toxins are eliminated from the body.

Good effect has a decoction of starch in the proportion: 1 teaspoon per glass of water. It can be replaced with edible gelatin.

Can cook teas from ginger and nettle, infusions of mint and lemon balm. They have antimicrobial properties. Teas are prepared from an arbitrary number of components. Consume as often as possible in quantities calculated for body weight.

Significantly improve the condition of decoctions and infusions of chamomile flowers and oak bark.

Treatment traditional methods time-tested and effective as part complex therapy at home. All ingredients are sold in the pharmacy chain, they have a long shelf life, are easy to prepare and use. But it is best to carefully monitor what the child eats and his compliance with hygiene rules, as well as the shelf life of products used for cooking. It is better to prevent the occurrence of poisoning than to then treat a child’s food poisoning at home.

Often, food poisoning in children occurs due to food with microbial content. This phenomenon is called toxic infection and is more severe in children than in adults, because at this age and digestive functions, And immune defense not yet fully formed.

In children, toxins are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract almost instantly. The reasons are directly related to food, mainly meat, fish and dairy dishes, since E. coli, staphylococcus and salmonella most often develop in them under unfavorable conditions. Toxic infection can also be caused by eating dirty fruits (fruits, vegetables, berries).

Cause of poisoning

Food poisoning in a child is enough common occurrence. This fact is explained by the insufficient readiness of the enzymatic system and protective functions gastrointestinal tract, and not just parental inattention.

The most common reasons:

  • Food allergy accompanied by intoxication;
  • Introduction of complementary foods. New products are still unknown digestive system, and she may perceive them as hostile;
  • Contact path - dirty toys, unwashed hands, etc.;
  • Contact with an E. coli-infected person who has access to the child;
  • IN in rare cases poisoning can be transmitted from a nursing mother to her baby when she herself suffers from a toxic infection.

Food poisoning in the vast majority of cases manifests itself as diarrhea. If the baby has persistent diarrhea lasting more than 2 days, then there is high probability dehydration. Also possible: elevated temperature, weakness and lethargy, nausea and vomiting.

The incidence rate increases during the warm season - summer. High temperatures, availability of fruits, and complicated storage conditions make this time of year a unique culprit for intestinal infections.

Poisoning usually occurs in children for the following reasons:

  • Raw, unboiled water;
  • Dairy products, especially thermally untreated milk. Unwashed fruits and vegetables;
  • Cream pies, cakes, etc. Most often they contain staphylococci;
  • Sausage, raw eggs;
  • Products stored in basements (potatoes, carrots, etc.). Their skin often contains anaerobic rod which is carried by rodents.

To summarize, we can say that the main causes of health problems in children are dirt and improper storage of food.

Signs of food poisoning

Symptoms of toxic infection appear suddenly. Usually healthy baby suddenly becomes lethargic, moody, and the skin turns pale. These phenomena arise due to rapid spread toxin in the intestinal tract.

On acute course diseases indicate pain, pain and colic in the abdomen, diarrhea mixed with mucus, vomiting and fever. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the poisoning becomes severe.

Symptoms that require urgent medical attention:

  • Diarrhea lasting more than 2 hours. When there is blood in the stool, help is needed immediately;
  • Severe vomiting (more than 1 time per hour);
  • The face is pale, the lips take on a blue tint;
  • General poor health;
  • Vomiting occurs immediately after drinking.

The following signs also require medical attention, but you can get by by calling a doctor at home:

  • Stomach ache. Very young children (infants) writhe, raise their legs to their stomachs and try to find a comfortable position to relieve colic;
  • Yellowness of the whites of the eyeballs;
  • Temperature over 37.5, which lasts longer than 4 hours;
  • Dark urine;
  • Nausea, lack of appetite;
  • Vomiting after eating;
  • Periodic diarrhea (more than 2-3 times a day);
  • The saliva becomes viscous and the mouth becomes dry.

Treatment of toxic infection

At the first signs of such an unfavorable condition, immediate action must be taken. First of all, you need to rinse your stomach. This will help get rid of toxins that have not yet been absorbed in the intestines. The sooner you take them out, the less consequences will leave behind a disease.

It is worth clarifying that washing for children under 1 year of age is done either in a medical facility or under the supervision of a doctor at home. Warm boiled water is used for the event: children from 8 months to 1 year - 20 ml per 1 kg of body weight; up to 6 years – 15 ml per kg; up to 14 years – 10 ml per kg.

After drinking so much, vomiting will occur - a normal physiological reaction after the rinsing procedure. In this way the body tries to cleanse itself. But if there is no vomiting, then this indicates severe course diseases.

In such a situation, you need to immediately call an ambulance. In a medical institution, washing will be done more professionally, and in some cases it may be necessary intravenous administration drip solutions.

Regardless of the type of poisoning (food, medicine, etc.), sorbents are used. Now the most widely used drug is called Enterosgel. The medicine is available in the form of a paste.

Enterosgel is indicated for use even in infants. If poisoning passes to a child from a nursing mother, she can also take this drug. Activated carbon and Smecta will also be effective, but they can only be used for children over 7 years of age.

What to drink if you have food poisoning

The treatment complex also includes hydration procedures, that is, drinking plenty of fluids. However plain water not suitable, need to use saline solutions. You can make them yourself or purchase ready-made powder.

At home, it is recommended to prepare such a solution for oral administration: 250 ml water (boiled, purified) + ¾ tsp. salt + 3 tbsp. l. sugar + glass orange juice(an alternative is water with added vitamin C). 500 ml of this solution contains everything you need to restore water balance.

This recipe is only suitable for children over 5 years old. Among ready funds Regidron solution, sold in pharmacies, is suitable. It can be given to even the smallest children. Drink this liquid in small sips throughout the entire period of intoxication.

First aid for food poisoning

You need to carefully monitor the baby’s condition, and if it worsens, call an ambulance or a doctor.

At home, you need to take the following measures:

  • Provide plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration using the above saline solutions. Children over 5 years old can drink a decoction of chamomile or rosehip, as well as weak green tea;
  • Give sorbents that will absorb toxins and remove them from the body. But they should not be used when intestinal obstruction and gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • Adhere to a strict diet throughout the entire period of the disease. At first, you should exclude any food. On the second day, when they pass acute symptoms, light soup, rice water, crackers, and water porridge are allowed. The diet should be followed for about a week, in some cases – two;
  • Do not give antibiotics or stool hardeners as they may make the condition worse.

Prevention of food poisoning

Preventive measures are quite simple and consist only of observing the rules of personal, general and household hygiene:

  • Wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet, public places, streets, contact with animals;
  • Products prepared for children must pass heat treatment. Both cottage cheese and milk, as well as fruits and vegetables, must be prepared. Something is baked, boiled, some products are simply doused with boiling water;
  • Perishable food must be stored properly;
  • A person with symptoms of poisoning should not cook or have contact with a child;
  • Food cannot be stored in open form. If this is not possible, then it must be covered from insects and contact with air;
  • Food storage areas must be kept perfectly clean;
  • Do not consume swollen and cloudy canned food, including home-canned food;
  • Monitor the expiration date of products;
  • Avoid drinking raw water and milk;
  • Fight against insects (cockroaches, flies) and rodents.

These simple rules will help prevent food poisoning. Compliance with hygiene standards does not require large quantity time and effort. In addition, all the rules are universal, so they will help reduce the risk of poisoning in adults.

Sometimes it happens that the baby becomes ill: he develops a mild fever, feels nauseous, develops weakness and slight aches in the joints. These are the main signs initial stage food poisoning, and if measures are not taken immediately, then literally within a few hours the baby will become worse. What to do if a child is poisoned and what medications will help cope with this condition will be discussed in this article.

You can understand that a child has been poisoned either by the fact that the baby complains of ailments in the tummy, or by the development of diarrhea or vomiting. In addition, the child’s body temperature rises (not higher than 37.5) and appears headache. It is worth considering the fact that acute symptoms of food poisoning disappear 48 hours after their onset, while the infection can torment a child for about 7 days. In the latter case, in order to prevent intoxication and dehydration of the body, it is recommended to call a doctor at home.

First aid for poisoning

What to do if a child is poisoned and vomits? Put the baby in bed, do not give him anything to eat for 12 hours, give him three teaspoons of boiled water every five minutes. With this condition, many parents make the mistake of trying to feed or give their child plenty of drink. This cannot be done, because... food entering the stomach will immediately cause an attack of severe vomiting.

What to do if a child is poisoned and has diarrhea - change the diet and introduce foods that “strengthen” the intestines. For this baby, it is recommended to feed only viscous rice porridge, without adding spices and oil, and also give him a hard-boiled egg, strong tea no sugar and a crust of yesterday's bread. Do not forget that such nutrition is introduced only if the child has diarrhea, but there is no nausea or vomiting.

Treatment of drug poisoning

You can treat a child if he has been poisoned using what pediatricians recommend - and today these are one of the few drugs that can be given to even the smallest children without consulting a doctor.

Any food poisoning, regardless of symptoms, begins to be treated with sorbents. Activated carbon is offered to toddlers at the rate of 0.05 g per 1 kg of body weight. If it is not possible to drink the entire tablet, then it is crushed to a powder and poured into the child’s mouth, offering to wash it down with water, or mixed with milk or formula.

A few hours after taking the sorbent, if the baby has diarrhea, he is offered Smecta. To do this, 1 sachet of powder is dissolved in 50 ml of boiled water. The dose of the drug per day for toddlers up to one year is 2 packets, after one year – 4 packets.

So, what to do at home if a child is poisoned - first of all, make a correct diagnosis. After which, if it is food poisoning, it is recommended to follow the simple instructions described in this article, and your little one will feel better very soon. However, do not forget that in addition to food poisoning, there are ailments caused by toxic fumes, medications, etc. In this case, immediate hospitalization of the child in a medical facility is recommended.