Diuretics for pregnant women. The use of birch buds in medicine. Double-sided and one-sided

The pregnancy period is not only a great happiness for the expectant mother, but also a serious test for the female body. Hormonal fluctuations, increased stress on the heart, lungs and kidneys leads to fluid retention and the appearance of swelling. To eliminate similar problem Doctors advise pregnant women to pay attention to their diet. It is necessary to enrich it with products that improve metabolism and eliminate swelling. But if correction of nutrition and activity does not help from swelling, they resort to the help of natural “natural” diuretics. Diuretic herbs during pregnancy are the optimal and often the only approved method of combating edema and other problems in expectant mothers.

Why does swelling occur during pregnancy?

Swelling often becomes early sign that conception has occurred. Over short periods of time, they arise due to changes in hormonal background as a reaction to stress. When unpleasant symptom noticeable only to a pregnant woman, there is no reason to worry. But if the doctor pays attention to swelling, you need to carefully monitor your diet and undergo additional tests.

The most common causes of swelling are

  • physical inactivity;
  • excess water consumption;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • excessive consumption of salt and carbohydrates;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract.

For more later(in the third trimester) the fetus provokes an increase in the load on internal organs. If the body of the expectant mother cannot cope on our own, then it is necessary medical intervention. It is important for pregnant women to know that edema, which does not eliminate natural swelling, is characteristic of such a phenomenon as gestosis, one of the complications of pregnancy.

Diuretic herbs approved for pregnant women

A collection with diuretic herbs is much more effective than any one diuretic plant. The effect of one herb multiplies or complements the effect of others. But when choosing such natural diuretics, it is important to consider that not every natural diuretic is indicated for pregnant women.

Familiar and safe herbal tea, even if a woman successfully took it before conception, can lead to serious complications during pregnancy. It is important to remember the possible adverse reactions, allergies to the components of herbal mixtures and even to the aromas of some plants.

A collection of bearberry leaves, cornflower and licorice rhizomes will be effective and safe. No less useful. Its berries not only have a diuretic effect, but are also a valuable source of carotene, pectin, tannins, vitamins B2, C, P, as well as microelements such as K, Mg, Mn and Fe.

In addition, pregnant women can safely take the following diuretic herbs:

  • lingonberry leaves and berries;
  • fruits of viburnum and rowan;
  • corn silk;
  • bean shells;
  • red clover;
  • blackberry roots;
  • horsetail;
  • birch leaf;
  • bearberry;
  • orthosiphon;
  • elderberry;
  • mint;
  • linden;
  • anise.

Any diuretic herb for pregnant women should only be purchased at a pharmacy. When buying plants on the market, you cannot be sure that they were prepared and stored correctly. That is, instead of the intended benefit, serious harm can be caused to the body.

There is one more thing to remember. Although natural diuretics do not have strong action, but when using them it is important to follow the recommendations on the packaging.

Incorrect brewing of the collection or herb in best case scenario will not have an effect, and at worst, will provoke side effects. If even approved diuretic herbs cause nausea, dizziness and skin reactions (itching, rash), you should stop taking them and tell your doctor about such reactions to the herbal medicine.

What herbs are prohibited during pregnancy?

In addition to the list of approved herbs, a woman expecting a baby should also familiarize herself with the list of herbs that are undesirable during pregnancy. It is necessary to exclude juniper, leaves and fruits of strawberries, as well as curly root. They contain substances that can tone the uterus and cause miscarriage.

They also have similar properties

  • aloe;
  • senna;
  • ginger;
  • raspberry;
  • oregano;
  • basil;
  • lavender;
  • buckthorn;
  • lovage;
  • motherwort;
  • yarrow;
  • shepherd's purse.

Tansy and ginseng may disrupt normal development child. And barberry and ergot can poison the body of the mother and fetus with toxins. In addition, a woman should exclude some foods from her diet. When enriching your diet with diuretic plants, it is not recommended to use rhubarb in dishes.

Folk remedies during pregnancy

You can find many recipes that help you prepare a diuretic to get rid of swelling, especially in last trimester pregnancy. But the most popular is cranberry or lingonberry juice. It can be prepared from fresh, frozen and even dried berries.

To do this, pour boiling water over it, let it brew for a short time, and then grind it through a sieve. Then the fruit drink is brought to the optimal consistency for itself and sweetened with honey. Drink a glass of this remedy half an hour before meals, 3-4 times a day.

Green tea will help relieve mild swelling for pregnant women.

It has tonic properties, gives vigor and is powerful antioxidant. But pregnant women are advised to limit themselves to just one cup of drink per day. Excess green tea can have negative effects on the body expectant mother. Women expecting a baby should prefer high-quality tea without any flavoring additives.

You can prepare an infusion from birch leaves. It will not only help eliminate swelling, but also get rid of infections. urinary tract. To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp. l. pour ½ liter of boiling water over the sheet. Leave the product for about half an hour, and it is recommended to drink the infusion 1-2 glasses per day. Drinks are prepared from lingonberry and bearberry leaves in a similar way.

Taking any diuretic herbs must first be agreed with your doctor. The use of herbal diuretic products alone will not completely eliminate edema. To do this, it is important to adhere to recommendations regarding nutrition, activity and rest. If the problem is not related to malfunctions of the internal organs, following these recommendations significantly improves the condition of the pregnant woman.

Any woman during pregnancy understands that the most important thing is to bear and give birth healthy child. Getting sick during pregnancy is unacceptable and dangerous. But it is impossible to avoid the disease, especially such a phenomenon as edema, which is very common during this period of every woman’s life.

Edema is dangerous for women and children. Edema becomes noticeable in the third trimester, and then it is necessary to get rid of it with the help of diuretics. Prescribing diuretics on your own is very stupid and dangerous, so remember that self-medication is not the thing that will make you healthier. Coordinate every step you take during pregnancy with your doctor. Don't forget this!

Diuretics are divided into synthetic and natural. TO natural preparations include fruits, berries and herbs. Synthetic drugs are medicines. What are their benefits? They remove urine from the body and reduce the fluid content in the tissue. This is very important during pregnancy, because it helps to avoid gestosis, which manifests itself primarily in edema. Edema clearly indicates that a person has problems with the heart or kidneys. Swelling is not always visible. Then you should pay attention to the rate at which her weight increases.

There are diuretics that should not be taken during pregnancy. These include medications that have diuretic effect, but they are used only in emergency cases. Lasilactone, Viskaldix, Triamterene, Aquaphor, Theobromine. Hypothiazide helps to delay the excretion of calcium from the body, causing allergies, dizziness and weakness. It should not be taken during the first stage of pregnancy. Hypothiazide causes a decrease blood pressure, increased levels of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, the development of thrombophlebitis, deterioration of vision and hearing, liver function and gastrointestinal tract. It is strictly forbidden to take it in early pregnancy, and in the future if there is an urgent need. Lasix increases the excretion of phosphates, potassium, magnesium, bicarbonates and calcium, and blocks the absorption of sodium in the kidney. At an early stage it is prohibited, later - if necessary. Furosemide and Hypothiazide contribute to the occurrence of jaundice, impaired renal function, and thrombocytopenia in an infant.

The following drugs should absolutely not be taken in the first trimester: Triamterene, Cyclomethiazide, Theophylline, Oxodoline, Bumetanide, Diacarb, Clopamide and Spironolactone. In subsequent trimesters, their use depends on various factors: degree of edema, general condition women, the reasons that caused the swelling.

Preparations that can be used by pregnant women: those that are made from plants. Canephron, which contains rosemary leaves, centaury herb and lovage root. This drug has a diuretic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. It can be taken at all stages of pregnancy. Produced in the form of tablets and drops. For pregnant women, it is best to take tablets as the drops contain alcohol.

Phytolysin contains many herbs: wheatgrass rhizomes, birch leaves, parsley root extracts, pine, sage, orange oil, herbs horsetail. You can take it, but if a woman is absolutely sure that there is no acute inflammatory process. Eufillin should not be taken on an empty stomach because dizziness may occur. headache and intestinal dysfunction. It is not taken for epilepsy, low blood pressure and heart disease.

Of course, it will be better if you can do without medication. You can go on a salt-free diet, which involves eliminating salt from your diet. Make a drink from lingonberries or cranberries. The berries should be ground with sugar and filled with water at room temperature. You can drink a glass of this drink three times a day. Good to use lingonberry leaf, which is brewed, but remember that in large quantities it is harmful. You can brew the following herbs: horsetail, leaves of Orthosiphon staminate, bearberry leaf and birch leaves and buds. They do not cause harm and can be taken throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

There are also prohibited herbs with a diuretic effect. This is parsley root, which causes uterine tone, juniper fruits and strawberries, which promote uterine contraction.

Diuretic tea should not be taken during pregnancy. He violates water-salt metabolism, removes calcium, potassium and other micro- and macroelements. Diuretic teas contribute to the disorder acid-base balance. If a woman had kidney problems before pregnancy, she is prescribed kidney teas. However, the use of any drug is based on a specific case.

You shouldn't rely on yourself. When it comes to your child’s health, it is important not to self-medicate and self-identify your own illnesses. For this purpose, there are specialists who know what is best for you to take and what you should absolutely be wary of. Listen to them, because you are responsible for the health and life of your own child. For every woman there is only one goal - to give birth. healthy baby. To do this, you need to eat right, and get more rest, go for walks, fresh air. You must also take medications wisely, without abusing them. Ideally, they should not be used at all, but this is more like a utopia, so choose those medications that will not lead to negative consequences. The advice of mothers and grandmothers is useful, but they do not know everything due to the fact that they are not doctors. First of all, consult a doctor for whom treatment of diseases is a direct duty and profession.

Author of the publication: Eduard Belousov

Hydronephrosis during pregnancy or hydronephrotic transformation is a kidney disease in which rapid dilation is observed. renal pelvis. Pathology occurs due to increased pressure in the kidneys. The accumulation of fluid leads to deformation of the pelvis, which results in thinning of their surfaces.

In females, the pathological condition is observed much more often than in males. Usually, damage to one kidney is detected: right or left. Diagnosis of hydronephrosis becomes more complicated with the development of pregnancy in women, since during this period it is impossible to use X-ray examination. The diagnosis is made based on the symptoms of the pathology and the use of ultrasound.


The main factor provoking the development of hydronephrosis is an increase in the size of the uterus during pregnancy. The organ puts strong pressure on the ureters, as a result of which the excretion of urine is impaired, contributing to the development of changes.

There are other causes of hydronephrosis:

  • physical damage;
  • congenital disorders;
  • presence of infections;
  • urolithiasis;
  • neoplasms of various types;
  • spinal cord damage;
  • cystitis.


Hydronephrosis during pregnancy has 3 degrees of development:

  1. The functioning of the kidneys is not impaired and only the pelvis is dilated.
  2. The kidneys increase in size, as a result of which the walls of the pelvis become thinner and their functions are disrupted;
  3. Added strong decline kidney performance.

Considering the severity of parenchymal atrophy, there are 4 degrees of hydronephrosis:

  1. The parenchyma has no damage.
  2. The parenchyma has small lesions.
  3. Severe damage is observed.
  4. The kidneys stop functioning, the parenchyma is absent.

Hydronephrosis during pregnancy can be congenital or acquired. The first form of pathology occurs in case of disturbances in early stages pregnancy intrauterine development of the fetus. In this case, damage to one, most often the right, kidney is observed, which is due to the physiology of the organs.

Hydronephrosis is quite frequent illness During pregnancy, the disease often goes away on its own without any treatment after delivery. However, if the disease occurs during pregnancy, this can lead to a number of very serious complications. It is worth noting that hydronephrosis can also develop in an infant. The pathology should not be ignored, although at the very beginning it can be practically asymptomatic.

Clinical manifestations

Detection of hydronephrosis during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that its symptoms vary initial stage almost does not appear. But with progression pathological process The disease makes itself felt by the presence of such signs as:

  • pain in the lower back, radiating to the leg, perineum;
  • when the process worsens, the volume of urine decreases significantly;
  • urine is excreted with blood;
  • if there is an infection, the patient’s temperature rises;
  • fatigue;
  • swelling of the legs and face is observed;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • flatulence, nausea and vomiting occur;
  • if the disease is not treated on time, pyelonephritis may develop;
  • in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the kidneys can be easily palpated (groped).

Often these signs are perceived by patients as a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. Accurate diagnosis will allow you to detect pathology and take the necessary treatment procedures.

Often both kidneys are affected, which greatly complicates treatment. Therapeutic tactics will primarily depend on the degree of disease progression.


The diagnosis of hydronephrosis is based on patient complaints and results ultrasound examination. At the last stage of development, the disease is not visualized and appears as formations similar to cysts.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound can detect renal hydronephrosis in the child. This phenomenon may be physiological in nature. The diagnosis is made by deformation of the cups.


Treatment of hydronephrosis during pregnancy involves increasing the tone of the ureter, restoring kidney function and removing fluid. During gestation, treatment is limited, since many are contraindicated. effective medicines which can harm the baby's body.

The doctor prescribes treatment that is gentle on the fetus, which includes:

  • a special diet with complete abstinence from fatty, spicy, salty and alcoholic foods;
  • herbal preparations;
  • preventing constipation with laxatives;
  • careful hygiene to prevent infection;
  • taking vitamins, especially group B.

Sometimes long-term treatment of hydronephrosis is unsuccessful. In this case, the doctor suggests artificial termination of pregnancy. If the pathology is purulent or infectious in origin, emergency treatment is indicated. surgery.

How to eat properly with hydronephrosis

Treatment of hydronephrosis during pregnancy will not lead to positive result without following a diet. Basic rules of nutrition when sick include: fresh vegetables and fruits in large quantities, and also must be high in calories. Preference should be given to potatoes and eggs. The duration of the diet is determined by the doctor.


Hydronephrosis cannot be prevented by any preventive measures. For early detection the development of kidney pathology should be visited by a doctor in time; it should not be ignored clinical manifestations diseases. It is advisable to treat pathologies urinary system. In this regard, it is also necessary to contact a specialist.

Alternative medicine

Treatment folk remedies won't get rid of pathological condition, but can significantly alleviate the course of the disease. Experts recommend using this therapy in combination with medications. Before using any folk recipes You should definitely consult a doctor.

Infusions for hydronephrosis

Prepare an infusion from the following ingredients: 1 tsp. adonis, 2/3 tsp. crushed birch leaves, 1 tsp. dried nettle, as well as oat grains, horsetail and bearberry. Add 2 cups of water and boil for a minute. Leave for about 2 hours and strain. Take fifty milliliters three times a day after meals.

Compress recipe

Lotions will be useful for kidney disease. Take 2 tsp. adonis, dried leaves birch, oat grains, sedum grass, bedstraw and hop cones with field cartilage, and fill with a liter of vodka. Let it brew for 10 days. The compress should be applied 3 times a day to the lumbar area. Also take a tablespoon of infusion before meals.

The disease should not be neglected, because complications of hydronephrosis during pregnancy can be very serious - the kidneys will stop functioning normally, which can lead to fatal. The condition is also dangerous due to the possibility of infection and organ rupture. Be attentive to your body and do not ignore its alarming manifestations.

Pyeelectasis of the right or left kidney

Renal pyeloectasia is an enlargement of the pelvis responsible for the production and excretion of urine. This picture does not relate to independent problems and develops as a result of infectious diseases or anatomical disorders. To get rid of the defect, you need to know the characteristics of the course of the symptom and take measures to treat the underlying cause.

  • Classification of pathology
  • Forms of development
  • Double-sided and one-sided
  • Reasons for development
  • In children
  • Accompanying pathologies
  • Symptoms
  • Pyeelectasia during pregnancy
  • In the fetus
  • In a baby
  • In a child
  • Danger of disease
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Drug therapy
  • Folk remedies
  • Diet
  • Which doctor should I contact?
  • Prevention

Classification of pathology

Depending on the development, pyeelectasis is differentiated into 3 characteristic stages:

  • mild;
  • medium or moderate defect;
  • severe form.

When the condition is neglected, the functionality of almost the entire urinary system is disrupted, which is expressed in stagnation of fluid, problems with its outflow and often causes hydronephrosis of the kidney.

Forms of development

Classified depending on the provocateurs that caused the characteristic symptom:

  1. Congenital. Can be organic and dynamic. The first includes a deviation that arose during intrauterine development, which led to the expansion of the renal pelvis. The second manifests itself as a result of a narrowing of the channel for removing fluid, increasing pressure in the organ.
  2. Acquired. It is divided into the same types. With dynamic, the problem is caused by an infection, hormonal imbalance, kidney oncology. Such factors often provoke increased fluid secretion. At organic damage The cause is usually inflammation of the ureter, leading to tissue swelling. As a result, urolithiasis develops and, as a consequence, prolapse of the organ.

Double-sided and one-sided


  1. One-sided defect. There may be pyeloectasia of the right kidney or pyeloectasia of the left kidney. It is characterized by an expansion of the pelvis of one organ; both an adult and an infant are susceptible to such a clinical picture.
  2. Bilateral. More often detected in children. Pathology develops simultaneously on the right and left.

According to ICD ( international system classification) code 10. In medicine, the sign has other names - calicopyelectasia, pyelocaliectasia, calicoectasia.

Pyelocalicoectasia is an enlargement of the pelvis along with the urine-forming calyces. If a defect leads to an increase in the lumen of the ureter, a diagnosis of ureteropyeloectasia, ureterohydronephrosis is made.

Reasons for development

Knowing what it is, pyelocalicectasia, it is worth understanding what problems lead to its occurrence.

Usually the provocateurs are:

  • Reduced lumen of the urethra, ureteral valves, pinched canals.
  • Neurology leading to disruption of the urination process.
  • Anomalies in the structure of the kidneys and urethra.
  • Weakened abdominal wall.
  • Blood flow dysfunction.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Endocrine diseases accompanied by an increase in urine volume.
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary organs.
  • Infections that cause increased stress on the kidneys.
  • Injury to the pelvic area.
  • Stone formation.
  • Nephroptosis, leading to torsion of the urinary canal.
  • Pyelonephritis, when the ureter is blocked by necrotic tissue or pus. With this disease, pyeelectasis is detected in 12.5% ​​of patients.
  • Excessive fluid intake - the kidney is not able to cope with the increased load.

  • Reduced peristalsis of the urinary canals in elderly bedridden patients.
  • Benign cyst or malignancy, putting pressure on the kidney, ureter, interfering with the outflow of fluid, blocking the passage.

Especially often the cause of kidney pyeloectasia is identified as the vesicoureteral reflex or reverse cast liquids. Normally, this is prevented by a valve located at the mouth of the ureter. Due to the defect, the pressure in the bladder and when it contracts, urine is thrown back into the canal.

In children

IN separate group identify provocateurs for the development of renal pyeloectasia among children, including infants:

  • Often the defect affects a boy who has a narrowing foreskin, which does not allow the head of the penis to fully open.
  • A newborn may have an abnormality in which the valve formation is disrupted and the ureter is too high.

  • The consequence of prematurity is weakness of the baby's muscle tissue.
  • As the fetus develops, the urine drainage channel may be compressed by other organs or a blood vessel.
  • Overfilling of the bladder with rare emptying in large volumes is neurogenic dysfunction.

Accompanying pathologies

The development of renal pyelectasis leads to additional problems:

  • Ectopic urethra is an anomaly in the structure of the channel for the outflow of fluid. A woman or even a newborn girl has the ureter exit directly into the vagina, a man into the urethra.
  • Urethrocele – compression of the urethra and narrowing of the opening. The ureter becomes inflated.
  • Urethral valve dysfunction.

  • Megaureter – associated with increased pressure in the bladder.
  • Ureterovesical reflux.
  • Hydronephrosis without dilatation of the renal pelvis with obstruction of the passage of urine into the excretory duct.
  • In boys, posterior urethral valves accompany the bilateral sign.

In addition, complications of pyelectasis include:

  • Decreased kidney function.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Reduction in organ size.
  • Tissue death.
  • Kidney failure.


The mild or medium stage actually has no signs that can quickly identify a deviation from the norm. However, with bilateral renal pyelectasis, even in the initial stage, the following may occur:

  1. An increase in the number of fibrous tissues – sclerosis.
  2. Decreased urine volume, which increases the presence of toxins in the body.
  3. Impaired urine flow, which leads to inflammatory processes.
  4. Decreased immune defense.
  5. Renal failure, in which the level of urea and creatinine increases.
  6. Hematuria is possible, in which the rate of blood in the urine increases.

But these signs also develop with other organ diseases. Therefore, it is more often possible to detect renal pyelectasis during examination due to another pathology.

Pyeelectasia during pregnancy

Pregnancy can provoke renal pyeloectasia, since an enlarged uterus creates high blood pressure to the ureter. In addition, hormonal imbalance often leads to the problem.

It has been noticed that the “pregnant” symptom is less often left-sided in nature. In pregnant women, a right-sided passing sign is much more often diagnosed, which completely disappears in postpartum period. Common reasonnegative impact external factors on the female body, compression of the kidneys at the stage of fetal formation.

It is important to determine exactly when the defect developed. If the right sign appears during gestation, it is not interrupted, but precautions are taken, since the presence of chronic pyelectasis can affect labor. Therefore, it is better for women with a history of this problem to undergo kidney diagnostics in advance at the stage of planning conception.

In the fetus

The presence of pyelocalicectasis of the right kidney, left kidney, or both is detected when ultrasound examination. Optimal time for ultrasound – 16-20 weeks.

The cause is genetic and physiological characteristics, maternal diseases:

  1. Excess fluid in female body or the fruit itself.
  2. Hypoxia of the unborn baby, underdeveloped kidneys.
  3. Bacterial or viral infections, to which the mother's womb was exposed.

If a fetal defect is suspected, it is advisable to perform an ultrasound scan every month.

A pregnant woman should remember that pyeelectasis of the kidneys of a baby developing in the womb is caused not only by infections and unfavorable environmental conditions, but also by alcoholism and smoking.

In a baby

Perform monthly ultrasound scanning if the kidneys are susceptible to pyeelectasis baby. It has been noticed that boys suffer from the problem 5 times more often than girls. A pathology is considered if the expansion of the pelvis exceeds 10 mm from the norm - this means the congenital nature of the disease. In this case, the baby is under mandatory medical supervision.

If the child's growth does not lead to the disappearance of symptoms, there is a high risk of developing pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, ectopic ureter, and bladder reflux. Unfortunately, the baby cannot voice his complaints. Therefore, the parent often thinks that crying and restless behavior is caused by the fact that the child cannot poop, or attribute the clinical picture to teething.

The following signs should alert you:

  1. Increased abdominal volume.
  2. Change in color and odor of urine.

It is necessary to carry out full diagnostics. Often, renal pyeloectasia in young children is temporary and disappears by the age of 2 years. But in any case, you need to determine the cause of the symptom.

In a child

Older children can already explain what signs of illness are present:

  1. Pain in the lumbar region.
  2. A burning sensation when emptying the bladder.
  3. Sometimes pronounced cyanosis and swelling appear under the child’s eyes.
  4. Sometimes the temperature rises.

The most common reasons include:

  1. Hydronephrosis.
  2. Insufficient patency - the PLS (pyelocalyceal system) may contain pus or cystic formation, preventing the outflow of fluid.
  3. Structural anomalies.
  4. Increased pressure in the bladder.
  5. Weakness of muscle tissue.
  6. Hereditary predisposition.

When such clinical picture you should visit a doctor immediately. Kidney pyeloectasia should not be started - this leads to the development of serious complications.

Danger of disease

It should be remembered that it is not the symptom that is dangerous, but the pathology that provoked it. Impaired outflow, however, leads to kidney dysfunction and an increase in the volume of fibrous tissue. Therefore, it is imperative to treat pyeelectasis to prevent organ death. This prognosis in the absence of therapy is typical for both children and adult patients.

But even if the pelvis remains functional, lack of therapy leads to the development of chronic or acute pyelonephritis, increased content toxins in the bloodstream. Often there is the appearance of scars and adhesions, which provoke an increase in the level of pressure in the bladder. In children, the presence of renal pyelectasis causes increased tone of the nervous system and subsequently a persistent narrowing of the ureteral passage.


Only an ultrasound can help identify the problem. Other examination methods are used to clarify the cause. For example, during an infectious-inflammatory process, the following procedures are performed:

  1. Excretory urography is a contrast radiography in which a substance is injected intravenously.
  2. Cystography – endoscopic technique, which allows using a special probe to study internal state bladder.
  3. Radioisotope scanning - helps determine the presence of neoplasms.

If the diagnosis is made infant, the examination is carried out at intervals of 3 months. The normal size of the pelvis is 6 mm. When the indicator changes upward, the progression of pyelectasis is determined. Older children undergo diagnostics every 6 months.

The patient also undergoes a urine test, which reveals the presence of leukocytes and blood in the fluid.


Therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the defect. If it is mild or moderate in nature and is not prone to progression, follow observation tactics. In cases of severe renal pyelectasis, surgery is recommended.

The operation is minimally invasive and is performed through urethra. Helps get rid of narrowing of the duct, especially in the presence of a tumor. In addition, a frame is installed to expand the pelvis. If the kidney defect is caused urolithiasis, crushing stones. Currently, the procedure is performed with a laser.

Surgery is used if pharmacological preparations turned out to be ineffective. According to statistics, up to 40% of patients require surgery. The prognosis is favorable.

Drug therapy

Conservative treatment includes:

  1. An antibiotic is prescribed to rid the body of the pathogen.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs act on the lesion, eliminating inflammation and its corresponding symptoms. Non-steroidal drugs are most often used.
  3. To enhance natural protection, take immunostimulants and vitamins.
  4. Since antibiotics negatively affect the intestinal flora, a course of probiotics is prescribed.
  5. Myotropic antispasmodics reduce pressure in the bladder, relax muscle tissue urinary organs.
  6. Fitolysin, Canephron and other means can remove sand.

In this case, hospitalization is often not necessary. You can also support treatment at home.

Folk remedies

The left, right or bilateral defect should be treated under the supervision of a doctor who recommends effective drug or surgery. Traditional medicine will help support the body during a therapeutic course or during the rehabilitation period:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. nettle, adonis, horsetail, oats, add 3 tbsp. l. dried birch leaves. In a thermos, infuse 3 tbsp in boiling water. l. raw materials within 12 hours. Take ¼ cup 4 times a day.
  2. Another folk method. Mix in equal volumes birch leaves, juniper and dandelion. Infuse in a thermos, as in the previous recipe.

During therapy, special nutrition is maintained.


If a left or right defect is determined, the diet should contain a smaller amount of protein - up to 60 g per day. However, the level of carbohydrates and fats increases. The amount of salt consumed is reduced.

The diet excludes:

  • pasta;
  • canned food;
  • chocolate;
  • mushrooms;
  • fried foods.

Food is boiled or steamed. Use low-fat varieties fish and meat, fruits, vegetables.

With bilateral renal pyelectasis, the volume of fluid is controlled - up to 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight is allowed per day. This means not only drinks, but also soups, gravies, and medicinal infusions.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that a nursing mother should also adhere to dietary nutrition if her child has been diagnosed with kidney pyeloectasia.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you suspect renal pyeloectasia, you must visit 2 specialists - a nephrologist and a urologist. Consultations with doctors will allow you to choose the optimal treatment regimen. In the future, you need to follow their advice and carry out diagnostics at the appointed time.

Conscripts also undergo a thorough examination by these doctors. military service. "Shining" young man army or not depends on the severity of the process, complications, and the doctor makes the verdict.


Is it possible to prevent the development of renal pyeloectasia in children and adults? Yes, if you follow simple rules:

  1. Treat diseases of the urinary organs in a timely manner.
  2. Do not drink large amounts of liquid if you have difficulty urinating.
  3. Perform daily exercises to help prevent urine stagnation in the kidneys.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Give up bad habits.

When detecting renal pyeelectasis, it is important to adhere to the recommendations of doctors in order to prevent progression of the defect. If a severe stage is diagnosed, you should agree to surgical treatment.

What is the danger of kidney prolapse during pregnancy?

  • Kidney disease and pregnancy
  • How to understand and is it dangerous?

A woman's whole body, when she is expecting a baby, works in an intense mode. And all the internal organs of a pregnant woman experience a double load. Of course, the same person is growing inside the expectant mother, only for now he is small and not independent. And in human body everything is very interconnected, and if any organ begins to act up, then the whole system begins to fail.

One of the main functions is performed by the kidneys. A pregnant woman's kidneys are under enormous stress. Firstly, the kidneys pass a huge amount of blood through themselves, and its composition is completely controlled and adjusted. The kidneys also take part in the formation of urine, which consists of 4% of various salts and toxic metabolic products. In other words, the kidneys are our protector from toxic substances.

And that's not all, our kidneys serve as regulators blood pressure. They produce a substance called renin, which enters the blood and maintains balance.

Kidney disease and pregnancy

Very often, along with such common ailments among expectant mothers as pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, prolapse of the kidneys during pregnancy also occurs. This is an acquired ailment, it medical name nephroptosis, in which one or both kidneys become mobile. In general, the kidneys can shift slightly when a person changes body position, or simply breathes. When prolapse is observed, the organ can migrate into the pelvic cavity. According to statistics, the right kidney is more susceptible to this ailment, since anatomically it is located lower than the left.

In general, the kidneys can prolapse for the following reasons:

We'll talk about the last reason. Prolapse occurs in women who do not take the recommended breaks between pregnancies, or in expectant mothers with multiple pregnancies. The development of this pathology also depends on the size of the pregnant woman’s tummy, as well as on how stretched the abdominal wall of the expectant mother is, and on how many births the woman has already undergone.

How to understand and is it dangerous?

Woman feels painful sensations on the side where the prolapse occurred. There are 3 stages of the disease.

1 – minor pain;

2 – characteristic pain, which may be permanent;

3 – constant pain, which does not disappear with a change in body position.

A diagnosis of nephroptosis can lead to the occurrence of genitourinary and kidney diseases(cystitis, pyelonephritis), increased blood pressure and, ultimately, the development renal failure and complete organ suppression.

This disease is dangerous for both the life of the mother and the fetus. At the third stage of prolapse, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy. On early stages development of the disease, doctors advise wearing a prenatal bandage.

Naturally, it is better to warn, so obstetricians recommend that women after childbirth undergo a special therapeutic exercises to strengthen muscles abdominal cavity and lumbar region!

Every expectant mother wants her pregnancy to pass without any complications and not be aggravated by conditions that require the use of medicines. But, unfortunately, not always happy time carrying a baby is going smoothly: it happens that, for some indications and in connection with certain conditions, a pregnant woman still has to deal with medications. Of course, the use of any medications requires mandatory consultation with a doctor - using medications without consulting a specialist is undesirable and even dangerous, both for the fetus and for the expectant mother.

This also applies to herbal medicines: although herbal medicine is preferable for pregnant women if treatment is necessary, you should not use herbal medicine yourself. The same applies to diuretic herbs, which often become a “salvation” for the expectant mother, primarily in the presence of edema.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Birch has always been famous for its unique unique beauty, as well as enormous healing potential. Individual parts: bark, branches, leaves, tree sap, are actively used in traditional folk medicine for treatment various diseases. Let's take a closer look at what they are birch buds, what quality characteristics they have.

Birch buds - description, composition, beneficial properties

The buds are located directly on the tree branches and contain essential balsamic oils, betulen, betulol, antioxidants, beneficial fatty acids, carotene, vitamins PP and C, flavonoids, resins, tannins.

Saponin, which is part of the plant element, improves the flow of urine and bile, coumarin, alkaloids dilate heart vessels, stimulate, soothe nervous system, participate in metabolic processes. Phytoncides destroy pathogenic bacteria, act as a natural antiseptic.

It is necessary to procure raw materials for the preparation of medicines away from city highways, industrial zones, and agricultural enterprises. Optimal period collection - from mid-January to April. Greatest benefit possess elements that have not opened, but have already swollen quite strongly.

You can collect shoots along with branches. It is recommended to dry them at low temperatures(no more than 30℃) in a special dryer, a well-ventilated area (so-called natural drying), away from direct sun rays. At higher temperatures they can germinate, which is undesirable.

It is better to store dried plants in paper bags, glass containers, fabric bags.

The use of birch buds in folk medicine

In the field traditional therapy alcohol and oil tinctures are prepared from them, medicinal ointments, decoctions, teas. The herbal decoction is effective for the first manifestations of tonsillitis and vitamin deficiency. It is used to improve the mucous membrane in cases of stomatitis, periodontal disease, and gingivitis. It relieves swelling well, heals wounds, abrasions, and bedsores.

An oil tincture based on shoots helps with, the ointment has a beneficial effect on joints, relieves pain syndrome for rheumatism. Raw materials can be used to make cosmetic masks, add to hair shampoos.

Birch buds and leaves - is it possible for a child?

For the treatment of children, it is allowed to use infusions, decoctions in the form of rinses, baths, rubdowns with skin diseases, diseases of the ENT organs. Internal use of drugs based on birch buds is allowed only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Remember! Therapy with birch buds does not exclude or replace conventional drug treatment.